Articulo Ingles
Articulo Ingles
Articulo Ingles
Tropical fruits and vegetables are predominantly cultivated in and European Union. Among several tropical fruits and
warm climate zones, resulting in cultivar diversity in terms of vegetables, banana, mango, citrus, papaya, pineapple,
structure, features, and physiology. These constitute a variety sweet potato, and cassava are the most prominent in
of bioactive ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, phenolic international commerce (Figure 1). Tropical fruits are
acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, fatty acids, fiber, and their super rich in health-benefiting compounds such as an-
distinctive appearances attract customers across the world. thocyanins, flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins, and fibers,
The global production of fruit and vegetables has been attained serving a significant source for human nutritional re-
a tremendous increase for the last few decades. However, huge quirement [1].
losses at pre- and postharvest levels are major constraints in
their judicious use. Traditional breeding strategies were used to The production of tropical fruits and vegetables is sig-
minimize these losses, but their functionality is limited due to nificantly affected by various factors, including abiotic
their time and labor intensiveness. Recent biotechnological, and biotic stresses (Figure 1), for instance, in banana,
computational, and multiomics approaches not only address drought stress causes up to 65% yield loss [2]. Moreover,
the losses concern but also aid in boosting crop productivity various diseases during plant growth and development
and nutritional values. This article emphasizes molecular tools limit fruit productivity [3]. Most of the tropical fruits are
that have been used to reduce losses of tropical fruits and perishable in nature, respire and transpire even after
vegetables at pre- and postharvest levels. harvest, and are sensitive to chilling. This results in
significant postharvest losses, particularly in low- and
Addresses middle-income countries, which are main contributors of
Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell tropical produce [4]. In some cases, this loss goes up to
University, Ithaca, NY, USA
2 50% of total produce, resulting in a major economic loss
Department of Biotechnology, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of
Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India of such countries [5]. Because of rising global demand of
Department of Food Science and Postharvest Technology, Bihar tropical fruits, their nutritional quality, and flavor, the
Agricultural University, Sabour 813210, Bihar, India need for developing technologies to maintain and en-
hance the production of tropical crops and their pre- and
Corresponding author:
Siddiqui, Mohammed Wasim ([email protected])
postharvest quality attributes is essential. In this review,
ORCID-0000-0002-8885-3619 we primarily focus on biotechnological approaches to
reduce losses of tropical fruits and vegetables at pre- and
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 79:102850 postharvest levels.
This review comes from a themed issue on Food Biotechnology
Edited by Max I. Teplitski and Jorge M. Fonseca
Biotechnological approaches
In contrast to temperate fruits, which includes apple,
For complete overview of the section, please refer to the article tomato, grapes, and so on, the genetic improvement of
collection, “Food Biotechnology (2023)”
tropical fruits is limited possibly because of genome
Available online 5 December 2023 complexity, long juvenile phase, and lack of infra- structure and resources in growing countries [6]. Al-
0958–1669/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. though conventional breeding methods have been
employed to reduce the pre- and postharvest losses, but
their use is restricted due to their time-consuming and
labor-intensive procedures [7]. To augment conven-
tional breeding of tropical crops, a variety of bio-
Introduction technological approaches, such as genetic transformation
Fruits and vegetables, predominantly grown in tropics, and transgenics, antisense technology, RNA inter-
are considered as an essential component of daily human ference, and genome editing, have been employed,
diet all over the world. In the last few decades, the de- which efficiently address these challenges (Figure 2).
mand for tropical fruits and vegetables has been in- Over the last few years, several studies have been pub-
creased significantly, particularly in the United States lished describing particular use of transgenics, genomics,
Figure 1
Tropical fruits and vegetables with major consumption and commercial importance, and key factors responsible for their losses at pre- and
postharvest levels.
and genome editing in controlling pre- and postharvest cavendish banana [9]. These two transgenic banana vari-
losses of tropical fruits and vegetables. Here, we briefly eties provided significant resistance improvement against
review these successful approaches in the following Fusarium in the field trials [9].
Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a major subsistence food
Transgenic (heterologous and and is an important part of general diet in the Southeast
overexpression) approach Asia region. The potyvirus papaya ringspot virus (PRV)
The modern biotechnological tools allow the manipula- poses a serious threat to papaya and reduces its economic
tion of genes from various sources and their insertion into worth. The traditional breeding methods only control
plants to impart desirable traits for crop improvement. the PRV to a certain extent. To improve the resistance
This approach has been used for developing several tro- against PRV, Fitch et al. (1992) transformed immature
pical crops to prevent yield losses. Banana (Musa spp.) is zygotic embryos with a PRV coat protein (cp) gene using
one of the most significant economic commodities in microprojectiles [10]. The developed papaya transgenic
tropical regions, having commercial production in over lines showed significant resistance to PRV with one
130 countries. The banana industry is severely impacted transgenic line displaying total resistance. Further, the
by sigatoka leaf spot disease caused by a fungus genome of this transgenic papaya was sequenced, which
Mycosphaerella fijiensisis. To address this, Vishnevetsky provided novel insights into its genetics and evolution
et al. expressed Trichoderma harzianum endochitinase [11]. Later, this transgenic papaya was released in Hawai
(ThEn-42) gene together with stilbene synthase gene and commercialized in the United States as ‘SunUp’ and
from grape and a superoxide dismutase gene Cu,Zn-SOD Rainbow, a hybrid of ‘SunUp’ and a nonengineered
from tomato to develop transgenic banana plants [8]. cultivar ‘Kapoho’ [12]. Other than these examples em-
These transgenic banana plants showed enhanced re- ploying transgenic technology, several other transgenic
sistance against sigatoka leaf spot disease in field condi- tropical crops were also developed as enlisted in Table 1.
tions without compromising yield and fruit quality.
Interestingly, the transgenic banana was also resistant to Antisense and RNAi technology
gray mold Botrytis cinerea, a major fruit pathogen [8]. An- Antisense and RNAi technology are gene silencing ap-
other fungal disease Fusarium wilt or Panama disease proaches (Figure 2a and b) that have been successfully
caused by Fusarium oxysporum affects many tropical fruit applied for developing tropical crops with improved fruit
crops worldwide. To improve the resistance against Fu- traits (Table 1). One of the recent examples is devel-
sarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 (TR4) in opment of banana with delayed ripening and extended
banana, a resistance gene analog 2 from a TR4-resistant shelf life through targeting two MADS box genes, Ma-
diploid banana and an antiapoptosis gene, Ced9 from a MADS1 and MaMADS2, which are necessary for banana
nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, were expressed in ripening [13]. Recently, a genetically modified
Figure 2
Schematic representation of mechanism of antisense (a), RNAi (b), and CRISPR–Cas9 (c) technologies. (d) Critical steps for developing genetic and
genome-engineered fruit crops using above technologies.
pineapple (Ananas comosus) with modified fruit color and an important staple food crop in Sub-Saharan Africa,
delayed ripening/senescence has been commercialized however, its production is severely affected by an insect
by Del Monte as Pinkglow™ in the United States after pest African sweet potato weevil (Cylas brunneus). As a
approval from FDA [14]. In the Pinkglow™ pineapple, crop protection strategy, Christiaens et al. delivered
pink flesh accumulates lycopene, which is developed by gene-specific dsRNA against 24 target genes of Cylas
expressing tangerine (Citrus reticulata) phytoene syn- brunneus, which resulted in effective silencing and a
thase gene, critical for fruit carotenoid biosynthesis, and rapid and high mortality of the insect [15].
suppressing of endogenous lycopene-β and ε-cyclase
genes (β-LYC and ε-LYC) by RNAi. Moreover, a mer- Despite the successful application of transgenic, antisense,
istem-specific 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid and RNAi technology in improving tropical crop traits,
(ACC) synthase was also silenced by RNAi in the concerns have been expressed regarding high off-target
Pinkglow™ pineapple to inhibit the flowering and effects resulting in modified phenotypes, unintended, and
ethylene production eventually resulting in delayed ri- unpredictable pleiotropic effects of genetically engineered
pening [14]. Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is products on human health and environment [16].
Table 1
Examples of genetically modified tropical fruits and vegetables with improved traits for reducing pre- and postharvest loss using biotechnological tools.
