Solution Manual For For All Practical Purposes Mathematical Literacy in Todays World Tenth Edition
Solution Manual For For All Practical Purposes Mathematical Literacy in Todays World Tenth Edition
Solution Manual For For All Practical Purposes Mathematical Literacy in Todays World Tenth Edition
Chapter 2
Business Efficiency
Chapter Outline
Section 2.1 Hamiltonian Circuits
Section 2.2 Traveling Salesman Problem
Section 2.3 Helping Traveling Salesmen
Section 2.4 Minimum-Cost Spanning Trees
Section 2.5 Critical-Path Analysis
Chapter Summary
A Hamiltonian circuit in a graph is a simple circuit that contains every vertex of the graph. Unlike the
situation with Euler circuits, there are no known conditions that guarantee that a graph has a Hamiltonian circuit.
However, it is known that certain graphs have Hamiltonians (e.g., the complete graphs) and that others do not
(e.g., the graph displayed in Figure. 2.2(a) in the text).
The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is to find in a given weighted graph a Hamiltonian circuit of least
total weight. The problem is a generalization of the problem of finding the cheapest route for a salesman who
must visit clients in several cities and then return home.
A naive solution to the problem is the brute force method (also known as exhaustive search). This
method is computationally infeasible, even for relatively small values of n (e.g., n = 20). Unfortunately,
there is no known algorithm that will generate optimal solutions more quickly. In fact, many experts believe
that no such algorithm will ever be found.
Consequently, we use heuristic algorithms to solve this problem. Heuristics are fast algorithms but are
not guaranteed to produce optimal solutions. Two such algorithms for the TSP are the nearest-neighbor
algorithm and the sorted-edges algorithm. Both of these algorithms are greedy in the sense that each time a
choice is made, they make the choice that seems best based on the objective of the problem.
Unfortunately, these local best choices do not necessarily combine to give an optimal solution to the TSP.
A tree is a connected graph with no circuits. A spanning tree in a given graph is a tree built using all the
vertices of the graph and just enough of its edges to obtain a tree. The minimum-cost spanning tree problem
is to find a spanning tree of least total edge weight in a given weighted graph. A sorted-edges greedy approach
can be used to get a solution to this problem. It is interesting that this algorithm, developed by Joseph Kruskal,
always produces an optimal solution to this problem.
The final topic in this chapter is a lead-in to the next chapter. In a job composed of several tasks (e.g.,
assembling a bicycle), there is often an order in which the tasks must be performed. This ordering of tasks can
be represented by using a digraph (short for directed graph). The vertices of the graph represent the tasks, and
the edges are directed from one vertex to another. Directed edges are like one-way streets, represented by
arrows pointing in the allowable direction of travel. A certain directed path in this graph, the critical path,
corresponds to the sequence of tasks that will take the longest time to complete. Since our job is not complete
until every possible sequence of tasks has been finished, the “length” of the critical path tells us the least amount
of time it will take us to complete our job. It is possible for a digraph to have more than one critical path.
Skill Objectives
1. Give the definition of a Hamiltonian circuit.
Solutions Chapter 2 Business Efficiency
3 Identify a given application as being an Euler circuit problem or a Hamiltonian circuit problem.
(n 1)!
5. Apply the formula to calculate the number of distinct Hamiltonian circuits in a complete graph with
a given number of vertices.
7. Explain the term heuristic algorithm and list both an advantage and a disadvantage.
8. Discuss the difficulties inherent in the application of the brute force method for finding the
minimum-cost Hamiltonian circuit.
10. Find an approximate solution to the traveling salesman problem by applying the nearest-neighbor
12. Find an approximate solution to the traveling salesman problem by applying the sorted-edges
14. Given a graph with edge weights, determine a minimum-cost spanning tree.
16. Find the earliest possible completion time for a collection of tasks by finding the critical path in an
order-requirement digraph.
Teaching Tips
1. Perhaps the most important concept in this chapter (as well as in Chapters 3 and 4) is the notion of an
algorithm. Stress that in most large-scale problems, algorithms are implemented on computers. Hence, detailed,
step-by-step instructions must be provided, and the computer, having no judgment of its own, is incapable of
determining cases in which it might be beneficial to deviate from these instructions.
