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ClaimCenter Configuration

Release 6.0.8
Copyright © 2001-2013 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Guidewire, Guidewire Software, Guidewire ClaimCenter, Guidewire PolicyCenter, Guidewire BillingCenter,
Guidewire Reinsurance Management, Guidewire ContactManager, Guidewire Vendor Data Management,
Guidewire Client Data Management, Guidewire Rating Management, Guidewire InsuranceSuite, Guidewire
ContactCenter, Guidewire Studio, Guidewire Live, Gosu, Deliver Insurance Your Way, and the Guidewire logo
are trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks of Guidewire Software, Inc. in the United States and/or
other countries.
This product includes information that is proprietary to Insurance Services Office, Inc (ISO). Where ISO par-
ticipation is a prerequisite for use of the ISO product, use of the ISO product is limited to those jurisdictions
and for those lines of insurance and services for which such customer is licensed by ISO.
This material is Guidewire proprietary and confidential. The contents of this material, including product
architecture details and APIs, are considered confidential and are fully protected by customer licensing confi-
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Guidewire products are protected by one or more United States patents.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (

Product Name: Guidewire ClaimCenter

Product Release: 6.0.8
Document Name: ClaimCenter Configuration Guide
Document Revision: 05-February-2013
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

About This Document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Assumed Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Related Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Conventions In This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Part I
ClaimCenter Configuration Basics
1 Overview of ClaimCenter Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
What You Can Configure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
How You Configure ClaimCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Types of Application Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The Production Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Deploying Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Deploying Changes in a Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Deploying Changes to the Production Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Regenerating the Data Dictionary and Security Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Managing Configuration Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Configuration Topics in This and Other Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2 Application Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Working with Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Accessing Configuration Parameters in Gosu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Configuration Parameter Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Adding Custom MIME Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Approval Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
BulkInvoiceApprovalPattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
PaymentApprovalPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
RecoveryApprovalPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
RecoveryReserveApprovalPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
ReserveApprovalPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Archive Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
ArchiveEnabled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
AssignClaimToRetriever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
DaysClosedBeforeArchive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
DaysRetrievedBeforeArchive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
RestorePattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
SnapshotEncryptionUpgradeChunkSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Assignment Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
AssignmentQueuesEnabled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Batch Process Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
BatchProcessHistoryPurgeDaysOld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
BatchServer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Contents 3
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Business Calendar Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

BusinessDayDemarcation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
BusinessDayEnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
BusinessDayStart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
BusinessWeekEnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
HolidayList (Obsolete) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
IsFridayBusinessDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
IsMondayBusinessDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
IsSaturdayBusinessDay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
IsSundayBusinessDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
IsThursdayBusinessDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
IsTuesdayBusinessDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
IsWednesdayBusinessDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Cache Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
CacheActive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
ExchangeRatesCacheRefreshIntervalSecs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
GlobalCacheActiveTimeMinutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
GlobalCacheReapingTimeMinutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
GlobalCacheSizeMegabytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
GlobalCacheSizePercent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
GlobalCacheStaleTimeMinutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
GlobalCacheStatsRetentionPeriodDays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
GlobalCacheStatsWindowMinutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
GroupCacheRefreshIntervalSecs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
ScriptParametersRefreshIntervalSecs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
TreeViewRefresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
ZoneCacheRefreshIntervalSecs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Claim Catastrophe Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
MaxCatastropheClaimFinderSearchResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Claim Health Indicator and Metric Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
ClaimHealthCalcMaxLossDateInYears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
InitialReserveAllowedPeriod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
MaxClaimResultsPerClaimHealthCalcBatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Clustering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ClusteringEnabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ClusterMulticastAddress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ClusterMulticastPort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ClusterMulticastTTL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ClusterProtocolStackOption1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ClusterProtocolStackOption2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
ClusterProtocolStack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
ConfigVerificationEnabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
PDFMergeHandlerLicenseKey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Database Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
QueryRewriteForClaimSearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Deduction Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
BackupWithholdingTypeCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
CalculateBackupWithholdingDeduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
StandardWithholdingRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Document Creation and Document Management Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

AllowActiveX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
AllowActiveXAutoInstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
DisplayDocumentEditUploadButtons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
DocumentContentDispositionMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
DocumentTemplateDescriptorXSDLocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
MaximumFileUploadSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
ReCallDocumentContentSourceAfterRollback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
UseDocumentNameAsFileName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
UseGuidewireActiveXControlToDisplayDocuments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Domain Graph Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
DomainGraphKnownLinksWithIssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
DomainGraphKnownUnreachableTables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Environment Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
AddressVerificationFailureAsError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
BucketSizeForHistogramsOnAllIndexedColumns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
CollectHistogramsOnAllIndexedColumns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
CurrentEncryptionPlugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
DefaultApplicationLocale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
DefaultCountryCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
DeprecatedEventGeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
DiscardQueryPlansDuringStatsUpdateBatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
EnableAddressVerification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
EnableInternalDebugTools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
EntityValidationOrder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
KeyGeneratorRangeSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
MemoryUsageMonitorIntervalMins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
PublicIDPrefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
ResourcesMutable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
RetainDebugInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
StrictDataTypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
TwoDigitYearThreshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
UnreachableCodeDetection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
UnrestrictedUserName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
UseOldStylePreUpdate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
WarnOnInplicitCoercion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
WebResourcesDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Financial Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
AllowMultipleLineItems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
AllowMultiplePayments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
AllowNegativeManualChecks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
AllowNoPriorPaymentSupplement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
AllowPaymentsExceedReservesLimits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
CheckAuthorityLimits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
CloseClaimAfterFinalPayment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
CloseExposureAfterFinalPayment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
DefaultApplicationCurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
EnablePreSetupRulesInCheckCreator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Financials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
MultiCurrencyDisplayMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
PaymentLogThreshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
SetReservesByTotalIncurred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
UseDeductibleHandling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
UseRecoveryReserves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Contents 5
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Geocoding-related Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
ProximityRadiusSearchDefaultMaxResultCount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
ProximitySearchOrdinalMaxDistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
UseGeocodingInAddressBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
UseGeocodingInPrimaryApp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
UseMetricDistancesByDefault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Integration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
ContactAutoSyncWorkItemChunkSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
EnableMetroIntegration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
InstantaneousContactAutoSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
ISOPropertiesFileName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
KeepCompletedMessagesForDays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
LockPrimaryEntityDuringMessageHandling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
MetroPropertiesFileName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
PolicySystemURL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
UseSafeBundleForWebServicesOperations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Miscellaneous Bulk Invoice Activity Pattern Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
BulkInvoiceItemValidationFailedPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
BulkInvoiceUnableToStopPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
BulkInvoiceUnableToVoidPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Miscellaneous Financial Activity Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CheckDeniedPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CheckUnableToStopPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CheckUnableToVoidPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
LastPaymentReminderPattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
RecoveryDeniedPattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Miscellaneous Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
AllowBulkInvoiceItemsToHaveNegativeAmounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
AllowSoapWebServiceNamespaceCollisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
EnableClaimNumberGeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
EnableClaimSnapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
EnableStatCoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
LegacyExternalEntityArraySupport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
ListViewPageSizeDefault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
MaintainPolicyValidationLevelOnPolicyChange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
MaxCachedClaimSnapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
MaxStatCodesInDropdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
ProfilerDataPurgeDaysOld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
StyleReportURL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

6 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

PDF Print Settings Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

DefaultContentDispositionMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
PrintFontFamilyName. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
PrintFontSize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
PrintFOPUserConfigFile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
PrintHeaderFontSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
PrintLineHeight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
PrintListViewBlockSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
PrintListViewFontSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
PrintMarginBottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
PrintMarginLeft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
PrintMarginRight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
PrintMarginTop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
PrintMaxPDFInputFileSize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
PrintPageHeight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
PrintPageWidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Scheduler and Workflow Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
IdleClaimThresholdDays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
SchedulerEnabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
SeparateIdleClaimExceptionMonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
WorkflowLogPurgeDaysOld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
WorkflowPurgeDaysOld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
WorkflowStatsIntervalMins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Search Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
DisableCBQTForClaimSearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
DisableCBQTForTeamGroupActivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
DisableHashJoinForClaimSearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
DisableHashJoinForProximitySearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
DisableIndexFastFullScanForClaimSearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
DisableIndexFastFullScanForProximitySearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
DisableIndexFastFullScanForRecoverySearch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
DisableIndexFastFullScanForTeamGroupActivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
DisableSortMergeJoinForClaimSearch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
DisableSortMergeJoinForTeamGroupActivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
MaxActivitySearchResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
MaxBulkInvoiceSearchResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
MaxCheckSearchResults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
MaxClaimSearchResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
MaxContactSearchResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
MaxDocTemplateSearchResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
MaxDuplicateContactSearchResults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
MaxNoteSearchResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
MaxPolicySearchResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
MaxRecoverySearchResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
SetSemiJoinNestedLoopsForClaimSearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Contents 7
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Security Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
EnableDownlinePermissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
FailedAttemptsBeforeLockout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
LockoutPeriod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
LoginRetryDelay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
MaxACLParameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
MaxPasswordLength. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
MinPasswordLength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
RestrictContactPotentialMatchToPermittedItems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
RestrictSearchesToPermittedItems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
ShouldSynchUserRolesInLDAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
UseACLPermissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Segmentation Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
ClaimSegment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
ClaimStrategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
ExposureSegment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
ExposureStrategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Spellcheck Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
CheckSpellingOnChange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
CheckSpellingOnDemand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Statistics, Team, and Dashboard Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
AgingStatsFirstDivision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
AgingStatsSecondDivision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
AgingStatsThirdDivision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
CalculateLitigatedClaimAgingStats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
DashboardIncurredLimit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
DashboardShowByCoverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
DashboardShowByLineOrLoss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
DashboardWindowPeriod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
GroupSummaryShowUserGlobalWorkloadStats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
UserStatisticsWindowSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

8 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

User Interface Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

ActionsShortcut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
AutoCompleteLimit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
EnableClaimantCoverageUniquenessConstraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
HidePolicyObjectsWithNoCoveragesForLossTypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
HighlyLinkedContactThreshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
IgnorePolicyTotalPropertiesValue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
IgnorePolicyTotalVehiclesValue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
InputHelpTextOnFocus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
InputHelpTextOnMouseOver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
InputMaskPlaceholderCharacter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
ListViewPageSizeDefault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
MaxBrowserHistoryItems (Obsolete) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
MaxChooseByCoverageMenuItems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
MaxChooseByCoverageTypeMenuItems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
MaxClaimantsInClaimListViews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
MaxTeamSummaryChartUserBars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
QuickJumpShortcut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
RequestReopenExplanationForTypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
ShowCurrentPolicyNumberInSelectPolicyDialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
ShowFixedExposuresInLossDetails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
ShowNewExposureChooseByCoverageMenuForLossTypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
ShowNewExposureChooseByCoverageTypeMenuForLossTypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
ShowNewExposureMenuForLossTypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
UISkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
WizardNextShortcut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
WizardPrevShortcut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
WizardPrevNextButtonsVisible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Work Queue Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
InstrumentedWorkerInfoPurgeDaysOld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
WorkItemCreationBatchSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
WorkItemRetryLimit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
WorkQueueHistoryMaxDownload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Part II
The Guidewire Development Environment
3 Working with Guidewire Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
What Is Guidewire Studio?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Starting Guidewire Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Restarting Studio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
The Studio Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Working with the QuickStart Development Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Connecting the Development Server to a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Deploying Your Configuration Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
ClaimCenter Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
How ClaimCenter Interprets Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Key Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Studio File Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Recovering from Incorrect Data Model Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
ClaimCenter Resources Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Configuring Diagnostic Logging in Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Configuring Guidewire Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Contents 9
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Linking Studio to a SCM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Configuring Version Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Setting File Update and Deletion Parameters (General Settings Tab) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Setting Font Display Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Setting Code Completion Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Setting Server Default Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Restarting the Application Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Configuring External Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Associating an External Editor to a File Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Working with an External XML Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Configuring the External Difference Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Setting the Studio Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4 ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Gosu Building Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Gosu Case Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Working with Gosu in ClaimCenter Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Gosu Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Gosu Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
ClaimCenter Base Configuration Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Class Visibility in Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Preloading Gosu Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Gosu Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
The Guidewire XML Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Script Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Working with Script Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Referencing a Script Parameter in Gosu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Using the Studio Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Using the Studio Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Using the Toolbar Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Using the Right-Click Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Managing Windows and Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Working with Studio Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Validating Studio Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
6 Working in Guidewire Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Entering Valid Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
The Code Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Using Dot Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Using SmartHelp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Accessing the Gosu API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Accessing the PCF Reference Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Accessing the Gosu Reference Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Using Studio Keyboard Shortcuts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Gosu Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
PCF Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Viewing Keyboard Shortcuts in ClaimCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Using Text Editing Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Navigating Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Refactoring Gosu Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Renaming a Gosu Resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Moving a Gosu Resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Saving Your Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

10 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Part III
Guidewire Studio Editors
7 Using the Studio Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Editing in Guidewire Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Working in the Gosu Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
8 Using the Plugins Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
What Are Plugins? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Plugin Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Startable Plugins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Working with Plugins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Customizing Plugin Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
9 Working with Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
What Are Web Services? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Using the Web Services Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Creating a New Web Service Proxy Endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
10 Implementing QuickJump Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
What Is QuickJump?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Adding a QuickJump Navigation Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Implementing QuickJumpCommandRef Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Implementing StaticNavigationCommandRef Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Implementing ContextualNavigationCommandRef Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Checking Permissions on QuickJump Navigation Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
11 Using the Entity Names Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
The Entity Names Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
The Variable Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
The Entity Path Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
The Use Entity Names? Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
The Sort Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
The Gosu Text Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Including Data from Subentities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Entity Name Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
12 Using the Messaging Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
The Messaging Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Adding a Message Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Adding a Message Destination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Associating Event Names with a Message Destination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Working with Email Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
13 Using the Rules Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Working with Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Renaming or Deleting a Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Using Find-and-Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Changing the Root Entity of a Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Why Change a Root Entity? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Validating Rules and Gosu Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Making a Rule Active or Inactive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
14 Using the Display Keys Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
The Display Keys Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Creating Display Keys in a Gosu Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Retrieving the Value of a Display Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

Contents 11
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Part IV
Data Model Configuration
15 Working with the Data Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
What is the Data Dictionary? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
What Can You View in the Data Dictionary? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Using the Data Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Object Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Entity Subtypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Data Column and Field Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Virtual Properties on Data Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
16 The ClaimCenter Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
What Is the Data Model? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
The Data Model in Guidewire Application Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
The Base Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Using Dot Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Overview of Data Entities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Data Object Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Working with Data Object Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
ClaimCenter Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Data Objects and the Application Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Data Objects and Scriptability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Base ClaimCenter Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Component Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Delegate Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Delete Entity Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Entity Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Extension Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Nonpersistent Entity Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Subtype Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
View Entity Data Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
View Entity Extension Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Data Object Subelements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
<array> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
<column> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
<componentref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
<edgeForeignKey> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
<events> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
<foreignkey>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
<fulldescription>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
<implementsEntity> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
<implementsInterface> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
<index> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
<onetoone> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
<remove-index> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
<typekey> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
17 Modifying the Base Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Planning Changes to the Base Data Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Overview of Data Model Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Strategies for Extending the Base Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
What Happens If You Change the Data Model?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Naming Guidelines for Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Defining a New Data Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

12 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Extending a Base Configuration Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

Working with Attribute Overrides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Extending the Base Data Model: Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Creating a New Delegate Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Extending a Delegate Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Defining a Subtype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Defining a Reference Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Defining an Entity Array. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Implementing a Many-to-Many Relationship Between Entity Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Extending an Existing View Entity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Removing Objects from the Base Configuration Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Removing a Base Extension Entity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Removing an Extension to a Base Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Implications of Modifying the Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Deploying Data Model Changes to the Application Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
18 Working with Associative Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Overview of Associative Arrays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Associative Array Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Subtype Mapping Associative Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Working with Array Values Using Subtype Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Typelist Mapping Associative Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Working with Array Values Using Typelist Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
19 Example: Creating Assignable Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Creating an Assignable Extension Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Step 1: Create Extension Entity UserAssignableEntityExt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Step 2: Create Assignment Class NewAssignableMethodsImpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Step 3: Test Assign Your Extension Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Making Your Extension Entity Eligible for Round-Robin Assignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Step 1: Extend the Assignment State Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Step 2: Subclass Class AssignmentType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Step 3: Create UserAssignableEntityExtEnhancement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Step 4: Test Round Robin Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Creating an Assignable Extension Entity that Uses Foreign Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Step 1: Create Extension Entity TestClaimAssignable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Step 2: Add Foreign Keys to Assignable Entities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Step 3: Create New Assignment Type for New Extension Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Step 4: Create Enhancement TestClaimAssignableEnhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Step 5: Create Test Class TestClaimAssignableMethodsImpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Step 6: Add Corresponding Permission for the Extension Entity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Step 7: Test Assignment of the Assignable Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
20 The Domain Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
What is the Domain Graph? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Understanding Graph Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Object Ownership and the Domain Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Accessing the Domain Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Viewing the Domain Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Adding Objects to the Domain Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Implementing the Correct Delegate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Defining Foreign Keys Between Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Graph Validation Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Working with Changes to the Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Working with Shared Entity Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290

Contents 13
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Working with Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290

21 Field Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Field Validators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Field Validator Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
<FieldValidators> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
<ValidatorDef> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Modifying Field Validators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Using <column-override> to Modify Field Validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Field Validation and Localization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
22 Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Overview of Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Working with Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Using Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Defining a Data Type for a Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
The ‘datatypes.xml’ File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
<...DataType> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Deploying Changes to datatypes.xml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Customizing Base Configuration Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
List of Customizable Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Working with Money and Currency Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Money Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Currency Amount Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Setting the Currency Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Working with the Medium Text Data Type (Oracle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
The Data Type API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Retrieving the Data Type for a Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Retrieving a Particular Data Type in Gosu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Retrieving a Data Type Reflectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Using the IDataType Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Defining a New Data Type: Required Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Defining a New Tax Identification Number Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Step 1: Register the Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Step 2: Implement the IDataTypeDef Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Step 3: Implement the Data Type Aspect Handlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
23 Working with Typelists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
What is a Typelist? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Terms Related to Typelists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Typelists and Typecodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Typelist Definition Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Different Kinds of Typelists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Internal Typelists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Extendable Typelists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Custom Typelists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Working with Typelists in Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
The Typelists Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Entering Typecodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Typekey Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Typelist Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Static Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Creating a Static Filter Using Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Creating a Static Filter Using Includes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Creating a Static Filter Using Excludes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

14 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Dynamic Filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

Category Typecode Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Category List Typecode Filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Creating a Dynamic Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

Part V
User Interface Configuration
24 Using the PCF Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
The Page Configuration (PCF) Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
The PCF Canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Creating a New PCF File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
The Toolbox Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
The Structure Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
The Translations Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
The Properties Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Child Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
PCF Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
PCF Elements and the Properties Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Working with Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Adding an Element on the Canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Moving an Element on the Canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Changing the Type of an Element. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Adding a Comment to an Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Finding an Element on the Canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Viewing the Source of an Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Duplicating an Element. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Deleting an Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Copying an Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Cutting an Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Pasting an Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
25 Introduction to Page Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Page Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Page Configuration Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Using Studio to Edit PCF Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
What is a PCF Element? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Types of PCF Elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Identifying PCF Elements in the User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Getting Started Configuring Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Finding an Existing Element To Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Creating a New Standalone PCF Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
26 Data Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Panel Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Detail View Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Define a Detail View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Add Columns to a Detail View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Format a Detail View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
List View Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Define a List View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Iterate a List View Over a Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Choose the Data Source for a List View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368

Contents 15
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

27 Location Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

Location Group Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Define a Location Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Location Groups as Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Location Groups as Tab Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Location Groups as Menu Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Location Groups as Screen Tabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
28 Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Navigation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Tab Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
Configure the Default Tab Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Specify Which Tab Bar to Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Define a Tab Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Define a Tab Bar Link. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Define the Logout Link. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Tabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Define a Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Define a Drop-down Menu on a Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
29 Configuring Spell Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
Using the Spell Checking Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
Understanding How Spell Checking Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
How to Configure Spell Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Step 1: Implement a Spell Check Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Step 2: Implement a checkSpelling Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Step 3: Set Spelling Checker Parameters in config.xml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Step 4: Configure Text Fields for Spell Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
30 Configuring Search Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
The ClaimCenter Search Functionality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
File search-config.xml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
The Criteria Definition Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
The Criterion Subelement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
The Criterion Choice Subelement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Setting the Property Attribute to DateCriterionChoice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Setting the Property Attribute to FinancialCriterion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
Setting the Property Attribute to ArchiveDateCriterionChoice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
The Array Criterion Subelement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
Deploying Customized Search Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Steps in Customizing a Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Working with Optional Search Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Adding an Optional Search Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Adding an Optional Array Search Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
31 Configuring Special Page Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Adding Print Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Overview of the Print Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Types of Printing Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Working with a PrintOut Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Overriding the Print Settings in a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Troubleshooting Print Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Linking to a Specific Page: Using an EntryPoint PCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Entry Points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Creating a Forwarding EntryPoint PCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409

16 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Linking to a Specific Page: Using an ExitPoint PCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410

Creating an ExitPoint PCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Populating a PCF Template: Using a TemplatePage PCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
A Simple Template Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412

Part VI
Workflow and Activity Configuration
32 Using the Workflow Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Workflow in Guidewire ClaimCenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Workflow in Guidewire Studio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Understanding Workflow Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Using the Workflow Right-Click Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
Using Search with Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
33 Guidewire Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Understanding Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Workflow Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Work Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Workflow Process Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Workflow Step Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Workflow Gosu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Workflow Versioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Workflow Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Workflow Structural Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
<Context> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
<Start>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
<Finish> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Common Step Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Enter and Exit Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Asserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Branch IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Basic Workflow Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
AutoStep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
MessageStep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
ActivityStep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
ManualStep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Step Branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Working with Branch IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
GO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
TRIGGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
TIMEOUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
Creating New Workflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Cloning an Existing Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Extending an Existing Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Extending a Workflow: A Simple Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
Instantiating a Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
A Simple Example of Instantiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
The Workflow Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Distributed Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Synchronicity, Transactions, and Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447

Contents 17
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Workflow Subflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450

Workflow Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Workflow Debugging and Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
34 Defining Activity Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
What is an Activity Pattern? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Pattern Types and Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Activity Pattern Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Categorizing Activity Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Using Activity Patterns in Gosu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Calculating Activity Due Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Target Due Dates (Deadlines). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Escalation Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Defining the Business Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Configuring Activity Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Using Activity Patterns with Documents and Emails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
Localizing Activity Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459

Part VII
Configuring Localization
35 Localizing Guidewire ClaimCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Understanding Language and Locales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Working with Localization Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
36 Working with Locales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
Locale Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
Adding a New Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Step 1: Add the Locale to the Localization File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Step 2: Add the Locale to the Language Type Typelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Step 3: Add the Locale to the Collations File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Step 4: Create and Populate the New Locale Folder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
37 Localizing the ClaimCenter Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
Setting the Default Application Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
Setting the User Locale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Configuring Zone Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
File zone-config.xml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Base Zone Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Setting the IME Mode for Field Inputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Printing in Non-US Character Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Configuring Apache FOP for Cyrillic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
38 Localizing String Labels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Localizing Display Keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Display Key Localization Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Working with Missing Display Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Different Ways to Localize Display Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
Localizing Typecodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
Accessing Localized Typekeys from Gosu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Exporting and Importing Localization Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
39 Localizing the Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Viewing Double-byte Characters in Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Changing the Studio Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Localizing Rule Set Names and Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492

18 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Setting a Locale for a Gosu Code Block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493

Localizing Gosu Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Localizing Administration Tool Argument Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Localizing Logging Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
40 Localizing Guidewire Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
Localize a Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
Setting a Locale for a Workflow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
Localizing Workflow Step Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Creating a Locale-Specific SubFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Localizing Gosu Code in a Workflow Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
41 Localizing Shared Administration Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Shared Administration Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Localized Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
Localization Database Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
Localized PCF Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
42 Localizing Field Validators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Localizing Field Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Using a Single Field Validators File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Using Multiple Field Validator Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Configuring Localized Error Messages for Field Validators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Validating Country-Specific Entity Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Example Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Step 1: Extend the PolicyAddress Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
Step 2: Add the Input Field to the PolicyCenter Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
Step 3: Add the Validator to the Default Field Validator File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Step 4: Create Country-Specific Validators and Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
Step 5: Create the Validator Trigger Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Testing the Field Validation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
43 Localizing Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Understanding Templates: A Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Creating Localized Documents, Emails, and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Step 1: Create Locale-Specific Folders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Step 2: Localize Template Descriptor Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
Step 3: Localize Template Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
Step 4: Localize Documents, Emails, and Notes within ClaimCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
Document Localization Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
IDocumentTemplateDescriptor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
IDocumentTemplateSource. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
IDocumentTemplateSerializer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
44 Localized Search and Sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Searching and Sorting Character Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
How Guidewire Stores Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Working with the Default Application Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Configuring a Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Database Searching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Searching and the Oracle Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Searching and the SQL Server Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Data Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Sorting and the Oracle Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Sorting and the SQL Server Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531

Contents 19
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

45 Localizing Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533

Address Localization Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
The Address User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
The AddressOwner and CCAddressOwner Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
The AddressOwner Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
The CCAddressOwner Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
The CCAddressOwnerFieldId and CountryAddressFields Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
Class CountryAddressFields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
Class CCAddressOwnerFieldId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
PCF Address Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
46 Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
The Japanese Imperial Calendar Date Widget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
Configuring Japanese Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
Setting the Japanese Imperial Calendar as the Default for a Locale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
Working with the Japanese Imperial Date Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
Setting a Field to Always Display the Japanese Imperial Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
Setting a Field to Conditionally Display the Japanese Imperial Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
Sample JIC Presentation Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546

Testing Gosu Code
47 Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
The Studio Debugger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
Starting the Debugger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
Setting Breakpoints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
Minimizing the Impact to Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
Stepping Through Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
Viewing Current Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
Defining a Watch List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
Resuming Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
Using the Debugger with the GUnit Tester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
Using the Gosu Tester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
Testing a Gosu Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
Testing a Gosu Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
Testing a Gosu Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
Testing Gosu Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
Generating Testing and Debugging Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
Suggestions for Testing Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
48 Using GUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
The TestBase Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
Overriding TestBase Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
Configuring the Server Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
Configuring the Test Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
Creating a GUnit Test Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
Using Entity Builders to Create Test Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
Creating an Entity Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
Entity Builder Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
Creating New Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
Running Gosu API Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577

20 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Part IX
Guidewire ClaimCenter Configuration
49 Using the Lines of Business Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
Lines of Business in Guidewire ClaimCenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
The Studio Lines of Business Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
The Context Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
The Studio LOB Editor Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
Referential Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
Saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Managing References to the LOB Typelists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Adding a New LossType Typecode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
Adding a New ExposureType Typecode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
50 Configuring Policy Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
Managing Aggregate Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
Understanding Aggregate Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
Define What Counts Against an Aggregate Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Configuring Policy Periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
Aggregate Limit Used Recalculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
Aggregate Limit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
Specifying the Subtabs on a Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
Defining Internal (ClaimCenter-only) Policy Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
51 Configuring Financials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
Understanding Financials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
Double-entry Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
Overview of the Financials Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
Transaction States and the Financial Building Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
Files that Manage Financials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
Financial Summary Screen Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
The Financials Summary Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
Configuring the Drop-Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
Defining the Model Used by a Panel Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
Controlling the Display of the Financial Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
Configuring Reserve Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
Understanding How Configuration Impacts Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
Reserve Permissions and Authority Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
Setting the Number of Reserve Items to Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
Checks and Payments Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
Understanding Checks and Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
Permissions and Authority Limits That Apply to Payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
Batch Processes for Checks and Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
Customizing the Check Wizard Recurrence Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
Customizing the Check Wizard’s Default Payment Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
Bulk Invoice Payment Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
Overview of Bulk Invoices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
The Bulk Invoices Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
Configuring the Bulk Invoices Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
52 Configuring Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
Setting the Default Application Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
Setting a Currency Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
Working with Currency Typecodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625

Contents 21
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Implementing a Single Currency Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625

Implementing a Multicurrency Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
Changing the Default Application Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
53 Configuring Snapshot Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
How ClaimCenter Renders Claim Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Understanding Snapshot PCF Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Encrypting Claim Snapshot Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Configuring Snapshot Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
Snapshots and Data Model Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
54 Configuring Deductibles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
Deductible Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
Typekeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
Deductibles and Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
Transferring Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
Recoding Payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Deleting and Voiding/Stopping Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Denying or Resubmitting Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Applying Deductibles on Multicurrency Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Cleared or Issued Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Cloning Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Deductibles and Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
55 Working with Catastrophe Bulk Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
Catastrophe Bulk Association Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
The GWCatastropheEnhancement Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
Catastrophes Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
Catastrophe Configuration Parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
56 Configuring Duplicate Claim and Check Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Understanding the Gosu Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Duplicate Claim Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
Duplicate Check Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
57 Configuring Claim Health Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
Adding a New Tier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
Adding a High-Risk Indicator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
Adding a New Claim Metric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
Adding Your New Claim Metric or Indicator to Existing Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
58 Configuring Recently Viewed Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
Adding a Loss Date to the Recently Viewed Claim List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
59 Configuring Incidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
Implicit Incidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
Explicit Incidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
To Create a New Incident Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
Quick Claim Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
Injured is a Contact Role. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
Incidents Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
Gosu and Incidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
Entities and Typelists Related to Incidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
60 Archiving Claims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
Archive-related Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665

22 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Archiving and the Domain Graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666

The ‘ClaimInfo’ Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
Claims Archiving in Guidewire ClaimCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
Archiving and Encryption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
Selecting Claims for Archive Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
Restoring Claims from the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
Monitoring Claim Archiving Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
Configuring Claims Archiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
Archiving-related Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
Archive Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
Archive Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
Archive Work Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
The Archive Plugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673

Contents 23
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

24 Contents
ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

About This Document

This document describes the different ways in which ClaimCenter can be configured, and describes the basic
steps for implementing these configurations.
This topic includes:
• “Intended Audience” on page 25
• “Assumed Knowledge” on page 25
• “Related Documents” on page 25
• “Conventions In This Document” on page 26
• “Support” on page 26

Intended Audience
This document is intended for IT staff and system integrators who are configuring ClaimCenter either for an
initial implementation or for ongoing enhancements.

Assumed Knowledge
This document assumes that you are familiar with running the server (basic system administration) and with
using the ClaimCenter application (screens and functions).

Related Documents
See the following Guidewire documents for further information:

ClaimCenter Application Guide – Introduces the application, explains application concepts, and provides a high-
level view of major features and business goals of ClaimCenter. This is your first place to look when learning
about a feature. This book is written for all audiences.

ClaimCenter Installation Guide – Describes how to install a new copy of ClaimCenter into Windows or UNIX
environments. This guide is intended for system administrators and developers who need to install ClaimCenter.

ClaimCenter System Administration Guide – Provides guidance for the ongoing management of a ClaimCenter
system. This document is intended to help system administrators monitor ClaimCenter, manage its security, and
take care of routine tasks such as system backups, logging, and importing files.

ClaimCenter Rules Guide – Describes the business rule methodology, rule categories for ClaimCenter, and rule
syntax for Guidewire Studio. This book is intended for programmers who write Gosu business rules and analysts
who define the business rule logic.

ClaimCenter SOAP API Reference Javadoc – Documents the SOAP APIs and entities for integration program-
mers. It includes: (1) Web service (SOAP) API interfaces; (2) ClaimCenter SOAP entities which are simplified
versions of ClaimCenter entities; (3) SOAP-specific Java utility classes. See the Integration Guide for more

About This Document 25

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


ClaimCenter Gosu Generated Documentation – Documents all types visible from the Gosu type system. This
includes Guidewire entities, Gosu classes, utility classes, Gosu plugin definitions, and Java types that are avail-
able from Gosu. With a local copy of the product, you can regenerate this documentation. From the
ClaimCenter/bin directory run the gwcc regen-gosudoc command.

ClaimCenter Upgrade Guide – Provides instructions to upgrade ClaimCenter.

ClaimCenter Data Dictionary – Describes the ClaimCenter data model, including your custom data model exten-
sions. To generate the dictionary, go to the ClaimCenter/bin directory and run the gwcc regen-dictionary
command. To view the dictionary, open the ClaimCenter/build/dictionary/data/index.html file. For more
information about generating and using the Data Dictionary, see the ClaimCenter Configuration Guide.

ClaimCenter Security Dictionary – Documents security permissions, roles, and the relationships between them.
Generate the dictionary by going to the ClaimCenter/bin directory and running the gwcc regen-dictionary
command. To view the dictionary, open the ClaimCenter/build/dictionary/security/index.html file. For
more information about generating the Security Dictionary, see the ClaimCenter Configuration Guide.

Conventions In This Document

Text style Meaning Examples

italic Emphasis, special terminology, or a book title. A destination sends messages to an

external system.
bold Strong emphasis within standard text or table text. You must define this property.
narrow bold The name of a user interface element, such as a button Next, click Submit.
name, a menu item name, or a tab name.
monospaced Literal text that you can type into code, computer output, Get the field from the Address object.
class names, URLs, code examples, parameter names,
string literals, and other objects that might appear in pro-
gramming code.
monospaced italic Parameter names or other variable placeholder text within Use getName(first, last).
URLs or other code snippets.

For assistance with this software release, contact Guidewire Customer Support:
• At the Guidewire Resource Center –
• By email – [email protected]
• By phone – +1-650-356-4955

26 About This Document

part I

ClaimCenter Configuration
chapter 1

Overview of ClaimCenter

This topic provides some basic information, particularly about the Guidewire ClaimCenter data model and
system environment. Guidewire recommends that before you undertake any configuration changes, that you
thoroughly understand this information.
This topic includes:
• “What You Can Configure” on page 29
• “How You Configure ClaimCenter” on page 30
• “Types of Application Environments” on page 30
• “Deploying Configuration Files” on page 31
• “Regenerating the Data Dictionary and Security Dictionary” on page 32
• “Managing Configuration Changes” on page 33
• “Configuration Topics in This and Other Documents” on page 33

What You Can Configure

Application configuration files determine virtually every aspect of the ClaimCenter application. For example,
you can make the following changes by using XML configuration files and simple Gosu:
Extend the data model. You can add fields to existing entities handled by the application, or create wholly new
entities to support a wide array of different business requirements. You can:
• Add a field such as a column, typekey, array or foreign key to an extendable entity. For example, you can add
an IM Handle field to contact information.
• Create a subtype of an existing non-final entity. For example, you can create an Inspector object as a
subtype of Person.

Chapter 1, Overview of ClaimCenter Configuration 29

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Create a new entity to model an object not supported in the base configuration product. For example, you can
create an entity to archive digital recordings of customer phone calls.
Change or augment the ClaimCenter application. You can extend the functionality of the application:
• Build new views of claims and other associated objects.
• Create or edit validators on fields in the application.
Modify the ClaimCenter interface. You can configure the text labels, colors, fonts, and images that comprise the
visual appearance of the ClaimCenter interface. You can also add new screens and modify the fields and behavior
of existing screens.
Implement security policies. You can customize permissions and security in XML and then apply these permis-
sions at application runtime.
Create business rules and processes. You can create customized business-specific application rules and Gosu
code. For example, you can create business rules that perform specialized for validation and work assignment.
Designate activity patterns. You can group work activities and assign to claim adjusters.

Integrate with external systems. You can integrate ClaimCenter data with external applications.

Define application parameters. You can configure basic application settings such as database connections, clus-
tering, and other application settings not changed during runtime.
Define workflows. You can create new workflows, create new workflow types, and attach entities to workflows as
context entities. You can also set new instances of a workflow to start within Gosu business rules.

How You Configure ClaimCenter

Guidewire provides a configuration tool—Guidewire Studio—that you use to edit files stored in the development
environment. (Guidewire also calls the development environment the configuration environment.) You then
deploy the configuration files by building a .war or .ear file and moving it to the application (production)
Guidewire Studio provides graphical editors for most of the configuration files. A few configuration files you
must manually edit (again, through Studio). For information on Guidewire Studio, see the “Using the Studio
Editors” on page 139.

Types of Application Environments

Configuring the application requires an installed development instance of the application (often called a configu-
ration environment). You use Guidewire Studio to edit the configuration files. Then, you create a .war or .ear
file and copy it to the production server. This section describes some of the particular requirements of these two
• The Development Environment
• The Production Environment

The Development Environment

The development environment for ClaimCenter has the following characteristics:
• It includes an embedded development QuickStart server and database for rapid development and deployment.
• It includes a repository for the source code of your customized application files. Guidewire expects you to
check your source code into a supported Software Configuration Management—SCM—system.
• It includes read-only directories for the base configuration application files.

30 Chapter 1, Overview of ClaimCenter Configuration

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• It provides command line tools for creating the deployment packages. (These are new, customized, versions
of the server application files that you use in a production environment.)
Guidewire provides a development environment (Guidewire Studio) that is separate from the production envi-
ronment. Guidewire Studio is a stand-alone development application that runs independently of Guidewire
ClaimCenter. You use Studio to build and test application customization in a development or test mode before
deploying your changes to a production server. (You can for example, modify a PCF file or add a new workflow.)
It is important to understand that any changes that you make to application files through Studio do not automati-
cally propagate into your production environment. You must specifically build a .war or .ear file and deploy it
to a production server for the changes to take effect. Studio and the production application server—by design—
do not share the same configuration file system.

The Production Environment

The deployed production application server for ClaimCenter has the following characteristics:
• It runs as an application within a J2EE application server (IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, or Apache
• It handles web clients, or SOAP message requests, for claim information or services.
• It generates the web pages for browser-based client access to ClaimCenter.

Deploying Configuration Files

There is a vast difference in how you deploy modified configuration files in a development environment as
opposed to a production environment. The following sections describes these differences:
• Deploying Changes in a Development Environment
• Deploying Changes to the Production Server

Deploying Changes in a Development Environment

In the base configuration, Guidewire provides an embedded application server in the development environment.
This, by design, shares its file structure with the Studio application configuration files. Thus:
• If you modify a file, in many cases, you do not need to deploy the changed configuration file. The develop-
ment server reflects the changes automatically. For example, if you add a new typelist, Studio recognizes this
• If you modify certain resource files, you must stop and restart Studio for the change to become effective. For
example, if you add a new workflow type, then you must stop and restart Studio before a Gosu class that you
create recognizes the workflow.
• If you modify the base configuration data model files, you must stop and restart the development server to
force a database upgrade. (See “Restarting the Application Server” on page 100 for information on restarting
the application server after modifying configuration files.)
It is possible to use a different development environment and database other than that provided by Guidewire in
the base configuration. If you do so, then deployment of modified configuration files can require additional
work. For details on implementing a different development environment, see “Selecting an Installation Scenario”
on page 8 in the Installation Guide.

Deploying Changes to the Production Server

To deploy configuration changes to the ClaimCenter production application server, you must do the following:
• Create an application .war (or .ear) file with your configuration changes in the development environment.

Chapter 1, Overview of ClaimCenter Configuration 31

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Shut down the production server.

• Remove the old ClaimCenter instance on the production application server.
• Deploy the .war (or .ear) file to the production application server.
• Restart the production application server.
In the following procedure, notice whether you need to do a task on the development or production server.

To deploy a .war (.ear) file

1. After making configuration changes in your development environment, run one of the following commands
from your configuration ClaimCenter root directory, based on the server type:

Server type Command

Tomcat gwcc build-war

WebLogic gwcc build-weblogic-ear

WebSphere gwcc build-websphere-ear

2. Shut down the production application server.

3. Delete the existing web application folder in the production server installation. For example (for Tomcat),
delete the following folder:
Also, delete the existing .war (or .ear) file on the production server. In any case, moving a new copy to the
production server overwrites the existing file.
4. Navigate to your configuration installation dist directory (for example, ClaimCenter/dist). The build
script places the new cc.war or cc.ear file in this directory.
5. Copy the newly created cc.war file to the production webapps folder (for Tomcat). If using WebSphere or
WebLogic, use the administrative console to deploy the cc.ear file.
6. Restart the production application server.

7. During a server start, if the application recognizes changes to the data model, then it mandates that a database
upgrade be run. The server runs the database upgrade automatically.

Regenerating the Data Dictionary and Security Dictionary

If you change the metadata (by extending base entities, for example), then it is important that the Data
Dictionary reflect those changes. In this way, other people who use the dictionary can see these new fields. To
generate the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary and ClaimCenter Security Dictionary, run the following command
from the ClaimCenter/bin directory:
gwcc regen-dictionary

This command generates the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary and ClaimCenter Security Dictionary in the
following locations:

To view a dictionary, open its index.html file in the listed location.

Generating the dictionaries as you generate a .war (.ear) file. It is also possible to generate the data and security
dictionaries as you generate the Guidewire application .war (.ear) file. To do so, use the following command:
gwcc build-war -Dconfig.war.dictionary=true

32 Chapter 1, Overview of ClaimCenter Configuration

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

See “Commands Reference” on page 69 in the Installation Guide for information on the Guidewire command
line tools for use in a development environment.

Aspects of Regenerating the Security Dictionary

Guidewire ClaimCenter stores the role information used by the Security Dictionary in the base configuration in
the following file:

ClaimCenter does not write this file information to the database.

If you make changes to roles using the ClaimCenter interface, ClaimCenter does write these role changes to the
ClaimCenter does not base the Security Dictionary on the actual roles that you have in your database. Instead,
ClaimCenter bases the Security Dictionary on the roleprivileges.csv file.

IMPORTANT It is possible for the Security Dictionary to become out of synchronization with the
actual roles in your database. Guidewire ClaimCenter bases the Security Dictionary on file
roleprivileges.csv only.

Managing Configuration Changes

To track, troubleshoot and replicate the configuration changes that you make, Guidewire strongly recommends
that you use a Software Configuration Management (SCM) to manage the application source code. For informa-
tion on using Guidewire ClaimCenter with a SCM system, see “Linking Studio to a SCM System” on page 91.

Configuration Topics in This and Other Documents

Guidewire provides documents, such as the ClaimCenter Rules Guide and ClaimCenter Integration Guide, that
cover specific customization topics. The following table provides a road map for more information regarding
configuration topics:

Configuration area Documentation

Organization ClaimCenter System Administration Guide

Users and groups
Coverage regions
Security ClaimCenter System Administration Guide
Data visibility
Financial authority limits
System settings ClaimCenter Configuration Guide
Configuration parameters
Background process scheduler
Claim information
Data Model Extensions
User interface ClaimCenter Configuration Guide
Menus and toolbars
Data views
Changing text
Client actions
Activity patterns ClaimCenter Configuration Guide

Chapter 1, Overview of ClaimCenter Configuration 33

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Configuration area Documentation

Business rules ClaimCenter Rules Guide

Integration ClaimCenter Integration Guide
Programming interfaces ClaimCenter Rules Guide
Document management integration
Form letters

34 Chapter 1, Overview of ClaimCenter Configuration

chapter 2

Application Configuration

This topic covers the ClaimCenter configuration parameters, which are static values that you use to control
various aspects of system operation. For example, you can control business calendar settings, cache manage-
ment, and user interface behavior all through the use of configuration parameters, along with much, much more.
This topic includes:
• “Working with Configuration Parameters” on page 36
• “Approval Parameters” on page 38
• “Archive Parameters” on page 39
• “Assignment Parameters” on page 40
• “Batch Process Parameters” on page 41
• “Business Calendar Parameters” on page 41
• “Cache Parameters” on page 42
• “Claim Catastrophe Parameters” on page 45
• “Claim Health Indicator and Metric Parameters” on page 45
• “Clustering Parameters” on page 46
• “Database Parameters” on page 48
• “Deduction Parameters” on page 49
• “Document Creation and Document Management Parameters” on page 49
• “Domain Graph Parameters” on page 52
• “Environment Parameters” on page 52
• “Financial Parameters” on page 56
• “Geocoding-related Parameters” on page 59
• “Integration Parameters” on page 60
• “Miscellaneous Bulk Invoice Activity Pattern Parameters” on page 62

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 35

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• “Miscellaneous Financial Activity Parameters” on page 63

• “Miscellaneous Parameters” on page 63
• “PDF Print Settings Parameters” on page 65
• “Scheduler and Workflow Parameters” on page 67
• “Search Parameters” on page 68
• “Security Parameters” on page 71
• “Segmentation Parameters” on page 73
• “Spellcheck Parameters” on page 74
• “Statistics, Team, and Dashboard Parameters” on page 74
• “User Interface Parameters” on page 75
• “Work Queue Parameters” on page 79

Working with Configuration Parameters

You set application configuration parameters in file config.xml. You can find this file in the Guidewire Studio
Resources tree in the Other Resources folder. If you open this file for editing, Studio makes a copy of the read-only
base configuration file and places the editable copy in the following directory:

You do not ever need to touch this file directly outside of Studio other than to check it into your source control
system. As Guidewire ClaimCenter maintains several copies of this file in different locations, always use Studio
to modify configuration files as it manages the various copies for you.

WARNING Do not attempt to modify any files other than those in the /modules/configuration
directory. Specifically, do not modify files in the /modules/cc directory. Any attempt to modify files
in this directory can cause damage to the ClaimCenter application sufficient to prevent the application
from starting thereafter.

This file generally contains entries in the following format:

<param name="param_name" value="param_value" />

Each entry sets the parameter named param_name to the value specified by param_value.
The standard config.xml file contains all available parameters. To set a parameter, edit the file, locate the
parameter, and change its value. If a parameter does not appear in the file, Guidewire ClaimCenter uses that
parameters default value (if it has one).
Note: ClaimCenter configuration parameters are case-insensitive.

IMPORTANT You cannot add new or additional configuration parameters. Guidewire does not
support any attempt to do so.

Accessing Configuration Parameters in Gosu

To access a configuration parameter in Gosu code, use the following syntax, with XX being PL, BC, CC, or PC as

For example:
var businessDayEnd = gw.api.system.PLConfigParameters.BusinessDayEnd.Value
var forceUpgrade = gw.api.system.PLConfigParameters.ForceUpgrade.Value

36 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Configuration Parameter Attributes

The configuration parameters in config.xml use the following attributes:
• Required
• Set for Environment
• Development Environment Only
• Can Change on Running Server
• Permanent

Guidewire designates certain configuration parameters as required. This indicates that you must supply a value
for that parameter. The discussion of configuration parameters indicates this by adding Required: Yes to the
parameter description.

Set for Environment

Guidewire designates certain configuration parameters as localok. This indicates that it is possible for this value
to vary on different servers in the same environment. For example, you can set ClusterProtocolStackOption1
to a value that is very specific to a given host, with being the host IP address:

The discussion of configuration parameters indicates this by adding Set for Environment: Yes to the parameter
Guidewire prints a warning message if you attempt to add a configuration parameter that Guidewire does not
designate as localok to a local configuration file. ClaimCenter prints the warning to the configuration log at start
of the application server. For example:
WARN Illegal parameter specified in a local config file (will be ignored): XXXXXXX

Note: For information on server environments in Guidewire ClaimCenter, see “Defining the Application
Server Environment” on page 18 in the System Administration Guide.

Development Environment Only

Guidewire designates certain configuration parameters as devonly. This indicates that Guidewire permits this
configuration parameters to be active in a development environment only. Thus, a production server ignores any
configuration parameter for which devonly is set to true. The discussion of configuration parameters indicates
this by adding Development Environment Only: Yes to the parameter description.

Can Change on Running Server

Guidewire designates certain configuration parameters as dynamic. This indicates that Guidewire permits you to
change this value on a running application server using JMX. The discussion of configuration parameters indi-
cates this by adding Can Change on Running Server: Yes to the parameter description.
Note: For information on how to enable, configure, and monitor ClaimCenter using JMX, see “Enabling
JMX with ClaimCenter” on page 91 in the System Administration Guide.

Guidewire specifies several configuration parameter values as permanent. This indicates that after you set such a
parameter and start the production application server that you cannot change the value thereafter. This applies,
for example, to the DefaultApplicationLocale configuration parameter. If you set this value on a production
server and then start the server, you are unable to change the value thereafter.
Guidewire stores these values in the database and checks the value at server start up. If an application server
value does not match a database value, ClaimCenter throws an error.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 37

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Adding Custom MIME Types

Adding a new MIME type (MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), such that ClaimCenter
recognizes it and so that it flows smoothly through the application, requires the following steps:
1. Add the MIME type to the configuration of the application server (if required). This depends on the details of
the application servers configuration.
For example, Tomcat stores MIME type information in the web.xml configuration file, in a series of <mime-
mapping> tags. Verify that the MIME type you need already exists (correctly) in this list, or add it.

2. Add the new MIME type to the <mimetypemapping> section of config.xml. You need to add the following
• The name of the MIME type, which is the same as the identifying string ("text/plain", for example).
• The file extensions to be used for the MIME type. If more than one apply, separate them with a “|”.
ClaimCenter uses this information to map from MIME type to file extension and file extension to MIME
type. If mapping from type to extension, ClaimCenter uses the first extension in the list. If mapping from
extension to type, ClaimCenter uses the first <mimetype> entry containing that extension.
• The image, in the tomcat/webapps/cc/resources/images directory (or equivalent), to use for docu-
ments of this MIME type.
• Human-readable description of the MIME type, for logging and documentation purposes.

Approval Parameters
Name of the activity pattern to use if creating bulk invoice approval activities.
Required: Yes

Name of an approval activity pattern to use if creating payment approval activities.
Required: Yes

Name of the activity pattern to use if creating recovery approval activities.
Required: Yes

Name of the activity pattern to use if creating recovery reserve approval activities.
Required: Yes

Name of the approval activity pattern to use if creating reserve approval activities.
Required: Yes

38 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Archive Parameters
Archiving is the process of moving a closed claim and associated data from the active ClaimCenter database to a
document storage area. You can still search for and retrieve archived claims. But, while archived, these claims
occupy less space in the active database.

See also
• “Archiving” on page 87 in the Application Guide – information on archiving claims, searching for archived
claims, and restoring archived claims.
• “Archive Parameters” on page 39 in the Configuration Guide – discussion on the configuration parameters
used in claims archiving.
• “Archiving Claims” on page 665 in the Configuration Guide – information on configuring claims archiving,
selecting claims for archiving, and archiving and the object (domain) graph.
• “Archiving Integration” on page 285 in the Integration Guide – describes the archiving integration flow,
storage and retrieval integration, and the IArchiveSource plugin interface.
• “Archive” on page 48 in the Rules Guide – information on base configuration archive rules and their use in
detecting archive events and managing the claims archive and restore process.
• “Logging Successfully Archived Claims” on page 37 in the System Administration Guide.
• “Purging Unwanted Claims” on page 58 in the System Administration Guide.
• “Archive Info” on page 160 in the System Administration Guide.
• “Upgrading Archived Entities” on page 62 in the Upgrade Guide.

IMPORTANT To increase performance, most customers find increased hardware more cost effective
than archiving unless their volume exceeds one million claims or more. Guidewire strongly recom-
mends that you contact Customer Support before implementing archiving to help your company with
this analysis.

Whether archiving is enabled (set to true) or disabled (set to false). Default is false. For archiving to work,
you must set ArchiveEnabled to true and configure an archive database.
This parameter also controls the creation of indexes on the ArchivePartition column. If set to true,
ClaimCenter creates a non-unique index on that column for Extractable entities. Furthermore, if the entity is
Keyable, ClaimCenter creates a unique index on the ID and ArchivePartition columns.

IMPORTANT If you set ArchiveEnabled to true, the server refuses to start if you subsequently set it to

Default: False
Required: Yes
Permanent: Yes

Specifies to whom ClaimCenter assigns a restored claim:
• True assigns the claim to the user who restored the claim.
• False assigns a restored claim to the original group and user who owned it.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 39

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

If it is not possible to reassign to the original user, ClaimCenter assigns the restored claim to the supervisor of the
group. If ClaimCenter cannot reassign the restored claim to the original group, ClaimCenter assigns the claim to

Default: False

Used by the Claim Closed rule in the base configuration to set the DateEligibleForArchive field on Claim,
which determines the date on which ClaimCenter archives a claim automatically. ClaimCenter calculates the
DateEligibleForArchive value using the following formula:
DateEligibleForArchive = DaysClosedBeforeArchive (in days) + current system date
Default: 30

Used by the implementation of the IArchiveSource plugin in the base configuration to set the
DateEligibleForArchive field on Claim as it retrieves a claim from the archive store. ClaimCenter calculates
the DateEligibleForArchive value using the following formula:
DateEligibleForArchive = DaysRetrievedBeforeArchive (in days) + current system date
Default: 100

Code of the activity pattern that ClaimCenter uses to create retrieval activities. Upon retrieving a claim,
ClaimCenter creates two activities:
• One activity for the retriever of the claim
• One activity for the assigned user of the claim, if different from the retriever
Default: restore

Limits the number of claim snapshots that ClaimCenter upgrades during a change to the encryption plugin or
during a change to encrypted fields. Set this parameter to zero to disable the limit.
Default: 50000

Assignment Parameters
Whether to display the ClaimCenter interface portions of the assignment queue mechanism. If you turn this on,
you cannot turn it off again while working with the same database.
Default: False

40 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Batch Process Parameters

Number of days to retain batch process history before ClaimCenter deletes it.
Default: 45

Whether this server is the batch server. A value of true indicates that it is. A value of null is acceptable.
Guidewire recommends that you not query on this parameter. Instead, use the following:

Set for Environment: Yes

Can Change on Running Server: Yes

Business Calendar Parameters

The point in time at which a business day begins.
Default: 12:00 AM
Set For Environment: Yes

Indicates the point in time at which the business day ends.
Default: 5:00 PM
Set For Environment: Yes

Indicates the point in time at which the business day starts.
Default: 8:00 AM
Set for Environment: Yes

The day of the week considered to be the end of the business week.
Default: Friday
Set for Environment: Yes

HolidayList (Obsolete)
This parameter is obsolete. Do not use. Formerly, you would use this to generate a comma-delimited list of
dates to consider as holidays. Instead, use the Administration screen within Guidewire ClaimCenter to manage the
official designation of holidays. Guidewire retains this configuration parameter to facilitate upgrade from older
versions of ClaimCenter.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 41

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Indicates whether Friday is a business day.
Default: True
Set for Environment: Yes

Indicates whether Monday is a business day.
Default: True
Set for Environment: Yes

Indicates whether Saturday is a business day.
Default: False
Set for Environment: Yes

Indicates whether Sunday is a business day.
Default: False
Set for Environment: Yes

Indicates whether Thursday is a business day.
Default: True
Set for Environment: Yes

Indicates whether Tuesday is a business day.
Default: True
Set for Environment: Yes

Indicates whether Wednesday is a business day.
Default: True
Set for Environment: Yes

Cache Parameters
See also “Understanding Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration Guide.

42 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Controls whether the application server cache is active. If you set this value to false, then you effectively set the
maximum allowable space for the global cache to 0. In other words, if set to false, then ClaimCenter does not
cache data at the application server level. See “Analyzing and Tuning the Application Server Cache” on page 73
in the System Administration Guide for more information.
Default: True
Set for Environment: Yes

The time between refreshes of the ExchangeRateSet cache, in seconds. This integer value must be zero (0) or
greater. See “Understanding Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration Guide for
more information.
Default: 600

Time period (in minutes) in which ClaimCenter considers cached items as active, meaning that Guidewire
recommends that the cache give higher priority to preserve these items. You can think of this as the period during
which ClaimCenter is using one or more items very heavily. For example, this can be the length of time that a
user stays on a page. Make this value less than the reaping time (GlobalCacheReapingTimeMinutes). See
“Understanding Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration Guide for more informa-
Default: 5
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 15
Set for Environment: Yes

Time (in minutes) since the last use before ClaimCenter considers cached items to be eligible for reaping. You
can think of this as the period during which ClaimCenter is most likely to reuse and entity. See “Understanding
Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration Guide for more information.
Default: 15
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 15
Set for Environment: Yes

The amount of space to allocate to the global cache. If you specify this value, it takes precedence over GlobalCa-
cheSizePercent. See “Understanding Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration
Guide for more information.
Null: Yes
Set for Environment: Yes

The percentage of the heap to allocate to the global cache. See “Understanding Application Server Caching” on
page 70 in the System Administration Guide for more information.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 43

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Default: 15
Set for Environment: Yes

Time (in minutes) since the last write before ClaimCenter considers cached items to be stale and thus eligible for
reaping. See “Understanding Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration Guide for
more information.
Default: 60
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 120
Set for Environment: Yes
Can Change on Running Server: Yes

Time period (in days), in addition to today, for how long ClaimCenter preserves statistics for historical compar-
ison. See “Understanding Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration Guide for more

Default: 7
Minimum: 2
Maximum: 365
Set for Environment: Yes

Time period (in minutes). ClaimCenter uses this parameter for the following purposes:
• To define the period of time to preserve the reason for which ClaimCenter evicts an item from the cache, after
the event occurred. If a cache miss occurs, ClaimCenter looks up the reason and reports the reason in the
Cache Info page.
• To define the period of time to display statistics on the chart on the Cache Info page.
See “Understanding Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration Guide for more infor-

Default: 30
Minimum: 2
Maximum: 120
Set for Environment: Yes

The time in seconds between refreshes of the group cache. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater. See
“Understanding Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration Guide for more informa-
Default: 600

44 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The time between refreshes of the script parameter cache, in seconds. This integer value must be zero (0) or
greater. See “Understanding Application Server Caching” on page 70 in the System Administration Guide for
more information.
Default: 600

The time in seconds that Guidewire ClaimCenter caches a tree view state.
Default: 120

The time between refreshes of the zone cache, in seconds. See “Understanding Application Server Caching” on
page 70 in the System Administration Guide for more information.
Default: 86400

Claim Catastrophe Parameters

Maximum number of claims that ClaimCenter relates to a single catastrophe in the CatClaimFinder batch
process, (used to find catastrophe-related claims). See “Batch Processes and Distributed Work Queues” on
page 134 in the System Administration Guide for a discussion of ClaimCenter batch processes.
Default: 1000

Claim Health Indicator and Metric Parameters

Maximum number of years to look back to find claims on which to calculate metrics and indicators. This param-
eter strictly limits the number of claims found for the ClaimHealthCalcuation batch process.
Default: 2

Number of days that new initial reserves contribute to the initial reserve sum of the Percent * Reserve Change
Claim Metric calculation after ClaimCenter creates the first initial reserve. An initial reserve is a reserve that
ClaimCenter creates during creation of a claim or exposure. It is also the first set of reserves that ClaimCenter
creates on the claim or exposure if there are no previous reserves for those entities.
Default: 3

Maximum number of claims for each invocation of the ClaimHealthCalculation batch process to calculate
metrics and indicators. This parameter strictly limits the number of claims that can be processed at a single time.
The ClaimHealthCalculation batch process calculates the claim metrics and indicators for found claims.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 45

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Default: 1000

Clustering Parameters
To improve performance and reliability, you can install multiple ClaimCenter servers in a configuration known
as a cluster. A cluster distributes client connections among multiple ClaimCenter servers, reducing the load on
any one server. If one server fails, the other servers transparently handle its traffic.

See Also
• “Managing Clustered Servers” on page 81 in the System Administration Guide

Whether to enable clustering on this application server.
Default: False
Set for Environment: Yes

The IP multicast address to use in communicating with the other members of the cluster. This value must be
unique within the range of the cache time-to-live parameter. This configuration parameter is meaningful only if
configuration parameter ClusteringEnabled is set to true.
Set for Environment: Yes

The port used to communicate with other members of the cluster. This configuration parameter is meaningful
only if configuration parameter ClusteringEnabled is set to true.
Default: 45566
Set for Environment: Yes

The time-to-live for cluster multicast packets. For Guidewire applications, this value is almost always 1, which
means only deliver the packets to the local subnet. Higher time-to-live values require that you enable multicast
routing on any intermediate routers (rare in most IT organizations). Also the larger the time-to-live value, the
more you have to worry about allocating unique multicast addresses. This integer value must be zero (0) or
greater. This configuration parameter is meaningful only if configuration parameter ClusteringEnabled is set to

Default: 1
Set for Environment: Yes

This is a local option that can contain other parameters for the ClusterProtocolStack stack string. You refer-
ence this option in the stack as ${option1}. You configure this value in the default protocol stack in the UDP

46 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

protocol. You can set it to the following so that a multi-home server can specify which NIC (Network Interface
Card) to use for JGroups.

Note: This string is a literal substitution. This requires that it start with the semicolon (;) UDP parameter
delimiter. See the JGroups documentation for other values that you can assign to it.
Default: None
Set for Environment: Yes

This is a local option that can contain other parameters for the ClusterProtocolStack stack string. You refer-
ence this option in the stack as ${option2}. See ClusterProtocolStackOption1.
Default: None
Set for Environment: Yes

The cluster protocol stack string.
"UDP(mcast_addr=${multicastAddress};ip_ttl=${timeToLive};mcast_port=${port}${option1}):" +
"FD(timeout=5000;max_tries=5;shun=true):" +
"VERIFY_SUSPECT(timeout=1500):" +
"pbcast.NAKACK(gc_lag=50;retransmit_timeout=600,1200,2400,4800):" +
"UNICAST(timeout=600,1200,2400,4800):" +
"pbcast.STABLE(desired_avg_gossip=20000):" +
"FRAG:" +

Whether to check the configuration of this server against the other servers in the cluster. The default is true. You
must also set configuration parameter ClusteringEnabled to true for ConfigVerificationEnabled to be
meaningful. Do not disable this parameter in a production environment. Do not set this value to false,
unless Guidewire Support specifically instructs you to do otherwise.

WARNING Guidewire specifically does not support disabling this parameter in a production environ-
ment. Do not set this parameter to false unless specifically instructed to do so by Guidewire Support.

Default: True
Set for Environment: Yes

Provides the BFO (Big Faceless Organization) license key needed for server-side PDF generation. If you do not
provide a license key for a server, each generated PDF from that server contains a a large DEMO watermark on
its face. The lack of a license key does not, however, prevent document creation entirely.
It is possible to set this value differently for each server node in the cluster.
Default: None
Set for Environment: Yes

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 47

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Database Parameters
It is possible to create materialized views in an Oracle schema to improve the performance of queries that
ClaimCenter runs as part of a Claim search operation. Materialized views can be useful if performing a search for
a claimant or for any involved party using the name of a person or a company. If you implement materialized
views in the ClaimCenter schema, then Oracle attempts to use these materialized views if a re-written query
block matches the text defined in the view.
Guidewire provides configuration parameter QueryRewriteForClaimSearch to enable various options for an
Oracle query re-write using materialized view. By setting this parameter, you can force a query to be rewritten
using a materialized view or to let the Oracle optimizer make the choice based on the cost calculation.
The following list describes the valid values for this parameter:

Value Meaning
FORCE/STALE Oracle attempts to rewrite the query using an appropriate materialized view even if the optimizer
cost estimate is high. Oracle allows the rewrite even if the data in the materialized is not the same
as in the base tables.
FORCE/NOSTALE Oracle attempts to rewrite the query using an appropriate materialized view even if the optimizer
cost estimate is high. Oracle ignores the materialized view if the data in the view is not fresh.
COST/STALE If the Oracle cost-based optimizer evaluates the rewrite to be cheaper than other plans, it uses the
materialized view. If it is costlier to execute the rewritten path, then Oracle performs a join of the
base tables. The rewrite can happen even if the data in the view is stale.
COST/NOSTALE If the Oracle cost-based optimizer evaluates the rewrite to be cheaper than other plans, it uses the
materialized view. If it is costlier to execute the rewritten path, then Oracle performs a join of the
base tables. If the data in the view is not fresh, Oracle ignores the view and performs the join on the
base tables.

Note: If you provide an invalid value, the server ignores it.

Default: None

Disabling Query Rewrites

If you implement materialized views in the ClaimCenter schema, then Oracle attempts to use these materialized
views if a re-written query block matches the text defined in the view. However, the use of materialized views in
database queries is not always desirable due to performance considerations.
Thus, ClaimCenter provides an option to disable the rewriting of queries using materialized views. You can
disable the use of materialized views in Oracle database queries by setting parameter queryRewriteEnabled to
false in the <database> element in config.xml. For example:
<param name="queryRewriteEnabled" value="false"/>

The only valid value for the parameter is false:

• If you set this parameter to false in config.xml, ClaimCenter runs the following statement for each query
• If you do not set this parameter in config.xml (meaning that you remove the parameter entirely from
config.xml), then Oracle attempts to use any available materialized view in database queries.

Materialized Views
For a description of how to create materialized views in a ClaimCenter schema, consult the following Guidewire
white paper, section 19 (Materialized Views):

48 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

ClaimCenter 6.0 using Oracle Database

You can find this document at the following location on the Guidewire Resource Portal:

The (Server Tools) Info Pages → Oracle AWR Information page is aware of materialized views. You can use the infor-
mation on this page to troubleshoot performance problems with the view. However, if the view is refreshed on
demand, then the Oracle AWR Information page does not capture the refresh queries.

Stale Data
In performance testing, Guidewire observed significant performance degradation if the materialized view was
configured to refresh on commit. This is due to a synchronization enqueue required by the refresh process. How-
ever, any refresh of the data done outside of the commit operation can potentially display stale data during the
Oracle uses a cost-based optimizer approach to determine whether to use a materialized view for a given query. It
also expects the data to be fresh for the rewrite. As the refresh process is based on the number of changes to con-
tact and claim contacts, Guidewire strongly recommends that you schedule the refresh process accordingly.

See also
• “Configuring a Database Connection” on page 44 in the Installation Guide
• “Setting Search Parameters for Oracle” on page 48 in the System Administration Guide

Deduction Parameters
The typecode in the DeductionType typelist for backup withholding. The default is irs. You must define this
parameter for the backup withholding plugin to work. Also, this parameter must also correspond to a valid
DeductionType typecode.

Default: irs

Whether ClaimCenter calculates backup withholding for applicable checks.
Default: True

Standard backup withholding rate, as defined by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, for use by the backup with-
holding plugin. The number is a percentage. (For example, 28.0 means 28.0 percent.) The backup withholding
plugin does not work if you do not define this parameter.
Default: 28.0

Document Creation and Document Management Parameters

Guidewire provides an ActiveX control called Document Assistant to perform many of the functions related to
document manipulation. ClaimCenter attempts to install this control whenever a client initiates a session. The

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 49

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

browser prompts the user to install the Guidewire Document Assistant. The Document Assistant ActiveX control
is synonymous with the TemplateRunner.ScriptControl ActiveX control.

WARNING The Guidewire Document Assistant, like all ActiveX controls, has known security
vulnerabilities. Contact Guidewire support for more information if you plan to use the Guidewire
Document Assistant ActiveX control in production.

See Also
• “Configuring Guidewire Document Assistant” on page 25 in the System Administration Guide

Whether to allow ActiveX controls in the ClaimCenter interface (for document management, for example). Set-
ting this to false removes all controls from the interface, which results in reduced functionality. If false, this
turns the Guidewire Document Assistant control off entirely and also forces the following parameters to be
• DisplayDocumentEditUploadButtons
• UseGuidewireActiveXControlToDisplayDocuments

See also AllowActiveXAutoInstall.

Default: True

Whether ClaimCenter automatically attempts to install the Guidewire Document Assistant and supporting
JScript files.
If AllowActiveXAutoInstall is set to false, ClaimCenter does not attempt to install Guidewire Document
Assistant and supporting JScript files. You must manually install the Guidewire Document Assistant and
supporting JScript files if you want to use it. ClaimCenter does not attempt to download and install the control if
it is not already present.
This configuration parameter works in conjunction with configuration parameter AllowActiveX:

AllowActiveXAutoInstall = true • If AllowActiveX = true, then ClaimCenter installs the ActiveX control and uses
• If AllowActiveX = false, then ClaimCenter does not use the ActiveX control
under any circumstances.
AllowActiveXAutoInstall = false • If AllowActiveX = true, then ClaimCenter does not install the ActiveX control.
However, if you manually install the ActiveX control, then ClaimCenter does use
the control.
• If AllowActiveX = false, then ClaimCenter does not use the ActiveX control
under any circumstances.

Contact Guidewire Support for information about manually installing the control.
Default: True

Whether the Documents list displays Edit and Upload buttons. Set this to false if the IDocumentContentSource
integration mechanism does not support it.
Default: True

50 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Content-Disposition header setting to use any time that ClaimCenter returns document content directly to
the browser. This parameter must be either inline or attachment.
Default: inline

The path to the XSD file that ClaimCenter uses to validate document template descriptor XML files. Specify this
location relative to the following directory:

If ClaimCenter does not find the XSD file in that location, the application searches for the base version in the
following location:

The maximum allowable file size (in megabytes) that you can upload to the server. Any attempt to upload a file
larger than this results in failure. Since the uploaded document must be handled on the server, this parameter pro-
tects the server from possible memory consumption problems.
Note: This parameter setting affects any imports managed through the ClaimCenter Administration tab. This
specifically includes the import of administrative data and roles.
Default: 20

Set this parameter to true to call the isDocument and addDocument methods again if there is a roll-back during a
bundle commit. If a roll-back of the bundle does occur, then ClaimCenter rolls back each entity in the bundle.
The initial commit extracts the document content from the web request. This document content no longer exists
after the bundle commit. Therefore, it is not possible to roll-back the document ID, even though it is possible to
retrieve all other document fields. This can cause problems to occur.
Guidewire recommends the following:
• If you have extended the Document entity, then set this parameter to true.
• If you have not extended the Document entity, then it is most likely that you want to set this parameter to
• If you are using an IDocumentMetadataSource, then set the parameter to false. If you then experience vali-
dation exceptions, test your set-up, and, if necessary, set this value to true.
Default: False

Note: It is not necessary to set this configuration parameter in any locale that uses the English language.
Use this configuration parameters with non-English locales only.
Configuration parameter UseDocumentNameAsFileName determines what you see as the document name for a
document file opened through Guidewire ClaimCenter. This configuration parameter can take the following

False An opened document displays the document ID as its file name.

True An opened document displays the actual document name as its file name.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 51

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

This is useful if you localize your environment and create document file names in the localization language. For
example, suppose that you are working in the Russian locale. You create a document file and name it using Cyril-
lic characters:
• If you set UseDocumentNameAsFileName to false, then, as you as you open the document from within
ClaimCenter, you see the opened document filename as the Document ID, for example, 123.jpg.
• If you set UseDocumentNameAsFileName to true, then, as you open the document from within ClaimCenter,
you see opened document filename as the Document Name, for example, фото.jpg. In other words, you see
the Russian-language version of the document name.
Default: False

Whether to use the Guidewire Document Assistant ActiveX control to display document contents. If false,
ClaimCenter does not use the control and document contents return directly to the browser.
Default: True

Domain Graph Parameters

Use to define a comma-separated list of foreign keys. Each foreign key points from an entity outside of the
domain graph to an entity inside the domain graph. Naming the foreign key in this configuration parameter
suppresses the warning that would otherwise be generated for the link by the domain graph validator. Specify
each foreign key on the list as the following:

IMPORTANT You are responsible for ensuring that these foreign keys are null at the time
ClaimCenter is ready to archive the graph.

Default: None

Use to define a comma-separated list of relative names of entity types that are linked to the graph through a
nullable foreign key. This can be problematic because the entity can become unreachable from the graph if the
foreign key is null. Naming the type in this configuration parameter suppresses the warning that would other-
wise be generated for the type by the domain graph validator
Default: None

Environment Parameters
Set to true to have address verification failures shown as errors instead of warnings. This parameter is meaning-
less if EnableAddressVerification is set to false.
Default: False

52 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Sets the bucket size to use for generating histograms on all indexed columns. Configuration parameter
CollectHistogramsOnAllIndexedColumns must be true for this parameter to have any meaning.

Default: 254

Whether to collect histograms on all indexed columns or only on specific columns. This parameter is only appli-
cable to Oracle databases.
Default: False

Set this value to the name of the plugin that you intend to use to manage encryption. See “Using the Plugins
Editor” on page 141 for information on encryption plugins.
Default: IEncryption

Default localization locale for the application as a whole.

WARNING You set this parameter one-time only, before you start the application server for the first
time. Any attempt to modify this parameter thereafter can invalidate your Guidewire installation.

Default: en_US
Set for Environment: Yes
Permanent: Yes

The default ISO country code to use if an address does not have a country explicitly set. ClaimCenter uses this
also as the default for new addresses that it creates. See the Guidewire Contact Management Guide for more
information on configuring addresses in Guidewire ClaimCenter.
See the following for a list of valid ISO country codes:

Whether to use the now-deprecated event logic that had previously been available.
Default: False

Whether to instruct the database to discard existing query plans during a database statistics batch process.
Default: False

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 53

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Set this value to true to enable address verification warnings.
Default: False

Make internal debug tools available to developer.
Default: False
Set for Environment: Yes

Order in which to execute validation if validating multiple entities. ClaimCenter validates any entities not speci-
fied in this list after all listed entities.
Default: Policy, Claim, Exposure, Matter, TransactionSet

The number of key identifiers (as a block) that the server obtains from the database with each request. This
integer value must be zero (0) or greater.
Default: 100

How often the ClaimCenter server logs memory usage information, in minutes. This is often useful for identify-
ing memory problems.
To disable the memory monitor, do one of the following:
• Set this parameter to 0.
• Remove this parameter from config.xml.
Default: 0

The prefix to use for public IDs generated by the application. Generated public IDs are of the form prefix:id.
This id is the actual entity ID. Guidewire strongly recommends that you set this parameter to different values in
production and test environments to allow for the clean import and export of data between applications. This
field must be 9 characters or less in length. Use only letters and numbers.
Guidewire reserves for itself all public IDs that start with a two-character ID and then a colon, and thus reserves
all PublicIDPrefix values with two characters.

IMPORTANT This field must be 9 characters or less in length. Use only letters and numbers. Do not
use space characters, colon characters, or any other characters that might need to be processed or
escaped specially by other applications. Guidewire reserves all two-character-length values for this
setting for current or future use.

Required: Yes
Default: None

54 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Indicates whether resource are mutable (modifiable) on this server. If you connect Studio to a remote server (on
which this parameter set to true), then Studio pushes resource changes to the remote server as you save local
changes. Guidewire strongly recommends that you set this value to false on a production server to prevent
changes to the configuration resources directory.
See also “RetainDebugInfo” on page 55.
Default: True

WARNING Guidewire recommends that you always set this configuration parameter to false in a
production environment. Setting this parameter to true has the potential to modify resources on a
production server in unexpected and possibly damaging ways.

Whether the production server retains debugging information. This parameter facilitates debugging from Studio
without a type system refresh.
• If set to true, ClaimCenter does not clear debug information after compilation.
• If set to false, the server does not retain sufficient debugging information to enable debugging. As a produc-
tion server does not recompile types, it is not possible to regenerate any debugging information.
See also “ResourcesMutable” on page 55.
Default: False

Controls whether ClaimCenter uses the pre-ClaimCenter 6.0 behavior for configuring data types, through the use
of the fieldvalidators.xml file.
• Set this value to false to preserve the existing behavior. This is useful for existing installations that are
upgrading but want to preserve the existing functionality.
• Set this value to true to implement the new behavior. This is useful for new ClaimCenter installations that
want to implement the new behavior.
StrictDataTypes = true. If you set this value to true, then ClaimCenter:
• Does not permit decimal values to exceed the scale required by the data type. The setter throws a
gw.datatype.DataTypeException if the scale is greater than that allowed by the data type. You are responsible
for rounding the value, if necessary.
• Validates field validator formats both in the ClaimCenter user interface and in the field setter.
• Validates numeric range constraints both in the ClaimCenter user interface and in the field setter.
StrictDataTypes = false. If you set this value to false, then ClaimCenter:
• Auto-rounds decimal values to the appropriate scale, using the RoundHalfUp method. For example, setting the
value 5.045 on a field with a scale of 2 sets the value to 5.05.
• Validates field validator formats in the interface, but not at the setter level. For example, ClaimCenter does
not permit a field with a validator format of [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4} to have the value 123-45-A123 in the
interface. It is possible, however, to set a field to that value in Gosu code, for example. This enables you to
bypass the validation set in the interface.
• Validates numeric range constraints in the interface, but not at the setter level. For example, Guidewire does
not allow a field with a maximum value of 100 to have the value 200 in the interface. However, you can set
the field to this value in Gosu rules, for example. This enables you to bypass the validation set in the inter-

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 55

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Default: False

The threshold year value for determining whether to resolve a two-digit year to the earlier or later century.
Default: 50

Determines whether the Gosu compiler generates errors if it detects unreachable code or missing return state-
Default: True

The username of the user who has unrestricted permissions to do anything in ClaimCenter.
Default: su

If set to true (the default), then changes to an entity trigger execution of the existing Preupdate and Validation
rules during a bundle commit of the entity. (That is, as long as the entity implements the Validatable delegate.)
If set to false, then ClaimCenter invokes the IPreUpdateHandler plugin on the bundle commit.
Default: True

A value of true indicates that the Gosu compiler generates warnings if it determines that an implicit coercion is
occurring in a program.
Default: True

Specifies the location of the Web resources directory under the root of the Tomcat configuration directory.
Default: resources

Financial Parameters
Whether to allow multiple line items in a transaction. See also UseDeductibleHandling.
Default: True

Whether to allow a single check to reflect multiple payments.
Default: True

56 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Use to set the ability to create negative checks manually. The following values are valid:
• True – Allow user to create negative checks manually.
• False – Disable the ability to create negative checks manually.
The default ClaimCenter behavior is to not allow manual checks to be negative. If you need the ability to create
negative checks manually, then you must explicitly set this parameter to true.
Default: False

Whether to allow a user to create supplemental payments on a closed claim or exposure with no prior payments.
Default: False

If true, a user can submit payments that exceed available reserves up to the amount limited by the
paymentsexceedreserves authority limits. Otherwise, ClaimCenter does not allow partial or final payments that
exceed reserves.
Default: False

Controls whether ClaimCenter checks authority limits for individual checks.
Default: True

If true, ClaimCenter attempts to automatically close a claim if a final payment closes the last open exposure.
Default: True

If true, ClaimCenter attempts to automatically close an exposure after the relevant final payment is made.
Default: True

Default currency for the application as a whole. This is also sometimes known as reporting currency. You must
set this parameter to a value contained in the Currency typelist. If using only a single currency for the applica-
tion, then you set MultiCurrencyDisplayMode to SINGLE. In SINGLE mode, ClaimCenter uses the
CurrencyFormat entries in each GWLocale in localization.xml to format the money amount, depending on the
locale of each user.

WARNING You set this parameter one-time only, before you start the application server for the first
time. Any attempt to modify this parameter thereafter can invalidate your Guidewire installation.

Default: usd
Set for Environment: Yes
Permanent: Yes

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 57

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

It is often necessary to set additional values (used for transaction approval) on a check created in the Auto First and
Final wizard. In most cases, ClaimCenter initializes these types of values in a Transaction Pre-setup rule.
However, ClaimCenter does not execute the Transaction Pre-setup rule set for a claim created in the Auto First and
Final wizard.

If you set the EnablePreSetupRulesInCheckCreator parameter to true, then ClaimCenter does invoke the
Transaction Pre-setup rule set from the Auto First and Final wizard. Setting this parameter to false maintains the
current behavior.
To summarize:

False The Auto First and Final FNOL wizard does not call the Transaction Pre-Setup rule set during check creation.
True The Auto First and Final FNOL wizard does call the Transaction Pre-Setup rule set during check creation.

