Recent Advances in Earthquake Monitoring Zefeng Li

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Volume 34 (2021) Earthquake Science doi: 10.



Recent advances in earthquake monitoring I: Ongoing

revolution of seismic instrumentation
Zefeng Li1,2,*
Laboratory of Seismology and Physics of Earth’s Interior, School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China
Mengcheng National Geophysical Observatory, University of Science and Technology of China, Mengcheng, 233500, China

Corresponding author Li ZF, email: [email protected]

Key points:
• Ultra-dense seismic instruments, including nodes and fiber-optic sensing technologies, are revolutionizing regional and
local earthquake monitoring.
• Distributed acoustic sensing can operate in real time and fill the submarine observation gap, exhibiting the potential as
next-generation permanent networks.
• To make full use of ultra-dense instrumentation, challenges remain in the understanding of data characteristics, software
infrastructure building, and development of processing techniques.

Abstract Seismic networks have significantly Keywords: earthquake monitoring; seismic instrumentation;
improved in the last decade in terms of coverage density, data dense array; distributed acoustic sensing.
quality, and instrumental diversity. Moreover, revolutionary
advances in ultra-dense seismic instruments, such as nodes Citation: Li ZF (2021). Recent advances in earthquake
and fiber-optic sensing technologies, have recently provided monitoring I: Ongoing revolution of seismic
unprecedented high-resolution data for regional and local instrumentation. Earthq Sci 34 (2): 177–188, doi:
earthquake monitoring. Nodal arrays have characteristics such 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011.
as easy installation and flexible apertures, but are limited in
power efficiency and data storage and thus most suitable as
temporary networks. Fiber-optic sensing techniques, inclu-
ding distributed acoustic sensing, can be operated in real time 1. Introduction
with an in-house power supply and connected data storage,
thereby exhibiting the potential of becoming next-generation
permanent networks. Fiber-optic sensing techniques offer a Seismology is a data-driven science, in which major
powerful way of filling the observation gap particularly in advancements typically result from improvements in our
submarine environments. Despite these technological observation ability (Shearer, 2009). Earthquake monito-
advancements, various challenges remain. First, the data ring, at its most fundamental form, is the extraction of
characteristics of fiber-optic sensing are still unclear. Second, basic earthquake information (e.g., occurrence time,
it is challenging to construct software infrastructures to store,
location, and magnitude) from continuous seismic
transfer, visualize, and process large amount of seismic data.
Finally, innovative detection methods are required to exploit waveforms. It targets not only large earthquakes but also
the potential of numerous channels. With improved small shocks with vibration amplitudes beyond human
knowledge about data characteristics, enhanced software perception limit. Earthquake catalogs, which are major
infrastructures, and suitable data processing techniques, these products of global and regional seismic network opera-
innovations in seismic instrumentation could profoundly tions, are essential for understanding earthquake pheno-
impact observational seismology. mena and probing the Earth’s subsurface structures. In
source studies, they are critical for understanding
earthquake mechanism and potential seismic hazards, such
Received 1 April 2021; received in revised form 28 May 2021;
accepted 17 June 2021; available online 23 June 2021.
as background seismicity (Hutton et al., 2010), earthquake
© The Seismological Society of China and Institute of Geophysics, sequence evolution (Peng ZG and Zhao P, 2009; Trugman
China Earthquake Administration 2021. and Ross, 2019), earthquake triggering (Ross et al., 2019),

