Tiratana Vandana Shrine Room Hand Out - 0

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The Tiratana Vandana - Salutation to the Three Jewels

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato Ahaṃ vandāmi sabbadā

sammāsaṃbuddhassa N'atthi me saranaṃ aññaṃ
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato Dhammo me saranaṃ varaṃ
Etena sacca-vajjena
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato
sammāsaṃbuddhassa Hotu me jayamaṅgalaṃ

Iti'pi so bhagavā arahaṃ sammā-sambuddho

vijjā-carana sampanno sugato Supaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho
ujupatipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho
loka-vidū, anuttaro purisa-damma-sāratī
satthā deva-manussānaṃ ñāyapaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho

buddho bhagavā ti sāmīcipaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho

yadidaṃ cattāri purisayugāni

Buddham jīvita pariyantam saranaṃ gacchāmi aṭṭha purisapuggalā

Ye ca Buddha atītā ca Esa bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho

Ye ca Buddha anāgatā āhuneyyo, pāhuneyyo, dakkhineyyo

Paccuppannā ca ye Buddha añjalikaranīyo anuttaraṃ

puññakkhettam lokassā'ti
Ahaṃ vandāmi sabbadā

N'atthi me saranaṃ aññaṃ Sanghaṃ jīvita-pariyantam saranaṃ gacchāmi

Ye ca Sangha atītā ca
Buddho me saranaṃ varaṃ
Etena sacca-vajjena Ye ca Sangha anāgatā

Hotu me jayamaṅgalaṃ Paccuppannā ca ye Sangha

Ahaṃ vandāmi sabbadā

Svākkhāto bhagavatā Dhammo

sandiṭṭhiko akāliko ehipassiko N'atthi me saranaṃ aññaṃ

opanayiko paccataṃ Saṅgho me saranaṃ varaṃ

Etena sacca-vajjena
veditabbo viññūhī'ti
Hotu me jayamaṅgalaṃ

Dhammaṅ jīvita-pariyantaṃ saranaṃ gacchāmi

Ye ca Dhammā atītā ca
Ye ca Dhammā anāgatā
Paccuppannā ca ye Dhamma
The Tiratana Vandana - Salutation to the Three Jewels

Homage to Him, the Richly Endowed, the Free, My worship flows unceasingly.
the Fully and Perfectly Awake. No other refuge than the Truth,
Homage to Him, the Richly Endowed, the Free, Refuge supreme, is there for me.
the Fully and Perfectly Awake. Oh by the virtue of this truth,
Homage to Him, the Richly Endowed, the Free, May grace abound, and victory!
the Fully and Perfectly Awake.
Happily proceeding is the fellowship of the
Such indeed is He, the Richly Endowed, the Free, Hearers of the Richly Endowed One,
the Fully and Perfectly Awake,
uprightly proceeding is the fellowship of the
Equipped with Knowledge and Practice, the Hearers of the Richly Endowed One,
Happily Attained,
methodically proceeding is the fellowship of the
Knower of the Worlds, Guide Unsurpassed of Men Hearers of the Richly Endowed One,
to Be Tamed,
correctly proceeding is the fellowship of the
the Teacher of Gods and Men, Hearers of the Richly Endowed One,

the Awakened One Richly Endowed. namely, these four pairs of Individuals,
these eight Persons.
All my life I go for Refuge to the Awakened One.
This fellowship of Hearers of the Richly Endowed
To all the Awakened of the past, One

To all the Awakened yet to be, is worthy of worship, worthy of hospitality,

worthy of offerings,
To all the Awakened that now are,
worthy of salutation with folded hands,
My worship flows unceasingly.
an incomparable source of goodness to the
No other refuge than the Wake, world.
Refuge supreme, is there for me.
Oh by the virtue of this truth, All my life I go for Refuge to the Fellowship.

May grace abound, and victory! To all the Fellowships that were,
To all the Fellowships to be,

Well communicated is the Teaching of the Richly To all the Fellowships that are,
Endowed One, My worship flows unceasingly.
Immediately Apparent, Perennial, of the Nature of
No refuge but the Fellowship,
a Personal Invitation,
Refuge supreme, is there for me.
Progressive, to be understood individually, by the
wise. Oh by the virtue of this truth,
May grace abound, and victory!
All my life I go for Refuge to the Truth.
To all the Truth-Teachings of the past,
To all the Truth-Teachings yet to be,
To all the Truth-Teachings that now are,

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