Muhammad Ashar Asdullah 440 (P. 77-94)

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International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences

Vol 13, No 3, June 2023, PP. 77-94

A Systematic Literature Review of Performance Measurement Systems in Health

Sector of Pakistan

Muhammad Ashar Asdullah*

Department of Management Sciences, University of South Asia, Lahore, Pakistan.
Hassan Yazdifar
College of Business, Law and Social Science, Derby University, UK.
[email protected]
Omaima Khatoon
Jinnah University for women, Karachi, Pakistan
[email protected]
Inayat ul Haq Subhani
Department of Management Sciences, University of South Asia, Lahore, Pakistan.
[email protected]

*Corresponding: [email protected]


Article History: Building The research study is primarily focused on identifying the parameters
Received: 14 Feb, 2023 of Performance Measurement System within the healthcare sectors of Pakistan.
Revised: 12 Apr, 2023 The main purpose is to identify the efficacy of different Performance
Accepted: 03 May, 2023 Measurement Systems within Pakistan, and its impacts on performance of
Available Online: 07 Jun, 2023 physicians. Considering the current performance and situation in healthcare
sector of Pakistan, it has been analyzed that the country has come a long way
DOI: towards progress, however there is still a major lacking of proper standards and guidelines which must be followed in all the healthcare institutions. The
problem statement emphasizes over the need of PMS in the healthcare
Keywords: institutions, with the help of which the improvements and efficacy in
Performance Measurement performance of the healthcare professionals can be determined. The research
System, Systematic Literature objective designed for this study is identify the impact of Performance
Review, PRISMA method, health Measurement Systems on the improvisations in current practices, on patient
care, Patient Satisfaction. satisfaction and recovery, changes in patterns of mortality rates and budgetary
control within the country for healthcare sectors. In order to conduct this
JEL Classification: research study, the type of research method which has been mainly opted is
I1, L2, H8 qualitative analysis involving the write up of a Systematic Literature Review.
This review has been designed on the basis of PRISMA method, and proper
skimming of research articles have been performed accordingly. 22 articles
have been taken for further investigation, published after the year of 2010. The
indicators which have been focused on in this study include Patient
Satisfaction, Mortality, Survival rates and Cost Allocation to healthcare sectors
of the country. Based on the findings of number of research articles, it has been
identified that Patient Satisfaction and Cost Allocation have not been improved
via Performance Management System. However, during the COVID-19
pandemic, the mortality and survival rates in the public and private sectors of
the country were controlled due to constant supervision by governmental
agencies and the use of an effective and efficient Performance Measurement
method for staff members in the healthcare industry.

© 2023 The authors, under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0.

Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

The healthcare system and its characteristics are different in most of the countries of the world.
The differences lie in their extent of decentralization and performance measurement systems as well.
With respect to Pakistan, it has been analyzed that the country has made remarkable progress in their
healthcare sector and is striving hard to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which
have been set for all developing countries (Bhatti e al., 2022). According to Hassan et al., (2017) not
only in healthcare, but Pakistan has made prominent achievements in the field of agriculture, finance,
social sector and economic sector as well. Since, Pakistan is one of those countries which comes below
the line of poverty, therefore it is a difficult task for the country to promote equal and just healthcare
system to all the patients of the country. Still, the country has been contributing too much to their
healthcare system. Some of the major strengths identified of healthcare system of Pakistan are
introduction of policies, reforms and measures to improve provision of healthcare services to the
individuals. Whereas, Pradhan et al., (2022) proposed that, vertical programs, Public Private
Partnerships (PPP), improvements in the human resource departments and infrastructure of the
healthcare system by establishing Basic Health Units (BHU) and Rural Health Centers (RHC) have
also been largely promoted by the government. Further it has been highlighted by the same authors
about the remarkable achievements which have been acquired by the country after introduction and
restructuring of their national health policies in 2001 include, introduction of preventive approaches
like Expanded Immunization Programs (Khan et al., 2022). According to Hashmi (2021), it has been
proposed that to support this idea, number of Lady Health Visitors (LHV) have been trained so that
they can provide effective and smooth administration of vaccines to the target population. With the
help of this strategy, positive outcomes have been reported as the number of infant deaths has reduced
from 220 per 1000 live births to 72 per 1000 live births. Whereas, in case of Maternal deaths, it has
been analyzed that number has reduced from 800-1000 deaths per 100,000 live births to only 276
deaths per 100,000 live births last year. But these reforms are still not sufficient to adequately cater all
the needs of healthcare system, and improvise physician’s performance and credibility.

