Bpts Lessonfinal
Bpts Lessonfinal
Bpts Lessonfinal
Lesson Idea
☐ Teacher-directed: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations.
☐ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic for
presentation and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. Products of
learning will be uniquely designed. Teacher simply facilitates the learning in a lesson like this.
☐ Project-based and/or Publishable: Students are completing projects to demonstrate their learning
and the projects can be shared outside of the classroom. This objective could be reached by
displaying the project on the school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom
blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing it via an outside source.
and tool is, I will first explain the activity and its purpose and the overall goal of the lesson. I
will then introduce and explain how we will use PowerPoint to use drawings, writing and
dictating to create an audio e-book. I will then give students 5 minutes to explore on
PowerPoint. After those 5 minutes I will then tell students they have 3 minutes to think of an
event or serval loosely events that they are going to use for their audio e-book. After those 3
minutes I will call on volunteers to share with the class the event they are choosing to write
about. I will make students aware of their goal by having it written on the board and
underneath it has steps or checklists of how we can achieve the goal. Students will utilize
technology to bring their event to life to create an e-book. Me as a teacher during this lesson
I will go to each student and see what they are doing, have any questions, or need any help
and use that to provide feedback to my students. I will conclude the lesson by having
volunteers show us their creations and have students give feedback on the lesson.
Managing the technology/engagement: Describe a way to use this technology in a way that
gets students actively involved in authentic tasks and contexts? How will you manage the
classroom behaviors on the technology:
A way to use technology in a way that get students actively involved in authentic tasks and
manage the classroom behaviors on the technology is:
Exploration activities (giving students time to explore PowerPoint however they choose
before getting started with activity)
Story Planner (Giving students a story planner template that must be completed before they
start the digital part of e-book)
Collaboration (giving students a group of 2-4 people to go to for help before coming to me
(teacher), to share ideas with, and receive feedback from one another)
Time Limits (Time limits for different steps of completing this activity)
lesson. Because, for my personal experience of creating an audio e-book I really enjoyed
learning different things that PowerPoint can offer.