Fruit and Target gene (s) Approach Delivery method Trait (s) improved Pre- or postharvest Reference
Food Biotechnology
Banana Hrap and Pflp10 Transgenic Agrobacterium-mediated Resistance to BXW Preharvest [45]
gene transfer
Banana MaMADS1, Antisense or RNAi Agrobacterium-mediated Delayed ripening and enhanced shelf life Postharvest [13]
MaMADS2 gene transfer
Banana BSOLV CRISPR–Cas9 Agrobacterium-mediated Resistance to banana streak virus (eBSV) Preharvest [19]
gene transfer
Banana MaACO1 CRISPR–Cas9 Agrobacterium-mediated Delayed ripening and enhanced shelf life Postharvest [21]
gene transfer
Hrap (hypersensitivity response-assisting protein; Pflp10 (plant ferredoxin-like protein); MaMADS1 and MaMADS2 (Musa acuminata MADS box gene); AC2 (codes for transcription activation
protein TrAP involved in gene activation, virus pathogenicity, and suppression of gene silencing); AC3 (codes for the REn protein involved in replication enhancement); RP (replicase gene); ACO
(ACO-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase); Methionine (modified plant thionin); CsLOB1 (citrus sinensis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES 1); MTSE1(limonene synthase that cat-
alyzes the formation of limonene); pthA-nls (pathogenesis gene encoding 3 nuclear localization signals that are critical for PthA’s function and localization to the host cell nucleus); CaERF28
(capsicum ethylene-responsive factor); IbCBF3 (Ipomoea batatas C-repeat-binding factor 3).
Postharvest Loss reduction in fruit & vegetables Irfan et al. 5
Many tropical fruit and vegetable crops are also prone to solution in reducing the losses, eventually benefiting
several physiological disorders such as fruit cracking, growing countries economically and for securing food for
spongy tissue, bumpy fruits, chock throat, granulation, rapidly increasing global population.
pink berries, purple mark, and so on, which results in
loss in fruit quality and yield. To better understand the Authors contribution
molecular mechanisms behind fruit cracking, high- MI and MWS designed the article. MI, PK, MFA
throughput RNA sequencing and omics were recently and MWS wrote and revised the article. All authors ap-
used to assess the differential expression of genes linked proved the final version.
to plant metabolism, such as cell wall metabolism, in
cracked fruits versus noncracked fruits. However, there
is still a need to investigate the molecular basis of the Conflict of interest statement
aforementioned disorders and to investigate the gene All authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
functions that are responsible for these phenotypic traits.
The biotechnological approaches and genetic en- Data Availability
gineering could be served as sustainable tools to study
the precise mechanism behind a given cause and the Data will be made available on request.
solutions to overcome it.
Among all knockdown and knockout approaches, References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, have
CRISPR–Cas9 technology offers sustainable solutions in been highlighted as:
an efficient way for reducing losses of tropical fruits and
vegetables, however, it holds several limitations. One of •• of special interest
•• of outstanding interest.
the limitations is the off-target effect, therefore, thor-
ough studies and caution are necessary for engineering 1. Sayago-Ayerdi S, García-Martínez DL, Ramírez-Castillo AC,
tropical crops using CRISPR–Cas9. For this, a more ef- Ramírez-Concepción HR, Viuda-Martos M: Tropical fruits and
their co-products as bioactive compounds and their health
ficient and precise CRISPR–Cas9 technology based on effects: a review. Foods 2021, 10:1952, ,
ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), which has been recently foods10081952
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crops bioengineering [43]. This technology offers a Karamura E: Breeding banana (Musa Spp.) for drought
tolerance: a review. Plant Breed 2020, 139:685-696,
DNA-free editing with minimal off-target effects and org/10.1111/pbr.12812
reduced cell toxicity due to rapid degradation of RNPs
3. Drenth A, Guest DI: Fungal and oomycete diseases of tropical
by endogenous proteases and nucleases. Another con- tree fruit crops. Annu Rev Phytopathol 2016, 54:373-395, https://
cern with biotechnological approaches, including the
genome editing, is the regulatory requirements, parti- 4. Bantayehu M: Postharvest losses assessment of tropical fruits
cularly in the context of tropical crops. This not only in the market chain of North Western Ethiopia. Food Sci Qual
Manag 2017, 66:13-24.
limits investment by the fruit industry but also curtails
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