Selection & Applications of Inorganic Finishes: Chromate Coatings
Selection & Applications of Inorganic Finishes: Chromate Coatings
Selection & Applications of Inorganic Finishes: Chromate Coatings
Other Applications
Colorless chromate coatings are applied to aluminum when the
characteristic appearance of the metal is desired. A clear organic
coating can be used to provide increased protection. The very thin
chromate coatings (clear or light iridescent per MIL-C-5541, Class
3) are also used for electrical or electronics applications where low
electrical surface resistivity is required. Though the resistivity of
chromated metal is somewhat greater than that of freshly cleaned
aluminum, the chromate film prevents formation of oxides and cor-
rosion products that would otherwise greatly increase surface resis-
tivity. Similarly, the thinner chromate films are applied on alumi-
num parts that require welding since the coating does not apprecia-
bly interfere with the process and because it prevents formation of
oxides that might interfere.
Mention should be made of the phosphate-fluoride-dichromate Fig. 2—Corro-
treatment5 of aluminum that results in formation of an amorphous sion of 2024-T3
coating of attractive green or blue-green color but which contains aluminum after
no hexavalent chromium and does not pass the corrosion-resistance two years of
requirements of military specifications. However, these coatings tropical marine
have good resistance to weathering and humidity and have found exposure: (A)
important final-finish applications for such items as screening and bare, (B) chro-
cyclone fencing; they also serve as an excellent base for paint or mated.
There are efforts to develop conversion films for aluminum (as
well as other metals) that will provide the effectiveness of chro- Chromate coating on magnesium provides significant corrosion
mate coatings without the use of the toxic chromates in the treat- resistance and is used as a final finish to provide temporary
ment solutions. One such treatment6 is already showing commer- protection during shipment and storage or when relatively
cial interest and further developments in this area are anticipated. mild environmental exposures are expected. Magnesium die
castings, used extensively for exterior automotive components (e.g.,
Magnesium fuel pumps, engine crankcases, transmission cases, blower
fans), have served successfully when protected simply with
Magnesium alloys, particularly castings, have found many impor-
a chromate coating and film of oil. However, for military applica-
tant applications (e.g., space vehicles, military equipment contain-
tions, the chromate is seldom used as a final finish but serves as an
ers, automotive parts, materials-handling equipment, etc.) primar-
effective base for protective organic coatings. One or more coats
ily because of their high strength-to-weight ratio. It is the lightest
of alkali-resistant primers (vinyls or epoxies) containing inhibitive
and most active (chemically) of the common structure metals and
chromate pigment and one or more finish coats are recommended. A
the oceans contain an almost inexhaustible supply.
minimum of four coats is recommended for severe exposures.
Magnesium reacts with water or neutral salt solutions to pro-
The following types of chromate coatings find most common
duce hydrogen gas and magnesium hydroxide; a drop of water on
a bare magnesium surface will rapidly become distinctly alkaline.
Fortunately, the alkalinity produced tends to stifle the initial rapid
• Type I—“Chromium Pickle Treatment:”* An iridescent film is
rate of attack and thus magnesium corrosion occurs at a slower
applied by immersion (e.g., 1.0 min in 180 g/L Na2Cr2O7.2H20
rate than most steels and less catastrophically than some alumi-
+ 185 mL/L HNO3 at 22°C; 72°F) for application to wrought
num alloys in natural outdoor environments. However, when mag-
and many cast alloys. A modified solution** is more suitable for
nesium is in contact with most heavy metals, a high potential dif-
certain cast alloys such as AZ91b.
ference is established and rapid and intense galvanic corrosion of
• Type III— “Dichromate Treatment:”*** This is a more involved
the magnesium will result. It is therefore most important to pre-
treatment than Type I entailing an acid-fluoride pickling
vent galvanic corrosion by using protective coatings, tapes, seal-
step (e.g., 5 min in 230 mL/L HF, 49 per cent, at 25°C;
ants and gaskets to effectively insulate the dissimilar metals, or to
77°F)), followed by immersion in dichromate solution (150
coat any dissimilar metals with aluminum, cadmium, tin or zinc
for improved compatibility. It is also advisable to avoid sump areas
of possible moisture accumulation and to apply organic protective
coatings when feasible. *Dow No. 1, The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI.
**Dow No. 20, The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI.
***Dow No. 7, The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI.
Chromate coatings can be applied to brass and copper while pro- Editorʼs note : The preceding article is based on material contrib-
viding chemical brightening to produce a lustrous decorative finish uted by Fred Pearlstein for the “AES Update” series that ran in this
with improved resistance to corrosion. Bronze to chocolate-brown- journal. Since this article was written much has changed. Indeed,
colored chromate coatings of superior protective properties also the outlook for hexavalent chromate has drastically changed.
can be applied and are readily capable of being dyed. Chromate Nevertheless, these processes remain revelant to a large portion of
coatings have been applied to brass components of military fuze- the finishing community. The reader may benefit both from that
timing mechanisms for improved corrosion resistance, but the information and the historical perspective of the technology. The
increase in friction coefficient resulting from the chromate intro- Update series, was begun and coordinated by the late Dr. Donald
duced functional difficulties. Chromated copper or brass resists Swalheim, and brought practical information to the metal finisher.
formation of blue-green corrosion products during salt-spray expo- In some cases here, words were altered for context. P&SF
sure of 48 hr or more, whereas bare copper alloys exhibit corrosion
products after several hours of exposure.
Dow No. 19, The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI.
Dow No. 18, The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI.