F3 Financial Accounting 应知应会单词

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F3 Financial Accounting 应知应会单词—— By Golden Finance

Chapter 1 Introduction to accounting

financial accounting 财务会计

management accounting 管理会计

sole trader 个体户

parternships 合伙制

limited liability companies 有限责任公司

corporate governance 公司治理

financial statements 财务报表

shareholder 股东

supplier 供应商

creditor 债权人

statement of financial position 财务状况表

statement of profit or loss 利润表

statement of changes in equity 权益变动表

statement of cash flows 现金流量表

asset 资产

liability 负债

equity 所有者权益

revenue 收入

expense 费用

accounting entity 会计主体

money measurement 货币计量

going concern 持续经营

accruals basis 权责发生制

qualitative characteristics 质量特征

relevance 相关性

materiality 重要性

completeness 完整性

neutrality 中立性

substance over form 实质重于形式

comparability 可比性

consistency 一致性

verifiability 可验证性

timeliness 及时性

understandability 可理解性
Chapter 2 Scources,records and books of prime entry

quotation 报价单

purchase order 采购订单

sales order 销售订单

goods received notes 收货单

goods despatched notes 发货单

invoice 发票

supplier statement 供应商对账单

credit note 退货证明

debit note 退货通知单

remittance advice 汇款通知单

receipt 收据

sales day book 销售日记账

purchase day book 采购日记账

sales returns day book 销售退回日记账

purchase returns day book 采购退回日记账

cash book 银行存款日记账

petty cash day book 备用金日记账

journal 其他日记账

Chapter 3 Ledger accounts and double entry

ledger accounts 分类账

nominal ledger 总分类账

memorandum ledger 明细账

double entry 复式记账法

trial balance 试算平衡表

Chapter 4 Returns, discounts and sales tax

sales tax 增值税

output sales tax 进项增值税

input sales tax 销项增值税

trade discounts 商业折扣

cash/settlement discounts 现金折扣

sale on credit 赊销

sales returns 销售退回

trade receivables 应收账款

trade payables 应付账款

dishonoured check 空头支票

purchase on credit 赊购
purchase returns 采购退回

Chapter 5 Irrecoverable debts and allowances

credit control 信用控制

credit limit 信用额度

aged receivables analysis 应收账款账龄分析法

bad debts 坏账

doubtful debts 呆账

allowance for receivables 应收账款减值准备

specific allowance 特殊应收账款减值准备

general allowance 普通应收账款减值准备

Chapter 6 Inventory

inventory 存货

finished goods 完工品

work in progress 在产品

raw materials 原材料

cost of sales 销货成本

physical count 定期盘点法

continuous inventory count 永续盘点法

FIFO 先进先出法

AVCO 加权平均法

net realisable value 可变现净值

Chapter 7 Tangible non-current assets

non-current asset 非流动资产

current asset 流动资产

tangible non-current asset 固定资产

capital expenditure 资本性支出

revenue expenditure 收益性支出

depreciation 折旧

residual/scrap value 残值

useful life 使用年限

straight line method 直线法

reducing balance method 余额递减法

revaluation 重估

revaluation surplus 重估增值

retained earnings 留存收益

disposal 出售
Chapter 8 Intangible non-current assets

intangible non-current assets 无形资产

goodwill 商誉

research expenditure 研究费用

development expenditure 开发费用

amortisation 摊销

Chapter 9 Accrual and prepayments

accruals 应计负债

prepayments 预付账款

accrued income 应计收入

deferred income 递延收入

Chapter 10 provisions and contingencies


contingent liability

contingent asset

present obligation 现时义务,是指企业在现行条件下已承担的义务。

constructive obligation 者公开宣布的政策而导致企业将承担的责任,这些责任也是

warranty 售后担保

Chapter 11 adjustments and correction of errors

omission 遗漏

reversal 颠倒,反转

suspense account 暂记账户,悬账

sundry income 杂项收入

Chapter 12 control accounts and reconciliation

reconciliation 调整,对账
overdue 延误,过期

outstanding lodgement 在途存款

deposit 存款,保证金

outstanding cheque 还未兑现支票

Chapter 13 incomplete records

mark-up 增高标价,一般以成本为基数

drawing 撤资

Chapter 14 introduction to company accounting

ordinary share 普通股

preference share 优先股

comprehensice income 综合收入

equity capital 所有者权益,是企业依法筹集并长期拥有、自主支配的资本。

redeemable 可赎回的

bonus issue 红利股,即作为红利发行的股票


retained earnings 留存收益

share premium 股本溢价

Chapter 15 statements of cash flows

cash equivalents 现金等价物

Chapter 16 events after the reporting period

Chapter 17 introduction to consolidated financial statements

subsidiary 子公司

goodwill 商誉

acquisition 收购,获得

Chapter 18 interpretation of financial statements

profitability ratio 获利能力比率

liquidity 流动性,资产折现力

profit margin 利润边际

asset turnover ratio 资产周转率

current ratio 流动比率

quick ratio 速动比率

interest cover 利息备付率

gearing 财务杠杆

gross profit margin 毛利率

operating profit margin 营业利润率

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