Myp Math Standard Unit 12

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Unit Plan for MYP Mathematics 4&5 Standard

Topics Unit title MYP year Unit duration


Justifying circle
theorems 5 20 hours

Key concept Related concepts Global context Exploration

Logic Justification Personal Exploring our

and ­cultural appreciation of
­expression the aesthetic
using circle

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Statement of inquiry:
Logic can justify generalizations that increase our appreciation of the aesthetic.
In this unit students will extend their knowledge of circles to explore circle theorems.
They start to formulate appropriate proofs and justifications and look at the logical
way the world works. By revisiting the study of circles throughout history they will see
how culturally important circles are, and that having a comprehensive understanding
of circle theorems is paramount to enjoying their beauty.
ATL Skills

Category Cluster Skill indicator Page references

Thinking Critical-thinking Draw reasonable 495, 496, 497, 498

conclusions and

Thinking Critical-thinking Test generalizations 509, 511, 512

and conclusions

Unit Inquiry questions

F Factual – What does it mean ‘to justify’?
The students will discover theorems, and, by looking at why we need
to prove them, explore the intricate differences between verification,
justification and proof.

Content based Inquiry questions

• What are the circle theorems?
• What is the intersecting chords theorem?
• How can you apply the intersecting chords theorem?

C Conceptual – How can logic enhance the process of justification?

Students should develop the key concept of logic to ensure that the
process of justification follows a clear path. Understanding specific
theorems and their proofs should help this situation.

Content based Inquiry questions

• How do we justify mathematical conclusions?
• How can a theorem have different cases?

D Debatable – Can aesthetics be calculated?

As the students’ understanding of circle theorems increases and their
knowledge of the history and cultural implications of circles grows, they
should be able to reflect on this learning to discuss our appreciation of

Content based Inquiry questions

• Is the opposite of a true statement always false?
Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry
Content based objectives
• Finding angles and lengths using circle theorems
• Proving results using circle theorems
• Examining ‘If . . . then . . .’ statements and testing the truth of their converses
• Using circle theorems to find lengths of chords
• Finding lengths using the intersecting chord theorem

Objectives with reference to the textbook

C – Communicating

i. Use appropriate mathematical p498: Activity

language (notation, symbols and
terminology) in both oral and written

ii. Use appropriate forms of p504: Practice 2

mathematical representation to
present information

iv. Communicate complete, coherent p501: Exploration 7

and concise mathematical lines of

D – Applying mathematics to real-life contexts

ii. select appropriate mathematical p515: Review in context

strategies when solving authentic
real-life situations
Mathematics skills framework
Geometry MACC/MAFS

Topic Skill Related concept Standard Standard code

Circle geometry Using circle Justification Identify and MAFS.912.G-C.1.2
theorems to find describe
lengths of chords. relationships
Measurement of among inscribed
angles and arcs angles, radii, and
chords. Include
the relationship
between central,
inscribed, and
angles; inscribed
angles on a
diameter are
right angles; the
radius of a circle
is perpendicular
to the tangent
where the radius
intersects the
Circle geometry Using circle Justification Construct the MAFS.912.G-C.1.3
theorems to find inscribed and
lengths of chords. circumscribed
Measurement of circles of a
angles and arcs triangle, and
prove properties
of angles for a
inscribed in a
Circle geometry Using circle Justification Construct a MAFS.912.G-C.1.4
theorems to find tangent line from
lengths of chords. a point outside a
Measurement of given circle to the
angles and arcs circle.

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