1. Hyperbilirubinemia 1-1.5 mg/dl < Serum bilirubin level < 2.5-3 mg/dl Normal serum bilirubin level = 1 – 1.5 mg/dl
2. Jaundice Yellowish discoloration of skin, sclera and mucous membranes due to ↑ serum bilirubin > 2.5-3 mg/dl Every 500 mg of blood → 7.5 g hemoglobin → 250 mg bilirubin
and its deposition in these tissues. Daily production of bilirubin = 250 mg
3. Cholestasis Disorder of either bile secretion or functional or mechanical stoppage of bile flow Normal level of Unconjugated bilirubin = 75 – 80% of total bilirubin
(On the level of IHBDs or EHBDs) leading to passage of bile components of bile into blood. Normal level of conjugated bilirubin < 20% of total bilirubin
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia → Direct bilirubin < 20% of total bilirubin
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia → Direct bilirubin >/= 20% of total bilirubin
Forms of bilirubin:
2. Physical examinations
3. Lab workup
4. Imaging
Physical examinations
1. General
a. Stigmata of chronic liver disease (gynecomastia, spider naevi, caput medusa, palmar erythema)
b. Signs of hepatic encephalopathy (Disturbed level of consciousness, Astrexesis = Flapping tremors)
2. Local
a. Abdominal examination for hepatosplenomegaly, ascites, positive murphy sign.
Lab Imaging
1. Serum bilirubin. 1. Ultrasonography → (biliary tract disorders – liver cirrhosis – vascular patency)
2. CBC. 2. CT
3. Liver enzymes ( ALT, AST) → indicators of hepatocellular necrosis. 3. MRCP
4. Serum albumin. 4. ERCP
5. PT and INR. 5. EUS
6. Alkaline phosphatase.
7. GGT. If still unknown diagnosis, move on to the last step → liver biopsy.
Special testing
1. Autoimmune panel (ANA, ASMA, Anti LKM)
2. Markers of viral hepatitis:
• HAV IgM → Acute A.
▪ HCV Ab, HCV RNA PCR → chronic c.
▪ HbsAg, HBV DNA PCR → chronic B.
▪ HbcIgM → Acute B.
Causes of jaundice
Ischemic hepatitis
Definition Diagnosis
1. Marked shooting in liver enzymes (ALT, AST) → Markers of hepatocellular necrosis.
▪ Massive necrosis of liver cells
▪ Normal levels of ALT, AST → 25 – 45
▪ Ischemia of the liver cells, massively affect the liver mass in short time causing functional 2. Acute phase reactants → LDH mg/dl
disturbance and jaundice ▪ In ischemic hepatitis → 3000 – 5000