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND License (

178 doi: 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011 Li ZF

and fault zone mapping (Hauksson, 2005; Ross et al., observational seismology and have the potential to
2019). Meanwhile, in structural studies, earthquake transform our way of conducting seismology research.
catalogs are typically used as a basis for seismic Notably, there are several review papers discussing the
tomography. Thus, earthquake monitoring is the basis of history and current status of specific seismic networks
observational seismology. (Peterson and Hutt, 2014; Hutton et al., 2010) and the
Earthquake monitoring can be generalized as the applications of emerging seismic instruments (e.g. Zhan
detection of natural and human-induced seismic events that ZW, 2020). However, unlike previous reviews, this review
have trackable seismic footprints. This typically includes, emphasizes the overall trends in seismic instrumentation
but is not limited to, volcanic unrest (Buurman and West, and compares their advantages and disadvantages with
2010), landslides (Ekström and Stark, 2013; Lin CH et al., respect to earthquake monitoring.
2010), nuclear tests (Stump, 1991), chemical explosions
(Ma X et al., 2020), traffic flow (Wang X et al., 2020), and
2. Traditional seismic arrays
building collapses (Kim et al., 2001). In these fields,
seismological approaches are employed to analyze non-
conventional targets, which then develop into new 2.1. Present status
interdisciplinary branches, such as forensic (Meng HR and
BenZion, 2018), environmental (Ekström and Stark, 2013), Seismic networks have been in existence for appro-
and urban seismology (Lindsey et al., 2020a; Riahi and ximately a century, and in 1929, seven Wood-Anderson
Gerstoft, 2015). Owing to the development of local and seismometers first formed the Southern California Seismic
regional seismic arrays, these new branches have received Network (SCSN). Modern seismic networks typically
increasing attention from seismological research consist of broadband and strong-motion seismometers.
communities. Therefore, this review focuses on earthquake Broadband seismometers have wide recording ranges from
seismology and discusses other relevant interests to the hundreds of seconds to hundreds of hertz and are sensitive
broad seismological research community. to ground motions of up to a minimum of 10–10 m/s2
Although earthquake monitoring has been prevalent (Clinton and Heaton, 2002). Such broad ranges and high
since the birth of modern seismology in the late nineteenth sensitivities render them the optimal option as permanent
century, the pace of improvement has accelerated seismic networks. Thus, they are vital to global
significantly in the past decade. Numerous seismological seismological studies and are indispensable in cases that
findings, including the discoveries of tectonic tremors, require long-period and high-frequency signals (e.g.,
understanding foreshocks and aftershocks, earthquake studies of remote earthquake triggering). Contrastingly,
triggers, and improved fault mapping, have benefited from strong-motion seismometers measure ground accelerations
the improvements in monitoring ability. These improve- up to 2 g, complementing the near-field monitoring ability
ments primarily exist in two areas: seismic instrumentation in large earthquakes, wherein broadband seismometers
(hardware side) and data processing techniques (software tend to saturate. A comprehensive discussion regarding the
side), owing to the rapid development of the abilities of broadband and strong-motion seismometers can
manufacturing industry and computer science. This review be found in Clinton and Heaton (2002).
will focus on the advances in seismic instrumentation, The SCSN, as an exemplary seismic network, has
emphasizing on nodes and fiber-optic sensing. The developed from seven seismometers in 1929 to more than
advances in data processing techniques will be reviewed in 600 seismometers in 2021 (Figure 1a; Hauksson et al.,
the second paper. 2020). In 1929, each station consisted of a horizontal
First, the present status of traditional seismic arrays of Wood-Anderson component and a high-gain short-period
broadband and other types of seismometers is briefly vertical component (Hutton et al., 2010). Presently, each
introduced, and their strengths and limitations are discus- station is typically equipped with co-located three-
sed. Subsequently, a discussion is provided on ultra-dense component broadband and strong-motion seismometers.
seismic arrays, also known as large-N arrays, including These different sensors are employed to cover the entire
nodes, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), and range of frequency content and dynamic amplitude,
distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), which typically have thereby providing great expediency for diverse seismo-
hundreds to thousands of sensors with spacings ranging logical and engineering research.
from meters to kilometers. Focus will be given to The SCSN has been producing local earthquake
emerging fiber-optic sensing for submarine monitoring. catalogs for a magnitude of completeness of M3.25 from
These novel technologies represent important advances in 1932, presently reaching as low as M1.7. The present
Li ZF doi: 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011 179

130° 135° 140° 145°

(b) Hi-Net
−120° −118° −116° −114° 45°




100 km

100 km

Figure 1. Regional seismic networks in southern California and Japan. (a) Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN)
and (b) High-sensitivity seismograph network (Hi-Net).

