Influence of Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan in The English-Speaking Proficiency of College Students

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Influence of Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan in the

English-Speaking Proficiency of College Students
Ella B. Pardeño
Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology

Abstract:- This study was conducted to determine the ingredient of a successful individual, an important tool widely
dialectal influence of Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan in use all over the world. To actually broaden once world, open
the speaking proficiency of the college students. This study oneself to great job opportunities and connect with diverse
gives information on the English proficiency level of people of different nationalities, English proficiency is a must.
college students in Cawayan and Balud and how their
pronunciation is influenced by Hiligaynon and Cebuano- Filipinos are non-native speakers of English; they are a
Visayan language and the proposed activity to enhance the multilingual race that consider English language as their
English-speaking proficiency. The respondents were the second language. Filipino language is consist of several
college students of Balud Municipal College and dialects being spoken in the different regions of the country
DEBESMSCAT- Cawayan Campus. Quantitative research and the combination of the vernacular and international
method and random sampling were employed, simple language become habitual among them. This combination of
frequency count and percentage were used. Fifty-two point any dialect and international language in communication
six percent of the college students who are speakers of results to what is called code switching and the sounds of the
Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan are proficient in terms vernacular sometimes influence the utterance of English
of pronunciation based on the written pronunciation test language which results to unusual or different pronunciations
and 43.3% are highly proficient in terms of pronunciation of English words. The combination of English and dialect is a
based on the oral reading exercise. The sound [ou] and [θ] common phenomenon among Filipinos. In Jacoby’s
are the most mispronounced sound based on the written Psycholinguistic theory, this combination of language should
and oral pronunciation test. The 2-Hour Pro-Fun Drill is not be encouraged in the second language classroom because
proposed to address the mispronunciation of the least it can heighten the use of non-target forms producing deviant
mastered sounds and to enhance the English-speaking linguistic patterns. This production of deviant linguistic
proficiency of the college students. patterns among nonnative speakers increases the need to be
proficient in the use of English. Today, educators are faced
Implementation of a school policy that will require with the challenge of addressing the needs of the growing
students to use English in speaking is recommended, make number of students whose primary language is not English
the school an English-speaking zone. Also, teachers who (Gibbons, 2003 as cited by Vizconde (2006). There is the
are handling subjects with English as medium of necessity for the learners to gain proficiency in English while
instruction may strictly observe the use of English mastering other skills and content in other subject areas,
language. Give students opportunities to speak and Vizconde( 2006).
provide activities that will enhance their English-speaking
skills which include pronunciation. Language proficiency is one of the country’s strengths
that helped in the increase of the economy and made the
Keywords:- Cebuano-Visayan, Hiligaynon, Pronunciation, Philippines the top destination, surpassing India in 2012.
Speaking Proficiency According to Andrew King, country director of IDP Education
Pty. Ltd. Philippines, Malaysians had an average overall score
I. INTRODUCTION of 6.71, leading among countries in Asia in overall English
proficiency. Philippines was second to Malaysia with 6.69;
According to Murray Goldenberg a retired EAL third was Indonesia with 5.99; fourth was India with 5.79; and
Instructor and IIELTS/IDP Examiner, as cited by Baeta, Thailand fifth with 5.71. Also, foreign learners are encouraged
Galvan, Solomo, Zamudio, Haber & Osea (2012), proficiency to study English in the country because aside from the reason
in English is usually defined by a combination of skills: that education is affordable it has also quality programs
reading, writing, listening and speaking. These are the skills a offered in English as Second Language.
person should be competent of to be able to deal with the
demand of the society, the demand of internalization. English However, it was acknowledged in the roundtable
happened to be the language of global communication. discussion organized by the British council, key stakeholders
Globalization made English language a very important from the government, academe, private, and non-government

