Quarters - 23 12 14

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Corporate Office - BW Unit + 5 On POM BW), oF Uta tem fra fates Telegraph Office Building (SU AC SR Dneieepitaesmateaaeee “eB BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED Phone. 011-23864239, 23865284(Fax) 1A Govt at nea Enters No. 482-09/2009-BG/Vol. II(Pt. 1) Dated: 22.12.2014 To AlLCGM s BENL Units Subject: Modified policy for renting/leasing out vacant staff quarters of BSNL to Central Government Department, CPSUs/State PSUs and their employees and Outside Reputed Private Agency (ORPA) Kinaly refer to this office letter dated 2000 vide which the policy for renting/leasing out of vacant staff quarters of BSNL to Centrai Government Department, CPSUs / State PSUs their employees and Outside Reputed Private Agency (ORPA) was circulated. Suggestions uirenamients in the said policy ad been reveived flu varius circles and Ue sacs considered by the Managemen: Now. the Management Committee has approvea a moottiea policy tor rentingrleasing out of facant staff quarters of ASN ta Central Gavernment Nenariment, CPStIsiState PSIis and the employees and Qutside Reputed Private Agency (ORPA) and same is enclosed as Annexure ‘A’. [his is in supersession ot the existing policy for utilization of vacant stat cuarters in BSNL issued vide 26.17.2008. CGMs are requested to make all out efforts to ae Out the vacant staff auarters to Central Government Department CPSUs/State PSUs no their employees and je Reputea Private Agencies so as to generate maximum nue for BSN ty wb wopoer (Satyendra Chaturvedi) AGM (BG} 1 PPS <0 CMD. BSNL PS Iv all Direuu's 3. CS &S1 GMiLegaly/GMS! Bua MiCA}! GM(BD) Regd & Corporate Office- Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, H. C. Mathur Lane Jan Path New Dethi-110 001 ANNEXURE. ¢ Sub:-Modified policy for renting / leasing out vacant staff quarters of BSNL to Central Government Department, CPSUs/ State PSUs & their employees and Outside Reputed Private Agency (ORPA). 1. CGMs are allowed to allot the vacant quarters to the Gentral Govt. Department ICPSUs/State PSUs & its employees and ORPA but not to State Government & its employees. Firstly the number & type of staff quarters to be treated as surplus should be decided by the CGM of the Circle as per the following parameters a) Period of vacancy: The staff quarters should have remained unoccupied for the last six months or more. b) Surplus status: The CGM shall take into account all the requirement of staff likely to join in near future and the staff posted to tenure stations for arriving at number of quarters becoming surplus. 2. The allottee shall be responsible for all the acts and/or omissions of his family members residing in such allotted quarter. 3. The allotment of accommodation should be done on the application submitted by the concerned organizations/individual (through its controlling officer) to concerned CGM. 4, The allotment of these accommodations should be for the use of organization/its employees only. Immediate family members of the allottee will be allowed to stay with him/her Le. wife/husband, children & their spouses and parents only. 5. If the vacant quarter is demanded by individual employee duly recommended by his employer as per OSNL Modified Policy, the same may be allotted as per his/her entitlement and no sharing or sub-letting will be allowed. All the rules, conditions in FR SR part | on this subject are applicable for such allotments also. 6. In case individual employees wants higher category of quarter then only one step above the entitled type of quarter can be allotted but the rent of allotted type [ie. higher type] of quarter shall be payable by the allottee and other charges also shall be payable as per that type ot quarter. 7. In cace accommodation ic required for allotment for any serving BSNL employee, the allottee has to vacate the quarters on 2 months’ notice. No appeal against such notice will be entertained. If the quarter is not vacated by that time the allottee will be liable to pay twice the actual market rent ot such quarter without prejudice to legal action. A clear undertaking may be taken from the applicant that, “He/She will vacate the quarter within 2 months on receipt of notice for vacation of the quarter.” 8. The allottee will be bound by all the rules and regulations which are applicable for allotment of BSNL accommodation in the normal course regarding conduct, sharing, payment of water and electricity chargee ote. 9. Only minimum maintenance for providing labour connected with water supply, sanitation etc will be done by BSNL and any material replacement has to be borne by the allottee himselffherself. However, no addition/alteration/damages etc. will be allowed to the existing structure by allottee. The major repair, if ‘equited, shall be done by BSNL, Allottee shall handover quarter in the same ¢ Syren condition as it was handed over to hinvher and if any damage is found, the ‘same shall be rectified at his/her cost. 10. An amount equal to 3 months rent has to be taken as Security Deposit which is. refundable on vacation after deducting the charges/losses, if any, payable by the other organization employees. However, this condition may be relaxed by CGM after recording the reasons. 