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University of Luxembourg

Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine

Bachelor in Applied Information

Continuing Education Programme

Academic Year 2021-2022

Programme Director: A-Prof. Volker Müller

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BINFO-CEP Academic Year 2021-2022

The "Bachelor in Applied Information Technology - Continuing Education
Programme" at the University of Luxembourg (BINFO-CEP) is a part-time
study programme leading to an academic Bachelor degree which offers to
employees the possibility to extend their knowledge on the core elements
and on current trends of information technology. Similar to its full-time
equivalent, the "Bachelor in Applied Information Technology", the BINFO-
CEP focuses on applied techniques of computer science and tools that are
relevant and important for professional activities in the IT domain. The
BINFO-CEP is organized in cooperation with the Lifelong-Learning Center
of the Chambre des Salaries (CSL) to satisfy the growing demands of the
Luxembourgish market for continuous education offered to its employees.

This 2-year programme is organized within evening courses and additional

free-time project- and group-based learning activities. The main objective
of the programme is to provide to students a renewed and extended view
on different core aspects of IT together with explanations on current trends
and hot topics in computer science. A typical student in the programme has
already some background in information technology, either through some
previous study, or based on professional experience. The programme builds
upon this expertise and extends it with additional information about recent
developments in the IT domain.

For an easier combination of the professional life with this educational activ-
ity, all courses are organized on evenings of week days, but additional home-
work and project work are expected from all students. Most of the courses
are highly depending on either individual or group projects to strengthen the
practical experience gained in the courses.

Note: The main requirement to enter the programme is proven professional

experience in an IT-related domain of at least 6 years, or 3 years together
with a Bac+2 degree. This professional experience is acknowledged with a
total of 100 ECTS (credits in the "European Credit Transfer System") and
replaces the first two semesters of courses in a typical Bachelor programme.
As a consequence, the programme description for the BINFO-CEP starts
only with semester 3.

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BINFO-CEP Academic Year 2021-2022

Third Semester Programme

Lectures (hrs) ECTS

Mathématiques générales 20 4

Introduction to Programming 42 6

Databases 42 6

Networks 28 4

TOTAL 132 20

Fourth Semester Programme

Lectures (hrs) ECTS

Mathématiques discrètes 20 4

Operating Systems 42 6

Analyse et conception des logiciels 1 42 6

Algorithms and Data Structures 1 28 4

TOTAL 132 20

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Fifth Semester Programme

Lectures (hrs) ECTS

Web Programming 42 6

Algorithms and Data Structures 2 28 4

Analyse et conception des logiciels 2 42 6

GUI Programming 28 4

TOTAL 140 20

Sixth Semester Programme

Lectures (hrs) ECTS

Software Testing 28 4

Mobile Application Development 42 6

Java for Enterprise Applications 38 6

Introduction to Blockchains 24 4

TOTAL 132 20

Flag signs show the primary and possibly the secondary language used in a

ECTS = Number of credits in the European Credit Transfer System.

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• One "hour" shown in the table corresponds to one teaching unit (unité
d’enseignement) of 45 minutes. The given number of hours is the maxi-
mal number of hours for a course, which can change due to the academic
calendar for a specific semester (e.g. official national holidays, number
of weeks with courses for the given semester).

• Note that the number of effective hours a student is expected to work

for a course to work is in general larger than the numbers given above,
since all courses include additional personal / group work and practical

Course Details for Semester 3

1. Mathématiques générales [4 ECTS]

Objectif: Connaître et maîtriser les bases de l’analyse réelle en une variable,

en particulier savoir manipuler les fonctions usuelles.

Learning Outcomes: Après avoir réussi ce cours, les étudiants sont capa-
bles de:
• déterminer si une suite ou une série converge;

• manipuler les fonctions usuelles;

• déterminer les dérivées des fonctions standard;

• résoudre des problèmes mathématiques de base.

• Suites et limites

• Fonctions réelles à une variable

• Fonctions usuelles

• Dérivation

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• Intégration et primitives

Enseignant(s): Dr. Bruno Teheux

Prérequis: —

Langue: Français

Modalité enseignement: Cours et TD.

