Dna Vs Rna and Protein Synthesis Updated Recap by Amoeba Sisters
Dna Vs Rna and Protein Synthesis Updated Recap by Amoeba Sisters
Dna Vs Rna and Protein Synthesis Updated Recap by Amoeba Sisters
2. I am usually single-stranded.
3. I am generally found both inside and outside of the nucleus [in eukaryotic cells].
For the following discussed RNA types, complete the missing information in the boxes below.
Some boxes have been filled in for you.
(and proteins)
29. Consider the illustration placed in the transcription box above. Identify and label on the illustration if any of
the following are present: DNA, mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, and/or amino acid.
30. Consider the illustration placed in the translation box above. Identify and label on the illustration if any of
the following are present: DNA, mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, and/or amino acid.