Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
Batch (2021-2024)
Submitted by
June -2023
I hereby certify that the work presented in this project report entitled
“_______________________________________________________” in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Computer Applications is a
Bonafede work carried out by me during the period of January 2020 to June 2020 under the
supervision of _______________, Department of Computer Application, Graphic Era
Deemed to be University, Dehradun, India.
This work has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of a degree/diploma/certificate.
This is to certify that the above-mentioned statement in the candidate’s declaration is correct
to the best of my knowledge.
A student of a university will have to write the acknowledgement for their project or research
paper stating that the submission is done and is not copied. The acknowledgement sample for
the university project is mostly attached after the dedication page thanking all the faculty
members of the department, HOD, the Dean and the mentor.
I would like to express my profound gratitude to Mr. Sanjiv Chauhan Sir, HOD Computer
Application department(UG).
I would like to express my special thanks to my mentor DR.Kamlesh Chandra Purohit for his
time and efforts he/she provided throughout the year. Your useful advice and suggestions
were really helpful to me during the project’s completion. In this aspect, I am eternally
grateful to you.
I would like to acknowledge that this project was completed entirely by me and not by
someone else.
Table of Contents
Candidate’s Declaration ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
Abstract v
Chapter1. 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Background 2
1.3.1 Scope 3
1.4 3
Project Management
1.4 Overview and Benefit 4
Chapter 2. Theory 5
Chapter 4. Testing 32
Chapter 6. References 40
This project presents the overall design of Home Automation System (HAS) with low cost
and wireless system. It specifically focuses on the development of an IOT based home
automation system that is able to control various components via internet or be automatically
programmed to operate from ambient conditions. In this project, we design the development
of a firmware for smart control which can successfully be automated minimizing human
interaction to preserve the integrity within whole electrical devices in the home. We used
Node MCU, a popular open source IOT platform, to execute the process of automation.
Different components of the system will use different transmission mode that will be
implemented to communicate the control of the devices by the user through Node MCU to
the actual appliance. The main control system implements wireless technology to provide
remote access from smart phone. We are using a cloud server-based communication that
would add to the practicality of the project by enabling unrestricted access of the appliances
to the user irrespective of the distance factor. We provided a data transmission network to
create a stronger automation. The system intended to control electrical appliances and devices
in house with relatively low cost design, user-friendly interface and ease of installation. The
status of the appliance would be available, along with the control on an android platform.
This system is designed to assist and provide support in order to 1fulfil the needs of elderly
and disabled in home. Also, the smart home concept in the system improves the standard
living at home.
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
The concept of “Home Automation” has been in existence for several years.
“Smart Home”, “Intelligent Home” are terms that followed and is been used
to introduce the concept of networking appliance within the house. Home
Automation Systems (HASs) includes centralized control and distance status
monitoring of lighting, security system, and other appliances and systems
within a house. HASs enables energy efficiency, improves the security
systems, and certainly the comfort and ease of users. In the present
emerging market, HASs is gaining popularity and has attracted the interests
of many users. HASs comes with its own challenges.
of Wi-Fi connectivitywill be able to obtain a secure control on the HAS.
Extensible platform for future enhancement
With a strong existing possibility of adding and integrating more features
and appliances to the system, the designed system needs to be highly
extensible in nature.
1.3.1 SCOPE
The aim is to design a prototype that establishes wireless remote control over a
network of home appliances. The application is designed to run on android
devices providing features like, switch mode control, voice command control
and a provision to view the status of the devices on the application itself.
Considering its wide range of applications, following are the scope of this
The system can be implemented in homes, small offices, and malls as well, being
in-charge of control of the electrical appliances.
This phase involved discussions regarding necessary equipment regarding the project.
The study of related already existing projects, gathering required theoretical learning.
It also included figuring out the coding part, by developing simple algorithms and
flowcharts to design the whole process
This phase was, designing layout of the application, and the necessary features to be
included. This involved the complete hardware assembly and installing the code to
Node MCU. The power strip was designed to connect the home appliances that can be
controlled via GPIO pins.
This phase had the development of the application. The android device was connected
to the Node MCU via wireless network (Wi-Fi) and the whole prototype was tested for
identification and removal of bugs.
The prototype was ready to be tested into the real world and integrated with various
real time electrical appliances.
The benefits of an established wireless remote switching system of home appliances include:
No legal issues
Obtaining access to or traversing properties with hard lines is extremely difficult.
