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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

8, Issue 11, 2021 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Design and Fabrication of Bevel Gear Operated Screw Jack

S. Vanjari1 J. Bhogate2 A. Kadam3 J. Kalvinde4 A. Mohite5
Project Guide 2,3,4,5Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering
SSPM's College of Engineering, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, India
Abstract— For productivity, efficiency and effectiveness the This fabricated model has mainly concentrated on
technology and researcher all over the world are working this difficulty, and hence a suitable device has been designed,
continuously. In the paper the detailed design procedure is such that the vehicle and heavy objects can be lifted from
represented. The modification of the conventional scissor floor land without the application of impact force. The
jack is present in the design. The problems are correlate with fabrication part of it has been considered with almost case for
the conventional jacks with the ergonomic snags experienced its simplicity and economy, such that this can be
by the operators due to prolonged bending or squatting of the accommodated as one of its essential tools on automobile
positions during the operation. This problem of waist pain garages. The object lifting jack has been developed to cater
and backaches are as a result of continuous turning for to the needs of small and medium automobile garages, which
wrench or crank shaft in an uncomfortable position for the are normally man powered with minimum skilled labor. In
long period. These led to the design and modification of quick order to avoid all such disadvantages, the automated
lifting screw jack with gear arrangements that are safe, motorized object lifting jack has been designed in such a way
reliable and capable of raising or lowering heavy load with that it can be used to lift the vehicle very smoothly without
little effort. The results showed that the crank and gear any impact force. The operation is made simple so that even
mechanism would help to reduce the difficulty in operation, unskilled labor can use it with ease. [4].
reduce time, increase the efficiency and the effectively
control the difficulties concomitant with Ergonomics, which II. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION:
is an ultimate sensitivity in the design process and For the operation extended properly the screw jack is
manufacturing. assembled very casually. For the proper functioning the jack
Keywords: Scissor Jack; Gear Arrangements; Quick Lifting; is place on the loading platform as a base. When handle rotate
Gear Mechanism clockwise the screw also move in upward direction. When it
moves counter clockwise it allow the downward movement
I. INTRODUCTION and the reduction of the load occur. During this operation we
Over the years, engineers, ergonomist and scientist are have to take the different precaution liked load is sitting
searching for the conventional automobile screw jack as perfectly on the loading platform to prevent slippage of the
being very efficient, yet continue to seek new designs to object and to reduce the accidents.
reduce its shortcomings and maintenance costs. Screw
application use for the elevation of vehicles, objects and III. LITERATURE REVIEW:
heavy parts. The use of the screw jack is such that it Automobile jack screw is a device that is used to lift an
comprises a handle for driving a bolt element manually to automobile in order to carry out repairs or maintenance. To
adjust the height of the jack to elevate an object. prevent the wear and buckling of the material screw jack are
Disadvantages of the existing gear is much more especially designed with material having the good material quality to
under unfavourable weather condition. reduce the accidents. From the 50 decades we are using the
This device the quick lifting jack with gear screw jacks and developing it and redesigning it. Long life
arrangement for automobile garages has been developed to spam, strength, packaging, mobility, cost, etc. is the reason
later the needs of small and medium automobile garages, who behind we are using the conventional screw jack commonly
are normally man powered with very minimum of skilled and its great advantage is its self-locking attribute which
labours. In most of the garages the vehicles are lifted by using means when rotational force is removed from screw it will
screw jack. This needs high man power and skilled labours. remain motionless if it is in right side it will not rotate
In order to avoid all such disadvantages. This, motorized backwards regard of how muck load it is supporting. If the
hydraulic jack has been designed in such a way that it can be hydraulic actuator accidently released then there will be
used to lift the vehicle very smoothly without any impact chances of the accident hence screw jacks are safer than
force. The operation is made be simple that even an unskilled hydraulic jacks. It is important that cars are easy to lift with
labour can handle, by just demonstrating the working of the single handily with the car jack. Hydraulic jack or hydraulic
motorized hydraulic jack once [1]. power is important have the power to lift more and took unto
Over the years, engineers, scientist and ergonomist greater distance. Mechanical jacks are considered in the
have extolled the conventional automobile screw jack maximum lifting capacity part. India is the developing nation
(scissors jack) as being very efficient, yet continue to seek where we use the traditional screw jacks. Now we are using
new designs to increase reliability and reduce its the automated object lifting using electric motor for lifting
shortcomings and maintenance costs. Screw application is and lowering of heavy loads and the greatest advantage is the
used in the elevation of vehicles or objects. The operation of we are using the direct current batter to give electricity to
the screw jack is such that it comprises a handle for driving a jack. In 2010 Chaudhary et al. designed the screw jack using
bolt element (Lead Screw) manually to adjust the height of solid works 2010, and constructed the jack with the lathe,
the jack to elevate a vehicle or an object [3].

