Chemistry (Notes)

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“€ gor chemist

; -2y
Velocity - Distance gy Accelenation - Velocity 1am) - I-66056 X 10 "7 gram

time time N

atomic mass unit

= _Mass or Pressure - Force

Volume Anea

0 B °F = Fonenheit
Tempenature | F * (Cc) + 32 K = °C+ 213.45] ‘¢- celsius

K = Kelvin
Weight (in gnams)
Number of grams of atoms =

gnam atomic mass

X = Multiply

Molecular Mass (Ay BCy) = %x[ Atomic mass of A] + [Atomic mass of 8) + y X [ Atomic mass of C]

Actual mass of a molecule of matter

Moleculan Mass -
1 x mass of one C'™ atom

Guam Moleeulas No, = ass (ini grams)

Molecular weight

Qiomic weight of He element


Equivalent weight of the element -


formula weight of salt

Equivalent weight of common salt = -

total change on the cationic pant

formula weight of salt


Equivalent weight of acidic salt -

Displaceable M- atom present in salt

Equivalent weight of acid - Moleculan weight of acid


No. of HYions In a molecule

Moleculan weight of Base

Equivalent weight of Base - No. of OH ions given by a molecule

Gram Equivalent weight - Mass (in gnams) Sr | Moleculon weight - 2 x Vapour olensity

Equivalent weight
A - atomic weight
weight <r mn - olec lon
Molecu formula{ werg ht
A = EXV E = Equivalent

Empinical formula weight

v= Valency
N= Integer (1,2,3,4....)

© © Neenskaisha | umesh sain |vaishati sain

formule mass of AB = Atomic mass of A + Atomic mass of 8

Mass of the element in the compound X 100

Pencentage composition =
Molon mess of the compound

Mass of so 1 ute 100

Mass Percentage =
Mass of solution

No. of moles of A Ny
Mole fraction | Mole fraction of A =
No. of moles of solution Ng + Ny

Mole fraction of 8 _ No. of moles of 2 Ng

No of males of solution Ny + Ng

The sum of the mole fractions of all the components of a solution Ny + My = 1

is always the unit.

Moles __ weight o &

No. of
Molecular Mass =z

* Molanity (M) - No. of moles of solute

Volume of Solution in litens

No.of moles of solute

Molality (m)
Mass of solvent in ke

© (© Neentkosho | umesh sain | vaishate Saini

Stuadune of
Sr Change to mass Ratio of electron |S = 1158820 x 0" - kg -1

e = Magnitude of the Change on the eleetswon , Ty = Mass of the electnon

Name | Symbol Absolute change (c) | Relative Change Mass (kg)

value of | Of L]12]3]4]5
Elecinon | e “Lex 107 -1

9.1 x 107

Subshell notation | S|

pld | f [4 |h
. 0° + . -

— > M
Atomic mo, (z) - No.of puotons In the _ No. of electrons in a A uss mumben
nucleat of an okom meutwal atom JX > Nuclear symbol
© Atomic Numben
Mass mumben (A) = No. of protons (z) + No. of Neutwons (n)

¢ = velouty of light
<r Relotion between wavelength and frequency C= vA | v- rogue
<r ( v 2 A = wavelength

W ( = h = Plank’s constant (6-626 X 107% T_ gee)

HIE function Wo hy, Vy * threshold fuequency Vv = velocity gy Enengy of Photon | E = hy

Sy Kinetic Enengy of Electron | E = hv, + 1m wv 1 De- Broglie Wavelength A h = h

my p

<r line spectna of Hydnogen vos R 1 1 [b= momentum

wave number €
mn Nn,

$y Bohn's frequency nule |v = AE. 6-6 * Enengy of highly allowed eneng state
h h = Energy of lowes allowed energy State

y ¢ Angulan Momentum of Electron m, wn = nh i. NO

21 © {us

Sr Rodii of the stationany stokes . a, - 523

Mn n a, n as

sr Emengy of stationany States

4[E] Ry = Rydbong

ax = uncentaint

in Position
90 Heisenbeng Uncentainty painciple Ar
X AP 2 _h_ Ap = uncentainty in momentum
<r Schnodinges Equation VY + 8m (E-V)y = h*

E = Total Enengy of system

V = Poliential Enengy of system
Mathematical 0pesaton <—"] 1
gy Total mo. of nodes Angulan mode + Radial mode = 4 +(n-1-1)

4 Aufbau Principle Imcneasing onden of Enengy of onbitals

15,25, 2p, 35, 3b, 45, 3d, 4p, 55,4d,
5p, 4F, 5d, 6p, 7s...

