RTV 10
RTV 10
RTV 10
Personal Protection in Case : Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves.
of a Large Spill
Exposure Limits
Chronic Effects on Humans : CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not classified or listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA, EU and ACGIH.
Other Toxic Effects on : Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant).
Humans Non-sensitizer for skin.
Special Remarks on Toxicity : Not available.
to Animals
Special Remarks on Chronic : Not available.
Effects on Humans
Special Remarks on Other : Not available.
Toxic Effects on Humans
SARA 313
Form R - Reporting : No products were found.
State Regulations : Pennsylvania RTK: Silica, Amorphous: (generic environmental hazard); Titanium dioxide: (generic environmental
Massachusetts RTK: Silica, Amorphous; Titanium dioxide
New Jersey: Silica, Amorphous; Titanium dioxide
References : - 29CFR Part1910.1200 OSHA MSDS Requirements. - 49CFR Table List of Hazardous Materials, UN#,
Proper Shipping Names, PG. ANSI Z400.1, MSDS Standard, 2001. -Manufacturer's Material Safety Data