Default: False

Specifies the level of financials functionality that is available in the application. Available options are view for
read-only values or entry to enable editing the financial values directly in ClaimCenter.
ClaimCenter supports the following values:

entry financials entry

view financials view (read-only)
3 financials subledger

Default: view

Sets whether Guidewire ClaimCenter displays money values in a single currency or in multiple currencies. Use
one of the following:

SINGLE Single currency mode

MULTIPLE Always in multiple currency mode

These values have the following meanings:

SINGLE In SINGLE mode, ClaimCenter assumes that all monetary amounts in the system are in the same currency. In
this mode, ClaimCenter uses the CurrencyFormat entry in each GWLocale in localization.xml to format the
money amount, depending on the locale of the user.
As all money values are in the same currency, you must ensure that the CurrencyFormat for each GWLocale
specifies the money format for that one currency. It is possible to set slightly different formatting based on local
custom, but all money formatting must be for the one default currency.
Guidewire strongly recommends that you set configuration parameter DefaultApplicationCurrency to its
correct value if you set MultiCurrencyDisplayMode to SINGLE. This ensures the correctness of the data in the
database if you upgrade to multicurrency at a later time.
MULTIPLE In MULTIPLE mode, ClaimCenter obtains money formatting information from currencies.xml. In this mode,
ClaimCenter ignores any CurrencyFormat information in localization.xml. However, even though unused,
a tag for the default currency must be present in file localization.xml, even in MULTIPLE mode.

58 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

For more information, see “Working with Locales” on page 467. See also “DefaultApplicationCurrency” on
page 57.
Default: SINGLE

ClaimCenter logs payments greater than this threshold. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater.
Default: 500
Can Change on Running Server: Yes

Specifies the way in which you modify reserves in the ClaimCenter interface.
• If set to true, the user can set the Total Incurred values
• If set to false, the user can set the Available Reserves values.
Default: False

Whether to use Deductible Handling. (See “Deductible Handling” on page 183 in the Application Guide.) If this
value is true, then AllowMultipleLineItems must be true as well.
Default: True

Whether to use recovery reserve transactions in financial calculations.
Default: True

Specifies the level at which to zero-out reserves. Specify either 0 (cost type) or 1 (cost category).
Default: 0
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1

Geocoding-related Parameters
Maximum number of results to return if performing a radius (n miles or kilometers) search from ClaimCenter.
This parameter has no effect on ordinal (nearest n) proximity searches. This parameter does not have to match
the value of the corresponding parameter in the ContactManager config.xml file.
Default: 1000

The maximum allowable distance to use if performing a proximity search for the nearest-n contacts or users.
(This is also known as an ordinal search.) By default, ClaimCenter treats the allowable distance value as miles.
However, if the system default unit of distance (as controlled by UseMetricDistancesByDefault) is set to true,

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 59

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

ClaimCenter treats this values as kilometers. The ProximitySearchOrdinalMaxDistance parameter only affects
ordinal proximity (nearest-n) searches, meaning searches that are not based on distance or on searches that use a

IMPORTANT This parameter has no effect on radius-based searches (n-miles) or walking-the-group-

tree-based proximity assignment.

IMPORTANT If the setting for this configuration parameter differs between Contact Manager and
ClaimCenter, it is possible for the application to display distance-related messages incorrectly.

Default: 300

If true, ClaimCenter enables geographical data and proximity search on the Address Book page. See
UseGeocodingInPrimaryApp to enable searches from other pages.

Default: False

If true, ClaimCenter enables geographical data and proximity search on application pages. See
UseGeocodingInAddressBook to enable searches from ContactCenter.

Default: False

By default, ClaimCenter uses miles and United States distances for driving distance or directions. If set to true,
the application uses kilometers or metric distances instead.
Default: False

Integration Parameters
If you integrate Guidewire ClaimCenter with Guidewire ContactManager, then it is necessary to maintain the
synchronization of contacts between the two Guidewire applications. Batch process ContactAutoSync controls
this synchronization. (See “ContactAutoSync” on page 138 in the System Administration Guide for details.)
It is common to have a large number of local instances of each contact in Guidewire ClaimCenter, one for each
claim that uses that contact. During contact synchronization between ClaimCenter and ContactManager,
ClaimCenter processes the table for highly linked contacts by dividing the contents of the contact table into
smaller groups of contacts. (This process is known as chunking as the end result is chunks of data.) ClaimCenter
then creates a work item to process each chunk of contacts. Parameter ContactAutoSyncWorkItemChunkSize
specifies the maximum number of contacts that each single ContactAutoSyncWorkItem is to process, or, in other
words, the size of the chunk.
Note: Parameter ContactAutoSyncWorkItemChunkSize is meaningful only if Guidewire ClaimCenter is
integrated with Guidewire ContactManager.
Default: 400

60 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Whether to enable Metropolitan Reporting Bureau integration. If true, there is a working integration that sends
messages from ClaimCenter to the Metropolitan Reporting Bureau service (requesting Metropolitan reports).
Default: False
Set for Environment: Yes

Whether to process contact automatic synchronization at the time of receiving the notification.
Default: True

Name of the ISO properties file in the ClaimCenter/modules/cc/config/iso configuration directory.
Set for Environment: Yes

Number of days after which ClaimCenter purges old messages in the message history table.
Default: 90

If it is set to true, ClaimCenter locks the primary entity associated with a message at the database level during
the following operations:
• During a message send operation
• During message reply handling
• During marking a message as skipped
If the message has no primary entity associated with it, then this configuration parameter has no effect.

Default: true

Name of the Metropolitan properties file in the ClaimCenter/modules/cc/config/metro configuration direc-
tory. ClaimCenter uses this files to set up fields in the XML messages sent to the Metropolitan Reporting Bureau.
See EnableMetroIntegration as well.
Set for Environment: Yes

URL to use in ClaimCenter ExitPoint PCF pages that view items in the policy system.
• If integrating Guidewire ClaimCenter with Guidewire PolicyCenter, then set this parameter to the
PolicyCenter base URL (for example, In this case, the exit points add the appropriate
PolicyCenter entry point.
• If integrating with a non-Guidewire policy system, then you need to modify the ExitPoint PCF to set up the
parameters required by that system.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 61

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• If you omit this parameter or if you set it to an empty string, then ClaimCenter hides the buttons in the inter-
face that take you to the exit points.
Default: Empty string

Configuration parameter UseSafeBundleForWebServiceOperations changes the behavior of bundle commits in
web services published on this server. The default value is false.
• If set to false, the application ignores bean version conflicts as it commits a bundle.
• If set to true, the application detects (and does not ignore) bean version conflicts.
If you set this parameter to true, it is possible for Gosu to throw a ConcurrentDataChangeException exception.
(The exception text actually reads “Database bean version conflict” or similar.) This can happen if another
thread or cluster node modified this entity as it was loaded from the database. If this error condition occurs, then
the SOAP client receives a SOAPRetryableException. Guidewire strongly recommends that web service clients
catch all retryable exceptions such as this and retry the SOAP API call.

IMPORTANT A value of true for UseSafeBundleForWebServiceOperations sets the behavior


IMPORTANT A previous workaround for this issue used the setIgnoreVersionConflicts method on
the bundle at the beginning of SOAP implementation methods. If you used this workaround, then you
must update your client-side logic for detecting and retrying the SOAP call in the case of a concurrent
change exception.

Miscellaneous Bulk Invoice Activity Pattern Parameters

Name of the activity pattern to use in creating an activity to alert about a failure during processing of a bulk
invoice item.
Required: Yes

Name of the activity pattern to use if creating an activity to alert that ClaimCenter was unable to stop a bulk
invoice. (It was not possible to update the status from Pending-stop or Stopped to Issued or Cleared.)
Required: Yes

Name of the activity pattern to use in creating an activity to alert that ClaimCenter was unable to void a bulk
invoice. (It was not possible to update the status from Pending-void or Voided to Issued or Cleared).
Required: Yes

62 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Miscellaneous Financial Activity Parameters

Name of the activity pattern to use if creating an alert that a down-stream system has denied a check.
Required: Yes

Name of the activity pattern to use if creating an alert that ClaimCenter cannot stop a check.
Required: Yes

Name of the activity pattern to use if creating an alert that ClaimCenter cannot void a check.
Required: Yes

Name of the activity pattern to use if creating an alert to signal the approach of the last payment in a set of recur-
rence checks.
Required: Yes

Name of the activity pattern to use if creating an alert that a down-stream system has denied a recovery.
Required: Yes

Miscellaneous Parameters
Within ClaimCenter, it is possible to make negative and zero dollar transactions and checks, which you can use
to make negative payments. This is possible, however, for individual transactions only. By setting parameter
AllowBulkInvoiceItemsToHaveNegativeAmounts to true, ClaimCenter permits bulk invoice items to have
negative values and disables the bulk invoice validation checks associated with negative values.

IMPORTANT If you set this value to true, then Guidewire strongly recommends that you configure
the PCF and business rules to enforce valid transaction values. With this parameter set to true, there is
an increased risk of invalid bulk invoices.

Default: False

Within Guidewire ClaimCenter, it is invalid to publish two web service types with the same name in the set of
types for method arguments and return types. This is true even if the types have different packages and even if
they are in different published web services.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 63

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

ClaimCenter provides the IgnoreSoapWebServiceReferenceNamespaceCollisions configuration parameter to

make development due to this problem easier.
• If set to false (the default), any name space collision generates an error message and ClaimCenter blocks
application server start-up.
• If set to true, these error messages become warnings instead. Use this setting only for development and
debugging until you have time to rename your classes to fix the namespace collision.
See “Web Service Types Must Have Unique Names” on page 31 in the Integration Guide for more information.

WARNING It is unsafe to set AllowSoapWebServiceReferenceNamespaceCollisions to true for

production servers. If you have an special case in which it is difficult to rename classes to avoid name-
space collisions, please contact Guidewire Customer Support.

Default: False

Whether to enable automatic claim number generation (through an external plugin). If you enable claim number
generation, then you must also provide an external Claim Number Generator plugin. If enabled, claim number
generation must succeed in order for a claim to be added through either the New Claim wizard or the integration
tools. This does not affect claims added through staging tables. See “Claim Number Generator Plugin” on
page 333 in the Integration Guide for more information.
Default: True

Whether to create snapshots for imported and created claims. The claim snapshot contains a version of the claim
data before any automated processing by ClaimCenter.
Default: True

Whether to enable statistical coding support.
Default: True

Set to true to expose external entity collection types as arrays. Use this to support the existing Java plugin imple-
mentations without any code upgrade.
Default: False

The default number of entries that ClaimCenter displays in each page in a list view, if the page does not explicitly
specify this value. This integer value must be at least 1.
Default: 15
Minimum: 1

64 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

If true, any time that you change or refresh the policy for a claim, ClaimCenter validates the new policy at the
level of the old policy. If false, ClaimCenter validates the new policy at the newloss level. In either case, a val-
idation failure causes ClaimCenter to revert the policy refresh or change.
Default: True

Limits the number of claim snapshots that ClaimCenter caches in memory. This integer value must be zero (0) or
greater, but less than ten (10).
Default: 3
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 10

Maximum number of statistics codes to show in the statistics code picker drop-down.
Default: 20

Number of days to keep profiler data before ClaimCenter deletes it.
Default: 30

The URL for the InetSoft StyleReport server. A null value is acceptable.
Default: None
Set for Environment: Yes

PDF Print Settings Parameters

See also “PDFMergeHandlerLicenseKey” on page 47.

The Content-Disposition header setting to use any time that ClaimCenter returns document content directly to
the browser. ClaimCenter uses this setting for content such as exports or printing, but not for documents. This
parameter must be either inline or attachment.
Default: attachment

Use to configure FOP settings for printing non-U.S. character sets. (FOP refers to the Apache Formatting Objects
Processor.) Set this value to the name of the font family for custom fonts as defined in your FOP user configura-
tion file. For more information, refer to the following:

For a discussion of FOP, see also “Printing in Non-US Character Sets” on page 480 in the Configuration Guide.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 65

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Default: san-serif

Font size of standard print text.
Default: 10pt

Path to FOP user configuration file, which contains settings for printing non-U.S. character sets. (FOP refers to
the Apache Formatting Objects Processor.) Enter a fully qualified path to a valid FOP user configuration file.
There is no default. However, a typical value for this parameter is the following:

For more information, refer to the following:

Default: None

Font size of headers in print text.
Default: 16pt

Total size of a line of print text.
Default: 14pt

Use to set the number of elements in a list view to print as a block. This parameter splits the list into blocks of
this size, with a title page introducing each block of elements. A large block size consumes more memory during
printing, which can cause performance issues. For example, attempting to print a block of several thousand
elements can potentially cause an out-of-memory error.
Default: 20

Font size of text within a list view.
Default: 10pt

Bottom margin size of print page.
Default: 0.5in

Left margin size of print page.
Default: 1in

66 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Right margin size of print page.
Default: 1in

Top margin size of print page.
Default: 0.5in

During PDF printing, ClaimCenter first creates an intermediate XML file as input to a PDF generator. If the input
is very large, the PDF generator can run out of memory.

Value Purpose

Negative A negative value indicates that there is no limit on the size of the XML input file to the PDF generator.
Non-negative A non-negative value limits the size of the XML input file to the set value (in megabytes). If a user
attempts to print a PDF file that is larger in size than this value, ClaimCenter generates an error.

Default: -1

Total print height of page.
Default: 8.5in

Total print width of page.
Default: 11in

Scheduler and Workflow Parameters

ClaimCenter schedules claims that have not been touched (including edits or exception checks) for this many
days for exception detection. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater.
Default: 7
Can Change on Running Server: Yes

Whether to enable the internal batch process application scheduler. See“Batch Processes and Work Queues” on
page 129 in the System Administration Guide for more information on batch processes and the scheduler.
Default: True
Can Change on Running Server: Yes

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 67

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

If true, run exception monitoring rules for idle cases at a separate time.
Default: True

Number of days to retain workflow log information before ClaimCenter deletes it.
Default: 30

Number of days to retain workflow information before ClaimCenter deletes it.
Default: 60

Aggregation interval in minutes for workflow timing statistics. Statistics such as the mean, standard deviation,
and similar statistics used in reporting on the execution of workflow steps all use this time interval. A value of 0
(zero) disables statistics reporting.
Default: 60

Search Parameters
ClaimCenter works around some bad execution plans by disabling optimizer cost base transformation while
executing certain claim searches on Oracle. This parameter controls the work around and is true by default. If a
future version of Oracle fixes the defect, you can safely remove this parameter. The parameter effects only
Oracle databases.
Default: True

ClaimCenter works around optimizer cost base transformation related query plan problems while executing the
team group activities page's main query on Oracle. This parameter controls the work around and is true by default.
If a future version of Oracle fixes the defect, you can safely remove this parameter. The parameter has no effect
on databases other than Oracle.
Default: True

Guidewire provides a work-around for certain hash join-related query plan problems that occur if executing
certain claim searches on Oracle. This parameter controls part of the work-around. The parameter has no effect
on databases other than Oracle. See also DisableSortMergeJoinForTeamGroupActivities.
Default: True

68 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

This parameter enables you to disable the use of hash joins while performing a proximity search using the Oracle
database. The default value for the parameters is false. This parameter has no effect on databases other than
Oracle. This parameter has no effect on databases other than Oracle. This parameter has no effect if you are not
using proximity search.
Default: False

ClaimCenter works around some bad execution plans by disabling index fast full scan while executing certain
claim searches on Oracle. This parameter controls the work around and is true by default. If a future version of
Oracle fixes the defect, you can safely remove this parameter. The parameter effects only the Oracle database.
Default: True

This parameter enables you to disable the index fast full scan while performing a proximity search using the
Oracle database. The default value for the parameters is false. This parameter has no effect on databases other
than Oracle. This parameter has no effect if you are not using proximity search.
Default: False

ClaimCenter works around some bad execution plans by disabling index fast full scan while executing certain
recovery searches on Oracle. This parameter controls the work around and is true by default. If a future version
of Oracle fixes the defect, you can safely remove this parameter. The parameter effects only the Oracle database.
Default: True

ClaimCenter works around index fast full scan related query plan problems while executing the Team Group Activi-
ties page's main query on Oracle. This parameter controls the work around and is true by default. If a future
version of Oracle fixes the defect, you can safely remove this parameter. The parameter has no effect on data-
bases other than Oracle.
Default: True

Guidewire provides a work-around for sort-merge join query plan problems that occur if executing certain claim
searches on Oracle. This parameter controls part of the work-around if DisableHashJoinForClaimSearch is also
set to true. The parameter has no effect on databases other than Oracle.
Default: True

ClaimCenter works around sort merge join query plan problems while executing the team group activities page's
main query on Oracle. This parameter controls part of the workaround if the value of
DisableHashJoinForClaimSearch is set to true. It is true by default. The parameter has no effect on databases
other than Oracle.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 69

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Default: True

Maximum number of activities that ClaimCenter returns in a search. If the number to return is greater than this
value, ClaimCenter prompts the user to narrow the search parameters. This integer value must be one (1) or
Default: 300

Maximum number of bulk invoices that ClaimCenter returns in a search. If the number to return is greater than
this value, ClaimCenter prompts the user to narrow the search parameters. This integer value must be one (1) or
Default: 300

Maximum number of checks that ClaimCenter returns in a search. If the number to return is greater than this
value, ClaimCenter prompts the user to narrow the search parameters. This integer value must be one (1) or
Default: 300

Maximum number of results that ClaimCenter returns for a claim search. This integer value must be one (1) or
greater. If the number or results to return is greater than this value, ClaimCenter prompts the user to narrow the
search parameters.
Default: 300

Maximum number of contacts that ClaimCenter returns in a search. If the number to return is greater than this
value, then ClaimCenter prompts the user to narrow the search parameters. This integer value must be one (1) or
Default: 300

Maximum number of document templates that ClaimCenter returns in a search. If the number to return is greater
than this value, then ClaimCenter prompts the user to narrow the search parameters. This integer value must be
one (1) or greater.
Default: 50

Maximum number of duplicate results to return from a contact search. This integer value must be zero (0) or
Default: 25

70 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Maximum number of notes that ClaimCenter returns in a search. If the number to return is greater than this value,
ClaimCenter prompts the user to narrow the search parameters. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater. A
value of zero indicates that there is no limit on the search.
Default: 25

Maximum number of policies that ClaimCenter returns in a search. If the number to return is greater than this
value, then ClaimCenter prompts the user to narrow the search parameters. This integer value must be one (1) or
Default: 25

Maximum number of policies that ClaimCenter returns in a search. If the number to return is greater than this
value, then ClaimCenter prompts the user to narrow the search parameters. This integer value must be one (1) or
Default: 300

Guidewire provides a work-around for semi-join query plan problems by forcing nested loop semi-join queries
while executing certain claim searches on Oracle. This parameter controls part of the work-around. The param-
eter has no effect on databases other than Oracle.
Default: True

Security Parameters
If UseACLPermissions is true, then setting this parameter to true means that supervisors inherit permissions on
an object that has been added for a supervised user or group.
Default: True

Number of failed attempts that ClaimCenter permits before locking out a user. For example, setting this value to
3 means that the third unsuccessful try locks the account from further repeated attempts. This integer value must
be 1 or greater. A value of -1 disables this feature.
Default: 3
Minimum: -1

Time in seconds that ClaimCenter locks a user account. A value of -1 indicates that a system administrator must
manually unlock a locked account.
Default: -1

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 71

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Time in milliseconds before a user can retry after an unsuccessful login attempt. This integer value must be zero
(0) or greater.
Default: 0
Minimum: 0

Maximum number of users and groups to directly include in search queries that check the claim access control
list. Beyond this (maximum) limit, ClaimCenter stores users and groups in database tables. You must then use an
additional join in the query to check the claim access control list. Checking the claim access control list can
involve a large number of groups and users. For example, if EnableDownlinePermissions is true, someone who
supervises many groups and users has access to control lists that contain any of their supervisees. Including all
these groups and users in the query can be done directly by including them as parameters to the query. Or, you
can store them in database tables and doing extra joins in the query. For small numbers of groups and users,
direct parameters are the best choice. For large numbers (thousands), the extra join can be better. This parameter
chooses at what point the query code switches from using direct parameters to using extra joins.
It can take the following values:
• A value of -1 (or any negative value) instructs ClaimCenter to use the appropriate default for the current data-
base. Thus, ClaimCenter chooses the best value—as determined by Guidewire performance testing—for the
current type of database.
• A value of 0 instructs ClaimCenter to always use parameters, and to never use a join in a query. This works
even for very large numbers of groups and users (3000 or more) on an Oracle database. However, it is not
suitable for the SQL Server database, which limits the total number of parameters to 2100.
• A positive value instructs ClaimCenter to use that value as a threshold. If the number of groups and users is
less than the threshold, then a query uses parameters. If the number is larger the threshold, a query uses data-
base tables and extra joins. Guidewire strongly recommends that you do not use a positive value for the
Oracle database. This is because the Oracle database can cope with large numbers of parameters, but tends to
choose very bad query plans for the extra joins.
In summary, Guidewire recommends that most ClaimCenter installations use the default value of -1, which
chooses the best value for the current database type.
SQL Server. For those ClaimCenter installations that use SQL Server as the database, Guidewire recommends the
• Do not set this value to 0.
• Do not set it to any value greater than approximately 2000 due to the risk of hitting the 2100 parameter limit.
Oracle. For those ClaimCenter installations that use the Oracle database, Guidewire expressly recommends that
you do not use positive values due to the risk of bad query plans.
Default: -1

New passwords must be no more than this many characters long. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater.
Default: 16

72 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

New passwords must be at least this many characters long. For security purposes, Guidewire recommends that
you set this value to 8 or greater. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater. If 0, then Guidewire ClaimCenter
does not require a password. (Guidewire does not recommend this.)
Default: 8
Minimum: 0

Whether ClaimCenter restricts the match results from a contact search screen to those that the user has permis-
sion to view.
Default: True

Whether ClaimCenter restricts the results of a search to those that the user has permission to view.
Default: True

If True, then ClaimCenter synchronizes contacts with the roles they belong to after authenticating with the
external authentication source.
Default: False

Whether to use the ACL permission model.
• If false, the privilege that a user holds applies to every claim.
• If true, the ClaimAccess table controls claim access.
Default: True

Segmentation Parameters
Default value to set the Segment field to on a claim, if ClaimCenter cannot determine another segment.
Required: Yes

The default value to set the Strategy field to on a claim, if ClaimCenter cannot determine another strategy.
Required: Yes

Default value to set the Segment field to on an exposure, if ClaimCenter cannot determine another segment.
Required: Yes

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 73

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Default value to set the Strategy field on an exposure, if ClaimCenter cannot determine another strategy.
Required: Yes

Spellcheck Parameters
If true, navigating away from a field enabled for spell checking—after making any change—invokes the spell-
ing checker for the field.
Default: False

If true, a Check Spelling button appears in the toolbar of any screen that contains editable fields, if the screen is
enabled for spell checking.
Default: False

Statistics, Team, and Dashboard Parameters

Number of days to use in calculating the first claim aging bucket. This bucket includes claims between 0 and
AgingStatsFirstDivision days old. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater.

Default: 30

Number of days to use in calculating the second claim aging bucket. This bucket includes claims between
AgingStatsFirstDivision + 1 and AgingStatsSecondDivision days old. This integer value must be zero (0)
or greater.
Default: 60

Number of days to use in calculating the third claim aging bucket. This bucket includes claims between
AgingStatsSecondDivision + 1 and AgingStatsThirdDivision days old. The last bucket includes all claims
older than AgingStatsThirdDivision days. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater.
Default: 120

Whether to show the number of litigated claims on the Aging subtab of the Team tab.
Default: True

74 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Total incurred amount above which ClaimCenter counts the claim as over-the-limit in executive dashboard cal-
Default: 1000000

Whether the Dashboard shows claim information subtotaled by coverage.
Default: True

Whether the Dashboard shows claim information subtotaled by line of business or loss type.
Default: True

Number of days to use for executive dashboard calculations that depends on a specific time period.
Default: 30

Whether to show individual user global workload statistics along with the standard statistics in the Team Summary
Default: True

Time window for calculating user statistics. Set this value to the number of previous days to include in the calcu-
lation. For example, set this to 10 to calculate statistics for the last 10 days, including today. You can also set this
to one of the following special values:

0 This week, defined as the start of the current business week up to, and including, today.
-1 This month, defined as the start of the current month up to, and including, today.

Default: 0

User Interface Parameters

The keyboard shortcut to use for the Actions button.
Default: A

The maximum number of autocomplete suggestions to show.

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 75

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Default: 10

If true, specifies that all exposure must follow the claimant and coverage uniqueness constraints.
Default: True

This parameter applies to policies that provide policy-level coverage rather than separate coverages for each item
covered in the policy. It affects the individual coverages submenu in the Actions → New Exposure → Choose by
Coverage submenu. For this parameter, you enter values as a comma-separated list. To remove (hide) empty
Vehicle and Property submenus for a specific loss type, add that loss type to the list.
Default: None

Use to improve application performance related to viewing a contact in the ClaimCenter Address Book tab or
through the Claim Summary page. Attempting to view a contact with a large number of links can create performance
issues. If a user is viewing a highly linked contact, then ClaimCenter issues a warning if the user clicks on a card
that can result in an expensive query. The user must click another button before viewing the contact’s related
claims, activities, exposures or matters as these views put a heavy load on the database. This parameter sets the
threshold value for the number of links to a contact that generates the warning.
Note: If you set the threshold value to zero, then ClaimCenter considers no contact to be highly linked.

Default: None

If true, the policy properties screens suppress the message telling the user whether all of the properties that
appear on the policy have been downloaded to the ClaimCenter policy snapshot.
• Set this value to true if the policy adapter is not capable of returning a meaningful value for
• Set this value to false otherwise.
Default: False

If true, the policy vehicles screens suppress the message telling the user whether all of the vehicles that appear
on the policy have been downloaded to the ClaimCenter policy snapshot.
• Set this value to true if the policy adapter is not capable of returning a meaningful value for
• Set this value to false otherwise.
Default: False

76 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

If true, ClaimCenter displays the help text for an input any time that the input field gets the focus. (This can hap-
pen, for example, by clicking in the input field or tabbing into it.) For this to be meaningful, help text must exist.
To set help text for a field, use the helpText attribute for that input field.
Default: True

If true, ClaimCenter displays help text for an input only if the mouse cursor moves over the input field. For this
to be meaningful, help text must exist. To set help text for a field, use the helpText attribute for that input field.
Default: True

The character to use as a placeholder in masked input fields.
Default: . (period)

The default number of entries that ClaimCenter displays in each page in a list view, if the page does not explicitly
specify this value. This integer value must be at least 1.
Default: 15

Minimum: 1

MaxBrowserHistoryItems (Obsolete)
This parameter is obsolete. Do not use.

Maximum number of vehicles or properties that ClaimCenter displays in the New Exposure → Choose by Coverage
menu. If the number to return exceeds this limit, ClaimCenter prompts the user to use the Coverage Type menu
instead. This integer value must be one (1) or greater.
Default: 15

Maximum number of coverage types that ClaimCenter displays in the New Exposure → Choose by Coverage Type
menu. If the number to return exceeds this limit, ClaimCenter splits the coverage types into alphabetic submenus.
This integer value must be one or greater.
Default: 15

Maximum number of claimants to list for each claim in a list view. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater.
If set to zero, ClaimCenter does not impose a limit.
Default: 0

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 77

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Maximum number of users to show in the chart on the Team Summary page. Set this parameter to 0 to remove the
chart entirely. Otherwise, the chart displays statistics for the top N users, and groups the others into a bar labeled
All Other Users. This integer value must be zero (0) or greater.

Default: 10

The keyboard shortcut to use to activate the QuickJump box.
Default: / (forward slash)

The set of re-openable entities for which, if reopened, ClaimCenter displays a screen for the user to enter a rea-
son and note. Enter as a comma-separated list.
Default: Claim,Exposure,Matter

Whether to populate the select policy dialog with the policy number for the current policy for a claim.
Default: False

Works with ShowNewExposureMenuForLossTypes.
• If true, claims that do not have the New Exposure menu have a fixed list of exposures that can be shown
through tabs on the Claim Loss page.
• If false, claims that do not have the New Exposure menu have a fixed list of exposures that can be shown
through separate top-level page links in the claim file.
Default: True

Use to hide the Actions → New Exposure → Choose By Coverage menu for a specific loss type. In the base application
configuration, the New Exposure menu contains two submenus, one of which is the Choose By Coverage submenu.
Use this parameter to hide the Choose By Coverage submenu for specific loss types. In general practice, Guidewire
recommends that you omit WC from this list. Enter a comma-separated list to specify the loss types for which
you can create a new exposure by coverage. These values are case-sensitive.
Default: None

Use to hide the Actions → New Exposure → Choose By Coverage Type menu for a specific loss type. In the base applica-
tion configuration, the New Exposure contains two submenus, one of which is the Choose By Coverage Type submenu.
Use this parameter to hide the Choose By Coverage Type submenu for specific loss types. In general practice, enter a
comma-separated list to specify the loss types for which you can create a new exposure by coverage type. These
values are case-sensitive.
Default: None

78 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Use to hide the Actions → New Exposure menu for a specific loss type. Removing the New Exposure menu for a loss
type also hides the Exposures step in the New Claim wizard for that loss type. Essentially, this parameter determines
for which loss types you can create a new exposure. Enter a comma-separated list to specify the loss types for
which the New Exposure menu appears. For example, enter AUTO, GL, PR to display a New Exposures menu for these
loss types. These values are case-sensitive.
Default: None

Name of the ClaimCenter interface skin to use.
Default: Ocean

Keyboard shortcut for the Next button in the set of wizard buttons. This value can be null.

Keyboard shortcut for the Previous button in the set of wizard buttons. This value can be null.

Controls the visibility of the Previous and Next buttons in a wizard. If set to true, ClaimCenter renders the Back
button on the first wizard step grayed-out to indicate that it is not available. A value of null is acceptable.
Default: False

Work Queue Parameters

Number of days to retain instrumentation information for a distributed worker instance before ClaimCenter
deletes it.
Default: 45

The maximum number of work items for a work queue writer to create for each transaction.
Default: 100

The maximum number of times that ClaimCenter retries a work item before marking it as failed.
Default: 3

Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters 79

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The maximum number of ProcessHistory entries to consider when producing the Work Queue History down-
load. The valid range is from 1 to 525600. (The maximum of 525,600 is 60*24*365, which is one writer running
every minute for a year.)
Default: 10000

80 Chapter 2, Application Configuration Parameters

part II

The Guidewire Development

chapter 3

Working with Guidewire Studio

This topic describes Guidewire Studio and the Studio development environment.
This topic includes:
• “What Is Guidewire Studio?” on page 83
• “Starting Guidewire Studio” on page 84
• “The Studio Development Environment” on page 85
• “Working with the QuickStart Development Server” on page 86
• “ClaimCenter Configuration Files” on page 88
• “ClaimCenter Resources Tree” on page 90
• “Configuring Diagnostic Logging in Studio” on page 90
• “Configuring Guidewire Studio” on page 91
• “Linking Studio to a SCM System” on page 91
• “Setting Font Display Options” on page 96
• “Setting Code Completion Options” on page 97
• “Setting Server Default Options” on page 99
• “Configuring External Editors” on page 101
• “Setting the Studio Locale” on page 103

What Is Guidewire Studio?

Guidewire Studio is the ClaimCenter administration tool for creating and managing application resources. This
includes Gosu rules, classes, enhancements and plugins, and all of the configuration files used by ClaimCenter in
building and rendering the application.
Using Guidewire Studio, you can:
• Create and edit individual rules, and manage these rules and their order of consideration within a rule set
• Create and manage PCF pages, workflows, entity names, and display keys

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 83

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Create and manage Gosu classes and entity enhancements

• Create and manage the ClaimCenter data entities, business objects, and data types
• Manage plugins and message destinations
• Configure database connections
Guidewire supports running Studio on the Microsoft Windows operating system only. To install Guidewire
Studio, follow the installation directions in the ClaimCenter Installation Guide.

IMPORTANT Do not create installation directories that have spaces in the name. This can prevent
Guidewire Studio from functioning properly.

Starting Guidewire Studio

You start Studio from the Microsoft Windows command line.

IMPORTANT Guidewire supports Guidewire Studio running on the Microsoft Windows platform

To start Guidewire Studio

1. Verify that your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the correct Java home directory. (See “Installation
Environments Overview” on page 12 in the Installation Guide for details.)
2. Do either of the following:
• Open a command window and navigate to the application root directory. At the command prompt, type:
• Open a command window and navigate to the application bin directory. At the command prompt, type:
gwcc studio

The first time that you start Guidewire Studio, it starts exceedingly slowly as it must load a large amount of type
information. Subsequent starts, however, generally load much more quickly.

Running Studio in 64-bit Mode

In the base configuration, Studio starts in 32-bit mode. To run Studio in 64-bit mode, do the following:
1. Locate and open studio.bat for editing, then add the following line:
set JAVA_HOME=64-bit JDK directory
Set the value of JAVA_HOME to the root of your 64-bit JDK directory.
2. Locate and open for editing, then add the following line within protected function runImpl:

3. Start Studio as you would otherwise.

To stop Guidewire Studio

To stop Guidewire Studio, simply select Exit from the Studio File menu. It is also possible to stop Studio by
closing its window (by clicking the x in the upper right-hand corner of the window). However, Guidewire recom-
mend that you use the File menu instead.

84 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Restarting Studio
Certain changes that you make in Studio require that you restart Studio before it recognizes those changes. For
example, if you add a new workflow type, then you must stop and restart Studio before a Gosu class that you
create recognizes the workflow.
Guidewire does not strictly require that you always stop and restart Studio after a data model change. However, it
is one way to test that you have not inadvertently made a typing error, for example.

IMPORTANT If you modify the base configuration data model, you must start (or restart) the applica-
tion server. This forces a database upgrade. See “Deploying Configuration Files” on page 31 for more

The Studio Development Environment

Note: See “Installation Environments Overview” on page 12 in the Installation Guide for information on
the software and hardware requirements for ClaimCenter Studio.
Guidewire Studio is a stand-alone development application that runs independently of Guidewire ClaimCenter.
You use Studio to build and test application customization in a development or test mode before deploying your
changes to a production server. Any changes that you make to application files through Studio do not automati-
cally propagate into production. You must specifically build a .war or .ear file and deploy it to a server for the
changes to take effect. (Studio and the production application server—by design—do not share the same config-
uration file system.)

IMPORTANT Guidewire recommends that you do not run Studio on a machine with an encrypted hard
drive. If you run Guidewire Studio on a machine with hard drive encryption, Studio can take up to 15+
seconds to refresh. This can happen as you switch focus from the Studio window to something else
(such as the browser) and back again.

To assist with this development and testing process, Guidewire bundles the following with the ClaimCenter
• A QuickStart development server
• A QuickStart database
• A QuickStart server used for testing that you cannot control
• A QuickStart database used for testing that is separate from the QuickStart development database
The following diagram illustrates the connections between Guidewire Studio, the bundled QuickStart applica-
tions, the local file system, and the ClaimCenter application server. You use the QuickStart test server and test
database for testing only as ClaimCenter controls them internally. You can use either the bundled QuickStart
development server bundled with Guidewire ClaimCenter or use an external server such as Tomcat. In general,

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 85

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

dotted lines indicate actions on your part that you perform manually. For example, you must manually create a
.war or .ear file and manually move it to the production server. The system does not do this for you.







Working with the QuickStart Development Server

Note: If desired, it is possible to use any of the supported application servers in a development environ-
ment, rather than the embedded QuickStart server. To do so, you need to point ClaimCenter to the configu-
ration resources edited by Guidewire Studio. This requires additional configuration, described for each
application server type in “Deploying ClaimCenter to the Application Server” on page 56 in the Installation
You cannot start the QuickStart development server directly from Studio. (You cannot manually start the Quick-
Start test server as Studio manages it internally.) Instead, you start this server from the command line. Use the
following command to start the QuickStart server from the bin directory of your Studio installation
ClaimCenter/bin/gwcc dev-start

Use the following dev commands as you work with the QuickStart server. See “Commands Reference” on
page 69 in the Installation Guide for a complete list of commands and how to use them.

Command Action
gwcc dev-start Starts the Development server.
gwcc dev-stop Stops the Development server.
gwcc dev-dropdb Resets QuickStart database associated with the QuickStart development server.

86 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In each application configuration, Guidewire provides the following QuickStart default port settings:

Application Port

ClaimCenter 8080
PolicyCenter 8180
ContactCenter 8280
BillingCenter 8580

Note: For more information on the gwcc dev commands, see “Installing the QuickStart Development Envi-
ronment” on page 32 in the Installation Guide.

Connecting the Development Server to a Database

ClaimCenter running on the QuickStart development server can connect to the same kinds of databases as any of
the other Guidewire-supported application servers. However, for performance reason, Guidewire recommends
that you use the bundled QuickStart database. Guidewire optimizes this database for fast development use. It can
run in either of the following modes:

Mode Description

file mode The database persists data to the hard drive (the local file system), which means that the data can live
from one server start to another. This is the Guidewire-recommended default configuration.
memory mode The database does not persist data to the hard drive and it effectively drops the database each time you
restart the server. Guidewire does not recommend this configuration.

You set configuration parameters for the QuickStart database associated with the development server in
config.xml. For example:
<!-- H2 (meant for development/quickstart use only!) -->
<database name="ClaimCenterDatabase" driver="dbcp" dbtype="h2" printcommands="false"
autoupgrade="true" checker="false">
<param name="jdbcURL" value="jdbc:h2:file:/tmp/guidewire/cc"/>
<param name="stmtPool.enabled" value="false"/>
<param name="maxWait" value="30000"/>
<param name="CACHE_SIZE" value="32000"/>

To set the database mode

In the base configuration, the QuickStart database runs in file mode. You set the database mode using the
jdbcURL parameter value. In file mode the jdbcURL parameter value points to an actual file location. For exam-
<param name="jdbcURL" value="jdbc:h2:file:/tmp/guidewire/cc"/>

Guidewire uses /tmp/guidewire/cc as the file location in the base configuration.

To drop the QuickStart database

Occasionally, you may want (or need) to drop the QuickStart database. For example, Guidewire recommends
that you drop the QuickStart database under the following circumstances:
• If things get odd from hot-deploying scripting resources (rules or other resources).
• If you make changes to the ClaimCenter data model.
To drop the database, use the gwcc dev-dropdb command. To drop the database manually, delete the files from
the directory specified by the jdbcURL parameter (by default, <root>/tmp/guidewire/cc). The server must be
down if you delete the directory.

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 87

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Deploying Your Configuration Changes

IMPORTANT To deploy your configuration changes to an actual production server, you must build a
.war (or .ear) file and deploy it on the application server. By design, you cannot directly deploy
configuration files from Studio to the application server.

As the bundled QuickStart development server and Studio share the same configuration directory, you do not
need to deploy your configuration changes to the QuickStart development server.
To hot-deploy PCF files. Editing and saving PCF files in the Page Configuration (PCF) editor does not automatically
reload them in the QuickStart server, even if there is a connection between it and Studio. Instead, first save your
files, then navigate to the ClaimCenter web interface on the deployment server. After you log into the interface,
reload the PCF configuration using either the Internal Tools page or the Alt+Shift+L shortcut.
You can also reload display keys this way as well.
Note: You do not actually need to be connected to the server from Studio to reload PCF files, although it
does not hurt.

ClaimCenter Configuration Files

WARNING Do not attempt to modify any files other than those in the ClaimCenter/modules/
configuration directory. Any attempt to modify files outside of this directory can cause damage to the
ClaimCenter application and prevent it from starting thereafter.

Installing Guidewire ClaimCenter creates the following directory structure:

Directory Description
admin Contains administrative tools. See “ClaimCenter Administrative Commands” on page 169 for
bin Contains the gwcc batch file and shell script used to launch commands for building and deploying.
See “Commands Reference” on page 69 in the Installation Guide.
build Contains products of build commands such as exploded .war and .ear files and the data and
security dictionaries. This directory is not present when you first install ClaimCenter. The directory
is created when you run one of the build commands.
dist Guidewire application .ear, .war, and .jar files are built in this directory. The directory is created
when you run one of the build commands to generate .war or .ear files.
doc HTML and PDFs of ClaimCenter documentation.
java-api Contains the Java API libraries created by running the gwcc regen-java-api command. See
“Regenerating the Integration Libraries” on page 17 in the Integration Guide.
modules Contains subdirectories including configuration resources for each application component.
soap-api Contains the SOAP API libraries created by running the gwcc regen-soap-api command. See
“Regenerating the Integration Libraries” on page 17 in the Integration Guide.
studio Contains Studio preferences and TypeInfo database caches. Studio generates this directory
when you first launch Studio.
webapps Contains necessary files for using QuickStart or Tomcat application servers or WebLogic and
WebSphere application servers for development.

88 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

How ClaimCenter Interprets Modules

ClaimCenter groups configuration resources in module folders within the ClaimCenter/modules directory.
ClaimCenter evaluates these resources at startup according to a specific order. ClaimCenter always checks first
for a resource in the configuration module.
The module directories can contain distinct copies of the same resource file. In that case, the predominant copy is
the first one ClaimCenter finds. ClaimCenter disregards any others.
For example, in the base install, the file Desktop.pcf resides in the following directory:

If you edit this file from Guidewire Studio, Studio places a new copy in the configuration directory. The orig-
inal file remains, but ClaimCenter ignores it for as long as the edited one exists. If you delete the edited copy
from the configuration module, ClaimCenter uses the copy in the cc module.

Edited Resource Files Reside in the Configuration Module Only

The configuration module is the only place for configured resources. As ClaimCenter starts, a checksum
process verifies that no files have been changed in any directory except for those in the configuration directory.
If this process detects an invalid checksum, ClaimCenter does not start. In this case, overwrite any changes to all
modules except for the configuration directory and try again.
If you use Guidewire Studio to edit a configuration file, Studio automatically copies the file to the
configuration module, if a copy is not already present. Guidewire recommends that you use Studio to edit
configuration files to minimize the risk of accidentally editing a file outside the configuration module.

Key Directories
The installation process creates a configuration environment for ClaimCenter. In this environment, you can find
all of the files needed to configure ClaimCenter in two directories:
• The main directory of the configuration environment. In the default ClaimCenter installation, the location of
this directory is ClaimCenter/modules/configuration.
• ClaimCenter/modules/configuration/config contains the application server configuration files.
The installation process also installs a set of system administration tools in ClaimCenter/admin/bin.
ClaimCenter runs within a J2EE server container. To deploy ClaimCenter, you build an application file suitable
for your server and place the file in the server’s deployment directory. The type of application file and the
deployment directory location is specific to the application server type. For example, for ClaimCenter (deployed
as the cc.war application) running on a Tomcat J2EE server on Windows, the deployment directory might be

For instructions on building and deploying ClaimCenter, see the ClaimCenter Installation Guide.

Studio File Structure

Studio presents a virtual directory structure in its Resources pane. It flattens all the configuration files into a single
configuration module. Studio transparently manages these files and their (editable) copies. You need not be
concerned about which directory a file resides, Studio manages this for you. If you add a file (for example, a new
email or note template), only place it in the appropriate place in the modules/configuration directory. Studio
monitors this directory and displays all new files in the Resources pane as you add them.

Recovering from Incorrect Data Model Changes

If you incorrectly modify a data model configuration file, Studio refuses to open the next time you attempt to
start it. This is because it cannot build the type system without a valid data model. Instead, it provides an Excep-

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 89

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

tions dialog that provides information about the error, including the name of the problem file and the text of the
error message. You must correct the error before Studio can start correctly.
The Exceptions dialog also contains a Details button that (if clicked) opens another dialog that provides more infor-
mation about the problem. It also contains a button that (if clicked) opens the problem file in an external editor
for ease in correcting the problem. (You must have linked an external editor to the file type in Studio for this to
work. To link an external editor to a file type, see “Configuring External Editors” on page 101.)
Entity type system corruption. Occasionally, the entity type system itself becomes corrupt. This condition can
cause Studio to hang (to refuse to complete the initialization process). You can correct this condition by deleting
the following ClaimCenter application folder and all its contents:

Deleting this folder forces Studio to rebuild the type system the next time that you open Studio, which recreates
the files in this folder.

ClaimCenter Resources Tree

The left-hand pane in the Studio window displays a list of ClaimCenter resources that you can access through
ClaimCenter Studio. This is the Resources tree, which groups the various ClaimCenter resources into folders or
nodes. Clicking a node expands that node. In many cases, it opens an editor for that resource type as well.
Directly above the Resources tree, you see a drop-down for filtering the visible resources. The drop-down
provides you with the following choices:

Filter Displays

All resources (Default) All resources, both active and inactive.

Edited here Only those resources that you newly created in the configuration module or those that you copied-on-edit
to the configuration module. This filter is available in configuration or development mode only.
Edited now Only those resources that are currently open for edit, according to the active version control system.

See Also
• “Working with Studio Resources” on page 120

Configuring Diagnostic Logging in Studio

Guidewire Studio provides the ability to enable additional diagnostic logging in the Studio console. In the base
configuration, this includes timing information on certain specific actions in Studio only. For example, the
following log entries indicate that focus switched between applications to activate the Studio main window. The
last entry indicates that a different view tab became active in Studio.
[java] 2010-09-08 09:02:29,234 DEBUG Deactivate Task: 256ms
[java] 2010-09-08 09:02:37,711 DEBUG Activation Task: 264ms
[java] 2010-09-08 09:02:37,819 DEBUG selectTab(...) : 12ms

In the base configuration, Guidewire disables this functionality by design. In general, there is no need to enable
this functionality unless Guidewire instructs you to do so.
Note: You can find information on application logging in “Configuring Logging” on page 35 in the System
Administration Guide.

To enable diagnostic logging in Studio

1. Start Guidewire Studio, if it is not already running.

90 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. Within the Resources tree, navigate to Other Resource → logging.

3. Select New → Other file from the contextual right-click menu.

4. Enter in the New File dialog. Studio creates a blank file with this name and places it in the
logging folder. You see this file in the right-hand side of the screen, in a view tab labeled

5. Enter the following in this file.

This text is case-insensitive.
6. Save your work and restart Studio. Studio now logs all actions in a time-stamped list in the Studio console

• Studio enables diagnostic logging only if you enter the required text exactly as indicated.
• Studio disables this functionality if you remove all text from the file or if you deviate from the standard text
(other than case).

Configuring Guidewire Studio

There are a number of configuration tasks that you can access from the Studio Tools → Options menu. These
• Linking Studio to a SCM System
• Setting Code Completion Options
• Configuring External Editors
• Setting Font Display Options
• Setting Server Default Options
• Setting the Studio Locale

Linking Studio to a SCM System

Guidewire recommends that you maintain your ClaimCenter configuration files in a Software Configuration
Management (SCM) system such as Perforce. Using such a system ensures that you can save, manage, and
restore any modifications that you make to a file. Guidewire provides support for the Perforce, CVS, and SVN
(Subversion) version control systems. Guidewire also provides support for a generic (non-specific) version con-
trol system.
If you have such a system, Guidewire strongly recommends that you add your ClaimCenter installation directory
and files to it as part of setting up your configuration environment. If you store the Studio configuration files in a
SCM system, Studio can do the following for you:
• Mark a newly created file to add to your version control system on the next file checkin.
• Check out the file for editing if you modify that file from within Studio.
• Revert your file to the last checked in version to reverse your changes. (This is not true for all SCM systems.)
• Synchronize the file to the latest version in your SCM system. (This is not true for all SCM systems.)
• Submit your version of a file to the SCM system.
As with any set of files under version control, there are cases in which two different people edit a file concur-
rently, thus resulting in a conflict during file check-in. It is the responsibility of the authors to resolve these
conflicts before checking in changes.

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 91

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Linking Studio to a Software Configuration Management (SCM) System

Linking Studio to a SCM is a two-step process:
1. You must first set up the SCM-Studio association in Studio itself. See “Configuring Version Control” on
page 94 for details on linking Studio to one of the supported SCM systems.
2. You must then modify ClaimCenter/modules/ant/ to include a scm.regex statement.
There are several (commented-out) examples of this statement in the file, one for CVS and one for SVN
(Subversion). Studio uses the scm.regex statement in determining which file directories to exclude in calcu-
lating the checksum for source-controlled files.

Studio and Your Version Control System

Check the application product files into a Guidewire-supported SCM system as specified in its documentation.
Check all Guidewire application files into your SCM system. However, the only files you ever need modify and
need to check in are files in the module/configuration/config/ directory. As you open and edit files in Studio,
Studio places copies of the files in this directory. It is these files that Studio checks into your version control
system, if you select that option in the Studio menu.

WARNING If you modify a base application file in any directory other than modules/configuration,
you can damage ClaimCenter, so much so that it can refuse to start.

IMPORTANT Guidewire strongly recommends that you set all of the ClaimCenter application direc-
tories and files to read-only except for the modules/configuration directory and its files. (This is
especially true if you are not using a SCM to manage your files.) This ensures that you do not inadver-
tently change one of the application base files, which can invalidate your ClaimCenter install.

Version Control Systems and Keyword Substitution

Certain SCM systems perform keyword substitution on text strings that they encounter in a file (for example,
replacing ##DATE with the current date).
• If you use a SCM system that performs keyword substitution, you must turn off this feature for your initial
check-in of the ClaimCenter application files. Otherwise, it can invalidate the configuration checksum, which
invalidates your ClaimCenter install.
• If it is not possible to turn off this feature, then zip all the application files and check the zipped file into your
SCM system.

Accessing the Source Control Commands

To access the source control commands, select a file in the Resources tree and select Source Control from the File
right-click menu. You see the following commands:

Command Use to

Add Mark a newly created file to “add” to the source control system.
Edit Open (check out) a file for editing. If the file is a base configuration file, Studio makes a copy of the file in the
modules/configuration directory. It is this file that you edit, and, it is this file that you must check into source
Revert Revert a file back to its previously checked-in version in source control.
Sync Synchronize your local copy of the file with the last previously checked-in version of the file.
Submit Submit your local (modified) version of a file to the SCM system.

Note: Guidewire supports the Add, Edit, Revert, Synch, and Submit commands for the CVS and SVN source
control management systems. Studio supports all of these commands for P4 (Perforce) except for Submit.

92 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Submitting Files to the SCM System

If you use a SCM system to manage your files, ClaimCenter gives you option of submitting changed files to the
SCM system using a Studio menu command. The Submit menu command is available only if you have opened the
resource for editing or adding to source control. Selecting the Submit command opens the Submit dialog. Within
the Submit dialog, Studio selects your resource by default for submission to the SCM system. From within this
same dialog, you also have the option of submitting “All files”, which submits all files currently open for edit or
add to the SCM system.

Deleting Files
On the Edit menu, you see a Delete or a Revert to Base command after selecting a resource file, depending on the
• If you created the file, then you see the Delete command, and you can delete your local copy of the file.
• If the file is part of the base configuration, then Studio does not permit you to delete the file. If you have made
a copy of the file, you can see Revert to Base. If used, Studio deletes your modified copy of the file, and, there-
after, uses the base configuration version of the file.
• If a file exists only in the base configuration, then Studio disables these commands. (You can neither delete
the base configuration file nor delete a local copy of the file.)

Viewing the SCM Log

You can view a copy of the SCM log by navigating to the Studio Tools menu, then selecting SCM Console. Studio
opens a popup window that displays the SCM commands and error messages as they occur.

IMPORTANT Guidewire recommends that you do the following the first time that you try to use
Studio with a CVS, SVN, or P4 software configuration management system. Before continuing, open
up the SCM Console and verify that the SCM system is working properly. The SCM Console displays
all commands issued by Studio to the SCM system, and any error messages that the SVN server might
throw. From the SCM Console, you can determine if your SCM adapter is working correctly or not.

To edit a SCM file within Studio

1. Select a resource in the Resources tree. If the file is not already checked out, Studio opens a dialog box that
informs you the file is not open for edit. It then asks you whether you want to edit that file. (Studio highlights
the names of checked-out resource files in blue.)
2. Select Yes if you want to continue editing or No otherwise.
• If you select Yes, Studio automatically checks out the file from the SCM system so that you can edit it.
• If you select No, Studio opens a non-editable, read-only version of the file.
If you have not edited the file before, Studio creates a copy of the (read-only) base configuration file in the
appropriate /modules/cofiguration/config directory. This is the file that you edit.
3. Submit the modified file directly to the SCM system to save the file after you finish editing it.

You can also mark a file for deletion or revert it to a previous version. You do this by selecting the file in the
Studio Resources pane, selecting Source Control from the right-click menu, and then the appropriate command.
Note: Studio colors the file names in the Resources tree various colors to indicate its state, for example, red,
green, blue, purple, and black. For a discussion of what these colors mean, see “Working with Studio
Resources” on page 120.

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 93

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Configuring Version Control

To set how Studio interacts with a SCM system, navigate to Tools → Options to open the Configuration Settings dialog
box, then select Version Control from Project Settings. Use this dialog to select the SCM system and to set any neces-
sary connection parameters.
In the base configuration, Guidewire provides the following version control modules that you can use to integrate
Studio with a supported SCM system:
• CVS Module
• File Filter Adapter Module
• File System Module
• Perforce Module
• Subversion
You need to set connection parameters for most of these.
Note: Studio tests the connection to your SCM system as you exit the Version Control dialog. If it cannot make
a connection, Studio generates an error. You must correct the error before you can exit the dialog.
After you integrate Studio with your SCM system, you can view the output of the software configuration
management system in Studio SCM Console (which is also under the Tools menu).

CVS Module
Note: If you select CVS as the SCM system, Studio disables the Edit option in the Source Control right-click
menu. This is because CVS does not have the concept of opening a file for edit. However, if a file is writ-
able, Studio considers it to be in the open for edit state and paints the resource blue in the resource tree.
Also, if you check a file into a CVS source control management system, then you cannot revert that file
through Studio.
If using CVS (Concurrent Versions System) as your SCM system, then do the following before you launch
Studio and make your selection in the Version Control dialog:
• Log into the CVS server at least one time and check out files from the CVS server before you open Studio.
This negates the need to ask for the username, password and server connection parameters from within
Studio. This does not mean that the files must remain checked out at the time you run Studio. It simply means
that you must have previously checked them out, followed by checking them back in or reverting them.
• Set the CVSROOT environment variable before launching Studio. The CVSROOT environment variable
contains connection information to the CVS server, such as :pserver:username@host/some/dir. (The CVS
server requires this value to check out files for the first time.)
• Verify that you have the command line cvs.exe client software installed.
After you select the CVS option in Studio, enter the full path to the CVS executable and the client root. The
client root is the local path of root directory ClaimCenter/modules/configuration. (This is the only application
directory that you ever need modify.)
Guidewire recommends that you check out your CVS repositories as read-only. To enforce this, use the -r global
option during checkout, for example:
cvs -r checkout

File Filter Adapter Module

IMPORTANT If you use a non-Guidewire-supported version control system, then Guidewire recom-
mends that you use this adapter. Do not attempt to write your own SCM adapter. Guidewire specifically
does not support any attempt to create your own SCM adapter.

94 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

If you use a SCM system for which Guidewire does not provide a specified version control module, then select
the File Filter Adapter module. This allows you to skip the control files specific to your system with a regular expres-
sion. Studio ignores all files whose absolute name matches the given regular expression.
Although not recommended, you can also use this SCM adapter for both the Subversion (SVN) and CVS source
control systems. To do so, you need to provide a regular expression to indicate which files and folders to ignore.
• If using a CVS system, enter the following as the regular expression:
• If using SVN, enter a regular expression similar to the following:

File System Module

If you do not select a SCM system, Studio defaults the Version Control Module to File System. If you set a file or folder
within the file system as read-only, Studio removes the read-only flag on the file if you select Source Control → Edit.
As with the other options, Studio indicates files or folders that you open for editing with a blue color in the
Resources tree.

Perforce Module
Note: It is possible that you also need to set a P4CLIENT environment variable for the Microsoft Window's
operating system. To do so, open the System Properties → Environment Variables dialog, find (or create) the
P4CLIENT variable, and enter the name of your local machine. You must perform this action and also
configure Guidewire Studio to recognize the Perforce client.
If you select the Perforce module, Studio presents you with several different options. You can either choose to use
the default Perforce configuration, or to set specific Perforce configuration parameters yourself. In either case,
you must set the path to the P4 executable.
Use system’s default Perforce configuration. If you select this option, you need only enter the path to the P4
executable. Studio uses the system’s default Perforce configuration.
Specify different Perforce settings. If you select this option, then you must also enter values for the following
• Port - The default is <p4 server>:1666.
• Client - The name of the Perforce ClientSpec.
• User and Password - Valid username and password to use to log into Perforce.
Path to P4 executable. Enter the path to your Perforce executable:
• If you have a PERFORCE_HOME environment variable set, then you can accept the default p4.
• If you do not have a PERFORCE_HOME environment variable set, enter the full path. For example: C:\Program

Note: Guidewire supports the Add, Edit, Revert, and Synch operations for P4 (Perforce). Studio does not
support the Submit operation with Perforce.

The Studio Subversion (SVN) version control module is very similar in operation to the CVS version control
module. It makes many of the same assumptions.
Like CVS:
• You must check out all your files from source control at least one time before using Studio. See “CVS
Module” on page 94 for details.

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 95

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• You must also choose the (default) option to keep the user's credentials locally. Studio performs no authenti-
cation with the remote server and expects the command line executable to do it.
• The Sync operation is not available in Studio.
• A file is open for edit if the file is writable. The Edit operation is not available in Studio.
• You need to the enter the client root path, and the path to the SCM executable.
Unlike CVS, however, you can revert a file.
To configure Studio to work with the Subversion SCM system, enter the path to the Subversion executable and
the path to the client root. The client root is the local path of root directory ClaimCenter/modules/
configuration. (This is the only application directory that you ever need to modify.)

You must enter the full path to the configuration module. For example, you would enter something similar to the

You must also enter the full path to the SVN executable. For example, you might enter something similar to the
C:\Program Files\CollabNet Subversion\svn.exe

IMPORTANT Guidewire only supports Subversion clients that provide a command line interface.
Studio needs this hook to implement the source control functionality. If your Subversion client does not
support a command line interface, then you cannot use it with Guidewire Studio. For example, you
cannot use the open source TortoiseSVN as a Subversion client as it does not support a command line

Setting File Update and Deletion Parameters (General Settings Tab)

Use the fields on this tab to specify whether Studio also updates the SCM change list as you add or delete a
resource. For example, if you add a new rule, Studio creates a corresponding file in the modules/
configuration/config/resources directory. If you instruct it, Studio can also modify the SCM change list and
indicate that the file needs adding to source control (Open for add).
The following list describes the options that you can set on this tab.

Option Description

Show options before adding or deleting Open the SCM file add (delete) options dialog before modifying the SCM
change list.
Add or delete silently Add the file to the SCM change list for addition (or deletion) without further
human action.
Do not add or delete Do not add the file to the SCM change list.
Show “Clear read-only Status” Dialog Display a dialog for read-only files to enable you to clear the read-only flag.

Setting Font Display Options

To set how Studio handles various font and Gosu editor options, do the following. First, navigate to Tools →
Options to open the Configuration Settings dialog box, then select Colors & Fonts from Project Settings. Use this dialog to
set the how Studio displays text in the Gosu editor. You can set the font type and size of the Gosu code, for
example. You can also set how Studio displays specific Gosu code items, such as keywords or operators. Studio
displays a code sample at the bottom of the dialog that reflects your settings so that you can view the effect of
your choices immediately.
Using this dialog, you can set the following:
• Text font, size, and anti-alias properties

96 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Character format properties

• Foreground and background colors of various Gosu elements
You can also enable the use of the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the font size.

Setting Code Completion Options

To set how Studio handles various coding options, navigate to Tools → Options to open the Configuration Settings
dialog box, then select Code Completion from Project Settings. Use this dialog to set how Studio handles deprecated
methods and the transformation of Java code into Gosu:
• Allow Deprecated References
• SmartFix

Allow Deprecated References

Studio provides the means for you to enable or disable viewing of deprecated items. Deprecation usually refers to
the gradual phasing-out of a software or programming language feature. Over time, a method or property can
become obsolete and Guidewire discourages its use. However, it may still be possible to use the deprecated item
so as to provide backward compatibly. If in doubt, consult the Studio API reference to determine if a method or
property is still valid.
You can choose to either view or hide deprecated items in the Studio SmartHelp and the Complete Code windows.
Choosing Tools → Options, then Code Completion, opens the following dialog box:
In the dialog box, select Allow deprecated references to display deprecated items within Studio. If made visible,
Studio displays a deprecated item in SmartHelp by placing a line through it. It is still possible to select the depre-
cated item, however.
Studio indicates a deprecated item using one of the following methods:
• In SmartHelp, Studio strikes a line through the deprecated item.
• In Gosu code (within an editor), Studio underlines the deprecated item.
Studio also turns the validation status indicator to yellow if the Gosu code is valid but contains warnings.
However, if you insert a deprecated item into a rule, it is always visible in the rule, regardless of the status of this

Use the Studio SmartFix settings to set the level of automatic code completion with the Studio editors. Checking an
option activates it. Guidewire provides the following SmartFix settings:
• Add import for unrecognized symbol
• Make implicit coercion explicit
• Fix Java-style type cast
• Create unrecognized display key
• Convert string literal to new display key
• Change old constructor syntax to new
• Remove unused variable
• Add missing 'override' modifier
• Implement functions and properties

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 97

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Add import for unrecognized symbol

This SmartFix adds a Gosu uses statement to import the type if you enter a name that is a valid relative type
name. For example, if you type:
var x : StringBuilder

SmartFix adds the following uses statement to your Gosu class:

uses java.util.StringBuilder

Make implicit coercion explicit

This SmartFix detects coercion warnings, and, if invoked, appropriately casts the implicitly coerced expression
to make it explicit. For example, if you enter:
var x : String
var y = 42
x = y // coercion warning

SmartFix casts the last statement to make it explicit:

x = y as String

Fix Java-style type cast

This SmartFix detects Java-style casting and changes it to Gosu style casting. For example, if you enter:

SmartFix converts this to Gosu casting

42 as String

Create unrecognized display key

This SmartFix detects a compile error on an unrecognized display key and automatically creates one. For
example, if you enter:
displaykey.Example // Example does not exist yet

SmartFix automatically creates the display key for you and lets you edit the name.

Convert string literal to new display key

This SmartFix detects string literals and prompts you to create a display key for it. This is to aid in making Gosu
code more localizable.

Change old constructor syntax to new

This SmartFix detects old-style constructor syntax and automatically converts it to the new style. For example, if
you enter:
class MyGosuClass {
MyGosuClass ()

SmartFix automatically makes the following conversion:

class MyGosuClass {

Remove unused variable

This SmartFix detects unused variables and automatically removes them.

Add missing 'override' modifier

This SmartFix detects a missing override modifier on methods and properties that override a super member.
For example, if you enter:
function OverrideThisFunction()

98 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

SmartFix automatically changes this to the following:

override function OverrideThisFunction()

Implement functions and properties

This SmartFix detects compile errors indicating a class has not implemented one or more methods and/or proper-
ties from an abstract super class or implemented interface. If invoked, Studio automatically generates default
implementations for the missing methods (or properties) and inserts the missing items in the class.

Setting Server Default Options

Studio has two connection modes of operation:
• Disconnected, in which you can edit local resources through Studio, but there is no database connection.
Because it lacks a database connection, you cannot use the Studio query-oriented features in disconnected
mode. For example, code completion for activity pattern, user, or group values does not work in this mode.
By default, Studio starts in disconnected mode.
• Connected, in which Studio interacts with the application server for debugging purposes. You almost never
need to connect to a remote instance. If you do this mode, do so only for the purposes of debugging in Studio
to help diagnose a problem. With that said, it is forbidden to connect Studio to a production server for the
purposes of tweaking or configuring in any way. Guidewire specifically designs Studio to connect to a single
local server.
Studio indicates its connection mode in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, along with the words Discon-
nected or Connected:

• Disconnected -
• Connected -
You can also determine the connection mode by opening the File menu and looking at the menu commands. There
are two commands that pertain to the connection mode and that you can use to either establish a connection with
the application (remote) server or to disconnect from it. The connection mode is the opposite of whichever one of
these commands is active. (For example, if the Connect to Server... command is active, then Studio is operating in
disconnected mode.)
Note: Studio does not automatically detect a running Guidewire application server, nor can it automatically
connect to an application server. You must manually connect to the server.
Connecting to a running production server. Guidewire requires that you provide valid user credentials (username
and password) if you attempt to connect Studio to Guidewire ClaimCenter running in Production mode. The user
must have the Administer Rules permission (code, ruleadmin). Studio fails to connect if either the following are
• The user does not have valid credentials to authenticate.
• The user does not have the Administer Rules permission (code, ruleadmin).
You do not need to provide user credentials if the application server is running in Development or Test mode.

WARNING In general, Guidewire recommends that you not attempt to connect Studio to a
production server. Use this option with extreme care and caution. This operation has the potential to
modify production code and data. If you do so, Guidewire strongly recommends that you first set
configuration parameter ResourcesMutable to false.

To connect to an application server

1. Open the login dialog using one of the following methods:

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 99

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Click Disconnected in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

• Select Connect to Server... from the Studio File menu.
2. Verify that your connection URL is correct. In the default configuration, this is some variation of the

3. (Optional) Select the check box next to Log in as specific user to connect as a specific user or user role. Selecting
this option opens User name and Password fields. Enter a valid user name and password combination. This can
be any valid combination, for any user role, not necessarily just supervisor or administrator roles. You must
provide the valid user credentials to connect to a running application server in Production mode.

To set the default application server URL

1. Select Options from the Studio Tools menu. The Configuration Settings dialog opens.

2. Select Remote Server.

3. In Connections Options, enter a value for Server URL. Studio uses this value in the login dialog. Enter something
similar to the following if the application server and the local file system physically exist on the same

Note: You must enter the fully qualified domain if the application server and the local file system are not
physically located on the same machine.
4. (Optional) You can also enter a value in Connect Script that defines the file location of a script for Studio to use
while connecting to a Guidewire application server:
• Create the script as a shell command, for example: run_my_server.bat.
• Include only commands directed at starting the Guidewire application server.
• Place this script in the Studio working directory, which is ClaimCenter/Studio.
• Enter the path in the Connect Script text box. For example, after you place file run_my_server.bat in the
temp directory in the Studio folder, enter /temp/run_my_server.bat in the text box.
Studio displays any errors it encounters in an error message dialog. It also echoes the error messages to the
Studio console.
5. Click OK to save your work and close the Configuration Settings dialog.

Restarting the Application Server

If you modify some of the ClaimCenter resources in Guidewire Studio, you must restart the application server to
force a database upgrade. You must also restart the application server if you delete, or revert to base, certain
resources. Resources for which you must restart the application server include:
• Entities names
• Web services
• Quick Jump commands
• Plugins
• Typelists
• Display keys
• Messaging environments
• Workflows
Studio indicates that you must restart the application server by placing a restart icon in the lower right-hand
corner of the screen, next to the connection icon.

100 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In general:
• If you modify a Gosu rule, class, or enhancement, then you do not need to restart the application server. This
is because Studio and the development application server share the same file space.
• If you modify a PCF file or a display key and want to see the changes within ClaimCenter, then log into
ClaimCenter as an administrator. Then, select Internal Tools → Reload PCF Files.
• If you need to move data model changes to a production server, then you do the following:
• Generate a .war (.ear) file.
• Transfer it to the production server machine.
• Restart the production application server.

Configuring External Editors

Studio contains built-in editors for many, if not most, of the files types that it manages. In general:
• For files extensions for which you have configured an external editor (through Tools → Options), Studio uses
that file association to open an external editor.
• For file extensions that Studio recognizes, but for which it does not have a specific editor, Studio opens the
file in its embedded text editor, in a view tab.
• For file extensions that Studio does not recognize and for which you have not configured an external editor,
Studio passes the request to the Windows operating system. The Windows operating system then uses its
default editor for that file type to open the file in an external editor.
File extensions that use the built-in text editor. Studio opens the following file types in its built-in text editor:

.css .gst .vm

.eix .html .xml
.eti .java .xsd
.etx .js .xsl
.gs .properties
.gsm .txt

File extension .gs is a special case:

• Within Other Resources, Studio opens .gs files in its embedded text editor.
• Within Classes and Tests, Studio opens .gs files within its built-in Gosu editor.

Associating an External Editor to a File Type

To instruct Studio to open an external editor to handle a specific file type, navigate to Tools → Options to open the
Configuration Settings dialog box, then select External Editors. While you edit most Studio-managed resources directly
within Studio, you must use an editor external to Studio to edit a small number of files.
You use the External Editors dialog to link a specific file type to a specific editor. To add an editor, click Add and
enter the file extension and the path to the executable for your chosen editor.
At the minimum, Guidewire recommends that Studio users configure external editors for the following file types:
• *.gif
• *.jpg

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 101

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• *.png

IMPORTANT If you use a third-party tool to edit ClaimCenter configuration files, Guidewire recom-
mends that you work with one that fully supports Unicode character sets. If the tool does not handle
Unicode characters correctly, it may create errors that you then see in the Guidewire Data Dictionary.
This is not an issue with the Data Dictionary. It occurs only if the third-party tool cannot handle
Unicode values correctly.

Working with an External XML Tool

It is possible to configure Studio to open .xml files directly in an XML editor that is external to Guidewire
Studio. To facilitate this process, Guidewire provides an XML attribute named xmlns. The xmlns attribute
defines the namespace for the XML elements in the file. This namespace (analogous to a package in Java) serves
to further qualify a class name, primarily to avoid collisions between like-named elements from other schemas.
You can configure many XML editors to associate a namespace with an XSD. However, merely defining the
namespace within Guidewire ClaimCenter is not sufficient to inform the XML editor which XSD to use in vali-
dating an XML document. You must configure the XML editor manually to associate the namespace with the

IMPORTANT The xmlns attribute is currently optional. However, Guidewire strongly recommends
that you add it to your entity and typelist files as Guidewire reserves the right to make this attribute
required in the future.

Entity files. Use the following for entity files (.eti and .etx):
<entity xmlns="" ...

Typelist files. Use the following for typelist files (.tti and .ttx):
<typelist xmlns="" ...

IMPORTANT If you use a third-party tool to edit ClaimCenter configuration files, Guidewire recom-
mends that you work with one that fully supports UTF-8 file encoding. If the editing tool does not
handle UTF-8 characters correctly, it can create errors. For XML files, it is possible to use a different
file encoding, as long as you specify it in the XML prolog. For all other files, use UTF-8.

Configuring the External Difference Tool

You also use this dialog to set the tool to use in diffing (determining the differences) between two different
versions of the same file. To set, browse to the executable for your difference tool. For example, if you use
Araxis Merge as your difference tool, then you would browse to the following location:
C:\Program Files\Araxis\Araxis Merge v6.5\Merge.exe

To open the file in your chosen tool and view the differences, select a file in the Studio Resources pane,
right-click, and then click Source Control → Diff against base.

WARNING Do not use a difference tool to modify ClaimCenter configuration files. This can poten-
tially invalidate your ClaimCenter installation and make it unable to start.

102 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Setting the Studio Locale

If you configure Studio for multiple locales, then you see an additional locale drop-down picker in the lower
right-hand corner of the screen. Selecting a different locale changes the Studio labels (display keys) to reflect that
locale if you have translated versions of those display keys. If you do not, then you see an error message for each
display key for which Studio cannot find a translation.

See Also
• For information on configuring Studio for different locales, see “Localizing the Development Environment”
on page 491.

Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio 103

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

104 Chapter 3, Working with Guidewire Studio

chapter 4

ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu

This topic discusses how to work with Gosu code in ClaimCenter Studio.
This topic includes:
• “Gosu Building Blocks” on page 105
• “Gosu Case Sensitivity” on page 106
• “Working with Gosu in ClaimCenter Studio” on page 107
• “Gosu Packages” on page 107
• “Gosu Classes” on page 107
• “Gosu Enhancements” on page 110
• “The Guidewire XML Model” on page 111
• “Script Parameters” on page 111

Gosu Building Blocks

Guidewire provides a number of building blocks to assist you in implementing, configuring, and testing your
business logic in ClaimCenter. These include the following:
• Gosu classes and enhancements
• Gosu base library methods
• Gosu rules
• Gosu tests
• Gosu script parameters
For information on each of these, see the following:
• For general information on Gosu classes, see “Classes” on page 169 in the Gosu Reference Guide.
• For information on the ClaimCenter base configuration classes see, “ClaimCenter Base Configuration
Classes” on page 108.

Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu 105

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• For information on the @export annotation and how it effects a class in Studio, see “Class Visibility in
Studio” on page 109.
• For general information on Gosu enhancements, see “Enhancements” on page 209 in the Gosu Reference
• For information on using Gosu business rules within Guidewire ClaimCenter, see ClaimCenter Rules Guide.
• For information on script parameters and how to use them in Gosu code, see “Script Parameters” on page 111.

Gosu Case Sensitivity

Gosu code compiles and run faster if you write all your Gosu as case-sensitive code. Even though it is not
currently required, Guidewire strongly recommends that you always use the proper capitalization precisely as
defined for all of the following:
• proper type names
• variable names
• keywords (such as var and if)
• method names
• property names
• package names
• all other language elements.
If you do not, your code compiles slower, runs slower, and requires more memory at compile time and at run
time. Additionally, using proper capitalization makes your code easier to read.
For example, if an object has a Name property, do not write:
var n =

Instead, use the code:

var n = myObject.Name

Similarly, use class names properly. Do not write:

var a = new address()

Instead, use the code:

var a = new Address()

Capitalization in the middle of a word (camel-case) is also important. Do not write:

var date1 = gw.api.util.DateUtil.currentdate()

Instead, use the code:

var date2 = gw.api.util.DateUtil.currentDate()

Guidewire strongly recommends that you change any existing code to be case-sensitive code, and writing all new
code to follow these guidelines. To assist you, Studio highlights issues with case sensitivity. It also provides a
tool to automatically fix all case sensitivity issues so your code compiles and runs as fast as possible.

IMPORTANT Guidewire plans to strictly enforce Gosu case sensitivity in a future release. Guidewire
encourages you to correct all case sensitivity issues now for performance reasons and for future
upgrade compatibility.

106 Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Working with Gosu in ClaimCenter Studio

It is possible to create the following by selecting New from the Classes contextual right-click menu:

Classes → New → For information, see...

Class • “Classes” on page 169 in the Gosu Reference Guide

• “Gosu Classes” on page 107
Interface • “Interfaces” on page 191 in the Gosu Reference Guide
Enhancement • “Enhancements” on page 209 in the Gosu Reference Guide
• “Gosu Enhancements” on page 110
Template • “Gosu Templates” on page 291 in the Gosu Reference Guide
Package • “Gosu Packages” on page 107
Guidewire XML Model • “The Guidewire XML (GX) Modeler” on page 262 in the Gosu Reference Guide

Gosu Packages
Guidewire ClaimCenter stores Gosu classes, enhancements, and templates in hierarchical structure known as
packages. To access a package, expand the Classes node in the Studio Resources tree.

To create a new package

It is possible to nest package names to create a dot-separated package name by selecting a package and repeating
these steps.
1. Select Classes in the Resources tree.

2. Right-click, select New, then Package from the menu.

3. Enter the name for this package.

4. Click OK to save your work and exit this dialog.

Note: You can only delete an empty package.

Gosu Classes
Gosu classes are analogous to Java classes in that they have a package structure which contains the individual
classes and the classes are extendable. Using Gosu, you can write your own custom classes and call these classes
from within Gosu. You create and reference Gosu classes by name, just as you would in Java. For example,
suppose that you want to define a class called MyClass (in package MyPackage) with a method called getName.
You would first create the class (in the Classes folder), then call it like this:
var myClassInstance = new MyPackage.MyClass()
var name = myClassInstance.getName()

Studio stores enhancement files in the Classes folder in the Resources tree. Gosu class files end in .gs.
Note: For more information on Gosu classes, see the Gosu Reference Guide.

To create a new class

1. First create a package for your new class, if you have not already done so.

2. Select the package in the Resources tree.

3. Right-click, select New, then Class from the menu.

Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu 107

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

4. Enter the name for this class. (You can also set the resource context for this class at this time.)

5. Click OK to save your work and exit this dialog.

See also
• “ClaimCenter Base Configuration Classes” on page 108
• “Class Visibility in Studio” on page 109
• “Preloading Gosu Classes” on page 109

ClaimCenter Base Configuration Classes

The Classes resource folder contains Guidewire classes and enhancements—divided into packages—that provide
additional business functionality. In the base configuration, Studio contains the following packages in the Classes
• gw
• libraries
• util

If you create new classes and enhancements, Guidewire recommends that you create your own subpackages in
the Classes folder, rather than adding to the existing Guidewire folders.

The gw Package
In the base ClaimCenter configuration, the gw.* Gosu class libraries contain a number of Gosu classes, divided
into subpackages by functional area. To access these libraries, you merely need to type gw. (gw dot) in a Studio

The libraries Package

The libraries package contains a number of pre-built functions. To access these functions, either enter the full
package path (for example):
libraries.Activityassignment.getUserRoleGroupTypeBasedonActivityPattern( activitypattern )

or, place a uses statement at the top of your Gosu file, which allows you to enter the library name only (for
uses libraries.Activityassignment
Activityassignment.getUserRoleGroupTypeBasedonActivityPattern( activitypattern )

The util Package

The util package also contains a number of pre-built classes that provide additional functionality.

The gw.api.* Package

There are actually two gw.api packages that you can access:
• One consists of a set of built-in library functions that you can access and use, but not modify.
• The other is visible in the Studio Classes folder in the Resources tree. You can not only access these classes but
also modify them to suit your business needs.
You access both the same way, by entering gw.api in the Gosu editor. You can then choose a package or class
that falls into one category or the other. For example, if you enter gw.api. in the Gosu editor, the Studio Complete
Code feature provides you with the following list:
• activity
• address
• admin

108 Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• ...
In this case, the activity and admin packages contain read-only classes. The address package is visible in
Studio, in the Classes folder.

The gw.plugin Package

If you create a new Gosu plugin, place your plugin class in the gw.plugin package.
• See “Using the Plugins Editor” on page 141 for information on how to use Studio to work with plugins.
• See the ClaimCenter Integration Guide for an overview of the various types of plugins and how to implement
a plugin.

Class Visibility in Studio

For a pre-built Gosu class to be directly visible Studio, Guidewire must mark that class with the @export annota-
tion. It is possible that you can view a class file in the application file structure. However, without the @export
annotation, you cannot directly view or access the class in the Studio Gosu editor.
In this case, simply create a new class and have it extend or subclass the class that you need. For example, in
PolicyCenter, the application source code defines a CCPCSearchCriteria class. This class is visible in the appli-
cation file structure as a read-only file in the following location:

To access the class functionality, first create a new class in the following Studio Classes package:

You then have this class extend CCPCSearchCriteria, for example:

package gw.webservice.pc.ccintegration.v2.ccentities

uses java.util.Date
uses gw.api.web.product.ProducerCodePickerUtil
uses gw.api.web.producer.ProducerUtil

class MyClass extends CCPCSearchCriteria {

var _accountNumber : String as AccountNumber
var _asOfDate : Date as AsOfDate
var _nonRenewalCode : String as NonRenewalCode
var _policyNumber : String as PolicyNumber
var _policyStatus : String as PolicyStatus
var _producerCodeString : String as ProducerCodeString
var _producerString : String as ProducerString
var _product : String as Product
var _productCode : String as ProductCode
var _state : String as State
var _firstName : String as FirstName
var _lastName : String as LastName
var _companyName : String as CompanyName
var _taxID : String as TaxID

construct() { }

override function extractInternalCriteria() : PolicySearchCriteria {

var criteria = new PolicySearchCriteria()
criteria.SearchObjectType = SearchObjectType.TC_POLICY

Preloading Gosu Classes

ClaimCenter provides a preload mechanism to support pre-compilation of Gosu classes, as well as other primary
classes. The intent is to make the system more responsive the first time requests are made for that class. This is
meant to improve application performance by preloading some of the necessary application types.

Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu 109

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To support this, Guidewire provides a preload.txt file (in Other Resources) to which you can add the following:

Static method invocations Static method invocations dictate some kind of action and have the following syntax :
The referenced method must be a static, no-argument method. However, the method can be
on either a Java or Gosu type.
In the base configuration, Guidewire includes some actions on the
gw.api.startup.PreloadActions class. For example, to cause all Gosu types to be loaded
from disk, use the following:
It is possible to add in your own static methods to use in this fashion as meets your business
Type names Type names can be either Gosu or Java types. You must use the fully-qualified name of the
type. For any Java or Gosu type that you list in this file:
• Java - ClaimCenter loads the associated Java class file.
• Gosu - ClaimCenter parses the class completely.

Note: Guidewire also provides a logging category of Server.Preload that provides DEBUG level logging of
all actions during server preloading of Gosu classes.

Gosu Enhancements
Gosu enhancements provide additional methods (functionality) on a Guidewire entity. For example, suppose that
you create an enhancement to the Activity entity. Within this enhancement, you add methods that support new
functionality. Then, if you type Activity. (Activity dot) within any Gosu code, Studio automatically uses code
completion on the Activity entity. It also automatically displays any methods that you have defined in your
Activity enhancement, along with the native Activity entity methods.

Studio stores enhancement files in the Classes folder in the Resources tree.
• Gosu class files end in .gs.
• Gosu enhancement files end in .gsx.
As defined in the Gosu Reference Guide:
• Gosu classes encapsulate data and code for a specific purpose. You can subclass and extend existing classes.
You can store and access data and methods on an instance of the class or on the class itself. Gosu classes can
also implement Gosu interfaces.
• Gosu enhancements are a Gosu language feature that allows you to augment classes and other types with
additional concrete methods and properties. For example, use enhancements to define additional utility
methods on a Java class or interface that you cannot directly modify. Also, you can use an enhancement to
extend Gosu classes, Guidewire entities, or Java classes with additional behaviors.
For more information, see the following:
• “Classes” on page 169 in the Gosu Reference Guide
• “Enhancements” on page 209 in the Gosu Reference Guide

To create a new enhancement

1. First create a package for your new class, if you have not already done so.

2. Select the package in the Resources tree.

3. Right-click, select New, then Enhancement from the menu.

110 Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

4. Enter the name for this enhancement. Guidewire recommends strongly that you end each enhancement name
with the word Enhancement. For example, if you create an enhancement for an Activity entity, name your
enhancement ActivityEnhancement.
5. Enter the entity type to enhance. For example, if enhancing an Activity entity, enter Activity.

6. Click OK to save your work and exit this dialog.

The Guidewire XML Model

It is possible to export business data entities, Gosu class data, and other types to a standard Guidewire XML
format. It is also possible to select which properties to map in your XML model. By specifying what to map,
ClaimCenter creates an XSD to describe XML that conforms to your XML model. At run time, you can export
XML for this type and—optionally—choose to export only data model fields that changed. If you have more
than one integration point that uses a type, you can create different XML models for each type.
In general, to create a new XML model, you do the following:
1. Navigate to the Classes package in which you want to create the XML model.

2. Right-click the package name and from the contextual menu, select New → Guidewire XML Model.

See Also
• For detailed information on the Guidewire XML model, see “The Guidewire XML (GX) Modeler” on
page 262 in the Gosu Reference Guide. This section provides a complete example of how to use the
Guidewire XML Modeler.

Script Parameters
Script parameters are Studio-managed resource that you can use as “global” variables within Gosu code, but
which you manage through the ClaimCenter (not Studio) interface. ClaimCenter uses file
ScriptParameters.xml as the system of record for script parameter definitions and default values. You can only
create script parameters from within Studio (from Tools → Script Parameters). After creation, Studio adds the new
script parameter to the ScriptParameters.xml configuration file.
On server startup, ClaimCenter compares the list of script parameters that currently reside in the database to
those in the ScriptParameters file.
• ClaimCenter adds any script parameters that are in the XML file but not in the database to the database, with
whatever initial values are set in the XML file.
• ClaimCenter ignores all other values in the XML file. This means that ClaimCenter explicitly does not prop-
agate changes to values in the XML file to the database.
After a script parameter resides in the database, you manage it solely in the Script Parameters administration screen
from within ClaimCenter itself. You access the Script Parameters administration screen by first logging on using
an administrative account, then navigating to Administration → Script Parameters.
To repeat, Studio does not propagate to the database any changes that you make to script parameter values using
the Studio Tools → Script Parameters dialog. After you create a script parameter within Studio, you cannot use Studio
to change its value. You must use the ClaimCenter Script Parameters administration screen.

Script Parameters as Global Variables

There are several related reasons to create global variables:
1. You want a variable that is global in scope across the application, but one that you can actively administer
(change or reset as needed) through the application interface.

Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu 111

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. You want a variable that can be used in any Gosu expression to hold a value. However, you also want the
ability to change that value without having to edit the expression.
These two, while related, are entirely independent of each other.
• Use script parameters to create variables that you can administer through the ClaimCenter interface.
• Use Gosu class variables to create variables for use in Gosu expressions. (See the Gosu Reference Guide for
information on Gosu class variables.)

Script Parameter Examples

Suppose, for example, that you have exception rules that trigger when a claim has been idle for over 180 days. If
you included the value “180” in all of the rules, you would have to modify the rules if you decided to change the
value to 120. Instead, define a script parameter, set its value to 180, and then use this parameter in the rules. To
change the claim exception behavior, you need change only the parameter and the Studio rules automatically use
the new value.
More complex examples include:
• Setting a default age for claimants. This is useful for cases in which the computation of the reserve requires
an age and none is available at the time the exposure is set up.
• Setting the threshold number of days for various claim actions. This includes inactive claims in which the
number of inactive days before taking action varies by the coverage. After the date threshold passes, the Rule
engine can generate an activity.
• Setting the date for certain global reserve actions to occur. Suppose that an actuary modifies the values in the
reserve tables due to loss history, or to correct errors, or in response to legislation. In this case, it is possible
that you want to update the reserve amounts of all open exposures. To accomplish this, you can implement
several exception rules that only fire if the appropriate script parameter date is less than or equal to the current
Note: Script parameters are read-only within Gosu. You cannot set the value of a script parameter in a Gosu
statement or expression.

Working with Script Parameters

In working with script parameters:
• You create script parameters and set their initial value in Guidewire Studio.
• You administer script parameters and modify their values in the ClaimCenter interface (on the Administration

IMPORTANT The application server references only the first (initial) value that you set in Guidewire
Studio for a script parameter. Thereafter, it references the value set through the ClaimCenter interface
and ignores subsequent changes to the value set through Studio.

To create a script parameter

1. In the Tools menu, click Script Parameters.

2. Click New.

3. In the Name box, type the parameter name.

4. In the Type list, select the parameter type.

5. In the Value box, set the parameter value. The value must be valid for the specified parameter type.

6. Click Save.

112 Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To delete a script parameter

You can delete a script parameter if you no longer reference it in any Gosu expression.
1. In the Tools menu, click Script Parameters.

2. Select the parameter that you want to delete. (To find the parameter in the list, you can type part of the param-
eter name or click its type, and then click Apply Filter.)
3. Click Delete.

Referencing a Script Parameter in Gosu

Note: Guidewire recommends that you use Gosu class variables instead of script parameters to reference
values in Gosu expressions. The exception would be if you needed the ability to reset the value from the
ClaimCenter interface.
You can access a script parameter in Gosu through the globally accessible ScriptParameters object. Within
Gosu, you access a parameter using ScriptParameters.paramname.
For example, the following Gosu determines if more than 180 days have elapsed from the filing of the claim:
gw.api.util.DateUtil.daysSince( Claim.ReportedDate ) > 180

You can, instead, create a script parameter named maxDate and rewrite the line as follows:
gw.api.util.DateUtil.daysSince(Claim.ReportedDate) > ScriptParameters.maxDate

See also “Adding Comments” on page 38 in the Rules Guide for an example of using a script parameter to trigger
rule logging.

Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu 113

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

114 Chapter 4, ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu

chapter 5

Getting Started

This topic describes Guidewire Studio, which is the ClaimCenter administration tool for creating and managing
ClaimCenter resources. (Studio resources include Gosu rules, classes, enhancements, script parameters, and the
ClaimCenter data model files.) Using Guidewire Studio, you can do the following:
• Create and edit individual rules, and manage these rules and their order of consideration within a rule set
• Create and manage PCF pages, workflows, entity names, and display keys
• Create and manage Gosu classes
• Access rule sets, Gosu classes, and other resources stored in a SCM (Software Configuration Management)
This topic includes:
• “Using the Studio Interface” on page 115
• “Working with Studio Resources” on page 120

IMPORTANT Guidewire supports Guidewire Studio running on the Microsoft Windows platform

Using the Studio Interface

The Guidewire Studio interface consists of either two or more panes arranged from left-to-right, with several of
the right-most panes capable of being further subdivided.
Left-most (Resources) pane. The Resources pane lists the resources that you can manage through Guidewire
Studio. This includes rules, classes, workflows, page configuration files, entity names, and display keys, for
example. You can filter the resource list by selecting a filter from the drop-down list at the top of the Resources

Chapter 5, Getting Started 115

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Center pane. The center pane of Studio changes depending on which resource you select in the Resources pane.
For example, if you select Page Configuration (PCF), you see the graphical PCF editor in the center pane.
Right-most pane. The right-hand pane of Studio changes depending on what editor is active in the center pane.
For example, if you select Page Configuration (PCF), you can select graphical elements to embed in the PCF file from
the Toolbox in the right-hand pane.
Bottom pane. Depending on the editor involved, Studio can open a Properties pane at the bottom of the screen.

Resource tabs. Studio displays the most recently accessed resources as tabs just underneath the toolbar. To
access a resource, select its tab. To close a tab, click the X at the right of the tab toolbar.
Validation status indicator. Studio indicates the validation status of Gosu code (in a rule or class, for example) to
the right of the Gosu editor:
• Green indicates that the Gosu code is valid.
• Yellow indicates that the Gosu code is valid but contains warnings.
• Red indicates that the Gosu code is invalid. This code does not compile.

Using the Studio Menus

The Studio interface contains a set of menu items to aid you in managing Studio resources. Use these commands
to create, edit, and debug the Gosu code used in the ClaimCenter business rules, Gosu classes, enhancements,
and PCF files.
The following list describes the type of commands that you find in each of the Studio drop-down menu lists.

Menu Contains commands to See

File Perform a variety of file-related and resource management “Working in Guidewire Studio” on page 123
• Create new Guidewire resources.
• Connect to an external server
• Import and export resources.

Edit Perform standard text editing actions such as copy and “Using Text Editing Commands” on page 134
Search Perform basic text find-and-replace actions. “Using Find-and-Replace” on page 170
Code Search for and navigate to different code entities. “Using Studio Keyboard Shortcuts” on page 128
Rule Create, delete, or rename a rule. This menu is only avail- “Working in the Gosu Editor” on page 140
able if you select Rules in the Resources pane.
GUnit Work with the GUnit tester. “Using GUnit” on page 559
Debug Start and stop the Studio debugging tool (the Gosu Tester), “Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code” on
and set breakpoints and step through lines of code. page 551
Tools Perform a variety of debugging-related and resource man- “Using the Gosu Tester” on page 555
agement functions:
“ClaimCenter Studio and Gosu” on page 105
• Open the Gosu Tester.
“Configuring Guidewire Studio” on page 91
• Manage Script Parameters.
• Set Studio options (version control system, code com-
pletion options, linking external editors to certain files
types, and similar options).
Window Commands to manage the active Studio window, and dis- “Managing Windows and Views” on page 118
play a list of the most recent Studio views.
Help Commands to access the Guidewire Studio help features, “Entering Valid Code” on page 123
including the Gosu API Reference.

116 Chapter 5, Getting Started

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Using the Toolbar Icons

You can initiate many of the Studio menu commands by selecting the appropriate toolbar icon. You can roughly
divide these icons into the following groups.
• Icons on the left-hand side activate commands that involve Guidewire resources.
• Icons on the right-hand side activate commands that involve the Studio debugging tool and Gosu tester.
The following list describes the toolbar icons that involve Guidewire resources. Many of these perform familiar
text-processing functions and navigation operations.

Icon Description Shortcut

Save your changes Ctrl+S

Delete the selection Delete

Undo the last operation Ctrl+Z

Redo the last undone operation Ctrl+Y

Copy the selection to the Studio clipboard and remove it from the interface Ctrl+X

Copy the selection to the Studio clipboard Ctrl+C

Paste the contents of the clipboard into Studio Ctrl+V

Copy the line of Gosu code at the present cursor location and past it Ctrl+D
directly underneath the source line.
Undo last navigation operation Alt+Left

Redo last navigation operation Alt+Right

Find text or usage in the active view Ctrl+F

Verify (validate) a resource or resources —

The following list describes the toolbar icons that involve the Studio GUnit tester.

Activate the Edit Configuration command that opens the GUnit Run/Debug —
dialog. If you have GUnit tests defined, Studio presents a selectable
drop-down list of your tests.
Run the selected test configuration. Ctrl+F10

Debug the selected test configuration. Ctrl+F9

The following list describes the toolbar icons that involve the Studio debugging tool. For more information on
the debugging tool and how to use it, see “Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code” on page 551.

Icon Description Shortcut

Stop debugging Ctrl+F2

Display menu of debuggers to start —

Display debuggers with which to intercept application execution —

Step to the next statement after the current execution point F8

Chapter 5, Getting Started 117

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Icon Description Shortcut

Step into the method call at the current execution point F7

Show the current execution point Alt+F10

Toggle a break point on the selected line Ctrl+F8

Toggle a break point on the selected rule —

Display the Gosu Tester window —

Using the Right-Click Menu

Selecting an item in the Resources tree and right-clicking with the mouse opens a set of additional menus. These
menu items are contextual, meaning that they change depending on the item selected. Some of the menu
commands open additional submenus.

Menu command Shortcut Description

New Opens a set of contextual submenus. You can create a new rule, class, or package,
for example, depending on the item selected.
Delete Delete key Deletes the selected resource. Studio prompts you for confirmation.
If this file exists in a SCM system, you may see the command Revert to Base, instead.
See “Deleting Files” on page 93 for more information.
Rename Resource Shift+F6 Renames a resource and all references to it throughout the set of Studio resources.
Move Resource F6 Moves the resource to a different location in the Resources tree.
Find in Path... Ctrl+Shift+F Searches for a resource within Studio using the provided resource name or text
string. For details of this command, see “Using Find-and-Replace” on page 170
Replace in Path... Ctrl+Shift+R Searches for a text string and replace its value with the supplied value. For details of
this command, see “Using Find-and-Replace” on page 170
Verify Path Verifies the validity of the Gosu code for the files in the supplied path. This opens a
similar Verify dialog as from Tools → Verify. See “Validating Rules and Gosu Code” on
page 173 for more information.
Diff Against Base Runs a difference tool—if you have one defined—against this (modified) file and the
equivalent base configuration file. You must have defined, or registered, an external
difference tool in Studio for this command to work. See “Configuring External Edi-
tors” on page 101 for details on how to register an external difference tool with Stu-
dio (Araxis Merge, for example).
IMPORTANT Do not use a difference tool to modify ClaimCenter configuration files.
This can potentially invalidate your ClaimCenter installation and make it unable to
Source Control Opens a set of additional submenus that perform software configuration manage-
ment (SCM) commands, if you have linked Studio to a SCM system. For details, see
“Linking Studio to a SCM System” on page 91.
Find in Explorer... Opens up the Windows Explorer and navigates to the selected resource file.

Managing Windows and Views

Each time that you select an item from the left-hand Resources pane, Studio opens a view of the item in the right
side of the screen. If you select more than one item (sequentially), Studio displays each item in its own separate
tab. (Studio automatically saves a view as you switch to the next one.)

118 Chapter 5, Getting Started

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In the upper right-hand corner of the view area, there are several different icons that you use to manage your
views. The following list describes them.

Icon Description

Opens a pop-up window that lists all currently open views. Selecting a view from the list brings
that tab to the foreground.
Minimizes the currently selected pane, maximizing all other panes.

Maximizes all panes to the fullest extent possible.

Closes—after automatically saving—the currently open view.

Guidewire Studio provides several different ways to navigate among its windows and views. To move between
the various open views (tabs), do one of the following:
• On the Window, click Back (or Forward).
• Press ALT + (left/right arrow).
• Use an Undo (Redo) Navigation toolbar icon or .

To see a list of all the views (tabs) that you have opened recently, select Recent Views (CTRL + e) from the Window
menu. This is useful if you have opened a large number of views and need to find a particular view among many.
It is also useful if you closed a view and would like to open it again without searching through the resource tree.
Viewing multiple tabs. It is possible, as you work, that you may open many, many views (tabs). In this case,
Studio may not be able to display all of the tabs properly due to viewing area constraints. If so, Studio displays
the last partially visible tab with a tear-away look and an ellipsis (...).
If you hover your cursor of the ellipsis, Studio displays the entire tab row expanded for easy viewing. These tabs
are fully functional. If you click one of these tabs, Studio moves you to that view.
Finding the active resource. Each open view contains a ClaimCenter resource (a class or a business rule, for
example). You can find the resource in the Resources tree by using one of the following methods:
• ALT+F1 expands the Resources tree and highlights the file name of the currently active resource view.
• Right-clicking a view tab and selecting Find in Resources accomplishes the same action.
• Selecting Find Selected View in Resources from the toolbar Window menu accomplishes the same action.
Closing views. Studio provides several useful commands to manage the closing of one or more view tabs.
Right-click a view tab and select one of the following from the menu:
• Close This Tab
• Close All But This Tab
• Close All Tabs

Chapter 5, Getting Started 119

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Window Menu

The Studio toolbar contains a Window menu that contains a number of view-related commands. They are
self-explanatory. The following table lists the Window menu commands.

Window menu commands Shortcut


Recent Views.... CTRL+E
Close Selected Tab CTRL+F4
Close All Tabs None
Close Other Tabs None
Find Selected View in Resources ALT+F1
Toggle Main Window CTRL+SHIFT+F12

Note: Selecting a view tab and using the right-click menu provides you with an additional way to access
several of the Window commands.

Working with Studio Resources

As discussed in “ClaimCenter Configuration Files” on page 88, Studio manages all ClaimCenter configuration
and resource files. Do not attempt to modify Studio resource files manually. Instead, open the file from within
Studio for editing. Studio thus manages the file within its file structure, within the ClaimCenter/modules/
configuration directory.

WARNING Do not attempt to modify any files other than those in the /modules/configuration
directory. Any attempt to modify files outside of this directory can cause damage to the ClaimCenter
application and prevent it from starting thereafter.

The Studio Resources tree displays the ClaimCenter file structure as a flat or virtual file system. This means the
physical location of a file does not matter. Studio groups the resource files into folders (or directories) in the
Resources tree, but stores the files in multiple locations. Within the resources files, there are:
• Files that you can open and view, but not edit.
• Files that you can open, view, and edit.

Resource File Name Colors

Studio uses color to indicate the SCM status of a file. For example:
• The font color of a file name (node) in the resource tree corresponds to its SCM state.
• The color of a view tab corner corresponds to the SCM state of the corresponding resource, unless that
resource is in the not-open-for-edit state.
The following list describes these colors and what they mean:

Color Description

Black The file has not been opened for editing. If a file is non-editable, its name always remains black.
Blue The file has been opened for editing. The first time that you attempt to open an editable file, a Studio dialog asks if
you want to open the file for editing.

120 Chapter 5, Getting Started

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Color Description

Green If you link the Studio file system to a SCM system, Studio automatically invokes the SCM Add function on any file
that you create in Studio. A green file name indicates that you have created a file and that Studio has added it to the
SCM system, but that the file has not yet been submitted. Studio then displays a Submit command on the
(right-click) Source Control menu.
• If you submit the file, Studio considers the file as checked into source control and displays the file name in black.
• If you now open the file for editing from within Studio, Studio displays the file name in blue.

Red If you link the Studio file system to a SCM system, Studio displays an Add command on the (right-click) Source Con-
trol menu. You use this command for files that you create outside of Studio, about which the SCM system knows
• If you add the file to certain Studio directories, Studio recognizes the file and displays the file name in red.
• If you invoke the Add command on this file, Studio invokes the SCM Add command on the file. It then changes
the file name to green, indicating that the file has been added to the SCM system but not yet submitted.
IMPORTANT There are only very few directories for which Studio displays added files. One example is Web
Resources → web/templates. In general, however, Guidewire does not recommend that you create files outside of
Studio and manually add them to the Studio file system. Especially, do not add files to the ClaimCenter/modules/
cc directory. Any attempt to add files to this directory can cause damage to the ClaimCenter application and pre-
vent it from starting thereafter
Purple (Perforce) The file is editable on the local file system, but the SCM system is not aware that the file is open for edit.
This applies to the Perforce SCM system only.

See Also
• “Linking Studio to a SCM System” on page 91

Resource File Tooltips

If you hold the mouse over a resource name in the Resources tree, Studio generates tooltips that provide additional
information. This includes the file path and information related to the status of the file within any linked SCM

Validating Studio Resources

As you work with the various Studio resources, you can verify or validate your work. Studio provides specific
menu commands that you can use to specify what you want to validate. Selecting Verify from the Studio Tools
menu opens a dialog in which you can make the following verification choices. Unless explicitly stated other-
wise, Studio automatically includes the resource children as well.

Option Description

Verify changed resources (Default) Performs validation on all resources that have changed since the last verify and all
resources that had errors on the last verify operation. The list of resources that have changed
also includes those resources that use other resources that have changed. Studio stores the
fact that a type is erroneous in the TypeInfo database. Guidewire recommends in general that
you use this option as it is much faster than a full verify.
Verify all resources Performs validation on all Studio resources. This can be very slow.
Verify path:[resource name] Performs validation on the selected resource and all of its children.
Verify view:[view name] Performs validation on the resource represented by the currently selected view.

You can also access the Verify dialog by one of the following alternative means:
• By selecting the Verify icon from the toolbar.
• By selecting a resource and choosing Verify Path from the right-click menu.
Studio displays any rule validation issues it encounters in a Verification pane that it opens at the bottom of the
Studio interface. This pane presents the results of the verification process. You can click on a result item to navi-
gate to that item.

Chapter 5, Getting Started 121

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Verification pane contains the following:

• A Show Errors check box—unchecking this box removes nodes representing errors from the verification tree
• A Show Warnings check box—unchecking this box removes nodes representing warnings from the verification
• A filter text field—typing text in this field filters the nodes in the tree to only those that match the filter text
and its descendants.
• A Verify icon—clicking this icon re-runs the verification with the same settings and update the results tree
• An Expand All icon—clicking this icon expands all nodes in the results tree
• A Collapse All icon—clicking this icon collapses all nodes in the results tree
• A Close icon—clicking this icon closes the current results pane.
Note: If you have unsaved changes, Studio saves your modifications before running the verification

Performing PCF File Verification Manually

It is also possible to verify PCF files outside of Guidewire Studio through the use of the gwcc verify-types
command line utility. You can, for example, run this command manually or use the command in an automated
test process.

122 Chapter 5, Getting Started

chapter 6

Working in Guidewire Studio

This topic discusses a number of common tasks related to working in Guidewire Studio.
This topic includes:
• “Entering Valid Code” on page 123
• “Using Studio Keyboard Shortcuts” on page 128
• “Viewing Keyboard Shortcuts in ClaimCenter” on page 133
• “Using Text Editing Commands” on page 134
• “Navigating Tables” on page 134
• “Refactoring Gosu Code” on page 134
• “Saving Your Work” on page 136

Entering Valid Code

Guidewire Studio provides several different ways of obtaining information about ClaimCenter objects and APIs
to assist you in writing valid rules and Gosu code. These include:
• Code menu commands complete code and object names to assist in writing valid Gosu code and in navigating
within and around Gosu code.
• Dot completion opens a context-sensitive pop-up window that contains all the subobjects and methods that
are valid for this object, in this context. Dot completion also works with Gosu or Java packages.
• SmartHelp displays a list of valid fields and subobjects for the current object.
• Gosu API Reference material provides a searchable reference on the Gosu APIs, methods and properties.
• PCF Reference Guide (or PCF Format Reference) provides a description of the PCF widgets and their attributes
that you can use within the PCF editor.

Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio 123

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Gosu Reference Guide provides information on the Gosu language. From this menu link, you can access the
entire Guidewire documentation suite.
Note: Keyboard commands provide code completion, code navigation, and code editing shortcuts. See
“Using Studio Keyboard Shortcuts” on page 128 for information on keyboard shortcuts.

The Code Menu

The Code menu contains a number of commands that you can use to navigate within and around your Gosu code.
The following table lists these commands.

Command Keyboard shortcut Description

Go to Type CTRL+N Opens the Go To Type popup that enables quick navigation to other
types. For example, enter a search string to find a Gosu class. You
can perform:
• Simple wildcard searches with multiple asterisks in the search
• Camel-case searching in which you type part or all of an acronym.
For example, entering CrA returns a list including CreateActivi-
tyPattern and CreateAttribute.
Go to Symbol ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+N Opens the Go to Symbol popup, which you can use to quickly navigate
to symbols (variables, methods, and similar items.) in all types.
Go to Line CTRL+G Opens the Go To Line popup, which you can use to quickly navigate to
particular lines in a file.
Go to Overridden Impls ALT+CTRL+B Displays a popup of possible implementations, which you can then
use to jump to one of them.
Go to Super Impl CTRL+U Jumps to the super method, if the method has been overridden. This
command works only if you place the caret on a method declaration.
Go to Declaration CTRL+B Jumps to the declaration of the symbol at the current point. To use,
place the caret in any reference to a class, class member, or local
variable and press CTRL+B to go to the corresponding declaration.
For example, placing the caret in Sides in the Triangle class and
pressing CTRL+B takes you to the corresponding declaration in
class Shape.
class Triangle extends Shape {
function Triangle() { Sides = 3 }

class Shape {
var _sides : int as Sides
functon Shape() { }
Go to Next Error F2 Moves the caret to the first code error in the editor window. Pressing
it again (after correcting the error) moves you to the next error, if
there is one.
Complete Value CTRL+/ Opens a popup for completing the value at the current point (for
example, on the right hand side of an assignment to a typekey.
To activate, type an object or entity name, then press CTRL+Slash to
open the object value selection dialog. For example, typing the fol-
Activity.AssignedByUser ==
and then pressing CTRL+Slash, opens a selection dialog in which
you can choose a specific user from the User list.

124 Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Command Keyboard shortcut Description

Complete Code CTRL+SPACE Opens a popup for completing the partial expression at the current
point. This includes:
• Completing a partial word.
• Completing a property or method on a partially formed expression.
• Automatically adding a “uses” statement for a type that has not
been imported yet.
To use, type a portion of an object name, then press CTRL+SPACE.
If there are multiple objects that fit the initial letter combination, Stu-
dio opens an Objects and Functions popup window in which you can
choose the correct object. For example, entering Ac then pressing
CTRL+SPACE opens a popup in which you can chose either actions
or Activity.
Complete Class Name ALT+CTRL+SPACE Opens a list of resources starting with the initial letters that you
Parameter Info CTRL+P Displays information on the parameter at the current point in a
method call.

Using Dot Completion

You can use Studio to complete your code by placing the cursor (or caret) at the end of a valid ClaimCenter
object or subobject and typing a dot (.). This action causes Studio to open a pop-up window that contains all the
subobjects, methods, and properties that are valid for this object, in this context.
As you type, Studio filters this list to include only those choices that match what you have typed thus far. Use the
down arrow to highlight the item you want and press Enter, the space bar, or Tab to select it. After you select an
item, Studio inserts it in the correct location in the code.

Dot Completion Icons

The dot completion pop-up window contains all the subobjects, methods, and properties that are valid for this
object, in this context. In front of each item is a graphical icon that provides additional information. Using these
icons, for example, you can determine if a property (or field) is a native property on the object or if it is derived
from an enhancement.
As you look at the icons, you can see, for example:
• Enhancement methods and properties contain a green plus symbol.
• Private methods and properties contain a padlock symbol.
• Protected methods and properties contain a key symbol.
• Internal methods and properties contain a closed letter symbol.
• Database-backed properties (meaning properties on entities that exist in the database) contain a database

Field icons
In the pop-up window, you see various icons before a property on the list. These icons have the following mean-

Icon Meaning

Public property

Private property

Protected property

Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio 125

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Icon Meaning

Internal property

Public enhancement property

Private enhancement property

Protected enhancement property

Internal enhancement property

Database-backed entity property

Method icons
In the pop-up window, you see various icons before a method on the list. These icons have the following mean-

Icon Meaning

Public method

Private method

Protected method

Internal method

Public enhancement method

Private enhancement method

Protected enhancement method

Internal enhancement method

Gosu and Java Package Name Completion

Dot completion also works with Gosu or Java packages. You can enter a package name and press dot to get a list
of packages and types within the package name before the dot. Studio can complete all packages and namespaces
within the Studio type system including PCF types. Studio filters the list as you type to include only those
choices that match what you have typed thus far.

Using SmartHelp
As you type in a Studio editor, Studio assists you in entering valid code through the use of its SmartHelp feature.
SmartHelp assists you in entering valid entries for method parameters, object types, entity literals, and other enti-

126 Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Studio uses a light-bulb icon to indicate that SmartHelp is available for the current line of code. Clicking the
SmartHelp icon gives you one of the following:

Item Description

A list of valid types Clicking the icon opens a window that contains a list of valid types from which to choose. If the
field contains values from a typelist, Studio shows only the valid values.
A text field for data entry Clicking the icon opens a text field that you can use to enter the correct type of data, for exam-
ple, a String or Number entry field. However, Studio can sometimes place quotation marks
around a value entered through this method inappropriately. Be especially careful of entering
null in an entry field.

A menu of further choices Clicking the icon provides the following additional choices If Studio is unable to determine your
• Entity Selection opens a dialog box that displays an object hierarchy that you can expand to
find the correct object. It can take several seconds for the dialog to open as Studio must
build the entity list first.
• Search... opens a dialog box in which you can enter criteria to search for the correct entity.

Accessing the Gosu API Reference

Guidewire provides an API reference that you can use to obtain additional information about the Gosu APIs and
their methods and parameters. There are two ways to access this information:
• Selecting Gosu API Reference from the Help menu opens the full Guidewire Studio Gosu API Reference in a separate
window. Use the Search functionality to find information on an API, or expand the API list and select a field,
parameter or method to view.
• Placing the cursor in a method name in a line of code, and then pressing F1 displays a pop-window with infor-
mation about that method, including information about its parameters.
The Gosu API Reference window contains a search panel, a contents tree, and a display area.
• The contents tree displays a tree view of the type system, organized by package.
• The search panel contains a text field for search terms, a button to clear the text field, a search button, and a
re-index button. It also includes an indication of the time of the last indexing operation.
If the Reference has never been indexed, then you must index it before proceeding.

Accessing the PCF Reference Guide

Guidewire provides a PCF reference, Guidewire ClaimCenter PCF Format Reference, that you can use to obtain
information about PCF widgets and their attributes. To access the reference guide, select PCF Reference Guide from
the Studio Help menu. Studio opens the guide as a searchable HTML page in a browser window.

Accessing the Gosu Reference Guide

It is also possible to access the Guidewire ClaimCenter documentation suite from within Guidewire Studio. To
do so, select Guidewire Gosu Reference from the Studio Help menu. Studio opens a searchable version of the entire
Guidewire ClaimCenter documentation suite in a browser window.

Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio 127

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Using Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

Guidewire Studio provides a number of keyboard commands (keystrokes) that provide important code comple-
tion, navigation, and editing capabilities. The following table lists the command categories:

Gosu Editor • Intelligent Coding Commands

• Find Commands
• Code Navigation Commands
• Refactoring Commands
• Help Commands
• Code Editing Commands
• Testing Commands
• General Commands
PCF Editor • PCF Editing Commands

128 Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Gosu Editor
The following keystroke shortcuts work in the Studio Gosu editor, such as in rules and classes.

Intelligent Coding Commands

Key Name Description

CTRL+SPACE Smart Complete Opens a popup for completing the partial expression at the current point.
This includes:
• Completing a partial word.
• Completing a property or method on a partially formed expression.
• Automatically adding a “uses” statement for a type that has not been
imported yet.
To use, type a portion of an object name, then press CTRL+SPACE. If
there are multiple objects that fit the initial letter combination, Studio
opens an Objects and Functions popup window in which you can choose the
correct object. For example, entering Ac then pressing CTRL+SPACE
opens a popup in which you can chose either actions or Activity.
CTRL+/ Complete Value Opens a popup for completing the value at the current point (for example,
on the right hand side of an assignment to a typekey.
To activate, type an object or entity name, then press CTRL+/ to open the
object value selection dialog. For example, type the following:
Activity.AssignedByUser ==
Then press CTRL+/ to open a dialog in which you can choose a specific
user from the User list.
ALT+ENTER Smart Fix Attempts to correct the error nearest the caret.
F2 Go To Next Error Moves the caret to the first code error in the editor window. Pressing it
again (after correcting the error) moves you to the next error if there is

Find Commands

Key Name Description

CTRL+F Find Searches within an open view for the provided text string. You can make
the search case sensitive or search on a regular expression by selecting
the appropriate check box. For example, searching on a regular expres-
sion of \d (digit) highlights 5 in the following Gosu code:
var test = 5
CTRL+R Replace Searches within an open view for a text string and replaces it with the sup-
plied value. You can also make the search case sensitive or search on a
regular expression by selecting the appropriate check box.
F3 Find Next Performs the previous search again without opening up the search dialog.
The search algorithm does not repeat a match until it cycles through all
other matches in the open view.
ALT+F7 Find Usages Searches either through the local view or globally (depending on your
selection) for usages of an item under the cursor in a statement or expres-
sion. For example, placing your cursor in a method signature searches for
other usages of that method.
CTRL+SHIFT+F Find in Path Searches for a resource within Studio using the provided resource name
or text string. For details of this command, see “Using Find-and-Replace”
on page 170.
CTRL+SHIFT+R Replace in Path Searches for a text string and replace its value with the supplied value.
For details of this command, see “Using Find-and-Replace” on page 170.

Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio 129

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Find Commands

Key Name Description

ALT+F1 Find in Resources Highlights the file name of the file currently loaded in the active view. You
can also access this command in the following ways:
• Right-click the active tab and select Find in Resources.
• Select Find Selected View in Resources from the toolbar Window menu.

130 Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Code Navigation Commands

Key Name Description

CTRL+N Go To Type Opens the Go To Type popup that enables quick navigation to other types.
For example, enter a search string to find a Gosu class. You can perform:
• Simple wild-card searches with multiple asterisks in the search string.
• Camel-case searches in which you type part or all of an acronym. For
example, entering CrA returns a list including CreateActivityPattern
and CreateAttribute.
Selecting a type from the list opens the editor view for that type. You can
also depress the keyboard Enter key to select the first type in the list.
Note You can use either a camel-case search algorithm or a wild-card
algorithm search. You cannot, however, use both types in the same
search string. For example:
• Entering GL*Enh finds GLCostSetEnhancement. It does not find
• Entering GLL does find GeneralLiabilityLineEnhancement.

CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+N Go To Symbol Opens the Go to Symbol popup, which you can use to quickly navigate to
symbols (class fields, PCF variables, and similar items) in all types.
Selecting a symbol opens the editor view for the type containing the sym-
bol and puts the focus on the symbol in whatever way is appropriate for
the editor.
CTRL+E Go To Recent Opens the Recent Views popup, which you can use to quickly navigate to
recently edited files.
CTRL+G Go To Line Opens the Go To Line popup, which you can use to quickly navigate to par-
ticular lines in a file.
CTRL+B Go To Declaration Jumps to the declaration of the symbol at the current point. To use, place
the caret in any reference to a class, class member or local variable and
press CTRL+B to go to the corresponding declaration.
For example, placing the caret in Sides in the Triangle class and press-
ing CTRL+B takes you to the corresponding declaration in class Shape.
class Triangle extends Shape {
function Triangle() { Sides = 3 }

class Shape {
var _sides : int as Sides
functon Shape() { }
CTRL+ALT+B Go To Overridden Impl Opens a popup of possible implementations that you can use to jump to
one of them.
CTRL+U Go To Super Impl Jumps to the superclass, if the method has been overridden. The caret
must be on a method declaration for this command to work.
CTRL+H Show Inheritance Opens the inheritance graph popup.
CTRL+ALT+H Show Call Graph Opens the call graph popup.
CTRL+SHIFT+F7 Highlight Local Displays all the local usages of the variable at the current point.
CTRL+F12 Show Class Structure Opens a popup of members of the current class. This is active only if cur-
rent view is a class.
ALT+LEFT ARROW Jump Back Jumps back to the last location that you visited in this editor.
ALT+RIGHT ARROW Jump Forward Jumps forward to the location from which you just jumped. (You can also
use this in conjunction with ALT+Left Arrow to jump back and forth
between two files.)

Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio 131

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Refactoring Commands

Key Name Description

CTRL+ALT+V Extract Variable Extracts a variable from the current selection.

Help Commands

Key Name Description

CTRL+F1 Help Window Opens the Help window.

CTRL+Q or F1 Context Help Displays documentation for the element at the current point.
CTRL+T Show Type at Point Displays the program type at the current point.
CTRL+SHIFT+T Copy Type at Point Copies the type of the program at the current point to the clipboard.
CTRL+P Show Parameter Info Displays information on the parameter at the current point in a method

Code Editing Commands

Key Name Description

Tab Bulk Indent If a selection exists, indent all the currently selected lines.
SHIFT+Tab Bulk Unindent If a selection exists, Unindent all the currently selected lines.
CTRL+D Duplicate If a selection exists, duplicate the selection. If none exists, duplicate
the current line.
CTRL+W Expand Selection Expand the current selection to the next enclosing expression, state-
ment or logical block.
CTRL+SHIFT+W Narrow Selection Narrows the current selection to the next enclosing expression,
statement or logical block.
CTRL+X Cut Cuts the current selection. If none exists, cuts the current line.
CTRL+C Copy Copies the current selection. If none exists, copies the current line.
CTRL+SHIFT+V Show Copy Buffer Shows the copy buffer dialog, allowing a previous cut or copy to be
selected for paste.
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+V Paste Java Code Pastes the Java code (in the clipboard) into the editor, dynamically
translating it to Gosu.
CTRL+SHIFT+UP Move Selection Up Moves the current selection up intelligently. If none exists, moves the
current line.
CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN Move Selection Down Moves the current selection down intelligently. If none exists, moves
the current line.
CTRL+SHIFT+/ Comment/Uncomment Comments or uncomments the selected lines of code.
CTRL+SHIFT+J Join Lines Joins the current line with the next line if no selection exists, or joins
all lines within the current selection if it does.

Testing Commands

Key Name Description

CTRL+F10 Run Current Run the current configuration.

F9 Debug Current Debug the current configuration.
CTRL+SHIFT+F10 Run Current Context Run the test method under the caret or the entire class if caret is not
on a method.
CTRL+SHIFT+F9 Debug Current Context Debug the test method under the caret or the entire class if caret is
not on a method.

132 Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

General Commands

Key Name Description

CTRL+SHIFT+F12 Toggle Code Window Toggles the main coding area between maximized and restored.
CTRL+Mouse wheel Font size Increase or decrease the font size

PCF Editor
The following keystroke shortcuts work in the Studio PCF editor.

PCF Editing Commands

Key Name Description

CTRL+X Cut Cuts the selected widget. Can be pasted into other applications as
the underlying XML representation.
CTRL+C Copy Copies the selected widget. Can be pasted into other applications as
the underlying XML representation.
CTRL+V Paste Pastes the widget currently on the clipboard. After activation, the
mouse caret changes and the editor highlights the available loca-
tions to paste the widget. To complete the paste, click the appropri-
ate location.
CTRL+D Duplicate Duplicates the selected widget and all its children.
DELETE Delete widget Deletes the selected widget and all its children.
CTRL+drag Copy widget Copies the dragged widget to its new location instead of moving it.
ESC Deselect Deselects the selected widget.
ALT+[letter] Edit property Places the caret in the first property in the properties editor beginning
with [letter].
ALT+/ Widget search Places the caret in the widget toolbox filter box.
CTRL+G Go To Line Opens the Go To Line popup that you can use for quick navigation to
the widget at a specified line in the file.
CTRL+/ Disable/Enable Widget Toggles whether the editor displays the selected widget. (You can
comment out a widget.)

Viewing Keyboard Shortcuts in ClaimCenter

It is possible to view a list of the shortcut keys that are specific to a ClaimCenter screen. It is important to under-
stand that this procedure displays keyboard shortcuts for an individual application screen only and not the appli-
cation as a whole.

To view keyboard shortcuts defined for a ClaimCenter screen

1. Navigate to the desired application screen.

2. Press ALT-SHIFT-J to open the Guidewire JavaScript Inspector.

3. Enter the following and click Inspect:


The Inspector displays a list of keyboard shortcuts that are specific to that application screen.

Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio 133

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Using Text Editing Commands

Use the following menu commands to perform common text-editing actions on the selected rule or text. If
desired, you can use conventual Windows keyboard commands to perform these tasks, or use the Studio toolbar

Command Description Actions you take

Edit → Undo Undoes/repeats the last com- Select Undo (CTRL+Z) or Redo (CTRL+Y) from the Edit menu. This
Edit → Redo pleted command command “undoes” (or repeats) the most recently completed com-
The undo/redo functionality is context sensitive. For example:
• If you select the Rules tab, undo/redo operates on rule operations
like adding or removing a rule, and similar operations.
• If you select a specific rule, undo/redo operates on operations
within that rule only.
• If you select a class editor, undo/redo operates exclusively on that
editor. This does not affect any changes made in the Rules tab.
Studio permits unlimited undo and redo operations.
Edit → Cut Deletes the currently selected Select a rule (from the center pane), or text (in the right-pane), then
item and copies it to the Studio select Cut from the Edit menu. Using this command deletes the
clipboard selected item from the Studio interface and places it in the Studio
clipboard for further use.
Edit → Copy Copies the currently selected Select a rule (from the center pane), or text (in the right-pane), then
item to the Studio clipboard select Copy from the Edit menu. Using this command places the
selected item in the Studio clipboard, but also leaves it available in
the Studio interface.
Edit → Paste Pastes the contents of the Studio Select a rule (from the center pane), or insert the caret at the desired
clipboard at the caret location place (in the right-hand pane), then select Paste from the Edit menu.
Studio inserts the contents of the clipboard at the indicated position.
Studio continues to insert the same item using the Paste command
until you copy a new item to the clipboard.
Edit → Delete Deletes the currently selected Select the item, then use this command to remove it completely with-
item without copying it to the out copying it to the Studio clipboard.
Studio clipboard.

Navigating Tables
Guidewire provides a number of keyboard shortcuts to aid you in navigating among cells in a table.

Keyboard Shortcuts Action

Arrow keys Move focus between table cells. The Left and Right keys navigate both the selected text and
(Up / Down / Left / Right) move to the next or previous cell after the caret reaches the ending or beginning of the text.
Tab / SHIFT+Tab Move focus to the next horizontally adjacent cell, wrapping around to the next lower or higher
row as appropriate.
PageUp / PageDown Jump focus from the current location to the top-most or bottom-most cell in the column.
Home / End Move the caret to the beginning or end of the selected text. Jump focus to the cell at the begin-
ning or end of the row after the caret reaches the beginning or ending of the text.
CTRL+Home / CTRL+End Perform in a manner similar to PageUp and PageDown.

Refactoring Gosu Code

Guidewire Studio contains functionality that you can use to refactor resource and type references. These include:

134 Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Renaming a Gosu Resource

• Moving a Gosu Resource

Renaming a Gosu Resource

Using the Studio Rename functionality to rename a PCF or Gosu class file changes the relative type name without
changing the package. ClaimCenter contains multiple resources that use physical files and for which the file
name must match the type name. If you rename one of these resources, Studio also renames the file as well.
To access the rename functionality, first select the resource in the Resources tree, then do one of the following:
• Select Rename Resource from the Code toolbar menu.
• Right-click and select Rename Resource.
The Rename Resource dialog contains a single text field in which you enter the new relative name.
Performing a rename changes all references to that type to use the new name. For any PCF, rule, or class file that
contain a reference to the renamed type, Studio silently opens the file for edit, if it is not open already. (Class files
include class, interface, enhancement, and template files.)

IMPORTANT If you revert a file name change (through the source control system), Studio does not
automatically rename all newly renamed resources. For example, during the renaming process, it is
possible to rename a class file, with this change renaming the resource name in the rule Gosu. If you
revert the class file, Studio changes the class file name back to its original file name. Studio does not
rename the recently changed resource name in the rule Gosu, however. This is the expected behavior,
although it is not necessarily intuitive.

Moving a Gosu Resource

Using the Studio Move functionality to move a resource can change the fully qualified type name. This can
possibly includes changing the package name as well.
• ClaimCenter contains multiple resources that are backed by physical files and for which the file name must
match the type name. If moving one of these resources changes the relative type name, then Studio renames
the file as well.
• ClaimCenter contains multiple resource files that are backed by physical files and for which the location in
the file system must match its package. If moving one of these resources changes the fully qualified type
name (excluding the relative part), then Studio moves the file as well.
Moving a Gosu class resource can involve relocating the resource from one folder to different folder. (Guidewire
also uses the term directory root for a root folder.) Moving a Gosu resource between directory roots moves the
file accordingly.
To access the move functionality, first select the resource in the Resources tree, then do one of the following:
• Select Move Resource from the Code toolbar menu.
• Right-click and select Move Resource.
The Move Resource dialog contains a a text field for the new fully qualified type name and a drop-down to select
the directory root.
Performing a move that changes the fully qualified class name also changes all references to that type to use the
new fully qualified name. However, references to the type by its relative name do not change if the move does
not change the relative type name.
For any resource that contain a reference to the moved type that also needs to change, Studio silently opens the
file for edit, if it is not open already.

Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio 135

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Saving Your Work

ClaimCenter automatically saves any modifications made in Studio under the following conditions:
• You move between different tabs (views) within Studio.
• The Studio main window loses focus, for example, by moving to another application.
However, you also have the option of performing manual saves by using the File menu.

Command Description

File → Save Changes Writes any unsaved changes to your local fie or SCM system. You can also use the standard
keyboard shortcut CTRL+S save your changes.
Toolbar Save icon Works the same way that Save Changes and CTRL+S do.

If you have no unsaved changes pending, these commands are unavailable (grayed out).

136 Chapter 6, Working in Guidewire Studio

part III

Guidewire Studio Editors

chapter 7

Using the Studio Editors

This topic discusses the various editors available to you in Guidewire Studio.
This topic includes:
• “Editing in Guidewire Studio” on page 139
• “Working in the Gosu Editor” on page 140

Editing in Guidewire Studio

Guidewire Studio displays ClaimCenter resources in the left-most Studio pane. After you select a resource,
Studio automatically loads the editor associated with that resource into the Studio work space. Studio contains
the following editors:

Editor Use to... See

Display Keys Graphically create and define display keys. “Using the Display Keys Editor” on page 175
Entity Names Represent an entity name as a text string suitable for “Using the Entity Names Editor” on page 155
viewing in the ClaimCenter interface.
Gosu Create and manage Gosu code used in classes, “Working in the Gosu Editor” on page 140
tests, enhancements, and interfaces.
LOB (Lines of Define the six special typelists that define the “Using the Lines of Business Editor” on
Business) ClaimCenter Lines of Business (LOBs). page 583
Messaging Work with messaging plugins. “Using the Messaging Editor” on page 161
Page Configura- Graphically define and edit page configuration (PCF) “Using the PCF Editor” on page 337
tion (PCF) files, used to render the ClaimCenter Web interface.
Plugins Graphically define, edit and manage Java and Gosu “Using the Plugins Editor”, on page 141
Typelist Define typelists for use in the application. “Working with Typelists” on page 315
Workflows Graphically define and edit application workflows. “Using the Workflow Editor” on page 419

Chapter 7, Using the Studio Editors 139

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Working in the Gosu Editor

You use the Gosu editor to manage all code written in Gosu. If you open any of the following from the Resources
pane, Studio automatically opens the file in the Gosu editor:
• Classes
• Enhancements
• Interfaces
• GUnit tests

See Also
• “Working in Guidewire Studio”, on page 123
• “Configuring External Editors” on page 101
• “Classes” on page 169 in the Gosu Reference Guide

140 Chapter 7, Using the Studio Editors

chapter 8

Using the Plugins Editor

This topic covers ClaimCenter plugins. A plugin is a mini-program that you can invoke to perform some task.
This topic includes:
• “What Are Plugins?” on page 141
• “Working with Plugins” on page 143

What Are Plugins?

ClaimCenter plugins are mini-programs (Gosu or Java classes) that ClaimCenter invokes to perform an action or
calculate a result.
• An example of a plugin that calculates a result is a claim number generation plugin, which ClaimCenter
invokes to generate a new claim number as necessary.
• An example of a plugin that performs an action would be a message transport plugin, the purpose of which is
to send a message to an external system.
You can choose to implement a plugin as either a Gosu or Java class. Guidewire recommends, however, that you
implement plugins in Gosu.
Note: For information on how ClaimCenter uses plugins, see “Plugin Overview” on page 101 in the
Integration Guide.

Plugin Classes
A Guidewire plugin class implements a specific interface. Guidewire provides a set of plugin interfaces in the
base configuration for this purpose. Within Studio, if you expand the Plugins node, you see a tree of interfaces,
divided by package. This tree shows every plugin interface available in the base configuration.
• If an implementation of an interface already exists, Studio displays in front of the interface name.
• If it is possible to implement multiple versions of an interface, Studio displays in front of the interface

Chapter 8, Using the Plugins Editor 141

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• If an implementation of an interface does not exist, Studio displays a grayed-out icon in front of the inter-
face name.
• If Guidewire has deprecated an interface, Studio displays the interface with a line through its name.
It is not possible to add a new plugin interface to your ClaimCenter system. You can, however, modify the under-
lying code to create a custom modification of the plugin to suit your business needs. Each plugin name is an
exact copy of the underlying interface name, except for messaging and encryption plugins (as it is possible to
create multiple implementations of these plugin types).
You create, view, and manage plugins through the Studio Plugins editor.

Plugins with Multiple Implementations

In the base configuration, ClaimCenter provides support for multiple implementations of the following types of
plugin interfaces:

Messaging • MessageReply
• MessageRequest
• MessageTransport
Encryption • IEncryption

Typically, an installation has only a single implementation of an encryption plugin. However, you can, for
example, decide to implement a different encryption algorithm (using a different encryption plugin) as part of an
upgrade process. In this case, you must retain your old encryption plugin in order to support the upgrade.
To support multiple implementations of encryption plugins, ClaimCenter provides the following configuration

Set this configuration parameter to the EncryptionID of the encryption plugin currently in use—if you have con-
figured multiple encryption plugins.
• If you do not provide a value for this configuration parameter, then ClaimCenter uses IEncryption as the
default value.
• If you create multiple implementations of a plugin interface, then you must name each plugin implementa-
tion individually and uniquely.

IMPORTANT ClaimCenter does not provide an encryption algorithm. You must determine the best
method to encrypt your data and implement it.

See Also
• For information on the how to configure your database to support encryption, see “Encryption Integration
Overview” on page 401 in the Integration Guide.
• For information on the steps to take if you upgrade your installation and change your encryption algorithm,
see “Changing Your Encryption Algorithm Later” on page 406 in the Integration Guide.

Startable Plugins
It is possible to register custom code that runs at server start up in the form of a startable plugin implementation.
You can use this type of plugin as a listener, such as listening to a JMS queue. You can selectively start or stop
each startable plugin in an administrative interface, unlike other types of plugins. For more information, see
“Startable Plugins” on page 128 in the Integration Guide.

142 Chapter 8, Using the Plugins Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Working with Plugins

You implement a plugin by selecting an interface and choosing either Implement (for single-implementation
plugins) or Add implementation (for multi-implementation plugins, such as messaging plugins).
• If you select a single-implementation plugin interface for which a plugin already exists, Studio does not
permit you to create another plugin implementation.
• If you select a single-implementation plugin interface for which a plugin does not exist, Studio creates the
plugin and automatically names the new plugin with the interface name.
• If you select a multi-implementation plugin interface (such as a messaging interface), Studio prompts you to
enter a name. (The name must be unique.)
Note: If you choose a single-implementation plugin interface, for which an associated plugin already exists,
Studio does not permit you to create another plugin. You can, however, open the plugin definition in Studio
and add or modify plugin parameters.
This process opens the plugin definition within the Studio Plugins editor. Studio labels the plugin with one the
• with the interface name
• with plugin name, if a messaging plugin

Setting the Plugin Environment

Within the plugin editor, you can set the plugin deployment environment (the Env property) and the server ID (the
server property).
• Use Env to set the deployment environment in which this plugin is active. For example, you may have
multiple deployment environments (a test environment and a development environment) and you want this
plugin to be active in only one of these environments.
• Use server to set a specific server ID. For example, if running ClaimCenter in a clustered environment, you
may want this plugin to be active only on a certain machine within the cluster.
These are global properties for this plugin. You can set either of these two properties on individual plugin prop-
erties. But, if set in this location, these override the individual settings.
Note: For more information on these two properties, see “Reading System Properties in Plugins” on
page 127 in the Integration Guide. See also “Using the registry Element to Specify Environment Proper-
ties” on page 18 in the System Administration Guide.

Adding a New Plugin

Click Add... and select either Gosu or Java, depending on the plugin class that you plan to implement.

Gosu Plugins
If you select Add...Gosu, you see the following:

Class Enter the name of the Gosu class that implements this plugin. In the base configuration, Guidewire
places all Gosu plugin classes in the following location:<package>.impl
Although not mandatory, Guidewire recommends that you follow this practice.
Enter the full package path to the Gosu class. For example, use
gw.plugin.numbergenerator.impl.NumberGenerator for the Gosu INumberGenerator plugin.

Chapter 8, Using the Plugins Editor 143

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Java Plugins
If you select Add...Java, you see the following:

Class Enter the fully qualified path to the Java class that implements this plugin. This is the dot separated pack-
age path to the class. Place all custom (non-Guidewire) Java plugin classes in the following directory:
Plugin Directory (Optional) Enter the name of the base plugin directory for the Java class. This is a folder (directory) in the
modules/configuration/plugins directory. If you do not specify a value, Studio assumes that the class
exists in the modules/configuration/plugins/shared directory.

After creating the plugin, you add parameters to it using the Parameters Add functionality. To define a parameter,
enter the parameter name and value. If you have already set the environment or server property at the global
level, then those values override any that you set in this location. For any property that you set in this location to
have an effect, that property must be set the Default (null) at the global level for this plugin.

Enabling and Disabling a Plugin

You can choose to make a plugin active or inactive using the Enabled checkbox. You can, for example, enable the
plugin for testing and disable it for production. It is important to understand, however, that you can still access a
disabled plugin and call it from code. Enabling or disabling a plugin is only meaningful for plugins that care
about the distinction. For example, you must enable a plugin for use in messaging in order for the plugin to work
and for messages to reach their destination. If it is a concern, then the plugin user must determine whether a
plugin is enabled.
Note: If you change the status of the plugin (from enabled to disabled, or the reverse), then you must restart
the development server for it to pick up this change.

Customizing Plugin Functionality

If you want to modify the behavior of a plugin, then do one of the following:
• Modify the underlying class that implements the plugin functionality.
• Change the plugin definition to point to an entirely different Java or Gosu plugin class.
Which path you choose depends on the business logic that you want to implement. For information on plugins in
general, see “Plugin Overview” on page 101 in the Integration Guide. For information on creating and deploying
a specific plugin type, see the following:

Plugin type See

Gosu “Deploying Gosu Plugins” on page 111 in the Integration Guide

Java “Deploying Java Plugins” on page 115 in the Integration Guide

144 Chapter 8, Using the Plugins Editor

chapter 9

Working with Web Services

This topic discusses how you define and configure web services within Guidewire Studio.
This topic includes:
• “What Are Web Services?” on page 145
• “Using the Web Services Editor” on page 145
• “Creating a New Web Service Proxy Endpoint” on page 148

What Are Web Services?

Web Services enable remote procedure calls from one system to another without assuming that the technology on
both ends is the same. ClaimCenter exposes its APIs using the platform-neutral and language-neutral web
services SOAP protocol (originally an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol). If a SOAP implementation
for a programming language exists, then it is a relatively simple task to use web services to connect to APIs or
exchange data.
From Gosu, connecting to a remote SOAP service or publishing a new SOAP service is generally very easy due
to the native SOAP features built into Gosu.

Using the Web Services Editor

Guidewire provides a Web Services editor to create and manage web services within Studio. To create a new web
service, select Web Service in the Studio Resources pane, right-click and select New → Web Service. This opens the
New Web Service dialog in which you enter the name of the web service. You use this name to call this web service
from Gosu code. (As you cannot change this name after you create it, Guidewire recommends that you choose
the name carefully.) You can enter any legal Gosu identifier. For example, a variable name—or to be more

Chapter 9, Working with Web Services 145

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

specific, a package name—is acceptable. After setting the name of the web service (and clicking OK), the web
service dialog opens.

IMPORTANT Guidewire recommends that you take care in selecting your web service name. It is this
name that you use to create the SOAP types within Gosu code. You cannot change it after you set it.

The Web Services editor consists of several different areas:

Area Description

URL and Name fields You set the Name field as you create the web service. After you set it, you cannot change it. Click
Edit to enter the URL to the web service WSDL file. The WSDL file can exist on the local file system,
on a local server, or on a remote server.
Configuration tabs Each web service in the base configuration contains an initial “default” configuration setting in which
both the “env” and “server” parameters are set to a null value. You cannot change these parame-
ters in the default web service configuration. You can, however, create a new, named, web service
configuration and set each of these parameters separately in that configuration. See “Adding a New
Configuration Environment” on page 146for more information.
Service Definitions If you click Lookup Services in this area, Studio reads the WSDL file and displays information about
any services defined in the WSDL file. It displays the name of the service and the URL value for the
service defined in the WSDL. It also provides a means for you to enter an “override” or proxy URL (if
you select Enable).
WSDL information After you enter the URL for the WSDL, Studio displays information about the WSDL at the bottom of
the editor in the form of the WSDL JavaDoc.

IMPORTANT You must stop and restart Studio to register your web service.

Adding a New Configuration Environment

Each web service in the base configuration contains an initial “default” setting that sets a null value for both the
“env” and “server” parameters. You cannot change these parameters in the default plugin configuration. You can,
however, create a new, named, plugin configuration and set each of these parameters separately in that configura-
For these parameters:
• The Env parameter sets the deployment environment in which this plugin is active. You may choose to set this
parameter, if—for example—you have multiple deployment environments (a test environment and a develop-
ment environment). In this case, you may want this plugin to be active in only one of these environments.
• The server parameter sets a specific server ID. You may choose to set this parameter, if—for example—you
implement ClaimCenter in a clustered environment. In this case, you may want this plugin to be active only
on a certain machine within the cluster.
Note: For more information on these two properties, see “Reading System Properties in Plugins” on
page 127 in the Integration Guide. See also “Using the registry Element to Specify Environment Proper-
ties” on page 18 in the System Administration Guide.
To add a new, named, configuration environment, click Add Settings, and set values for the Env and Server parame-
ters. To enter these values as text strings, select the (New) option, then enter your values. Using these two param-
eters, you can create different plugin configuration environments that point to a development, test, or a
production version of a WSDL. You can use the different environments to set different URLs or different authen-
tication, for example.

146 Chapter 9, Working with Web Services

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

You can set the following additional fields in this web services dialog:

Field Description

Timeout (seconds) Time to wait (in seconds) for a response from the external system. If exceeded, Gosu Runtime
returns an error in the form of a Gosu exception. A value of zero specifies no time-out. Therefore,
the system waits infinitely for a response. (Other factors might also time out the request if it takes
too long, such as the ClaimCenter web application container if it contains a time-out value.)
Authentication Type of authentication to use. This can be either None or HTTP. If you choose HTTP, then you must
also enter a valid user name and password.
User Name/Password The user name and password to use with this web service. Studio displays these fields only if you
choose HTPP for the authentication value. If using Windows authentication, see the following
“Using Web Services with Windows Authentication” on page 147.

After setting these fields, click Lookup Services, which is located near the bottom of the screen. This action popu-
lates the large text area with the JavaDoc associated with this web service.

Using Web Services with Windows Authentication

If you want to authenticate a web service that uses NTLM Authentication (Windows Integrated authentication),
do the following:
1. Set the web service Authentication parameter to HTTP.

2. For the user name, specify the domain, followed by a backslash (“\”), followed by the domain user.

3. Enter a valid password.

To illustrate, suppose that you have the following:

Windows parameter Value

User domain winserver

User name soapuser
Password abc

For this example:

1. Set the HTTP user name value to this string:
This is a concatenation of the domain, a backslash (“\”), and the user name.
2. Set the password as you would usually.

See also
• For information on working with web services in Guidewire ClaimCenter, see “Web Services (SOAP)” on
page 25 in the Integration Guide.
• For an example of setting up a web service, see “Calling Web Services from Gosu” on page 73 in the
Integration Guide.

Chapter 9, Working with Web Services 147

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Creating a New Web Service Proxy Endpoint

It is possible to set a proxy override URL. If set, Studio automatically forwards the service to the proxy web
server. To illustrate, suppose that you have the following:

Web service parameter Value

Web Service Name IUserAPI

Proxy Web Service
Proxy Override

The goal of this example is to proxy this web service so that all requests are not sent to

Instead, ClaimCenter forwards the requests to a proxy location

To create a new web service proxy endpoint

1. Start Studio, if it is not already running.

2. Navigate to the Web Services node.

3. Right-click and select New → Web Service from the submenu.

4. Enter the web service name. This is the name of the web service as called from code.
Guidewire defines SOAP stubs to an endpoint within Gosu using the following:
soap.<Web Service Name>.api.<API Name>
For example, if the web service name is “Test” and the API name is “IUserAPI”, you would enter the follow-
ing in Gosu code to access the web service:

5. In the web services dialog, click Edit (next to the URL field) and set the URL of the WSDL. Studio uses this
URL to reach the web service. For example, to continue the previous example, enter the following:

6. Click Refresh. This populates the WSDL JavaDoc at the bottom of the screen.

7. In the Services Definition area, click Lookup Services. In general—with a few exceptions—each WSDL defines a
single service. Studio displays the name of the service and its URL as defined in the WSDL (if any). It also
displays a read-only Override URL field. You enter the URL of your proxy server in this location. Studio auto-
matically forwards the service to the proxy web server.
8. Select the Enable checkbox, which makes the Override URL field editable. Enter your proxy server URL. For
example, enter the following:

148 Chapter 9, Working with Web Services

chapter 10

Implementing QuickJump

This topic discusses how you can configure, or create new, QuickJump commands.
This topic includes:
• “What Is QuickJump?” on page 149
• “Adding a QuickJump Navigation Command” on page 150
• “Checking Permissions on QuickJump Navigation Commands” on page 152

What Is QuickJump?
The QuickJump box is a text-entry box for entering navigation commands using keyboard shortcuts. Guidewire
places the box at the upper-right corner of each ClaimCenter screen. You set which commands are valid through
the QuickJump configuration editor. At least one command must exist (be defined) in order for the QuickJump box to
appear in ClaimCenter. (Therefore, to remove the QuickJump box from the ClaimCenter interface, remove all
commands from the QuickJump configuration editor.)
Note: You set the keyboard shortcut that activates the QuickJump box in config.xml. The default key is “/”
(a forward slash). Therefore, the default action to access the box is Alt+/.
There are three basic types of navigation commands:

Type Use for

QuickJumpCommandRef Commands that navigate to a page that accepts one or more static (with respect to
the command being defined) user-entered parameters. See “Implementing Quick-
JumpCommandRef Commands” on page 150 for details.
StaticNavigationCommandRef Commands that navigate to a page without accepting user-entered parameters. See
“Implementing StaticNavigationCommandRef Commands” on page 152.

Chapter 10, Implementing QuickJump Commands 149

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Type Use for

ContextualNavigationCommandRef Commands that navigate to a page that takes a single parameter, with the parame-
ter determined based on the user's current location. See “Implementing Contextual-
NavigationCommandRef Commands” on page 152.

Adding a QuickJump Navigation Command

If you add a command, first set the command type, then define the command by setting certain parameters. The
editor contains a table with each row defining a single command and each column representing a specific com-
mand parameter. You use certain columns with specific command types only. ClaimCenter enables only those
row cells that are appropriate for the command, meaning that you can only enter text in those specific fields.

Column Only use with Description

Command Name • QuickJumpCommandRef Display key specifying the command string the user types
• StaticNavigationCommandRef to invoke the command.
• ContextualNavigationCommandRef

Command Class • QuickJumpCommandRef Class that specifies how to implement the command. This
class must be a subclass of QuickJumpCommand.
Guidewire intentionally makes the base
QuickJumpCommand class package local. To implement,
override one of the subclasses described in Implementing
QuickJumpCommandRef Commands.
You only need to subclass QuickJumpCommand if you plan
to implement the QuickJumpCommandRef command type.
For the other two command types, you use the existing
base class appropriate for the command—either
StaticNavigationCommand or
ContextualNavigationCommand—and enter the other
required information in the appropriate columns.
Command Target • StaticNavigationCommandRef Target page ID.
• ContextualNavigationCommandRef

Command Arguments • StaticNavigationCommandRef Comma-separated list of parameters used in the case in

which the target page accepts one or more string parame-
ters. (This is not common.)
Context Symbol • ContextualNavigationCommandRef Name of a variable on the user's current page.
Context Type • ContextualNavigationCommandRef Type of context symbol (variable).

Implementing QuickJumpCommandRef Commands

To implement the QuickJumpCommandRef navigation command type, subclass QuickJumpCommand or one of its
existing subclasses. See the following sections for details:

Subclass Section
StaticNavigationCommand Navigation Commands with One or More Static Parameters
ParameterizedNavigationCommand Navigation Commands with an Explicit Parameter (Including Search)
ContextualNavigationCommand Navigation Commands with an Inferred Parameter
EntityViewCommand Navigation to an Entity-Viewing Page

Note: All QuickJumpCommand subclasses must define a constructor that takes a single parameter—the
command name—as a String.

150 Chapter 10, Implementing QuickJump Commands

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Navigation Commands with One or More Static Parameters

To perform simple navigation to a page that accepts one or more parameters (which are always the same for a
given command), subclass StaticNavigationCommand. The class constructor must call the super constructor,
which takes the following arguments:
• The command name (which you pass into your subclass's constructor)
• The target location's ID
Your subclass implementation must override the getLocationArgumentTypes and getLocationArguments
methods to provide the required parameters for the target location.
It is possible to create a no-parameter implementation by subclassing StaticNavigationCommand. However,
Guidewire recommends that you use the StaticNavigationCommandRef command type instead as it reduces the
number of extraneous classes needed. See “Implementing StaticNavigationCommandRef Commands” on
page 152 for details.

Navigation Commands with an Explicit Parameter (Including Search)

To create a command that performs simple navigation to a page that accepts a single user parameter, subclass
ParameterizedNavigationCommand. The constructor takes the same two arguments as
StaticNavigationCommand. Your subclass must override the getParameterSuggestions method, which
provides the list of auto-complete suggestions for the parameter. It must also override the getParameter method,
which creates or fetches the actual parameter object given the user's final input.
Subclasses of ParameterizedNavigationCommand must also implement getCommandDisplaySuffix.
ClaimCenter displays the command in the QuickJump box as part of the auto-complete list (before the user has
entered the entire command). Therefore, ClaimCenter displays the command name followed by the command
display suffix. This is typically some indication of what the parameter is, for example bean name or policy

Navigation Commands with an Inferred Parameter

To implement a command that navigates to a page that accepts a single parameter, with the parameter based on
the user's current location, subclass ContextualNavigationCommand. The constructor takes the same two argu-
ments as StaticNavigationCommand, plus two additional arguments:
• The name of a PCF variable. If this variable exists on the user's current location, Studio makes the command
available and uses the value of the variable as the parameter to the target location.
• The type of the variable.
Guidewire recommends, however, that you use the ContextualNavigationCommandRef command type instead
of subclassing ContextualNavigationCommand. See “Implementing ContextualNavigationCommandRef
Commands” on page 152 for details.

Navigation to an Entity-Viewing Page

For commands that navigate to a page that simply displays information about some entity, subclass
EntityViewCommand. The constructor takes the following arguments:
• The name of the command (which you pass into your subclass's constructor)
• The type of the entity
• A property on the entity to use in matching the user's input (and providing auto-complete suggestions)
• The permission key that determines whether the user has permission to know the entity exists (This is typi-
cally a “view” permission.)
• The target location's ID
Subclasses must override handleEntityNotFound to specify behavior on incomplete or incorrect user input. A
typical implementation simply throws a UserDisplayableException. Subclasses must also implement

Chapter 10, Implementing QuickJump Commands 151

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

getCommandDisplaySuffix, which behaves in the fashion described previously in “Navigation Commands with
an Explicit Parameter (Including Search)” on page 151.
By default, parameter suggestions and parameter matching use a query that finds all entities of the appropriate
type in which the specified property starts with the user's input. If this query is too inefficient, the subclass can
override getQueryProcessor (for auto-complete) and findEntity (for parameter matching). If you do not want
some users to see the command, then the subclass must also override the isPermitted method.
By default, the auto-complete list displays each suggested parameter completion as the name of the command
followed by the value of the matched parameter. Subclasses can override getFullDisplay to change this
behavior. However, the suggested name must not stray too far from the default, as it does not change what
appears in the QuickJump box after a user selects the suggestion. Entity view commands automatically chain to
any appropriate contextual navigation command (for example, “Claim <claim #> Financials”).

Implementing StaticNavigationCommandRef Commands

StaticNavigationCommandRef specifies a command that navigates to a page without accepting user-entered
parameters. It is the simplest to implement. You specify the Command Name and Command Target in exactly the
same manner as for a static navigation command. You must also specify the Command Target, and any necessary
Command Arguments. These parameters have the following meanings:
• Command Target specifies the ID of the target page.
• Command Arguments specify one or more parameters to use in the case in which the target page accepts one
or more string parameters. If there is more than one parameter, enter a comma-separated list.

Implementing ContextualNavigationCommandRef Commands

ContextualNavigationCommandRef specifies a command that navigates to a page that takes a single parameter.
(The user's current location determines the parameter.) You specify the Command Name and Command Target in
exactly the same manner as for a static navigation command. You must also specify the Context Symbol and the
Context Type. These parameters have the following meanings:
• Context Symbol specifies that name of a variable on the user’s current page.
• Context Type specifies that variable’s type.
ClaimCenter passes the value of this variable to the target location as the only parameter. If no such variable
exists on the current page, then the command is not available to the user and the command does not appear in the
QuickJump box’s auto-complete suggestions.

If the Context Type is an entity, then any EntityViewCommands matching the entity type can automatically be
“chained” by the user into the ContextualNavigationCommand. (See “Navigation to an Entity-Viewing Page” on
page 151 for more information.) For instance, suppose that there is an EntityViewCommand called Claim that
takes a claim number and navigates to a Claim. Also, suppose that there is a ContextualNavigationCommand
called Contacts whose context type is Claim. In this case, the user can type Claim 35-402398 Contacts to invoke
the Contacts command on the specified Claim.

Checking Permissions on QuickJump Navigation Commands

Keep the following security issues in mind as you create navigation commands for the QuickJump box.

Subclassing StaticNavigationCommand
Commands that implement this subclass check the canVisit permission by default to determine whether a user
has the necessary permission to see that QuickJump option in the QuickJump box. The permission hole in this case
arises if permissions were in place for all approaches to the destination but not on the destination itself.

152 Chapter 10, Implementing QuickJump Commands

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

For example, suppose that you create a new QuickJump navigation for NewNotePopup. Then suppose that previ-
ously you had placed a permission check on all New Note buttons. In that case ClaimCenter would have checked
the Note.create permissions. However, enabling QuickJump navigation to NewNotePopup bypasses those
previous permissions checks. The best practice is to check permissions on the canVisit tag of the actual destina-
tion page, in this case, on NewNotePopup.

Subclassing ContextualNavigationCommand
As with StaticNavigationCommand subclasses, add permission checks to the destination page's canVisit tag.

Subclassing ParameterizedNavigationCommand
Classes subclassing ParameterizedNavigationCommand have the (previously described) method called
isPermitted, which is possible for you to override. This method—isPermitted—controls whether the user can
see the navigation command in the QuickJump box. After a user invokes a command, ClaimCenter performs stan-
dard permission checks (for example, checking the canVisit expression on the target page), and presents an
error message to unauthorized users.
It is possible for the canVisit expression on the destination page to return a different value depending on the
actual parameters passed into it. As a consequence, ClaimCenter cannot determine automatically whether to
display the command to the user in the QuickJump box before the user enters a value for the parameter. If it is
possible to manually determine whether to display the command to the user, check for permission using the over-
ridden isPermitted method. (This might be, for example, from the destination's canVisit attribute.)

Chapter 10, Implementing QuickJump Commands 153

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

154 Chapter 10, Implementing QuickJump Commands

chapter 11

Using the Entity Names Editor

This topic describes entity names and entity name types. and how to work with the entity names in the Studio
Entity Names editor.

This topic includes:

• “The Entity Names Editor” on page 155
• “The Variable Table” on page 156
• “The Gosu Text Editor” on page 157
• “Including Data from Subentities” on page 158
• “Entity Name Types” on page 159

The Entity Names Editor

It is possible to define an entity name as text string, which you can then use in the ClaimCenter interface to repre-
sent that entity. Thus, you often see the term display name associated with this feature as well, especially in code
and in GosuDoc.
ClaimCenter uses the DisplayName property on an entity to represent the entity name as a text string. You can
define this entity name string as a simple text string or use a complicated Gosu expression to generate the name.
ClaimCenter uses these entity name definitions in generating database queries that return the limited information
needed to construct the display name string. This ensures that ClaimCenter does not load the entire entity and its
subentities into memory simply to retrieve the few field values necessary to generate the display name.
The use of the Entity Name feature helps to avoid loading entities into memory unless you are actually going to
view or edit its details. The use of display names improves overall application performance.
The Entity Names (display names) editor consists of two parts:
• A table in which you manage variables for use in the Gosu code that defines the entity name

Chapter 11, Using the Entity Names Editor 155

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• A Gosu editor that contains the Gosu code that defines the entity name

IMPORTANT To deploy your changes, you must stop and restart the application server.

The Variable Table

You must declare any field that you reference in the entity definition (in the code definition pane) as a variable in
the variable table at the top of the page. This tells the Entity Name feature which fields to load from the database,
and puts each value in a variable for you to use.
For example, the Contact entity name defines the following variables:

Notice that this defines LastName as Person.LastName and Name as Company.Name, for example.
Use the variable table to manage variables that you can embed in the Gosu entity name definitions. You can add,
duplicate, and remove variables using the function buttons by the table. The columns in the table have the
following meanings:

Name Name of the variable.

Entity Path that the variable represents.

Sort Path Defines the values that ClaimCenter uses in a sort.

Sort Order Defines the order in which ClaimCenter sorts the Sort Path values.
Use Entity Name? Sets whether to use this value as the entity display name.

The Entity Path Column

Only use actual columns in the database as members of the Entity Path value. This means that ClaimCenter
declares the column in the metadata and that the Data Dictionary does not label that entity column (field) as vir-
tual. Thus:
• You cannot use ClaimContactRole fields in the Entity Path, such as Exposure.Incident.Injured. This is
because the Injured contact role on Incident does not have a denormalized column.
• You can, however, use special denormalized fields for certain claim contacts, such as
Exposure.ClaimantDenorm or Claim.InsuredDenorm. The description of the column indicate which
ClaimContactRole value it denormalizes.

The Use Entity Names? Column

The last column in the variable table is Use Entity Name? The column takes a Boolean true/false value, or the col-
umn can be empty.
• A value of true is meaningful only if the value of Entity Path is an entity type. A value of true instructs the
Entity Name utility to calculate the Entity Name for that entity, instead of loading the entity into memory. The

156 Chapter 11, Using the Entity Names Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

variable for that subentity is of type String and you can use the variable in the Gosu code that constructs the
current Entity Name.

IMPORTANT If the value of Entity Path is an entity, then you must set the value of Use Entity Type? to
true. Otherwise, a variable entry that ends in an entity value uploads that entire entity, which defeats
the purpose of using Entity Names.

• A value of false indicates that ClaimCenter does not use the Entity Path value as an entity display name.
• An empty column is the same as a value of false. This is the default.
Set Use Entity Name value to true if you want to include the entire Entity Name for a particular subentity. For
example, suppose that you are editing the Exposure entity name and that you create a variable called claimant
with an Entity Path of Exposure.ClaimantDenorm. Suppose also that you set the value of Use Entity Name to true. In
this case, the entity name for the Claimant, as defined by the Contact entity name definition, would be included
in a String variable called claimant. ClaimCenter would then use this value in constructing the entity name for
the Exposure entity.

Evaluating Null Values

If the value of Use Entity Name is true, then ClaimCenter always evaluates the entity name definition, even if the
foreign key is null. By convention, in this case, the entity name definition usually returns the empty string "". In
other words, the entity name string can never be null even if the foreign key is null. You can use the
HasContent enhancement property on String to test whether the display name string is empty.

Thus, as you write entity name definitions, Guidewire recommends that you return the empty string if all the
variables in your entity name definition are null or empty. Guidewire uses the empty string (instead of returning
null) to prevent Null Pointer Exceptions. For example, suppose that you construct an entity name such as
"X-Y-Z", in which you add a hyphen between variables X,Y, and Z from the database. In this case, be sure you
return the empty string "" if X,Y, and Z are all null or empty and not " - - ".

The Sort Columns

The two columns Sort Path and Sort Order do not, strictly speaking, involve variable replacement in the entity name
Gosu code. Rather, you use them to define how to sort beans of the same entity.

Sort Path Defines the values that ClaimCenter uses in a sort

Sort Order Defines the order in which ClaimCenter sorts the Sort Path values

Therefore, if ClaimCenter is in the process of determining how to order two contacts, it first compares the values
in the (Sort Path) LastNameDenorm fields (Sort Order = 1). If these values are equal, Studio then compares the values
in the FirstNameDenorm fields (Sort Order = 2), repeating this process for as long as there are fields to compare.
Note: These columns specify the default sort order. Other aspects of Guidewire ClaimCenter can override
this sort order, for example, the sort order property of a list view cell widget.

