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Assessment of Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators of Water Quality in the

Littoral Zone of Lake Mainit, Philippines

Article · January 2021

DOI: 10.5530/ajbls.2020.9.56


2 536

4 authors, including:

Jesiel Cris Chatto Paylangco Eve V. Fernandez - Gamalinda

Caraga State University Caraga State University


Joycelyn Cagatin Jumawan

Caraga State University


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Research Article

Assessment of Macroinvertebrates as
Bioindicators of Water Quality in the Littoral Zone
of Lake Mainit, Philippines
Jesiel Cris Chatto Paylangco1,*, Eve Fernandez Gamalinda1, Romell Alope Seronay1,2,3, Joycelyn
Cagatin Jumawan1,3
Biology Department, College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Caraga State University, Ampayon Butuan City, PHILIPPINES.
Department of Environmental Science, College of Forestry, Caraga State University, Ampayon Butuan City, PHILIPPINES.
Center for Research on Environmental Management and Eco-Governance, Caraga State University, Butuan, PHILIPPINES

Submission Date: 06-09-2020; Revision Date: 26-11-2020; Accepted Date: 13-12-2020

ABSTRACT Jesiel Cris Chatto
Paylangco, MSc.
Water quality in the lake littoral zone influence habitat complexity. This study determined the Biology Department, College
relationships of macroinvertebrates in response to water physicochemical parameters in ten of Mathematics and Natural
littoral zone stations across four municipalities of Lake Mainit Philippines. Macroinvertebrates Sciences, Caraga State
University, Ampayon Butuan
were collected following the standard protocol for littoral areas with modifications and taxa City, PHILIPPINES.
groupings were assigned based on sensitivity to pollution. Water Quality Index (WQI) from the
identified bioindicator species was computed. Results revealed that all physicochemical parameters Phone no: (+085) 225-0324
of the ten sampling stations passed the water quality standard set by DAO 2016, except for the Email: jcrispaylangco@gmail.
pH and temperature readings of Mansayao and Tagbuyawan. Out of 20, 924 macroinvertebrates
collected, 16 species were identified from 13 families. Station Mansayao exhibited higher species
diversity (H’=1.98). No EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) species were observed
across stations. Most of the macroinvertebrates collected were under Taxa 2 (50%) and Taxa 3
(50%), the presence of which, indicates moderate to poor water quality. The WQIs range from
3.1-3.7, which means the stations have “rather dirty to average” and “dirty water”, except for
the San Roque station (WQI=2.5), which showed a polluted water quality. Of the 16 species of
macroinvertebrates collected, only ten species showed moderate positive association to pH,
dissolve oxygen, temperature and Total Dissolved Solids. Littoral zones of the Lake Mainit still
support and harbor a variety of aquatic macroinvertebrates. However, the abundance of pollution-
tolerant species indicates a declining water quality due to the influence of anthropogenic activities
surrounding the lake.
Key words: Bioindicators, Lake littoral zone, Macroinvertebrates, Water quality, Diversity, Taxa

INTRODUCTION several commercial fisheries as a source of

There are more than 100 freshwater lakes in the livelihood.[3] The lake is currently facing threats from
Philippines that originated either tectonic, kettle, or several anthropogenic activities such as mining,
maare in type.[1] Lake Mainit is a unique biodiversity unsustainable fishing practices, the use of agrochemicals
area characterized by having various biodiversity and the increase of human settlements that might
resources.[2] The lake is primarily used for worsen the problem.[4] Some sections of the lake were
reported exceed safe limits for lead (Pb) and total
SCAN QR CODE TO VIEW ONLINE mercury (tHg) in the sediments.[5] However, several protecting agencies (e.g., DENR, BFAR, LMDA)
already implemented a mechanism or plans towards
management and conservation of the lake and the
DOI: 10.5530/ajbls.2020.9.56
surrounding ecosystems.[6] Still, the practical efforts
were not enough and need more capacity-building since
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Paylangco, et al.: Macroinvertebrates of Lake Mainit

