Binfo Cep
Binfo Cep
Binfo Cep
Academic Year 2021-2022
Version: 1.10.2021
BINFO-CEP Academic Year 2021-2022
The "Bachelor in Applied Information Technology - Continuing Education
Programme" at the University of Luxembourg (BINFO-CEP) is a part-time
study programme leading to an academic Bachelor degree which offers to
employees the possibility to extend their knowledge on the core elements
and on current trends of information technology. Similar to its full-time
equivalent, the "Bachelor in Applied Information Technology", the BINFO-
CEP focuses on applied techniques of computer science and tools that are
relevant and important for professional activities in the IT domain. The
BINFO-CEP is organized in cooperation with the Lifelong-Learning Center
of the Chambre des Salaries (CSL) to satisfy the growing demands of the
Luxembourgish market for continuous education offered to its employees.
For an easier combination of the professional life with this educational activ-
ity, all courses are organized on evenings of week days, but additional home-
work and project work are expected from all students. Most of the courses
are highly depending on either individual or group projects to strengthen the
practical experience gained in the courses.
Mathématiques générales 20 4
Introduction to Programming 42 6
Databases 42 6
Networks 28 4
TOTAL 132 20
Mathématiques discrètes 20 4
Operating Systems 42 6
TOTAL 132 20
Web Programming 42 6
GUI Programming 28 4
TOTAL 140 20
Software Testing 28 4
Introduction to Blockchains 24 4
TOTAL 132 20
Flag signs show the primary and possibly the secondary language used in a
• One "hour" shown in the table corresponds to one teaching unit (unité
d’enseignement) of 45 minutes. The given number of hours is the maxi-
mal number of hours for a course, which can change due to the academic
calendar for a specific semester (e.g. official national holidays, number
of weeks with courses for the given semester).
Learning Outcomes: Après avoir réussi ce cours, les étudiants sont capa-
bles de:
• déterminer si une suite ou une série converge;
• Suites et limites
• Fonctions usuelles
• Dérivation
• Intégration et primitives
Prérequis: —
Langue: Français
Notes: Il est obligatoire d’assister aux cours et faire les exercices demandés
d’une séance à l’autre.
• variables,
• expressions,
• control flow,
• exception handling,
• introduction to generics.
Prerequisites: —
Language: English
• First session students: midterm exam (40%) + final exam (60%).
• "The Java Language Specification, Java SE Edition", James Gosling et
al, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 978-0133260229, available online at: http:
• Head First Java, 2nd edition, Kathy Sierra et al., O’Reilly Media, ISBN
3. Databases [6 ECTS]
Prerequisites: —
Language: English
Evaluation: One project assignment (70%) and a final written exam (30%).
4. Networks [4 ECTS]
This course will use the same support material and slides.
Learning Outcomes: Après avoir réussi ce cours, les étudiants sont capa-
bles de:
• d’appliquer les règles de logique élémentaire;
• Logique élémentaire
• Dénombrement
Prérequis: —
Langue: Français
• Scheduling;
• Synchronisation.
Prerequisites: —
Language: English
• First session students: midterm exam (30%) + final exam (70%).
• Resitting students: final exam (100%).
• Andrew S. Tanenbaum: "Modern Operating Systems". 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education, ISBN 978-0138134594.
• William Stallings: "Operating Systems". 6th Edition, Pearson Educa-
tion, ISBN 978-0136033370.
• Abraham Silberschatz et al.: "Operating System Concepts". 8th Edi-
tion, Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-0470128725.
• Additional material will be announced during the lecture.
Learn and apply both a requirements analysis method and the UML mod-
elling notation when performing such a software development phase. Both
the method and the notation must be learned and used to carry out a project
following an agile process. This individual project is aimed at producing
the software requirements specification (SRS) document of a new
software system to be developed.
• Handle a project.
• Material
• Project
Software Engineering:
general introduction
Part I: Use-Case and
Use-Case Instances
2 LECT/PW Part I: Use-Case and
Use-Case Instances
3 LECT/PW Part I: Use-Case and
Use-Case Instances
4 LECT/PW Part II: Environment
and Concept Model
5 LECT/PW Part II: Environment
and Concept Model
6 LECT/PW Part III: Operation
7 LECT/PW Part III: Operation
Model (cnt’d)
8 LECT/PW Part III: Operation
Model (cnt’d)
Prerequisites: —
Language: English
ideas. The course focuses on the Java programming language in examples and
for implementation work in the supervised exercise sessions that complement
all and each of the lectures.
• Arrays: basic operators, dichotomic search, iterative sorting algorithms.
• "Introduction to Algorithms (3rd edition)", T.Cormen, C.Leiserson,
R.Rivest & C.Stein, MIT Press, 2009
• explain current trends and techniques for the development of web ap-
• New JavaScript APIs and tools for web development: Web sockets,
Web storage, npm & yarn.
Language: English
• Four practical homework assignments (20% each).
Objectives: The course is the continuation of the first course about al-
gorithms. Certain algorithms are revisited and examined in more detail.
Students shall learn to use abstract data types in Java and choose the right
algorithms for concrete problems.
• Algorithms for trees and graphs.
Language: English
des solutions aux problèmes liés à l’instanciation des classes, les patterns
structurels qui donnent des solutions aux problèmes liés à l’architecture d’un
logiciel en classes, et enfin les patterns de comportements qui donnent des
solutions algorithmiques aux problèmes de communication et de synchronisa-
tion entre objets pendant l’exécution du logiciel. Explorer quelques exemples
classiques de composition de plusieurs design patterns dans une application.
Learning Outcomes: Après avoir réussi ce cours, les étudiants sont capa-
bles de:
• mettre en œuvre les « design patterns » en Java.
• Course "Introduction to Programming" (programming with Java knowl-
Modalité enseignement:
• Cours magistraux en français avec supports en anglais
Ouvrage de référence:
• "Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software", E.
Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson & J. Vissides, Addison-Wesley.
• Introduction to Programming
• Operating Systems
Language: English
• The Definitive Guide to Java Swing, John Zukowski, Apress, ISBN:
978-1-59059-447-6 (Print), 978-1-4302-0033-8 (Online), DOI: 10.1007/978-
1-4302-0033-8, available via
• The student will then be free to go through the official ISTQB certifi-
cation exam to be certified (
• Unit, integration and system testing are the three remaining modules,
going in depth into the issues and techniques specific to each of these
life cycle stages.
Prerequisites: —
• "Introduction to Software Testing" - Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt -
ISBN-13: 9780521880381 – Cambridge Press – 2008.
Notes: The course includes the preparation for the CTFL certification.
This preparation counts for 12 hours, included in the total of 37 hours for
Language: English
• "Pro Android 5", Dave MacLean, Satya Komatineni, Grant Allen,
Apress, ISBN: 978-1430246800 (Print), 978-1-4302-4681-7 (Online) DOI:
10.1007/978-1-4302-4681-7, available via
Objectives: The students will learn how the Jakarta EE framework pro-
vides a component-based approach to the design, development, assembly,
• Explain the ideas of the most important APIs included in Jakarta EE,
especially on Persistence and Enterprise Beans.
• Introduction to the main ideas of Jakarta EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edi-
Language: English
Evaluation: The final grade will be determined with five practical either
weekly or bi-weekly homework exercises (20% each).
Literature: The course mainly uses the various Jakarta EE API specifi-
cations available on the web and genuine documentation on SpringBoot. A
detailed list of references will be made available on the course website.
Notes: This course is related with the course "Web Programming" in the
fifth semester.
Prerequisites: —
Language: English