Modalités d’évaluation: Examen partiel écrit (40%) et examen final écrit


Ouvrage de référence: Les références seront données pendant le cours et

sur la page Moodle.

Notes: Il est obligatoire d’assister aux cours et faire les exercices demandés
d’une séance à l’autre.

2. Introduction to Programming [6 ECTS]

Objectives: This course provides a thorough introduction to the Java pro-

gramming language.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• design and realize Java applications of average complexity.

• explain basic principles underlying the Java programming language.

• apply in practice the concept of interfaces, interface implementation,

and inheritance in Java programming.

Description: Students will learn to design and implement Java applications

of average complexity. Topics covered:
• primitive types,

• variables,

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• expressions,

• control flow,

• classes and objects,

• encapsulation and access control,

• inheritance and polymorphism,

• interfaces and abstract classes,

• exception handling,

• introduction to generics.

Lecturer(s): Prof. Steffen Rothkugel

Prerequisites: —

Language: English

Teaching modality: Combination of lectures and supervised practical lab


• First session students: midterm exam (40%) + final exam (60%).

• Resitting students: final exam (100%).

• "The Java Language Specification, Java SE Edition", James Gosling et
al, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 978-0133260229, available online at: http:

• Head First Java, 2nd edition, Kathy Sierra et al., O’Reilly Media, ISBN

• Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Brett McLaughlin et

al., O’Reilly Media, ISBN 978-0596008673

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3. Databases [6 ECTS]

Objectives: Relational databases are the default architecture to manage,

query, and analyze large volumes of (structured) data. This course introduces
common concepts and structures necessary for the design and implementa-
tion of database management systems and their usage in practical applica-
tions. In addition to studying relational databases with a practical focus
on learning SQL over open-source databases such as MariaDB/PostgreSQL,
this course also introduces large-scale data management techniques over in-
memory computing platforms such as SparkSQL.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• develop an Entity-Relationship model for a concrete data modeling

• formulate queries of average complexity in SQL;

• assimilate practical SQL experience on open-source database systems;

• explain the basic concepts used in databases;

• explain the differences of NoSQL databases compared with relational

databases and their relevance for "Big Data" applications.

Description: The course starts by introducing the basic techniques to model

both entities and their relationships and object-oriented representations in
a relational database schema with respective normal forms. Next, students
learn to formulate relational queries in the structured query language (SQL)
and implement database constraints and triggers via PL/SQL and stored pro-
cedures. Moreover, we will have a look at advanced data-warehousing tech-
niques for extracting, loading, and transforming (ETL) data, as well as for on-
line analytical processing (OLAP) and online transaction processing (OLTP).
Finally, an outlook complements the topics onto recent trends in NoSQL
databases, which are highly relevant for implementing "Big Data" applica-
tions based on the Apache Hadoop, SparkSQL platforms. The course pro-
poses a practical assignment, in which students implement a data-warehousing
application by using the various platforms:
• Entity-Relationship Model (ERM) and Object Definition Language

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• Relational Data Model, Schema Design and Normal Forms, Relational


• Structured Query Language (SQL), Constraints and Triggers, Stored

Procedures in PL/SQL, Embedded SQL and JDBC

• Data Warehousing, Extract-Transform-Load (ETL), Online Analytical

Processing (OLAP) and Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)

• MapReduce Principle for Distributed Data Management using Apache


• NoSQL Databases using SparkSQL

Lecturer(s): Dr. Ovidiu-Cristian Marcu

Prerequisites: —

Language: English

Teaching modality: Lectures, exercise sessions and practical homework.

Evaluation: One project assignment (70%) and a final written exam (30%).

Literature: Relevant literature and practical exercises will be announced

in class and made available on the Moodle course management platform.

4. Networks [4 ECTS]

Objectives: The objective of the course is to give an introduction to

TCP/IP networks. The course will provide an introduction to current net-
work architectures, address modern application level protocols (SIP/http),
routing protocols and security.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• elaborate on current network architectures.

• explain modern application level protocols used in networking.

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• apply the learned background on networking in program development

of medium complexity.

Description: The course is aligned with the standard computer networking

course offered in major US universities and defined by Prof Kurose and Prof.
Ross. (http://www-net.cs.umass.edu/kurose-ross-ppt-6e/):
• Introduction
• The Application Layer
• The Transport Layer
• The Network Layer
• The Link Layer
• Wireless and Mobile Networks
• Multimedia Networking
• Security
• Network Management

This course will use the same support material and slides.

