Thin Manager
Thin Manager
Thin Manager
Thin Client
Management Platform
Catalog Number 9541
About This Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Download Firmware, AOP, EDS, and Other Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Summary of Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Additional Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chapter 1
Quick Setup Overview Microsoft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
ThinManager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Installation & Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
ThinManager Database Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
VLANs and Subnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Network Level Authentication (NLA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Hardware Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Chapter 2
Introduction ThinManager User Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Location Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
ThinManager Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Customizing the Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Terminals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Display Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Chapter 3
Licenses ThinManager Master License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
ThinManager Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Auto-synchronization for Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Manual Synchronization for Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
ThinManager License Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
FactoryTalk Activations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
FactoryTalk Activation Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 4
ThinManager System Windows Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
ThinManager Security Group Users. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
ThinManager Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
ThinManager User Manual Unlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
TLS Certificates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Chapter 6
Content Remote Desktop Services Display Clients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Single Application Deployment with AppLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Connection Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Failover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Instant Failover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Camera Display Clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Camera Overlay Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Terminal Shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Shadow Any Terminal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Shadow a Specific Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Shadow of the Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Workstation Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Step 1 – On the PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Step 2 – Workstation Display Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Add the Workstation Display Client to the Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . 160
VNC Shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Shadow Any VNC Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Shadow a Specific VNC Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Virtual Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Chapter 7
Devices Terminal Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Terminal Configuration Wizard in ThinManager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Active Directory User Login Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Search for Active Directory User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Search for Active Directory Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
User Accounts in the Terminal Configuration Wizard . . . . . . . . . . 245
Copy Settings from another Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Use Groups for Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Use Groups for Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
IP Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
ThinManager-ready Thin Client IP Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Add and Configure Thin Clients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
PXE Server and PXE Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Local WinTMC Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
WinTMC Configuration in ThinManager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Mobile Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Configure an iPad in ThinManager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Guided Access on the iPad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Configure an Android Device in ThinManager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Chapter 9
Locations Unassigned Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Create an Unassigned Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Fencing and Sub-Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Child Sub-locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
ThinManager User Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Create a Location with Restricted Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Use Permissions to Restrict an Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Add a Restricted Application to a Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Put It Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
One QR Code, Multiple Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
Calculate Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Manual Interaction with Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
Chapter 10
Events Create a ThinManager Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
Chapter 11
Packages Firmware, Packages, and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
Update Packages and Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
Customizing Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Configure Packages for a Model of Thin Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Configure Packages for an Individual Thin Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
Chapter 12
Modules Module List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
Add a Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Individual Module Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
ICA Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
Keyboard Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
Key Block Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
Key Block Single Key Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
Keyboard Configuration Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
On-Screen Keyboard Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
RF Ideas pcProx USB Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
Share Keyboard and Mouse Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
Language Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
Language Selection Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
Local Storage Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
Chapter 14
MultiMonitor MultiMonitor Layout Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
MultiMonitor Display Client Selection Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
Override Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
Share Keyboard and Mouse Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
Master Thin Client Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
Replica Thin Client Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
Share Keyboard and Mouse with MultiMonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
Chapter 15
Reports Select Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
Report Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
Print Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
Report Template Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
Chapter 16
Scheduling System Scheduling of Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
Schedule Configuration Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
About This Publication This publication provides comprehensive information for users of
ThinManager® thin client management software.
Download Firmware, AOP, Download firmware, associated files (such as AOP, EDS, and DTM), and access
EDS, and Other Files product release notes from the Product Compatibility and Download Center at
Summary of Changes This publication contains the following new or updated information. This list
includes substantive updates only and is not intended to reflect all changes.
Topic Page
Enable TFTP 588
E-signature 522
ThinManager Event Type, Event Group, Change Group 520
Signed/Custom Containers 90
Use Original Icons 28
Login Options Window 231
Additional Resources These documents contain additional information concerning related products
from Rockwell Automation.
Resource Description
Describes how to configure and use EtherNet/IP® devices to communicate on the
EtherNet/IP Network Devices User Manual, ENET-UM006 EtherNet/IP network.
Ethernet Reference Manual, ENET-RM002 Describes basic Ethernet concepts, infrastructure components, and infrastructure features.
Provides guidance on how to conduct security assessments, implement Rockwell Automation
System Security Design Guidelines Reference Manual, SECURE-RM001 products in a secure system, harden the control system, manage user access, and dispose of
Industrial Components Preventive Maintenance, Enclosures, and Contact Ratings Provides a quick reference tool for Allen-Bradley industrial automation controls and assemblies.
Specifications, publication IC-TD002
Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid-state Designed to harmonize with NEMA Standards Publication No. ICS 1.1-1987 and provides general
guidelines for the application, installation, and maintenance of solid-state control in the form of
Control, publication SGI-1.1 individual devices or packaged assemblies incorporating solid-state components.
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1 Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.
Product Certifications website, Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.
This chapter guides you through the actions needed to build and activate a
ThinManager system.
ThinManager This section describes how to install, activate, and configure ThinManager.
The database requires a password to be used as part of the encryption key and
prompts for a password as soon as it is installed or updated.
When ThinManager 11.2 and later is first run, a dialog box appears, which
prompts for a new database password.
This password is used for the encryption key when the database is
configured. There are no requirements for length or complexity. You can
leave the Password field blank.
Manual Backup
The manual backup password is for the copy of the database as a backup only,
not the running database. The password allows a user to backup the
configuration with a short password to send to support without the need to
send the main database password.
Manual Restore
The Database Password dialog box appears and prompts for the backup
database password, not the original database password.
Automatic Backup
2. Type the new password in the New Database Password and Verify New
Password fields.
3. Click Change Password to commit the changes.
4. Click OK.
User accounts without the Administer ThinManager Servers security role can
change the running database password. However, they are prompted to enter
the current database password. See Figure 7 on page 18.
Network Thin clients and Remote Desktop Servers need a reliable network.
Verify that traffic is allowed on the network ports that follow in all software
and hardware firewalls.
Port Protocol Description
UDP/67 DHCP – IP Address Assignment
Used by the PXE Server (if using PXE boot)
TCP/1494 Citrix ICA Used by the ICA protocol (if using ICA instead of RDP)
Used if the default Multicast is enabled. If the network MTU size
is not the default, then the packet size needs to be changed on
UDP/1758 Mulitcast TFTP the Multicast Configuration page of the ThinManager Server
Configuration Wizard.
Used to pass the configuration from the ThinManager Server to
TCP/2031 Proprietary – Configuration the ThinManager thin clients
Docker Client Communication Needed to allow an encrypted channel for the terminal to
TCP/2376 connect to a Container Host to display the Container content.
Used for LDAP queries targeted at the global catalog with
TCP/3268 LDAP Active Directory
Used by the Microsoft RDP protocol (if using RDP in v2.4.1
TCP/3389 RDP or later)
Used when the DHCP server is on the ThinManager server or
UDP/4011 DHCP when using the UEFI BIOS to boot.
UDP/4900 TFTP Used for the TFTP download of the firmware
Used to shadow Terminals. This can be changed on the Shadow
TCP/5900 Proprietary – Shadow Configuration page of the ThinManager Server Configuration
(Optional) Can be configured and used to deliver some modules
to thin client after the firmware is delivered. If closed, the
TCP/8443 HTTPS module falls back to UDP 69 or UDP 4900, depending on the
hardware, for module delivery. Can be changed in ThinServer.
ICMP Echo Packets ICMP Used by WinTMC and Enforce Primary
DHCP DHCP Configure as needed
You should have only one PXE server per network. It is beneficial to have a
separate VLAN for each ThinManager Server pair that replies to
PXE requests.
Hardware Introduction A ThinManager-ready thin client can use Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) or a static IP address for the client and ThinManager Server
IP address. Its BIOS instructs it to download the firmware.
Results Step 1: The clients connect to the ThinManager Server and download the
firmware and configuration.
Step 2: The configuration sends the clients to the Remote Desktop Server
to log in and start a session, and delivers any additional content assigned
to the terminal’s configuration.
ThinManager is the tool that allows you to define sources, deploy content,
configure devices, and allow user access. Each device connects to it to receive
its configuration and instructions.
ThinManager centralizes content servers and deploys the content to the plant
floor, office, or control room as needed.
An industrial network pulls the I/O to the PLCs. The Remote Desktop Server
hosts the sessions that run the HMI and talk to the PLCs to gather and display
the data.
ThinManager User Access ThinManager can provide additional security to the system that controls
deployment of applications to users. This was formerly called TermSecure and
is now integrated into ThinManager with Relevance as Access.
Figure 13 - Access
Location Services The Location Services component builds on the ThinManager system in that it
adds location to the application delivery. This allows content to be sent to the
right person, at the right place, at the right time.
You create Locations in Location Services and send content to the locations.
These can be assigned locations with a tethered terminal, or they can be
unassigned locations that have no terminal at the location and are accessed
solely by mobile devices.
ThinManager Interface This section leads you through the important features on the ThinManager
interface. Press F1 to find specific information while in the
ThinManager program.
Stacked the buttons allow you to make a quicker switch, but the minimized
buttons allow more room to show components in a larger system.
There is an arrow that allows customization tasks—you can hide or reorder the
branches of the tree.
The menus of ThinManager use the Microsoft Outlook ribbon but contain
similar functions as previous versions.
Figure 18 - Edit
Feature Description
Add ThinManager Server Allows connection to, and managment of, other ThinManager Servers from your local
interface. Appropriate permissions on the remote computer are required for access.
Intended for a remote connection, not the partner in a synchronized pair.
Disconnect Breaks the connection to the remote ThinManager Server.
Remove Deletes the remote ThinManager Server from the local list. Does not affect the remote
ThinManager Server.
Refresh Refreshes the data.
Modify Opens the configuration wizard for a highlighted tree component.
Feature Description
Add Launches a new configuration wizard for a highlighted tree component.
Add Group Launches a group configuration wizard for a highlighted tree component.
Copy Launches a dialog that allows you to create a copy of a highlighted item.
Delete Deletes a highlighted item.
Rename Renames a highlighted item.
Lock Locks a highlighted item.
Unlock Unlocks a locked item.
Find Use to search for names, descriptions, IP addresses, and other data in the tree.
Find Next Repeatedly search for a term.
Figure 19 - Manage
Feature Description
Packages Opens the Package Manager window.
Restore Opens a file browser to let you restore a previously saved ThinManager configuration.
Opens a file browser that lets you back up and save a ThinManager configuration for
Backup emergency restoration. This backup can be automated using the Scheduler.
Restore Biometric Opens a file browser to let you restore a previously saved Biometric database.
Backup Biometric Opens a file browser to let you save your Biometric data.
Use to manually synchronize a pair of ThinManager Servers if you are not using the
Synchronize recommended automatic synchronization.
PXE Server Launches the PXE Server configuration wizard.
ThinManager Server List Opens the ThinManager Server configuration wizard for automatic synchronization.
Opens the DNS configuration wizard to allow ThinManager to resolve names using
DNS Configuration your DNS.
Configure Default Terminal Allows configuration of the default Terminal if you are using auto-creation
of Terminals.
Web Management Allows web access management when it is implemented in the future.
Allows password management of Active Directory accounts. See Manage Accounts
Manage Accounts Management on page 379 for details.
Synchronize Passwords Allows synchronization of passwords between ThinManager and the Active Directory for
the chosen accounts. See Synchronize Password on page 385 for details.
Allows you to use Active Directory, set Password Settings, and select whether to use
Settings (Active Directory) Windows Security Groups or Active Directory Organizational Units. See Settings on
page 386 for details.
Opens the Resolver Management window that lets you Add, Delete, and Edit resolvers
Manage Resolvers added through a mobile device. See Mobile Device Interactions with Location Services on
page 425 for details.
Opens the ThinManager Settings window that lets you define iBeacons and manage
Settings (Resolver) Bluetooth filtering.
Opens the Access Groups dialog box where you create access groups for ThinManager
Access Groups User Services. See ThinManager Access Group Creation on page 324 for details.
Opens the Manage TLS Certificates wizard, where you can generate new certificates, copy,
or import certificates or keys. These certificates include Browser Custom CA Certificate,
TLS Certificate Docker Server CA Certificate, HTTPS Server Certificate, and Syslog Client Certificate. See
See TLS Certificates on page 57 for details.
Figure 20 - Install
Feature Description
Firmware Package Updates a firmware package, which consists of a firmware version and the modules for
that version.
Firmware Updates the firmware without an update of modules.
Modules Updates a module without an update of the firmware.
Boot Loader Updates the boot loader used in PXE boot.
Chain Loader Updates the chain loader used in PXE boot.
Container Images Launches the Install Container Image dialog box. See Install Container Images on page 90 for
more information.
Licenses Launches the Licensing window to add licenses to ThinManager.
License Mode Selects between the traditional ThinManager licensing or the Rockwell Automation
FactoryTalk activation.
TermCap Database The Terminal Capability Database has information on the abilities of every ThinManager-ready
thin client. A new version is released with every newly supported thin client. Service packs
update the TermCap but this allows you to update the TermCap if a new unit you have is
not listed.
Reports Adds a report and SQL query if you need a newly released one before it is added in a
service pack.
Figure 21 - Tools
Feature Description
Restart Resends the configuration to a highlighted terminal.
Reboot Cycles power to a highlighted terminal and reloads the firmware and configuration.
Cycles power to a highlighted Remote Desktop Server. Although it will give you a warning
Reboot Server prompt, do not use unless you are serious about restarting a Remote Desktop Server. All
sessions end abruptly when the server is rebooted.
Powers off a highlighted virtual machine or thin client with a Wake-On-LAN
Power Off function enabled.
This will power on a highlighted virtual machine or a thin client with a Wake-On-LAN function
Power On enabled.
Calibrate Touchscreen Initiates the calibrate touchscreen program on a highlighted terminal.
Send Message Sends a message to a highlighted terminal.
Enable Re-enables a disabled terminal, Remote Desktop Server, or location.
Disables a highlighted terminal, Remote Desktop Server, or location.
A terminal stops showing the session but shows a ThinManager splash screen. The session
continues to run on the Remote Desktop Server.
A disabled Remote Desktop Server kicks off all the ThinManager thin clients from the Remote
Disable Desktop Server, and forces them to a backup server. The Remote Desktop Server is still
functional and allows RDP connections from other sources. This is useful to force failover to a
backup so you can update your Remote Desktop Servers on the fly.
A location will stop showing the session when disabled.
Clear Clears the event log for the highlighted Terminal or Remote Desktop Server.
Figure 22 - View
Feature Description
Status Bar Check to display the status bar at the bottom of the ThinManager interface.
Show Connected Only Hides any unpowered or unconnected thin clients. Although it can be useful, it is best left
checked as it can be confusing when the unpowered terminal is hidden.
Launches the Options window with the settings for license notifications, and allows new
Options terminals and users to initiate a Terminal Configuration Wizard or ThinManager User
Configuration Wizard.
Application Use to choose the color scheme for ThinManager.
Tabs Use to choose the tab scheme for ThinManager.
Disable Tab Reordering Check to lock the Detail Pane tabs in their current position. Normally, the tabs can
be rearranged.
Check to lock the Detail Pane tabs in their current position. Normally, the tabs can be dragged
Disable Tab Tear-Off free from the ThinManager console.
Loads the icons into ThinManager defaulted in versions earlier than 13.01.00. When enabled,
Use Original Icons this setting requires ThinManager to be closed and relaunched to take effect.
Opens the Select Reports window that lets you select the reports for the various components.
Select Reports Select the Report tab for a highlighted component to see the actual report or use the Scheduler
to generate a report automatically.
Print Use to print a highlighted Report tab.
Feature Description
Interactive Check to click into and control a shadow session. Clear this option for view-only mode.
Shrinks the shadowed terminal to fit into the details pane. Clear this option to show it in the
Scaled to Window correct resolution with scroll bars to give you a closer view.
Makes the shadowed terminal’s image full screen. Use CTL+ALT+Break to undo full screen. To
Go Full Screen close ThinManager, use ALT+F4.
Send Keys Sends the selected key sequence to a shadowed terminal.
Use to click inside a shadow session and zoom in for detail. This option is dimmed until the
Zoom In Interactive checkbox is cleared.
Use to click inside a shadow session and zoom out for an overview. This option is dimmed until
Zoom Out the Interactive checkbox is cleared.
Use to configure the RDP settings when you connect to a Remote Desktop Server console from
Connect Options ThinManager.
Figure 24 - Help
Feature Description
About Shows the version and build number of ThinManager.
Help Launches the ThinManager Help.
Select More Commands from the Customize Quick Access Toolbar pull-down
menu to launch the Customize window and add icons of frequently
used functions.
Feature Description
Choose commands from Use to select commands from each group.
Lists the available command options. Select one and click Add to move it to the
Commands right-hand list to add it to the Quick Access bar. Adjust the order using the up and
down arrows.
Show Quick Access Toolbar Check to move the Quick Access bar.
below the Ribbon
The icons for the selected functions appear in the Quick Launch menu. Click
one to launch that function or wizard.
ThinManager Server
Icon Description
Green ThinManager ThinManager console is talking to the ThinServer.
ThinManager console is not talking to the ThinServer. Right-click on the icon and select
Red ThinManager Reconnect from the menu.
Note: You should not add the second ThinManager Server of a synchronized pair in
the tree of your Primary ThinManager Server. The data is the same.
Adding a second ThinManager Server is intended to display a remote connection to a
different system.
The Terminal branch of the ThinManager tree has several different icons.
Icon Represents
Dual Monitor A Terminal Group
Lock A Terminal with an open configuration wizard
Exclamation Mark A Terminal with a configuration change that needs a restart
Globe A Terminal with an assigned Location, which is shown in parentheses
Green Monitor A Terminal that is booted and connected to the ThinManager Server
Yellow Monitor A Terminal that is going through the boot process
A Terminal that has a ThinManager User logged in to the Terminal. The user name is shown
User in parentheses.
Red Monitor A Terminal that is either turned off or not able to communicate with the ThinManager Server
Red X A Terminal that was Disabled using the Tools>Disable command
Display Servers
Icon Represents
Blue Server The Remote Desktop Server branch
Server with Folder A Remote Desktop Server Group
Server with Virtual Boxes A Virtual Server defined through the VCenter Server tool
Blue Camera The Camera branch
Camera with Folder A Camera Group
Gray Camera A Camera
Blue Eye The VNC Server branch
Cyan Eye with Folder A VNC Server Group
Cyan Eye A VNC Server
The color stripe on a Remote Desktop Server icon indicates its connection
Icon Represents
Server with Gray Stripe A Remote Desktop Server without an administrative account
A Remote Desktop Server with a connection to the ThinServer using an administrative
Server with Green Stripe account
A Remote Desktop Server with an account but unable to make a connection to the
Server with Red Stripe ThinServer
Note: A red stripe does not mean that a Terminal cannot connect to the Remote
Desktop Server. It only indicates the status of the ThinManager Server to Remote
Desktop Server communication.
Display Clients
Icon Represents
Dark Gray Server and The Display Client Tree Branch
Blue Monitor
Blue Server and Blue The Remote Desktop Services Branch
Light Gray Server and A Remote Desktop Services Display Client
Blue Monitor
Gray Server A Remote Desktop Server assigned to a Display Client
Icon Represents
Dark Gray Server and The Display Client Tree Branch
Blue Monitor
Blue Server and Blue The Remote Desktop Services Branch
Blue Camera and Blue Monitor The Camera Branch
Gray Camera and Blue Monitor A Camera Display Client
Gray Camera inside a Blue Box A Camera Overlay assigned to a Display Client
Dark Blue Terminal and Blue Monitor The Terminal Shadow Branch
Light Blue Terminal and Blue Monitor The Terminal Shadow Display Client
Dark Blue Virtual Boxes and Blue Monitor The Terminal Shadow Branch
Medium Blue Virtual Boxes and Blue Monitor The Workstation Display Client
Dark Blue Eye and Blue Monitor The VNC Server Branch
Light Blue Eye and Blue Monitor The VNC Server Display Client
Icon Represents
Dark Blue Monitor and Blue Monitor The Virtual Screen Branch
Blue Monitor and Blue Monitor The Virtual Screen Display Client
Blue Square within a Blue Monitor The Virtual Screen Overlay
A Light Gray Server and Blue Monitor A Display Client. Assigned to the Overlay
A Remote Desktop Services Server assigned to the Display Client on the
A Light Gray Server Overlay
Lightning Bolts
Icon Represents
Green Lightning Bolt Active connection that is visible in the foreground
An active connection that is not displayed, usually running in the background.
Yellow Lightning Bolt An Instant Failover display client will show servers with a green and a yellow
to show the main and secondary session.
Red Lightning Bolt Defined connection that is not active.
ThinManager Users
Icon Represents
Light Blue Person The ThinManager User Tree Branch
Two People A ThinManager User Group
Red Person A ThinManager User
A ThinManager User that is logged in to a Terminal or Location. The Terminal is
Red Person with Blue Monitor displayed in parentheses.
The Globe icon represents the Locations Tree Branch, Locations, Parent
Locations, and Sub-Locations.
VCenter Servers
Icon Represents
Green and Yellow Squares Either the VCenter Tree Branch or a VCenter Server
Gray Building A VCenter Server Datacenter
Blue Virtual Squares A Virtual Machine, both server and workstation
ThinManager Master License ThinManager Master License is the traditional ThinManager license, which is
comprised of three components.
Component Description
Provides permission for terminals to connect, and controls which features and functions
Product License the terminals have. Purchase from a ThinManager distributor.
A container for the Product Licenses, which is created by the user on the ThinManager
Master License License site and has the Product Licenses added to it. Activated with the Installation ID
from the Licensing dialog box of the ThinManager application.
A file generated from the Master License and Installation ID on the ThinManager License
Activated License File site. Download and apply to ThinManager.
ThinManager Redundancy
Standard product licenses are available with redundancy. Enterprise server
licenses include full redundancy.
Redundancy Type Description
Licenses a synchronized pair of ThinManager servers so that one ThinManager server is
Full Redundancy available if the other is offline. Both synchronized ThinManager servers have the
administrative console available.
Licenses a synchronized pair of ThinManager servers so that one is available if the other
is offline, but this option only activates the administrative console on one ThinManager
server—the one designated as the primary ThinManager server. The other ThinManager
Mirrored Redundancy server is designated as the secondary ThinManager server. From the secondary server,
terminals can boot, but the ThinManager console
is view-only.
Licenses one stand-alone ThinManager. If the stand-alone ThinManager goes offline, the
Stand-Alone ThinManager terminals continue to run. However, if a terminal reboots, it waits until the ThinManager
server is online before it can rejoin the system.
c. Click OK.
5. Repeat step 4 for the Secondary ThinManager Server.
Figure 42 - Auto-synchronization Configuration Page
5. Click Next.
6. (Optional) Highlight a server and use the up and down arrows to change
the order of the servers in the list.
10.Enter the Installation IDs, which are found in the Licensing dialog box
when y0u choose Install>Licenses.
11. Once the Installation IDs are added, scroll down and click Create at the
bottom of the Master License form.
12.Click the Download License link and save the license file.
13. Move the license file to the ThinManager Server but not into the
ThinManager folder.
14. Choose Install>Licenses in the ThinManager menu to open the
Licensing dialog box.
Figure 50 - Install License
7. Click OK.
ThinManager System
Windows Users Windows Users are the Microsoft™ accounts created in Windows that allow
access to the Windows Remote Desktop Servers. These are configured within,
and authenticated by, Windows. They can be given varying levels of access and
power using Windows User Groups and Group Policies.
All users and terminals need a Windows account to log in to a Remote Desktop
Server. These accounts need to be members of the Remote Desktop
User Group.
As a Microsoft best practice, each Terminal or Location needs a unique
Windows account.
It is always a best practice to follow the principle of least privilege. Provide accounts
used for auto-login of Windows sessions only with the privilege required to access
the desired applications. For example, never use a Domain Administrator
for auto-login.
ThinManager Security ThinManager Security Group Users are Windows User Group members who
Group Users were configured, in the ThinManager Server Configuration Wizard, to have
varying levels of access and control within the ThinManager program. This
pertains to access to the administrative console of ThinManager, not access to
a Windows application.
ThinManager Users ThinManager Users can go to a ThinManager-ready thin client and receive
access to specific display clients based on their membership in an Access
Group. ThinManager performs authentication a level above the Windows
login. Formerly called TermSecure, this feature is currently integrated into the
Relevance suite of functions.
See Active Directory User Login Account on page 301 for details.
Locked ThinManager User accounts that are not Active Directory accounts can
be manually unlocked in the ThinManager Admin Console. Typically, user
accounts are locked after excessive unsuccessful login attempts. The number
of attempts allowed is set by the Account Lockout Policy setting in
ThinManager. Locked ThinManager ThinManager User accounts can be
unlocked at any time, regardless of the Account Lockout Period duration.
When Active Directory user accounts are locked due to excessive incorrect login
attempts, the account must be unlocked in Active Directory.
The user account is unlocked. Return to the terminal and attempt to log
in to the user account again.
The Syslog Client Certificate allows for secure connections when the syslog
logging is enabled. For more information, see SysLog Configuration Page on
page 575.
See HTTPS Server Settings Page on page 591 for more details.
Remote Desktop Microsoft servers with Remote Desktop Services, formerly known as Terminal
Services, provide the foundation of thin client computing, which consolidates
Servers management of the Windows environment to mainframe architecture. In this
document, Remote Desktop Server refers to the computer and operating
system, while Remote Desktop Services refers to the connection using the
Remote Desktop Protocol.
Microsoft Configuration
Refer to Microsoft for instructions on the use and configuration of
a Microsoft server.
Here are a few common tips.
• Build a Remote Desktop Server with Microsoft 2008, 2008R2, 20012, 2016 or 2019 Server operating system.
Enable Terminal Services in 2008 Server or Remote Desktop Services in 2008R2, 2012, and 2016 Server.
The 2012 and 2016 Servers usually require a domain.
• Create a Microsoft Licensing Server and add a Remote Desktop Services Client Access License
(RDS CAL) for each thin client. These are called Terminal Services Client Access Licenses (TS CALs) in Server
2008 and earlier. This does not need to be a separate physical server but can be a role added to an existing
server. The servers also require a normal CAL.
• Create a unique Microsoft user profile for each Terminal on the Remote Desktop Server. Make sure that the
user is a member of the Remote Desktop Users Windows group.
• Apply appropriate security to each user profile using the standard Microsoft techniques.
• Install all applications in the Install Mode. This can be done by typing change user /install in
a command window or by using the Install Application on Remote Desktop Server in the Control Panel.
Once the Remote Desktop Servers are built, you must define them as Display
Servers in ThinManager.
IMPORTANT If you are using a DNS server, click Cancel to close the Remote Desktop
Server Wizard. Click Manage>DNS Configuration. The Domain Name
Server Wizard appears where you define a DNS server.
3. Click Next.
Figure 65 - Introduction - Remote Desktop Server Wizard
The Remote Desktop Server Name page allows you to define the Remote
Desktop Server.
On the Remote Desktop Server Name page, the Search function allows you to
search for a domain user account for the administrative login.
The Search for AD User dialog box appears, which allows you to select an
Active Directory user.
Feature Description
Locations Click and the Select AD Location to Search dialog box appears, where you choose which Organizational
Unit (OU) to search
Recurse Check this option to set the Search function to look in nested Windows Security Groups. To enable this
function, set Choose AD Synchronization Mode to Security Group on the Active Directory System Settings
dialog box to work. To open the Active Directory System Setting dialog box, click
Manage>Active Directory>Settings.
Search Searches the selected OU and populates the Name field with the OU members
Filter Filters the results with either the Contains or Starts with function and the entry of the text box
2. Click Locations.
3. Choose the branch of the Active Directory tree that contains the
administrative user account.
4. Click OK.
The location appears in the Search for AD User dialog box with the list of
domain users from that branch.
The domain user is populated to the User Name field of the Remote
Desktop Server Name page.
If correct, the Account Verify dialog box indicates that the password
is valid.
10.To use the Remote Desktop Server with SmartSession, check Available
for Display Clients using SmartSession and click Next.
11. On the Data Gathering page, set the speed and frequency with which
ThinManager polls Remote Desktop Servers. This covers both
SmartSession and the data on the Users, Sessions, and Processes tabs of
the server. Fast is the default Data Gathering Interval, but the interval
can be changed for less frequent polling or to a custom value.
Figure 75 - SmartSession Configuration
Citrix Servers
Citrix™ StoreFront is fully supported with ThinManager 12.1 and later when using
container images with the embedded ICA client. See Containers on Thin Clients on
page 82.
Support for Citrix ICA was deprecated starting with ThinManager Server 9.0.
By default, the ability to configure a Remote Desktop Services Display Client to
use Citrix ICA was removed. This was deprecated because ICA is a proprietary
protocol that prevents it from being fully supported by all of the latest features
of ThinManager such as mobile clients, Tiling, Virtual Screens, and so on. With
that said, it is still possible to enable ICA in ThinManager.
To allow ICA configuration for ThinManager 9.0 and newer, follow these steps.
1. Open the registry editor and navigate to the option for your deployment.
This is a one-time change that does not need to be made again; for example,
after an upgrade.
ThinManager only supports the Citrix PNAgent on direct connections. Therefore, Citrix
7.x and later installations must enable PNAgent since it is no longer enabled by
default. Citrix StoreFront is supported with containers in ThinManager version 12.1
and later.
ThinManager has a search function that finds Remote Desktop Servers on the
network to speed your configuration.
