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Review of Induction Motor Testing and Monitoring Methods For Inter-Turn Stator Winding Faults

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Review of Induction Motor Testing and Monitoring

Methods for Inter-turn Stator Winding Faults

M. Eftekhari, Graduate student Member, IEEE , M. Moallem, Senior Member, IEEE, S. Sadri, Member, IEEE, A.
Shojaei, Graduate student Member, IEEE
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Isfahan University of Technology,
Isfahan, Iran

Abstract—This paper provides a literature review on inter-turn mechanisms of fault propagation are reviewed. Section III,
short-circuit faults in stator windings of induction motors. As includes a comprehensive overview on condition monitoring
evidenced by credible surveys stator winding breakdown is a of inter-turn fault in stator windings of induction motors.
large group of induction motor failures which undetected inter- Finally, some concluding remarks end this review paper.
turn fault is considered as the root cause for this category of the
fault. Although monitoring approach are divided into different II. STATOR WINDING INTER-TURN FAULT
categories, we focused on continuous on-line methods due to the Although deterioration process of the stator winding
installation of induction motors in many continues processes. insulation is caused by a combination of various stresses
acting on the stator; usually inter-turn fault incepts an
I. INTRODUCTION insulation failure between two windings in the stator winding
Three-phase Induction Motors (IM) are the workhorse of phase.
industry; however, they are subjected to some undesirable
stresses, causing some faults resulting in failure [1]. As shown in Fig. 1, in an inter-turn fault number of turns
in a stator coil is short-circuited. The current in the shorted
Condition Monitoring (CM) and system diagnosis as the turns, in order of twice locked-rotor current, causes severe
predictive maintenance techniques has received considerable localized hot-spot. By occurring inter-turn fault, it propagates
impetus from industry for monitoring the operating to larger section of the windings which founding a coil-to-coil
characteristics of electrical and mechanical systems within the short circuit or a phase-to-phase short circuit [4]. These faults
industrial processes. CM can greatly improve reliability, again can develop into phase-to-ground faults, which can
availability, operational efficiency and reduce consequential cause significant damage to the motor. Failure of insulation
damages, break-down losses, and operating costs leading to a between winding and ground can cause a large ground current,
spurt in research activity in industry and academia. resulting in irreversible damage to the core of the machine [5].
Several surveys are conducted on reliability of induction The Stator winding turn fault produces one or more of the
motors under the auspices of the IEEE-IAS, EPRI, and symptoms as follows [3]:
Allianz. These studies have shown that there are four types of
motor faults which are considered as the most prevalent,
namely, stator faults, bearings faults, broken rotor bars/end
rings, and air-gap eccentricity [2]. As shown in these surveys,
30%–40% of induction motor failures are due to stator
winding breakdown. These faults are usually related to
insulation failure while winding insulation failures usually
begin as an undetected inter-turn fault [3]. Therefore,
detecting inter-turn fault can be beneficial in preventing stator
winding insulation failure.
This paper aims at providing a survey of available
techniques for monitoring and detecting of stator winding
inter-turn fault. In section II, stator winding inter-turn fault
definition, the root causes of the fault sprouting, and
Figure 1. Schematic representation of stator possible failure modes.
1) Unbalanced air-gap voltages and line currents; around the shaft of the machine. Even the fault position could
be detected by mounting four coils symmetrically in four
2) Increased torque pulsations; quadrants of the motor at a radius of about half the distance
3) Decreased average torque; from the shaft to the stator end winding. Although, this
technique works properly in case of presenting supply
4) Noise and vibration; harmonics, it can’t be used extensively in industry because of
5) Increased losses and reduction in efficiency; installing search coils. Also, this technique strongly depends
on the motor load torque which makes setting alarm levels
6) Excessive heating [4]. difficult.
Although there is no experimental data to indicate the time B. Motor Current Signature Analysis
delay between inter-turn and ground-wall insulation failure, it
is probable that the transition between the two states is not Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) is briefly
instantaneous. Hence, detecting inter-turn fault at an incipient presented in the following. In these techniques, just current
stage would eliminate following damages, decreasing and voltage sensors are needed which is mostly available in
maintenance cost and motor break-down time span [6]. motor drive systems. Hence, these techniques are so common
Therefore, for the purpose of detecting such fault related due to their low cost and non-intrusiveness. The accuracy of
signals, many diagnostic methods have been developed so far. these techniques depends on the loading of the machine, and
Hence, presenting a review describing various diagnostics also the signal to noise ratio of the measuring instruments
schemes will not be entirely out of place. [10].
III. TESTING AND MONITORING METHODS 1) Stator Current Spectrum Analysis
The testing and monitoring methods can be commonly By developing inter-turn fault in stator windings of IM, the
divided into off-line and on-line testing. In off-line testing, the magnitude of the stator current harmonics changes. In [6], the
inspected motor needed to be removed from service, while in third harmonic and rotor slot harmonic frequencies are
on-line monitoring the motor is on operation. observed. However, saturation of magnetic material, and also
unbalanced supply voltage produce the third harmonic
Moreover, the CM can be divided into two different component in the line current spectra of a healthy machine.
categories, periodical and continuous testing. The periodical
condition monitoring methods are designed off-line or on-line Further, rotor slot harmonic components can rise due to
monitoring but the continuous monitoring is usually made on- static eccentricity condition which makes interpretation of the
line [7]. harmonic components difficult.