Lecturer(s): Prof. Radu State

Prerequisites: The course assumes basic programming skills.

Language: English, French

Teaching modality: The class will be held in weekly sessions of 4 teaching

units. Some of the classes will be practicals, while others will be lectures.

The written material of the course is in English, the teaching language is


Evaluation: The evaluation is based on a mid-term evaluation (practical

exam) and a written final exam. The practical exam counts for 40% of the
final mark.

Literature: Kurose, Ross: "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Ap-

proach", (6th Edition), Pearson; 6th edition (March 5, 2012). ISBN-13:

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Notes: Students must participate to all practicals.

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Course Details for Semester 4

5. Mathématiques discrètes [4 ECTS]

Objectif: S’initier aux mathématiques discrètes et maîtriser les bases de la


Learning Outcomes: Après avoir réussi ce cours, les étudiants sont capa-
bles de:
• d’appliquer les règles de logique élémentaire;

• d’utiliser les ensembles et les relations binaires;

• de résoudre des petits problèmes de dénombrement;

• de résoudre certains problèmes élémentaires de théorie des graphes;

• d’appliquer un raisonnement par récurrence;

• expliquer les principes de base des mathématiques discrètes.

• Logique élémentaire

• Dénombrement

• Techniques de preuves (récurrence, absurde)

• Selon l’avancement: arithmétique et graphes

Enseignant(s): Dr. Bruno Teheux

Prérequis: —

Langue: Français

Modalité enseignement: Cours. Il est obligatoire d’assister aux cours et

faire les exercices demandés d’une séance à l’autre.

Modalités d’évaluation: Examen partiel écrit (40%) et examen final écrit


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Ouvrage de référence: Les références seront données pendant le cours et

sur la page Moodle.

6. Operating Systems [6 ECTS]

Objectives: The course introduces the concepts of operating systems to-

gether with the abstractions provided for developers.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of the course, students

are capable to:
• identify and explain the responsibilities of an operating system;

• compare and evaluate the properties of different operating systems;

• designate the abstractions that operating systems provide;

• properly use those abstractions from within applications;

• handle heterogeneity appropriately.

Description: Operating systems represent sophisticated runtime platforms

for all types of software. Their primary purpose is to mediate between ap-
plications and different kinds of resources. The internal workings of modern
operating systems as well as the abstractions they provide for application
programmers will be introduced throughout this course. Practical experi-
ments will illustrate the theoretical concepts in the context of the Windows
and Linux operating systems. Topics covered include:
• Memory management;

• Processes and threads;

• Scheduling;

• Synchronisation.

Lecturer(s): Prof. Steffen Rothkugel

Prerequisites: —

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Language: English

Teaching modality: Lectures, supervised practical labs, homework.

• First session students: midterm exam (30%) + final exam (70%).
• Resitting students: final exam (100%).

• Andrew S. Tanenbaum: "Modern Operating Systems". 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education, ISBN 978-0138134594.
• William Stallings: "Operating Systems". 6th Edition, Pearson Educa-
tion, ISBN 978-0136033370.
• Abraham Silberschatz et al.: "Operating System Concepts". 8th Edi-
tion, Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-0470128725.
• Additional material will be announced during the lecture.

7. Analyse et conception des logiciels 1 [6 ECTS]

Objectives: Provide to the student conceptual knowledge about software

engineering in the large and focus on requirements analysis in more details.

Learn and apply both a requirements analysis method and the UML mod-
elling notation when performing such a software development phase. Both
the method and the notation must be learned and used to carry out a project
following an agile process. This individual project is aimed at producing
the software requirements specification (SRS) document of a new
software system to be developed.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• Define the requirements for a specific software development project;
• Specify the requirements using the UML notation and the OCL lan-

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• Write a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document;

• Handle a project.