2. It may be helpful to point out that the graph in Figure 2.3 is neither drawn to scale, nor is it
geographically accurate in terms of the positioning of the cities. Because a mathematical graph is a symbolic
model, only the fact that there are four vertices in distinct locations needs to be constant. The positioning in this
diagram makes the interpretation clear and easy to read.
3. When traveling by air, shortest distance doesn’t necessarily correspond with least cost, as is
normally the case with automobile travel. As a special project, students can check with an airline about fares
between the cities demonstrated in Examples 1 and 3 in the text. Plan a least-cost version of the nearest-
neighbor algorithm.
4. It might be helpful to define precisely what is meant by a heuristic algorithm, since it is likely that
students have never heard this term before.
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5. Note that the nearest-neighbor algorithm starts at a specified vertex and that the route obtained may
be different if the starting vertex is changed.
6. When discussing the sorted-edges algorithm, it may be helpful to indicate that a starting point is not
critical. After the edges are linked, then the starting point may be selected and the route followed along the
Hamiltonian circuit. You might consider discussing the minimum-cost spanning tree concept along with the sorted-
edges algorithm to reinforce the concept. A discussion of the logic behind the two conditions below may help
students who are having difficulty.
a. Three edges cannot meet at a vertex; if this happened, it would mean that the city in question has
been visited more than once. Two edges meeting at a vertex merely provide a way into the city and another way
out of the city, whereas the third edge would then lead back to the same city, thus violating the premise of the
Hamiltonian circuit.
b. A circular tour cannot be created without all the cities; the creation of a circuit would end the tour, but
the tour isn’t over until all the vertices have been visited exactly once.
7. The concluding section on critical path analysis is a nice lead-in for Chapter 3; however, if you’re
running short of time, it can be delayed until then. One advantage of discussing it in this chapter is that students
have an opportunity to explore the idea before coupling it with the scheduling concept in Chapter 3.
Research Paper
Have students research another method of finding an efficient way of traversing a graph, such as Prim’s method
or Dijkstra’s algorithm. Students should discuss this method (discovered and rediscovered) and its similarities
and differences to those described in the text. Students should also research the lives of the people for whom
they are named (Robert C. Prim and Edsger W. Dijkstra).
Collaborative Learning
Hamiltonian Circuits
Begin the lesson by defining Hamiltonian circuits. Either draw the following Hamiltonian circuit diagrams on the
board or duplicate the page and distribute it to your students. Working in groups, ask them to find Hamiltonian
circuits, if possible. After they decide which graphs have Hamiltonian circuits, ask them if they can find criteria
for the existence of such a circuit, similar to those for an Euler circuit. (Of course, no such criteria are known to
exist.) The difference between the two problems appears to be minimal, with the focus merely changed
from edges to vertices. Many students find it striking that the Euler problem is easily solvable, while the
Hamiltonian one is not.
Hamiltonian Circuits
1. Find the Hamiltonian circuits in the following graphs, when possible.
Solutions Chapter 2 Business Efficiency
2. Use the campus map as in the exercise from Chapter 1, but now in the context of Hamiltonian
circuits. If you wish, you can include distances and turn this into a traveling salesman problem.
Skills Check:
1. b, c, d 16. 72
2. 90 17. b
3. a 18. 2340
4. 0 19. a
5. b 20. 234
6. 27 21. b
7. c 22. 14; 3
8. 26 23. a
9. c 24. 7; 8; 9
10. 32 25. 14
11. c 26. b
12. V 27. b
13. b 28. 18
14. 94 29. c
15. c 30. 16
Collaborative Learning:
Hamiltonian Circuits:
In (1), (3), and (4) there are no Hamiltonian circuits. ABCDHGEFA is a Hamiltonian circuit for (2).