In continuous on-line CM the machine doesn't have to be Nevertheless, third harmonic in the motor supply currents
taken out of service. In addition, predicting health condition of Direct Torque Control (DTC) induction motor drive leads
and detecting faults at an incipient stage is made easier. to inter-turn short-circuits fault detection [11].
However, in continuous on-line CM installation of extra Although stator current spectrum may be confused with
sensors is usually required which cost more investment voltage unbalance in some machines, Nandi and Toliyat [3]
compared to periodical on-line CM. detected stator currents at the terminal voltages of the machine
For continues online condition monitoring methods, just after switching it off by considering the shorted stator
sensorless methods which are using only currents and voltages turns as a search coil to pick up rotor magnetomotive-force
of the motor are preferred due to their low cost and non- (mmf) harmonics. Although, this method is immune to supply
intrusiveness. Also, most drive systems are equipped with voltage unbalance, it cannot provide continuous monitoring.
current sensors to provide good controllability; hence using 2) Stator Power Analysis
stator currents for fault detection can minimize the number of Spectral component and AC-component of power signals
additional sensors required in incipient fault detection [8]. in all three phases are proposed to give information about the
Due to the installation of induction motors in many motor condition. The AC-component of the power signal can
continuous processes, in this survey, we focus mostly on detect inter-turn fault for severity of over 5% short circuit in
continues online condition monitoring methods. In this paper, stator winding [12, 13].
methods are categorized in six main groups. Also, artificial 3) Three-phase Shifts
intelligent systems are surveyed to overcome the interpretation The values of the three-phase shifts between the line’s
of complex relation between fault signatures and motor current and the phase voltage are used as inter-turn short-
condition. circuit fault indicator in the stator windings of the IM [14].
A. Axial Leakage Flux The diagnostic process is automated through monitoring
simultaneously these parameters by a simple neural network.
Axial leakage flux is presented, by existing asymmetries in Also, there isn’t significant change of the value of phase
the motor. Since asymmetries can be created by inter-turn voltage and line's current due to the supply unbalance.
fault, the monitoring of frequency components of this flux can
be used for detecting inter-turn faults. Penman et al. [9] were 4) Park's Vector Approach
able to detect inter-turn faults by analyzing the axial flux Park's vector approach is a two-dimensional representation
component of machine using a large coil wound concentrically describing three-phase IM phenomena based on the stator
current Park’s vector [15]. The corresponding representation is Also, due to stator current regulating in closed loop drives,
a circular locus centered at the origin of the coordinates in voltage negative sequence can be used as the fault signature
healthy condition which varies to an elliptical pattern in faulty instead of current negative sequences.
case. Degree of ellipticity and major axes orientation of the
pattern determine the fault severity and the faulty phase. 2) Sequence Impedance Matrix
Since, negative sequence current depends on unbalance
Extended Park’s Vector Approach (EPVA) introduced the voltage supply, apparent negative-sequence impedance is
information contained in the modulus of the current Park’s introduced as an inter-turn fault indicator in [24].
vector [10]. In this technique, the presence of the fault and its
severity will be appeared by the presence of a spectral The off-diagonal terms of the sequence component
component at twice fundamental supply frequency and the impedance matrix are also used as inter-turn fault detecting
ratio between the amplitude of the spectral component at 2 f s signatures which are insistent to supply voltage unbalances.
Variation of Znp which represents the impedance of the
and the DC level of the current Park’s Vector. negative sequence due to the positive sequence is used in [8]
Applying park transformation mass center to the stator with strong immunity to inherent asymmetries.
currents make a single point in a healthy IM. However, it
3) Injection of High Frequency Signal
obtains specific pattern in a motor subjected to inter-turn fault
Appearing the negative sequence component due to
in the d-q plane. The circumference radius and mass center are
injecting low-magnitude high frequency (HF) voltage,
selected as extracted features of the pattern for identifying
superimposed to the fundamental excitation in inverter fed
stator winding fault which depends on fault severity.
machines was examined in [25]. Since the negative sequence
However, this method can’t specify the faulty phase. Since
component doesn’t depend on the frequency of the injected
this method is insistent in supply voltage unbalances, it can
signal, high frequency signal is selected for injection to
also be used in case of PWM feed induction motors [16].
minimize the influence on the machine's operation.
As the previous methodologies can’t work properly in
transient condition, therefore Douglas et al. [17] proposed 4) Zero Sequence Voltage
examining detail coefficients of the non-stationary EPVA Utilizing the zero sequence voltage is proposed in [26].
magnitude signal using Daubechies wavelet which can Ideally this sum should be zero. Although, this parameter is
measure the fault severity. not sensitive to supply or load unbalances, it reflects load
variation. Also, the neutral of the machine is needed in this
5) Space Vector Angular Fluctuation (SVAF) method which is not accessible in many cases.
The position of the current space vector in the space vector
D. Vibration Monitoring
plane is explored in this method. Fourier transformation of the
phase angel variations and the SVAF spectrum are analyzed in Electrically excited vibration will be caused due to the
[18] which taken as diagnostic indexes for inter-turn fault. total air gap magnetic field in induction motors. In [19], the
Since this method is not immune to the supply voltage current and vibration signals spectrum relationship is
unbalances, it is combined with voltage space vector angular determined using the coherence analysis. Special frequency
fluctuation to avoid unreliable results. values represented in this method are used for interpreting the
characteristics of the insulation and stator current imbalances.
C. Sequence Component
E. Air-gap Torque
1) Current/ Voltage Sequence
Negative sequence current component of the motor’s The air-gap torque, produced by the flux linkage and the
phase currents introduced as the first indicator for inter-turn currents of a rotating machine, is sensitive to unbalances
fault diagnosing. Toliyat and Lipo showed variation of this created by any kind of distortion like unbalance supply
parameter in existence of stator winding asymmetries; voltages, cracked rotor bars or asymmetric stator windings.
however, this parameter strongly depends on other Authors in [27] studied air-gap torque frequency components
asymmetries like unbalance voltage supply, machine in detecting inter-turn short-circuit fault. According to this
saturation and etc [21]. paper, the non-zero angular frequency of the torque shows the
faulty situation of the induction motor.
In [20], Kilman et al. modeled those unbalances that even
can detect one shorted turn, out of 648 turns per phase. F. Temperature Monitoring
As mentioned in section II, inter-turn fault produces
The difference between the positive-sequence of current
excessive heating which can harm the insulation. As a rule of
under the faulty and healthy condition divided by the positive
thumb, there is a 50% loss of insulation life for each 10◦C
sequence current under the healthy conditions is also
increase in the temperature [4]. Therefore, stator thermal
introduced as an inter-turn fault detecting index [23].
inspection is necessary in extending motor life and can be
In [22] variations of voltage negative and positive used as an inter-turn fault detection technique.
sequence components are investigated. Results show
sensitivity of positive and negative sequence voltage to the 1) Measuring Local Point Temperature Using Embedded
stator winding deterioration; however negative sequence Detectors
voltage appears more sensitive to the amount of fault severity, Metallic sensors in this method are placed to measure the
absolute changes in the positive sequence voltage are larger. local temperatures. Although using the embedded sensors is a
simple and cost effective method, the local hotspots can be
missed in this method. Also, due to installation of the sensors 5) Finite Element Analysis Methods
in to the stator insulation, the measured temperature will be a Finite element method is used to analyze the thermal
proportion of the copper temperature [28]. Optical fibers are behavior of the inspected motor according to specified losses
new devices in measuring high-voltage winding temperature and heat transfer properties.
to avoid electrical short circuits by given electrical isolation
[1]. This method is based on solving coupled non-linear