Session number Type of session Content of the

1 LECT/PW Course presentation
• Objectives

• Material

• Project
Software Engineering:
general introduction
Part I: Use-Case and
Use-Case Instances
2 LECT/PW Part I: Use-Case and
Use-Case Instances
3 LECT/PW Part I: Use-Case and
Use-Case Instances
4 LECT/PW Part II: Environment
and Concept Model
5 LECT/PW Part II: Environment
and Concept Model
6 LECT/PW Part III: Operation
7 LECT/PW Part III: Operation
Model (cnt’d)
8 LECT/PW Part III: Operation
Model (cnt’d)

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9 LECT/PW Part IV: putting it all

10 LECT/PW Practical work &
course wrap up

Lecturer(s): Dr. Alfredo Capozucca

Prerequisites: —

Language: English

Teaching modality: Lectures and practical work.

Evaluation: The final grade of the student is based on sprint’s deliverables

and hands on done during the course sessions. Two sprints are graded. These
sprints consist of :

1. Sprint 01: Software Requirements Specification (SRS) docu-

ment: it is the mid-term version (named v0.5) of the document fol-
lowing the method presented during the course. The focus is on the
Use-Case Model, and the Environment model.

2. Sprint 02: Software Requirements Specification (SRS) docu-

ment: final version (named v1.0) of the document. The focus is to
complete the document including the Concept and Operation Model.

Notes: Mandatory presence at each session.

8. Algorithms and Data Structures 1 [4 ECTS]

Objectives: The course is mainly intended for deepening students’ knowl-

edge of essential linear data structures: array, linked list (dynamic array),
associative array, hash table. The implementation of such data structures
will be discussed in detail, further familiarizing students with the underlying

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ideas. The course focuses on the Java programming language in examples and
for implementation work in the supervised exercise sessions that complement
all and each of the lectures.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• explain the concepts, properties and usage of standard linear data struc-

• implement basic operators (like insert, search, delete) on these data

structures with the Java programming language.

• Arrays: basic operators, dichotomic search, iterative sorting algorithms.

• Linked lists: basic operators, variants.

• Associative arrays: basic operators, dictionaries.

• Hash tables: hash functions, basic operators, solutions to collision and

overflow problems.

Lecturer(s): Prof. Denis Zampunieris

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of imperative programming in Java.

Language: English, French

Teaching modality: Interleaved sequence of lectures (12 teaching units)

and supervised exercise sessions (12 teaching units)

Evaluation: Active participation in all exercise sessions (20%) and final

exam (80%).

• "Introduction to Algorithms (3rd edition)", T.Cormen, C.Leiserson,
R.Rivest & C.Stein, MIT Press, 2009

• "Algorithmique - Entrenez-vous et améliorez votre pratique de la pro-

grammation (exemples en Java)", L.Debrauwer, Editions ENI, 2008

Notes: Students must participate to all exercise sessions.

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Course Details for Semester 5

9. Web Programming [6 ECTS]

Objectives: The course provides with many practical examples information

about server- and client-side programming languages and related frameworks
popular in Web application development.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• use the PHP programming language to develop server-side components
of web applications of medium complexity.

• explain some basic concepts commonly used in PHP frameworks.

• apply JavaScript for writing client-side scripts of medium complexity.

• explain current trends and techniques for the development of web ap-

Description: The course provides a thorough introduction to the program-

ming languages PHP and JavaScript used for web application development.
Popular frameworks for both languages and support tools are explained with
a practical approach. Active student involvement through several practical
projects is essential to succeed in this course. More specifically, the course
covers the following topics:
• Short introduction into container based web development with Docker.

• Short introduction into HTML and CSS and related frameworks.

• Introduction to PHP 7.x: regular expressions, PHP and MySQL.

• PHP-related tools for web development: Composer.

• The PHP based web development framework Symfony.

• Introduction to the JavaScript language.

• Dynamic HTML: Document Object Model (DOM) and JavaScript.

• Ajax and related technologies like JSON.

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• New JavaScript APIs and tools for web development: Web sockets,
Web storage, npm & yarn.

• JavaScript on the server-side: Node.js

• RESTful Web services and introduction to GraphQL.

• Examples of JavaScript frameworks: Ember.js and React.

• Short Introduction to Web Assembly using Rust.

• Overview on Web Application Security and Web Application Perfor-


Lecturer(s): Prof. Volker Müller

Prerequisites: Introduction to Programming

Language: English

• Four practical homework assignments (20% each).

