IRENA PST Smart Grids CBA Guide 2015
IRENA PST Smart Grids CBA Guide 2015
IRENA PST Smart Grids CBA Guide 2015
Copyright © IRENA 2015
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The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports
countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for inter-
national cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial
knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all
forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy in
the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth
and prosperity.
The work for the preparation of this paper was led by Paul Komor and Anderson Hoke, University of Colo-
rado, Boulder, Colorado, USA. The report has benefited from valuable comments provided by external
reviewers: Gianluca Flego (JRC, EC), Klas Heising (GIZ), Sophie Jablonski (EIB), Yannick Julliard (Siemens),
Achim Neumann (KFW), Juan Roberto Paredes (IDB), and Manuel Welsch (KTH).
Authors: Ruud Kempener (IRENA), Paul Komor and Anderson Hoke (University of Colorado)
For further information or to provide feedback, please contact: Ruud Kempener, IRENA Innovation and
Technology Centre. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected].
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
Executive Summary
Smart grid technologies can enable higher levels of renewables in electricity systems by making the system more
flexible, responsive, and intelligent. As more and more countries, particularly in the developing world, plan to
increase their use of renewables, smart grid technologies provide the means to integrate these renewables in a
cost-efficient and effective way.
Smart grid projects are often evaluated and justified on an economic basis. The challenge for decision-makers
(which can be utilities, policymakers, or others) is to evaluate smart grid proposals rigorously, objectively, and
with a well-defined and consistent methodology. Such analyses are critical for ensuring that scarce capital is
invested wisely.
Several methodologies exist for economic evaluation of smart grid projects. However, developing countries can
benefit from a customised methodology for smart grid project evaluation. This report provides a cost-benefit
analysis (CBA) methodology that is designed for developing countries. The proposed methodology allows for
analysis of benefits such as reduced theft, grid extension, and significant increases in reliability, and is realistic
about system data availability and accuracy.
CBA is an ideal first tool for evaluating a smart grid investment. Its value lies not just in the result it provides
but also in how it requires one to define and quantify the expected costs and benefits. Often it is this analytical
discipline, rather than the result itself, that is most informative.
Before undertaking a CBA, one needs to consider several issues. First, different stakeholders will value the
benefits of a smart grid differently. A societal perspective will account for all benefits; however, one may want to
take a narrower perspective, such as that of the utility or of electricity users. Second, undertaking a CBA requires
careful definition of a baseline, documenting what would happen in the absence of the smart grid project. Third,
CBA requires considerable judgment on the part of the analyst, particularly in estimating uncertain inputs and
assessing qualitative benefits. CBA can support better decisions, but it should not be used to make decisions on
its own.
This report is accompanied by a number of exercises to demonstrate the methodology and the value of CBA.
The fictional country of Ruritania1 is used to demonstrate a CBA of smart inverters for renewables in a small
developing country’s electricity system. The results reveal that fewer outages and reduced losses are by far the
most valuable benefits of these inverters, accounting for almost three-fourths of the total benefit value. The
advantages of smart inverters clearly exceed the costs. This result, however, reflects electricity users’ estimated
valuation of reduced outages. If the utility values fewer outages only at the value of the lost electricity sales, then
the smart inverters are not cost-effective. A second example shows the cost-benefit analysis methodology for
a distribution automation programme in case there is no predefined renewable energy target in Ruritania. This
exercise demonstrates a situation in which the benefits and costs of the additional renewable energy deployment
have to be considered as part of the analysis.
A third exercise is used to present a smart grid investment in an island country, and is loosely based on Jamaica.
This exercise focuses on a demand response (DR) project to accompany renewables expansion to defer
generation-capacity investment. The project is found to be cost-effective – even with moderate changes in
assumptions and with significant incentive payments to DR participants.
A fictional kingdom used as the setting for stories by Anthony Hope (1863-1933), and often used in academia to refer to a hypothetical country
Chapter 1
© LeahKat
enewable energy power generation is growing fast. Since 2011, more renewable power generation capacity
is added than conventional power generation capacity every single year. In particular, variable renewable
energy sources such as solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind are growing fast. 2014 was another record year
with around 44 GW of solar PV and 50 GW of wind power added globally.
IRENA’s global renewable energy roadmap, REmap 2030, suggests that the growth in renewables will continue
(IRENA, 2014). Based on an analysis of 26 countries, covering 75% of global energy consumption, the share of
renewables in the power sector may increase from 22% in 2012 to more than 40% by 2030, and the share of
variable renewables may increase from 3% in 2013 to around 20% in 2030.
Up to 2012, the growth of variable renewable energy took place in European countries and the United States.
