NIT TPSODL - OT - 2023-24 - 012 - Survey, Collection & Disconnection Activities

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(A Tata Power & Odisha Govt. joint venture)

Kamapalli, Courtpeta, Berhampur, Ganjam, Odisha, India -760 004
NIT No.: TPSODL/OT/ 2023-24/012

Procedure for Participating in Tender

Last date
and time
EMD for Payment
Tender Fee
Work Description (Rs.- of
Enquiry No (Inclusive of
Lakh) Tender
Rate Contract for Site Survey,
Revenue Recovery &
TPSODL/OT/ Disconnection Activity of ECL
1.00 5,000 17.05.2023;
2023-24/012 Category Not Paid consumers
18:00 Hrs.
across all circles under
Please note that corresponding details mentioned in this document will supersede any
other details mentioned anywhere else in the Tender Document.
Procedure for Participating in Tender. Following steps to be done before “Last date and time
for Payment of Tender Participation Fee” as mentioned above.

1. Eligible and Interested Bidders to submit duly signed and stamped letter on Bidder's
letterhead indicating.
A. Tender Enquiry number
B. Name of authorized person
C. Contact number
D. e-mail id
E. Details of submission of Tender Participation Fee
F. GST Number
2. Non-Refundable Tender Participation Fee, as indicated in table above, to be
submitted in the form of direct deposit in the following bank account and submit
the receipt along with a covering letter clearly indicating the Tender Reference no:

Beneficiary Name: TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited.

Account No : 625901010050070
Name of the Bank: Union Bank of India, Kamapalli Branch, Berhampur
IFSC Code : UBIN0562599

E-mail with necessary attachment of 1 and 2 above to be send to

[email protected] with copy to [email protected]
before “Last date and time for Payment of Tender Participation Fee”.

3. Bids are to be submitted only through online e-procurement platform, ARIBA. Any other
form of bid submission will not be accepted. Link for bidding through ARIBA e-procurement
platform will be mailed to bidder once Letter received as mentioned in point no 1 & 2 above.

4. Refer Tender Document for other details.

5. MSME BA from Odisha may refer and follow as per TPSODL GCC norms- Clause 9.4.
NIT No.: TPSODL/OT/2023-24/012



Rate Contract for Site Survey, Revenue Recovery &

Disconnection Activity of ECL Category Not Paid
consumers across all circles under TPSODL.

Tender Enquiry No.: TPSODL/OT/2023-24/012

Due Date for Bid Submission: 20.05.2023

TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited

Berhampur, Odisha

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1. Event Information
2. Submission of Bid Documents
3. Bid Opening & Evaluation process
4. Evaluation Criteria
5. Award Decision
6. Order of Preference/Contradiction
7. Post Award Contract Administration
8. Specifications and Standards
9. General Conditions of Contract
10. Safety
I Annexure I – Schedule of Items
II Annexure II – Technical Specifications
III Annexure III – Schedule of Deviations
IV Annexure IV – Schedule of Commercial Specifications
V Annexure V – Document Check List
VI Annexure VI – Acceptance Form for Participation in Reverse Auction Event
VII Annexure VII – Scope of Work and Service Level Agreement
VIII Annexure VIII – General Condition of Contract
IX Annexure IX - Safety Policy and Safety Terms and Conditions
X Annexure X – Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC)
XI Annexure XI - Environment & Sustainability Policy

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1. Event Information
1.1. Scope of work

Open Tenders are invited through the e-tender bidding process from interested
Bidders for entering into a Rate Contract for a period of 06 Months for Site Survey,
Revenue Recovery & Disconnection Activity of ECL Category Not Paid
consumers across all circles under TPSODL as per detailed BOQ & Scope of Work
mentioned in Annexure-I & Annexure-VII respectively.

EMD Participation Fee
S/N Work Description (Rs.- Lakh)* (Inclusive of GST)
Rate Contract for Site Survey, Revenue
Recovery & Disconnection Activity of ECL 2.00 5,000
Category Not Paid consumers across all
circles under TPSODL.

1.2. Availability of Tender Documents

Non-transferable tender documents may be purchased by interested eligible bidders
from address given below on submission of written application to the under mentioned
and upon payment of non-refundable Tender Fee.
Chief (Procurement & Stores)
TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited
Call Center /Training Center, Duduma Colony,
Ambagada, Berhampur, Odisha-760001
1.3. Calendar of Events
Last date and time of Payment of Tender
(A) 17/05/2023 18:00 Hrs.
Last Date of receipt of pre-bid queries if
(B) 13/05/2023 18:00 Hrs.
(C) Date and Time of Pre-Bid Meeting NA
Last Date of Posting Consolidated replies
(D) 16/05/2023 18:00 Hrs.
to all the pre-bid queries as received
(E) Last date and time of receipt of Bids 20/05/2023 18:00 Hrs.
Date & Time of opening technical bids &
(F) 20/05/2023 18:00 Hrs. onwards
EMD (Envelope-1 & 2)
Note: - In the event of last date specified for submission of bids and date of opening of
bids is declared as a closed holiday for TPSODL’s office, the last date of submission of
bids and date of opening of bids will be the day following working day at appointed
1.4 Mandatory documents required along with the Bid.
1.4.1 EMD of requisite value and validity

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1.4.2 Tender Fee in case the tender is downloaded from Website.
1.4.3 Requisite Documents for compliance to Qualification Criteria mentioned in Clause 1.7.
1.4.4 Drawing, Type Test details along with a sample of each item as specified at Annexure
I (as applicable)
1.4.5 Duly signed and stamped ‘Schedule of Deviations’ as per Annexure III on bidder’s letter
1.4.6 Duly signed and stamped ‘Schedule of Commercial Specifications’ as per Annexure IV
on bidder’s letter head.
1.4.7 Proper authorization letter/ Power of Attorney to sign the tender on the behalf of bidder.
1.4.8 Copy of PAN, GST, PF and ESI Registration (In case any of these documents is not
available with the bidder, same to be explicitly mentioned in the ‘Schedule of
Please note that in absence of any of the above documents, the bid submitted by a
bidder shall be liable for rejection.

1.5. Deviation from Tender

Normally, the deviations to tender terms are not admissible and the bids with deviation are
liable for rejection. Hence, the bidders are advised to refrain from taking any deviations on this
Tender. Still in case of any deviations, all such deviations shall be set out by the Bidders,
clause by clause in the ‘Annexure III – Schedule of Deviations’ and same shall be submitted
as a part of the Technical Bid.
1.6. Right of Acceptance/Rejection

Bids are liable for rejection in absence of following documents:

i. EMD of requisite value and validity
ii. Tender fee of requisite value
iii. Price Bid as per the Price Schedule mentioned in Annexure I (BOQ)
iv. Necessary documents against compliance to Qualification Requirements mentioned at
Clause 1.7 of this Tender Document
v. Filled in Schedule of Deviations as per Annexure III
vi. Filled in Schedule of Commercial Specifications as per Annexure IV
vii. Receipt of Bid within the due date and time
TPSODL reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason
1.7 Qualification Criteria

I. Minimum Average Annual Turnover:

The bidder should have average annual turnover of Rs. 1.00 Crores in any of the three
financial years out of last 04 FYs 18-19, FY 19-20, FY 20-21 & FY 21-22. Audited balance
sheet, profit and loss account and auditors report from the statutory auditors of the company

II. The Bidder should possess the followings:

i. Valid EPF Registration Certificate.
ii. Valid ESI Registration Certificate.
iii. Valid GST Registration Certificate.
iv. Valid PAN No.

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III. Previous Experience:

Bidder must have experience in Door-to-Door Collection activities for consumer base of at
least Fifty Thousand per month continuously for a period of at least one year. Bidder must
submit the Order issued from Power Distribution Utility in this regard.


Bidder must have experience of handling Enforcement activities for consumer base of at least
Fifty Thousand for a period of at least one year. Bidder must submit the Order copy issued
from Power Distribution Utility in this regard.


Bidder must have experience of handling 11kV AMC activities for consumer base of at least
Fifty Thousand for a period of at least one year. Bidder must submit the order copies issued
from Power Distribution Utility in this regard.

IV. The Bidder should have Performance Certificates of above similar works for at least
one year’s satisfactory performance during last 5 years from minimum 1 reputed Power
Distribution Utility and the respective Power Distribution Utility must have consumer base of
more than 5 lakhs. Performance certificate issued by Power Distribution company must be
submitted in this regard.

Note: - In case the bidder has a previous association with Tata Power group Companies for
similar products and services, the performance feedback for that bidder by Tata Power group
companies shall only be considered irrespective of performance certificates issued by any
third organization.

V. Bidder should not be blacklisted by any Govt. Organization / utility. Bidder has to submit
undertaking for the same.

VI. Joint Venture / Consortium are not allowed. Self-undertaking in this regard has to submitted
by Bidder.

VII. Subcontracting
a. Sub-contracting shall not be allowed for Survey & Collection.

However, BA may subcontract only Disconnection part of work, as it deems

appropriate. BA shall require its subcontractors to comply with all applicable terms and
conditions of this Agreement/tender in providing such services and bidder shall
remain primarily liable for the performance of such subcontractor.

b. Bidder shall appoint the subcontractor only with EIC’s prior written approval. Safety
Evaluation of the subcontractor shall also be done by Head-Safety of TPSODL.

c. Subcontractor is also required to comply with the technical capabilities including valid
ELBO License and expertise for execution of similar works.

d. Undertaking along with name of the Sub-Contractor in this regard has to be submitted
by BA.

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VIII. The bidder should have Valid Electrical Contractor License issued by ELBO (if Bidder is
not going to appoint any Subcontractor for Disconnection job). In case bidder is not having
this License, Bidder shall submit an undertaking that in case they are the successful bidder,
same shall be obtained by them and shall be submitted to TPSODL within 15 days of order/LOI
award. In case the said license is not furnished within 40 Days from the issue of Order,
TPSODL has the right to cancel the Rate Contract without any intimation to the BA.

IX. The Bidder must have Office Setup in State of Odisha with Odisha State GST Registration.
Self-undertaking with complete address of registered Office and GST registration details has
to be submitted along with the bid.

Alternatively, bidders not having the Office & Odisha GST Registration may also participate
and require to submit an undertaking with the bid “to open such Office with Odisha GST
Registration” within 45 days from award of contract. Self-undertaking in this regard shall be
submitted by the Bidder.

X. The Bidder must submit an undertaking along with the bid document for acceptance of all
terms & conditions of the tender document, associated corrigendum/amendments, GCC, and
reply to Pre-Bid Queries.

The indenting bidder(s) shall furnish the documentary evidence pertaining to the above
qualifying criteria or else their bid shall be rejected outright without any further

Note: The evaluation of Bidder’s / its Sub-Contractor’s safety capability with evaluation of
safety bid is part of qualifying requirement for participating in this Tender.

Preferential norms for Odisha MSMEs as mentioned hereunder shall also be applicable.

1) Tender Fees
To participate in the tender, MSMEs registered in the State of Odisha shall pay Rs.1,000/-
including GST towards cost of tender paper.

2) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

EMD shall be exempted for MSME registered in the State of Odisha. However, Bidder shall
be barred to participate in the tendering process for a period of 2 years in case it backs out
post award of the contract.

3) Qualification Requirement for Open Tenders

Qualification Requirement of Financial Turnover for MSME registered in the State of Odisha
shall be reduced to 20% of the existing criteria.

For Technical Qualification, instead of relying on the volumes / value of earlier Supplies /
Projects, assessment of the Bidder shall be done on the basis of feedback from Customers.
Past performance experience at Tata Power and its Group Companies shall supersede
feedback from other Customers.