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
sectors, that even if the Philippines is doing fine on terms of II. METHODOLOGY
English competency, concerns on how much of a competitive
advantage it still is for the country were raised. The  Research Design
stakeholders agreed that the country needs to step up efforts in This study employed quantitative and qualitative
improving that teaching and learning of English, developing it approach. Quantitative as it determined the English-speaking
as a vital skill of the workforce. This is an initiative that could proficiency of the college students. Quantitative research
potentially strengthen the Philippines’ distinct advantage in focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across
this part of the world, particularly with the upcoming ASEAN groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon. It is
economic integration (Cabigon, 2016). qualitative research at the same time as it describes the
influence of two different languages in English language
There is an economic competition in the globalised pronunciation.
context among countries in the world. Employers in the global
market has its qualifications, employers need people with  Data Gathering Procedure and Instrument
enough experience, skill and other qualifications that are Written pronunciation test was conducted to the ninety-
accepted and recognized internationally. But high proficiency five college students of Balud and Cawayan, forty-three from
in speaking English is the principal prerequisite qualification. Balud and fifty-two from Cawayan. Oral reading exercises
These other qualifications will be less recognized if people were conducted to the ninety college students from Balud
does not have this proficiency in English. Obviously, English Municipal College and DEBESMSCAT- Cawayan Campus,
is the number one language all over the world. It is not only thirty-eight from Balud and fity-two from Cawayan. The tasks
for the employment but also for the students who wish to have were conducted to the respondents individually and were
their higher studies in other country where English is the recorded. In the first task which was the written pronunciation
native language. test, this test was adapted from Antimon
As observed today, the English language proficiency in this is used to test pronunciation. The respondents answered
the Philippines, especially in speaking is weakening. these questions: Are son and sun pronounced the same way?
(yes or no) Does basic have an s or z sound? (s or z) Does rule
“…various studies reveal that the quality of education in rhyme with fool? (yes or no) Are where and were pronounced
the Philippines is continuously declining. This notion is based the same way? Does low rhyme with throw? (yes or no) Does
on the results of achievement tests and board examinations. of have an f sound or v sound? (f or v) Are roll and role
Not only the elementary and secondary graduates are affected pronounced the same way? (yes or no) Does road rhyme with
but also the college graduates. The Professional Regulatory broad? (yes or no) Does food rhyme with good? (yes or no) Is
Commission (PRC) reports that passers of board examinations any pronounced like penny or nanny? (penny or nanny). Fter
in all fields of endeavor continue to go down. One of the the written test was the oral reading exercise, there were five
important causes for this phenomenon is the low academic (5) sentences and each respondent was asked to read the
performance in the elementary and secondary levels. This following sentences orally, the sentences were composed of
academic performance of the students can be attributed to their words with basic vowel and consonant sounds that are
proficiency in the English language” This is based on the commonly mispronounced. Those are the sounds [e], [I], [i],
study of Racca, Robelle Millie Ann B. et al on English [u], [U], [o], [ey] [f], [v], and voiceless [th]. These sounds
Language Proficiency and Academic Performance of were selected to be the focus of pronunciation test during oral
Philippine Science High School Students. reading exercise because according to Pachina, Elizabeth in
her article Pronunciation Problems of Students in the
Thus, this study is conducted to determine the Influence Philippines, Filipino speakers have what we call Filipino
of Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan in the English-speaking accent, one of the most striking errors among Filipino students
proficiency of the college students and to propose activities is the mix up of several consonants and vowels. For example
that can enhance their English-speaking proficiency. is the substitution of /p/ for /f/, the /b/ and /v/, /i/ and /e/,
especially if these sounds occur close together. Another sound
This study aimed to determine the influence of that Filipino students struggle to utter is the /th/ sound which
Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan in the English-Speaking they often substitute with either /t/ or a /d/. Since the
Proficiency of the College Students, specifically: respondents of the study were Filipino learners and are non-
1. To know what is the English-speaking proficiency of native speakers of English language, this became the basis of
college students in Cawayan and Balud in terms of the instrument for oral reading exercise.
pronunciation and how Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan
language influence it. The oral reading exercises of the respondents were
2. To propose an enhancement activity for the English- recorded through voice recorder and were transcribed.
speaking proficiency of these college students.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
After the retrieval of the written test and the recorded Whereas:
oral reading exercise, the researcher tabulated and analyzed n = no. of samples
the data, counted the correct answers in the written test and n = total population
transcribed the recorded oral reading and tallied the errors in e = error margin / margin of error
pronunciation. The data gathered was organized. The
researcher used voice recorder to identify errors manually. To get the English speaking proficiency, this scale was
Elkhair Muhammad Idriss Hassan used recording test in his used in the written pronunciation test: of the 10 items, 9-10
study about Pronunciation Problems: A Case Study of English correct answers is exemplary, 7-8 is highly proficient, 5-6 is
Language Students. According to him, samples of proficient, 3-4 is less proficient and 0-2 is nit proficient. In the
pronunciation can be repeated as many times as he/she needs oral reading, of the 30 words in the oral pronunciation test, 25-
and this will enable him/her to identify errors. She added that 30 correct pronunciation is exemplary, 19-24 is highly
many of the researchers in the previous studies have depended proficient, 13-18 is proficient, 7-12 is less proficient, 0-6 is not
on recordings as a tool of collecting their data e.g. (Ma; Lin, proficient. This scale was adapted from Racca, Robelle Millie
1994) used audio recordings to investigate to what extent adult Ann B. and Ronald Candy S. Lasaten, Ronald Candy S.(2016)
native speakers of Mandarine Chinese learning English as a in their study which they divided the score into 5 ranges to
second language could pronounce five front vowels of English identify the English Language Proficiency.
and which vowels were most difficult. Recordings were also
used by Atwel (2001) in his project ISLE (Interactive Spoken III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
English Education), the project collected a sample of audio
recordings of German and Italian learners of English reading  English Speaking Proficiency of College Students in Terms
aloud selected samples of English text and dialogue to train of Pronunciation and how Hiligaynon and Cebuano-
the speech recognition and to correct pronunciation errors. The Visayan Influence it
researcher made an assessment of the recorded oral reading. One of the concerns of this study is to determine and
describe the English-speaking proficiency in terms of
 Statistical Tools pronunciation of the college students based on the written
Percentage and Rank Order. These statistical tools were pronunciation test and oral reading exercise which tested the
used in interpreting the scores and answers obtained by the students’ pronunciation of some vowel and consonant sounds.
respondents in the oral reading and written pronunciation tests. The data showing the level of proficiency are presented in
Slovin’s formula is used to calculate the sample size (n) given Table 2 and 3.
the population size (N) and a margin of error (e)
Table 1a presents the English-speaking proficiency of the
It’s a random sampling technique formula to estimate college students based on the written pronunciation test.
sampling size Showing the data of the college students from both schools
It is computed as n = N / (1+Ne2) separately and the overall data of these college students.