However, in the last two years China and Japan have become the major markets for solar PV and wind power. Over
the next 20 years, it is expected that this shift continues, especially to those countries with growing electricity
demand in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. These countries are rapidly expanding their grid infrastructure to
keep up with the demand, and renewable power generation allows them to add capacity in a cost-effective and
timely manner.
Renewables are also a solution to improve the low
electrification rates in many developing countries. Table 1A: Smart Grid Technologies
Globally, as many as 1.2 billion people do not have
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)
access to electricity and distributed power generation
Advanced electricity pricing
of solar PV and wind could alleviate this situation.
However, this would require rapid expansion of Demand response (DR)
existing grids or the development of mini-grids with Distribution automation (DA)
decentralised control systems. Renewable resource forecasting
Smart inverters
Achieving high shares of renewables in the final
energy mix can substantially benefit from electricity Distributed storage
systems that are more flexible, responsive, and Virtual power plants
intelligent. “Smart grid technologies,” can do just that Microgrids
by leveraging the tremendous technical advances
in information and computing. Hence, they are an
essential component of the REmap 2030 analysis Smart grid technologies enable high levels of
(IRENA 2014, p. 8). renewables mainly by increasing grid flexibility and
facilitating the increased use of variable renewable
Smart grids use technologies to instantly relay generation technologies, notably wind and PV
information in order to match supply with demand, systems. However, smart grids also have profound
support well-informed decisions on dispatch, and implications for transmission and distribution (T&D)
keep systems operating at optimal efficiency. These systems, as they can ease T&D system integration
technologies can be implemented from utility-scale of distributed renewable generation and reduce
generation to consumer appliances. T&D investment needs by optimising use of existing
infrastructure. This will become increasingly relevant
For example, just as a smart appliance in a private
given that T&D is projected to account for almost half
home can switch on and off in response to varying
of the power sector investment until 2035, much of
electricity prices, a smart transformer on the grid
that in non-Organisation for Economic Co-operation
can automatically notify grid operators and repair
and Development (OECD) countries (International
personnel if its internal temperatures is too high.
Energy Agency [IEA], 2013).
Similarly, a smart meter can measure and track the
output of a rooftop photovoltaic (PV) system and IRENA’s Smart Grids and Renewables report explains
send that data to the utility, thereby making use of how smart grids enable renewables, discusses the
surplus PV energy, or addressing gaps due to solar nontechnical barriers to smart grids, and details
variability. the costs, performance, and other characteristics of
specific smart grid technologies. The report concluded
There is no universal agreement on what qualifies
that smart grids, although conceptually attractive for
as a smart grid technology; however, it is generally
their ability to enable renewables, must be evaluated
understood to include communication, information
and justified on an economic basis.
management, and control technologies that contribute
to the efficiency and flexibility of an electricity This report is IRENA’s second report on smart grids
system’s operation. The suite of available smart grid and renewables. The aim of this report is to help
technologies and applications continues to evolve at decision-makers in developing countries to perform
a rapid pace. Table 1A lists the seven major groups CBAs on smart grid projects. Such analyses are critical
of smart grid technologies and more details on these for ensuring that scarce capital is invested wisely.
technologies, including costs and market status, can
be found in the 2013 IRENA report on “Smart Grids
and Renewables” (IRENA, 2013). This list, however,
will continue to grow as entrepreneurs find novel
applications for improved intelligence and information
in the energy industry.
There are ways in which these differences create a grid project evaluation. One that can accommodate
clear challenge for smart grids: the benefits such as reduced theft, grid extension,
increased reliability, and is simultaneously realistic
• Many (utilities in) developing countries
about system data availability and accuracy.
are capital-constrained, with limited
access to low-cost capital for upgrades This report is the first to provide such a methodology
and extensions of their electricity systems. for developing countries.
This complicates efforts to invest in smart
The remainder of this report is organised as follows:
grid projects, even if they are clearly cost-
effective. • Chapter 2 provides an overview of how
CBA works and what major issues need to
• Electricity systems may be unable to
be considered before undertaking a CBA.
set electricity rates at a level that covers
costs of operation, due to concerns over • Chapter 3 provides a detailed guide on
affordability of electricity for residents, how to estimate the benefits and costs of
businesses, and industry. This leads to a smart grid project with our methodology,
insufficient O&M spending and a backlog and how to use sensitivity analysis to
of basic maintenance, therefore making incorporate uncertainty and qualitative
it difficult to justify smart grid projects, benefits into a CBA-guided decision. The
which may be seen as a luxury and/or not text will be accompanied by an exercise
absolutely critical to basic grid functioning. that will illustrate all of the different steps..