4) Performance Bank Guarantees

Performance Bank Guarantee for MSME registered in the State of Odisha shall be 25% of the
value normally prescribed.

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I. In case the bidder has a previous association with TPSODL for similar products and
services, the performance feedback for that bidder from TPSODL User Group shall only be
considered irrespective of performance certificates issued by any third organization.

TPSODL reserve the right to scrutinize and reject any of such existing vendors without
assigning reason what so ever may be.

II. Based on latest / previous years experiences of Tata Power / Tata Power group companies
with BA, TPSODL reserves the right to disqualify the bidders during techno - commercial
evaluation of the bid.

III. TPSODL reserves the right to disqualify the bidder/s during techno - commercial evaluation
of the bid, in case it is found that some matter / case pertaining to the bidder is prevalent under
any kind of litigation (filed by either of the party) with TPSODL / Tata Power / Tata Power
group companies. This will also include old pending matters, if any, of erstwhile SOUTHCO

1.8. Marketing Integrity

We have a fair and competitive marketplace. The rules for bidders are outlined in the General
Condition of Contracts. Bidders must agree to these rules prior to participating. In addition to
other remedies available, TPSODL reserves the right to exclude a bidder from participating in
future markets due to the bidder’s violation of any of the rules or obligations contained in the
General Condition of Contracts. A bidder who violates the market place rules or engages in
behavior that disrupts the fair execution of the marketplace, may result in restriction of a bidder
from further participation in the marketplace for a length of time, depending upon the
seriousness of the violation. Examples of violations include, but are not limited to:
 Failure to honor prices submitted to the marketplace
 Breach of terms as published in TENDER/NIT

1.9. Supplier Confidentiality

All information contained in this tender is confidential and shall not be disclosed, published or
advertised in any manner without written authorization from TPSODL. This includes all bidding
information submitted to TPSODL. All tender documents remain the property of TPSODL and
all suppliers are required to return these documents to TPSODL upon request. Suppliers who
do not honor these confidentiality provisions will be excluded from participating in future
bidding events.
2. Evaluation Criteria

1. The bids will be evaluated techno - commercially on the compliance to tender terms
and conditions.

2. The bids will also be evaluated on Safety Parameters as mentioned in annexure-AA of

the tender. Bidders have to submit all the documents related to safety bid.

Note: If the Bidder is going to execute the disconnection work, Safety bid of the Bidder
will be evaluated or else safety bid of its sub-contractors will be evaluated.

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3. The bids will be evaluated commercially on the overall total all-inclusive lowest
cost of a Circle, as defined in the tender BOQ of Items [Annexure I]. Bidder has
to mandatorily quote against each line items of the Circle, failing to do so, bids are
liable for rejection. All bidders are advised to quote their most competitive rates.

4. TPSODL reserves the right to decide the number of Circles to be awarded to any
eligible bidder considering the best cost optimization, capacity and capability of the
bidders to ensure SLA.

NOTE: In case of a new bidder not registered with TPSODL, existing sites shall be visited by
TPSODL officials for confirming overall performance of the BA. However, TPSODL reserves
the right to carry out sites’ inspection and evaluation for any bidder prior to technical
qualification. In case a bidder is found as Disqualified in the sites visit evaluation, their bid
shall not be evaluated any further and shall be summarily rejected. The decision of TPSODL
shall be final and binding on the bidder in this regard.
2.1 Price Variation Clause:
The prices shall remain Firm till the Validity of the Rate Contract.

2.2 Quantity variation Clause: There will not be any guarantee on quantity of job. Job
has to be carried out on as and when required basis order from TPSODL on the quantity to
be specified in the order.
3. Submission of Bid Documents
3.1 Bid Submission
Bidders are requested to submit their offer in line with this Tender document through e-
tendering process.
Please note all future correspondence regarding the tender, bid submission, bid submission
date extension, etc. will happen only through TPSODL E-Tender system (Ariba).
All communication will be done strictly with the bidder who have done the above step to
participate in the Tender.

Bids shall be submitted in 3 (three) parts:

FIRST PART: “EMD” as applicable shall be submitted. The EMD of Rs. 1,00,000.00 (Rupees
One Lakh) shall be valid for 210 days from the due date of bid submission in the form of
Bank Guarantee / Bank Draft / Bankers Pay Order (issued from a Scheduled Bank) online
NEFT/ RTGS transfer favoring ‘TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited’ payable at
Berhampur. The EMD has to be strictly in the format as mentioned in General Condition of
Contract, failing which it shall not be accepted by TPSODL and the bid as submitted shall be
liable for rejection.

A separate non-refundable tender fee of Rs. 5000.00 (Rupees Five Thousand only) of
stipulated amount also needs to be transferred online through NEFT/ RTGS in case the tender
document is downloaded from our website.
TPSODL Bank Details for transferring Tender Fee and EMD is as below:
Beneficiary Name : TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited.
Account No : 625901010050070
Name of the Bank : Union Bank of India, Kamapalli Branch, Berhampur
IFSC Code : UBIN0562599

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Note- EMD is preferred in form of Bank Guarantee and to be delivered at the following
address. However, in view of present situation if Bidder is finding it difficult to make and submit
BG for EMD amount, they can do online transfer of EMD amount in the above-mentioned
Account and submit proof of the same as part of Bid Submission.

Please note that in such case, Tender Fee and EMD should be strictly 2 separate transactions.
Please note as return of EMD from Bank Account is non-standard practice the same may take
more time than return of EMD BG.

EMD Original Hard Copy shall be delivered at the following address in Envelope clearly
indicating Tender Reference/ Enquiry Number, Name of Tender and Bidder Name
Chief (Procurement & Stores)
TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited
Call Center /Training Center, Duduma Colony,
Ambagada, Berhampur, Odisha-760001

SECOND PART: “TECHNICAL BID” shall contain the following documents:

a) Documentary evidence in support of qualifying criteria
b) Technical literature/GTP/Type test report etc. (if applicable)
c) Qualified manpower (if available)
d) Testing facilities (if applicable)
e) No Deviation Certificate as per the Annexure III – Schedule of Deviations
f) Acceptance to Commercial Terms and Conditions viz. Delivery schedule/period,
payment terms etc. as per the Annexure IV – Schedule of Commercial Specifications.
g) Quality Assurance Plan/Inspection Test Plan for supply items (if applicable)
h) Safety Bid- Annexure AA

The technical bid shall be properly indexed and is to be submitted through TPSODL E-
tender System (Ariba) only. Hard Copy of Technical Bids not to be submitted.

THIRD PART: “PRICE BID” shall contain only the price details and strictly in format as
mentioned in Annexure I along with explicit break up of basic prices, Taxes & duties, Freight
etc. In case any discrepancy is observed between the item description stated in Schedule of
Items mentioned in the tender and the price bid submitted by the bidder, the item description
as mentioned in the tender document (to the extent modified through Corrigendum issued if
any) shall prevail.

Price Bid is to be submitted in soft copy through TPSODL E-Tendering system (Ariba)
only. Hard copy of Price Bid not to be submitted
The EMD in the form of Bank Draft / BG / Bankers Pay Order shall be submitted in original
hard copy and then placed in sealed envelope which shall be clearly marked as below:
“(Rate Contract for Site Survey, Revenue Recovery & Disconnection Activity of ECL
Category Not Paid consumers across all circles under TPSODL)"

At TPSODL, Odisha the Bid prepared by the Bidder, and all correspondence and documents
relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the TPSODL, shall be written in the English
Language. Any printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another Language,
provided that this literature is accompanied by an English translation, in which case, for
purposes of interpretation of the Bid, the English translation shall govern.

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The bid must contain the name, residence and place of business of the person or persons
making the bid and must be signed and sealed by the Bidder with his usual signature. The
names of all persons signing should also be typed or printed below the signature.
The Bid being submitted must be signed by a person holding a Power of Attorney authorizing
him to do so, certified copies of which shall be enclosed.
The Bid submitted on behalf of companies registered with the Indian Companies Act, for the
time being in force, shall be signed by persons duly authorized to submit the Bid on behalf of
the Company and shall be accompanied by certified true copies of the resolutions, extracts of
Articles of Association, special or general Power of Attorney etc. to show clearly the title,
authority and designation of persons signing the Bid on behalf of the Company. Satisfactory
evidence of authority of the person signing on behalf of the Bidder shall be furnished with bid.
A bid by a person who affixes to his signature the word ‘President’, ‘Managing Director’,
‘Secretary’, ‘Agent’ or other designation without disclosing his principal will be rejected. The
Bidder’s name stated on the Proposal shall be the exact legal name of the firm.
3.2 Contact Information
All the bidders are requested to send their pre-bid queries (if any) against this tender through
e-mail within the stipulated timelines. The consolidated reply to all the queries received shall
be posted on TPSODL website by the stipulated timelines as detailed in calendar of events.
Communication Details: Communication Details:
Name: Mr. Satyajit Das
Contact No: 7008741389
E-Mail ID: [email protected]

Head – Procurement
Name: Mr. Manoj Kumar Kharbanda
Contact No.:9971395197
E-Mail ID: [email protected]

Chief – Contract and Stores

Name: Mr. Subrata Dey
E-Mail ID: [email protected]

3.3 Bid Prices

Bidders shall quote for the entire Scope of Supply/ work with a break up of prices for individual
items and Taxes & duties. The bidder shall complete the appropriate Price Schedules included
herein, stating the Unit Price for each item & total price with taxes, duties & freight up to
destination at various sites of TPSODL. The all-inclusive prices offered shall be inclusive of all
costs as well as Duties, Taxes and Levies paid or payable during the execution of the supply
work, breakup of price constituents.

Applicable GST to be specified clearly.

The quantity break-up shown else-where other than Price Schedule is tentative. The bidder
shall ascertain himself regarding material required for completeness of the entire work. Any
items not indicated in the price schedule but which are required to complete the job as per the

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Technical Specifications/ Scope of Work/ SLA mentioned in the tender, shall be deemed to be
included in prices quoted.

3.4 Bid Currencies

Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees Only.

3.5 Period of Validity of Bids

Bids shall remain valid for 180 days from the due date of submission of the bid.
Notwithstanding clause above, the TPSODL may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension
of the Period of Bid Validity. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing.
3.6 Alternative Bids
Bidders shall submit Bids, which comply with the Bidding documents. Alternative bids will not
be considered. The attention of Bidders is drawn to the provisions regarding the rejection of
Bids in the terms and conditions, which are not substantially responsive to the requirements
of the bidding documents.

3.7 Modifications and Withdrawal of Bids

The bidder is not allowed to modify or withdraw its bid after the Bid’s submission. The EMD
as submitted along with the bid shall be liable for forfeiture in such event.

3.8 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), if applicable, the bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid,
an EMD amounting as specified in the tender. The EMD is required to protect TPSODL
against the risk of bidder’s conduct which would warrant forfeiture.

The EMD shall be denominated in any of the following form:

 Banker’s Cheque/ Demand Draft/ Pay order drawn in favor of TP Southern Odisha
Distribution Limited payable at Berhampur.
 Online transfer of requisite amount through NEFT/ RTGS.
 Bank Guarantee valid for 210 days after due date of submission.

