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Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG

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Received June 16, 2019, accepted June 26, 2019, date of publication July 3, 2019, date of current version

July 23, 2019.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2926538

Detection and Location of Stator Winding

Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG
School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China
Corresponding author: Shuilong He ([email protected])
This work was supported in part by the Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51565008, in part by the
Innovation-Driven Development Special Fund Project of Guangxi under Grant Guike AA18242033 and Grant Guike AA18242036, in part
by the GUET Excellent Graduate Thesis under Grant 17YJPYSS02, and in part by the Innovation Project of Guet Graduate Education
under Grant 2019YCXS001.

ABSTRACT Generators are critical components for the wind power generation system and process
industries. Generating units or production lines may be shut down by generator failure. Most of the methods
used in previous research have analyzed the rotor winding interturn fault in the slot location or the stator
winding interturn fault in the phase location, but the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) stator fault in the
slot location still needs to be studied further because of the special topological structure and the real factors of
the generator model. To solve this problem, this paper determines the pulsating magnetomotive force (MMF)
expressions mapped to the shorted position in two forms. Based on 2D discretization and piecewise
interpolation, by taking the short-circuit number and the position of short-circuit slot as model parameters,
the modified fault model is developed. The simulations show that as an interturn short-circuit fault occurs,
the stator’s three-phase current is no longer symmetric, where the fault-phase current is bigger than that
in healthy operation. In addition, the results show that the interturn short-circuit faults induce negative
sequence current that increases with the gravity of fault in the DFIG stator and that the phase difference of
the fault-phase and its lagging phase is more than 120◦ . Moreover, commonality and heterogeneity existing
in the current amplitude and negative sequence features for detecting stator interturn faults at different slots
of the DFIG are proposed and analyzed. The results obtained in this paper are important complements to the
stator interturn short-circuit analysis and help the practical monitoring and diagnosis of this fault.

INDEX TERMS DFIG, stator winding interturn short circuit, short-circuit slot, negative sequence,

I. INTRODUCTION circuit occurs, as verified by the stator winding short-circuit

With the rapid development of wind power technology, fault of a permanent magnet synchronous machine [4].
China’s wind power industry has dramatically increased. Existing studies on models, simulations, and experiments
Doubly-fed wind turbines are used more and more widely, of DFIG’s stator winding interturn faults are well documented
with growing capacity. Because the doubly-fed induction [5]–[9]. There are two main methods for the modeling of the
generator (DFIG) working environment is poor, its smooth interturn short circuit of the stator windings of the DFIG. One
operation is affected. The occurrence of generator faults is a method uses the multi-loop theory to build the mathemati-
major factor affecting smooth operation, including mechan- cal model in ABC three-phase static coordinate system [10]
ical failure and electrical failure. Induction-machine stator and deduce the mathematical model in the dq0 synchronous
winding insulation degradation is one of the major causes rotating coordinate system [11]. Another method is based on
(about 40%) of machine failure [1], [2]. The stator winding the finite element theory, where a 2D electromagnetic field
interturn short circuit is a typical electrical fault, and the model is established in the finite element software ANSYS
stator faults begin with the degradation of the insulation Maxwell. Models presented in studies for a winding interturn
between turns, and consequently, an interturn short circuit short-circuit fault are achieved by changing the number of
occurs [3]. Then, the phase-ground or phase-to-phase short shorted turns and value of short-circuit resistance according
to the ratio of the normal turns to short turns [12], [13], [14].
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and Recently, electrical parameters such as current and voltage
approving it for publication was Yanzheng Zhu. have attracted the most attention in research, where current

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
89342 VOLUME 7, 2019
S. He et al.: Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG

is the most widely used. Features extracted from the current

signal are used for fault detection and are obtained using
several signal processing methods such as time-domain anal-
ysis, frequency-domain analysis, and time-frequency-domain
analysis [15]. Reference [16] analyzed the negative sequence
current of the rotor three-phase current and took it as the
characteristic of the fault. The negative sequence impedance
method was used to distinguish the negative sequence current
of the stator three-phase current caused by voltage imbalance
or the fault alone in reference [17]. Reference [18], [19]
observed both currents of the stator and rotor sides under
normal and different interturn short-circuit faults, and the
negative sequence current, Park’s vector trajectory, and phase
angle are discussed in all conditions. Motor Current Signal FIGURE 1. Power-flow plan of a DFIG operating at the sub-synchronous
Analysis (MCSA) was chosen as the fault diagnosis method state.

