Complications of Cosmetic Botulinum Toxin A Injections To The Upper Face A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Complications of Cosmetic Botulinum Toxin A Injections To The Upper Face A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Complications of Cosmetic Botulinum Toxin A Injections To The Upper Face A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Background: Botulinum toxin A (BoNT-A) injections are a popular non-surgical procedure for facial rejuvenation. Its in-
crease in popularity and utilization is met with limited regulations, potentially posing a significant risk to patient safety and
public health.
Objectives: The authors sought to assess the safety profile of cosmetic glabellar and forehead BoNT-A injections and
evaluate BoNT-A type on complication rate.
Methods: A systematic search of MEDLINE and EMBASE was performed for studies reporting complications after cosmetic BoNT-A
in the glabellar or in the forehead region in the glabellar or in the forehead region. A random effects meta-analysis was carried out
to assess complication rate. Where there were sufficient randomized-controlled trials, a network meta-analysis was performed.
Results: Of 556 identified articles, 24 were included in the final quantitative analysis, with 4268 BoNT-A injection ses-
sions and 1234 placebos. Frequently observed treatment-related complications in the BoNT-A intervention group included
headache, local skin reactions, and facial neuromuscular symptoms. The overall BoNT-A complication rate was 16%. The
odds ratio of developing complications from abobotulinum toxin injections compared with placebo was 1.62 (1.15, 2.27;
P > 0.05) and that from onabotulinum toxin injections compared with placebo was 1.34 (0.52, 3.48; P > 0.05). In 30% of the
studies, the injectors were doctors, whereas the training status of the practitioner was not reported in the remaining 70%.
Conclusions: Cosmetic BoNT-A injections in the glabellar and forehead region appear to be safe, and most complications
are mild and transient. Nevertheless, the literature demonstrates heterogeneous reporting of complications and a lack of
consistency of the definition of treatment-related complications.
Level of Evidence: 2
Editorial Decision date: February 2, 2022; online publish-ahead-of-print February 18, 2022.
The global market for anti-aging products is steadily of facial-cosmetic BoNT-A injections. Title and abstract
increasing.1 Botulinum toxin A (BoNT-A) injections are a screening, full-text review, and data extraction were han-
popular non-surgical but still invasive treatment to opti- dled independently by 2 reviewers (D.Z. and F.Z.). The
mize and change facial appearance and achieve rejuvena- kappa score for interobserver reliability was 1.0. We fol-
tion. BoNT-A injections are preferred to other surgical and lowed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
non-surgical procedures due to their satisfying results, rel- Reviews and Meta-Analyses protocol.15 This review was
atively safe complication profile, and minimal downtime.2,3 registered on PROSPERO (,
Also, BoNT-A injections are an affordable alternative to Record ID: CRD42021219425).
more expensive surgical procedures and still profitable for
the practitioner.3 BoNT-A, with its numerous formulations,
is estimated to increase its market value for rejuvenation
Search Strategy
up to 6.9 billion dollars by 2026.4-10 The PubMed/MEDLINE (United States National Library
Despite the globally increasing number of cosmetic of Medicine, Bethesda, MD) and EMBASE (Elsevier,
BoNT-A injections, regulations for BoNT-A administration Amsterdam, the Netherlands) databases were searched to
are variable or even absent in different countries.11 For ex- identify eligible articles. The search strategy included com-
ample, the 2015 Keogh report raised concerns about pa- binations of the following terms: Botox (Allergan, Irvine,
tient safety and insufficient protection of patients due to CA); botulinum toxin A; onabotulinum; aesthetic; cosmetic;
the lack of BoNT-A regulations in the United Kingdom.12 plastic surgery; complications; adverse (see Figure 1).