The EMD shall be forfeited in case:

a) The bidder withdraws its bid during the period of specified bid validity.
b) The successful Bidder does not
a) accept the Purchase Order/Rate Contract, or
b) furnish the required Performance Security Bank Guarantee

3.9 Type Tests (if applicable)

The type tests specified in TPSODL specifications should have been carried out within five
years prior to the date of opening of technical bids and test reports are to be submitted along
with the bids. If type tests carried out are not within the five years prior to the date of bidding,
the bidder will arrange to carry out type tests specified, at his cost. The decision to accept/
reject such bids rests with TPSODL.

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4 Bid Opening & Evaluation process

4.1. Process to be confidential.
Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of Bids and
recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other
persons not officially concerned with such process. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the
TPSODL’s processing of Bids or award decisions may result in rejection of the Bidder’s Bid.

4.2. Technical Bid Opening

Bids will be opened at TPSODL Office, Berhampur. All tender bids shall be opened internally
by TPSODL. Presence of any bidder will not be allowed during bid opening process. Technical
bid must not contain any cost information whatsoever.
First the envelope marked “EMD” will be opened. Bids without EMD/cost of tender (if
applicable) of required amount/ validity in prescribed format, shall be rejected.
Next, the technical bid of the bidders who have furnished the requisite EMD will be opened,
one by one.

4.3. Preliminary Examination of Bids/Responsiveness

TPSODL will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any
computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished,
whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the Bids are generally in
order. TPSODL may ask for submission of original documents in order to verify the documents
submitted in support of qualification criteria.
Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis: If there is a discrepancy between
the unit price and the total price per item that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and
quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price per item will be corrected. If there is a
discrepancy between the Total Amount and the sum of the total price per item, the sum of the
total price per item shall prevail and the Total Amount will be corrected.
Prior to the detailed evaluation, TPSODL will determine the substantial responsiveness of
each Bid to the Bidding Documents including production capability and acceptable quality of
the Goods offered. A substantially responsive Bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and
conditions of the Bidding Documents without material deviation.
Bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by the TPSODL and may not
subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the non-conformity.

4.4. Techno Commercial Clarifications

Bidders need to ensure that the bids submitted by them are complete in all respects. To assist
in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, TPSODL may, at its discretion, ask
the Bidder for a clarification on its Bid for any deviations with respect to the TPSODL
specifications and attempt will be made to bring all bids on a common footing. All responses
to requests for clarification shall be in writing and no change in the price or substance of the
Bid shall be sought, offered or permitted owing to any clarifications sought by TPSODL.

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4.5. Price Bid Opening
Price bids will be opened internally without the presence of any bidder representative. The
EMD of the bidder withdrawing or substantially altering his offer at any stage after the technical
bid opening will be forfeited at the sole discretion of TPSODL without any further
correspondence in this regard.

4.6. Reverse Auctions

TPSODL reserves the right to conduct the reverse auction (instead of public opening of price
bids) for the products/ services being asked for in the tender. The terms and conditions for
such reverse auction events shall be as per the Acceptance Form attached as Annexure VI of
this document. The bidders along with the tender document shall mandatorily submit a duly
signed copy of the Acceptance Form attached as Annexure VI as a token of acceptance for
the same.

5 Award Decision/ Criteria

TPSODL will award the contract to the successful bidder whose bid has been determined to
be the lowest-evaluated responsive bid as per the Evaluation Criterion mentioned at Clause
2.0. The Cost for the said calculation shall be taken as the all-inclusive cost quoted by bidder
in Annexure I (Schedule of Items) subject to any corrections required in line with Clause 4.3
above. The decision to place Rate Contract /LOI solely depends on TPSODL on the cost
competitiveness across multiple lots, quality, delivery and bidder’s capacity, in addition to other
factors that TPSODL may deem relevant.
TPSODL reserves the rights to award contract to one or more bidders so as to meet the
delivery requirement or nullify award decision without assigning any reason thereof.
In case any supplier is found unsatisfactory during delivery process, the award will be
cancelled and TPSODL reserves right to award contract to other suppliers who are found fit.
6 Order of Preference/Contradiction
In case of contradiction in any part of various documents in tender, following shall prevail in
order of preference:
1. Schedule of Items (Annexure I)
2. Post Award Contract Administration (Clause 7.0)
3. Submission of Bid Documents (Clause 3.0)
4. Scope of Work and SLA (Annexure VII)
5. Technical Specifications (Annexure II)
6. Acceptance Form for Participation in Reverse Auction (Annexure VI)
7. General Conditions of Contract (Annexure VIII)
7 Post Award Contract Administration
7.1. Special Conditions of Contract
I. Award of Contract:
After finalization of tender, Rate Contract (RC) shall be issued with a validity period
of 06 months from the date of award of RC. Prices shall remain firm till validity of
Rate Contract. Within the validity of Rate Contract and as per requirement, Release
Order (RO) shall be issued time to time.

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II. Prices/ Rates/ Taxes
The Contract price shall remain FIRM during the entire Contract period.
Any change in statutory taxes, duties and levies during the contract period shall be borne
by TPSODL. However, in case of delay in work execution owing to reasons not
attributable to TPSODL, any increase in total liability shall be passed on the Bidder,
whereas any benefits arising owing to such statutory variation in taxes and duties shall
be passed on TPSODL.

III. Project Completion Period:

All the activities defined in the RC has to be completed by within 06 months from the
date of award of RC. Services shall be started as per the intimation from TPSODL.
IV. Contract Performance Bank Guarantee:
CPBG amounting to 5% of the Rate Contract value (including Taxes) shall be
submitted & shall remain valid for RC validity period plus One Month.

V. Liquidated Damages / Penalty:

Penalty shall be applicable as defined in the Scope of Work.

VI. BA has to ensure the execution of works with Safety parameters as defined in the
Scope of Work / Tender.
VII. TPSODL reserves the rights to short close the issued Order/ Contract, in case of any
quality issues.
VIII. Bidders to ensure that their GST registration is valid during validity of contract. Any
violation, in this regard may lead to contractual consequences not limited to blacklisting
but also payment will be blocked for the works executed.

IX. Covid Insurance clause as mentioned in GCC shall not be applicable. However, if
intimated by TPSODL during validity of contract for Covid Insurance policy, same has
to be abided by BA at no extra cost to TPSODL.

X. If any unsafe practices are observed during the execution of disconnection activity,
TPSODL shall reserve the right to terminate the Contract (or any part thereof)

7.2 Delivery Terms / Contract Period

As per special condition of contract mentioned in point 7.1
7.3 Completion Period
As per SCC (7.1)
7.4 Warranty Period
Not applicable.
7.5 Payment Terms
Payment shall be made on monthly basis. On completion of work and certification of
acceptance by certified official, Associate shall submit the Bills/ Invoices in original in the
name of TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited to Invoice Desk.

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Post submission of an error-free and verified invoice (s) from EIC, payment shall be
released within 30 days. Bills / invoices would be verified by TPSODL EIC for payment
after deducting amount for non- compliance as listed in Performance Measurement criteria

A. BA’s bills/invoices submitted have been certified by Engineer-In-Charge.
B. Payment shall be released within 30 days from the date of submission of certified bills/
invoices with complete details and fulfilment of statutory compliances and other
requirements, if any.
C. E- Invoice Clause: The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs vide Notification
No. 01/2022 – Central Tax dated 24th February, 2022 have notified the mandatory
issuance of E-Invoices w.e.f. 1st April 2022 for those suppliers whose turnover during
previous years have exceeded Rs.10 crs.

In view of the aforesaid notification your office is required to issue Tax Invoice with
appropriate IRN (Invoice Reference Number) and QR Code printed on the face of the
invoice. Please note invoices issued without IRN and QR code if applicable to your
organization will be rejected as the same is not considered as a valid Tax Invoice.

D. GST Reimbursement Clause: As per GST law, the supplier/BA has to issue Tax
Invoice along with supply of goods and in case of services within 30 days from the date
of supply of service. The GST amount billed in the Tax Invoice has to be deposited first
by your organization. In case, your organization doesn’t deposit GST with Govt.
treasury on/before prescribed due date, we reserve the right to withheld GST amount
till the time it reflected in GSTR-2A / GSTR-2B of company portal.

7.6 Drawing Submission and Approval (If applicable)

The relevant drawings and GTPs need to be submitted by BA within 10 days of receipt of
RC/LOI. In case, re-submission of drawings is required on request of TPSODL, same needs
to be submitted back to TPSODL within 5 days of such request.

7.7 Climate Change

Significant quantities of waste are generated during the execution of project and an integrated
approach for effective handling, storage, transportation and disposal of the same shall be
adopted. This would ensure the minimization of environmental and social impact in order to
combat the climate change. Please refer attached Environment Policy and Sustainability
Policy, Annexure-XI for more details.
7.8 Ethics
TPSODL is an ethical organization and as a policy TPSODL lays emphasis on ethical practices
across its entire domain. Bidder should ensure that they should abide by all the ethical norms
and in no form either directly or indirectly be involved in unethical practice.
TPSODL work practices are governed by the Tata Code of Conduct which emphasizes on the
 We shall select our suppliers and service providers fairly and transparently.
 We seek to work with suppliers and service providers who can demonstrate that they share
similar values. We expect them to adopt ethical standards comparable to our own.
 Our suppliers and service providers shall represent our company only with duly authorized
written permission from our company. They are expected to abide by the Code in their

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interactions with, and on behalf of us, including respecting the confidentiality of information
shared with them.
 We shall ensure that any gifts or hospitality received from, or given to, our suppliers or
service providers comply with our company’s gifts and hospitality policy.
 We respect our obligations on the use of third-party intellectual property and data.
Bidder is advised to refer Tata Code of Conduct (TCOC) attached at Annexure X for more
Any ethical concerns with respect to this tender can be reported to the following e-mail ID:
[email protected], copy to [email protected]

8 Specification and standards

As per Annexure II of Tender Document

9 General Condition of Contract

Any condition not mentioned above shall be applicable as per TPSODL GCC-Service
Orders attached along with this tender.

10 Safety
All jobs are this tender have to be executed strictly in compliance to the Safety terms and
Conditions of TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited. Please refer attached Safety terms
and conditions, Annexure-IX, for details. Violation of Safety norms will result in Penalty as
mentioned in the above document.