some problems were not being addressed, such as the Mindanao.[14,15] Consequently, monitoring the lake’s
point and non-point source of pollutions that are still water quality must be updated to address problems
present in the vicinity. concerning the provision of suitable habitat of many
Monitoring the status of freshwater quality and its dependent aquatic organisms; hence, mitigating
biodiversity-ecosystem can be performed with the measures will be implemented to help alleviate the
use of bioindicator species living in it.[7,8] Aquatic current issues. This study is the first comprehensive
macroinvertebrates are biological indicators used to assessment of macroinvertebrates assemblages in Lake
evaluate specific pollutants in the aquatic environment Mainit and the data collected could serve as baseline
because of their slow mobilization, extended life period information for future monitoring purposes.
and sensitivity to environmental changes, tolerance and
contamination.[9,10] Several contaminants include nutrient MATERIALS AND METHODS
inflows and household waste products that have led to
lake eutrophication, algal blooms and the increment of Study Area and Sampling Design
pollution tolerant organisms that affect other organisms The study was conducted in selected ten littoral
and ecological imbalances, particularly in littoral zone zones of Lake Mainit, in the provinces of Agusan
areas.[11] The use of aquatic macroinvertebrates for del Norte and Surigao del Norte, specifically in areas
aquatic ecological assessments gives a short, easy of Asinda, Mansayao, Alipao, Roxas, Tabuyawan,
approach and less expensive compared to other Bunga, Dinarawan, Kitcharao, San Roque and Jabonga,
methods.[12,13] respectively (Figure 1). These sampling areas were
There were several limnological studies concerning selected randomly regardless of the terrestrial habitat
the aquatic management and conservation status of types such as the distance from human settlements,
the Lake Mainit as one of the key biodiversity areas in presence or absence of farmlands, grassland, shrubland,

Figure 1: Map of Lake Mainit, Philippines showing the ten sampling stations in the provinces of Agusan del Norte and Surigao
del Norte, Philippines.

372 Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, Vol 9, Issue 3, Sep-Dec, 2020
Paylangco, et al.: Macroinvertebrates of Lake Mainit

bushes or whether it is near or far from river tributaries. Water Quality Index (WQI) Scoring
Triplicate 100 m belt transects were established in the ten Macroinvertebrates collected were scored based on their
sampling stations. Each transect utilized 5 x 10 m quadrat tolerance and sensitivity to pollution.[18] The following
for macroinvertebrate collection and measurement of WQI index were as follows, “very clean water= 7.7-
water physicochemical parameters. Sampling was done 10; rather clean to clean water = 5.1-7.5; rather dirty to
in September to October 2017 and February 2018. average dirty water = 2.6-5.0; dirty water= 1.0-2.5; and
Determination of Physical and Chemical Water very dirty water (no life at all) = 0”.
Properties Data Analyses
Water The mean values of physicochemical parameters were
The temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (D.O), total calculated using GraphPad Prism 7. Paleontological
dissolved solids (TDS), conductivity, resistivity and Statistics (PAST ver. 3.19) was used to calculate
salinity of the water were analysed using a portable multi- diversity, abundance, dominance and evenness
of macroinvertebrates. To compare the means
meter instrument (Hach HQ40d). Secchi disc was used
of macroinvertebrates abundance and water
to measure water turbidity and echo-sounder/ fish finder
physicochemical parameters, a Kruskal-Wallis H test
(Lucky Fish Finder FF1108-1) to measure water depth.
was used. Moreover, Spearman rank’s correlation was
Readings of physical and chemical water properties were used to analyze the association of the physicochemical
carried out nine (9) times per transect line to report properties in water to the macroinvertebrates abundance.
the mean and the standard error of the mean (SEM­±) The statistical results were set at significant p value is
among sampling stations. Physicochemical testing was equal or less than 0.05. The analysis was done using IBM
done before the collection of macroinvertebrates to SPSS Statistics software (ver.20).
avoid water disturbance.
Macroinvertebrates Assessment RESULTS
Sample Collection and processing Water Physicochemical Assessment
A standard method collection for littoral areas was The study revealed that all water physical and chemical
adapted with modifications.[16] Three minutes was test parameters passed the DAO series of 2016-08 water
allocated to perform sweeps /jabs in the water and quality standards,[19] except for the temperature and pH
bottom sediments using a D-framed dip net for each readings of Mansayao and pH readings of Tagbuyawan
transect and an additional 1 min for hand-picking (Figure 2). Temperature, resistivity, conductivity and total
of highly mobile macroinvertebrates. The collected dissolved solids have very similar readings and salinity
samples were segregated and composited for each of was consistent across sampling stations. Results showed
the triplicate 100m transects for each station. Large a significant difference in temperature (p=0.001), pH
specimens were placed in labeled zip-locks while smaller (p=0.001), DO (p=0.020), conductivity (p=0.015) and
macroinvertebrates were placed in vials and then depth (p=0.001) across sampling stations however, no
transported to the laboratory for sorting, documentation significant difference were observed in TDS (p=0.173),
and identification. For more extended storage, some resistivity (p=0.433) and turbidity (p=0.091) (Table 1).
of the collected macroinvertebrates samples were Macroinvertebrates Assessment
preserved in 95% ethanol or 4% formalin depending on A total of 20,924 macroinvertebrate individuals,
animal types. belonging to 16 species and 13 families were collected.
Identification, Classification and Taxa groupings Phylum Mollusca had the most number of representative
species (63%) followed by phylum Arthropoda (36%)
Collected macroinvertebrates were sorted and identified and phylum Annelida (1%). Certain species such as
based on Taxa groupings: Taxa 1 (pollution sensitive), Caridina sp., Melanoides tuberculata, Corbicula fluminea and
Taxa 2 (wide range tolerant), Taxa 3 (pollution Vivipara angularis were commonly observed and display
tolerant).[17] Digital Camera (Canon®) was used to dominance with regards to the number of individuals
document larger specimens, while Stereomicroscope (Figure 3). Areas of Asinda, Mansayao, Alipao and
(Lazes®) for smaller samples. The identification o Jabonga have the highest number of taxa collected, while
macroinvertebrate species was done using online Kitcharao has the highest number of individuals. Higher
published journals[7,16,17] and consultation of experts. species diversity was observed in the areas of Mansayao
Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, Vol 9, Issue 3, Sep-Dec, 2020 373
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Figure 2: Physicochemical properties of water (M±SEM) in selected sampling stations in Lake Mainit, Philippines.