Limitations of Healthcare System of Pakistan:

According to Rasool (2015) despite the fact that country has been striving hard to provide improved
and effective healthcare services to the people of the country, but researches have revealed that there
are still numerous shortcomings in this system. The healthcare departments of Pakistan are not
efficient and capable enough to provide timely and quality treatment to the patients. Some major
challenges identified associated with these lacking include provision of insufficient human resources
and financial capital, poor governance, lack of access to appropriate sectors for provision of healthcare
equipment, compromised Health Information Management System, etc. Irfan et al., (2012) has also
proposed that in addition to this, corruption in healthcare sector, lack of sufficient training and
education to the healthcare staff and inappropriate monitoring of health policies and health planning
are also some identified issues. Due to the fact that most of the primary sectors and departments of the
country are managed and controlled by Bureaucrats, which leads to excessive corruption in healthcare
Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

sector as well (Inderyas, et al., 2015). Schleicher et al., (2018) have supported this idea and highlighted
that there is no equal provision of healthcare services to individuals all around the country, particularly,
the lower class of the society is most effected due to these injustice and inequalities in healthcare
policies of the country. Luckily, the previous government of Pakistan, under the leadership of Imran
Khan proposed a Sehat Card (Health Cards), worth up to 10 lacs, in which 4 lacs were allocated for
primary health care services and 6 lacs for secondary healthcare services. A family can acquire primary
healthcare services worth up to 4 lacs and secondary services for up to 6 lacs (Javed, et al., 2019)

Research Questions:

The research study mainly emphasizes on the following research questions:

• What are the impacts of PMS on improvisation of healthcare delivery?
• What are the impacts of PMS on extent of patient satisfaction and recovery?
• How PMS has been affecting patterns of mortality and survival rates in Pakistan?
• What is the effect of PMS on cost allocation for healthcare departments?
Research Objectives:
The research objectives which have been mainly designed for this paper include:
• To identify the impacts of PMS on improvisation of healthcare delivery.
• To observe the impact of PMS on extent of patient satisfaction and recovery.
• To analyze the effects of PMS on patterns of mortality rates in Pakistan.
• To observe the impacts of PMS on budgetary control of healthcare sector.

As proposed by Schleicher et al., (2018), it has been analyzed that the basic statistics of the country
mainly revealed that Pakistan is the fifth most populous country of the world, and almost 64% of its
population are residing in the rural areas whereas 43% of them are illiterate. The political environment
of the country shows that it had been under military rule for 33 years, whereas the geostrategic position
of the country has showed that after Cold War and the incidence of 9/11 multiple challenges have been
faced by the government towards provision of a safe and stable environment to people of the country.
In addition, these systemic constraints have also resulted in multiple challenges for the local
communities (Akhtar, et al., 2014).

Performance Measurement System:

According to Ali & Wajidi (2013) the basic definition of healthcare performance measurements can
be understood in a way, that in an aggregated, quantified and analyzed data, on the basis of which
multiple policies and future interventions are being designed. These performance measures are used
to identify the opportunities with the help of which financial costs of various activities can be reduced,
improvisation in quality of care and efficient care delivery can be ensured. In most of the cases, these

Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

measures are adopted to analyze and monitor any particular healthcare activity or campaign. Malik et
al., (2010) supported this idea and proposed that the main stakeholders involved in this activity are
hospital staff members, physicians, governmental agencies or some third party for assessment.