This is the most challenging component of
• Smart grid analyses may require detailed
a CBA.
data on system operational characteristics
(such as reliability/downtime and • The appendices provide further details on
minute-by-minute load data), customer two additional case studies, and include
demographics, and more. Such extensive an illustration of the alternative approach
data may not be available. to be used when there is not an explicit
renewables goal. Furthermore, the case
• Regulatory and institutional issues,
study provides an explanation on how
such as the need for standard setting,
to calculate the different benefits, and
harmonisation of different electricity
provides starting-point cost data for any
systems, and ensuring data privacy, can
limit innovation.
Table 1B: Electricity access and T&D losses Table 1C: Electricity outages in selected
Region Access to electricity T&D losses (%)
(% of population) Country Value lost due to electricity
Sub-Saharan Africa 35 12 outages (% of sales/year)
(developing only) Hungary 1
Least-developed 32 16 Samoa 7
countries: United Nations Yemen 13
Zimbabwe 18
Middle income 85 11 Source:
© Francois Loubser
Cost-Benefit Analysis:
Introduction and Overview
Chapter summary: Before undertaking a CBA, one needs to consider several issues, including perspective (whose
costs and benefits are relevant) and baseline definition (what would happen in the absence of the proposed smart
grid project). There are two basic approaches to a smart grid CBA: one in which there is a predefined renewables
goal that will likely be met with or without the proposed smart grid project, and one in which the smart grid project
allows for renewables that wouldn’t otherwise occur. Our methodology works for both approaches.
U sed properly, CBA can give an estimate of how a smart grid technology investment will perform,
that is, the overall financial attractiveness of the investment. CBA’s principal strengths are:
• It is relatively simple.
• It lends itself to sensitivity analysis, allowing one to vary the value of uncertain inputs and see how
the results change.
• It is data-intensive. It requires quite a few inputs, some of which may not be known.
• Specific (point value) inputs are required Whose perspective does one take when doing
and therefore, a sensitivity analysis may be a CBA?
needed if the input values are uncertain.
This report generally takes a societal perspective,
• Its incorporation of qualitative factors and one that incorporates all costs and benefits as seen
second-order impacts is imprecise. by all stakeholders. In the carbon example above,
the utility’s perceived value of the carbon emissions
CBA is an ideal first tool for evaluating a smart grid would be used. In most cases, smart grid projects in
investment. Its value lies not just in the result it developing countries are undertaken by government
provides but also in how it requires one to define and agencies, and the perspective of these agencies is
quantify the expected costs and benefits. It is this typically close to that of society.
analytical discipline, rather than the result itself, that
is often most informative. Note, however, that there is no requirement that
CBA take a societal perspective and a more narrow
CBA is one of several methods that can be used perspective on costs and benefits can be taken. Where
to assess the economic impacts of a smart grid possible, this handbook shows how costs and benefits
investment. In the private sector, this assessment is flow differently according to the stakeholders, allowing
referred as the ‘business case’ and might relate to users to tailor the analysis to different stakeholders
the profit potential, competitive advantage, market perspectives.
positioning, or other business attributes. However,
in most cases, electricity in developing countries Importance of Qualitative Factors
is provided by a government agency or a regulated
Some costs and benefits of smart grid projects, such
monopoly and therefore, competitive market issues
as up-front hardware costs, are straightforward
(such as market share) are not of concern. Instead, the
to quantify. Others, such as allowing for increased
overall question is whether the benefits of investing in
electricity system reliability, can be valued in monetary
smart grids are greater than its costs. This is a question
terms, but with some uncertainty. Still others, such as
CBA can help answer.
providing consumers with greater information and
control, certainly have some value, but are extremely
CONSIDERATIONS BEFORE difficult to attach a monetary value to. We call these
UNDERTAKING A COST-BENEFIT qualitative benefits.
However, this valuation is complicated by renewables that the smart grid investment will enable
the presence of qualitative benefits and by and the ensuing the costs and benefits, needs to be
uncertainty associated with the estimated estimated.
future cost and benefit values.
Costs = (smart grid project costs) plus
Two Fundamental Approaches (enabled renewables costs)
There are two fundamental approaches to smart grid Benefits = (smart grid project benefits) plus
CBA for renewable implementation: (1) Start with an (enabled renewables benefits)
explicit renewables deployment goal, to be met with
or without smart grid technologies (the Predefined Overview of Methodology
Renewables Goal approach); or (2) estimate the Our methodology for identifying and quantifying the
renewables deployment that would be enabled by benefits of a smart grid is adapted from that proposed
the smart grid investment under consideration (the by the Joint Research Centre EC (EC, 2012a and 2012b)
No Predefined Renewables Goal approach). The which was in turn adapted from EPRI (2010) and EPRI
difference is essentially one of baseline, meaning (2013). Figure 2 shows an overview of this process.