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Schedule for Items

Berhampur City Circle

Unit Price
Unit Amount
- All
Qty HSN / Price GST - All
S/N Description UOM Inclusive
(A) SAC (Rs.) (C) Inclusive
(B) (Rs.)
Site survey of ECL
1 not paid Nos. 1901
consumers & SVR
Disconnection of
ECL not paid
2(A) consumers Nos. 894
(Single Phase
Disconnection of
ECL not paid
2(B) Nos. 21
(3 Phase Category)

Berhampur Circle
Unit Price
Unit Amount
- All
Qty HSN / Price GST - All
S/N Description UOM Inclusive
(A) SAC (Rs.) (C) Inclusive
(B) (Rs.)
Site survey of ECL
1 not paid Nos. 6080
consumers & SVR
Disconnection of
ECL not paid
2(A) consumers Nos. 2923
(Single Phase
Disconnection of
ECL not paid
2(B) Nos. 306
(3 Phase Category)

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Aska Circle
Unit Total
Price - Amount -
Unit Price
Qty HSN / GST All All
S/N Description UOM (Rs.)
(A) SAC (C) Inclusive Inclusive
(Rs.) (Rs.)
(D=B+C) (A*D)
Site survey of ECL not
1 paid consumers & Nos. 4336
Disconnection of ECL
not paid consumers
2(A) Nos. 2249
(Single Phase
Disconnection of ECL
2(B) not paid consumers Nos. 195
(3 Phase Category)

Bhanjanagar Circle
Unit Total
Price - Amount -
Unit Price
Qty HSN / GST All All
S/N Description UOM (Rs.)
(A) SAC (C) Inclusive Inclusive
(Rs.) (Rs.)
(D=B+C) (A*D)
Site survey of ECL not
1 paid consumers & Nos. 19923
Disconnection of ECL
not paid consumers
2(A) Nos. 6660
(Single Phase
Disconnection of ECL
2(B) not paid consumers Nos. 841
(3 Phase Category)

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Jeypore Circle
Unit Total
Unit Price - Amount
Qty HSN / Price GST All - All
S/N Description UOM
(A) SAC (Rs.) (C) Inclusive Inclusive
(B) (Rs.) (Rs.)
(D=B+C) (A*D)
Site survey of ECL
1 not paid Nos. 37787
consumers & SVR
Disconnection of
ECL not paid
2(A) consumers Nos. 22866
(Single Phase
Disconnection of
ECL not paid
2(B) Nos. 2070
(3 Phase Category)

Rayagada Circle
Unit Total
Unit Price - Amount
Qty HSN / Price GST All - All
S/N Description UOM
(A) SAC (Rs.) (C) Inclusive Inclusive
(B) (Rs.) (Rs.)
(D=B+C) (A*D)
Site survey of ECL
1 not paid Nos. 11963
consumers & SVR
Disconnection of
ECL not paid
2(A) consumers Nos. 5395
(Single Phase
Disconnection of
ECL not paid
2(B) Nos. 296
(3 Phase Category)

Signature & Seal of the Bidder

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 The above Prices shall be for PAN TPSODL locations, inclusive of all taxes and scope
of work as defined in this Tender.

 The bids will be evaluated commercially on the overall total all-inclusive lowest cost of
a Circle, as defined in the tender BOQ of Items [Annexure I].

 Bidder has to mandatorily quote against each line items of the Circle, failing to do so,
bids are liable for rejection. All bidders are advised to quote their most competitive

 TPSODL reserves the right to decide the number of Circles to be awarded to any
eligible bidder considering the best cost optimization, capacity and capability of the
bidders to ensure SLA.

 The quantity mentioned above is for evaluation purpose only and may vary during the
execution. Release Orders against this Rate Contract shall be issued by TPSODL as
per actual requirement.

 The bidders are advised to quote prices strictly in the above format and for all the line
items as mentioned above. Failing to do so, bids are liable for rejection.

 The bidder must fill each and every column of the format. Mentioning “extra/inclusive”
in any of the column may lead for rejection of the price bid.

 HSN / SAC codes are mandatory to fill.

 No cutting/ overwriting in the prices is permissible.

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Technical Specification

(As per Scope of Work at Annexure-VII)

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Schedule of Deviations
Bidders are advised to refrain from taking any deviations on this TENDER. Still in case
of any deviations, all such deviations from this tender document shall be set out by the
Bidders, Clause by Clause in this schedule and submit the same as a part of the
Technical Bid.

Unless specifically mentioned in this schedule, the tender shall be deemed to

confirm the TPSODL’s specifications:

S. Clause Details of deviation with

Tender Clause Details
No. No. justifications

By signing this document, we hereby withdraw all the deviations whatsoever

taken anywhere in this bid document and comply to all the terms and conditions,
technical specifications, scope of work etc. as mentioned in the standard
document except those as mentioned above.

Seal of the Bidder:


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Schedule of Commercial Specifications
(The bidders shall mandatorily fill in this schedule and enclose it with the offer Part I:
Technical Bid. In the absence of all these details, the offer may not be acceptable.)

S. No. Particulars Remarks

1. Prices firm or subject to variation Firm / Variable

(If variable indicate the price variation
clause with the ceiling if applicable)
1a. If variable price variation on clause given Yes / No
1b. Ceiling --------- %
1c. Inclusive of GST Yes / No (If Yes, indicate % rate)
1d. Inclusive of transit insurance Yes / No
2. Delivery Weeks / months
3. Guarantee clause acceptable Yes / No
4. Terms of payment acceptable Yes / No
5. Performance Bank Guarantee Acceptable Yes / No
6. Liquidated damages clause acceptable Yes / No
7. Validity (180 days) Yes / No
(From the date of opening of bid)
8. Inspection during stage of manufacture Yes / No
9. Rebate for increased quantity Yes / No (If Yes, indicate value)
10. Change in price for reduced quantity Yes / No (If Yes, indicate value)
11. Covered under Small Scale and Ancillary Yes / No
Industrial Undertaking Act 1992 (If Yes, indicate, SSI Reg’n No.)

Seal of the Bidder:


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Checklist of all the documents to be submitted with the Bid

Bidder has to mandatorily fill in the checklist mentioned below: -

Yes / No /
S. No. Documents attached Not
1 EMD of required value
2 Tender Fee as mentioned in this tender
3 Signed copy of this tender as an unconditional acceptance
5 Duly filled schedule of commercial specifications (Annexure IV)
6 Sheet of commercial/technical deviation if any (Annexure III)
Balance sheet for the last completed three financial years; mandatorily
enclosing Profit & loss account statement
Acknowledgement for Testing facilities if available (duly mentioned on
bidder letter head)
9 List of Machine/tools with updated calibration certificates if applicable
10 Details of order copy (duly mentioned on bidder letter head)
11 Order copies as a proof of quantity executed
Details of Type Tests if applicable (duly mentioned on bidder letter
All the relevant Type test certificates as per relevant IS/IEC
(CPRI/ERDA/other certified agency) if applicable
14 Project/supply Completion certificates
15 Performance certificates if applicable
16 Client Testimonial/Performance Certificates if applicable
17 Credit rating/solvency certificate if applicable
18 Undertaking regarding non-blacklisting (On company letter head)
19 List of trained/untrained Manpower
20 Drawings/Documents mentioned in Sr no. 18 of the specification

Seal of the Bidder:


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(To be signed and stamped by the bidder)
In a bid to make our entire procurement process fairer and more transparent, TPSODL intends
to use the reverse auctions as an integral part of the entire tendering process. All the bidders
who are found as technically qualified based on the tender requirements shall be eligible to
participate in the reverse auction event.
The following terms and conditions are deemed as accepted by the bidder on
participation in the bid event:
1. TPSODL shall provide the user id and password to the authorized representative of the
bidder. (Authorization Letter in lieu of the same shall be submitted along with the signed
and stamped Acceptance Form).
2. TPSODL will make every effort to make the bid process transparent. However, the award
decision by TPSODL would be final and binding on the supplier.
3. The bidder agrees to non-disclosure of trade information regarding the purchase, identity
of TPSODL, bid process, bid technology, bid documentation and bid details.
4. The bidder is advised to understand the auto bid process to safeguard themselves against
any possibility of non-participation in the auction event.
5. In case of bidding through Internet medium, bidders are further advised to ensure
availability of the entire infrastructure as required at their end to participate in the auction
event. Inability to bid due to telephone line glitch, internet response issues, software or
hardware hangs, power failure or any other reason shall not be the responsibility of
6. In case of intranet medium, TPSODL shall provide the infrastructure to bidders. Further,
TPSODL has sole discretion to extend or restart the auction event in case of any glitches
in infrastructure observed which has restricted the bidders to submit the bids to ensure fair
& transparent competitive bidding. In case of an auction event is restarted, the best bid
as already available in the system shall become the start price for the new auction.
7. In case the bidder fails to participate in the auction event due any reason whatsoever, it
shall be presumed that the bidder has no further discounts to offer and the initial bid as
submitted by the bidder as a part of the tender shall be considered as the bidder’s final no
regret offer. Any offline price bids received from a bidder in lieu of non-participation in the
auction event shall be out-rightly rejected by TPSODL.
8. The bidder shall be prepared with competitive price quotes on the day of the bidding event.
9. The prices as quoted by the bidder during the auction event shall be inclusive of all the
applicable taxes, duties and levies and shall be FOR at TPSODL site.
10. The prices submitted by a bidder during the auction event shall be binding on the bidder.
11. No requests for time extension of auction event shall be considered by TPSODL.
12. The original price bids of the bidders shall be reduced on pro-rata basis against each line
item based on the final all-inclusive prices offered during conclusion of the auction event
for arriving at Contract amount.

Signature & Seal of the Bidder

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Attached separately with the Tender

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Annexure VIII

General Condition of Contract for Service Order is Attached separately with the Tender

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1. Objective

The Tata Power engages contractor workforce to execute, run and maintain various
operating sites and facilities across locations for various business verticals including
Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Renewable. The activities range from project
execution, operation, maintenance to facilities management.

The management of contractor safety represents a significant challenge for management.

Tata Power has a responsibility to ensure that contractors are provided with enough
information and support to enable them to conduct their roles safely and without
endangering health and safety of their own workforce or that of our staff.

To ensure reduction in reportable injuries and achieve goal of zero accidents, first edition
of contractor safety code of conduct was launched successfully in the year 2014. Since last
four years after the launch of CSCC, Tata Power could achieve the objective of reduction
in reportable injuries and fatalities.

Over the period, as the system was being matured, a need was felt to make second revision
of the CSCC process. Objective of second revision is improve existing CSCC system and
make it user friendly.

2. Scope: This procedure applies to all operating and project sites of The Tata Power
Company Ltd and Group companies including new businesses like EV charging,
Home Automation etc.

3. Definitions
3.1. Order Manager: Order Manager is the Tata Power representative, who has the
ownership of the given job.

3.2. Site Safety Management Plan: It is the safety plan agreed between Contractor
and Tata Power. It will contain the entire job specific safety requirement and
will be signed by the contractor.

3.3. Contractor: An individual or a company that provides services to Tata Power

under a signed contract.

3.4. Emergency: a serious, unexpected or dangerous situation requiring

immediate action, which may result in loss of revenue/property, business
discontinuity. In case of Emergency*, services may be procured by selecting
the qualified vendor based on the vendor category without the safety bid
evaluation. It must be approved by MB level and above.

3.5. Expert Service jobs: Jobs which needs expert services of contractor which does
not involve direct exposure to the potential risk or work which involves only

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supervisory work such as expert for turbine overhaul, expert for boiler overhaul,
expert for pump and motor, expert for compressor overhaul.

3.6. Head of the Division: Business in charge of the division who is overall custodian
of the generating station or transmission division or distribution division.

3.7. Category A Vendor: Vendor eligible to carry out Very High & High risk (as per
Tata Power Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis Procedure) and /or Long-
Term Contract related to operation and maintenance (O&M) of plant. Vendors
must fulfil the requirement specified for Category A in Appendix 12-CSMF-5
of this document.

3.8. Category B Vendor: Vendors eligible to carry out technical jobs, that are
classified under Medium /low risk. Vendors must fulfil the requirement
specified for Category B in Appendix 12-CSMF-5 of this document.

3.9. Category C Vendor: Vendors eligible for to carry out low or very low risk
administrative and office jobs. For this he must fulfil the requirement
specified for Category C in Appendix 12-CSMF-5 of this document.

3.10. Category D Vendor: All Consultants, Medical Practitioners or vendors taking

job from Tata Power and working from their own premises (e.g. motor
rewinding at vendor’s shop floor, equipment sent for repair to vendor’s works
etc.) are classified as Category D Vendor

3.11. High Risk Jobs: A Job or its activities are considered as Very High or
High Risk when Order manager apply the “Tata Power Hazard
Identification and Risk Analysis” procedure and found safety risk
associated with are under Very High or High category. Indicative lists of
jobs are given in appendix 15 of this document.

3.12. Medium Risk Jobs: Jobs or its activities are considered as medium risk
when Order manager apply “Tata Power Hazard Identification and Risk
Analysis” procedure and found the same as Medium Risk.