The Available Remote Desktop Servers list shows all Remote Desktop Servers
that ThinManager can communicate with in a workgroup.
4. Choose the Remote Desktop Server to add and click OK.
The Remote Desktop Server Wizard appears, displaying the name and IP
5. Use the WorkGroup to search field to expand the search. Enter the
workgroup and click Find to search again.
The Remote Desktop Server Graph allows you to see the performance levels of
the server.
CPU Usage, Memory Usage, and Total Sessions are the values that
ThinManager uses to calculate the SmartSession resource load.
This graph is only displayed for Remote Desktop Servers that have a valid
administrative account on the Remote Desktop Server Name page, have
Available for Display Clients using SmartSession checked, and have an active
connection (green-light status) to the ThinManager Server.
Sometimes, large domains have issues where the connection times out before
the domain controller validates the user name. To correct this issue, create a
local administrative user account on each server, then have the ThinServer log
in with this account. This speeds up data retrieval.
Remote Desktop A Remote Desktop Server Group can be created to speed configuration by
Server Group selecting a pool of servers instead of an individual server.
The Remote Desktop Servers are added individually in the Remote Desktop
Server Wizard.
6. Double-click on the server under RDS Servers in the Display Server
The Remote Desktop Server Name page of the Remote Desktop Server
Wizard appears.
The Select Parent Remote Desktop Server Group dialog box appears.
8. Choose the desired Remote Desktop Server and click OK to accept the
Figure 90 - Remote Desktop Server Name Page with RDS Group Membership
The tree shows the member Remote Desktop Servers in the RDS
Servers group.
Button Description
Up Moves a highlighted Remote Desktop Server up in the priority list.
Down Moves a highlighted Remote Desktop Server down in the priority list.
10.Open the Remote Desktop Server Group wizard and navigate to the
Remote Desktop Server Order page to view the members of the Remote
Desktop Server Group.
The Display Client Wizard appears differently when Remote Desktop Server
Groups are configured versus not configured. The following steps depict when
no Remote Desktop Server Groups are configured.
1. In the Display Clients branch, double-click a Display Client.
3. Click Add.
The Select Remote Desktop Server or Group dialog appears, from which
you may select a Remote Desktop Server Group, an individual Remote
Desktop Server, or a Remote Desktop Server that is a member of a
Remote Desktop Server Group.
4. Highlight the desired Remote Desktop Server or group and click OK.
5. Repeat as needed.
Feature Description
Use RD Gateway Prompts the Display Client to use the Microsoft RD Gateway.
Bypass RD Gateway Allows the Display Client to use a Remote Desktop Server without going through the RD Gateway if
server for the Terminal and Remote Desktop Server are on the same subnet.
local address
Navigation through the remaining Display Client Wizard pages follows those
displayed when no Remote Desktop Server Groups are configured.
These steps illustrate how to create a Container Host Display Client to run on a
thin client. For containers running on thin clients, a Display Server does not
need to be created.
1. Under the Display Client tree, right-click Container Host and choose
Add Display Client.
There are a few configuration requirements for terminals that are Container
Hosts. Also, it is recommended that a terminal have at least 8 GB of RAM to
host containers. This varies based on the application that runs inside
the container.
1. For terminals that are Container Hosts, you must run at least Terminal
Firmware Package 12.1.0-9.2 (shown as 9.2 in the Terminal Firmware
Package drop-down menu). When this firmware is selected, an
additional setting appears on the Terminal Mode Selection page of the
wizard. Additional download and installation of terminal firmware
package 12.1.0-9.2 or greater may be required.
Figure 102 - Terminal Mode Selection Page
3. Type the Ram Disk Size in gigabytes into the field and click OK.
Setting Description
This value is the total write space of the container. The required minimum RAM Disk
Space allocated is at least 4 GB. The default value is also 4 GB. This value varies per the
application. It can be determined by the following formula:
Ram Disk Size (GB) [RAM Disk Size (GB)] = [Installed Container Image] + [Compressed Container
Image] + [300 MB Docker Engine] + [Swap and Temporary Files Space], where RAM
Disk Size (GB) cannot exceed the total RAM of the thin client.
The RAM Disk Size and container Memory size are independent settings. The sum of
RAM Disk Size and container Memory may not exceed the total physical memory
(RAM) available on the thin client.
The Container Host needs two TLS Certificates and a TLS key installed,
which provides secure authentication between the Container Host and
the ThinServer service. The certificates can be generated with the TLS
Certificate tool in ThinManager.
6. Generate the two certificates and the key, and move them to the Docker
Container Host.
If a virtual machine is not used, skip to Running the Script. To prepare your
virtual machine, follow these steps to enable nested virtualization.
If a Hyper-V virtual machine is used, this setting can be set using PowerShell.
1. Power off the Docker Container Server virtual machine.
2. On the Hyper-V host, open PowerShell as an Administrator.
Figure 104 - Windows PowerShell
If you use a VMware virtual machine, this setting can be configured under
Virtual Machine Settings.
1. Power off the Docker Container Server virtual machine.
2. Navigate to Virtual Machine Settings.
Once the designated Server 2019 has Internet connectivity, run the script
Install-Docker.ps1 located in the installer files at:
or at
3. Type:
".\Install-Docker.ps1 -AllowFirewall -Restart".
and press Enter to run the script. See Figure 108.
Switch Description
Creates a Windows firewall rule, Docker SSL Inbound, to allow TCP2376, the default port for Docker. If
-AllowFirewall this is not specified in this PowerShell command, it must be added manually to the Windows
firewall rules.
Automatically restarts the server after the installation of Hyper-V and Docker Containers. If it is omitted,
-Restart the script prompts if a restart is required.
-Verbose Enables more in-depth information about command processing.
4. Once the server restarts, repeat steps 1 through 3 to initiate the
5. To complete the installation, restart the Docker service in Windows
Services or restart the server.
The Container Host is a new branch of the Display Server branch of the
ThinManager tree.
1. Right-click on the Container Hosts icon and choose Add Container Host.
1. Right-click on the Container Host icon and choose Add Display Client.
2. Type the name of the display client in the Client Name field.
3. Choose an installed Container Image from the Container Application
pull-down menu. The Firefox browser is the default Container Image.
See Install Container Images on page 90 for more information on
installed Container Images.
4. Click Next.
The Display Client Wizard continues with the typical pages and settings.
The Select Container Hosts page of the Display Client Wizard allows the
selection of a Container Host much like Remote Desktop Servers are selected
in Remote Desktop Server Display Clients.
5. Select the Container Host of your choice for the Display Client.
6. Click Next to continue with the wizard.
The Container Properties page shows the maximum size the Docker
Container uses. By default, the maximum size is 1 GB, but it can
be changed.
8. The final page of the Container Display Client Wizard, which uses the
Firefox web browser Container Image, allows you to specify the web
content to be displayed through the Start URL field.
Figure 116 - AppLink Path Page
The Firefox browser is put into Kiosk Mode, which prevents user access
to the address bar. The content is displayed without the toolbar, menu,
and URL field.
11. Click Finish to close the Wizard.
Container Host Display Clients are added to thin clients, or terminals, like any
other Display Client.
The Container Display Client is added on the Display Client Selection page
with the other Display Clients.
The selected Container Display Client launches when the terminal boots.
Three files are needed to add the two certificates and one key to the
Container Host.
The first certificate needed is the Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate, which
is generated in the Certificate Authority Window.
1. Choose Manage>TLS Certificate.
Setting Description
Generate New Certificate Click if you want to invalidate existing certificates, which ThinServer generates automatically
during installation.
Click if your site’s IT department already uses Docker and generated a CA certificate that
Import they want to use.
Certificate Length (days) The number of days the CA certificate is valid. Change as needed from the default 7,300
days, or 20 years.
Save Click to save the certificate so you can export it to the Container Host.
Figure 121 uses docker-ca-cert.pem as the CA certificate name. You must use
the file name that was specified in the Docker configuration folder.
Server Certificate
The TLS Certificate dialog box does not show the Certificate and the
Certificate Key until the Generate New Certificate button is clicked. The
Certificate and the Certificate Key must be saved and moved to the
Container Host.
2. Click Save for the Certificate.
Figure 126 shows the three certificate files, generated through ThinManager,
installed on the Container Host.
USB cameras are added to a Terminal and configured. See Define the IP
Camera as a Display Server on page 103.
The Camera Configuration Wizard is launched from the Camera branch of the
Display Servers tree.
1. To open the Display Servers tree, click the Display Servers icon at the
bottom of the ThinManager tree.
2. Right-click on the Cameras branch and choose Add Camera to launch the
Camera Configuration Wizard.
Figure 129 - Camera Name Page
IP Camera
ThinManager supports IP cameras added to the network. A thin client that has
a camera added makes a connection to the camera and streams the video feed
directly. The video does not go through the ThinManager Server. ThinManager
only tells the thin client to stream the video feed.
Choose a protocol that the camera uses from the following choices.
For this option, choose the make and model from a list contained in the
TermCap database. ThinManager populates the
necessary URL.
Motion JPEG
This protocol provides flexibility of camera choices because it does not require
the use of a camera from the TermCap database.
Each camera uses a specific Motion JPEG URL, usually specified in the camera
manufacturer’s documentation.
Enter the Motion JPEG URL in the Custom URL field on the Camera
Authentication page.
RTSP has several transport layers—HTTP, TCP, UDP, and UDP multicast.
Specify the URL that specific camera uses for the video stream.
5. Enter the Username and Password of the account for the camera that
allows streaming. The thin client is unable to access the video feed
without an account unless the camera allows anonymous access.
6. Enter the RTSP URL specified by the camera manufacturer in the
Customer URL field.
7. Click Finish.
To access the camera’s browser control panel, highlight the camera in the
ThinManager tree and click the Connect tab. Make changes as needed.
• If a camera uses a 32-bit ActiveX, then it can be connected and viewed within a 32-bit
ThinManager, but not a 64-bit ThinManager.
• If a camera uses a 64-bit ActiveX, then it can be connected and viewed within a 64-bit
ThinManager, but not a 32-bit ThinManager.
The network settings and configuration are available, but not the live video feed.
7. Click Next.
A USB camera cannot be connected to and managed from the Connect detail pane in
the ThinManager console.
VNC Servers ThinManager uses Virtual Network Computing (VNC) to shadow thin clients
in various ways.
• From within the ThinManager Server console
• From another Terminal using a Terminal Shadow Display Client
• Through a connection to any VNC Server to shadow from the
administrative console or through a display client
Figure 139 - VNC Server Name Page of the VNC Server Configuration Wizard
You must create a VNC Display Client to deploy the VNC shadow. See
VNC Shadow on page 188 for details.
To activate the remote desktop function on the workstation, follow these steps.
1. Right-click the My Computer icon and choose Properties, or double-click
the System icon in Control Panel.
This makes the workstations sources. You deliver the workstation to the
thin client by defining Workstation Display Clients as shown in the
Content section.
VCenter Servers VCenter Server support is deprecated with ThinManager version 13. If a
VCenter Server is configured prior to an update from an earlier version to
version 13 or later, then the configuration is retained. VCenter Server
configuration is not visible or available if the system is initially installed as
version 13 or later, or if there is no existing configuration prior to an upgrade.
If you use VMware ESXi™, you can connect using the ThinManager interface
to access several of the management features provided by VMware VCenter®.
2. Right-click the VCenter Servers branch and choose Add VCenter Server.
6. In the VCenter Servers tree, right-click the VCenter Server for a list of
the following options.
VCenter Server Function Description
Power Operations
• Power On Turns on a stopped or suspended virtual machine
• Power Off Turns off a stopped or suspended virtual machine
• Suspend Suspends a running virtual machine and stores the state
• Reset Cycles power to the virtual machine to restart it
• Take Snapshot Captures and stores the state of the virtual machine
• Revert to Current Snapshot Reapplies the stored state of a previously saved virtual machine
• Snapshot Manager Launches the Snapshot management tool
Rename Allows the virtual machine to be renamed
Remove from Inventory Removes the virtual machine from the tree without deleting the files
Delete Removes the virtual machine from the tree and deletes the file system
Snapshots save the state of the virtual machine in a file, which allows you to
preserve a working status before applying new applications, programs or
updates. If the changes fail or are undesired, then the snapshot can be
restored, allowing the virtual machine to return to the state it was in prior to
the changes.
Create a Snapshot
To take a snapshot of the state of the virtual machine, follow these steps.
1. In the VCenter Servers tree, right-click the virtual machine and choose
Snapshot>Take Snapshot.
Use a Snapshot
The Snapshot Manager dialog box displays all saved snapshots for the selected
virtual machine, including the name, description, and creation date of a
highlighted snapshot.
2. Click an action to take regarding a snapshot.
Virtual Remote Desktop Servers that reside on a VCenter Server can be defined
using a wizard.
2. Right-click the RDS Servers branch and choose Add Virtual Remote
Desktop Server.
3. Choose your VCenter Server from the pull-down if you have multiple
servers defined.
The tree displays a different icon for a Remote Desktop Server when it is
configured as a virtual Remote Desktop Server. A virtual Remote
Desktop Server created as a physical Remote Desktop Server displays the
same icon as a physical Remote Desktop Server.
Virtual Remote Desktop Servers can be used in display clients just like physical
Remote Desktop Servers.
Content is sent to devices through Display Clients. This chapter discusses the
various display clients through which content is delivered.
Remote Desktop Services The most common content sent to a device is a Windows application.
Display Clients Applications are sent as Remote Desktop Services display clients. You can
either give a user a full desktop, or limit them to a specific application
with AppLink.
You can present a Desktop to a terminal for a user. The device can log in
automatically with the terminal account. Alternatively, you can allow the user
to log in manually so that they receive the desktop that is associated with their
user account.
1. Enter a name for the display client in the Client Name field.
The Type of Display Client field automatically populates when you open
the Display Client Wizard as we did in the previous step. When you open
the Display Client Wizard from the top-level Display Clients branch, you
must choose the Type of Display Client you want from the
pull-down menu.
2. Click Next.
Setting Description
Client Options
Allow Display Client to be tiled Allows the display client to be tiled.
When using MultiMonitor, this setting allows the display client to be moved from
Allow Display Client to be moved screen to screen. A movable display client can be anchored with a setting on the
(MultiMonitor) Screen Options page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard.
Include Camera Overlays Allows an IP camera overlay to be added to this display client.
Allows a display client overlay to be added to this display client. See Virtual
Include Virtual Screen Overlays Screens on page 193 for details.
Hides the display client until a ThinManager user logs in. When the display client
Delay until ThinManager User present launches, it uses the credentials of the ThinManager user to start
the session.
Connection Options
Keeps a session active—it reconnects and restarts if it is closed. Clear the
Always maintain a connection checkbox so the user can close a session and another session does not
start automatically.
Starts a session for the display client at boot-up. Clear the checkbox so a user
Connect at boot-up action is required to start the session.
In a MultiSession configuration, disconnects once it is moved into the
Disconnect in the background background. Use to require fewer resources.
3. Check the options that apply to the Display Client and click Next.
The Remote Desktop Services and Workstation Options page of the Display
Client Wizard is key to Display Client configuration. These settings control
how Remote Desktop Server content is deployed to the Terminal.
Setting Description
Automatically logs in to the session when a user account is applied to the Terminal.
Allow Auto-Login Clearing this checkbox displays the login window and forces a manual login, which is
useful to provide a user with a login based on their group policy.
Launches a single application instead of a Desktop. The session lacks the Explorer shell
and does not show Desktop icons or the Start menu. Close the AppLink program to end the
Application Link current session and starts a new session with the application running. This setting allows
the administrator to control content to the user in a simple manner without the need to use
group policies. Note: This setting is not valid with workstations after Windows XP.
Adds SmartSession to the display client, which provides load balancing between member
Remote Desktop Servers. SmartSession uses CPU availability, memory, and the number of
SmartSession sessions on the member Remote Desktop Servers to determine the load on the servers.
Thin clients connect to the Remote Desktop Server with the most available resources.
Makes a thin client reconnect to its original Remote Desktop Server if the RDS fails and
Enforce Primary recovers. Disabled when SmartSession is checked.
Allows you to specify at least two Remote Desktop Servers. On startup, the Terminal
connects and initiates sessions on two Remote Desktop Servers, but displays one session
only. If the first Remote Desktop Server fails, the session of the second Remote Desktop
Instant Failover Server session is immediately displayed, eliminating any downtime due to Remote Desktop
Server failure. With this setting, the display client looks for two active sessions; so, if one
Remote Desktop Server fails, the display client starts a session on a third Remote Desktop
Server if there is one in the server list.
4. (Optional) Clear the Allow Auto-Login checkbox if you want to provide
the login prompt and force manual login.
5. Clear the Application Link checkbox to deploy to Desktop.
6. Click Next.
The Session Resolution/Scaling Options page sets the ability of the display
client to scale the session. This page has parameters that can be configured:.
Setting Description
Session Scaling Options
Keeps the aspect ratio of the session constant when scaling. With the checkbox
Maintain Aspect Ratio cleared, the session fits the available display size.
Allows a session to be shrunk for a thumbnail, but does not expand it beyond the
Scale Down Only original size designation.
Screen Resolution Options
Overrides the session resolution and enables the Resolution settings for configuration
Don’t Use Screen Resolution of a new display resolution.
Pull-down menus allow you to select a new resolution for the display when Don’t Use
Resolution Screen Resolution is checked.
7. Click Next.
The Display Client Members page allows you to select the Remote Desktop
Servers on which to run the application.
8. Click a server to highlight it, and use the left and right arrows to move
the Remote Desktop Servers between the Available and Selected Remote
Desktop Servers lists.
If your defined Remote Desktop Servers do not show in the list, it is likely you
checked SmartSession on the Remote Desktop Services and Workstation Options
page without checking Available for Display Clients using SmartSession on the
Remote Desktop Server Capabilities page of the Remote Desktop Server Wizard.
To get your defined Remote Desktop Servers to appear in the list, follow these steps.
a. Click Edit Server List to open the Remote Desktop Server List Wizard.
b. Double-click or highlight the servers you want to appear in the list, and click Edit Server to open the
Remote Desktop Server Wizard.
c. Click Next until you reach the Remote Desktop Server Capabilities page and check Available for Display
Clients using SmartSession.
d. Click Finish.
Adding two Remote Desktop Servers to the Selected Remote Desktop Servers
list provides failover. In normal failover, the terminal connects to the first
Remote Desktop Server. If the connection fails, it connects to the second RDS.
SmartSession load balancing does not follow the list order. Instead, the
terminal connects to the Remote Desktop Server with the most
resources available.
9. Click Finish.
The Display Client Wizard closes, and the new Display Client appears in
the Remote Desktop Services branch Display Clients navigation pane.
The Display Client Wizard appears differently when Remote Desktop Server
Groups are used to speed selection of Remote Desktop Servers.
Figure 159 - Remote Desktop Server Groups Defined in the RDS Servers Tree
Figure 160 - Display Client Members Page with RDS Server Groups
The Display Client Members page has a different format to select the Remote
Desktop Servers.
1. Click Add.
The Display Client Members page appears with the desired RDS Group
populated to the Selected Remote Desktop Servers field.
Figure 162 - Display Client Members Page with RDS Server Groups
Setting Description
Prompts the Display Client to use the Microsoft RD
Use RD Gateway Server Gateway. See Remote Desktop Server Group on
page 75.
Allows the Display Client to use a Remote Desktop
Bypass RD Gateway Server without going through the RD Gateway if the
server for local address Terminal and Remote Desktop Server are on the
same subnet.
3. Click Finish.
3. Enter a name for the display client in the Client Name field.
4. (Optional) Check Set a Display Name to enable the Display Name field
and enter a simplified Display Client name in the tree.
The Type of Display Client is automatically chosen when you right-click the Remote
Desktop Services branch. However, when you right-click the
top-level Display Clients branch, you must choose the type from the Type of Display
Client pull-down menu.
5. Click Next.
Setting Description
Client Options
Allow group to be tiled Allows the Display Client Group to be tiled.
Allows the Display Client to be moved from one MultiMonitor screen to another. A
Allow Group to be moved display client that allows it to be moved can be anchored with a setting on the
(MultiMonitor) Screen Options page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard.
Include IP Camera Overlays Allows an IP Camera overlay to be added to this display client.
Allows a virtual screen overlay to be added to this display client.
Include Virtual Screen Overlays See Virtual Screens on page 193 for details.
Connection Options
Keeps a session active—restarts and reconnects—if it is closed. Clear this checkbox
Always maintain a connection to allow the user to close a session and not have another session
start automatically.
Starts a session for this display client at boot-up. When the checkbox is clear, a user
Connect at boot-up action is required to start the session.
A display client being used in a MultiSession configuration disconnects once it is
Disconnect in background moved into the background. Use this option to require fewer resources.
6. Choose the desired Client Options and click Next.
ThinManager thin clients can use the default Microsoft Remote Desktop
Protocol (RDP) or Citrix ICA (Independent Computing Architecture).
7. Click the terminal server type to use with the display client and
click Next.
The Remote Desktop Services and Workstation Options page is the key page in
Display Client configuration. These settings control how Remote Desktop
Server content is deployed to the Terminal.
Connection Options Description
Automatically logs in to the session if a user account is applied to the terminal, which is
Allow Auto-Login the typical setting. Clear this checkbox to display the log in window and force a manual
login, which is useful in order to provide a user with a login based on their group policy.
Launches a single application instead of a Desktop. The session lacks the Explorer shell
and does not show Desktop icons or the Start menu. Closing the AppLink program
Application Link (AppLink) terminates the session and starts a new one as the application runs. This allows the
administrator to control content sent to the user in a simple manner without needing to
use group policies.
Adds SmartSession to the display client, which provides load balancing between member
Remote Desktop Servers. SmartSession uses CPU availability, memory, and the number of
SmartSession sessions on the member Remote Desktop Servers to determine the load on the servers.
Thin clients connect to the Remote Desktop Server with the most available resources.
Tells a thin client to reconnect to its original Remote Desktop Server if that Remote
Enforce Primary Desktop Server failed and recovered. Not available when SmartSession is selected.
Activates Instant Failover, in which you specify at least two Remote Desktop Servers. On
boot the Terminal, it connects and starts sessions on two Remote Desktop Servers, but
only displays one session. If the first Remote Desktop Server fails, the session of the
second Remote Desktop Server session is immediately displayed, which eliminates any
Instant Failover downtime due to Remote Desktop Server failure. An Instant Failover display client
requires two active sessions in case one Remote Desktop Server fails, then the display
client starts a session on a third Remote Desktop Server if one is in the server list. Instant
Failover is free for ThinManager but requires a second application license as two active
sessions are running the application.
8. Check Application Link to deploy a single AppLink application.
9. (Optional) Clear the Allow Auto-Login checkbox to provide the log in
prompt and force manual login.
10.Click Next.
The Session Resolution/Scaling Options page sets the ability of the display
client to scale the session. This page has parameters that can be configured.
Options Description
Session Scaling Options
Keeps the aspect ratio of the session constant when scaling. Clear the checkbox
Maintain Aspect Ratio for the session to fit the available display size.
Allows a session to be shrunk for a thumbnail, but does not expand it beyond the
Scale Down Only original size designation.
Screen Resolution Options
Allows for override of the session resolution and to set a new resolution for the
Don’t Use Screen Resolution display.
Allows you to select a new resolution for the display when Don’t Use Screen
Resolution Resolution is checked.
11. Click Next.
The Display Client Members page of the Display Client Wizard allows the
selection of Remote Desktop Servers on which you want the application.
12.Highlight the Remote Desktop Servers you want to use in the Available
Remote Desktop Servers list and click the right arrow to move them to
the Selected Remote Desktop Servers list.
If your defined Remote Desktop Servers do not appear in the Available Remote
Desktop Servers list, it is likely you checked SmartSession on the Remote Desktop
Services and Workstation Options page without checking Available for Display Clients
using SmartSession on the Remote Desktop Server Capabilities page of the Remote
Desktop Server Wizard.
To get your defined Remote Desktop Servers to appear in the list, follow these steps.
a. Click Edit Server List to open the Remote Desktop Server List Wizard.
b. Double-click or highlight the servers you want to appear in the list, and click Edit Server to open the
Remote Desktop Server Wizard.
c. Click Next until you reach the Remote Desktop Server Capabilities page and check Available for Display
Clients using SmartSession.
d. Click Finish.
Adding two Remote Desktop Servers to the Selected Remote Desktop Servers
list provides failover. In normal failover, the terminal connects to the first
Remote Desktop Server. If that fails, it connects to the second.
SmartSession load balancing does not follow the list order. Instead, the
terminal connects to the Remote Desktop Server with the lightest load.
Alternatively, if Remote Desktop Server Groups are used to speed the selection
of Remote Desktop Servers, then the Display Client Members page displays the
Selected Remote Desktop Servers list only.
a. Click Add.
The AppLink Page contains a field for the path to the executable to launch the
desired application.
13. Enter the path to the application in the Program Path and Filename
field, or click Browse, which launches a file browser.
14. Click Finish to complete the wizard and save the configuration.
Here are a few considerations for when you enter the application in the
Program Path and Filename field.
• The file browser is on the ThinManager Server and not the Remote
Desktop Server unless you installed ThinManager on your Remote
Desktop Server.
• The path to the application needs to be the same on each Remote
Desktop Server.
• If the file is different on different servers, you may need to use a batch
file to launch the application using different paths.
Create a batch file in the same location on each Remote Desktop Server. The
batch file can be as simple as 3 lines, as follows.
The batch file may need different paths on different servers. The first line is
changed to reflect the location on that particular Remote Desktop Server.
This first line uses Program Files (x86) instead of Program Files to reflect the
location on that particular Remote Desktop Server.
The batch file must be in a consistent location when using multiple Remote
Desktop Servers.
Once you have created a display client, it appears in the Display Clients branch
of the ThinManager tree.
Connection Options
Allow Auto-Login
The Command Prompt shortcut property has a Target field and a Start in field.
The Target field contains the path to the executable. The Start in field contains
the home directory for the application.
Figure 178 shows how the path data from the shortcut is used in AppLink.
The Target field from Figure 177 is equivalent to the Program Path and
Filename field in Figure 178.
The Start in field in Figure 177 is equivalent to the Start in the following folder
field in Figure 178.
Alternatively, follow these steps to configure the group policy to allow any initial
a. Open the Group Policy.
b. Navigate to Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Remote Desktop
Services>Remote Desktop Session Host>Connections.
c. Set the Restrict Remote Desktop Services user to a single Remote Desktop Services session parameter
to Enabled.
The load = (CPU weight x the CPU Use%) + (Memory weight x Memory
Use%) + (Session weight x Session Number%)
SmartSession Weights
Field Description
CPU Utilization Weight The CPU mulitplier.
Memory Utilization Weight The Memory multiplier.
Session Weight The Session multiplier.
Time a terminal waits in the queue before being sent to a Remote Desktop Server that
has another terminal connecting. The terminal may wait longer than this value to
Queue Time Min (s) connect if the CPU of the Remote Desktop Server exceeds the Maximum CPU Utilization
defined on the SmartSession Configuration page of the Remote Desktop Server
Configuration wizard.
Maximum time a terminal waits in the queue before being sent to the Remote Desktop
Queue Time Max (s) Server to log in regardless of the load.
When checked, ThinManager waits until the CPU utilization of the Remote Desktop
Infinite Server regains an acceptable range before sending other terminals to it to log in.
The SmartSessions Settings page only appears before the AppLink page if
SmartSession is checked on the Remote Desktop Services and Workstation
Options page, see Figure 175. The SmartSession Settings page allows you to
change the weight of each SmartSession load balancing component.
Increasing the weight of one of the components increases its value and makes
it more sensitive to overload of that resource. For example, if you are
concerned with the CPU being taxed on the servers, you can increase the CPU
Utilization Weight to make that value increase the SmartSession Load.
SmartSession Ranges
Normally, ThinManager uses the full ranges of CPU and RAM to determine the
SmartSession load. You can adjust those ranges in the Remote Desktop
Server Wizard.
To open the Remote Desktop Server Wizard and adjust ranges, follow
these steps.
1. Double-click the desired server on the Remote Desktop Servers branch
of the Display Servers tree.
Field Description
CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU usage on the Remote Desktop Server.
Memory Utilization The percentage of Memory usage on the Remote Desktop Server.
Sessions The number of sessions on a Remote Desktop Server.
The value that ThinManager uses as the starting point of the load. A value below the
Minimum Minimum is considered to be unused.
The value that ThinManager considers the parameter as reaching 100% utilized and is
Maximum unavailable.
If you are concerned about using all your resources on a server, you can lower
the Maximum setting. For example, if you change the Sessions Maximum to
25, that means 25 sessions is 100% utilization, and ThinManager considers the
server less available. Likewise, if you change the CPU Utilization Maximum to
75%, that tells ThinManager that the server is loaded at 75% CPU utilization,
which leaves some spare CPU available.
These numbers can be left at the default settings unless you notice a
performance problem. The Weights or Ranges can be adjusted through trial
and error to determine the best performance.
Values are not prevented from exceeding the maximum or minimum. The values
represent the levels that ‘No Utilization’ or ‘Full Utilization’ is reached.
3. Set the Minimum and Maximum values accordingly, and click Finish.
During failover, Queuing smooths the transition from one server to another.