Reduced wiring issues
Considering the increase in price of copper, thus increases the possibility of the wire to
be stolen. The use of a wireless remote system to control home appliances means no
wire for thieves to steal.
Extended range
As the system establishes control over Wi-Fi, it was a generally considered descent
range. That is 150 feet indoors. Outdoors it can be extended to 300 feet, but since the
application is of a HAS, an indoor range is considered.
As the connection of the control of the HAS is established over a secure network the
system ensures security to the maximum extent.
Integrable and extensive nature
The prototype designed can be integrated to a larger scale.
Chapter 2
IOT comes with the combination of algorithms and computation, software &
hardware that makes it smart. Ambient intelligence in IOT enhances its capabilities
which facilitate the things to respond in an intelligent way to a particular situation
and supports them in carrying out specific tasks. In spite of all the popularity of smart
technologies, intelligence in IOT is only concerned as a means of interaction between
devices, while user and device interaction are achieved by standard input methods
and graphical user interface.
Connectivity empowers the Internet of Things by bringing together everyday objects.
Connectivity of these objects is pivotal because simple object level interactions
contribute towards collective intelligence in the IOT network. It enables network
accessibility and compatibility in the things.
With this connectivity, new market opportunities for the Internet of things can be created by
the networking of smart things and applications.
Dynamic Nature
The primary activity of Internet of Things is to collect data from its environment, this
is achieved with the dynamic changes that take place around the devices. The state of
these devices change dynamically, example sleeping and waking up, connected
and/or disconnected as well as the context of devices including temperature, location
and speed. In addition to the state of the device, the number of devices also changes
dynamically with a person, place and time.
Enormous Scale
The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each other
will be much larger than the devices connected to the current Internet. The
management of data generated from these devices and their interpretation for
application purposes becomes more critical. Gartner (2015) confirms the enormous
scale of IOT in the estimated report where it stated that 5.5 million new things will get
connected every day and 6.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide in
2016, which is up by 30 percent from 2015. The report also forecasts that thenumber
of connected devices will reach 20.8 billion by 2
IOT wouldn’t be possible without sensors that will detect or measure any changes in
the environment to generate data that can report on their status or even interact with
the environment. Sensing technologies provide the means to create capabilities that
reflect a true awareness of the physical world and the people in it. The sensing
information is simply the analog input from the physical world, but it can provide a
rich understanding of our complex world.
Heterogeneity in Internet of Things as one of the key characteristics. Devices in IOT
are based on different hardware platforms and networks and can interact with other
devices or service platforms through different networks. IOT architecture should
support direct network connectivity between heterogeneous networks. The key design
requirements for heterogeneous things and their environments in IOT are scalabilities,
modularity, extensibility, and interoperability.
2.1.2 Advantages of IOT
IOT encourages the communication between devices, also famously known as
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication. Because of this, the physical devices
can stay connected and hence the total transparency is available with lesser
inefficiencies and greater quality.
Automation and Control
Due to physical objects getting connected and controlled digitally and centrally
with wireless infrastructure, there is a large amount of automation and control in
the workings. Without human intervention, the machines are able to
communicate with each other leading to faster and timely output.
The second most obvious advantage of IOT is monitoring. Knowing the exact
quantity of supplies or the air quality in your home, can further provide more
information that could not have previously been collected easily. For instance,
knowing that you are low on milk or printer ink could save you another trip to the
store in the near future. Furthermore, monitoring the expiration of products can
and will improve safety.
As hinted in the previous examples, the amount of time saved because of IOT
could be quite large. And in today’s modern life, we all could use more time.
The biggest advantage of IOT is saving money. If the price of the tagging and
monitoring equipment is less than the amount of money saved, then the Internet of
Things will be very widely adopted.
IOT fundamentally proves to be very helpful to people in their daily routines by
making the appliances communicate to each other in an effective manner thereby
saving and conserving energy and cost. Allowing the data to be communicated
and shared between devices and then translating it into our required way, it makes
our systems efficient.
Automation of daily tasks leads to better monitoring of devices.
The IOT allows you to automate and control the tasks that are done on a daily
basis, avoiding human intervention. Machine-to-machine communication helps to
maintain transparency in the processes. It also leads to uniformity in the tasks. It
can also maintain the quality of service. We can also take necessary action in case
of emergencies.
Efficient and Saves Time
The machine-to-machine interaction provides better efficiency, hence; accurate
results can be obtained fast. This results in saving valuable time. Instead of
repeating the same tasks every day, it enables people to do other creative jobs.