what one assumes would happen if the smart grid After first identifying and defining the boundaries of
investment were not made. the project and the baseline against which it is to be
valued, the smart grid technologies to be deployed
The Predefined Renewables Goal Approach are listed (Step 1). Each technology is then mapped
This approach is for situations in which there is a to the functions it provides (Step 2), and then each
preexisting renewables deployment goal, such as function is in turn mapped to the benefits it provides
“20% of electricity sold in 2020 must come from (Step 3). Finally, the economic value of each benefit
renewable sources.” The smart grid investment under is monetised (Step 4). Costs are then estimated (Step
consideration is one of perhaps several paths to reach 5), costs and benefits compared (Step 6), and finally a
the goal. sensitivity analysis is performed (Step 7).
In this case, the baseline is reaching the goal without The process is slightly more complicated if using
the smart grid investment. The CBA considers the the No Predefined Renewables Goal approach to
incremental costs and benefits—that is, those costs incorporate the effect of renewables enabled by the
and benefits resulting from the smart grid investment, smart grid project, as shown on the right-hand side
relative to the costs and benefits of the baseline. of Figure 2. (As a reminder, under the No Predefined
Notably, in this approach the benefits of reaching set Renewables Goal approach the new renewables are
RE goals, such as the associated carbon reduction, treated as a benefit in the CBA; see Chapter 2 for
are not included in the CBA, as these benefits are details). If enabling wind or solar is identified as a
assumed to occur in any case. potential benefit in Step 3, the enabled renewables
are mapped to their benefits and added to the list of
The No Predefined Renewables Goal Approach smart grid benefits. Then, the complete list of benefits
This approach is for situations in which the smart grid is monetised in Step 4.
investment is seen as enabling the deployment of
This methodology can be complex—particularly in
renewables that otherwise would not occur. In this
estimating benefits (Steps 1 through 4 in Figure 2).
case, the smart grid investment enables additional
Chapter 3 provides a detailed case study on a fictional
renewables deployment, and the benefits and costs
country called Ruritania. Ruritania represents a small
associated with those renewables become part of the
developing country in which investments in smart
CBA. The baseline is whatever renewables penetration
inverters are considered. More complex examples,
would occur in the absence of the smart grid project.
based on a distribution automation programme in
For ease of analysis, this is typically assumed to be
Ruritania and a demand response (DR) project in
zero (or unchanged from the present renewables
Jamaica, can be found in Annex I and Annex II.
level). This is more challenging since the amount of
No Predefined Renewables
Goal Approach
Predefined Renewables (The New Reneables are treated
Goal Approach as a benefit in the CBA; see Annex I for details)
Step 2: Step 2:
Map technologies Map technologies
to function to function
Step 3: Step 3:
Map functions Enables YES
Map functions
to benefits renewables?
to benefits
Step 4: Step 4: Map renewable
Monetize benefits Monetize benefits functions to
Step 5: Step 5:
Quantify Costs Quantify Costs
Step 6: Step 6:
Compare costs Compare costs
and benefits and benefits
Step 7: Step 7:
Perform sensitivity
End Perform sensitivity
© gui jun peng
Chapter 3
© pedrosala
The exercise illustrates how sensitivity analysis reveals the way in which net benefits vary with critical assumptions.
uritania is a country with an electricity system primarily based on coal- and gas-fired power stations, and
only 2% of variable renewables (wind). Its electricity system is expected to growth from 10 GW peak to
20 GW peak by 2030. Ruritania has a goal of 20% renewable electricity by 2030, to be met with wind
and solar PV. The costs and benefits of upgrading the planned wind and PV systems to include advanced grid
support features are analysed. The case study assumes that the renewable energy goal of 20% will not change,
so the CBA will only consider the costs and benefits on the electricity system.
The CBA looks specifically at the advanced grid support features. It assumes an upgrade of new wind and PV
with smart inverters. The smart inverters will provide grid-friendly features like fault ride-through and assistance
with voltage and frequency regulation. The smart inverters will be rolled out alongside the deployment of the
renewables to achieve the 20% renewable energy target assuming a project rollout time of 15 years. The CBA will
apply to this 15-year period.
Benefits One qualitative benefit of this project is to provide
The functions (in a smart grid CBA) of the grid- utility workers with experience in advanced
friendly controls are to enable wide-area monitoring technologies for control of renewables. The smart
and visualisation, power flow control, and automated PV inverters could also be integrated into future DA
voltage and volt-ampere reactive (VAR) control. These schemes, acting as distributed reactive power sources
functions map to 13 out of the 24 possible benefits, as for voltage optimisation and thus, resulting in further
shown in Table 3A3. The full list of possible benefits loss reductions and investment deferral.
are discussed in Table 3D, and Table 3F will show how
these benefits were calculated.