in reference [20]. The presented studies scientifically and

effectively reflect the advantages of using the current signal
in the interturn short-circuit fault detection, but they did not current of DFIG suitable for detecting stator interturn faults,
consider the effect of the position of the short-circuit slot on and section III describes the modeling of DFIG based on
interturn short-circuit fault detection. the FEM basic theory. In addition, section IV introduces
Recent studies have examined the effects of stator and rotor the simulation process of the stator winding interturn short
interturn short-circuit positions on diagnostic characteristics. circuit (SWITSC) fault in DFIG, amplitude analysis of the
Recently, an integrated formula for the cage-rotor induction stator current, negative sequence current, and phase differ-
machine interturn short-circuit fault detection considering ence analysis of the stator current. Lastly, section V presents
the saturation effect has been presented [21]. Reference [22] the conclusions.
further studied stator winding interturn short-circuit detection
in induction motors by parameter identification. The air-gap II. ANALYSIS OF NEGATIVE SEQUENCE CURRENT OF DFIG
flux density differences of the rotor interturn short-circuit SUITABLE FOR DETECTING STATOR INTERTURN FAULTS
faults in different positions of the generator have been per- Power flow in a typical DFIG operating at sub-synchronous
formed by Li and Han [23]. The presented research results are speed is shown in Figure 1. In the super-synchronous state,
more important complements to the analysis of the influence the power flow via the rotor loop is reversed so the electrical
of the stator short-circuit position on the turbo-generator than power can also be transmitted to the grid through the rotor.
on the DFIG. In Figure 1, P is pole number; f is the output frequency
In this paper, we consider both the different numbers of of the stator side, f2 is the rotor current frequency; n is
the fault turns and different fault positions. Based on the fault the rotor’s own speed, ns is the synchronous speed, Pm is
slots’ location with respect to the quadrature-axis, the field- the mechanical power, Pr is the electromagnetic power of
circuit coupling method is properly used for modeling the stator side, Pe is the electromagnetic power transmitted to
healthy or fault conditions of the generator. Improved DFIG the grid, Per is the electromagnetic power transmitted by the
models at different conditions of the stator winding interturn power grid to the rotor through the converter, and Tm is the
short-circuit fault are built in Maxwell 2D. The different set- electromagnetic torque.
tings of the excitation source on the stator winding, the phase
winding connection, the values of end leakage inductance and
resistance constitute different working conditions. The source A. NEGATIVE SEQUENCE CURRENT MAPPED TO THE
and the harm of negative sequence current are explored for SHORTED POSITION OF THE SWITSC FAULT
the necessity, and the MATLAB platform is used instead of After the stator winding interturn short-circuit fault occurs,
the approximate calculation method to improve the accuracy the generator operates in the asymmetrical state and the
of the calculated negative sequence current. The simulation negative sequence current component will generate in the
results of different levels of stator winding interturn faults stator windings. The short-circuit current can be regarded as
obtained by the FEM method with the ANSYS Maxwell a superposition of the normal current and the current in the
are compared. Lastly, the complete comparisons of the time same direction as the original current. By assuming ig is the
domain of the stator current and negative sequence current of current flowing through a single-turn coil of stator windings
the interturn faults in different slots show the influence of the of the DFIG, the magnetomotive force (MMF) of the single-
short-circuit position and the effectiveness of the proposed turn coil can be regarded as the synthesis of two conduc-
technique. tors’ MMF. The currents of the two conductors are equal in
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: section II magnitude and opposite in direction. The Fourier expansion
briefly introduces the analysis of the negative sequence formula of the MMF of the single-turn coil concluded by

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S. He et al.: Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG

FIGURE 2. Diagrams of stator interturn fault.