Table 1a Distribution of Students’ Level of English-Speaking Proficiency in terms of Pronunciation based on Written Pronunciation
Level of English-Speaking
Range of Scores Proficiency Balud Municipal College DEBESMSCAT Overall
Cawayan Campus
f % f % f %
9-10 Exemplary 0 0 1 1.9 1 1.1
7-8 Highly Proficient 7 16.3 9 17.3 16 16.8
5-6 Proficient 24 55.8 26 50 50 52.6
3-4 Less Proficient 8 18.6 16 30.8 24 25.3
0-2 Not Proficient 4 9.3 0 0 4 4.2
Total 43 100 52 100 95 100

The table reveals that 52.6% which means majority of students are from BMC and 9.5% are from DCC. 4.2% belong
the students, gained the proficient level based on the written to the not proficient level, these students are from BMC. Only
pronunciation test with scores ranging from five to six; 25.3% 1.1% got the exemplary level, this student is from DCC.
of these students are from Balud Municipal College and 27.4%
are from DEBESMSCAT- Cawayan Campus. Meanwhile, Table 1b presents the least mastered sound during the
25.3% obtained the less proficient level, 8.4% of these written pronunciation test. Showing the data of the college
students are from BMC and 16.8% are from DCC. 16.8% students from both schools separately and the overall data.
students attained the highly proficient level, 7.4% of these