Regulation guidelines were subsequently published.13 To Word variations and exploded medical subject headings
establish regulations, it is imperative to study the safety were searched for whenever feasible. Additionally, refer-
profile of a product or intervention and to put in place an ence lists were hand-searched to identify further studies
efficient standardized national reporting system for com- of interest. Furthermore, appropriate studies that were not
plications. National reporting systems and retrospective identified in our search but known to us were included.
studies tend to underestimate products’ complication The last comprehensive search was conducted on October
rates compared with prospective studies. A comparison 2, 2020.
of data provided by the Medicines and Healthcare prod-
ucts Regulatory Agency with BoNT-A complication rates
in the literature corroborated an underestimation of
Study Selection
complication rates. Only in vivo studies in English enrolling adult humans over
In this paper, we seek to amalgamate and identify the 18 years were considered. Studies before 1989 were not
overall complication rate of cosmetic BoNT-A across ran- included. Only randomized placebo-controlled trials and
domized controlled trials, thereby helping establish the randomized dose-ranging trials were included. To be con-
safety profile of BoNT-A. Given the increase in utilization of sidered, patients had to undergo cosmetic facial BoNT-A
BoNT-A and the paucity of robust regulations, we believe injection in the glabellar or forehead region. Studies had to
that establishing its safety profile is critical to ensuring an assess at least 1 complication. In this way, we were able to
up-to-date understanding of the overall complication rate. rate the risk of complications after the injections. Studies
This empowers practitioners to be more informed as part reporting therapeutic botulinum toxin injections were ex-
of their consent process. cluded. Exact cohort duplicates were excluded.
To ensure high-quality care, it is crucial to train skilled
and responsible practitioners and to work with validated
and safe products. It is important to formulate accurate Data Extraction and Quality Assessment
recommendations and set regulations based on safety The following information was extracted, where available,
profiles and to inform patients about risks and benefits.12 from all included publications: study design and year of
Although BoNT-A appears safe, it is arguable whether publication, number of patients, patient age, gender dis-
there are enough data on long-term complications.14 We tribution, number of BoNT-A injections, BoNT-A formu-
aim to analyze the safety profile of cosmetic BoNT-A injec- lation, BoNT-A dose, practitioner, specific complications
tions. Additionally, we assess factors potentially influencing as well as the total complication rate. Practitioners were
the complication rate. categorized as doctor, nurse, or non-medical professional.
Observed BoNT-A formulations were onabotulinum (ONA),
abobotulinum (ABO), and incobotulinum (INCO), and doses
METHODS were categorized as 0 to 10 U, 11 to 20 U, 21 to 30 U, 31 to 40
Overview U, 41 to 50 U, and 50+ U. Complications were categorized
in subgroups: 1) localized skin reaction (erythema, eczema,
A systematic review was carried out to identify any hematoma, bruising, or contusion); 2) remote skin reac-
studies reporting short-term or long-term complications tions (rash or edema); 3) wound infection; 4) asymmetric
Zargaran et alNP329
or unsatisfying result; 5) facial neuromuscular symptoms studies was graded employing the quality assessment tool
(stiffness, weakness, pain, spasm, paresis, ptosis, dyses- of the Effective Public Healthcare Panacea Project.17 We
thesia); 6) headache; 7) ocular symptoms and infections; selected this tool because it is applicable to quantitative
8) pulmonary symptoms and infections; 9) gastrointestinal literature studies and has implications for public health.
symptoms; 10) cardiovascular symptoms (hypertension, Given the increasing role of BoNT-A, we believe that its
hypotension, tachycardia, myocardial infarction); 11) gen- safety profile is critical to update and establish, and this
eral symptoms (influenza-like symptoms, asthenia, chills, has profound public health implications.