3.13. Low Risk Jobs: Any job or its activities are considered as Low or Very
low risk while Order manager, calculate it by applying “Tata Power
Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis” procedure and found it under
Low or Very Low category.

3.14. Long Duration Jobs: When the duration of job is 12 months or more, it is
considered as Long duration job

3.15. High Value Jobs: When the value of the job contract is Rs. One Crore or more it
will be considered as High value job.

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4. Responsibilities
4.1 Order Manager: Order Manager is the Tata Power representative, who is responsible

4.1.1 Finalizing the Site Safety Management Plan along with Contractor, Safety
Concurrences Group, Divisional Safety Head and Expert (External or Internal) if
4.1.2 Supervise and ensure work is carried out as per the Site Safety Management Plan
including agreed Risk Assessment (HIRA/JSA) and Method Statement.
4.1.3 Conduct audit and evaluate Safety Performance of contractor.
4.1.4 Ensure contractors adhere to all statutory provisions.
4.1.5 In case any deviation is needed in agreed safety management plan or in CSCC
process for execution of job, Management of Change procedure will be applicable,
and approval may be obtained from divisional head /Cluster head.

4.2 Contractor: The person, entity or organisation who is executing the job for Tata Power
under a contractual agreement and will be responsible for the following

4.2.1 To follow all Tata Power Critical Safety Procedure, Rules and guidelines given in
Safety Terms and Conditions
4.2.2 Undertake job as per Site Safety Management Plan CSM-F10 and method
statements agreed with Tata Power.
4.2.3 Raise any concerns with regard to their work and its safety with the Tata Power
Order Manager.
4.2.4 Report all injuries, near misses, unsafe acts/conditions, and occurrences to the
Tata Power Order Manager immediately.
4.2.5 Ensure that all sub-contractors follow the Tata Power Safety Procedure and agreed
Site Safety Management Plan CSM-F10.
4.2.6 To follow all statutory requirements as per the laws of the land.
4.2.7 All vendors applying for A category jobs or submitting quote for high risk jobs shall
obtain certificates of ISO 9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001 before submitting quote
for high risk Jobs.

4.3 Safety Concurrence Group: It is Cross Functional Team constituted by Corporate

Safety Team, which will have representatives from Execution department, Divisional
safety and Corporate / Divisional contracts. SCG will be responsible for the following
4.3.1 Assessment of Safety Potential of new vendor before registration as per CSM-F1-
Safety Category Qualification Form.
4.3.2 Safety Evaluation of the bids as per evaluation format CSM-F-9 Safety Bid
Evaluation Criteria
4.3.3 Finalization of the Site Safety Management Plan CSM-F-10 submitted by the
4.3.4 Corporate Safety Team / Cluster Safety Head will be part of SCG during Safety Bid
Evaluation for following types of jobs

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NIT No.: TPSODL/OT/2023-24/012 High-Risk jobs to be carried out in Annual Overhaul / Major Shutdowns
and Outages. Capex jobs of High-Risk Category
5. Responsibilities
5.1 Vendor Registration
For Vendor Registration, Corporate Contract will issue following documents for evaluation
of contractor’s safety capability
1) CSM-F1 –Safety Category Qualification Form
2) Safety Terms and Conditions

The document Safety Terms and Conditions provides the information about Tata Power
safety System to the contractor. Contractor will submit the CSM-F1- Safety Category
Qualification Form with all relevant details and documents to Vendor Registration Initiator,
which will in turn forward it to Safety Concurrence Group (SCG) for evaluation. The SCG
will evaluate the details submitted by the contractor based on a predetermined criteria CSM-
F-5 Safety Potential Evaluation Criteria for Vendor Registration and will determine the
category (Category A/B/C/D) for which the contractor will be registered. As mentioned in
the above criteria, a site visit may also be organized by SCG prior to registration under
Category A and B. In case, the contractor does not qualify the safety criteria, the contractor
will not be registered. However, he may apply afresh for registration after 6 months. Please
refer Appendix 1: Process Flow Chart for Vendor Registration.
5.2 Bid evaluation
At the time of placing the Purchase Requisition (PR), Order Manager is required to declare
the risk involved in the of the job (i.e. High Risk / Medium Risk / Low Risk jobs, based on
the RPN in HIRA. If the Job is “High Risk” or “Long Duration”, then RFQ will be attached
with following documents:
1) CSM-F7- Blank Safety Competency Form
2) CSM-F8 PPE requirements
3) Safety Terms and Conditions
4) Job Specific Safety Requirement (Educational and Professional Qualification, Skill &
Experience Manpower, Tools and Tackles (e.g. man lifter, use of drone, use &
availability of rescue kit), Work Methodology etc.)

Otherwise the RFQ will be attached only with Safety Terms and Conditions. Long term and
low value jobs (see definition) are exempted from the CSCC process.
Corporate Contracts will collect duly filledCSM-F7 Safety Competency Form along with the
bid. All other stakeholders will also put their efforts to get all relevant safety data during
meeting / discussions with the vendor. SCG will evaluate the document as per the CSM-F9
Safety bid evaluation criteria. If any specific condition related to Contract is required to
convey to contractor, Site safety team will attach the same as Annexure for specific
conditions of job and submit it to contract team along with safety bid evaluation form.
Commercial bid of contractor will be considered for evaluation by contract team only if
contractor is qualified in safety bid. Site Safety Management Plan, defining the complete
procedure of executing the job at site will be signed by the contractor and SCG after mutual
agreement. CC will attach a copy of site safety Management Plan and any specific condition
of contract along with PO to the successful bidder. Please refer Appendix 6: Process Flow
Chart for issuing RFQ and PO significant health and safety risk associated with it.

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5.3 Safety Performance Evaluation

During the time of job execution, regular site inspection will be carried out by the Tata Power
officials and violations will be dealt as per CSM–F4 Safety Violation Penalty Criteria. Apart
from this, monthly safety performance of the contractor will be evaluated based on the
predetermined criteria as per CSM-F11 safety Performance Score and monthly score will
be maintained by the Order Manager. Certain percentage of each running bill will be
retained as Safety Retention amount and will be released on the basis of Safety
Performance Score at certain intervals as defined in CSM- F-3- Safety Performance
Evaluation Criteria. Please refer Appendix 10: Process Flow Chart for Safety Performance
Evaluation. Percentage of retention amount is mentioned in safety terms and conditions.

Appendix 1: Process Flow Chart for Vendor Registration


Vendor registration form along with necessary documents will be uploaded by

“Requester” to register in MDG. Requester has to mention category (A/B/C/D) under
which they want to register the vendor.

SCG evaluates the vendors as per the defined criteria

(Separate evaluation criteria for Category A/B/C/D vendors).

Vendor not to be
Vendor eligible to get registered
register in the applied NO


Vendor is registered under applied



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Appendix 2: CSM-F-1 Safety Category Qualification form
1. “Safety Category Qualification Form” is part of vendor registration form. It needs to
be filled by the contractor at the time of Registration and should submitted to Requester
/ order manager with all relevant documents.
2. The same will be evaluated by Safety Concurrence Group of the Division (SCG) as per
the criteria given in CSM-F-5.
3. Information provided by contractor will be verified during site visit.
Safety Category Qualification Form
Please consider my application for
Category A Vendor: Vendor eligible to carry out Very High- and High-risk O&M jobs
Category B Vendor: Vendors eligible to carry out technical jobs, classified as Medium / low risk
Category C Vendor: Vendors eligible for to carry out low or very low risk administrative and office jobs
Category D vendor: All Consultants, Medical Practitioners or vendors taking job from Tata
Power and working from their own premises.
Name of the Vendor:
Safety Information Remarks Attachment
Certified for
i. OHSAS 18001/ ISO 45001,
ii. ISO: 14001 i. Y/ N
Attach copy of the
1 iii. ISO: 9001 ii. Y/ N certification
(ISO certificates to be issued from reputed
accreditation agencies specified by Tata iii. Y/ N
1 Year Year
Safety Statistics for Last Three (3) Years (Last 2 3
2 - LTIFR Yes/No FY)
Attach copy of the safety
3 Do you have Safety Policy? Yes/No
Attach safety training
4 Do you have Safety training process? Yes/No
Do you have Safety organization structure
Attach copy of the safety
5 e.g. Safety Officers and Safety Yes/No
organization structure.
Name and address of sites where work is Site details to be attached
6 Yes/No
in progress or worked earlier for inspection by Officials.

Signature :
Name and Designation :
Stamp of Organization :
Appendix 3: Safety Terms and Conditions
Please refer the attached document Safety Terms and Conditions.

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Appendix 4: CSM- F-3- Safety Performance Evaluation Criteria
1. A certain percentage of the bill value will be retained against every running bill as safety
performance retention. The amount will be released with the last invoice or every six-month
based on Safety Performance Score of contractors. The retention amount will be
calculated based on contract value as below.

Contract Value Retention Amount (%)

Up to 10 Lakhs 2.5
10 – 50 lakhs 2
0.5 to 10 Cr 1.5
>10 Cr 1

2. The evaluation criteria include Lead Indicators such as CFSA (Contractor Field safety
Audit) score, percentage of workers trained in TPSDI, inspection of critical equipment. Lag
indicators such as Fatalities, LWDC and man days lost.

3. The retention amount saved will go to a separate Safety Improvement Fund.

4. For the contract value of more than Rs 1 Cr or contract duration more than 12 months, the
retention amount shall be released half yearly based on safety performance. For all
remaining contracts, the retention amount will be released with the final bill.

5. Long term jobs with low value (Less than Rs. 1 Cr.) are exempted from the safety
retention. Invoice of these type of jobs can be cleared without safety retention.

6. In case of job stoppage due to safety violations / unsafe observations at the site, no time
extension shall be given to the contractor, if such delays are attributable to contractor.

7. In case of fatality, limb loss or loss of property, vendor must pay for liability, legal, statutory
and additional mutually agreed settlement charges imposed by the appointed committee.
This charge is over and above the retention amount.

8. The committee will finalize an amount between 5 -50 lakhs based on factors such as
advise by statutory authorities, contract value and impact of accident etc.

9. Safety performance bonus 1% (limiting to 50 lakhs) of the invoice value will be considered
at the end of the job if the contractual safety performance score 100%.

10. During the progress of the work, concerned Supervisor/Engineer will visit and inspect the
work site regularly and evaluate the safety performance of the contractor based on matrix
attached herewith and apply the Consequence management policy as applicable.

11. Order Manager, divisional chief and SBU head have the authority to terminate the contract
in case of three consecutive serious violations.

