LEC 02-WAR 4103 Concept of Health and Public Health
LEC 02-WAR 4103 Concept of Health and Public Health
LEC 02-WAR 4103 Concept of Health and Public Health
Concept of Public
George Kimbowa
[email protected]
04/07/2023 11:52 George Kimbowa
❖ Health: is A state of complete physical, mental, social and
spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity.”
❖ in recent years the statement is amplified to include, “The
ability to lead a socially and economically productive life.”
Holistic concept of health:
❖ This concept recognizes the strength of social, economic,
political & environmental influences on health
Determinants of health:
❖ Heredity
❖ Health and family
❖ welfare services
❖ Environment
❖ Life-style
❖ Socio-economic conditions & Others
04/07/2023 11:52 George Kimbowa 2
Concept of disease
❖ Disease result from complex interaction between man, an
agent and the environment.
❖ From ecological point of view disease is defined as
“maladjustment of the human organism to the
i. Political Stability
ii. Civil Rights
iii. Environmental Degradation
iv. Population Growth/Pressure
v. Urbanisation
vi. Development Of Country Of Residence
❑ Food Complaints
❑ Food Sampling
❑ Training