2. (a) (b)
(b) X 3 X 2 X11 X12 X 6 X13 X 20 X16 X17 X14 X10 X1 X 4 X 9 X15 X18 X19 X 8 X 7 X 5 X 3
(c) X 3 X 4 X 2 X 5 X 6 X1 X 3
4. (a) X 3 X 2 X 5 X1 X 6 X 7 X 8 X 4 X 3
(b) 8
(c) 8
(d) 4
5. (a) X 3 X 6 X 4 X1 X 2 X 5 X 3
(b) X 3 X 2 X1 X 6 X 7 X 8 X 9 X10 X11 X12 X 5 X 4 X 3
(c) X 3 X1 X 2 X 7 X 6 X 9 X 8 X 5 X 4 X 3
X1 X 9 X13 X11 X 10 X 8 X 9 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 6 X 7 X 8 X 2 X 1 X 3 X 7 X 11 X 12 X 13 X 5 X 6 X 12 X 5 X 1
(b) Yes,
(c) A Hamiltonian circuit is one where each vertex must be hit exactly one time, however not every edge must be
traveled. On the other hand, an Euler circuit must have every edge traveled exactly one time, but each vertex can be
crossed multiple times if needed.
8. (a) A Hamiltonian circuit will remain for (a) and (b), but there will be no Hamiltonian circuit for (c).
(b) The removal of a vertex might correspond to the failure of the equipment at that site.
9. (a) A Hamiltonian circuit will remain for (b), but there will be no Hamiltonian circuit for (a), (c).
(b) Removing an edge between two vertices in a communications network indicates that it would no longer be
possible to send messages between these two sites.
10. (a) i. Inspection of traffic lights for a small town after a storm
ii. Picking up medical waste at doctor offices
(b) i. Routing a crew to check for large tree limbs downed by the same storm
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ii. Traversing the streets needed to get between the offices of the doctors in an efficient way
would not seem to have any interest.
12. (a) b.
(b) A single circle that has a vertex located at the center and any number (which creates a family) of radii that
have a vertex on the circle will have a Hamiltonian circuit. Additionally, any set of concentric circles (same center,
but different measure of radii) will create a family of graphs if the number of radii extending from the center is even
and a different family if the number of radii is odd.
For graph (b), any grid that has one side with an even number of vertices and the other side with a
number of vertices (greater than 1) will form a family that has a Hamiltonian circuit.
14. A Hamiltonian circuit must use edges AD, DE, BE, and AB. These edges already form a circuit making it
impossible to visit C as part of the circuit.
15. The graph below has no Hamiltonian circuit, and every vertex of the graph has valence 3.
Solutions Chapter 2 Business Efficiency
16. The “circuit” given repeats vertices B and C. There is no Hamiltonian circuit in this graph.
17. (a) Any Hamiltonian circuit would have to use both edges at the vertices X 5 , X 4 , and X 2 . This would cause a
problem in the way a Hamiltonian circuit could visit vertex X 1 . Thus, no Hamiltonian circuit exists.
(b) If there were a Hamiltonian circuit, it would have to use the edges X 4 and X 5 and X 6 and X 7 . This would
make it impossible for the Hamiltonian circuit to visit X 8 and X 9 . Thus, no Hamiltonian circuit exists.
20. (a) For any m = 2 and n 1, the graph has a Hamiltonian circuit.
(b) If either m or n is odd, the graph has a Hamiltonian circuit. If both m and n are even, the graph has no
Hamiltonian circuit. A real-world application would be to design an efficient route to check that the traffic control
equipment at each vertex was in proper working order.
For grid graphs where there are an even number of blocks on each side, there is no Hamiltonian circuit.
Yet, by repeating only one edge and vertex one can find a tour that visits all the other vertices in such a grid graph
exactly once.
21. (a) There is a Hamiltonian path from X 3 to X 4 .
(c) Here are two examples: A worker who inspects sewers may start at one garage at the start of the work day
but may have to report to a different garage for the afternoon shift. A school bus may start at a bus garage and then
pick up students to take them to school, where the bus sits until the end of the school day.
23. (a) Hamiltonian circuit, yes. One example is X1 X 3 X 7 X 5 X 6 X 8 X 2 X 4 X1. Euler circuit, yes.
(b) Hamiltonian circuit, yes. One example is Y1Y3Y2Y5Y6Y4Y1 . Euler circuit, yes.
(c) Hamiltonian circuit, yes; Euler circuit, no. One example is:
Z 2 Z11Z5 Z 4 Z 6 Z10 Z16 Z12 Z13 Z15 Z9 Z 7 Z3 Z8 Z14 Z1Z 2 .
