10 Syll Tech Physics 06 04 22
10 Syll Tech Physics 06 04 22
10 Syll Tech Physics 06 04 22
Mathematical Physics
Vector calculusi linear vector space: basis, orthogonality and compteteness; matrices; similarjty
transformations, diagonalization, eigonvalues and eigenvoctors: linear differential equations: second
order linear differential equations 6nd solutions involving special functions; complex analysisi
Cauchy-Riemann conditions, Cauchy's theorem, singularities, residue theorem and applic€tions;
Laplace taansform, Fourier analysis; elementary ideas about tensors: covariant and contravariant
Classical Mechanics
Electromagnetic Theory
Solutions ofelectrostatic and magnetostatic problems including boundary value problems; method
of images; separation of variables,: dielectrics and conductors; magnetic materials; multipole
expansion; Maxwell's equations; scalar and vector potentials; Coulomb and Lorentz gauges;
eleclromagnetic wav€s in free spac€, non-conducting and conducting media: ref,ection and
transmission at normal and oblique incidencest polarization of electromagnetic wavos; poynting
veclor, Poynting theorem, energ, and momentum of electromagnelic waves; radiation from a moving
Quantum Mechanics
Laws of themoilynamics; m&roslates and microstates; phase space; €nsembles: partition tunclion,
ftee energy, calculation of thereodynamic quantities; classical and quantum statistics: degenerate
Fermi gas, black body radiation ai-Flancks distribution law; Boso-Einstein condensation: first and
second order phase transitions, phase equilibri6, critical point.
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Spectra of one-and many-electron atomst spin-o.bit interaction: LS and jj coupling6: fne and
hyperfine sUuctures; Zeeman and Stark effects; electric dipolo transitions and selection rules;
rotational and vibrational spectE of diatomic molecules; elechonic transitions in diatomic molecules,
Franck-Condon principle: Raman effect; EPR, NMR, ESR, X-ray spectra; lasers: Einstein
coefficients, popul;tion inversion, two and three levelsystems.
Elements of crystallography; diffraclion methods for structure determination; bonding in solids; lattice
vibrations and thermal properties of solids: free eleckon theory: band theory of solids: nearly free
electron and tight binding models; metals, s€miconductors and insulators; conductivity, mobility and
effective mass; Optical properties of solids; Krame/s-Kronig relation, intra- and inter-band
transitions; dielectric properties of solid; dielectic tunction, polarizability, ferroelectricity; magnetic
properties of solids; dia, para, ferro, antifeno and feni-hagnetism, domains and magnetic anisotropy;
superconductivi9: Type-l and Type ll superconductoB, Meissner effect, London equation, BCS
Theory, fl ux quantization.
Semiconductors in equilibrium: electron and hole statistics in intrinsic ahd extrinsic semiconductors;
metal-semiconductor junctions; Ohmic and rectifying contacts: PN diodes, bipolar junction
transistors, field effect transistors; negative and positive feedback circuits; oscillators, operational
amplifiers, active filters; basics of digital logic circuits, combinational and sequential circuits, flip-
flops, time6, cour{ers, registers, fuD and O/A conversion.
Nuclear radii and charge distributions, nuclear binding energy, electric and magnetic moments: semi-
.+ empirical mass brmulat nuclear models; liquid drop model, nuclear shell model; nuclearforc6 and
i8 two nucleon problem; alpha decay, beia-d€cay, electromagnetic transition6 in nuclei; Rutherford
scattering, nuclear reactions, conservation laws: fission and fusion; panicle accelerators and
detectoB; elementary particles; photons, baryons, mesons and leptorc: quark model; conseNation
$$ laws, isospin symmetry, charge conjugation, padty and time-reversal invariance.