Distribution Design and Construction Standard Kiosk Substation
Distribution Design and Construction Standard Kiosk Substation
Distribution Design and Construction Standard Kiosk Substation
Action Name and title Date
This document is the responsibility of the Asset Strategy Team, Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd,
ABN 24 167 357 299 (hereafter referred to as "TasNetworks").
Please contact the Asset Strategy Team with any queries or suggestions.
• Implementation All TasNetworks staff and contractors.
• Compliance All group managers.
© Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd 2022
Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations
Record of revisions
Version Description Date
1 Original issue as document R392029 23/02/2016
2 Section 2.4.7: Earthing design process template added 30/03/2016
Section Clarified metering arrangement configuration
Section: Storm water drainage requirements revised.
Inclusion of new storm water drawing KS-211
Section 3.2.1: Drawing KS-344 earth grid grading revised
Section 3.3 Inclusion of reference to precast substation design drawings
3 Section 2.2.3: Further detail added on equipment types. 22/01/2021
Section 2.4.5: Additional detail for foundation requirements and designs
for sloped ground.
Section 2.4.6: Earthing section restructured.
Section Protection section and settings revised.
Section HV metering section revised
Section Storm water and drainage requirements revised
Drawing KS-211 added
Section 3.2.1: Earth grid grading altered on drawing KS-344
Section 3.2.2: Scaling corrected on drawings KS-355
Section 6: Tables 20, 21, and 22 added listing all approved equipment
Section 7: Tables 23, 24 and 25 added listing all standard design drawings
Earth rod length increased on drawings KS-309, KS-310, KS-311,
KS-312, KS-330, KS-344 and KS-355.
4 Document title revised to ‘Distribution Design and Construction Standard’ 01/02/2021
5 Section 2.4.7: Protection settings in table 18 revised. Tables 19 and 20 21/02/2022
6 Section 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3: Bill of materials numbers listed for equipment. 9/12/2022
Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3: Bill of material table added to earth grid
Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations
Table of Contents
1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Asset Records ......................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Acts, regulations and standards .......................................................................................... 10
1.4.1 Acts and regulations ................................................................................................... 10
1.4.2 Applicable Australian and international, standards and guides ................................ 11
1.4.3 Applicable regulatory standards ................................................................................ 13
1.4.4 TasNetworks standards .............................................................................................. 13
2 Design framework .......................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Design implementation ....................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Design methodology ............................................................................................................ 15
2.2.1 Assessment of new connection.................................................................................. 15
2.2.2 Site selection .............................................................................................................. 16
2.2.3 Equipment selection ................................................................................................... 17
2.2.4 Safety in design .......................................................................................................... 20
2.2.5 Electrical design .......................................................................................................... 21
2.2.6 Civil design .................................................................................................................. 23
2.3 Design methodology process flow....................................................................................... 24
2.4 Detailed design requirements ............................................................................................. 25
2.4.1 Voltage drop calculations ........................................................................................... 25
2.4.2 Hazardous locations ................................................................................................... 25
2.4.3 Fire protection ............................................................................................................ 25
2.4.4 Oil containment systems ............................................................................................ 30
2.4.5 Civil ............................................................................................................................. 30
2.4.6 Earthing ...................................................................................................................... 41
2.4.7 Protection ................................................................................................................... 49
2.4.8 Control Systems.......................................................................................................... 51
2.4.9 High voltage equipment ventilation........................................................................... 51
2.4.10 Electrical and Magnetic Field (EMF) ...................................................................... 52
2.4.11 High voltage metering ........................................................................................... 52
2.4.12 Access and operational clearance ......................................................................... 52
2.4.13 Environmental assessment .................................................................................... 52
2.4.14 Noise assessment .................................................................................................. 53
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2.4.15 Safety signs ............................................................................................................ 53
3 Equipment identification and labelling .......................................................................................... 54
3.1 Site identification ................................................................................................................. 54
3.2 High voltage equipment ...................................................................................................... 54
3.2.1 Circuit breakers, line switches and fuses ................................................................... 54
3.2.2 HV Circuit source/destinations................................................................................... 54
3.2.3 Circuit breakers, switches and fuses .......................................................................... 54
3.2.4 LV Circuit destinations ................................................................................................ 55
3.3 Example substation schematic ............................................................................................ 55
4 Design deliverables ........................................................................................................................ 56
4.1 Design check list ................................................................................................................... 57
5 Drawing standards and content ..................................................................................................... 58
6 Equipment ...................................................................................................................................... 59
6.1 Kiosk substations ................................................................................................................. 59
6.2 Mini Kiosk Substations (KPX2) .............................................................................................. 61
6.3 Switching stations ................................................................................................................ 61
6.3.1 Substations and switching station locks..................................................................... 62
7 Drawings and standard designs ..................................................................................................... 63
7.1 Kiosk substations ................................................................................................................. 66
7.1.1 3/05 Kiosk ................................................................................................................... 72
7.1.2 3/10 kiosk ................................................................................................................... 77
7.1.3 4/15 kiosk ................................................................................................................... 82
7.1.4 4/20 kiosk ................................................................................................................... 87
7.1.5 Safety signs ................................................................................................................. 92
7.1.6 Retaining walls............................................................................................................ 94
7.2 Mini-kiosk (KPX2) .................................................................................................................. 97
7.3 Switching Station ............................................................................................................... 107
7.3.1 RMU (3-4 Way) ......................................................................................................... 107
7.3.2 SM6 (3-4 Way) .......................................................................................................... 117
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Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations
1 Introduction
This Distribution Design and Construction Standard for Kiosk Substations and Switching Stations
contains the approved design process considerations and standard designs for the design and
construction of kiosk type distribution substations and switching stations on TasNetworks’
distribution network.
TasNetworks will update this standard periodically. It is the responsibility of the user of the
document to ensure the latest version of this standard is being used.
1.1 Scope
This standard applies only to the following asset types:
• Kiosk substations – Up to 2 MVA
• Mini-kiosk substations
• Kiosk switching stations
All materials used shall comply with TasNetworks’ Approved Product List.
New substations will connect to and be supplied from the existing network. The infrastructure at
the point of connection may be the existing underground network or the overhead network. The
design standard for the applicable infrastructure is provided in the corresponding Distribution
Design Standard. References to these standards are provided in section 1.4.4.