• Final written exam (20%).

Literature: The used literature consists mainly of genuine specifications

for the given technologies and online tutorials. More detailed information
will be made available on the Moodle course website.

10. Algorithms and Data Structures 2 [4 ECTS]

Objectives: The course is the continuation of the first course about al-
gorithms. Certain algorithms are revisited and examined in more detail.
Students shall learn to use abstract data types in Java and choose the right
algorithms for concrete problems.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• explain in detail common algorithms for trees and graphs;

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• apply abstract types in the Java programming language providing com-

mon data structures;

• construct own algorithms by applying "divide and conquer" or "back-

tracking" techniques.

• Algorithms for trees and graphs.

• Utilisation of abstract types (lists, queues, ...) in Java.

• Useful approaches for algorithm construction:

– Divide and conquer
– Backtracking

Lecturer(s): Dr. Stefan Hommes

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of programming in Java, course "Algo-

rithms and Data Structures 1".

Language: English

Teaching modality: Lectures, practical sessions partly as homework.

Evaluation: 40% midterm exam / 60% final exam.

Literature: Relevant literature will be announced in class and made avail-

able on the Moodle course platform.

Notes: Students are obliged to prepare the given homeworks.

11. Analyse et conception des logiciels 2 [6 ECTS]

Objectif: Introduire les concepts, les méthodes de génie logiciel et les

bonnes pratiques de programmation sous-jacentes aux « design patterns »
(modèles de conception). Analyser plus en détail et mettre en œuvre con-
crètement en Java, une quinzaine de design patterns sélectionnés dans les
trois grandes catégories classiques : les patterns de création qui donnent

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des solutions aux problèmes liés à l’instanciation des classes, les patterns
structurels qui donnent des solutions aux problèmes liés à l’architecture d’un
logiciel en classes, et enfin les patterns de comportements qui donnent des
solutions algorithmiques aux problèmes de communication et de synchronisa-
tion entre objets pendant l’exécution du logiciel. Explorer quelques exemples
classiques de composition de plusieurs design patterns dans une application.

Learning Outcomes: Après avoir réussi ce cours, les étudiants sont capa-
bles de:
• mettre en œuvre les « design patterns » en Java.

• expliquer les concepts et les méthodes de génie logiciel.

Contenu: Le cours est structuré en deux composantes: des cours magistraux

et des séances de travaux pratiques sur ordinateur. Chaque leçon introduit
deux ou trois design patterns et est suivie la semaine suivante par une séance
d’exercices mettant en œuvre ces concepts.

Enseignant(s): Prof. Denis Zampunieris, M. Sandro Reis

• Course "Introduction to Programming" (programming with Java knowl-

• Course "Analyse et conception des logiciels 1".

Langue: Français, Anglais

Modalité enseignement:
• Cours magistraux en français avec supports en anglais

• Travaux pratiques en français / anglais / allemand / luxembourgeois

avec supports en anglais.

Modalités d’évaluation: Un contrôle continu des connaissances lors de

chaque séance de travaux pratiques (50 % de la note globale) et un examen
final (50 % de la note globale).

Ouvrage de référence:
• "Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software", E.
Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson & J. Vissides, Addison-Wesley.

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• "Design Patterns en Java", Laurent Debrauwer, ENI.

• "Design Patterns in Java", Steven J. Metsker & William C. Wake,
• "Design patterns for dummies", Steve Holzner, Wiley Publishing.
• "Head First Design Patterns", Eric Freeman & Elisabeth Freeman,

Notes: Les étudiants devront obligatoirement participer aux séances de

TPs, toute absence non justifiée et/ou non valable empêchera l’étudiant(e)
de se présenter à l’examen final.

12. GUI Programming [4 ECTS]

Objectives: Providing students with the theoretical and practical founda-

tions of graphical user interface design and programming.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• design and realize graphical user interfaces.
• apply the learned techniques with the various explained toolkits (Java
Swing, JavaFX, Qt).
• explain how event-driven programming is used in GUI programming.

Description: The course covers the fundamentals of graphical user inter-

face design and programming. This includes user interface elements, layout
management, event-driven programming, as well as related design patterns
such as Observer and Model-View-Controller. The various concepts will be
discussed and illustrated using practical examples based on different GUI
toolkits such as Java Swing, JavaFX, or Qt.