routine detection method is short-term-average/long-term sensitivity seismographs (Hi-net, Figure 1b), broadband
average (STA/LTA) (Allen, 1982) combined with manual seismographs (F-net), and strong-motion seismographs
review. STA/LTA only tracks amplitude changes without (K-net). The Hi-net stations involve boreholes with a depth
completely utilizing the complex waveform features, of 100–200 m to reduce the impact of anthropogenic noise.
thereby typically failing at low signal-to-noise ratios. Each station is equipped with short-period velocity
Comparatively, using a more sophisticated method, such as seismometers, accelerometers, and tiltmeters. To date, the
template matching (Gibbons and Ringdal, 2006), the total number of high-sensitivity seismographs is >1000
magnitude of completeness can reach M0.3 (Ross et al., with an interstation spacing of 20 km across Japan. The
2019). The errors in absolute locations in southern magnitude of completeness is approximately M1.9 (Nanjo
California estimated using HypoInverse (Klein, 2002) or et al., 2010), comparable to that in southern California.
SIMULPS (Thurber, 1983) are <0.75 km horizontally and Dense networks enable various scientific discoveries
1.25 km vertically. Moreover, the errors in relative and novel seismological techniques. For example, Obara
locations using waveform cross-correlation are one order (2002) discovered non-volcanic tremors in the subduction
of magnitude smaller (Hauksson et al., 2012). Microear- zone of southwestern Japan. Although non-volcanic
thquakes relocated using double difference methods tremors appear spuriously noisy with sparse network, they
(Trugman and Shearer, 2017; Waldhauser and Ellsworth, emerge remarkably well on a dense network. Using Hi-net
2000) reveal intricate details about numerous small faults data, Obara (2002) located the tremors at the subduction
in southern California (Hauksson, 2005; Hauksson et al., interface and confirmed that they are associated with
2012; Ross et al., 2019) and enable high-resolution travel- subduction dynamics. Furthermore, Ishii et al. (2005)
time regional tomography (e.g. Allam and Ben-Zion, developed the back projection method, which utilize the
2012). dense nature of the Hi-net to illuminate the rupture process
A similar design has been adopted for seismic of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. This technique
networks in Japan. After the 1995 Kobe earthquake, the is now standard for imaging the rupture of large
Japanese government initiated the Headquarters for earthquakes. There are more examples of seismological
Earthquake Research Promotion project aiming to advancements alike that benefited from highly dense and
construct a national shaking map and promote understan- high-quality seismic networks.
ding of the long-term possibility of earthquake occurrences
2.2. Trends and limitations
(Okada et al., 2004). This project led to the construction of
three nationwide seismic networks, which include high- The major trend in permanent seismic networks is the
180 doi: 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011 Li ZF