The Gosu Text Editor

You enter the actual Gosu code used to construct the entity name in the code definition pane underneath the vari-
able table. Studio then replaces the variable with mapped property.
The following Gosu definition code for the Contact entity name shows these mappings.
var retString = ""

if ( SubType != null && Person.isAssignableFrom( Type.forName("entity." + SubType) ) ) {

Chapter 11, Using the Entity Names Editor 157

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

if (FirstName != null and FirstName.length() > 0) {

retString = retString + FirstName + " "
if (LastName != null and LastName.length() > 0) {
retString = retString + LastName + " "
if (Suffix != null) {
retString = retString + gw.api.util.TypeKeyUtil.toDisplayName(Suffix) + " "

} else {
retString = Name != null and Name.length() > 0 ? Name : ""
return retString

To use the Contact entity name definition, you can embed the following in a PCF page, for example.
<Cell id="Name" value="contact.DisplayName" ... />

Including Data from Subentities

Many times, you want to include information from subentities of the current entity in its Entity Name. For exam-
ple, this happens often with Contacts related to the current entity. Guidewire recommends that you do one of the
following to include data from a subentity. (The two options are mutually exclusive. You must do one or the

Option 1: Use the DisplayName for a Subentity

To use the DisplayName value for a subentity, you must set the value of Use Entity Name to true on the variable
definition. This means, for example, that for Contacts, it has to be through an explicit Denorm column, such as
Exposure.ClaimantDenorm. To illustrate:

Name Entity Path Use Entity Name?

claimantDisplayName Exposure.ClaimantDenorm true
incidentDisplayName Exposure.Incident true

Option 2: Reference Fields on the Subentity

It is possible that you do not want to use the Entity Name as defined for the subentity's type. If so, then you need
to set up variables in the table to obtain the fields from the subentity that you need. To illustrate:

Name Entity Path Use Entity Name?

claimantFirstName Exposure.ClaimantDenorm.FirstName false
claimantLastName Exposure.ClaimantDenorm.LastName false
severity Exposure.Incident.Severity false
incidentDesc Exposure.Incident.Description false

You can then use these variables in Gosu code (in the text editor) to include the Claimant and Incident informa-
tion in the entity name for Exposure.

Guidewire Recommendations
Do not end an Entity Path value with an entity foreign key, without setting the Use Entity Name value to true. Other-
wise, ClaimCenter loads the entire entity being referenced into memory. In actuality, you probably only need a
couple fields from the entity to construct your entity name. Instead, you one of the approaches described in one
of the previous steps.

158 Chapter 11, Using the Entity Names Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Denormalized Columns
Within the ClaimCenter data model, it is possible for a column to end in Denorm for (at least) two different rea-
• The column contains a direct foreign key to a particular Contact (for example, as in Claim.InsuredDenorm.)
• The original column is of type String and the column attribute supportsLinguisticSearch is set to true. In
this case, the denormalized column contains a normalized version of the string for searching, sorting, and
indexing. Thus, the Contact entity definition uses LastNameDenorm and FirstNameDenorm as the sort
columns in the definition for the Contact entity name. It then uses LastName and FirstName in the variables'
entity paths for eventual inclusion in the entity name string.

Entity Name Types

Guidewire calls an entity name definition the entity name type. Thus, most—but not all—entity names have a
single type. However, it is possible for certain entities in the base application to have multiple, alternate names
(types) and thus, multiple entity name definitions. Again, these can be either simple text strings, or more compli-
cated Gosu expressions.
Studio displays each entity name type as a separate tab or code definition area at the bottom of the screen. You
cannot add or delete an entity name type to the base application. You can, however, change the Gosu definition
of an entity name type. Guidewire recommends, however, that you not modify an entity name type definition
without a great deal of thought.
Most entity names have only the single type named Default. You can access the Default entity name from Gosu
code by using the following code:

Only internal application code (internal code that Guidewire uses to build the application) can access any of
non-default entity name types. For example, some of the entity names contain an additional type or definition of
ContactRoleMessage. ClaimCenter uses the ContactRoleMessage type to define the format of the entity name to
use in role validation error messages. In some cases, this definition is merely the same as the default definition.

IMPORTANT It is not possible for you to either add or delete an entity name type from the base appli-
cation configuration. You can, however, modify the definition—the Gosu code—for all defined types.
You can directly access only the default type from Gosu code.

Chapter 11, Using the Entity Names Editor 159

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

160 Chapter 11, Using the Entity Names Editor

chapter 12

Using the Messaging Editor

This topic covers how you use the Messaging editor in Guidewire Studio.
This topic includes:
• “The Messaging Editor” on page 161
• “Working with Email Attachments” on page 164

The Messaging Editor

You use the Messaging editor to set up and define one or more message environments, each of which includes one
or more message destinations. A message destination is an abstraction that represents an external system. Typi-
cally, a destination represents a distinct remote system. However, you can also use destinations to represent
different remote APIs or different types of messages that must be sent from ClaimCenter business rules.
You use the Messaging editor to set up and define message destinations, including the destination ID, name, and
the transport plugin to use with this destination. In a similar fashion to the Plugins editor, you can also set the
deployment environment in which this message destination is active.
Each destination can specify a list of events that are of interest to it, along with some basic configuration infor-

See Also
• “Message Destination Overview” on page 148 in the Integration Guide
• “Implementing Messaging Plugins” on page 177 in the Integration Guide
• “Messaging and Events” on page 139 in the Integration Guide

Adding a Message Environment

You can define multiple message environments to suit different purposes. For example, you can set up different
message environments for the following:
• A development environment

Chapter 12, Using the Messaging Editor 161

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• A test environment
• A production environment
Guidewire provides a single default message environment in the ClaimCenter base configuration. You see it
listed as (Default) in the Env drop-down.

To create a new message environment

1. Select (New) from the Env drop-down list.

2. Enter a name for the message environment.

3. Add message destinations as required. See “Adding a Message Destination” on page 162 for details.

To remove a message environment

1. Select the name of the message environment from the Env drop-down list.

2. Click Remove. ClaimCenter deletes the message environment without asking for confirmation.

IMPORTANT ClaimCenter disables the message environment Remove button if only one message envi-
ronment exists. However, if there are several message environments, and you have added message
destinations to each environment, then there are multiple Remove options available. The Remove button
at the top of the screen removes the currently selected message environment. The other Remove option
removes the currently selected message destination from the list of destinations. Be careful not to inad-
vertently click the top Remove button as ClaimCenter deletes the message environment without any
additional warning. You cannot undo this action.

Adding a Message Destination

To add a message destination, open the Messaging editor, select a message environment, click Add, and fill in the
required fields. Notice that Studio requires that you enter a plugin name, for example, for the Transport plugin. It
is important to understand the difference between the implementation class name and the plugin name. After you
write code that implements a messaging plugin, you must register it in Studio. As you register an implementation
of the new messaging plugin, Studio prompts you for a plugin name. The plugin name is different from the imple-
mentation class name. The plugin name is a short arbitrary name that identifies a plugin implementation. Studio
only prompts you for a plugin name for plugin interfaces that support more than one implementation. (For
example, it is possible to create multiple distinct messaging and encryption plugins.)
After you click Add in the Messaging editor, fill in the following fields.

ID The destination ID (as an integer value). The valid range for custom destination IDs is 0 through 63,
inclusive. Guidewire reserves all other destination IDs for built-in destinations such as the email
transport destination. Studio marks these internal values with a gray background, indicating that they
are not editable. Studio also marks valid entries with a white background and invalid entries with a red
For more information on message IDs, see:
• “Implementing a Message Transport Plugin” on page 179 in the Integration Guide

Name The name to use for this messaging destination.

162 Chapter 12, Using the Messaging Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Transport Plugin The name of the MessageTransport plugin implementation that knows how to send messages for this
messaging destination. A destination must define a message transport plugin that sends a Message
object over a physical or abstract transport. For example, the plugin might do one of the following:
• Submit the message to a message queue
• Call a remote web service API and get an immediate response that the system handled the message
• Implement a proprietary protocol that is specific to a remote system

For more information, see the following:

• “Messaging Overview” on page 140 in the Integration Guide
• “Implementing a Message Transport Plugin” on page 179 in the Integration Guide

If you select a specific row in the message ID table, you see additional fields. These fields have the following

Field Description

Request Plugin A destination can optionally define a message request (MessageRequest) plugin to prepare or pre-
process a Message object before a message is sent to the message transport. For example, the
MessageRequest plugin can:
• Translate strings or codes in a text-type message payload to codes for a remote system.
• Translate name/value pairs in a text-type message payload into XML.
• Set messaging-specific data model extension properties on the Message object before sending it.

To use a message reply plugin, in this Messaging editor field, type the name of the MessageRequest
plugin implementation. If the destination requires no special message preparation, omit the request
plugin entirely for the destination.
For implementation details, see the following:
• “Implementing a Message Request Plugin” on page 178 in the Integration Guide
• “Message Destination Overview” on page 148 in the Integration Guide

Reply Plugin A destination can optionally define a message reply (MessageReply) plugin to asynchronously
acknowledge a Message object. For instance, this plugin can implement a trigger from an external
system to notify ClaimCenter that the message send succeeded or failed. To use a message reply
plugin, in this Messaging editor field, type the name of the MessageReply plugin implementation. If
the destination requires no asynchronous acknowledgement or asynchronous post-processing,
omit the reply plugin configuration settings.
For implementation details, see the following:
• “Implementing a Message Reply Plugin” on page 180 in the Integration Guide
• “Message Destination Overview” on page 148 in the Integration Guide

Poll Interval Each messaging destination pulls messages from the database (from the send queue) in batches of
messages on the batch server. The application does not query again until this amount of time
passes. Use this field to set the value of the polling interval to wait. After the current round of send-
ing, the messaging destination sleeps for the reminder of the poll interval. If the current round of
sending takes longer than the poll interval, than the thread does not sleep at all and continues to the
next round of querying and sending.
For details on how the polling interval works, see the following:
• “Message Ordering and Multi-Threaded Sending” on page 170 in the Integration Guide

IMPORTANT The value you choose for the poll interval value can significantly affect messaging
performance. If you change this value, carefully test the performance implications under realistic
conditions. If your performance issues relate primarily to many messages for each claim for each
destination, then the polling interval is the most important messaging performance setting.
Initial Retry Interval The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before attempting to retry sending a message after a
retryable error condition occurs.
Max Retries The number of retries to attempt before the retryable error becomes non-retryable.
Retry Backoff Multiplier The amount to increase the time between retries, specified as a multiplier of the time previously
attempted. For example, if the last retry time attempted was 5 minutes and you set this value to 2,
ClaimCenter attempts the next retry in 10 minutes.

Chapter 12, Using the Messaging Editor 163

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Field Description

Number Sender Threads To send messages associated with a claim (safe-ordered messages), ClaimCenter can create mul-
tiple sender threads for each messaging destination to distribute the workload. These are threads
that actually call the messaging plugins to send the messages. Use this field to configure the num-
ber of sender threads for safe-ordered messages. ClaimCenter ignores this setting for
non-claim-specific messages, since those are always handled by one thread for each destination.
If your performance issues primarily relate to many messages but few messages for each claim
for each destination, then this is the most important messaging performance setting.
For more information, see the following:
• “Message Ordering and Multi-Threaded Sending” on page 170 in the Integration Guide

Chunk Size The number of messages that the messaging subsystem retrieves from the database in each round
of sending, if possible. By default, Guidewire sets this value to 100,000. This number is usually suf-
ficient to include all sendable messages currently in the send queue. Be careful not to set this num-
ber too low.
For more information, see the following:
• “Message Ordering and Multi-Threaded Sending” on page 170 in the Integration Guide

Shutdown Timeout Messaging plugins have methods to handle the administrative commands suspend, resume, and
preparing for the messaging system to shutdown. During the suspend, shutdown, and resume
methods of the plugin, the plugin must not call any APIs that suspend or resume messaging desti-
nations. (This includes—but is not limited to—IMessageToolsAPI web service APIs.) Doing so cre-
ates circular application logic. Guidewire forbids such actions.
The shutdown timeout value is the length of time to wait before attempting to shutdown the messag-
ing subsystem.
For more information, see the following:
• “Handling Messaging Destination Suspend, Resume, Shutdown” on page 184 in the Integration

Associating Event Names with a Message Destination

To define one or more specific events for which you want this message destination to listen, click Add under
Events. Each event triggers the Event Fired rule set for that destination. Use the special event name wildcard
string "(\w)*" to listen for all events.
To get notifications using Event Fired rules when specific types of data changes occur, you must specify one or
more messaging destinations to listen for that event. If no messaging destination listens for an event,
ClaimCenter does not call the Event Fired rules for that combination of event and destination.
If more than one destination listens for that event, the Event Fired rules run multiple times, varying only in the
destination ID. To get the destination ID in your Event Fired rules, check the property messageContext.destID.
For much more information about events and the messaging system, refer to “Messaging and Events” on
page 139 in the Integration Guide.

See Also
• For a list of built-in events that ClaimCenter triggers, see “List of Messaging Events in ClaimCenter” on
page 156 in the Integration Guide.

Working with Email Attachments

By default, the emailMessageTransport plugin interacts with an external document management system as the
system user during retrieval of a document attached to an email. It is possible, however, to retrieve the document
on behalf of the user who generated the email message instead. To do this, you need to set the
UseMessageCreatorAsUser property in the emailMessageTransport plugin.

164 Chapter 12, Using the Messaging Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To set the UseMessageCreatorAsUser property

1. In Studio, navigate to the following location:
Configuration → Plugins → gw → plugin → messaging → MessageTransport → emailMessageTransport
2. In the Parameters area, click Add to create a new parameter entry.

3. Enter the following:

Name UseMessageCreatorAsUser

Value true

Chapter 12, Using the Messaging Editor 165

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

166 Chapter 12, Using the Messaging Editor

chapter 13

Using the Rules Editor

This topic describes the Studio Rules editor and how you use it to work with Gosu business rules.
This topic includes:
• “Working with Rules” on page 167
• “Changing the Root Entity of a Rule” on page 171
• “Validating Rules and Gosu Code” on page 173
• “Making a Rule Active or Inactive” on page 173

Working with Rules

ClaimCenter organizes and displays rules as a hierarchy within the center pane of Guidewire Studio, with the
rule set itself appearing at the root (top level) of the hierarchy tree. Studio displays the Rule menu only if you first
select a rule set category in the Resources pane. Otherwise, it is unavailable.
There are a number of operations involving rules that you can perform in the Studio Rules (Gosu) editor. See the
following for details:
• To view or edit a rule
• To change rule order
• To create a new rule set category
• To create a new rule set
• To create a new rule
• To access a rule set from Gosu code
• To find or replace text in the current view
• To find usages of an expression or statement
• To find or replace text throughout the resource tree
• To change the root entity of a rule

Chapter 13, Using the Rules Editor 167

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To view or edit a rule

1. Expand the Rule Sets drop-down list in the left-hand (Resources) pane, and then expand the rule set category.

2. Select the rule set to view or edit. All editing and saving within the tool occurs at the level of a rule set.

To change rule order

If you want to change the order of your rules, you can drag and drop rules within the hierarchy.
1. Click on the rule that you want to move, hold down the mouse button, and move the pointer to the new loca-
tion for the rule. Studio then displays a line at the insertion point of the rule. Release the mouse button to
paste the rule at that location.
2. To make a rule a child of another rule, select the rule you want to be the child, and then choose Edit → Cut.
Click on the rule that you want to be the parent, and then choose Edit → Paste.
3. To move a rule up a level, drag the rule next to another rule at the desired level in the hierarchy (the reference
rule). Notice how far left the insertion line extends.
• If the line ends before the beginning of the reference rule’s name, Studio inserts the rule as a child of the
reference rule.
• If the line extends all the way to the left, Studio inserts the rule as a peer of the reference rule.
By moving the cursor slightly up or down, you can indicate whether you want to insert the rule as a child or a
If you move rules using drag and drop, then ClaimCenter moves the chosen rule and all of its children as a group.
This makes it easy to reposition entire branches of the hierarchy.
ClaimCenter also supports standard cut, copy, and paste commands, which can be used to move rules within the
hierarchy. If you paste a cut or copied rule, Studio inserts the rule as if you added a new rule. It becomes the last
child of the currently selected rule.

To create a new rule set category

Guidewire divides the sample rule sets into categories, or large groupings of rules that center around a certain
business process, for example, assignment or validation. In the rules hierarchy, rule set categories consist of rule
sets, which, in turn, further subdivide into individual rules.
• Rules sets are logical groupings of rules that specific to a business function with Guidewire ClaimCenter.
• Rules contain the Gosu code (condition and action) that perform the actual business logic.
It is possible to create new rule set categories through Guidewire Studio.
1. Select Rule Sets in the Studio Resources tree.

2. Right-click and select New → Rule Set Category from the menu.

3. Enter a name for the rule set category.

Studio inserts the rule set category in the category list in alphabetic order.

To create a new rule set

In the base configuration, Guidewire provides a number of business rules, divided into rules sets, which organize
the business rules by function. It is possible to create new rule sets through Guidewire Studio.
1. Expand the Rule Sets node in the Studio Resources tree. Although Guidewire labels the node as rule sets, the
node itself actually lists rule set categories.
2. Select a rule set category or create a new rule set category.

3. Right-click and select New → Rule Set from the menu.

168 Chapter 13, Using the Rules Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

4. Enter the following information:

Field Description

Name Studio displays the rule name in the middle pane, under Rules. For the Guidewire recommendations on
rule set names, see “Rule and Rule Set Naming Conventions” on page 33 in the Rules Guide.
In general, however, if you create a rule set for a custom entity named Entity_Ext, then you must name
your rule set Entity_Ext<RuleSet>. Thus, if you want the custom entity to invoke the Preupdate rules,
then name your rule set Entity_ExtPreupdate. There are some variations in how to name a rule set. See
the existing rule sets in that category to determine the exact string to append and follow that same pattern
with new rule sets in that category.
Description Studio displays the description in a tab at the right of the Studio if you select the rule set name in the mid-
dle pane.
Guidewire recommends that you make the description meaningful, especially if you have multiple people
working on rule development. In any case, a meaningful rule description is particularly useful as time
passes and memories fade.
Entity Type ClaimCenter uses the entity type as the basis on which to trigger the rules in this rule set. For example,
suppose that you select a rule set, then a rule within the set. Right-click and select Complete Code from the
menu. Studio displays the entity type around which you base the rule actions and conditions.

To create a new rule

1. Select the rule set to contain the new rule in the Studio Resources pane.

2. Do one of the following:

• If the new rule is to be a top-level rule, select the rule set name in the middle pane.
• If the new rule is to be a child rule, expand the rule set hierarchy in the middle pane and select the parent
3. Select New Rule from the Rule menu, or right-click and select New Rule. (You can also press Ctrl+Shift+N.)

4. Enter a name for the new rule in the New Rule dialog box. Studio creates the new rule as the last child rule of
the currently selected rule (or rule set).

To access a rule set from Gosu code

You can access a rule set within a rule set category (and thus, all the rules within the rule set) by using the
following Gosu invoke method. You can use this method to invoke a rule set in any place that you use Gosu

You can only invoke a rule set through the Gosu invoke method, not individual rules. Invoking the rule set trig-
gers evaluation of every rule in that rule set, in sequential order. If the conditions for a rule evaluate to true, then
ClaimCenter executes the actions for that rule.

Renaming or Deleting a Rule

Use the following menu commands to rename a rule or to delete it entirely from the rule set. You can also access
these commands by right-clicking on a rule and selecting the command from the drop-down list.

Command Description Actions you take

Rule → Rename Renames the currently selected Select the rule that to rename in the center pane of Studio, then
rule select Rename from the Rule menu (or right-click and select Rename).
Enter the new name for the rule in the Input dialog box. You must
save the rule for the change to become permanent.

Chapter 13, Using the Rules Editor 169

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Command Description Actions you take

Edit → Delete Deletes the currently selected Select the rule to delete in the center pane of Studio, then select
rule Delete from the Edit menu (or right-click and select Delete). (There is
no secondary dialog window that asks you to confirm your selection.)
You can only use the Delete command to delete rules.

Renaming a rule. At a structural level, Guidewire ClaimCenter stores each rule as a separate Gosu class, with a
.gr extension. The name of the Gosu class corresponds to the name of the rule that you see in the Studio
Resources tree. ClaimCenter stores the rule definition classes in several different locations, for example:

If you rename a rule set, ClaimCenter renames the class definition file in the directory structure and any internal
class names. It also renames the directory name if the rule has children. Thus, ClaimCenter ensures that the rule
class names and the file names are always in synchronization.

Using Find-and-Replace
The Guidewire Studio Search menu provides a number of ways that you can search for text or objects in the active
Studio resources. You can also access some of the search commands by using the right-click menu of the
currently selected resource. Search commands work in one of three modes:

Find/Replace, Find Next Searches/replaces text in the currently focused view.

Find Usage Searches for usages of an expression or statement throughout the active resources.
Find/Replace in Path Searches/replaces text through all or part of the resource tree.

Viewing Search Results

Studio displays the results of a search in a Search pane at the bottom of the screen. This pane contains a Text Filter
entry field that you can use to further refine your search. For example, suppose that the search returns 105
instances of the use of the word Activity in a global search. You can further refine your search by entering
Activity.Subject in the Text Filter field. Studio filters the search results and displays (for example) the three
occurrences of the search results that contain this specific text.

To find or replace text in the current view

1. Open a rule or class in its Gosu editor. This is the currently selected view.

2. Select either Find... or Replace... from the Search menu.

• If you chose Find…, you can search for text in the currently selected view.
• If you chose Replace…, you can search for and replace text in the currently selected view. To replace text,
enter the text string on which to search, and its replacement in the appropriate fields. If Studio finds a text
match, it presents you with the option of replacing the text in this one match or in all matches it finds.
Notice that you have several search options from which to choose. These include:
• Case sensitive - If checked, Studio searches for an exact text string match, including capitalization.
• Regular expression - If checked, Studio uses the provided text string as a search pattern. For example, enter-
ing “[Cc]laim” matches to either “claim” or “Claim”, but not to “CLAIM”.
If it finds a match, Studio highlights the text. To move to the next occurrence of the found text, select Find Next
from the Search menu, or press F3.

170 Chapter 13, Using the Rules Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To find usages of an expression or statement

1. Place the cursor in an expression or statement within the currently selected view. Studio uses the text at the
cursor location as the search item. For example, if you place your cursor in the first word in the following
Studio searches for all usages of the word Activity.
2. Select Find Usages from the Search menu.

3. Select the scope for the search:

• Global - Searches for usages throughout all active resources.
• Current view - Searches for usages in the current view only.

Studio displays the results of a search in a Search pane at the bottom of the screen.

To find or replace text throughout the resource tree

1. Select a resource.

2. Select either Find in path… or Replace in path… from the Search menu, depending on your purpose.
• If you chose Find in path…, then you can search for text or all/part of a resource name.
• If you chose Replace in path…, then you can both search for and replace text. To replace text, enter the text
string on which to search, and its replacement in the appropriate fields. If Studio finds a text match, it
presents you with the option of replacing the text in this one match or in all matches it finds.
Notice that you have multiple options for the search. These include:
• Search all active resources - If checked, Studio searches for all active resources, not just the currently selected
• Search in view - If checked, Studio searches in the current view only.
• Case sensitive - If checked, Studio searches for an exact text string match, including capitalization.
• Regular expression - If checked, Studio uses the provided text string as a search pattern. For example, enter-
ing “[Cc]laim” matches to either “claim” or “Claim”, but not to “CLAIM”.
• Recursive search - If unchecked, Studio performs the search in the current node only. If checked Studio per-
forms the search in the current node and all its subnodes.
Studio displays the results of the search in a Search pane at the bottom of the screen.

Changing the Root Entity of a Rule

ClaimCenter bases each Gosu rule on a specific business entity. In general, the rule set name reflects this entity.
For example, in the Preupdate rule set category, you have Activity Preupdate rules and Contact Preupdate rules.
This indicates that the root entity for each rule set is—respectively—the Activity object and the Contact object.
You can also determine the root entity for a specific rule by using the Studio code completion functionality:
1. Create a sample line of code similar to the following:
var test =

2. Right-click after the = sign and select Complete Code from the menu. The Studio code completion functionality
provides the root entity. For example:
activity : Activity
contact : Contact

Note: You can also use CTRL-Space to access the Studio code completion functionality.
ClaimCenter provides the ability to change the root entity of a rule through the use of the right-click Change Root
Entity command on a rule set.

Chapter 13, Using the Rules Editor 171

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Why Change a Root Entity?

The intent of this command is to enable you to edit a rule that you otherwise cannot open in Studio as the decla-
rations failed to parse. Guidewire does not recommend the use of this command in other circumstances.
For example, suppose that you have the following sequence of events:
1. You create a new entity in ClaimCenter, for example, TestEntity. Studio creates a TestEntity.eti file and
places it in the following location:

2. You create a new rule set category called TestEntityRuleSetCategory in Rule Sets, setting TestEntity as the root
entity. Studio creates a new folder named TestEntityRuleSetCategory and places it in the following loca-

3. You create a new rule set under TestEntityRuleSetCategory named TestEntityRuleSet. Folder TestEntityRuleSetCategory
now contains the rule set definition file named TestEntityRuleSet.grs. This file contains the following
(simplified) Gosu code:
class TestEntityRuleSet extends gw.rules.RuleSetBase {
static function invoke(bean : entity.TestEntity) : gw.rules.ExecutionSession {
return invoke( new gw.rules.ExecutionSession(), bean )
Notice that the rule set definition explicitly invokes the root entity object: TestEntity.
4. You create one or more rules in this rule set that use TestEntity object, for example, TestEntityRule. Studio
creates a file that contains the following (simplified) Gosu code:
internal class TestEntityRule {
static function doCondition(testEntity : entity.TestEntity) : boolean {
return /*start00rule*/true/*end00rule*/
Notice that this definition file also references the TestEntity object.
5. Because of upgrade or other reasons, you rename your TestEntity object to TestEntityNew by changing the
file name to TestEntityNew.eti and updating the entity name in the XML entity definition:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity xmlns=""
entity="TestEntityNew" ... >
This action effectively removes the TestEntity object from the data model. This action does not remove
references to the entity that currently exist in the rules files.
6. You update the database by stopping and restarting the application server.

7. You stop and restart Studio.

As Studio reopens, it presents you with an error message dialog. The message states that Studio could not parse
the listed rule set files. It is at this point that you can use the Change Root Entity command to shift the root entity in
the rule files to the new root entity. After you do so, Studio recognizes the new root entity for these rule files.

To change the root entity of a rule

1. Select a rule set.

2. Right-click and select Change Root Entity for the drop-down menu. Studio prompts you for an entity name.

3. Enter the name of the new root entity.

After you supply a name:

• Studio performs a check to ensure that the name you supplied is a valid entity name.

172 Chapter 13, Using the Rules Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Studio replace occurrences of the old entity in the function declarations of all the files in the rule set with the
new entity. This only works, however, if the old root type was in fact an entity.
• Studio changes the name of the entity instance passed into the condition and action of each rule.
• Studio does not propagate the root entity change to the body of any affected rule. You must correct any code
that references the old entity manually.

IMPORTANT The intent of this command is to enable you to edit a rule that you otherwise cannot
open in Studio as the declarations failed to parse. Guidewire does not recommend the use of this
command in other circumstances.

Validating Rules and Gosu Code

Guidewire Studio provides several means to verify the validity of the rules and Gosu code that you construct.
The simplest and most visible is to view the validation status indicators located at the bottom of the right-most
Studio pane (or subpanes, for rules). The validation status indicates the following conditions:
• It shows green if the code you enter passes the Studio internal validation.
• It shows yellow if the code is valid but contains deprecated references.
• It shows red if the Gosu code does not pass validation.
If you enter non-valid code, Studio provides an error message next to the validation status indicator.

Making a Rule Active or Inactive

The Rule engine skips any inactive rule, acting as if its conditions are false. (This causes it to skip the child rules
of an inactive rule, also.) You can use this mechanism to temporarily disable a rule that is causing incorrect
behavior (or that is no longer needed) without deleting it. Sometimes, it is helpful to keep the unused rule around
in case you need that rule or something similar to it in the future.
Use the following menu command to make a rule active or inactive.

Command Description Actions you take

Rule → Active Toggles the rule active status Select a rule in center pane, then select Active from the Rule menu to
make it active. Active rules have a double check mark next to Active
in the Rule menu besides a check in the box next to the rule name in
the center pane.
You can also do the following:
• Check the box next to the rule to make it active.
• Uncheck the box next to the rule to make it inactive.

Chapter 13, Using the Rules Editor 173

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

174 Chapter 13, Using the Rules Editor

chapter 14

Using the Display Keys Editor

This topic discusses how to work with the display key editor that is available to you in Guidewire Studio.
This topic includes:
• “The Display Keys Editor” on page 175
• “Creating Display Keys in a Gosu Editor” on page 176
• “Retrieving the Value of a Display Key” on page 176

The Display Keys Editor

A DisplayKey represents a single user-viewable text string. Guidewire strongly recommends that any string
constant that can potentially reach the eyes of the user be kept as a DisplayKey rather than a hard-coded String
ClaimCenter stores each display key in a file. If there is no localization, ClaimCenter
stores this file in the following location:

However, if you do localize one or more display keys, then ClaimCenter uses additional
files, one for each locale that you create. See “Localizing Display Keys” on page 483 for more information.
ClaimCenter represents display keys within a hierarchical name space.
• Within Studio, this translates to a tree structure with expandable nodes.
• Within, this translates into a “.” separating the levels of the hierarchy.
Within the Display Keys editor, Studio does the following automatically:
• It sorts display keys alphabetically—both at the root level and at the package level—as you create the display
• It removes empty display keys—those for which no value was set—upon a save operation.
Studio does not, however, save changes made in the Display Keys editor automatically. You must explicitly save
your work. Studio saves your work automatically, however, if you navigate to a different editor.

Chapter 14, Using the Display Keys Editor 175

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In Studio, you access the Display Keys editor by selecting its node in the Resources tree. You can also place your
cursor in a text string and press ALT-Enter to open the Create Display Key dialog.
Using the Display Keys editor, you can do the following:

Task Actions

View a display key Navigate to the display key that you want to view by expanding nodes. To nar-
row your search, enter a path in the Filter box. For example, if you type
Validation. (with the dot), ClaimCenter displays multiple choices for

Modify the text of an existing display key Select the display key that you want to modify, then modify the string in the text
box as desired. (ClaimCenter does not save your work automatically unless
you navigate to a different editor.)
Create a new display key Select the root path of the new display key, then click to open the Create Dis-
play Key dialog. Enter the display key name and default value. To add a new
root, open the Create Display Key dialog, delete the existing root, and enter a
new root.
Delete an existing display key Select the display key that you want to delete and click to remove it.
Localize an existing display key Select a different locale and enter the localized text. See “Localizing Display
Keys” on page 483.

Creating Display Keys in a Gosu Editor

You can also immediately create a display key from within a Gosu editor by entering a string literal. As you do
so, Studio queries you as to your intention. (Studio also displays a wavy line beneath a text string for which you
can create a display key.) If you press ALT-Enter, Studio opens the Create Display Key dialog, from which you can
create a display key directly.
For example, suppose that you enter the following in the Rule Actions pane in the Rule editor:
var errorString = “SendFailed”

Studio displays a wavy line under the “SendFailed” string. If you press ALT-Enter, Studio opens the Create
Display Key dialog and populates the Display Key Name field with the string text that you entered in the Rule editor.
The dialog contains a text entry field in which you can enter the localized text for the string that you entered in
the Rule editor.
After you enter the text and click OK, Studio shows the following in the Rule editor:
var errorString = displaykey.SendFailed

If you want to enter multiple entries for multiple locales, then select the Specify values for each locale checkbox. You
can enter a localized string for each locale that exists in Guidewire ClaimCenter.
You can find the new display key by entering its name in the Studio Display Keys editor filter.

See Also
• “Localizing Display Keys” on page 483

Retrieving the Value of a Display Key

Some display keys contain a place holder argument or parameter, designated by {}. ClaimCenter replaces each of
these parameters with actual values at run-time. For example, in the file, you see the
Java.Activities.Error.CannotPerformAction = You do not have permission to perform actions on the
following activities\: {0}.

176 Chapter 14, Using the Display Keys Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Thus, at run-time, ClaimCenter replaces {0} with the appropriate value, in this case, the name of an activity.
Occasionally, there are display keys that contain multiple arguments. For example:
Java.Admin.User.InvalidGroupAdd = The group {0} cannot be added for the user {1}
as they do not belong to the same organization.

Class displaykey
Use the displaykey class to return the value of the display key. Use the following syntax:
displaykey.[path to display key].[display key name]

For example:

User has duplicate roles

This also works with display keys that require a parameter or parameters. To retrieve the parameter value, use the
following syntax.
displaykey.[path to display key].[display key name](arg1)

For example, file defines the following display key with placeholder {0}:
Java.UserDetail.Delete.IsSupervisorError = Cannot delete user because that user is the supervisor
of the following groups\: {0}

Suppose that you have the following display key code:

displaykey.Java.UserDetail.Delete.IsSupervisorError( GroupName )

If you have already retrieved a value for GroupName, this display key returns the following:
Cannot delete user because they are supervisor of the following groups: WesternRegion

The same syntax works with multiple arguments as well:

displaykey.[path to display key].[display key name](arg1, arg2, ...)

Chapter 14, Using the Display Keys Editor 177

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

178 Chapter 14, Using the Display Keys Editor

part IV

Data Model Configuration

chapter 15

Working with the Data Dictionary

Guidewire provides the Data Dictionary as a tool to use to understand and visualize the ClaimCenter data model.
The Data Dictionary is a detailed set of linked documentation in HTML format. These linked HTML pages
contain information on all the data entities and typelists that make up the current data model. The Data
Dictionary also includes information on associated fields and their attributes for the data entities and data exten-
sion entities.
This topic includes:
• “What is the Data Dictionary?” on page 181
• “What Can You View in the Data Dictionary?” on page 182
• “Using the Data Dictionary” on page 183

What is the Data Dictionary?

The Data Dictionary documents all the entities and typelists in your ClaimCenter installation. Provided that you
regenerate it following any customizations to the data model, the dictionary documents both the base
ClaimCenter data model and your extensions to it. Using the Data Dictionary, you can view information about
each entity, such as fields and attributes on it.
You must manually generate the Data Dictionary after you install Guidewire ClaimCenter. Guidewire strongly
recommends that you perform this task as part of the installation process. Also, as you extend the data model, it
is important that you regenerate the Data Dictionary as needed in order to view your extensions to the data
To generate the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary, run the following command from the ClaimCenter/bin directory:
gwcc regen-dictionary

ClaimCenter stores the current version of the Data Dictionary in the following directory:

To view the Data Dictionary, open the following file:


Chapter 15, Working with the Data Dictionary 181

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

See also
• “Regenerating the Data Dictionary and Security Dictionary” on page 32 for instructions on how to regenerate
these dictionaries.

What Can You View in the Data Dictionary?

IMPORTANT If you use a third-party tool to edit ClaimCenter configuration files, Guidewire recom-
mends that you work with one that fully supports UTF-8 file encoding. If the editing tool does not
handle UTF-8 characters correctly, it can create errors that you then see in the Guidewire Data
Dictionary. This is not an issue with the Data Dictionary. It occurs only if the third-party tool cannot
handle UTF-8 values correctly.

After you open the Data Dictionary (at ClaimCenter/build/dictionary/data/index.html), Guidewire pres-
ents you with multiple choices. For example, you can choose to view either Data Entities or Data Entities (Conversion

The standard and conversion views are similar but not identical. You use each for a different purpose. In general:
• Use the standard view to view a full set of entities associated with the ClaimCenter application and the
columns, typekeys, arrays and foreign keys associated with each entity. “Using the Data Dictionary” on
page 183 discusses the standard Data Dictionary view in more detail.
• Use the conversion view to assist you in converting data from a legacy application. This view provides a
subset of the information in the standard view of the application entities that is more useful for those working
on the conversion of legacy data.

The Conversion View of the Data Dictionary

The standard Data Dictionary view separates out entity subtypes from the main entity supertype. In brief, a
supertype relates to a subtype in a parent-child relationship. For example, if a Contact data entity is the super-
type, then Person and Company are examples of its subtypes. Thus, an entity subtype inherits the characteristics
of its supertype and adds individual variations particular to it.
This separation into supertype and subtype is not particularly useful for data conversion (the process of
importing data into ClaimCenter from an external legacy application). Therefore, the conversion view of the
Data Dictionary differs from the standard view in the following respects:
1. The conversion view displays subtype fields interspersed with supertype fields. For example:
• fieldA
• fieldB (only for subtype XYX)
• fieldC (only for subtype DFG)
• fieldD

2. The conversion view does not show virtual fields or virtual arrays.

3. The conversion view does not show non-loadable columns. For example, it does not show createUserID or

4. The conversion view omits any non-persistent entities.

5. The conversion view omits entities that are persistent but non-loadable. For example, Group is not loadable.
Therefore, the conversion view does not display it.

182 Chapter 15, Working with the Data Dictionary

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Using the Data Dictionary

You use the Data Dictionary to do the following:
• To determine what a field means that you see in a data view definition.
• To see what fields are available to add to a view, or to use in rules, or to export in an integration template, and
• To view the list of options for an associated typekey field. (See “What is a Typelist?” on page 315 for infor-
mation on typelists.)
You navigate the dictionary like a web site, with links leading you to associated pages. You can use the Back and
Forward controls of your browser to take you to previously visited pages. Within the Data Dictionary, you have
the option to navigate to the Data model or the Typelists views. If you click Data model, ClaimCenter displays a left-
side pane listing all of the entities in ClaimCenter. Then, on the right-side, ClaimCenter displays a pane that
shows the details of the selected item in the left-side pane.
Within the details of an object, you can follow links to related objects or view the allowed values for a typelist.
The following topics describe:
• Object Attributes
• Entity Subtypes
• Data Column and Field Types
• Virtual Properties on Data Entities

Object Attributes
An object in the ClaimCenter data model can have a number of special attributes assigned to it. These attributes
describe the object (or entity) further. You use the Data Dictionary to see what these are. For example, the
Transaction entity has the attributes Abstract, Editable, Extendable, Keyed, Loadable, Sourceable, Supertype, and Version-

Chapter 15, Working with the Data Dictionary 183

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following list describes the possible attributes:

Attribute Description

Abstract The entity is a supertype. However, all instances of it must be one of its subtypes. That is, you cannot instanti-
ate the supertype entity itself. An abstract entity is appropriate if the supertype serves only to collect logic or
common fields, but does not make sense to exist on its own.
Editable The related database table contains rows that you can edit. An Editable table manages additional fields that
track the immediate status of an entity in the table. For example, it tracks who created it and the time, and who
last edited it and the time.
Extendable It is possible to extend the entity with additional custom fields added to it.
Final It is not possible to subtype this entity. You can, however, extend it by adding fields to it.
Keyed The entity has a related database table that has a primary key. Each row in a Keyed table has an integer pri-
mary key named ID. ClaimCenter manages these IDs internally, and the application ensures that no two rows
in a keyed table have the same ID. You can also associate an external unique identifier with each row in a
Loadable It is possible to load the entity through the use of staging tables.
Sourceable The entity links to an external source. Each row in a table for a Sourceable entity has additional fields to iden-
tify the external application and store the ID of the Sourceable entity in the external application.
Supertype The entity has a single table that represents multiple types of entities, called subtypes. Each subtype shares
application logic and a majority of its fields. Each subtype can also define fields that are particular to it.
Temporary The entity is a temporary entity created as part of an upgrade or staging table loading. ClaimCenter deletes
the entity after the operation is complete.
Versionable The entity has a version number that increases every time the entity changes. The ClaimCenter cache uses
the version number to determine if updates have been made to an entity.

Note: To view the definition of a particular attribute, click the tiny question mark (?) by the attribute name
in the attribute list in the Guidewire Data Dictionary.

Entity Subtypes
If you look at Contact in the Guidewire Data Dictionary, for example, you see that data dictionary lists a number
of subtypes. For certain ClaimCenter objects, you can think of the object in several different ways:
• As a generic object. That is, all contacts are similar in many ways.
• As a specific version or subtype of that object. For example, you would want to capture and display different
information about companies than about people.
ClaimCenter creates Contact object subtypes by having a base set of shared fields common to all contacts and
then extra fields that exist only for the subtype.
ClaimCenter also looks at the subtype as it decides which fields to show in the ClaimCenter interface. You can
check which subtype a contact is by looking at its subtype field (for example, in a Gosu rule or class).

Data Column and Field Types

You can use the Data Dictionary to view the type of each object field. The following list describes some of the
possible field types on an object:

Type Description

array Represents a one-to-many relationship, for example, contact to addresses. There is no actual column in
the database table that maps to the array. ClaimCenter stores this information in the metadata.
column As the name specifies, it Indicates a column in the database.
foreign key References a keyable entity. For example, Policy has a foreign key (AccountID) to the related
account on the policy, found in the Account entity.

184 Chapter 15, Working with the Data Dictionary

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Type Description

typekey Represents a discrete value picked from a particular list, called a typelist.
virtual property Indicates a derived property. ClaimCenter does not store virtual properties in the ClaimCenter physical

Virtual Properties on Data Entities

The Data Dictionary lists certain entity properties as virtual. ClaimCenter does not store virtual properties in the
ClaimCenter physical database. Instead, it derives a virtual property through a method, a concatenation of other
fields, or from a pointer (foreign key) to a field that resides elsewhere.
For example, if you view the Account entity in the Data Dictionary (for PolicyCenter), you see the following
next to the AccountContactRoleStubypes field:
Derived property returning gw.api.database.IQueryResult (virtual property)

The following examples illustrate some of the various ways that Guidewire applications determine a virtual
property. The examples use the ClaimCenter application for illustration.

Virtual Property Based on a ForeignKey

Claim.BenefitsDecisionReason is a virtual property that simply pulls its value from the cc_claimtext table,
which stores ClaimText.ClaimTextType = BenefitsDecisionReason. It returns a mediumtext value. The other
fields in cc_claimtext and cc_exposuretext work in a similar fashion.

Virtual Property Based on an Associated Role

Claim.claimant is a virtual property that retrieves the Contact associated with the Claim with the
ClaimContactRole of claimant. It returns a Person value.

Virtual Property Based on a Typelist

Contact.PrimaryPhoneValue is a virtual property that calculates its return value based on the value from
Contact.PrimaryPhone. It retrieves the telephone number stored in the field represented by that typekey. This
can be one of the following:
• Contact.HomePhone
• Contact.WorkPhone
• Person.CellPhone

It returns a phone value.

Chapter 15, Working with the Data Dictionary 185

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

186 Chapter 15, Working with the Data Dictionary

chapter 16

The ClaimCenter Data Model

This topic describes the data objects (entities) that Guidewire provides as part of the base data model configura-
This topic includes:
• “What Is the Data Model?” on page 187
• “Overview of Data Entities” on page 189
• “Base ClaimCenter Data Objects” on page 196
• “Data Object Subelements” on page 209

What Is the Data Model?

At its simplest, the Guidewire data model is merely an XML-formatted list of entities and typelists.

Entities Each entity has a set of fields defined for it. You can add the following kinds of fields to an entity:
• Column
• Type key
• Array
• Foreign key

Typelists A typelist is a list of predefined code/value pairs (also called type codes) that you can apply to the fields
on an entity. There are several different types:
• Internal typelists - You cannot modify internal typelists as the application depends upon them for inter-
nal application logic.
• Extendable typelists - You can modify this kind of typelist according to its schema definition.
• Custom typelists - You can also create custom typelists for use on new fields on existing entities or for
use with new entities.

Guidewire ClaimCenter loads the application metadata files on startup. This instantiates the data model as a
collection of columns and rows in the database that interact with Java or Gosu objects in the application domain.

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 187

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Data Model in Guidewire Application Architecture

Guidewire applications employ a metadata approach to data objects. ClaimCenter uses metadata about applica-
tion domain objects to drive both database persistence objects and the Gosu and Java interfaces to these objects.
This architecture provides enormous power to extend Guidewire application capabilities. Typically, you alter
enterprise-level software applications through customization, wherein you change the behavior of the software
by editing the code itself. In contrast, a Guidewire application uses XML files that provide default behavior,
permissions and objects in the base configuration. You change the behavior of the application by modifying the
base XML files and by creating Gosu business rules, classes, enhancements, and other objects.

The Base Data Model

One trade-off for this configurability is that it does require an extensive understanding of the application’s base
data model. The base data model specifies the entities, fields, and other definitions that comprise a default instal-
lation of ClaimCenter.
For example, in its base data model, ClaimCenter defines a Claim entity and several fields on it such as
ClaimNumber, LossDate, and Description.

Guidewire expressly designed ClaimCenter so that you can change the base data model to accommodate your
business needs. You define changes to the data model through XML files. ClaimCenter stores these files in the
following application directory

However, you always access the data model files through ClaimCenter Studio.
Guidewire calls these changes data model extensions. For example, you can extend the data model by adding
new fields to the User entity, or you can create entirely new entities. The complete ClaimCenter data model
consists of a base model combined with any custom data model extensions that you create.

WARNING Do not attempt to modify any files other than those in the ClaimCenter/modules/
configuration directory. Any attempt to modify files outside of this directory can cause damage to the
ClaimCenter application sufficient to prevent the application from starting thereafter.

Using Dot Notation

There are many places within ClaimCenter that you need information about fields within the application, espe-
cially while you configure ClaimCenter. For example, within Gosu (either a business rule, or class or enhance-
ment), there can be a need to check the owner of an assignable object. Or, there can be a need to check the date
and time of object creation. ClaimCenter provides an easy and consistent method of referring to fields within the
data model, using relative references based on a root object.
The root object is the starting point for any field reference. It is easiest to understand what a root object is by
considering an example. If you run Gosu rules on a claim, the claim is the root object and you can access
anything that relates to this claim. On the other hand, if you run an assignment rule for an activity, the activity is
the root object. In this case, you have access to fields that relate to the activity, including the claim associated
with the activity.
Guidewire applications uses dot notation for relative references. This is mostly likely familiar to people with
experience in object-oriented programming languages. For example, assume that your Guidewire application has
Claim as the root object. For a simple reference to a field on the claim such as LossDate, you simply use:

188 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

However, suppose that you want to reference a field on an entity that relates to the claim, such as the policy expi-
ration date. You must first describe the path from the claim to the policy, then describe the path from the policy to
to the expiration date of the policy:

Overview of Data Entities

Data entities are the high-level business objects used by ClaimCenter, such as a Claim, Exposure, or Policy. An
entity serves as the root object for data views, rules, Gosu classes, and most other data-related areas of
ClaimCenter. Guidewire defines a set of data objects in the base ClaimCenter configuration from which it derives
all other objects and entities. For many of the Guidewire base entities, you can also create entity extensions that
enhance the base entities and provide additions required to support your particular business needs. In some cases,
you can even define entirely new entities.

Data Object Files

WARNING Do not modify any of the base data object definitions. You can invalidate your installa-
tion and prevent it from starting thereafter. You can view these files (in read-only mode) in Studio in
the Data Model Extensions folder. Studio displays a dim (less bright) icon for those files that are read-only
and which you must never modify. In particular, never attempt to modify any file in the Data Model Exten-
sions → metadata folder.

To better understand the syntax of the object or entity metadata, it is sometimes helpful to look at the
ClaimCenter base data model definitions. ClaimCenter defines each base entity (and extension entity) in its own
separate metadata file. The file extension of the metadata file depends on the entity type. The file extension of the
metadata file determines its purpose, according to the following table.

Extension Meaning Contains Entity type

.dti Data Type Info A single data type definition. datatype

.eix Entity Internal eXtension A single entity internal extension for internalExtension
use by Guidewire only.
.eti Entity Type Information A single entity declaration. The name component
of the file corresponds to the name of delegate
the entity. entity
.etx Entity Type eXtension A single entity extension. extension
.tix Typelist Internal eXtension A single typelist extension for use by internalTypelistExtension
Guidewire only.
.tti Typelist Type Info A single typelist declaration. The typelist
name of the file corresponds to the
name of the typelist.
.ttx Typelist Type eXtension A single typelist extension. typelistExtension

The following list describes the location of the metadata declaration files.

File type Location

.dti cc/config/datatypes
.eix cc/config/metadata

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 189

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

File type Location

.eti cc/config/extensions
.etx cc/config/extensions
.tix cc/config/metadata
.tti cc/config/extensions
.ttx cc/config/extensions

Example Activity Files

For example, in the base configuration, ClaimCenter defines the following files, all of which relate to the
Activity entity:

File Location Purpose

Activity.eti pl/config/metadata Main entity definition, not modifiable.
Activity.eix cc/config/metadata Internal entity extension, not modifiable.
Activity.etx cc/config/extensions Guidewire entity extension. You cannot modify this entity
definition. You can, however, override certain attributes of
the entity definition by creating your own Activity.etx

If you extend the Activity entity, then you need to create the following extension file through Guidewire Studio.

File Location Purpose

Activity.etx configuration/config/extensions User-created entity extension. You can both create an
entity extension of this type and you can modify an exist-
ing one.
WARNING Any entity declaration file that you create,
you need to create through Guidewire Studio to ensure
that it resides in the correct location. If you attempt to man-
ually create entity declaration files and do so incorrectly,
you can invalidate your Guidewire installation.

You define data entities through XML elements in the metadata files. The root element of an entity definition
specifies the kind of entity, and any attributes that apply. Subelements of the entity define the entity components,
such as columns (fields) and foreign keys.

The Metadata Directory

The metadata directory contains the data model definitions that make up the Guidewire base data model. This
directory is a multi-directory. This means that Guidewire merges all versions of a file in all module directories
called metadata to create the complete file. A metadata directory contains the following files types:
• Declaration files (those with file extensions *.eti and *.tti) can appear only a single time in any of the
metadata directories.
• Internal extension files (those with file extensions *.eix or *.tix) can appear only a single time in any of the
metadata directories.

190 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Extensions Directory

The configuration/config/extensions directory contains the data model definitions that make up your exten-
sions to the Guidewire base data model. This directory is a virtual directory. This means that Studio uses all the
files in the extensions directories from all the various modules. However, if a file appears twice, then Studio
uses the one in the highest module and ignores all the others. In this way, you can create an extension that over-
rides a Guidewire base configuration entity extensions.

The ‘’ File

In general, if you change the data model (by creating entity extensions, for example), Guidewire ClaimCenter
performs a database upgrade the next time you start the application server. However, it is possible to force
ClaimCenter to perform a database upgrade without changing any of the data model .etx files.
The Data Model → extensions folder contains an file that contains a single numeric prop-
erty. After a database upgrade, ClaimCenter stores the value of this property in the database. At application
server start up, ClaimCenter checks the value of the property in the extensions file against the value in the data-
base. If the two values do not match, ClaimCenter performs a database upgrade.
Thus, to force a database upgrade, increment the value in the extensions file. This action instructs ClaimCenter
to perform a database upgrade.
The use of in a development environment is optional. However, in a production envi-
ronment, it is mandatory that you increment the version number if you make changes to the data model and
restart the application server.

See Also
• For information on how Guidewire ClaimCenter creates merged virtual directories and the directory hier-
archy in general, see “ClaimCenter Configuration Files” on page 88.
• For a discussion of exactly how Guidewire determines the highest-level module, see “How ClaimCenter
Interprets Modules” on page 89.

Working with Data Object Files

In working with data object files, you typically want to perform the following operations:
• Search for an existing data object or entity
• Create a new data object
• Extend an existing data object
The following steps describe these procedures.

To search for an entity

1. Within Guidewire Studio, press CTRL-N. This action opens the Enter type name dialog.

2. Enter the name of the object or entity that you want to find. Studio displays a list of matching entries that start
with the character string you entered.
3. Pay close attention to the file extension. For example, if you enter Activity, Studio displays a number of
matches, including Activity.eti and Activity.etx. These are two very different files. Ensure that you are
select the correct file.

To create a new data object

1. Within Guidewire Studio, highlight Data Model Extensions → extensions.

2. Right-click and select New → Other file from the submenu.

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 191

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

3. Enter the name of the object or entity and enter the .eti file extension. You must add the file extension your-
self. Studio does not add it for you.
Studio creates an empty file and places it in the extensions folder in Studio. Guidewire ClaimCenter stores this file
in the application file structure in the following location.

To extend an existing data object

1. Within Guidewire Studio, do either of the following:

a. Open Data Model Extensions → extensions and select the entity that you wish to extend.

b. Press CTRL-N and search for the entity that you want to extend.

IMPORTANT You must select the entity name that ends with the .eti file extension.

2. Right-click on the entity that you want to extend and select Create extension file from the submenu. Studio
creates a skeleton version of the file and displays it in a view tab.
Studio creates the file and places it in the extensions folder in Studio. Guidewire ClaimCenter stores this file in the
application file structure in the following location.

Important Reminders
As you work with the data objects, remember the following:
• If you are extending an existing entity, always select the .eti version of the entity and then choose Create new
• If you are creating a new entity, always choose New → Other file and add the .eti file extension.
• If you are modifying an existing entity, use CTRL-N to find the entity and always modify the .etx version in
the extensions folder.

ClaimCenter Data Objects

ClaimCenter uses metadata XML files to define all entities (data objects). ClaimCenter stores the base data
object definitions in datamodel.xsd. You never need modify this file. You can view a read-only version of this
file in the Data Model Extensions folder in Studio.

WARNING Do not attempt to modify datamodel.xsd. You can invalidate your ClaimCenter installa-
tion and prevent it from starting thereafter. You can view a read-only version of this file in Studio in the
Data Model Extensions folder.

File datamodel.xsd defines the following:

• The set of allowable or valid data objects
• The attributes associated with each data object
• The allowable subelements on each data object
All ClaimCenter objects (or entities) must correspond to its definition in datamodel.xsd.
Using XML files, Guidewire defines a data entity as a particular data object, as a root element in an XML file
that bears its name. For example, Guidewire defines the Activity object with the following Activity.eti file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity xmlns=""
desc="An activity is a instance of work assigned to a user and belonging to a claim."

192 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


At application server start up, ClaimCenter loads the XML definitions of the data objects into the application

Editing XML Data Object Files

WARNING Do not modify any of the base data object definitions. You can invalidate your installa-
tion and prevent it from starting thereafter. You can view these files (in read-only mode) in Studio in
the Data Model Extensions folder. Studio displays a dim (less bright) icon for those files that are read-only
and which you must never modify. In particular, never attempt to modify any file in the Data Model Exten-
sions → metadata folder. If you create a new extension file manually, you must place it in the proper
modules/configuration/config/extensions folder.

It is possible to configure Studio to open .xml files directly in an XML editor that is external to Guidewire
Studio. To facilitate this process, Guidewire provides an XML attribute named xmlns. The xmlns attribute
defines the namespace for the XML elements in the file. This namespace (analogous to a package in Java) serves
to further qualify a class name, primarily to avoid collisions between like-named elements from other schemas.
You can configure many XML editors to associate a namespace with an XSD. However, merely defining the
namespace within Guidewire ClaimCenter is not sufficient to inform the XML editor which XSD to use in vali-
dating an XML document. You must configure the XML editor manually to associate the namespace with the

IMPORTANT The xmlns attribute is currently optional. However, Guidewire strongly recommends
that you add it to your entity and typelist files as Guidewire reserves the right to make this attribute
required in the future.

Entity files. Use the following for entity files (.eti and .etx):
<entity xmlns="" ...

Typelist files. Use the following for typelist files (.tti and .ttx):
<typelist xmlns="" ...

IMPORTANT If you use a third-party tool to edit ClaimCenter configuration files, Guidewire recom-
mends that you work with one that fully supports UTF-8 file encoding. If the editing tool does not
handle UTF-8 characters correctly, it can create errors. For XML files, it is possible to use a different
file encoding, as long as you specify it in the XML prolog. For all other files, use UTF-8.

See Also
• “Configuring External Editors” on page 101

Data Objects and the Application Database

Guidewire defines each base data object or entity as a root XML element in the file that bears its name. For
example, Guidewire defines the Activity data object in Activity.eti:
<entity xmlns=""

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 193

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Notice that for the base configuration Activty object, Guidewire sets the type attribute to retireable. This
type attribute that determines how Guidewire ClaimCenter manages the data object in the ClaimCenter database.
For example:
• If a data object has a type value of versionable, ClaimCenter stores that object in the database with a
specific ID and version number.
• If a data object has a type value of retireable, ClaimCenter stores that object in the database forever.
However, you can retire or hide the object so that ClaimCenter does not display the object in the interface.

IMPORTANT For each data object in the base configuration and for each entity or object that you
create, ClaimCenter automatically generates a field named ID that is of data type key. This is the inter-
nally managed primary key for the object. Do not attempt to create objects of data type key. This is for
Guidewire internal use only. Guidewire also reserves the exclusive use of the following additional data
types: foreignkey, typekey, and typelistkey.

The following table lists the possible values for the entity type attribute. Use only those attribute marked as
general use to create or extend an data object. Do not attempt to create or extend an entity with a type attribute
marked as Internal-use.

Type attribute Usage Description

editable Internal use An editable entity is a versionable entity. ClaimCenter automatically stores
the version number of an editable entity. In addition to the standard versionable
attributes of version and ID, an editable entity has the following additional
• CreateUser and CreateTime
• UpdateUser and UpdateTime

Guidewire recommends that you do not attempt to create an entity with a type
attribute of editable.
joinarray Internal use A joinarray entity works in a similar manner to a versionable entity.
Guidewire recommends that you do not use this entity type. Use versionable
keyable Internal use A keyable entity that has an ID, but it is not editable. It is possible to delete enti-
ties of this type from the database. Guidewire recommends that you do not use
this entity type. Use versionable instead.
nonkeyable Internal use An entity that does not have a key. Use this type of entity in a reference or
lookup table, for example. It is possible to delete entities of this type from the
Guidewire recommends that you do not attempt to create an entity with a type
attribute of nonkeyable.
purgeable Internal use An editable entity that you can purge from the system. You do not delete
objects of this type from the database. Rather, you mark them as retired.
Guidewire recommends that you do not attempt to create an entity with a type
attribute of purgeable.

194 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Type attribute Usage Description

retireable General use The retireable entity is an extension of the editable entity, and is the most
common type of entity. Most base entities are of this type.
After ClaimCenter adds an instance of a retireable data object to the data-
base, ClaimCenter never deletes the object. Instead, ClaimCenter retires the
object. For example, if you select a retireable object in a list view and then
click Delete, ClaimCenter preserves the data in the database. However,
ClaimCenter inserts an integer in the Retired column for the row represented
by that object. Any non-zero value in the Retired column indicates that
ClaimCenter considers the object retired.
ClaimCenter automatically creates the following fields for a retireable entity:
• ID and PublicID
• CreateUser and CreateTime
• UpdateUser and UpdateTime
• Retired
• BeanVersion

These are the same fields as those ClaimCenter creates for the editable
object, with the addition of Retired property.
versionable General use An entity that has a version and ID. Entities of this type can detect concurrent
updates. In general practice, Guidewire recommends that you use this entity
type instead of keyable. Versionable extends keyable.
It is possible to delete entities of this type from the database.

Data Objects and Scriptability

Guidewire defines scriptability as the ability of code to set (write) or get (read) a scriptable item such as a prop-
erty (column) on an entity. To do so, you set the following attributes:
• getterScriptability
• setterScriptabiliy

The following table lists the different types of scriptability:

Type Description
all Exposed in Gosu, wherever Gosu is valid, for example, in rules and PCF files
doesNotExist Not exposed in Gosu
hidden Not exposed in Gosu

If you do not specifiy a scriptability annotation, then ClaimCenter defaults to a scriptability of all.

IMPORTANT There are subtle differences in how ClaimCenter treats entities and fields marked as
doesNotExist and hidden. However, these differences relate to internal ClaimCenter code. For your
purpose, these two annotations behave in an identical manner, meaning any entity or field that uses one
of these annotations does not show in Gosu code. In general, there is no need for you to use either one
of these annotations.

Scriptability Behavior on Entities

If you set setterScriptability at the entity level (if you set the value to hidden or doesNotExist), then
Guidewire does not generate constructors for the entity. In essence, this means that you cannot create a new

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 195

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

instance of the entity in Gosu. Within the ClaimCenter data model, you can set the following scriptability annota-
tion on <entity> objects:

Object Set (write) Get (read)

<entity> Yes No1

1. <entity> does not contain a getterScriptability attribute.

Scriptability Behavior on Fields (Columns)

If you set setterScriptability at the field level, then the value that you set controls the writability of the asso-
ciated property in Gosu. Within the ClaimCenter data model, you can set the following scriptability annotation
on fields on <entity> objects:

Field Set (write) Get (read)

<array> Yes Yes

<column> Yes Yes
<edgeForeignKey> Yes Yes
<foreignkey> Yes Yes
<onetoone> Yes Yes
<typekey> Yes Yes

Base ClaimCenter Data Objects

All ClaimCenter objects exist as one of the base data objects or as a subtype of a base object. The following table
lists the data objects that Guidewire defines in the base ClaimCenter configuration.

Data object Extension Folder

<component> .eti metadata, extensions
<delegate> .eti metadata, extensions
<deleteEntity> .eti extensions
<entity> .eti metadata, extensions
<extension> .etx extensions
<nonPersistentEntity> .eti metadata, extensions
<subtype> .eti metadata, extensions
<viewEntity> .eti metadata
<viewEntityExtension> .etx extensions

IMPORTANT There is an additional data object, <internalExtension>, that Guidewire uses for
internal purposes. Do not attempt to create or extend this type of data entity.

Component Data Objects

A Component data object is similar to a compound property in that it represents a group of fields that all go
together. Guidewire defines this object in the data model metadata files as the <component> root XML element.
Note: ClaimCenter stores all database columns on the Component entity on the parent entity.

196 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Example Implementation
Suppose that you define a MoneyComponent data object that represents a monetary amount. The XML definition
of the <component> element includes the following subelements:
• a <column> element that represents the numeric amount
• a <typekey> element that represents the currency type
The following example illustrates the monetary amount component named MoneyComponent.
<component name="MoneyComponent">
<column name="Amount" type="money"/>
<typekey name="Currency" typelist="Currency"/>

Note: If you need to reference a Component object from another data object, then use the element
<componentref> element to create an instance of the component. For an example of how to use the
<componentref> element, see “<componentref>” on page 216.

Attributes of <component>
The <component> element contains the following attributes. A value of Internal indicates that although the
attribute exists, Guidewire uses it for internal purposes only.

<component> attributes Description Default

javaClass Internal. None
name Required. None

Subelements on <component>
The <component> element contains the following subelements:

subelements Description
column See “<column>” on page 212.
foreignkey See “<foreignkey>” on page 220.
fulldescription See “<fulldescription>” on page 223.
typekey See “<typekey>” on page 229.

Delegate Data Objects

A Delegate data object is a reusable entity that contains an interface and a default implementation of that inter-
face. This permits an entity to implement an interface while delegating the implementation of that interface to
another class, that of the delegate. You often use a delegate with objects that share code. The delegate imple-
ments the code rather than each class duplicating the shared code. Thus, a delegate is an entity associated with an
implemented interface that multiple parent entities can reuse.
Guidewire defines this object in the data model metadata files as the <delegate> XML root element. You can
both extend existing delegates (if a delegate is marked as extendable) and create your own delegates.
Note: As with the Component data object, ClaimCenter stores all database columns on the Delegate entity
on the parent entity.

Implementing Delegate Objects

To implement most delegate objects, you merely need to add the following to an entity definition or extension.
<implementsEntity name=”SomeDelegate”/>

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 197

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

For example, in the base configuration, the Account entity implements the Validatable delegate using the
<entity entity="Account" ... >
<implementsEntity name="Validatable"/>

It is possible for an entity to implement multiple delegates, just as a Gosu or Java class can implement multiple
Delegates that you can not implement directly. There are some delegates that you cannot implement directly
through the use of the <implementsEntity> element. They are:
• Versionable
• KeyableBean
• Editable
• Retireable

Instead of using the <implementsEntity> element, you specify these delegate using the type attribute on the
entity declaration. The basic syntax looks similar to the following:
<entity name=”SomeEntity” ... type=”SomeDelegate”>

For example, in the base configuration, the Account entity also implements the Retirable delegate by setting the
entity type attribute to retireable.
<entity entity="Account" ... type=”retireable”>
<implementsEntity name="Validatable"/>

Delegates that you cannot implement through extension. Guidewire does not permit you to extend base entities
(those that Guidewire provides in the base configuration) with certain delegates. These delegates determine the
graph to which an entity belongs. Guidewire sets these delegates carefully in the base configuration and you
cannot change them thereafter. These delegates include the following:
• Extractable

IMPORTANT Do not attempt to change the graph to which a Guidewire base entity belongs through
extension. In other words, do not attempt to change the delegate that a Guidewire base entity imple-
ments through an extension entity using <implementsEntity>. ClaimCenter generates an error if you
attempt to do so.

See Also
• For an example of how to create a delegate object, see “Creating a New Delegate Object” on page 241.
• For a discussion of working with delegates in Gosu classes, see “Using Gosu Composition” on page 195 in
the Gosu Reference Guide.

Attributes of <delegate>
The <delegate> element contains the following attributes.

IMPORTANT The requires attribute on <delegate> is strongly interlinked with the adapter attribute
on <implementsEntity>. See that element discussion for details.

<delegate> attributes Description Default

base Internal. False

extendable Internal. False

javaClass Internal.The Java class that provides an implementation of the interface. None
name Required. None

198 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<delegate> attributes Description Default

requires Optional. Specifies an interface for which the implementors of this delegate None
must provide an implementation. By implementors, Guidewire means those
entities that refer to the delegate using <implementsEntity>.
IMPORTANT This attribute is inter-related with the adapter attributes on
• If you specify a value for the requires attribute, then the implementors of
this delegate must specify a value for the adapter attribute on
<implementsEntity>. The value of the adapter attribute must be the name
of a type that implements the interface specified by the requires attribute of
the associated delegate.
• If you do not specify a value for the requires attribute, then the implemen-
tors must not specify an adapter attribute on <implementsEntity>.

Subelements on <delegate>
The <delegate> element contains the following subelements.

<delegate> subelements Description

column See “<column>” on page 212.
datetimeordering Internal.
foreignkey See “<foreignkey>” on page 220.
fulldescription See “<fulldescription>” on page 223.
implementsEntity See “<implementsEntity>” on page 224.
implementsInterface See “<implementsInterface>” on page 225.
index See “<index>” on page 226.
param A parameter to pass as an argument to a delegate. It contains the following attributes:
• name (use = required)
• required (default = False)

typekey See “<typekey>” on page 229.

Guidewire Recommendations
Guidewire recommends that you use delegates in the following scenarios:
• Implementing a Common Interface
• Subtyping Without Single-Table Inheritance
• Using Entity Polymorphism

Implementing a Common Interface

Guidewire recommends that you use a delegate if you want both of the following:
• If you want to have multiple entities implement the same interface
• If you want most of the implementations of the interface to be common
Guidewire defines a number of delegates in the base configuration, for example:
• Assignable
• Modifiable
• Validatable
• ...

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 199

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To determine the list of base configuration delegate entities, search the metadata file folder for files that contain
the following text:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<delegate xmlns=""

Subtyping Without Single-Table Inheritance

Guidewire recommends that you create a delegate entity rather than define a supertype entity if you do not want
to store subtype data in a single table. ClaimCenter stores information on all subtypes of a supertype entity in a
single table. This can create a table that is extremely large and extremely wide. This is true especially if you have
an entity hierarchy with a number of different subtypes that each have their own columns. Using a delegate
avoids this single-table inheritance while preserving the ability to define the fields and behavior common to all
the subtypes in one place.
Guidewire recommends that you consider carefully before making a decision on how to model your entity hier-

Using Entity Polymorphism

Guidewire recommends that you create a delegate entity if you wish to use polymorphism on class methods. For
core ClaimCenter classes defined in Java, it is not possible to override these class methods on its Gosu subtypes.
You can, however, push all methods and behaviors that can possibly be poloymorphic into an interface (rather
than the Java superclass). You can then require (through the use of the delegate requires attribute) that all
implementors of the delegate implement that interface (through <implementsEntity>). This delegate usage
permits the use of polymorphism and enables delegate implementations to share common implementations on a
common superclass.

Delete Entity Data Objects

You use the deleteEntity data object to remove a base configuration extension entity from the base data model.
Guidewire defines this object in the data model metadata files as the <deleteEntity> XML root element.

Attributes on <deleteEntity>
The <deleteEntity> element contains the following attributes.

<deleteEntity> attributes Description Default

name Required. The name of the base extension entity to delete. None

See Also
• “Removing a Base Extension Entity” on page 250

Entity Data Objects

An Entity data object is the standard persistent data object that Guidewire uses to define many—if not most—of
the ClaimCenter entities. Guidewire defines this object in the data model metadata files as the <entity> XML
root element.

Attributes on <entity>
The <entity> element contains the following attributes.

<entity> attributes Description Default

abstract If True, it denotes that you cannot create an object of this type (you must False
create a subtype instead) and that any the generated code is abstract.

200 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<entity> attributes Description Default

admin Whether the tables declared for this object are administration tables. You False
can always reference rows in the administration tables from rows in the
staging tables.
base Internal. Do not use. (The default is false.). Guidewire reserves the right False
to remove this attribute in a future release.
cacheable Internal. If set to false then Guidewire disallows entities of this type (and True
all its subtypes) from existing in the global cache.
consistentChildren Internal. False

desc A description of the purpose and use of the entity. None

displayName Optional. Generally, use to create a more human-readable form of the None
entity name. You can access this name using the following:
ClaimCenter uses this value of the name of the subtype key (if you sub-
type this entity). If you do not specify a value for this attribute, then
ClaimCenter uses the name value of the entity attribute as
displayName, instead.
entity Required. The name of the entity. You use this name to access the entity None
in data views, rules, and other areas within ClaimCenter.
exportable If true, the entity is available to the ClaimCenter SOAP APIs. False

extendable Internal. If true, it is possible to extend this entity. True

final If true, you cannot subtype the entity. If false, you can define subtypes True
using this entity as the supertype.
generateInternallyIfAbsent Internal. False

ignoreForEvents If you change (or add, or remove) an entity X that does not generate False
events, then ClaimCenter searches for all event-generating entity
instances that refer to X. If ClaimCenter finds any of these event-generat-
ing entity instances, it generates Changed events for those entity
To determine what entities reference a non-event-generating entity,
ClaimCenter examines the foreign keys and arrays that point to the entity.
However, if you set ignoreForEvents to true on an entity that references
the non-event-generating entity, then ClaimCenter ignores that link as it
determines what entities refer to another entity.
• At the entity level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes to (or
addition or removal of) this entity do not cause Changed events to fire
for any other entity.
• At the column level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes to
this column do not cause the application to generate events.
instrumentationTable Internal. False

javaClass Internal. None

loadable If true, you can load the entity through staging tables. True

lockable Internal. False

overwrittenInStagingTable Internal. If true (and the entity is loadable), it indicates that the loader pro- False
cess auto-populates the staging table during import.
IMPORTANT If set to true, do not attempt to populate the table yourself
as the loader import process overwrites this table.
platform Internal. Do not use. (The default is false.). Guidewire reserves the right False
to remove this attribute in a future release.
priority The priority of the corresponding subtype key. This value is only meaning- -1
ful for entities participating in a subtype hierarchy, which can be either the
<subtype> entities or the root <entity>.
readOnly Optional. None

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 201

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<entity> attributes Description Default

setterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then all
ClaimCenter defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on
page 195 for more information.
size Internal. The size of the database table that contains this entity. Large

superTypeEntity Obsolete. Do not use. Guidewire reserves the right to remove this attri- None
bute in a future release.
table Required. The database table name in which ClaimCenter stores the data None
for this entity. ClaimCenter automatically prepends cc_ (for base entities)
or ccx_ (for extension entities) to this name.
Guidewire recommends that you use the following table naming conven-
• Do not begin the table name with any product-specific extension.
• Use all lower-case letters.
• Use letters only.

Guidewire enforces the following restrictions on the maximum allowable

length of the table name:
• (loadable=”true”) — maximum of 25 characters
• (loadable=”false”) — maximum of 26 characters

temporary Internal. If true, then this table is a temporary table that ClaimCenter uses False
only during installation or upgrade.
ClaimCenter deletes all temporary tables after it completes the installation
or the upgrade.
type Required. See “Overview of Data Entities” on page 189 for a discussion of None
data entity types.
validateOnCommit Internal. If true, ClaimCenter validates this entity during a commit of a True
bundle that contains this entity.

Subelements on <entity>
The <entity> element contains the following subelements.

<entity> subelements Description

array See “<array>” on page 210.
aspect Internal.
checkconstraint Internal.
column See “<column>” on page 212.
componentref See “<componentref>” on page 216.
customconsistencycheck Internal.
datetimeordering Internal.
dbcheckbuilder Internal.
edgeForeignKey See “<edgeForeignKey>” on page 217.
events See “<events>” on page 220.
foreignkey See “<foreignkey>” on page 220.
fulldescription See “<fulldescription>” on page 223.
implementsEntity See “<implementsEntity>” on page 224.
implementsInterface See “<implementsInterface>” on page 225.
index See “<index>” on page 226.
jointableconsistencycheck Internal.
onetoone See “<onetoone>” on page 227.
remove-index See “<remove-index>” on page 228.

202 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<entity> subelements Description

tableAugmenter Internal.
typekey See “<typekey>” on page 229.
validatetypekeyinset Internal.
validatetypekeynotinset Internal.

Extension Data Objects

An Extension data object is the standard data object that you use to extend an already existing data object or
entity. Guidewire defines this object in the data model metadata files as the <extension> XML root element.

See Also
• For information on how to extend the base data objects, see “Modifying the Base Data Model” on page 233.

Attributes on <extension>
The <extension> element contains the following attributes.

attributes Description Default
entityName Required. None

Subelements on <extension>
The <extension> element contains the following subelements.

<entity> subelements Description

array See “<array>” on page 210.
array-override Use to override (flip) the value of the triggersValidation attribute of an <array> element
definition on a base data object. See “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239 for
column See “<column>” on page 212.
column-override Use to override certain very specific attributes on a base data object. See “Working with Attri-
bute Overrides” on page 239 for details.
componentref See “<componentref>” on page 216.
description A description of the purpose and use of the entity.
edgeForeignKey See “<edgeForeignKey>” on page 217.
foreignkey See “<foreignkey>” on page 220.
foreignkey-override Use to override (flip) the value of the triggersValidation attribute of a <foreignkey> ele-
ment definition on a base data object. See “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239 for
implementsEntity See “<implementsEntity>” on page 224.
implementsInterface See “<implementsInterface>” on page 225.
index See “<index>” on page 226.
internalonlyfields Internal.
onetoone See “<onetoone>” on page 227.
onetoone-override Use to override (flip) the value of the triggersValidation attribute of an <ontoone> element
definition on a base data object. See “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239 for
remove-index See “<remove-index>” on page 228.
typekey See “<typekey>” on page 229.

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 203

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<entity> subelements Description

typekey-override Use to override certain specific attributes (fields) of a <typekey> element definition on a base
data object. See “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239 for details.

Nonpersistent Entity Data Objects

A NonPersistentEntity data object defines a temporary (nonpersistent) entity that ClaimCenter creates and
uses only during the time that the ClaimCenter server is running. If the server shuts down, ClaimCenter discards
the entity data. Guidewire defines this object in the data model metadata files as the <nonPersistentEntity>
XML root element.

IMPORTANT You cannot extend a persistent entity with a nonpersistent entity.

Guidewire Recommendations
Guidewire recommends, however, that you do not create or extend nonpersistent entities as a general rule. In
general, do not use nonpersistent entities to obtain some desired behavior. A major issue with nonpersistent enti-
ties is that they do not interact well with data bundles. Passing a nonpersistent entity to a PCF page, for example,
is generally a bad idea as it generally does not work in the manner that you expect.
The nonpersistent entity has to live in a bundle and can only live in one bundle. Therefore, passing it to one
context removes it from the other context. Even worse, it is possible that in passing the nonpersistent entity from
one context to another, the entity loses any nested arrays or links associated with it. Thus, it is possible to lose
parts of the entity graph as it moves around. Entity serialization is also less efficient and less controllable than
using a custom class that contains only the data that it really needs.
Guidewire recommends, therefore, that you use a Gosu class in situations in which you want the behavior of a
nonpersistent entity. For example:
• If you want the behavior of a nonpersistent entity in web services, do not use a nonpersistent entity. Instead,
Guidewire recommends that you create a Gosu class and then expose that as a web service rather than relying
on nonpersistent entities and entity serialization.
• If you want a field that behaves, for example, as nonnegativeinteger column, do not use a nonpersistent
entity. Instead, as you can specify a data type through the use of annotations, add the wanted data type
behavior to properties on Gosu classes. See “Defining a Data Type for a Property” on page 301 for informa-
tion on how to associates data types with object properties using the annotation syntax.

Attributes on <nonPersistentEntity>
The <nonPersistentEntity> element contains the following attributes.

attributes Description Default
abstract If True, it denotes that you cannot create an object of this type (you must create False
a subtype instead) and that any the generated code is abstract.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the entity. None
displayName Optional. Generally, use to create a more human-readable form of the entity None
name. You can access this name using the following:
ClaimCenter uses this value of the name of the subtype key (if you subtype this
entity). If you do not specify a value for this attribute, then ClaimCenter uses
the name value of the entity attribute as displayName, instead.
entity Required. The name of the entity. You use this name to access the entity in None
data views, rules, and other areas within ClaimCenter.
exportable Whether the entity is available to the ClaimCenter SOAP APIs. False

204 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

attributes Description Default
extendable If true, it is possible to extend this entity. True

final If true, you cannot subtype the entity. If false, you can define subtypes using True
this entity as the supertype.
javaClass Internal. None
priority The priority of the corresponding subtype key. This value is only meaningful for -1
entities participating in a subtype hierarchy, which can be either the <subtype>
entities or the root <entity>.

Subelements on <nonPersistentEntity>
The <nonPersistentEntity> element contains the following subelements.

subelements Description
array See “<array>” on page 210.
aspect Internal.
column See “<column>” on page 212.
componentref See “<componentref>” on page 216.
edgeForeignKey See “<edgeForeignKey>” on page 217.
foreignkey See “<foreignkey>” on page 220.
fulldescription See “<fulldescription>” on page 223.
implementsEntity See “<implementsEntity>” on page 224.
implementsInterface See “<implementsInterface>” on page 225.
onetoone See “<onetoone>” on page 227.
typekey See “<typekey>” on page 229.

Subtype Data Objects

A Subtype entity defines an entity that is a subtype of another entity. The subtype entity has all of the fields and
elements of its supertype and it can also have additional ones. Guidewire defines this object in the data model
metadata files as the <subtype> XML root element.
ClaimCenter does not associate a separate database table with a subtype. Instead, ClaimCenter stores all subtypes
of a supertype in the table of the supertype and resolves the entity to the correct subtype based on the value of the
Subtype field. To accommodate this, ClaimCenter stores all fields of a subtype in the database as nullable
columns—even the ones defined as non-nullable. However, if you define a field as non-nullable, then the
ClaimCenter metadata service enforces this for all data operations.
It is only possible to define a subtype for any entity whose final attribute is set to false. (This means that it is
impossible to create a subtype of any entity whose final attribute is set to true). If an entity is non-final, then
ClaimCenter automatically creates a Subtype field for it.