© © Neensiasho | vmesh Saini | vaishats sain

Wl Asi Metals Wl Hon-metais Atomic Number
1 Wl tative earth betals [Jl] Hatogens

or |] Transition Metals | | Noble Gases

Li Wl Other metals ll tenthanides Name

Average Atomic Mass
2 | Wl Vetaiioids Wl actinides

d =o


d Fr p20] RE

dog seapsoucy

£- block
4 Formal Change

Formal Change -0) total mo. of valence

om an atom in a electwons fn the _ [oa no. 0f mon i] 1 total mumben of
lewis stnuctune free atom (lone pain) electrons R bonding electnons

4 Dipole moment un -= Q xn |D @ = thange , A = distance of separation

Debye (4D = 3.33564 x 10° com)

4 Sum and diffexence of wave functions he W {from

9 gond onden - 1 (N,- Ny) Ny = No. of electrons occupying bonding oxbitals
2 Ng = No. of elecistons occupying antibonding onbitals

(0) &
<¢ Boyel's law Po 1 | (At constant T and x) > [P= kL
(Pessune - Volume Relationship) "4 \'4

P, V, - ?, V, OR Ph - Va K; = Propontionality constant, T= Tempenotune

Py Vv, p . pe m = Mass

Ff Density d = m From boyel’ law , d = | Pp

V K)
Sy Chanle's law -=
Vo T| (a constant Pandn) |y = K T| OR Vo. To
(Tempenatune - Volume Relntionship) 2 T
ry — K, = constant Vy 4
vagoadho s - m = To. of moles
(volume - amount Relationship) V «x n 2? v Ky n

<r Toeal gas equation PV = mRT R = gas constant (8.20518 X [07% L- atm- ma” k')

#1 qay Lussac's law Pour
Combined gas law BV, - PVs
( Puessune - Tempenotune Relationship)
Ty [A £ = constont = Ks
Sr Molan mass of gaseous substance |M = dRT M = Molecular mass
p d © density

&y Dalton's low of pantiel pressure |P,. ~= FP +P + Pt... | (At constant T and V)

sr Pressure of f dny i a gas P EE = [ - Qqueous deneity

1 Pantiol Puessune in tenms of mole fraction P. = a. P= Pautial Pressure

t bo total 2; © Mole fuaction

Sf Avenage speed of molecules Ugy = U + Uy +... Un or | Yoy = [42


Root mean square velocity | Uo = [WF | U+ w+ Ct Up OR | Uys = [BRT

n M

Upms > Uay 2 Ump Mn

= no.of
Uy, Uy
«... Up = individu! speeds

Upp © Ugy © Upp

. *
* 0»
1 + 1.128 0 1.204
- .
tr’ vemage.
Unmg =
hool mean squane speed

Ump = most puobable speed

Sy Viseocity [2 _ nA nN = cofficient of viscocity Sr Most Probable Speed Up 2RT

A = Ane of contact
oz du = velocity guodient M
Sr Compnessibility facton Zz = PV Fon ideal gos 2-1 Gnd | 7 = V rea
NRT Vv ideal

© (© Neenskorsha | umesh Saini | vaishatr saini.

Hu = Speed of diffusion
<r Graham's diffusion low mo- dy -| M,
d - density of gas
HH, ds My M = Molecular mass of gos
P = Puessune of gos
V = Volume of gas
<r Kinetic gas Equation PV = {mnu’
= weight of single molecule of gos
3 mn» number Of molecules present in the Volume
V « Volime
<r Kinetic Enengy of one molecule of gas Ex = 3 kT U = Rook mean squone veloeity of molecules
2 k= 2 (Bottemanns constant)

<r Vandenwaals Equation li + gv v2

6) = RT| fun n-1

Ya i) dn, = The numben of molecules whose

M ] cle Mcl/ 2RT de ¢
Sr Maxwell velocity distnibution dn, 41] speed is between ¢ and (+dc
n 2MRT T = Absolute tempenciune

| pudgy - Lmn
o &
#1 change in inential Enengy AU = q+ W (finst taw of thesmodynamics)