Queuing acts like an intelligent bottleneck. When ThinManager detects all the
servers have depleted their resources, it waits until the loads drop and
resources become available before the server assignments are given to the
terminals. Without Queuing, the terminals switch immediately, which places a
demand on the system that greatly slows performance until all the sessions
initialize and reach stable load levels.
If the server is hindered by the default settings, try a longer interval. Check
Infinite to keep the terminal waiting until the load decreases to an
acceptable level. However, if the server has a problem, such as a memory leak,
then the resources may never decrease enough to allow the terminals to
connect. It is better to increase the Max field to a longer interval.
Enforce Primary
The thin client connects to the Remote Desktop Servers in the order of the
Selected Remote Desktop Servers list. If the terminal fails to connect to the
first one, it tries the second one, then the third one, until it finds a listed server
that allows a connection.
With Enforce Primary, the top Remote Desktop Server in the list is considered
the Primary Remote Desktop Server, and the terminal always tries to connect
to this server. If the terminal is running on the primary server, and the server
fails, then the terminal switches to a back-up server. However, the terminal
monitors the primary Remote Desktop Server. If the primary Remote Desktop
Server becomes available, then the terminal switches back to its assigned
Primary Remote Desktop Server.
The Terminal connects to the first Remote Desktop Server in the Selected
Remote Desktop Server list.
If the first Remote Desktop Server fails, the terminal detects it, disconnects,
and tries the next server in the Selected Remote Desktop Servers list. It
launches the same display client with the same credentials.
Field Description
Pre-set Monitor Intervals
Custom Allows administrator to change settings from defaults.
A set rate for the frequency with which the Remote Desktop Server status
Fast/Medium/Slow is checked.
Monitor Interval (s) Time the terminal waits before it attempts to reconnect.
Monitor Timeout Time interval between reconnection attempts.
Monitor Retry Number of times the terminal tries to reconnect before failover.
Primary Up Delay Multiplier A constant used to generate the Primary Up Delay time.
A delay—usually, 30…60 seconds—added to allow a Remote Desktop Server to fully boot
before the terminal tries to log in. Equal to the Monitoring Interval multiplied by the
Primary Up Delay Primary Up Delay Multiplier. Prevents a terminal that uses Enforce Primary from a return
to its primary Remote Desktop Server before it is ready.
Using the Fast setting, a terminal waits five seconds, tries to reconnect; waits
one second, tries to reconnect a second time; waits a second, tries to reconnect
a third time; then switches to the other server. This takes 10…20 seconds in a
real-world scenario.
There are other settings, which include a custom setting; but the slower
settings are usually not needed with today’s fast networks.
The terminal can switch to a backup in 10…20 seconds, but the applications
need to load. If you do not want to wait for the application to load, you can use
Instant Failover. See Instant Failover on page 152 for more information.
Instant Failover
A Display Client configured with Instant Failover (see Figure 175 on page 139)
sends the terminal to connect to two Remote Desktop Servers at startup, which
gives it two active sessions.
You may need a second license from your application vendor in order to use
Instant Failover.
If the first Remote Desktop Server fails, the session of the second Remote
Desktop Server session is immediately displayed, which eliminates any
downtime due to Remote Desktop Server failure.
An Instant Failover display client has two active sessions; so, if one Remote
Desktop Server fails, the display client starts a session on a third Remote
Desktop Server if there is one in the Selected Remote Desktop Servers list.
Camera Display Clients Camera video feed can be displayed on ThinManager Ready thin clients and
ThinManager Compatible thin clients.
• Configure the camera device according to the camera vendor guidelines.
• Define the camera as a Camera Display Server.
• Create a Camera Display Client and add camera output as overlays.
See Camera Display Clients on page 153.
• Add the Camera Display Client to a Terminal.
See Terminal Configuration Wizard in ThinManager on page 219.
Camera Display Client applications for the Terminal are defined using the
Display Client Configuration Wizard.
To define a Camera Display Client application for the terminal, follow these
1. Click the Display Clients icon at the bottom of the ThinManager
navigation pane.
Figure 193 - Add Camera Display Client
The Display Client Wizard appears, opened at the Client Name page,
which sets the name and type of Display Client.
Figure 194 - Camera Display Client Name Page of the Display Client Wizard
The wizard starts like the Remote Desktop Services Display Client Wizard but
changes at the Overlay Layout page.
Camera feeds are laid out on the Overlay Layout page of the Display
Client Wizard.
Setting Description
Choose a setting from the pull-down menu to set the layout of the displays from a single
Choose Camera Overlay overlay to multiple overlays on the Display Client. Choices include formats from a single
camera to 16 camera displays.
Display Size Sets the display resolution size.
Launches the Custom Overlay dialog box, which allows you to define the name, size, and
Add Overlay location of the camera display.
Remove Overlay Removes a highlighted overlay from the Display Client.
Permissions Launches the Permissions dialog box, which allows Relevance permissions to be set.
Reset Scale Adjusts all Overlays to fit within the screen.
Snap Check to align the edges of the overlays, side by side.
You can either use a camera overlay template or lay out a custom overlay.
The Overlay Cameras page appears, where the wizard lets you add a
camera per grid.
Setting Description
Cameras to Show
All Cameras Available Makes all cameras available. Clear the checkbox to add specific cameras via Add.
Add Use to add a camera to the overlay.
Delete Deletes a camera from the overlay.
Set Initial Camera Sets the initial camera from a series of cameras.
Overlay Options Launches the Overlay Options dialog box.
The gray-shaded area represents the overlay to which you are assigning
cameras. By default, All Cameras Available is checked, which makes all cameras
available in that overlay.
4. Click Set Initial Camera.
The Select Initial Camera dialog box appears with a list of cameras from
which to select.
6. To limit the overlay to a smaller set of cameras, clear the All Cameras
Available checkbox and click Add.
Overlay Options
1. Once the cameras for the overlay are added, click Overlay Options.
2. Choose the Overlay Options for the camera display, and click OK.
Option Description
General Options
Makes the overlay visible at startup. Clear this setting to start the display client with the
Enable Overlay camera in a disabled, nonvisible state. The TermMon ActiveX Control can be used by an
application to enable the overlay.
Allows user on the terminal to interact with the overlay. If the user clicks in the overlay
Interactive area, they can perform functions such as switching cameras and making the overlay full
Scale Scales camera frames to the size of the overlay window. Aspect ratio is maintained.
Crops the camera frame if it is larger than the camera overlay. When combined with the
Crop Scale option, the overlay area is entirely filled.
Show Complete Camera Allows the entire path of the camera to be displayed. The path includes any groups of
Name which the camera is a member.
Border Size Determines the size of the overlay outside border.
Title Options
Title Position Position of the camera name within the overlay.
Size of the camera name when displayed within the overlay. Choose Don’t Show Title to
Title Size display no camera name.
Cycling Options(1)
Enable Cycling Cycles between the cameras assigned to the overlay.
Time (in seconds) that the overlay displays each camera before switching to the
Cycle Time next camera.
(1) Cycling Options are not available when All Cameras Available is checked on the Overlay Cameras page of the Display Client Wizard.
3. On the overlay Cameras page, click Finish.
Once a Terminal has a Camera Display Client added and is rebooted, the
camera images become visible.
When the Camera Display Client is selected, the Terminal makes a connection
to the camera and requests the feed using the administrative account entered
when the camera was defined as a display server. This connection is active only
if the camera display client is active. If you switch to another display client,
then the Terminal drops the connection to the camera.
The overlays and cameras are shown with green lightning bolts when active
and red lightning bolts when inactive.
Custom Overlays
The Custom Overlay dialog box defines the boundaries of the overlay.
3. Type the position of the overlay, in pixels, into the Left and Top fields.
4. Define the size of the overlay, in pixels, in the Width and Height fields.
5. Click OK.
Figure 206 - Overlay Layout Page of the Camera Display Client Wizard
Once the Custom Overlay dialog box is closed, the Overlay Layout page shows
the boundaries of the custom overlay.
6. Click Add Overlay to add another overlay.
Figure 207 - Second Overlay
The wizard allows you to add cameras to each overlay in turn. The Overlay
Cameras page also allows you to edit the Left and Top positions and the Height
and Width.
8. Click Finish when done.
Once the Camera Display Client is assigned to a Terminal and the Terminal is
restarted, the display client with the custom overlays is shown on the Terminal.
5. Enter the position of the overlay, in pixels, using the Left and Top fields.
6. Define the size of the overlay, in pixels, in the Width and Height fields
7. Click OK.
The Overlay Layout page shows the boundaries of the custom overlay.
10.When the cameras are chosen and the options configured, click Finish to
close the wizard.
Camera overlays added to an application cover the screen of that display client
in the area you defined via the Overlay Cameras page. You can hide and reveal
the overlay with the TermMon ActiveX from ThinManager.
The Control must be registered before it can be used. Copy the termmon.ocx
file to the computer where you want to use it. Register the file by executing
regsvr32 <path\termmon.ocx>
Once registered, it can be added to the application and used to control the
camera overlays.
Available Commands for Use with Cameras
Commands Description
Used to enable a camera overlay. This method requires two parameters: the first
CameraOverlayEnable parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay is on, and the second
parameter is the name of the overlay.
Used to disable a camera overlay. This method requires two parameters: the first
CameraOverlayDisable parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay is on, and the second
parameter is the name of the overlay.
Used to start camera cycling for a camera overlay. This method requires two
CameraOverlayCycleStart parameters: the first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay is on,
and the second parameter is the name of the overlay.
Used to stop camera cycling for a camera overlay. This method requires two
CameraOverlayCycleStop parameters: the first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay is on,
and the second parameter is the name of the overlay.
Used to switch to the next camera in a camera overlay list. This method requires two
CameraOverlaySwitchNext parameters: the first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay is on,
and the second parameter is the name of the overlay.
Terminal Shadow The Terminal Shadow display client allows one ThinManager thin client to
shadow another. You can shadow one specific thin client or have a menu of
Terminals to shadow at will.
The ThinManager Terminal Shadow sends the screen display from the
shadowed Terminal to the other Terminal. It does not redirect the display from
the Remote Desktop Server, but sends the images from the actual
shadowed Terminal.
Figure 219 - Client Name Page of the Terminal Shadow Display Client Wizard
The Terminal Shadow Display Client page of the Terminal Shadow Display
Client wizard is unique.
7. (Optional) Check All Terminals Available to add all of the Terminals to
the Shadow menu.
8. (Optional) Clear the All Terminals Available checkbox and click Add to
launch the Select Terminal or Group dialog box to select
specific Terminals. See Shadow a Specific Terminal.
You can use the Terminal Shadow Display Client to shadow a specific
Terminal, duplicating the display to another thin client. This can be helpful to
provide a worker access to the HMI in various places in a large station, like a
commercial oven at a baking line.
2. Enter a name for the display client in the Client Name field.
3. Click Next.
The Terminal Shadow Display Client page of the Terminal Shadow Display
Client wizard is unique.
4. Clear the All Terminals Available checkbox and click Add.
Figure 227 - Display Client Selection Page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard
The Terminal Shadow display clients have an icon of a Terminal and a monitor
1. Move the desired Terminal Shadow display clients to the Selected
Display Clients list. Double-click on them or use the arrows to move a
highlighted display client.
2. Click Finish to save the configuration and restart the Terminal to send
the configuration to the Terminal.
The Select Terminal to Shadow dialog box appears when there are
Terminal Shadow Display Clients with multiple Terminals.
You are connected to the Terminal and display the screen from the
shadowed thin client.
The Terminal Shadow display client is displayed in the Group Selector Menu of
the Terminal to which it is assigned. The group selector shows the local display
clients assigned to the Terminal.
When the local Group Selector menu is shown, the Group Selector of the
remote Terminal is hidden.
To use the remote Terminal’s Group Selector, choose Hide on the Local Group
Selector, which hides the local selector and shows the Remote Group Selector.
Once the Remote Group Selector menu is used, the local Terminal reverts to
the Local Group Selector.
Figure 231 on page 177 shows the Group Selector menus for both the Local and
the Remote Group Selectors.
Workstation Deployment Microsoft built Remote Desktop Protocol, RDP, into their workstation
operating systems so that a permitted user can make a connection to a
workstation and transfer the desktop session to another computer. RDP allows
ThinManager to capture a session on a Windows XP Pro, Vista Pro, Windows
7, or Windows 10 computer and transfer it to a thin client. This ability is very
helpful as it allows applications that are not RDS-compliant to be run on a
workstation, but the user can receive the session on a hardened industrial thin
client instead of a PC.
Step 1 – On the PC
The Remote Desktop Users dialog box appears, which shows the users
authorized to connect to the computer to transfer the session.
5. Click Add.
The Select Users dialog box appears, from which you can authorize
The Client Name Page of the Workstation Display Client wizard is similar to
other Display Client Option pages.
3. Enter a unique name and select the Next button.
4. (Optional) Check Set a Display Name to show an alternative name in the
ThinManager Server tree.
5. Click Next.
b.Check Override in the Windows Login Settings section and enter the
workstation’s correct user account credentials to the Username and
Password fields. Enter the credentials manually or click Search.
The Search for AD User dialog box appears. Search pulls a user
account from the Active Directory as shown on page 63.
c. Check Override in the Video Settings section to choose Resolution and
Color Depth from the pull-down menus.
d.Click OK to return to the Display Client Selection page.
4. Click Next.
The Add Workstation dialog box appears, which allows you to specify a
workstation by IP address and name.
You may also use this dialog box to point to a virtual workstation.
Complete the fields with the virtual machine’s IP address and name.
7. Click Add.
8. (Optional) If your virtual machines are on a vCenter Server that is
defined in ThinManager, click Add Virtual Workstation button on the
Complete the Workstation Display Client Configuration page.
a. Choose the vCenter Server from the Select vCenter Server pull-down
b.From the Available Virtual Workstations pane, expand the
VCenter tree.
c. Highlight the desired virtual workstation and click Add.
Workstations can have only one connection to a remote user as they use a
one-to-one model instead of the one-to-many model of Remote
Desktop Services.
A workstation can be added multiple times as a backup but only once as the
primary workstation.
Once the Workstation Display Client is added to a Terminal and the Terminal
is restarted, the Terminal connects to the workstation and transfers the
workstation display to the Terminal.
VNC Shadow ThinManager can connect to a VNC Server and send the VNC shadow to a
Terminal as a VNC Display Client.
A VNC Display Client can be created that allows the user to select from a list of
all the VNC Servers.
2. Enter a Client Name and follow the wizard like other display clients.
3. (Optional) Click Set a Display Name to configure the display client to
display an alternative name in the ThinManager Server tree.
5. Click All VNC Servers Available to make all VNC servers available to
6. (Optional) Clear the Interactive Shadow checkbox to turn it off.
7. Click Finish to create the display client.
Once the VNC Display Client is added to a Terminal and the Terminal is
restarted, the VNC Display Client is available.
When you choose a VNC display client with multiple VNC servers, a menu that
lists all available VNC servers appears.
The VNC Display Client can be configured to show the output from a specific
VNC server.
8. Highlight the VNC server you want to shadow and click OK.
The chosen VNC server is added to the list to shadow on the VNC Display
Client page.
9. (Optional) Click Add to repeat the process and add other VNC servers.
10.Click Finish to create the display client when done.
11. Clear the Interactive Shadow checkbox to turn it off. This puts the
shadow in a read-only mode.
Once the VNC Display Client is added to a Terminal and the Terminal is
restarted, the VNC Display Client is available.
If you have a single VNC server listed, the display client automatically shows
you that shadow. If you add multiple VNC servers to the list, the VNC display
client presents the menu with all the listed servers in it.
Virtual Screens This is a feature that allows you to divide a screen into separate overlays. It
allows you to deliver MultiMonitor functionality to a single physical monitor.
The method of creating the Virtual Screen overlays follows the methods of the
Camera Display Clients.
2. Right-click on the Virtual Screen branch, and choose Add Display Client.
The wizard starts like the Remote Desktop Services Display Client
Wizard, but changes at the Select or Create the Virtual Screen
Layout page.
Figure 257 - Client Name Page of the Display Client Configuration Wizard
Predefined Templates
The Choose Layout drop-down has a number of templates that allow you to add
anywhere from one to sixteen virtual screens.
The Select Display Client dialog box appears, which lists all
display clients.
The Display Client appears in the Selected Display Clients field. Each
overlay may have one or more display clients in the overlay.
13. Complete the Mouse Button Mapping dialog box per the following
settings. Each mouse button can be configured with a different
function. Use Button 1 (Left Mouse) for touch screens without a mouse.
Setting Description
Default Leaves the button with its original action.
Calibrate Touch Screen Initiates the touch screen calibration program.
Tile Initiates the tiling of display clients.
Swap Exchanges display clients in Virtual Screens.
Full Screen Expands an overlay to Full Screen.
Go to next display client Navigates to the next display client in the list.
14. Click Next to continue to the next overlay once all the dialog windows
are closed.
The Display Client Wizard navigates from overlay to overlay, which allows you
to add display clients to each one.
Virtual Screen Display Clients are added to a Terminal as any other Display
1. Double-click on the Terminal in the Terminal tree.
Figure 267 - Display Client Selection Page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard
Once the Virtual Screen Display Client is in the Selected Display Clients
list it is added to the Terminal.
If Enable Tiling is checked on the Virtual Screen Options dialog box, Figure 285
on page 212, then the display clients in an overlay are tiled as shown here.
Custom Overlays
The initial Virtual Screen is a blank canvas and needs at least one overlay
5. Click Add.
Complete the Custom Overlay field settings per the following descriptions to
set the size and location of the custom overlay.
Setting Description
Overlay Name Provides a name to the overlay.
Left Sets the position of the left edge of the overlay.
Top Sets the position of the top edge of the overlay.
Width Sets the width of the overlay.
Height Sets the height of the overlay.
7. Click Add.
The Custom Overlay dialog box appears again. The example in Figure 275
uses an overlay that is 1440 pixels from the left edge and has a screen
resolution of 480 x 360 pixels.
9. Click Add.
The Custom Overlay dialog box appears for the next overlay.
This example uses an overlay that is 1440 pixels from the left edge, 360 pixels
from the top, and has a screen resolution of 480 x 360 pixels.
10.Click OK to accept the settings and return to the Select or Create the
Virtual Screen Layout page.
Figure 278 - Display of Created Overlay
11. Click Add to launch the Custom Overlay dialog box for the next overlay.
Figure 279 uses an overlay that is 1440 pixels from the left edge, 720 pixels from
the top, and has a screen resolution of 480 x 360 pixels.
12.Click OK to accept the settings and return to the Select or Create the
Virtual Screen Layout page.
Figure 280 - Display of Created Overlay
The Set Stacking Order of Virtual Screens dialog box appears. This is
important when the overlays overlap.
14. Highlight the virtual screen and click Top, Up, Down, or Bottom per
their respective descriptions to set the priority of stacked overlays.
Field/Buttons Description
Virtual Screens Lists the overlays added to the virtual screen.
Top Moves a highlighted overlay to the top of the list.
Up Moves a highlighted overlay higher on the list.
Down Moves a highlighted overlay lower on the list.
Bottom Moves a highlighted overlay to the bottom of the list.
15. Click OK to return to the Select or Create the Virtual Screen Layout page.
16. Click Next.
The Virtual Screen Configuration page appears, where you add display
clients to the overlays. Each custom overlay needs a display client.
The wizard shows one overlay at a time. Display clients can be added as shown
in Predefined Templates on page 196.
The Select Display Client dialog box appears, where you can select a
display client from a list of all display clients.
18.Highlight the desired Display Client and click OK to return to the Virtual
Screen Configuration page.
19. Click Screen Options.
The Mouse Button Mapping dialog box appears, where you configure
actions for the mouse buttons through pull-down menus.
Once the Virtual Screen wizard is finished, the Virtual Screen can be
added to a Terminal. The Terminal shows the Virtual Screens once it is
Figure 288 on page 214 shows the main overlay with an HMI and the
three smaller overlays along the side, each with their own display client.
These overlays could have multiple display clients and be tiled, if desired.
Virtual Screens do not allow an override on the Display Client Selection page of
the Terminal Configuration Wizard. It is done from the ThinManager tree
1. Double-click on the Virtual Screen under the Terminal in the Terminal
tree of ThinManager.
2. Click Next until the Virtual Screen Configuration page appears. The
Terminal Override button is enabled.
3. In the Selected Display Clients pane, highlight the display client you
want to alter and click Terminal Override.
The Override Settings dialog box for that display client appears, which
allows normal display client overrides. See Login Requirements Page on
page 230 for details.
4. Click Override in the sections to which the changes apply and click OK.
5. Click Finish.
Terminal Configuration There are five types of Terminals that can be used in a ThinManager system.
• ThinManager-ready thin client
• ThinManager-compatible thin client
• aTMC for Android Devices
• iTMC client for iOS, iPads, and iPhones
• WinTMC client for Windows PCs and Surface tablets
Two steps are required to add a device. First, the device must be pointed to the
ThinManager Server to receive a configuration. Second, a configuration must
be created in ThinManager for the device to download.
The Terminal Hardware page allows you to specify the make and model of the
Terminals you are adding.
1. Complete the Terminal Hardware page per the descriptions that follow.
Field/Button Description
Make/OEM Choose the make of the hardware from the pull-down menu.
Model Choose the model of the hardware from the pull-down menu.
OEM Model Displays the actual model as listed in the TermCap.
Displays the video chipset used once the terminal connects to ThinManager as listed in
Video Chipset the TermCap.
Use the pull-down menu to change the firmware package that the terminal uses. Must
Terminal Firmware Package be enabled in Package Manager (Manage>Packages).
Removes the Terminal ID identifier from the configuration of an active terminal. The MAC
address of the terminal is used for the Terminal ID. Clearing the Terminal ID frees
Clear hardware that is already tied to a configuration and allows the terminal to be tied to a
different configuration without deleting its original configuration. It also allows the make
and model of the hardware to be changed.
Launches the Edit Terminal ID dialog box that allows for the manual change of the MAC
address of the configuration. Allows for the replacement of an old terminal by entering
the MAC address of the replacement. Entering the new MAC address allows the new
Edit terminal to boot and retrieve its configuration without selecting the terminal from the
list. Once a MAC address is registered within ThinManager, you can assign a static IP
address to it if the Terminal is PXE Booting and if the ThinManager PXE Server is set to
Not Using Standard DHCP Server. See Figure 399 on page 292.
Use the correct Make and Model if you can, which allows you to configure the
Terminal to match the capabilities of the hardware used.
When a Terminal connects to its configuration for the first time, ThinManager adjusts
the configuration to match the actual hardware used and not the preconfigured
hardware selected to prevent errors. The default model, the ACP DC-40-100, is used
because it has limited video resolutions that every modern Terminal can use. If a
different model is assigned to this configuration, it may end up with the lower
video resolutions.
ThinManager uses the MAC address to identify the Terminals. The Terminal
ID field is automatically populated when hardware is associated with
the configuration.
Android Devices
ThinManager has an Android application that allows the Android to run an RDP session that is controlled and managed by ThinManager.
Apple Devices
• For Apple devices, choose Apple/iOS Device as the Make and Model of
the client.
WinTMC Clients
b.Complete the Boot Priority Settings dialog box per the descriptions
that follow.
Setting Description
Sets the priority level of the terminal, with 1 as the highest priority and 99 as the
Boot Priority lowest. The higher the number, the lower the priority.
Maximum wait time (seconds) Sets the maximum interval the Terminal waits before starting to reboot.
Reboot Lower Priority Terminals on Reboots lower priority (higher number) Terminals when this Terminal reboots,
which is useful if the lower priority Terminals are running an application that has a
startup dependency on the higher priority (lower number) Terminal.
c. Click OK.
2. Click Next to continue the configuration.
The Terminal Mode Selection page sets the modes used by the Terminal.
The Login Requirements page assigns login options for several login types.
Here, you can control login methods at the terminal and whether to allow
automatic logins, a password, or a Personal Identification Number (PIN).
Setting Description
Manual Login Sets the authentication method for manual logins
Prompt for Password When checked, the user is required to enter a password
Prompt for PIN When checked, the user is required to enter a Personal Identification Number (PIN)
Card/Badge Reader Sets the authentication method for logins with a card or badge
Biometric Login Sets the authentication method for logins with a fingerprint reader
Resolver Login Sets the authentication method for logins using a resolver like a Bluetooth device
Press to launch the Login Options window to control badge enrollment access at the
Login Options terminal and behavior on a failed-badge attempt
Launches the Login Methods Allowed window to define login methods allowed on
Login Methods the terminal.
1. Complete the Terminal Options page per these descriptions.
2. To control badge enrollment access and behavior on a failed-badge
attempt, click Login Options.
Setting Description
When enabled, the user is prompted to log in manually after a failed card/badge
Allow Manual Login fallback login attempt, if allowed. Card/Badge Login must be enabled in Login
Methods Allowed.
When enabled, the user can enroll a card/badge at the thin client terminal.
Allow Card registration Assignment of unknown badge at terminal during user login was added in version
at terminal 12.00.00 and can be disabled via this function.
3. Choose the behavior of the login attempt.
4. Click OK.
1. Move created display clients from the Available Display Clients list to the
Selected Display Clients list to add them to the Terminal configuration.
Double-click or highlight the display client and use the right arrow.
Figure 308 - Display Client Selection Page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard
The addition of two or more display clients is MultiSession, which provides the
ability to deploy applications from different servers with ease.
2. Click Override.
The Override Settings page allows you to change the user account used for
logins, add a command line option, or change the resolution.
232 Rockwell Automation Publication TM-UM001H-EN-P - January 2023
Chapter 7 Devices
In a domain environment, you can use the Search button to pull a user account
from the Active Directory. See Active Directory User Login Account on
page 242.
3. Click OK.
If a Display Client has a setting overridden, then the Display Client shows a
Changed icon in the Selected Display Clients list.
4. Click Next on the Display Client Selection page.
The Terminal Interface Options page sets the methods to switch between
display clients when using MultiSession.
The Display Client Selector is hidden in the top center of the Terminal screen
and is revealed when the mouse is moved to the center of the top edge.
The Tile Options window has several settings for tiling sessions when
using MultiSession.
e. Complete the Tile Options dialog box as described.
Setting Description
Shows tiled sessions in a grid with each grid labeled with the session name while
Show Grid the session is loading.
Sets the length of time that the Terminal screen stays focused on a selected session
Tile Inactivity Time (secs) before reverting to a tiled state due to inactivity.
Tile Display Clients at startup Shows the sessions tiled when the Terminal first connects to its sessions.
Includes a session displaying the TermSecure
Include Main Menu as tile Main Menu.
Allows a user to click into a tiled session and control it interactively without
switching focus to a single session. To focus on a single session, use the Display
Tile Interactive Client Selector pull-down menu or the tiling hotkey
(CTRL + T), if enabled.
f. Click OK to accept changes.
g.Click Main Menu Options.
The Main Options dialog box that has the settings for Main Menu when using
ThinManager User Services. It is not visible unless ThinManager User Services
is chosen on the Terminal Mode Selection page.
2. Complete the Main Menu Options dialog box as described here.
Setting Description
Allow Reboot/Restart Adds a terminal Restart and Reboot button on the Main Menu.
Show Main Menu on Selector Lists the Main Menu as an option on the Display Client Selector pull-down menu.
Launches a virtual keyboard with the Main Menu open so the operator can log
Show Virtual Keyboard in manually.
a. Click OK.
b.Click Pin Pad Options.
The Pin Pad Options dialog box allows you to configure the PIN pad when
using a Personal Identification Number instead of a password.
3. Complete the Pin Pad Options dialog box as described here.
Setting Description
Changes the pin pad from 1-2-3 on the top row like a phone to 7-8-9 on the top row
Reverse Pin Pad Button Order like a calculator.
Pin Pad Size Sets the size of the pin pad as a percentage of the screen.
4. Click Next on the Terminal Interface Options page.
The Relevance Options page allows the setting of the Relevance options.
Choose the Options before assigning a location, which locks the Options. If you need
to change an option, click Clear to clear the location, change the option, and then
reassign the Location.
1. Choose the Options as described here.
Setting Description
Assigned Location
Change Launches the Select Location dialog box.
Clear Clears the Assigned Location.
Enabled Resolver Types
Enable QR Code Location Ids Allows the scanning of a QR code to determine the location.
Enable Bluetooth Locations Allows the use of Bluetooth beacons to determine the location.
Allows the Global Positioning System of the mobile device to determine
Enable GPS Locations the location.
Enable Wi-Fi Locations Allows the signal strength of Wi-Fi access points to determine the location.
Use Force Transfer to restore Lets an operator restore a transferred session without asking permission.
Assigned Location
Allow Selection of the Location Lets the user select the location manually from a menu on the mobile device. If this
manually checkbox is cleared, then the user must use a Resolver.
Allows a manual login anywhere from that Terminal, which could be helpful on a
Enforce fencing on a manual control room Terminal. When chosen, this enforces fencing on that Terminal when a
Location selection location is selected manually.
Confirm before entering a Enables a dialog box that is shown each time a user enters an area.
Resolver Update Interval The frequency that the resolver updates.
2. Click Change.
4. Click Clear to clear the location and make the options available if you
need to change an option, then re-assign the Location.