Attributes on <subtype>
The <subtype> element contains the following attributes:

attributes Description Default
abstract If true, it denotes that you cannot create an object of this type. Instead, you must create False
a subtype.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the subtype. None

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 205

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

attributes Description Default
displayName Optional. Occasionally, there is the desire to identify a given object's subtype in the None
ClaimCenter interface. Use this attribute to set a specific string to use if you want to dis-
play the subtype of an object.
The use of this parameter is optional. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, then
ClaimCenter displays the name of the entity. The entity name is often not user-friendly.
Thus, you can use this value to set a more user-friendly version of the subtype name.
See also the description of the displayName attribute at “Entity Data Objects” on
page 200.
entity The name of the subtype entity. Use this name to access the entity in data views, rules, None
and other areas within ClaimCenter.
final If true, the entity definition is final and you cannot define any subtypes for it. If false, False
then you can define a subtype using this entity as the supertype.
javaClass Internal.
priority The relative position of the subtype in a list of peer subtypes. ClaimCenter often displays -1
the Subtype field in a supertype as a typelist. Thus, this attribute serves the same pur-
pose as the priority attribute of a typecode in a typelist.
readOnly Optional. None
supertype The name of the supertype of this subtype. None

Subelements on <subtype>
The <subtype> element contains the following subelements.

subelements Description
array See “<array>” on page 210.
aspect Internal.
checkconstraint Internal.
column See “<column>” on page 212.
customconsistencycheck Internal.
datetimeordering Internal.
dbcheckbuilder Internal.
edgeForeignKey See “<edgeForeignKey>” on page 217.
events See “<events>” on page 220.
foreignkey See “<foreignkey>” on page 220.
fulldescription See “<fulldescription>” on page 223.
implementsEntity See “<implementsEntity>” on page 224.
implementsInterface See “<implementsInterface>” on page 225.
index See “<index>” on page 226.
jointableconsistencycheck Internal.
onetoone See “<onetoone>” on page 227.
tableAugmenter Internal.
typekey See “<typekey>” on page 229.
validatetypekeyinset Internal.
validatetypekeynotinset Internal.

206 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

View Entity Data Objects

A viewEntity is a logical view of entity data. You can use it to enhance performance during the viewing of
tabular data. A viewEntity provides a logical view of data for an entity, plus other entities, of interest to a List-
View. A viewEntity can also include paths from the root or primary entity to other related entities. For example,
from the ActivityView, you can specify a column with a Claim.ClaimNumber value. The Activity entity is the
primary entity of the ActivityView. The Activity entity has a corresponding viewEntity entity called

Unlike a standard entity, the viewEntity entity type does not have an underlying database table. ClaimCenter
does not persist view entities to the database. A viewEntity cannot create a materialized view in the database. (A
materialized view is one in which ClaimCenter caches the results of a database query as a database table.) Rather,
a viewEntity serves as a way of restricting the amount of data that a database query returns.
A viewEntity entity improves the performance of ClaimCenter on frequently used pages that list entities. Like
other entities, you can subtype viewEntity entities. For example, the My Activities page makes use of a
viewEntity entity—the ActivityDesktopView, which is a subtype of the ActivityView.

As ClaimCenter can export viewEntity entities, it generates SOAP interfaces for them.
Guidewire defines this object in the data model metadata files as the <viewEntity> XML root element.

Attributes on <viewEntity>
The <viewEntity> element contains the following attributes:

attributes Description Default
abstract If true, it denotes that you cannot create an object of this type. Instead, you must create False
a subtype.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the entity. None
entity Required. Name of this viewEntity object. None
exportable If true, the viewEntity object is available to the ClaimCenter SOAP APIs. True

extendable If true, it is possible to extend this entity. True

final If true, the entity definition is final and you cannot define any subtypes for it. If false, True
then you can define a subtype using this entity as the supertype.
javaClass Internal. None
primaryEntity Required. The primary entity type for this viewEntity object. The primary entity must None
be keyable. See “Data Objects and the Application Database” on page 193 for informa-
tion on keyable entities.
showRetiredBeans Whether to show retired beans in the view. None
supertypeEntity The name of supertype of this entity. None

Subelements on <viewEntity>
The <viewEntity> elements contain the following subelements:

subelements Description
computedcolumn Specifies a column that has some type of transformation applied to it during querying from the data-
base. Typical transformations are columns that compute a simple value. Sample calculations
include col1 + col2 or even aggregate columns SUM(col1).
computedtypekey Specifies a typekey that has some type of transformation applied to it during querying from the data-
fulldescription See the discussion following the table.
viewEntityColumn Represents a column in a viewEntity table

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 207

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

subelements Description
viewEntityLink Uses to access another entity through a foreign key. Typically, you use this value within the
ClaimCenter interface to create a link to that entity.
viewEntityName Represents an entity name column in a viewEntity table. An entity name is a string column that
contains the name of an entity that is suitable for viewing in the ClaimCenter interface.
viewEntityTypekey Represents a typekey column in a viewEntity table.

The Data Dictionary uses the fulldescription subelement. The following example illustrates how to use this
<![CDATA[<p>Aggregates the information needed to display one activity row (base entity for all other
activity views).</p>]]>

The other subelements all require both a name and path attribute. The following code illustrates this:
<viewEntityName name="RelActAssignedUserName" path="RelatedActivity.AssignedUser"/>

Specify the path value relative to the primaryEntity on which you base the view.
The computedcolumn takes a required expression attribute and an additional, optional function attribute. The
following is an example of a computedcolumn:
<computedcolumn name="Amount" expression="${1}" paths="LineItems.Amount" function="SUM"/>

The expression for this column can take multiple column values ${column_num} passed from the ClaimCenter
interface. For example, a valid expression is: ${1} - ${2} with ${1} the first column and ${2} the second
column. The function value must be a SQL function that you can apply to this expression. The following are
legal values:

Note: If the SQL function aggregates data, ClaimCenter applies a SQL group automatically.

View Entity Extension Data Objects

You use the viewEntityExtension entity to extend the definition of a viewEntity entity. Guidewire defines this
object in the data model metadata files as the <viewEntityExtension> XML root element.

Attributes on <viewEntityExtension>
The <viewEntityExtension> element contains the following attributes:

attributes Description Default
entityName Required. Name of the view entity to extend. None

208 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Subelements on <viewEntityExtension>
The <viewEntityExtension> element contains the following subelements:

subelements Description
computedcolumn Specifies a column that has some type of transformation applied to it during querying from the
database. Typical transformations are columns that compute a simple value. Sample calcula-
tions include col1 + col2 or even aggregate columns SUM(col1).
computedtypekey Specifies a typekey that has some type of transformation applied to it during querying from the
description A description of the purpose and use of the entity.
viewEntityColumn Represents a column in a viewEntity table.
viewEntityLink Uses to access another entity through a foreign key. Typically, you use this value within the
ClaimCenter interface to create a link to that entity.
viewEntityName Represents an entity name column in a viewEntity table. An entity name is a string column
that contains the name of an entity that is suitable for viewing in the ClaimCenter interface.
viewEntityTypekey Represents a typekey column in a viewEntity table.

Important Caution
Guidewire strongly recommends that you do not create a view entity extension (ViewEntityExtension) that
causes traversals into revisioned (effdated) data. This has the possibility of returning duplicate rows if any revi-
sioning in the traversal path splits an entity.
Instead, try one of the following:
• Denormalize the desired data onto a non-effdated entity.
• Add domain methods to the implementation of the View entity.

Data Object Subelements

The ClaimCenter data model contains the following subelements that you can use with entities. The list does not
contain elements that Guidewire reserves for internal use.

• <array> • <implementsEntity>

• <column> • <implementsInterface>

• <componentref> • <index>

• <edgeForeignKey> • <onetoone>

• <events> • <remove-index>

• <foreignkey> • <typekey>

• <fulldescription>

Do not use the following entity subelements. Guidewire uses these for internal purposes only. As these entity
subelements are for internal use, there is no discussion of them in the following topics.

• <aspect> • <jointableconsistencycheck>

• <checkconstraint> • <tableAugmenter>

• <customconsistencycheck> • <validatetypekeyinset>

• <datetimeordering> • <validatetypekeynotinset>

• <dbcheckbuilder>

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 209

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

An array defines a set of additional entities (which are all of the same type) to associate with the main entity. For
example, a Claim entity includes an array of Document entities.

Attributes on <array>
The <array> element contains the following attributes:

<array> attributes Description Default

arrayentity Required. The name of the entity that makes up the array. None
arrayfield Optional. Name of the field in the array table that is the foreign key back to this None
table. However, you do not need to define a value if the array entity has exactly
one foreign key back to this entity.
In that case, the owning table can only have one array field for the edge table.
Thus, arrayfield must match the name of the field in the array table that cor-
responds to the owning row.
cascadeDelete If true, then ClaimCenter deletes the array elements also if you delete the False
array container.
deprecated If true, then ClaimCenter marks the item as deprecated in the Data Dictionary False
and places a Deprecated annotation on it in the Guidewire Studio API Refer-
If you deprecate an item, use the description to explain why.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the array. None
exportable Whether the entity is available to the ClaimCenter SOAP APIs. If true, then True
ClaimCenter can transmit this column as part of any SOAP argument or result,
in which case ClaimCenter transmits only a subset of the containing entity.
ClaimCenter ignores this attribute if you do not mark the containing table as
If this field applies to a foreign key field, then ClaimCenter creates a reference
to a Data object of the type defined by the referenced table.
generateCode Internal. true

getterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then ClaimCenter all
defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on page 195 for more
ignoreforevents If you change (or add, or remove) an entity X that does not generate events, False
then ClaimCenter searches for all event-generating entity instances that refer
to X. If ClaimCenter finds any of these event-generating entity instances, it
generates Changed events for those entity instances.
To determine what entities reference a non-event-generating entity,
ClaimCenter examines the foreign keys and arrays that point to the entity.
However, if you set ignoreForEvents to true on an entity that references the
non-event-generating entity, then ClaimCenter ignores that link as it deter-
mines what entities refer to another entity.
• At the entity level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes to (or
addition or removal of) this entity do not cause Changed events to fire for any
other entity.
• At the column level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes to this
column do not cause the application to generate events.
name Required. The name of the property corresponding to this array None
owner If true, this entity owns the objects in the array. False
• If you delete owning object, then ClaimCenter deletes the array items as
• If you update the contents of the array, then ClaimCenter considers the
owner as updated as well.

210 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<array> attributes Description Default

requiredmatch One of the following values None
• all—There must be at least one matching row in the array for every row
from this table. For example, there must be at least one check payee for
every check.
• none—There is no requirement for matching rows.
• nonretired—There must be at least one matching row for every non-retired
row from this table.
setterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then ClaimCenter all
defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on page 195 for more
trackssynchstate If true, this value denotes that ClaimCenter uses the associated table to track False
the external synchronization state for the owning table.
triggersValidation Whether changes to the entity pointed to by this array trigger validation. False
Changes to the array that trigger validation include:
• The addition of an object to the array
• The removal of an object from the array
• The modification of an object in the array

See also the discussion on this attribute that follows this table.

The triggersValidation attribute. This attribute—if set to true—can trigger additional ClaimCenter process-
ing. Exactly what it does cause to happen depends on several different factors:
• If the parent entity (the containing entity for the array) is validatable, then any modification to the array trig-
gers the execution of the Preupdate and Validation rules on that entity. (For an entity to be validatable, it must
implements the Validatable delegate.) This occurs as ClaimCenter attempts to commit a bundle to the data-
base that contains the parent entity.
• If the parent entity has preupdate rules, but no validation rules, then ClaimCenter executes the preupdate rules
on the commit bundle. This is the cases only if configuration parameter UseOldStylePreUpdate is set to
true, which it is by default. If this configuration parameter is set to false, ClaimCenter invokes the
IPreUpdateHandler plugin on the commit bundle instead. ClaimCenter then executes the logic defined in the
plugin on the commit bundle.
• If the parent entity has validation rules, but no preupdate rules, then ClaimCenter executes the validation rules
on the commit bundle.
• If the parent entity has neither preupdate nor validation rules then the following occurs:
a. ClaimCenter does nothing (in the case of UseOldStylePreUpdate=true).

b. ClaimCenter executes the logic in the IPreUpdateHandler plugin on the commit bundle
• In any case, any ClaimCenter processing of the commit bundle excludes the Closed and Reopened validation

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 211

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Subelements on <array>
The <array> element contains the following subelements:

<array> subelements Description

array-association This subelement contains the following attributes:
• hasContains (default = false)
• hasGetter (default = true)
• hasSetter (default = false)
• valueField (default = ID)

It also contains the following subelements of its own, each of which can exist, at most, one time:
• constant-map
• subtype-map
• typelist-map

See “Typelist Mapping Associative Arrays” on page 258 for more information.
fulldescription See “<fulldescription>” on page 223.
link-association This subelement contains the following attributes:
• hasGetter (default = true)
• hasSetter (default = false)
• valueField (default = ID)

It also contains the following subelements of its own, each of which can exist, at most, one time:
• constant-map
• subtype-map
• typelist-map

See “Subtype Mapping Associative Arrays” on page 256 for more information.

The <column> element defines a single-value field in the entity.
Note: For a discussion of <column-override>, see “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239 for

Attributes on <column>
The <column> element contains the following attributes:

<column> attributes Description Default

columnName Optional. Name of the corresponding database column. This is different None
from the name attribute, which specifies the name of the property in the
type system. If you do not specify a value for this attribute, then
ClaimCenter uses the name value.
createhistogram Whether to create a histogram on the column during an update to the False
database statistics.
Note: It is possible to override this attribute on an existing column in an
extension (*.etx) file using the <column-override> element. You can
use the override to turn off an existing histogram or to create one that did
not previously exist.
This change does not take effect during an upgrade. The change occurs
only if you regenerate statistics for the affected table by using the
Guidewire maintenance_tools command.
See also the following:
• “maintenance_tools Command” on page 171 in the System
Administration Guide
• “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239

default Default value given to the field during new entity creation. None

212 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<column> attributes Description Default

deprecated If true, then ClaimCenter marks the item as deprecated in the Data Dic- False
tionary and places a Deprecated annotation on it in the Guidewire Studio
API Reference.
If you deprecate an item, use the description to explain why.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the field. None
exportable If true, then you can transmit this column as part of a SOAP argument or True
result. If the containing table is not also marked exportable, then
ClaimCenter ignores this attribute.
generateCode Internal. true
getterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then all
ClaimCenter defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on
page 195 for more information.
ignoreforevents If you change (or add, or remove) an entity X that does not generate False
events, then ClaimCenter searches for all event-generating entity
instances that refer to X. If ClaimCenter finds any of these event-generat-
ing entity instances, it generates Changed events for those entity
To determine what entities reference a non-event-generating entity,
ClaimCenter examines the foreign keys and arrays that point to the entity.
However, if you set ignoreForEvents to true on an entity that references
the non-event-generating entity, then ClaimCenter ignores that link as it
determines what entities refer to another entity.
• At the entity level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes to (or
addition or removal of) this entity do not cause Changed events to fire
for any other entity.
• At the column level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes to
this column do not cause the application to generate events.
loadable If true, you can load the field through staging tables. A staging table can True
contain a column mapping to the field.
name The name of the property on the entity. Also the name of the database col- None
umn, unless the you specify the columnName attribute. Use this name to
access the column in data views, rules, and other areas within
nullok Whether the column can contain null values. True

In general, this is always true, as many tables include columns that do

not require a value at different points in the process.
overwrittenInStagingTable Internal. If true (and the entity is loadable), it indicates that the loader pro- False
cess auto-populates the staging table during import.
IMPORTANT If set to true, do not attempt to populate the table yourself
as the loader import process overwrites this table.
scalable Whether this value scales as the effective and expired dates change. It False
only applies to number-type values. (For example, you cannot scale a
varchar.) Also, it only applies to effective dated types.
setterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then all
ClaimCenter defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on
page 195 for more information.
soapnullok If true, then you can set the value of this column to null in SOAP calls. If None
you do not set this value, it defaults to the value of nullok.
supportsLinguisticSearch Applies only to columns of varchar-based data types. False
• If true, searches performed on this field are linguistic.
• If false, searches are binary.

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 213

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<column> attributes Description Default

type Required. Data type of the column (field). In the base configuration, None
Guidewire defines a number of data types and stores their metadata defi-
nition files (*.dti files) in the following locations:
• modules/pl/config/datatypes for system-level data types
• modules/cc/config/datatypes for optional application-specific data
Each metadata definition file name is the name of a specific data type.
You use one of these data types as the type attribute on the <column>
element. Thus, the list of valid values for the type attribute is the same as
the set of .dti files in the application datatypes folders.
Each metadata definition also defines the value type for that data type.
The value type determines how ClaimCenter treats that value in memory.
The name of the data type is not necessarily the same as the name of its
value type. For example, for the bit data type, the name of the data type
is bit and the corresponding value type is java.lang.Boolean. Similarly,
the data type varchar has a value type of java.lang.String.
The datetime data type is a special case. ClaimCenter persists this data
type in the application database using the database data type TIMESTAMP.
This corresponds to the value type java.util.Date. In other words:
• ClaimCenter represents a column whose type is datetime in memory
as instances of java.util.Date.
• ClaimCenter stores this type of value in the database as TIMESTAMP.

WARNING Do not attempt to modify a base configuration data type

file. You can invalidate your ClaimCenter application and prevent it from
starting thereafter.
See Also
• For general information data on types, see “Data Types” on page 299.
• For a list of the data types that you can modify or customize, see “Cus-
tomizing Base Configuration Data Types” on page 303.
• For information on how to define new data types, see “Defining a New
Data Type: Required Steps” on page 310.

Subelements on <column>
The <column> element contains the following subelements:

subelements Description Default
columnParam See “The <columnParam> Subelement” on page 214. None
fulldescription See “<fulldescription>” on page 223. None
localization See “The <localization> Subelement” on page 216. None

The <columnParam> Subelement

You use the <columnParam> element to set the parameters that the data type of the column requires. It is the data
type of the column that determines which parameters you can set (or modify) on the column using the
<columnParam> element. From the type attribute, you can determine the list of parameters by looking at the defi-
nition of the type—the definition of the type as defined in the its .dti file.
For example, if you have a mediumtext column, then you can determine the valid parameters for that column by
examining file mediumtext.dti. This file indicates that you can modify the following attributes on a mediumtext
• encryption
• logicalSize
• trimwhitespace

214 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• validator

As you cannot modify the base configuration data type declaration files, you cannot see these files in Guidewire
Studio. To view these files, navigate to the following directories:
• modules/pl/config/datatypes for system-level data types
• modules/cc/config/datatypes for optional application-specific data types
The following example, from Account.eti (in PolicyCenter), illustrates how to use this subelement to define
certain column parameters.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity xmlns=""
desc="An account is ..."
<column desc="Business and Operations Description."
<columnParam name="size" value="240"/>

Which Parameters Can You Define Using <columnParam>?

The following list describes the parameters that you can define using <columnParam>. These parameters are valid
with many—but not all—of the data types.

Parameter Description
encryption Whether ClaimCenter stores this column in encrypted format. This only applies to text-based col-
Guidewire allows indexes on encrypted columns (fields). However, as Guidewire stores encrypted
fields as encrypted in the database, you must encrypt the input string and search for an exact match
to it.
logicalSize The size of this field in the ClaimCenter interface. You can use this value for String columns that do
not have a maximum size in the database (for example, CLOB objects). If you specify a value for the
size parameter, then the logicalSize value must be less than or equal to the value of that param-
precision The precision of the field. This applies only if the data type of the field allows a precision attribute.
(Precision is the total number of digits in the number.)
scale The scale of the field. This applies only if the data type of the field allows a scale attribute. (Scale is
the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.)
size Integer size value for columns of type TEXT and VARCHAR. Use with these column types only. This
parameter specifies the maximum number of characters (as opposed to bytes) the column can hold.
WARNING The database upgrade utility automatically detects if the definition of a column has
lengthened or shortened the column. If shortening (narrowing) the column, the utility assumes that
the instigator of the change has written a version check or otherwise verified that the change does
not truncate any data. For both Oracle and SQL Server, if narrowing a column causes data to be
lost, the ALTER TABLE statement fails and the upgrade fails.
trimwhitespace Applies to text-based data types. If true, then ClaimCenter automatically removes leading and trail-
ing white space from the data value.
validator The name of a ValidatorDef in fieldvalidators.xml. See “<ValidatorDef>” on page 295.

The following parameters are specific to certain data types:

Parameter Use with data type Description

currencyProperty currencyamount Name of a property on the owning entity that returns the cur-
rency for this column.

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 215

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Parameter Use with data type Description

secondaryAmountProperty currencyamount Name of a property on the owning entity that returns the sec-
ondary amount related to this currency amount column.
exchangeRateProperty currencyamount Name of a property on the owning entity that returns the
exchange rate to use during currency conversions.
countryProperty localizedstring Name of a property on the owning entity that returns the country
to use for localizing the data format for this column.

See Also
• See “Overriding Data Type Attributes” on page 240 for an example of using a nested <columnParam> subele-
ment within a <column-override> element to set the encryption attribute on a column.

The <localization> Subelement

The <localiztion> subelement has one attribute, tableName, which is the table name of the localization join
table. See “Localized Entities” on page 502 for a discussion of the column <localization> element with exam-
ples on how to use it.

To review, a Component data object is similar to a compound property in that it represents a group of fields that
all go together. A common example is a MoneyComponent that represents a monetary amount. This money
component includes a numeric amount and the currency type for that monetary amount.
To reference a Component object from another data object, you use the ComponentRef object element. Guidewire
defines this element in the data model metadata files as the <componentRef> XML subelement.

Attributes on <componentref>
The <componentref> element contains the following attributes:

attributes Description Default
deprecated If true, then ClaimCenter marks the item as deprecated in the Data Dictionary False
and places a Deprecated annotation on it in the Guidewire Studio API Refer-
If you deprecate an item, use the description to explain why.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the array. None
exportable Whether the entity is available to the ClaimCenter SOAP APIs. If true, then True
ClaimCenter can transmit this component as part of a SOAP argument or
result. ClaimCenter ignores this attribute if you do not mark the containing table
as exportable.
flatten Whether to expose a single property representing the <component> (false), or False
to expose the individual fields included by the component (true).
For example, this attribute controls whether an entity including a component
called MoneyComponent has a property that returned the MoneyComponent, or
two properties for the Amount and Currency.
generateCode Internal. true

getterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then ClaimCenter all
defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on page 195 for more
name Required. (Although required, it is only important if the value of flatten is None

Specifies the name of the property on the entity.

216 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

attributes Description Default
prefix An optional prefix to use if defining properties related to the included None
component. You must use a prefix if you want to include the same component
twice on the same entity.
ref Required. The name of the component being included (for example, None
setterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then ClaimCenter all
defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on page 195 for more

Subelements on <componentref>
The <componentref> element contains the following subelements:

subelements Attributes Description Default
annotation • name Creates a name and value pair. The subelement must contain both None
• value attributes.
fulldescription None See “<fulldescription>” on page 223.

You use the <edgeForeignKey> element in a similar manner to the <foreignkey> element, to define a reference
to another entity. Guidewire defines this element in the data model metadata files as the <edgeForeignKey>
XML subelement.
Edge foreign keys, however, provide the ability to avoid cyclic references in the data model. Cyclic references
make an object graph that ClaimCenter cannot follow correctly. Guidewire does not permit cyclic foreign keys as
there is no guarantee of a safe ordering of inserted elements into the object graph. For example, suppose that
there are two entities, A and B, each of which has a foreign key to the other. Because of this relationship, it is
possible that you cannot insert entity A into the object graph. This is because entity A refers to entity B, which
does not yet exist in the object graph.
An edge foreign key works by creating a join array table. This table has two columns:
• OwnerID
• ForeignEntityID

If entity A has an edge foreign key to entity B, ClaimCenter creates a separate row in the edge foreign key table.
In the row, OwnerID points to A and ForeignEntityID points to B.
As you traverse or de-reference the foreign key, ClaimCenter loads the join array.
• If the array is of size 0, then the value of the edgeForeignKey is null.
• If the array is of size 1, the ClaimCenter follows the ForeignEntityID on the row.
Guidewire designs edge foreign keys to work in a similar manner to standard foreign keys. You can query an
edge foreign key as if it is a standard foreign key. You can also get and set edge foreign key attributes, just as you
do with standard foreign keys.
Use an edge foreign key only if it is the sole way to avoid cycles in the data model that prevent a safe ordering of
tables. The following are the primary cases for using an edgeForeignKey:
• Use if you have self-referencing foreign keys, which includes foreign keys between subtypes.
• Use if you have foreign keys from table A to table B and there is already another foreign key from table B to
table A. (Even more complicated cycles are possible.)

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 217

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

There are more performance issues for an edge foreign key than for a standard foreign key because you must
manage an entirely separate table just for that one relationship. Also, queries that require references to that
column must join to an extra table. Additionally, nullability constraints do not work with edge foreign keys. You
must enforce any nullability constraints by using consistency checks.
Note: ClaimCenter labels edge foreign key elements in the Guidewire Data Dictionary as foreign keys. You
access edge foreign keys in Gosu code in the same manner as you access foreign keys.

WARNING Any entity that is part of the domain graph must implement the Extractable delegate by
including the statement <implementsEntity name=”Extractable”/>. Otherwise, the server refuses to
start. In addition, if you add an edge foreign key to an entity that is part of the domain graph, the edge
foreign key must also implement the Extractable delegate. The edge foreign key does not inherit the
<implementsEntity> delegate from the enclosing entity. If you do not add it manually, the application
server refuses to start.

Attributes on <edgeForeignKey>
The <edgeForeignKey> element contains the following attributes.

attributes Description Default
createhistogram Whether to create a histogram on the column during an update to the False
database statistics.
Note: It is possible to override this attribute on an existing column in
an extension (*.etx) file using the <column-override> element. You
can use the override to turn off an existing histogram or to create one
that did not previously exist.
This change does not take effect during an upgrade. The change
occurs only if you regenerate statistics for the affected table by using
the Guidewire maintenance_tools command.
See also the following:
• “maintenance_tools Command” on page 171 in the System
Administration Guide
• “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239

deletefk Obsolete. Do not use. False

deprecated If true, then ClaimCenter marks the item as deprecated in the Data False
Dictionary and places a Deprecated annotation on it in the
Guidewire Studio API Reference.
If you deprecate an item, use the description to explain why.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the edge foreign key. None
edgeTableEntityName The name of the edge table entity. If you do not specify one, then None
ClaimCenter creates one automatically.
edgeTableName Required. The name of the edge (join array) table to create. None
exportable Whether the column is available to the ClaimCenter SOAP APIs. True
ClaimCenter ignores this attribute if the containing entity is not also
marked as exportable.
exportasid If specified, ClaimCenter exposes the field in SOAP APIs as a string, False
whose value represents the PublicID of the referenced object.
fkentity Required. The entity to which this foreign key points. None
generateCode Internal. true
getterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then all
ClaimCenter defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on
page 195 for more information.

218 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

attributes Description Default
ignoreforevents If you change (or add, or remove) an entity X that does not generate False
events, then ClaimCenter searches for all event-generating entity
instances that refer to X. If ClaimCenter finds any of these event-
generating entity instances, it generates Changed events for those
entity instances.
To determine what entities reference a non-event-generating entity,
ClaimCenter examines the foreign keys and arrays that point to the
entity. However, if you set ignoreForEvents to true on an entity that
references the non-event-generating entity, then ClaimCenter
ignores that link as it determines what entities refer to another entity.
• At the entity level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes
to (or addition or removal of) this entity do not cause Changed
events to fire for any other entity.
• At the column level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means
changes to this column do not cause the application to generate
importableagainstexistingobject If true and the entity is importable (loadable), then the value in the True
staging table can be a reference to an existing object. (This is the
publicID of a row in the source table for the referenced object.)
loadable If true, then ClaimCenter creates a staging table for the edge table. False

name Specifies the name of the property on the entity. None

nullok Whether the column can contain null values. This value is meaning- True
less for edgeForeignKey objects.
ondelete Only affects purge actions. If you delete the object referenced by the cascade
foreign key, this attribute indicates the action to take on this object
• cascade—Also delete this object.
• setnull—Set the foreign key on this object to null (if nullable).
• noaction—Do nothing.

overwrittenInStagingTable Internal. If true (and the edge table is loadable), it indicates that the False
loader process auto-populates the staging table during import.
IMPORTANT If set to true, do not attempt to populate the table
yourself as the loader import process overwrites this table.
setterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then all
ClaimCenter defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on
page 195 for more information.
soapnullok If true, then you set the value of this column to null in SOAP calls. None
If you do not set this attribute, it defaults to the value of nullok.

Subelements on <edgeForeignKey>

IMPORTANT The <edgeForeignKey> element does not inherit the <implementsEntity> delegate
from its enclosing entity. You must specify a value for the name attribute on <implementsEntity> if
you wish to associate a delegate with this edge foreign key.

subelements Attributes Description
fulldescription None See “<fulldescription>” on page 223.
implementsEntity • adapter - Interelated with the requires attri- Applies to the edge table type created by the
bute on <delegate> <edgeForeignKey>.
• name - name of delegate entity to implement See also the description for the requires attri-
(required = true) bute for “Delegate Data Objects” on page 197.

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 219

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

See Also
• “<implementsEntity>” on page 224
• “Delegate Data Objects” on page 197

If the <events> element appears within an entity, it indicates that the entity raises events. Usually, the code indi-
cates the standard events (add, change, and remove) by default. If the <events> element does not appear in an
entity, that entity does not raise any events. You cannot modify the set of the events associated with a base entity
through extension. However, you can add events to a base entity that does not have events associated with it.
Note: This element is not valid for a nonPersistentEntity.
Guidewire defines this element in the data model metadata files as the <events> XML subelement. There can be
at most one <events> element in an entity. However, you can specify additional events through the use of
<event> subelements. For example:

Attributes on <events>
There are no attributes on the <events> element.

Subelements on <events>
The <events> element contains the following subelements.

subelements Description
event Defines an additional event to fire for the entity. Use multiple <event> elements to specify multiple
events. This subelement contains the following attributes:
• description (required = true)
• name (required = true)

The attributes are self-explanatory. The <event> element requires each one.

The <foreignkey> element defines a foreign key reference to another entity.

Attributes on <foreignkey>
The <foreignkey> element contains the following attributes.

attributes Description Default
columnName Optional. Name of the corresponding database column. This is differ- None
ent from the name attribute, which specifies the name of the property
in the type system. If you do not specify a value for this attribute,
then ClaimCenter uses the name value.
IMPORTANT A common (and recommended) practice is to use the
suffix ID for the column name. For example, for a foreign key with
name Claim, set the columnName to ClaimID.
While Guidewire does not strictly require this, Guidewire strongly
recommends that you adopt this practice as it is a way to help in ana-
lyzing the database and identify foreign keys.

220 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

attributes Description Default
createConstraint If true, the database creates a foreign key constraint for this foreign True
createbackingindex If true, the database automatically creates a backing index on the True
foreign key. If set to false, the database does not create a backing
See “Attribute createbackingindex” on page 223 for more
createhistogram Whether to create a histogram on the column during an update to the False
database statistics.
Note: It is possible to override this attribute on an existing column in
an extension (*.etx) file using the <column-override> element. You
can use the override to turn off an existing histogram or to create one
that did not previously exist.
This change does not take effect during an upgrade. The change
occurs only if you regenerate statistics for the affected table by using
the Guidewire maintenance_tools command.
See also the following:
• “maintenance_tools Command” on page 171 in the System
Administration Guide
• “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239

deletefk Obsolete. Do not use. False

deprecated If true, then ClaimCenter marks the item as deprecated in the Data False
Dictionary and places a Deprecated annotation on it in the
Guidewire Studio API Reference.
If you deprecate an item, use the description to explain why.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the field. None
existingreferencesallowed If both of the following are set to false (which is not the default): True
• loadable
• importableagainstexistingobject

then, the value in the staging table can only be a reference to an

existing object. That is, if there are no rows in the matching source
table that reference that same object.
exportable Whether the field is available to the ClaimCenter SOAP APIs. True
ClaimCenter ignores this attribute if you do not also mark the con-
taining entity as exportable.
exportasid If specified, ClaimCenter exposes the field in SOAP APIs as a string, False
whose value represents the PublicID of the referenced object.
fkentity Required. The entity to which this foreign key refers. None
generateCode Internal. True
getterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then all
ClaimCenter defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on
page 195 for more information.

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 221

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

attributes Description Default
ignoreforevents If you change (or add, or remove) an entity X that does not generate False
events, then ClaimCenter searches for all event-generating entity
instances that refer to X. If ClaimCenter finds any of these event-
generating entity instances, it generates Changed events for those
entity instances.
To determine what entities reference a non-event-generating entity,
ClaimCenter examines the foreign keys and arrays that point to the
entity. However, if you set ignoreForEvents to true on an entity that
references the non-event-generating entity, then ClaimCenter
ignores that link as it determines what entities refer to another entity.
• At the entity level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes
to (or addition or removal of) this entity do not cause Changed
events to fire for any other entity.
• At the column level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means
changes to this column do not cause the application to generate
importableagainstexistingobject If true and the entity is importable (loadable), then the value in the True
staging table can be a reference to an existing object. (This is the
publicID of a row in the source table for the referenced object.)
includeIdInIndex If true, then include the ID as the last column in the backing index False
for the foreign key.
This is useful if the access pattern in one or more important queries
is to join to this table through the foreign key. You can then use the ID
to probe into a referencing table. The only columns that you need to
access from the table are this foreign key, and the retired and ID col-
In that case, adding the ID column to the index creates a covering
index and eliminates the need to access the table.
loadable If true, you can load the field through staging tables. A staging table True
can contain a column for the public ID of the referenced entity.
name Specifies the name of the property on the entity. None
nullok Whether the field can contain null values. True

ondelete Only affects purge actions. If you delete the object referenced by the cascade
foreign key, this indicates the action to take upon this object. It can
take one of the following values:
• cascade—Also delete this object.
• setnull—Set the foreign key on this object to null (if nullable).
• noaction—Do nothing.

overwrittenInStagingTable Internal. If true (and the table is loadable), it indicates that the loader False
process auto-populates the staging table during import.
IMPORTANT If set to true, do not attempt to populate the table
yourself as the loader import process overwrites this table.
owner If true, it indicates that even if it is a foreign key, the row from the False
other table that this key references is a child node.
setterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then all
ClaimCenter defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on
page 195 for more information.
soapnullok If true, then you can set the value of this column to null in SOAP None
calls. If you do not set this value, it defaults to the value of nullok.
triggersValidation Whether changes to the entity referred to by this foreign key trigger False

222 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Attribute createbackingindex
Suppose that you want to create a unique, single column (nullable) index on a foreign key. To do this, you must
turn off the automatic creation of a backing index on the foreign key. If the database automatically creates a
backing index and you add a unique index, the database identifies the unique index as redundant and removes it.
The following example entity illustrates this concept.
<entity xmlns=""
desc="Table for testing unique indexes that allow nulls"

<column desc="Importable column" name="A" type="integer"/>

<foreignkey columnName="FKTestUniqueID"
desc="Primary address associated with the contact.
User chose to not have a backing index for this foreign key."
fkentity="TestUnique" name="TestUniqueID"

<index desc="This index is unique but should allow nulls since the column is nullable
and is not redundant"
<indexcol keyposition="1"


Subelements on <foreignkey>
The <foreignkey> element contains the following subelements.

subelements Attributes Description
fulldescription None See “<fulldescription>” on page 223.

ClaimCenter uses the fulldescription subelement to populate the Data Dictionary. For example:
<![CDATA[<p>Aggregates the information needed to display one activity row
(base entity for all other activity views).</p>]]>

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 223

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


WARNING Any entity that is part of the domain graph must implement the Extractable delegate
using the <implementsEntity> element. This means the entity definition must contain
<implementsEntity name=”Extractable”/>. Otherwise, the server refuses to start. In addition, if you
add an edge foreign key to an entity that is part of the domain graph, then the edge foreign key must
also implement the Extractable delegate. (For example, if you create a custom subtype of Contact,
then it must implement the Extractable delegate.) The edge foreign key does not inherit the
<implementsEntity> delegate from the enclosing entity. If you do not add it manually, the application
server refuses to start.

IMPORTANT Do not attempt to change the graph to which a Guidewire base entity belongs through
extension. In other words, do not attempt to change the delegate that a Guidewire base entity imple-
ments through an extension entity using <implementsEntity>. ClaimCenter generates an error if you
attempt to do so.

The <implementsEntity> subelement on any data object definition indicates that the object implements the
specified delegate. Guidewire defines this element in the data model metadata files as the <implementsEntity>
XML subelement. Guidewire defines any entity that refers to a delegate using <implementsEntity> as an imple-
mentor of that delegate.
To illustrate, in the PolicyCenter base configuration, Guidewire defines a BACost entity with a name="Cost" attri-
bute on <implementsEntity>. Thus, the BACost entity is an implementor of the Cost delegate.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity ... entity="BACost" ... >
<implementsEntity adapter="" name="Cost"/>

In the PolicyCenter base configuration, Guidewire defines a Cost delegate as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<delegate ... name="Cost" requires="gw.api.domain.financials.CostAdapter">

If you provide a value for the optional requires attribute on <delegate>, then you must provide a value for the
adapter attribute on <implementsEntity> as well. This value must be the name of a type that implements the
interface specified by the requires attribute of the associated delegate (in this case, the Cost delegate).
Thus, the BACost entity is an implementor of the Cost delegate as specified by the name attribute on
<implementsEntity>. Because the Cost delegate requires an implementation of the CostAdapter interface, the
BACost entity must also specify a class that implements this interface in the adapter attribute on
<implementsEntity>. The following table describes these relationships.

Type Defines In file

Entity <implementsEntity adapter="" BACost.eti

Delegate <delegate ... name="Cost" Cost.eti

Gosu class class BACostAdapter implements CostAdapter

The rule is this:

• If you specify a value for the requires attribute on <delegate>, then the implementors of this delegate must
specify a value for the adapter attribute on <implementsEntity>. The value of the adapter attribute must be

224 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

the name of a type that implements the interface specified by the requires attribute of the associated dele-
• If you do not specify a value for the requires attribute on <delegate>, then the implementors must not
specify an adapter attribute on <implementsEntity>.

Attributes on <implementsEntity>
The <implementsEntity> element contains the following attributes.

subelements Description
adapter The name of the type that implements the interface specified by the requires attribute on
<delegate>. You must specify this value if you set a value for the requires attribute. Otherwise, do
not provide a value.
name Required. The name of the delegate that this entity must implement.

Subelements on <implementsEntity>
There are no subelements on the <implementsEntity> subelement.

The <implementsInterface> subelement on any element indicates that the data entity implements the specified
interface. Guidewire defines this element in the data model metadata files as the <implementsInterface> XML
subelement. This element defines two attributes, an iface (interface) attribute and an impl (implementation)
attribute. If you use this element, then you must specify both of these attributes.
To illustrate, in the base PolicyCenter configuration, Guidewire defines the BACost entity with the following
<implementsInterface> subelement:
<entity ... entity="BACost" ...>

Interface BACostMethods lists a number of getter methods for which any class that implements this interface
must provide definitions. These include property getter methods on coverage, state, and vehicle. Defining these
methods on BACost enables you to use these getter methods in Gosu code.
var cost : BACost
var cov = cost.Coverage
var state = cost.State
var vehicle = cost.Vehicle

Attributes on <implementsInterface>
The <implementsInterface> element contains the following attributes.

subelements Description
iface Required. The name of the interface that this data object must implement.
impl Required. The name of the class or subclass that implements the specified interface.

Subelements on <implementsInterface>
There are no subelements on the <implementsInterface> subelement.

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 225

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The <index> element defines an index on the database table used to store the data for an entity. Guidewire defines
this element in the data model metadata files as the <index> XML subelement. This element contains a required
subelement, which is <indexcol>.
The <index> element instructs ClaimCenter to create an index on the physical database table. This index is in
addition to those indexes that ClaimCenter creates automatically.
An index improves the performance of a query search within the database. It consists of one or more fields that
you can use together in a single search. You can define multiple <index> elements within an entity, with each one
defining a separate index. If a field is already part of one index, you do not need to define a separate index
containing only that field.
For example, ClaimCenter frequently searches non-retired claims for one with a particular claim number. There-
fore, the Claim entity defines an index containing both the Retired and ClaimNumber fields. However, another
common search uses just ClaimNumber. Since that field is already part of another index, a separate index
containing only ClaimNumber is unnecessary.
You cannot use an <index> element with the <nonPersistentEntity> element.

IMPORTANT In general, the use of a database index has the possibility of reducing update perfor-
mance. Thus, Guidewire recommends that you add a database index with caution.

Attributes on <index>
The <index> element contains the following attributes.

attributes Description Default
clustered Unused. False
desc A description of the purpose and use of the index. None
expectedtobecovering If true, it indicates that the index covers all the necessary columns for a table False
that is to be used for at least one operation, for example, search by name.
Thus, if true, it indicates that there is to be no table lookup. In this case, use
the desc attribute to indicate which operation that is.
name Required. The name of the index. The first character of the name must be a let- None
trackUsage If true, track the usage of this index. True

unique Whether the values of the index are unique for each row. False

verifyInLoader If true, then ClaimCenter runs an integrity check for unique indexes before True
loading data from the staging tables.

226 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Subelements on <index>
The <index> element contains the following subelements.

subelements Description Default
forceindex Use to force ClaimCenter to create an index if running against a particular database. None
This is useful as the index generation algorithm can throw away some declared indexes
as being redundant. In some cases, ClaimCenter can require one or more of those
indexes to work around an optimization problem.
This subelement contains the following attributes:
• oracle—If true, force the creation of an index if running against an Oracle database.
• sqlserver - If true, force the creation of an index if running against a SQL Server
indexcol Required. (One or more) Defines a field that is part of the index. Multiple <indexcol> ele- None
ments specify multiple columns in the same index. This subelement contains the follow-
ing attributes:
• keyposition—Required. The position of the field within the index. The first position is
• name—Required. The column name of the field. This can be a column, foreignkey, or
typekey defined in the entity.
• sortascending—If true (default), then the sort direction is ascending.

The <onetoone> element defines a single-valued association to another entity that has a one-to-one cardinality.
Guidewire defines this element in the data model metadata files as the <onetoone> XML subelement. A one-to-
one element functions in a similar manner to a foreign key in that it makes a reference to another entity.
However, its purpose is to provide a reverse pointer to an entity or object that is pointing at the <onetoone>
entity, through the use of a foreign key.
For example, suppose that entity A has a foreign key to entity B, and you can associate an instance of B with—at
most—one instance of A. (Perhaps, there is a unique index on the foreign key column.) This then defines a one-
to-one relationship between A and B. You can then declare the <onetoone> element on B, to provide simple
access to the associated A. In essence, using a one-to-one element creates an array-of-one, with, at most, one
element. (Zero elements are also possible.)
Note: ClaimCenter labels one-to-one elements in the Guidewire Data Dictionary as foreign keys. You
access these elements in Gosu code in the same manner as you access foreign keys.

Attributes on <onetoone>
The <onetoone> element contains the following attributes.

attributes Description Default
deprecated If true, then ClaimCenter marks the item as deprecated in the Data Dictionary False
and places a Deprecated annotation on it in the Guidewire Studio API Refer-
If you deprecate an item, use the description to explain why.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the field. None
exportable Whether the field is available to the ClaimCenter SOAP APIs. ClaimCenter True
ignores this attribute if you do not also mark the containing entity as exportable.
fkentity Required. The entity to which this foreign key points. None
generateCode Internal. True

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 227

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

attributes Description Default
getterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then ClaimCenter all
defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on page 195 for more
ignoreforevents If you change (or add, or remove) an entity X that does not generate events, False
then ClaimCenter searches for all event-generating entity instances that refer
to X. If ClaimCenter finds any of these event-generating entity instances, it
generates Changed events for those entity instances.
To determine what entities reference a non-event-generating entity,
ClaimCenter examines the foreign keys and arrays that point to the entity.
However, if you set ignoreForEvents to true on an entity that references the
non-event-generating entity, then ClaimCenter ignores that link as it deter-
mines what entities refer to another entity.
• At the entity level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes to (or
addition or removal of) this entity do not cause Changed events to fire for any
other entity.
• At the column level, the ignoreForEvents attribute means changes to this
column do not cause the application to generate events.
linkField Optional. Specifies the foreign key field that points back to this object. None
name Required. Specifies the name property on the entity. None
nullok Required. The name of the field. Use this name to access the field in data True
views, rules, and other areas within ClaimCenter. The first character of the
name must be a letter.
setterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then ClaimCenter all
defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on page 195 for more
triggersValidation Whether changes to the entity pointed to by this entity trigger validation. False

Subelements on <onetoone>
The <onetoone> element contains the following subelements.

subelements Description Default
fulldescription See “<fulldescription>” on page 223. None

The <remove-index> element defines the name of a database index that you want to remove from the data
model. It is valid for use with the following data model elements:
• <entity>
• <extension>

You can use this element to safely remove a non-Primary key index if it is one of the following:
• The index is non-unique.
• The index is unique but contains an ID column.
Guidewire performs metadata validation to ensure that the <remore-index> element removes only those indexes
that fall into one of these categories.
The index is non-unique. You can safely remove a non-Primary key index with the unique attribute set to false
(unique=”false”). In general, these are indexes that Guidewire provides for performance enhancement. It is safe
to remove these kinds of indexes.

228 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The index is unique but contains an ID column. You can safely remove a non-Primary key index with the unique
attribute set to true if that index includes ID as a key column. For example, the WorkItem entity contains the
following index definition:
<index desc="Covering index to speed up checking-out of work items and they involve search on status"
name="WorkItemIndex2" unique="true">
<indexcol keyposition="1" name="status"/>
<indexcol keyposition="2" name="Priority" sortascending="false"/>
<indexcol keyposition="3" name="CreationTime"/>
<indexcol keyposition="4" name="ID"/>

Even though the unique attribute is set to true, it is safe to remove this index as the index definition contains an
ID column (keyposition=”4”). These types of indexes do not enforce a uniqueness condition. Thus, it is safe to
remove these kinds of indexes.

Attributes on <remove-index>
The <remove-index> element contains the following attributes.

attributes Description Default
name Name of the database index to remove. None

Using the <remove-index> Element

In many cases, you simply want to modify an existing database index. In that case, use the <remove-index>
element to remove the index, then simply add an index—with the same name—that contains the desired charac-

The <typekey> element defines a field for which a typelist defines the values. Guidewire defines this element in
the data model metadata files as the <typekay> XML subelement.
Note: For information on typelists, typekeys, and keyfilters, see “Working with Typelists” on page 315.

Attributes on <typekey>
The <typekey> element contains the following attributes.

attributes Description Default
columnName Optional. Name of the corresponding database column. This is different None
from the name attribute, which specifies the name of the property in the
type system. If you do not specify a value for this attribute, then
ClaimCenter uses the name value.
createhistogram Whether to create a histogram on the column during an update to the False
database statistics.
Note: It is possible to override this attribute on an existing column in an
extension (*.etx) file using the <column-override> element. You can
use the override to turn off an existing histogram or to create one that did
not previously exist.
This change does not take effect during an upgrade. The change occurs
only if you regenerate statistics for the affected table by using the
Guidewire maintenance_tools command.
See also the following:
• “maintenance_tools Command” on page 171 in the System
Administration Guide
• “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 229

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

attributes Description Default
default The default value given to the field during new entity creation. None
deprecated If true, then ClaimCenter marks the typekey as deprecated in the Data False
Dictionary and places a Deprecated annotation on it in the Guidewire Stu-
dio API Reference.
If you deprecate a typekey, use the description to explain why.
desc A description of the purpose and use of the field. None
exportable Whether the field is available to the ClaimCenter SOAP APIs. True
ClaimCenter ignores this attribute if you do not also mark the containing
entity as exportable.
generateCode Internal. True
getterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then None
ClaimCenter defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on
page 195 for more information.
loadable If true, then you can load the field through staging tables. A staging table True
can contain a column (as a string) for the code of the typekey.
name Required. Specifies the name of the property on the entity None
nullok Whether the field can contain null values. True
overwrittenInStagingTable Internal. If true (and the typekey is loadable), it indicates that the loader False
process auto-populates the typekey in the staging table during import.
IMPORTANT If set to true, do not attempt to populate the typekey your-
self as the loader import process overwrites this typekey.
setterScriptability If you choose to set this, use all. If you do not set this value, then None
ClaimCenter defaults to all. See “Data Objects and Scriptability” on
page 195 for more information.
soapnullok If true, then you can set the value of this column to null in SOAP calls. If None
you do not set this value, it defaults to the value of nullok.
typefilter The name of a filter associated with the typelist. See “Static Filters” on None
page 325 for additional information.

typelist Required. The name of the typelist from which this field gets its value. None
See also “Working with Typelists” on page 315.

Subelements on <typekey>
The <typekey> element contains the following subelements.

subelements Description Default
keyfilters Defines one or more <keyfilter> elements. There can be at most one None
<keyfilters> element in an entity. See “Dynamic Filters” on page 330 for additional
fulldescription See “<fulldescription>” on page 223. None

230 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Subelements on <keyfilters>
The <keyfilters> element contains the following subelements.

subelements Description Default
<keyfilter> Specifies a keyfilter to use to filter the typelist. This element requires the <name> attribute. None
This attribute defines a relative path (navigable through Gosu dot notation) to a physical
data field. Each element in the path must be a data model field.
Note: You can include multiple <keyfilter> elements to specify multiple keyfilters.

Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model 231

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

232 Chapter 16, The ClaimCenter Data Model

chapter 17

Modifying the Base Data Model

This topic discusses how to extend the base data model as well as how to create new data objects.
This topic includes:
• “Planning Changes to the Base Data Model” on page 233
• “Defining a New Data Entity” on page 237
• “Extending a Base Configuration Entity” on page 238
• “Working with Attribute Overrides” on page 239
• “Extending the Base Data Model: Examples” on page 241
• “Removing Objects from the Base Configuration Data Model” on page 250
• “Deploying Data Model Changes to the Application Server” on page 254

Planning Changes to the Base Data Model

Before proceeding to modify the base data model, Guidewire strongly recommends that you first review the
Guidewire Data Dictionary. Verify that the existing data model does not provide the functionality that you need
first before modifying the base application functionary.

Overview of Data Model Extension

Entity extensions are additions to the entities in the base data model. Although you cannot modify the base data
type declaration files directly, you can define an extension to one in a separate .etx file. You can also define new
data model objects that extend the data model in an .eti file. This allows new ClaimCenter releases to modify
the base definitions without affecting your extensions, thus preserving an upgrade path.
By extending the base data model, you can:
• Add fields (columns) to an existing base entity through the use of the <column>, <typekey>, <foreignkey>,
<array>, and similar elements. See Data Object Subelements.

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 233

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Create a new entity with custom fields using any of the entity types listed in “Base ClaimCenter Data
Objects” on page 196.
• Modify a small subset of the attributes of an existing base entity using overrides.
• Remove (or hide) an extension to a base entity that exists in the extensions folder as an .etx declaration file.
• Remove (or hide) a base entity that exists in the extensions folder as an .eti declaration file.
However, using extensions, you cannot:
• Delete a base entity or any of its fields. If you do not use a particular base entity or one of its fields, then
simply ignore it.
• Change most of the attributes of a base entity or any of its fields.

Strategies for Extending the Base Data Model

Extending the data model means one of the following:
• You want to add new fields to an existing entity.
• You want to create a new entity.

IMPORTANT During planning for data model extensions, you need to consider performance implica-
tions. For example, if you add hundreds of extensions to a major object, this can conceivably exceed a
reasonable row size in the database.

Adding Fields to an Entity

If an entity has almost all the functionality you need to support your business case, you can add one or more
fields to it. In this sense, Guidewire uses the term field to denote one of the following:
• Column
• Typekey
• Array
• Foreign key
See “Data Column and Field Types” on page 184 for a description of these fields.

Subtyping a Non-Final Entity

If you want to find a new use for an existing entity, you can subtype and rename it. For instance, suppose that you
want to track individuals who have already had the role of IssueOwner. In this case, it can be useful to create

Creating a New Entity

Occasionally, careful review of the base application data model makes it clear that you need to create a new
entity. There are many types of base entities within Guidewire applications. However, Guidewire strongly
recommends in general practice that you always use one of the following types if you create a new entity:

retireable This type of entity is an extension of the editable entity. It is not possible to delete this entity. It is possi-
ble to retire it, however.
versionable This type of entity has a version and an ID. It is possible to delete entities of this type from the database.

As a general rule, Guidewire recommends the following:

• Make the new entity versionable if it is not necessary for another entity to refer to the entity through the use
of a foreign key.

234 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Make the entity retirable otherwise.

Note: See “Data Objects and the Application Database” on page 193 for more information on these data
In general, you typically want to create a new entity under the following circumstances:
• If your business model requires an object that does not logically exist in the application. Or, if you have added
too many fields to an existing entity, and want to abstract away some of it into a new, logical entity.
• If you need to manage arrays of objects, as opposed to multiple objects, you can create an entity array.
Reference entities. To store some unchanging reference data, such as a lookup table that seldom changes, you can
create a reference entity. An example of a business case for a reference entity is a list of typical reserve amounts
for a given exposure. To avoid the overhead of maintaining foreign keys, make reference entities keyable.
Unless you want to build in the ability to edit this information from within the application, set
setterscriptability = hidden. This prevents Gosu code from accidentally overwriting the data.

Note: Guidewire recommends that you determine that this is not really a case for creating a typelist before
you create a reference entity. See “Defining a Reference Entity” on page 247 for more information.

What Happens If You Change the Data Model?

During server start up, ClaimCenter analyzes the metadata for changes since the last build. If you have made
extensions, the application merges this into the working ClaimCenter data model which is the composite of the
base entities and your extensions.
After merging the base data model with any extensions, ClaimCenter compares the startup layout to the physical
schema in the current database. (Each ClaimCenter database stores schema version numbers and metadata check-
sums to optimize the analysis and comparison.)
If the application detects changes between the startup layout and the physical database schema, it initiates a data-
base upgrade automatically. This keeps the physical schema synchronized with the schema defined by the XML
metadata. By default, ClaimCenter refuses to start until the two are synchronized. By setting the autoupgrade
parameter to false (within the database element in config.xml), you can configure ClaimCenter to report the
need for an upgrade, but not actually perform it.

WARNING Do not directly modify the physical database that ClaimCenter uses. You only make
changes to the ClaimCenter data model through Guidewire Studio.

Database Upgrade Triggers

The upgrade utility initiates a database upgrade automatically at application server startup if there are additions,
modifications, or extensions to any of the following:
• Data model version
• Extensions version
• Platform version
• ClaimCenter data model
• Field encryption
• Typelists
In addition to these generic changes, the following specific localization changes trigger a database upgrade:
• In file localization.xml, any change to the <LinguisticSearchCollation> subelement on the <GWLocale>
element of the default application locale forces a database upgrade at application server startup.

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 235

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• In file collations.xml, any change to the source definition of the DBJavaClass definition forces a database
upgrade at application server startup.
Note: For information on these two files and localizing search and sort operations in general, see “Local-
ized Search and Sort” on page 525.

Naming Guidelines for Extensions

ClaimCenter uses the names of extensions as the basis for several other internally-generated structures, such as
database elements and Java classes. Because of this, it is important that you adhere to the naming requirements
and guidelines described in this section.

IMPORTANT Deviations from these guidelines can result in product errors or unexpected behavior.

This section describes the following naming guidelines:

• Use Allowable Characters Only
• Add a Prefix or Suffix to Avoid Name Conflicts
• Use the Singular Except for Arrays

Use Allowable Characters Only

An extension name cannot start with a digit. It must start with an alpha character. Other than that, an extension
name can contain letters, numbers, or underscores (_). Guidewire does not permit any other characters in exten-
sion names.

Add a Prefix or Suffix to Avoid Name Conflicts

To avoid naming conflicts with base ClaimCenter entities, Guidewire recommends that you add Ext as either a
prefix or a suffix to your extension names for entities and fields. This ensures that there is no conflict with
ClaimCenter entities that Guidewire adds or changes in the future.
• Using Ext_ as a prefix—With this approach, start all your extension names with Ext_. For example, name an
entity that represents the service area covered by a vendor Ext_ServiceArea.
• Using _Ext as a suffix — With this approach, end all your extension names with _Ext. For example, name an
entity that represents a person’s credit history CreditHistory_Ext.
The primary difference between these approaches is how various development resources, such as in the Data
Dictionary or the Studio help system, list the extensions.
• If you want to group your extensions together in the list, use the prefix, and ClaimCenter alphabetizes the
group together under Ext.
• If you want ClaimCenter to alphabetize your extensions in the list by their meaningful names, use the suffix.

IMPORTANT Guidewire strongly recommends that you choose one of the extension naming formats
and then use it consistently thereafter. In general practice, it is not a good idea to mix naming styles.

Use the Singular Except for Arrays

Guidewire recommends that you name most fields with a singular word such as Claim or Note. However, as an
array field references a list of one or more objects, Guidewire recommends that you name it with a plural word.
For example, Claim.Description and Claim.Policy are single fields on a Claim entity, but Claim.Notes is an
array of multiple notes. Also, for arrays fields that are extensions, make the primary name plural and not the Ext
prefix or suffix. For example, use Ext_MedTreatments or MedTreatments_Ext, and not MedTreatment_Exts.

236 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Defining a New Data Entity

You define all new data entity objects in declaration files that end with the .eti extension. You do this through
Guidewire Studio. Studio automatically manages the process and stores the .eti file in the correct location in the
application (in the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder).

To create a new entity

1. Create a file for that entity through Studio:

a. Navigate to the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder.

b. Select New → Other file from the right-click menu.

c. Enter the file name, adding the .eti file extension. Studio does not do this for you. Name the file

2. Within the file, use one of the following XML tags to define the entity.

Data entity See

<component> “Component Data Objects” on page 196
<delegate> “Delegate Data Objects” on page 197
<entity> “Entity Data Objects” on page 200
<extension> “Extension Data Objects” on page 203
<nonPersistentEntity> “Nonpersistent Entity Data Objects” on page 204
<subtype> “Subtype Data Objects” on page 205
<viewEntity> “View Entity Data Objects” on page 207
<viewEntityExtension> “View Entity Extension Data Objects” on page 208

3. Add fields to your new data entity. For example:

XML tag Use to add

<array> An array of entities
<column> A field with a simple data type
<foreignkey> A field referencing another entity
<typekey> A field with a typelist

See “Data Object Subelements” on page 209 for information on the possible XML elements that you can add
to your new entity definition.
4. Deploy your changes to the application server. You must redeploy the application after you make any change
to the Guidewire ClaimCenter data model. See “Deploying Data Model Changes to the Application Server”
on page 254 for details.

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 237

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Extending a Base Configuration Entity

You define all of your entity-type extensions in files that end with the .etx extension. You do this through
Guidewire Studio. Studio automatically manages the process and stores the .etx file in the correct location in the

WARNING Guidewire provides certain entity extensions as part of the base application configuration.
Many of the extension index definitions address performance issues. Other extensions provide the
ability to configure the data model in ways that would not be possible if the extension was part of the
base data model. Do not simply overwrite a Guidewire extension with your own extension without
understanding the full implications of the change.

ClaimCenter extensions allow you to add new fields to the base data entities. You can add custom fields to
extendable entities only. Not all entities are extendable, but most of the important business entities such as Claim,
User, Contact, and others are extendable. (You can determine if an entity is extendable by looking in the Data
Dictionary to see if it supports the Extendable attribute. The Data Dictionary displays the list of attributes for
that entity type directly underneath the entity name.)
Use the <extension> XML root element to create an extension entity. Before creating a new extension file, first
determine if one already exists.
• If an extension file for the entity does, then edit that file to extend the entity.
• If an extension file for the entity does not exist, then create the new extension file and populate it accordingly.
Do not attempt to create multiple extension files for the same entity. You can reference a given existing entity in
only one extension (.etx or .ttx) file. If you attempt to extend (or define) the same entity in multiple files, then
the ClaimCenter application server generates an error at application start up. In all cases, Studio refuses to create
entity or extension files with the same duplicate name.

To create a new extension file

The simplest (and safest) way to create a new extension file is to let Studio manage the process.
1. Within the Studio Resources tree, navigate to the object file for which you want to create an extension. You can
do this in several different ways:
a. Select CRTL-N and enter the object name in the search field. If multiple versions of this file already exist
(.eti and .eix, for example), enter the extension as well to ensure that you find the correct file. Studio
opens the Resources tree and highlights the file name.
b. Expand all the Data Model Extensions folders and visually search for the data object file.

c. Select the Data Model Extensions folder, right-click and use the Find in path... command to search for the file.

2. Select (highlight) the file, right-click, and select Create extension file from the submenu. Studio creates a basi-
cally empty extension file named <entity>.etx, places it in the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder, and
opens it in a view tab for editing.
Note: If an extension file for the selected entity file already exists, Studio does not permit you to create
another one. If you do not see the Create extension file right-click command, then search in the extensions
folder for an existing file.
3. Populate the extension file with the required XML.

4. Deploy your changes to the application server. You must redeploy the application after you make any change
to the Guidewire ClaimCenter data model. See “Deploying Data Model Changes to the Application Server”
on page 254 for details.

238 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Working with Attribute Overrides

It is possible to override certain attribute values (fields) on entities that Guidewire defines in files to which you
do not have direct access. For example, you do not have write access to any entity definition files in the Data Model
Extensions → metadata subfolders. Guidewire provides a limited number of override elements for use in .etx exten-
sion files in the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder.
To use an override element:
• If an entity extension file (.etx) already exists in the extensions folder, then add one of the specified override
elements to the existing file.
• If an entity extension file (.etx) does not already exist in the extensions folder, then you need to create one and
add an override element to that file.
• If an entity definition file (.eti) exists in the extensions folder, then you can modify the original field defini-
tion. You do not need to use an override element.

IMPORTANT Only add override elements to .etx files in the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder.
Do not attempt to add an override element to a file in any other folder or to any other file type.

The following list describes the attributes that you can override by using an override element in an .etx file in
the extensions folder:

Override element Attributes that you can override

<array-override> triggersValidation
<column-override> createhistogram
<foreignkey-override> nullok
<onetoone-override> triggersValidation
<typekey-override> default

These attributes have the following meanings:

Attribute Description
createhistogram Use to turn on (or off) the creation of a histogram during the generation of table statistics.
This change does not take effect during an upgrade. It only occurs if you regenerate statis-
tics for the affected table using the Guidewire maintenance_tools command.
For more information on the createhistogram attribute on the column element, see “<col-
umn>” on page 212.
default Use to change the default value given to the field (column) during new entity creation.
nullok Use to make the nullok attribute more restrictive.You can only make it make it more restric-
tive, for example, changing it from nullok="true" to nullok="false".
size Use to change the size of a column. See “A ‘size’ Example” on page 240.
supportsLinguisticSearch Use to enable linguistic search on a column. See “Localized Search and Sort” on page 525
for details on working with localized database searches.
triggersValidation Use to determine if ClaimCenter initiates validation on changes to an array, a foreign key, or
a one-to-one entity.

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 239

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Attribute Description
type Use to change the data type of a column to a data type that is of a different value type. For
example, suppose that you have a String column that currently is of shortext and you
want to make it use longtext. In this case, you use a <column-override> subelement to
modify the original column definition.

Overriding Data Type Attributes

Besides the attributes that you can specifically override using the <column-override> element, you can also
modify data type attributes on a column. You do this through the use of nested <columnParam> subelements
within the <column-override> element.
For example, the base configuration Contact entity defines a TaxID column (in Contact.eti):
<column createhistogram="true"
desc="Tax ID for the contact (SSN or EIN)."

To encrypt the contents of this column (a reasonable course of action), create a Contact extension (Contact.etx)
and use the <column-override> element to set the encryption attribute on the column:
<column-override name="TaxID">
<columnParam name="encryption" value="true"/>

See Also
• See “The <columnParam> Subelement” on page 214 for a description of the <columParam> element and the
column attributes that you can modify using this element.

A ‘size’ Example
You can change the size of the Name column for a Document entity as follows:
1. Open Guidewire Studio.

2. Navigate to configuration → metadata → pl and right-click Document.eti, and then choose Create Extension File.

3. Before the final </extension> tag, insert the following code to set the size of the Name column to 100:
<column-override name="Name">
<columnParam name="size" value="100"/>

4. Save the file.

A triggersValidation Example
You use the triggersValidation attribute to instruct ClaimCenter whether changes to an array, a foreign key, or
a one-to-one entity initiates validation on that entity. To illustrate, in the base configuration, Guidewire defines
the Account entity in file Account.eti.
<entity ... entity="Account" ...>
<array arrayentity="UserRoleAssignment"
desc="Role Assignments for this account."

The definition of the RoleAssignments array specifies that if any element of the array changes, the change trig-
gers a validation of the object graph that includes the array. Suppose, for some reason, that you want to turn off
validation even if changes occur to the RoleAssignments array. To do so, you need to create an extension file
with an <array-override> element that modifies the triggersValidition attribute set on the base data object.
The following steps illustrate this concept.

240 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To override a “triggersValidation” attribute

1. Create an Account.etx file.

a. Find the Account.eti file in the Studio Resources tree. You can use CTRL-N to find the file.

b. Select the file, right-click and select Create extension file from the submenu.
Studio creates an Account.etx file and places it in the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder.
2. Populate Account.etx with the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension xmlns="" entityName="Account">
<array-override name=”RoleAssignments” triggersValidation="false">

3. Stop and restart the application server. The application server recognizes that there are changes to the data
model and automatically runs the upgrade utility on start up.
This effectively switches off the validation that usually occurs on changes to elements of the RoleAssignments

Extending the Base Data Model: Examples

As described in “Defining a New Data Entity” on page 237, you can define entirely new custom entities that
become part of the ClaimCenter entity model. You can then use these entities in your data views, rules, and Gosu
classes in exactly the same way as you use the base entities. ClaimCenter makes no distinction between the usage
of base entities and custom entities.
This topic describes the following:
• Creating a New Delegate Object
• Extending a Delegate Object
• Defining a Subtype
• Defining a Reference Entity
• Defining an Entity Array
• Extending an Existing View Entity
Testing your work. After you make any change to the data model, Guidewire recommends that you do the
following to test your work.
• First, stop and restart Guidewire Studio. Verify that there are no errors or warnings. If there are, do not
proceed until you have corrected the issues. Guidewire does not strictly require that you always stop and
restart Studio after a data model change. However, it is one way to test that you have not inadvertently made
a typing error, for example.
• After starting Studio, start Guidewire ClaimCenter. As the application server starts, it recognizes that you
have made changes to the database and runs the upgrade utility automatically. Verify that the application
server starts cleanly, without errors or warnings.

Creating a New Delegate Object

Creating a delegate object and associating it to an entity is a relatively straightforward process. It does involve
multiple steps, as do many changes to the data model. To create a new delegate, you need to do the following:

Task Description

Step 1: Create the Delegate Object Define the delegate entity using the <delegate> element.
Step 2: Define the Delegate Functionality Create a Gosu enhancement to provide any functionality that you want to
expose on your delegate.

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 241

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Task Description

Step 3: Add the Delegate to the Parent Entity Use the <implementsEntity> element to associate the delegate with the
parent entity.
Step 4: Deploy your Data Model Changes Regenerate the toolkit and deploy your data model changes.

The following topics describe this process.

Step 1: Create the Delegate Object

The first step in defining a new delegate is to create the delegate file and populate it with the necessary code.

To create a delegate object

1. Within Guidewire Studio, navigate to Data Model Extensions → extensions.

2. Right-click and select New → Other file from the submenu.

3. Enter the file name, using the name of the delegate and adding the .eti extension. (Studio does not do this for
you.) This action creates an empty file. You use this file to define the fields on the delegate.
4. Enter the delegate definition in the delegate file. If necessary, find an existing delegate file and use it as a
model for the syntax.
For example, in the base configuration, Guidewire defines the implementation of the Assignable delegate as
<delegate ... name="Assignable">
<column desc="Time when entity last assigned"
<column desc="Date and time when this entity was closed. (Not applicable to all assignable entities)"
<foreignkey columnName="AssignedGroupID"
desc="Group to which this entity is assigned; null if none assigned"

Step 2: Define the Delegate Functionality

Next, you need to provide functionality for the delegate.
Java class implementation. In the base configuration, Guidewire provides a Java class implementation for each
delegate to provide the necessary functionality. The Delegate object designates the Java class through the
javaClass attribute. It is not possible for you to create and use a Java class for this purpose.
Gosu enhancement implementation. You must implement the delegate functionality through a Gosu enhance-
ment that defines any functionality associated with the fields on the delegate. By providing the name of the dele-
gate entity to the enhancement as you create it, you inform Studio that you are adding functionality for that
particular delegate. Studio automatically recognizes that you are enhancing the delegate.

To implement delegate functionality through a Gosu enhancement

1. Within Studio, navigate to Classes → gw.
This is an example package. In actual practice, you can place the enhancement in a location that makes busi-
ness sense.

242 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. Right-click and select New → Enhancement from the submenu. This action opens the New Enhancement dialog.

3. Enter the name of the delegate that you created in “Step 1: Create the Delegate Object” on page 242 in the
Type to Enhance field. Studio automatically generates the enhancement name from the delegate name. After you
enter the delegate name, click OK to close the dialog and create the enhancement.
4. Enter code in the enhancement to provide the necessary functionality. The delegate automatically has access
to all fields and members that you define in the Gosu enhancement.

Step 3: Add the Delegate to the Parent Entity

The next step is to associate a delegate with an entity using the <implementsEntity> element in the entity defini-
• If you are creating a new entity, then you need to add the <implementsEntity> element to the entity defini-
tion .eti file.
• If you are working with an existing entity, then you need to add the <implementsEntity> element to the
entity extension .etx file.
The following steps illustrate this process by creating a new entity. The steps to extend an existing entity are

To associate a delegate with a new entity

1. Within Guidewire Studio, navigate to Data Model Extensions → extensions.

2. Right-click and select New → Other file from the submenu.

3. Enter the name of the entity file. You must add the .eti extension. Studio does not do this for you. This
action creates an empty file. You use this file to associate the delegate with your entity. If necessary, find an
existing entity file and use it as a model for the syntax.
Note: Guidewire recommends that you add either the Ext prefix or suffix to all entities that you create or
extend. If you do so, do so consistently. This means you always use prefixes or that you always use suffixes.
4. Enter the necessary text in this file, using the <implementsEntity> element to specify the delegate. For
example (in the ClaimCenter base configuration), Guidewire defines the Claim entity—in Claim.eti—so
that it implements a number of delegates, including the Assignable and Validatable delegates. The defini-
tion looks like this:
<entity xmlns="" ... entity="Claim" ... />
<implementsEntity name="Validatable"/>
<implementsEntity name="Assignable"/>

Step 4: Deploy your Data Model Changes

After completing these steps, you need to deploy your data model changes. If necessary, see “Deploying Data
Model Changes to the Application Server” on page 254 for details. Depending on whether you are working in a
development or production environment, you need to perform different tasks.

Extending a Delegate Object

Note: A Delegate data object is a reusable entity that contains an interface and a default implementation of
that interface. See “Delegate Data Objects” on page 197 for more information.
Typically, you extend existing delegate objects to provide additional fields and behaviors on the delegate.
Through extension, you can add the following to a delegate object in Guidewire ClaimCenter:
• <column>
• <foreignkey>
• <description>

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 243

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• <implementsEntity>
• <implementsInterface>
• <index>
• <typekey>

You cannot remove base delegate fields. However, you can modify them to a certain extent—for example, by
making an optional field non-nullable (but not the reverse). You cannot replace the requires attribute on the
base delegate (which specifies the required adapter), but you can implement other delegates.
In Guidewire ClaimCenter, you can extend the following base configuration delegates:
• CopyOnWriteMetricLimitDelegate
• DecimalMetricDelegate
• DecimalMetricLimitDelegate
• EFTDataDelegate
• ISOMatchReport
• ISOReportable
• IntegerMetricDelegate
• IntegerMetricLimitDelegate
• MetricLimitTimeDelegate
• MoneyMetricDelegate
• MoneyMetricLimitDelegate
• PercentMetricDelegate
• PercentMetricLimitDelegate
• TimeBasedMetricDelegate
• TripAccommodationDelegate
• TripExpenseCancellationDelegate
• TripExpenseDelegate
• TripSegmentDelegate

Note: In addition to these application-specific delegates, you can extend the following system delegate:

You can only extend a delegate if the base configuration definition file for that delegate contains the following:

The default for the extendable attribute on <delegate> is false. Therefore, if it is not set explicitly to true in
the delegate definition file, you cannot extend that delegate.

IMPORTANT Do not attempt to change the graph to which a Guidewire base entity belongs through
extension. In other words, do not attempt to change the delegate that a Guidewire base entity imple-
ments through an extension entity using <implementsEntity>. ClaimCenter generates an error if you
attempt to do so.

To extend delegate object

1. Navigate to Data Model Extensions → extensions.

2. Right-click and select New → Other file.

3. Enter the name of the delegate that you want to extend and add the .etx extension. (Studio does not do this
for you.) Studio opens an empty file.
4. Enter the delegate definition in the delegate extension file. If necessary, find an existing delegate file and use
it as a model for the syntax. For details, see “Creating a New Delegate Object” on page 241.

244 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

EFT Delegate Example

To illustrate, in the base ClaimCenter configuration, Guidewire provides a delegate named EFTDataDelegate to
use with Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) data.
Guidewire defines the following EFTDataDelegate-related files in the base ClaimCenter configuration:

File Location Description

EFTDataDelegate.eti metadata/cc Defines delegate EFTDataDelegate.
EFTDataDelegate.etx extensions Extends EFTDataDelegate and adds additional fields and behaviors.
EFTData.eti metadata/cc Defines an EFTData object that implements EFTDataDelegate.
Check.eti metadata/cc Creates the Check object, which implements EFTDataDelegate.
Contact.etx extensions Extends the Contact entity and adds an array of EFTData objects.

The following topics describe these files.

The EFT Data Delegate

Guidewire defines the EFTDataDelegate in file EFTDataDelegate.eti. It looks similar to the following.
<![CDATA[Delegate used by Contact and Check to store Electronic funds transfer data]]>

Notice that, in this case, Java class implements the

plugin functionality. In actual practice, if you define your own delegate, you need to implement the delegate
functionality in Gosu code.
Also, notice that this delegate is extendable.

The EFT Data Delegate Extension

Guidewire extends the definition of the EFTDataDelegate entity in file EFTDataDelegate.etx.
desc="The name on the account"
<columnParam name="size" value="100"/>
desc="The name of the bank"
<columnParam name="size" value="100"/>
desc="The type of bank accout e.g. checking, savings etc"
desc="The bank account number"
<columnParam name="size" value="20"/>
<columnParam name="encryption" value="true"/>
desc="The routing number is a nine digit bank code used in the United States"

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 245

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

desc="Indicates if this is the primary EFT record for the contact"

Notice that the delegate extension adds a number of fields to the delegate that are accessible to any entity that
implements this delegate, for example, AccountName and BankAccountType, among others.

EFTData Implements EFTDataDelegate

In the base ClaimCenter configuration, the EFTData entity implements the EFTDataDelegate delegate. The
following abbreviated code illustrates this.
<!-- Entity implementing the delegate -->
<entity name="EFTData">
<implementsEntity name=" EFTDataDelegate "/>
<foreignkey columnName="Contact"/>

Check Implements EFTDataDelegate

In the base ClaimCenter configuration, the Check entity implements EFTDataDelegate directly, in a one-to-one
relationship. The following abbreviated code illustrates this.
<!-- 1:1 relatioship -->
<extension entityName="Check">
<implementsEntity name=" EFTDataDelegate "/>

Contact contain array of EFTData objects

In the base ClaimCenter configuration, the Contact entity adds an array of EFTData objects. This is a one-to-
many relationship. The following abbreviated code illustrates this.
<!-- 1:m relationship -->
<extension entityName="Contact">
<array arrayentity="EFTData" />

See Also
• “The ClaimCenter Data Model” on page 187
• “Delegate Data Objects” on page 197
• “<implementsEntity>” on page 224
• “Creating a New Delegate Object” on page 241

Defining a Subtype
A subtype is an entity that you base on another entity (its supertype). The subtype has all of the fields and
elements of its supertype, and it can also have additional ones. You can also create subtypes of subtypes, with no
limit to the depth of the hierarchy.
ClaimCenter does not associate a unique database table with a subtype. Instead, the application stores all
subtypes in the table of its supertype. The supertype table includes a subtype column. The subtype column
stores the type values for each subtype. ClaimCenter uses this column to resolve a subtype.
You define a subtype using the <subtype> element. You must specify certain attributes of the subtype, such as its
name and its supertype (the entity on which ClaimCenter bases the subtype entity). For a description of required
and optional attributes, see “Subtype Data Objects” on page 205.
Within the <subtype> definition, you must define its fields and other elements. For a description of the elements
you can include, see “Data Object Subelements” on page 209.

246 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

This example defines an Inspector entity as a subtype of Person. The Inspector entity includes a field for the
inspector’s license. To create the InspectorExt.eti file, navigate to the extensions folder, then select New → Other
file from the right-click submenu. Enter the full name including the extension in the dialog.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subtype xmlns="" desc="Professional inspector" displayName="Inspector"
<column name="InspectorLicenseExt" type="varchar" desc="Inspector's business license number">
<columnParam name="size" value="30"/>

Defining a Reference Entity

You use a reference entity to store reference data for later access from within ClaimCenter without having to call
out to an external application. For example, you can use reference entities to store:
• Medical payment procedure codes, descriptions, and allowed amounts
• Average reserve amounts, based on coverage and loss type
• PIP aggregate limits, based on state and coverage type
You can populate a reference entity by importing its data, and then you can query it using Gosu expressions. If
you do not want ClaimCenter to update the reference data, set setterScriptability = hidden during entity

IMPORTANT You can use any entity type as a reference entity. However, if you use the entity solely
for storing and querying reference data, then Guidewire recommends that you use a keyable entity.

This example defines a read-only reference table named ExampleReferenceEntityExt.
<entity entity="ExampleReferenceEntityExt" table="exampleref" type="keyable"
<column name="StringColumn" type="shorttext"/>
<column name="IntegerColumn" type="integer"/>
<column name="BooleanColumn" type="bit"/>
<column name="TextColumn" type="longtext"/>
<index name="internal1">
<indexcol name="StringColumn" keyposition="1"/>
<indexcol name="IntegerColumn" keyposition="2"/>

Defining an Entity Array

It is often useful to have a field that contains an array of other entities. For example, to represent that a contact
can contain multiple address, the Contact entity contains the Contact.ContactAddresses field, which is an
array of ContactAddresses entities for each Contact data object.
As you define the entity for the array, consider the type of entity to use. The general rule, again, is that if another
entity does not refer to the new entity through a foreign key, then make the entity versionable. Otherwise, make
the entity retireable.

To define an array of entities

1. Define the entity to use as a member of the array. Although you can use one of the ClaimCenter base entities
for an array, it is often likely that you need to define a new entity for this purpose.
2. Define an array field in the entity that contains the array. You can give the field any name you want. It does
not need to be the same name as the array entity.