Lecturer(s): Dr. Jean Botev

• Introduction to Programming

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• Operating Systems

Language: English

Teaching modality: The course comprises a combination of lectures, su-

pervised practical lab sessions (TD/TP) and homework.

Evaluation: Practical midterm exam accounting for 40% of the overall

mark, plus written final exam.

• The Definitive Guide to Java Swing, John Zukowski, Apress, ISBN:
978-1-59059-447-6 (Print), 978-1-4302-0033-8 (Online), DOI: 10.1007/978-
1-4302-0033-8, available via findit.lu

• Pro JavaFX 2 - A Definitive Guide to Rich Clients with Java Technol-

ogy, James L. Weaver, Weiqi Gao, Stephen Chin, Dean Iverson, Johan
Vos, Apress, ISBN: 978-1-4302-6872-7 (Print), 978-1-4302-6873-4 (On-
line) DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4302-6873-4, available via findit.lu

• Foundations of Qt Development, Johan Thelin, Apress, ISBN: 978-1-

59059-831-3 (Print), 978-1-4302-0251-6 (Online), DOI: 10.1007/978-1-
4302-0251-6, available via findit.lu

• Online documentation of the different toolkits.

Notes: Mandatory presence at each session.

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Course Details for Semester 6

13. Software Testing [4 ECTS]

Objectives: The objective of the course is to present the three classical

stages for software testing, namely unit, integration and system testing. The
course is focusing on OO Java programming, as a basis for unit testing. The
concepts, methods and techniques seen during the course are illustrated by
recent testing frameworks widely used in the industry.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• Explain the different stages in testing.

• Use popular testing frameworks in Java-based application development.

Description: The course will be divided into 2 parts:

Part I. Certification: Certified Tester - Foundation Level (CTFL)

• Nowadays, software testing is identified as a key role in a company that
requires specific knowledge on which we can get a certification.

• The goal of this part is to go through the ISTQB (International Soft-

ware Testing Qualifications Board) standard and prepare the first level
of qualification.

• The student will then be free to go through the official ISTQB certifi-
cation exam to be certified (http://www.istqb.org/)..)

Part II: Software Testing principles and practice

• Software testing : presents the overall view of the testing process, the
definitions and the main issues related to the software life-cycle. Some
classical testing techniques are presented.

• Unit, integration and system testing are the three remaining modules,
going in depth into the issues and techniques specific to each of these
life cycle stages.

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Lecturer(s): Prof. Michail Papadakis

Prerequisites: —

Language: English, French

Teaching modality: Students must deliver all exercises and homeworks,

and participate to all practical sessions.

Evaluation: The grading will be based on a written exam composed of two

parts (Part I: 30% and Part II: 70%).

• "Introduction to Software Testing" - Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt -
ISBN-13: 9780521880381 – Cambridge Press – 2008.

• "Foundations of Software Testing" - Aditya Mathur - Addison-Wesley

Professional – 2007

• "Software testing techniques" - B. Beizer - Van Nostrand Reinhold 1992

• "Le test des logiciels" - S. Xanthakis et Co - Editions Hermes - 2000

Notes: The course includes the preparation for the CTFL certification.
This preparation counts for 12 hours, included in the total of 37 hours for

14. Mobile Application Development [6 ECTS]

Objectives: Providing students with the theoretical and practical founda-

tions of mobile application development.

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• develop mobile apps for Android of medium complexity.

• explain the theoretical background of mobile app development.

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BINFO-CEP Academic Year 2021-2022

Description: The course covers the fundamentals of mobile application de-

velopment. This includes different development models also for wearables,
including intents and activities with lifecycle and state management, data
and background processing, as well as UX design and publishing aspects.
The various concepts will be discussed and illustrated using practical exam-
ples based on the Android platform and Java/Kotlin.

Lecturer(s): Dr. Jean Botev

Prerequisites: Course "GUI Programming".

Language: English

Teaching modality: The course comprises a combination of lectures, su-

pervised practical lab sessions (TD/TP) and homework.

