Operating The Reichert LensChek Lensmeter
Operating The Reichert LensChek Lensmeter
Operating The Reichert LensChek Lensmeter
Operating the
Reichert LensChek
Holland Kendall
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................. 3
2.0 Setting Up Glasses Reader program. ...................................................................... 4
3.0 Single Vision Eyeglasses. ....................................................................................... 5
4.0 BiFocal Eyeglasses ................................................................................................. 8
5.0 Progressive Eyeglasses ......................................................................................... 11
6.0 In Summary........................................................................................................... 14
Operating the Reichert LensChek Lensmeter 5-4-2006 Page 3
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this document is to show how to use the Reichert LensChek
digital lensmeter to measure different types of eyeglasses and to print barcoded labels (of
the prescription) to go onto the eyeglasses bags. These barcoded eyeglasses will then go
to Christian mission teams going all over the world.
To help you to identify which kind of these eyeglasses, refer to the KOM
document entitled “How Glasses Change Your Vision”. It is a good idea for you to study
this document if you plan to measure eyeglasses. By understanding the concepts
described in this document, you will better understand how to identify the type of
eyeglasses that you are measuring.
There are 4 basic types of eyeglasses.
1) Single Vision Eyeglasses. These eyeglasses only have one area of magnification.
Typically they are used just for one purpose: distance, intermediate, or reading.
2) Bifocal Eyeglasses. These eyeglasses have a dual purpose in mind. They are
used for both distance and reading.
3) Trifocal Eyeglasses. Sometimes there is a third area of magnification on the
eyeglasses sandwiched between the bottom and top areas of magnification. If this
is present, then the eyeglasses are called trifocals.
4) Progressive lens eyeglasses. Progressive lens eyeglasses have mostly replaced
bifocals and almost entirely replaced trifocals. Progressive lens eyeglasses have
their least power in the center for distance and progressively get more powerful as
you move down to the bottom edge of the eyeglasses.
The following sections describe the measurement of these 4 types of eyeglasses. Bifocals
and trifocals will be described together in the same section.
Keep in mind that all 4 of these types of eyeglasses can have an additional
parameter called “prism”. Prism is typically used to correct a problem with double
vision. When a large amount of prism is cut into used prescription eyeglasses, they will
not likely be usable by another person. This type of eyeglasses should be discarded.
At this point use the document entitled “How Glasses Change Your Vision” to
identify the pair of eyeglasses you are planning to measure. Place your eyeglasses in the
instrument as shown below and then go to the appropriate section which follows.
Be certain the bottom edge of the frame stays positioned on the platform as shown.
Operating the Reichert LensChek Lensmeter 5-4-2006 Page 4
You do this by pressing the button pointed to above (right) until the display shows
the above setting.
Keep in mind the picture above this button displays three different states as shown below.
Single/BiFocal Progressive Contact Lens
Pressing the button causes the LensChek to switch to the next mode. The “Contact Lens”
choice will not be used.
3. Now move the eyeglasses up and down (using the platform levers on the left or
right) and to the left or the right until the bulls-eye target appears in the center of
the screen as shown in the below sequence. Make certain that the frame is always
placed snugly on the platform. Use the arrows to determine which way you
should move the eyeglasses on the platform.
Operating the Reichert LensChek Lensmeter 5-4-2006 Page 6
When the eyeglasses are moved into the center you will see the picture on the right
above. The right lens has now been measured.
Press “memorize button” Remove eyeglasses Switch to left lens.
7. Click either “For male, For Female, Either Male or Female, or Child” and then
click the PRINT button circled above. The label will be printed. Put the label on
the eyeglasses bag and place it in the box. Make sure the label is turned sideways
(from end to end) on the eyeglasses bag.
Operating the Reichert LensChek Lensmeter 5-4-2006 Page 8
3. Now move the eyeglasses up and down (using the platform levers on the left or
right) and to the left or the right until the bulls eye appears in the center of the
screen as shown in the below sequence. Make certain that the frame is always
placed snugly on the platform.
Move up to right. Stay above BiFocal line. Bulls eye.
4. Now measure the add portion of the lens using the below sequence.
Press to select “add”. Center lens in Bifocal. Press “memorize” Reading is completed.
Operating the Reichert LensChek Lensmeter 5-4-2006 Page 9
5. Place the left lens into the instrument. (Below picture on the left)
6. Select the left lens and move it around and position it by raising the platform and
moving the lens to the right and left until the picture shows as indicated below.
Insert the left lens. Set instrument to “Left”. Position lens & make reading
7. Switch instrument to “add” and move the lens down until you get a reading on the
lower part of the lens (the add). Press the “memorize” button.
Press the “add”. In BiFocal press “memorize” Press “print” to send to PC.
8. Press the lensmeter PRINT button to transfer the reading to the Glasses Reader
program. You should see a response something like the below:
9. Click either “ For male, For Female, Either Male or Female, or Child” and then
click the PRINT button circled above. The label will be printed. Put the label on
the eyeglasses bag and place it in the 50 pair box. Make sure the label is turned
sideways (from end to end) on the eyeglasses bag.
Operating the Reichert LensChek Lensmeter 5-4-2006 Page 10
When measuring bifocal lens, avoid positioning the top measurement so that the light
beam of the LensChek goes through the Bifocal segment line (top part of the bifocal
segment). This will cause a very high erroneous cylinder reading.
If you have this problem and cannot get a reading without moving into this position,
move the eyeglasses down with the beam above the line and force a reading by
pressing the grey “memorize” button.
Operating the Reichert LensChek Lensmeter 5-4-2006 Page 11
3. Select the right side and place the right lens in the instrument as shown below.
select “right” side. Put right lens in lensmeter.
3. Set lensmeter to “add” and then move the lens to view the bottom part of the lens.
You may have to move straight down the lens or in the direction of the nose.
Set to “add” position. Move eyeglasses up to near the bottom of the lens.
Move eyeglasses until you see. THIS pattern. Press the “memorize”
Must move to the left. Moving lens to the left. Got a bow tie.
Operating the Reichert LensChek Lensmeter 5-4-2006 Page 13
5. Move the eyeglasses down near the edge to measure the bottom part (the add) and then
select the “add”. Gradually move down until you get the highest “add” value
displaying (on the screen area circled below) but stop before touching the frame.
Select “add”. Position until you see the below Memorize the measurement.
To record the bottom portion of the eyeglasses remember that you must push the
circled grey “memorize” button as shown in the above right. Pressing PRINT (shown
on the left above) transfers the reading to the computer.
Click either “ For male, For Female, Either Male or Female, or Child” and then click
the PRINT button circled above. The label will be printed. Put the label on the
Operating the Reichert LensChek Lensmeter 5-4-2006 Page 14
eyeglasses bag and place it in the box. Make sure the label is turned sideways (from
end to end) on the eyeglasses bag.
6.0 In Summary
Hopefully this document has helped you to understand how to use the Reichert
LensChek lensmeter in combination with the Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc Glasses
Reader program.