Development of Performance Measurement:

Rasool (2015) showcased different methods for performance management. The methods adopted for
healthcare performance measurement can differ between countries, depending on the motives and
objectives to be achieved via this analysis. Some of these measurement systems emphasize on
analyzing efficiency or productivity, whereas others intrigue about a broader view of services delivery
involving provision of equity and quality of service to the patients. This concept helps in designing
future policies and also decide the budget allocations for healthcare sector.

Healthcare is one of the most important and crucial department of the country, and its stability provides
economic, political and governmental stability to the country as well. Multiple reforms and
modifications have been generated in this regard with the help of which the performance management
system of the country has been upgraded. However, a research study conducted by Vaineri et al.,
(2020) suggested different motives and objectives, on the basis of which reforms in the performance
management system has been made. The representation has been shown below:

• During 1980s to 1990s: Budgetary Control

• 1990s to 2000s: Multidimensional Performance

• 2000s-2005-2008: Population Perspective

• 2010-2015-2019: Interorganizational Performance

• 2019-2020: Societal value

Hassan et al., (2017) supported the idea that the aforementioned timeline mainly shows that initially,
these systems had been designed by the government to perform budgetary control Numerous
pandemics have been reported in the history of the world, and many of them have cause major
outbreaks, resulting in severe financial losses to the country. Thus, in order to control these challenges
worldwide, performance measurement system policies have been proposed by the governments for
healthcare providers to supervise their activities, and also perform budgetary control over diseases.
However, a little upgradation has been observed in the era of 2000s, as multidimensional performance
approach had been adopted. With the help of these new reforms, not only proper cost allocation, but
provision of timely treatment, patient satisfaction, time required for recovery from a disease and
absentees of the physicians were also properly monitored. From 2000 till 2008, these performance
measurements had been conducted from the Population perspectives (Karamat, et al., 2018). Different
surveys and communication with the common people used to be conducted during that period of time,
and challenges and issues faced by the patients in healthcare provision were analyzed. On the basis of
their opinion and suggestions, required reforms had been made in the policies. According to Javed et
Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

al., (2019) from 2010 to 2019, thorough investigations on inter-organizational performances had been
monitored. The initial reforms which had been applied showed some sort of shortcomings and
challenges in performance analysis of the physicians and other staff members, therefore, modifications
have been proposed and a more complex structure and method of performance management had been
proposed. With the help of this concept, not only individual responsibilities and roles of each staff
members were being monitored, but interorganizational coordination and communication were also
assessed. Various joint activities among different units of a hospital used to be conducted to analyze
their personal relationships and coordination among each other, as it highly affects their overall
performance and delivery of services for the patients as well (Shaikh, et al., 2010).

Patient Satisfaction:

Wazir et al., (2013) suggested that one of the important indicators identified for this study is Patient
Satisfaction. In general, Patient satisfaction is a loaded term and has multiple meanings. However, it
is basically a subjective measure of patient’s expectations being met or not, with the services provided
at the healthcare sector. In most cases, patients require some great experience at the healthcare centers,
and are willing to resolve every single physical problem, illness or disorders they are having
immediately. On the other hand, the focus of doctors and physicians is always upon provision of best
care services to the patient, and get the patients overcome their disease in a timely manner. These two
aspects might not always align with each other, and it might create conflicts. However, this measure
can provide a detailed insight about patient’s satisfaction towards service delivery in healthcare centers
(Akhtar, et al., 2014).

Mortality and Survival Rates:

The concepts of mortality and survival rate are quite different from each other as understood from the
definition of Javed et al., (2019). The concept of mortality mainly indicates the number of individuals
who die every year, out of a specific number of people like 100,000. Whereas, on the other hand, the
survival rate means the number of people who are still alive at a specific time, after diagnosis of their
disease. The most important measure used in performance management system is the mortality rate as
it identifies the improvements in healthcare services, with the help of which increased number of
individuals can be saved every year.