strict derivation is written as is αm . After ignoring the higher harmonics, the pulsating
2ig X 1 magnetic potential is
F (α) = kyf cos (υα) (1)
πP υ υ fd (αm , t) = Fd cos ωt cos(αm − αm
= Fd+ cos ωt + αm − αm 0

where kyf = sin υαy /2 is the coil pitch factor and

+Fd− cos ωt − αm + αm 0

αy is the space electrical angle between two conductors; (3)
υ = 1/P, 2/P, 3/P, . . . is for the short pitch coil, but υ = where αm 0 is the mechanical angle of the center position of
1/P, 2/P, 3/P, . . . & υ 6 = 2, 4, 6, . . . is for the full-pitch the stator short circuit, as shown in Figure 2(b). The first
winding. item in the formula Fd+ = Fd− = Fd /2 is the magnetic
When the stator winding interturn short-circuit fault occurs potential that rotates in the same direction as the rotor and
in a generator, it is assumed that a current in the same induces the positive sequence current in the three-phase wind-
direction as the original current is superimposed on the ing of the stator. The second item is the magnetic field that
short-circuit turn, and the magnetic field created in the air rotates in the opposite direction with the rotor and induces
gap by the current is superimposed with the magnetic field negative sequence current in the three-phase winding of the
of the generator under normal condition; in other words, stator. While the short-circuit fault occurs in the different
the synthetic air-gap magnetic field of the generator with the short-circuit slots, the air-gap circum-ferential angle αm is
stator winding interturn√ short-circuit fault [24]. the same, but the mechanical angle of the center of the
We assume if = 2 I cos (ωt) is superimposed on the short-circuited stator is different, and αm
0 of fault in the slot
short-circuit turn. According to equation (1), the MMF can 19# is greater than that in slot 4#. Thus, the components of
be expressed as follows: induced positive and negative sequence currents in different
√ fault conditions exist. Based on this difference, it can be
2 2I X 1
F (α, t) = kyf cos (ωt) cos (υα) further supplemented as a basis for stator winding interturn
πP υ υ
√ fault diagnosis.
2I X 1
= kyf cos (ωt ± υα) (2)
where ω = 2πf is the angular frequency of the power supply. Accurately measuring and calculating the negative sequence
Equation (2) shows that the MMF of the current if super- current are needed to detecting the abnormal operating state
imposed on the short-circuit turn is a pulsating MMF, which of the generator, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of
can be decomposed into two circular rotating magnetomotive the system, and correctly setting the relay protection device.
forces with the same amplitude and rotational speed but · · ·
We assume that asymmetrical currents are IA , IB , IC ,
turning in the opposite direction. The reverse-rotating circular
and these can be decomposed into positive sequence cur-
magnetomotive force induces a negative sequence current.
rent, negative sequence current, and zero-sequence current
The stator negative sequence current can be selected as one
according to the symmetrical components method shown in
of the characteristic quantities of the stator winding interturn
equation (4).
short-circuit fault of the generator, which can effectively  
diagnose stator faults of the generator based on the theory. · · · ·
1 2
I1 = 3 IA +a IB +a IC 

The unit area air-gap permeance is the constant not affected

 · 

by the stator winding interturn short-circuit fault of the gen- · · · 
1 2 (4)
I2 = 3 IA +a IB +a IC
erator according to the stator winding interturn short-circuit   

fault form, as shown in Figure 2(a). The radial air-gap length · · · · 

I0 = 31 IA + IB + IC

of the generator is g and the air-gap circum-ferential angle

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S. He et al.: Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG


The finite element method calculates the numerical solution
of a system based on the boundary condition and one specific
initial condition.
The generator is equivalent to an inductance element, and
the magnetic field as a medium makes the generator real-
FIGURE 3. Phasor diagram of asymmetrical currents. ize the conversion of electromechanical energy [25]. After
Maxwell’s creative equation of the electromagnetic field was
developed, a new theoretical basis for the study and analysis
of the electromagnetic field in the generator was provided.
The entire circumferential surface of the axial cross section
of the generator is the considered calculation region. Because
the current source exists in the calculation region, the mag-
netic vector potential is used to calculate the solution. With
the axial components of the magnetic vector potential AZ
being expressed, the expression of the boundary value prob-
· · · lem of DFIG in the magnetic field is
FIGURE 4. Closed triangle formed by IA , IB , IC .
∂ 1 ∂AZ ∂ 1 ∂AZ
 ∂x µ ∂x + ∂y µ ∂y = −JZ