A fictional kingdom used as the setting for stories by Anthony Hope
(1863-1933), and often used in academia to refer to a hypothetical
Only those benefits relevant to this project are listed. Additional
benefits may be relevant to a smart grid project, depending on the
project specifics.
The first step in analyzing the costs and benefits of a Box 1 shows the project definition for Ruritania.
project is to clearly define the project. This includes
In this chapter, we illustrate the CBA methodology
recording general project information, identifying the
using a fictional case study: the Ruritania grid
technologies being deployed, and determining the
support project. The details are described in sidebars
baseline for the CBA.
throughout this section.
Relevant general project information may include the
goals of the project, its stakeholders, its regulatory
environment and its dimensions and boundaries. One
key dimension is the length of the project, as it will
define the window within which costs and benefits
should be included in the CBA.
• Renewables goal: 20% of electricity from wind and solar by 2030 (currently at 2%); 70% of renewable
energy to come from wind plants, 15% from centralised PV plants, and 15% from distributed PV
• The capacity factor for wind is taken to be 40%, and the capacity factor for PV is taken to be 21%,
based on median data from OpenEI
Select Baseline
If an RE goal has been set prior to the smart grid continuing with existing grid maintenance and
project (the Predefined Renewables Goal approach), development plans.
then the baseline for the CBA involves achieving that
Under either approach, the baseline should be carefully
goal without using smart grid technologies (or without
chosen to include projected future changes to the
adding smart grid assets if some already exist).
electricity system. For instance, if there is a preexisting
Other sources of the flexibility needed to integrate
goal to expand electricity access to unserved areas or
renewables include upgrades to grid infrastructure and
to greatly increase the hours of electricity availability,
investment in more-flexible conventional generators.
then the baseline for the CBA involves achieving that
IEA provides guidance as to amounts of flexibility
goal without the proposed smart grid technologies.
available from various conventional generators and
In this case, the smart grid project may have the
infrastructure upgrades as well as economic analyses
opportunity to leapfrog conventional electrification
of the different options (IEA, 2014).
technologies. Box 3 illustrates the baseline selection
When no prior RE goal exists (the No Predefined for our case study.
Renewables Goal approach), the baseline involves
STEP 2: MAP TECHNOLOGIES TO More than one example of a given technology
category may be included in the matrix. For example,
FUNCTIONS one project might include both direct utility control
Once the technologies under consideration and the of industrial loads and optimised control of residential
baseline have been identified, the next step is to map water heaters, both of which are examples of DR. Each
each technology to its potential functions. Functions, should receive its own column in the matrix.
in a smart grid sense, are the roles that various
technologies can play in improving grid operation. If in doubt as to whether a given technology may
Functions do not translate directly into monetary activate a certain function, include the function for
values but are monetised in the next step by mapping later consideration. Any technology may activate
them to benefits. Thinking through the functions of more than one function, and any function may be
the smart grid technologies being deployed (rather activated by more than one technology. In addition,
than trying to jump directly from technologies to users of this CBA method may consider adding other
benefits) helps ensure a thorough analysis that does functions as appropriate.
not miss any benefits.
Because the Ruritania case study uses the Predefined Renewables Goal approach, enabled
wind and solar generation are not applicable benefits in the CBA and hence are not
evaluated in Table 3D.
This step is the crux of the CBA and will likely be the Uncertainty in Benefit Values
most difficult. Estimating the value of some benefits There will inevitably be some degree of uncertainty
may require power system modelling and simulation, in all benefit values. Estimate the magnitude of
which in turn requires detailed data on the power uncertainty of each benefit using the four-level scale
system and projections of the future state of the given in EPRI (EPRI, 2010) as shown in Table 3E. Values
system in the baseline case and with the smart grid with high uncertainty may be good candidates for
project. sensitivity analysis. In addition, uncertainty estimates
While monetising the benefits, determine which will allow decision-makers to gauge the overall level of
stakeholders receive the benefits so that the net cost certainty of the CBA.
or benefit to each stakeholder can be estimated.
Stakeholder groups will typically include grid
operators, consumers, and society at large.
