Peer Briken
Christoffer Rahm
Joana Carvalho
Michael Seto
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that persons
who fear that they might commit any of the offences [i.e.: offences
concerning sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, child pornography, and sexual
solicitation of children] may have access, where appropriate, to effective
intervention programs (…)
*any urges to engage in behaviors such as masturbating to sexual fantasies about children, viewing sexual images of
children, engaging in sexually explicit conversations with children, or engaging in sexual activities with children
Minor attracted persons (map)
(…) paraphilic sexual interests are considered a motivational factor in some sexual
crimes. These interests may range from a sexual preference for children, sadism, or
nonconsented coercive sex (sometimes called biastophilia). In rare cases, the
achievement of sexual pleasure through the killing of the victim is also observed. It
is worth noting that although these interests are rare, they are considered in many
models conceptualizing sexual offending behavior,4,5 and may be important
recidivism factors.6
Joana Carvalho, 2018
Alguns modelos teóricos…
2 Inibição 4 Resistência
1 Motivação 3 Supervisão
comprometida Vítima
• Congruência • Consumo • Ausência • Oferta presentes
emocional substâncias materna • Dessensibilização
• Arousal sexual • Stress • Partilha espaço sexo
• Aceitação social hora de dormir • Dependência
emocional face
ao agressor
Distais Proximais
Sistemas neuropsicológicos
Interação Défices
sistemas social
Consequências do comportamento agressivo mantêm ciclo de violência (por reforço negativo ou positivo)
Integrated Theory of Sexual Offending (Ward & Beech, 2006)
Secundários: prior, recent, and likelihood of child sexual exploitation and abuse