◦ √ (6)
where a = 16 120◦ = ej120 = − (1/2) + j 3/2. AZ | =0

Each sequence current can be calculated according to equa- AZ |AD = −AZ |BC
· · ·
tion (4) when IA , IB , IC are known. However, the effective
In equation(6), JZ is the z component of the source current
values of the three-phase currents are known normally. Thus,
density, and µ is the permeability of the material.
equation (4) cannot be applied directly, and the initial phase
The above equation is equivalent to the following expres-
angle of each phase current must be obtained first. The
· sion of the variational problem
asymmetrical currents are shown in Figure 3, where IA =
· ·
( "  # )
· · ·
∂AZ 2 ∂AZ 2

I ej0 , IB = I ejθ1 , IC = I ejθ2 . 1
W (AZ ) =
+ − AZ JZ

A B C 2•µ ∂x ∂y

The phasor sum of the three currents is a closed triangle,
as shown in Figure 4. The initial phase angles θ1 & θ2 to the 

 dxdy = min
currents of B-phase and C-phase are shown in Figure 4.

AZ |01 02 = 0
According to cosine theorem, these angles can be obtained (7)
as follows:
where 0 is the given value of AZ on the boundary of 01
IA2 + IB2 − IC2 

cosθ1 = cos (180 + α2 ) =
◦ 
 and 02 . The two-dimensional finite element method starts
2IA IB 
with equation (7), and the solution region is separated and
IA2 + IC2 − IB2  dispersed. The interpolation function of the magnetic vector
cos θ2 = cos (180 − α1 ) =
◦ 

potential is constructed in the discrete element and then the

conditional variation problem in equation (7) is discretized
Negative sequence current I2 in the absence of zero- into the extreme value problem of the multivariate function
sequence current can be worked out according to equa- by the difference method.
tions (4) and (5), but the complex operation is involved in
Equation (4), resulting in a tedious calculation process. B. GEOMETRICAL POSITIONS AND WINDING MODELING
To improve the calculation accuracy of the negative This research simulates a 0.55 kW wound rotor three-phase
sequence current, MATLAB is used to directly program double-fed induction generator, and the specific parameters
equations (4) and (5). After the execution, as long as the and the required type of this DFIG are listed in Table I.
three-phase current IA , IB , IC are inputted according to the In this paper, each phase of the stator winding has only one
prompt, the negative sequence and positive sequence currents branch, so the SWITSC fault belongs to the interturn short
can be calculated individually, and the phasor diagrams of circuit in the same branch. Phase C is taken as an example,
positive sequence, negative sequence, and three-phase current and Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the different geometrical
can be drawn at the same time. models of the SWITSC fault, which one model is at slot

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S. He et al.: Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG

TABLE 1. Parameters of the simulated DFIG.

FIGURE 7. The external circuit of the SWITSC fault.

FIGURE 8. Stator current of DFIG on the healthy grid-connected operation.

FIGURE 5. The model of the SWITSC fault at slot 4#.

