Protection of Civilians 2023 News
Protection of Civilians 2023 News
Protection of Civilians 2023 News
POC Advisers and Focal Points and DPET POC Team with USG Lacroix, UNHQ
Addressing the Impact of Mis/Disinformation
on Civilians: An Exchange Between
The conference provided a forum for participants to share their
Peacekeeping and Humanitarians
experiences and reflect on challenges, lessons learned and good
practices. Sessions addressed thematic topics, such as early warning
and response, strategic communications and POC strategies and threat
assessments. A dedicated “Data Day” focused on potential
opportunities for enhancing data-driven and technology-enabled
approaches to POC. Missions shared their existing dashboards and
data-driven POC products and learned of relevant external tools and
platforms available. Discussions centered on determining data
requirements for POC and how best to leverage the ongoing initiatives
of peacekeeping’s Digital Transformation Strategy to strengthen
protection of civilians. Finally, the conference provided an occasion to
share the recently updated 2023 DPO POC Policy and discuss plans for
dissemination, socialization and implementation.
During the POC Advisers Conference, the Permanent PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS IN UN
Mission of Finland to the United Nations hosted an event PEACEKEEPING
for delegates of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping
(C34), Security Council members, the Group of Friends of The DPO POC Policy provides the conceptual
POC and major peacekeeping troop and police contributing framework, guiding principles and key considerations
countries. Representatives from 19 Member States attended for the implementation of POC mandates by UN
and heard from the POC Advisers and Focal Points about peacekeeping operations and related support by the
the realities of protecting civilians across varied settings. Department of Peace Operations. The first POC Policy
was developed in 2015 and revised in 2019. The 2023
The briefing focused on the current and evolving challenges version of the Policy presents updates and continues
in POC mandate implementation, ongoing efforts to to include a strong emphasis on the use of dialogue
confront them, as well as progress made. Issues addressed and engagement for protection as well as on the need
included how delayed or stagnated political and peace for integrated and whole-of-mission approaches to
processes have affected violence against civilians in mission implement POC mandates. It further adds language
settings and how the recent proliferation of new armed on data-driven and technology-enabled approaches to
actors in several peacekeeping contexts (including regional POC, expands on unarmed approaches to protection,
forces, bilateral forces, and private military contractors) has strengthens the gender-lens and provides more detail
affected violence against civilians and missions’ POC work. on the various roles and responsibilities of mission
Further, many peacekeeping missions today face limited personnel in the integrated and comprehensive
space to operate due to constraints imposed by host states approach to POC.
and, in some contexts, local populations, exacerbated in
some settings by mis and disinformation campaigns against On 16 May, an internal webinar was held to launch
the UN. POC Advisers and Focal Points reflected on how the new policy for peacekeeping personnel. Over 350
these conditions have affected the POC work of their participants joined from UNHQ and duty stations
missions. Finally, the discussion highlighted the role of around the world to hear from a panel of senior
Member States, recognizing that early and sustained civilian and uniformed practitioners about how they
dialogue with the Security Council, regional stakeholders, operationalize the policy in their work, often in the
host states and other Member States on protection context of unrelenting violence against civilians and
challenges and requirements is essential to effective significant political and logistical obstacles. Their
peacekeeping. reflections inspired and encouraged the peacekeepers
in the audience and stimulated insightful discussion
that will continue among the DPO POC Community of
DPET Director David Haeri and POC Advisers at Member State Briefing,
Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN
- Teohna Williams/MONUSCO
"I think that a great takeaway was getting insight on POC from
an HQ perspective. Particularly, understanding what the
priorities are, what the UN at a higher level is looking at, and
what the member states are concerned with. This was all very
useful as you usually don’t get the HQ perspective in the field."
- Marie Lindblad/UNIFIL
DPO POC Policy launch webinar