5. Click Next.
The Select Hotkey dialog box allows you to configure hotkeys for display
client switching.
The Mouse Button Mapping dialog box appears, which allows you to
configure actions for the mouse buttons through pull-down menus.
Active Directory User A ThinManager Server deployed in a domain can pull an Active Directory
account into the Username field of the Log In Information page of the
Login Account Terminal Configuration Wizard. See Figure 417 on page 305.
A Search for AD User dialog box appears that allows you to select an
Active Directory user.
Buttons Description
Locations Opens the Select AD Location to Search dialog box to select the Organizational Unit (OU) to search.
Search Searches the selected OU and populates the Name field with the OU members.
Filter Filters results with either the Contains or Starts With function and what is entered into the text box.
Sets the Search function to search nested Windows Security Groups when searching a Windows Security
Group. The Choose AD Synchronization Mode must be set to Security Group on the Active Directory System
Recurse Settings dialog box to work. Choose Manage>Active Directory>Settings to open the Active Directory System
Settings dialog box.
The Search for AD User dialog box has a Location button that allows you to
search the Active Directory locations.
2. Click Locations.
3. Highlight the branch of the Active Directory tree that contains your
administrative user account and click OK.
a. If the dialog box indicates an invalid password, click OK and try again.
Figure 330 - Valid Password Message
b.If the dialog box indicates a valid user account, click OK to close the
Account Verify dialog box.
9. Click Next to continue the configuration wizard.
Leaving the Windows Log In Information fields blank forces the user to
manually log in to their sessions, which is useful for office settings or shared
Terminals. In this case, each user logs in with their personal account and gets
the privileges that the administrator granted them.
Leave the fields blank to require the user to log in manually each time the
Terminal connects.
Individual display clients can be set to require a manual login by clearing the
Allow Auto-Login checkbox on the Remote Desktop Services and Workstation
Options page of the Display Client Wizard. See Figure 156 on page 124.
Individual display clients can be set to use a different Windows account than
the Terminal by using the Override button on the Display Client Selection page
of the Terminal Configuration Wizard. See Figure 240 on page 183.
2. Click Next to continue the configuration.
The Search for AD User dialog box appears, which allows you to select an
Active Directory user.
2. Complete the Search for AD User dialog box per these descriptions.
Button/Setting Description
Opens the Select AD Location to Search dialog box to select the Organizational Unit
Locations (OU) to search.
Search Searches the selected OU and populates the Name field with the OU members.
Filters the results with either the Contains or Starts With function and what you type
Filter into text field.
Sets the Search function to search nested Windows Security Groups when you search
a Windows Security Group. The Choose AD Synchronization Mode must be set to
Recurse Security Group on the Active Directory System Settings dialog box to work, which is
launched from Manage>Active Directory>Settings.
3. Click Locations.
4. Highlight the branch of the Active Directory tree that contains your
administrative user account and click OK. Highlighting an Active
Directory branch reopens the Search for AD User window with the list of
domain users from that branch.
5. Click Search.
The list of domain users from that branch are populated to the
dialog box.
The Video Resolution page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard lets you
choose the Resolution, Color Depth, Refresh Rate, and Rotation for
your monitor.
The resolutions in the pull-down menus are dependent on the make and model
of hardware used.
Setting Description
Choose the desired screen size from the pull-down menu, which lists the sizes available for the
Resolution hardware chosen on the Terminal Hardware page. Note: WinTMC configurations offer a Full Screen
Choose the desired color depth from the pull-down menu, which contains the values available for the
Color Depth hardware chosen on the Terminal Hardware page.
Choose the desired refresh rate for the monitor from the pull-down menu, which contains the values
Refresh Rate available for the hardware chosen on the Terminal Hardware page. Adjustment to this setting can fix
issues where the screen pans.
Rotation (for Choose the desired rotation (0°, 90°, 180°, or 270°) from the pull-down menu to set the clockwise
portrait mode) rotation of the attached monitor. Note: Available for terminals that use Firmware 9.1 and later.
Match the Resolution and Color Depth settings to your monitor’s specifications for a
clear picture.
1. After making your choices, click Next.
WinTMC Settings
The Mobile Device Options page has several settings that control the user
experience on mobile devices. It is displayed only when configuring an
Android or iPad Terminal. This page allows you to disable features normally
displayed in the mobile apps.
1. Complete this page per the these descriptions.
Setting Description
Toolbar Buttons
Show Scan Data Button Clear this checkbox to hide the Scan Data button.
Show Scan Resolver Button Clear this checkbox to hide the Scan Resolver button.
Show User Login Button Clear this checkbox to hide the User Login button.
Sound Options
Play Location Sounds Plays a sound when a location is entered.
Play User Login Sounds Plays a sound when the user logs in as a TermSecure or ThinManager user.
User Interface Settings
Show Zoom Map Clear this checkbox to hide the screen map while zooming.
Show Toolbar Clear this checkbox to hide the app toolbar.
Clear this checkbox to prevent the user from leaving the app to switch
Allow Exit to ThinManager Server List ThinManager Servers.
Allow Terminal to sleep Clear this checkbox to keep a tablet from going into sleep mode.
2. Click Next.
Module Selection
Figure 343 - Module Selection Page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard
2. Click OK to add the module and return to the Module Selection page.
The ThinManager Server Monitor List page is a legacy page from earlier
versions of ThinManager and is not used for this version. This page was used
before Auto-Synchronization was added to ThinManager. This page was
needed to list the ThinManager Servers for the Terminals. Auto-
Synchronization does this automatically; so, the page does not appear when
using Auto-Synchronization.
The Monitoring Configuration page appears, which sets the speed with
which failover is detected and initiated.
A thin client creates a socket connection to the Remote Desktop Server. If the
socket is disconnected, the Terminal tries to reconnect and fails over based on
these settings.
5. Complete the Monitoring Configuration based on these descriptions.
Setting Description
Pre-set Monitor Interval
These setting have a set rate for the frequency whith which the Remote
Fast/Medium/Slow Desktop Server status is checked.
Custom Allows the administrator to change the settings from the defaults.
The period of time the Terminal waits after losing the socket connection before
Monitor Interval it tries to reconnect.
Monitor Timeout The period of time the Terminal waits between tries.
The number of times the Terminal tries to reestablish a connection before
Monitor Retry failing over.
Primary Up Delay Multiplier A constant used to generate the Primary Up Delay time.
A delay added (usually set to 30 or 60 seconds) to allow a Remote Desktop
Server to get fully booted before the Terminal tries to login. This time period is
Primary Up Delay equal to the Monitoring Interval multiplied by the Primary Up Delay Multiplier.
This setting prevents a Terminal using Enforce Primary from switching back to
its primary Remote Desktop Server before it is ready.
The amount of time in which a Terminal tries to connect to a Remote Desktop
Connection Timeout Server before giving up to try the next server.
Faster rates cause a quicker failover, but more frequent checks on Remote
Desktop Server status cause more network traffic. Slower rates cause less
traffic, but they slow the failover speed a little.
6. Click Finish to save the settings.
You can copy the settings from one Terminal during the creation process to
speed the configuration.
The Select Terminal dialog box appears, which shows a tree with all of
the created Terminals.
The dialog box closes and the configuration is applied from the
highlighted Terminal to the new Terminal.
5. Click Next.
The Terminal Hardware page appears, where the new Terminal gets
Terminal hardware applied to it.
You should also verify the Username and Password on the Windows Log In
Information page since every Terminal needs a unique Windows
account login. See Figure 603 on page 418 for more details.
Rockwell Automation Publication TM-UM001H-EN-P - January 2023 259
Chapter 7 Devices
The Terminal Configuration Wizard appears. The wizard for the Group
parallels the Terminal Configuration Wizard since the group is a
collection of Terminals.
The Select Terminal Group dialog box appears, which lists the groups
and subgroups.
5. Expand the tree as needed, highlight the desired group, and click OK.
The group appears in the Terminal Group field, and the Terminal appears
nested in the group in the Terminals tree.
3. Choose the top-level Terminals in the Terminal Group tree and click OK.
4. In the Terminal Configuration Wizard, click Finish.
The changes are applied. If you need to adjust the configuration, close
the wizard, then reopen it.
Once the wizard is closed, the ThinManager Terminals tree shows the
Terminal under the Terminals branch and the Terminal Group field of the
Terminal Name page is empty.
Figure 358 shows that Line_1 group has three Terminals with a single
display client assigned.
Figure 359 shows that the Line_1 group had its group display clients changed
one time, and the change was propagated to all the member Terminals.
To demonstrate the effects of using Group Setting, the following figures show
the Group Configuration Wizard on the left and the Terminal Configuration
Wizard of a member Terminal on the right.
The left figure shows the opening screen of the Group Configuration Wizard
while the right figure shows the Terminal Configuration Wizard of a
group member.
The Group Configuration Wizard does not show the Terminal Hardware page
since that is an individual selection, not a group selection. The Terminal
Configuration Wizard shows the Terminal Hardware page, where you select
the hardware for the individual device.
Figure 362 - Group Terminal Mode Selection and Terminal Mode Selection Pages
Figure 363 - Group Display Client Selection and Terminal Display Client Selection Pages
Choose display clients on the Group Configuration Wizard and check Group
Setting to assign those display clients to all member Terminals. You cannot
add or subtract from the list in the Terminal Configuration Wizard.
The Group Setting is efficient when all members of a group run the same
applications. If members need a different application, clear the Group Setting
checkbox and assign the display clients.
Figure 364 - Group Terminal Interface Options and Terminal Interface Options Pages
On the left, the Group Configuration has Group Settings checked. On the right,
the Terminal Configuration has the settings dimmed because it is inheriting
the Group Settings.
Figure 365 - Group Hotkey Configuration and Terminal Hotkey Configuration Pages
On the left, the Group Configuration has the Group Settings checked. On the
right, the Terminal Configuration has the settings dimmed because it is
inheriting the Group Settings.
Figure 366 - Group Log In Information and Terminal Log In Information Pages
The Group Log In Information page is dimmed and does not allow a group
user account to be added. This is because each Terminal needs a unique
Windows account to log in to Remote Desktop Servers.
Figure 367 - Group Video Resolution and Terminal Video Resolution Pages
The video resolution can be applied to all members of a group. However, if the
monitor size is changed unexpectedly, you must clear the Group Settings
checkbox and apply the resolutions individually.
Since resolution may vary from terminal or station, it is not better to set video
resolution at the group level.
The Group Configuration Wizard has a WinTMC Settings page, which allows
configuration of WinTMC clients with Group Settings.
The WinTMC Settings page does not appear in the Terminal Configuration
Wizard unless GENERIC/WinTMC is chosen as the Make and Model on the
Terminal Hardware page.
The Group Configuration Wizard has a Mobile Device Group Options page,
which allows mobile clients to be configured with Group Settings.
This page does not appear on the Terminal Configuration Wizard unless
GENERIC/Android Device or Apple/iOS is chosen as the Make and Model on
the Terminal Hardware page.
Modules can be added at the Group and Terminal levels. Modules selected for a
group display a Group icon on the Module Selection page of its members.
In Figure 371, the Group Configuration on the left has the Group Settings
selected. The Terminal Configuration on the right has the settings dimmed
because it is inheriting the Group Settings.
IMPORTANT Read the dialog box before taking an action to prevent the loss of
needed Terminals.
3. Click Yes, No, or Cancel.
a. Click Yes to delete the group and member Terminals.
b.Click No to delete the group but leave the Terminals under the
Terminals tree.
c. Click Cancel closes the dialog without deletion.
The Terminals from Line_1 are now nested under the Production group in
the Terminals tree.
EXAMPLE The two active Terminals from the Line_1 group are showing the Alert
icon, indicating that they must be restarted to load the
changed configurations.
IP Configuration These are the five types of Terminals that can be used in a
ThinManager system.
• ThinManager-ready thin clients
• ThinManager-compatible thin clients
• WinTMC client for Windows PCs
• iTMC client for iOS, iPads, and iPhones
• aTMC client for Android mobile devices
The iTMC client is a ThinManager client that runs on an Apple iOS operating
system and provides a centrally managed connection to the Remote
Desktop Server.
Each iPad requires these three things to connect to the ThinManager system.
• The installation of the iTMC program from the Apple App Store
• Membership on the ThinManager Server network
• The IP address of the ThinManager Server
A ThinManager-ready thin client is shipped from the factory set to use DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
1. After the Terminal is turned on, a prompt to press any key to configure
the IP setting appears. Press the space bar.
Figure 375 - IP Configuration Prompt Page
Out of the box, ThinManager-ready thin clients use DHCP, which assigns an IP
address to the thin client. However, the thin client also needs the IP address of
the ThinManager Server. ThinManager Server’s IP address can be provided by
the DHCP server using Option 066, Boot Server Host Name.
2. Check option 066 Boot Server Host Name, and enter the IP address of
the ThinManager Server in the String value field to have the DHCP
server send the IP address to the ThinManager-ready thin clients.
Static IP Addressing
Most models of ThinManager-ready thin clients allow the usage of static IPs,
which are set on the IP Configuration Menu.
1. Press any key at the IP Configuration Prompt page.
3. Type the static IP address for the client, including the separating
periods, and press Enter.
Hybrid IP Addressing
ThinManager-ready thin clients with Boot Loader 5.01 and later can use DHCP
to assign the Terminal IP address. However, they can assign the ThinManager
Server IP address as a static IP in the IP Configuration Menu, as well.
1. Boot your thin client and press the spacebar when prompted on the IP
Configuration Prompt page.
Firmware Download
When a Terminal is turned on for the first time, it initiates the Create New
Terminal mode given one of the conditions that follow are true.
• No Terminals are defined in ThinManager.
• All the defined Terminals are currently connected.
• All the defined Terminals that are turned off have the Allow replacement
at terminal if off line checkbox cleared on the Terminal Group Options
page. See Figure 361 on page 266.
When a Terminal enters the Create New Terminal Mode, the Terminal
launches the Terminal Configuration Wizard on the ThinManager Server. The
Terminal displays a dialog box that indicates to wait until the configuration is
finished before you proceed.
The dialog box displays all the offline Terminals that the Terminal can replace.
Groups are displayed, which requires a pull-down menu to the
desired Terminal.
Use the Using standard DHCP server mode when you have an existing DHCP
server in your system to pass out the IP addresses.
1. Choose Manage>PXE Server to open the PXE Server Wizard.
Setting Description
Pull-down menu allows the network interfaces to be configured individually if
Select Interface to Configure ThinManager Server has multiple network cards.
PXE Server Mode
Uses existing DHCP server to provide client IP addresses while the ThinManager PXE
Using standard DHCP server server provides the ThinManager IP and boot file name.
Using standard DHCP server on Required to provide the PXE information when a standard DHCP server is installed on
the same computer as the ThinManager Server. Additionally, Port UDP-4011 must be
this machine open on the computer.
Using standard DHCP server Allows DHCP server to provide all needed information. Use if your DHCP server is
with Boot Options configured to use Option 066 (Boot Server Host Name) with the ThinManager Server
(PXE Disabled) IP address. You must use Option 067 (Boot file name) set to acpboot.bin.
Allows PXE thin clients to connect to ThinManager, which provides all necessary
Not Using standard DHCP information, through the selected network interface. Clear this checkbox if you only
server want known clients to connect.
IP Address Conflict Detection
ARP Checks for conflicts in the Address Resolution Protocol.
None Does not check for conflicts in the Address Resolution Protocol.
Allows unknown PXE thin clients to connect to ThinManager through the selected
network interface. Clear the checkbox to allow only known clients to connect, which
Allow New PXE Clients is a security feature that can prevent the provision of PXE information to new PXE
boot ThinManager-compatible thin clients.
The easiest method of PXE boot is if you have an existing DHCP server.
3. Choose Using standard DHCP server and click Finish.
Use the Using standard DHCP server on this machine mode when you have an
existing DHCP server in your system to assign the IP addresses, and it is
installed on the ThinManager Server.
This mode optimizes the PXE server when the ThinManager Server is installed
on the same machine as the DHCP server.
Port UDP-4011 must be open for this setting, and it is also required for Unified
Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) boot PXE clients.
Use the Using standard DHCP server with Boot Options (PXE Disabled) mode
when you have an existing DHCP server that is not on the ThinManager Server
and want it to provide all the information.
The DHCP server needs to be configured to provide Option 66, Boot Server
Host Name, and Option 67, Bootfile Name.
In ThinManager
1. Choose Manage>PXE Server to open the PXE Server Wizard.
2. On the PXE Server Configuration page, check Enable PXE Server.
3. Click Next.
4. In the PXE Server Mode section, choose Using standard DHCP server
with Boot Options (PXE Disabled).
5. Click Finish.
Use the Not using standard DHCP server mode when you do not have an
existing DHCP server. This mode is configured to give ThinManager the ability
to pass all the information needed to boot.
Setting Description
Launches the Reservations dialog box that allows you to reserve a specific IP
Reservations address to be assigned to a thin client based on the thin client MAC add address.
Launches the Advanced IP Range Settings dialog box, which allows the addition of
Advanced DHCP options.
Clear IP Addignments Clears the settings from the IP Address Range dialog box.
Reservations allow you to assign a specific IP address to a thin client each time
it boots. This can be done in the PXE Server or in the Terminal Configuration
The ThinManager PXE server is not a true DHCP server. It only issues IP addresses to
PXE boot devices. It does not assign IP addresses to other computers, laptops,
or devices.
The ThinManager Server List allows the WinTMC to be pointed to one or more
ThinManager Servers to retrieve its configuration.
2. Type the IP address or name of your ThinManager Servers in the Enter
new ThinManager Server Name or IP Address field and click OK to add
them to the Current ThinManager Server list.
3. Click Move Up and Move Down to change the list order of ThinManager
Servers with which WinTMC tries to connect.
4. Click Delete to remove unneeded ThinManager Servers.
5. (Optional) Click Set Password to password protect this configuration
If the WinTMC PC has not been defined, the user is prompted with a dialog
box to allow for the creation of a new configuration or to replace an existing
Terminal configuration on the ThinManager Server.
The Terminal ID populates with the name of the PC once the WinTMC client is
tied to a PC.
The Terminal Configuration Wizard for a WinTMC client is the same as for a
thin client with a few exceptions—the Video Resolution page and the WinTMC
Settings page.
The Video Resolution for WinTMC includes a setting for FullScreen, which
populates with whatever resolution the PC client runs.
Setting Description
Show menu/window animations Enables menu/window animations on the client.
Show themes Enables your user to select a Windows Theme.
Disable NLA Disables the user of Network Level Authentication for the client.
(1) Does not work when you connect to a Remote Desktop Server running Windows 2000 or earlier.
MultiMonitor WinTMC
WinTMC Modules
WinTMC clients cannot use the ThinManager modules because they are
running Windows locally. Touch drivers, sound drivers, printers, and so on
Mobile Devices ThinManager supports Microsoft tablets with WinTMC, Apple iPads and
iPhones with iTMC, and Android devices with aTMC.
4. Choose Apple/iOS Device from the pull-down menus for the make and
model of hardware.
5. Click Next.
The Relevance Options page allows you to enable various Resolver types. Check
the ones you want to use from the iPad.
Setting Description
Enabled Resolver Types
Enable QR Code Location Ids Allows the scanning of a QR code to determine the location.
Enable Bluetooth Locations Allows the use of Bluetooth beacons to determine the location.
Allows the Global Positioning System of the mobile device to determine
Enable GPS Locations the location.
Enable Wi-Fi Locations Allows the signal strength of Wi-Fi access points to determine the location.
The Mobile Device Options page appears, which has several settings that
control the user experience on mobile devices.
This page allows you to disable features normally displayed in the mobile apps.
9. Complete the Mobile Device Options page per these descriptions.
Setting Description
Toolbar Buttons
Show Scan Data Button Clear this checkbox to hide the Scan Data button.
Show Scan Resolver Button Clear this checkbox to hide the Scan Resolver button.
Show User Login Button Clear this checkbox to hide the User Login button.
Sound Options
Play Location Sounds Plays a sound when a location is entered.
Play User Login Sounds Plays a sound when the user logs in as a TermSecure or ThinManager user.
User Interface Settings
Show Zoom Map Clear this checkbox to hide the screen map while zooming.
Show Toolbar Clear this checkbox to hide the app toolbar.
Clear this checkbox to prevent the user from leaving the app to switch
Allow Exit to ThinManager Server List ThinManager Servers.
Allow Terminal to sleep Clear this checkbox to keep a tablet from going into sleep mode.
10.Complete the wizard as you would for any other thin client.
The iPad needs to have the iTMC client installed. The iTMC application can be
downloaded from the Apple App Store for free.
1. Go to the Apple App Store.
2. Type ThinManager in the search field.
3. Choose the iTMC application and click Open.
6. Type the IP address of your primary ThinManager Server and click OK.
Once the ThinManager Server is defined on the iPad, you must associate the
hardware to the iTMC configuration you created.
A Pick Replacement page appears, which allows you to choose the newly
created Terminal configuration or launch the Terminal Configuration
Wizard when you click Create New Terminal.
Once the iTMC client connects, the display client assigned in ThinManager
is launched.
3. Press the Keyboard icon in the upper-left corner to launch the keyboard.
Figure 419 - Display Client Session on iPad
The iPad program can use multiple figure gestures to control the application.
1. Zoom in by using two fingers to expand the screen.
Gestures Description
Left-click A tap performs a left-click.
Right-click A long press performs a right-click.
Left-click and Drag Pans in the session.
Toggle Keyboard A two-finger long press hides or reveals the keyboard.
Zoom Session A two-finger pinch zooms in and zooms out.
Pan Session A two-finger pan allows you to pan while zoomed in.
Toggle Menu Bar A three-finger long press hides or reveals the top menu bar.
Next Display Client A three-finger swipe left moves you to the next display client.
Previous Display Client A three-finger swipe right moves you to the previous display client.
3. Click Yes.
The iTMC connection closes and you are returned to the Main Menu.
This restricts the iPad to that application. The user cannot close the
application and is restricted to that app.
4. Press the Home button three times to return to the Guided
Access control.
5. Press End in the top-left corner to stop Guided Access.
3. Type the Terminal Name for your mobile device and click Next.
The Android device needs to have the aTMC client installed. The aTMC
application is a free download from the Google Play App Store.
1. In the Google Play App Store, search for ThinManager and install the
aTMC application.
Figure 434 - aTMC Application on an Android Desktop
2. Once installed, press the aTMC program to launch it from the desktop
The Add New ThinServer dialog box appears, where your first action is to
define the ThinManager Server.
6. Click Add.
Once the ThinManager Server is defined on the tablet, associate the hardware
to the aTMC configuration you created.
ThinManager Users
Introduction ThinManager User Services grants and denies access to applications based on
permissions and membership in Access Groups.
Assigned locations are those that have a Terminal and monitor at the given
location, much like traditional computing. Location Services adds additional
functions to the location. These functions allow mobile devices to interact with
the location and Shadow the Terminal, Clone the applications, or Transfer
control of the location to the mobile device.
Unassigned locations are those that lack a permanent Terminal and monitor,
and all of the content is sent to the mobile device, which becomes the Terminal.
ThinManager User Services has two main functions: hiding applications from
unauthorized users and deploying applications to a user at any location.
• With Permission Deployed Applications, you can assign a display client
to a Terminal and keep it hidden from users until they log in with the
correct Permissions. A user with the proper ThinManager User
Permission-deployed ThinManager User Services can use Access Group Permissions to control
Applications in ThinManager access to display clients on a Terminal. Since the display clients belong to the
Terminal, they are started with the Terminal’s Windows account. The
ThinManager user does not need a Windows account to start the session.
The scenario described in this section to explain the concept of Access Groups,
Permissions, and ThinManager Users does not have a Windows account tied
to it. Window accounts are covered in Create the ThinManager User via Active
Directory on page 343.
See Create the ThinManager User without a Windows Account on page 333.
See Create the ThinManager User without a Windows Account on page 333.
Figure 446 - Log In with Access Group Permission Unlocks Display Client
2. Click Add.
The Access Group dialog box appears, which lets you define an
Access Group.
3. Type a name for your Access Group in the Enter Group Name field and
click OK.
Figure 451 - Access Groups Dialog Box
The newly created Access Group appears in the list on the Access Groups
dialog box, available for use to grant or deny access to display clients.
The Select Security Group to Add dialog box appears, which displays the
Active Directory tree.
The Windows security group is populated to the Enter Group Name field
of the Access Group dialog box.
5. Click OK.
The Windows Security Group is added to the list on the Access Groups
dialog box, and it is now available for use to grant or deny access to
display clients.
You must add the Access Group to the Display Client that you want to hide
from unauthorized users. This example uses Form01 and Form02.
ThinManager Access Group Display Client ThinManager User
Maintenance Form01 Mike, Bob
Supply Form02 Steve, Bob
1. Double-click on the desired display client in the ThinManager tree.
2. Click Permissions
3. Highlight Unrestricted in the Member Of list and click the left arrow to
remove it from the list.
4. Highlight the desired Access Group and click the right arrow to add the
Access Group to the Member Of list. A display client can have several
Relevance Access Groups added to it.
Figure 458 - New Group Membership
The Permissions dialog box shows the Relevance Access Group membership.
5. Click OK to accept the change.
6. On the Client Name page, click Finish to close the Display Client Wizard
and accept the changes.
Figure 459 - Display Client Configuration Properties
7. Highlight the display client in the Display Clients tree and click the
Configuration tab to quickly view Access Group membership. Scroll
Figure 459 shows that this process was repeated to assign Maintenance
to Form01.
The Main Menu Options dialog box appears, which configures the
Location Services Login Menu.
Setting Description
Allow reboot/restart Adds Reboot and Restart to the menu.
Show Main Menu on Selector Adds the Location Services Main Menu to the Display Client pull-down menu.
Shows a virtual keyboard to the login process. Use to display an on-screen keyboard for
Show Virtual Keyboard touch screens.
7. Click OK to accept the changes.
Figure 464 - Pin Pad Options Dialog Box
The Pin Pad Options dialog box allows you to configure the PIN pad when
using a Personal Identification Number instead of a password.
Setting Description
Changes the PIN pad from 1-2-3 on the top row, like a phone, to 7-8-9 on the top row,
Reverse Pin Pad Button Order like a calculator.
Pin Pad Size Sets the size of the PIN pad as a percentage of the screen size.
8. Click Next.
If a ThinManager User does not have a display client assigned to them, and
they only use the Permissions to access a display client that belongs to the
Terminal, then the user does not need a Windows account.
In this scenario, a Windows account is not needed because the display client
belongs to the Terminal and is getting logged in with the Terminal’s account. A
Permission is applied to the user.
These are the only settings needed for a ThinManager User to unlock hidden
applications: a ThinManager User name and membership in a Relevance
Access Group. The wizard has other settings that are described in
ThinManager Configuration Wizard on page 348.
Use the information in this table to follow the example inFigure 470.
Relevance Access Group Display Client ThinManager User
Maintenance Form01 Mike, Bob
Supervisor Form02 Steve, Bob
The example in Figure 470 shows the ThinManager tree and the shadowed
display of the thin client.
• The Terminals tree shows four display clients assigned to
OperatorWorkstation. The lightning bolt indicator for the hidden
display clients are red to show that it does not have a connection. Only
HMI_1 and RDS1 are visible on the Terminal because they
are unrestricted.
• Figure 470 shows the group selector in the shadow and displays the
unhidden display client in the selector.
4. Type your ThinManager user name in the Enter User Name field and
click OK.
Figure 474 - Password Dialog Box
Figure 475 shows ThinManager User, Mike, logged in to the Terminal, his
name in parentheses.
Notice that the group selector on the shadowed Terminal now has the hidden
display client showing in the pull-down menu. The lightning bolt icon now
shows a connection.
Button Description
Switch User Logs off the ThinManager User and disconnects any sessions from Display Clients assigned to the user. It
opens the Login screen for another ThinManager User.
Logs off the ThinManager User, and logs off any sessions from Display Clients assigned to the user, and
Log Off returns to the Terminal’s display.
Assign Roaming Display Location Services can assign a user-specific display client to a ThinManager
Clients to a User. This display client is accessible from any Terminal or location that has
been configured with ThinManager User Services. ThinManager Users require
ThinManager User a valid Windows account since they log in to a Windows session of their own.
The Display Client is sent to the Terminal where the ThinManager User Logs In
ThinManager Users that have display clients assigned to them must be tied to
a Windows account. If a ThinManager User does not have a display client
assigned to it, and it only uses the Permissions to access a display client that
belongs to the Terminal, then it does not need a Windows account.
The Search for AD User dialog box appears, which begins the Active
Directory process.
3. Click Locations.
The Select AD Location to Search dialog box appears from which you can
choose a location.
4. Highlight the AD location you want to select the user from and click OK,
which populates the location into the Locations field in the Search for AD
User dialog box.
Figure 483 - Search for AD User – Location Selected
5. Once the Location has been selected, click Search to populate the user
field with users from the highlighted location.
6. Highlight the desired user account from the Active Directory members
and click OK.
Setting Description
Active Directory Password
Allow ThinManager to Allows ThinManager to store the Active Directory password in an encrypted form. Clear
store password the checkbox for ThinManager to require a password each time the session logs on.
Password Type the password.
Verify Checks with Active Directory to validate the password.
Re-Sync Account Sends the typed password to the Active Directory.