Safety Performance Evaluation report- CSM-F-3

Unit Of
Lead Indicators Target weight age

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% of Employee certified
1 in TPSDI/Authorized % 50% 10
CFSA score (Annexure
2 Severity of 1.49 20
Monthly inspection
completed by
contractor for Critical
3 Equipment, lifting Tools % 80 5
& Tackles and hand
tools used at site as per
Tata Power Checklist
Revalidation of
Condition of tools,
4 % 100 15
tackles and equipment
by Order Manger.
Lag Indicators
1 Number of Fatalities No. 0 30
Number of Lost
2 No. 0 10
workday case (LWDC)
3 Man-days Lost No. 0 10

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Appendix 5: CSM- F-4 Safety Violation Penalty Criteria

Penalty shall be imposed on the contractors under the following circumstances for breaching
the contractual agreements:
S No Description of violation Penalty /
1. Working without Permit 5 5000/-
2. Untrained (TPSDI) worker on high-risk jobs. 5 5000/-
3. Unhygienic/Bad condition of PPE 2 250/-
4. Not following Tata Power Procedure & Standard 4 2000/-
5. Unsafe Act/Condition of Severity 4 4 2000/-
6. Unsafe Act/Condition of Severity 5 5 5000/-
7. No Earthling of Electrical equipment 5 5000/-
8. Damaged welding cable 5 5000/
9. Violation of Positive Isolation Procedure (LOTO Not followed) 5 5000/
10. ELCB of more than 30 mA/ELCB not working 5 5000/
11. On/Off switch of welding m/c not working 5 5000/
12. Electric cable tied with metal wire 5 5000/
13. Leakage found DA hose / cylinder 5 5000/
14. Use of LPG 5 5000/
15. Use of IC engine based Three-wheeler at the work site. 5 5000/
16. Starting the job without Toolbox Talk 5 5000/
17. Spatter falling on DA hose / Gas-line/ pathways / Equipment 5 5000/
18. No safety latch in crane hook 5 5000/
19. Load raised or swung over people or occupied areas of buildings 5 5000/
20. Persons standing in swing area of construction equipment. 5 5000/
21. Using damaged slings. 5 5000/
22. Unstable scaffolding/nonstandard Scaffolding in use 5 5000/
23. Handrails and mid-rails are missing 5 5000/
24. Safety Harness not anchored with lifeline/fixed structure 5 5000/
25. Fall arrestor not provided/ Not being used. 5 5000/
26. Double lifeline not used for working at height 5 5000/
27. No rubber mat in Electrical Distribution (DB) room 4 2000/-
Water found accumulated in Electrical Distribution room/near
28. 4 2000/
welding machine.
29. Inserting electric cables into socket, without using plug. 4 2000/
30. Use of damaged electrical cable/two core cables. 4 2000/
31. Inflammable material found in Distribution Room / welding areas. 4 2000/
32. Loose material falling into excavated pit 4 2000/
33. Water logging into excavated pit /trenches 4 2000/
34. No / inadequate Barricade 4 2000/
35. Undercut / cave-in found on sides of excavated pits 4 2000/
Grinding wheel/ Coupling/ Piling winch/other rotating parts without
36. 4 2000/
The HMV/Mobile Crane operator does not have a valid HMV driving
37. 4 2000/
38. The loading area is not leveled properly. 4 2000/

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39. Ladder not anchored at top 4 2000/
40. Opening found in working platform of scaffolding/floor 4 2000/
41. Inadequate illumination at the working area 4 2000/
42. Loose material lying on Gantry, platform 4 2000/
43. Cleaning with Compressed Air. 3 500/-
44. Gas Cylinders using without cap. 3 500/
45. Gas Cylinders stored without securing 3 500/
Bringing inside any other chemicals, apart from approved by
46. 3 500/
Safety dept.
47. Using drum for sitting or accessing height. 3 500/
Misusing emergency facilities like fire hydrant line/ hose box/ spray
48. system/ eye wash etc. 3 500/
No provision of Safety net where falling materials or tools may
49. 3 500/
Taking electrical supply from non-designated outlet (other than
50. 3 500/
51. Restricted gangways due to unwanted materials. 3 500/
52. Not reporting incident. 3 500/
53. Entering into restricted area like switch yard/ hazardous storage 3 500/
54. Work without supervision 3 500/
Parking of vehicle without applying wheel choke at right front-front
55. 3 500/
and left rear-rear wheels other than passenger cars.
56. Heavy Vehicle without helper or co-driver. 3 500/
57. Not wearing florescent safety jacket at site. 3 500/
58. People travelling in load body of vehicle. 3 500/
59. Parking of vehicles at non designated area. 3 500/
60. Shifting heavy materials without guide ropes. 3 500/
Using other than 24V lamp inside the confined space/Use of other
61. 3 500/
than 24V lamps.
62. Angular loading/ lifting with Crane or hoist. 3 500/
63. By passing the limit switch/ Safety Interlock. 3 500/
64. Housekeeping activities on road without proper barricade. 3 500/
65. Trying to board or alit from running vehicle. 3 500/
66. Cylinder Valves of Gas cylinders not closed when not in use. 3 500/
67. Flash-back arrester not used. 3 500/
68. Hand Trolley wheel found damaged. 3 500/
Guy ropes of required length on both sides of object are not used
69. 3 5/ 00/
during movement with load.
70. Scotch block/wedge not provided, when the vehicle is parked. 3 500/
71. Suitable Trolley not provided to hold the cylinders. 3 500/
72. Locked First Aid box 3 500/
Caution boards, danger signs (luminescent /red) along with
73. 3 500/
emergency contact number are not found displayed.
74. Person found jumping barricading tape 3 500/
75. Stacking of pipes, pile casing, drums without chock blocks/wedges 3 500/

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The terrain on which Heavy Equipment/Machinery moves is not
76. 3 500/
reasonably hard.
77. Without Safety Helmet at working sites 4 250/-
78. Without Crash Helmet (on bikes) 4 500/-
Without Full body double lanyard Safety Harness (for work at
79. 5 5000/-
80. Without Hand gloves - Material Handling, Welding, Cutting, 4 100/-
81. Without Safety goggles/ face shield - Welding/Cutting /Grinding 5 5000/-
82. Handling Chemical without PVC Apron 5 5000/-
Smoking in prohibited area (Closed Go-downs, Storage of
83. 5 1000/-
flammable material, Storage of Gas cylinders)
84. Sleeping at Workplace 3 100/-
85. Driving beyond speed limit 3 1000/-
86. Seat Belt While Driving (for front seat passengers and driver) 3 500/-
87. Driving without license 4 1000/-
88. Heavy Commercial vehicles without reverse horn 3 500/-
89. Nonfunctional Head light/ taillight and side indicators 3 100/-
90. Using Mobile Phone During Driving 5 5000/-
91. Poor visibility of registration number/ without registration number 3 100/-
92. Broken/ without Side view mirror 3 100/-
93. Over speeding above specified limit 3 500/-
Broken/ Without Pressure gauge on Oxygen/ LPG / Acetylene
94. 3 500/-
Without Flash back arrestor on Industrial Acetylene & Oxygen
95. 5 5000/-
96. Spillage of hazardous material/chemicals during transportation 4 2000/-
Electrical equipment without Earthing/ ELCB/ Double Insulation
97. 5 5000/-
98. Lifting Tools & Tackles used without/ expired Test Certificates. 5 5000/-
99. Housekeeping repeatedly not maintained
100.  First Time 3 Warning
101.  Second Time 4 1000/-
102.  Third Time 5 5000/-
Serious Violation of House Keeping (after 1st or 2nd warning to be Rs.10000/-
103. 5
decided by Project Manager depending on the severity) and above
Repeat Violation of same nature 5 X Penalty
104. 5
for Violation
Appointment of subcontractor without his Safety Bid Evaluation 5% of
105. and/or without the permission of engineer in charge or Order 5 Contract
manager. Value

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Appendix 6: Process Flow Chart for issuing RFQ and PO/RC


At the time of raising PR, Order Manager will decide

the type of job (High Risk /Low Risk

CC will attach
NO 1) Safety Terms
Is the Job
Is the job and Conditions
High Risk? ≥12


Safety Bid
Safety Bid Document will be attached by CC along with the RFQ. Document
1) Safety
Assessment Form
2) PPE requirements
SCG will carry out safety bid evaluation assessment, conduct site 3) Safety Terms and
visits if required and submit evaluation result to CC. Conditions

CC will evaluate commercial bids of only safety qualified bidders

CC to attach copy of Site Safety Management Plan and Annexure

A with the PO


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Appendix 7: CSM-F-7 Safety Competency Form (Template)

Name of the Vendor/Bidder :-

Name of the Sub Vendor (If job is given to Sub Vendor) :-

Description of the Job :-

Request for Quotation (RFQ) No. :-

Vendor/Bidder to mandatorily provide the below safety competency related information.
1. Proposed Manpower Deployment Schedule : -
Category of Manpower Deployed Minimum Qualification & Proposed Numbers against each category
Experience month-wise
Month 1 Month 2 … Month n
Project Manager
Site-In-Charge (Site Manager)
Safety Officers
Highly Skilled Workmen
Skilled Workmen
Semi-Skilled Workmen
Unskilled Workmen
Total Manpower
Instructions to Bidder to fill:
1. Bidder to provide the overall site manpower deployment schedule as above.
2. Bidder to indicate (through colour code mentioned below ) their direct and sub-contracted employees
Direct bidder employee
Partly Direct / Partly sub-contracted
3. Against each of the category, bidder to indicate the minimum qualification and experience of the proposed manpower.
4. Rows can be added to also identify other specialised manpower e.g. specific details to be included for high risk activities operators
5. Columns can be extended to the actual duration of Site activities.
6. Bidder to note that if operations is in shifts, then Shift-in-charge / safety officers are required for each shift of operation.

2. List of Tools, Tackles, Machines and Equipment: -

Bidder/ Vendor to provide the list of tools, tackles, equipment to be used during the job /
project execution. Bidder/Vendor to ensure that all the lifting tools and tackles, pressure
vessels are duly certified by the competent person authorised by the Chief Inspector of
Factories of the respective state prior to start of the job

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Sr. No. Description of Tools / Tackles Capacity / Rating Quantity Make Remarks

3. Safety Records:

Bidder to provide the details of fatalities and lost workday cases (LWDC), occurred in last three
years (data to be provided for the last completed FY and preceding 2 years).
Safety Data for Last 3 Years
Description Year 1 (Last FY) Year 2 Year 3
20__ - __ 20__ - __ 20__ - __
Fatalities (Nos.)
Lost Workday Cases (Nos.)

In case of no fatalities, LWDC during any year, the form may be filled stating NIL against the
respective year. Bidders are encouraged to also submit the RCA / incident investigation
reports and the learning's implemented out of the above reported incidents

4. Job Safety Plan/ Method Statement:

Bidder to provide / enclose a detailed Site/Job Safety Plan along with a Method statement
detailing the execution philosophy (how the bidder intends to execute the Job/Project),
identifying all key activities which are required to be performed by the contractor at Site. Bidder
to also list down all high-risk activities and provide the Hazard Identification and Risk
Assessment (HIRA) for all such high-risk activities involved in the site work.
(Use Method Statement template attached as annexure A and sample as attachment B)
5. Management System Certification: -

Sr. Certification Yes / If Yes, If No,

No Year of Target date for
Certification Certification

ISO 9001
ISO 14001
OSHAS 18001 / ISO 45001
Any other (please

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Note: Please attach certificates to support above. In case not accredited for above but applied for,
application letters may be attached.

Appendix 8: CSM-F-8 PPE requirements

The Contractor shall ensure that the following PPE of Approved standards shall be available
at all time and shall be used by his employees with no exception whatsoever.
1 All contractor’s employees at site Safety Florescent Jacket (orange color),
Safety helmet & safety shoes with Composite
or steel toe cap

2 Workers mixing asphalt, cement, Safety goggle & protective

lime / concrete Hand gloves and footwear,
Nose mask.

3 Welders / Grinders Welding screen/goggles, safety shoes,

leather hand gloves, aprons,
leg guard

4 Stone breaker Protective goggle, hearing protection, anti-

vibration hand gloves and Protective clothing.
5 Electricians Rubber hand gloves &
Electrical resistant shoes.

6 Workers engaged in insulation Respiratory mask & leather

using glass wool etc. Hand gloves, goggles.