The following asset types are not covered by this design standard:
• Building type substations and switching substations – For further detail refer to the Distribution
Design Standard for Building Substations
• Underground type substations (Vault) – Discontinued asset type
• Private installations - For further detail refer to the Distribution Design Standard for Planning
• HV Regulators - For further detail refer to the Distribution Design Standard for High Voltage
• Fence type substations – Discontinued asset type, refer to Appendix A for drawing references
• Overhead systems - For further details refer to the Distribution Design Standard for Overhead
• Underground system - For further detail refer to the Distribution Design Standard for
Underground System
The application of this design standard applies to both new and existing installations. All new
designs shall be fully compliant with this standard unless the TasNetworks Asset Strategy Team
gives prior approval for a non-compliance to occur.
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1.2 Definitions
Table 1: Definitions
Term Definition
ADMD After Diversity Maximum Demand is the simultaneous maximum demand
of a group of customers divided by the number of customers, expressed in
kilovolt amperes.
BCA Building Code of Australia
BCA Class 1 A building classification as defined by the BCA
BCA Class 2 A building classification as defined by the BCA
Building substation An indoor substation within a permanent building in which working space
and passageway(s) are provided. The transformers(s) may be partly or
wholly indoors.
CBD Central business district
Earth A conductor connected to an earthing system.
Earthing system A conductive network, typically installed below ground for the purposes of
providing a path for fault current.
Earth grid A copper grid installed in the ground below a kiosk for the purposes of
providing a path for fault current.
Easement A right enjoyed by a party with regard to the land of another party, the
exercise of which interferes with normal rights of the owner or occupier of
that land.
EMF Electrical and magnetic field
Fence substation A ground mounted outdoor substation installed within a fenced enclosure.
The equipment may be outdoor or indoor type installed within a
weatherproof enclosure
Kiosk substation A ground mounted substation where all the equipment is installed within
a single enclosure. Usually consisting of the enclosure, high voltage
switchgear, transformer(s) and low voltage switchboard. The substation is
usually supplied as a complete assembly and is installed or replaced as a
unit. The equipment is enclosed in a common weatherproof housing with
limited access. Provision is made for replacement of individual
Mini-kiosk A ground mounted substation of smaller capacity than a standard kiosk.
substation The substation usually consists of an enclosure, high voltage fuses,
transformer(s) and low voltage.
KOG Tool used by TasNetworks for developing equipment identifiers for placing
Kiosk Ordering kiosks substation orders with the supplier.
Pre-cast substation A ground mounted substation where all the equipment is installed within
a single enclosure, usually consisting of the enclosure, high voltage
switchgear, transformer(s) and low voltage switchboard. The substation
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Term Definition
enclosure is manufactured usually supplied as a complete assembly and is
installed or replaced as a unit. The equipment is enclosed in a common
weatherproof housing with limited access. Provision is made for
replacement of individual components.
Low density Referred to as the definition in the Local Government Authority
residential documents and BCA
Pole mounted The substation equipment is outdoor type mounted above ground level on
one or more poles.
Ring Main Unit A high voltage switchgear unit. Typically used in a kiosk substation.
Switchgear Electrical equipment used for connecting and disconnecting electrical
infrastructure on the network.
Switching station A ground mounted outdoor installation used for switching high voltage
feeders and supply to HV customers.
Vault or sub- The substation installed below ground level. The substation may be stand
surface substation alone or integrated into another building. Access may be via a hatchway
from a road or footpath or by an internal door below ground level. These
types of substations are often classed as confined spaces due to their
restricted access and egress.
URD Underground Residential Development
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Figure 2: Typical operational schematic
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• Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995
• Threatened Species Act 1995
• Nature Conservation Act 2002
• Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993
• National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002
• National Parks and Reserved Land Regulations 2009
• State Policies and Projects Act 1993
• State Policy on Water Quality Management 1997
• Weed Management Act 1999
• Wellington Park Act 1993
• Electricity Industry Safety and Administration Act 1997 and Regulations 1999
• Occupational Licensing (Electrical Work) Regulations 2008
For further details on environmental law/regulations, refer to the Environment & Heritage Design
and Construction Standard.
Designers shall comply with the Occupational Licensing Code of Practice 2016 (as amended or
replaced), including compliance with:
• AS 2067 (Substations and high voltage substations)
• AS/NZS 3000 (Wiring Rules)
• AS/NZS 7000
Any additional obligations imposed by AS 2067, AS/NZS 3000 and AS/NZS 7000 referring to further
Australian Standards or documents, including any amendments or revisions of those Australian
Standards or documents from time to time
The above information is a guide only. New designs shall be compliant with all legislative
requirements, relevant standards and guidelines.
Standard Title
AS 1033.2 High-voltage fuses (for rated voltages exceeding 1000V) - Current-
limiting (powder filled) type.
AS 1243 Voltage transformers for measurement and protection
AS 1284 Electricity metering
AS 1319 Safety signs for the occupational environment
AS 1767 Insulating oil for transformers and switchgear
AS 1931 High voltage testing techniques
AS 1939 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment
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Standard Title
AS 2024 High voltage AC switchgear and control gear - Switch-fuse combinations
AS 2067 Substation and high voltage installations exceeding 1 kV a.c
AS 2293.1 Emergency escape lighting and exit signs for buildings - System design,
installation and operation
AS 2374 Power transformers
AS 2374.7 Guide to loading of oil-immersed transformers
AS 2676.2 Guide to the installation, maintenance, testing and replacement of
secondary batteries in buildings - Sealed cells
AS/NZS 3000 Electrical Installations Wiring rules
AS/NZS 3008 Electrical installations - Selection of cables
AS 3011.2 Electrical installations - Secondary batteries installed in Buildings - Sealed
AS/NZS 3835 Telecommunication Assets
AS/NZS 3947 Low voltage switchgear and control gear
AS/NZS 4853 Pipelines
AS 60044.1 Current transformers - Measurement and protection
AS 60157.1 Circuit breakers for distribution circuits-up to and including 1000 Vac and
1200 Vdc
AS/NZS 60265.2 High voltage AC. switchgear and control gear - Switches and switch-
disconnectors for rated voltages above 1 kV less than 52 kV
AS 60269 Low voltage fuses - Fuses with enclosed fuse links
AS/NZS 60479.1 Effects of current on human beings and livestock - General aspects
AS 62271 High voltage AC. switchgear and control gear
ENA EG-0 Power System Earthing Guide
ENA EG-1 Substation Earthing Guide
ENA 18-2008 Interim Guideline for the Fire Protection of Electricity Substations
CIGRE Technical Brochure 537, Guide for Transformer Fire Safety
IEEE 979 Guide for Substation Fire Protection
IEE837 Standard for Qualifying Permanent Connections Used in Substation
NFPA 850 Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants
and High Voltage Direct Current converter stations
NUREG 1805 Fire Dynamics Tools (FDTs) – Quantitative Fire Hazard Analysis Methods
for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fire Protection Inspection
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1.4.3 Applicable regulatory standards
Where a new installation impacts an existing or proposed building, the design must not result in a
situation where it creates a noncompliance for the building with the Building Code of Australia.