Password Maintenance
Allow ThinManager to rotate Check to allow ThinManager to update the Active Directory password per the schedule
password you set.
Use System Defaults Uses the system defaults set at Manage>Active Directory>Settings.
Minimum Password Length Sets the minimum amount of characters the password must contain to be valid.
Maximum Password Length Sets the maximum amount of characters the password must contain to be valid.
Sets the number of days between scheduled password changes. This setting is
Rotate Password every propagated from the Password Maintenance Options dialog box when Force User to
n days change password periodically is checked.
If Allow ThinManager to store password is checked, then you can have the
Windows password stored in ThinManager, which allows a fingerprint scan to
send the Windows password automatically for authentication.
You can tie a ThinManager User to an HID card and validate with a card scan,
or you can associate a user fingerprint to the account and have a fingerprint
scan validate the user.
Setting Description
Prompt for Password If checked, requires the user to enter a password.
Prompt for Pin If checked, requires the user to enter their PIN.
The Display Client Selection page has one setting, Add User-specific
Display Clients?
Setting Description
User can be assigned display client of their own that they can access from any Terminal that has Location
Yes Services enabled. You can also assign the user Permissions to let them access hidden applications.
User is able to access display clients that belong to the Terminal they log in to only. Use with Permissions to
No grant access to applications hidden with Access Group Permissions.
8. Click Next to continue.
The Terminal Interface Options page sets the menus and hotkeys for the
ThinManager User so a Terminal using MultiSession needs to have a method
to switch between sessions. This is similar to the page in the Terminal
Configuration Wizard.
Terminal Hotkeys on the Terminal Hotkey Options page allows the selection of
keyboard combinations that allow switching between sessions. This is similar
to the page in the Terminal Configuration Wizard.
Setting Description
Use Terminal Check to let the ThinManager User inherit the properties that were configured for use with the
Settings Terminal. Clear the checkbox to let the user receive the settings as configured for them.
Mouse Button Click to open the Mouse Button Mapping dialog box, which allows functions to be assigned to
Mapping mouse buttons. See Figure 265 on page 200.
13. Click Next to continue.
The User Options page has a few options for the user experience.
Setting Description
Log In/Log Out Options
Inactivity Timeout Location Services logs a ThinManager User off of the Terminal after this much inactive tim
has passed.
Reset Sessions Check to log off a session when the ThinManager User logs off.
at Logout
Activate User Group Check to display the ThinManager User’s first Display Client when the user logs in to
at Log In the Terminal.
User Schedule
Set Schedule Check to enable Schedule.
Click to launch the Event Schedule dialog box and allow a schedule to be created for
Schedule Terminal events.
Terminal Effects
Enable Terminal Check to allow the use of Terminal Effects, which currently includes sliding Windows and
Effects message rollups.
Allows the configuration of these Shadowing Options.
• No - Prevents the ThinManager Users from being shadowed.
Allow Terminal to •is allowed.
Ask - Displays a message dialog box that prompts for a positive response before the shadow
be shadowed
• Warn - Displays a message dialog box, which alerts the Terminal that it is to be shadowed, but
does not require a positive response before the shadow is allowed.
• Yes - Allows shadow to occur without warning or recipient input.
Allows members with Interactive Shadow privileges to shadow this ThinManager User. Click the
Allow Interactive Shadow tab on the Details pane to initiate the shadow. Clear this checkbox to prevent shadowing
Shadow from within ThinManager.
14. Click Finish to complete the configuration.
The Terminal tree shows the Terminals and display clients assigned to
the Terminals.
If the user has valid Windows credentials, the user is logged in.
The group selector on the Terminal shows the ThinManager User’s display
client in the pull-down menu selector. Now, the lightning bolt icon shows
a connection.
When a ThinManager User logs off from a Terminal, the sessions disconnect
by default and remain in an idle state on the Remote Desktop Servers.
• Open the Location Services Main Menu on the Terminal and click
Log Off.
• Right-click on the ThinManager User in the ThinManager tree and
choose Logoff User.
• Restart or reboot the Terminal that has a ThinManager User logged in.
• The Inactivity Timeout set on the User Options page is reached.
Figure 506 - Main Menu
Setting Description
Switch User Click to log off the ThinManager User and disconnect any sessions from Display Clients assigned to
the user. The Log On dialog box for another ThinManager User appears.
Click to log off the ThinManager User and any sessions from Display Clients assigned to the user and
Log Off return to the Terminal’s display.
Clear the Active Directory User checkbox to create a ThinManager User who is
not in the Active Directory.
Button Description
Customize Click to launch the User Description dialog box.
Password Options Click to launch the Password Maintenance Options dialog box.
PIN Options Click to launch the PIN Maintenance Options dialog box.
Change Group Click to launch the Choose User Group dialog box.
Permissions Click to launch the Permissions dialog box.
In Figure 507, the ThinManager User Information page has several buttons
that configure user settings.
1. Click the Customize button.
Setting Description
User Description Allows you to type a verbose description to be added to the user account.
Add Click to open the Custom Variables dialog box.
Custom variables allow for the creation of a single display client with a custom
variable as part of the path. Each user, Terminal, or location has specific data
in the custom variable to modify the content that the display client delivers,
which allows one display client to do the work of many.
2. Click Add.
The Custom Variable dialog box appears, which allows you to add a
custom variable. A custom variable can be used to pass information to
the AppLink display client or to the TermMon ActiveX that you embed in
your application.
Setting Description
Name Type the name of the custom variable.
Value Type the value or content to be assigned to the custom variable.
Hide Value Check to obscure the custom variable value. Clear this checkbox to show the value.
3. On the ThinManager User Information page, click Password Options.
Setting Description
Force User to change Check to prompt the user to change their password at the next login.
password at next login
Force User to change Check to prompt the user to change their password at the interval set in the User must
password periodically change password every __ days field.
User must change Type the interval for password changes.
password every __ days
Authorization Caching
Change Click to open the Authorization Cache dialog box.
4. Click Change.
Setting Description
Cache Authorization Type the time interval for which the password to be cached. A user enters their password once,
for _ minutes and it is cached and provided for the duration.
Clear Click to remove cache authorization for the user and require the user to enter a password.
The PIN Maintenance Options dialog box appears, which allows the
configuration of a Personal Identification Number, or PIN.
Setting Description
PIN Options
Minimum PIN Length Type the minimum length requirement for the PIN.
Maximum PIN Length Type the maximum length requirement for the PIN.
Maximum Sequence Type the maximum length allowed for the creation of the PIN.
Maximum Repeat Type the maximum number of times a digit can be repeated in the creation of a PIN.
Check to allow use of a PIN for the duration set in the Authorization Cache dialog box, which is
Use a temporary PIN launched when Change is clicked on the Password Maintenance Options dialog box. See
Figure 512.
Change Click to toggle cache authorization between enabled and disabled.
PIN Maintenance
Require User to
change Pin Type the frequency with which the PIN needs set.
every __ days
Require User to
change pin at Check to require the user to create a new PIN the next time they login.
next login
User PIN
PIN Type the PIN.
Verify PIN Type confirmation of the PIN.
The PIN Maintenance Options dialog displays the amount of time for which
the Temporary PIN is valid.
6. Click Change.
The Authorization Cache dialog box appears, where you can set the
duration the Temporary Pin.
The Choose User Group dialog box appears, which allows you to select
the ThinManager User group in which to nest the user.
The user can be granted permissions by moving the desired Access Group from
the Available list to the Member Of column.
The ThinManager User Configuration Wizard is the same until the Windows
Log In information page.
If you chose to assign a display client to the user by selection of the User-
specific Display Clients on the Display Client Selection page (see Figure 492 on
page 351), then you must provide a Windows account to start the session.
This page is not displayed if the ThinManager User is selected from the
Active Directory.
The Windows Log In Information page provides four session log on options.
Setting Description
Use Terminal Check to use the Terminal’s username and password to log on the ThinManager User
Configuration Login automatically to the Remote Desktop Server. Since a different account is used at each Terminal,
Information this does not keep a consistent session for the ThinManager User.
Same as ThinManager Server toautomatically.
Check use the ThinManager User’s username and password to log on to the Remote Desktop
The ThinManager User username and password must match a Windows
User username/ User username and password to get authenticated by Windows. If the ThinManager User is
password selected from the Active Directory, then this is the default behavior.
Use the Username, The ThinManager User can use an alias username and password to log on to the Remote
Password, Verify Desktop Server automatically, which allows you to tie the ThinManager User account to a
Password, and different Windows account. This allows you to hide the actual Windows account from
Domain fields the user.
The ThinManager User can be required to log on to the Remote Desktop Servers manually. To do
Blank Username and this, clear the checkboxes and leave the Username, Password, and Domain fields empty. When a
Password fields ThinManager User logs in with their ThinManager account, they are prompted to enter a valid
Windows account and password.
ThinManager User Groups ThinManager Users can be organized into ThinManager User Groups, just as
Terminals can be organized into Terminal Groups. This section shows the
configuration of a ThinManager User Group.
Setting Description
AD Synchronization Check to access the AD Security Group field.
AD Security Group Type the name of the Organization Unit to which a user belongs.
Search Click to select a Security Group to Synchronize.
Type the user name of your user’s login. It can be a unique ThinManager user name, a Windows
User Name user name, or one listed in Active Directory.
Type the password for the user. If you are using a Windows account for the ThinManager User,
you should use the actual Windows password for automatic login, or leave this field blank for a
Password manual login. If the ThinManager User account is an alias for a Windows account, the password is
used as the Location Services password and not the Windows password.
Click to launch the User Description dialog box and allow custom variables to be applied to the
Customize ThinManager User.
Click to launch the Password Maintenance Options dialog box, where you can specify password
Password Options length, complexity, and longevity.
Click to launch the PIN Maintenance Options dialog box, where you can specify the Personal
PIN Options Identification Number length, complexity, and longevity.
Group Setting Check to apply the setting to all members of the group.
Click to launch the Choose User Group dialog box, which allows you to assign the user to
Change Group a group.
Permissions Click to apply permissions to the group.
3. Highlight the desired permission in the Available list and click the right-
facing arrow to move it to the Member Of list.
4. Highlight the group and check Also apply to users in group, which
applies the permission to all group members.
5. Click OK to close and apply.
6. On the ThinManager User Group Information page, click Customize.
Setting Description
Type a description, which is added to the user account. The text field allows a
User Description verbose description.
Add Click to launch the Custom Variable dialog box to add a custom variable.
Setting Description
Name Type the name of the custom variable.
Value Type the value or content to assign to the custom variable.
Hide Value Check to obscure the custom variable value. Clear the checkbox to show the value.
OK Click to accept the changes and close the dialog box.
7. On the ThinManager User Group Information page, click Next.
8. Double-click the display clients in the Available Display Clients list for
the group to move them to the Selected Display Clients list.
9. Click Next to continue the group configuration.
Setting Description
Group Setting Check to apply setting to all members of the group.
Use Terminal Configuration Check to allow the ThinManager User to use the terminal credentials for the application.
Login Information
Same as ThinManager User Check when a Windows account is used for the ThinManager User account.
Username/Password/ These are dimmed because every user needs a unique Windows account. Therefore, a
Verify Password group setting is not allowed.
Domain Type the domain if domain accounts are used.
The rest of the wizard follows the ThinManager User Configuration Wizard.
10.Click Next to continue or Finish to close and save the settings.
Any member of this group receives the Group Settings. Change a Group Setting and
that change affects all members.
2. Type a name for the ThinManager User in the User Name field.
3. Click Change Group.
Once a ThinManager User has joined a group, the user is displayed in the
tree under the group.
You can create ThinManager Users in a batch by either selecting one Windows
Security Group or multiple Active Directory organizational units (OU). A user
can only reside in one OU, but they can be members in multiple Security
Groups. Limit users to a single Security Group to prevent duplicate accounts.
This manual shows the batch creation of ThinManager Users using Active
Directory Organizational Units.
Since a user can be in several Windows Security Groups, but only one Organizational
Unit, you can only select one Windows Security Group as a ThinManager User Group,
but you can add many Organizational Units.
3. Click OK to close.
4. Click Search.
The Select AD Location to Search dialog box appears, which lists the
Organizational Units for the domain that the ThinManager Server is
a member.
6. Select Next.
7. Click Finish
Password and ThinManager has tools to manage domain accounts and passwords.
Account Management
Active Directory
The Manage Active Directory Accounts dialog box appears, which lists all
the Active Directory accounts that are referenced in ThinManager.
2. Double-click on an account.
The Password Maintenance Options dialog box appears, where you can
have ThinManager manage the account’s password.
Convert Accounts
Figure 542 shows a domain account that was entered in an earlier version of
ThinManager that did not have Active Directory integration.
The Password Maintenance Options dialog box appears for that account.
Synchronize Password
1. Choose Manage>Synchronize Passwords.
The Active Directory System Settings dialog box appears, which contains the
settings for the passwords.
Setting Description
Password Change Interval The number of days before the password must be changed.
Minimum Password Length The minimum number of characters a password can have.
Maximum Password Length The maximum number of characters a password can have.
Use with batch creation of ThinManager Users. You can generate users from one
Choose AD Synchronization Mode Windows Security Group or multiple Organizational Units.
Type how frequently ThinManager synchronizes with the Active Directory.
Synchronize every __ minutes Password communication is encrypted for security.
Manually start the synchronization between the ThinManager Server and the
Start Sync Now Active Directory.
Quickly add members to Access Groups through the Access Groups Wizard.
1. Choose Manage>Access Groups from the ThinManager menu.
The Select ThinManager User dialog box appears with a tree of the
configured Users and User groups.
388 Rockwell Automation Publication TM-UM001H-EN-P - January 2023
Chapter 8 ThinManager Users
5. Highlight the desired ThinManager User and click OK for each addition.
The Access Group Members dialog box shows the members of the
Location Services Access Group.
6. Highlight the members of the Access Group and click Remove to remove
The Event Schedule dialog box appears, which lists events for the
ThinManager User or ThinManager User Group.
The Schedule for ThinManager User Groups feature is the same as for individual
ThinManager Users. The advantage of the Schedule for ThinManager User Groups
feature is that it allows you to apply scheduled events to a whole group of users
rather than the requirements to configure each event for each user.
Setting Description
Add Launches a Schedule dialog box, which allows an event to be configured.
Setting Description
Edit Allows a highlighted event to be changed.
Delete Removes a highlighted event.
OK Accepts changes and closes the Event Schedule dialog box.
2. Click Add.
Setting Description
Event Type Choose an event from the pull-down menu.
Disable Prevents a user login through Location Services, or disconnects a session.
Enable Allows a user to become active again.
Repeat Interval
Once Only Shows a Select Date field for the event.
Weekly/Daily Shows a Weekly Schedule list for the event to run. The Every Day button selects all the days in
the list.
Monthly Shows a Select Day of Month field for the event.
Yearly Shows a Select Date field for the event.
Time Allows the selection of the time that the event should occur.
3. Click OK to close the Schedule dialog box.
4. On the Event Schedule dialog box, click Add to add another event to the
Event Schedule or click OK to close the Event Schedule window and
return to the Terminal configuration.
Card Readers and Card and Badge Configuration for a ThinManager User
Fingerprint Scanners
ThinManager has the ability to use Prox (proximity) cards for Location
Services logins, which requires these actions.
• Add a card reader to the ThinManager-ready thin client
ThinManager has support for the RF Ideas Inc. serial RDR-6081AK2 pcProx
card reader and the USB RDR-6081AKU and RDR-80582AK0 pcProx card
readers (
3. Click Add.
4. The Attach Module to Terminal dialog box appears.
Figure 563 - Attach Module to Terminal
The RF Ideas Serial pcProx Module has parameters that can be configured.
Setting Description
Port Choose the port on which the serial RF Ideas pcProx card reader is installed.
Number of Different cards use different numbers of data bits in their format. Sets the number of data bits to match
Data Bits that used by the card as an identifier. The choices are 26, 37, or Raw.
Use Facility Set to Yes to add the card’s Facility Code to the Card/Badge ID number.
Allow Manual Set to Yes to allow a ThinManager User to log in to a Terminal without a ThinManager ID device. Set to No
Logon so ThinManager users must use a ThinManager ID device to log in.
Prompt for Set to Yes to require a ThinManager User to enter their password for access even if the password is
Password configured in ThinManager.
Zero Pad
Facility Code Adds a leading 0 to the Facility Code if needed.
and ID
The USB RDR-6081AKU does not have the Facility Code option. Do not use the Facility
code on serial pcProx card readers if you are using a mix of both USB RDR-6081AKU
and RDR-6081AK2 serial devices.
The RF Ideas USB pcProx Module has parameters that can be configured.
Setting Description
Choose from these different USB pcProx card readers.
Model RDR-6011AKU
Mode Choose from ThinManager, Wedge, and TermMon modes.
ThinManager Allows the card to be used with ThinManager as a login device.
Wedge Mode Allows the data to be sent to the session as a character string.
TermMon Mode Allows the data to be sent to the TermMon ActiveX.
Bits in ID Number Different cards use different numbers of data bits in their format. Sets the number of data bits to
(AK0 Only) match that used by the card as an identifier.
Bits in Facility Different cards use different numbers of data bits in their format. Sets the number of data bits of
Code (AK0 Only) the Facility Code.
Zero Pad Facility
Code and ID Adds a leading zero to the Facility Code if needed.
(AK0 Only)
Setting Description
Allow Manual Set to Yes to allow a ThinManager User to log in to a Terminal without a ThinManager ID device.
ThinManager Set to No so ThinManager users must use a ThinManager ID device to log in.
Prompt for Set to Yes to require a ThinManager User to enter their password for access even if the password is
ThinManager configured in ThinManager.
Expose Card ID to
TermMon ActiveX Allows the card data to be sent to the TermMon ActiveX without incorporating ThinManager.
Once the Terminal has the module added, restart it to apply the changes.
4. On the Module Selection page, click Finish.
Once ThinManager has Display “Create New User” dialog for unknown users
checked, a card scanned on a Terminal can be used to associate cards
with Location Services.
1. Pass an HID card over the card reader on the Terminal.
Once the card reader has scanned an unknown Prox card, a ThinManager User
Configuration Wizard is launched, associated with the new card number.
2. Click Assign Card Number to Existing User.
The User Replacement Page allows you to select an existing ThinManager User
with whom to associate the card.
The ThinManager User Information page for the selected user appears.
The Card/Badge Information page appears with This user will use a card
or badge to log in checked.
Check Prompt for Password or Prompt for Pin for the Card/Badge Login, the
Biometric Login, or a Manual Login to require a secondary credential.
Setting Description
Prompt for Password Check to require the user to enter their password
Prompt for Pin Check to require the user to enter their PIN
6. Click Finish to accept the changes.
Event Log
Next, the HID card needs to be scanned to help find the ID number.
1. Pass the HID card over the pcProx Card scanner attached to a terminal.
The ID device does not work; so, the Terminal sends a message with the ID
device’s identifier number.
2. Record the number displayed.
This number is also entered in the event log if the Terminal Events are
checked in the ThinManager Server Configuration Wizard.
3. Open ThinManager.
4. Highlight the Terminal in the tree and click the Event Log tab.
7. In the Card/Badge Login section, check This user will use a card or badge
to log in.
8. Type the ID Identifier from the earlier steps into the Enter Card/Badge
ID number field.
Check Prompt for Password or Prompt for Pin for the Card/Badge Login, the
Biometric Login, or a Manual Login to require a secondary credential.
Setting Description
Prompt for Password Check to require the user to enter their password.
Prompt for Pin Check to require the user to enter their PIN.
The Event Log shows the results of the successful login. The terminal has
the ThinManager User added to its icon in the tree, while the
ThinManager User icon shows the name of the terminal into which it
is logged.
Fingerprint Reader
ThinManager supports the DigitalPersona UareU models 4500 and 5160
fingerprint readers as biometric readers. These can be used as identifiers
for ThinManager.
These are the requirements for the DigitalPersona UareU model 4500
fingerprint scanner.
• Activation in the ThinManager Server Configuration Wizard
• The unit is plugged into a terminal and the DigitalPersona UareU
Fingerprint Reader module added to the terminal
• The user fingerprint scanned in ThinManager to associate a user with
the fingerprint
Setting Description
Support Finger Print Readers Check to enable the use of readers
Choose the data format you plan to use from the pull-down menu
Fingerprint storage format • ISO IEC 19794_2_2005
• ANSI INSITS 378_2004
False Match Probability Sets the sensitivity of the read. 1/100 is less sensitive than 1/1,000,000
3. Click Finish to accept the changes.
2. Click Next until the Terminal Mode Selection page of the Terminal
Configuration Wizard appears.
3. Check Enable ThinManager User Services to make the fingerprint
reader work with ThinManager.
4. Click Next until the Module Selection page appears.
5. Click Add on the Module Selection page.
Setting Description
Prompt for Password Check to require the user to enter a password
Prompt for Pin Check to require the user to enter a PIN
Check Prompt for Password or Prompt for Pin for the Card/Badge Login, the
Biometric Login, or a Manual Login to require a secondary credential.
2. Click Change.
The Select Terminal Group dialog box appears, where you can select the
Terminal that has the fingerprint scanner to use for registration.
3. Highlight the terminal that has the fingerprint scanner to use for
registration and click OK.
4. Choose the finger you want to enroll in the Select Finger to Enroll
pull-down menu.
The blue light should turn red, and then back to blue. Leave the finger on
the scanner until the red light turns off.
Once the finger has been scanned and enrolled, the scanned finger appears
green in the Enroll Fingerprint dialog box.
8. Choose a new finger from the Select Finger to Enroll pull-down menu.
Figure 591 on page 410 shows a ThinManager User logged in to a terminal that
uses a DigitalPersona UareU Fingerprint Reader.
The Terminals icon shows a user logged in, it names the user, and the
Desktop2012 application shows a user login to show that display client was
assigned through the ThinManager User.
Location Services Location Services is mobile computing based on location. It does not just send
an application to a mobile device, but it is a way to enable the location to
determine the content sent to the device. The mobile device allows the user to
interact with the location.
Location Services is the how to provide what you need, where and when you
need it.
Assigned locations are those that have a terminal and monitor at the given
location, much like traditional computing. Location Services adds functions to
the location that allow mobile devices to interact with it. These interactions
include Shadow the terminal, Clone the applications, or Transfer the control of
the location to the mobile device.
Unassigned locations are those that lack a permanent terminal and monitor,
and all of the content is sent to the mobile device.
The Location Services method starts with location creation. The application,
user account, and terminal are added to the location. See Figure 593.
1. Click the Locations (globe) icon in the Tree Selector at the bottom of the
tree to open the Locations branch.
2. Right-click on the Locations branch and choose Add Location.
The Location Options page has several configurable options that control the
remote access.
Setting Description
Inactivity Timeout Time interval in which a ThinManager user is logged off for inactivity.
Resolver Signal Time interval before a ThinManager user is logged off due to lack of a signal.
Loss Timeout
Activate Display Client at Check to bring the display client to the forefront when the ThinManager user logs in.
Log In
Enforce Location Fencing Check to control access in an area with nested locations. If local fencing is enforced, the
user must be within the fence to access the sub-locations.
Inherit from Check to allow nested sub-locations to inherit the parent display clients.
parent Locations
Check to allow a ThinManager user to access the location from that location. Clear this
Allow Local Access checkbox to allow remote access only.
Check to allow a ThinManager user to access the location from a remote site. Clear this
Allow Remote Access checkbox to allow access at the location only.
Reset Cloned Sessions Check to close any cloned sessions once they are disconnected.
on Logout
Check to allow a location to be selected manually and dynamically reveal settings under
Allow Location to be Allowed Manually Selected Location Actions. Clear this checkbox to require the ThinManager
selected manually user to use a Resolver like QR Codes, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth to initiate the location access.
These are the actions you can select manually. You can allow all or none. The
defaults are fine, but you have the option to customize the settings as needed.
Setting Description
Allow Shadowing Check to allow a duplicate of the display to be shown on mobile device.
Check to allow the user to launch the same applications as the location but using their
Allow Cloning Windows account.
Allow Transfer Check to allow the display to be moved from the location to the mobile device.
5. Choose the manual connections of your choice. Cleared checkboxes are
not available in the manual selection menu.
The Override Settings dialog box appears, which allows you to add a
different user name to a highlighted display client.
8. Apply the desired display clients to the location and click Next
to continue.
Setting Description
Username Type a valid Windows username.
Password Type the password.
Verify Password Type the password.
Domain Click Search and the Search for AD User dialog box appears.
The Search for AD User window allows you to reference users from the
Active Directory.
9. Click Locations.
The Select AD Location to Search dialog box appears, where you can
choose users.
10.Highlight the domain branch you want to use and click OK.
11. Click Search to fetch the user accounts and populate the Search for AD
User dialog box.
This references the user for the terminal log in account. The Location is
now configured to use an Active Directory user account.
The Location Services Resolver Selection page appears, which allows the
association of Resolvers to the location.
The Location tree shows the created Locations and the display clients assigned
to it.
1. Click the Terminal icon on the Tree Selector at the bottom of the tree.
3. Click Next until the Terminal Mode Selection page appears. There are
ThinManager User and Location Services checkboxes.
Setting Description
Check to use the ThinManager User Access to control access
Enable ThinManager User Services to applications.
Enable Location Services Check to allow the Terminal to use Locations in its configuration.
4. Check Enable Location Services to use Locations.
5. Click Next to navigate to the Display Client Selection page.
Figure 608 - Remove Display Clients on the Display Client Selection Page
6. Highlight the display clients that already exist in the Selected Display
Clients list and click the left arrow to remove them from a Terminal that
already exists.
Leave the Selected Display Clients list blank if you want to configure a
new terminal.
The user accesses the display clients through the location, not the Terminal.
Rockwell Automation Publication TM-UM001H-EN-P - January 2023 421
Chapter 8 ThinManager Users
Choose Options prior to a Location. Once the Location is assigned, Options are
locked. Click Clear to clear the Location if you need to change an option, and then
reassign the Location.
Options Description
Use Force Transfer to restore Check to allow the operator to take a transferred session back without the need to
Assigned Location wait for the other device to approve of the transfer.
Allow selection of Check to let the user manually select the location from a menu on the mobile
Location manually device. Clear the checkbox so the user must use a Resolver.
Enforce fencing on manual Location Check to enforce the fencing on a location during manual selection.
Check so you are notified as you enter a fence and asks for
Confirm before entering a location an acknowledgment.
Location Services has several methods to resolve the location to allow specific
Enable Resolver Types applications to get sent to specific locations.
Enable QR Code Location Ids Check to allow the scanning of a QR code to determine the location.
Enable Bluetooth Locations Check to allow the use of Bluetooth beacons to determine the location.
Check to allow the Global Positioning System of the mobile device to determine
Enable GPS Locations the location.
Check to allow the signal strength of Wi-Fi access points to determine
Enable Wi-Fi Locations the location.
The Select Location dialog box appears with the created Locations
displayed in the Selection Location tree.
Once the wizard is closed, you must restart the Terminal to load the changes.
13. Right-click on the Terminal in the tree and choose Restart Terminal to
load the new configuration.
The tree shows location icons to show which display clients are from
the location.
The big difference Location Services makes is when a mobile device interacts
with the location.
Mobile Device Interactions When you add a location to a Terminal, it does not seem like it makes any
with Location Services difference. The application runs the same on the Terminal versus a location on
a Terminal. The difference is the mobile-device interaction a user can have
with that location.
Resolvers are identified and marked using the mobile device; so, it is
important to configure a mobile device to identify the resolvers
in Location Services.
• The iTMC application can be installed for free from the App Store®
on iTunes®
• The aTMC application can be downloaded for free from the Google Play™ store
• The WinTMC client for Windows® can be downloaded at the ThinManager website at http://
The first page that covers interaction with a Location is the Location Services
Options page, which lets you select which Resolver methods you want to use.
These are listed in the Enable Resolver Types section.
Options Description
Enable QR Code Location Ids Check to allow the scanning of a QR code to determine the location.
Enable Bluetooth Locations Check to allow the use of Bluetooth beacons to determine the location.
Check to allow the Global Positioning System of the mobile device to determine
Enable GPS Locations the location.
Check to allow the signal strength of Wi-Fi access points to determine
Enable Wi-Fi Locations the location.
2. Click Next to navigate to the Mobile Device Options page, which has
several settings that control the user experience on mobile devices. This
page allows you to disable features normally displayed in the
mobile applications.
Figure 615 - Mobile Device Options
Options Description
Toolbar Buttons
Show Scan Data Button Clear this checkbox to hide the Scan Data button.
Show Scan Resolver Button Clear this checkbox to hide the Scan Resolver button.
Show User Login Button Clear this checkbox to hide the User Login button.
Sound Options
Play Location Sounds Check to play a sound when a location is entered.
Check to play a sound when the user logs in as a TermSecure or
Play User Login Sounds ThinManager user.
User Interface Settings
Show Zoom Map Clear to hide the screen map while zoomed in.
Show Toolbar Clear to hide the app toolbar.
Allow Exit to ThinManager Clear to prevent the user from leaving the app to switch ThinManager Servers.
Server List
3. Click Finish to complete the configuration of the mobile Terminal.
Unassigned Locations Relevance allows you to deploy applications to mobile devices and not tethered
to a location. You can create a location, deploy applications to it, and access
these applications with a mobile device when you are at that location.