11.CGMs are empowered to incur expenditure on minimum maintenance/repairs necessitated before allotment to make the quarter livable. The expenditure which can be incurred on such works shall be limited to 3 month rental amount received as security deposit. For expenditure beyond this limit shall require prior approval of Corporate Office. 12.CGM may be authorized to finalize rent as below: (a) CGM can allow leasing of vacant quarters deciding eligibility of allottee matching with the eligibility of BSNL employees. The rent chargeable can be decided by CGM but shall not be less than the rent prescribed in the policies issued by BSNL for leasing out vacant quarters to family membere of BSNL employees & retired DOT/BSNL employees enclosed as Annexure ‘I’. (b) If rent to be offered is below the rent as in (a) above, CGM may allow, but specific reasons shall be recorded by CGM with concurrence of IFA of Circle for the same, however it should not be less than the rent worked out at minimum pay scale of BSNL employee eligible for that type of Qtr. (c) Rent will be increased minimum 5% per annum. However, CGMs can decide more increment depending upon local trend in market. (d) Service charges shall be recovered from all allottees and other taxes/charges shall also be recovered as per local bye-laws requirement () Service charges for Civil & Electrical maintenance shall also be chargeable under this policy from all allottee. 13. The allottee shall pay rent of each month In advance by 5" of each month failing which the amount with interest at the rate of 12% for the period of delay calculated on day to day basis shall be payable to BSNL by the allottes. But the allottee shall pay the rent of previous month before the rent of next month becomes due. 14.If the rent is not paid along with interest for delay in payment then the due amount shall be recovered from security deposit and the allottee will be asked lw restore the secutily deposit amount. However, if there Is delay of more than onc month, then in such an cvent, one month notice shall be issued to the allottee for vacation of the quarter. If the quarter is not vacated within one month after the notice, necessary action for eviction will be initiated by CGM. BSNL. The amount due, if any, will be recovered from the security deposit of the employee and notice of recovery, if recovery exceeds security deposit, shall be sent to the allottee. 15.In case Wie quarter is allotted to an employee of Central Govt. Department, PSUs, State PSUs in the individual capacity, then in the event of death of employee, the quarter shall be got vacated within 2 months after the death of the allottee(employee). In this regard proper action shall be initiated by the concerned unit ie Nei Ahr 16.GM (L&B) of the Circle shall act as Nodal officer for maintaining the record of vacant quarters, receipt and disposal of applications from other organization employees for allotment ot quarters and monitor timely collection of rent and other charges etc. A monthly report on revenue collected on account of the renting out vacant quarters should be sent to BW Cell of BENL Corporate Office for compilation and furnishing report on revenue generation. In case there is no GM (L&B) in Circle office, concerned PCEICE (civil) shall act accordingly. 17 The necessary safeguards shall be provided in the allotment letter to prevent unlawful use of such allotted quarters and non-payment of statutory dues like electricity, water bill and rental, maintenance etc. 48.1f the other organization want any modification/upgradation in the existing quarters the came can be done, if found feasible, but the cost of this upgradation /modificatian shall he borne hy the concerned organization and shall be deposited in advance (non refundable/non adjustable). 19.The Lease Agreement covering all the above aspects/conditions shall be entered between Central Govt. Department. CPSUs/State PSUs or its employees and ORPA, as the case may be, and the BSNL as per Local Bye Laws and also in consultation with BSNL Counsel safeguarding the Interests of BSNL. 20.The quarters can be allotted for any term not exceeding 10 years. If the quarters are to be allotted for more than ten years (10) period or extension there of, then prior approval of the President in terms of the Article 144(3) of the Articles of Association of BSNL shall be required. In such a situation, case should be sent at least one year in advance to this office for getting approval of the President. If the lease period is mure than 11 months, the lease agreement shall have to be registered and the charges for registration shall be borne by the allottee. 21.The policy circulated vide letter no. 482-16/2007-BG dated 01.09.2011 for allotment of vacant quarters to the BSNL employee, who are posted at out stations (ie other than his place of posting) for the residential use of the family members shall remain the same. 22. Possibility may also be explored for allotment uf quarter to Outside reputed Private agency (ORPA) on the prevailing market rent. This should however be resorted only if a separate block of quarters can he offered for allotment in such cases, the complete case along with the details, financial implications and recommendations may be forwarded to BSNL Corporate Office for its approval. 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