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 247

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

3. Define a foreign key in the array entity that references the containing entity. ClaimCenter uses this field to
connect an array to a particular data object.

For more information about See

entity types “Overview of Data Entities” on page 189

defining a new entity “Defining a New Data Entity” on page 237
defining an array field “<array>” on page 210
defining a foreign key field “<foreignkey>” on page 220

The following example, defines a new retireable entity named ExampleRetireableArrayEntityExt and adds it
as an array to the Claim entity.
The first step is to define the array entity:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity entity="ExampleRetireableArrayEntityExt" table="exampleretarray" type="retireable"
<column name="StringColumn" type="shorttext"/>
<typekey name="TypekeyColumn" typelist="SystemPermissionType" desc="A test typekey column"/>
<foreignkey name="RetireableFKID" fkentity="ExampleRetireableEntityExt"
desc="FK back to ExampleRetireableEntity" exportable="false"/>
<foreignkey name="KeyableFKID" fkentity="ExampleKeyableEntityExt"
desc="FK through to ExampleKeyableEntity" exportable="false"/>
<foreignkey name="ClaimID" fkentity="Claim" desc="FK back to Claim" exportable="false"/>
<implementsEntity name="Extractable"/>
<index name="internal1" unique="true">
<indexcol name="RetireableFKID" keyposition="1"/>
<indexcol name="TypekeyColumn" keyposition="2"/>

To make this example useful, suppose that you now add this array field to the Claim entity. It is possible that a
Claim entity already exists in the base configuration. Verify that the data type declaration file does not exist
before adding another one. To determine if a Claim extension file already exists, use CTRL-N to search for
• If the file does exist, then you can modify it.
• If the file does not exist, then you need to create one.
Add the following to Claim.etx.
<extension entityName="Claim" ...>
<array arrayentity="ExampleRetireableArrayEntityExt"
desc="An array of ExampleRetireableArrayEntityExt objects."
name="RetireableArrayExt" />

Next, modify the array entity definition so it includes a foreign key that refers to Claim:
<entity entity="ExampleRetireableArrayEntityExt" table="exampleretarray" ... >
<foreignkey name="ClaimID" fkentity="Claim" desc="FK back to Claim" exportable="false"/>

Finally, create the two referenced entities, ExampleRetireableEntityExt and ExampleKeyableEntityExt.

Implementing a Many-to-Many Relationship Between Entity Types

To add a many-to-many relationship between entity types to the data model, you need to do the following:
• First, create a separate versionable entity.
• Add non-nullable foreign keys to each end of the many-to-many relationship.
• Add a unique index on each of the foreign keys.

248 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

These steps create a classic join entity.

The following example illustrates how to create a many-to-many relationship between Account and Contact
entity types.
• It first creates a versionable entity type called MyJoin.
• It then defines foreign keys to Account and Contact.
• Finally, it adds indexes to these foreign keys.
The code looks similar to the following:
<entity xmlns=""
desc="Join entity modeling many-to-many relationship between Account and Contact entities">
<foreignkey columnName="AccountID"
<foreignkey columnName="ContactID"
<index name="accountcontacts" unique="true">
<indexcol keyposition="1" name="AccountID"/>
<indexcol keyposition="2" name="ContactID"/>

To access the relationship, you need to add an array to one or both ends of the relationship. For example:
<extension xmlns="" entityName="Account">
<array arrayentity="MyJoin"
desc="All the MyJoin entities related to Account."

This provides an array of MyJoin entities on Account.

Extending an Existing View Entity

Guidewire uses viewEntity entities to improve performance for list view pages in rendering the ClaimCenter
interface. (See “View Entity Data Objects” on page 207 for details.) Some default PCF pages make use of list
view entities, and some do not. If you add a new field to an entity, then you need to decide if you want to extend
a viewEntity to include this new field. This can potentially avoid performance degradation.
The following example illustrates a case in which you add an extension both to a primary entity and its corre-
sponding viewEntity. First search for Activity.etx to determine if one exists. (Use CTRL-N to open the search
dialog.) Add the following to this file.
<extension entityName="Activity">
<column type="bit"
desc="Sample bit extension, with a default value."/>

Next, search for ActivityDesktopView.etx. Suppose that you do not find this file, but you see that
ActivityDesktopView.eti exists. As this is part of the base configuration, you cannot modify this declaration
file. However, find the highlighted file in Studio and select Create extension file from the right-click submenu. This
opens a mostly blank file. Enter the following in this file.
<viewEntityExtension entityName="ActivityDesktopView">
<viewEntityColumn name="validExt" path="validExt"/>

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 249

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

These data model changes add a validExt column (field) to the Activity object, which is also accessible from
the ActivityDesktopView entity.
Note: The path attribute is always relative to the primary entity on which you base the view.

Removing Objects from the Base Configuration Data Model

It is possible to safely remove certain objects from the base configuration data model. You can only do this,
though, if the data object declaration file exists in the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder, either as an .eti file
or an .etx file.
The following table lists the objects that you can remove (or hide) in the base configuration:

Object to remove Location File See

Base configuration entity extensions .eti “Removing a Base Extension Entity” on page 250
Base configuration extension extensions .etx “Removing an Extension to a Base Object” on page 251

Guidewire recommends that you review the material in “Implications of Modifying the Data Model” on
page 251 before you remove an object from the data model.

IMPORTANT Guidewire provides certain entity extensions as part of the base application configura-
tion. Many of the extension index definitions address performance issues. Other extensions provide the
ability to configure the data model in ways that would not be possible if the extension was part of the
base data model. Do not modify a Guidewire extension without understanding the full implications of
the change.

WARNING Do not attempt to remove a base configuration data object (meaning one defined in the
Data Model Extensions → metadata folder). Also, do not attempt to remove any extension marked as
internal. Any attempt to do so can invalidate your Guidewire installation, causing the application server
to refuse to start.

Removing a Base Extension Entity

It is possible to remove an extension entity that is part of the base data model. You can only remove an extension
entity that the base configuration defines in the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder as an .eti file.
For example, in PolicyCenter, the base configuration includes a number of entity extension files in the extensions
folder, including:
• RateGLClassCodeExt
• RateWCClassCodeExt
• ...
There are two ways to remove an extension entity from the extensions folder:
• For .eti files that Guidewire added as part of the base configuration, you need to edit the file, remove the
current content, and insert a <deleteEntity> element in its place.
• For .eti files that you added as part of your customization process, you need merely delete the file.
In actual practice, you are not removing or deleting either the physical file or the extension itself. You are
hiding—or negating—the effects of the extension entity in the data model.
Note: See “Delete Entity Data Objects” on page 200 for information on the <deleteEntity> element.

250 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To delete a base extension entity

1. Open the entity extension .eti file. This file must be located in the extensions folder.
• If the .eti file is one that you created (meaning it is not part of the Guidewire-provided base configura-
tion), then you merely need to delete the file. You can then omit the next step and continue to step 3.
• If the .eti file is part of the Guidewire-provided base configuration, then continue to the next step.
2. Use the <deleteEntity> object to define the extension entity to remove from the data model. For example, if
you want to remove an extension entity named RateGLClassCodeExt, then enter the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<deleteEntity xmlns="" name="RateGLClassCodeExt" />

3. Stop and restart the application server. At start up, the application server recognizes a data model change and
automatically upgrades the database.
If you encounter error messages, or the application server refuses to start, examine your code and correct any
issues before you attempt to continue.

Removing an Extension to a Base Object

It is also possible to remove an extension to a base data model object. You can only remove an entity extension
that the base configuration defines in the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder as an .etx file.
As with the case with extension entities in the extensions folder, there are two ways to handle the removal of entity
• For .etx files that Guidewire added as part of the base configuration, you need to edit the file, remove the
current content, and insert a <deleteEntity> element in its place.
• For .etx files that you added as part of your customization process, you need merely delete the file.

IMPORTANT You cannot delete an extension marked as internal. Any attempt to do so can invali-
date your Guidewire installation, causing the application server to refuse to start.

To remove a base extension

1. Navigate to the extensions folder and open the declaration file for the entity extension that you want to remove.
• If the .etx file is one that you created (meaning it is not part of the Guidewire-provided base configura-
tion), then you merely need to delete the file. You can then omit the next step and continue to step 3.
• If the .etx file is part of the Guidewire-provided base configuration, then continue to the next step. For
example, suppose that you want to remove (hide) the extension defined in the base configuration for the
Contact entity. In that case, you open Contact.etx in the extensions folder.

2. Delete the contents of the declaration file and insert a blank skeleton definition. For example, for the Contact
extension, use the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension xmlns="" entityName="Contact"/>

3. Stop and restart the application server. At start up, the application server recognizes a data model change and
automatically upgrades the database.
If you encounter error messages, or the application server refuses to start, examine your code and correct any
problems before you attempt to continue.

Implications of Modifying the Data Model

Any change to a data object modifies the underlying ClaimCenter database. Typically, each data entity has a
corresponding table in the database and each object attributes maps to a table column. If you remove or alter a

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 251

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

data object, the possibility exists that your object contains data such as rows in an entity table or data in a
This topic covers the following:
• Does Removing an Extension Make Sense?
• Writing SQL for Extension Removal
• Strategies for Handling Extension Removal
• Troubleshooting Modifications to the Data Model

Does Removing an Extension Make Sense?

Typically, removing a data object only makes sense in your development environment. If you build a new config-
uration, it can sometimes be necessary to remove an object rather than to drop it and to recreate the database.
Dropping the database destroys any data that currently exists. This might not be an option if you share a database
instance with multiple developers. In this case, removing the object is less painful for the development team.
During server start up, ClaimCenter checks for configuration changes, such as modified extensions, that require
a database upgrade. Until the database reflects the underlying configuration, ClaimCenter refuses to start. If you
have configured it to autoupgrade (in config.xml), the application upgrades the database on start up to match
your modifications.
However, there are situations in which you modify a data object and the application upgrade process cannot
make the corresponding database modification for you. Currently, the database upgrade tool is unable to imple-
ment extension modifications that require it to do any of the following:
• Change a column from nullable to non-nullable if null values exist in the database column or if there is not a
default value. ClaimCenter refuses to start if there are null values in a non-nullable column.
• Change the underlying data type of a column, for example, changing a varchar column to clob or varchar
column to int.
• Shorten the length of a varchar/text-based column (for example, mediumtext to shorttext) if this truncates
data in the column. If shortening the length does not require truncating existing data, the upgrader can handle
both shortening the length of a varchar column and increasing the length of a varchar column. (It can
increase the length up to 8000 characters for SQL Server.)

Writing SQL for Extension Removal

Some modifications to the data model can require that you to write a SQL statement in order to synchronize the
database with the data model. How complex this SQL is depends on what you want to remove. For example, to
remove a field on an object, you need to alter the table and drop the column. However, if your extension includes
foreign keys or indexes, then you need to take into account the referential integrity rules for the database—and
your SQL becomes correspondingly more complex.
In a development environment, you can use the trial-and-error approach to writing your SQL.
In a production environment, in which—typically—there is data to preserve in each extension, the SQL can
require an additional layer of complexity. For example, if you write a SQL statement in which a column type
changes, your SQL can do something similar to the following:
• The SQL creates a temporary column.
• It copies data from the existing extension column to the temporary column.
• It drops the existing extension column.
• It recreates the extension column with its new properties as appropriate.
• It copies the data from the temporary column to the newly recreated column.
• It removes the temporary column.

252 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

However, in most cases, this is not necessary as Guidewire provides version triggers that modify the database
automatically if the application detects data model changes. You only need to do manual SQL modification of
the database if you want to modify your own extensions. Even in that case, Guidewire strongly recommends that
a database administrator (DBA) always develop the SQL to use in removing an extension.

WARNING Be very careful of making changes to the data model on a live production database. You
can invalidate your installation.

Strategies for Handling Extension Removal

Suppose that you have a development environment with multiple developers all using the same database
instance. Before modifying the data model, first you need to communicate with your team to make them aware of
what you plan to do. A good way to communicate your intentions is to provide the team with the SQL you intend
to execute along with a list of impacted references files. After communicating with your team, follow a process
similar to the following if removing a data object:
1. Remove the extension entity or entity extension using the methods outlined in the following sections:
• “Removing a Base Extension Entity” on page 250
• “Removing an Extension to a Base Object” on page 251
2. Remove any references to the object in other parts of your configuration. If you do not remove these refer-
ences, ClaimCenter displays error messages during server start-up.
3. Check in your changes.

4. Open a SQL command line appropriate to your server. For example, if you use Microsoft SQL Server, then
open a query through the SQL Enterprise Manager.
5. Run your SQL statement to remove your extension.

6. Regenerate the toolkit.

In a production environment, Guidewire recommends that you include formal testing and quality assurance
before removing or modifying an extension. Also, involve your company database administrator (DBA) and any
impacted departments. Guidewire recommends also that you document your change and the reasons for it.

Troubleshooting Modifications to the Data Model

It is possible to change an integer column to a typekey column (and the reverse). However, integer values in
the database do not necessarily map to a valid ID within the referenced typelist table after you make this type of
change. Related to this, removing typecodes from a typelist (instead of retiring them) can cause data inconsisten-
cies as well. If you have data that references a non-existent typecode, the upgrade does not complete and the
server refuses to start. Instead of removing typecodes, retire them instead.

Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model 253

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

You can remove an extension field or the entire entity from the data model. If you do this, the server logs an
informational message to the console such as:
ccx_ex_ProviderServicedStates: mismatch in number of columns - 5 in data model, 6 in physical database

Deploying Data Model Changes to the Application Server

How your deploy changes to the data model depends on if you are working in a development or production envi-

Development Environment
If you are working in a development environment, then do the following:
1. Use the following command (from the application bin directory) to regenerate the Guidewire Data
Dictionary so that it reflects your data model changes:
gwcc regen-dictionary

2. Stop and restart both the application server and Studio. As the application server and Studio share the same
file structure in the development environment, you need only restart the development application server to
pick up these changes.
If necessary (and it is almost always necessary if you change the data model), ClaimCenter runs the database
upgrade tool during application start up.

Production Environment
If you are working in a production environment, then do the following:
1. Use the following command (from the application bin directory) to regenerate the Guidewire Data
Dictionary so that it reflects your data model changes:
gwcc regen-dictionary

2. Create a .war or .ear file using one the following build commands:
gwcc build-war
gwcc build-weblogic-ear
gwcc build-websphere-ear
See the “Key ClaimCenter gwcc Commands” on page 43 in the Installation Guide for information on how to
use these commands.
3. Copy this file to the application server. The target location of the file is dependent on the application server.
See the ClaimCenter Installation Guide for details.
If necessary (and it is almost always necessary if you change the data model), ClaimCenter runs the database
upgrade tool during application start up.

254 Chapter 17, Modifying the Base Data Model

chapter 18

Working with Associative Arrays

This topic describes the different types of associative arrays that Guidewire provides as part of the base data
model configuration.
This topic includes:
• “Overview of Associative Arrays” on page 255
• “Subtype Mapping Associative Arrays” on page 256
• “Typelist Mapping Associative Arrays” on page 258

Overview of Associative Arrays

In its simplest terms, an associative array provides a mapping between a set of keys and the values that the keys
represent. A common example of this type of mapping is a telephone book, in which a name maps to a telephone
number. Another common example is a dictionary, which maps terms to their definitions.
To expand on this concept, a telephone book contains a set of names, with each name a key and the associated
telephone number the value. Using array-like notation, you can write:
telephonebook[peter] = 555-123-1234
telephonebook[shelly] = 555-234-2345

ClaimCenter uses the concept of associate arrays to expose array values as a typesafe map within Gosu code. For
example, one type of associative array uses a typekey (a string) as the array index:

State typekey index Maps to...

Capital["Alaska"] "Juneau”
Capital[“Alabama”] “Montgomery”
Capital[“Arkansas”] “Little Rock”

There are two necessary parts to an associative array in Gosu:

• Exposing the key set to the type system

Chapter 18, Working with Associative Arrays 255

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Calculating the value from the key

Associative Array Types

ClaimCenter uses the following types of associative arrays:

Association type <array> subelement Description

Subtype mapping <link-association> Link associations return at most one element and the return type is
an object of the type of the array.
Typelist mapping <array-association> Array associations return an array of results that match the typekey.
Array associations are always zero, one, or more.

Both association types can generate a get, set, or a has method.

• The get method (the getter) fetches the value or values.
• The set method (the setter) sets the values by modifying the field on the object.
• The has method queries the array to see if it contains an object that matches the criteria.
For example, in the ClaimCenter Claim definition file (Data Model Extensions → metadata → Claim.eti), you see the
following XML (simplified for clarity):
<entity xmlns=""
<array arrayentity="ClaimMetric"
desc="Metrics related to this claim."
<typelist-map field="ClaimMetricCategory"/>

Subtype Mapping Associative Arrays

You use subtype mapping to access array elements based on their subtype. In other words, this type of associative
array divides the elements of the array into multiple partitions, each of which contains only array elements of a
particular object subtype. For example, in the ClaimCenter base configuration, the data model defines an associa-
tive array called ClaimMetrics on the Claim object.
In the Claim definition file (Data Model Extensions → metadata → Claim.eti), you see the following XML (simplified
for clarity):
<entity xmlns=""
<array arrayentity="ClaimMetric"
desc="Metrics related to this claim."

256 Chapter 18, Working with Associative Arrays

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


The array—ClaimMetrics—contains a number of objects, each of which is a subtype of a ClaimMetric object.

The data model defines the associative array using the <link-association> element. A link associations return
at most one element and the return type is an object of the type of the array. In this case, the return type is an
object of type ClaimMetric, or more specifically, one of its subtypes.
The ClaimCenter data model defines a number of subtypes of the ClaimMetric object, including:
• DecimalClaimMetric
• IntegerClaimMetric
• AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric
• OpenEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric
• ...
To determine the complete list of subtypes on an object, consult the Data Dictionary. The dictionary organizes
the subtypes into a table at the top of the dictionary page with active links to sections that describe each subtype
in greater detail.

Working with Array Values Using Subtype Mapping

To retrieve an array value, use the following syntax:

Each field has the following meanings:

base-entity The base object on which the associative array exists, for example, the Claim entity for the
ClaimMetrics array.
subtype-map The array entity subtype, for example, AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric (a subtype of
property A field or property on the array object. For example, the AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric object
contains the following properties (among others):
• ClaimMetricCategory
• DispalyTargetValue
• DisplayValue

Note: To see a list of subtypes for any given object, consult the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary. To determine
the list of fields (properties) on an object, again consult the Data Dictionary.

The following example code uses the sample data in the Guidewire ClaimCenter base configuration. It first
retrieves a specific claim object and then uses that object as the base entity from which to retrieve array member
var clm = find(c in Claim where c.ClaimNumber == "235-53-365870")
var thisClaim = clm.getAtMostOneRow()

print("AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric\tClaim Metric Category = "

+ thisClaim.AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric.ClaimMetricCategory.DisplayName)
print("AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric\tDisplay Value = "
+ thisClaim.AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric.DisplayValue)
print("AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric\tReach Yellow Time = "
+ thisClaim.AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric.ReachYellowTime)

The output of running this code in the Gosu tester:

AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric Claim Metric Category = Claim Activity
AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric Display Value = 0
AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric Reach Yellow Time = null

Chapter 18, Working with Associative Arrays 257

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Setting Array Member Values

There are several issues with setting associative array member values, including:
• You can use a find query to retrieve a specific entity instance. However, the result of the find query is read-
only. You must add the retrieved entity to a bundle to be able to manipulate its fields.
• You can only set array values on fields that are database-backed fields, not fields that are derived properties.
To determine which fields are derived, consult the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary.
The following sample code:
• Retrieves a read-only claim object.
• Adds the claim object to transaction bundle to make it writable.
• Sets a specific property on the AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric object (a subtype of the ClaimMetric
object) associated with the claim.
If you recall from the definition of the claim object, ClaimCenter associates an array of ClaimMetric objects—
the ClaimMetrics array—with the Claim object. The metadata definition file also defines the ClaimMetrics
array as being of type <link-association> using subtypes. Thus, you can access array member properties by
first accessing the array member of the proper subtype.
uses gw.transaction.Transaction

var todaysDate = java.util.Date.CurrentDate

var query = find(c in Claim where c.ClaimNumber == "235-53-365870")
var thisClaim = query.getAtMostOneRow()

//Result of find query is read-only, need to get current bundle and add entity to bundle
var bundle = Transaction.getCurrent()

print("AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric\tReach Yellow Time = "

+ thisClaim.AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric.ReachYellowTime)
thisClaim.AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric.ReachYellowTime = todaysDate

print("\nAfter modifying the ReachYellowTime value...\n")

print("AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric\tReach Yellow Time = "
+ thisClaim.AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetric.ReachYellowTime)

The output of running this code in the Gosu tester:

AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetricReach Yellow Time = null
After modifying the ReachYellowTime value...
AllEscalatedActivitiesClaimMetricReach Yellow Time = 2010-05-21

Typelist Mapping Associative Arrays

You use a typelist map to partition array objects based on a typelist field (typecode) in the <array> element. In
the ClaimCenter base configuration, the ClaimMetrics array on Claim contains a typelist mapping and the previ-
ously described subtype mapping.
<entity xmlns=""
<array arrayentity="ClaimMetric"
desc="Metrics related to this claim."
<typelist-map field="ClaimMetricCategory"/>

258 Chapter 18, Working with Associative Arrays

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The <typelist-map> element requires that you set a value for the field attribute. This attribute specifies the
typelist to use to partition the array.

IMPORTANT It is an error to specify a typelist mapping on a field that is not a typekey.

Associative arrays of type <array-associaton> are different from those created using <link-association> in
that they can return more than a single element. In this case, the code creates an array of ClaimMetric objects
named ClaimMetrics. Each ClaimMetric object, and all subtype objects of it, contain a property called
ClaimMetricCategory. The array definition code utilizes that fact and uses the ClaimMetricCategory typelist as
a partitioning agent.
The ClaimMetricCategory typelist contains three typecodes, which are:
• ClaimActivityMetrics
• ClaimFinancialMetrics
• OverallClaimMetrics

Each typecode specifies a category, which contains multiple ClaimMetric object subtypes. For example, the
OverallClaimMetrics category contains two ClaimMetric subtypes:
• DaysInitialContactWithInsuredClaimMetric
• DaysOpenClaimMetric

In another example from the ClaimCenter base configuration, you see the following defined for ReserveLine.
<entity entity="ReserveLine"
<array arrayentity="TAccount"
<link-association hasGetter="true" hasSetter="true">
<typelist-map field="TAccountType"/>

In this case, the array definition code creates a <link-association> array of TAcccount objects and partitions
the array by the TAccountType typelist typecodes.

Working with Array Values Using Typelist Mapping

To retrieve an array value, use the following syntax:

Each field has the following meaning:

entity The object on which the associative array exists, for example, the ReserveLine entity on which the Taccounts
array exists
typecode The typelist typecode that delimits this array partition, for example, OverallClaimMetrics (a typecode from
the ClaimMetricCategory typelist.).
property A field or property on the array object. For example, the ClaimMetric object contains the following properties
(among others):
• ReachRedTime
• ReachYellowTime
• Skipped

Chapter 18, Working with Associative Arrays 259

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following example code uses the sample data in the Guidewire ClaimCenter base configuration. It iterates
over the members of the ClaimMetrics array that fall into the OverallClaimMetrics category. (The
ClaimMetricCategory typelist contains multiple type codes, of which OverallClaimMetrics is one.)
var clm = find(c in Claim where c.ClaimNumber == "235-53-365870")
var thisClaim = clm.getAtMostOneRow()

for (time in thisClaim.OverallClaimMetrics) {

print(time.Subtype.DisplayName + ": ReachYellowTime = " + time.ReachYellowTime)

The output of running this code in the Gosu tester (for example):
Initial Contact with Insured (Days): ReachYellowTime = 2010-02-01
Days Open: ReachYellowTime = 2010-05-10

The following example code also uses the sample data in the Guidewire ClaimCenter base configuration. It first
retrieves a specific Claim object and then retrieves a specific ReserveLine object associated with that claim.
var clm = find(c in Claim where c.ClaimNumber == "235-53-365870")
var thisClaim = clm.getAtMostOneRow()
var thisReserveLine = thisClaim.ReserveLines.first()


The output of running this code in the Gosu tester (for example):
(3) 3rd Party Vehicle - Bo Simpson; Claim Cost/Auto body
Wed Feb 10 16:42:14 PST 2010

Setting Array Member Values

The following example code also uses the sample data in the Guidewire ClaimCenter base configuration. It uses
a find query to retrieve a specific claim entity. As the result of the find query is read-only, you must first retrieve
the current bundle, then add the claim to the bundle to make its fields writable. The retrieved claim is the base
entity on which the ClaimMetrics array exists.
The following sample code:
• Retrieves a read-only claim object.
• Adds the claim object to transaction bundle to make it writable.
• Sets specific properties on the ClaimMetric object associated with the claims that are in the
OverallClaimMetrics category.

If you recall from the definition of the claim object, ClaimCenter associates an array of ClaimMetric objects—
the ClaimMetrics array—with the Claim object. The metadata definition file also defines the ClaimMetrics
array as being of type <array-association> using the ClaimMetricCategory typelist. Thus, you can access
array member properties by first accessing the array member of the proper category.
uses gw.transaction.Transaction

var todaysDate = java.util.Date.CurrentDate

var query = find(c in Claim where c.ClaimNumber == "235-53-365870")
var thisClaim = query.getAtMostOneRow()

//Result of find query is read-only, need to get current bundle and add entity to bundle
var bundle = Transaction.getCurrent()

//Print out the current values for the ClaimMetric.ReachYellowTime field on each subtype
for (“Subtype - ” + color in thisClaim.OverallClaimMetrics) {
print(color.Subtype.DisplayName + ": \n\tReachYellowColor = " + color.ReachYellowTime)

print("\nAfter modifying the values...\n")

//Modify the ClaimMetric.ReachYellowColor value and print out the new values
for (color in thisClaim.OverallClaimMetrics) {
color.ReachYellowTime = todaysDate
print(“Subtype - ” + color.Subtype.DisplayName + ": \n\tReachYellowColor = " +

260 Chapter 18, Working with Associative Arrays

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The output of running this code in the Gosu tester:

Subtype - Initial Contact with Insured (Days): ReachYellowColor = 2010-02-01
Subtype - Days Open: ReachYellowColor = 2010-08-13

After modifying the values...

Subtype - Initial Contact with Insured (Days): ReachYellowColor = 2010-02-22

Subtype - Days Open: ReachYellowColor = 2010-02-22

Chapter 18, Working with Associative Arrays 261

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

262 Chapter 18, Working with Associative Arrays

chapter 19

Example: Creating Assignable


This topic describes how to modify the Guidewire data model. It illustrates how to construct a data entity and
make it assignable.
This topic includes:
• “Creating an Assignable Extension Entity” on page 263
• “Making Your Extension Entity Eligible for Round-Robin Assignment” on page 267
• “Creating an Assignable Extension Entity that Uses Foreign Keys” on page 271

Creating an Assignable Extension Entity

To create an assignable extension entity, perform the following steps:
• Step 1: Create Extension Entity UserAssignableEntityExt
• Step 2: Create Assignment Class NewAssignableMethodsImpl
• Step 3: Test Assign Your Extension Entity

IMPORTANT The code and objects in this example refer to Guidewire ClaimCenter. However, the
principals involved in extending the data model apply to all Guidewire applications.

Step 1: Create Extension Entity UserAssignableEntityExt

The first step in creating an assignable entity is to create the entity (or extend the entity if it already exists) and
have that entity implement the following:
• Assignable delegate class
• CCAssignable delegate class

Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities 263

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• CCAssignableMethods interface
The entity must link to a Gosu class that defines the necessary assignment methods and properties. In the first
step, you defined NewAssignableMethodsImpl, which implemented the CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl
super-class. The following procedure creates a new extension entity that implements this delegate class.

To create entity UserAssignableEntityExt

1. Create the new extension entity file.

a. In Guidewire Studio, navigate to Data Model Extensions → extensions, right-click and select Other file.

b. Enter the name of the extension entity in the text field. You must also add the .eti extension (if you are
creating a new entity) or the .etx extension (if you are extending an existing entity). Studio does not add
the extension for you.
2. Populate this file with the following code.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity xmlns=""
desc="CCAssignable extension entity, for testing."
Simple entity that you can assign. This entity does not have a foreign key.
<implementsEntity name="Assignable"/>
<implementsEntity name="CCAssignable"/>
<implementsInterface iface="gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethods"
<column name="TestColumn" type="varchar" nullok="true" desc="varchar extension">
<columnParam name="size" value="60"/>
<column name="ExtEntityUpdateTime" type="datetime"/>
<column name="NewlyAssignedActivities" type="integer"/>
<column name="IntegerExt"
desc="integer extension; default value of '12'" />
<typekey name="LossType"
desc="High level claim type (for example, Auto or Property)." />
<typekey name="PolicyType"
desc="High level policy type (for example, Auto or Property)." />
<index name="internal1">
<indexcol name="TestColumn" keyposition="1"/>

Notice the following:

• Entity UserAssignableEntityExt implements the Assignable and CCAssignable delegates.
• Entity UserAssignableEntityExt uses class NewAssignableMethodsImpl, which implements the
CCAssignableMethods interface, to define the necessary assignment methods and properties. (This delegate
class does not exist yet. However, you create it in the next step.)

See Also
• For information on how to extend the data model, see “Modifying the Base Data Model” on page 233.
• For information on the data model in general, see “The ClaimCenter Data Model” on page 187.

Step 2: Create Assignment Class NewAssignableMethodsImpl

Any new assignable entity must implement the CCAssignableMethods delegate. The following procedure
defines a delegate class that provides an implementation of the methods in the CCAssignableMethods interface.

264 Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In this case, the NewAssignableMethodsImpl class extends the abstract superclass

CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl, which provides standard implementations of some of this functionality.

To create class NewAssignableMethodsImpl

1. Create a new class file (in package gw.assignment) and name it NewAssignableMethodsImpl.

a. In Studio, navigate to Classes → gw → assignment.

b. Right-click and select New → Class.

c. Enter the name of the class in the text box. (You do not need to enter the file extension. Studio does this
for you.) For this example, enter the following:
Studio creates a skeleton class file in the assignment folder and opens the file in a view tab.
2. Have your class implement one of the following:
• Interface gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethods
• Abstract superclass gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl
Which one you choose depends on your business needs. In either case, you must provide method bodies for
all unimplemented methods. To determine which methods you need to implement, you need merely have
your class implement the interface (or extend the abstract class).
In other words, enter the following:
class NewAssignableMethodsImpl implements gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethods
Studio marks this line of code as invalid. This is because you must provide implementations of all the meth-
ods that the interface defines, which you have not yet done. If you place your cursor in the interface name,
Studio marks the interface name in red. Studio underlines this line of code and displays a tooltip asking if you
want to insert the missing methods. Accept this help. Studio then inserts skeleton code bodies for all the
required methods.
3. In this example, enter the following code. This makes the NewAssignableMethodsImpl class extend abstract
superclass CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl.
package gw.assignment
uses gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethods
uses gw.api.database.IQueryResult
uses gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl
uses gw.entity.ILinkPropertyInfo

class NewAssignableMethodsImpl extends CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl {

construct(testEntity : UserAssignableEntityExt) {
super(testEntity) // added for example

override property get Owner() : UserAssignableEntityExt {

return super.Owner as UserAssignableEntityExt

override function shouldCascadeAssignment(parent : Assignable, defaultOwnerUserId : Key,

defaultGroupId : Key) : boolean {
return false // added for example

override property get ChildrenForCascadeAssignment() : List<CCAssignableMethods> {

return {} // added for example

override property get OwningClaim() : Claim {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get AssignmentReviewActivityLinkProperty() : ILinkPropertyInfo {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get AssignmentReviewActivitySubject() : String {

return null //## todo: Implement me

Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities 265

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

override function pushAssignmentPopup(p0 : List<CCAssignableMethods>) {

//## todo: Implement me

Step 3: Test Assign Your Extension Entity

After you create an assignable entity, it is important to test your work to verify that you have performed the
previous steps correctly.

To test assignable entity UserAssignableEntityExt

1. Stop and restart Studio. Although not strictly required, it is a useful test to determine if you have inadvertently
made a typing mistake, for example.
2. Start (or restart) the application server.

IMPORTANT Any time you change the base data model, you must restart the application server to
force a database upgrade.

3. Correct any problems that occur. If you are starting the application server, ensure that there is at least some
demonstration data available for the next step. This is especially true for the user name that you list in the
query statement in the test code.
4. Connect Studio to the running application server.

a. Click the Disconnected link in the bottom right-hand corner of the Studio screen.

b. Clear the Server URL field and enter the following:

c. Click Log In. After a few seconds, Studio displays a connection URL in place of the Disconnected link. Do
not proceed until you see this message.

5. Open the Studio Gosu Tester by clicking its icon on the Studio toolbar. (It is the first icon on the
right-hand side of the toolbar.)
6. Enter the following code in the Gosu Source tab.
var _user = find (u in User where exists ( c in User.Credential where c.UserName ==
var _group = _user.GroupUsers[0].Group
var newExtEntity = new UserAssignableEntityExt()

print (newExtEntity.assign(_group, _user)) // Assigns the entity to the specified user and group
print (newExtEntity.AssignedUser)
print (newExtEntity.AssignedGroup)

7. Click Run. The Gosu Tester Runtime Output tab outputs the following:
true // The assign method succeeded, thus it returns true.
Andy Applegate // The user assigned the newExtEntity (UserAssignableEntityExt) object.
Auto1 - TeamA // The group assigned the newExtEntity (UserAssignableEntityExt) object.

266 Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Making Your Extension Entity Eligible for Round-Robin

To assign an entity through round-robin assignment, you invoke the assignUserByRoundRobin method on the
entity. To implement round-robin assignment on the assignable entity, you need to add extra tracking fields for
the round-robin state to the following entities:
• DynamicAssignmentState
• GroupAssignmentState
• GroupUserAssignmentState

To do so, you need add these fields (columns) as an extension to a base configuration entity. Or, if the base entity
does not exist, then you need to create an extension entity with the necessary fields.
Finally, you must create a new Gosu class that extends (subclasses) the AssignmentType class. You add methods
to this subclass to inform the round-robin infrastructure how to find the newly added fields.
The following procedures assumes the existence of an entity type named UserAssignableEntityExt. The steps in
“Creating an Assignable Extension Entity” on page 263 describe how to create this entity and make assignable.
This example requires the following steps:
• Step 1: Extend the Assignment State Entities
• Step 2: Subclass Class AssignmentType
• Step 3: Create UserAssignableEntityExtEnhancement
• Step 4: Test Round Robin Assignment

IMPORTANT The code and objects in this example refer to Guidewire ClaimCenter. However, the
principals involved in extending the data model apply to all Guidewire applications.

Step 1: Extend the Assignment State Entities

The first step in creating an entity that you can use with round-robin assignment is to extend the following base
configuration entities:
• DynamicAssignmentState
• GroupAssignmentState
• GroupUserAssignmentState

You extend these entities to add fields (columns) on the object that ClaimCenter uses to track information for the
round robin state.

To extend the AssignmentState entities

1. In Guidewire Studio, open DynamicAssignmentState.etx for editing:

a. Press CTRL-N and start entering the entity type name. Studio displays a number of matches if this file
already exists.
b. Ensure that you choose the correct file. There are a number of files with the same name but with differ-
ent file extensions. In this case, you want the .etx extension because an extension file for the entity
already exists in the base configuration.
2. In file DynamicAssignmentState.etx, enter the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension xmlns="" entityName="DynamicAssignmentState">
<foreignkey columnName="LastTEAEUserID" name="LastTEAEUser" fkentity="User"/>
<foreignkey columnName="LastTEAEGrpID" name="LastTEAEGrp" fkentity="Group"/>
<foreignkey columnName="LastTCAUserID" name="LastTCAUser" fkentity="User"/>
<foreignkey columnName="LastTCAGrpID" name="LastTCAGrp" fkentity="Group"/>

Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities 267

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<index desc="Index to help the performance of assign by proximity search"

<indexcol keyposition="1" name="Fingerprint"/>
<indexcol keyposition="2" name="GroupOnly"/>
<indexcol keyposition="3" name="Retired"/>

3. Repeat this process with file GroupAssignmentState.etx. If this file does not exist, then you need to create
it. (Right-click the extensions folder and select Other file. You must give it the .etx file extension.)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension xmlns="" entityName="GroupAssignmentState">
<foreignkey columnName="LastTEAEUserID" name="LastTEAEUser" fkentity="User"/>
<foreignkey columnName="LastTEAEGrpID" name="LastTEAEGrp" fkentity="Group"/>
<column name="TEAELoad" type="integer"/>
<foreignkey columnName="LastTCAUserID" name="LastTCAUser" fkentity="User"/>
<foreignkey columnName="LastTCAGrpID" name="LastTCAGrp" fkentity="Group"/>
<column name="TCALoad" type="integer"/>

4. Repeat this process with file GroupUserAssignmentState.etx. Again, create an .etx file if necessary.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension xmlns="" entityName="GroupUserAssignmentState">
<column name="TEAELoad" type="integer"/>
<column name="TCALoad" type="integer"/>

Step 2: Subclass Class AssignmentType

Next, you need to create a subclass of the AssignmentType class. This class contains getter and setter methods
that inform the round-robin mechanism of the location of the entity fields that you created in the previous step.

To subclass class AssignmentType

1. Create a new class file and name it UserAssignableEntityExtAssignmentType:

a. In Guidewire Studio, navigate to Classes → gw → assignment.

b. Right-click and select New → Class from the menu.

c. Enter UserAssignableEntityExtAssignmentType for the class name. You do not need to add the class .gs
extension. Studio creates a new skeleton class in the gw.assignment package and opens it in a view tab.
2. Enter the following in your class file. Studio indicates that the code is invalid (in the get AssignableClass
method definition) as you have not yet created the necessary UserAssignableEntityExt Gosu enhancement.
You create the needed entity enhancement in the next step.
package gw.assignment

uses gw.api.assignment.AssignmentType
uses gw.entity.IEntityType

class UserAssignableEntityExtAssignmentType extends AssignmentType {

construct() {}

override property get AssignableClass() : IEntityType {

return UserAssignableEntityExt

override function getGroupLoad(groupState: GroupAssignmentState) : int {

return groupState.TEAELoad

override function getLastAssignedGroup(dynamicState: DynamicAssignmentState) : Key {

return dynamicState.LastTEAEGrp as Key

override function getLastAssignedGroup(groupState: GroupAssignmentState) : Key {

return groupState.LastTEAEGrp as Key

override function getLastAssignedUser(dynamicState: DynamicAssignmentState) : Key {

268 Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

return dynamicState.LastTEAEUser as Key


override function getLastAssignedUser(groupState: GroupAssignmentState) : Key {

return groupState.LastTEAEUser as Key

override function getUserLoad(groupUserState: GroupUserAssignmentState) : int {

return groupUserState.TEAELoad

override function setGroupLoad(groupState: GroupAssignmentState, load: int) {

groupState.TEAELoad = load

override function setLastAssignedGroup(dynamicState: DynamicAssignmentState, group: Key) {

dynamicState.LastTEAEGrp = dynamicState.Bundle.loadByKey(group) as Group

override function setLastAssignedGroup(groupState: GroupAssignmentState, group: Key) {

groupState.LastTEAEGrp = groupState.Bundle.loadByKey(group) as Group

override function setLastAssignedUser(dynamicState: DynamicAssignmentState, user: Key) {

dynamicState.LastTEAEUser = dynamicState.Bundle.loadByKey(user) as User

override function setLastAssignedUser(groupState: GroupAssignmentState, user: Key) {

groupState.LastTEAEUser = groupState.Bundle.loadByKey(user) as User

override function setUserLoad(groupUserState: GroupUserAssignmentState, load: int) {

groupUserState.TEAELoad = load

Step 3: Create UserAssignableEntityExtEnhancement

You need to create an enhancement to the UserAssignableEntityExt entity for use in creating entities of that

To create enhancement UserAssignableEntityExtEnhancement

1. Create a new enhancement file and name it UserAssignableEntityExtEnhancement.

a. In Guidewire Studio, navigate to Classes → gw → assignment.

b. Right-click and select New → Enhancement from the menu.

c. Enter UserAssignableEntityExt in the Type to Enhance field. The text you enter filters the entities that you
can enhance through this dialog.
d. If there are multiple selections in the selection box in the middle of the dialog, ensure that you select
UserAssignableEntityExt. This is the entity that you want to enhance. Studio automatically enters
UserAssignableEntityExtEnhancement in the Enhancement Name field.
e. Agree to this name by clicking OK.

2. Enter the following in the enhancement file:

package gw.assignment
uses gw.api.assignment.AssignmentType

enhancement UserAssignableEntityExtEnhancement : entity.UserAssignableEntityExt {

static property get ASSIGNMENT_TYPE() : AssignmentType {

return new UserAssignableEntityExtAssignmentType()

Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities 269

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Step 4: Test Round Robin Assignment

After you create an assignable entity suitable for use with round-robin assignment, it is important to test your
work to verify that you have performed the previous steps correctly.

To test assignable entity UserAssignableEntityExt

1. Stop and restart Studio. Although not strictly required, it is a useful test to determine if you have inadvertently
made a typing mistake, for example.
2. Start (or restart) the application server.

IMPORTANT Any time you change the base data model, you must restart the application server to
force a database upgrade.

3. Correct any problems that occur. If you are starting the application server, ensure that there is at least some
demonstration data available for the next step.
4. Connect Studio to the running application server.

5. Open the Studio Gosu Tester by clicking its icon on the Studio toolbar. (It is the first icon on the
right-hand side of the toolbar.)
6. Enter the following code in the Gosu Source tab.
uses java.lang.Integer org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG )

var _user = find (u in User where

exists ( c in User.Credential where c.UserName == "aapplegate")).getFirstResult()
var _group = _user.GroupUsers[0].Group
var newExtEntity = new UserAssignableEntityExt()

newExtEntity.assign(_group, _user) // Uses the assign method to assign the object to a user and group

print (newExtEntity.AssignedGroup) // Group assigned newExtEntity (UserAssignableEntityExt) object.

print (newExtEntity.AssignedUser) // User assigned newExtEntity (UserAssignableEntityExt) object.

var i : Integer = 0
var ctr = i + 1
while (i < 3) {
print("Pass " + ctr + ":")
print (" " + newExtEntity.assignUserByRoundRobin(false, _group))
print (" " + newExtEntity.AssignedUser)

7. Click Run. The Gosu Tester Runtime Output tab outputs the following:
Auto1 - TeamA
Andy Applegate // The user assigned the newExtEntity (UserAssignableEntityExt) object.

Pass 1:
true // Method assignUserByRoundRobin returns true if it succeeds
Andy Applegate // Method assignUserByRoundRobin assigns the object to the next person in the group
Pass 2:
Sue Smith
Pass 3:
Betty Baker

270 Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Creating an Assignable Extension Entity that Uses Foreign

To create an assignable extension entity with foreign key links to Claim and Activty, perform the following
• Step 1: Create Extension Entity TestClaimAssignable
• Step 2: Add Foreign Keys to Assignable Entities
• Step 3: Create New Assignment Type for New Extension Entity
• Step 4: Create Enhancement TestClaimAssignableEnhancement
• Step 5: Create Test Class TestClaimAssignableMethodsImpl
• Step 6: Add Corresponding Permission for the Extension Entity
• Step 7: Test Assignment of the Assignable Entity

IMPORTANT The code and objects in this example refer to Guidewire ClaimCenter. However, the
principals involved in extending the data model apply to all Guidewire applications.

Step 1: Create Extension Entity TestClaimAssignable

The first step is to create the assignable entity. As with any assignable entity, it must implement the following:
• Assignable delegate class
• CCAssignable delegate class
• CCAssignableMethods interface

To create entity TestClaimAssignable

1. Create a new extension entity file in the extensions folder and name it TestClaimAssignable.eti.

2. Populate this file with the following code.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity xmlns=""
desc="CCAssignable extension entity which has a foreign key back to claim, used for testing."
Simple test assignable with a foreign key back to claim.
This, together with the CCAssignableMethods delegate in
TestClaimAssignableMethodsImpl, allows it to participate in manual assignment,
assignment to claim owner and cascading.
It also creates history events as it is assigned.
<implementsEntity name="Extractable"/>
<implementsEntity name="Assignable"/>
<implementsEntity name="CCAssignable"/>
<implementsInterface iface="gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethods"
<foreignkey columnName="ClaimID"
desc="The Claim for this test assignable."

Notice the following:

• Entity TestClaimAssignable implements the Assignable and CCAssignable delegates.

Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities 271

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Entity TestClaimAssignable uses class TestClaimAssignableMethodsImpl, which implements the

CCAssignableMethods interface, to define the necessary assignment methods and properties.
• Entity TestClaimAssignable has a foreign key back to Claim.

Step 2: Add Foreign Keys to Assignable Entities

If you want to link your assignable entity to one of the base configuration assignable entities, you need a foreign
key from that base configuration entity to your assignable entity.

To add foreign keys to TestClaimAssignable

1. Open Claim.etx for editing and add the following at an appropriate place in the XML:
<array arrayentity="TestClaimAssignable"
desc="Test assignables for this claim."

2. Open Activity.etx for editing and add the following at an appropriate place in the XML:
<foreignkey columnName="TestClaimAssignableID"

Step 3: Create New Assignment Type for New Extension Entity

Next, you need to create a subclass of the AssignmentType class. This class contains getter and setter methods
that inform the round-robin mechanism of the location of the entity fields added to the assignment state entities.

To subclass class AssignmentType

1. Create a new class file in package gw.assignment and name it

2. Enter the following in your class file.

package gw.assignment

uses gw.api.assignment.AssignmentType
uses gw.entity.IEntityType

class TestClaimAssignableAssignmentType extends AssignmentType {

construct() { }

override property get AssignableClass() : IEntityType {

return TestClaimAssignable

override function getGroupLoad(groupState: GroupAssignmentState) : int {

return groupState.TCALoad

override function getLastAssignedGroup(dynamicState: DynamicAssignmentState) : Key {

return dynamicState.LastTCAGrp as Key

override function getLastAssignedGroup(groupState: GroupAssignmentState) : Key {

return groupState.LastTCAGrp as Key

override function getLastAssignedUser(dynamicState: DynamicAssignmentState) : Key {

return dynamicState.LastTCAUser as Key

override function getLastAssignedUser(groupState: GroupAssignmentState) : Key {

return groupState.LastTCAUser as Key

override function getUserLoad(groupUserState: GroupUserAssignmentState) : int {

return groupUserState.TCALoad

override function setGroupLoad(groupState: GroupAssignmentState, load: int) {

272 Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

groupState.TCALoad = load

override function setLastAssignedGroup(dynamicState: DynamicAssignmentState, group: Key) {

dynamicState.LastTCAGrp = dynamicState.Bundle.loadByKey(group) as Group

override function setLastAssignedGroup(groupState: GroupAssignmentState, group: Key) {

groupState.LastTCAGrp = groupState.Bundle.loadByKey(group) as Group

override function setLastAssignedUser(dynamicState: DynamicAssignmentState, user: Key) {

dynamicState.LastTCAUser = dynamicState.Bundle.loadByKey(user) as User

override function setLastAssignedUser(groupState: GroupAssignmentState, user: Key) {

groupState.LastTCAUser = groupState.Bundle.loadByKey(user) as User

override function setUserLoad(groupUserState: GroupUserAssignmentState, load: int) {

groupUserState.TCALoad = load

Step 4: Create Enhancement TestClaimAssignableEnhancement

Create an enhancement to the TestClaimAssignable entity for use in creating entities of that type.

To create enhancement TestClaimAssignableEnhancement

1. Create a new enhancement file in package gw.assignment and name it TestClaimAssignableEnhancement.

a. Select New → Enhancement from the right-click contextual menu on package gw.assignment.

b. Enter TestClaim in the Type to Enhance field and select TestClaimAssignable from the list of types.

2. Enter the following in the enhancement file:

package gw.assignment

uses gw.api.assignment.AssignmentType

enhancement TestClaimAssignableEnhancement : TestClaimAssignable {

static property get ASSIGNMENT_TYPE() : AssignmentType {

return new TestClaimAssignableAssignmentType();

Step 5: Create Test Class TestClaimAssignableMethodsImpl

Previously, you created the TestClaimAssignable entity type and defined it (in part) using the following:
<implementsInterface iface="gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethods"

This code defines a delegate class that provides the implementation of the methods in the CCAssignableMethods
interface. In this case, the NewAssignableMethodsImpl class extends the abstract superclass
CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl, which provides standard implementations of some of this functionality.

To create class TestClaimAssignableMethodsImpl

1. Create a new class file in package gw.assignment and name it TestClaimAssignableMethodsImpl.

2. Enter the following code. This makes the TestClaimAssignableMethodsImple class extend abstract super-
class CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl.
package gw.assignment

uses gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl
uses gw.entity.ILinkPropertyInfo
uses gw.api.assignment.CCAssignableMethods

Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities 273

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

* Example CCAssignableMethodsImplementation for an assignable entity that is related to a claim,
* and which can be manually assigned, assigned to claim owner or cascaded. Also creates a history
* event as it is assigned.

class TestClaimAssignableMethodsImpl extends CCAssignableMethodsBaseImpl {

construct(testEntity : TestClaimAssignable) {

override property get Owner() : TestClaimAssignable {

return super.Owner as TestClaimAssignable

override property get OwningClaim() : Claim {

return Owner.Claim

override property get AssignmentReviewActivityLinkProperty() : ILinkPropertyInfo {

return Activity.Type.TypeInfo.getProperty("TestClaimAssignable") as ILinkPropertyInfo

override property get AssignmentReviewActivitySubject() : String {

return "Test Claim Assignable Assignment Review"

override function pushAssignmentPopup(assignables : List<CCAssignableMethods>) {

// needed for UI

override function createAssignmentHistoryEvent(assignable : Assignable) : History {

var result = super.createAssignmentHistoryEvent(assignable)
result.Description = "Test Claim Assignable History Event"
return result

override function shouldCascadeAssignment(parent : Assignable,

defaultOwnerUserId : Key,
defaultGroupId : Key) : boolean {
return true

override property get ChildrenForCascadeAssignment() : List<CCAssignableMethods> {

return {}

At this point, Studio indicates that your newly created class contains a serious error as there is no method def-
inition for AssignmentPopupUtil.pushAssignTestClaimAssignables. The next step resolves this issue.
3. Open gw.assignment.AssignmentPopupUtil for editing and add the following:
static function pushAssignTestClaimAssignables(testclaimassignables : TestClaimAssignable[]) {
// Implementation do do
As the pushAssignmentPopup method on TestClassAssignableMethodsImpl calls the
pushAssignTestClaimAssignables method in AssignmentPopuUtil, you need to provide at least a skeleton
body of this method.

Step 6: Add Corresponding Permission for the Extension Entity

Each extension entity that has a foreign key to another entity (Claim or Activity, for example) must do the fol-
• Define a permission of permKey=”own” in security-config.xml.
• Add this permission to the SystemPermissionType typelist.
• Assign this permission to a user role.
• Assign this role to any user that wants to assign the new assignable entity.

274 Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

If you do not perform these steps correctly, you see the following error if you attempt to assign your assignable
entity: No user defined

To add a permission handler for the extension entity

You use file security-config.xml to define various system permissions for the different data model entities.
The following code adds a permission handler for the assignable extension entity.
1. Open file security-config.xml for editing. You can find it in the Other Resources folder.

2. Add the following to this file to create a permission that you can assign to someone to enable that person to
assign your entity.
<!-- Permission key needed for assigning extension entity in testing-->
<StaticHandler entity="UserAssignableEntityExt" permKey="own">
<SystemPermType code="ownsensclaim"/>
<SystemPermType code="InternalTools"/>
<SystemPermType code="ext_entity_perms"/>
<StaticHandler entity="TestClaimAssignable" permKey="own">
<SystemPermType code="ownsensclaim"/>
<SystemPermType code="InternalTools"/>
<SystemPermType code="ext_entity_perms"/>

To add the permission to the system permission typelist

You need to add the new system permission to the SystemPermissionType typelist. (You then associate that
permission with the user role allowed to work with the new assignable entity.)
1. First, search for the SystemPermissionType typelist using CTRL-N

2. Click Add and enter the following:

Field Entry

Code ext_entity_perms

Name Own ext entity

Description Permission to access extension entity

To assign a permission to a user role

If you want a user to be able to assign your assignable object, then you first need to assign the ext_entity_perms
system permission to a specific user role. You then need to assign this role to a specific user (if the user does not
already have that role).

IMPORTANT To see your new system permission in Guidewire ClaimCenter, stop and restart Studio
and the application server.

1. Log into your Guidewire installation under an administrative account. (This example assumes the use of
Guidewire ClaimCenter.)
2. Navigate to the Administration → Roles tab.

3. Assign the ext_entity_perms system permission to a specific user role, for example, Adjuster.

4. Assign the role with the necessary permission to a specific user such as aapplegate.

Note: For information about roles and permissions, see “Security: Roles, Permissions, and Access
Controls” in the ClaimCenter Application Guide.

Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities 275

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Step 7: Test Assignment of the Assignable Entity

After you create your assignable entity, it is important to test your work to verify that you have performed the
previous steps correctly.

To test assignable entity TestClaimAssignable

1. Stop and restart Studio. Although not strictly required, it is a useful test to determine if you have inadvertently
made a typing mistake, for example.
2. Start (or restart) the application server.

IMPORTANT Any time you change the base data model, you must restart the application server to
force a database upgrade.

3. Correct any problems that occur. If you are starting the application server, ensure that there is at least some
demonstration data available for the next step.
4. Connect Studio to the running application server.

5. Open the Studio Gosu Tester by clicking its icon on the Studio toolbar. (It is the first icon on the
right-hand side of the toolbar.)
6. Enter the following code in the Gosu Source tab.
uses gw.transaction.Bundle
uses gw.lang.reflect.TypeSystem
uses java.lang.Integer

//Use the user name of a valid user in your sample data

var _user = find (u in User where exists ( c in User.Credential where c.UserName ==
var _group = _user.GroupUsers[0].Group

//Use a claim number for a valid claim in your sample data

var _claim = find(c in Claim where c.ClaimNumber == "235-53-365870").AtMostOneRow
print ("Claim number = " + _claim.ClaimNumber)

print("Testing assignable entity linked to Claim")

var testAssignable = new TestClaimAssignable()
testAssignable["Claim"] = _claim
testAssignable.assign(_group, _user)
print("Assigning claim (with claim number = " + testAssignable.Claim +
") to the test assignment object ")
print (" The assigned user is " + testAssignable.AssignedUser)
print (" The assigned group is " + testAssignable.AssignedGroup)

print("Testing round-robin assignment")

//Print out the members of the chosen group
print("Chosen group " +_group.DisplayName + " contains the following members:")
_group.Users.each(\ name -> print (“ “+ name.User.DisplayName))

print("Iterating through round-robin assignment of the test assignment object")

var i : Integer = 0
var ctr : Integer

while (i < 5) {
if (testAssignable.assignUserByRoundRobin(false, _group) != true) {
print("Cannot perform round-robin assignment.")
ctr = i + 1
print (" Pass" + ctr + ": " + "For assignUserByRoundRobin, AssignedUser = " +

276 Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

7. Click Run. The Gosu Tester Runtime Output tab outputs the following:
Claim number = 235-53-365870

Testing assignable entity linked to Claim

Assigning claim (with claim number = 235-53-365870) to the test assignment object
The assigned user is Andy Applegate
The assigned group is Auto1 - TeamA

Testing round-robin assignment

Chosen group Auto1 - TeamA contains the following members:
Sue Smith
Andy Applegate
Charles Shaw
Betty Baker
Cathy Clark
Eugene Nyugen
Felicity Wagner
Heidi Johnson
Elizabeth Lee
Dan Henson
Gary Wang
Chris Craft

Iterating through round-robin assignment of the test assignment object

Pass1: For assignUserByRoundRobin, AssignedUser = Andy Applegate
Pass2: For assignUserByRoundRobin, AssignedUser = Betty Baker
Pass3: For assignUserByRoundRobin, AssignedUser = Chris Craft
Pass4: For assignUserByRoundRobin, AssignedUser = Dan Henson
Pass5: For assignUserByRoundRobin, AssignedUser = Eugene Nyugen

Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities 277

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

278 Chapter 19, Example: Creating Assignable Entities

chapter 20

The Domain Graph

This topic describes the ClaimCenter domain graph, what is in it, and how to access it.
This topic includes:
• “What is the Domain Graph?” on page 280
• “Object Ownership and the Domain Graph” on page 281
• “Accessing the Domain Graph” on page 282
• “Adding Objects to the Domain Graph” on page 284
• “Graph Validation Checks” on page 288
• “Working with Changes to the Data Model” on page 289
• “Working with Shared Entity Data” on page 290
• “Working with Cycles” on page 290

See also
• “Archiving” on page 87 in the Application Guide – information on archiving claims, searching for archived
claims, and restoring archived claims.
• “Archive Parameters” on page 39 in the Configuration Guide – discussion on the configuration parameters
used in claims archiving.
• “Archiving Claims” on page 665 in the Configuration Guide – information on configuring claims archiving,
selecting claims for archiving, and archiving and the object (domain) graph.
• “Archiving Integration” on page 285 in the Integration Guide – describes the archiving integration flow,
storage and retrieval integration, and the IArchiveSource plugin interface.
• “Archive” on page 48 in the Rules Guide – information on base configuration archive rules and their use in
detecting archive events and managing the claims archive and restore process.
• “Logging Successfully Archived Claims” on page 37 in the System Administration Guide.
• “Purging Unwanted Claims” on page 58 in the System Administration Guide.
• “Archive Info” on page 160 in the System Administration Guide.

Chapter 20, The Domain Graph 279

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• “Upgrading Archived Entities” on page 62 in the Upgrade Guide.

IMPORTANT To increase performance, most customers find increased hardware more cost effective
than archiving unless their volume exceeds one million claims or more. Guidewire strongly recom-
mends that you contact Customer Support before implementing archiving to help your company with
this analysis.

What is the Domain Graph?

The domain graph is a set of entities. This graph defines an aggregate cluster of associated objects that
ClaimCenter treats as a single unit for purposes of data changes. Each aggregate cluster has a root and a bound-
• The root is a single specific entity that the aggregate cluster contains. The root entity is the main entity in the
graph. A root entity is application-specific. For example, in Guidewire ClaimCenter, the root entity is the
Claim object.
• The boundary defines what is inside the aggregate cluster of objects. Or, in other words, it identifies all of the
entities that are part of the graph. In ClaimCenter, the boundary defines the entities that relate to a Claim
object, such as Exposure, Coverage, Matter, and other similar objects.
The tables associated with objects in the aggregate cluster, along with their relationships with each other, form
the bounded object graph. ClaimCenter constructs the object graph by starting at the root table and collecting all
the tables that are owned by the root object or its children, but excluding table views. The end result is a Directed
Acyclic Graph (DAG) that starts at the root entity.
A domain graph defines the unit of work for object archiving. The unit of work for the archive process is a single
instance of the domain graph, for example, a single claim and all its associated entities. If you attempt to share a
graph entity between two or more domain instances, then archiving fails.
While the domain graph is central to the concept of archiving, ClaimCenter does not use it solely for archiving.
ClaimCenter uses the domain graph for the following as well:
• Claim Purge command line tool
• Claim purges called during a cancel of the New Claim wizard

IMPORTANT The use of object archiving within your application instance is not automatic. To enable
archiving within Guidewire ClaimCenter, you must set configuration parameter ArchiveEnabled to
true (in config.xml).

Understanding Graph Notation

Guidewire uses the DOT plain text graph description language to describe the domain graph. The DOT language
provides a way of describing a complex graph of relationships using human-readable text, but which specialized
software can use to generate a visual representation of the graph. DOT graph files generally end with the .dot
For example, in ClaimCenter, the domain graph representation in the DOT language begins like this:
digraph MyGraph {
rankdir=RL ranksep=1.0 node [shape=record height=.1];
Claim[style=filled,color=green,label="<Claim (Entity)>Claim (Entity)|<cc_claim (Table)>cc_claim
ClaimAccess[style=filled,color=".7 .3 1.0",label="<ClaimAccess (Entity)>ClaimAccess
(Entity)|<cc_claimaccess (Table)>cc_claimaccess (Table)|<ID>ID|<ClaimID>ClaimID"]
Incident[style=filled,color=".7 .3 1.0",label="<Incident (Entity)>Incident (Entity)|<cc_incident
(Table)>cc_incident (Table)|<

280 Chapter 20, The Domain Graph

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


The visual representation of the ClaimCenter domain graph looks—in a very small part—similar to the

Within the graph, the notation has the following meaning:

• A solid line with an arrow at its head represents a foreign key.
• A solid line with an arrow at its head and a crow's foot at its tail represents an array. The arrow points to the
entity that has the array property and the crow's foot represents the table that contains the rows in the array.
• A dashed line with an arrow at its head represents a foreign key in which owned=”true”. The entity at the
arrow end of the edge is the owned entity.
• An arrow in blue represents a customer extension.
• A bold line with an arrow going from an entity back to itself means an edge foreign key.

See also
• “Accessing the Domain Graph” on page 282
• “Viewing the Domain Graph” on page 283

Object Ownership and the Domain Graph

The relationships that the domain graph captures is that of ownership. Thus, entity X owns entity Y if archiving
entity X means that it is also necessary to archive entity Y. For example, in Guidewire ClaimCenter, Claim and

Chapter 20, The Domain Graph 281

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Matter hold this relationship. Guidewire defines ownership between two objects through the use of foreign keys.
In general, a foreign key from object B to object A means that B is owned by A.
<foreignkey name="RootID"
desc="The root of the graph and parent of this child"/>

Thus, the direction of the foreign key indicates the direction of ownership, or, in other words, which object owns
the other object. In the ClaimCenter base configuration, there is a foreign key on Matter that points to Claim.
This indicates that Matter is owned by Claim.
The following Matter metadata definition illustrates this.
<entity xmlns=""
desc="The set of data organized around a single lawsuit or potential lawsuit."
entity="Matter" ... >
<foreignkey columnName="ClaimID"
desc="The claim associated with this legal matter."

Reverse Ownership
In some cases, however, a parent object has a reference to a child object instead. Thus, the direction of ownership
is the opposite to that of the foreign key. To indicate this, you set the owner attribute on the foreign key to true.
<foreignkey name="BackwardReferenceID"

For example, Claim has a foreign key to ClaimWorkComp. In this case, Claim owns ClaimWorkComp, not the
reverse. In these cases, you must set the owner attribute on the foreign key to true. You must do this with exten-
sion entities as well, if you wish to indicate this type of relationship.
Note: Guidewire actively discourages the use of reverse ownership relationships. The ClaimCenter data
model supports reverse ownership relationships for the rare case in which upgrading the database is unduly
cumbersome or time consuming. Do not use this type of relationship as a general rule.
The following Claim definition description illustrates this.
<entity xmlns=""
desc="Insurance claim"
entity="Claim" ... >
<foreignkey columnName="ClaimWorkCompID"
desc="Claim's worker's compensation data"

See also
• “Working with Cycles” on page 290

Accessing the Domain Graph

Guidewire provides access to the domain graph through the Server Tools pages that are accessible to those with
system administration privileges. For a discussion of the server tools, see “Using the Server Tools” on page 151
in the System Administration Guide.

282 Chapter 20, The Domain Graph

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Server Tools → Domain Graph Info page contains two tabs (technically known as cards). They are:
• Graph—Provides human-readable text versions of the domain graph. It also contains a Download button that
generates a ZIP file that contains the .dot (definition) files for the domain graph.
• Warnings—Provides a list of graph issues that can potentially lead to errors at application start up. Guidewire
strongly recommends that you review this page any time that you make a change to the data model.

To access the domain graph

1. Log into Guidewire ClaimCenter using an administrative account.

2. Navigate to Server Tools.

3. Click Info Pages in the left-hand side menu.

4. Select Domain Graph Info from the drop-down list at the top of the page.

From this screen, you can:

• View the human-readable text versions of the domain graph.
• Download a ZIP file that contains the .dot definition files for the domain graph.
• View (from the Warnings tab) any warnings generated during validation of domain graph.

Viewing the Domain Graph

Note: It is possible to add the path to the graphics software executable that you use to generate the .dot
files to the PATH environment variable. If you do so, then the download .zip file includes a PDF version of
the graphics file as well.
To view a domain graph visually, you need to download and install additional software that can read .dot files
and render an image from the DOT language. There are many viewers available (some open source or free) that
you can use for this purpose.
One such is Graphviz, which you can download from the following URL:

There is a Download link on the main page of this web site, at the left-hand side of the page. After you download
and install the software, you can use it to generate a graphic representation of the domain graph.

To view the domain graph visually

1. Download and install software that can read .dot files and render an image from that file.

2. Navigate to Server Tools, click Download, and save the .zip file to your local machine.

3. Extract the contents of the file into a permanent directory. For example, in Guidewire ClaimCenter, the file
contains the following files:

Note: If you added the path to the graphics executable to the operating system PATH environment variable,
then the download file includes a generated PDF graphic version of the DOT file. You need to complete the
following steps only if you wish to generate an image of the domain graph in a different graphic format.
4. Open a command window and navigate to the directory into which you extracted the .dot files.

5. Enter the following at the command prompt to generate a graphic representation of the graph files:
dot.exe -Tpng -o<graphic_file_name.png> <DOT_file_name>

Chapter 20, The Domain Graph 283

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

This command creates a graphic file (with a .png extension) that you can open in a graphic viewer. The
graphic is quite large.
Alternatively, you can generate a PDF graphic file instead by using the following command:
dot.exe -Tpdf -o<graphic_file_name.pdf> <DOT_file_name>

Adding Objects to the Domain Graph

For ClaimCenter to consider an object for archiving, the object must meet all of the following criteria:
• The object must implement a specific delegate, depending on the object purpose.
• The object must have the correct foreign keys set up to other objects both within and outside the graph.
The following table summarizes the object types and the delegates that each object type must implement.

Object Implements...

RootInfo object During the archiving process, ClaimCenter creates a stub or skeleton object that it leaves
behind in the main database as it archives data. This object must implement the RootInfo del-
IMPORTANT Only one object can implement the RootInfo delegate. For example, for
ClaimCenter, the RootInfo object is ClaimInfo. You cannot change the RootInfo object.
All other domain objects All domain objects—including the root object—must implement the Extractable delegate.
Reference objects A reference object is a data object that multiple instances of a domain graph object all share.
For example, multiple Claim objects can share the same User data.
Overlap table objects Overlap tables are tables in which individual table rows can exist either in the domain graph or
as part of reference data, but not both. For example, the Address table is one such table. The
database table itself exists in both the domain graph and as reference data.
The primary use for these types of objects is for Guidewire code. Their use by non-Guidewire
code is not common.
All overlap table objects—and only overlap table objects—must implement the OverlapTable

Any new object that you define and want to add to a graph must also correctly define a foreign key to an object in
that graph. This foreign keys defines which object owns the other.
See the following sections for details:
• “Implementing the Correct Delegate” on page 284
• “Defining Foreign Keys Between Objects” on page 287

Implementing the Correct Delegate

In order to enforce the boundaries of the domain graph, all objects participating in the archive process must
implement one or more of the following delegates:
• The RootInfo Delegate
• The Extractable Delegate
• The OverlapTable Delegate

284 Chapter 20, The Domain Graph

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

A Delegate data object is a reusable entity that contains an interface and a default implementation of that inter-
face. This permits an entity to implement an interface while delegating the implementation of that interface to
another class, that of the delegate. Each delegate type provides additional columns on the affected tables.

IMPORTANT Do not attempt to change the graph to which a Guidewire base entity belongs through
extension. In other words, do not attempt to change the delegate that a Guidewire base entity imple-
ments through an extension entity using <implementsEntity>. ClaimCenter generates an error if you
attempt to do so.

See also
• For a discussion of the Guidewire data model in general, see “The ClaimCenter Data Model” on page 187.
• For a discussion of delegate objects and how to work with them, see “Delegate Data Objects” on page 197.
• For a discussion of how to use the <implementsEntity> element, see “<implementsEntity>” on page 224.

The RootInfo Delegate

During the archiving of an instance of the domain graph, ClaimCenter leaves behind (in the main ClaimCenter
database) a skeleton entity that provides the following:
• Sufficient information to restore the data.
• Sufficient information for a minimal search on archived data.
This skeleton entity—and only this skeleton entity—must implement the RootInfo delegate. In Guidewire
ClaimCenter, this skeleton entity is the ClaimInfo object, the stub object for the Claim object, which is the root
object in the ClaimCenter domain graph. You cannot change which entity implements the RootInfo delegate.
Thus, ClaimInfo implements the RootInfo delegate.
<entity xmlns=""
desc="Claim Information"
entity="ClaimInfo" ... >
<implementsEntity name="RootInfo"/>

The ClaimInfo metadata defines the stub of the claim that ClaimCenter leaves behind after archiving a claim.
This object contains minimal (summary) information about the claim. For example, it contains the claim number
and loss location. ClaimCenter uses this information during claim search for archived claims.

IMPORTANT Because ClaimCenter does not archive the ClaimInfo table, it has the potential to grow
very large. Guidewire recommends that you take care so that you do not put large amounts of data (for
example, a BLOB) into the table if you extend it.

ClaimInfo Properties
The ClaimInfo object contains a number of properties. The following list describes some of the more useful
properties. For more information on the ClaimInfo object, see “Archive” on page 48 in the Rules Guide.

Property Description
ClaimInfo.ArchiveState Each time a claim changes (including during archiving or restoration), ClaimCenter
generates a ClaimChanged event. This event does not provide specific information
about the archive state of the claim, however. Instead, to determine the archive state
of a claim, use ClaimInfo.ArchiveState. This field can take the following values:
• archived
• retrieving

An ArchiveState of null indicates that the claim is in the active database, either
because it has never been archived or because it has been successfully restored
from the archive.
ClaimInfo.ExcludedFromArchive (Boolean) If true, ClaimCenter excluded this claim from the set of claims to archive.

Chapter 20, The Domain Graph 285

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Property Description
ClaimInfo.ExcludeReason Use to see the reason that ClaimCenter excluded a claim from archiving.
ClaimInfo.PurgeDate Use to set a date after which it is safe to purge the claim from the archive database.
See “Archive Claim Purge Rules” on page 51 in the Rules Guide for a discussion of
how to use the PurgeDate field with Gosu rules.

ClaimCenter generates an event if the ArchiveState of a ClaimInfo object changes to archived. Thus, you can
listen for this event and generate a message (for an external document management system, for example) if
ClaimCenter archives a claim.

The Extractable Delegate

All entities in the domain graph must implement the Extractable delegate. (The converse is also true. No entity
outside the domain graph can implement the Extractable delegate.) The use of this delegate ensures the
creation of the ArchivePartition column that ClaimCenter uses during the archive process. The following
metadata definition of the Claim object illustrates the implementation of the Extractable delegate:
<entity xmlns=""
desc="Insurance claim"
table="claim" ... >
<implementsEntity name="Validatable"/>
<implementsEntity name="Assignable"/>
<implementsEntity name="Extractable"/>

WARNING Any entity that is part of the domain graph must implement the Extractable delegate
using the <implementsEntity> element. This means the entity definition must contain
<implementsEntity name=”Extractable”/>. Otherwise, the server refuses to start. In addition, if you
add an edge foreign key to an entity that is part of the domain graph, then the edge foreign key must
also implement the Extractable delegate. (For example, if you create a custom subtype of Contact,
then it must implement the Extractable delegate.) The edge foreign key does not inherit the
<implementsEntity> delegate from the enclosing entity. If you do not add it manually, the application
server refuses to start.

The OverlapTable Delegate

Overlap tables are tables whose rows can exist either in the domain graph or as part of reference data, but not
both. The Address table is one such table. The Address table itself exists in both the domain graph and as refer-
ence data. However, individual rows in the table belong to (exist in) either the domain graph, or the reference
data. Any attempt to create a table row that exists in both causes archiving to fail.
Objects that use overlap tables must implement the OverlapTable delegate. Implementing the OverlapTable
delegate creates an additional Admin column that ClaimCenter uses to determine which rows belong to the
domain graph, and which do not
As these objects are both inside and outside the domain graph, they must also implement the Extractable dele-
gate. The following metadata definition of the Address object illustrates the use of multiple delegate implemen-
<entity xmlns=""
desc="Address of a person or business."
entity="Address" ... >
<implementsEntity name="Extractable"/>
<implementsEntity name="OverlapTable"/>

IMPORTANT It is not common for there to be a need to use overlap tables and thus the OverlapTable
delegate. It is primarily for use by Guidewire internal code.

286 Chapter 20, The Domain Graph

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Defining Foreign Keys Between Objects

Any new object that you define and want to add to a graph must also correctly define a foreign key to an object in
that graph. This foreign key defines which object owns the other. As discussed in “Accessing the Domain Graph”
on page 282, there are several different types of ownership or ways to implement foreign keys between objects:

Ownership Description

Object ownership A child object (B) has a foreign key to its parent object (A). In general, a foreign key from object B to
object A means that B is owned by A. The direction of an arrow between two objects in the graph
indicates the direction of the foreign key.
Reverse ownership A parent object (A) has a foreign key to a child object (B). Thus, the direction of ownership is oppo-
site to that of the foreign key. To indicate this, set the owner attribute on the foreign key (defined on
object A) to true. The graph indicates this through the use of dashed-line arrows.
IMPORTANT Guidewire actively discourages the use of reverse ownership relationships. The
ClaimCenter data model supports reverse ownership relationships for the rare case in which
upgrading the database is unduly cumbersome or time consuming. Do not use this type of relation-
ship as a general rule.

The following graphic, which shows portions of the objects in the ClaimCenter data model, illustrates the rela-
tionships between objects and foreign keys. The graphic contains objects in the domain graph and in reference
data, and the Contact object, which is an overlap object. The ClaimInfo object is outside the domain graph, as it
implements the RootInfo delegate, not the Extractable delegate.

In the ClaimCenter domain model:

• The ClaimInfo object—and only that object—implements the RootInfo delegate.
• All objects in the domain graph implement the Extractable delegate.

Chapter 20, The Domain Graph 287

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• The Contact object implements a number of delegates, including the Extractable delegate. Recall that
objects that implement the OverlapTable delegate can exist in the domain graph and as reference data.
However, individual rows in the table can only exist in one table or the other

Graph Validation Checks

The ClaimCenter server performs a series of checks during startup. These checks verify that the current data
model can support archiving, purging and export of claims. Some of these checks prevent the server from
starting. Other checks are warnings and allow the server to start. These checks warn about potential problems
with the graphs that might not be an issue depending on business logic.
The following table describes checks that prevent the server from starting. If any of these checks fails, the server
reports an exception and prints out the cycle in DOT format. You can use a program such as GraphViz to view
the graph.

Check Description

Domain graph not partitioned Verifies that all domain graph tables are reachable through the root entities.
Edge tables in domain graph Verifies that if edgeTable is set on an entity in the domain graph, it must have all of the
have required foreign keys following:
• An owned foreign key back to one of its parents
• An unowned foreign key to that same parent.

No cycles in domain graph Looks for circular references in the domain graph. The domain graph is the set of tables
and their relationships that define an archival unit, such as a Claim, its Exposures and
Contacts, and so forth.
The archiving and purging processes move non-shared data related to a Claim to the
archive by traversing the domain graph. Circular references in the graph cause issues for
this process.
The domain graph cannot have any cycle in its “is owned by” relationships. Thus, the fol-
lowing example fails validation: A “is owned by” B “is owned by” C “is owned by” A.
You need to resolve any cycles by sorting out the ownership relationships.
Domain graph entities imple- Ensures that all entities inside the domain graph implement the Extractable delegate as
ment Extractable ClaimCenter uses the following columns on Extractable during the archive process:
• ArchivePartition
• ArchiveID

This check also verifies that no entities outside of the domain graph implement the
Extractable delegate.

Overlap tables implement Verifies that all overlap tables implement the OverlapTable delegate. An overlap table
OverlapTable contains rows that can exist either in the domain graph or as part of reference data, but
not both. Overlap tables must implement the following delegates:
• Extractable
• OverlapTable

Entities in domain graph keyable Verifies that all entities in the domain graph are keyable. This requirement enables you to
reference the entity by ID.
Reference entities retirable Verifies that all reference entities in the domain graph points are retireable.
Exceptions to links from outside Verifies that exceptions to links from outside the domain graph are actually from entities
the domain graph are outside that are outside of the domain graph. ClaimCenter has several built-in exceptions to the
the domain graph general rule to not have a foreign key from an entity outside the domain graph to an entity
inside the domain graph. For these entities, this check verifies that the outside entity is
indeed outside the domain graph.

If any of these checks finds an issue, ClaimCenter prevents the server from starting and prints the graph in DOT
notation. You can use the DOT format graph output to view the graph using graph visualization software such as

288 Chapter 20, The Domain Graph

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In addition, the Archive Info page provides warnings for situations that could potentially lead to errors. See
“Domain Graph Info” on page 161 in the System Administration Guide. ClaimCenter provides warnings for these
situations rather than preventing the server from starting because business logic may prevent the erroneous situa-
tion. The following table describes these warning-level checks.

Check Description

Nothing outside the There must not be foreign keys from entities outside of the domain graph to entities in the
domain graph points to the domain graph. This prevents foreign key violations as ClaimCenter traverses the domain graph.
domain graph However, the existence of such foreign keys does not cause outright failure as it is possible for
an archiving rule to prevent the archiving of such graph instances.
Null links cannot make ClaimCenter constructs the domain graph by looking at foreign keys. However, this can create
node unreachable a disconnected graph if a nullable foreign key is null. If enough links are null, the graph
becomes partitioned and the archiving or purging process is not able to tag the correct entities.
This check is a warning rather than one that prevents the server from starting as it is possible to
use business logic to prevent the issue.

Working with Changes to the Data Model

There are only a few cases to consider if you have made changes to the data model that could potentially affect

An entity that was not in the domain graph is now in the domain graph...
In this case:
1. If a graph never referred to that entity, it does not appear in the XML. There is no issue.

2. If a graph that has been archived referred to an instance of that entity, it appears as a referenced entity in the
XML. This means on restore, the archive process looks for that entity in the database and links to it. If you re-
archive the graph, the archive process correctly exports the entity instance in the XML. There is no issue as
long you do not delete the entity.

An entity that was in the domain graph is no longer in the domain graph...
This can happen, for example, because it was some piece of reference data that was shared by multiple claims. It
is now removed.
In this case:
1. If the graph never referred to that entity, it does not appear in the XML. There is no issue.

2. It is possible, however, that an instance of the entity was archived already. Depending on the entity, it is
possible that someone (or ClaimCenter) recreated the instance at a later time. (The entity was needed for
some reason, for example.) On restore, the archived instance then causes a duplicate key violation as the
archive process attempts to insert the already archived instance into the database. In this case, you need to
turn the archived instance into a referenced entity.
To handle this situation, implement the following logic:
a. Search for the duplicate instance in the database.

b. If found, call the gw.api.archiving.upgrade.IArchivedEntity method to create a new

IArchivedEntity that is a referenced entity. You can create a new referenced entity of any type. The ref-
erence entity must exist in the database. If not found, then you need do nothing further.