Table 3D: Mapping functions to benefits
Benefits Function: Wide-area Function: Flow Function: Automated
monitoring & visualisation control voltage & VAR control
Optimised generator
Reduced generation
capacity investments
Reduced ancillary service
Reduced congestion cost
Deferred transmission
capacity investments
Deferred distribution
Reduced equipment
Reduced distribution
equipment maintenance
Reduced distribution
operations cost
Reduced meter reading
Reduced electricity theft
Reduced electricity losses
Reduced electricity cost
Reduced sustained outages
Reduced major outages
Reduced restoration cost
Reduced momentary
Reduced sags and swells
Reduced CO2 emissions
Reduced SOx, NOx, and
PM10 emissions
Reduced fuel costs
Reduced wide-scale
Enabled wind generation NA NA NA
Enabled solar generation NA NA NA
NA = not applicable, as these benefits are relevant only for the No Predefined Renewables Goal Approach. See Annex I for details.
For this simple example, many assumptions were made on monetisation input values for
illustrative purposes. A full CBA would incorporate more-detailed modelling and forecasting
using the best data available to produce the inputs needed to monetise benefits. For
example, our assumption that the use of smart PV inverters with volt-VAR control will avoid
the need for 200 switched capacitor banks could be confirmed by modelling and simulation
of typical distribution feeders in the region using IRENA’s grid stability methodology.
All of the benefits have zero value in the first year because the first grid-friendly turbines
and inverters are installed that year. The benefit values increase gradually each year as
more installations occur, reaching a maximum annual value in year 15.
The largest benefit comes from reduced sustained outages at USD 19 million in year 15, but
note that the uncertainty of this benefit is high. The next largest benefit is from reduced
electricity losses, coming in at USD 17 million during year 15. Several of the possible benefits
checked in Table 3D turn out to have no quantifiable value in this project; this is to be
Qualitative Benefits play that are difficult to put a price on. These include
improved health (for example, fewer health issues due
In additional to monetisable impacts, smart grid
to reduced burning of wood, charcoal and kerosene)
projects also produce benefits that are more difficult
and improved access to healthcare services and
to quantify. These may include improvement of local
health clinics. Educational benefits due to improved
workforce capabilities, improved safety, greater
school conditions and the ability to study after dark
inclusion of consumers, and other benefits (Giordano
can also be significant. Entrepreneurial opportunities
et al., 2012a and 2012b). While the availability of
can also bring significant benefits, allowing people to
skilled workers may present a challenge in developing
better provide for their own needs and those of their
countries, building skills in the local workforce may be
communities (World Bank, 2014). It may be possible
an especially important benefit for the same reason.
to put a rough quantitative value on the economic
When smart grid projects are used to provide benefits of electrification based on various studies by
electricity to previously unserved (or underserved) the World Bank and others. However, when deciding
areas, a number of significant benefits may come into whether these benefits are attributable to a smart
grid project, it is important to consider the baseline: the No Predefined Renewables Goal approach, this
Often the most appropriate baseline is not lack of characterisation means renewable energy beyond
electrification but electrification using conventional the amount assumed, to be enabled by the smart grid
technologies, in which case the smart grid project project under the quantitative CBA.
would not get credit for the benefits of electrification
While the benefits considered in this section are difficult
since they also exist in the baseline case.
to monetise, it is important to try to quantify them
When smart grids help reduce electricity theft, this to the extent possible to allow for comparison with
provides a quantitative benefit to the utility (and other projects. For instance, if a project is expected to
indirectly to its paying customers), but the loss of develop workforce skills, state specifically what skills
access by people who had been stealing electricity are expected to be gained and approximately how
is a dis-benefit or cost to those people. This cost many people will gain those skills. A detailed method
may be hard to quantify, but it is worth considering for quantifying benefits that cannot be monetised is
that reduced theft may create a need for subsidised provided by the Joint Research Commission (EC, 2012a
electricity. This qualitative cost will slightly reduce the and 2012b). In Annex III of this report, guidelines are
quantified benefit. given for applying weighting factors to nonmonetised
benefits so that they may be included in the integrated
Smart grid technologies tend to be mutually
reinforcing, so a significant benefit of a smart grid
project is that it provides a basis for future smart grid Note that the functions and benefits of smart grid
projects to build upon. For example, if a DA system technologies are highly interdependent. Hence, the
and associated measurement and control hardware CBA method presented here risks missing some
are first installed with a goal of speeding recovery synergistic benefits (or double-counting benefits that
following electrical faults, that same system could are attributed to multiple technologies). System-level
later be used for other tasks such as optimizing system analysis can better manage these synergies, but there
voltage to reduce losses (see the exercise in Annex are few well-developed methodologies for CBA at a
I). The financial payback of the second project will system level.4
be greatly improved because it uses already existing
Reduced USD 0 in year 1, By providing distributed sources of reactive power, Medium
electricity losses ramping to USD 17M smart distributed PV inverters are expected to
in year 15 reduce distribution line losses by 5% once all are
installed. Total distribution losses are assumed to
be 7% of the energy delivered. The USD 50/MWh
wholesale electricity cost escalates to USD 78/MWh
by year 15 given 3% inflation. Year-15 loss reduction
= (62 GWh demand) * (0.07 loss rate) * (0.05 loss
reduction) = 217 GWh. Year-15 savings: (218 000
MWh) * (USD 78/MWh) = USD 17M
Reduced USD 0 While it is possible that the use of grid-friendly Low
electricity cost controls could lead to a reduction in electricity cost,
no such reduction is assumed here.