(H’=1.98), Tagbuyawan (H’=1.93) and Alipao (H’=1.91). often thrive under a wide range to moderate water
Furthermore, among the 16 species collected, only the quality conditions.[17] Areas of Bunga, Dinarawan,
species of Melanoides tuberculata, Anodonta woodiana and Roxas and Tagbuyawan displayed the abundance of
aquatic worm showed no significant difference at p Taxa 3 representatives. Based on the macroinvertebrates
≤0.05 (Table 2).  collected, average WQI score from the ten littoral zones
Taxa Groupings and Water Quality Index (WQI)
(3.6) indicates a “rather dirty - average dirty” water
Seven gastropods and one annelid species were grouped
under Taxa 3. Two bivalves (A. woodiana and C. Association between Macroinvertebrate
fluminea and six arthropod species were identified Abundance and Water Physicochemical
under Taxa 2 (Table 3). No EPT (Ephemeroptera, Parameters
Plecoptera, Trichoptera) or a pollution sensitive species Among 16 macroinvertebrates collected, 10 species
under Taxa 1 collected throughout sampling stations. showed a significant association with the water
Taxa 3 representatives are generally tolerant to poor physicochemical properties (Table 4). Certain species
water quality conditions while Taxa 2 members most of gastropods and bivalves are greatly affected by the
374 Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, Vol 9, Issue 3, Sep-Dec, 2020
Paylangco, et al.: Macroinvertebrates of Lake Mainit

Table 1: Comparison of water physicochemical prop- Table 2: Comparison of macroinvertebrate

erties between 10 selected sampling stations Lake abundance from littoral zones in selected sampling
Mainit, Philippines. stations in Lake Mainit, Philippines.
Physico-chemical Macro-invertebrate Taxa Mean±SEM A
Parameters in Mean±SEM P-value Remarks
Pomacea maculata 12.50±12.57 0.007*
29.92±1.34 0.001 Significant Vivipara angularis 153.17±361.85 0.004*

8.12±0.50 0.001 Significant Thiara scabra 21.07±23.83 0.007*
Dissolved Oxygen 7.69±1.69 0.020 Significant Tarebia granifera 23.30±14.13 0.036*
Total Dissolved Not Melanoides tuberculata 156.43±206.22 0.067
83.37±5.88 0.173
Solids Significant
Radix rubiginosa 0.80±1.95 0.003*
Conductivity 172.03±13.56 0.015 Significant
Lymnaea natalensis 1.30±2.44 0.002*
Resistivity 5.90±0.20 0.433
Significant Anodonta woodiana 5.60±7.69 0.070
Not Corbicula sp. 68.17±95.19 0.034*
Turbidity 1.37±0.46 0.091
Sundathelphusa 3.30±6.61
Depth 1.77±0.69 0.001 Significant 0.010*
Significant at p≤ 0.05; ATested in ANOVA; BTested in Kruskal Wallis
Limnopilos sp. 4.23±7.00 0.013*

influence on water quality. The association to water Dragonfly nymph 0.73±1.66 0.015*
physicochemical parameters also vary from species to Aquarius remigis 3.60±4.52 0.023*
species. Moreover, only a few arthropods showed a Penaeus monodon 237.77±703.08 0.008*
significant association with the type of water quality in 0.07±0.25
Ranatra linearis 0.028*
the sampling area. Water temperature, pH and dissolved
Aquatic worm 5.43±4.71 0.063
oxygen showed a significant role in the abundance of
species in the littoral zone areas of Lake Mainit. *Significant at p value ≤ 0.05 ATested in Kruskal Wallis Test