Table 3: Design and Construction Related Standards
Standard Title
NCC National Construction Code Series
Volume One: Building Code of Australia Class 2 to 9 Buildings
Volume Two: Building Code of Australia Class 1 and Class 10 Buildings
Volume Three: Plumbing Code of Australia
Standard Title
R373312 Distribution Planning Requirements
R1714183 Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations and Switching
Stations (This standard)
R678169 Distribution Design Standard - Building Substations
R324110 TasNetworks Distribution Standard – Underground System
R354148 Distribution Design Standard – Public Lighting
R1213216 Distribution Design Standard - Overhead Systems
R1285359 Distribution Standard – Kiosk substation precast concrete enclosure drawings
R393981 Drawing Drafting Standard
R393979 Drawing Management Standard
R392685 TasNetworks Environmental Heritage Design and Construction Standard
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2 Design framework
Distribution designers need to consider various elements including key stakeholders, electrical
utility planning, relevant standards and guides and whole of life cycle management of the design.
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In general, with the exception of rural and remote areas, load demands greater than 200 kVA will
require a new electrical transformer installation. Where the load demand lies between 100 and
200 kVA the designer shall review other electrical elements which are predominately associated
with the availability of LV reticulation.
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• Sea level rise – as identified by Local Government Planning Schemes and State modelling in the
Coastal Inundation layers available on LIST map
• Erosion risks such as soils dispersive; risk of landslip, soils acid sulphate soils, risk of sediment
due to planned works
• Presence of Significant trees and protection of associated root zones
• Presence of Aboriginal Heritage
• Presence of Cultural Heritage
• Earthing considerations (refer to section 2.4.5 for further details)
• Separation from existing underground infrastructure (e.g. gas, water and communication)
• Aesthetics
• Access and Operational clearances
• Noise
• Ground conditions – slope, flooding level, soil structure, soil resistivity, temperature and wind
• Safety from inadvertent damage by vehicles or other commercial or industrial work processes
in the vicinity
• EMF impact
• Hazardous locations as specified in AS 3000
• The substation must not be located in a position where it will negatively impact the existing
sightlines for road users or pedestrians e.g. cars approaching intersections or exiting driveways.
• The designer should allow for a number of options to be made available for the site selection
and documented in a compliance/cost trade off matrix for the key stakeholders to review.
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• the semi-conductive properties of enclosure reducing the effects of voltage potentials under
earth fault conditions immediately around the substation area is beneficial
• the increased fire rating is of benefit
Marine graded enclosures are beneficial in locations that are in close proximity to the coast or a
site with high pollution levels e.g. a large industrial. Where a kiosk is installed within 100 metres of
the coast or a site with high pollution levels, a kiosk with a marine grade enclosure shall be used.
Mini-kiosk substations have a smaller footprint, but their use needs to be with consideration of
the upstream HV network configuration. These kiosk type substations do not have HV switchgear
and rely on the upstream protection to clear the HV faults. As such, unless a separated upstream
pole mounted air break switch or fuse arrangement is incorporated into the design, the feeder
breaker protection scheme will be the first scheme to see a high voltage fault and may result in a
complete feeder outage. The intended use of this type of substation is in low density areas with
large blocks (greater than 1 acre) and underground electrical reticulation is required.
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Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations High voltage switchboards
High voltage switchboards for substations shall either be a Ring Main Unit (RMU) or a composite
Kiosk substations shall use an RMU for the HV switchgear. The RMU must be a 2, 3 or 4-way unit,
with line switches for the feeder connections, and a circuit breaker for the supply to the
A 2-way ring main unit may only be used where there is only one HV feeder and there will be no
future expansion of the HV network from the location.
A 3-way ring main unit, with a line switch on each end of the switchboard and a circuit breaker in
the centre position, shall be used as the standard arrangement. A 3-way RMU is suitable for use in
all substation enclosures.
A 4-way ring main unit, with three line switches and one circuit breaker shall be used where three
HV feeder connections are required, or capacity needs to be provided for expansion at a later
stage. The circuit breaker shall reside in one of the two centre positions. The 4-way RMU is only
suitable for use in the larger four series enclosures.
Mini-kiosks do not contain high voltage switchboards. The high voltage supply is direct connected
to substation transformer via a fuse.
Switching stations
The switchboard in a switching station may be either an RMU or modular switchgear. The
switchgear type and arrangement will be dependent on the site requirements.
An RMU can be a more economical solution in network locations where limited protection
functionality is required for the installation e.g. only over current and earth fault protection and
no feeder protection.
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Table 8: Mini-kiosk capacities (100-200 kVA)
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The safety in design process integrates the above elements into an industry recognised
framework, with the focus on early identification of risk often yields an easier and cheaper
outcome to the design rather than making changes when the hazards becomes a real risks. The
designer shall complete a safety in design report for each new design, where the safety in design
content detail shall be proportional to the complexity of the design. Arrangement
The site arrangement should consider the following:
• Where not prescribed by the Distribution Planning Requirements, the most appropriate HV/LV
network arrangement based on the neighbouring network to which the substation will be
• Location – the HV and LV reticulation interconnection can be dependent on TasNetworks’
reliability areas classification such as Critical Infrastructure (CBD), High Density Commercial,
Urban, High Density Rural and Low Density Rural. Refer to TasNetworks Planning Requirements
for further details.
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Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations Rural environments
Substations in rural environments demand additional consideration for a number of reasons:
• Rural substations are generally a stand-alone installations and as such the earthing
requirements are often more difficult to achieve.
• The greater the distance from urban centres the less available trained personnel and
equipment become to respond quickly to faults and failures, particularly with ground mounted
• Rural substations may be installed at the ends of long overhead feeders and so attention should
be given to ensuring that:
- The current carrying capacity and voltage drop on the HV and LV system is checked for
compliance, which shall include inputs such as transformer type, unbalance factor, Cable
Confidence Factor, Volt Drop Confidence Factor, Transformer Confidence Factor in regards
to ADMD. Generally the LV cables lengths should be kept to a minimum to counteract the
increased voltage drop (i.e. no greater than three spans). For further information on the
preferred LV reticulation configuration, refer to TasNetworks Planning Requirements.