Saves Money
Optimum utilization of energy and resources can be achieved by adopting this
technology andkeeping the devices under surveillance. We can be alerted in case
of possible bottlenecks, breakdowns, and damages to the system. Hence, we can
save money by using this technology.
Better Quality of Life
All the applications of this technology culminate in increased comfort, convenience, and
bettermanagement, thereby improving the quality of life.
maybe a bug in the software ends up automatically ordering a new ink cartridge
for your printer each and every hour for a few days, or at least after each power
failure, when you only needa single replacement.
With all this IOT data being transmitted, the risk of losing privacy increases. For
instance, howwell encrypted will the data be kept and transmitted with? Do you
want your neighbors or employers to know what medications that you are
taking or your financial situation?
Imagine if a notorious hacker changes your prescription. Or if a store
automatically ships you an equivalent product that you are allergic to, or a flavor
that you do not like, or a product that is already expired. As a result, safety is
ultimately in the hands of the consumer to verify allautomation.
As all the household appliances, industrial machinery, public sector services like
water supply and transport, and many other devices all are connected to the
Internet, a lot of information is availableon it. This information is prone to attack
by hackers. It would be very disastrous if private and confidential information is
accessed by unauthorized intruders.
Lesser Employment of Menial Staff
The unskilled workers and helpers may end up losing their jobs in the effect of
automation of daily activities. This can lead to unemployment issues in the society. This
is a problem with the advent ofany technology and can be overcome with education.
With daily activities getting automated, naturally, there will be fewer requirements of
human resources, primarily, workers and less educated staff. This may create
Unemployment issue in the society.
2.2 Application Grounds of IOT
Smart homes
Health care
IOT applications have turned reactive medical based system into proactive
wellness-based system. IOT focuses on creating systems rather than equipment.
IOT creates a future of medicine and healthcare which exploits a highly integrated
network of sophisticated medical devices. The integration of all elements provides
more accuracy, more attention to detail, faster reactions to events, and constant
improvement while reducing the typical overhead of medical research and
A greenhouse farming technique enhances the yield of crops by controlling
environmental parameters. However, manual handling results in production loss,
energy loss, and labor cost, making the process less effective. A greenhouse with
embedded devices not only makes it easier to be monitored but also, enables us to
control the climate inside it. Sensors measure different.
2.2.1 IOT Technologies and Protocols
Wi-Fi connectivity is one of the most popular IOT communication protocol, often
an obvious choice for many developers, especially given the availability of Wi-Fi
within the home environment within LANs. There is a wide existing
infrastructure as well as offering fast data transfer and the ability to handle high
quantities of data. Currently, the most common Wi-Fi standard used in homes and
many businesses is 802.11n, which offers range of hundreds of megabit per
second, which is fine for file transfers but may be too power-consuming for many
IOT applications.
Any IOT application that requires operation over longer distances can take
advantage of GSM/3G/4G cellular communication capabilities. While cellular is
clearly capable of sending high quantities of data, especially for 4G, the cost and
also power consumption will be too high for many applications. But it can be ideal
for sensor-based low-bandwidth-data projects that will send very low amounts of
data over the Internet.
NFC (Near Field Communication) is an IOT technology. It enables simple and
safe communications between electronic devices, and specifically for smartphones,
allowing consumers to perform transactions in which one does not have to be
physically present. It helps the user to access digital content and connect electronic
devices. Essentially it extends the capability of contactless card technology and
Lora WAN
IOT software
IOT software addresses its key areas of networking and action through platforms,
embedded systems, partner systems, and middleware. These individual and
master applications are responsible for data collection, device integration, real-
time analytics, and application and process extension within the IOT network.
They exploit integration with critical business systems (e.g., ordering systems,
robotics, scheduling, and more) in the execution of related tasks.
Data Collection
This software manages sensing, measurements, light data filtering, light data
security, and aggregation of data. It uses certain protocols to aid sensors in
connecting with real-time, machine- to-machine networks. Then it collects data
from multiple devices and distributes it in accordance with settings. It also works
in reverse by distributing data over devices. The system eventually transmits all
collected data to a central server.
Device Integration
Real-Time Analytics
These applications take data or input from various devices and convert it into
feasible actions or clear patterns for human analysis. They analyse information
based on various settings and designs in order to perform automation-related tasks
or provide the data required by industry.