in ANSYS Maxwell at the constant super-synchronous speed
of 1660 r·min−1 . The grid frequency was set to 50 Hz,
and −5.3 Hz was the frequency of the rotor side current
according to the principle of VSCF of the DFIG [27]–[29].
The geometrical models and the external circuit of the
SWITSC fault are shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7. The entire
time for the simulation of the generator was 0.6 s, and the
generator was operating on the grid-connected normal state
before t = 0.3 s. At t = 0.3 s, the SWITSC fault was obtained
by controlling the switch to close the short-circuit switch and
form a new loop. Five fault levels and two different shorted
FIGURE 6. The model of the SWITSC fault at slot 19#. slots are emulated, and the number of interturn short-circuit
faults were 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 turns. Because the total num-
4# and another model is at slot 19#. The fault is located ber of turns was 340, the respective percentages of interturn
in one slot of phase C, and the branch is divided into two short-circuit fault were 1.5%, 2.9%, 4.4%, 5.9%, and 7.3%.
parts: short-circuit winding and non-short-circuit winding.
The slot corresponding to the fault slot is made the same geo- B. AMPLITUDE ANALYSIS OF STATOR CURRENT
metrical change. Based on the field-circuit coupling method, Figure 8 gives the stator current of DFIG on the healthy
the geometry, the distribution parameters, the saturation grid-connected operation from 275 ms to 375 ms. The
of the ferromagnetic material, and the eddy current effect of figure shows that the current simulation waveform of the
the motor are well considered, allowing insight into the elec- three phases was symmetrical, the magnitude of the stan-
tromagnetic, thermal, and stress states of the various points dard sinusoidal waveform was 3.1 A, and the phase differ-
inside the motor [26]. To achieve these effects, the external ence of the currents was about 120◦ , further proving the
circuit of the SWITSC fault is set and is shown in Figure 7. correctness of establishing the two-dimensional electromag-
netic field model of the doubly-fed generator in ANSYS
IV. SIMULATION AND RESULTS DISCUSSION Maxwell. Then, the failure state was examined. Figure 9 and
A. THE SWITSC FAULT SIMULATION OF DFIG Figure 10 show the stator current of DFIG on the SWITSC
The synchronous speed of the machine was 1500 r·min−1 . fault operation with two different short-circuit slot positions
Different working conditions of the DFIG were all simulated from 280 ms to 380 ms.

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S. He et al.: Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG

FIGURE 9. Stator current of the SWITSC fault in DFIG at slot 4# under different turns of the interturn fault.

FIGURE 10. Stator current of the SWITSC fault in DFIG at slot 19# under different turns ot the interturn fault.

Figures 9 and 10 show that the overall trend of failure is number of short-circuit turns. The same change rule exists
the same. Before the failure, the waveform from 280 ms to whether the fault occurs in slot 4#, which is close to
300 ms is uniform with the same amplitude of the three-phase the quadrature-axis, or slot 19#, which is far from the
current that stabilizes at 3.2 A, and the phase differences of quadrature-axis.
current were about 120◦ . The currents changed at t = 0.3 s The difference and effect of the current amplitude charac-
when the fault occurred. The minor fault with 5 turns short teristics caused by the faults occurring in different slots were
had a slight effect. As the degree of failure increases, the analyzed. The differences between Figure 9 and Figure 10 are
instantaneous value of the A-phase current during the 20 turns showed in Figure 12 and were based on the data refinement
short-circuit condition increases to 4 A and stabilizes around results. Figure 12 shows that the currents of the non-short-
3.8 A, and the amplitudes of the B-phase current and the circuit phases (A-phase & B-phase) affected by the inter-
C-phase current change significantly. The abrupt change of turn short-circuit fault located in the slot 4# were higher in
the 25-turns short-circuit condition was larger than changes the display range. When interturn short-circuit fault occurs,
under the other conditions. Next, the current differences the distance relative to the quadrature-axis leads to different
between Figures 9 and 10 because of the fault location were relative air-gap magnetic densities, thus resulting in different
analyzed. phase currents when short-circuit occurs in different slots.
Because the C-phase was set to the fault phase, the change The negative sequence current produced by the short-circuit
law of the phase was analyzed. Figure 11 shows the changes fault in the slot that is close to the quadrature-axis is less
of the C-phase current for faults occurring at different levels than that produced by the same fault in the slot that is far
of faults at slot 4 # and slot 19#. The figure shows that away from the quadrature-axis. This effect is embodied in the
the short-circuit phase current increases with an increased higher current of the non-short-circuit phase and the lower

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S. He et al.: Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG

FIGURE 11. C-phase current of the SWITSC fault in DFIG at slot 4# and slot 19# under different turns of the interturn fault.