- The upstream protection from the substation is checked and upgraded if required. For
example, EDO fuses may need upgrading or replacing to ensure correct protection operation
and discrimination is achieved.
- The fault level is calculated to ensure protection devices operate as intended.
In rural environments where an underground network is to be installed, if the load can be
provided by a Mini-kiosk, then the installation of one over a standard kiosk may be a more cost
effective solution.
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2.2.6 Civil design
The civil design should cover the following criteria:
• Determination of the foundations for the equipment being used
• Development of detailed civil design, drawings and documentation as per Section 4, including
- Civil foundations
- Earthing system
• Complete fire risk assessment for minimum fire clearance
• Complete minimum clearance for access and operation
• Complete noise assessment
• Determine retaining walls, batters and drainage (as required)
• Complete landscaping and aesthetics requirements
• Confirm substation safety signs and equipment identification
• Evaluation of hazardous locations and environmentally sensitive areas
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The design process shall ensure an acceptable fire separation distance by utilising heat flux
calculation principles produced by standard fire pool sources as outlined in IEEE979, which
• Property and quantity of insulating oil
• Size of the potential oil spill, including site gradient
• Material of adjacent building to be protected
• Fire rated walls or barriers
• Fire suppression measures provided
• Prevailing winds
Table 6.1 of AS2067 may be used as a minimum guide for spacing. As an example, a standard kiosk
substation with metal enclosure, with less than or equal to 1000 litres of oil in low density
residential area and surrounding building that are of Class 1 (typically residential dwelling that is
habitable) or Class 10 (typically swimming pool or carport, which are not habitable) of the BCA,
may be situated no closer than six metres from the building.
Table 9 provides a list of sample guides for the minimum fire clearance zones around kiosk
substations. The designer shall ensure that the clearance zones are adequate for the local
environment where the substation is being installed. In situation where hazardous or flammable
material are present an increased clearance may be required.
Table 9: Minimum fire clearance zones for kiosk substations
The design process shall determine the fire protection mechanisms required as a result of the fire
risk assessment and they shall be documented in the design deliverables.
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2.4.4 Oil containment systems
Where the electrical equipment being used contains insulating oil, the installation design shall be
compliant with the requirements of AS2067.
TasNetworks’ approved kiosks contain an oil containment system.
2.4.5 Civil Plinth
Kiosks and switching stations shall be installed on top of a concrete plinth. A standard design exists
for the different size kiosks and switching. These designs are listed in Table 10.
The plinth shall be installed directly above the engineered foundation. Foundation
The kiosk/switching station foundation shall be designed to ensure the integrity of the foundation
is retained for the life of the installation, typically 50 to 60 years.
The foundation shall be designed to accommodate the load of the installation and any additional
loads that may be placed on it over its life.
Foundations shall be designed to accommodate the following for the life of the installation
without the need for maintenance or remedial work:
• Local ground conditions.
• Local environmental conditions.
• Impervious to variations in the ground surrounding the installation.
• Natural water flows without subsidence or erosion.
As part of the design, the designer shall determine the ground bearing capacity at the preferred
location. The ground bearing capacity is necessary to determine the requirements for the
foundation design.
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The following process shall be applied for assessing the ground bearing capacity:
1. Where a substation will be installed in a location where the original ground level is being
altered, the site assessment must be undertaken when the final ground conditions and levels
are present at the location.
2. Determination of the local ground conditions shall be undertaken through a site inspection and
testing of the load bearing capacity of the ground. The testing shall be undertaken at all four
corners of where the kiosk would be located.
The DCP test method is the preferred method for determining the load bearing capacity.
3. The test results shall be used to determine if one of the standard foundations can be used or
and engineered solution is necessary. Where the ground was tested using the DCP method, a
measured value of ‘3’ or greater is required for the standard foundation designs to be used.
Standard kiosk foundation designs are only suitable for use where the ground bearing capacity is
greater than 126 kPa (DCP > 3). Where the ground bearing capacity is less than 126 kPa they must
not be used. The standard designs shall only be used where they can be can be used without
Where the ground conditions are not suitable for one of the standard designs, an alternative
design shall be developed that meets the requirements of this standard. The design must receive
certification of its suitability and compliance with relevant standards prior to its use.
Tables 11 and 12 provide details of the drawings covering the standard foundation arrangements
and designs.
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Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations Conduits
Conduits shall be installed in the civil foundations below the kiosk/switching station during
construction to provide for the installation of the high voltage and low voltage cable after the
kiosk/switching station has been installed.
The conduit positions vary depending on the size of the kiosk/switching station and configuration
of the equipment within it. At the time of installation all conduits shall be installed. The number of
conduits installed shall be sufficient to allow for the fully capacity of the substation to be utilised.
The conduit arrangements for the substations are provided in Table 13. Drainage
The design shall provide adequate drainage at the site to ensure that water is appropriately
drained from the site and does not pool in the vicinity of the installation or enter the kiosk. Site
drainage shall meet the following requirements:
• Where the ground around the substation slopes down towards the substation, appropriate
drainage shall be installed to ensure that water flows away from the substation. Open drains
are the preferred arrangement.
• Drains shall not introduce uneven surfaces or slopes that may become a trip hazard to the
operational area at the site. Drains shall not be installed within 1 metre of the substation
• Drainage works shall consider the erosive potential of the soil and where they are located on
disperse soils, appropriate control measures such as silt fencing, drain socks and battering shall
be used.
• Site drainage shall be designed to ensure that water runoff does not negatively impact upon
adjacent properties.
• The site drainage shall also consider the implications of the potential flow into waterways and
avoid directing flow into waterways.
• Storm water outlets along the same road side of a substation shall not be located directly or in
close proximity to the substation. (Minimum separation 20 metres). Storm water outlets
beyond the minimum separation shall not drain towards the substation location.
• Where there is a change in elevation across the road, the substation shall be located on the
highest elevation level. Drawing KS-211 provides an example of road crossing with varying
elevations with both suitable and unsuitable locations for the installation of a substation.
Drawing KS-206 provides details of a standard drainage design.
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Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations Sloped ground - Retaining walls and batters
Sites that would require retaining walls and/or batters would be required should be avoided
unless there are no reasonable alternatives.
Where the ground slope is less than 1:3 a batter may be created to cover the height differential
between the original ground level and the level area where the kiosk will reside. Where the slope
is greater than 1:3 a retaining wall shall be installed. Standard designs have been developed for
these situation and are listed in Table 14.