pyrexia, fatigue); 12) anaphylactic reaction; and 13) others
(nausea, vertigo, etc). Complications were additionally
rated as severe or non-severe. Severe complications
were defined as those resulting in hospitalization, death, We first calculated the complication rates per study for
life-threatening conditions, disability, permanent damage, each reported complication category alone as well as for
congenital anomaly, or requiring an intervention to pre- total complications. These effect sizes were then meta-
vent permanent impairment.16 When explicitly defined in analyzed if enough appropriate data from at least 3 studies
the study whether a complication was treatment related was available. Because major heterogeneity among the
or not, only probable or possible treatment-related compli- studies was expected, a random-effects meta-analysis
cations were analyzed in the complication rate. When the was decided on. Complication rates were meta-analyzed
total complication rate was not reported by the study, the utilizing the generic inverse variance method, with a
rate was calculated based on the number of single com- Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation to estimate
plications identified. The complication rate was defined as overall proportions.18
the number of injection sessions with at least 1 complica- We also assessed the influence of different BoNT-A
tion divided by the total number of injection sessions. We formulations on the complication rate. If enough con-
did not analyze second cycles or open-label top-up cycles trolled studies were available, we conducted a network
because of the risk of introducing bias, assuming that meta-analysis. Otherwise, we conducted subgroup meta-
additional cycles are more likely to be taken by patients analysis employing a mixed-effects model (random-effects
who had positive experiences without any complications model within subgroups, fixed-effects model between
after the first injection. Methodological quality of included subgroups). Statistical analyses were carried out in R with
NP330 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 42(5)
the “meta” package.19 Forest plots were generated to il- (n = 1226) and INCO in 20.7% (n = 884) injection sessions.
lustrate the main results of the meta-analysis. Doses ranged from 10 to 80 U for ONA injections into the
glabellar and forehead region. The total complication rate
was 16% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 8% to 26%, I2 = 98%),
RESULTS Figure 2. Headache and migraine were the most frequently
reported adverse event and were recorded in 269 (6.3%)
Our search resulted in 182 studies found in MEDLINE and
injection sessions, followed by local skin reactions such
379 studies in EMBASE. After exclusion of the papers that
as bruising or hematoma at the injection site, reported in
did not meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final
163 (3.8%) patients, and facial neuromuscular symptoms in
analysis included 24 studies (Supplemental Table 1, avail-
141 (3.3%) injections. Other observed adverse events were
able online at The
pulmonary symptoms after 91 (2.1%) injection sessions and
review process is shown in Figure 1 and Appendix (avail-
ocular symptoms in 39 (0.9%) cases. Cardiovascular symp-
able online at Included
toms were recorded in 22 (0.5%) patients, gastrointestinal
studies were all randomized and double-blinded, except 1
symptoms in 18 (0.4%) cases, remote skin reactions after 11
study that was only investigator blinded. Quality of every
(0.3%) injections, face asymmetry in 6 (0.1%) injection ses-
included study was rated as strong according to the tool
sions, and general symptoms such as fatigue occurred as
of the Effective Public Healthcare Panacea Project.17 In 7
well after 6 (0.1%) injections (Supplemental Table 2, available
studies, a doctor (unclear if a dermatologist, general prac-
online at ONA injections
titioner, or plastic surgeon) administered BoNT-A. In 16
(Figure 3) showed a complication rate of 16% (95% CI = 6% to
studies, the practitioner was unknown. No data of injec-
30%, I2 = 98%), INCO (Figure 4) of 6% (95% CI = 3% to 10%,
tions administered by nurses or non-medical professionals
I2 = 76%), and for ABO (Figure 5) an overall complication
were identified.
rate of 18% (95% CI = 4% to 39%, I2 = 98%) was reported.
frequently reported adverse events and were recorded compared with placebo treatment. This implies that local
in 49 (4%) injection sessions, followed by local skin reac- skin reactions and headache might be unrelated to the
tions, such as bruising or hematoma at the injection site, botulinum toxin itself but more likely caused by the syringe
reported in 30 (2.4%) patients. Other observed adverse injection, whereas asymmetry and neuromuscular effects
events were pulmonary symptoms after 19 (1.5%) injection are attributable to the toxin. The placebo had a lower com-
sessions and facial paresis or paralysis in 10 (0.8%) injec- plication rate compared with BoNT-A injections, although
tions. Cardiovascular symptoms were recorded in 7 (0.6%) results were not significant. There were very few severe
patients, general symptoms such as fatigue occurred after treatment-related complications in both placebo injections
5 (0.4%) injections, gastrointestinal symptoms and remote and BoNT-A injections in this review.
skin reactions were each observed in 2 patients (0.2%), and Nevertheless, complication rates must be interpreted
1 patient (0.1%) had ocular symptoms (Supplemental Table 2). with caution. The included studies in our systematic review
utilized different definitions for complications, which may
result in difficulties in the interpretation and analysis of the
Comparison of BoNT-A and Placebo safety profile. Furthermore, in many of the included studies,
The odds ratio for developing complications from ONA treatment-related and non-related complications are not
injections compared with placebo was 1.34 (0.52, 3.48; consistently defined or even not distinguished between.
