BPT Lesson Plan
BPT Lesson Plan
BPT Lesson Plan
Lesson Idea
☐ Teacher-directed: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are
guided by the teacher's direction and expectations.
☐ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the
topic for presentation and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal.
Products of learning will be uniquely designed. Teacher simply facilitates the learning in a
lesson like this.
productivity tool and answer them accordingly. The students will create their own eBook as
the activity for this lesson. They will do this in pairs of 2-3. They will create an eBook using
the same productivity tool to identify the different parts of a plant. Once they are grouped
together, they will brainstorm ideas on how they want to create their eBook and what
information they want to share. They will be provided with a storyboard to help them organize
their thoughts and create a plan. They will turn in their storyboard to me before accessing the
computers. I will review and provide descriptive feedback to students so students can see if
there are any changes to be made in their stories. This is done so they can make sure they are
on the right track to being successful. Once they have received the okay from me to move on,
students will begin working on their computers with the productivity tool to create their
eBooks. Students will have a rubric/checklist to follow to ensure they are aware of their goals.
After each point on the checklist, they can receive feedback from me before moving onto the
next step. I will also be walking around and assisting students with the tool one on one if
needed. To conclude the lesson, students will get to share their eBooks with the class.