Note 1: The compact design shall only be used where there is insufficient space available for
standard design D-KS1-0213-SD-001 to be used.
Where the standard designs will not cover the situation and an alternative design is required, it
shall meet the following requirements:
• Retaining walls and batters shall encompass as a minimum the length of the perimeter
necessary to ensure there are no step transitions from the top level of the kiosk foundation to
the original surface level surrounding the site.
• They must be constructed to the engineering requirements of the local council and the relevant
Australian Standards (including AS 3798 and AS 4678)
• They must be suitably drained where necessary to prevent undermining of the retaining
wall/batter for the life of the installation, with drainage directing water away from the site.
• Where retaining walls are to be used a suitable foundation shall be installed that will support
the wall for the life of the installation.
• Walls must be constructed of non-perishable and secured (non-removable) material such as
concrete or brick. Other material may be suitable; however the designer shall provide an
Engineering Certificate.
• Backfill must be compacted and be of suitable clean material free from large solid material over
50 mm in diameter.
• Retaining walls greater than 1 metre in height shall have an Engineering Certificate to be
supplied and hand rail included as part of the design/installation, independent of the
construction material. The designer shall ensure the retaining wall will not disrupt natural
ventilation of the kiosk substation.
• Retaining walls under 1 metre in height do not require Engineering Certificates or hand rail
provided they are more than 1.5 metres away from:
- the substation enclosure.
- roads or areas where vehicles may traverse.
- other structures e.g. buildings or walls
- other underground services e.g. water or gas pipes.
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• For kiosks sites not on public land or reserves, the site owner/customer is responsible for
ongoing maintenance of the retaining walls, batter, handrails etc.
• The designer shall ensure the retaining wall and batter are clearly identified on the design
drawings for future maintenance.
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2.4.6 Earthing
The requirements for substation earthing have been adopted from ‘Section 8 - Earthing Systems’
of AS 2067:2016. This is to ensure the design for the earthing system meets the minimum
performance requirements based on Australian Standards. ENA EG0 methodologies may also be
used as a reference for making risk based assessments using the ALARA (ALARP) principle.
The design criteria, as defined in AS 2067, is to ensure acceptable safety for persons within the
zone of influence of the substation’s earthing system, with legitimate access allowed for in
accordance with the risk assessment principles outlined in ENA earthing guide EG0. This approach
should be considered by the designer as a minimum. Additional guidance on the design and
installation of substation earthing systems can be gained from other published documents such as,
but not limited to, ENA EG1, AS 60479.1 and IEEE 837.
Standard earth grid designs have been developed for kiosk substations, but their suitability in each
instance shall be verified through the application of the earthing design process defined in this
section of the standard. When the design process identifies the standard designs are not suitable
for the intended location, then the standard design may be either modified or an alternative
design developed to achieve compliance with the minimum requirements for an earthing design,
as defined by this standard and the related standards and guidelines listed in Table 15.
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ENA EG0 Risk Management This document outlines the All earthing systems.
Principles entire earthing design process
as required by AS2067.
ENA EG1 Substation Earthing Further design guidance and All earthing systems.
Guide specific formulae for modelling
an earthing system.
Zone 2: Kiosk Substation is within an Urban subdivision with existing LV network and meets the
following criteria:
• Has no continuous metallic path back to the zone substation via cable screens or dedicated LV
• A limited or sparse MEN network (less than 450 MEN connections consisting of 1 m earth
• Uniform soil resistivity ≤100 Ωm(computed soil model based on site measurements); and
• Maximum applicable fault level ≤1.5 kA
• Corresponding clearing time for maximum applicable fault level ≤0.6 sec (primary).
Zone 3: Developing Urban Residential or Rural areas fed by overhead to underground HV feeders
with no existing LV Network and meets the following criteria:
• Uniform soil resistivity ≤100 Ωm(computed soil model based on site measurements)
• Maximum applicable fault level ≤0.8 kA
• Corresponding clearing time for maximum applicable fault level ≤0.8 sec (primary)
• The extent and number of the MEN network to be proven using either:
- HB219 (as referenced by AS2067) section 3.5 calculations assuming 1 m MEN electrodes or an
equivalent methodology
- Industry recognised earthing analytical software such as SES – MALZ module.
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Figure 4: Earth design process flow
Assessment of
zones of confidence
Pre Design
Applicable Fault
Yes No
HV and LV earthing ≤0.8 kA
with MEN network
Soil Resistivity Soil Resistivity clearing time
≤100Ωm ≤100Ωm ≤0.8sec
Yes Yes Yes
Corresponding Corresponding
clearing time clearing time
≤0.5sec ≤0.6sec
Define Public/
Operator Safety
Define transfer
voltage limits
construction and
Commissioning Plan
and construction
Construction and Commissioning
verification tests
Deliver earthing
design and
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The earthing system design shall not require the use of separated HV and LV earth systems
without the written approval from TasNetworks’ Asset Engineering.
The standard earth grid designs are not suitable for use in location where the high risk attributes
as outlined below are present:
• The site is installed in a surface layer of very high resistivity soil such as extremely rocky ground
or sand
• Potential hazards (transfer and inductive coupling) are identified within 5 metres of the site or
other infrastructure exists that might be influenced by the earthing system, such as:
- pipelines
- metallic fences
- railway lines
- communication lines
- buildings
- the substation supplies or will be installed adjacent to high public congregational areas e.g.
bus stops, swimming pools, parks, shopping centres, etc.
It is the responsibility of the designer to always verify compliance of the template earth grid
design, regardless of the zone of confidence the design site is situated in.
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Table 16: Typical representative contact scenarios as defined by EG0
Contact Contacts / Yr
Scenario (seconds)
MEN Contact with the LV men interconnected metalwork (for 2000 Contact / yr
Contact example, household taps) (for 4 seconds)
Backyard An area with a contactable metallic structure (for example: 416 Contacts / yr
fence, gate) subject to induced voltage gradients. This structure (for 4 seconds)
may become live due to earth fault current flow through the
Urban Infrastructure outside normal public thoroughfare with low 100 Contacts / yr
Interface frequency of direct contact by a given person. (for 4 seconds)
Remote A location where the contact frequency is sufficiently low that 10 Contacts / yr
the probability of personal contact is less than the target (for 4 seconds)
probability of fatality. In this case there no touch voltage target
is required.
Crush rock layer and bitumen shall not be used as the first measure to derive safety limit
calculations. Surface layer alterations shall be incorporated in a detailed earth design to ensure
the correct applicability of the risk mitigation measures.