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Design and Fabrication of Bevel Gear Operated Screw Jack
(IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 11/2021/012)

grinding, threading and milling machines. In the ergonomic Car jacks usually use mechanical advantage to allow
issues the developed jack was tested and found totally human being to lift a vehicle. There are two types of
effective. This developed screw jack is taken consideration automotive car jacks: Hydraulic and Screw types. Most car
in the word and spur gear arrangement. The developed system jacks that are included with cars are screw types. These two
consists of the worm gear, ball bearing and circular shafts. categories also have many subcategories of jacks. Hydraulic
For the development of the worm gear engineers used the soft jacks have the shape of a bottle, or are built into a trolley (the
materials. Bronze and Aluminium are those soft materials "floor jack") or the like. By operating the handle, which is a
use for worm gear. lever (a simple machine), fluid is compressed and routed to
For the lifting screw they considered a tough and an actuating cylinder. This results in lift. Other examples of
heat-treated material and they analysis the failure testing for hydraulic types are hydraulic jack, bottle jack, floor jack,
the screw shaft. Bumper jacks and scissor jacks are the friction jack, and racketing jack [5].
example of the different kinds of jacks use in the cars. In This quick lifting jack is made up of the bevel gear
most jack screw we use acme thread which is very tough and and bolt. Car jack is commonly used to jack the car during
strong and capable of resisting the large load impose on most maintenance or changing the tire. An automotive jack is a
jack screw. To lift the car or any vehicle we use the device used to raise all or part of a vehicle into the air in order
mechanical jack. Normally there are two types of jacks 1) to facilitate vehicle maintenances or breakdown repairs. Most
Hydraulic 2) Screw type. Screw type Is used normally people are familiar with the basic car jack (manually
because of its tapered side, mating instead of allowing operated) and it’s included as standard equipment for most of
backlash to develop. the new cars. Vehicle owners who would like to rotate their
Classification of the screw and hydraulic jacks. tires themselves either front to back and so forth or who may
Hydraulic jack, bottle jack and floor jack are the example. install snow tires before the winter and remove them in the
The precise prequantization of the thread, the tendinous spring need to use a jack to perform the job (ALI, 2004).
nature, and time taken to achieve the lifting process is Changing a flat tire is not a very pleasant experience.
revealed by the Parker and Pickup. In the engineering Nowadays, a variety of car jacks have been developed for
drawing the different design of threads are shown. On the lifting an automobile from a ground surface. Available car
regular basis it is important to lubricate the screw jack with jacks, however, are typically manually operated and therefore
grease. To minimize the friction and prolong life of the screw require substantial laborious physical effort on the part of the
thread the ball screw is uses. In the said patent means are user
provided for frictionally locking the gears and holding them
in any position to which they may be hold, as for example, IV. CONCLUSION REMARK:
when the jack is being raised. Then the handle is raised as far The research tails us that, we designed and fabricated the
as may be convenient and depressed to do the lifting. lifting jack and quick return crank mechanism. From this
However, if the jack be without a load, the tendency is for the geometry we derived a design equation for gear selection gear
gears to work too easy and they will run back with the ratio and mechanical forces. Different analysis like kinematic
direction of the' handle and no real progress is made in has been performed. The example is given to illustrating the
jacking up the screw [1]. process of design. The diagram of working is explained
In most of the garages the vehicles are lifted by using simply. To know the exact dimension and working of the
screw jack. This needs high man power and skilled labour. In component the prototype has been made. After completion of
order to avoid all such disadvantages, the automated the prototype the working has been check out. Main use of
motorized object lifting jack has been designed in such a way this project is to increase the capacity and reduce the efforts
that it can be used to lift the vehicle very smoothly without of the input, also it reduces the cost. This project shows us the
any impact force. The operation is made simple so that even very little effort and minimum torque to lift the component.
unskilled labour can use it with ease. The dc motor is coupled It also reduces the time required to lift the anybody with
with the lead screw by gear arrangement, the lead screw compared to the traditional method. It reduces the effort of
rotation depends upon the rotation of dc motor. This is an era lifting the heavy body as compared to the traditional way
of automation where it is broadly defined as replacement of
manual effort by mechanical power in all degrees of
automation. The operation remains to be an essential part of
the system although with changing demands on physical A. Problem
input, the degree of mechanization is increased [3].  Large effort requires to lift the tractor
The automobile workstations are equipped with  Space required for operation is more.
hitech car lifting system, wherein car is raised and lowered  Tommy bar is required
via electrically powered system. However, due to their high
 Chances of accidents.
cost, maintenance and size, such lifts can neither be placed in
 Operator does not feel comfortable.
car nor be owned by car owner. Motorized portable car jack
Most of the available techniques are efficient for
not only reduce human efforts in automobile but also safe
performing above task but considering cost and size of the
time needed to repair the automobile. Such feature is
equipment the small-scale industries are not utilize such type
beneficial for repairing vehicle on the side of the roadway.
of techniques or equipment. The aim of the project is to build
This modified car jack is designed so that it can be easily
an equipment which solve the above problem in the small-
operated, safe and can lift or lower the vehicle without much
physical effort [4].