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 1b Numbers of Correct Pronunciation of Consonant and Vowel Sounds
Sound Balud Municipal College DEBESMSCAT Overall
(43 respondents) Cawayan Campus
(52 respondents) (95 respondents)
f % F % f %
s[ʌ]n 25 58.1 27 52 52 54.7
ba[s]ic 34 79.1 43 82.7 77 81.1
r[u]l 32 74.4 39 75 71 74.7
wh[εә]r 26 60.5 35 67.3 61 64.2
l[ou] 27 62.8 44 84.6 71 74.7
o[f] 20 46.5 24 46.2 44 46.3
r[ou]l 19 44.2 30 57.7 49 51.6
r[ou]d 2 4.7 2 3.8 4 4.2
f[u:]d 7 16.3 2 3.8 9 9.5
p[e]n 25 58.1 13 25 38 40

The table indicates that the most mistaken sound is the [ou] in the word “road” and the sound [u:] in the word “food”. The
students pronounced the word “road” same with the pronunciation of the word “broad”- which sound [ͻ]. The word “food” is
pronounced the same way as “good”-which sounds [u]. It seems that they also based on the spelling of the words because they
pronounced it the same way if the two different words have the same vowels

Table 2a presents the English-speaking proficiency of the college students based on the oral reading exercise. Showing the data
of the college students from both schools separately and the overall data.

Table 2a Distribution of Students’ Level of English-Speaking Proficiency in terms of Pronunciation based on Oral Reading
Level of English-Speaking
Range of Scores Proficiency Balud Municipal College DEBESMSCAT Overall
Cawayan Campus
f % f % f %
25-30 Exemplary 11 28.9 10 19.2 21 23.3
19-24 Highly Proficient 12 31.6 27 52 39 43.3
13-18 Proficient 7 18.4 13 25 20 22.2
7-12 Less Proficient 8 21.1 1 1.9 9 10
0-6 Not Proficient 0 0 1 1.9 1 1.2
Total 38 100 52 100 90 100

It can be deduced from the table that majority of the students (43.3%) gained the highly proficient level in the oral reading with
scores ranging from nineteen to twenty-four. 13.3 of these students are from Balud Municipal College and 30% are from
DEBESMSCAT- Cawayan Campus. Meanwhile, 23.3% (12.2% from BMC and 11.1% from DCC) obtained the exemplary level,
22.2% (7.8% from BMC and 14.4% from DCC) attained the average level of proficiency, 10% (8.9% from BMC and 1.1% from
DCC) gained the less proficient level and 1.1% (from DCC belong) to the not proficient level.

Table 2b presents the least mastered sound during the oral reading exercise. Showing the data of the college students from both
schools separately and the overall data of these college students.

Table 2b Errors in Pronunciation during the Oral Reading Exercise

Vowel and Consonant Balud Municipal College DEBESMSCAT- Cawayan Campus Overall
f % f % f %
[æ] 21 55.3 21 40.4 42 46.7
[e] 13 34.2 17 32.7 30 33.3
[i:] 10 26.3 25 48.1 35 38.9
[i] 1 2.6 4 7.7 5 5.5

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
[u:] 15 39.5 25 48.1 40 44.4
[u] 13 34.2 12 23.1 25 27.8
[ou] 12 31.6 30 57.7 42 46.7
[ei] 6 16 7 13.5 13 14.4
[f] 2 5.3 2 3.8 4 4.4
[v] 14 36.8 19 36.5 33 36.7
[θ] 20 52.6 23 44.2 43 47.8