Unassigned Locations support Transfer, which acts like Forced Transfer, and
Cloning. It does not support Shadow as there is no Terminal to shadow.
The Location Options page has several configurable options that control the
remote access.
Option Description
Type a time interval (in seconds) after which an inactive ThinManager user
Inactivity Timeout logged off.
Type a time interval (in seconds) before a ThinManager user is logged off due to lack
Resolver Signal Loss Timeout of a signal.
Activate Display Client at Log In Check to bring the display client to the forefront when the ThinManager user logs in.
Check to control access in an area with nested locations. If local fencing is enforced,
Enforce Location Fencing the user must be within the fence to access the sub-locations.
Inherit from parent Locations Check to allow nested sub-locations to inherit the parent display clients.
Check to allow a ThinManager user to access the location from that location. Clear
Allow Local Access this checkox to allow remote access only.
Check to allow a ThinManager user to access the location from a remote site. Clear
Allow Remote Access this checkbox to allow access at the location only.
Reset Cloned Sessions on Logout Check to close any cloned sessions once they are disconnected.
Check to allow a location to be selected manually. Clear this checkbox to require the
Allow Location to be ThinManager user to use a Resolver like QR Codes, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth to initiate the
selected manually(1) location access.
When checked, the following options dynamically appear.
Allow Manually Selected Check the actions you can manually select. You can allow all, or none.
Location Actions
This option is not supported in Unassigned Locations as there is no Terminal
Allow Shadowing to shadow.
Check to allow the user to launch the same applications as the location, but use the
Allow Cloning Windows account of the mobile device.
Check to allow the display to be shown on the mobile device with the Windows
Allow Transfer account of the Unassigned Location.
(1) This option lets you manually choose the location from the mobile device. Clear the checkbox to rely on another resolver, like QR
code or Bluetooth, to choose the location.
Allow Transfer are checked in Figure 616 on page 430. The defaults are fine, but
you have the option to customize the settings as needed.
4. Click Next to continue.
5. Add the display clients you want on the Remote Desktop Server
Selection page.
6. Click Next to continue.
10.Click Add to add the resolver on the Resolver Selection page and add
an action.
Option Description
RSSI to Log In A relative value that determines when a device automatically logs on.
RSSI to Log Out A relative value that determines when a device automatically logs out.
The Bluetooth Resolver Settings dialog box shows the signal strength that was
measured when the Bluetooth beacon was registered as the RSSI to Log In. The
log out strength is automatically added as the RSSI to Log Out value is
generated through the subtraction of 10 from the RSSI to Log In value.
Option Description
Latitude The Fractional Latitudinal Coordinate in Degrees.
Longitude The Fractional Longitudinal Coordinate in Degrees.
Altitude The altitude trigger of the GPS Point.
Location Radius The trigger Radius of the GPS Point in meters.
The range along the Z-axis, in meters, that the mobile device is supposed to enter to be
Location Altitude Range considered active at the location.
The GPS Resolver Settings dialog box shows the Latitude, Longitude, and
Altitude that was measured when the GPS was registered. The Location Radius
and Location Altitude Range are added automatically.
14. Once a resolver is added, click Finish to close the wizard and accept
the configuration.
The display clients appear on the mobile device once the resolver is triggered,
either by a QR code or bar code scan, or entry within the range of the Bluetooth
beacons, Wi-Fi area, or GPS zone.
Fencing and Sub-Locations Fencing is a hierarchy that allows you to nest locations within locations, which
can be useful for organization and allow control of access.
Fencing is useful to make sure the worker is in the area they are supposed to
be. For example, a worker cannot take a photo of a QR code and log in at their
desk with this method. Fencing can force them to enter an area controlled by
Bluetooth beacons, Wi-Fi access points, or GPS before they can scan the QR
code or bar code. If they run the application and leave the Fence, then the
application is no longer transmitted.
In Figure 625, the Warehouse location was created as the parent group with
Fencing Enforced. You have to enter the Warehouse location before you are
allowed to access the Loc_1 or Shipping01 locations and applications.
Parent Locations
The parent location can be configured without display clients and actions,
which merely provides proof of location. The applications and actions are
delivered by the child sub-locations.
The Warehouse parent location is not assigned display clients. It is used only
for authentication so display clients are left off the location.
The Warehouse parent location is assigned the ABF9 Bluetooth resolver, which
has no action listed because the intent is not to launch a program or initiate an
action other than to identify the user in the parent location.
Child Sub-locations Sub-locations that are nested under a parent location must resolve the parent
location before it can initiate the action of the sub-location.
3. Highlight the desired parent location and select OK. In this example, the
Warehouse location is used.
The Location Name page appears, with the highlighted parent location
displayed as the Location Group.
If they had sub-locations of their own, they could have the Enforce Location
Fencing applied.
7. Add the desired display clients to the sub-location that the user accesses
when connected.
Figure 636 - Windows Log In Information Page
The sub-location needs a user account if it has a display client added. You can
use domain accounts or non-domain accounts.
See Add Actions to Resolver Codes on page 46 for details on how to add the
Relevance Resolvers to a Location.
ThinManager User Access Relevance has Access Groups that can be used to control access to a location or
action. This is based on the Relevance permissions in ThinManager.
A Location can have a single resolver, like a QR code, assigned to it. The
Location has different Display Clients assigned, each with a different
access group.
As each person scans the Resolver, they get the application that matches their
access group.
Create a Location with Access Group permissions grant or deny access to display clients so that a user
Restricted Applications must log on with an account that has permission to access the application.
The Client Name page of the Display Client Wizard appears, where
permissions are applied to the display client.
2. Click Permissions.
3. The Permissions dialog box appears.
Figure 642 - Permissions Dialog Box
Add a Restricted Application You can apply ThinManager User Services to Location Services and have
to a Location applications on Locations that are restricted by membership in
Access Groups.
To create a Location with the restricted display client, follow these steps.
1. Click the Locations icon on the Tree Selector to open the Locations tree
and create a Location.
2. Right-click on the Locations branch and choose Add Location.
7. Add the desired display clients to the Selected Display Client list on the
Display Client Selection page.
8. In this example, the HMI_1 display client is unrestricted but the Form01
is restricted to members of the Maintenance Access Group as shown in
Use Permissions to Restrict an Application on page 444.
9. Click Next to continue.
A location with display clients requires a valid Windows user account, which
can be a domain or non-domain account.
10.Click Search for a domain account or type one into the Username field
and type the Password.
11. Click Next to continue.
12.Click Add.
Put It Together Figure 649 shows 1_Terminal at the Shipping02 location. It has two display
client applications:
• HMI_1 is unrestricted and is visible to anyone accessing the location
• Form01 is restricted to members of the Maintenance access group
Figure 649 shows the location with the HMI_1 application operational. Form01
is not operational because no Maintenance user is logged in.
When the mobile user transfers the location, they have access to the
unrestricted HMI_New application only.
1. Click ScanID to scan a QR code resolver.
2. Click Login.
The Login prompt appears, which allows the ThinManager user to login.
Once the ThinManager User logs in, the user has access to the hidden
restricted application. Figure 652 shows both locations on the mobile device.
Once the ThinManager user is logged on with the correct Permissions from the
access group membership, the hidden application is revealed.
One QR Code, The previous section covered the use of a Relevance Access Group to hide a
Multiple Actions display client application from the public with the use of Access Groups. This
section cover the use of access groups to provide different actions.
Instead of using a different resolver for every action, you can use a single
resolver and Access Groups to provide different actions. The example that
follows uses a QR code as the resolver.
1. Click the Locations globe icon on the Tree Selector at the bottom of the
tree to open the Locations branch.
2. Double-click the Terminal or right-click on the Terminal and choose
4. Click Add.
Add the same resolver to the location as many times as you have actions
and access groups you want to involve.
5. Choose a different action from the Choose Action pull-down each time
you add it.
6. Click Permissions to add the Access Group to the action.
7. Remove the Unrestricted group from the Member Of list and add the
desired access group from the Available list group; Quality in
this example.
8. Click OK to finish.
The Choose a Relevance Resolver dialog box appears, within which the
Permissions button resides.
If a Quality member scans the QR-01 code, they are able to shadow the location
and leave control with the operator.
If a Foreman scans the QR-01 code, they immediately transfer the display from
the location to their mobile device so that they can take their application with
them when they roam through their section.
If a Supervisor scans QR-01, they clone the application and run it with their
own Windows account.
Calculate Permissions It is easy to lose track of the permissions as your system expands and more
functions and features are added. Relevance has a Permission Calculator
to help.
1. Choose Manage>Access Groups.
3. Highlight members of selection lists to show the display clients that are
visible in the Visible Display Clients column.
4. Click Clear User and Clear Location to clear the fields and test
another combination.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Manual Interaction A mobile device can connect to a Location and manually interact with
with Locations the applications.
1. Connect the mobile device to the ThinServer and connect as shown in
Mobile Devices on page 299.
Figure 660 - Main Menu on a Mobile Device
2. Launch the Main Menu from the mobile device menu bar.
3. Press Login Location, which manually connects to a Location.
The Select Location dialog box appears, which lists all Locations that are
allowed to have a manual configuration. In Figure 661 on page 458, only
one Location is created.
There are three manual interactions between a mobile device and a location.
Interaction Description
Shadow Duplicates the graphic output of the Location screen and sends it to the mobile device.
Sends the graphic output of the location to the mobile device instead of the location. Requires the
Transfer operator to manually allow the transfer.
Creates a duplicate session for the mobile device using the configuration of the location and the user
Clone credentials of the mobile device.
Shadow Shadow duplicates the graphic output of the location and sends it to the
mobile device.
The Shadow feature allows the mobile user to see and interact with the exact
display as the location.
1. Open the mobile program, select your ThinManager Server, and press
Menu in the upper-right corner to launch the Main Menu dialog box.
2. Press Login Location on the menu.
3. Press a Location.
The Select Action dialog box appears, which list the actions allowed at
the location.
The shadow only shows one display client window when you shadow the
location and receive the current graphic output from the location.
5. Press Leave to end the shadow.
Transfer Transfer is similar to Shadow except that the user must allow the transfer at
the location, which prevents someone from taking the session while the
operator is busy with a process. Also, it allows a mobile user to take sole control
of the location.
1. Open the mobile program, select your ThinManager Server, and press
Menu in the upper-right corner to launch the Main Menu dialog box.
Figure 670 - Main Menu on a Mobile Device
The Select Location dialog box appears, where you can manually connect
to a Location. It lists all Locations that are allowed to have a manual
configuration. Figure 671 on page 463 shows only one Location
was created.
The user of the location must allow the transfer. This communication prevents
the mobile user from taking the session while the local user is performing
a task.
The Transfer shows all the display clients on the location instead of just the
display output of the location.
2. The location display can be restored from the client or the location.
• Press Leave on the client menu to restore the display to
the location.
• Also, you can press Restore Location at the location to restore
the display.
Figure 676 - Main Menu at the Location
A dialog box appears on the mobile client to warn the mobile user that
the transfer ends soon.
4. Press YES to allow the transfer back to the original location, NO to refuse
the restoration, or MORE TIME to delay the restoration.
The amount of time that an operator has to acknowledge and allow the
transfer can be set on the Relevance Setting dialog box. See Bluetooth Beacons
on page 476 for details.
Clone Clone duplicates the display clients of the location on the mobile device, but
the sessions are created with the mobile device Windows user account.
Session creation with the mobile device Windows user account allows a mobile
user to get the HMI or other software and have independence from the user at
the location.
The Select Location dialog box appears, which lists all Locations that are
allowed to have a manual configuration.
3. Press Clone.
The mobile device launches copies of the location’s display clients, but
uses the mobile device login.
Figure 682 shows a session running the same application, but with a different
set of credentials.
4. Press Leave near the top-right corner to close the mobile client.
Addition of Resolver Codes Resolvers can help a mobile device know what location it is in. These can be
with Mobile Device configured to tell the mobile device what action to take.
Assignment of Resolvers
Because Resolvers can only be assigned to one location, they identify the
Location for Relevance. Each location can have more than one Resolver and
action assigned. You can use Permissions to assign a resolver several times
with a different action tied to each set of permissions.
QR Codes
Quick Response (QR) Codes can store text, numeral data, and URLs. QR Codes
can be read quickly and easily. There are many programs which generate them,
which include free sites on the web.
QR Codes provide pinpoint location as you need to be at the QR Code to read it,
which allows a high degree of granularity in your configuration. You can put
QR Codes anywhere and not worry about overlap of signals or interference.
One issue with QR Codes is that they are easy to duplicate. If you want to use
Relevance to limit an operator to a particular location, then QR Codes should
be coupled with other devices like Wi-Fi, GPS, or Bluetooth to provide Fencing.
See Fencing and Sub-Locations on page 435 for details.
The iTMC and aTMC programs use the built-in camera as a scanner to read the
QR Codes.
4. Press the ThinManager Server to which you want to apply the QR Codes.
The iTMC Settings page appears, which has the links to register the
various resolvers.
5. Press Register QR Code, which opens the camera to scan and register the
QR Code.
Figure 686 - Scan New QR Code
6. Point the camera at the QR Code. Once the QR Code is framed in the
window, it reads the code and registers it.
Once the iTMC program reads the QR code, it asks you to name it.
If you have multiple ThinManager Servers defined, you must select the
ThinManager Server to which you want to apply the QR codes.
The Settings page contains the links to register the various resolvers.
Once the aTMC program reads the QR code, it asks you to name it.
6. Type the name for the Resolver in Enter Identifier Name dialog box.
7. Click Ok.
8. Click OK.
Bluetooth Beacons ThinManager supports Bluetooth Beacons that use the Bluetooth Low Energy
(LE) standard, which is part of the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.0. In
order to work with these beacons, your mobile device also must support
Bluetooth Version 4.0 or later. In the case of an iPad, this is any iPad (regular,
Mini, or Air) that uses the Lightning connector.
Relevance can use Bluetooth beacons as location resolvers. These must be Low
Energy Bluetooth beacons that provide a unique name in the
Advertising Packet.
To add new beacons to the system, you can use the mobile device to find and
add them in a manner similar to the other resolvers. In the case of these
devices, you stand at the entry point and allow the device to get a few readings
so that it can get an average measure of the signal strength at that point. It
automatically adds 10 to this number for the exit point. You can adjust these in
ThinManager in the Manage Resolvers section.
Relevance Settings
The Relevance Settings dialog box has some settings that can affect
Bluetooth beacons.
1. Choose Manage>Relevance Settings on the ThinManager menu bar.
These are the settings available in the Relevance Settings dialog box.
Setting Description
Location Transfer Sets the time that an operator has to acknowledge and allow a Transfer.
Timeout See Transfer on page 462.
Location Transfer Sets the interval of extra wait time that a refused transfer allows.
Extension Time
Bluetooth Device Enter a name in this field to limit the display of Bluetooth devices that have that prefix, which is
Name Filter Prefix helpful because ThinManager Bluetooth devices have an ACP prefix.
iBeacon GUIDs Shows the registered iBeacons.
Add Click to open the Enter iBeacon GUID dialog box, which allows definition of a new iBeacon.
Delete Click to delete a highlighted iBeacon from the list.
Edit Click to edit a highlighted iBeacon in the Enter iBeacon GUID dialog box.
Allow New Resolvers Allows new resolvers. Clear this checkbox to prevent the addition of Bluetooth beacons by
to be registered unauthorized users.
The Register Bluetooth page appears, which lists the Bluetooth beacons
the mobile device finds.
The mobile device prompts you to go to the location that you want as the
entrance point for the zone.
7. Press Continue.
It can take a few seconds to allow the device to read the signal strength to
create the resolver data.
Once the data is collected and the Bluetooth beacon is registered, you are
prompted to name the location.
Bluetooth Beacons Defined This is the procedure defines a Bluetooth beacon with an Android tablet.
on an Android 1. Open the aTMC program on the Android tablet.
The Bluetooth beacons that the mobile device finds are listed on the
Register Bluetooth page.
The mobile device prompts you to go to the location that you want as the
entrance point for the zone.
7. Press Ready.
It can take a few seconds to allow the device to read the signal strength to
create the resolver data.
Once the data is collected and the Bluetooth beacon is registered, you are
prompted to name the location.
Wi-Fi Access Points This resolver is based on the BSSID (a MAC type address) of the Wireless
Access Point (WAP) that the mobile device is connected to at the time.
Relevance can use Wi-Fi access points as location resolvers. Wi-Fi Resolvers
work well in situations where there are multiple access points. Membership of
a network gives you access to functions in that area.
The mobile device allows you to register the Wi-Fi Access Point you are
connected to and list it on the Register Access Points page.
6. Press the access point.
Once the data is collected and the Wi-Fi access point is registered, you
are prompted to name the location.
The Resolver Management dialog box appears with the Wi-Fi resolver is
registered and entered.
Android-defined Wi-Fi Wi-Fi access points are defined and registered like the Bluetooth beacon.
Access Points 1. Open the aTMC program on the Android tablet.
Figure 722 - ThinManager aTMC Program
4. Press the ThinManager Server with which you want to register the
Wi-Fi network.
The ThinManager Server lets you register the wireless network to which you
are connected.
6. Press Register.
Once the Wi-Fi access point is identified, you are prompted to name
the location.
7. Type a Name for the Wi-Fi access point and press Ok to finish the
registration process.
Figure 728 - Resolver Management Dialog Box
The Resolver Management dialog box appears, where the Wi-Fi access
point is registered and entered.
GPS Relevance can use the Global Positioning System, or GPS, as a location
resolver. The mobile program uses the built-in GPS system to identify
the location.
The Global Positioning System resolver type works well for outdoor areas. It
can be used to create a large Parent Location. Set it up so that you must be
within the GPS area for other actions to take place.
When you assign the GPS resolver to a Location, you can set the range for
altitude and radius from your initial point. This gives you the ability to create a
rather large area for something like an oil field, a large processing facility, or
an entire building complex. You can also use it for finer resolution of
individual buildings, tanks, pump jacks, or other smaller outdoor areas.
As you assign these types of resolvers, it is best to avoid overlap of GPS areas.
iPad-Registered GPS
Define a GPS location similarly to how you define a Bluetooth beacon.
1. Open the iTMC program on the iPad.
Figure 729 - ThinManager iTMC Program
The Register Location page appears with the GPS listed on it after the
mobile device finds it.
Once the data is collected and the GPS location registered, you are
prompted to name the location.
The Resolver Management dialog box appears with the registered GPS
location displayed.
Android-registered GPS
GPS locations are defined and registered like the Bluetooth beacon.
1. Open the aTMC program on the tablet.
4. Press the ThinManager Server with which you want to register the
GPS locations.
6. Press Register.
7. Type the Name of the GPS location and press OK to finish the
registration process.
8. Choose Manage>Manage IDs.
Add Actions to Resolvers can be applied to a location and have an action associated with them
Resolver Codes so that when a resolver is used, a particular action is launched.
There are six actions that can be applied to the Relevance ID.
Action Description
Clone Creates a new duplicate session using the mobile device Windows account.
Force Transfer Automatically diverts the location graphic to the mobile device.
No Action Initiates no new action.
Shadow Provides an interactive shadow on the mobile device.
Transfer Diverts the location graphic to the mobile device after operator input.
View Only Shadow Provides a shadow without allowance of any input from the mobile device.
Each location can have several Relevance IDs with different actions.
Figure 747 shows a location with three QR codes, each with their own action.
Scan a code to initiate the associated action.
Normally, you use a single QR code and use Permissions to deploy the different
functions. Table 3 is just a simplified example to show the concept of
different actions. See One QR Code, Multiple Actions on page 452.
Interact with the Location The iTMC client can be used to interact with the location by a scan of the four
resolvers configured with different actions in the previous example.
The iTMC screen has a menu bar at the top with several command buttons.
The Main Menu has a variety of functions. The state of the application
determines what is displayed.
Function Description
Login User Press to launch a dialog box to log in as a ThinManager user.
Login Location Press to manually select a location.
Press to open the Scan Identified window to scan QR codes to resolve a location
Scan ID or action.
Scan Press to allow the scan window to act as a keyboard wedge to pull data into the session.
Info Provides version numbers and lists gestures to navigate the program.
About Launches a dialog box with user, location, and network information.
View Bluetooth Beacons Lists the Bluetooth beacons within range and their signal strength.
View WiFi Access Point Lists the BSSID of the Wi-Fi network to which you are connected.
Normally, when the screen is zoomed, a map is provided so you can determine the part
Hide Map When Zoomed of the screen that is viewed. This feature hides the map during a zoom.
Shadow A Shadow duplicates the graphic output of the location and sends it to the
mobile device. The mobile user sees the exact display as the location. See
Figure 750 on page 507.
The Main Screen has a menu bar at the top with Main, ScanID, Login,
and Menu.
The iTMC client now shadows the location because the resolver had the
shadow action applied to it.
Forced Transfer Transfer sends the graphic output of the location to the mobile device instead
of the location. Transfer can be done automatically with Forced Transfer or set
to require the operator to manually allow the transfer.
The Main Screen has a menu bar at the top with Main, ScanID, Login,|
and Menu.
4. Scan the resolver associated with Forced Transfer. The display is ported
to the mobile device.
The image of the QR code is blurry because it registers and closes as soon as it is
in focus.
When the action of the resolver is Forced Transfer, the display at the location is
automatically transferred to the scanning iTMC client.
5. Press Leave in the top menu bar or Leave Location on the Main Menu to
end the transfer.
The iTMC client displays a Location Logoff dialog box when a restoration
request is initiated.
Setting Description
Yes Press to allow the restoration of the display.
No Press to refuse the restoration of the display.
More Time Press to send a request to the location for more time. The location gets a message with Yes and No, which
provides the power to allow more time or end the transfer.
Transfer Transfer sends the graphic output of the location to the mobile device instead
of the location. Transfer can be done automatically with Forced Transfer or set
to require the operator to manually allow the transfer.
The Main Screen has a menu bar at the top with Main, ScanID, Login,
and Menu.
A message is sent to the mobile device, which tells it that the location
must respond.
The scan initiates the transfer—this is not a forced transfer, but a manual
transfer—which requires confirmation at the location.
The operator at the location is shown a dialog box that requires approval
to transfer.
The iTMC client is allowed to show the location display, which is moved
from the location to the mobile device.
The location display can be restored from the iTMC client or the location.
On the iTMC client, the Location Logoff dialog box appears, which asks
whether to transfer location display to another device.
7. On to the iTMC client, press Yes to allow the transfer to the location.
Clone Clone duplicates the display clients of the location on the mobile device, but
the sessions are created with the mobile device Windows user account.
Clone allows a mobile user to get the HMI or other software and have
independence from the user at the location.
1. Launch the iTMC application.
2. Select your ThinManager Server on the configuration screen to run your
iPad as a Terminal.
The Main Screen has a menu bar at the top with Main, ScanID, Login,
and Menu.
Relevance launches the display clients used at the location on the mobile
device, but uses the mobile device account. Clone gives a mobile user the
same applications as the location, but with an independent session
instead of a shared as in Shadow. Clone does not take the session as in
Transfer and Forced Transfer.
Figure 772 is a shadow from ThinManager that shows the Terminal logged in
as Admin2.
Clone duplicates the sessions on the location, but creates the sessions with the
Windows user account of the mobile device.
Figure 773 shows the iPad clone of the 2_Terminal, which runs the same
applications, but logs in with the Windows account of the iPad, which
is Admin5.
Fields Description
ThinManager Event Name This is an organizational name only. It does not impact the operation of the event.
Specifies the type of event. Select Generic for all events except for ThinManager Logix
ThinManager Event Type PinPoint events, which should use PinPoint as the ThinManager Event Type.
This is the group in which the event is nested. Blank means it is nested at the root of the
Event Group ThinManager Events tree. Otherwise, the name in this field is the name of the group in
which the event is nested.
Add Opens the Define Match Condition page to create a new Match Expression
Delete After the undesired Expression is selected, this action permanently removes it
After an Expression is selected, the Define Match Condition page appears, where
Edit modifications can be made
Move Up Changes the presentation order of an Expression
Move Down Changes the presentation order of an Expression
Start Group Denotes the start of a Group of Expressions
End Group Denotes the end of a Group of Expressions
Launches the ThinManager Events tree, from which to select a group in which to nest
Change Group the event.
2. Enter a ThinManager Event Name.
3. Click Add.
Fields Description
This value should match the value of a User Defined Variable that originated from
Property Name whichever host has the Termon ActiveX embedded and enabled
Shows the comparison functions used against the Property Name value in text field of
the page. Operations include:
• = (equal)
• != (not equal)
Compare Operation • > (greater than)
• < (less than)
• begins with
• contains
• matches pattern
Compare Value Type Select the type of value to use in the Compare Value field: Int, Real, or String
Compare Value This value is used to compare against the Property Name value
Logical Operation Use to combine or create a larger Expression
The Define Match Condition Wizard closes, and you are returned to the
ThinManager Event Property Wizard.
7. Click Next.
Fields Description
The list of actions that can be applied to a terminal based on the Match Expression(s)
ThinManager Event Action applied in the Event Name page of the ThinManager Event Property Wizard. When a
desired action is selected, additional parameters are presented that need to be defined.
Opens a window to edit a specific parameter for the specified ThinManager Event
Action. Some of these parameters include the Event Target Terminal, Event Target
Edit Display Client List, Event Target Access Group, E-signature required Access
Group, and E-signature Allowed Login Methods.
8. From the pull-down menu, select the ThinManager Event Action to occur
when the set logical expression is executed.
9. Click Edit for the available parameters based on the Event Action.
10. Click Finish.
When the Event expression is true, the set ThinManager Event Action
occurs. No additional terminal or user configuration is necessary.
For more information about the uses of the various ThinManager Event
Actions and their associated fields, see the ThinManager Events White Paper
found at
Firmware, Packages, Firmware is the basic operating system that thin clients run. It is downloaded
and Modules and expanded into memory, where it serves as an operation system.
Modules bring additional functionality to the thin client such as touch screen
integration, keyboard, and sound.
Packages contain a version of firmware and the modules that belong with it.
A package, the firmware version and the modules that go with it, can get
assigned by default to a thin client, or you can override the setting and run a
different package.
Packages, firmware, and modules are included with ThinManager and are
registered automatically during ThinManager installation and service package
updates. Packages may be updated occasionally and can be downloaded from
the ThinManager web site at and applied
to ThinManager.
ThinManager allows updates of Packages. Also, you can update just the
firmware or specific modules if needed.
Firmware and modules get updated automatically during Service Pack upgrades.
This section shows how to update firmware and modules without an update to a
Service Pack.
1. Download new components from the ThinManager web site at .
2. Choose Install>Firmware Package from the ThinManager menu bar.
A file browser appears, which allows you to install a *.fw file. Also, you
can use this command to load a new version of the legacy
firmware.acp firmware file
4. Choose Install>Module.
ThinManager uses a Boot Loader and a Chain Loader during PXE boot.
5. Choose Install>Boot Loader.
10.Choose Install>Firmware.
Figure 778 on page 525 shows a folder with several versions of firmware.
11. Highlight the desired firmware and click Open.
Figure 779 - Module Installation
12.Choose Install>Module.
Customizing Packages
Modules and packages are normally updated with service packs and releases.
You can download updated modules at
when needed.
1. Choose Manage>Packages.
3. Choose the package version you want from the Select Package pull-down
menu to modify in the Select Package dialog box and click Copy.
4. Type a name for the new package in the Enter name of new
package field.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Done on the Edit Firmware Packages and OK on the Package
Manager dialog boxes.
Figure 784 - Modules Dialog Box
7. Choose Install>Modules.
A dialog box appears, which allows the selection of a package you want to
add the module.
Configure Packages for a ThinManager allows you to change the package for all units of a make
Model of Thin Client and model.
1. Choose Manage>Packages.
Older makes and models have fewer options than newer, more powerful makes
and models.
Figure 790 shows package options for the more recent ACP TC3000, which can
run several versions of firmware and custom firmware.
The firmware package chosen from the Package pull-down menu sets that
firmware as the default to run on any Terminal of that make and model.
Configure Packages for an Packages can be changed for an entire series of thin clients or for an individual
Individual Thin Client thin client. This change is done in the Package Manager dialog box.
1. Choose Manage>Packages.
The Terminal Firmware Package pull-down menu allows you to pick a different
package to run once you allow individual firmware on the Package Manager
dialog box.
Figure 793 on page 533 shows that Package 6_b that was used in the
previous example.
Once the firmware setting is allowed on the Package Manager dialog box, it
appears in the Terminal Firmware Package pull-down menu on the Terminal
Hardware page, which allows you to choose it for that individual Terminal.
The Terminal reboots, and the ThinManager splash screen for that
firmware is displayed.
Modules are components and drivers for the Terminals that are not needed for
the basic boot but can be added to enhance the features and functions of the
This manual covers the details of a dozen modules. The first covers the general
steps with the Key Block Module. The other modules cover the
individual configuration.
3. Click Add.
Figure 797 shows the Key Block Module in the Installed Modules pane.
The module and settings are displayed on the Modules tab when the Terminal
is highlighted.
The 3_Terminal shows the red Configuration Indicator icon to indicate that the
configuration changed when the module was added, but it has yet to be restarted to
load the new configuration.