accelerated increase in the number of stations to improve component could play a role in seismic hazards and could
density and coverage. Another key feature is using mul- be useful to image earthquake processes and the Earth’s
tiple types of seismometers such as broadband, short subsurface structures (Lin CJ et al., 2011; Reinwald et al.,
periods, strong-motion, strainmeter, and tiltmeter. 2016). Although there have been long-term efforts for
Specifically, co-located instruments at the same site can designing rotational seismometers (Evans et al., 2016;
help obtaining a comprehensive measurement of the Schreiber et al., 2009), they are far from being common in
wavefields. The trend of adding more and diverse sensors routine seismological research.
is presently one of the driving forces for the accumulation
of large seismic data. 3. Large-N arrays
Although traditional seismic networks are the
backbone of global and regional earthquake monitoring,
they exhibit various limitations. First, the networks of 3.1. Nodes
sophisticated instruments are expensive, and they are
unlikely to cover a wide area with sub-kilometer A large gap existed in the resolution limits between
interstation spacing. Thus, temporary dense arrays are earthquake and exploration seismology is partly because of
required on several occasions. For example, following a the distinct spatial scales of interest in the two fields.
large earthquake, seismologists typically deploy additional However, some critical zones of interest in earthquake
sensors surrounding the aftershock zone to obtain high seismology, such as fault zones and induced seismicity
resolution. However, the shipment and deployment of regimes, are similar to those in oil and gas sites. In these
broadband seismometers can take days to weeks, thereby areas, seismologists require similar high resolutions and
missing critical measurements immediately following the search for shortcuts to ultra-dense seismic networks at an
mainshock. affordable cost. Since 2011, there have been rapid
Another limitation is that most seismic networks are developments in this technology, including short-period
located on continents and not seafloors. There are only standalone nodes (e.g. Ben-Zion et al., 2015; Brenguier et
scattered stations on islands and scattered ocean-bottom al., 2015; Hansen and Schmandt, 2015; Lin FC et al.,
seismometers on seafloors globally. This not only leads to 2013), MEMS and smartphones (e.g. Kong et al., 2016;
unknowns regarding the seismicity and structure of the Wu YM et al., 2016), and the recently emerging optic fiber
oceanic lithosphere but also unbalanced imaging of the sensing (e.g. Lindsey et al., 2017; Wang HF et al., 2018;
Earth’s deep interior. Efforts have been made to improve Yu CQ et al., 2019).
this biased coverage, particularly in risky near-trench Nodes are seismic systems that integrate a geophone,
regions of subduction zones, using real-time seafloor digitizer, and battery into a standalone unit. They are
monitoring networks, such as the Japanese S-net (Uehira et lightweight and compact, thereby allowing quick
al., 2018), and floating hydrophones, such as the Mermaid deployment. A pioneering example of such arrays in
array (Simons et al., 2006). However, these networks are passive source seismology can be traced back to the Long
expensive in terms of infrastructure construction and Beach array in 2011 (Lin FC et al., 2013; Schmandt and
routine maintenance. Overall, limited by the current Clayton, 2013). The Long Beach array contained 5200
observational techniques, the oceanic area, which accounts nodes with an average spacing of 100 m and was operated
for 70.9% of the Earth’s surface, is largely untapped in for six months (Figure 2a). By applying ambient noise
seismic monitoring. tomography to this array, Lin FC et al. (2013) obtained
Finally, traditional seismometers have inherently high-resolution 3D near-surface structures including
limited sensing ranges. For example, static offset cannot be Rayleigh waves up to 4 Hz. Schmandt and Clayton (2013)
measured using either broadband or strong-motion analyzed the patterns of teleseismic travel times to estimate
seismometers. In this regard, global navigation satellite the upper mantle depth. Using downward continued array
systems are indispensable (Bock et al., 2000; Larson et al., data, Inbal et al. (2015; 2016) detected numerous small
2003). These systems are increasingly being used to study earthquakes in the lower crust and upper mantle beneath
large earthquakes, such as for rupture imaging (Yue H and the Long Beach area. However, their conclusions were
Lay, 2011), and magnitude estimation in earthquake early challenged by Li ZF et al. (2018) and Yang L et al. (2021),
warning (Ruhl et al., 2017), which is a rapidly growing who detected earthquakes without downward continuation
field called seismogeodesy. In addition, traditional and found no evidence of deep events. Despite the
seismometers measure translational motions and ignore discrepancy, these studies validated the strong detection
rotational motions. Some studies suggest that the rotational capability of dense arrays.
Li ZF doi: 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011 181

−118°14' −118°12' −118°10' −118°08' −118°06' −118°04'

LB node (b)
119°30' 120°00' 120°30' 121°00' 121°30' 122°00' 122°30'
California 33°50'

50 km
33°48' P-Alert MEMS 25°00'

1 km

−119°01'00" −119°00'30" −119°00'00" −118°59'30"
PoroTomo DAS 39°49'00"
0.2 km 23°30'





Figure 2. Large-N arrays with nodes, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS).
(a) Long Beach array with 5200 nodes, (b) P-Alert network with more than 700 MEMS sensors in Taiwan, and (c) Porotomo
DAS array with 8720 channels in the Brady Hot Springs area, Nevada. Note that the scales of the three arrays vary.

Inspired by the success of the Long Beach array, the neighboring stations. This approach exhibited promising
applications of nodal arrays in passive source studies have detection results for the Long Beach array (Li ZF et al.,
increased rapidly. Nodal arrays have been used to monitor 2018) and the Incorporated Research Institute for
induced seismicity [e.g., Sweetwater, Texas (Sumy et al., Seismology (IRIS) wavefield demonstration experiment
2015)], volcanoes [Yellowstone (Huang HH et al., 2015), (Li CY et al., 2018). Large-N arrays also provide high
Mount St. Helens (Hansen and Schmandt, 2015), and Piton resolution in imaging the source properties of earthquakes
de la Fournaise volcano in La Reunion (Brenguier et al., within or near the array. For example, Fan WY and
2015)], and fault zone imaging [the San Jacinto Fault in McGuire (2018) used 350-sensor arrays in Oklahoma to
California, (Ben-Zion et al., 2015)]. Nodal sensors have analyze an M2 event. They demonstrated that the dense
also become a part of rapid response systems in aftershock coverage tightly constrains various properties of such a
monitoring to obtain better coverage around rupture zones small event, including the rupture velocity, rupture length
(Beskardes et al., 2019; Catchings et al., 2020; Pankow et and width, and stress drop. These results demonstrate
al., 2021). A focus section in Seismological Research the potential of large-N arrays for monitoring microear-
Letters (Karplus and Schmandt, 2018) demonstrated a thquakes.
collection of large-N applications. In addition to earthquakes, nodal arrays have been used
Numerous sensors provided by the ultra-dense arrays to monitor anthropogenic seismic signals. Specifically,
not only allow noise reduction via stacking but also Riahi and Gerstoft (2015) utilized the Long Beach array to
warrant new analysis approaches are inapplicable to sparse analyze metro train activity, arrival and departure of
arrays. For example, Li ZF et al. (2018) proposed a aircrafts, and city highway traffic, thereby demonstrating
function called neighboring station similarity for the applicability of the array in monitoring human
earthquake detection, which utilizes the highly similar activities within a typical city block. Meng HR and Ben
earthquake waveforms but different local noise of Zion (2018) identified air traffic events on a 1108-sensor
182 doi: 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011 Li ZF

array and managed to invert the flying track. Li ZF et al. epicentral distance <5 km. However, these constraints are
(2018) applied the local similarity method to the IRIS not feasible for high-resolution earthquake monitoring, as
wavefield experiment in Oklahoma and detected long- the primary monitoring targets are M < 2 events in most
duration signals produced from nearby rail train scenarios. Therefore, MEMS and crowdsourced smartp-
movement. They used these signals to invert the near- hone data are most suitable for the detection and
surface attenuation beneath the array. These results not characterization of moderate to large earthquakes.
only demonstrate the potential of large-N arrays for smart-
city monitoring but also reveal that anthropogenic signals 4. Fiber-optic sensing
could be a useful source for subsurface imaging, which
may contribute to city seismic hazard mapping.
4.1. DAS
3.2. MEMS and smartphones
Since 2017, DAS has emerged as a novel technology to
MEMS, which are common in smartphones and
obtain numerous seismic sensors at a relatively low cost.
laptops, are another type of inexpensive sensor that can be
Essentially, DAS transforms a long optical fiber into
used to construct ultra-dense arrays. The Quake Catcher
thousands of vibration sensors with a spacing as small as
Network attempts connecting external or internal
1 m. This is achieved by sending light into the fiber and
(smartphones, tablets, and laptops) MEMS accelerometers
measuring the backscatter from the inherent impurities in
forming a seismic network mainly for seismological
fiberglass [additional technical details can be found in
studies (Cochran et al., 2009). Raspberry Shake, another
Masoudi and Newson (2016)]. Unlike inertial seismome-
popular low-cost seismic sensor with MEMS, offers both
ters that measure particle velocity or acceleration, DAS
one- and three-component types and can not only be used
measures the dynamic strain or strain rate longitudinally
for individual scientific education purposes (Walter et al.,
along the fiber.
2019) but also for scientific monitoring in challenging
The concept of DAS was proposed in the 1990s
working environments (Winter et al., 2021).
followed by applications in various fields. However, its
Kong et al. (2016) developed a smartphone application
applicability in earthquake seismology has only begun
called MyShake, which crowdsources real-time MEMS
recently. Lindsey et al. (2017) revealed a high correlation
recordings from the smartphones of the users. They used a between the amplitude and phase of DAS waveforms with
machine-learning model to distinguish earthquakes from a co-located inertial seismometer. Using a fiber in telecom-
everyday human motions and demonstrated that the munication conduits, they demonstrated that the detection
magnitude and location of earthquakes can be reasonably of teleseismic waves requires little cable-to-soil coupling.
derived from MEMS waveforms. However, practical In addition, Jousset et al. (2018) showed that DAS can
difficulties to ensure continuous internet connection and record earthquake signals and microseisms with quality
power supply remain in the real-time transmission of comparable to that of geophones. They also applied an
voluminous data from private users. In comparison, Wu Akaike information criteria phase picker to obtain P and S
YM et al. (2013) initiated a P-alert project in the Taiwan arrivals and located an earthquake within the array. Wang
region to deploy a network of MEMS sensors with plug-in HF et al. (2018) scrutinized an M4.3 event recorded by co-
power (Figure 2b), which developed to 757 stations in located DAS and geophone arrays at Brady Hot Springs,
May 2021. This network exhibited reliable early warning Nevada (Figure 2c). They revealed that the differences in
capability for the 2016 M6.4 Meinong earthquake in the signal-to-noise ratios of the DAS and geophones are
southwestern Taiwan (Wu YM et al., 2016). generally within a factor of five. They also found good
However, smartphone MEMS sensors typically have correspondence among the DAS waveforms, finite differe-
high self-noise, thereby limiting their applicability in small nces in the geophone waveforms, and the synthetics. Li ZF
earthquake detection. Although some high-end MEMS and Zhan ZW (2018) applied template matching to the
sensors (e.g., HP MEMS) have self-noise levels Brady array and detected 20 times more earthquakes than
comparable to those of broad seismometers, they are too those detected from a regional catalog. They demonstrated
expensive for widespread use in seismology (Kong et al., that, although below the noise level, half of the new events
2016). Inbal et al. (2019) investigated the feasibility of could be verified via thousands of channel-to-channel
using the MyShake array to detect and locate local small correlations. Although still in the early stages, these
earthquakes. They revealed that the S wave spectra stacked preliminary results demonstrate that DAS can record high-
from 100 smartphones exceeded the ambient nighttime fidelity wavefields of local and regional small earthquakes
noise level for local earthquakes of 1.5 < M < 2 with an (Figure 3).
Li ZF doi: 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011 183

China Lake Acres 10 km distance Ridgecrest

Loops or bad channels
P wave


Time after occurrence (s)

S wave

20 s window


1200 1000 800 600 400 200
Channel No.

Figure 3. DAS wavefield of an M3.9 aftershock of the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA sequence (After Li et al., 2021).

Regarding urban seismology, DAS exhibits more mitigate this problem. Marra et al. (2018) proposed a
potential applicability than nodal arrays because optical frequency metrology technique that injects a laser signal to
fibers are pervasive in modern cities. Using a DAS array the fiber and measures the output from the other end. The
with Pasadena City telecommunication fibers, Wang X et seismic perturbation can then be extracted by comparing
al. (2020) observed the broadband seismic signatures of the phase difference between the input and output signals.
various celebration activities during the Rose Parade, an As the measured perturbation is the integration of the
annual event in Pasadena that celebrates the New Year. entire fiber, identifying the event location requires two or
Lindsey et al. (2020a) used a local optical fiber DAS array more corroborating arrays. Alternatively, Zhan ZW et al.
to monitor traffic changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021) analyzed the light polarization changes in daily
Their results showed that DAS could become an important telecommunication signals and revealed that the polari-
component of smart-city sensing systems. zation changes correspond well to nearby ocean-floor
Moreover, DAS has a unique ability to operate on earthquakes. This new method avoids the requirement of
seafloor fibers with the measurement unit on land. Lindsey injecting an extra laser to the fiber and is highly attractive
et al. (2019) used a DAS array in Monterey Bay, for earthquake monitoring because the infrastructure and
California, to delineate submarine faults that have not been signal sources already exist. They applied this method to a
identified previously. They observed various interesting 10,000-km long Curie cable, offshore from southern Cali-
seismic signatures associated with ocean dynamics, such fornia to central Chile Figure 3a, and detected multiple
as the generation of secondary microseisms and sediment moderate to large earthquakes along the route. However,
transport induced by storms. Similarly, Williams et al. both these optic sensing techniques encounter the same
(2019) and Sladen et al. (2019) reported the observations problem of lacking spatial resolution and thus do not pro-
of microseisms and surface gravity waves from submarine vide convenient ways to locate events. Despite this limit-
DAS arrays in Belgium and France, respectively. These ation, they can work over a considerably longer distance
results demonstrate the capability of DAS in monitoring than DAS and utilize the current submarine fiber networks.
seafloor seismicity and delineating unmapped faults and Thus, their potential of widespread applications to existing
ocean dynamics. Hence, DAS could possibly become a submarine cables worldwide is promising.
new paradigm of submarine seismic networks.
5. Challenges and future directions
4.2. Other optic sensing techniques for submarine
The applicability of low-cost ultra-dense arrays has
Although increasing applications of DAS are expected achieved numerous important results and has greatly
to fill the monitoring gap in continental shelves and near supplemented the monitoring gap of traditional seismic
trench areas, the length of DAS (< 100 km) appears too networks at regional and local scales. Their enhanced
short to cover wide oceanic areas. Two different optical spatial sampling and azimuth coverage have increased the
sensing technologies have recently been proposed to resolution of earthquake seismology to approximately that
184 doi: 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011 Li ZF