Table 2b shows the errors made during the oral reading road into ‘rud’ and man (m[æ]n) into m[a]n. Wordsworth
exercise. For the college students of Balud, [æ] in the word (2019) stated that errors made in pronunciation are due to the
‘man’ have the highest number of error (55.3%) in the vowel difference in the sound system and the word symbols between
sounds and [θ] in the word ‘think’ have the highest number of the mother tongue and English.
error (52.6%) in the consonants sounds. For the lowest number
of errors, vowels sound [i] in the word ‘kick’ have 5.5% and The least mastered sound based on the written
consonant sound [f] in the word ‘first’ have 4.4%. pronunciation test are the [ou] in the word “road” and the
sound [u:] in the word “food”, while in the oral reading
For the college students of Cawayan, vowel sound [ou] exercise, the least mastered sounds are [æ] in the word ‘man’
in the word ‘road’ have the highest number of errors which is and [θ] in the word ‘think’.
57.7% and consonant sound [θ] in the word ‘think’ have the
highest number of errors which is 44.2%. For the lowest Boonkit (2009) in his study entitled Enhancing the
number of errors, [i] in the word ‘kick’ for vowels sounds and Development of Speaking Skills for Non-native Speakers of
[f] in the word ‘first’ for consonant sounds are least English found out the strengths and weaknesses of speaking
mispronounced. performance of non-native speakers, weaknesses were found
in pronunciation and grammatical structure but the errors
In the overall, the voiceless /th/ or [θ] is the most found in pronunciation are in word stress and not in vowel and
mispronounced consonant sound and [ou] and [æ] are the most consonant sounds. This shows why majority of the college
mispronounced vowel sounds. Meanwhile, [i] and [f] are the students are highly proficient when it comes to pronunciation
least mispronounced. of the consonant and vowel sounds. One of the theoretical
perspectives in language acquisition which is the socialization
The results indicate that 52.6% of the college students theory is link in this. This theory views that language
are proficient in terms of pronunciation based on the written development is facilitated by corrective feedbacks and this
pronunciation test, 25.3% of them are less proficient, 16.8 are corrective feedback includes correction in pronunciation. It
highly proficient, 4.2% are not proficient and there is 1.1% emphasizes that an individual expands his vocabulary through
who is exemplary. Meanwhile, based on the oral reading hearing others speak. This means that if an individual is
exercise, only 43.3% of the college students are highly exposed to the correct use of the language, he or she will
proficient in English speaking in terms of pronunciation. acquire the same correctness. Another theory that will give
23.3% of them are exemplary, 22.2% are proficient, the 10% light to the result is the skill theory which emphasizes the
belong to less proficient and there is 1.2% that is not importance of cognitive learning and practice and the theory
proficient. of communicative competence by Hymes (1972) discussed in
the theoretical framework. These imply that college students
The least mastered sound based on the written from Balud and Cawayan are in the environment of school
pronunciation test are the [ou] in the word “road” and the where in the use of English language occurs which they can
sound [u:] in the word “food”, while in the oral reading hear and learn from it, they are surrounded by people who give
exercise, the least mastered sounds are [æ] in the word ‘man’ corrective feedback about the use of the language including
and [θ] in the word ‘think’. pronunciation. These people include teachers, administrators,
staff and other students. According to these college students,
The influence of Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan is they use English language during recitations, when answering
evident in the pronunciation of some students who are native the teachers’ questions, and during reporting. These are
speakers of the said languages. The sound of the voiceless /th/ opportunities to not just learn the language but also used it.
or [θ] in the word ‘think’ does not exist in both languages, the These exposure to English language helped these college
students are not used or exposed in this sound that is why they students in their English-speaking proficiency in terms of
pronounce it with /t/, like ‘tink’ for think and ‘tot’ for thought. pronunciation. This further implies that the students’
The vowel sounds [ou] and [æ] are also not common in both pronunciation of the vowel and consonant sounds is not
Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan language, the vowel sounds influenced by their mother tongue because of their exposure to
of the said languages are more on short ‘u’ in the word book the use of it. Thus, the students still have to be more exposed
and [a] in the word rat. That is why they pronounced ’the word to the use of English language in oral exercises to maintain the