Reduced USD 0 in year 1, In this example, by riding through voltage and High
sustained ramping to USD 19M frequency events and some momentary outages,
outages in year 15 and by contributing to voltage and frequency
regulation, grid-friendly controls are assumed to
reduce sustained outages by 1% once fully installed.
An average VOLL of USD 3/kWh and an average
load per customer of 1 kW are assumed. By year 15,
the VOLL will be USD 4.70/kWh due to inflation.
The total annual number of outages per customer is
estimated by multiplying SAIFI by SAIDI, assuming a
SAIFI of 10 outages per year and a SAIDI of 2 hours
per outage. Hence the year-15 baseline outage cost
is (10 outages/year/customer) * (2 hours/outage)
* (USD 4.7/kWh) * (1 kW/customer) = USD 94 per
customer. With 20 million customers in year 15, the
total value of this benefit that year is (20 million) *
(USD 94) * (0.01) = USD 19M.
Reduced major USD 0 No reduction in major outages is assumed for this High
outages project.
Reduced USD 0 in year 1, We assume each feeder has 10 outages per year High
restoration cost ramping to USD 47K that require manual restoration, and that restoration
in year 15 costs USD 150 in crew time (or USD 235 in year 15).
The 1% reduction in outages mentioned above then
results in a year-15 savings of (USD 235/outage) *
(10 outages/year/feeder) * (2 000 feeders) * (0.01
reduction) = USD 47 000.
Reduced USD 0 No reduction in momentary outages is assumed for Low
momentary this project.
STEP 5: QUANTIFY COSTS Cost Categories
The first steps differentiate between the costs Costs can be divided into four categories:
associated with the baseline, and the costs associated
• Up-front hardware costs. Also called
with the smart grid project. The baseline should include
capital or initial costs, these expenses are
all costs associated with operating the electricity
one-time costs associated with purchasing
system. Costs attributed to the project, in contrast,
the specific technologies.
should be only those that the project imposes or
adds. Costs are by definition negative, or outlays; cost • Project implementation costs. These costs
savings or reductions should be tracked as benefits. are associated with installation, marketing,
scheduling, project management,
As with all cost estimations, there are uncertainties,
commissioning, and other cost components
of project implementation.
• Cost overruns, due to lack of field experience
• Operating and maintenance costs. These
with new smart grid technologies.
expenses are ongoing, with typical units of
• Unexpected marketing costs for those USD/year or USD/MWh.
technologies requiring consumer
• Qualitative costs. These various expenses
are difficult to quantify yet still relevant to
• Integration of new technologies into the analysis.
existing grid systems, involving multiple
Typical capital and O&M costs are shown in Table 3G;
however, costs are very project-dependent and actual,
In general, however, these cost uncertainties will be firm quotes from vendors should be used whenever
smaller than the benefit-side uncertainties. possible. As discussed in Chapter 2, if there is no
Sources: Asmus, 2010; Idaho Power Company, 2013; IEA, 2014; IRENA 2013; Ontario Energy Board, 2011; U.S DOE, 2006; authors’ estimates
We also assume that there are no additional O&M costs for these upgrades. There are costs
associated with operating the wind turbines and PV systems, of course; however, these costs are
incurred regardless and thus are defined as being in the baseline.
Similarly, we assume that there are no additional project implementation costs. These
technologies are commercially available and require little if any additional effort beyond the
baseline technology.
STEP 6: COMPARE COSTS AND Benefit/cost ratio is a variation on NPV where all
benefits and costs are discounted and summed
BENEFITS to a current-day equivalent. Then a simple ratio of
The benefits of a proposed smart grid project, as benefits to costs is calculated. If the ratio is greater
discussed in Chapter 2, occur over the lifetime of than 1.0, then it can be concluded that the project is
the project. The costs, in contrast, typically involve a cost-effective without consideration of the qualitative
large outlay at the beginning of the project, possibly factors.
followed by a much smaller annual spending for O&M.