of exploration seismology. However, there are certain fibers are widespread globally, it is reasonable to visualize
limitations. Specifically, the sensitivity and bandwidth of a world wherein every city converts its existing
low-cost sensors cannot match with that of sophisticated telecommunication fiber optics to DAS seismic networks,
broadband seismometers. In addition, some fundamental which could drastically improve earthquake monitoring
characteristics of the new instruments are not yet clear, and elucidate seismic hazards in the most populous
thereby hindering the maximum exploitation of the data. metropolitan areas.
Therefore, the strengths and limitations of each type of Despite its advantages, it is still challenging to build a
instrument must be considered while designing earthquake purely DAS-based earthquake catalog from scratch.
monitoring networks (Table 1). Although many studies have shown that DAS is broadband
Nodes produce measurements similar to traditional (Lindsey et al., 2020b; Wang X et al., 2020; Yu CQ et al.,
seismometers that are familiar to seismologists. The array 2019), the amount of self-noise, exact amplitude and phase
aperture is sufficiently flexible to fit different study scales. responses, and their dependence on cable coupling, laser
However, presently, nodes can operate autonomously for stability, and fiber types are largely unknown. Without this
approximately one month, and most lack real-time data knowledge, magnitude calibration and other amplitude-
telemetry because of limited battery capacity and data based calculations cannot be performed. Similar problems
storage. Hence, nodes are mostly used as temporary exist in other optical sensing techniques, including the
networks. An emerging type of node utilizes a 4G frequency metrology (Marra et al., 2018) and polarization
telecommunication network for real-time telemetry, such methods (Zhan ZW et al., 2021). Second, the channel
as UGL-3C from the University of Science and locations of DAS cannot be accurately mapped. Although
Technology of China, and IMU-3C from SmartSolo the channel distance from the laser port can be calculated
(personal communications with Junlun Li, and Hongwei using the flight time, the cable can have sags or loops.
Xu). Although data transmission typically relies on battery Therefore, tap tests are practically required to locate
performance, this feature makes them particularly useful specific channels. Convenient methods for mapping of all
for rapid responses to large earthquakes to monitor the channels are still lacking. Third, DAS only records the
ongoing aftershocks. longitudinal direction and lacks three-component
In comparison, DAS has several advantages. First, it information. For a curved fiber, this direction changes with
provides denser spatial sampling than nodes, enabling an fiber strike, which is different from the consistent east or
unaliased recording of high-frequency wavefields. Second, north components of inertial seismometers. Finally, limited
it can be operated in real time as its power and data storage by the fading light power, current DAS arrays can only be
units are in the interrogator end, which is an indispensable <100 km long, which is shorter than the rupture zone of a
feature for permanent networks. Third, it can avoid the typical M7 earthquake, unlike the flexible aperture of
cost of infrastructure construction through utilizing nodal arrays. In very large earthquakes, multiple DAS
existing telecommunication fiber optics (without arrays are required.
interfering with their routine functionality). As optical To further leverage ultra-dense instrumentation for

Table 1. Comparison of traditional and emerging seismic instruments.