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
level of proficiency and to even move up to the exemplary win the game. Cooperative learning will occur by tutoring one
level. The percentage of the college students who belong to another how to pronounce the words correctly.
the less proficient and not proficient level should not be
disregarded. They should be provided with activities that will  Level 2- Read and Rhyme
cater their weakness in pronunciation. In this game, student will be asked to come up with
words that rhyme with others presented on cards. This game
 Proposed activities to Enhance the English-Speaking will enhance vocabulary and pronunciation.
Proficiency of the College Students
Another concern of these study is to be able to suggest  Level 3- IPA Symbol Card Game
activities that can enhance the English-speaking proficiency of This card game helps students learn phonetic symbols.
the college students. Words will be presented and they are going to identify what
symbol is appropriate to the sound present in each word. Cards
The result indicates that the college students who are are included on the site that can be printed and use in class.
speakers of Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan, have errors in
the pronunciation of these consonants and vowel sounds.  Level 4- Tongue Twisters
Highest mistake is the pronunciation of [θ]. This agrees to Classic English tongue twisters to help students focus on
Elizabeth Pachina’s article, Pronunciation Problems of some of the more challenging phonemes.
Students in the Philippines, one of the sound that Filipino
students struggle to utter is the /th/ sound which they often The researcher also adapted a video from the internet that
substitute with either /t/ or /d/. Istiqomah (2019) in her study will surely help in this problem of pronunciation of this
An Analysis of Pronunciation Errors of English Consonants consonant sound. The video provides a background of the
Sounds produced by English Department Students, also found sound and gives instruction how to produce the sound through
out that [θ] is one of the consonant sounds that is commonly illustration of the speech organs. After the illustration of how
mispronounced, it is pronounced by most as /t/. This implies the sound is produced, there are words with the voiceless “th”,
that college students are not aware of the correct pronunciation the voice in the video read the words to demonstrate clearly
of this sound when speaking. This further implies that they how these words are to be read with the voiceless “th”. One
need more chance to hear and utter this sound for them to be part of the video is that individual words will appear and the
able to get used to it and be aware of the sound. viewer of listener will read the words which is recorded by the
system to assess if the pronunciation of the sound is correct.
The proposed activities to enhance the least mastered The title of the video is ‘TH’: Consonant Sound / θ / as in
sound and the English proficiency of the college students is “think”- American English Pronunciation. It can be accessed
entitled “Pro-Fun Drill”. This activity is adapted from Kenneth by opening this link
Beare in his article about How to Teach Pronunciation. The
name of the activity is changed and the activities are modified IV. CONCLUSION
and contextualized.
Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that in
 “Pro – Fun Drill” terms of pronunciation, 52.6% of the college students are
The Pro – Fun Drill is a 2-hour activity that will occur proficient based on the written pronunciation test and 43.3%
thrice every week. The participants of this FunDrill are all the are highly proficient based on the oral reading exercise.
college students. The time for this activity is scheduled that all Among the consonant and vowel sounds, the most
will be available for two hours without class obstruction. This mispronounced sounds are [ou] and [θ]. The influence of
is called Fun Drill because the pronunciation will be taught Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan is evident in the English
and practice through games, having fun while learning. This pronunciation of some students who are native speakers of the
weekly activity is to be implemented to give students more said languages because there are consonants sounds and vowel
exposure and practice in English pronunciation to enhance sounds that do not exist in Hiligaynon and Cebuano-Visayan.
their speaking proficiency and to be aware of the sounds of Errors are made in pronunciation because of the difference in
English that they least mastered. The following are the the sound system and the word symbols between the mother
activities to be done during the Pro-Fun Drill: tongue and English. The “Pro-Fun drill” may be proposed to
address the mispronunciation of the least mastered sounds and
 Level 1- Say the Word to enhance the English-speaking proficiency of the college
Words consisting the sounds they have to learn for the students in terms of pronunciation.
day is presented on the board. The class will be divided into
groups depending on the class size. Each group will be asked
to read what is on the board in chorus. When mispronunciation
is detected, the other group will earn points. This game will
push every group member to pronounce the word correctly to

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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