Invoice INV - 2023 - 00004 My Company (San Francisco) Deco Addict

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My Company (San Francisco)

250 Executive Park Blvd, Suite 3400

San Francisco CA 94134
Estados Unidos Invoice
Invoice number INV/2023/00004
Payment reference INV/2023/00004
Deco Addict Invoice Date 14/02/2023
77 Santa Barbara Rd Date due 16/03/2023
Pleasant Hill CA 94523 Delivery date

Estados Unidos Payment term 30 días

Our reference
Your reference

Description Quantity Price Taxes Amount

1. [FURN_6741] Large Meeting Table Mesa de la sala de 5,00 4.000,00 Impuesto $ 20.000,00
conferencias 15.00%

2. [FURN_8220] Four Person Desk Estación de trabajo de oficina 5,00 2.350,00 Impuesto $ 11.750,00
moderna para cuatro personas 15.00%

Total Without Taxes $ 31.750,00

Taxes $ 4.762,50

Total $ 36.512,50

Tax Base Amount

Tax 15% $ 31.750,00 $ 4.762,50

My Company (San Francisco) +1 (650) 555-0111 Domicile: San Francisco

250 Executive Park Blvd, Suite 3400 [email protected] Business ID:
San Francisco CA 94134
Estados Unidos

Recipient's account

My Company (San Francisco) Invoice number INV/2023/00004

Deco Addict
77 Santa Barbara Rd
Pleasant Hill CA 94523
Estados Unidos

Signature Reference No.

From account No. Date due
16/03/2023 Euro $ 36.512,50
The payment will be issued to the recipient
under the terms of payment service and only to
the account number specified by the debtor.

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