Cost Allocation:

Hassan et al., (2017) proposed the concept of cost allocation and budgetary control. The concept of
cost allocation, or budgetary control is basically a financial jargon, which illustrates the concept of
management of income and expenditure of any organization. In case of healthcare sectors, it has been
determined that due to increasing rate of diseases and deformities among individuals of Pakistan, the
budget require for the treatment of patients had been increasing every year. Thus, financial constraints
need to be put on these organizations, and effective measures were recommended to be taken by these
sectors with the help of which allocation of budget to healthcare sectors can be reduced.

Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

Research Gaps:

Although there are number of studies highlighting about various aspects of Performance management
systems within Pakistan, but there is limited research about the efficacy of these models and systems
which are often being used and adopted in most of the healthcare sectors. Also, researches on
comparison of these models with standard protocols and policies must be performed to assess and
compare the performance of healthcare professionals with the international standards.

The research method which has been mainly opted for this study is the systematic literature review.
In order to conduct this study, the PRISMA template has been mainly selected so that criteria for
accepting or rejecting of papers can be performed (Akhtar et al., 2014, Inderyas et al., 2015, Shabbir
et al., 2016, Huynh et al., 2022). The research study is solely based on data collection from secondary
sources. The data has been collected from authentic and reliable databases including ResearchGate,
PubMed, Springer, ScienceDirect, Statista, JSTOR, IEEE etc. In addition, certain criteria have been
set for selection of articles as only those articles have been included in this paper which are peer
reviewed, or published in authentic journals.


The key performance indicators chosen for this study include improvisations of healthcare services,
patient satisfaction, patterns of mortality rates, and budgetary control.

Inclusion Criteria:

Only those articles have been included in this paper which have been published after the year 2010,
so that research studies of recent articles can be thoroughly analyzed and investigated. In addition, the
papers which have the following keywords have been included in this study:

Keywords: Performance Management System, Healthcare sectors, Healthcare services in Pakistan,

KPI of Performance Management System, Role of government in Performance Management System,
Improvisations in healthcare services, Patient Satisfaction, Patterns of Mortality rates, Budgetary
control with PMS.

Exclusion Criteria:

The articles which have been published before the year 2010 have been excluded from further
consideration mainly due to the reason that the policies and reforms have been constantly changing,
and only the recent policies have been considered for this study. However, in order to analyze the past
policies, some of the research publications have been included which are fewer in number.

Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

Sample Size:

The articles which have been chosen for this study have been skimmed through the concept of
PRISMA. Initially, the databases mentioned for our research study, including PubMed, JSTOR, IEEE,
Springer, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect, Statista, Medscape, Medline, PakMedinet etc. have been
thoroughly investigated and records constituting around 348 research articles, relevant to our topic
had been identified. Whereas, upon further evaluation of other databases, almost 300 articles have
been identified.

After this step, all 300 articles have been thoroughly assessed, and 278 articles have been skimmed
from the study, which lefts only 22 articles to be considered. The process of skimming the articles was
based upon the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The articles which have been published before the
year 2015 have been excluded. Also, the articles which included the selected keywords like
Performance measurement system, healthcare, employee satisfaction, performance, healthcare
institutions, organizations etc. have been selected. Finally, the studies of full text articles which have
been included in this paper are 20 in number, and they all are relevant to our research topic and aligns
with the keywords chosen. Most importantly, most of these articles identified about the changes and
transformations in performance management systems, all around the world. Whereas, some of them
have focused on the management systems being followed in Pakistan, or in different provinces of the
country like KPK, Sindh and Punjab.

The data analysis was broken down in two stages. To begin with, while analyzing the variances, the
demographic factors were treated as independent variables to see how they affected the constructs of
gender diversity. Second, when screening for structural equation analysis, gender diversity was used
as a predictor variable, and employee`s job performance was used as an outcome variable. Moreover,
the factor of interpersonal conflict was taken as a mediator between the constructs of GD and IPC.

Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94


According to Kurji et al., (2016) Healthcare organizations in Pakistan have been subjected to
number of changes through all these years. Most of the institutions have been transformed from public
to private sectors. However, government still implies certain measures on both types of organizations
which could ensure effective delivery of healthcare services to the patients. the healthcare performance
management system involves quantifiable data and measurements, with the help of which different
healthcare related activities can be assessed. Whereas from understanding of the research study
proposed by Malik et al., (2015) it has been highlighted that this data is used for identifying the
opportunities for reducing cost, improvements in the quality of care and increasing the efficiency of
care delivery. For this research study, the determinants which have been mainly opted are budgetary
control, patient satisfaction, mortality and survival rates in Pakistan. The primary reason for choosing
these indicators was to investigate the extent of improvements in current healthcare practices in the
country, and whether these reforms are bringing any positive solution and outcomes for the people or

Patient Satisfaction:

A research study conducted by Saad and Fatima (2018) mainly investigated the patient’s expectation
towards service and quality of healthcare sectors, on their satisfaction level with nursing in both private
and public hospitals. The data has been collected from n=456 participants, including both males and
females. In addition, the data has been collected from both public and private sectors (Javed & Ilyas,
2018). A questionnaire had been designed for this study, which was a self-administered questionnaire,
designed using the original SERVQUAL approach. The data has been further assessed using the
Laplace criterion. Based on the research study of Schleicher et al., (2018) five important constructs
have been emphasized for this study, which demonstrates that patient satisfaction was highly
dependent on empathy in the public sectors whereas with responsiveness in the private sectors. It also
suggested that, despite the adoption of Performance management systems in healthcare sector of
Pakistan, there is no prominent improvement in both public and private sectors, as patient satisfaction
was considerably low. Another research article demonstrates different characteristics and features to
be associated with the level of patient satisfaction in Pakistan. It has been analyzed that young age,
female gender, literacy rate and social status are some of the characteristics which influence patient
satisfaction. Whereas, some of the issues and challenges identified in this study revealed that lack of
privacy, autonomy, inappropriate hygiene and sanitation, involvement in decision making, poor
communication are some of the elements which resulted in bad experiences of the patients hence
leaving unsatisfied patients behind with the services of healthcare sector (Shabbir, et al., 2016).

Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

Mortality and Survival Rates:

The numerical analysis acquired from Statista (2020) it has been identified that considering number
of research studies and analysis, it has been identified that although the mortality rates in Pakistan has
decreased from 1970s till 2020. But, the prevalence of the diseases has been spreading on a large scale.
Most importantly, the rate of non-communicable diseases has been widely spreading all across the
country. Whereas, the chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, cancers,
diabetes have also been increasing since the past few years. The mortality rate in Pakistan has reduced
from 7.57 in 2010 to 6.85 percent in 2020. Based on research analysis performed by Inderyas et al.,
(2015), it has been identified that primary reasons for reduction in mortality rate is that, the current
conquest against cardiovascular diseases has provided beneficial results for longer run for the patients.
whereas, the other reason is reduction in number of cases of infants with low birth weight. In addition,
it has also been identified that due to globalization and influence of social media platforms, more
awareness is being spread all over the country about various diseases, and lifestyle modifications
associated with them. Thus, even if people are not getting any treatment from healthcare institutions,
they are provided with lifestyle modification guidelines which somewhat helps them in reducing their
risks of outbreak of the diseases.

Hashmi et al., (2021) proposed that however, the current pandemics of COVID19 has largely affected
the mortality rates in the country, and the constant readings from a long time, had been drastically
changed during the last few years. While Khan et al., (2020) suggested that with respect to
performance management system, it has been identified that due to excessive pressure and supervision
from governmental agencies, the healthcare sectors of Pakistan performed exceptionally well during
the pandemics of COVID19 and performed better than many other developed countries of the world.
In addition, it is also important to emphasize that diseases like cardiovascular diseases and respiratory
diseases are promptly treated by the physicians and doctors, which has also helped in increasing the
survival rate of patients. the rapid interventions and early prognosis have helped the country in
combatting against number of diseases, and it has somewhat played an essential part in increasing the
life span of individuals, then expected.