Table 3: Collected macroinvertebrates and Taxa classification found in in selected sampling stations in Lake
Mainit, Philippines.
Phylum Order Taxa Family Scientific Names No. of WQI
No. Individuals score
Mollusca Architaenioglossa 3 Ampullariidae P. maculata 375 3
3 Viviparidae V. angularis 4595 3
Sorbeoconcha 3 Thiaridae T. scabra 632 3
3 T. granifera 699 3
3 M. tuberculata 4693 3
Hygrophila 3 Lymnaeidae R. rubiginosa 24 3
3 L. natalensis 39 3
Unionoida 2 Unionidae A. woodiana 168 6
Veneroida 2 Curbiculidae C. fluminea 2045 -
Arthropoda Decapoda 2 Gecarcinucidae S. philippina 99 3
2 Hymenosomatidae L. naiyanetri 127 3
2 Palaemonidae Macrobrachium sp. 22 4
Odonata 2 Corduliidae Dragonfly nymph 108 6
Hemiptera 2 Gerridae A. remigis 7133 5
2 Nepidae R. linearis 2 5
Annelida Lumbriculida 3 Lumbriculidae Aquatic worm 163 1
Total Score 20,954 54
Number of animal types scored 15
WQI Score 3.6
Taxa 1. Pollution sensitive organism found in good water quality.
Taxa 2. Can exist in a wide range of water quality conditions; generally moderate water quality.
Taxa 3. Can exist in a wide range of water quality conditions; generally tolerant to poor water quality.

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Table 4: Association between macroinvertebrate abundance and physicochemical properties of water in

selected sampling stations in Lake Mainit, Philippines.
Physico-chemical Properties of Water
(Correlation Coefficient)
Temperature pH DO TDS Conductivity Turbidity Depth

P. maculata 0.227 0.500* 0.388* 0.110 0.274 -0.401* -0.422*

V. angularis 0.034 -0.187 -0.293 -0.213 -0.438* 0.364* 0.369*
T. scabra 0.576* 0.741* 0.715* 0.336 0.511* -0.689* -0.616*
T. granifera 0.506* 0.486* 0.329 0.268 0.228 -0.397* -0.351
M. tuberculata 0.552 *
0.452 *
0.433 *
0.409 *
0.279 -0.585 *
R. rubiginosa 0.177 0.321 0.402 *
0.246 0.358 -0.234 -0.208
Corbicula sp. 0.274 0.473 *
0.571 *
0.129 0.242 -0.568 *
S. philippina 0.460* 0.508* 0.465* -0.180 -0.066 -0.061 0.105
Limnopilos sp. 0.435 *
0.630 *
0.572 *
-0.145 -0.021 -0.490 *
A. remigis 0.374 *
0.472 *
0.364 *
-0.028 0.112 -0.338 -0.378*
*Significant at p≤ 0.05

Figure 3: Macroinvertebrates species composition and abundance in selected sampling

stations in Lake Mainit, Philippines.

DISCUSSION role in the growth, distribution and abundance of

aquatic macroinvertebrates. The temperature is one
Water Physicochemical Assessment of the survival factors of some aquatic organisms and
The littoral zones of Lake Mainit vary greatly on it also alters the habitat availability of many aquatic
physical, chemical and biological components that organisms.[20] Moreover, the observed higher pH levels
contribute mainly to maintaining the ecological balance might be due to the varied landscape, vegetation type
of both aquatic flora and fauna community. Variation of and anthropogenic activities in these stations. This might
temperature and pH readings in the area of Mansayao be why certain species such as Caridina sp., V. angularis
and pH readings for Tagbuyawan was due to a time and M. tuberculata show dominance and abundance, as
constraint. The said stations were sampled around 10:00 observed in the sampling stations regardless of habitat
am to 3:00 pm where the temperature was notably type variations. Water composition flowing through
high. Time and landscape variation could be factors the rocks and soils from the terrestrial environment
why the two sampling stations’ pH levels were higher contributes to phosphates primary sources to increase
compared to standards. In this study, water temperature, water alkalinity.[21] Water nitrate and sulfate removal via
pH, dissolved oxygen and depth play a significant assimilation and dissimilatory reduction contributes to
376 Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, Vol 9, Issue 3, Sep-Dec, 2020
Paylangco, et al.: Macroinvertebrates of Lake Mainit