Micro-electromechanical Distributed acoustic Other optic sensing
Feature Broadband Nodes
systems (MEMS) sensing (DAS) (M2018, Z2021*)

Typical spacing 1–100 km 100 m–10 km 1–10 km 1–10 m N/A

# of sensors 10–100 100–1 000 100–1 000 1 000–10 000 N/A

Depend on fiber
Array Aperture Flexible Flexible Flexible <100 km

Sensitivity High Intermediate Low Intermediate Intermediate

Power Cable/solar Battery Cable/battery Cable Cable

Real-time telemetry Yes Mostly no Yes/No Yes Yes

Ocean Bottom
Submarine No No Yes Yes

Note: M2018 and Z2021 represent Marra et al. (2018) and Zhan ZW et al., (2021), respectively.
Li ZF doi: 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011 185

improving earthquake monitoring ability, four directions earthquake monitoring abilities. Ultra-dense seismic
are proposed herein: instruments, including nodes and fiber-optic sensing
1) Understanding data characteristics of new instru- approaches, provide remarkable dense coverage in regional
ments (e.g., self-noise, instrument response, bandwidth, and local earthquake monitoring. Nodes offer simple
and impact of cable coupling). This will require a series of installation and flexible apertures and produce data similar
experiments under well-controlled conditions, as well as a to traditional seismometers. However, they are limited in
systematic comparison with different types of co-located power efficiency and data storage and are thus only
instruments (e.g., DAS, nodes, and broadband suitable for temporary networks. In comparison, DAS can
seismometers). be operated in real time using an in-house power supply.
2) Exploring the best practices of instrument combi- Real-time data telemetry is also possible through internet.
nations for different application scenarios. For example, to Thus, DAS has the potential to become a next-generation
record the early aftershocks in aftershock monitoring, permanent network. DAS and other fiber sensing
DAS could be employed because of its easy shipment techniques can fill the observation gap in submarine
and deployment. Afterward, nodes and broadband environments and could have a profound impact on the
seismometers can be used to obtain a broader aperture and comprehensive branches of observational seismology.
better azimuthal coverage. In submarine environments, However, owing to the limitations of different types
optic sensing can be combined with scattered ocean- of instruments, it is unrealistic to expect one all-
bottom seismometers for developing a comprehensive encompassing solution. The designing of monitoring
system with detection, location, and magnitude calibration systems depends on the different application scenarios, for
abilities. example, on continents or ocean floor, regional or local
3) Developing data storage and transmission, proces- scale, temporary or permanent, and frequency/sensitivity
sing, and visualization solutions for large-N datasets. An ranges of interest. Moreover, we need to understand the
individual experiment can easily produce terabytes of data data characteristics of the emerging instruments, explore
because of the numerous sensors. This is a grand challenge the best practice of instrument combinations in different
in data sharing for typical seismological data centers and application scenarios, develop new software infrastructures
for traditional processing and visualization tools (e.g., suitable for large data sizes, and design new methods to
Seismic Analysis Code (Goldstein et al., 2003)). Thus, maximize the use of numerous channels. Future progress
next-generation software infrastructures are urgently in these directions will facilitate the improvement of
needed to fulfill the drastic changes in the size of modern modern earthquake monitoring and eventually contribute
seismic data. to an improved understanding of earthquake phenomena
4) Developing new earthquake detection methodolo- and the Earth’s interior.
gies that maximize the use of ultra-dense sampling.
Traditional methods, such as STA/LTA (Allen, 1982), Acknowledgments
were invented during the period of sparse seismic data and
did not fully exploit new forms of data. For example, the
The study is supported by the USTC Research Funds
observations from numerous channels naturally form 2D
of the Double First-Class Initiative (No. YD2080002006).
images, in which earthquake signals could be more
I would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for
efficiently and accurately detected. Future research
their constructive comments, which helped improve this
directions should consider the development of advanced
manuscript. I would also like to thank Xin Cui for helping
machine learning and image processing techniques for
with the figures. The network data of the SCSN, Hi-Net,
detection and phase picking. The overarching goal is
and P-Alert were accessed from the Southern California
establishing a workflow for the construction of a DAS-
Seismic Data Center (, doi:10.
based earthquake catalog from scratch.
7909/C3WD3xH1, last accessed March 25, 2021), Nati-
onal Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster
6. Summary Resilience (, last accessed
March 25, 2021), and the P-Alert Team (
Seismology has witnessed great improvements in, last accessed March 25, 2021),
permanent seismic networks over the past decade. The respectively. The data of the world’s submarine cables
increasingly dense coverage, enhanced data quality, and were accessed from TeleGeography (
instrumental diversity have significantly improved our, last accessed March 25, 2021).
186 doi: 10.29382/eqs-2021-0011 Li ZF

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