2.2.2 Application and Process Extension
These applications extend the reach of existing systems and software to allow a
wider, more effective system. They integrate predefined devices for specific
purposes such as allowing certain mobile devices or engineering instruments
access. It supports improved productivity and more accurate data collection.
NodeMCU is an open source firmware for which open source prototyping board
designs are available. The name “NodeMCU” combines “node” and “MCU”
(micro-controller unit). The term “NodeMCU” strictly speaking refers to the
firmware rather than the associated development kits.
Both the firmware and prototyping board designs are open source.
The firmware uses the Lua scripting language. The firmware is based on the eLua
project and built on the Espressif Non-OS SDK for ESP8266. It uses many
open source projects, such as lua- cjson and SPIFFS. Due to resource
constraints, users need to select the modules relevant for their project and build a
firmware tailored to their needs. Support for the 32-bit ESP32 has also been
The prototyping hardware typically used is a circuit board functioning as a dual in-
line package (DIP) which integrates a USB controller with a smaller surface-
mounted board containing the MCU and antenna. The choice of the DIP format
allows for easy prototyping on breadboards. The design was initially was based
on the ESP-12 module of the ESP8266, which is a Wi-Fi SoC integrated with
a Tensilica Xtensa LX106 core, widely used in IOT applications.
This module provides an access to the GPIO subsystem. All the access is based on
I/O index number of Node MCU kits, not the internal GPIO pins. For example, the
D0 pin on the development kit is mapped to GPIO pin 16. Node MCU provides
access to the GPIO pins, and the following pin mapping table is a part of the API
2.4 Installation of Node MCU
Mostly these days devices download and install drivers on their own, automatically.
Windows doesn’t know how to talk to the USB driver on the Node MCU so it
can’t figure out that the board is a Node MCU and proceed normally. Node MCU
Amica is an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module based development board. It has got Micro
USB slot that can directly be connected to the computer or other USB host
devices. Ti has got 15X2 header pins and a Micro USB slot, the headers can be
mounted on a breadboard and Micro USB slot is to establish connection to USB
host device. It has CP2120 USB to serial converter. In order to install CP2120
(USB to serial converter), user is needed to download the driver for the same. Once
user downloads drivers as per its respective operating system, the system
establishes connection to Node MCU. The user needs to node down the COM post
allotted to newly connected USB device (Node MCU) from device manager of the
system. This com port number will be required while using Node MCU Amica. As
the CP2120 driver has been installed, the Node MCU can be programmed using
Arduino IDE software by coding in embedded C. this requires ESP8266 board
installation in Arduino IDE from board manager, and assigning communication
Proposed system
The android OS provides the flexibility of using the open source. The inbuilt
sensors can be accessed easily. The application used to control the system has the
following features. Android Phone acts as a client and data are sent via sockets
programming. The application takes command from user in two different modes.
Switch mode: Switch mode uses the radio buttons that are used to control the
home appliances. The radio button sends the status of the switch.
Voice mode: Voice Mode is used to control the home appliances using voice
command. Using the inbuilt microphone of Smartphone, the application creates an
intent that fetches the speech data to the Google server which responds with a
string data. The string data are further analysed and then processed.
More detailed discussion about the modes of control and how they actually control the
system is discussed if coming chapters.
The prototype uses Wi-Fi to establish wireless control, which gives an indoor
range to about150 feet.
The command to switch on and off an appliance can be given from radio
buttons on the application from one’s smartphone.
Any device capable of Wi-Fi connectivity can be used to control the prototype.
The control over home appliances is obtained over secure connections, by SSL over TCP,
Simple design easy to integrate into a verity of appliances and extend on further range.
Cost effective.
3.2 Google Firebase
Take note of your Firebase project's credentials, including the database URL.
Set up ESP8266:
Install the Arduino IDE (if not already installed) and open it.
Go to "File" -> "Preferences" and enter the following URL in the "Additional Boards
Manager URLs" field:
Go to "Tools" -> "Board" -> "Boards Manager" and search for "esp8266". Install the
"esp8266" board package.
Select the appropriate ESP8266 board from the "Tools" -> "Board" menu.
In the Arduino IDE, go to "Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Manage Libraries".
Firebase ESP8266
const char* ssid = "Your WiFi SSID"; const char* password = "Your WiFi
In the Arduino sketch, include Firebase and define Firebase credentials:
Note: Replace "your-project" with your actual Firebase project name and "your-auth-token"
with the authentication token from your project's settings.
Connect to Wi-Fi:
Initialize Firebase:
You can now read or write data from/to Firebase using Firebase methods.