Evaluation: Programming project accounting for 40% of the overall mark,

plus written final exam (60%).

• "Pro Android 5", Dave MacLean, Satya Komatineni, Grant Allen,
Apress, ISBN: 978-1430246800 (Print), 978-1-4302-4681-7 (Online) DOI:
10.1007/978-1-4302-4681-7, available via findit.lu.

• "Android Studio 3.0 Development Essentials", Neil Smyth, CreateS-

pace, ISBN: 978-1977540096 (Print).

• "Pro Android Wearables", Wallace Jackson, Apress, ISBN: 978-1430265504

(Print), 978-1-4302-6551-1 (Online) DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4302-6551-, avail-
able via findit.lu.

• Online documentation and developer resources.

Notes: Mandatory presence at each session.

15. Java for Enterprise Applications [6 ECTS]

Objectives: The students will learn how the Jakarta EE framework pro-
vides a component-based approach to the design, development, assembly,

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BINFO-CEP Academic Year 2021-2022

and deployment of enterprise applications for the Java programming lan-

guage. The students will get hands-on experience with Wildfly, a free Java
application server (closely related with the popular, but commercial JBoss
application server). In addition, students will learn about SpringBoot as a
popular alternative framework for building Enterprise level applications with

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• Explain the main ideas of the Jakarta EE framework.

• Develop web front ends with Java Server Faces (JSF).

• Explain the ideas of the most important APIs included in Jakarta EE,
especially on Persistence and Enterprise Beans.

• Develop Jakarta EE-based applications with the application server Wild-


• Implement SOAP-based and RESTful web services with Jakarta EE.

• Use SpringBoot for developing REST web services.

• Extend their knowledge on Jakarta EE and SpringBoot by autonomously

reading the Jakarta EE and SpringBoot specifications and other docu-
mentation available.

• Introduction to the main ideas of Jakarta EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edi-

• The web layer of Jakarta EE:

– Basic concepts of Java Servlets,
– Java Server Faces (JSF), named beans and important related top-
– Component libraries for JSF.

• Enterprise Java Beans.

• The Java Persistence API.

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• Several important Jakarta EE APIs like XML processing, JSON sup-

port, Web Sockets.

• The Java Message Service (JMS) and Message-driven Beans.

• Building SOAP and RESTful Web Services with Jakarta EE.

• Introduction to Jakarta EE Security.

• SpringBoot as alternative to Jakarta EE:

– Building RESTful web services with SpringBoot.
– Develop web applications with a MVC framework and SpringBoot.

Lecturer(s): Prof. Volker Müller

Prerequisites: Java programming course.

Language: English

Teaching modality: Lectures with many practical examples and home-

work. All practical sessions will be done within a Docker container-based
environment using the free Wildfly application server.

Evaluation: The final grade will be determined with five practical either
weekly or bi-weekly homework exercises (20% each).

Literature: The course mainly uses the various Jakarta EE API specifi-
cations available on the web and genuine documentation on SpringBoot. A
detailed list of references will be made available on the course website.

Notes: This course is related with the course "Web Programming" in the
fifth semester.

16. Introduction to Blockchains [4 ECTS]

Objectives: This course aims at providing a hands-on introduction to

blockchain, distributed ledger and crypto-currencies.

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BINFO-CEP Academic Year 2021-2022

Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students

are capable to:
• explain the main ideas of blockchains;

• reflect on the opportunities, but also the limits of blockchain technol-


• write simple blockchain applications using the Ethereum platform;

• understand the basic theory on consensus protocols;

• develop basic monitoring tools for other blockchains (Ripple);

• understand the economic issues and incentives of a decentralized appli-


Description: The class will provide an introduction to the underlying tech-

nology, use cases and provide hands-on programming experience with the
Ripple API, Ethereum smart contract programming and Hyperledger SDK.
The class will also cover the bitcoin crypto-currency, detail the underlying
consensus mechanism (PoW) and introduce the other consensus algorithms
(Proof of Stake, Federated Proof of Stake and PBFT).

Lecturer(s): Prof. Radu State

Prerequisites: —

Language: English

Evaluation: Evaluation will be done based on intermediate midterm exam

(30% of the grade) and a final project (70%).

Literature: Genuine literature will be provided during the course.

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