FFT 210413 Aura-IQ Brochure A4-1
FFT 210413 Aura-IQ Brochure A4-1
FFT 210413 Aura-IQ Brochure A4-1
• Predicting potential bearing seizures and prioritising roller • Individual Linestand Analysis – Drill down into the detail
replacements at the next maintenance shut down. of an individual linestand to review the key fault indicators
over time.
Transforms business performance THROUGH COLLABORATION
Smart, reliable step change to a conventional Aura IQ has been developed as part of a transformational technical
labour-intensive approach and commercial partnership with Mining3 - a leading research
Mitigates risk and enhances occupational organisation which is directed by its global mining industry
health, hygiene and safety management members to develop and deliver transformational technology to
improve productivity, sustainability and safety.
Rapid installation
Award winning technology Aura IQ harnesses the power of FFT’s award winning fibre optic
detection and sensing technology platform (FFTTM Aura Ai-2),
and is combined with development partner, Mining3’s
advanced signal processing algorithms and predictive
analytics, to acoustically monitor and assess
conveyor health via the cloud-based analysis,
Winner reporting and alerts.
Bulk Handling
More information
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