total lake alkalinity generation, resulting in increased macroinvertebrates taxa are associated with some
water pH.[22] The high pH alkalinity of water also water physicochemical conditions. Mollusks such as P.
supports species richness.[23] The areas with notable low maculata, T. scabra, T. granifera, M. tuberculata, R.
dissolved oxygen concentrations were the areas with rubiginosa and Corbicula sp. may be affected when the
high organic matter content, mainly from tributaries.[24] pH and DO and even depth were beyond its tolerance
Macroinvertebrates Assessment level. Some Taxa 2 species, such as S. philippina, L.
naiyanetri and A. remiges, may be affected by the
Macroinvertebrates distribution and abundance are
changes in water temperature, pH and DO. Neutral pH
greatly influenced by the type of habitat and water
contributed to the survival, growth, reproduction and
quality status. The species that show abundance to every
sampling station were observed to have different habitat dispersal of mollusk species.[28,31] Feeding activity of P.
types. Thus, their distribution is much likely influenced maculata is influenced by increase in water temperature,
by their environmental conditions in which they can which also associated with the decreasing level of
thrive according to their tolerance level. Caridina sp. dissolved oxygen.[32] Moreover, sewage waste has been
were found abundant in areas near agricultural areas reported to decrease the level of DO and affecting the
with sandy type of soil. The soil substrate and type of growth, survival and density of some bivalve species.[33]
riparian vegetation serve as an indicator of crustacean
distribution.[25] In contrast, mollusks that are abundant CONCLUSION
in some sampling areas such as M. tuberculata, C.
This study is the first to report a comprehensive
fluminea and V. angularis also requires a sandy substrate
assessment of aquatic macroinvertebrates and water
and generate zonation patterns. The abundance of
some mollusk species is carried by substrate type with physicochemical analysis in the ten littoral zones of Lake
a mixture of boulders, stones and sand as deep as 3-4 Mainit. Water physicochemical parameters are within
meters. However, as the depth increases, the number of the acceptable range. The occurrence of Taxa 2 and
individuals also decreases.[26] Gastropods have a file-like Taxa 3 macroinvertebrates relative to their density and
radula that mainly feeds on periphyton coverings found distribution pattern were affected by the type of water
on rocks and plants.[27] quality, serious ecological problems, anthropogenic
disturbance and the influx of non-point source pollution.
Taxa Groupings and Water Quality Index (WQI)
The use of macroinvertebrates as an indirect method
The equal occurrence of both Taxa 3 and Taxa 2 for water quality monitoring suggests declining and
representatives may indicate that declining water quality. poor water quality in Lake Mainit. Constant monitoring
In contrast, Taxa 2 has 50% of a total species collected should be implemented to help alleviate and mitigate the
and suggest that the water quality is still in moderate current issue of water quality status.
condition. Moreover, water physicochemical testing
parameters are within the acceptable range. Factors
influence gastropods abundance includes water pH, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
salinity and desiccation tolerance.[28] The abundance This study was funded by the Department of
of gastropods is greatly affected by the application of Environment and Natural Resources- Caraga, being
herbicide from agricultural lands.[29] Sampling areas part of the project of establishing Lake Mainit as a
of Bunga, Dinarawan, Roxas and Tagbuyawan have Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) of Dr. R.A. Seronay. The
very similar environments, such as soil type (sandy- corresponding author also wishes to thank Dr. Leila A.
rocky), macrophytes, distance from the community Ombat, Ruby Abao-Paylangco and John Erick Lador for
and agricultural areas. Functional feeding groups of their various contributions to this study.
aquatic snails belonging to grazers and scrapers. Aquatic
snails were suitable to grow in the four sampling areas
mentioned because they have radula that enables them
to scrape algae from the surface of the rocks.[30] The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Association between Macroinvertebrate
Abundance and the Physicochemical ABBREVIATIONS
Water physicochemical properties are the determining D.O: Dissolve Oxygen; pH: power of hydrogen ions;
factors in the occurrence and abundance of aquatic WQI: water quality index; T.D.S: Total dissolved solids;
macroinvertebrates. The current study shows certain SEM: standard error of the mean.
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Cite this article: Paylangco JCC, Gamalinda EF, Seronay RA, Jumawan JC. Assessment of Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators
of Water Quality in the Littoral Zone of Lake Mainit, Caraga Region, Philippines. Asian J Biol Life Sci. 2020;9(3):371-8.

378 Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, Vol 9, Issue 3, Sep-Dec, 2020

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