Development of EG-0 limits shall be calculated using ENA’s Argon software, or an alternative
equivalent to ensure the correct EG-0 process is completed. The development of safety limits shall
incorporate the benefit of further risk reductions options by determining if the cost of mitigation is
grossly disproportionate to the cost of risk reduction benefit.
Fault inputs: Fault study information shall be provided by TasNetworks for each specific site
(assumed zero impedance fault) and shall include:
• Identification of HV fault locations (sources).
• Phase to earth fault level (zero sequence impedance) in amps.
• Vector or angle information sufficient to recalculate the earth fault level for a given series
impedance, and to calculate the X/R ratio.
• Three phase fault level in amps.
• Protection curve settings associated with remote primary protection such as feeder or
upstream ABS for each fault level.
The designer shall allow for the fault current DC offset using TasNetworks’ fault information. The
designer shall allow for fault iteration calculations to determine the actual fault level based on the
localised system resistance.
The designer shall use the worst case ultimate earth fault scenario possible on the site to complete
the earthing study.
Buried Earth arrangement: TasNetworks’ template design is only applicable for HV/LV combined
earth grid, which uses the local MEN to assist with HV earthing performance. The buried horizontal
bare conductors shall be placed under the substation area (min 500 mm below finished ground
level) to provide surface gradient control. The designer shall be responsible for ensuring that
sufficient earthing is provided in order to minimise the effects of step and touch voltages, within
the zone of influence of the substation, including transfer voltages to the MEN system. The buried
earth system incorporates a grading ring that extends approximately 1.6 metres beyond the HV
and LV doors, 1 metre from the transformer door cover and 1 m around the substation enclosure.
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The designer shall appropriately select the localised template earth grid based on the asset
installation dimensions. Minimum size for primary equipment earth tails is 70 mm2.
Earthing conductors: The specific size of the earth conductor is based on the specific fault
conditions present at the site. Guidance on the conductor sizing calculations can be obtained from
ENA EG-1. Hard Drawn bare stranded copper conductor is preferred for buried earthing
conductors, while insulated Yellow/Green stranded copper conductors is preferred for HV earth
tail connections. The minimum size of earthing conductors for primary equipment earth tails is 70
Earthing connections: All earth grid and equipment earthing joints shall be type tested
compression connections. All earth grid and equipment earthing jointing methods should be
verified to comply with the intent of IEEE 837. Test certificates for proprietary items should be
provided by the supplier and ensure to carry the maximum fault current for earth fault scenarios
and back up clearing times. Buried earthing joints shall be crimped using Burndy or equivalent
earth connections. It is recommended that one-hole, heavy duty, fault rated and sealed palm lugs
are used for primary equipment connections, hexagonally crimped to the earth conductor, such as
FCI- Hylugs or equivalent. As minimum the transformer shall have two earth connections
diagonally opposite, the HV switchgear enclosure shall be earthed and the LV enclosure shall be
earthed. All equipment earthing tails and buried earth tails shall be labelled in accordance with
AS/NZS 3000 and AS 2067. The designer shall ensure manufacturer’s earthing connections are
adequate for the earthing system design.
HV Cable screens: The HV cable screen forms an integral part of TasNetworks’ template earthing
system design. The metallic screens of cables are designed to provide an effective earth return
path for fault current resulting from failed equipment and cables. For an Urban Residential
Development, the HV screen shall be bonded at both the substation and remote earth point. The
remote earth may be a distribution substation, underground to overhead earth electrodes,
cabinets or Zone substation (source) assets. The earthing termination at the remote HV asset is
dependent on the plant fitted to the corresponding HV asset. The designer shall communicate
with TasNetworks relevant team for each asset to ensure bonding requirements of the HV screens
have been adhered to.
CMEN: TasNetworks’ template earth design shall be connected to a combined multiple earth
system, where the MEN link shall be incorporated and be visible within the kiosk substation LV
board. An additional insulated dedicated earth cable along the LV cable trench may be utilised for
LV contingency purposes. The designer shall clearly show the location and extent of the dedicated
earth conductor on the associated earthing drawings. For large or integrated LV systems, the
designer shall ensure the LV neutrals are connected across LV open points. For earthing system
designs that extend beyond the template design scope, additional requirements such as separated
LV and HV earthing may be incorporated and will require the MEN link to be isolated. For further
information regarding separated LV and HV requirements, refer to Section 8 of AS 20267 and liaise
with the TasNetworks’ Asset Engineering.
Soil resistivity: TasNetworks preferred method for soil resistivity testing is the Wenner four
electrode method. The testing requirements e.g. traverse measurements and measurement
separation shall be determined based on information required to support the design and/or safety
limits. Site constraints and the size of the earthing system may also influence the approach for
undertaken the testing. As a minimum for design purposes, two traverses shall be performed up to
a spacing of 32 metres.
The soil resistivity traverse results shall account for the characteristic trends of the native soil
conditions and any deviations between the traverse results shall be clarified by the designer to
determine if the measurements are suitable for design purposes. Testing shall be undertaken in a
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location as near as practical to the site and chosen to minimise interference from existing known
above/underground metallic infrastructures. Details on the testing methodology can be obtained
from ENA EG1.
Site conditions shall be recorded at the time of testing including weather conditions, temperature
and soil moisture content. Any relevant visual observations of the soil type being tested may also
be recorded.
Telecommunication assets: The earthing system design shall consider the interaction of
telecommunications infrastructure, as both HV electrical installations and telecommunication
assets must co-exist in the same environment as they provide services to the same customers. The
proximity of the earthing system may give rise to Low Frequency Induction (LFI) and Earth
Potential Rise (EPR) affecting telecommunication systems under high voltage fault conditions on
the electricity network. These voltages are short duration but can reach dangerous levels. The
voltage rise that will appear at the earth under fault conditions is dependent on the earthing
design, fault levels and soil resistivity. The design shall determine if the applicable protection of
telecommunication network users, personnel and plant external telecommunications assets
isolation devices are required in accordance with AS 3835 namely if the 430 and 1000 V contour
locations are present. If isolation devices are required, the designer must ensure that relevant
telecommunications companies are advised, with reasonable notice, of details of the protection
requirements and the resolution of this matter is a joint responsibility of both parties.
Metallic pipe lines: The earthing system design shall consider the effects on metallic pipe lines
such as, and not limited to, water reticulation and gas pipelines. In the event there are metallic
pipe line installations; the new installations are recommended to use non-conductive pipes in
close proximity to the new HV installation. It is recommended the installation meets the
requirements set out in AS 4853:2012 to develop the appropriate safety limits.