(d) Hamiltonian circuit, no; Euler circuit, yes. One example is:
U1U 2U5U 6U16U15U11U4U5U12U11U10U14U13U7U3U8U10U9U3U1 .
24. (a) You can get an n-cube by taking two copies of the n 1 -cube. Given that there is a Hamilton circuit
in each n 1 -cube, then you may remove any single corresponding edge of each of these n 1 -cubes.
Connect the corresponding vertices by adding edges between the two n 1 -cubes. You have an n-cube, and this
n-cube will have a Hamilton circuit.
(b) The n-cube has 2 n vertices, and the number of edges of the n-cube is equal to twice the number of edges
of an n 1 -cube plus 2 n1. A formula for this number is n2 n1.
26. The diagram shows the first three graphs in such a family.
27. (a)
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(c) A graph has an Euler path if for two different vertices u and v of the graph there is a path from u to v that
uses each edge of the graph once and only once.
33. The new system is an improvement since it codes 676 locations compared with 504 for the old system. This is
172 more locations.
34. There are five ways to choose the position into which to put the note that is to be sharped, and seven ways to fill
this position with a note. Since there is no repetition, the remaining four positions can be filled in 65 43 ways,
for a total of 57 65 43 12,600 ways to create the logo.
35. (a) 26 26 26101010 26 26 26 263 103 1 17,558, 424
(b) Answers will vary.
36. The number of different meal choices is 6 10 8 480. The number of choices avoiding pie as a dessert is
6 10 5 = 300.
37. With no other restrictions, 107 10, 000, 000. With no other restrictions, 9102 900.
38. (a) We can apply the fundamental principle of counting in the following way:
Step 1: Pick one of the four positions to put the 0. This can be done in four ways.
Step 2: Pick one of the remaining 9 digits to repeat. This can be done in 9 ways.
Step 3: Pick two positions out of the remaining three to put the repeated digit into. This can be done in
three ways.
Step 4. Fill the fourth position with a digit different from 0 and the one used in Step 2. This can be done
in eight ways.
Hence, there are 4 9 38 864.
39. The graphs below (left to right) have 6, 10, and 15 edges.
Solutions Chapter 2 Business Efficiency
n n 1
The n-vertex complete graph has edges. The number of TSP tours is 3, 12, and 60, respectively.
40. 5! = 120; 6! = 720; 7! = 5040; 8! = 40,320; 9! = 362,880; 10! = 3,628,800. The number of TSP tours in a
41. (a)
45. (a) Using the nearest-neighbor algorithm, the route would be HBCAH.
(b) Using the sorted-edges algorithm, the route would be HBCAH.
46. (a) Using the nearest-neighbor algorithm, the route would be HBCAH.
(b) Using the sorted-edges algorithm, the route would be HBCAH.
48. (a) The two methods give identical answers for the first graph. It is BAEDCB.
In the second graph nearest-neighbor yields BDAECFB, while sorted-edges yields BDFCEAB.
n 1!
(b) If a complete graph has n vertices, then there are Hamiltonian circuits. The first graph would have
5 1! 4! 4 3 2 1 24
12 Hamilton circuits to examine. The second graph would have
2 2 2 2
6 1 ! 5! 5 4 3 21 120
60 Hamilton circuits to examine.
2 2 2 2
(c) Answers will vary.
51. A sewer drain inspection route at corners involves finding a Hamiltonian circuit, and there is such a circuit. If
the drains are along the blocks, a route in this case involves solving a Chinese postman problem. Since there are 18
odd-valent vertices, an optimal route would require at least 9 reuses of edges. There are many such routes that
achieve 9 reuses.
53. The complete graph shown has a different nearest-neighbor tour that starts at A (AEDBCA), a sorted-edges tour
(AEDCBA), and a cheaper tour (ADBECA).
55. The optimal tour is the same, but its cost is now 4200 10 50 4700.
56. (a) The graph shown is not a tree because it contains a circuit.
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57. (a) a. Not a tree because there is a circuit. Also, the wiggled edges do not include all vertices of the graph.
b. The circuit does not include all the vertices of the graph.
