Media Statement - No Burn Period (EdVN)
Media Statement - No Burn Period (EdVN)
Media Statement - No Burn Period (EdVN)
Emergency Services
Headquarters | Cnr Government Avenue and Beckett Street | Arcadia | 0083
PO Box 440 | Pretoria | 0001
Tel: 012 358 2151 | Fax: 012 358 2303 |
20 June 2023
To conduct any burning in Tshwane, landowners must apply for a permit with the
Emergency Services Department. Approval for burning will be contingent upon several
factors, including the Fire Danger Index (FDI), South African Weather Service
warnings and the outcome of inspections conducted by the Fire Protection Officer.
See the FDI ratings below:
Community Safety • Lefapha la Polokesego ya Setšhaba • UmNyango wezokuPhepha komPhakathi • Kgoro ya Polokego ya Setšhaba• Ndzawulo ya Vuhlayiseki bya Muganga • UMnyango
Wezokuphepha Komphakathi • Gemeenskapsveiligheid • Muhasho wa Tsireledzo ya Tshitshavha
Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be
placed on full stand-by. At first sign of smoke,
every possible measure should be taken in order
to bring the fire under control in the shortest
possible time. all available aircraft are to be called
for without
The application for the attention of the Chief of Emergency Services can be emailed
to [email protected] or physically handed in at the Fire Safety
Section at Bosman Fire Station situated at the corner of Minnaar and Bosman Street.
Making fires
Sections 9(1), (2) and (3) of the City of Tshwane Fire Brigade By-law states as follows:
Sections 10(1), (2) and (3) of the City of Tshwane Fire Brigade By-law states as
10(1) The owner or occupier of premises in the area may not permit the
premises to be or become overgrown with grass, weeds, reeds, shrubs,
and trees to the extent that the grass, weeds, reeds, shrubs, and trees
may pose a real or potentially real fire hazard to any adjoining premises
or other premises or property.
(2) The owner or occupier of –
(a) an erf or premises situated within a proclaimed township in the
area must remove the fire hazard or ensure that the fire hazard is
removed by –
(i) cutting to a maximum height of 150 mm above ground level
any grass, reeds and/or weeds which may reasonably be
connected with the fire hazard;
(ii) cutting around any shrubs and/or trees which may be
standing in the area being cut;
(iii) pruning, chopping down or sawing off such shrubs and/or
trees, as the case may be; and (iv) removing all chopped
and/or sawn off residue from the erf or premises or
ensuring that the residue is removed; and
(b) an agricultural holding or farm situated in the area must reduce
the potential fire hazard by physically clearing a safety fire belt, at
least 5 m wide (measured parallel from each boundary line which
borders the premises to the inside of the premises) so that no
vegetation or residue whatsoever remains on this belt, and the
owner or occupier must at all times maintain the belt or ensure
that the belt is maintained in such condition: Provided that where
obstructions occur within the 5m belt, a 5m belt is also maintained
around those obstructions.
(3) Notwithstanding the above, the provisions of the National Veld and
Forest Fire Act, 1998 (Act 101 of 1998) and the regulations there-under,
apply mutatis mutandis to the application of this section.
Compliance with the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 (Act 101 of 1998) and
the City of Tshwane Fire Brigade Service By-Law published under Local Authority
Notice 396 in Provincial Gazette Extraordinary No 83, Volume 22 of 9 March 2016
applies to all fire protection associations as well as all individuals, organisations and
owners of land defined in the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 in order to
prevent, predict, manage and extinguish veld fires.
For a fire and rescue emergency, please call 107 toll-free or 012 358 6300/6400. For
emergency medical or ambulance assistance, please call 112.