Continuity testing: The recommended measuring method is the 4-wire Continuity Test method,
where the continuity measurement shall be referenced to the common HV or LV earth bar for
each metallic item within the substation. Alternative testing methods need to be consulted and
approved by TasNetworks.
Where the standard design are not suitable it is the design shall either be revised to achieve
compliance or an alternative design developed that provides compliance with the requirements of
this standard.
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Table 17: Standard earth grid designs Documentation
The earthing system design shall be presented in a detailed package which is to include layout
drawings indicating location of buried conductors, conductor size, insulation surface thickness (if
applicable), grounding rods and earthing tails to metallic structures. The designer shall submit a
design report detailing all inputs, assumptions, calculations, graphical model outputs and
commission test program.
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The installation and commissioning processes shall determine the validity and compliance of the
design to ensure the earthing safety requirements are met and thus certify compliance. Any non-
compliance will be reviewed and mitigated by subsequent coordinated works between the
designer and installer.
The designer shall stipulate the annual inspection and maintenance of the earthing system in
accordance to the specific site design requirements addressed in the earthing design. As a guide,
re-test of the earthing system is recommended on a regular basis; typically every five to ten years
or when major network augmentation occurs, to confirm the integrity of the earthing system and
compliance with relevant safety criteria.
Stakeholder management – Due to the complexity presented by various parties involved through a
project, it is strongly recommended that the project support members correctly distribute this
report and relevant drawings to the following project stakeholders (where applicable):
• Civil contractors
• Electrical installers
• Telecommunications installers
• Plumbing installers
• Earth grid installers
• Gas installers
2.4.7 Protection
Kiosks substations
Kiosk substation transformers shall be protected by a circuit breaker on the high voltage supply
side of the transformer. Historically fusing was typically utilised for transformer sizes up to and
including 1000 kVA, with circuit breaker protection used for transformers in excess of 1000 kVA.
A circuit breaker shall be used for HV protection due to benefits it provides over fuse protection.
Circuit breaker protection shall comply with TasNetworks’ Approved Product List.
The HV protection setting shall ensure that it adequately clears a fault on all equipment
downstream of the HV circuit breaker to the next protection device. The HV protection setting
shall ensure coordination with any upstream protection to ensure that all faults are cleared prior
to any upstream protective devices operating.
The VIP45 protection relay is the standard equipment for new installations for the monitoring and
clearance of faults downstream of the HV circuit breaker. Their protection settings shall be in
accordance with Table 18.
Existing substations on the network may have a VIP30 or VIP40 relay installed. The settings for
these relays are provided in tables 19 and 20 respectively.
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Table 18: Kiosk substation HV circuit breaker protection settings – VIP45
Voltage (V) 11 11 11 11 11 22 22 22 22 22
Transformer kVA 500 750 1000 1500 2000 500 750 1000 1500 2000
VIP 45 - 200A I > set point 45 45 55 85 105 20 20 30 45 55
relay settings
0.2 * I > set point 9 9 11 17 21 4 4 6 9 11
Io > set point 15 15 15 25 25 5 5 8 15 15
to > set point 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Configuration EF Inrush Delay ON; Discrimination with the LV CB OFF;
VIP 45 - 100A I > set point 40 50 60 80 OL 21 21 25 40 50
relay settings 0.2 * I > set point 8 10 12 16 OL 4.2 4.2 5 8 10
Io > set point 8 12 12 20 OL 5 5 5 8 12
to > set point 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Configuration EF Inrush Delay ON; Discrimination with the LV CB OFF;
Table 19: HV Circuit breaker protection settings – VIP30 (Existing installations only)
Voltage (V) 11 11 11 11 11 22 22 22 22 22
Transformer kVA 500 750 1000 1500 2000 500 750 1000 1500 2000
Table 20: HV Circuit breaker protection settings – VIP40 (Existing installations only)
Voltage (V) 11 11 11 11 11 22 22 22 22 22
Transformer kVA 500 750 1000 1500 2000 500 750 1000 1500 2000
The LV circuits emanating from the substation shall be protected by LV circuit breakers. The LV
circuit breakers must be installed on the LV switchboard installed in the kiosk.
The LV protection settings must provide coordination with the upstream HV protection to ensure
that LV faults are detected and cleared without disruption to the HV supply.
TasNetworks’ preferred LV protection is via NSX circuit breakers for standard approved LV boards
with a switchboard rating no greater than 2500 Amps. The LV protection settings shall ensure that
the LV circuit breaker adequately clears both overcurrent and earth faults on all the equipment
downstream of the circuit breaker.
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Mini-kiosk substations
Mini-kiosk substation transformers shall be protected by a fuse on the high voltage supply side of
the transformer.
The HV protection setting shall ensure that it adequately clears a fault on all equipment
downstream of the circuit breaker to the next protection device.
The LV circuits originating from the substation shall be protected by LV circuit breakers. The LV
circuit breakers must be installed on the LV switchboard installed in the kiosk.
Switching stations
Switching stations used as network switching devices are not required to have the capability to
detect and clear HV feeder faults.
Where the switching station is the point of connection to a high voltage customer capability shall
be provided at the switching station to detect and clear faults on the customer’s installation from
the network.
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2.4.10 Electrical and Magnetic Field (EMF)
Each design shall consider the effects of EMF and the associated limits for personnel in accordance
with ICNIRP, Guidelines for limits exposure to magnetic and electric fields and AS 2067 Appendix
D. The following methods maybe applied and document to confirm an EMF study:
• Confirmation of relatively balanced phases on HV and LV circuits to minimise the net current
and the resulting magnetic fields
• Reduce electrical currents by incorporating energy efficient equipment for large electrical loads
• Avoid earth or neutral loops having large distances to the HV and LV phases
• Avoid single core HV or LV cable phase arrangements. If single core cables must be installed,
then use trefoil arrangement for the cables to increase cancellation effects by reducing distance
between the insulated phases within the same circuit
• Increase distance for known public areas to sources of EMF, where the levels and duration are
expected to exceed the acceptable exposure criteria in accordance with ICNIRP
• Shielding of EMF sources (least effective method and should be avoided)
The designer shall ensure the use of metallic items such as concrete reinforcement, for the
purposes earthing performance, does not inadvertently create a source of magnetic fields.