(b) a. The tree does not include all vertices of the graph.
b. Not a circuit
(c) a. Not a tree
b. Not a circuit
(d) a. Not a tree
b. Not a circuit
58. (a)
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60. If G is connected and has 14 vertices, a spanning tree of G will have 13 edges. Any spanning tree of G will
have 14 vertices. One can conclude that G must have at least 13 edges (when G itself is a tree), but nothing more.
61. The spanning tree will have 27 vertices. H also will have 27 vertices. The exact number of edges in H cannot
be determined, but H has at least 26 edges.
62. The wiggled edges in the figure constitute a spanning tree whose cost is minimal.
63. Yes
64. Examples include the synthesis of the links to create a wireless communications network or a homeowner
putting underground sprinkler pipes into a large garden.
65. Yes. Change all the weights to negative numbers and apply Kruskal’s algorithm. The resulting tree works, and
the maximum cost is the negative of the answer you get. If the numbers on the edges represent subsidies for using
the edges, one might be interested in finding a maximum-cost spanning tree.
67. A negative weight on an edge is conceivable, perhaps a subsidization payment. Kruskal’s algorithm would still
68. Kruskal’s algorithm works by at each stage selecting the cheapest edge not already selected which does not
form a circuit with the edges already chosen. If all the weights on the edges are different from each other, then
when a decision is made as to which edge to add next to those already selected, there will never be a tie. Thus, the
choice at each stage is always unique, and, hence, there can only be one minimum-cost spanning tree. If at some
stage one cannot add an edge to those already chosen because a circuit would form, this makes no difference,
because the next edge that can be added will never involve a choice among edges with the same weight.
69. Three different trees with the same cost are shown:
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70. (a)–(c)
(d) a.
If one starts at vertex X 1 , the sequence is as follows:
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(d) (continued)
73. (a) Answers will vary for each edge, but the reason it is possible to find such trees is that each edge is an edge
of some circuit.
(b) The number of edges in every spanning tree is five, one less than the number of vertices in the graph.
(c) Every spanning tree must include the edge joining vertices C and D, since this edge does not belong to any
(simple) circuit in the graph. Additionally, every spanning tree must also include the edge joining A and G in order
to stay connected.
74. (a)
(b) The vertices in the graph might represent locations along a road, and the distances between the locations
are given by the table shown. Distances along a road would naturally be represented by a graph, which is a path.
Alternatively, the vertices in the graph might represent manuscripts that were copied by hand from other
manuscripts. The weights in the table in this case might represent numbers of key sentences where the manuscripts
differ. The graph representing the table, in this case being a path, suggests that each manuscript was copied from a
“prior” manuscript, rather than two manuscripts being copied from one common ancestor, say.
76. (a) The earliest completion time is 38 because the longest path, the unique critical path T1 T4 T7 , has length 38.
(b) The earliest completion time is 38 because the longest path, the unique critical path T1 T3 T5 T8 , has length 38.
77. (a) The earliest completion time is 22 because the longest path, the unique critical path T3T2T5 , has length 22.
(b) The earliest completion time is 30 because the longest path, the unique critical path T3T5T7 , has length 30.
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79. The only tasks which if shortened will reduce the earliest completion time are those on the critical path, so in
this case, these are the tasks T1 , T5 , and T7 . If T5 is shortened to 7, then the longest path will have length 29, and
this becomes the earliest completion time. The tasks on this critical path are T1 , T4 , and T7 .
80. The critical path is T1 , T5 , T7 with length 31. If T5 ’s time is reduced by 2, T1 , T4 , and T7 will now also be a
critical path, and the new lengths of both of these paths will be 29.
81. Different contractors will have different times and order-requirement digraphs. However, in any sensible order-
requirement digraph, the laying of the foundation will come before the erection of the side walls and the roof. The
fastest time for completing all the tasks will be the length of the longest path in the order-requirement digraph.
84. Using the nearest-neighbor and the sorted-edges method, the shortest way to deliver all packages from D would
be DEABC with a length of 31.
87. Using Kruskal’s algorithm, the edges are added to the minimum-cost spanning tree in this order: GF, JD, IH,
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