PW Quality
PW Quality
PW Quality
# Defaults:
# Number of characters in the new password that must not be present in
# old password.
# difok = 1
# Minimum acceptable size for the new password (plus one if
# credits are not disabled which is the default). (See pam_cracklib
# Cannot be set to lower value than 6.
minlen = 13
# The maximum credit for having digits in the new password. If less
than 0
# it is the minimum number of digits in the new password.
dcredit = -2
# The maximum credit for having uppercase characters in the new
# If less than 0 it is the minimum number of uppercase characters in
the new
# password.
ucredit = -2
# The maximum credit for having lowercase characters in the new
# If less than 0 it is the minimum number of lowercase characters in
the new
# password.
lcredit = -2
# The maximum credit for having other characters in the new password.
# If less than 0 it is the minimum number of other characters in the
# password.
ocredit = -1
# The minimum number of required classes of characters for the new
# password (digits, uppercase, lowercase, others).
# minclass = 0
# The maximum number of allowed consecutive same characters in the new
# The check is disabled if the value is 0.
# maxrepeat = 0
# The maximum number of allowed consecutive characters of the same
class in the
# new password.
# The check is disabled if the value is 0.
# maxclassrepeat = 0
# Whether to check for the words from the passwd entry GECOS string of
the user.
# The check is enabled if the value is not 0.
# gecoscheck = 0
# Whether to check for the words from the cracklib dictionary.
# The check is enabled if the value is not 0.
dictcheck = 1
# Whether to check if it contains the user name in some form.
# The check is enabled if the value is not 0.
usercheck = 1
# Length of substrings from the username to check for in the password
# The check is enabled if the value is greater than 0 and usercheck is
# usersubstr = 0
# Whether the check is enforced by the PAM module and possibly other
# applications.
# The new password is rejected if it fails the check and the value is
not 0.
# enforcing = 1
# Path to the cracklib dictionaries. Default is to use the cracklib
# dictpath =
# Prompt user at most N times before returning with error. The default
is 1.
retry = 3
# Enforces pwquality checks on the root user password.
# Enabled if the option is present.
# Skip testing the password quality for users that are not present in
# /etc/passwd file.
# Enabled if the option is present.
# local_users_only
badwords = temporal