Individual Module Details ThinManager divides the modules into a number of categories or types to
make navigation of the module list easier. The types and modules include ICA,
Local Storage, Miscellaneous, Mouse, RDP, Screen Saver, Sound, TermSecure,
Touch Screen, and Video.
ICA Modules
ICA Modules are advanced modules for advanced users of the ICA client
communication protocol.
The Citrix ICA wfclient.ini Extension Module is used by advanced Citrix users.
This module allows up to 8 strings of text to be added to the wfclient.exe for
passing Citrix parameters.
Keyboard Modules Keyboard Modules are modules used to control or alter keyboard behavior.
The Key Block module traps certain keystrokes and prevents them from being
sent to the Remote Desktop Server for processing.
The key combinations that have a value of YES are blocked from reaching the
Remote Desktop Server.
The Key Block Single Key Module lets you block a single key combination from
being sent from the Terminal to the session.
Add and configure the Key Block Single Key Module to block a single set of key
You can set ALL, CTRL, ALT, or CTRL+ALT as the modifier key(s) and set A-Z,
F1-F12, and ESC, Tab, Backspace, and so on as the key to block.
If you have multiple keys to block, add the Key Block Single Key Module once
for each combination and configure them accordingly.
The Keyboard Configuration Module allows you to set the keyboard language
and control the behavior of the Caps Lock and Number Lock on the Terminal.
The RF Ideas pcProx USB Module uses a USB device that allows a Terminal to
use RF Ideas pcProx cards as TermSecure ID cards.
See Card and Badge Configuration for a ThinManager User on page 391 for
The Share Keyboard and Mouse Module allows several thin clients to be
controlled with a single keyboard and mouse without the need of a KVM switch
Share Keyboard and Mouse has a Controller module that is added to the
controlling Terminal and a Follower module that is added to the
dependent Terminals.
Share Keyboard and Mouse allows you to place several monitors connected to
thin clients, side-by-side or top-to-bottom. The Share Keyboard and Mouse
Controller module is loaded on the center thin client.
The other Terminals receive the Share Keyboard and Mouse Follower module.
2. Once the Share Keyboard and Mouse Controller Module is added to a
Terminal, highlight it in the Installed Module dialog box and
click Configure.
The Share Keyboard and Mouse Follower module is loaded on the secondary
thin clients using the same methods in which other modules are loaded.
3. Click Done when finished.
Once the ThinManager Enabled thin clients are booted, the mouse on the
controller thin client can be moved seamlessly into the other desktops. The
keyboard is active on whatever screen the mouse pointer is present.
This feature allows an operator to have control of several displays with only one
keyboard and mouse. The mouse movement is seamless, which allows access to
displays without switching.
A Controller Share Keyboard and Mouse session cannot be interactively shadowed in
ThinManager unless it is configured to allow it.
The keyboards and mice for the follower thin clients can be left attached but
stowed away until a multi-user configuration is needed.
Language Modules The Language modules allow different languages to be used by the terminal.
The Language Selection Module sets the language on the terminal. You can use
the Keyboard Configuration module to set the keyboard language and set the
language in the session.
Local Storage Modules The Local Storage modules allow the use of USB ports on thin clients. By
default, the USB ports are not active for security reasons.
By default, USB ports are disabled in the ThinManager system. You can use the
USB ports for keyboards and mice, but not USB flash drives. For USB flash
drives, you need to allow the port to be used with the USB Flash Drive Module.
Also, the USB port works with a device that functions as a keyboard wedge.
USB does not map to the session like serial does. If you want to add a USB device
that requires a driver to be installed, such as a printer, you can use an
IP-to-USB converter that allows you to address the device and mount the drives
from the session.
The USB Memory Card Reader Module allows USB card readers to connect to a
Miscellaneous Modules These are modules that do not fit into other categories.
This module sets the protocols that a tablet uses to scan barcodes.
Bluetooth Module
The ability to update stored firmware Terminals eliminates the need to send
the Terminal back to the manufacturer to update the firmware.
The firmware download can vary depending on the bandwidth of the connection and
the size of the update. It is recommended that updates be done over a wired LAN
versus a wireless connection.
The module downloads firmware when it detects a different firmware. Since this only
happens at the first reboot after updating the ThinManager firmware, it is safe to
leave this module added to Terminals permanently when Force Update is set to No. It
does not need to be added and removed each time the firmware is updated.
However, since it updates when the firmware is different, it tries to update the
firmware if you boot it from a ThinManager server with older firmware.
IMPORTANT The Terminal must not be reset or powered off during the brief
period that the update program writes the firmware to the firmware
storage device. It is recommended that you update firmware over a
wired LAN versus a wireless connection.
A stored firmware Terminal loads the firmware locally before it connects to the
ThinManager server. The stored firmware Terminals have a setup program
that allows configuration of the connection.
1. Press any key to enter the program when prompted during the
boot process.
The Instant Failover function requires an Instant Failover license for each
Terminal that uses it.
The thin client cascades both sessions, with the primary in front. You cannot
see the secondary session as it is hidden behind the primary session. There is
an option that allows one to switch between sessions with a hot key.
Parameter Description
Hot Key Session Switching Set to Enabled for the hotkey combination to toggling between sessions.
The value of the hotkey is defaulted to CTRL+F9, but it can be assigned to any
Hotkey Combination is CTRL+ function key.
The Local Print Module simplifies printing through the parallel port on
thin clients.
The Advanced tab on the Printer Properties page contains the Print
Driver name.
c. Type the Print Driver name into the appropriate field on the Local
Print Module.
When printing from the client, the printer is displayed as
Printer/username/session number.
Adding the Redundant Ethernet Module to a Terminal with dual network ports
allows the Terminal to use the second port as a backup. The Terminal has one
IP address, but it can have the ports plugged into two switches to have
redundant paths to the Remote Desktop Servers.
The Terminal boots from the first available network port and downloads the
configuration. If the first network path fails, it seamlessly switches to the
backup port to prevent interruption of service.
The Time Zone Redirection Module allows a Terminal to display local time
when it is connected to a Remote Desktop Server in another time zone.
1. Highlight the Time Zone parameter to activate the Value pull-down
menu that contains time zones.
2. Click Set to accept the changes.
3. Allow time zone redirection in the Group Policy Console of the Windows
Remote Desktop Servers.
The Allow Time Zone Redirection policy is found under Local Computer
Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows
Components\Terminal Services\Client\Server data redirection folder for
Server 2003 or Local Computer Policy\Computer
Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows
Components\Terminal Services\Remote Desktop Server\Device and
Resource Redirection for Server 2008 of the Group Policy.
The USB to Serial module allows you to map the USB ports to serial ports if you
are using a USB-to-Serial device plugged into the Terminal.
See Display Client Override for the current method of User Override.
Mouse Modules Mouse Modules can configure mouse functions in the ThinManager system.
Setting Description
Acceleration Threshold The number of pixels a mouse must move before the acceleration multiplier takes effect.
Left Button Disables the left mouse button when set to Disabled.
Right Button Disables the right mouse button when set to Disabled.
Scroll Button Disables the scroll button when set to Disabled.
Scroll Wheel Disables the scroll wheel when set to Disabled.
1. To change a parameter, highlight the parameter and choose a new value
from the Value pull-down menu.
2. Click Set to accept the new parameter value.
The Serial Mouse Driver allows a serial mouse to be used with thin clients.
Setting Description
Mouse Type Defines what type of mouse is used.
Serial Port Set this value to the serial port number used for the mouse.
The Share Keyboard and Mouse Master module is licensed for each master thin
client. The Share Keyboard and Mouse Follower module is free. Each controller
module can have 1…4 follower units. Future releases expand the number of
replicas that the master can control.
The Domain Name System Module allows you to specify a DNS server for a
Terminal without the need to turn on DNS for the entire ThinManager
Server system.
The Second Network Module allows you to use the dual network ports on a
Terminal on different networks.
Add the Second Network Module and configure the second port.
The Terminal always boots from the first port; but once booted, it enables the
second port and allows communication on both networks. This is useful for
separating IP camera bandwidth from the process control network,
for example.
The Third Network Module allows you to configure a third network port to
connect to a different network than the first network port on Terminals with
three network ports.
The RDP Experience Module allows a session to add features when connected
to a Windows 2003 Remote Desktop Server with RDP.
Enable RDP Experience in Windows Group Policy Editor in order to use these
features. See Microsoft documentation for details.
The RDP Port Module allows the port that RDP uses to communicate to the
Remote Desktop Server with to be changed from the default 3389.
• Type the new port number for RDP in the RDP Server Port Number
(decimal) field.
The use of serial ports on a thin client presents a paradox: the session runs on a
Remote Desktop Server and not the thin client. If you connect a serial device to
the thin client and reference it in the session, the session looks at the local
serial ports on the server and not the remote serial ports on the Terminal
where the device is attached.
Adding the RDP Serial Port Redirection Module maps the remote ports on the
Terminal to the local ports in the session. If the session references COM Port 1,
it is sent to the Terminal COM Port 1.
The RDP Serial Port Redirection Module has no configuration. Add it to map
the remote COM Ports.
The RDP Session IP Module allows a Terminal to use an alias IP address for a
specific Display Client session.
The Smart Card module must be added to use a Smart Card Reader and
Smart Cards.
Network Level Authentication (NLA) must be disabled on the Remote Desktop Servers
to use a smart card as a login device. It can be left enabled if you are using the smart
card to send information to the active session.
iBeacon USB adapters normally have a UUID, a major number, and a minor number
assigned to them. These must be added to the Bluetooth Module in the
appropriate fields.
Setting Description
Location Transfer Timeout The amount of time an operator has to allow a session to transfer during a
(seconds) normal Transfer.
Location Transfer The amount of time that a transfer can wait when user selects More Time during
Extension Time (seconds) a transfer.
Bluetooth Device Name
Filter Prefix Allows you to filter Bluetooth beacons by their prefix.
iBeacon GUIDs Lists the registered iBeacon devices.
Check to allow the ThinManager Beacon application on an iPhone to work as a beacon to
identify the location of the ThinManager user. This setting tells the client application (iTMC
Enable iPhone Beacons or aTMC) to look for devices that run ThinManager Beacon, which a free iPhone application
available from the App Store®.
Allow New Resolvers to Check to allow new resolvers to be added. Clear this checkbox to prevent the addition of
be registered new resolvers unless an administrator re-enables this setting.
2. Clear or change the Bluetooth Device Name Prefix if you use the
BD-Address, Terminal Name, or Custom advertising names.
Figure 807 on page 557 shows a beacon using the ACP-{Terminal Name}
advertising name.
iPhone Beacon
The ThinManager Beacon app is available at the App Store. Once the app
is turned on, the iPhone can be used as a beacon.
ThinManager supports card readers from RF Ideas for use with badges
in TermSecure. There is a serial RF Ideas pcProx Module and a USB RF Ideas
pcProx Module.
This module is used with the RFIdeas pcProx Enroll Series 81 readers
like RDR-xx81AKx.
Once the Terminal has the module added, it needs to be restarted for the
changes to take effect.
5. Click Finish to close the Terminal Configuration Wizard.
6. Right-click on the Terminal in the ThinManager tree and choose Restart.
RF Ideas has a sonar device that can be a pointer to the operator. It becomes
active when a ThinManager User logs on and measures the time for a sonar
echo. If the user walks away without logging off, the sonar detects the absence
because of the increase in the time interval of the echo.
Parameter Description
Modifier Allow you to use a key combination to trigger to turn off
Walk-Away the sonar.
Modifier Allow you to use a key combination to turn on the sonar.
Walk-Up Key
See Registering the Control on page 731 of the ThinManager for Relevance 11.2
User Manual for details.
The USB Flash Drive Module can be used to allow USB flash drives to be used
as TermSecure ID devices.
Screen Saver Modules The use of ThinManager Screen Savers is recommended because they run on
the client. A Microsoft screen saver running in a session can utilize processing
power that could be better applied to another session.
The MultiSession Screen Saver Module is a screen saver that allows the
different sessions of a MultiSession client to cycle.
The MultiSession Screen Saver Module has two modes. It can be set to cycle
through the MultiSession windows when the Terminal is inactive, or it can be
set to return to the main MultiSession screen when the Terminal is inactive.
Screen Saver Module loads a screen saver on the client. The screen saver runs
when the Terminal is idle to protect the monitor. Since the screen saver runs
on the client, it saves CPU resources on the Remote Desktop Server.
This module has a Disable Time Period function that disables the screen saver
during working hours so that the screen is visible during those hours.
1. Plug the speaker(s) into the Line Out plug on the Terminal.
2. Add the module.
3. Connect to the Remote Desktop Server.
The Universal Sound Driver Module activates ThinManager to send the correct
sound driver for that Terminal. This module can be added to any thin client
that has an audio jack to enable sound.
TermSecure Modules There is a legacy category for TermSecure that was superseded by the
Relevance category.
The modules in the TermSecure list are identical to the modules in the
Relevance list. See Relevance Modules on page 555.
Touch Screen ThinManager supports over a dozen serial touch screen controllers and a
universal USB driver. You must add the proper driver for the controller. Some
manufacturers are not consistent and use different controllers for different
product lines.
Serial Drivers
Each serial touch screen has a specific touch driver based on the touch
controller of the monitor. You must add the appropriate driver that matches
the touch controller.
• Arista ARP-16XXXAP-ACP Touch Screen Driver
• CarrollTouch Touch Screen Driver
• Contec Touch Screen Driver (Package 5 only)
• DMC Touch Screen Driver (Package 5 only)
• DMC TSC Series Touch Screen Driver
• Dynapro Touch Screen Driver
• Elographics Touch Screen Driver
• Gunze AHL Touch Screen Driver
• Hampshire TSHARC Touch Screen Driver
• MicroTouch Touch Screen Driver
• Panjit TouchSet Touch Screen Driver
• PenMount Touch Screen Driver
• Ronics Touch Screen Driver (Package 5 only)
• Touch Control Touch Screen Driver
• Touch International IR Touch Screen Driver (Package 5 only)
• USB Touch Screen Driver
• Xycom 33XX Touch Screen Driver (Package 5 only)
• Zytronic Touch Driver
The touch controller is the important component. Many manufacturers make touch
screen monitors, but fewer make the controller. You need the module that matches
the controller.
Some, but not all, touch screen modules have parameters that can be modified,
which may include these.
Parameter Description
Serial Port Sets the COM port that a serial touch screen is connected to.
Sets the speed used for communication between the Terminal and the touch screen on
Baud Rate some serial touch screens.
Used to specify which monitor in a MultiMonitor scheme uses for the touch screen.
Monitor Number MultiMonitor thin clients with multiple touch screens need a module loaded for each
touch screen used.
Touch Settings
Double Touch Area (pixels) Sets the size of the area that a second touch registers as a double-touch.
Double Touch Time Amount of time between touches that qualifies as a double-touch.
A time interval used to prevent a single touch from being registered as
Touch De-Bounce Timeout multiple touches.
Swap XY Coordinates If X and Y are reversed, this setting corrects the orientation.
Hold Down Time When enabled, initiates the Hold Down Action when the touch is held for the configured
(milliseconds) time
Sets the action that a long touch initiates, includes Right-Click and
Hold Down Action OnBoard Keyboard.
Hold Down Area (pixels) Sets the size of the area that a second touch registers as a right-click.
Sets the number of calibration points that the calibration program uses during the
Number of Calibration Point calibration process.
Calibration Margin Percentage Sets the distance from the edge of the screen at which calibration points
are displayed.
Allows a function key to be set as a hotkey so that the calibration can be launched from
Calibration Hotkey a keyboard.
Adds CTRL or ALT to the hotkey to launch the calibration from the keyboard,
Calibration Hotkey Modifier if desired.
Calibration Hold Down Time When enabled, launches the calibration program when the screen is touched and held
for the assigned number of seconds. Cannot be used with the Right-Click
(seconds) Hold Time.
Sets an idle time before the calibration to allow you to clean and wash a touch screen.
Clean Time The calibration waits until you are done touching the screen while cleaning.
Calibration (entered Set automatically by machine. These are the values set during the
automatically) calibration process.
Parameter Description
Hide Mouse Cursor Hides the mouse cursor if a mouse is not present.
Orientation (entered Set automatically by machine. Used at the direction of Tech Support in
automatically) error correction.
Some, but not all, touch screen modules have parameters that can be modified,
including these.
Parameter Description
Used to specify which monitor in a MultiMonitor scheme uses for the touch screen.
Monitor Number MultiMonitor thin clients with multiple touch screens need a module loaded for each
touch screen used.
Touch Settings
Double Touch Area (pixels) Sets the size of the area that a second touch registers as a double-touch.
Double Touch Time Amount of time between touches that qualifies as a double-touch.
A time interval used to prevent a single touch from being registered as
Touch De-Bounce Timeout multiple touches.
Swap XY Coordinates If X and Y are reversed, this setting corrects the orientation.
Hold Down Time When enabled, initiates the Hold Down Action when the touch is held for the
(milliseconds) configured time.
Sets the action that a long touch initiates, includes Right-Click and
Hold Down Action OnBoard Keyboard.
Hold Down Area (pixels) Sets the size of the area that a second touch registers as a right-click.
Sets the number of calibration points that the calibration program uses during the
Number of Calibration Point calibration process.
Calibration Margin Percentage Sets the distance from the edge of the screen at which calibration points
are displayed.
Parameter Description
Allows a function key to be set as a hotkey so that the calibration can be launched from
Calibration Hotkey a keyboard.
Adds CTRL or ALT to the hotkey to launch the calibration from the keyboard,
Calibration Hotkey Modifier if desired.
When enabled, launches the calibration program when the screen is touched and held
Calibration Hold Down Time for the assigned number of seconds. Cannot be used with the Right-Click
(seconds) Hold Time.
Sets an idle time before the calibration to allow you to clean and wash a touch screen.
Clean Time
The calibration waits until you are done touching the screen while cleaning.
Calibration (entered Set automatically by machine. These are the values set during the
automatically) calibration process.
Hide Mouse Cursor Hides the mouse cursor if a mouse is not present.
Orientation (entered Set automatically by machine. Used at the direction of Tech Support in
automatically) error correction.
The Right Click Hold Time (milliseconds) setting allows you to send a
right-click to the session. Check Tile on right click setting, in the Tile Options
dialog box, to allow a user to switch screens on a touch screen without a
keyboard or mouse.
The Tile Options dialog box appears when Tiling Options is clicked on the
Terminal Interface Options page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard.
Video Driver Modules The method of downloading video drivers was changed in ThinManager 3.0. In
previous versions, all video drivers were contained in the firmware and were
downloaded at boot. In ThinManager 3.0, the video was split out of the
firmware and each thin client only downloads the video driver that it needs.
One does not need to add the video module to the Terminal, but must only
have the video module installed in ThinManager to make it available. As each
Terminal connects to ThinManager, it downloads the correct module.
This module is normally not needed and is used under direction of the
ThinManager technical support staff.
These terminal settings allow greater security when thin clients are added or
replaced. Require a password to control who adds Terminals. Use auto-
creation to help with some large deployments.
2. Click Next to continue, Finish to save and close, or Cancel to close and
not save.
The Terminal Replacement page appears, which sets the global setting to
enable replacement of offline Terminals.
Terminals that are turned on cannot be replaced until they are turned off.
The Historical Logging page appears, which adjusts the Historical Data
setting to determine the length of time logs are maintained.
By default, Remote Desktop Server events and ThinManager User events are
not collected. Add these as well as other event logs to use as a tool
when troubleshooting.
2. Click the Event Log tab to show the events for the highlighted tree icon.
SysLog Configuration Page ThinManager Events, which were previously only found within the
ThinManager interface’s Event Logging tab, can now be viewed in SysLog
Servers when using SysLog Compatible Reporting. For example, you can log
events to the Application log of Windows Event Viewer and view the logs there
that have a source of ThinServer. This allows users to view ThinManager
events sorted among other Windows logging events.
Setting Description
SysLog Server Address Enter the designated SysLog Server IP Address.
From the pull-down menu, choose the appropriate SysLog protocol used. The options are
SysLog Protocol TCP, TLS encrypted TCP, and UDP.
Click to automatically populate the SysLog Server Port field with the standard port per
Default the selected protocol.
If the SysLog Server Port deviates from the standard, it may be manually entered here.
SysLog Server Port Otherwise, click Default after choosing the SysLog Protocol to automatically populate the
standard port.
By default, events are not configured for SysLog. Therefore, you must choose which
Choose event type events are to appear in SysLog.
Setting Description
Windows User Group Shows the group that is being configured.
Shows the ThinManager functions that are available to the Windows group displayed in the
Available Windows User Group dialog box. Double-click these functions to add them to the
Allowed list.
Shows the ThinManager functions that are granted to the Windows group displayed in the
Allowed Windows User Group dialog box. Double-click these functions to remove them from the
Allowed list.
Delete Group Removes the highlighted group in the Windows User Group dialog box.
Add Group Launches the New Window Group dialog box where a new Windows group can be added to the
ThinManager comes with privileges predefined for six groups. Each of these
groups (except Administrators) must be created on the domain controller or in
the Local Users and Groups on the Computer Management console. Members
must be added before they can be used.
2. Type a Windows Group name in the Enter Windows User Group Name
field of the New Windows Group dialog box and click OK to add the
Windows User Group to the pull-down menu.
This does not create the user group on any servers, it just adds the name of a group
that exists to the list that ThinManager maintains.
3. Click Add Group in a domain ThinManager Server
The Select Security Group dialog box appears, which allows you to add
Active Directory groups and configure their permissions
in ThinManager.
4. Type a local Windows User Group into the Manual Entry field and
click OK.
Figure 829 - ThinManager Security Groups Page
5. On the ThinManager Security Groups page, choose the group from the
Windows Users Group pull-down menu.
6. Double-click a function in the Available list of the Windows User Group
Permissions section to grant that permission to the group. Members of
the Windows User Group have the selected permissions at their
next login.
a. If you need a new Windows group, create the Windows User Group
using standard Microsoft methods.
The ThinServer service may need to be stopped and restarted to load the new
ThinManager Security Group settings.
7. Click Next to continue the ThinManager Server Configuration Wizard,
Finish to save and close, or Cancel to close and not save.
Information about these events can be useful. The event must be checked to
add the notification.
This page defines which users are notified of event changes from the Event
Selection page.
Windows User Group Description
ThinManager sends an e-mail message to the addresses in this text box when an event is
E-Mail Addresses chosen on the Event Select page.
ThinManager sends an SMS message to the addresses in this text box when an event is chosen
SMS Recipients on the Event Select page.
ThinManager sends a message to the Terminals in this text box when an event is chosen on
the Event Select page.
E-mail Buttons
Click to make the Enter the E-mail address dialog box appear, where you can type an
Add e-mail address.
Delete Click to delete a highlighted e-mail address from the E-mail Addresses list.
Click to make the Email Server Settings dialog box appear, where you can configure the e-mail
Settings settings in the Email Server Settings dialog box.
The Enter the E-mail Address dialog box appears, where you can add an
e-mail address to the notification list.
2. Click OK to accept the setting or click Cancel to close the dialog box and
not save.
3. Click Settings in the E-mail section of the Email or Windows Message
Recipients page.
The Email Server Settings dialog box appears, which allows you to
configure the SMTP mail server.
The SMS Message Recipient dialog box allows you to add a phone number to
the SMS distribution list.
Setting Description
Cell Phone Number Type a phone number.
Cell Phone Service Allows you to specify what network the cell phone uses. Each service provider uses a unique
Provider account; so, the correct account is important.
5. Click OK to accept the setting or Cancel to close without saving.
Figure 835 - Select Terminal
The Select Terminal dialog box lists the Terminals configured on the
ThinManager Server.
6. Highlight the desired Terminal and click OK.
Figure 836 shows the Email or Windows Messaging Recipients page populated
with different recipients.
In Figure 836, the SMTP server was not set up properly and an error message was
displayed as a reminder.
7. Click Next to continue, Finish to save and close, or Cancel to close and
not save.
Database Management Page 1. Navigate to the Database Management page of the ThinManager Server
Configuration Wizard. See ThinManager Server Configuration Wizard
on page 571 for more information on how to open the wizard.
2. Type the new password in the New Database Password and Verify New
Password fields.
3. Click Change Password to commit the changes.
4. Click OK.
User accounts without the Administer ThinManager Servers security role can
change the running database password. However, they are prompted to enter
the current database password. See Figure 839 on page 587.
Contact Technical Support if any errors result from the integrity check.
You may need to change the settings if there is a conflict with another
multicast server on the network.
2. Click Next to continue, Finish to save and close, or Cancel to close and
not save.
HTTPS Server Settings Page The HTTPS Server Settings page is used to set the HTTPS port for ThinServer
and API settings. By default, the HTTPS port is enabled and set to Port 8443.
This port is used to deliver some modules after the firmware delivery and is
used to access the API. If set to 0, modules will be delivered via UDP 69 and
UDP 4900 and the API will not be accessible.
To use the API, Enable API Endpoints must be checked. This is in addition to
setting the HTTPS Port to a valid number. API end point documentation is
intended to be accessed via a web browser and can be found at https://
[thinserverhostIP]:[HTTPS port]/api/documentation. For example, to connect
with the default port when ThinServer is installed on the local host, navigate to The API supports GET, POST, PUT,
and DELETE methods.
For more information on the API, see page [insert page here in Ch. 4
ThinManager® System]
Setting Description
HTTPS Port This sets the TCP port which the HTTPS server will run on for access to the API.
Enabling this settings allows for an entry point to communicate with the HTTPS server.
Enable API Endpoints Without enabling this setting, the API cannot be utilized.
This setting allows for User API Keys to be generated using the Login API endpoint. The
ThinManager API allows for application keys and user keys to be generated. When
Allow User Login enabled, users can generate their own API key from the login endpoint. API User keys
are inherited from the users group membership role as defined in ThinManager
Security Groups.
Sets the number of times a user can use an user API key to authenticate a method on an
User Quota (time and unit) endpoint for the specified rolling duration.
Launches the Manage API Keys wizard which allows for API keys to be created, edited, or
Manage Keys deleted. The Manage Keys wizard will manage both application and user API keys.
The API for ThinServer is not enabled by default, and must be enabled to
communicate with any of the endpoints. When enabled, only application keys
are enabled without enabling user keys. User keys allow users to self-generate
a key to authenticate their use of the API for the endpoints which their
ThinManager Security Group would allow them to configure.
Importance of Page: This page allows an administrator to view all user and
application API keys that have been created in the system. User keys will be
named with a Windows username and application keys will be named with a
logical name given by the administrator during creation. The prefix of each key
will be shown to help identify the key but cannot be used alone for
authentication. The full key value is required for endpoint authentication.
Application key values cannot be retrieved after their creation. A key can be
created, modified, or deleted from this page. This page also displays
information such as create date, rolling usage quota, create date, disable date,
and status.
Button Description
Generate New Key Launches a page to create a new application API key.
Enabling this settings allows for an entry point to communicate with the HTTPS server.
Enable API Endpoints Without enabling this setting, the API cannot be utilized.
After one of the listed API keys is selected press this button to launch the Edit API Key
Edit page, where the permissions, quota, and disable date are modified.
Delete Press to delete the selected PI key.
API Keys are required to access the API endpoints. Users who no longer have
access to the API endpoints can have their key disabled or deleted. Keys which
need a more or less restrictive access to the API can be modified with the
appropriate permissions.
IMPORTANT This key will not be displayed in its full state again and must be copied
and stored for use.
Fields Description
Enter the name of an application key here. If the page was accessed from the Edit
Name button on the Manage API Keys page, this field is already populated and can be edited
from this window.
Set the date and time to disable the key, which prohibits the connection to any API
Disable at endpoints that occur after the specified value.
(numeric input and rolling time duration) Set the limit for the number of times an API key
Quota can be used to authenticate a method within the specified rolling time frame. Each
endpoint is authenticated every time a method is called from the API.
This list box shows the ThinManager functions available via API endpoint when
Available authenticating with the API key in the Name text field. Double-click the functions to add
them to the Allowed list.
This list box shows the ThinManager functions granted to the API key in the Name text
Allowed field of the page. Double-click these functions to remove them from the list.
Displays the API key required to establish communication with the API for any desired
endpoint. When editing a key, only the key prefix is shown. The key prefix cannot be
Key used to authenticate the API.
Note: When creating a new application key, the key is only displayed in its full state one
time. Therefore, the key must be copied and saved in a safe place for use.
API keys grant access to endpoint methods. Key creation and modification
allow for granular permissions to be distributed to users and applications
utilizing the ThinManager API. Quotas and disable dates, prevent
unauthorized access, and provide a method to revoke access for applications or
users who access ThinManager from the API.
By default, the Shadow port in ThinManager is Port 5900. This can be changed
under Shadow Options.
Setting Description
ThinManager uses port 5900 as the default shadow port. Enter a different port number
Shadow Port into the Shadow Port field to change the port used if it is in conflict with another
process’s use of the port.
ThinManager uses the same port as VNC. If VNC is installed on a WinTMC PC,
then there could be a conflict between shadow services. If this happens, the
port can be changed in ThinManager.
1. Click Finish to accept changes or select Cancel to close without
making changes.
Configuration Page
Docker Server Settings Page The Docker Server Settings page of the wizard is where the user can set the
range of ports used for containers. Each connection to a container uses its own
unique RDP port.
