Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4

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Nama : ………………………………


Alamat : Jalan HOS Notosuwiryo No. 52 Telp. (0281) 624540
Purwokerto Selatan 53145




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : IV (empat)
Hari / tanggal : Jumat, 2 Desember 2022
Waktu : 90 menit

1. Tulislah namamu di sudut kanan atas !
2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti !
3. Kerjakan lebih dulu soal yang kamu anggap paling mudah!
4. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada Bapak atau Ibu Guru!

1. Berilah tanda (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang paling benar!

1. Look at the picture below!

Deni and friends are ...

A. borrowing books
B. buying ball
C. having lunch
D. playing football

2. Look at the picture below!

Tina is.......a book in the library

A. borrowing
B. writing
C. reading
D. watching
3. Look at the picture below!

Putri and Salma the pool

A. cleaning
B. swimming
C. playing marbles
D. sleeping

4. Look at the picture below!

They are . . . in the classroom

A. studying math
B. buying snacks
C. drawing flowers
D. giving books

5. Look at the picture below!

Made is........his hands

A. talking
B. walking
C. washing
D. cooking

6. Look at the picture below!

How many math books are there?

A. eighty seven
B. eighty six
C. ninety seven
D. ninety six
7 . Look at the picture below!

How many pencils are there?

A. sixty eight
B. sixty nine
C. fifty eight
D. fifty nine

8 .Look at the picture below!

What number is it?

A. seventy four
B. seventy five
C. eighty six
D. eighty three

9. 45 + 35 = . . .
A. sixty
B. eighty
C. seventy
D. ninety

10. Seventy six minus eleven is . . . .

A. fifty four
B. fifty seven
C. sixty five
D. sixty three

11. Look at the picture below!

Where is jojo?
A. he is in bathroom
B. he is in living room
C. he is in dining room
D. he is in bedroom
12. Look at the picture below!

Where are siti and family?

A. they are in kitchen
B. they are in garage
C. they are in living room
D. they are in dining room

13. Look at the picture below!

Where is the living room?

A. The living room is beside the kitchen
B. The living room is behind the bedroom
C. The living room is beside the dining room
D. The living room is behind the bathroom

14. Look at the picture below!

Where is the kitchen?

A. The kitchen is behind the bathroom
B. The kitchen is beside the dining room
C. The kitchen is behind the bedroom
D. The kitchen is beside the living room

15. Look at the picture below!

A. brush his teeth
B. take a bath
C. sings
D. having dinner
16. Look at the picture below! the bedroom

A. sleeps
B. reads
C. writes
D. draws

17. Look at the picture below! the bathroom

A. reads a book
B. take a bath
C. doesn't read a book
D. doesn't take a bath

18 Look at the picture below!

Anton and family...........TV every day

A. read
B. cook
C. study
D. watch

19 .Look at the picture below !

Where is the pencil?

A. on book
B. on chair
C. on sofa
D. on table

20 . Look at the picture below

What are in the living room? They are . . . .
A. sofa, bed, vase
B. table, lamp, picture
C. lamp, picture, clock
D. chair, vase, picture

2. Jawablah Pertanyaan di Bawah ini dengan

benar ! Write these sentences into Bahasa Indonesia
21. They are Playing Basketball
22. They are Studying Mathematics in the Classroom
Write the numbers in english word!
23. (65)
24. (89)
Write the sentences into Bahasa Indonesia !
25. Rani is having lunch in the dining room
26. Doni is sleeping in the bedroom
Let's arrange the words!
Translate these words into Bahasa Indonesia!
29. Chair
30. Grape

3. Jawablah Uraian Soal di Bawah ini !

Translate these sentences into Bahasa

31. Windu is watching television in the living room
32. Alisya and mother are cooking rice in the kitchen
33. Danisha is take a bath in the bathroom
34. The car is parking in the garage
35. Diana is dancig in the front of class

I. Pilihan ganda
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. A
18. D
19. D
20. C

21. Mereka Sedang bermain bola basket
22. Mereka sedang belajar matematika di ruang kelas
23. Sixty five
24. Eighty nine
25. Rani sedang makan siang di ruang makan
26. Doni sedang tidur di kamar tidur
29. Kursi
30. Angggur

III. Uraian
31. Windu Sedang menonoton Tv di ruang keluarga
32. Alisya dan iu sedang memasak nasi di dapur
33. Danisha sedng mandi di kamar mandi
34. Mobil sedang di parker di garasi
35. Diana sedang menari di depan kelas

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