differential equations that is time consuming and cannot be
2) Thermal Devices used in continuous on-line monitoring.
Fuses, thermal-magnetic circuit breakers, and overload
relays are widely used devices for thermal protection. Since 6) Thermal Images
these devices can not follow the thermal characteristics of the Thermal images are used in order to collect hot spots and
motor accurately, nuisance tripping and under-protection are bulk information. Gathered data are processed to interpret the
common when these devices are used [4]. machine condition. Manana et al. [34] described a simplified
thermal model besides thermal images for diagnosis of open
3) Thermal Model-Based Approaches winding or an inter-turn fault in DC motors, during
Thermal model-based approaches are temperature manufacturing. In [35], thermal images are used for diagnosis
estimation techniques based on solving different orders of of stator core fault in induction motors by detecting hot spot.
analytical lumped circuit composed of heat resistances, heat Younus and Yang [36], used thermal images for diagnosis of
capacitances and power losses [4]. different fault condition such as misalignment, mass-
unbalance and bearing-fault. In that study, to analysis thermal
The first order thermal model just considers stator images, discrete wavelet decomposition is used to find out
windings temperature. Although solving this circuit is easy, significant result for machine condition monitoring.
specifying thermal parameters are generally too difficult; and
they cannot adapt to change of cooling conditions. However, Cooling system operation is also inspected by thermal
this is a nonintrusive technique which doesn’t require images, measuring the temperature of the cooling fluid, and
temperature sensors installation [33]. using optical fibers [28, 32].
Higher order thermal models are also available to estimate Figure (2) shows infrared thermal images of a 2hP IM
motor temperature in more detail inside the motor and also on under healthy, 26%, and 40% of one stator phase inter-turn
the motor housing. These models increase the temperature short circuit fault after 20 minutes working at 3 N.m load
estimation accuracy; however specifying the parameters is not torque. Pseudo-coloring is used to display hot spots clearly. In
an easy task [33]. these figures the part which is colored in magenta on the
motor body illustrates hot area. Obviously, hot area increases
4) Parameter-based Approaches by increasing the severity of the fault. Therefore, extracted
In this approach stator winding temperature is estimated features from image processing techniques can possibly used
according to the variation of the stator resistance which is not in detecting inter-turn fault and determining it’s severity.
affected by the running condition and the cooling mode.
As anticipated, there is a broader field of research for
The stator resistance can be determined by induction motor infrared thermal imaging in this area; hence a short
modeling, neural network and or signal injection based comparison with other methods looks necessary at this step.
IM equivalent circuit is used for calculating stator resistant
in induction motor modeling approach. This method responds
well to changes in the cooling conditions. However, other
parameters like frequency and saturation are also effective in
stator resistance not being considered in this method [33].
Artificial neural networks are also used to estimate stator
resistance. Since these methods do not require the motor
parameters, it can be easily implemented by low cost hardware
[34]. (a)

In signal injection-based temperature estimation method,

the DC bias can be created in the stator supply voltage by an
extra injection circuit connected in series with one phase of
the machine or from the soft starter or the drive [35]. In this
method stator resistances are assumed equal in three phases
and thus it can't determine the specific faulty phase. In this
method accuracy of calculating stator resistance increases by
increasing magnitude of injected signal while smaller DC
(b) (c)
signal is preferred to prevent torque distortion.
Figure 2. Infrared thermal image of an induction motor under (a) healthy
motor, (b) 26% short circuit in stator winding on phase ‘a’, (c) 40% short
circuit in stator winding on phase ‘a’.
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voltage and medium voltage induction motors, while infrared diagnose the stator inter-turn fault in all working conditions
thermal imaging is suitable for low to high voltage induction accurately and combination of methods should be used.
motors. However, a precondition to study any defects with
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