Workers engaged in coal handling plant, Dust mask, Hand gloves, protective goggles.
ash handling plant and working in high
dust area.
7 Workers working at a height of 1.8 Double lanyard full body harness, fall arrestor
Meter or above. and safety net made of reinforced nylon fiber
ropes firmly supported with steel structures

• PPE shall be conforming to BIS/DGMS/DIN specifications, in good condition and

shall be comfortable to his employees, when used.

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Appendix 9: CSM- F-10 Site Safety Management Plan / Method Statement

Site Safety Plan / Method Statement (Template)

This Method Statement describes the specific safe working methods which will be used to
carry out the described work. It gives details of work procedure with control measures to
counter health and safety issues related to this work. The listed content of this Method
Statement can be changed/modified subjected to job scope / specifications, but task specific
method statement once finalized & approved, that should not be modified during work
execution without permission from the approving authority.

Project/Job Name
Scope of work: -

Drawing References: -

Detail of Sub contractors

involved: -
Method Statement Prepared By: - Signature Date
Designation: - (e.g. Site Manager)

1.0 Introduction (Describe purpose of the work, give details of type and scope of work being
carried out);

2.0 Location of Work (Give site address and precise location on site where work is to be
carried out. )

3.0 Safety Document /Specific Approval Required (Details of any safety documents or
specific approval i.e. Client specific approval required to undertake the work)

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5.0 Role & Responsibilities of Personnel/Parties Involved in activities: -Clearly define
role and responsibilities of all personnel involved in activity i.e. Site management staff
including subcontractors’ parties- Main contractor Project/Site Manager, Sub Contractor Site
Manager, Project Engineer, Safety officer, Competent Supervisory Staff)

6.0 Working/Activity Description: - It is important that all operatives should have clear idea of
those operational sequences and responsible supervisor must verify their competency prior
to their engagement in operation.

6.1 Pre-Working Checks

6.2 Resources (Equipment, tools including manpower) Details i.e. Equipment and Tools, specific
operational equipment, test kits, lifting resources, Details of materials to be used in operation,
including any reference to COSHH assessments in case of use of any chemicals, Details of
the manpower allocated to the task, e.g. titles, qualifications, competences, direct manpower,
contractors. Details of plant, tools and equipment to be used for the work, including the
availability of relevant statutory documents, checks or inspections etc. Details of fencing,
barriers, cones, chains, dangers notices, warning signs etc.
Tools required for work:

Sr.No Tools /Equipment /Machine UOM Required Qty. Remark


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6.4 Operational Sequence of work: - Full description of the work, setting out the methodology
in a sequential manner, including any reference to any identified operational restraints. Also
refer here sec. 5.0 responsibilities part for every step of work sequence).
Details of job Control
Sr.No Activity Risk Involved
sequence Checks



6.7 Final Checks & restoration of work area after completion of work :- Those checks to
be carried out by responsible supervisor in witness of his line hierarchy by use of specific
checklist of certain operational checks and once those completed satisfactory, PTW (if
applicable) to be closed and isolation arrangements to be restored by removing
barricades/cautionary tags.

7.0 Task Specific Hazards: - Refer to Task Specific Risk Assessment and attach in
Attachment: - Specific Risk Assessment
In addition, please provide below control measures in risk assessment (as applicable).
Fall Protection
Measures: (Where Work
at height cannot be
Control Measures for
Electrical Hazards

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Others Hazard if any
(please provide details)
Substances to be used
in job :
(Attach MSDS if required)
Yes /No Yes /No Yes /No Yes /No Yes /No Yes /No Yes /No

7.0 Emergency Provisions: -Relevant operational possibility of a programme in the case

of emergency situation i.e. electrical supply restoration. In addition emergency response
provisions i.e. first aiders, fire fighting, and first aid arrangements, nearest onsite/offsite
emergency response also to be considered during emergency planning.

8.0 "5S issues" / Waste Disposal/ Housekeeping and Environmental issues: -Details
waste disposal processes and or housekeeping activities, Details of environmental
impacts and control measures.

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9.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):- (Tick on PPE requirements for the task/Job

10.0 First Aid facilities and Nearby Hospitals Details

11.0 Occupational Health, Fitness and COVID-19 related Preparedness:

1. Please give a brief writeup / methodology of your organization planned to avoid impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic at Tata Power working site.

2. Please give brief details of occupational health and hygiene related interventions planned by
your organisation to ensure good health and fitness of workforce at Tata Power site.

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Appendix 10: Process Flow Chart for Safety Performance Evaluation


Safety Performance Score will be assessed every month and records

will be uploaded/maintained by "Order Manager" in SAP / CSM- F-
11 Safety Performance Score sheet

A certain % of each running bill will be retained as Safety Retention

amount as per Safety Terms and Conditions

No No No
Is the average
Is the average Is the average Score (at the end
Score (at the end of Contract)
Score (at the end
of Contract)
of Contract) ≥95 between
%? 40 -94 %?

Yes Yes Yes

Vendor not
Release the Safety retention to be
Release complete amount to be considered
amount + 1 % of bill amount retention amount released on pro for further
as bonus rata basis. jobs


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Appendix 11: CSM- F-11 Safety Performance Score

Unit of Actual
S. Targe Weight al
Parameter Measure Performa
No t age Scor
ment nce
Lead Indicator
% of Employee certified in
1 Number 50% 10
TPSDI/Authorized agency
2 CFSA score (Annexure 6.1) of 1.49 20
Monthly inspection completed for
Critical Equipment, lifting Tools &
3 Number 80% 10
Tackles and hand tools used at
Condition of critical tools, tackles 100
4 Number 10
and equipment %

Lag Indicator
1 Number of Fatalities No 0 30
Number of Lost workday case
2 No 0 10
(LWDC) (reportable)
3 Man-days Lost 0 10
to be

Safety Performance Evaluation Criteria

Lead Indicators
% of Employee certified 50% 100% Less than 100%
in TPSDI/Authorized
Score 10 5

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CFSA score <=1.49 1.5 to 2.51 to >=3.51
2.5 3.5
Score 20 15 10 0
Monthly inspection >=80% 79 to 50% <50%
completed for Critical
Equipment, lifting Tools
& Tackles and hand
tools used at site
Score 10 7 0
Condition of critical 100% <100%
tools, tackles and
Score 10 0

Lag Indicators
Number of
Fatalities 0 >0
Score 30 0
Number of LWDC
(reportable) 0 >0
Score 10 0
Number of man
days lost 0 1 to 5 >5
Score 10 5 0

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Appendix 12: CSM-F-5 Safety Potential Evaluation Criteria for Vendor Registration
At the time of vendor registration, vendor will be registered under 3 categories
1) Category A- Vendors eligible to carry out High risk Jobs
2) Category B- Vendors eligible to carry out technical jobs that are low risk
3) Category C- Vendors eligible to carry out administrative and office jobs
4) Category D- Outsourced Jobs / Consultants /Medical Practitioners / Suppliers etc

For vendors to be registered under Category A, a safety potential evaluation will be carried
out based on following parameters.
Sr. Weight Actual Remarks
No age (%) Score
1 Does the contractor have a valid ISO 30
45001/ OHSAS 18001/ Certification?
2 During site visit check for safety 30 Annexure -
adequacy at site 12.1
3 Check the Safety statistics of 10 Annexure -
Contractor 12.2
4 Check the Safety orientation & 15 Annexure
training process of Contractor 12.3
5 Check the organizational structure for 10 Annexure -
safety professionals & engineers / 12.4
6 Certified/skilled workers as a 5
percentage of overall workforce
Total 100

Evaluation Criteria for Category B

Sr. No Description Weight Actual Remarks

age (%) Score
1 Does the contractor have a 30
valid ISO 9001 certification?
2 During site visit check for 30
Annexure -12.1
safety adequacy at site
3 Check the Safety statistics of 10 Annexure -12.2
4 Check the Safety orientation & 15 Annexure -12.3
training process of Contractor
5 Check the organizational 10 Annexure -12.4
structure for safety
professionals & engineers /

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6 Certified/skilled workers as a 5
percentage of overall
Total 100

Evaluation Criteria for Category C

Weight Actual
Sr. No Description age Score Remarks
1 Does the contractor have a valid 40
ISO 9001 certification?
2 Check the Safety statistics of 40 Annexure -
Contractor 12.2
3 Check the Safety orientation & 20 Annexure -
training process of Contractor 12.3
Total 100

Annexure 12.1: Evaluation Criteria for Category D:

Category D does not require any evaluation as it is for outsourced job outside the Tata Power
company premise.
Annexure 12.2

Annexure 12.3

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Annexure 12.4

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Appendix 13: CSM-F-9 Safety Bid Evaluation Criteria

The User has to select whether the job is high risk/ long duration at time of raising the PR.
1) The decision whether job is “high risk “or not has to be made by order manager on
the basis of Risk involved (Risk Priority Number in HIRA) of the Jobs. An indicative
list of high-risk jobs is attached as annexure
2) If a technical job is of low risk with estimated duration of the contract is 1 year or
more the job should be treated as “long duration”.
3) All Safety bids will be evaluated by Safety Concurrence Group. Structure of SCG will
be declared by Corporate safety. Corporate safety team will audit bid evaluation
process of a few selected jobs and Quality of evaluated safety Bids.
4) Records of jobs sent by for Safety Bid evaluation shall be maintained by Corporate
Contract team in existing tracing sheet along with other jobs.
5) For Safety Bid Evaluation will be based on following parameters.

Minimum Requirement Weight Score

age (%) Obtained
Safety OfficerQualification- Officer shall possess 5
(1 per 500 Advance Diploma In Industrial Safety by
workers) state technical board.
Experience- Minimum 1-year
experience in relevant field as
mentioned in the job in PR.
Safety Qualification- Supervisor shall possess 5
Supervisor (1 ITI/ Diploma in relevant field.
per work site Experience- Minimum 2-year
up to max. 50 experience in relevant field as
workers) mentioned in the job in PR.
Training – Trained and certified by
TPSDI or equivalent institute in relevant
safety procedures.
Note: On request of the
contractor/Users -TPDSI should vet &
certify the skilled & experienced
Technician if Technical Qualification is
not adequate.
Technician Experience- Minimum 2 year 5
(Skilled experience in relevant field as
workers as mentioned in the job in PR.

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rigger, fitter, Training – Trained and certified by
welder, cable TPSDI or equivalent institute in relevant
jointer, line safety procedures.
men etc)
Equipment / The list of Equipment /Machines / Tools 30
Machines/ Tools and tackles to be used for job to be
& Tackles(lifting submitted by the contractor.
and shifting Evaluation of the list will be carried out
tools) based on
Tools &
1) Suitability as per the relevant job
2) Make and age of the tools from
authorized agencies defined by
the user.
3) Certification by the competent
authority of respective state.
Safety Records Safety Records for last 3 years (as per 15
vendor or as per our knowledge) –
HIRA/Contract Adequacy of HIRA and Job Safety Plan 20
Job Safety Plan with respect to relevant job. More weight
age will be given to vendor for using
mechanized work and advanced tools
and equipment
Accredited ISO-9001 ISO-9001 2
Bodies ISO-14001 ISO-14001 3
certificate OHSAS 18001 OHSAS 18001/ISO 45000 15
ISO 45000
Total Score

6) Vendor entitled to carry out the job only when qualified for the safety evaluation as
Contractor is qualified in safety bid only if his total score is more than 70% in all
category 1 jobs such as high risk/long duration.
7) The Corporate Contract has to ensure that the vendor provides the filled “Safety
Competency Form” along with the quotation.
8) Corporate Contract will forward the Safety Competency Form received from the
contractor to the Safety Concurrence Group for evaluation.
9) In case SCG wants to visit the site, the Safety Competency will be based on
evaluation at the time of site visit Annexure 13.1
Annexure -13.1:
Checklist to be used: During site visit to check the adequacy Safety systems.
Observation Score*
1 Check the adequacy of safety policy and Safety
Management system of the contractor.
2 Does the contractor have written down safety procedures?