FIGURE 12. tator current comparison diagram between SWITSC fault at slot 4# and slot 19# in DFIG under different turns of the
interturn fault.

current of the short-circuit phase. As the models were set, TABLE 2. Amplitudes of the three-phase currents under rotor speeds.
slot 4# was close to the quadrature-axis while slot 19# was
far from the quadrature-axis. In addition, phase C was the
fault phase. The current difference and absolute value of the
current difference were obtained according to I4# − I19# and
|I4# − I19# |, which are shown in Figure 13(a) and (b), respec-
tively. Overall, the current difference of non-fault phases
under the influence of different fault positions does not When the fault was located at slot 4# and the turn number
change with the deepening of the fault level, although for the of interturn short-circuit fault are 15 turns, the stator currents
short-circuit fault of 5 and 10 turns, the data of A-phase are of the generator under the rotor speed at 1400r·min−1 and
not in linear, but the outcome is not affected. The absolute 1660r·min−1 were compared, as shown in Figure 14, and the
value of the current difference of the fault phase has increased statistical amplitudes of the three-phase currents are filled
following the deepening of the failure, and it can be used as in Table II.
a diagnostic basis for stator winding turn shorts occurring in Figure 12 and Table II show that the amplitude of each
different slots of the stator. phase current under the super-synchronous state is larger than
To supplement the multi-speed working condition in this that under the sub-synchronous state, proving the generation
paper, the sub-synchronous state with a rotor speed at efficiency of the super-synchronous state is higher than that of
1400r·min−1 was analyzed. the sub-synchronous state, and that the current increases with

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S. He et al.: Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG

FIGURE 13. Current different and the absolute value of it between the SWITSC fault at slot 4# and
slot 19# under different turns of the interturn fault.

FIGURE 14. Stator currents under different rotor speeds.

increased rotating speed, which yielding the power relation TABLE 3. Amplitudes of the three-phase currents under 1400r·min−1
rotor speed.
and operation principle of DFIG.
Confirming the correctness of the model under the sub-
synchronous state, the simulation models set with different
short-circuit slots are compared in this paper. In this model,
The rotor speed is 1400r·min−1 and the short-circuit turns
is 15 turns.
Figure 15 shows the comparison diagram of the stator
three-phase current waveform of the fault at two different state with a rotation speed of 1660r·min−1 . Therefore, the
slots, and it is compared with the local amplification cur- above comparison shows that the method of judging different
rent diagram of 15 short-circuit turns when the generator is short-circuit slots proposed in this paper is applicable to
at 1660r·min−1 . Besides, the amplitudes of the three-phase different rotating speed conditions.
currents at 1400r·min−1 are presented in Table III.
Figure 15 shows that when the generator is in the sub- C. NEGATIVE SEQUENCE CURRENT AND PHASE
synchronous state with a rotation speed of 1400r·min−1 , DIFFERENCE ANALYSIS OF STATOR CURRENT
the amplitudes of phase A and phase B currents when the In this section, the negative sequence current I2 and the posi-
short-circuit fault occurs in slot 4# were higher than that when tive sequence current I1 under the five interturn short-circuit
the short circuit occurs in slot 19#. The amplitude of C-phase fault conditions in two different fault slots were calculated
current when the short-circuit fault occurred in slot 19# was based on the MATLAB, and the complete comparison and
higher than that when the short-circuit position was in slot 4#. values for the different fault levels are presented in Table IV.
This conclusion is the same as when in the super-synchronous The ratios of I2 and I1 were also obtained and are shown in

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S. He et al.: Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG

FIGURE 15. Stator currents of the SWITSC fault at slot 4# and slot 19# under different rotor speed.