So, how can the different costs and benefits occurring Cash flow analysis is a third method. The costs and
at different times be compared and assessed? benefits that occur in each year to provide a clear
Fortunately, there are several financial analysis tools sense of the timing of the costs and benefits, and
for such a problem. lends itself to a graphical summary of the project’s
Net present value (NPV) is a simple and transparent
indicator of overall costs and benefits. To calculate Stakeholder Perspectives
NPV, all future financial costs and benefits are Including all costs and benefits in an NPV or benefits-
transformed into an equivalent current-day cost or to-costs ratio calculation implicitly assumes a societal
benefit. Future costs and benefits are discounted to perspective. A stakeholder perspective, in contrast,
reflect the time value of money and/or the appropriate may intentionally exclude some costs and benefits.
societal discount rate. This combines all the costs and The utility, for example, may not value reduced CO2
benefits into one number, which can be thought of emissions, and therefore could leave the CO2 reduction
as the current-day value of the entire project. If this benefit out of the analysis. When performing a
value is positive, it can concluded that the project is stakeholder CBA, it is useful to look at the list of costs
cost-effective without consideration of the qualitative and benefits, and exclude those that are not relevant
factors. or not valued.
Incorporating Qualitative Costs and Benefits As shown in the example above, changing the
As discussed throughout this report, qualitative costs assumption about the value of reduced outages
and benefits should be tracked through the analysis. changes the final result from a positive NPV to a
When the final result (for example, NPV) is calculated, negative NPV. This illustrates the value of the CBA
it should be shown along with the list of qualitative process. If, in this example, decision-makers want to
costs and benefits to decision-makers. incorporate electricity users’ valuation of the benefits,
then the project appears to be cost-effective (meaning
One way to incorporate these factors into the analysis it has a positive NPV). If, on the other hand, decision-
is to consider the direction and magnitude these makers want to take a utility perspective, then the
factors would need to change in order to alter the project does not appear to be cost-effective. (This
result. In our example, we found that the project had places no value on the qualitative benefits.) There is
a net benefit of USD 25.6 million and further identified no correct answer here; the conclusion depends on
workforce training as an additional qualitative benefit. what values and perspective decision-makers want to
In this case, there is no need to attach a number to this adopt.
workforce training benefit, as the project is already
cost-effective without considering it. A similar process could be pursued for other inputs
and assumptions that are deemed uncertain and
Think about a different case, in which the proposed critical. An interesting question, for example, might
project had a net benefit of USD 2.8 million (meaning be to calculate the cost assumptions that result in an
it was not cost-effective). In this case, the workforce NPV of 0. If decision-makers are confident that costs
training benefit would need to be worth at least USD will fall below that assumption, then they could be
2.8 million to change the outcome of the CBA. This reasonably sure that the project overall will have a
process helps to clarify and bound the qualitative positive NPV.
Box 10: Ruritania Smart Grid Project: Sensitivity Analysis
As shown in Table 3I, reduced sustained outages and reduced electricity losses are the
largest components of the benefits NPV. As discussed in Chapter 3, a critical assumption
in estimating the benefits of reduced sustained outages is the value of this reduction to
electricity users. The results in Table 3I assume a value of USD 3 for each kWh reduction in
sustained losses. That value is based on a meta-analysis of a large number of studies. Note,
however, that this USD 3/kWh value reflects the electricity users’ perspective. The utility,
in contrast, might value these reduced outages as worth only the regained electricity sales
they yield—that is, at the current retail rate of electricity. As shown in Table 3K, changing
the value of these outage reductions from USD 3/kWh to USD 0.10/kWh changes the NPV
from +USD 28.6 million to –USD 2.0 million.
mart grid projects in developing countries can enable higher levels of renewables on electricity grids,
but these projects need to be rigorously evaluated to determine if their benefits exceed their costs. CBA
defines and evaluates those costs and benefits, and can help decision-makers better allocate capital.
Defining and quantifying the benefits of a proposed smart grid project is complex and challenging. However,
breaking it down into a series of logical and ordered steps simplifies the process and clarifies the assumptions
and uncertainties.
Smart grid project costs can be estimated using published data and/or vendor estimates. The uncertainties are
generally smaller than for benefit-side estimates, although qualitative and project implementation costs are
project-specific and thus may require additional analysis.
Combining costs and benefits is a straightforward financial calculation. Qualitative costs and benefits can be
incorporated by calculating the values they would need in order to change the net benefits from positive to
negative (or from negative to positive). Similarly, sensitivity analysis can be used to show how net benefits vary
with input assumptions.
© Pi-Lens
GW – gigawatt(s) MW – megawatt(s)
IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers NPV – net present value
IITC – IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre NRC – National Research Council
OECD – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
PV – photovoltaic
RE – renewable energy
UN – United Nations
yr - year
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Annex I: Ruritania Case Study: Distribution Automation Programme with no Predefined Renewables Goal
Annex II: Jamaica Case Study: Demand Response Programme With a Pre-Defined Renewables Goal