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Design and Fabrication of Bevel Gear Operated Screw Jack
(IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 11/2021/012)

scale industry. Such type of equipment reduces effort as well engineering and technology, ISSN: 2297-623X, Vol.13
as time required for material transport. pp39-50
[3] I.S. Rout et al., Design and fabrication of motorized
VI. OBJECTIVES: automated object lifting jack, IOSR Journal of
Engineering. 04(05) (2014) 6-12.
 To fabrication of a Bevel Gear Operated Screw Jack.
[4] S. Chaudhary et al., Development of motorized car jack,
 To reduce Effort
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering. 5 (2016)
 To reduce the Accidents. 216.
 To lift Heavy jobs easily. [5] A.S. Akinwonmi, A. Mohammed, Modification of the
 Improve lift control. existing design of a car jack, Journal of Emerging Trends
 Improved quality to reduce the accidents. in Engineering and Applied Sciences. 3(4) (2012) 581-
 Time and equipment are better utilized. 588.
 Creating the hazard and safe work condition. [6] M.M. Noor, K. Kadirgama and M.M. Rahman, Analysis
of Auto Car Jack, National Conference in Mechanical
VII. METHODOLOGY: Engineering Research and Postgraduate Students, FKM
This project goes through the eight processes Conference Hall, UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, 26-
1) Survey of the company: 27 May 2010, 198-203.
Majorly the selected project is come under industrial field
influence, So In this phase we will do small scale industrial
visits, Feedback and problems faced by vendors also the view
of the
2) Finding out problem faced by company:
In company’s they use the conventional screw jack which is
not easy to operate and time consuming and it need a much
more man power as compared the new technology.
3) Literature survey:
We visited the local garages to know which problem they are
facing. Mainly after knowing the problems of the company
we visited the tractor company to know the problems they are
4) Purposing a solution to the problem:
To eliminate the conventional screw jack, we are searching
for another screw jack which is easy to operate and give the
comfort hence we go to the gear operated screw jack which
give us comfort and we use it up to long period.
5) Cad model design: -
In this phase we are going to do the design calculations by
referring the standards, catalogue and reference books. In this
work we will finalize the design and components dimensions.
We are also select the material according to parts and
components function and loading conditions. In this phase we
will decide the size and shape of components and its position
in the assembly. Also, we will decide the limit and tolerance
between components and also machining methods required to
select manufacturing component.
6) Fabrication: -
Manufacturing of various components and subassemblies
will be carried out by using suitable manufacturing processes.
The components will be assembled per the drawing.
Working trials of the project will be conducted to
confirm and testing parameters (Time and speed) we will
decide for to get best quality of product.

[1] R. Kumar, P. Kumar, P. L. Murmu, A. Kumar, R.
dasharath, Quick lifting jack, Project report, Publish in
[2] B. Ezurike, M. Okwu, Modified screw jack for lifting
operation in industrial setting, International journal of

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