Budgetary Control:

According to Hashmi et al., (2021), The cost allocation patterns and trends are quite different in
Pakistan as compared to other countries of the world. Based on multiple researches and news articles,
it has been identified that that public sector of healthcare system in Pakistan is already under
performing, which is giving the private sector a privilege to acquire maximum number of patients in
their institutions. And, still, the government of Pakistan has reduced the allocation of budget to the
public healthcare sectors of the country. This is mainly due to the fact that Pakistan has been going
through some serious financial crisis, and the country has been indebted to number of organizations
like IMF, UNO etc. (Inderyas et al., 2015). Due to the se additional debts, the country is unable to
perform well, and hence, the budgetary control has been completely disturbed. With respect to
performance management system, it has been analyzed that the protocols and reforms of this system
Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

have not been imposing any positive effect on the performance of physicians and staff members of
public sectors. However, this aspect is also affected by the political party which is responsible for
controlling and managing the country government at the time. As discussed earlier, during the era of
PTI, the country had been performing well against pandemic of COVID19 as there were strict
implementation and following of the SOPs against the disease, to prevent its spread on a large scale.
Whereas, allocation of financial resources was also increased during that period, which provided
additional benefits to the physicians of public sectors to get access to advanced technology and medical
equipment for the treatment of patients.

UN Sustainable Developmental Goals:

The UN in Pakistan has been largely supporting and motivating the country to realize their essential
sustainable developmental goals and work harder for its achievements. In the area of healthcare sector,
it has been determined that an agreement has been signed between UN and the government of Pakistan
known as UN Sustainable Development Framework (UNSDF) which is also knowns as the Pakistan
One United Nation Program III (OP III).

Considering the research topic and variables which have been chosen for this study, it has been mainly
identified that the most important and essential goals which comply with the healthcare sector and
performance management of professionals in the healthcare sector include SDG 3 i.e., good health and
well-being of the citizens of the country. Other important goal is SDG 5 which promoted gender
equality within the healthcare sector and workplaces in Pakistan so that both male and female staff
members can be satisfied with their positions in the healthcare institutions and work with more
dedication and hard work. Some other important goals which comply with research studies are SDG
8 i.e., decent work and economic growth and SDG 10 which is reduced inequalities within professional
organizations (UN, 2020).

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sector: A theoretical performance management Management,
framework. practices in healthcare


Concluding the entire report, it has been mainly assessed that the determinants of this study,
have different impacts and influence on the performance measurement system. The determinants of
patient’s satisfaction and Cost allocation were negatively affected with PMS. This idea is also
supported by Bhatti et al., (2022) in their research paper which highlights that performance
measurement systems have a direct impact on the overall performance and activities of the healthcare
professionals, and there is a prominent and distinct improvement in their behavior, attitude and
compliance with the patients. Whereas the performance of healthcare staff members has improved
during the pandemics of COVID19 and has resulted in reducing mortality and survival rates. This
investigation is also supported by Pradhan et al, (2022) who have emphasized on the performance of
healthcare professionals in Pakistan during floods. The authors have discussed that despite the massive
catastrophe and challenging situations, these professionals were capable of performing their duties
exceptionally well, and there was constant monitoring of them which somewhat encouraged these
professional to perform better. In addition, the trends and patterns for cost allocation on healthcare
Asdullah et al., IJMRES 13(2) 2023, 77-94

sector is quite different from other developed countries, and the reduced budget for this area will cause
more burden and pressure on the public sectors. As a result of this, more people will be inclined
towards private sectors for getting their treatment (Sun et al., 2022). This issue should be resolved by
the government via provision of prompt and timely services, with high quality care.

The objectives of this research have been somewhat achieved as assessment of the impacts of
performance measurement systems on different indicators have been proven. However, the limitations
or shortcomings in the healthcare system which have been lying mainly within the policies of Pakistan
towards healthcare sector, it has been identified that the Public Health Ordinance 1944 is still the same
and has not been changed. Thus, it is recommended that government should take appropriate measures
to overcome such challenges. In addition, there should be implementation of a more effective and
stricter program for Performance Management System, which could provide positive outcomes and
results on health conditions of the people of the country.

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