Sewonk | yo dy Wygy = = 2.303 mRT Log Ur
V; L
q * Heat
D1 Free Expansion | AU - q - P, AV
Po = Extennal fo fonce
S Enthalpy AH = AU + AmgRT
or Heat Capacity q = CAT C = Heat copacity

21 Mola Heat Capacity Cm = L_

Cp = Heat Capacity at constant Pressure
$1 Relation between Cp and Cy Cp - Cy = R Cy = Ment Capcity at constant Volume

SX Enthalpy Change

Ay H = (sum of Enthalpies of products) ~ (Sum of Enthalpies of xeactants)

ApH = z a; H product x bi H geaptants

Sy Relationship between stondand Enthalpy to bond Enthalpy

© —
Av! = & Bond Enthalpy neactants & bond Enthalpy products

Fp enthalpy e _ © e
of Solution | A sol H = 4 {attice H t 4 hyd H

gr Entnopy change for snevensable process AS = _Gnev

<r Total Entnopy Change | A S total = AS satan) 1 AS son > 0

y Gibbs function | (7 = H- 75

Sy Goss Enengy. Ap 6° = -RT7TLlaK | OR 4,6:° - - 2.303 RTlogK

<r Equilibinium Equation | K, = [c][D] Ko = Equilibinium constant
<r Equilibinium constant fou a genesal meaction K, = (cf1D]
Equilibinium constant fon the mevense xeaction in the invense neactions KY c =- _L

Sy Equilibinium constant in gaseous state | Kp - [cTf(p]” [RT] or Kp = K [RT]?

Sy Reaction quotient 0, = [c ii p)*
<r Relation between Equilibinium constant K , Reaction quolient § and (Gibbs Enengy 7]

Ah = AGC + RT 1,4 46° - -RTly K K =e au/®

Standond (rbbs Enengy
yt = tog {ln*1/ Mol 1) ar



Acid Solution has pH £ 3

Basic Solution has pH >
Neutral Solution has pH

Ko = copacity of acid
Sy Relation between Ky and Ky [ Ky X Kp = Ke Ky, = Copacity of base
K, = ionic product of waten

“Sy Hendesson - hall Equation pH . [ conjugate base , A’)

Pat 10g [ocid, HAJ
[A]. Ratio of tonjugate base (cation) end solution (n acid
4 Based on the antient concept

Addition of oxygen/ Electnonegalive element

Oxidation = OR
Removal of hydrogen [ Electnopositive element

Reduction . Nddition of hydrogen [ Electnopositive element

Removal of oxygen / Electnonegative element

Redox Reaction = Oxidation + Reduction

40 Based on mew concepts

Oxidation Electnon efection
Reduction Gain of electnons
N= Nosmality of Solution | , N,= Nowmality of Solution2
x Noamality Relation NVy= N,V, Lo Vileme of solution _ 3 Do Vghume of wlan
M, = Molanity of Reducing solution
Et Molanity Relation M; Vy = M, Va Vy = Volume of Reducing solution
ny, mn M, = Molanity of oxidized solution
V, = Volume of oxidized solution

oo. &

© © Neenckaksha | vmesh Saini | vaishati saint

Some Chemical compounds mames & Moleculan Formulas

—— Potassium Nitsate KNO;

Acetic acid CH3 COOH
Hydnochlonic acid MeL Ammonium chloxide | NHz(l

Sulfunic acid Hy S04 Ammonium hydvoxide] N Hg OH

Acetate CH; C00" Calcium mitrate cal N03),

Ammonia NH; Hydrogen Pemoxide Hq 04

Nitsic acid NNOj Silven Chlonide Agel

Phosphoxic acid M3 Pos Bonium Sulphate Bo504

Sodium Phosphate NQj Pg Magnesium Sulphate Mg 304

Calcium Ccanbonate Cato; Sodium Sulphite Nay 03

Sodium Bicarbonate NaHco; | Oxale atid HgCy0y
Sodium Mya noxide Nag H Potassium dichnomate | KyCn,07

Calcium Mydwoxide ca(oH), Zine Chlonide Znlly

Ethanol Cy Hg OH zinc hydroxide Zn oH),

Nitrous Acid HNO, Zine Sulphate Zns04

Potassium Mydhoxide KoH Phosphorus Pentachlonid] PClg

Silven mitnate Agno; Sodium mitnite Nano,

Sodiwm Camnbonate NO, (03 Potassium Penmagmate KMmog

Maguesium Hydoxidel Mg0H), Bostic acid H3 B03

Methane CHy Potassium mitnite KNOg

Sodium chlostide Nacl Tantanic atid Cq Hg Og

Conban tetna chloside| ccly Aluminium Hydroxide | AL (0H);