Chapter 20, The Domain Graph 289

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Working with Shared Entity Data

Guidewire does not permit an entity to exist in more than one instance of the domain graph. For example, you
cannot have two claims that reference the same Event entity. Guidewire does not allow this in archiving as it
violates the delimitation of a unit of work. However, there are cases in which you want to share data across
multiple claims. One way to handle this is to extend the ClaimInfo object and add a foreign key to the table for
the new entity.

Extending the ClaimInfo Object

If you want to share an object (for example, an Event) across multiple claims, you can extend the ClaimInfo
object and add a foreign key to the entity table. However, if you choose to do this, there are several consider-
ations of which you need to be aware:
• You cannot create foreign keys out of that shared entity to anything in the domain graph.
• Any code that you construct around the shared entity must be aware of archiving. This means, for example,
that not all of the related claims that the code references can exist in the main database.
If you intend to extend the ClaimInfo object and implement this type of solution, then Guidewire strongly
recommends that you consult with Guidewire Services on the project.

Working with Cycles

There are two types of cycles that can cause issues in the ClaimCenter data model. They are:
• Cycles that involve circular references between objects, through the use of foreign keys. The concern with
this type of cycle is the safe ordering of foreign keys between objects.
• Cycles that involve the ownership of objects in the domain graph. The concern with this type of cycle is the
ownership—both overt and implicit—of one object by another in the domain graph.

Circular Foreign Key References

It is possible to have a a circle in a foreign key chain. This means that object A has a foreign key to object B and
B has a foreign key to A. This kind of circular reference is illegal in the ClaimCenter data model.
The problem occurs if A has a foreign key to B and B has a foreign key to A. In this situation, given a bundle
containing both A and B objects, it is not possible to determine which object to commit first. It is possible that A
references B, which has not yet been committed. Thus, committing A first causes a constraint violation. Any
attempt to commit B first can cause the opposite problem.
To solve this kind of circular dependency between foreign keys, Guidewire recommends that you use an edge
foreign key (<edgeForeignKey>). An edge foreign key from A to B introduces a new (hidden) entity that has a
foreign key to A and a foreign key to B. However, it does not create any direct foreign key from A to B. As such,
ClaimCenter can safely commit the A objects first, then the B objects, and finally, the hidden A/B edge foreign
key entities.
Note: In actual practice, a circular chain of foreign keys can exist between multiple objects, not simply
between two objects.

Ownership Cycles
In the domain graph, however, the concern is with ownership cycles, not simple foreign key cycles. Ownership,
by default, flows in the opposite direction to a foreign key. For example, if A has a foreign key to B then B, by
default, owns A.
However, it is sometimes necessary to reverse this behavior. For example, (in Guidewire ClaimCenter), the
Claim entity has a foreign key to the Contact entity (InsuredDenorm), but Contact does not own Claim. The

290 Chapter 20, The Domain Graph

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

way to indicate this relationship is to add the special owner="true" attribute to the foreign key to make the
ownership clear.

IMPORTANT Guidewire strongly recommends that you do not use edge foreign keys as you sort out
ownership cycles in the domain graph. Do not introduce edge foreign keys into the domain graph
except in the unlikely case that there is an actual safe ordering cycle that you need to correct.

See also
• “Accessing the Domain Graph” on page 282

Chapter 20, The Domain Graph 291

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

292 Chapter 20, The Domain Graph

chapter 21

Field Validation

This topic describes field validators in the ClaimCenter data model and how you can extend them.
This topic includes:
• “Field Validators” on page 293
• “Field Validator Definitions” on page 294
• “Modifying Field Validators” on page 297
• “Field Validation and Localization” on page 298

Field Validators
Field validators handle simple validation for a single field. A validator definition defines a regular expression,
which a data field must match to be valid. It can also define an optional input mask that provides a visual indica-
tion to the user of the data to enter in the field.
Each field in ClaimCenter has a default validation based on its data type. For example, integer fields can contain
only numbers. However, it is possible to use a field validator definition to override this default validation.
• You can apply field validators to simple data types, but not to typelists.
• You can modify field validators for existing fields, or create new validators for new fields.
Note: For complex validation between fields, use validation-specific Gosu code instead of simple field vali-
dators. For more information on validation, see the relevant validation section in the ClaimCenter Rules

Specifying Properties of a Specific Field

Field validators specify only the validation properties for a general kind of input (for example, any postal code).
They do not specify the properties of a specific field in a particular data view. Instead, detail views and editable
list views include additional validation attributes in their configuration files.

Chapter 21, Field Validation 293

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Specifying Field Validators on a Delegate Entity

Apply any field validators for elements existing on a delegate entity to the delegate entity. Do not apply any field
validators to the entities that inherit the elements from the delegate. This ensures that ClaimCenter applies the
field validator uniformly to that data element in whatever code utilizes the delegate.

Field Validator Definitions

ClaimCenter stores the default field validator definitions in fieldvalidators.xml. This file contains a list of
validator specifications for individual fields within ClaimCenter. Studio stores this file in the Data Model Extensions
folder of the Resources tree. File fieldvalidators.xml contains the following sections:

XML element Description

<FieldValidators> Top XML element for the fieldvalidators.xml file.
<ValidatorDef> Subelement that defines all of the validators. Each validator
must have a unique name by which you can reference it.

Using the fieldvalidators.xml file, you can do the following:

• You can modify existing validators. For example, it is common for each installation site to represent claim
numbers differently. You can define field validation to reflect these changes.
• You can add new validators for existing fields or custom extension fields.
The following XML example illustrates the structure of the base fieldvalidators.xml file:
<ValidatorDef name="Phone"
input-mask="###-###-#### x####"
value="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}( x[0-9]{0,4})?"/>
<ValidatorDef name="SSN"

Value versus input mask. It is important to understand the difference between value and input-mask.

value A value is a regular expression, which the field value must match in order for the data to be valid.
ClaimCenter persists this value to the database, including any defined delimiters or characters other than the
# character.
input-mask An input-mask, which is optional, can assist the user in entering valid data. ClaimCenter displays the input
mask to the user during editing or entering data into the field. For example, a # character indicates that the
user can only enter a digit for this character. ClaimCenter interprets all other characters literally and includes
them in the data.

After the user enters a value, ClaimCenter uses the regular expression to validate it. Typically, the input mask
must lead to valid sequences for the regular expression or this can prevent the user from entering a valid value.

IMPORTANT Guidewire ClaimCenter checks that the field data matches the field validator format (the
regular expression) as it sets the field on the object. Thus, you cannot, for example, assign a value to a
ClaimNumber field that does not match the acceptable ClaimNumber format as defined for this field in

294 Chapter 21, Field Validation

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The <FieldValidators> element is the root element in the fieldvalidators.xml file. It contains the following
XML subelement.

The <ValidatorDef> element is the beginning element for the definition of a validator. This element has the fol-
lowing attributes:
• Name
• Value
• Description
• Input-Mask
• Format
• Placeholder-Char
• Floor, Ceiling

The following sections describe these attributes.

The name attribute on the <ValidatorDef> element specifies the name of the validator. A field definition uses
this attribute to specify which validator applies to the field.

The value attribute on the <ValidatorDef> element specifies the acceptable values for a String field. It is in the
form of a regular expression. Use regular expressions with String values only. Use floor and ceiling range
values for numeric fields, for example, Money.
ClaimCenter uses the Apache library described in the following location for regular expression parsing:

ClaimCenter does not persist the regular expression definition to the database.
The following list describes some of the more useful items:

() Parentheses define the order in which ClaimCenter evaluates an expression, just as with any parentheses.
[] Brackets indicate acceptable values. For example:
• [Mm] indicates the letters M or m.
• [0-9] indicates any value from 0 to 9.
• [0-9a-zA-Z] indicates any alphanumeric character.

{} Braces indicate the number of characters. For example:

• [0-9]{5} allows five positions containing any character (number) between 0 and 9.
• {x} repeats the preceding value x times. For example, [0-9]{3} indicates any 3-digit integer such as 031 or 909,
but not 16.
• {x,y} indicates the preceding value can repeat between x and y times. For example, [abc]{1,3} allows values
such as cab, b, or aa, but not rs or abca.
? A question mark indicates one or zero occurrences of the preceding value. For example, [0-9]x? allows 3x or 3 but
not 3xx. ([Mm][Pp][Hh])? means mph, MpH, MPH, or nothing.
()? Values within parentheses followed by a question mark are optional. For example, (-[0-9]{4})? means that you can
optionally have four more digits between 0 and 9 after a dash -.
* An asterisk means zero or more of the preceding value. For example, (abc)* means abc or abcabc but not ab.
+ A plus sign means one or more of the preceding value. For example, [0-9]+ means any number of integers between
0 and 9 (but none is not an option).

Chapter 21, Field Validation 295

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

. A period is a wildcard character. For example:

• .* means anything.
• .+ means anything but the empty string.
• ... means any string with three characters.

The description attribute on the <ValidatorDef> element specifies the validation message to show to a user
who enters bad input. The description refers to a key within the file that contains the actual
description text. The naming convention for this display key is Validator.validator_name.
In the display text in the properties file, {0} represents the name of the field in question. ClaimCenter determines
this at runtime dynamically. For example, the display description for the Validator.Money key is:
Validator.Money = {0} must be a money value

The input-mask attribute on the <ValidatorDef> element specifies an optional definition that provides a visual
indication of what characters the user can enter. ClaimCenter displays the input mask to the user during data
entry. It consists of the # symbol and other characters:
• The # symbol represents any character the user can type.
• Any other character represents itself in a non-editable form. For example, in an input mask of ###-###-##,
the two hyphen characters are a non-editable part of the input field.
• Any empty input mask of "" is the same as not having the attribute at all.
• A special case is a mask with fixed characters on the end. ClaimCenter displays those characters outside of
the text field. For example ####mph appears as a field #### with mph on the outside end of it.

The format attribute on the <ValidatorDef> element works in a similar manner to the input-mask attribute.
However, it is not currently in use.

The placeholder-char attribute on the <ValidatorDef> element specifies a replacement value for the input
mask display character, which defaults to a period (.) For example, use the placeholder-char attribute to
display a dash character instead of the default period.

Floor, Ceiling
The floor and ceiling attributes on the <ValidatorDef> element are optional attributes that specify the
minimum (floor) and maximum (ceiling) values for the field. For example, you can limit the range to 100-200
by setting floor="100" and ceiling="200".
Use floor and ceiling range values for numeric fields only. For example, use the floor and ceiling attributes
to define a Money validator:
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.Money"
input-mask="" name="Money"

296 Chapter 21, Field Validation

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Modifying Field Validators

Studio stores the fieldvalidators.xml file in the Data Model Extensions folder of the Resources tree. If you open
this file for editing, Studio creates a custom copy of this file for you to edit, which ClaimCenter merges with the
base configuration file at application runtime. Within your custom copy of fieldvalidators file, you can make
a number of changes to the field validators.
You can, for example:
• Create a new field validator
• Modify attributes of an existing validator
The following code illustrates the syntax for these types of changes:

Create a new validator

<!-- Create a new validator -->
<ValidatorDef name="ExampleValidator" value="[A-z]{1,5}" description="Validator.Example"
input-mask="#####" />

Modify an existing validator definition

<!-- Modify a validator definition. Adding a ValidatorDef element with the same name as one defined
in the base fieldvaldators.xml file replaces the base validator. -->
<ValidatorDef name="ClaimNumber" value="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{5}" description="Validator.ClaimNumber"
input-mask="###-#####" />

Using <column-override> to Modify Field Validation

You use the <column-override> element in an extension file to override attributes on a field validator or to add a
field validator to a field that does not contain one.
Adding a field validator to a field. Occasionally, you want—or need—to add a validator to an application field
that currently does not have one. You need to use a <column-override> element in the specific entity extension
file. Use the following syntax:
<extension entityName="SomeEntity">
<column-override name="SomeColumn">
<columnParam name="validator" value="SomeCustomValidator"/>

Suppose that you want to create a validator for a Date of Birth field (Person.DateOfBirth). To create this vali-
dator, you need to perform the following steps in Studio.
1. Create a Person.etx file if one does not exist and add the following to it.
<extension entityName="Person">
<column-override name="DateOfBirth">
<columnParam name="validator" value="DateOfBirth"/>

2. Add a validation definition for the DateOfBirth validator to fieldvalidators.xml. For example:
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.DateOfBirth" ... name="DateOfBirth" .../>

In this case, you can potentially create different DateOfBirth validators in different country-specific
fieldvalidators files.

Changing the length of a text field. You can also use the <column-override> element to change the size (length)
of the text that a user can enter into a text box or field. Guidewire makes a distinction between the size attribute
and the logicalSize attribute.
• The size attribute is the length of the database column (if a VARCHAR column).
• The logicalSize attribute is the maximum length of the field that the application permits. It must not be
greater than size attribute (if applicable).

Chapter 21, Field Validation 297

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In this case, you set the logicalSize parameter, not a size parameter. This parameter does not change the
column length of the field in the database. You use the logicalSize parameter simply to set the field length in
the ClaimCenter interface. For example:
<column-override name="EmailAddressHome">
<columnParam name="logicalSize" value="42"/>

Note: It is important to understand that the use of the logicalSize parameter does not affect the actual
length of the column in the database. It merely affects how many characters a user can enter into a text field.

Field Validation and Localization

It is possible to create multiple country-specific field validator files. See “Localizing Field Validators” on
page 507 for details.

298 Chapter 21, Field Validation

chapter 22

Data Types

This topic describes the Guidewire data types, what they are, how to customize a data type, and how to create a
new data type.
This topic includes:
• “Overview of Data Types” on page 299
• “The ‘datatypes.xml’ File” on page 302
• “Customizing Base Configuration Data Types” on page 303
• “Working with Money and Currency Data Types” on page 304
• “Working with the Medium Text Data Type (Oracle)” on page 308
• “The Data Type API” on page 308
• “Defining a New Data Type: Required Steps” on page 310
• “Defining a New Tax Identification Number Data Type” on page 310

Overview of Data Types

In the Guidewire data model, a data type is an augmentation of an object property, along three axes:

Axis Description

Constraint A data type can restrict the range of allowable values. For example, a String data type can restrict
values to a maximum character limit.
Persistence A data type can specify how ClaimCenter stores a value in the database and in the object layer. For
example, one String data type can store values as CLOB objects. Another String data type can
store values as VARCHAR objects.
Presentation A data type can specify how the ClaimCenter interface treats a value. For example, a String data
type can specify an input mask to use in assisting the user with data entry.

Guidewire stores the definitions for the base configuration data types in *.dti files in the datatypes directory.
Each file corresponds to a separate data type, which the file name specifies.

Chapter 22, Data Types 299

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Every data type has an associated type (defined in the valueType attribute). For example, the associated type for
the datetime data type is java.util.Date. Thus, you see in the datetime definition file, the following:
<DataTypeDef xmlns=""

In a similar manner, the decimal data type has an associated type of java.math.BigDecimal.
<DataTypeDef xmlns=""

Working with Data Types

In working with data types, you can do the following:

Operation Description

Customize an existing data type Modify the data type definition in file datatypes.xml, which you access through Stu-
dio. You can only modify a select subset of the base configuration data types.
See “Customizing Base Configuration Data Types” on page 303.
Create a new data type Create a .dti definition file and place it in ClaimCenter/modules/configuration/
config/datatypes. You also need to create Gosu code to manage the data type.

See “Defining a New Data Type: Required Steps” on page 310.

Override the data type on a column Override the parameterization of the data type on individual columns (fields) on an
entity. For example, you can make a VARCHAR column in the base data model use
encryption by extending the entity and setting the encryption parameter on a
<columnParam> element.

See “<column>” on page 212 for a discussion of the <columnParam> subelement.

Using Data Types

You can use any of the data types for data fields (except for those that Guidewire reserves for itself). This
includes data types that are part of the base configuration or data types that you create yourself. If you add a new
column (field) to an entity or create a new entity, you can use any data type that you want for that entity field.
You do this by setting the type attribute on the column. For example:
<extension entityName="Claim">
<column name="NewCompanyName" type="CompanyName" nullok="true" desc="Name for the new company."/>

WARNING If you add too many large fields to any one table, you can easily reach the maximum row
size of a table. In particular, this is a problem if you add a large number of long text or VARCHAR fields.
Guidewire recommends that your company database administrator (DBA) determine the maximum
row size and how to increase the page size, if needed.

Guidewire-Reserved Data Types

Guidewire reserves the right to use the following data types exclusively. Guidewire does not support the use of
these data types except for its own internal purposes. Do not attempt to create or extend an entity using one of
the following data types:
• foreignkey
• key
• typekey
• typelistkey

300 Chapter 22, Data Types

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Database Data Types

Guidewire bases its base configuration data types on the following database data types:

Data Types and Database Vendors

It is possible to see both VARCHAR and varchar in the Guidewire documentation. This usage has the following
All upper-case characters. This refers to database data types generally, for example VARCHAR and CLOB. Of the
supported database vendors, the Oracle (and H2) databases use upper-case data type names, while the SQL
Server database uses lower-case data type names. To view the entire set of database data types, consult the data-
base vendor's documentation.
All lower-case characters. This refers to Guidewire data types generally, for example, varchar and text. You can
determine the set of Guidewire data types by viewing the names of the data type metadata definition files (*.dti)
in the following application locations:

Note: There can be multiple config/datatypes folders in your application instance. To determine the
complete set of Guidewire data types, you must view the files in all locations.

Defining a Data Type for a Property

Guidewire associates data types with object properties using the following annotation:

The annotation requires that you to provide the name of the data type, along with any parameters that you want to
supply to the data type.
• You associate a data type with a metadata property by specifying the type attribute on the <column> element.
• You specify any parameters for the data type with <columnParam> elements, children of the <column>
At runtime, ClaimCenter translates these metadata elements into instances of the
gw.datatype.annotation.DataType annotation on the property corresponding to the <column>.
Each data type has a value type. You can only associate a data type with a property whose feature type matches
the data type of the value type. For example, you can only associate a String data type with String properties.

IMPORTANT Guidewire ClaimCenter does not enforce this restriction at compile time. (However,
ClaimCenter does check for any exception to this restriction at application server start up.) Guidewire
permits annotations on any allowed feature, as long as you supply the parameters that the annotation
requires. Therefore, you need to be aware of this restriction and enforce it yourself.

Chapter 22, Data Types 301

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The ‘datatypes.xml’ File

IMPORTANT You must perform a database upgrade if you make changes to the datatypes.xml file.
You must increment the version number in (in ClaimCenter Studio) to force
a database upgrade upon application server start-up.

ClaimCenter permits you modify certain attributes on a small subset of the base configuration data types. It lists
these data types in file datatypes.xml, which you can access in Studio at Resources → Data Model Extensions. You
can modify the values of certain attributes in this file to customize how these data types work in ClaimCenter.
This XML files contains the following elements:

XML element Description

<DataTypes> Top XML element for the datatypes.xml file.
<...DataType> Subelement that defines a specific customizable data type (for example, PhoneDataType, YearDataType,
MoneyDataType) and assigns one or more default values to each one.

WARNING Do not modify this file unless you know exactly what you are doing. You must also use
Studio to manage this file. If you modify this file incorrectly, you can invalidate your ClaimCenter

The <...DataType> element is the basic element of the datatypes.xml file. It assigns default values to base
configuration data types that Guidewire permits you to customize. This element starts with the specific data type
name, for example, <MoneyDataType>. This element has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
length Assigns the maximum character length of the data type.
validator Binds the data type to a given validator definition. It must match the name attribute of the validator definition.
precision Used for DECIMAL types only.
• precision is the total number of digits in the number.
• is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

Therefore, precision >= scale (always).

app Optional attribute for use with money data types. See “Money Data Types” on page 305 for information.

Deploying Changes to datatypes.xml

If you change the datatypes.xml file, then you need to deploy those changes to the application server. Most
modifications to the datatypes.xml file take effect the next time the server reboots.
• ClaimCenter reloads the validator attribute for data type definitions upon server reboot. This is so that you
can rebind different validators to data types.
• ClaimCenter does not reload other data type attributes such as length, precision, and scale. This is
because ClaimCenter applies these attributes only during the initial server boot. (It uses them during table
creation in the database.) ClaimCenter ignores any changes to these attributes unless something triggers a
database upgrade. For example, if you modify a base entity, then ClaimCenter triggers a database upgrade at
the next server restart.

302 Chapter 22, Data Types

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Guidewire recommendations. Guidewire recommends the following:

• Make modifications to the data types before creating the ClaimCenter database for the first time.
• Make modifications to the data types before performing a database upgrade that creates a new extension

IMPORTANT ClaimCenter only looks at the data type definitions at the time it creates a database
column. Thus, it ignores any changes after that point. However, any differences between the type defi-
nition and the actual database column can cause upgrade errors or failure warnings. Therefore,
Guidewire recommends that you exercise extreme caution in making changes to type definitions.

Customizing Base Configuration Data Types

You can customize the behavior of the data types listed in datatypes.xml. To see exactly what you can custom-
ize for each data type, see “List of Customizable Data Types” on page 303. In general, though, you can custom-
ize some or all of the following attributes on a listed data type (depending on the data type):
• length
• precision
• scale
• validator

The length attribute. Data types based on the VARCHAR data type have a length attribute that you can customize.
This attribute sets the maximum allowable character length for the field (column).
The precision and scale attributes. Data types based on the DECIMAL data type have precision and scale attri-
butes that you can customize. These attributes determine the size of the decimal. The precision value sets the
total number of digits in the number and the scale value is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
If you are working with monetary values, see “Working with Money and Currency Data Types” on page 304.
There are special requirements for these attributes in working with monetary amounts.
The validator attribute. Most data types have a validator attribute that you can customize. This attribute binds
the data type to a given validator definition. For example, PhoneDataType (defined in datatypes.xml) binds to
the Phone validator by its validator attribute. This matches the name attribute of a <ValidatorDef> definition in
file fieldvalidators.xml.
//File datatypes.xml
<DataTypes xmlns:xsi=""
<PhoneDataType length="30" validator="Phone"/>

//File fieldvalidators.xml
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.Phone" input-mask="###-###-#### x####" name="Phone"
value="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}( x[0-9]{0,4})?"/>

See Also
• For information on field validators, see “Field Validation” on page 293.
• For information on how to localize field validation, see “Localizing Field Validators” on page 507.

List of Customizable Data Types

The following table summarizes the list of the data types that you can customize. ClaimCenter defines these data
types in datatypes.xml. If a data type does not exist in datatypes.xml, then you cannot customize its attributes.

Chapter 22, Data Types 303

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

ClaimCenter builds the all of its data types on top of the base database data types of CLOB, TIMESTAMP, DECIMAL,

Note: Only decimal numbers use the precision and scale attributes. The precision attribute defines the
total number of digits in the number. The scale attribute defines the number of digits to the right of the
decimal point. Therefore, precision >=scale (always).

Guidewire data type Built on Customizable attributes

ABContactMatchSetKey VARCHAR length
Account VARCHAR length, validator
AddressLine VARCHAR length, validator
ClaimNumber VARCHAR length, validator
CompanyName VARCHAR length, validator
ContactIdentifier VARCHAR length, validator
CreditCardNumber VARCHAR length, validator
DaysWorkedWeek DECIMAL precision, , validator
DriverLicense VARCHAR length, validator
DunAndBradstreetNumber VARCHAR length, validator
EmploymentClassification VARCHAR length, validator
ExchangeRate DECIMAL precision, , validator
Exmod DECIMAL precision, , validator
FirstName VARCHAR length, validator
HoursWorkedDay DECIMAL precision, , validator
LastName VARCHAR length, validator
MediumText VARCHAR length
Money DECIMAL precision, , app, validator
PercentageDec DECIMAL precision,
Phone VARCHAR length, validator
PolicyNumber VARCHAR length, validator
PostalCode VARCHAR length, validator
ProrationFactor DECIMAL precision, , validator
Rate DECIMAL precision. , validator
RatingLineBasisAmount DECIMAL precision, , validator
Risk DECIMAL precision, , validator
Speed INTEGER validator
SSN VARCHAR length, validator
VIN VARCHAR length, validator
Year INTEGER validator

The PercentageDec Data Type

Guidewire builds this data type on top of the DECIMAL (3,0) data type. Only use decimal values from 0 to 100

Working with Money and Currency Data Types

In the base configuration, Guidewire defines multiple data types that apply to money or currency. You use these
data types to store and display monetary values within Guidewire ClaimCenter. Some of these data types you use
to implement single currency configurations. Others, Guidewire specifically designs for use in implementing
multicurrency configurations. In general, you can divide the monetary data types into two categories.

304 Chapter 22, Data Types

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Setting the Currency Mode

IMPORTANT Unless you are installing and configuring Guidewire ClaimCenter, set the currency
mode to SINGLE. If you are installing Guidewire ClaimCenter, consider carefully the differences
between the two modes.

The currency mode determines how ClaimCenter stores money values and displays them in the interface. You
use configuration parameter MultiCurrencyDisplayMode in config.xml to set the currency mode for the appli-
cation. The currency mode is either single currency or multicurrency. The valid configuration parameter values

The decision of which currency mode to implement is based on whether you want to see multicurrency features
in the ClaimCenter interface. For example, SINGLE mode hides multicurrency fields such as Currency and Exchange
Rate fields, as they are irrelevant.

Currency mode Recommendations

SINGLE In SINGLE currency mode, use money data type for money amount columns if you do not foresee moving
to a multicurrency implementation. In this case, you are using only one currency and there is no possibil-
ity of any confusion.
However, there are some advantages of using the currencyamount data type, even in SINGLE mode:
• Using the currencyamount data types provides currency-safety as it is not possible to mistakenly add
currency amounts with different currencies.
• It is possible to write Gosu code such that it passes CurrencyAmount values for monetary amounts.
You need to make this change in any case if you switch to MULTIPLE currency mode at a later time.
MULTIPLE In MULTIPLE currency mode, always use the currencyamount data type and always pass around
CurrencyAmount values for monetary amounts. You can change the type on money extension columns to
be currencyamount columns without any upgrade cost. (This change does trigger a database upgrade.
However, the upgrade utility does not actually make any changes to the database due to the type

See Also
• “Configuring Currency” on page 623
• “Multiple Currencies” on page 171 in the System Administration Guide

Money Data Types

Use the money data type to store and show money values in the system. In a single currency configuration,
Guidewire ClaimCenter assumes all money amounts in a money data type column are in the same currency. The
following list describes the Guidewire base configuration money data types:

Data type Description

money Permits positive, negative, and zero values.
nonnegativemoney Does not permit negative values, However, zero values are acceptable.
positivemoney Does not permit negative or zero values.

The money data types use the following specialized attributes, which you set in datatypes.xml:
• precision, scale
• appscale
These settings for these parameters affect all money columns.

Chapter 22, Data Types 305

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

precision, scale
With money values, precision controls the total number of digits and scale controls the number of digits to the
right of the decimal point. For example, if precision=5 and scale=2, then the maximum value for money is
999.99 and the minimum value is -999.99.
Some factors to consider in choosing the scale value include localization issues and the needs of the specific
industry. For example, if it is important to track money amounts down to 1/100 of a cent, then set scale to 4. (The
default is 2.)
Guidewire recommends that you set the scale attribute to the maximum that you would possibly need in the
future. This is useful if you decide to support additional currencies in the future that could use a number of
decimal digits larger than the current configuration.
You set precision and scale in the <MoneyDataType> element in file datatypes.xml. (See also “The
‘datatypes.xml’ File” on page 302.)
For example:
<MoneyDataType precision="18" scale="2" validator="Money"/>

IMPORTANT The precision and scale attributes control both how ClaimCenter displays money
values in the interface and how ClaimCenter stores money values in the database.

WARNING You cannot change the scale attribute without dropping the database.

The appscale attribute is a rarely-used optional data type attribute. It enables a single-currency installation to
specify a scale appropriate to that particular currency, while the database column that stores the amount uses a
larger scale attribute value. The appscale becomes the effective scale of BigDecimal values in the application
that have been loaded from money and currencyamount columns in the database. The appscale value must be
less than the scale value in use in the database.
Guidewire provides this attribute to facilitate an eventual upgrade to a multicurrency configuration that will
make use of the full scale values. As an example, suppose that you implement a Japanese Yen (0-scale) instal-
lation that you intend to become a multicurrency installation in the future.
The future multicurrency installation needs to support currencies with a larger scale, such as U.S. Dollar (2-
scale). If you know this at the time of the original installation, then you want the database column to handle 2-
scale values in the initial set up. Otherwise, you must recreate those columns later to have 2-scale, which the
Guidewire upgrade tool does not currently support.
In this example, you would initially set appscale=0 and scale=2. Thus, all BigDecimal values in the application
for money and currencyamount columns would have a scale of 0. Later, after you transition the installation to a
multicurrency installation, you would remove the appscale attribute. In its place, you would use the
storageScale attributes in currencies.xml instead to specify the scale to use for each currency.

The following rules and restrictions apply to the money data type.
• If you do not specify an appscale attribute, then ClaimCenter uses the scale attribute value.
• If you do specify an appscale value, make the appscale value smaller than the scale value.

306 Chapter 22, Data Types

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• If you do specify an appscale value, set the value to the largest decimal value required for the currently
configured currency.

IMPORTANT The appscale attribute does not exist in the base configuration. You need to add this
attribute to the <MoneyDataType> element in file datatypes.xml if you want to use it. This attribute is
only useful in the SINGLE currency mode. In MULTIPLE currency mode, use the storageScale attri-
bute on each currency listed in currencies.xml.

Currency Amount Data Types

Guidewire provides a number of currency data types that extend the money data types to specify the currency of
the money amount being stored. The primary purpose of the currencyamount data types is for use in multicur-
rency configurations.
The following list describes the Guidewire base configuration currencyamount data types.

Data type Description

currencyamount Permits positive, negative, and zero values.
nonnegativecurrencyamount Does not permit negative values, However, zero values are acceptable.
positivecurrencyamount Does not permit negative or zero values.

In both Gosu and Java code, a currencyamount property returns a CurrencyAmount object, which associates a
BigDecimal money amount with a particular Currency typekey value. ClaimCenter persists the BigDecimal
amount to the database. You can configure the Currency value for that particular column.
To specify the currency of the amount that you are storing in a column, use the <columnParam> element on that
column to set a currencyProperty value. The currencyProperty parameter points to a property on the entity
that returns the Currency for the column. This property can be either of the following:
• A virtual property, which you typically define in an enhancement class
• A Currency column on the entity, which stores a Currency typekey value
If the property is a virtual property, it usually looks up the relevant Currency from a parent entity, such as a

For example, in ClaimCenter, if you want to store a money amount in the same currency as the claim, then you
can use ClaimCurrency as the currency property.
<column name="SomeAmount" type="currencyamount" ...>
<columnParam name="currencyProperty" value="ClaimCurrency"/>

Note: See also “Multiple Currencies” on page 171 in the Application Guide.
In the base configuration, Guidewire provides a definition for the ClaimCurrency property on many entities,
either in Java or through a Gosu enhancement class. If it does not exist, you can define it in an enhancement class
on that particular entity type.
It is possible to create a column that contains a multicurrency value that could potentially contain any Currency.
In this case, you need to define another extension column on the entity to store the Currency value and reference
that in the currencyProperty <columnParam> element. For example:
<typekey name="SomeCurrency" nullok="false" typelist="Currency" …/>
<column name="SomeAmount" type="currencyamount" ...>
<columnParam name="currencyProperty" value="SomeCurrency"/>

It is not mandatory to provide the currencyProperty in a <columnParam>. If you do not, then ClaimCenter
defaults to using the value that you set for DefaultApplicationCurrency in config.xml.

Chapter 22, Data Types 307

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

See Also
• “<column>” on page 212
• “The <columnParam> Subelement” on page 214

Setting the Currency Display

Guidewire ClaimCenter uses the following to determine the number of decimal places to show in the interface:

Currency mode Decimal digits to show...

SINGLE ClaimCenter uses the value of the appscale attribute on the money data type in datatypes.xml to deter-
mine the number of decimal digits to show in the interface. If you do not set a value for app, then
ClaimCenter uses the scale value to determine the number of decimal digits to show.
IMPORTANT The appscale attribute does not exist in the base configuration. You need to add this attri-
bute to the <MoneyDataType> element in the datatypes.xml file.
MULTIPLE ClaimCenter uses the value of the storage attribute on <CurrencyType> in currencies.xml to deter-
mine the number of decimal digits to show in the interface.
The appscale attribute is useful in multicurrency configurations for the money data types. However, with
currencyamount data types, the storage parameter supersedes the appscale attribute on the
<MoneyDataType> element in datatypes.xml. Make the currency storage value less than or equal to the
appscale value and make the appscale value less than or equal to the scale value. The following must
always be true.

storageScale ≤ appscale ≤ scale

Working with the Medium Text Data Type (Oracle)

In working with the MEDIUMTEXT data type, take extra care if you use multi-byte characters (excluding CLOB-
based data types such as LONGTEXT, TEXT, or CLOB) in the Oracle database. On Oracle, Guidewire supports any
single-byte character set, or the multi-byte character sets UTF8 and AL32UTF8.
Oracle has a maximum column width, for non-LOB columns, of 4000 bytes. Thus, with a single-byte character
set, you can store up to 4000 characters in a single column (because one character requires one byte). However,
with a multi-byte character set, you can store fewer characters, depending on the ratio of bytes to characters for
that character set. For UTF8, the ratio is at most three-to-one, so you can always safely store up to 4000 / 3 = 1333
characters in a single column.
Thus, Guidewire recommends:
• Limit the number of characters to 4000 if using a single-byte character set.
• Limit the number of characters to 1333 if using UTF8 or AL32UTF8. However, it is possible that some
AL32UTF8 characters can be four bytes, and thus 1333 of them can potentially overflow 4000 bytes.

The Data Type API

The classes in gw.datatype form the core of the Data Type API. Most of the time, you do not need to use data
types directly, as Guidewire uses these internally in the system. However, there can be cases in which you need to
access a data type, typically to determine the constraints information.
The following sections discuss:
• Retrieving the Data Type for a Property
• Retrieving a Particular Data Type in Gosu
• Retrieving a Data Type Reflectively
• Using the IDataType Methods

308 Chapter 22, Data Types

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Retrieving the Data Type for a Property

To retrieve the data type for a property, you could look up the annotation on the property. You could then look up
the data type reflectively, using the name and parameters properties of the annotation. However, this is a
cumbersome process. As a convenience, use the following method instead:

For example:
var property = Claim.Type.TypeInfo.getProperty("ClaimNumber")
var claimNumberDataType = DataTypes.get(property)

The gw.datatype.DataTypes.get(gw.lang.reflect.IAnnotatedFeatureInfo) method also has provides

some performance optimizations. Therefore, Guidewire recommends that you use this method rather than
looking up the annotation directly from the property.

Retrieving a Particular Data Type in Gosu

If you need an instance of a particular data type, use the corresponding method on gw.datatype.DataTypes. A
static method exists on this type for each data type in the system. Some data types have two methods:
• One that takes all parameters
• One that takes only the required parameters
For example:
var varcharDataType = DataTypes.varchar(10)
var encryptedVarcharDataType = DataTypes.varchar(10,
/* validator */ null,
logicalSize */ null,
/* encryption */ true,
/* trimwhitespace */ null)

Retrieving a Data Type Reflectively

In rare cases, you may need to look up a data type reflectively. To do this, you need the name of the data type,
and a map containing the parameters for the data type. For example:
var varcharDataType = DataTypes.get("varchar", { "size" -> "10" ))

Using the IDataType Methods

After you have a data type, you can access its various aspects using one of the asXXXDataType methods, which
• asConstrainedDataType() : IConstrainedDataType
• asPersistentDataType() : IPersistentDataType
• asPresentableDataType() : IPresentableDataType

For example, suppose that you want to determine the maximum length of a property:
var claim : Claim = ...
var claimNumberProperty = Claim.Type.TypeInfo.getProperty("ClaimNumber")
var claimNumberDataType = DataTypes.get(claimNumberProperty)
var maxLength = claimNumberDataType.asConstrainedDataType().getLength(claim, claimNumberProperty)

It may seem odd that the getLength(java.lang.Object, gw.lang.reflect.IPropertyInfo) method (in this
example) takes the claim and the claim number property. The reason for this is that the constraint and presenta-
tion aspects of data types are dynamic, meaning that they are based on context.
Many of the methods on gw.datatype.IConstrainedDataType and gw.datatype.IPresentableDataType take
a context object, representing the owner of the property with the data type, along with the property in question.

Chapter 22, Data Types 309

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

This allows the implementation to provide different behavior, based on the context. If you do not have the
context object or property, then you can pass null for either of these arguments.

IMPORTANT If you implement a data type, then you must handle the case in which the context is

Defining a New Data Type: Required Steps

The process of defining a new data type requires multiple steps.
1. Register the data type within Guidewire ClaimCenter by creating a .dti file (data type declaration file). To
do this:
a. Select the Other Resources folder, right-click, and select New → Other file.

b. Enter the name of the data type to name the file. You must add the .dti extension. Studio does not do this
for you. Studio inserts this file in the correct location.
c. Click the file name in the Resource tree. Studio opens the file for editing.
You must enter definitions for the following items for the data type. If necessary, view other samples of data-
type definition files to determine what you need to enter.
• Name
• Value type
• Parameters
• Implementation type
2. Create a data type definition class that implements the gw.datatype.def.IDataTypeDef interface. This class
must include writable property definitions that correspond to each parameter that the data type accepts.
3. Create data type handler classes for each of the three aspects of the data type (constraints, persistence, and
presentation). These classes must implement the following interfaces:
• gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypeConstraintsHandler
• gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypePersistenceHandler
• gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypePresentationHandler
Guidewire provides a number of implementations of these three interfaces for the standard data types. For
example, you can create your own CLOB-based data types by defining a data type that uses the
ClobPersistenceHandler class. To access the handler interface implementations or to view a complete list,
enter the following within Gosu code:

After you create the data type, you will want to use the data type in some useful way. For example, you can create
an entity property that uses that data type and then expose that property as a field within ClaimCenter.

See Also
• For a discussion of constraints, persistence, and presentation as it relates to data types, see “Overview of Data
Types” on page 299.

Defining a New Tax Identification Number Data Type

The following examples illustrates the steps involved in defining a new data type and using it. The example
defines a new data type for Tax Identification Number objects, called TaxID. The data type has one required prop-

310 Chapter 22, Data Types

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

erty, the name of the property on the context object. This property—called countryProperty—identifies which
country is in context for validating the data.
This example contains the following steps:
• Step 1: Register the Data Type
• Step 2: Implement the IDataTypeDef Interface
• Step 3: Implement the Data Type Aspect Handlers

Step 1: Register the Data Type

To register a new data type, create a file named XXX.dti, with XXX as the name of the new data type. In this case,
create a file named TaxID.dti. To do this:
1. Select Other Resources, right-click and select New → Other file.

2. Enter TaxID.dti as the file name. This action creates an empty data type file and places it in the datatypes
3. Enter the following text in the file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DataTypeDef xmlns="" type="gw.newdatatypes.TaxIDDataTypeDef"
<ParameterDef name="countryProperty" desc="The name of a property on the owning entity,
whose value contains the country with which to validate and format values."
required="true" type="java.lang.String"/>
The root element of TaxID.dti is <DataTypeDef> and the namespace is
This example defines the following:

data type name TaxID

value type String

parameter contactType

implementation type gw.newdatatypes.TaxIDDataTypeDef

See Also
• For details on the attributes and elements relevant to the data type definition, see “The ClaimCenter Data
Model” on page 187.

Step 2: Implement the IDataTypeDef Interface

The implementation class that you create to handle the TaxID data type must do the following:
• It must implement the gw.datatype.def.IDataTypeDef interface.
• It must have a no-argument constructor.
• It must have a property for each of the data type parameters.
For example, suppose that you have a new data type that has a String parameter named someParameter. The
implementation class (specified in the type attribute) must define a writable property named someParameter, so
that the data type factory can pass the argument values to the implementation. The implementation can then use
the parameters in the implementation of the various handlers, which are:
• gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypeConstraintsHandler
• gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypePersistenceHandler
• gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypePresentationHandler

Chapter 22, Data Types 311

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Class TaxIDDataTypeDef. For our example data type, the gw.newdatatypes.TaxIDDataTypeDef class looks
similar to the following. To create this file, first create the package, then the class file, in the Studio Classes folder.
package gw.newdatatypes

uses gw.datatype.def.IDataTypeDef
uses gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypeConstraintsHandler
uses gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypePresentationHandler
uses gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypePersistenceHandler
uses gw.lang.reflect.IPropertyInfo
uses gw.datatype.handler.IDataTypeValueHandler
uses gw.datatype.def.IDataTypeDefValidationErrors
uses gw.datatype.impl.VarcharPersistenceHandler
uses gw.datatype.impl.SimpleValueHandler

class TaxIDDataTypeDef implements IDataTypeDef {

private var _countryProperty : String as CountryProperty

override property get ConstraintsHandler() : IDataTypeConstraintsHandler {

return new TaxIDConstraintsHandler(CountryProperty)

override property get PersistenceHandler() : IDataTypePersistenceHandler {

return new VarcharPersistenceHandler(/* encrypted */ false,
/* trimWhitespace */ true,
/* size */ 30)

override property get PresentationHandler() : IDataTypePresentationHandler {

return new TaxIDPresentationHandler(CountryProperty)

override property get ValueHandler() : IDataTypeValueHandler {

return new SimpleValueHandler(String)

override function validate(prop : IPropertyInfo, errors : IDataTypeDefValidationErrors) {

// Check that the CountryProperty names an actual property on the owning type, and that
// the type of the property is typekey.Country.
var countryProp = prop.OwnersType.TypeInfo.getProperty(CountryProperty)

if (countryProp == null) {

errors.addError("Property \"" + CountryProperty + "\" does not exist on type " +


} else if (not typekey.Country.Type.isAssignableFrom(countryProp.Type)) {

errors.addError("Property " + countryProp + " does not resolve to a " + typekey.Country)


Note that the class defines a property named CountryProperty, which the system calls to pass the
countryProperty parameter. Also notice how the implementation reads the value of CountryProperty as its
constructs its constraints and presentation handlers. Guidewire guarantees to fill the implementation parameters
before calling the handlers.
In the example code, the class refers to constraints and presentation handlers created specifically for this data
type. However, it also reuses a Guidewire-provided persistence handler, the VarcharPersistenceHandler. You
do not usually need to create your own persistence handler, as Guidewire defines persistence handlers for all the
basic database column types.

Step 3: Implement the Data Type Aspect Handlers

As you define a new data type, it is possible (actually likely) that you need to define one or more handlers for the
data type. These handler interfaces are different than the Data Type API interfaces. For example, clients that use
the Data Type API use the following:

312 Chapter 22, Data Types

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

However, if you define a new data type, you must implement the following:

This separation of interfaces allows the definition of a caller-friendly interface for data type clients and a imple-
mentation-friendly interface for data type designers.
The example data type defines a handler for both constraints and presentation.
Class TaxIDConstraintsHandler. This class looks similar to the following:
package gw.newdatatypes

uses gw.datatype.handler.IStringConstraintsHandler
uses gw.lang.reflect.IPropertyInfo
uses java.lang.Iterable
uses java.lang.Integer
uses java.lang.CharSequence
uses gw.datatype.DataTypeException

class TaxIDConstraintsHandler implements IStringConstraintsHandler {

var _countryProperty : String

construct(countryProperty : String) {
_countryProperty = countryProperty

override function validateValue(ctx : Object, prop : IPropertyInfo, value : Object) {

var country = getCountry(ctx)

switch (country) {
case "US": validateUSTaxID(ctx, prop, value as java.lang.String)
// other countries ...

override function validateUserInput(ctx : Object, prop : IPropertyInfo, strValue : String) {

validateValue(ctx, prop, strValue)

override function getConsistencyCheckerPredicates(columnName : String) : Iterable<CharSequence> {

return {}

override function getLoaderValidationPredicates(columnName : String) : Iterable<CharSequence> {

return {}

override function getLength(ctx : Object, prop : IPropertyInfo) : Integer {

var country = getCountry(ctx)

switch (country) {
case "US": return ctx typeis Person ? 11 : 10
// other countries ...

return null

private function getCountry(ctx : Object) : Country {

return ctx[_countryProperty] as Country

private function validateUSTaxID(ctx : Object, prop : IPropertyInfo, value : String) {

var pattern = ctx typeis Person ? "\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}" : "\\d{2}-\\d{7}"
if (not value.matches(pattern)) {
throw new DataTypeException("${value} does not match required pattern ${pattern}", prop,
"Validation.TaxID", { value })

Class TaxIDPresentationHandler. This class looks similar to the following:

package gw.newdatatypes

uses gw.lang.reflect.IPropertyInfo

Chapter 22, Data Types 313

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

uses gw.datatype.handler.IStringPresentationHandler

class TaxIDPresentationHandler implements IStringPresentationHandler {

private var _countryProperty : String

construct(countryProperty : String) {
_countryProperty = countryProperty

function getEditorValue(ctx : Object, prop : IPropertyInfo) : Object {

return null

override function getDisplayFormat(ctx : Object, prop : IPropertyInfo ) : String {

return null

override function getInputMask(ctx : Object, prop : IPropertyInfo) : String {

switch (getCountry(ctx)) {
case "US": return ctx typeis Person ? "###-##-####" : "##-#######"
// other countries ...

return null

override function getPlaceholderChar(ctx : Object, prop : IPropertyInfo) : String {

return null

private function getCountry(ctx : Object) : Country {

return ctx[_countryProperty] as Country

Notice how each of these handlers makes use of the context object in order to determine the type of input mask
and validation string to use.

314 Chapter 22, Data Types

chapter 23

Working with Typelists

This topic discusses typelists. Within Guidewire ClaimCenter, a typelist represents a predefined set of possible
values, with each separate value defined as a typecode. Typically, you experience a typelist as drop-down list
within Guidewire ClaimCenter that presents the set of available choices. You define and manage typelists
through Guidewire Studio.
This topic includes:
• “What is a Typelist?” on page 315
• “Terms Related to Typelists” on page 316
• “Typelists and Typecodes” on page 316
• “Typelist Definition Files” on page 317
• “Different Kinds of Typelists” on page 317
• “Working with Typelists in Studio” on page 318
• “Typekey Fields” on page 322
• “Typelist Filters” on page 325
• “Static Filters” on page 325
• “Dynamic Filters” on page 330
• “Dynamic Filters” on page 330
• “Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes” on page 333

What is a Typelist?
WARNING Guidewire recommends that you fully understand the dependencies between typelists
before you modify one. Incorrect changes to a typelist can cause damage to the ClaimCenter data

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 315

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Guidewire ClaimCenter displays many fields in the interface as drop-down lists of possible values. Guidewire
calls the list of available values for a drop-down field a typelist. Typelists limit the acceptable values for many
fields within the application. Thus, a typelist represents a predefined set of possible values, with each separate
value defined as a typecode. Whenever there is a drop-down list in the ClaimCenter interface, it is usually a type-
For example, the ClaimCenter Loss Details page that you access as you enter claim information contains several
different typelists (drop-down lists). One of these is the Loss Cause typelist that provides the available values from
which you can choose as you enter claim information.
Typelists are very common for coding fields on the root objects of an application. They are also common for
status fields used for application logic. Some typelist usage examples from the Data Dictionary include:
• Claim.LossType uses a simple list.
• Claim.DriverRelationship uses a list with a simple static filter, since only a subset of all relationships make
sense in this context.
• Claim.LossCause uses a list filtered by LossType (that is, choices for this loss cause depend on the value of
the loss type).
Besides displaying the text describing the different options in a drop-down list, typelists also serve a very impor-
tant role in integration. Guidewire recommends that you design your typelists so that you can map their type-
codes (values) to the set of codes used in your legacy applications. This is a very important step in making sure
that you code a claim in ClaimCenter to values that can be understood by other applications within your

Terms Related to Typelists

There are several terms related to customizing drop-down lists within ClaimCenter. Since they sound quite
similar, it is easy to confuse the meaning of each term. The following is a quick definition list for you to refer
back to at any time for clarification purposes:

Term Definition

Typelist A defined set of values that are usually shown in a drop-down list within ClaimCenter.
Typecode A specific value in a typelist.
Typefilter A typelist that contains a static (fixed) set of values.
Keyfilter A typelist that dynamically filters another typelist.
Typekey The identifier for a field in the data model that represents a direct value chosen from an associated typelist.

Typelists and Typecodes

Within Guidewire ClaimCenter, a typelist represents a predefined set of possible values, with each separate value
defined as a typecode. If Guidewire defines a typelist as final, it is not possible to add or delete typecodes from
the typelist.

Internal Typecodes
Some typelists contain required internal typecodes that ClaimCenter references directly. Therefore, they must
exist. Studio displays internal typecodes in gray, non-editable cells. This makes it impossible for you to edit or
delete an internal typecode.

Localized Typecodes
See “Localizing Typecodes” on page 486 for information on how to localize each individual typecode in a type-

316 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes

See the following:
• “Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes” on page 333
• “Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes” on page 81 in the Integration Guide

Typelist Definition Files

Similar to entity definitions, Guidewire ClaimCenter stores typelist definitions in XML files. There are three
types of typelist files:

File type Contains...

tti A single typelist declaration. The name of the file corresponds to the name of the typelist. This can be either a
Guidewire base configuration typelist or a custom typelist that you create through Studio.
ttx A single typelist extension. This can be a Guidewire-exposed base application extension or a custom typelist
extension that you create.
tix A single typelist extension for use by Guidewire only. These are generally Guidewire internal extensions to base
application typelists, for use by a specific Guidewire application.

Always create, modify, and manage typelist definition files through ClaimCenter Studio. Guidewire specifically
does not recommend or support manipulating the XML typelist files directly.

See Also
• “Data Object Files” on page 189

Different Kinds of Typelists

ClaimCenter organizes typelists into the following categories:

Category Description

Internal Typelists that Guidewire controls as ClaimCenter requires these typelists for proper application opera-
tion. ClaimCenter depends on these lists for internal application logic. Guidewire designates internal
typelists as final (meaning non-extendable). Thus, Guidewire restricts your ability to modify them.
You can, however, override the following attribute values on these types of typelists:
• name
• description
• priority
• retired
Extendable Typelists that you can customize. These typelists come with a set of example typecodes, but it is possible
to modify these typecodes and to add your own typecodes. In some cases, these extendable typelists
have internal typecode values that must exist for ClaimCenter to function properly. You cannot remove
these typecodes, but you can modify any of the example typecodes.
Custom Typelists Typelists that you add for specific purposes, for example, to work with a new custom field. These typelists
are not part of the Guidewire base configuration. Studio automatically makes all custom typelists
non-final (meaning extendable).

Internal Typelists
Guidewire considers a few of the typelists in the application to be internal. Guidewire controls these typelists as
ClaimCenter needs to know the list of acceptable values in advance to support application logic. Guidewire
makes these typelists final by setting the final attribute to true in the data model. For example, ActivityType
is an internal list because ClaimCenter implements specific behavior for known activity types.

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 317

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following are examples of internal typelists that you cannot change:
• ActivityType
• CancellationTarget
• ChargePattern
• AggregateLimitType
• AssignmentStatus
• Coverage
• FlaggedType
• PaymentType

In some cases, Studio displays a typelist with a grayed-out icon in the Resources tree. This occurs if ClaimCenter
manages the typelist (as opposed to the typelist being managed through an externally exposed XML file). In
many cases, internally managed typelists are also internal typelists and explicitly have a final attribute set to
true, which means that you cannot extend that typelist. There are, however, some typelists to which you can add
additional typecodes (and are therefore are not final), but, which ClaimCenter manages internally.
Overriding attributes on internal typelists. While you cannot change an internal typelist, you can override the fol-
lowing attributes on an internal typelist:
• name
• description
• priority
• retired

Studio does not permit you to add additional categories (typecodes) to an internal typelist. You can, however,
create a filter for the typelist.
To override a modifiable typelist attribute, first open the typelist in Guidewire Studio by selecting it from Typelists
in the Resources tree. Then, select the typecode cell that applies and enter the desired data. You cannot change the
typecode itself, only the attributes associated with the typecode.

Extendable Typelists
Many of the existing typelists are under your control. You cannot delete them or make them empty, but you can
adjust the values (typecodes) within the list to meet your needs. ClaimCenter includes default typelists with
sample typecodes in them. You can customize these for your business needs by adding additional typecodes, if
you want.
The ActivityCategory typelist is an example of an extendable typelist. If you want, you can add additional
typecodes other than the sample values that Guidewire provides in the base configuration.

Custom Typelists
If you add a new field to the application, then it is possible that you also need to add an associated typelist. You
can only access these typelists through new extension fields. For more information on how to add a new field to
the data model, see “Extending a Base Configuration Entity” on page 238.
To create a custom typelist, select Typelists from the Resources tree, then right-click and select New → Typelist. Enter
a name for the typelist, then define your typecodes.

Working with Typelists in Studio

You create, manage and modify typelists within ClaimCenter using Guidewire Studio:
• To work with an existing extendable typelist, expand the Typelists folder in the Studio Resources tree and select
the typelist from the list of existing typelists. This opens its editor in which you can change non-internal
values or define new typecodes and filters.

318 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• To view the values set for an internal typelist, select the typelist in the Typelists editor.
• To create a new custom typelist, select Typelists, then right-click and select New → Typelist. After entering its
name, you can then define typecodes and filters for the typelist.
You cannot add a new typecode to, or modify an existing typecode of, a final typelist. However, it is possible to
create filters for the typelist that modify its behavior within Guidewire ClaimCenter.

IMPORTANT Studio manages the XML files that define the ClaimCenter typelists. Guidewire
expressly does not support working directly within an XML typelist file. To create, modify, or extend a
typelist, use Guidewire Studio only.

The Typelists Editor

WARNING If you modify an existing typelist, Guidewire recommends that you thoroughly under-
stand which other typelists depend on the typecode values in the typelist being modified. You must also
update any related typelists as well. For example, any modification that you make to the PolicyType
typelist can potentially affect the InsuranceLine and CoverageType typelists that the PolicyType
typelist filters. Therefore, you must update all of the related typelists as well.

After you select a typelist from the Resources → Typelists folder, Studio opens a typelist editor showing configura-
tion options for that typelist.

The Studio Typelists Editor Interface

The top portion of the Typelists editor contains the following fields:
• Description
• Table name
• Final

The Description Field

ClaimCenter transfers the value that you enter in the New → Typelist dialog for the type list name to the Description
field in the typelist editor. It is possible to edit this field.

IMPORTANT Guidewire recommends that you add a _Ext suffix to the value that you enter for the
type list name. This ensures that the name of any typelist that you create does not conflict with a
Guidewire typelist implemented in a future database upgrade.

The Table Name Field

By default, Guide uses cctl_typelist-name as the name of the typelist table. However, if you want a different
table name, you can override the default value by specifying a value in the Table name field for that typelist in
Studio. If you override the default value, the table name becomes cctl_table-name.
Guidewire restricts the typelist table name to ASCII letters, digits, and underscore. Guidewire also places limits
on the length of the name. However, if you choose, you can override the name of the typelist, which, in turn,
overrides the table name stored in the database.
• If you do not provide a value for the Table name field, then ClaimCenter uses the Name value and limits the table
name to a maximum of 25 characters.

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 319

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• If you do provide a value for the Table name field, then this overrides the value that you set in the Name field.
However, the maximum table name length is still 25 characters.

Field Value entered in... Maximum length Database table name

Name New Typelist dialog 25 characters cctl_typelist-name

Table name Typelists editor 25 characters cctl_table-name

IMPORTANT Studio does not enforce the 25 character limit in the Table name field. However, if you
enter a character string in this field that is longer than 25 characters, the application server refuses to

The Final Field

A final typelist is a typelist to which you cannot add additional typecodes. You can, however, override the name,
description, priority, and retired attributes. Studio marks typelists defined as final with a grayed-out icon.
All custom typelists that you create are non-final.

The Studio Typelists Editor Tabs

The Typelists editor screen contains a number of tabs. Some of these tabs are not visible until you make a selection
in the Codes tab. Each tab provides different fuctionality.

Tab Use to... See...

Codes Enter a typecode and set its attributes • “Entering Typecodes” on page 321
Filters Define a fixed subset of a typelist to use as a static fil- • “Static Filters” on page 325
Categories Create a typelist filter that depends on the typecodes • “Dynamic Filters” on page 330
in a different typelist.
Localizations Assign a locale to a typecode and enter translation • “Localizing Typecodes” on page 486
strings for name and description.

Note: For information on working with the Localization tab of the Typelists editor, see “Localizing Typecodes”
on page 486.

To create a new typelist

1. Select Typelists in the Resources tree.

2. Right-click and select New → Typelist.

3. Enter the typelist name in the New Typelist dialog. ClaimCenter uses this name to uniquely identify this typelist
in the data model.
Note: Guidewire limits the length of the typelist name to a maximum of 25 characters, unless you enter a
value in the Table name field.
4. Enter a description. Use the Description field to create a longer text description to identify how ClaimCenter
uses this typelist. This text appears in places like the Data Dictionary.
5. Verify that the (Boolean) Final field is set to false. Studio automatically sets this field to false for any typelist
that you create. You have no control over this setting.
For this field:
• True means that you cannot add or delete typecodes from the typelist. You can only override certain attri-
bute fields.

320 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• False means that you can modify or delete typecodes from this typelist, except for typecodes designated
as internal, which you cannot delete. (You cannot remove internal typecodes, but you can modify their
name, description, and other fields.)

IMPORTANT Studio does not propagate typelist modifications (additions or customizations) to the
application server. ClaimCenter regards any change that you make to a typelist as a change to the data
model. You must stop and restart the application server to have ClaimCenter pick up your changes.

Entering Typecodes
You use the Codes tab to enter typecodes for this typelist and to set various attributes for the typecodes. Each
typecode represents one value in the drop-down list. Every typelist must have at least one typecode. Within this
tab, you can set the following:

Field Description

Code A unique ID for internal Guidewire use. Enter a string containing only letters, digits, or the following characters:
• a dot (.)
• a colon (:)

Do not include white space or use a hyphen (-).

Use this code to map to your legacy systems for import and export of ClaimCenter data. The code must be
unique within the list. Guidewire limits typecodes to 50 characters in length.
See also “Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes” on page 333.
Name The text that is visible within ClaimCenter in the drop-down lists within the application. You can uses white
space and longer descriptions. However, limit the number of characters to an amount that does not cause the
drop-down list to be too wide on the screen. The maximum name size is 256 characters.
Description A longer description of this typecode. The maximum description size is 512 characters. ClaimCenter displays
the text in this field in the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary.
IMPORTANT You must enter a typecode description if you add a new typecode. If you do not:
• Studio generates error messages but continues to start.
• The application server generates error messages and refuses to start.

Priority A value that determines the sort order of the typecodes (lowest first, by default). You use this to sort the codes
within the drop-down list and to sort a list of activities, for example, by priority. If you omit this value,
ClaimCenter sorts the list alphabetically by name. If desired, you can specify priorities for some typecodes but
not others. This causes ClaimCenter to order the prioritized ones at the top of the list with the unprioritized
ones alphabetized afterwards.
Retired A Boolean flag that indicates that a typecode is no longer in use. It is still a valid value, but not offered as a
choice in the drop-down list as a new value. ClaimCenter does not make changes to any existing objects that
reference this typecode. If you do not enter a value, ClaimCenter assumes the value is false (the default

IMPORTANT ClaimCenter Standard Reporting can contain drill-down reports. These are reports that
provide hyperlinks on the claim number that you click to access claim information directly within
ClaimCenter itself. However, passing a typelist as a parameter to a drill-down report can cause issues if
one of its typecode names contains a comma. For details, see “Configuring Drill-Down Reports” on
page 84 in the Reporting Guide.

Naming New Typecodes

Guidewire recommends that you add a _Ext suffix to the Code value for any new typecodes that you create. Do
this only if the Code value is legal on any external system that need to use the value. If that value is not legal, then
omit the _Ext suffix.

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 321

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Maximum Typelist Size

Guidewire strongly recommends that you limit the maximum number of typecodes in a typelist to 250 items.
Any number larger than that can cause performance issues. If you need more typecodes than the 250 limit, then
use a lookup (reference) table and a query to generate the typelist. In any case, Guidewire does not support the
use of more than 8000 typecodes on a typelist.

WARNING There is an upper limit of 8000 typecodes on a typelist (due to a Java limitation). If you
attempt to create a typelist with a larger number of typecodes, then Guidewire ClaimCenter refuses to

Typelists and the Data Model

Guidewire recommends that you regenerate the Data Dictionary after you add or modify a typelist. Guidewire
does not require that you do this. However, regenerating the Data Dictionary is a excellent way to identify any
flaws with your new or modified typelist.
During application start up, Guidewire upgrades the application database if there are any changes to the data
model, which includes any changes to a typelist or typecode. (In actual practice, this only occurs if the
autoupgrade option is set to true in config.xml, which is almost always the case.)

See Also
• “Typelists and Typecodes” on page 316
• “Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes” on page 333
• “Typecodes and Web Services” on page 56 in the Integration Guide
• “Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes” on page 81 in the Integration Guide

Typekey Fields
A typekey field is an entity field that ClaimCenter associates with a specific typelist in the user interface. The
typelist determines the values that are possible for that field. Thus, the specified typelist limits the available field
values to those defined in the typelist. (Or, if you filter the typelist, the field displays a subset of the typelist
For a ClaimCenter field to use a typelist to set values requires the following:
1. The typelist must exist. If it does not exist, then you must create it using the Typelists editor in ClaimCenter
2. The typelist must exist as a <typekey> element on the entity that you use to populate the field. If the
<typekey> element does not exist, then you must extend the entity and manually add the typekey.
3. The PCF file that defines the screen that contains your typelist field must reference the entity that you use to
populate the field.
The following example illustrates how to use the Priority typelist to set the priority of an activity that you create
in ClaimCenter.

Step 1: Define the Typelist in Studio

It is possible to set a priority on an activity, a value that indicates the priority of this activity with respect to other
activities. In the base configuration, the Priority typelist includes the following typecodes:
• High
• Low
• Normal

322 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Urgent
You define both the Priority typelist and its typecodes (its valid values) through ClaimCenter Studio, through the
Typelists editor. For information on using the Typelists editor, see “Working with Typelists in Studio” on page 318.

Step 2: Add Typekeys to the Entity Definition File

For an entity to be able to access and use a typelist, you need to define a <typekey> element on that entity. You
use the <typekey> element to specify the typelist in the entity metadata.
For example, in the base configuration, Guidewire declares a number of <typekey> elements on the Activity
entity (Activity.eti), including the Priority typekey:
<entity entity="Activity" ... >
<typekey default="task"
desc="The class of the activity."
<typekey desc="Priority of the activity with respect to other activities."
<typekey default="open"
desc="Status of the activity."
<typekey default="general"
desc="Type of the activity."
<typekey desc="Validation level that this object passed (if any) before it was stored."

Notice that the <typekey> element uses the following syntax:

<typekey desc=”DescriptionString” name=”FieldName” typelist=”Typelist” />

See Also
• For information on the <typekey> element, see “<typekey>” on page 229.
• For information on how to create data model entities, see “The ClaimCenter Data Model” on page 187.
• For information on how to modify existing data model entities, see “Modifying the Base Data Model” on
page 233.

Step 3: Reference the Typelist in the PCF File

Within Guidewire ClaimCenter, you can create a new activity. As you do so, you set a number of fields,
including the priority for that activity. In order for ClaimCenter to render a Priority field on the screen, it must
exist in the PCF file that ClaimCenter uses to render the screen.

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 323

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Thus, the ClaimCenter NewActivityDV PCF file contains a Priority field with a value of Activity.Priority.

See Also
• For information on working with the PCF editor, see “Using the PCF Editor” on page 337.
• For information on working with PCF files in general, see “Introduction to Page Configuration” on page 349.

Step 4: Update the Product Model

Guidewire recommends that you regenerate the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary before proceeding. If you have
made any mistakes in the previous steps, regenerating the data dictionary helps to identify those mistakes.
In any case, you need to stop and restart the application server before you can view your changes in the
ClaimCenter interface. Restarting the application server forces ClaimCenter to upgrade the data model in the
application database.

324 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Typelist Filters
It is possible to configure a typelist so that ClaimCenter filters the typelist values so that they do not all appear in
the drop-down list (typelist) in the ClaimCenter interface. Guidewire divides typelist filters into the following

Type Creates... See...

Static A fixed (static) subset of the values on a typelist. You can create filters “Static Filters” on page 325
• Include certain specific typecodes on the typelist only.
• Include certain specific categories of typecodes on the typelist.
• Exclude certain specific typecodes from the full list of the typecodes on
the typelist
Dynamic A dynamic subset of the values on a typelist. You can create filters that: “Dynamic Filters” on page 330
• Associate one or more typecodes on a parent typelist with one or more
typecodes on a child typelist.
• Associate all the typecodes on a parent typelist with one or more type-
codes on a child typelist.

Static Filters
A static typelist filter causes the typelist to display only a subset of the typecodes for that typelist. Therefore, a
static filter narrows the list of typecodes to show in the typelist view in the application. Guidewire calls this kind
of typelist filter a static typefilter.
You define a static filter at the level of the typelist. You do this through the Studio Typelists editor, by defining a
filter on the Filters tab for that particular typelist.
Studio manages the typelist XML file for you automatically. If you examine this file, you see that Studio uses the
following XML syntax to define a static typelist filter. (In this case, a static filter that defines—or includes—a
subset of the available typecodes.)
<typelistextension xmlns="" desc="Yes, no or unknown" name="YesNo">
<typecode code="No" desc="No" name="No" priority="2"></typecode>
<typecode code="Yes" desc="Yes" name="Yes" priority="1"></typecode>
<typecode code="Unknown" desc="Unknown" name="Unknown" priority="3"/>
<typefilter desc="Only display Yes and No typelist values" name="YesNoOnly">
<include code="Yes"/>
<include code="No"/>

Notice that the XML declares each typecode on the typelist (Yes, No, and Unknown). It then specifies a filter
named YesNoOnly that limits the available values to simply Yes and No. This is static (fixed) filter.
Note: For more information on the <typefilter> element, see “<typekey>” on page 229.

To create a static filter

1. Define the typecodes for this typelist in the Studio Typelists editor. See “Working with Typelists in Studio” on
page 318 for details.
2. Select the Filters tab on this typelist in the Typelists editor.

3. Click Add and enter the following information for your static filter:

Attribute Description

Name The name of the filter. ClaimCenter uses this value to determine if a field uses this filter.
Description Description of the context for which to use this typefilter.

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 325

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Attribute Description

Include All? (Boolean) Typically, you only set this value to true if you use the exclude functionality.
• True indicates that the typelist view starts with the full list of typecodes. You then use exclusions to nar-
row down the list.
• False (the default) instructs ClaimCenter to use values set in the various subpanes to modify the type-
list view in the application.

4. Use the fields in the following panes on the Filters tab to create a fixed subset of the typecodes for use in the
static filter.

Subpane Use to... See...

Categories Specify one or more typecodes to include by “Creating a Static Filter Using Categories” on page 326
category within the filtered typelist view.
Includes Specific one or more typecodes to include “Creating a Static Filter Using Includes” on page 328
within the filtered typelist view.
Excludes Specific one or more typecodes to exclude “Creating a Static Filter Using Excludes” on page 329
from the full list of typecodes for this typelist.

5. In the appropriate data model file, add a <typefilter> element to the child <typekey> for this typelist. To be
useful, you must declare a static typelist filter (a typefilter) on that entity. Use the following XML syntax:
<typekey name=”FieldName” typelist=”Typelist” desc=”DescriptionString” typefilter=”FilterName”/>
You must manually add a typelist to an entity definition file. Studio does not do this for you. For example:
• The following code adds an unfiltered YesNo typelist to an entity:
<typekey desc="Some Yes/No question." name="YesNoUnknown" typelist="YesNo"/>
• The following code adds a YesNoOnly filtered YesNo typelist to an entity:
<typekey desc="Some other yes or no question." name="YesNo" nullok="true" typefilter="YesNoOnly"
See “Typekey Fields” on page 322 for more information on declaring a typelist on an entity.
6. (Optional) Regenerate the Data Dictionary and verify that there are no validation errors. Use the following
command in the ClaimCenter application bin directory to regenerate the Data Dictionary:
gwcc regen-dictionary

7. Stop and restart the application server to update the data model.

Creating a Static Filter Using Categories

Suppose that you want to filter a list of cities by state. (Say that you want to only show a list of appropriate cities
if you select a certain state.) To create this filter, you need to first to define a City typelist (if one does not exist).
The following table lists a few sample cities:

City typecodes Location

ABQ Albuquerque, NM
ALB Albany, NY
LA Los Angeles, NM
NY New York, NY
SF San Francisco, CA
SND San Diego, CA
SNF Santa Fe, NM

326 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Then, for each City typecode, you need to set a category, similar to the following. You do this by selecting each
typecode in turn, then clicking Add in the Categories pane in the Codes tab and entering the appropriate information:

City typecode Associated typelist Associated typecode

ABQ State NM
ALB State NY
LA State CA
NY State NY
SF State CA
SND State CA
SNF State NM

After making your choices, you have something that looks similar to the following:

This neatly categorizes each typecode by state.

On the Filters tab, click Add and enter NewMexico for the filter name. Now, in the Categories pane (on the Filters tab),
enter the following:

Filter name Typelist Code

NewMexico State NM

This action creates a static category filter that only contains cities that exist in the state of New Mexico. Initially,
the typelist contains Albuquerque and Santa Fe. If you add additional cities to the list at a later time that also
exist in New Mexico, then the typelist displays those cities as well.
To be useful, you need to also do the following:
• Add the typelist to the entity that you want to display the typelist in the ClaimCenter user interface.
• Reference the typelist in the PCF file in which you want to display the typelist.

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 327

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

See “Typekey Fields” on page 322 for more information on declaring a typelist on an entity and referencing that
typelist in a PCF file. In general, though, you need to add something similar to the entity definition that want to
display the typelist:
<typekey name="NewMexico" typelist="City" typefilter="NewMexico" nullok="true"/>

Creating a Static Filter Using Includes

Suppose (for some reason) that you want to create a filtered typelist that displays zone codes that are only in use
in Canada and not any other country. One way to create the filter, if there is a limit to the number of choices, is to
use an Includes filter on the ZoneTypes typelist.
In this example, you only want the typelist to display the following:
• fsa
• province

ZoneType typecode Associated typelist Associated typecode

city Country CA (Canada)

US (United Stated)
county Country US
fsa Country CA
locality Country AU (Australia)
postcode Country AU
province Country CA
state Country AU
zip Country US

To create an Include filter

1. Open the typelist that you want to filter in the Studio Typelists editor.

2. Navigate to the Filters tab.

3. Add the filter name to the list of filters. For example, call the filter that only displays certain zone type for the
country of Canada CAOnlyFilter.
4. Finally, add the typecodes you want to include in the typelist in the Includes pane.

328 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Creating a Static Filter Using Excludes

Suppose (for some reason) that you want to create a filtered typelist that displays all of the zone codes except
those that are in use in Canada. You want to display the complete list of typecodes except for the following:
• city
• fsa
• province

ZoneType typecode Associated typelist Associated typecode

city Country CA (Canada)

US (United Stated)
county Country US
fsa Country CA
locality Country AU (Australia)
postcode Country AU
province Country CA
state Country AU
zip Country US

To create an Excludes filter

1. Open the typelist that you want to filter in the Studio Typelists editor.

2. Navigate to the Filters tab.

3. Add the filter name to the list of filters. For example, call the filter that displays zone types that do not exist in
Canada ExcludesCanada.
4. Finally, add the typecodes you want to exclude from the full set of typecodes for this typelist in the Excludes
pane. Notice that you also set the Include All? value to true. This ensures that you start with a full set of type-

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 329

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Dynamic Filters
A typecode filter uses categories and category lists at the typecode level to restrict or filter a typelist. Typecode
filters function in an equivalent manner to dependent filters in that the a parent typecode filters the available
values on the child typecode.
You define a typecode filter directly on a typecode by using the Studio Typelists editor to define a filter on the
Codes tab for a particular typecode. To create this filter, you select a specific typecode and set a filter, a category,
on that typecode.
There are two types of typecode filters that you can define on the Codes tab:

Filter type Use to...

Category Associate one or more typecodes on a parent typelist with one or more typecodes on a child typelist.
Category list Associate all the typecodes on a parent typelist with one or more typecodes on a child typelist.

Category Typecode Filters

• You use a category filter to associate one or more typecodes from one or more typelists with a specific type-
code on the filtered typelist.
• You define a category filter in the Typelists editor on the Codes tab using the Categories pane.
Studio manages the typelist XML file for you automatically. If you examine this file, you see that Studio uses the
following XML syntax to define a typecode category filter:
<typecode code=”DependentTypecode” desc=”DescriptionString” typelist=”DependentTypelistName”>
<category code=”Typecode1” typelist=”Typelist1”/>
<category code=”Typecode2” typelist=”Typelist1”/>
<category code=”Typecode3” typelist=”Typelist2”/>

Category List Typecode Filters

• You use a category list filter to associate all of the typecodes from one or more typelists with a specific type-
code on the filtered typelist.
• You define a category list filter in the Typelists editor on the Codes tab using the Category Lists pane.
Studio manages the typelist XML file for you automatically. If you examine this file, you see that Studio uses the
following XML syntax to define a typecode category list filter:
<typecode code=”Typecode” desc=”DescriptionString” typelist=”DependentTypelistName”>
<categorylist typelist=”TypelistName”/>

Creating a Dynamic Filter

In general, to create a dynamic filter, you need to do the following:
• Step 1: Set the Category Filter on Each Typecode
• Step 2: Declare the Category Filter on an Entity
• Step 3: Set the ClaimCenter Field Value in the PCF File
• Step 4: Update the Product Model
As the process of declaring a typecode filter on an entity can be difficult to understand conceptually, it is simplest
to proceed with an example. Within Guidewire ClaimCenter, a user with administrative privileges can define a
new activity pattern (Administration → Activity Patterns → Add Activity Pattern). Within the New Activity Pattern screen, you
see several drop-down lists:
• Type

330 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Category

ClaimCenter automatically sets the value of Type to General. (You cannot edit this field as Guidewire sets the
value of editable to false for this field in the base configuration.) This value determines the available choices
that you see in the Category drop-down list. For example:
• Correspondence
• File Review
• General
• Interview
• ...
The ActivityCategory typelist is the typelist that controls what you see in the Category field in ClaimCenter. If you
open this typelist in the Studio Typelists editor, you can choose each typecode in the list one after another. As you
select each typecode in turn, notice that the Studio associates each typecode with a Typelist and a Code value in the
Categories pane. (In this case, Studio associates each ActivityCategory typecode with an ActivityType typecode.) Thus,
ClaimCenter filters each individual typecode in this typelist so that it is only available for selection if you first
select the associated typelist and typecode.

Step 1: Set the Category Filter on Each Typecode

Note: The process is the same to create a category list typecode filter. In that case, you associate a single
typelist (and all its typecodes) with each individual typecode on the dependent typelist. You make the asso-
ciation by selecting a typecode in the dependent typelist and setting the controlling typelist in the Category
Lists pane.

Open the ActivityCategory typelist and select each typecode in turn. As you do so, you see that Studio associ-
ates each typecode with an ActivityType.Code value in the Categories pane. For example, if you select the
correspondence typecode, you see that Guidewire associates this typecode with an ActivityType.Code value of
general. This is the process that you need to duplicate if you create a custom filtered typelist or if you customize
an existing typelist. The following graphic illustrates this process.

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 331

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Step 2: Declare the Category Filter on an Entity

The question then becomes how do you set this behavior on the ActivityPattern entity. In other words, what
XML code do you need to add to the ActivityPattern entity to enable the ActivityType typelist to control the
values shown in the ClaimCenter Category field? The following code sample illustrates what you need to do. You
must add a typekey for both the parent (ActivityType) typelist and the dependent child (ActivityCategory)
<entity xmlns="" ... entity="ActivityPattern" ...>
<typekey default="general" desc="Type of the activity." name="Type" typelist="ActivityType"/>
<typekey ... name="Category" typelist="ActivityCategory">
<keyfilter name="Type"/>

The sample code first defines a <typekey> element with name=”Type” and typelist=”ActivityType”. This is
the controlling (parent) typelist. The code then defines a second typelist (ActivityCategory) with a keyfilter
name=”Type”. It is the typelist referenced by the <keyfilter> element that controls the behavior of the typelist
named in the <typekey> element. Thus, the value of ActivityType.Code controls the associated typecode on the
dependent ActivityCategory typelist.
Note: For more information on the <keyfilter> element, see “<typekey>” on page 229.

Step 3: Set the ClaimCenter Field Value in the PCF File

After you declare these two typelists on the ActivityCategory entity, you need to link the typelists to the appro-
priate fields on the ClaimCenter Add Activity Pattern screen. To access an entity typelist, you need to use the
entity.Typelist syntax. For example, to access the ActivityCategory typelist on the ActivityPattern entity, use
ActivityPattern.Category with Category being the name of the typelist.

You do this in the ClaimCenter AdminActivityPatternDV.pcf file:

332 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Step 4: Update the Product Model

Guidewire recommends that you regenerate the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary before proceeding. If you have
made any mistakes in the previous steps, regenerating the data dictionary helps to identify those mistakes.
In any case, you need to stop and restart the application server before you can view your changes in the
ClaimCenter interface. Restarting the application server forces ClaimCenter to upgrade the data model in the
application database.

Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes

Your ClaimCenter application can share or exchange data with one or more external applications. If you use this
functionality, Guidewire recommends that you configure the ClaimCenter typelists to include typecode values
that are one-to-one matches to those in the external applications. If the typecode values match, sending data to, or
receiving data from, those applications requires no additional effort on the part of an integration development
However, there can be more complex cases in which mapping typecodes one-to-one is not feasible. For example,
suppose that it is necessary to map multiple external applications to the same ClaimCenter typecode, but the
external applications do not match. Alternatively, suppose that you extend your typecode schema in
ClaimCenter. This can possibly cause a situation in which three different codes in ClaimCenter represent a single
(less granular) code in the other application.
To handle these more complex cases, you need to edit resource file typecodemapping.xml within Guidewire
Studio. (You can find this file in the Other Resources folder.) This file specifies a namespace for each external
application. Then, you identify the individual unique typecode maps by typelist.
A typecodemapping.xml example. The following code sample illustrates a simple typecodemapping.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<namespace name="accounting" />

<typelist name="AccountSegment">
<mapping typecode="PR" namespace="accounting" alias="ACT" />

The namespacelist tag contains one or more namespace tags—one for each external application. Then, to map
the actual codes, you specify one or more typelist tags as required. Each typelist tag refers to a single
internal or external typelist in the application. The typelist, in turn, contains one more mapping tags. Each
mapping tag must contain the following attributes:

typecode Specifies the ClaimCenter typecode.

namespace Specifies the name space to which ClaimCenter maps the typecode
alias Specifies the code in the external application.

