Cosmic Quantization With Respect To
Cosmic Quantization With Respect To
Cosmic Quantization With Respect To
Essam E Maroun
Collège De La Salle - Frères
Abstract The conditions of the early universe are not known with any
measure of certainty — they are only theories. Therefore, using the
assumption that the estimated total energy of the observable universe is
conserved, we propose a different lower limit for the gravitational energy; we
attempt to unify the subatomic and the large scale universe into one coherent
whole; thus, showing that the cosmos behaves like a quantum object. It uses a
form of Bohr’s quantization to strengthen the unification of quantum gravity.
Our model is simple, yet comprehensive.
1 Introduction
We point out that Planck length; time and temperature are identified
with the quantum of gravity. Thus, for example, time is bounded below by
Essam E Maroun
[email protected]
Planck time and above by the characteristic time of the observable universe,
these bounds can be applied to each property of the gravitational quanta.
2 Cosmic Quantization
mcr = n (1)
c2 M m (2)
m = G U2
r r
n2 2
= GM U m 2 r (3)
nU2 2
Essam E Maroun
[email protected]
n c2r (4)
cr G
r2 (5)
l P2
The first case might also explain why most galaxies seem to be
relatively flat spirals. The angular momentum of the original universe,
together with differences in speed of the ejecta caused by collisions would
cause a natural flattening into spirals with a bias in the direction of the
original rotation. Randomized collisions would tend to dampen out this bias
over time, but it would not eliminate it. This rotation would cause the ejecta
to flatten out into a more disc-shaped universe and result in the quantum
number becoming proportional to area rather than volume.
A rotating universe would have to have a center for the rotation. The
problem is that the distances involved, and the slowness of rotation, might
make determining this center difficult. However, that does not mean it is
Essam E Maroun
[email protected]
The second possibility for this would be for all of the matter to be
located on the surface “edge” of the expanding sphere of the universe. But
this should mean we would see a “bright spot” in the direction from which we
came surrounded by a dark band having things too far away from us for light
to have traveled, or a dim band as things get farther away from us on the
edge. Either way, there would be a difference in the red shift as we view
things in different directions. This has not been observed, so this possibility is
not likely.
r3 (6)
l P2 GM U
t3 (7)
t P2 tU
Essam E Maroun
[email protected]
1 1 (8)
G tU t 3
t (9)
f = fP
Essam E Maroun
[email protected]
t (10)
P = PP
1 (11)
T =
k t5 (12)
t P2 tU
This is by far the fastest growth rate of any of the quanta considered
and is proportional to the square root of the fifth power.
Essam E Maroun
[email protected]
quanta Time
Radius r∝t 10 −35 10 8 1015 10 26 m.
Quantum of n ∝ t2 −
10 0 10 86 10100 10122
Energy E ∝ t 3/ 2 10 −21 10 44 10 54 10 70 J.
Mass m∝t 3/ 2
10 −38 10 27 10 37 10 53 kg .
Density ρ ∝ 1/ t 3 / 2 10 65 10 1 10 −10 10 −26 kg / m 3 .
Force f ∝ t 1/ 2 1013 10 35 10 39 10 44 N.
Power P ∝ t1/ 2 10 22 10 44 10 47 10 52 W.
Temperature T ∝ 1/ t 10 32 10 −11 °K .
10 −18 10 −29
Entropy S ∝t 10
5/ 2
10 −53
10 55
10 J / °K .
72 99
t = tP n (13/a)
∆t = t P ( n − n − 1) (13/b)
n → nU ∆t → 0
Essam E Maroun
[email protected]
m= 2
c t P tU
∆m = 2
( 4 n 3 − 4 n 3 − 1)
c t P tU
n → nU ∆m → 0
4 Conclusion
Essam E Maroun
[email protected]
The formulas, in particular Eq. 5, support the idea that the universe is
disc-shaped and rotating, perhaps resembling a super-sized spiral galaxy. Our
conclusion, which is based upon this model, corresponds with the modern
cosmological observations.
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Essam E Maroun
[email protected]
1 t3 (15)
t P2 tU
qP t5 (16)
q= 4
tP tU
q 6 = q P6 t P4 tUν 5 (17)
Essam E Maroun
[email protected]