Firebase.setString("node/path", "data");
Open the serial monitor to see the ESP8266's connection status and any debugging
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <FirebaseArduino.h>
int led = 5;
int fan=4;
void setup()
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
Serial.print("Connected to ");
Firebase.setString("LED_STATUS", "OFF");
Firebase.setString("FAN_STATUS", "OFF");
void loop()
fireStatus = Firebase.getString("LED_STATUS");
if (fireStatus == "OFF")
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
fireStatus = Firebase.getString("FAN_STATUS");
if (fireStatus == "OFF")
digitalWrite(fan, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fan, LOW);
Register your Android app with Firebase by providing the package name and SHA-1
In the Project view, right-click on the app module and select "Open Module Settings" (F4).
Click on the "Dependencies" tab, then the "+" button, and choose "Library Dependency".
Search for "firebase" and select the desired Firebase libraries to include in your project.
Click on the "google-services.json" download button to obtain the configuration file for your
Android app.
Move the downloaded file to the "app" module of your Android project.
In your project's build.gradle file (project-level), add the following classpath dependency:
classpath ''
In your app's build.gradle file (module-level), add the following plugins and apply plugin:
Depending on the Firebase services you want to use, you may need to add additional
dependencies or configurations.
implementation ''
Follow the documentation and guides provided by Firebase to integrate and use specific
services in your app.
Monitor the logs and verify the Firebase integration by checking the Firebase Console for
data updates and events.
Remember to follow the Firebase documentation and specific guides for each Firebase
service you want to integrate. Each service may have additional steps, such as configuration,
authentication setup, and API usage.
package com.example.myhomeapp;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
Button b1,b2,b3,b4;
b1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
b2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
b3.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
b4.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
Chapter 4
Unit testing includes the plan of experiments that approve that the inner program rationale is
working legitimately and that program inputs produce substantial yields. All decision
branches and interior code stream ought to be approved. It is the trying of person
programming units of the application .it is done after the fruition of an individual unit prior to
incorporation. This is basic testing, that depends on information about its construction and is
obtrusive. Unit tests perform fundamental tests at part level and test a particular business
procedure, application, or potentially framework setup. Unit tests guarantee that each one of a
kind way of a business procedure performs precisely to the archived determinations also,
contains obviously characterized data sources and anticipated outcomes.
Combination tests are intended to test incorporated programming parts to decide whether they
really keep running as one program. Testing is occasion driven and is progressively
Concerned with the fundamental result of screens or fields. Mix tests exhibit that despite the
fact that the parts were separately fulfillment, as appeared by effectively unit testing, the mix
of parts is right and steady. Coordination testing is explicitly gone for uncovering the issues
that emerge from the mix of segments.
Blend tests are planned to test fused programming parts to choose whether they truly continue
running as one program. Testing is event-driven and is dynamically Concerned with the
major aftereffect of screens or fields. Blend tests show that regardless of the way that the
parts were independently satisfaction, as showed up by adequately unit testing, the blend of
parts is correct and unfaltering. Coordination testing is unequivocally gone for revealing the
issues that rise up out of the blend of portions.
Framework testing guarantees that the whole incorporated programming framework meets
necessities. It tests an arrangement to guarantee known and unsurprising outcomes. A case of
framework testing is the setup situated framework incorporation test. Framework testing
depends on process portrayals and streams, accentuating pre-driven procedure connections
and combination focuses.
White Box Testing is a trying in which the product analyzer knows about the inward
activities, structure, and language of the product, or possibly its motivation. It is the reason. It
is utilized to test zones that can't become to from a discovery level
Discovery Testing will be trying the product with no learning of the inward functions,
structure or language of the module being tried. Discovery tests, as most different sorts of
tests, must be composed of a conclusive source report, for example, particular or necessities
report, for example, particular or prerequisites record. It is a trying in which the product
under test is dealt with, as a discovery you can't "see" into it. The test gives data sources and
reacts to yields without thinking about how the product works.
Programming joining testing is the gradual combination testing of at least two integround
programming segments on a solitary stage to create disappointments brought about by
interface abandons. The undertaking of the mixed test is to watch that parts or programming
applications, e.g: segments in a product framework or – one stage up – programming
applications at the organization level – associate without mistake.