If Use Default Port Settings is checked, containers use port 3390 and
increment by one per connection. If the checkbox is cleared, the user can input
custom port numbers.
MultiMonitor Layout Page The MultiMonitor configuration process changed in ThinManager 11.1.
The default setting shows two monitors. You can add more as needed.
Setting Description
Add Launches the Monitor Properties dialog box and adds a new monitor.
Delete Deletes a highlighted monitor.
Opens the Monitor Properties dialog box of a highlighted monitor, where the resolution can
Edit be changed.
Centers the monitors in the configuration wizard. Also, you can use the scroll wheel of the mouse to
Reset Scale zoom in and out.
Choose Layout Allows you to select from layout templates. Otherwise, you can drag monitors to a location.
Setting Description
Resolution Choose the desired video resolution for the monitor from the pull-down menu.
Choose the clockwise rotation, in degrees, for a monitor from the pull-down menu. Use when the
Rotation monitor is in vertical, portrait mode versus horizontal, landscape mode.
Refresh Rate Choose the refresh rate for the monitor from the pull-down menu.
2. Click OK to return to the Monitor Layout page.
Once the necessary monitors are added, drag them to move them.
The Screen Layout page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard allows you to
logically segment the monitors. Each letter represents a unique group of
monitors. Sessions on monitors that share the same letter are called “Spanned”
sessions and logically act like a single monitor. Sessions on monitors that have
a unique letter are called “Screened” sessions, and the session appears on the
specified monitor only.
3. Choose the screen letter from the Screen pull-down menu to change a
monitor letter designation, and then click a monitor icon, which applies
the monitor letter to the screen.
Monitors can share a desktop if they have the same letter designation. They
must be the same resolution and form a rectangle; they cannot be askew.
4. Click Edit Properties.
The Screen Options dialog box appears, where you can configure
monitor properties.
The Reset Scale button on the Monitor Layout page makes monitor
configuration easier to see once in order.
Setting Description
Sets which monitor has the mouse focus on boot and displays the Relevance
Main Monitor Main Menu.
Allow Display Clients to move Allows you to move Display Clients from monitor to monitor because it lets
to/from screen you open the Display Client in a different monitor.
Show Display Client Selector Makes the Group Selector pull-down menu available.
Selector Options Makes the Display Client Selector Options dialog box appear.
Check to hide the Group Selector pull-down menu. Clear the checkbox to
Auto-hide Selector display the Group Selector.
Tile on Selector Activation If selected, tiles the sessions when an auto-hide selector is activated.
Select Menu Size Allows you to change the size of the Group Selector.
Shows all Display Clients assigned to a monitor in a tiled mode, if selected.
Enable Tiling Select one tile to display it on the full monitor.
Tiling Options Opens the Tile Options dialog box that configures tile options.
Show Grid Displays grid lines when it is tiled.
Sets the time before the monitor reverts to tiled mode when a single screen
Tile Activity Time (secs) is displayed.
Configures the monitor to show the display clients in tiled mode
Tile Display Clients at start up at startup.
Adds a tile with the Main Menu in it, which is handy for terminals with
Include Main Menu as tile touch screens.
Changes the behavior of the mouse. Instead of a switch from tiled mode to a
Tile Interactive single display client, it allows the user to click in the tiled session and use the
session in the tiled mode.
Screen Specific Mouse Button Mapping Allows you to assign actions to mouse buttons.
Setting Description
Opens the Mouse Button Mapping dialog box, where each mouse button can
be configured with one of these actions.(1)
• Calibrate Touch Screen
• Tile
• Swap
• Full Screen
• Go to next display client
• Go to previous display client
Mouse Button Mapping • Log on ThinManager user
• Main Menu
• Left Mouse Button
• Right Mouse Button
• Middle Mouse Button
• Scroll Up
• Scroll Down
• Virtual Keyboard
• Disable Button
Apply the Microsoft Extended Desktop to a spanned set of monitors.
With the Microsoft Extended Desktop, an expanded application stops at the
Use Microsoft Extended Desktop monitor boundary as it does in Windows.
Without the Microsoft Extended Desktop, an expanded application fills the
entire desktop.
Main Desktop Monitor Sets which monitor of a spanned set is the primary desktop.
Applies to MultiStation, a feature where a MultiMonitor thin client can support
several users by adding multiple keyboards and mice. It is turned on by
MultiStation Options selecting the selecting the Enable MultiStation checkbox on the Terminal
Mode Selection page of the Terminal Configuration Wizard.
Station has a keyboard Use this checkbox if you are using a keyboard with MultiStation.
Station has a mouse Use this checkbox if you are using a mouse with MultiStation.
Allows you to switch between display clients by moving the mouse to either
Screen Edge Display Client Selection
edge of the monitor.
(1) Touch Screen Modules have a Hold Time that can convert a long touch to a right-click. Use the Mouse Button Mapping feature to
apply any of these actions to the long hold.
The desktop of a spanned session is limited to 4096 x 2048 in Server 2008 R2 and
earlier. The resolution of a Server 2012 is 8196 x 8196. The Use Session Size Limits
pull-down menu on the MultiMonitor Video Setting page allows you to change to this
higher resolution.
The selection of monitor resolution on the MultiMonitor Video Settings page can affect
the number of monitors that you can add to a spanned session.
5. Click Next to continue.
Selection Page
4. Click Override.
The Override Settings dialog box appears, where you can apply
customized settings to the display client.
Override Function By default, Microsoft restricts each user to a single session on a serve. Keep
this setting to prevent conflicts. If it is disabled, then a user creates multiple
sessions, which consumes licenses and resources, which makes it more
difficult to connect to the proper session.
In reality, a user can log in to a Remote Desktop Server multiple times as long
as they are running different applications. Each Username/Application needs
to be unique.
When multiple user accounts are used on a Terminal, it does not affect the “Per
Device” TS/RDS CAL count, but it requires more “Per User” TS/RDS CALs.
Figure 862 - Display Client Selection
Figure 862 shows the Override button and the Plus icon for a Display Client
with its properties overridden.
4. Repeat for any display client that requires a different user account.
Share Keyboard and The Share Keyboard and Mouse module allows several ThinManager-ready
Mouse Module thin clients to be controlled with a single keyboard and mouse without the
need of a KVM (Keyboard/Video/Mouse) switch.
The Share Keyboard and Mouse module can be used by placing several
monitors connected to ThinManager-ready thin clients side-by-side or top-to-
bottom. The Share Keyboard and Mouse Master module is loaded on the center
thin client. This module is configured by adding the IP addresses of the
secondary follower thin clients. The other Terminals receive the Share
Keyboard and Mouse follower module.
The Share Keyboard and Mouse Master module has a few settings.
Setting Description
Left Terminal IP Address Enter the IP address of the left Terminal, if present.
Right Terminal IP Address Enter the IP address of the right Terminal, if present.
Top Terminal IP Address Enter the IP address of the top Terminal, if present.
Bottom Terminal IP Address Enter the IP address of the bottom Terminal, if present.
Controls whether the master Terminal is allowed to be controlled by a
Allow Interactive Shadow of Master remote user.
6. Click Done.
7. Restart the ThinManager-ready thin client to apply the changes.
The Share Keyboard and Mouse Follower Module Properties dialog box has one
parameter that allows the replicas to point to a master.
Setting Description
Set to ANY, then this Terminal can be added to several master Terminals and controlled from any.
Master IP Address To prevent confusion, a single master Terminal can be defined in the field.
6. Click Done.
7. Restart the ThinManager-ready thin client to apply the changes.
Once the ThinManager-enabled thin clients are booted, the mouse on the
master thin client can be moved seamlessly into the other desktops. The
keyboard is active in the screen on which the mouse pointer is present.
This allows an operator to have control of several displays with only one
keyboard and mouse. The mouse movement is seamless, allowing access to
displays without switching.
A Controller Share Keyboard and Mouse session cannot be interactively shadowed in
ThinManager unless that parameter is activated.
The keyboards and mice for the follower thin clients can be left attached, but
stowed away until a multi-user configuration is needed.
The Share Keyboard and Mouse module became less popular as MultiMonitor
hardware was introduced. It is easier to use a single MultiMonitor thin client
to show multiple displays than to use several thin clients and the Share
Keyboard and Mouse module. However, the module regained popularity when
using it to tie multiple MultiMonitor thin clients to set up a control
room environment.
The configuration of the Controller and Follower Share Keyboard and Mouse
modules are the same with MultiMonitor thin clients as they are with single
monitor thin clients.
ThinManager has the ability to run reports, show data, and collect data on the
ThinManager system. These reports can show the event log, configurations,
uptimes, and other data.
A Report tab on the Details pane shows a report for a highlighted ThinManager
Server, Terminal, Terminal group, Remote Desktop Server, TermSecure user,
or ThinManager User group.
Reports can be scheduled to be run and saved as *.html or *.CSV files for
storage or further analysis.
The Select Reports dialog box appears, which allows the selection of which
report to display.
The Select Reports dialog box has four fields that determine which report is
displayed on the report tab.
Setting Description
Choose the report to display on the Report tab when the ThinManager Server
System Report is highlighted.
Setting Description
Choose the report to display on the Report tab when a Terminal or Terminal group is
Terminal Report highlighted.
Choose the report to display on the Report tab when a Remote Desktop Server
Remote Desktop Server Report is highlighted.
Choose the report to display on the Report tab when a ThinManager User or
ThinManager User Report ThinManager User Group is highlighted.
2. Use the pull-down list to select the desired reports.
Report Tab The reports chosen in the Select Reports dialog box are displayed on the Report
tab in ThinManager.
Print Report 1. Choose one of the following methods to start the process to print
a report.
a. Click the Report tab and choose View>Print from the
ThinManager menu.
b.Right-click on the report inside of the Details pane.
The Print dialog box appears with all the printers defined on the
ThinManager Server.
2. Highlight the desired printer and click Print to print the report.
Report Template Installation ThinManager installs a number of reports into the ThinManager folder at
installation. The default location is C:\Program Files\Automation Control
New Reports are added to service packs and new releases. Additional report
templates can be downloaded from as they
become available.
1. Choose Install>Reports from the ThinManager menu to install
new reports.
Scheduling is available for more than to run reports. Schedules can be created
for these items.
• The System in the ThinManager Server Configuration Wizard
• Terminals in the Terminal Configuration Wizard
• Remote Desktop Servers in the Remote Desktop Server
Configuration Wizard
• TermSecure Users in the ThinManager User Configuration Wizard
System Scheduling Reports are scheduled on the ThinManager Server Configuration Wizard.
of Reports Follow these steps to schedule report generation.
1. Right-click on the ThinManager Server icon and choose Modify.
4. Click Add.
Setting Description
Event Type Choose the event.
Backup Biometric Database Choose to schedule automatic backup of the biometric (fingerprint) data, which is kept
in a separate database.
Backup Configuration Allows an automatic schedule of the configuration database.
Run Report Allows you to run a report and save it as an *.html file on a regular basis.
Report Template File Allows you to select the type of report and whether to save it as *.html or *.CSV.
Report Output File Applies the naming convention to the saved reports.
Check to save the file to the ThinManager folder with the report name and a time stamp
as its title.
Auto Generate Filename
Clear the checkbox to type a desired filename, which must end in .html or *.CSV,
depending on the template.
Repeat Interval Sets the frequency of report generation.
Sets the time of report generation and changes based on the Report Interval. The Time
Time field can allow dates, days, hours, or intervals to be set for the report.
There are a few changes that allow the filename to be modified with a
timestamp for identification purposes. If you do not use a timestamp, the file
is overwritten each time the report is run.
• %c – Adds date and time
• %h – adds hour (0-24)
• %M – adds minute (0-59)
• %x – adds date
• %X – adds time
5. Once the report is configured, click OK to accept the report schedule.
Once the report is generated the data can be saved or reformatted, as desired,
using standard HTML tools.
Schedule Configuration It is a good idea to back up your ThinManager configuration before you make
Backups any major changes. You can use the Scheduler to do this automatically.
4. Click Add.
The Schedule dialog box appears, which allows system events, like
configuration backups, to be created.
TermMon ActiveX
There are also methods to control the current Display Client, logged on Users,
IP Cameras overlays, and many others.
For Location Services, the main use case is for Location. Once a mobile device
resolves to a Location, a string property is available that has the path and name
of the current Location. If you have nested Locations, it provides this
information in a path form, such as
“ParentLocation\ChildLocation\ChildLocation”. This can be a very versatile
item for customers that are using HMIs and want to control access to pages,
security, and other things based on the Location.
One other Location Services feature in the ActiveX is the ability to trigger an
Operator to scan a code through the application. This can be used to provide an
extra layer of safety and security to an application. It can be tied to any
operation in the HMI.
For example, the feature could be added to a button to run a pump. Prior to the
command to run, an event can be triggered that prompts the Operator to scan
a code. The operator then scans a QR Code, which returns a result to the HMI.
Then, the code on the button determines if it can provide the command to run
the pump based on whether it received the expected information from the
Location via the ActiveX.
The ActiveX also contains properties that allow you to Logon or Logoff (Enter
or Exit) of a Location via ActiveX. This tells the session which Location to log in
to by passing a string to the appropriate ActiveX property. The Logoff item is
the same as the Leave button that is part of the iTMC application.
Register the Control The TermMon ActiveX Control can be found on the ThinManager CD as
termmon.ocx. Also, it is available in the Download section
The Control must be registered before it can be used. Copy the file
termmon.ocx to the computer where you want to use it. Register the OCX by
executing regsvr32 <path\termmon.ocx>.
Read-only Properties The following properties are read-only strings. An event is generated any time
one of these properties changes. The Enable method must be invoked prior to
reading these properties.
Property Description
TerminalName Name of the Terminal.
TerminalModel Terminal model number.
TerminalIP Terminal IP address.
TerminalMAC Terminal MAC address.
TerminalBootLoaderVersion Terminal network boot loader version.
TerminalFirmwareVersion Firmware version that the Terminal runs.
TerminalWindowsUsername Windows Username that is specified in the Terminal’s ThinManager configuration.
TermSecure username of the TermSecure user currently logged on to the Terminal. If
TermSecureUsername no TermSecure user is logged on, this value is blank.
Windows Username associated with a TermSecure user and all TermSecure user
TermSecureWindowsUsername sessions. If no TermSecure user is logged on, this value is blank.
TerminalServerGroupList A comma-separated list of Display Clients currently run on the Terminal.
ConnectionState The Control’s connection state with the Terminal.
CurrentTerminalServerGroup The Display Client that is currently displayed on the Terminal.
Windows Username of the session where the Control has been executed. This property
CurrentWindowsUsername is not available when the RunInSession property is set to False.
Name of the Remote Desktop Server where the Control runs. This property is not
TerminalServerName available when the RunInSession property is set to False.
Identifier associated with a TermSecure user; for example, the number of a security
badge used by a TermSecure user when the badge is scanned. Use of this property
UserID may require the “Expose ID” setting to be enabled in the appropriate ThinManager
module, such as RFIdeas pcProx USB Module.
RelevanceLocationName The complete path and name of the current Location.
ScanResult Contains the result of the Command Method Scan Code commands.
Contains the raw data returned from a biometric scan. The format of this data is
BiometricData determined by the Biometric module as configured on the Terminal.
Contains the result of the ScanBiometricAndQueryUser command.
• TermMonConst.Success – The lookup was successful.
• TermMonConst.Timeout - The request timed out.
• TermMonConst.Busy - The Control is busy with another request.
• TermMonConst.UserNotFound - The scan did not match an enrolled user.
• TermMonConst.Fail - The operation failed.
Contains the TermSecure username when the result of the
BiometricLookupUsername ScanBiometricAndQueryUser command is successful.
Events When a property value changes, an event is generated by the Control. When an
Event occurs, the event code can be used to determine the property that
changed. The Enable method must be invoked in order to receive events
(except for WatchdogTime). The event code is provided by the Control
as follows.
• TermMonEvent.TerminalName
• TermMonEvent.TerminalModel
• TermMonEvent.TerminalIP
• TermMonEvent.TerminalMAC
• TermMonEvent.TerminalBootLoaderVersion
• TermMonEvent.TerminalFirmwareVersion
• TermMonEvent.TerminalWindowsUsername
• TermMonEvent.TermSecureUsername
• TermMonEvent.TermSecureWindowsUsername
• TermMonEvent.TerminalServerGroupList
• TermMonEvent.ConnectionState
• TermMonEvent.CurrentTerminalServerGroup
• TermMonEvent.CurrentWindowsUsername
• TermMonEvent.TerminalServerName
• TermMonEvent.WatchdogTime
• TermMonEvent.RelevanceLocationName
• TermMonEvent.ScanResult
• TermMonEvent.BiometricData
• TermMonEvent.BiometricLookupResult
• TermMonEvent.BiometricLookupUsername
Method Description
Invoke this method to enable the Control. The Control attempts to connect to the
Enable Terminal and generates events to update the Control Properties. The Control
maintains a connection to the Terminal as long as it is enabled.
Invoke this method, which causes the Control to break the connection with the
Disable Terminal. Events are generated to clear the Control Properties.
The Command method can be used to send Terminal action commands. The
Command method requires one parameter, which is the Terminal command, to
Command be performed. The Enable method must be invoked before these commands
can be executed (aside for noted exceptions). The supported commands follow.
Reboot Initiates a Terminal reboot.
Restart Initiates a Terminal restart.
Calibrate Initiates a touch screen calibration.
GotoMainMenu Causes the Main Menu to be displayed.
SwitchToNextGroup Switches to the next Display Client.
SwitchToPrevGroup Switches to the previous Display Client.
SwitchInstFailover Switches the instant failover group.
Disconnectes any current TermSecure user sessions, and then displays the
ChangeTermSecureUser TermSecure Log On menu.
LogOffAndChangeTermSecureUser Logs off any current TermSecure user sessions, and then displays the
TermSecure Log On menu.
Logs off any current TermSecure user sessions and returns to a Display Client,
LogOffTermSecureUser which is assigned to the Terminal. If no Display Clients are configured on the
Terminal, the TermSecure Log On menu is displayed.
Disconnects any current TermSecure user sessions and returns to a Display
DisconnectTermSecureUser Client, which is assigned to the Terminal. If no Display Clients are configured on
the Terminal, the TermSecure Log On menu is displayed.
Disconnects the Remote Desktop Services Session on the Terminal. This
DisconnectSession command does not require that the Enable Method is invoked prior to execution.
Logs off the Remote Desktop Services Session on the Terminal. This command
LogOffSession does not require that the Enable Method is invoked prior to execution.
TileStart Tiles the Display Clients on the current Screen.
TileEnd Untiles the Display Clients on the current Screen.
Prompts the user to scan a QR Code or Barcode. After the scan is complete, the
ScanCodeReturnData scan data is returned in the ScanResult property.
Prompts the user to scan a QR Code or Barcode. After the scan is complete, the
ScanCodeAndQueryLocation location path and name is returned in the ScanResult property.
Sends the next Biometric scan to ThinServer and returns the associated
TermSecure Username. The result of the operation is returned in the
ScanBiometricAndQueryUser BiometricLookupResult property. Upon a successful result, the TermSecure
username is returned in the BiometricLookupUsername property.
Sends an event expression as a string type parameter to ThinServer. Once
SendGenericEvent received by ThinServer, a ThinManager Event with an expression matching the
generic event executes the configured ThinManager Event Action.
• TermMonCommand.DisconnectSession
• TermMonCommand.LogOffSession
• TermMonCommand.TileStart
• TermMonCommand.TileEnd
• TermMonCommand.ScanCodeReturnData
• TermMonCommand.ScanCodeAndQueryLocation
• TermMonCommand.ScanBiometricAndQueryUser
• TermMonCommand.SendGenericEvent
Method Description
Can be used to change the Display Client currently displayed on the Terminal.
ChangeTerminalServerGroup This method requires one parameter which is the name of the Display Client
that the Terminal should switch to.
Can be used to query the access rights of a TermSecure user. This method
requires two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the user. The
TermSecureCheckAccess second parameter is the name of the Access Group. This method returns the
result of the query as follows.
TermMonConst.Timeout The request timed out.
TermMonConst.Busy The Control is busy with another request.
TermMonConst.InvalidMember User is not a member of the specified TermSecure Access Group.
TermMonConst.ValidMember User is a member of the specified TermSecure Access Group.
TermMonConst.UserNotFound The TermSecure Username was not found.
TermMonConst.GroupNotFound The Access Group Name was not found.
Can be used to determine which screen the specified Display Client is
GetGroupScreen currently on for MultiMonitor configurations. This method requires one
parameter which is the name of the Display Client.
Can be used to Log On a specified TermSecure user. This method requires
two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the TermSecure user. The
TermSecureLogonUser second parameter is the password of the TermSecure user. The password
will be encrypted before being sent to the Terminal. This method returns a
result as follows.
TermMonConst.Success The TermSecure user was successfully logged on.
TermMonConst.Timeout The request timed out.
TermMonConst.Busy The Control is busy with another request.
TermMonConst.UserNotFound The TermSecure username was not found.
TermMonConst.BadPassword The TermSecure password was invalid.
TermMonConst.NoPermission The TermSecure user does not have permission to use the Terminal.
TermMonConst.PasswordChangeReq The TermSecure user is required to change his password.
This TermSecure user does not have a Windows Username specified in the
TermMonConst.NoWindowsUsername TermSecure user configuration. This is only required for Remote Desktop
Services Display Clients assigned to the TermSecure User.
This TermSecure user does not have a Windows Password specified in the
TermMonConst.NoWindowsPassword TermSecure user configuration. This is only required for Remote Desktop
Services Display Clients assigned to the TermSecure User.
Used to enable a camera overlay. This method requires two parameters. The
CameraOverlayEnable first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay is on. The second
parameter is the name of the overlay.
Used to disable a camera overlay. This method requires two parameters. The
CameraOverlayDisable first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay is on. The second
parameter is the name of the overlay.
Used to start camera cycling for a camera overlay. This method requires two
CameraOverlayCycleStart parameters. The first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay
is on. The second parameter is the name of the overlay.
Used to stop camera cycling for a camera overlay. This method requires two
CameraOverlayCycleStop parameters. The first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay
is on. The second parameter is the name of the overlay.
Used to switch to the next camera in a camera overlay list. This method
CameraOverlaySwitchNext requires two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the Display Client
the overlay is on. The second parameter is the name of the overlay.
Method Description
Used to switch to the previous camera in a camera overlay list. This method
CameraOverlaySwitchPrev requires two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the Display Client
the overlay is on. The second parameter is the name of the overlay.
Used to make the current camera in a camera overlay enter full screen. This
method requires two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the
CameraOverlayFullscreenEnter Display Client the overlay is on. The second parameter is the name of
the overlay.
Used to make the current camera in a camera overlay exit full screen. This
method requires two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the
CameraOverlayFullscreenExit Display Client the overlay is on. The second parameter is the name of
the overlay.
Used to change cameras in a camera overlay. This method requires three
parameters. The first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay
CameraOverlaySwitchByName is on. The second parameter is the name of the overlay. The third parameter
is the name of the camera. The camera name must include the full path if the
camera is in a camera group.
Used to change the position of a camera overlay. This method requires four
parameters. The first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay
CameraOverlayMove is on. The second parameter is the name of the overlay. The third parameter
is the x location. The forth parameter is the y position.
Used to change the size of a camera overlay. This method requires four
parameters. The first parameter is the name of the Display Client the overlay
CameraOverlayResize is on. The second parameter is the name of the overlay. The third parameter
is the width. The forth parameter is the height.
Used to change the size and position of a camera overlay. This method
requires six parameters. The first parameter is the name of the Display Client
CameraOverlayResizeMove the overlay is on. The second parameter is the name of the overlay. The third
parameter is the x position. The forth parameter is the y position. The fifth
parameter is the width. The sixth parameter is the height.
Used to log into a location. This method requires two parameters. The first
parameter is the complete path and name of the desired location formatted
as “top_level_location_name\sub_location_name\location_name”. This string
RelevanceLocationLogon must match the location tree hierarchy in the ThinManager location tree. The
second parameter is the action to be performed as defined by the
TermMonRelevance action constants.
RelevanceLocationLogoff Log the device out of the current location.
Can be used to retrieve a custom variable. In ThinManager, custom variables
can be added to users, locations, and Terminals. This method requires one
GetCustomVariable parameter. The parameter is the name of the custom variable. This method
returns the result of the query as follows.
TermMonConst.Timeout The request timed out.
TermMonConst.Busy The Control is busy with another request.
TermMonConst.InvalidMember The custom variable does not exist.
TermMonConst.Success The request completed successfully.
Upon a successful result, the value of the custom variable can be read from the
CustomVariableValue property.
Constant Value
TerminalName 1
TerminalModel 2
TerminalIP 3
TerminalMAC 4
TerminalBootLoaderVersion 5
TerminalFirmwareVersion 6
TermSecureWindowsUsername 7
TermSecureUsername 8
TermSecureWindowsUsername 9
TerminalServerGroupList 10
ConnectionState 11
CurrentTerminalServerGroup 12
CurrentWindowsUsername 13
TerminalServerName 14
WatchdogTime 15
UserID 16
RelevanceLocationName 17
ScanResult 18
BiometricData 19
BiometricLookupResult 20
BiometricLookupUsername 21
Constant Value
Reboot 100
Restart 101
Calibrate 102
GotoMainMenu 103
SwitchToNextGroup 104
SwitchToPrevGroup 105
SwitchInstFailover 106
ChangeTermSecureUser 107
LogOffAndChangeTermSecureUser 108
LogOffTermSecureUser 109
DisconnectTermSecureUser 110
DisconnectSession 111
LogOffSession 112
TileStart 113
TileEnd 114
ScanCodeReturnData 115
ScanCodeAndQueryLocation 116
ScanBiometricAndQueryUser 117
Constant Value
Success 1
Fail 2
Disconnected 3
Connected 4
Timeout 5
Busy 6
Updating 7
RequestFailed 8
InvalidMember 9
ValidMember 10
UserNotFound 11
GroupNotFound 12
BadPassword 13
NoPermission 14
PasswordChangeReq 15
NoWindowsUsername 16
NoWindowsPassword 17
Constant Value
ActionNone 0
ActionTransfer 1
ActionClone 2
ActionShadow 3
The following terms and abbreviations are used throughout this manual. For
definitions of terms not listed here, refer to the Allen-Bradley Industrial
Automation Glossary, publication AG-7.1.
Access Group Provides the Relevance permissions that control access to a location,
application, or function.
Basic Service Set Identifiers (BSSID) Describes sections of wireless local area network, or WLAN. Recognizes the
access point or router because it has a unique address, which creates the
wireless network.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address
(DHCP) to a computer from a defined range of numbers.
Global Positioning System (GPS) A U.S.-owned utility that provides users with positioning, navigation, and
timing (PNT) services.
Installation ID An identifier used in licensing, found near the bottom of the Licensing dialog
box. Choose Install>Licenses to launch the Licensing dialog box.
MAC Address Media Access Control address, a unique identifier assigned to a network
interface controller for use as a network address in communications within a
network segment.
Mobile Device Apple, Android, or Windows device that has the appropriate ThinManager
application installed and configured so that it can interact with the
ThinManager Platform through Relevance.
Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) A standardized client-server interface that allows networked computers that
are not yet loaded with an operating system to be configured and booted
remotely by an administrator.
Relevance ID The unique ID and name assigned to a new resolver device when it was added
to the system. Deprecated with version 13.
Rockwell Automation Publication TM-UM001H-EN-P - January 2023 633
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Microsoft’s proprietary protocol that provides a user with a graphical interface
to connect to another computer over a network connection.
Resolver A Bluetooth® beacon, GPS, iBeacon, QR code, or Wi-Fi access point that a
mobile device uses to identify a particular area.
Resolver Actions The functions that are authorized on a mobile device by a resolver, which
include Shadow, Transfer, Forced Transfer, and Clone.
SmartSession Provides load balancing between member remote desktop servers. This feature
uses CPU availability, memory usage, and session count on the remote desktop
servers to determine the load on the servers. ThinManager polls the server
every eight seconds to maintain accurate status levels. Thin clients connect to
the Remote Desktop Server with the most available resources. When
SmartSession is not used, polling is turned off by default.
TermCap Terminal Capability, a software library and database that enables programs to
use display terminals in a terminal-dependent manner; describes the
capabilities of hundreds of different display terminals in great detail.
Terminal Server A computer that acts like a mainframe, allowing clients to log in, start sessions,
and run apps on the server but display the results on a terminal.
TermSecure The former name for the security component of ThinManager that grants or
denies access to content in Relevance, which was deprecated with version 13.
Now, ThinManager User Services.
Thin client Also, Zero client. A terminal without a hard drive that connects to a server.
ThinManager The graphic user interface component of the ThinManager system used to
control and configure the ThinServer database.
ThinManager Server A computer running the ThinManager interface and the ThinServer service.
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface New BIOS format for ThinManager Compatible PXE boot thin clients. It
(UEFI) requires Port UDP-4011 open.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Web address of a resource on the Internet or a locally stored file. The resource
can be any type of file stored on a server, such as a Web page, a text file, a
graphics file, or an application program.
ThinManager Website Visit the ThinManager website to download resources for your ThinManager solution.
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