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2.4.14 Noise assessment
Transformers within substations generate noise at a frequency of 100 Hz and higher order
harmonics. This noise is typically audible/intrusive when background noise levels are low e.g. at
It is the responsibility of the designer to ensure that the design complies with the relevant
standards. The designer shall ensure compliance to local government authority requirements,
Tasmanian Environment Protection Authority, AS 1055.1 and AS 60076.10.
Where noise mitigation may be required care shall be taken to ensure the mitigation measures do
not obstruct the ventilation and impact on the capability of the cooling system and capability of
the substation.
For precast kiosk enclosures the design is required to include the safety signs. The signs locations
shall be as per drawing KS-319. The signs must be installed prior to installation of the substation.
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The identifier for the substation/switching station must be unique and comprise of a six digit
number prefixed by the letter ‘T’. The first two numbers represent the network area that the
substation/switching station is being installed in.
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3.2.4 LV Circuit destinations
All low voltage circuits that provide a supply external to the substation shall have a descriptor that
defines their destination on the network. Descriptions shall be written in full where possible.
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4 Design deliverables
The designer shall ensure that the kiosk design consists of following documents as a minimum:
• TasNetworks – Contractor work order or equivalent project scope/material/schedule
• TasNetworks – Kiosk ordering guide completed (KOG)
• TasNetworks – Order confirmation of all equipment or equivalent
• TasNetworks – Determination HV fault current and associated protection clearance times
• TasNetworks – Environmental impact assessment or equivalent
• Drawings:
- Project drawing register with reviewer and approval sign off
- Proposed site and location plan (with dimensions to all other infrastructure)
- Drawing references for the underground system design
- Detailed underground plan
- Dial Before You Dig asset information
- Single line diagram
- Connection diagram
- Detailed civil foundations (specific for the site)
- Earthing arrangement
- Kiosk plinth
- Conduit locations
- Civil augmentation i.e. retaining walls/batters/drainage (specific for the site)
• Detailed documents/reports:
- Safety in Design report
- Voltage drop calculations
- Protection settings
- Manufacturer equipment rating
- Project approval
- Communication references such as emails and letters
- Earthing safety compliance review
- Civil structural (if applicable)
- Evidence of easement on title or electrical infrastructure easement
The designer shall ensure the design deliverables is legible and submitted in electronic form to
comply with TasNetworks’ relevant standard (i.e. Drafting Standard)
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• Underground system drawings to comply with the requirements of the Distribution Design
Standard Underground System Section 4.
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6 Equipment
6.1 Kiosk substations
The kiosk substations listed in Table 19 is the approved list for use on TasNetworks’ distribution
Table 21: Approved kiosk configurations
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The SAP 1 bill of materials for commonly used kiosks configurations listed in Table 22. The Bill of
Materials (BOM) comprise the kiosk substation and the components required for constructing the
standard earthing system.
The BOMs do not include the HV and LV conduits, concrete plinth and padlocks.
Table 22: Kiosk substation and earthing system
BOM Description
730000 KS Sch 310 KPX-11-500-IDI-3x630
730001 KS Sch 310 KPX-11-750-IDI-3x630
730002 KS Sch 310 KPX-11-500-IDI-4x630
730003 KS Sch 310 KPX-11-750-IDI-4x630
730004 KS Sch 310 KPX-11-1000-IDI-2x630+1x1250
730005 KS Sch 310 KPX-22-500-IDI-3x630
730006 KS Sch 310 KPX-22-750-IDI-3x630
730007 KS Sch 310 KPX-22-500-IDI-4x630
730008 KS Sch 310 KPX-22-750-IDI-4x630
730009 KS Sch 310 KPX-22-750-IDI-2x630+1x1000
730010 KS Sch 310 KPX-22-1000-IDI-2x630+1x1250
730011 KS Sch 415 KPX-11-1500-IDI-2x630+1x1600
730012 KS Sch 415 KPX-22-750-IIDI-4x630
730013 KS Sch 415 KPX-22-1500-IDI-2x630+1x1600
730014 KS Sch 415 KPX-22-1500-IIDI-2x630+1x1600
730017 KS Sch 310 KPX-11-500-IDI-4x630 (Ph-X/O)1
730018 KS Sch 310 KPX-11-750-IDI-1000+2x630 (Ph-XO)1
730019 KS Sch 310 KPX-11-750-IDI-4x630 (Ph-X/O)1
730020 KS Sch 415 KPX-11-750-IIDI-4x630 (Ph-X/O)1
730021 KS Sch 415 KPX-11-1500-IIDI-1600+2x630 (Ph-X/O)1
730022 KS Sch4/20 KPX-11-2000-IIDI-1x3200+1x630
730023 KS Sch4/20 KPX-22-2000-IIDI-1x3200+1x630
Note 1: These kiosks have a phase crossover on the LV side so as to provide LV ‘abc’ phasing when
they are supplied by HV ‘CBA’ phasing.
1 SAP is the system used by TasNetworks for works management. The system contains a register of the
standard equipment used by TasNetworks for undertaking work on its network.
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The SAP bill of materials for commonly used mini-kiosk configurations listed in Table 25. The Bill of
Materials (BOM) comprise the mini- kiosk substation and the components required for
constructing the standard earthing system.
The BOMs do not include the HV and LV conduits, concrete plinth and padlocks.
Switching station kiosks are not carried as stock items due to their infrequent use and possible
variations in configuration to meet customer requirements. As a consequence BOMs do not exist
for the combined switching station and earthing system assemblies.
The BOM for the components to construct the earthing system for the standard enclosure sizes
are listed in Table 27.
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6.3.1 Substations and switching station locks
Table 23 provides the material numbers and quantities required for the kiosks and switching
Table 27: Kiosk substation locks
Equipment Network Material Mini- Switching
Description Kiosk
Area Id. kiosk station
Doors Hobart 71545 Padlock 38mm x 8mm LAE145 3 1 1
Launceston 71543 Padlock 38mm x 8mm L284 3 1 1
Rural 71540 Padlock 38mm x 8mm 20395 3 1 1
HV switchboard
Statewide 71533 Padlock 38mm x 4.8mm LSW 31 31
Earth switches
Note 1: Quantity is for a 3-way RMU
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Table 30: Mini kiosk (KPX2) standard designs
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7.1.2 3/10 kiosk
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7.1.3 4/15 kiosk
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7.1.4 4/20 kiosk
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Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations
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Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations
Page 96 of 125
Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations
Page 97 of 125
Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations
Page 98 of 125
Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations
Page 99 of 125
Distribution Design and Construction Standard - Kiosk Substations