Client Acceptance Testing is a basic period of any task and requires huge standard ticipation
by the end client. It additionally guarantees that the framework meets the practical
In programming improvement, alpha test will be a test among the groups to affirm that your
item works. Initially, the term alpha test implied the main period of testing in a product
improvement process. The primary stage incorporates unit testing, part testing, and
framework testing. It additionally empowers us to test the item on the most reduced normal
denominator machines to ensure download times are satisfactory and preloads work.
Define a set of test cases to cover different functionalities and scenarios of the project.
Create a test plan that outlines the objectives, test cases, and expected outcomes.
Perform functional testing to verify that all features and components work as intended.
Conduct performance testing to evaluate the system's responsiveness, latency, and scalability.
Test the system under various network conditions, including both local and remote
Validate the integration between the ESP8266 hardware, Firebase Realtime Database, and the
Android application.
Objective: Ensure that the ESP8266 module can establish a stable connection to the Wi-Fi
Objective: Verify that the ESP8266 can retrieve data from the Firebase Realtime Database.
Expected Result: ESP8266 reads the correct data from the designated Firebase database node.
Actual Result: ESP8266 successfully retrieves the expected data from Firebase.
Objective: Ensure that the ESP8266 can write data to the Firebase Realtime Database.
Expected Result: ESP8266 writes the specified data to the designated Firebase database node.
Actual Result: ESP8266 successfully writes data to the Firebase Realtime Database.
Objective: Validate the integration between the Android application and the ESP8266.
Expected Result: The Android app can send commands to the ESP8266 and receive real-time
updates from the device.
Actual Result: The Android application effectively communicates with the ESP8266 module.
Objective: Evaluate the system's performance and scalability under various loads.
Expected Result: The system maintains consistent performance and responsiveness, even
with multiple concurrent users and data updates.
Actual Result: The system handles increased loads and multiple users, maintaining
satisfactory performance.
Chapter 5
The experimental model was made according to the circuit diagram and the results
were as expected. The home appliances could be remotely switched over Wi-Fi
network. Both the switch mode and the voice mode control methodologies were
successfully achieved. The Blynk application was also successful in displaying the
status of every application.
Android devices having lower API version than 16 requires internet access to
convert the speech data to string data. Currently, the application is made for
Android Smart Phones; other OS platform doesn’t support our application. During
voice mode, external noises (voice) may affect our result. The speech instruction
that we command in our voice mode may not give exact result as expected. There
hence lies an ambiguity in result.
Looking at the current situation we can build cross platform system that can be
deployed on various platforms like iOS, Windows. Limitation to control only
several devices can be removed by extending automation of all other home
appliances. The prototype can include sensors to implement automatic control of
the home appliances like; an LDR that can sense daylight and switch lamp
accordingly, a PIR to detect motion and be used for security purposes making an
alarm buzz, or a DHT11 sensor that’s senses ambient temperature and humidity of
atmosphere and switch fan/air conditioner accordingly. Scope of this project can
be expanded to many areas by not restricting to only home, but to small offices
It is evident from this project work that an individual control home automation
system can be cheaply made from low-cost locally available components and can
be used to control multifarious home appliances ranging from the security lamps,
the television to the air conditioning system and even the entire house lighting
system. And better still, the components required are so small and few that they can
be packaged into a small inconspicuous container. The designed home automation
system was tested a number of times and certified to control different home
appliances used in the lighting system, air conditioning system, home
entertainment system and many more . Hence, this system is scalable and flexible.
Image Representation of Project
Chapter 6
“Smart Energy Efficient Home Automation System using IOT”, by Satyendra K.
Vishwakarma, Prashant Upadhyaya, Babita Kumari, Arun Kumar Mishra.
“IOT Based Smart Security and Home Automation”, by Shardha Somani, Parikshit
Solunke, Shaunak Oke, Parth Medhi, Prof. P. P. Laturkar.
“Visual Machine Intelligence for Home Automation”, by Suraj, Ish Kool, Dharmendra
Kumar, Shovan Barman.
“A Low Cost Home Automation System Using Wi-Fi based Wireless Sensor Network
Incorporating internet of Things”, by Vikram.N, Harish.K.S, Nihaal.M.S, Raksha
Umesh, Shetty Aashik Ashok Kumar; in 2017 IEEE 7th International Advance
Computing Conference.
“Voice Controlled Home Automation System using Natural Language Processing and
Internet of Things”, by Mrs. Paul Jasmin Rani, Jason Bakthakumar, Praveen
Kumaar.B, Praveen Kumaar.U, Santhosh Kumar; in 2017 Third International
Conference on Science Technology Engineering & Management (ICONSTEM)
Thank You