P > 0.05). This is visualized in a forest plot (Figure 7) and For example, Carruthers et al and De Boulle showed high
a L’Abbé (Figure 8) plot. The dashed red line signifies the complication rates of 27% to 43% because final complica-
pooled effect estimate of the meta-analysis and is running tion rates also included non-related treatment complica-
through the top-left sector of the L’Abbé plot, meaning that tions.29,30 By contrast, Sattler et al distinguished between
the intervention with ONA has a higher complication rate. treatment-related and non-related complications and re-
The odds ratio of developing complications from ABO ported them separately.41 This leads to difficulties in the
injections compared with placebo was 1.62 (1.15, 2.27; comparison of complication rates. In addition, an analysis
P > 0.05) (Figures 9, 10). of complications reported to the Medicines and Healthcare
Products Regulatory Agency in the United Kingdom
showed a lack of a standardized reporting system for ad-
DISCUSSION verse events from a procedure or medication. Incorrect
and non-standardized reporting of adverse events can
In a systematic analysis of the available literature, we lead to an overestimation of a medical product’s safety
found that the incidence of adverse events related to gla- profile.44 For this reason, it is crucial to create a uniform
bellar and forehead BoNT-A injection is approximately 16%, complication reporting system with guidelines to ensure
and only a very few severe complications possibly or prob- the capture of all complications in the context of a specific
ably related to the BoNT-A treatment occurred. Headache treatment and enable comparison of complication rates of
and local skin reactions were the most frequently reported future studies.
complications in BoNT-A patients as well as in patients The injection method was described accurately and
receiving placebo. In BoNT-A injections, facial neuromus- detailed in many studies, but most studies in this system-
cular symptoms and facial asymmetry occurred more often atic review did not provide information about the BoNT-A
NP332 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 42(5)
administrator.23 All studies were conducted in a practice background are allowed to inject BoNT-A if they have a
or hospital setting; therefore, it may be assumed that only Level 6 (degree level) qualification.13 Unfortunately, de-
people with a medical background, such as nurses, doc- spite our initial aims, few of the primary papers included
tors, or dentists, administered BoNT-A. We could not iden- the additional factors we sought as outlined in our meth-
tify studies reporting the safety profile or complications odology. We hope that through drawing attention to this
of BoNT-A injections administered by non-medical pro- matter, further research could evaluate this. Research
fessionals or nurses, although in some countries, for ex- is crucial to improve and maintain treatment quality, and
ample in the United Kingdom, not only medical doctors but it is reasonable to expect that professionals adminis-
also beauticians and other practitioners without a medical tering a medical treatment should have suitable training
Zargaran et alNP333
Figure 7. Forest plot. Complication rate of onabotulinum toxin and placebo.
Figure 9. Forest plot. Complication rate of abobotulinum toxin and placebo.
Cosmetic BoNT-A injections in the glabellar and forehead
region appear to be safe, and most complications are mild
and transient. The overall complication rate was 16%, with
no significant difference between BoNT-A formulations in
our network meta-analysis. However, the literature dem-
onstrates a heterogenous reporting of complications and
a lack of consistency of the definition of treatment-related
complications as well as a lack of detail on practitioner pro-
file. There are important areas for further study to uphold
the highest standards of patient safety in this rapidly ex-
panding field.
Supplemental Material
This article contains supplemental material located online at
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and publication of this
article. Dr Rahman is an Evidence-Based Medicine section
Figure 10. L’Abbé plot. Complication rate abobotulinum toxin co-editor for Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Dr Mosahebi is the
and placebo.
Research section co-editor for Aesthetic Surgery Journal.
previous treatments may be more likely to participate in The authors received no financial support for the research,
a second study, whereas patients who tend to develop authorship, and publication of this article.
complications and who experienced complications in
their previous treatments may be less likely to pursue REFERENCES
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