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3 Check the records of Near miss, unsafe act, unsafe
conditions and incidents.
4 Check the organization setup to implement the safety
systems at site (safety officer, safety supervisor)
5 Check whether safety meeting and toolbox talk carried out
regularly and records maintained or not.
6 Is the process of incident investigation adequate or not?
7 Verify incident reporting and recording system
8 Check the usage of equipment/tools and tackles.
9 Check for housekeeping at site
10 Check the use of PPEs and general behavior of workforce
towards safety
Total Score
Site Visit Score
Score*- rating on the scale of 1-5 to be given based on the observations on site. Score of 1 is
the lowest and core of 5 is the highest.

Appendix 14: CSM-F-11.1 CFSA Format

Project Name :
Description of Severity
Audit Team:
1 = Untidy area, minor
issues, sets poor
2 = Restricted access,
unacceptable trash,
3 = Rule or procedure
violation, potential injury
4 = Unsafe condition,
serious injury potential
5 = Immediate serious
injury potential, stop 10:00hrs -11:30
Audit Time:
activity immediately and hrs
Weather: cloudy
Responsib Personn Remar Leading
le el ks Indicators
Descriptio Observe
n d

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Unsafe Act


Unsafe Condition
Good Citizens

Violations x
Number of


Sub Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% of
Number of
Severity of
Number of
Severity 4
% of 4 & 5
Number of
Number of
People on
% of

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Appendix 15: Indicative List of High-Risk Jobs

To access the exhaustive list of High-risk jobs, please refer the following documents
1) High Risk Jobs- Generation
2) High Risk Jobs- T&D
3) High Risk Jobs- Renewable

Indicative List of High-Risk Jobs -Generation Cluster

Sl. No. Jobs
1 Demolition / Painting of Chimney
2 Survey Sounding Jobs in Sea
3 Dredging at Coal Birth Jetty

4 Maintenance / Testing and Replacement of Extra High Voltage (132

KV etc.) Switchyard equipment
5 Maintenance of EOT Cranes
6 Deep excavation (5 feet or more) near existing buildings /Structure s
7 Working inside confined spaces (entry through manhole)
8 Operation Maintenance of elevators
9 Working on Live control Circuits for identification of faults
10 Cable laying and termination Jobs

Indicative List of High-Risk Jobs - T&D Cluster

Sl. No. Jobs

1 Transmission Line Tower Erection on columns, near live lines, In

congested areas, In creeks, In the Sea
Conductor Stringing on Tower Using Tensioner & Puller in the area such
2 as Line Crossing, Near Live lines, Congested Areas, Road Crossing,
Bridge Crossing, Railway line Crossing, In creeks ,In the Sea
3 Cable Pulling by Using winch Machine in City and Rural Areas
Hot Washing of HT and Extra HT lines, Towers and switchyards
5 Installation of Lifts
6 Installation of EOT Cranes
7 Tower Dismantling
8 Working on H Frame /Pole mounted Transformers
9 Excavation in operational Area heaving power cables in receiving station
10 Identification and spiking of cable / disconnection of cables from poles

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Indicative List of High-Risk Jobs - Renewable Cluster

Sl. No. Jobs
1 Working on Electrical Panels
2 Hi Potting of Equipment
3 Battery commissioning and maintenance
4 Working on the nasal of Wind Turbine
5 Working on live electrical switchyard, material Handling and Equipment
6 Roof Top Solar Panels Installation and maintenance

7 Working in live Electrical Switchyard, Material Handling, equipment

8 All maintenance activities that requires climbing on Towers /Structures /
Transformer/ GODs
9 Loading and Unloading of Solar Panels on trucks
10 Structural Repair /Dismantling work at height.

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The Owner abides by the Tata Code of Conduct in all its dealing with stake holders
and the same shall be binding on the Owner and the Contractor for dealings under
this Order/ Contract. A copy of the Tata Code of Conduct is available a tour website:
The Contractor is requested to bring any concerns regarding this to the notice of our
Chief Procurement & Stores e-mail ID: [email protected].

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Annexure- AA
Safety Competency Form

(To be submitted by Associates)

Criteria for Separate Safety Bid
Separate Safety bid is applicable for contract value >= 1Cr for a duration more than 6
months having major services jobs where high risk critical activities like working at height
(more than 1.8 meter from ground), working on our networks under live or dead
conditions, laying of new networks and working through heavy equipment’s like Crane
The main jobs under above categories are as follows:
1. Zonal AMC Contract
2. Distribution Project Contract
3. EHV Project Contracts
4. STS Line/Grids AMC Contracts
5. Meter Installation contract
6. Civil Works
7. Street Lighting works/AMC Contracts
8. Any other contract deemed fit under above cited conditions

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Safety Competency Form
Bidder Name: -
Tender Description: -
Tender No.: -
Rfx No: -
Bidder to mandatorily provide the below safety competency related information.
1. Proposed Manpower Deployment Schedule : -
Category of Min. Experienc Proposed Number at each location
manpower Qualificat e City Berha Bhanj Aska Jeypo Raya
deployed ion (Years) Circle mpur anaga Circle re gada
Circle r Circle Circl
Circle e
Site In

Bidders to provide the overall site manpower deployment as above. Separate Sheet can
be attached for providing complete details
2. List of Tools, Tackles & Equipments :-
Bidder/Vendor to provide the list of tools, tackles, equipments to be used during the job/
project execution. Bidder/Vendor to ensure that all the lifting tools and tackles, power
tools like welding set, gas cutter etc. duly verified by EIC.
Sr. No. Description of Tools / Tackles Capacity / Rating Quantity Make Remarks

Bidders to ensure that all tools and tackles are provided as per specifications and
requirement of TPSODL. Bidders to change the tools, tackles and equipments if there is

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any change in specifications after award of contract. Separate List can be attached as
per above format.
3. Safety Records:
Bidder to provide the details of fatalities and lost work day cases (LWDC) which may
happen during the last three years (data to be provided for the last completed year and
preceding 2 years) in TPSODL and other than TPSODL as per below format.
Description Safety Data for Last 3 Years (TPSODL)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22

Fatalities (Nos.)
Lost Work Day Cases (Non
Fatal Nos.)

Description Safety Data for Last 3 Years (Other than

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22

Fatalities (Nos.)
Lost Work Day Cases (Non
fatal Nos.)
In case of no fatalities, LWDC during any year, the form may be filled stating NIL
against the respective year. Bidders are encouraged to provide the learning's
implemented out of the above reported incident.
4. Job Safety Plan/ Method Statement:
Bidder to provide / enclose a detailed Site/Job Safety Plan along with a Method statement
detailing the execution philosophy (how the bidder intends to execute the Job/Project),
identifying all key activities which are required to be performed by the contractor at Site.
Bidder to also list down all high-risk activities and provide the Hazard Identification and
Risk Assessment (HIRA) for all such high-risk activities involved in the site work.
5. PPE Requirements:
TPSODL Requirement Bidders Response

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The Bidder/Vendor shall ensure that all
PPE of Approved standards as per
Annexure No. 7 of CSM (GCC), shall be
available at all time and shall be used by
his employees with no exception
whatsoever. Bidders to also ensure
TPSODL Standard PPE matrix to be
followed for all activities.
10% Buffer stock of PPEs to be provided
by bidders at each locations to meet any

Bidder will ensure that sample PPEs to be

submitted/approved by Safety
Department along with EIC at the time of
submission of Safety bids for evaluation
In case bidder manpower found using
substandard or any PPEs which are not
approved from TPSODL, then TPSODL
will provide the same to manpower
deployed at the cost of bidders.

6. Vehicle Deployment: Bidders to provide details of all vehicles deployed during

execution of work
S. Vehicle Vehicle Location CNG/Diesel/Petrol Year Whether
No. No. Type CNG
on RC

7. Crane Deployment: Bidders to provide details of crane to be deployed during the

execution of work as and when required. Bidders to provide the TPSODL Approved new
gen hydra crane ACE Model SX150, ACE FX150 and Escorts Model TRX 1550.

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S. No. Crane No. Location Year

8. Training Records: Bidders to provide training records of employees deployed for the
execution of work during last one year. These training includes OHS (Occupational
Health and Safety) Training, Training on SOP/Work Procedures and Medical
Emergency trainings imparted at their own facility, cost and expenses. Bidders to
provide the following details:

TPSODL Requirement Bidders Response

Training records of employees at their
own facility, cost and expenses for last
one year
Training facility available with Bidders
Future road map for enhancing the
competency of workforce

9. Rewards and Recognition: Bidders to provide the details of process deployed in their
organization for sharing and resolution of safety concerns raised by their employees.
Also bidders to provide the details of Rewards and Recognition process in their
organization for safety to encourage the morale of their workforce.

10. Accreditations:
S. No. Certification Yes / If Yes, Year of If No, Planned
No Certification date for
1. ISO 9001
3. SA8000
Note: Please attach certificates to support above. In case not accredited for above
but applied for, application letters may be attached.

Evaluation Criteria
S. Description Max Criteria for evaluation
No. Marks

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1. Qualification and 15 As per Clause No. 5
Experience of
2. Tools and Tackles to 20 To be evaluated as per approved tool list
be provided by bidder of concerned department
3. Job Safety Plan/ 15 To be evaluated as per as per
Method SOP/WI/HIRA adequacy of TPSODL
4 PPE Requirements 20 To be evaluated as per approved
TPSODL PPEs standard and PPE Matrix
specified in CSM
5 Vehicle Deployment 10 Weightage will be given for CNG
Vehicles with endorsement of CNG kit
on RC
6 Crane Deployment 10 Weightage will be given for CNG
Vehicles with endorsement of CNG kit
on RC
7 Training Records 10 Training records to be evaluated with
evidences and scoring to be done as per
availability of records
Total 100
Safety Records (Lag Parameter)
1. Fatal Accident (-) 20 For any fatality in TPSODL /Other
Marks company in last three years, 20 marks
will be deducted.
For new entrant BA, these marks will be
deducted for safety records other than
TPSODL works.
If and BA found hiding such facts, then
contract will be terminated immediately
during the execution stage.

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2 LWDC (Non-fatal) (-) 10 For each LWDC (Non-Fatal) case 10
Marks marks will be deducted with maximum
for up to 20 marks.
each For new entrant BA, these marks will be
case deducted for safety records other than
with TPSODL works.
max of If and BA found hiding such facts, then
20 contract will be terminated immediately
marks during the execution stage.

Additional Bonus Points

1 Certificate Accredition (+) ISO 9001- 5 Marks Bonus
Max 10 OSHAS 18001/ISO 450001- 5 Marks
Marks Bonus
SA8000- 5 Marks Bonus
2 Safety Initiative for (+) Maximum 10 marks will be awarded for
learnings implemented Max 10 visible evidence in terms of safety
in accidents in Marks initiative deployed based on learning of
organization and work accident in organization and workforce in
force (Fatal / Non case of accident
3 Rewards and (+) Maximum 5 marks will be awarded for
Recognition Process Max 5 R&R process evidence

Final Qualifying Criteria

S. Description Max Marks Criteria for evaluation
1. Qualified Bidders More than 70 As per Clause no.9

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