Sodium Sulphate NayS04 Inon oxide Feg03

<r Propenties of Hydnogen

Relative abudance (7) 99.985

Relative atomic mass 1.008

Melting pornt 13.96

Boiling point 20.39

Density 0.09

Intexmuclean Enthalpy 14.1%

Covalent Radius 3F

Ionic Radius 208

4 Propenties of H,0 Wstung

Molecular Mass 18.0151

Melting point 273.0

Boiling point 373.0

Density 1.0000

Viscocity 0.8903

Dielectuic constant 718-39

Electnical Conductivity] 5.7 10°

ol |
[4 § .
4 Ginoup 1 Elements 3 Alkali Metals

Element Symbol Electnonic confrgusnation

Lithium Li Is? 26!

Sodium Na | 1s 2¢® apt 35!

Potassium | Is" 25% 2pf 35* 3p¢ Ys!
Rubidium | Rb | 15> 25 2p° 3s 3p* 3d.'° Ys yp 55’
caesium | Cs Is* 25% 2p° 35 3p 3L'0 Ys* yp ud'® 557 5p¢ 6
OR [Xe] 6s
Francium| Fr [Rn] 15

4 Guoup 2 Elements ¢ Alkaline Eaxth Metals

Element | Symbol Electnonic confrgunation

Bemyllium | Be 15% 952

Magnesium| Mg | 15% 25% 2pt 36°

Calcium ca 5" 252 2pb 3s 3p¢ Ys*
Strontium | Sx Is* 25% 2p® 35 3p 3d'0 Ys* yp 55°
Banium, Ba Is* 25 2pb 35% 3p 3d'0 4s yp ua'® 55° 5p° 65>
OR [xe] 65>
Radium Ra [Rn] 15*
40 General Electronic Confiqunation and Oxidation States
of p- block Elements

Genenod | yor amemben | Group

Guoup | Electnonic | or phe Houp oxidation
Configunation ¢ State

13 ns? np* 8 (Boron) 13

14 ns* np C (Canbon) t4
15 ns? mp’ N (Nitrogen) t5
16 ns? mp* 0 (oxygen) +6
11 ns? np’ F (Flousine) +1

18 ns? np® He (Metium) +8

(1s* fox He)

o &
40 TUPAC Names of Some 4¢ Common names
Unbnanched Satunaled Hydnocanbons some Oxganic compounds

me | Compound



Methane (Hy
CH, CHy | Mm - butane
Ethane Cy Hg
(H3C), CHCHy Isobutane
Propane C3Hg
(H3C), C Neopantane
Butane C4Hyp
H3CCHq CH OH n-propyl alcohol
Pontane CsHyy
HCHO Formaldehyde
Hexane Co Hig
(H3C),C0 Acetone
Meptane CyHy
CHC, Chlonofonm
Octane Ca Hig
CH3C00H Acetic acid
Nonane CoHyp
(¢Hg Renzene
Decane CioHyy
CeHg OCH; Anisole

CHs NH, Aniline

(4H COCH; Acetophenone

CH30CH CH; Ethyl Methyl Eihen

O [© Neentiaisho | mesh sani | vaishati saint.

4 Some functional Gnoups & Classes of Compounds

compou nos group group group

stnuctusne prefix suffix

Alkanes -

Alkenes >C=(<

Al ky nes -C=(C-

Anenes -

Malides =X
(Xx=F, cl, 8x1)

Alcohols -0H

Aldehydes CHO formyl, oxo

Ketones >C=0 0X0- -0ne

Nitailes -C=N cyano nitnile

Ethens -R-0-R- al koty —_

Carboxylic ~COOH carboxy -oic acto

Caxbozylic -C00 — -oate

Estens -COOR al koxycanbonyl -oate

Acyl halides | “COX | haloconbonyl | -oyl Halide

in —NH,,
SNH. oN (No—
amino - amine

—CONH, 1] .
Amides ~CONHR -canbonyl -Qmide
~-CON Ry


Sulphonic _ Sulphonic
acids S0sH sulpho acid

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