FIGURE 16. The line charts of negative sequence current, positive sequence current, and the ratio for stator winding faults under
different conditions.

this table. According to this table, Figure 16(a), (b), and (c) amplification section shows that positive sequence current
are plotted. content affected by the fault occurred in slot 19#, which is
Figure 16(a) shows that when interturn short-circuit fault far from the quadrature-axis, was lower and similar to the
occurs, the value increases with the number of shorted turns. comparison of the current amplitude of the non-failure phases
The enlarged part in the figure shows that when the fault (A-phase and B-phase) in the Figure 12 of part B.
occurs in the slot 19# of the stator, the negative sequence After analyzing the negative sequence component,
current content is more than that effected by the fault occur- the phase differences for the commonality and heterogeneity
ring in the slot 4#. This is similar to the current amplitude of the phase differences were analyzed when the interturn
comparison of the fault phase (C-phase) in the Figure 12 of short-circuit faults were in different slots in the super-
part B. Figure 16(c) is similar to the shape and trend of synchronous state. The phase differences for stator winding
the curve in Figure 16(a), means the ratio of the negative faults under different conditions of this DFIG are presented
sequence current to the positive sequence current increases in Table V.
with the degree of failure. Table V shows that when C-phase occurs, the interturn
Similarly, Figure 16(b) shows that the positive sequence short circuit and the phase angles of current are no longer
current increases as the fault level deepens, but the 120◦ . The phase difference between A-phase and B-phase

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S. He et al.: Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIG

TABLE 4. Negative and positive sequence currents and ratios for stator winding faults under different conditions.

FIGURE 17. Park’s vector trajectory for stator winding faults under different conditions.

TABLE 5. Phase difference for stator winding faults under different conditions.

was greater than 120◦ , while the value decreases as the num- short-circuit faults in the stator damage the symmetry of the
ber of short-circuit turns increases. The phase difference of phase difference, and the degree of damage is related to the
the fault-phase C and its lagging phase is more than 120◦ , degree of failure.
but this phase difference was different from the previous The Park’s vector trajectory is a circle centered at the origin
non-failure phases and increased even to 134◦ . under normal conditions where the stator short-circuit faults
All the angles of these two kinds of phases affected by make it be an ellipse. Figure 17 (a) and (b) display the Park’s
the fault in the slot 4# were smaller. The opposite result vector trajectories under five conditions in slot 4# and slot
of the phase difference occurs between the C-phase and its 19#, respectively. Figure 17 (a) and (b) both show the ellipse
leading phase in which the value decreases to 104◦ . The stator becomes flatter as the failure degree increases. To determine

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TABLE 6. Park’s vector trajectory for stator winding faults under different conditions.

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Convers., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1490–1495, Dec. 1999.
in one diagram (c), and Table VI shows the effective fault sig- [5] R. Roshanfekr and A. Jalilian, ‘‘Analysis of rotor and stator winding
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He engaged in Postdoctoral research with Guilin
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SHUILONG HE received the B.E. and M.E. and engaged in Postdoctoral research with the
degrees from Guangxi University, in 2010, and the Product Design Optimization Laboratory, Simon
Ph.D. degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, in Fraser University, Canada, from 2012 to 2013. He
2014. is currently a Professor of mechanical engineering
with the Guilin University of Electronic Technol-
He engages in the joint Postdoctoral work ogy. He presided over and completed one National Natural Science Foun-
with Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Company Ltd. and dation Project of China and one Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project of
Xi’an Jiaotong University. He is currently an Asso- China. He presides over one National Natural Science Foundation Project
ciate Professor of mechanical engineering with the of China and one Guangxi Key Laboratory of Manufacturing System and
Guilin University of Electronic Technology. He Advanced Manufacturing Technology Project. He has authored more than
has long been engaged in the application and research of dynamic system 24 academic papers, including more than 16 papers retrieved by SCI/EI and
modeling, fault diagnosis, signal processing, and structural health monitor- holds more than 14 inventions.
ing. He presides over one major project of innovation-driven in Guangxi, one
science and technology development project in Liuzhou, and one Guangxi Dr. Jiang is a member of the Rotor Dynamics Branch of the Vibration
Key Laboratory project. He participated in and completed three National Engineering Society of China. He received one Second Prize of the Natural
Natural Science Foundations of China and one project of the Guangxi Science Award of the National Department of Education. He serves as a
Innovation Team. He has applied for more than 20 invention patents and has Reviewer of Shock and Vibration, the Journal of Vibroengineering, and the
published more than 20 papers in domestic and foreign journals, including Journal of Applied Mechanics.
more than ten papers retrieved by SCI/EI.

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