In the previous example, the PR ClaimCenter code maps to an external application named accounting. You can
create multiple mapping entries for the same ClaimCenter typecode or the same name space. For example, the
following specifies a mapping between multiple ClaimCenter codes and a single external code:
<typelist name="BoatType">
<mapping typecode="AI" namespace="accounting" alias="boat" />
<mapping typecode="HY" namespace="accounting" alias="boat" />

After you define the mappings, you use the ITypelistToolsAPI interface methods to translate the mappings. For
more information about these methods, see the “Mapping Typecodes to External System Codes” on page 81 in
the Integration Guide.

Chapter 23, Working with Typelists 333

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

334 Chapter 23, Working with Typelists

part V

User Interface Configuration

chapter 24

Using the PCF Editor

This topic covers how you work with PCF (Page Configuration Format) files in Guidewire Studio.
This topic includes:
• “The Page Configuration (PCF) Editor” on page 337
• “The PCF Canvas” on page 338
• “Creating a New PCF File” on page 339
• “The Toolbox Tab” on page 340
• “The Structure Tab” on page 340
• “The Translations Tab” on page 340
• “The Properties Tab” on page 341
• “PCF Elements” on page 343
• “Working with Elements” on page 343

The Page Configuration (PCF) Editor

Note: You can access the Guidewire ClaimCenter PCF Format Reference, which details PCF widgets and
their attributes, from within Studio. Select PCF Reference Guide from the Help menu to access this guide in a
separate browser window.
Guidewire ClaimCenter uses page configuration format (PCF) files to render the ClaimCenter interface. You use
the Studio PCF editor to manage existing PCF files and create new ones. The PCF editor provides:
• Intelligent Gosu coding
• Instant feedback if a PCF file changes
• Drag-and-drop composition of PCF pages using graphical elements
• High-level view of PCF page groupings
• Ability to localize the display keys used in a PCF page

Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor 337

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Using the Studio Page Configuration (PCF) editor, you can modify an existing PCF file or add a new PCF file and
graphically build and manage its elements. Studio displays a list of all ClaimCenter PCF files as a tree structure
in the Resources pane. To open a PCF file, select it from the resources tree.
Studio divides the PCF editor into three areas:
• The graphical canvas in the Studio center pane that provides a drag-and-drop capability for working with the
PCF elements (widgets) on the PCF page.
• The specialized tabs in the Studio right-hand pane, which are:

Toolbox Contains a search box and a list of elements (widgets) that you can insert into the page.
Structure Shows the hierarchical structure of the PCF file as a tree, with the PCF elements being nodes on the tree.
Translations Shows a list of all the display keys used in the PCF file and provides the ability to add locale-specific
translations for each one.

• The Properties tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Any attempt to work within a PCF file opens a Studio dialog that prompts you to open the file for edit, if it is not
already open.

The PCF Canvas

The canvas in the Studio center pane provides a drag-and-drop capability for working with the PCF elements
(widgets) on the PCF page. On the canvas:
• Studio displays those elements that represent actual screen content (inputs, and similar items) as a simplified
version of how they appear within ClaimCenter.
• Studio displays those elements that function primarily as containers (data views, for example) as light gray
boxes, with a header indicating the element type and ID.
• Studio displays those elements that define or expose additional Gosu symbols to their descendants as light
gray boxes, with a list of symbols at the top. If you move your mouse over a symbol, Studio shows a tooltip
with the name, type, and initial value of the symbol.
• If the symbol represents a Require, the tooltip indicates this as well.
• If you click a symbol name, Studio selects the containing element, then opens the appropriate properties
tab for editing whatever is providing the symbol. Finally, if necessary, Studio selects the symbol in the
Properties tab.
• Studio displays those elements that are conditionally visible with a dotted border.
• Studio displays those elements that iterate over a set of data and produce their contents once for each element
in the data by a single copy of the contents. It follows this with an ellipsis to indicate iteration.
• Studio displays RowIterator widgets with inferred header and footer cells in the position in which they
appear within ClaimCenter.

Included Files
A widget that causes the contents of another file to be included displays the entire contents of that file inline, with
a blue overlay. This overlay is cumulative. Studio displays included elements that are several levels deep in a
darker shade of blue.
If you double-click an area with a blue overlay, Studio opens the included file in a new editor view. If the
included file has multiple modes, Studio displays a drop-down above the blue area with all the possible modes
and displays the selected mode in the blue area. A Gosu expression defines the mode for an included section.
This expression can be either a hard-coded string literal or it can evaluate a variable or a method call. A

338 Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

hard-coded string guarantees that the included section always uses the same mode regardless of the data on the
page. In this case, Studio shows only that mode and does not show a drop-down above the blue area.

IMPORTANT If you change the mode by using the drop-down, Studio does not prompt you to edit the
file, nor does it actually make any change to the PCF file.

You cannot select elements within the included file and the included elements do not display a highlight or a
tooltip as you move the mouse cursor over it. For all intents and purposes, included elements are flat content of
the element in the current file that includes them.
Right-clicking anywhere on the canvas and toggling Show included sections or toggling Show included sections from
the Page Config menu disables the representation of the included files. Studio displays the text of the reference
expression instead.

Creating a New PCF File

Guidewire organizes PCF files into a hierarchical structure. To create a new PCF file, you need to first decide its
location in the PCF hierarchy. If the PCF structure does not currently contain a folder at the right level in the hier-
archy to meet your needs, then you need to create one before proceeding.

To create a new PCF folder

1. Expand the Page Configuration (PCF) node in the Studio Resources tree.

2. Select a node one level above the level in which you need to create the new PCF folder (node).

3. Right-click and select New → PCF folder.

4. Enter the folder name in the New Folder dialog.

To create a new PCF file

1. Expand the Page Configuration (PCF) node in the Studio Resources tree.

2. Select the node in which you want to create the new PCF file.

3. Right-click and select New → PCF file.

4. Enter the file name in the New PCF File dialog.

5. Select the PCF file type to create.

6. Enter a mode. (Any element that dynamically includes this widget must specify the same mode.) This field is
only active with specific file types.
The following table lists the file type icons.

Icon File type Icon File type Icon File type Icon File type

Page Input Set Navigation Tree Toolbar Buttons

Popup List View Panel Row Wizard

Card View List-Detail View Panel Set Wizard Steps

Chart View Location Group Popup Wizard Wizard Step Subgroup

Detail View Menu Actions Set Row Set Worksheet

Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor 339

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Icon File type Icon File type Icon File type Icon File type

Entry Point Menu Items Screen

Exit Point Menu Links Set Tab Bar

Info Bar Navigation Forward Template Page

The Toolbox Tab

The Toolbox tab contains a search box and a list of widgets, divided into categories and subcategories.
• Clicking on a category name expands or collapses that category.
• Clicking on a subcategory name expands or collapses that subcategory as well.
Within the toolbox, Studio persists the state of each category (expanded or collapsed) across all PCF editor
views. It also persists the state of each category to each new Studio session.
Studio only displays widget categories containing widgets that are valid and available for use in the current PCF
file. If you hover the mouse cursor over a widget name in the list, then Studio displays a description of that
widget in a tooltip.

The Search Box

You use the search box to filter the full set of widgets. Typing in the search box temporarily expands all widget
categories and highlights:
• Any widgets whose category name matches the typed text
• Any widgets whose name matches the typed text
• Any widgets whose actual name in the XML matches the typed text
• Any widgets whose description contains the typed text
Clicking the X icon by the search box clears text from the box and stops filtering the widget list. Keyboard
shortcut ALT+/ gives focus to the search box.

The Structure Tab

The Structure tab shows the hierarchical structure of the PCF file as a tree. Each node in the tree represents a PCF
element. Any children of the node are children of that element:
• If you click an element that represents a concrete element on the canvas, Studio selects that element on the
• If you click on an element that does not represent a concrete element on the canvas, then Studio first selects
the containing element on the canvas. It then selects the appropriate properties tab with which to edit the
clicked element. Finally, if necessary, Studio selects the clicked element in the properties tab (at the bottom of
the screen).

The Translations Tab

The Translations tab shows a list of all display keys used in the PCF file:
• If you click a display key in the list, Studio selects (outlines) the widget on the canvas that uses that display

340 Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• If you double-click a display key in the list, Studio opens an Edit Display Key dialog that shows the value of the
display key in each locale defined within ClaimCenter. You can use this dialog to create locale-specific
display keys that are specific to the context in which they exist.

See Also
• See “Localizing Display Keys” on page 483 for information on the various ways that you can localize display

The Properties Tab

The Properties tab (at the bottom of the screen) displays all attributes of the selected element. Studio divides the
attribute workspace into Basic and Advanced sections. You can expand or collapse a workspace section by clicking
the title of that section. Studio maintains the expanded or collapsed state of a section across all element selections
and persists this state to new Studio sessions.
The workspace displays each attribute as a row in a table, with the attribute name in the left column and the value
in the right column. Studio grays out the name if you have not set a value for that attribute (if the attribute value
is nothing or is only a default value). Studio also grays out the attribute value if it is a default value. If the PCF
schema requires an attribute, Studio displays the attribute name in bold font, with an asterisk, and with a different
background color.
If you hover the mouse cursor over an attribute name, Studio displays a tooltip with the documentation for that
For each attribute:
• If the attribute takes a non-Gosu string value, Studio displays the value in a text field.
• If the attribute takes a non-Gosu Boolean value, Studio displays the value in a drop-down menu with two
choices, true and false.
• If the attribute takes an enumeration value, Studio displays the value in a drop-down menu with a choice for
each value of the enumeration, plus a <none selected> option.
• If the attribute takes a Gosu value, Studio displays the value in a single-line Gosu editor. Gosu editor
commands that operate on multiple lines have no effect in a single-line editor. (For example, the SmartFix Add
uses statement command does not work in a single-line editor.) Studio displays the single-line editor with a red
background if it contains any errors, and a yellow background if it contains warnings but no errors.
• If the attribute requires a return type, Studio colors the value background red under the following circum-
• If the entered expression does not evaluate to that type
• If the entered statement does not return a value of that type
• If the attribute requires a Boolean return value, Studio displays a drop-down menu on the right side with two
options, true and false. If you select one of these options, Studio sets the text of the editor to the appropriate
If the value editor for an attribute has focus, Studio displays the attribute name in a different background color
and adds an X icon. If you click the X icon, Studio sets the value of the attribute to its default.
If you click Enter (on the keyboard) while editing a property, Studio moves the focus to the next property in the

Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor 341

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Child Lists
Some of the Properties tabs contain a child list. A child list contains a list of the selected element's child elements
of a certain type, and a properties list for the selected child element. You can perform a number of operations on
a child list, using the following tool icons.

If the child list represents a single child type, Studio adds a new child element. Studio selects the newly added child auto-
matically. If the child list represents multiple child types, Studio opens a drop-down menu of available child types. If you
select a child type from the drop-down, Studio adds a child of that type and selects it automatically.
If you select a child and click the delete icon, Studio removes the selected child. Studio disables this action if there is no
selected child.
If you select a child and click the up icon, Studio moves the selected child above the previous child. Studio disables the
up icon if you do not first select a child, or if there are no other children above your selected child.
If you click the down icon, Studio moves the selected child below the next child. Studio disables the down icon if you do
not first select a child, or if there are not other children below your selected child.

Additional Properties Tabs

Depending on the children of a selected element, Studio displays additional subtabs.

Additional tabs Description

Reflection If an element can have a Reflect child, Studio displays a Reflection properties tab. The Reflection tab
has a checkbox for Enable client reflection, which indicates whether that element has a Reflect child.
If you enable client reflection, the Reflection tab also contains a properties list for the Reflect ele-
ment and a child list for its ReflectCondition children.
Variables If an element can have Variable children, Studio displays the Variables properties tab. This tab con-
tains a child list of the Variable children for the selected element.
Required Variables If an elements can have Require children, Studio displays the Required Variables properties tab. This
tab contains a child list of the Require children for the selected element.
Axes If an element can have DomainAxis and RangeAxis children, Studio displays the Axes properties
tab. This tab contains a child list of the DomainAxis and RangeAxis children for the selected ele-
ment. If you select a RangeAxis, Studio displays a child list for its Interval children.
Data Series If an element can have DataSeries and DualAxisDataSeries children, Studio displays the Data
Series properties tab. This tab contains a child list of the DataSeries and DualAxisDataSeries chil-
dren for the selected element.
Sorting If an element can have IteratorSort children, Studio displays the Sorting properties tab. This tab
contains a child list of the IteratorSort elements for the selected element.
Entry Points If an element can have LocationEntryPoint children, Studio displays the Entry Points properties
tab. This tab contains a child list of the LocationEntryPoint children for the selected element.
Next Conditions If an element can have NextCondition children, Studio displays the Next Conditions properties tab.
This tab contains a child list of the NextCondition children for the selected element.
Scope If an element can have Scope children, Studio displays the Scope properties tab. This tab contains a
child list of the Scope children for the selected element.
Filter Options If an element can have ToolbarFilterOption and ToolbarFilterOptionGroup children, Studio
displays the Filter Options properties tab. This tab contains a child list of the ToolbarFilterOption
and ToolbarFilterOptionGroup children for the selected element.
Toolbar Flags If an element can have ToolbarFlag children, Studio displays the Toolbar Flags properties tab. This
tab contains a child list of the ToolbarFlag children of the selected element.
Code If an element can have a Code child, Studio displays the Code properties tab. This tab contains a
Gosu editor for editing the contents of the Code child. The Code editor has access to all the top-level
symbols in the PCF file (for example, any required variables). However, you cannot incorporate any
uses statements, nor does the Gosu editor provide the SmartFix to add uses statements automati-

342 Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

PCF Elements
Studio displays a down arrow icon to the right of a non-menu element that contains menu-item children.
• If you click the down arrow, Studio opens a pop-up containing the children of the element.
• If you click anywhere on the canvas outside the pop-up, Studio dismisses the pop-up.
Studio displays elements that contain a comment with a comment icon in the upper right-hand corner of the
widget. It shows disabled elements (commented-out elements) in a faded-out manner
Studio displays elements that cause a verification error with either a red overlay or a thick red border. It displays
elements that cause a verification warning (but not an error) with either a yellow overlay or a thick yellow border.
If you move your mouse over an element:
• Studio highlights the element with a light border.
• If the element has a comment, Studio displays the text of the comment in a tooltip.
• If the element does not have a comment, but does have its desc attribute set, Studio displays the value of the
desc attribute in a tooltip.
• If the element has any errors or warnings, Studio displays these in a tooltip along with any comment or desc

PCF Elements and the Properties Tab

If you click an element on the canvas, Studio selects that element and highlights it in a thick border. This action
also opens the Properties tab in the workspace area at the bottom of the screen, if it is not already visible.
• If the element has an error or warning that is attributable to one of its attributes, Studio highlights that attri-
bute in the Properties tab.
• If the element contains child elements not shown on the canvas, Studio displays additional Properties tabs in
the workspace area.
• If the element has no errors or warnings, but a non-visible child element does, Studio brings the appropriate
Properties tab for that child element to the front. If necessary, Studio selects that child element in the Properties
• If there are additional Properties tabs that do not apply to the selected element, Studio closes them.
• If the tab that was at the front before you selected the element is still visible, it remains at the front. Other-
wise, Studio brings the Properties tab to the front.
Clicking in the canvas area outside the area representing the file being edited, or clicking Escape, de-selects the
currently selected element and closes all open Properties tabs.

Working with Elements

Page configuration format files contain three basic types of elements:
• Physical elements (buttons and inputs, and similar items) that have a visual presence in a live application.
• Behavioral elements (iterator sorting and client reflection, and similar items) that exist only to specify
behavior of other elements.
• Structural elements (panels, screens, and similar items) that do not represent a single element in the Web
interface, but instead indicate some grouping or other structure.

Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor 343

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

After you create a new page, you can select page elements from the Toolbox tab for inclusion in the page.
ClaimCenter does not permit you to insert elements that are invalid for that page or grouping. After adding an
element to a page, you can change its type if needed, rather than removing it and starting again.

IMPORTANT Guidewire strongly recommends that you label the widgets that you create with unique
IDs. Otherwise, you may find it difficult to identify that widget later.

You can perform the following actions with PCF elements:

• Adding an Element on the Canvas
• Changing the Type of an Element
• Adding a Comment to an Element
• Finding an Element on the Canvas
• Viewing the Source of an Element
• Duplicating an Element
• Deleting an Element
• Copying an Element
• Cutting an Element
• Pasting an Element

Adding an Element on the Canvas

To add a widget, click its name in the Toolbox and hold the mouse cursor down. As you begin to drag the widget,
Studio changes the mouse cursor so that it includes the icon for that widget. Studio places a green line on the
canvas at every location on the canvas that it is possible to place the widget. Studio highlights the green line that
is nearest on the canvas to the cursor. Studio also overlays in green the element containing the highlighted green
• If the widget is a menu item of some sort, Studio overlays in green those widgets that can accept the item as a
menu item.
• If a green widget is closer to the cursor than any of the green lines, Studio overlays it with a brighter green.
Note: If you click Esc, Studio cancels the action, returns the cursor to normal, and makes the green lines and
overlays disappear.
If you click again (or end the dragging operation), Studio adds the new widget at the location of the highlighted
green line. (Or, Studio adds the widget as a child of the highlighted widget.) Studio sets all attributes of the new
widget to their default value.
After Studio adds the new widget to the canvas, the cursor returns to normal and the green lines and overlays
disappear. Studio selects this new widget automatically.

Moving an Element on the Canvas

If you click on a widget on the canvas, Studio picks up (selects) the widget. As you drag the widget, Studio
moves the widget from its current location to the new location. This makes no changes to the attributes or
descendants of the widget.
You can also CTRL+drag a widget on the canvas. This time, however, as you place the widget, Studio creates a
duplicate of the original widget, including all attributes and descendants, and places the cloned widget at the
target location.

344 Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Changing the Type of an Element

If you right-click an element and select Change element type, Studio opens the Change Element Type dialog. You can
also select the element and then select Change element type from the Page Config commands on the menu bar.
This dialog contains a list of element types that you can substitute for the selected element within the constraints
of the PCF schema. If you then select a new element type and click OK, Studio replaces the selected element with
an element of the new type. It also transfers all attribute values and descendants that are valid on the new type.
• If is possible to select a new element type that does not allow one or more attributes supported by the selected
(existing) element. In this case, Studio displays a message that indicates which attributes it plans to discard.
• If it is possible to select an element type that can not contain one or more children of the selected widget. In
this case, Studio displays a message that indicates which children it plans to discard.
Note: If there are no valid element types to which you can change the selected element, Studio disables the
Change element type command.

Adding a Comment to an Element

It is possible to attach a comment to any element on the canvas. Studio indicates an element has a comment by
placing a yellow note icon in the comment’s upper right corner. If you hover the mouse over that element, then
Studio displays the comment in a tooltip.

Adding a Comment
If you do one of the following, Studio opens a modal dialog with a text field for the element's comment:
• Right-click an element and select Edit comment.
• Select the element and then select Edit comment from the Page Config commands on the menu bar.
If the element already has a comment, Studio pre-populates the text field with the contents of the comment.

Deleting a Comment
If you do one of the following, Studio deletes the comment for that element:
• Right-click an element and select Delete comment
• Select the element and then select Delete comment from the Page Config commands on the menu bar
However, if the element has no comment, Studio disables the Delete comment command.

Disabling (Commenting-out) an Element

Commenting out a widget effectively prevents ClaimCenter from rendering the widget in the interface. If you do
any of the following, Studio disables the element by surrounding it and its descendants with comment tags in the
• Right-click an enabled element and select Disable element.
• Select the element and click CTRL+//=.
• Select Disable element from the Page Config commands on the menu bar.
If the element or any of its descendants have comments, Studio informs you that it is deleting the comments and
prompts you to confirm the disable operation.
It is also possible to set the visible attribute on the widget to false to prevent ClaimCenter from rendering the
widget. In this case, however, the XML file retains the widget. It still exists server-side at run time, although
ClaimCenter does not render it, and the widget does not post data. Thus, commenting out the widget can possibly

Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor 345

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

give you a marginal performance increase. Also, disabling the widget prevents it from causing errors, for
example, if the signature of some function called by one of its attributes changes.
As it is the use of XML comment tags that disable the widget, you cannot then add a comment to the widget to
describe why you disabled it. If you would like to add an explanation associated with the widget (recommended),
then use the widget desc attribute. Studio displays this text in the tooltip if you hover the mouse of over the
widget in the PCF editor. Doing so does not produce a yellow note icon, however.
Enabling an element. If you do one of the following, Studio enables the element by removing the surrounding
comment tags:
• Right-click a disabled element and select Enable element.
• Select the element and click CTRL+/.
• Select Enable element from the Page Config commands on the menu bar.

Finding an Element on the Canvas

If you do one of the following, Studio opens a semi-modal dialog. This dialog contains a filter text field and a list
of all elements on the canvas that have their id attribute set:
• Right-click in the canvas area and select Find by ID.
• Click CTRL+F12.
• Select Find by ID from the Page Config commands on the menu bar.
As you type in the text field, Studio filters the visible elements to those whose ID matches the typed text.
Selecting an element from the list selects it on the canvas.

Viewing the Source of an Element

To view the XML representation of an element, select the widget, right-click, then click Show element source.
Studio opens a small text window and displays the XML code associated with the selected element.

Duplicating an Element
If you do one of the following, Studio creates a duplicate of the element immediately after the current element:
• Right-click an element and select Duplicate.
• Select a widget and click CTRL+D.
• Select Duplicate from the Edit commands on the menu bar.
A duplicate includes all attribute values and descendants. Studio selects the duplicate widget automatically.
Note: If the PCF schema permits the target widget to occur one time only within the parent widget (for
example, a Screen), then attempting to duplicate the widget has no effect.

Deleting an Element
If you do one of the following, Studio deletes the element from the canvas:
• Right-click an element and select Delete.
• Select a widget and click Delete.
• Select Delete from the Edit commands on the menu bar.
• Select the Delete icon from the menu bar.
Note: Studio does not permit you to delete the root element of a PCF.

346 Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Copying an Element
If you do one of the following, Studio copies an XML representation of that widget and its descendants to the
• Right-click an element and select Copy.
• Select a widget and click CTRL+C.
• Select Copy from the Edit commands on the menu bar.
• Select the Copy icon from the menu bar.

Cutting an Element
If you do one of the following, Studio copies an XML representation of that widget and its descendants to the
clipboard and deletes the widget:
• Right-click an element and select Cut.
• Select a widget and click CTRL+C.
• Select Cut from the Edit commands on the menu bar.
• Select the Cut icon from the menu bar.
Note: Studio does not permit you to cut (remove) the root element of a PCF file.

Pasting an Element
If the content of the clipboard is valid XML representing a PCF widget, you can paste the widget by doing one of
the following:
• Right-click the canvas and select Paste.
• Click CTRL+V.
• Click Paste in the Edit commands on the menu bar.
• Click the Paste icon on the menu bar

Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor 347

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

348 Chapter 24, Using the PCF Editor

chapter 25

Introduction to Page

This topic provides an introduction to the concepts and files involved in configuring the web pages of the
ClaimCenter user interface.
This topic includes:
• “Page Configuration Files” on page 349
• “Page Configuration Elements” on page 350
• “Getting Started Configuring Pages” on page 356

Page Configuration Files

The pages in the ClaimCenter user interface are defined by XML files stored within each installed instance of the
application. To configure your ClaimCenter interface, use Guidewire Studio to open and edit these files. The
page configuration files are named with the file extension .pcf, and are therefore often called PCF files.

IMPORTANT Because the Guidewire platform interprets PCF files based on a hierarchy, you can only
edit PCF files in the configuration module. Studio manages this hierarchy automatically. However, if
you choose to edit PCF files without Studio, be aware that editing the wrong version of one of these
files can prevent the application from starting. For an explanation of this hierarchy, consult “How
ClaimCenter Interprets Modules” on page 89. Guidewire expressly does not support editing PCF files
outside of Guidewire Studio.

Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration 349

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Page Configuration Elements

This section discusses the following topics:
• Using Studio to Edit PCF Files
• What is a PCF Element?
• Types of PCF Elements
• Identifying PCF Elements in the User Interface

Using Studio to Edit PCF Files

This section provides instructions on using Guidewire Studio to edit PCF files. The

How Studio Interprets Modules

Within the ClaimCenter/modules directory, configuration resources are grouped in module folders, and they are
evaluated at application startup according to a specific order:

Priority Directory name Description

1 /configuration Edited versions of resources from any of the directories below.

2 /cc Defines the base configuration for ClaimCenter.
3 /platform Cross-product configuration including user interface, libraries, schema defini-
tion and other metadata.
4 /core Core configuration resources supporting ClaimCenter.

These directories can contain distinct copies of the same resource file. In that case, the highest-priority copy
would be in the first one found, causing any others to be disregarded.
For example, in the base install, the file Desktop.pcf resides in the modules/cc/config/web/pcf/desktop
directory. If you edit this file from Studio, ClaimCenter creates a copy of the file and automatically places it in
the ClaimCenter/modules/configuration directory. The original file remains, but ClaimCenter ignores it for as
long as the edited copy exists. If you delete the edited copy, then ClaimCenter uses the original read-only copy

Edited Resource Files Reside Only in Configuration Module

The ClaimCenter/modules/configuration directory is the only place for user-edited resources. During
ClaimCenter start-up, a checksum process verifies that no files have changed in any directory except for those in
the configuration directory. If this process detects an invalid checksum, the application refuses to start. In this
case, you need to overwrite any changes to all modules except for the configuration directory and try again.

What is a PCF Element?

Guidewire defines each PCF file as a set of XML elements defined within the root <PCF> tag. Guidewire calls
these XML elements PCF elements. These PCF elements define everything that you see in the ClaimCenter
interface, as well as many things that you cannot see. For example, PCF elements include:
• Editors
• List views
• Detail views
• Buttons
• Popups
• Other ClaimCenter interface elements

350 Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Non-visible objects that support the ClaimCenter interface elements, such as Gosu code that performs back-
ground actions after you click a button.
Every page in ClaimCenter uses multiple PCF elements. You define these elements separately, but ClaimCenter
renders then together during page construction. For example, consider the tab bar available on most ClaimCenter

Using Ctrl+Shift+W, you can discover that these elements are defined in the PCF file TabBar.pcf. In Guidewire
Studio, you can open TabBar.pcf in the PCF Editor. Clicking on the arrow next to the Search tab in this file
causes the search menu items to appear:

Types of PCF Elements

There are many kinds of PCF elements that you can define. These elements follow a hierarchical, container-
based user interface model. To design them most effectively, you need understand the relationships between
them thoroughly. Most PCF elements are of one of the following types:
• Locations
• Widgets

A location is a place to which you can navigate in the ClaimCenter interface. Locations are used primarily to
provide a hierarchical organization of the interface elements, and to assist with navigation.

Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration 351

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Locations include pages, wizards, worksheets, forwards, and location groups. Locations themselves do not
define any visual content, but they can contain screens that do, as illustrated in the following diagram:





You can define the following types of locations:

Location Description

Page A location with exactly one screen. The majority of locations defined in ClaimCenter are pages.
Wizard A location with one or more screens, in which only one screen is active at a time. The contents of a wiz-
ard are usually not defined in PCF files, but are configured either in other configuration files or are
defined internally by ClaimCenter.
Worksheet A page that can be shown in the workspace, the bottom panel of the web interface. The main advantage
of worksheets is that they can be viewed at the same time as regular pages. This makes them appropri-
ate for certain kinds of detail pages such as creating a new note.
Popup A page that appears on top of another page, and that returns a value to its invoking page. Popups allow
users to perform an interim action without leaving the context of the original task. For example, a page
that requires the user to specify a contact person could provide a popup to search for the contact. After
the popup closes, ClaimCenter returns the contact to the invoking page.
Forward A location with zero screens. Since it has no screens, it has no visual content. A Forward must immedi-
ately forward the user to some other location. Forwards are useful as placeholders and for indirect navi-
gation. For example, you might want to link to the generic Desktop location. This would then forward the
user directly to the specific Desktop page (for example, Desktop Activities) most appropriate for that kind
of user.
Location group A collection of locations. Typically a location group is used to provide the structure and navigation for a
group of related pages. ClaimCenter can automatically display the appropriate menus and other inter-
face elements that allow users to navigate among these pages.

A widget is an element that ClaimCenter can render into HTML. ClaimCenter then displays the HTML visually.
Buttons, menus, text boxes, and data fields are all examples of widgets. There are also a few widgets that you
cannot see directly, but that otherwise affect the layout of widgets that you can see.
For most locations, a screen is the top-most widget. It represents a single HTML page of visual content within
the main work area of the ClaimCenter interface. Thus, a screen typically contains other widgets. You can reuse
a single screen in more than one location.

352 Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following diagram shows a possible widget hierarchy:





Identifying PCF Elements in the User Interface

To modify a particular page in ClaimCenter, you must first understand how it is constructed. This includes
understanding the PCF elements which compose the page, what files define the PCF elements, and how they are
pulled together.

Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration 353

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

For example, consider the Claim Summary page within ClaimCenter. If you look at this page in the ClaimCenter
interface, you cannot immediately tell how it is constructed. If you want to modify this page, some of the impor-
tant things to know about it are illustrated in the following annotated diagram:

This diagram shows:

• The location is a page named ClaimSummary.
• The page contains a screen named ClaimSummaryScreen.
• The screen contains a “detail view” widget named ClaimSummaryDV.
• The screen contains multiple “list view” widgets, including ClaimSummaryExposuresLV, PeopleInvolvedLV,
NotesLV, and so on.

ClaimCenter provides the following tools that allows you to view the structure of any page and to see which PCF
elements it uses:
• Location Info
• Widget Inspector

Location Info
The Location Info window shows you information about the construction of the page you are viewing. It includes
the location name, screen names, and high-level widgets defined in the page, and the names of the PCF files in
which they are all defined. Typically, the widgets that appear in this window are the ones that are defined in sepa-
rate files, such as screens, detail views, list views, and so on. The Location Info is most useful if you are making
changes to a page as it tells you which files you need to modify.

354 Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To view the location information for a particular page, go to that page in the ClaimCenter interface, and then
press ALT+SHIFT+I. This pops up the Location Info window for the active page. For example, the following is the
Location Info window for the ClaimCenter Claim Summary page:

With this information, you can see:

• The location is a page named ClaimSummary, defined in the ClaimSummary.pcf file on line 9.
• The page contains a screen named ClaimSummaryScreen, defined in the ClaimSummary.pcf file on line 21.
• The screen contains one detail view widget, and multiple list view widgets, each defined in a different file.

Widget Inspector
The Widget Inspector shows detailed information about the widgets that appear on a page. This includes the widget
name, ID, label text, and the file in which it is defined. The widget information is most useful during debugging
a problem with a page. For example, suppose that a defined widget does not appear on a page. You could then
look at the widget information to determine whether the widget exists (but perhaps is not visible) or does not
exist at all.

Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration 355

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To view the widget inspector for a particular page, go to that page in the ClaimCenter interface, and then press
ALT+SHIFT+W. This pops up the Widget Inspector window for the active page. For example, the following graphic
shows the Widget Inspector window for the ClaimCenter Claim Summary page:

The first part of the window shows the variables and other data objects defined in the page. After that, all of the
widgets on the page are listed in hierarchical order.

Getting Started Configuring Pages

This section provides a brief introduction to the most useful and common tasks that you might need to perform
during page configuration. It covers the following topics:
• Finding an Existing Element To Edit
• Creating a New Standalone PCF Element

Finding an Existing Element To Edit

The first step in modifying the ClaimCenter interface is finding the PCF element that you want to edit, whether
this is a page, a screen, or a specific widget. There are several ways to do this:
• Browse the PCF Hierarchy
• Find an Element By ID

356 Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Browse the PCF Hierarchy

You can browse the PCF elements under the Page Configuration folder in Guidewire Studio:

These elements are arranged in a folder hierarchy that is related to how they appear in the ClaimCenter interface.
For example, the admin, claim, and dashboard folders generally contain PCF elements that are related to the Adminis-
tration, Claim, and Dashboard pages within ClaimCenter.

Find an Element By ID
If you know the ID of the element, such as by using the location info or widget inspector windows, you can find
it within Studio. Press CTRL+N to open the Find By Name dialog box, and then start typing the ID of the element.
As you type, ClaimCenter displays a list of possible elements that match the ID you are entering.

After you see the one you want, click on it and ClaimCenter opens the file in the PCF Editor.

Creating a New Standalone PCF Element

You can create a new PCF standalone element in Guidewire Studio. Each standalone element is stored in its own

Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration 357

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To create a new standalone element

1. Browse the Page Configuration folder in the resources tree, and locate the folder under which you want to create
your new element.
2. Right-click on that folder, and then click New → PCF File. (You can also click New → PCF Folder to create a new
folder). The New PCF File dialog appears.

3. In the File name text box, type the name of the element.

4. Click the type of element to create. If an element has a naming convention, it is shown next to the File name
text box. For example, the name of a detail view must end with DV.
5. Click OK, and the new element is created and opened for editing in Studio.

358 Chapter 25, Introduction to Page Configuration

chapter 26

Data Panels

This topic provides an introduction to the concepts and files involved in configuring the web pages of the
ClaimCenter user interface.
This topic includes:
• “Panel Overview” on page 359
• “Detail View Panel” on page 359
• “List View Panel” on page 364

Panel Overview
A panel is a widget that contains the visual layout of the data to display in a screen. There are several types of
• Detail View Panel—A series of widgets laid out in one or more columns.
• List View Panel—A list of array objects, or any other data that can be laid out in tabular form.
You can place as many panels in a screen as you like, dividing the screen into one or more areas.

Detail View Panel

A detail view is a panel that is composed of a series of data fields laid out in one or more columns. It can contain
information about a single data object, or it can include data from multiple related objects. Any input widget can
appear within a detail view.

Chapter 26, Data Panels 359

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following is an example of a detail view as it appears both as it is being viewed and as it is being edited:

You can do the following:

• Define a Detail View
• Add Columns to a Detail View
• Format a Detail View

Define a Detail View

Define a detail view by dragging the Detail View element onto the PCF canvas. You can place the element
anywhere a green line appears. For example:

360 Chapter 26, Data Panels

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The id attribute is required; it identifies the panel so that it can be referenced by other PCF elements. The ID
must be unique, and it must end with the text string DV.
A detail view must contain at least one vertical column, defined by the Input Column element. The column
contains the input widgets to display, as in the following example:

This definition produces the following detail view:

Add Columns to a Detail View

A detail view must contain at least one vertical column, but it can contain more. The following illustration shows
detail views with one and two columns:


Chapter 26, Data Panels 361

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

A column is defined by the Input Column element. This element must appear at least once, to define the first
column. To add additional columns, include the Input Column element multiple times. The following example
defines a two-column detail view:

ClaimCenter automatically places a vertical divider between the columns.

The full definition of the previous example produces the following two-column detail view:

Format a Detail View

You can add the following formatting options to a detail view:
• Label
• Input Divider

362 Chapter 26, Data Panels

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

These are illustrated in the following diagram:

A label is bold text that acts as a heading for a section of a detail view. All input widgets that appear after a label
are slightly indented to indicate their relationship to the label. The indenting continues until another label appears
or the detail view ends. Thus, you cannot manually end a label indenting level at any point that you choose.
Include a label with the Label element:

Set the label attribute to the display key to use for the label.

Input Divider
An input divider draws a horizontal line across a detail view column. You can place an input divider wherever
you like between other elements.

Chapter 26, Data Panels 363

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Include an input divider with the Input Divider element:

List View Panel

A list view is a panel that displays rows of data in a two-dimensional table. The data can be an array of entities,
results of a database query, reference table rows, or any other data that can be represented in tabular form.
In most cases, data is viewed in list views and then edited in detail views. However, there are some places—or
example, in the ClaimCenter financial transaction entry screens—in which it makes more sense to edit a list of
items in place. For this purpose, you can make a list view editable so that you can add or remove rows, or modify
cells of data.
The following is an example of a list view:

364 Chapter 26, Data Panels

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Define a List View

Define a list view by dragging the List View element onto the PCF canvas. You can place the element anywhere
a green line appears. For example:

The id attribute is required; it identifies the panel so that it can be referenced by other PCF elements. The ID
must be unique, and it must end with the text string LV.
A list view contains one or more rows, each containing one or more cells. The structure of the simplest one-row
list view is illustrated below:







Chapter 26, Data Panels 365

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To define the rows and cells of the list view, use Row and Cell elements. Each occurrence of Row starts a new row,
and each Cell creates a new column within the row. The following example creates a one-row, three-column list

The id attribute of a Cell element is required. It must be unique within the list view, but does not need to be
unique across all of ClaimCenter. The value attribute contains the Gosu expression that appears within the cell.
In the previous example, the value of each cell is set to 10, 20, and 30, respectively. You can set other attributes
of a Cell to control formatting, sorting, and many other options.
This simple example demonstrates the basic structure of a list view. However, you will almost never use a list
view with a fixed number of rows. The more useful list views iterate over a data set and dynamically create as
many rows as necessary. This is illustrated in “Iterate a List View Over a Data Set” on page 367.
A list view requires a toolbar so that there is a place to put the paging controls, as well as any buttons or other
controls that are necessary.
You can define a list view in the following ways:
• Standalone
• Inline

You can define a list view in a standalone file, and then include it in other screens where needed. This approach
is the most flexible, as it allows you to define a list view once and then reuse it multiple times.
For example, suppose you define a standalone list view called MyLV.
You can then include this list view in a screen with the PanelRef element:

Set the def attribute of the Panel Ref to the name of the list view; in this example, that is MyLV.

If a list view is simple and used only once, you can define it inline as part of a screen. This approach often makes
it easier to create and understand a screen definition, as all of its component elements can be defined all in one
place. However, an inline list view appears only where it is defined, and cannot be reused in other screens.

366 Chapter 26, Data Panels

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following example defines an inline list view in a screen:

Iterate a List View Over a Data Set

Most list views iterate over a data set and dynamically create a new row in the list for each record in the data set.
The most common usage is showing an array of objects that belong to another object. For example, listing all
activities that belong to a claim, or all users that belong to a group.
To construct a list view that iterates over a data set, use a row iterator. The structure of this kind of list view is
illustrated in the following diagram:









The row iterator specifies the data source for the list. For each record in the data source, the iterator repeats the
row (and other elements) defined within it.
Define a row iterator with the Row Iterator PCF element. For example:

The value attribute of the Row Iterator specifies the data source, such as an array of entities or the results of a
query. For more information on setting a data source, see “Choose the Data Source for a List View” on page 368.

Chapter 26, Data Panels 367

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The elementName attribute is the variable name that represents the “current” row in the list. You can use this vari-
able anywhere within the row iterator as the root object that refers to the current row.
Consider the following example, in which a Claim variable represents a claim:

To iterate over the array of activities in the claim, this list view creates a row iterator whose value attribute is
Claim.Activities. For each activity in this array, the iterator creates a row with multiple cells. The
elementName attribute of the iterator is Activity; it represents the current row, and is used to get the values of
the Activity object’s fields in each cell.
This example produces the following list view:

Choose the Data Source for a List View

Different uses of list views have different data requirements. Many list views are meant to display potentially
long lists of items so that you can scan the list, pick an item, and go to a detail view of it. This is especially true
for search results or lists of items (activities, claims, and so on) on the Desktop. For these kinds of list views, the
items in the view are the result of a database query. (For example, this could be “all activities assigned to me that
are due today or earlier”.) It is therefore important to make the data retrieval very fast and to be able to handle
long lists. In other cases, however, the list is much simpler. For example, a list of exposures for a claim does not
require a complex database search. The list is short, and the data is readily available as part of the overall claim.
To accommodate these different needs, there are different kinds of data sources that you can use in a list view.
The data shown in a list view can come from the following sources:

Source Description

Array You can use any ClaimCenter array field as the data source for a list view. An array field is
identified in the Data Dictionary as an array key. For example, the Officials field on a
Claim is an array key. Thus, you can define a list view based on Claim.Officials. In this
case, each official listed on a specified claim is shown on a new row in the list view. You can
also define your own custom Gosu methods that return array data for use in a list view. The
method must return either a Gosu array or a Java list (java.util.list).
Query A query is a more complex data source. It is usually not just a full list of objects, but instead is
a query that can involve filtering the returned data. A query can be one of the following:

368 Chapter 26, Data Panels

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Source Description

QueryProcessor data field A QueryProcessor field is identified in the Data Dictionary by the datatype QueryProcessor. It
represents an internally-defined query, and usually provides a more convenient and efficient
way to retrieve data. For example, the Claim.ViewableNotes field performs a database query
to retrieve only the notes on a claim that the current user has permission to view. This is more
efficient than using the Claim.Notes array, which loads both viewable and non-viewable notes,
and then filtering the non-viewable ones out later.
Finder A finder is similar to a QueryProcessor field, except that it is not exposed as a field in the data
model. Instead, a finder is an internally-defined Java class that performs an efficient query. For
example, the Activities page of the Desktop uses a list view based on the finder
Activity.finder.getActivityDesktopViewsAssignedToCurrentUser. See “Find Expres-
sions” on page 159 in the Gosu Reference Guide finders for more information.
Gosu find expression You can define a custom Gosu method that returns the results of a find expression for use in
a list view.

There are some differences in list view behavior depending on the kind of data source used. The following table
summarizes the differences between a list view backed by an array and a list view backed by a query:

Behavior Array-backed list view Query-backed list view

Loading data The full set of data is loaded upon initially render- Only the data on the first page shown is fetched
ing the list view. and loaded.
Paging The full set of data is reloaded each time you move The query is re-run. Data is loaded only for the
to a different page within the list view. page that is viewable.
Sorting The full set of data is reloaded each time the list The query is re-run and sorted in the database.
view is sorted. Therefore, you can sort only on columns that exist
in the physical database, and not (for example) on
virtual columns. Data is loaded only for the page
that is viewable.
Filtering The full set of data is reloaded each time the list The query is re-run and filtered in the database.
view is filtered. Therefore, you can filter only on columns that exist
in the physical database, and not (for example) on
virtual columns. Data is loaded only for the page
that is viewable.
Editing Paging, sorting, and filtering work as noted above, Paging, sorting, and filtering are disabled.
as long as any modified (but uncommitted) data is
valid. Sorting and filtering can result in modified
rows being sorted to a different page or filtered out
of the visible list.
Best suited for Short lists Long lists
Additional notes Do not use a query-backed editable list view in a

Chapter 26, Data Panels 369

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

370 Chapter 26, Data Panels

chapter 27

Location Groups

This topic provides an introduction to location groups.

This topic includes:
• “Location Group Overview” on page 371
• “Define a Location Group” on page 372
• “Location Groups as Navigation” on page 373

Location Group Overview

A location group is collection of locations. It is typically used to provide the structure and navigation for a group
of related pages. ClaimCenter can automatically display the appropriate menus and other interface elements that
allow users to navigate among these pages.

Chapter 27, Location Groups 371

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Define a Location Group

Define a location group with the Location Group PCF element. On the File menu, click New → PCF file. In the New
PCF File dialog, click LocationGroup, and give the location group a name. For example:

A location group must contain one or more references to another location. Any time that you navigate to the loca-
tion group, ClaimCenter uses the locations defined within it to determine what page and surrounding navigation
to display. The following example is the location group defined for a claim in ClaimCenter:

372 Chapter 27, Location Groups

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Location Groups as Navigation

Depending on how a location group is used, ClaimCenter displays menus and other screen elements for navi-
gating to the locations within that group. Any time that you navigate to a location group, ClaimCenter displays
the first location within that group.
You can use location groups as navigation elements in the following ways:
• Location Groups as Tab Menus
• Location Groups as Menu Links
• Location Groups as Screen Tabs

Location Groups as Tab Menus

A location group can be used to define the menu items that appear in a tab. As an example, consider the Desktop
tab in ClaimCenter with the menu items as shown in the following diagram:

This tab is defined in the element named TabBar (under the util folder):

This tab is defined with its action attribute set to Desktop.go(). This specifies that the action to take if you click
the Desktop tab is to go to the Desktop location.
This location is a location group:

Inside this location group, there are multiple Location Ref elements defined, each one specifying a location. In
this example, the locations referenced in the group correspond to the items in the Desktop menu. If the action for a
tab is a location group containing more than one location, ClaimCenter adds each location in that location group
to the menu in the tab.

Chapter 27, Location Groups 373

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Location Groups as Menu Links

A location group can be used to define the menu links that appear on the sidebar of the ClaimCenter interface. As
an example, consider the Search page in ClaimCenter, shown in the following diagram:

The following is the definition of the Search location group:

Inside this location group, there are multiple Location Ref elements defined, each one specifying a location.
As ClaimCenter displays this location, it notices that it is a location group, and automatically creates menu links
for each location within the group. Notice in this example that the Location Ref elements referenced in this
group correspond to the items in the menu links.

Location Groups as Screen Tabs

A location group can be used to define screen tabs that appear across the top of a screen. As an example, consider
the claim Loss Details page in the following diagram:

374 Chapter 27, Location Groups

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

This is a location group defined in ClaimLossDetailsGroup as follows:

Inside this location group, there are multiple Location Ref elements defined, each one specifying a location.
As ClaimCenter displays this location, it notices that it is a location group, and automatically creates screen tabs
for each location within the group. Notice in this example that the Location Ref elements referenced in this
group correspond to the items in the screen tabs.

Chapter 27, Location Groups 375

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

376 Chapter 27, Location Groups

chapter 28


This topic provides an introduction to the concepts and files involved in configuring the web pages of the
ClaimCenter user interface.
This topic includes:
• “Navigation Overview” on page 377
• “Tab Bars” on page 378
• “Tabs” on page 380

Navigation Overview
Navigation is the process of moving from one place in a Guidewire application interface to another. If you click
on a link, you “navigate” to the location the link takes you.

Chapter 28, Navigation 377

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

A Guidewire application interface provides many elements that you use to navigate within the application. The
following diagram identifies the most common navigation elements:






You can define the following types of navigation elements:

• Tab bar—A set of tabs that run across the top of the application.
• Tabs—Items in the tab bar that navigate to particular locations or show a drop-down menu.
• Tab menu items—A set of links shown in the drop-down menu of a tab.
• Menu links—Links in the sidebar that take you to other locations, typically within the context of the current
• Menu actions—Links under the Actions menu in the sidebar that perform actions that are typically related to
what you can do on the current tab.
• Screen links—Links within a screen that act in a similar way to tabs, allowing you to break a page into
smaller sections.

Tab Bars
A tab bar contains a set of tabs that run across the top of the application window, as in the following example:


You can do the following:

• Configure the Default Tab Bar
• Specify Which Tab Bar to Display

378 Chapter 28, Navigation

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Define a Tab Bar

• Define a Tab Bar Link
• Define the Logout Link
You can also configure the individual tabs on a tab bar. For more information, see “Tabs” on page 380.

Configure the Default Tab Bar

ClaimCenter defines a default tab bar named TabBar. If no other tab bar is specified, then the default tab bar is
used. However, if necessary, you can explicitly specify a different tab bar to show instead.
We recommend that you rely entirely on the default tab bar within the primary ClaimCenter application. You can
customize the default tab bar to have it serve almost all of your needs. Consider defining a new tab bar only for
special pages, such as entry points that have limited access to the rest of the application.

Specify Which Tab Bar to Display

You rarely need to explicitly specify a tab bar to display. Instead, you almost always rely on the default tab bar
TabBar. However, to override the default and specify a different tab bar, set the tabBar attribute on the location
group. For example, you could set it to MyTabBar().
As you navigate to a location, ClaimCenter scans up the navigation hierarchy and checks whether a tab bar is
explicitly set on a location group. If so, then that tab bar is used. If no tab bars are set, then the default tab bar is
For user interface clarity and consistency, we recommend that you set the tab bar only on the top-most location
group in the hierarchy. However, a tab bar set on a child location group overrides the setting of its parent.

Define a Tab Bar

Define a tab bar with the TabBar PCF element. For example:

Define a Tab Bar Link

A tab bar link is a text link on the right side of the tab bar. A tab bar link can go to a web page or run JavaScript
statements. Define a tab bar link inside a tab bar with the Tab Bar Link PCF element, as in the following

You can define as many tab bar links as you like by including the Tab Bar Link element multiple times.
However, pay attention to how much room they occupy on the tab bar.
The action attribute defines what happens if you click on the link. The action string can be any Gosu statement,
or it can begin with one of the following prefixes:
• http:—Go to the following URL. For example: action=""

Chapter 28, Navigation 379

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• https:—Same as http: but using the https protocol instead.

• javascript:—Run the following JavaScript. For example: action="javascript:alert('Hello');"
You can open a URL in a new window with the following action:

The void prevents the main ClaimCenter window from being redirected.

Define the Logout Link

The tab bar logout is a special link on the right side of the tab bar that logs the current user out of ClaimCenter. It
also warns the user of any unsaved work. Define a tab bar logout inside a tab bar with the <TabBarLogout> PCF
element, as in the following example:

The action attribute must be begin with the prefix logout: and then specify the entry point to go to after logging

Tabs are items in a tab bar that you can click on. A tab can be a single link that takes you directly to another loca-
tion, it can be a drop-down menu, or it can be both. The following shows an example of tabs on a tab bar in

You can do the following:

• Define a Tab
• Define a Drop-down Menu on a Tab

Define a Tab
Define a tab by placing a Tab PCF element with a Tab Bar. For example:

The action attribute of a tab defines where clicking the tab takes you. For example, to go to the Desktop loca-
tion, set the action attribute to Desktop.go().

380 Chapter 28, Navigation

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Define a Drop-down Menu on a Tab

A tab can contain a drop-down menu. As a tab has a menu, it shows the menu icon . Clicking this icon shows
the menu items, while clicking the other parts of the tab performs the tab action.
Menu items on a tab are defined in the following ways:
• implicitly, using a location group
• explicitly, defined by <MenuItem> elements

Define a Tab Menu From a Location Group

As the action attribute of a tab is a location group, ClaimCenter automatically creates menu items on the tab that
correspond to the locations in that location group. For each location in the location group:
• a menu item is created in the tab
• the label attribute of the Location Ref is used as the label of the menu item
• the permissions of the location determine whether the menu item is available to the current user
For example, the action of the ClaimCenter Search tab goes to the Search location group. Its action attribute is
defined as: Search.Go().
This Search location group contains the Location Ref elements that appear as menu items on the tab:

This creates the menu items that appear on the Search tab:

Define a Tab Menu Explicitly

You can create a menu on a tab by explicitly defining Menu Item elements within the Tab definition. This method
of creating a menu supersedes the automatic menu items derived from the location group. If you build a menu
explicitly, ClaimCenter does not automatically add any other items to it.

Chapter 28, Navigation 381

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

382 Chapter 28, Navigation

chapter 29

Configuring Spell Check

This topic explains how to configure the spell checking feature in Guidewire ClaimCenter.
This topic includes:
• “Using the Spell Checking Feature” on page 383
• “How to Configure Spell Check” on page 384
Note: The code samples included in this topic assume the use of the ClaimCenter application. Any listed
data model objects or fields are specific to that application. However, the features documented in this topic
are universal to all Guidewire applications.

Using the Spell Checking Feature

Guidewire provides you with support for spell checking within the ClaimCenter application. This section
explains the spell checking feature and how you can configure it.

Understanding How Spell Checking Works

Note: By default, Guidewire disables spell checking in the base configuration.
A spell check runs in response to a user action. The spell checker evaluates the text that a user enters in editable
text fields or text areas and identifies any misspellings. After the spell check completes and a user either accepts
or rejects any spelling suggestions, ClaimCenter saves the record as it appears. You can configure ClaimCenter
to check spelling in either, or both, of the following situations:
• Any time that a cursor leaves a text field
• Anytime that a user clicks Check Spelling
If you enable (and implement) the spell check functionality, ClaimCenter calls a specific check spelling method
any time that a user performs an action that initiates a spell check. Depending on how you configure your appli-
cation, the functionality can become active by simply leaving an edited field (the field looses focus) or by
pressing a Check Spelling button. If the user performs either action, ClaimCenter passes to the spell check the fields
to check. The user then interacts with the spell check utility to correct any spelling errors.

Chapter 29, Configuring Spell Check 383

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

If you configure the Check Spelling button, pressing the button causes ClaimCenter to check all fields in the current
page that you configure for spell checking. This is regardless of whether the contents of the field change or not.
If you enable spell checking but do not configure this button, ClaimCenter passes only the individual fields as a
user edits them. For example, suppose you configure the Subject field on a note for spell checking. A user can
select the field and edit it. If the user then leaves the field, ClaimCenter calls the spell checker for the Subject field

How to Configure Spell Check

Configuring ClaimCenter to support spell checking requires that you to do the following:
1. Implement a spell check utility. The utility must be available on each client machine. Your utility must
provide a dictionary. ClaimCenter does not provide a dictionary.
2. Implement a checkSpelling method.

3. Configure the spell checker options in config.xml.

4. Define which application fields are subject to spell checking.

Step 1: Implement a Spell Check Utility

You can implement any tool you choose for your spell check utility, provided it meets certain functional require-
ments. The tool must be able to do the following:
• It must accept JavaScript calls either directly in a specialized browser window or indirectly through a control
(typically, an ActiveX control).
• It must accept the parameter that ClaimCenter requires.
• It must provide an interface that a user can use to make, accept, and reject changes.
ClaimCenter does not provide a dictionary for the spell check utility. You are responsible for providing a
dictionary or otherwise ensuring the ability of your spell check utility to determine what is—and is not—a

WARNING ActiveX controls have known security vulnerabilities. Contact Guidewire support for
more information if you plan to use an ActiveX control in production.

Step 2: Implement a checkSpelling Method

If you enable spell checking through the config.xml file and deploy this change, ClaimCenter pulls the
SpellCheckFrame.html as a hidden frame into ClaimCenter pages. (You can find this file in the Guidewire
Studio Resources tree under Web Resource → web/templates → util.) File SpellCheckFrame.html contains JavaScript
that ClaimCenter uses to call your spell check utility. Guidewire also implements a very simple test spell checker
utility within the JavaScript of this file.
You can customize the SpellCheckFrame.html source to include or call other resources such as JavaScript or
ActiveX. However, the page must always provide a JavaScript method of the following form:
function checkSpelling(changedFields) { ... }

The changeFields parameter is an array of HTML elements representing text fields to check. You can use the
standard DOM method document.getElementById(id) to retrieve the actual HTML control (either a text input
or a text area) and its value. Passing the ID of the control allows the spelling check utility to read and update the
control value.
If you include any additional JavaScript files or ActiveX controls in the SpellCheckFrame.html file, you must
deploy them in such a way that the SpellCheckFrame.html file has access to them.

384 Chapter 29, Configuring Spell Check

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Step 3: Set Spelling Checker Parameters in config.xml

You set spell check parameters in file config.xml. The following list describes the spell check parameters:

CheckSpellingOnChange Controls whether ClaimCenter does field-by-field checking. If set to true, spell check runs
immediately each time the cursor leaves a checkable text field or text area field. The default
value is false.
CheckSpellingOnDemand Controls whether the Check Spelling button appears in the ClaimCenter interface. If set to true,
ClaimCenter automatically displays the button on any page that includes a spell-checked field.
You do not have to edit your page configuration to display the button. By default this value is

IMPORTANT You must set at least one of these fields to true to enable spell checking. If neither of
these fields are set to true, spell checking does not happen regardless of whether you have imple-
mented a spell check utility.

Step 4: Configure Text Fields for Spell Checking

You can configure text fields or text areas for spell checking. If you enable spell checking, but do not configure
any fields to check, ClaimCenter does not perform spell checking. To configure a field for spell checking, set the
checkSpelling attribute on the field to true.
id="Body" value="Note.Body"

Some of the commonly configured text fields for spell checking include long fields (notes and descriptions) and
text fields relating to litigation. ClaimCenter validates your PCF files to verify that the fields on which you set
the checkSpelling attribute are text fields.

Chapter 29, Configuring Spell Check 385

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

386 Chapter 29, Configuring Spell Check

chapter 30

Configuring Search Functionality

This topic describes how to configure the Guidewire ClaimCenter search functionality. ClaimCenter provides a
Search tab that you can use to search for key entities. You can customize the Search tab to add new search criteria
or modify or remove existing criteria. It also describes how the search feature integrates with the underlying data
model and the XML and PCF files you need to modify to customize the Search tab.
You can only customize the search associated with the Search tab (and documents). You cannot customize special-
ized searches for contacts, users, and groups, for example.

WARNING Guidewire strongly recommends that you consider all the implications before custom-
izing the Search tab. Adding new search criteria can result in significant performance impacts, particu-
larly in large databases. Guidewire recommends that you thoroughly test any search customizations for
performance issues before introducing them into a production database.

This topic includes:

• “The ClaimCenter Search Functionality” on page 387
• “File search-config.xml” on page 388
• “The Criteria Definition Element” on page 389
• “The Criterion Subelement” on page 390
• “The Criterion Choice Subelement” on page 392
• “The Array Criterion Subelement” on page 394
• “Deploying Customized Search Files” on page 395
• “Steps in Customizing a Search” on page 396

The ClaimCenter Search Functionality

To search for a specific entity, select the Search tab from the ClaimCenter interface. In the base configuration, you
can search for the following:
• Claims

Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality 387

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Activities
• Checks
• Recoveries
• Bulk Invoices
During a search, ClaimCenter uses only those fields on the form for which you enter data. For example, if you
search for a Claimant and enter a Last Name but not a Policy Number, ClaimCenter omits Policy Number from the search.
For each search, ClaimCenter requires specific fields while others are optional. You can add, modify or remove
optional fields. You cannot add required fields. Also, do not modify or remove required fields specified in the
ClaimCenter base search configuration.
The PCF files that define a particular search page reflect this division. In Studio, these files are located under PCF
→ search. Each search detail view references two subviews, each contained in their own PCF. For example,
ActivitySearchDV defines the detail view and includes the following two subviews:
• ActivitySearchRequiredInputSet
• ActivitySearchOptionalInputSet

During a search, the Guidewire application uses a search criteria object. Every field on the Search page maps back
to an attribute on the relevant search criteria entity. For example, in the Activity search screen, the value that you
set in the Assigned To User field maps to ActivitySearchCriteria.AssignedToUser in the
ActivitySearchRequiredInputSet PCF file.

In most cases, each attribute on the search criteria entity maps to one attribute on the key entity. In the case of
drop-down widgets, however, the search criteria object contains an attribute that points to an array. The array can
point to multiple attributes on the key entity. The search-config.xml file (under Other Resources) maps search
criteria to the target entities.
The fields in a search form correspond to entity attributes in the data model. You can customize the search
process to search by an attribute on the key entity or any of its related objects. For example, to use the Activity
search screen again, the value that you set in the Assigned To User field maps to
ActivitySearchCriteria.AssignedToUser. This, in turn, maps (through search-config.xml) to

IMPORTANT Search criteria entities are virtual entities, which have no underlying table in the
ClaimCenter database. Rather, they are non-persistent and only exist in the session in which you use

File search-config.xml
You use the search-config.xml file to define a mapping between the key data entities and the search criteria
entities. The entries in the file have the following basic structure:
<CriteriaDef entity="name" targetEntity="name">

<Criterion property="attributename" targetProperty="attributename" matchType="type"/>

<CriterionChoice property="name" init="value_or_expression">

<Option label="name" targetProperty="attributename"/>
<Option label="name" targetProperty="attributename"/>

<ArrayCriterion property=”attributename” targetProperty=”attributename”



388 Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following table describes the XML elements in the search-config.xml file:

Element name Subelement Description

SearchConfig CriteriaDef Root element in search-config.xml.
CriteriaDef Criterion Specifies the mapping from a search criteria entity to the target entity on
CriterionChoice which to search.
WARNING Do not add new CriteriaDef elements to
search-config.xml. Instead, simply modify the contents of any existing
CriteriaDef elements. The ClaimCenter search code uses these criteria
definitions as it builds a query. If you add a new CriteriaDef element,
you can cause the search engine to work incorrectly.
Criterion Specifies how ClaimCenter matches a column (field) on the search criteria
to the query against the target entity. Use this element to perform simple
matching only. This means that the search criteria column must match
against a single column of the same type in the target entity.
CriterionChoice Option Defines specialized properties in the search criteria that can match
against a number of target fields.
Option Describes a single choice in a criterion choice.
ArrayCriterion Specifies that the search query uses a simple join against an array entity.

The Criteria Definition Element

A <CriteriaDef> element specifies the mapping from a search criteria entity to the target entity on which to
search. For example, a <CriteriaDef> element can specify a mapping between a DocumentSearchCriteria
entity and a Document entity. A <CriteriaDef> element uses the following syntax:
<CriteriaDef entity="entityName" targetEntity="targetEntityName">

These attributes have the following definitions:

<CriteriaDef> attributes Required Description

entity Yes Type name of the criteria entity
targetEntity Yes Type name of the target entity.

It is also possible to map a single search criteria entity to more than one target entity. For example, in
ClaimCenter, the ClaimSearchCriteria object has a <CriteriaDef> element associated with all of the follow-
ing entities:
• Claim
• ClaimInfo
• ClaimRpt

The ClaimRpt table contains denormalized claim financials information. By mapping to this table, ClaimCenter
increases search performance for financial related claim searches. An example of this type of search is searching
for a claim with a specific open reserve amount. By mapping to ClaimRpt, ClaimCenter avoids calculating finan-
cial values in the search query itself.

WARNING Do not add new <CriteriaDef> elements into search-config.xml. Only modify the
contents of existing ones. Also, do not remove a required base CriteriaDef element as this can intro-
duce problems into your ClaimCenter installation. Guidewire strongly recommends you do not remove
<CriteriaDef> elements that exist in the base configuration.

Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality 389

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

A <CriteriaDef> element can have the following subelements:

<CriteriaDef> subelements Description

Criterion Performs simple, one-to-one mapping between a criteria entity attribute and a target
entity attribute.
CriterionChoice Matches an attribute on the search criteria entity against any one of a number of target
ArrayCriterion Creates a simple join against an array entity.

The following table lists each search criteria object defined in search-config.xml and its corresponding entity
objects in ClaimCenter:

Search criteria object Entity

ActivitySearchCriteria Activity
Address Address
BulkInvoiceSearchCriteria BulkInvoice
CCNameCriteria Contact
ClaimInfoCriteria ClaimInfo
ClaimSearchCriteria Claim
DocumentSearchCriteria Document
PaymentSearchCriteria Check
RecoverySearchCriteria Recovery
UserSearchCriteria Attribute

The Criterion Subelement

In a <CriteriaDef> element you can define zero or more <Criterion> subelements. A <Criterion> element
performs simple, one-to-one mapping between a criteria entity attribute and a target entity attribute. A
<Criterion> element uses the following syntax:
<Criterion property="attributename"

These attributes have the following definitions:

Attribute Required Description

property Yes The name attribute on the criteria entity. The search engine uses this value to fetch
user's input value from the criteria entity.
matchType Yes This attribute is dependant on the data type of the targetProperty. See the follow-
ing table for possible values.

390 Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Attribute Required Description

forceEqMatchType No The name of a Boolean property on the criteria entity:
• If this attribute evaluates to true, then the Criterion uses an eq (equality)
• If this attribute evaluates to false, then the Criterion uses the matchType that
the Criterion specifies to perform the match.
For example:
<Criterion property="StringProperty"
This code uses a startsWith match for StringProperty unless the FlagProperty
on the criteria entity is true, in which case, the match uses an eq match type.
targetProperty No The name attribute on the entity on which to search.
IMPORTANT Do not use a virtual property on the entity as the search field.

The following list describes the valid matchType values:

Match type Evaluates to Use with data type Comments

contains String Guidewire recommends that you avoid using the contains
match type, if at all possible. This match type is the most
expensive type in terms of performance impacts.
eq equals Numeric or Date
ge greater than or equal Numeric or Date
gt greater than Numeric or Date
le less than or equal Numeric or Date
lt less than Numeric or Date
startsWith String The startsWith match type is also very expensive in
terms of performance. Use it with caution.

Performance. It is possible that adding an index can improve performance. The exact index to add depends on the
database that you use and the details of the situation. Consult a database expert.

IMPORTANT Guidewire strongly recommends that you avoid the contains match type if at all
possible. It is the most expensive type of match (followed by startsWith).

IMPORTANT Guidewire strongly recommends that you ensure that appropriate indexes are in place if
you change the search criteria. For example, suppose that you add a column that is the most restrictive
equality condition in your search implementation. In this case, you need to consider adding an index
with this column as the leading key column also.

Do not attempt to modify the required search properties. Guidewire divides the main search screens into required
and optional sections. Guidewire has carefully chosen the properties in the required section to enhance perfor-
mance. Therefore, do not attempt to change them. Guidewire expressly prohibits the addition of new required
fields in the ClaimCenter search screens. Adding your own required search criteria can cause performance issues
severe enough to bring down the production database.
Do not even attempt to change the match type of the existing required properties. Guidewire expressly prohibits
you from doing this due to restrictions on configuring fields on tables that are joined to the search table.

Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality 391

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Criterion Choice Subelement

It is possible for a search to be more complex than a simple one-to-one mapping. For example, the ClaimCenter
Search Claims page contains a Search For Date field. Properties such as Search for Date complicate search configuration
because a single column in the search criteria can match against one of several columns in the target. To handle
these cases, you use the <CriterionChoice> element, a subelement of the <CriteriaDef> element. A
<CriterionChoice> parameter matches an attribute on the search criteria entity against any one of a number of
target attributes.
A <CriterionChoice> element uses the following syntax:
<CriterionChoice property="attributeName" init="valueOrExpression">

These attributes have the following definitions:

<CriterionChoice> attributes Required Description

property Yes One of the following:
• DateCriterionChoice—Use to specify the options available to
restrict a date search.
• ArchiveDateCriterionChoice—Use to specify the options avail-
able to restrict a date search on an archived object.
• FinancialCriterion—Use to specify the options available to
restrict a financial fiel search.
init No Gosu string that DateCriterionChoice and
ArchiveDateCriterionChoice use to initialize the criterion choice.

A <CriterionChoice> element can have the following subelement:

<CriterionChoice> subelements Description

Option Describes a single choice in a criterion choice.

You can specify a single Option subelement or many. If you specify a single Option, there are no choices for
specifying the criteria. ClaimCenter limits the choice to the single option that you specify.
The <Option> subelement contains the following attributes:

<Option> attributes Required Description

label Yes Display key that indicates the choice. ClaimCenter uses this text to display the
option to the user in a select control.
targetProperty No Target column (field) against which ClaimCenter matches the user-input value. Do
not use a virtual property as search field on an entity.
WARNING This attribute is optional but Guidewire requires that you specify this
attribute if you add a new <Option> element. Omitting this attribute on a new option
can cause ClaimCenter to not operate properly.

Setting the Property Attribute to DateCriterionChoice

You use the <DateCriterionChoice> element as part of a larger search criteria <CriteriaDef> element. The
<DateCriterionChoice> element encapsulates the information entered by the user to restrict the search to a

392 Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

particular date range. The following example from the ClaimCenter ClaimSearchCriteria <CriteriaDef>
element configured on the Claim entity illustrates the use of this attribute:
<CriteriaDef entity="ClaimSearchCriteria" targetEntity="Claim">
<CiterionChoice property="DateCriterionChoice"
init="DateCriterionChoice.SearchType = &quot;claim&quot;;
DateCriterionChoice.DateSearchType = &quot;fromlist&quot;;
DateCriterionChoice.DateRangeChoice = &quot;n365&quot;;
DateCriterionChoice.ChosenOption = &quot;Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.LossDate&quot;">
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.LossDate" targetProperty="LossDate"/>
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.ReportedDate" targetProperty="ReportedDate"/>
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.CloseDate" targetProperty="CloseDate"/>
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.CreateDate" targetProperty="CreateTime"/>

The init attribute specifies how to restrict the date field. The user can restrict the date range either through a
typelist of preset ranges (such as next 30 days) or through a specific start and end date. The init attribute sets the
following values:

Value Required Description

SearchType Yes A value from the SearchObjectType typelist. This value determines the entity on
which to search.
DateSearchType Yes A value from the DateSearchType typelist. In the base configuration, the possible
values are:
• enteredrange
• fromlist

ClaimCenter renders a widget for DateCriterionChoice that you can use to enter a
date range either from a predefined list (fromlist) or by manually entering a range
(enteredrange). This value determines which method is the default choice in the
DateRangeChoice Yes A value from the DateRangeChoiceType typelist. This value determines the default
date range. ClaimCenter filters the available ranges by the DateSearchType field.
You use this only if DateSearchType is set to fromlist.
ChosenOption No The default date on which to search:
• If you use this field, set it to one of the option labels contained in this
CriterionChoice element.
• If you do not set this option, then this value defaults to <none selected> .

This <CriterionChoice> definition sets the available <Option> elements on which to search. In this case:
• Loss date
• Reported date
• Close date
• Create time

1. You cannot specify a match type for criterion choice entities. As their matching algorithm is built into the
entity, you cannot configure it.
2. Guidewire initializes <DateCriterionChoice> properties for the major searches in the base configuration
search-config.xml file. This configuration limits searches by date to improve performance on large data-
bases, in which searching a very large number of claims or activities (or both) can be resource intensive. Typi-
cally, most users do not expect their searches to be date limited. However, these limitations are necessary for
acceptable performance.

Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality 393

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Setting the Property Attribute to FinancialCriterion

You use the <FinancialCriterion> element as part of a larger search criteria <CriteriaDef> element. The
<FinancialCriterion> element encapsulates the information entered by the user to restrict the search to entities
with a money field in a given range.
For example, in ClaimCenter, the claim search page uses a <FinancialCriterion> element with multiple
<CriteriaDef entity="ClaimSearchCriteria" targetEntity="ClaimRpt">
<CriterionChoice property="FinancialCriterion">
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.OpenReserves" targetProperty="OpenReserves"/>
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.RemainingReserves" targetProperty="RemainingReserves"/>
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.TotalPayments" targetProperty="TotalPayments"/>
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.FuturePayments" targetProperty="FuturePayments"/>
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.TotalIncurredGross"/>
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Claim.TotalIncurredNet"/>

The ClaimCenter payment search page uses a single option:

<CriterionChoice property="FinancialCriterion">
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.Payment.GrossAmount" targetProperty="GrossAmount"/>

Setting the Property Attribute to ArchiveDateCriterionChoice

The <ArchiveDateCriterionChoice> element is similar to the <DateCriterionChoice> element and contains
the same property and init attributes. However, you use this element in searches of archived objects only.
The following example (from Guidewire ClaimCenter) illustrates the use of the
<ArchiveDateCriterionChoice> attribute on the <CriterionChoice> subelement configured on the ClaimInfo
<CriterionChoice property="ArchiveDateCriterionChoice"
init="DateCriterionChoice.SearchType = &quot;claimInfo&quot;;
DateCriterionChoice.DateSearchType = &quot;fromlist&quot;;
DateCriterionChoice.DateRangeChoice = &quot;n365&quot;;
DateCriterionChoice.ChosenOption = null;">
<Option label="Java.Criterion.Option.ArchiveClaim.LossDate" targetProperty="LossDate"/>

The Array Criterion Subelement

An <ArrayCriterion> element instructs ClaimCenter to add a simple join against an array entity to the search
query. You add the <ArrayCriterion> subelement to a <CriteriaDef> element. An <ArrayCriterion> subele-
ment uses the following syntax:
<ArrayCriterion property="someName" targetProperty="someTargetProperty"

These attributes have the following definitions:

<ArrayCriterion> attributes Required Description

property Yes The name attribute given for the column (field) on the search criteria entity.
The search engine uses this value to fetch the user-entered input value on
the criteria entity.
targetProperty Yes The name attribute of the array on the target entity.
arrayMemberProperty Yes The name attribute of a column (field) in the array member type. For exam-
ple, if targetProperty refers to an array of X-type entities, then
arrayMemberProperty is a column on an instance of Entity X.

394 Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

For example, in ClaimCenter, suppose that you add a custom array called ClaimCodes to Claim and that each
member of the ClaimCodes array is a ClaimCode object. Further, ClaimCode contains just two fields, the
(required) back reference to the Claim table and a Code field (of type varchar). For this example, the
<ArrayCriterion> element to add to search-config.xml looks similar to the following:
<ArrayCriterion property="ClaimCode" targetProperty="ClaimCodes" arrayMemberProperty="Code"/>

For complete details of this example, see “Adding an Optional Array Search Field” on page 398.

• The array member column must not allow duplicate values. In the given example, no single Claim can have
two ClaimCode entries with the same code. Violating this restriction causes the same claim to appear multiple
times in the search results.
• For performance reasons, it is important to have two unique indexes on the array table. These indexes enforce
the first restriction (no duplicate values) and also help to make the search perform acceptably.
• The first index must contain the back reference to the owner of the array (the Claim ID in the example)
and the array member column itself (Code in the example).
• The second must contain the same two columns, but in reverse order.
For example:
<foreignkey name="ClaimID" fkentity="Claim" nullok="false" exportable="false" desc="Related claim."/>
<index name="ind1" unique="true">
<indexcol name="ClaimID" keyposition="1"/>
<indexcol name="Code" keyposition="2"/>
<index name="ind2" unique="true">
<indexcol name="Code" keyposition="1"/>
<indexcol name="ClaimID" keyposition="2"/>
• It is not possible to specify a matchType property on this criterion. Guidewire supports equality matching
only for this type of criterion.

Deploying Customized Search Files

Guidewire (as always) recommends that you first make your search customization file changes in your develop-
ment environment. You must then must create a .war or .ear file and move your changes to the production
The ClaimCenter production server validates your search configuration every time that it starts. If the validation
fails, the server does not start. The production server validates the following:
• The CriteriaDef entity and targetEntity attributes reference real entities.
• The targetEntity type is a persistent entity.
• The targetProperty attributes reference searchable properties on the target entity, except for those on
ArrayCriterion elements that must reference an array column.
• The type of each property attribute on a Criterion element matches the type of its corresponding
targetProperty. (For example, they are both strings or both numbers.)
• All Criterion match types are suitable for the criterion property. (For example, you can only use startsWith
for string properties.)
• All CriterionChoice property attributes specify foreign key links to entities that implement the
SearchCriterionChoice interface.
• All CriterionChoice init property attributes execute without errors against a newly created criterion choice
entity of the appropriate type.
• All Option label attributes reference valid display keys.
• All ArrayCriterion arrayMemberProperty attributes reference searchable properties on the array member

Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality 395

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Steps in Customizing a Search

You can customize search in several different ways. For example, you can modify the existing optional search
criteria or you can add your own new, optional search criteria. However, you cannot add new, required search
criteria or modify existing required search criteria.
Do not attempt to modify the required search properties. Guidewire divides the main search screens into required
and optional sections. Guidewire has carefully chosen the properties in the required section to enhance perfor-
mance. Therefore, do not attempt to change them. Guidewire expressly prohibits the addition of new required
fields in the ClaimCenter search screens. Adding your own required search criteria can cause performance issues
severe enough to bring down the production database.

IMPORTANT Do not attempt to change even the match type of the existing required properties.
Guidewire expressly prohibits you from making this change due to restrictions on configuring fields on
tables that are joined to the search table.

Working with Optional Search Criteria

To add an entirely new optional search criterion, you must do the following:
• Extend an existing key entity or one of its related entities. This is optional if you only wish to use an existing
base column as a searchable column.
• Add an extension field on the search criteria entity.
• Add the new search Criterion, CriterionChoice or ArrayCriterionChoice element to file
• Configure the new widget in the search PCF file.
Note: Do not attempt to change the match type of a non-required criterion that exists in the base configura-
tion. Although not strictly illegal, it has no effect as ClaimCenter ignores the change.
The following examples illustrate customizing the ClaimCenter application by adding additional search fields:
• Adding an Optional Search Field
• Adding an Optional Array Search Field

Adding an Optional Search Field

In this example, you add an extension field on the Claim entity called PercentComplete. You can use this field to
search on a claim that is 90% complete.
Note: The code samples included in this topic assume the use of the ClaimCenter application. Any listed
data model objects or fields are specific to that application. However, the features documented in this topic
are universal to all Guidewire applications.

See Also
• “The ClaimCenter Search Functionality” on page 387
• “File search-config.xml” on page 388
• “The Criteria Definition Element” on page 389

To add an optional search field

1. Create file Claim.etx in Data Model Extensions → extensions folder, if one does not already exist already. Enter
the following information in the Claim extension file.
<extension entityName="Claim">
<column name="PercentComplete" type="percentagedec" desc="Percentage complete on the Claim"/>

396 Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

This action extends the Claim entity and adds a PercentComplete field on the Claim object. See “Extending a
Base Configuration Entity” on page 238 for details of this process, if necessary.
2. Create file ClaimSearchCriteria.etx in Data Model Extensions → extensions folder, if one does not exist already.
Enter the following information:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension xmlns=""
<column desc="Percentage of claim that is complete"
This action adds the new claim search criteria field to the ClaimSearchCriteria entity.
3. Open file search-config.xml for editing and add a <Criterion> element to the <CriteriaDef> element for
the ClaimSearchCriteria entity configured against the Claim entity:
<CriteriaDef entity="ClaimSearchCriteria" targetEntity="Claim">
<Criterion property="ClaimNumber" matchType="eq"/>
<Criterion property="AssignedToUser" targetProperty="AssignedUser" matchType="eq"/>
<!-- Example extension -->
<Criterion property="PercentComplete" matchType="ge"/>

Note: Guidewire recommends that you ensure that appropriate indexes are in place if you change the search
criteria. For example, if PercentComplete is the most restrictive equality condition in your search imple-
mentation, then consider adding an index with this column as the leading key column.
4. In file search-config.xml, increment the file version number before you save the file. Although there is no
strict requirement that you do so, Guidewire recommends that you increment the version number if you
modify this file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SearchConfig xmlns:xsi=""

5. Create the PercentComplete display key using the Display Keys editor. Enter the following:

Display Key Name JSP.ClaimSearch.Claims.PercentComplete

Default Value Percent Complete

See “Using the Display Keys Editor” on page 175 for details if necessary.
6. Edit file ClaimSearchOptionalInputSet.pcf and add a new Percent Complete field. You must identify this new
field as editable. In brief, you need to do the following:
a. Open Page Configuration (PCF) → search → claims → ClaimSearchOptionalInputSet for editing.

b. Drag an Input widget on to the page. You can put it in the Optional Parameters section, directly under the Claim
Status field, for example.

c. Set the following values in the Properties tab at the bottom of the screen:

editable true

id Completion

label displaykey.JSP.ClaimSearch.Claims.PercentComplete

required false
value ClaimSearchCriteria.PercentComplete

See “Using the PCF Editor” on page 337 for details of how to modify a PCF page if necessary.

Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality 397

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

7. Save all your work.

8. Restart Guidewire Studio. Although there is no strict requirement that you restart Studio to complete the
configuration, it is a good practice. For example, restarting Studio often catches simple typing errors.
9. Regenerate the application SOAP and Java APIs and the Data Dictionary. Although there is no strict require-
ment that you regenerate these items, Guidewire recommends that you do so as a good practice. Regenerating
the APIs propagates your configuration changes to the APIs in the event that they are necessary.
Do the following:
a. Open a command window and navigate to the application bin directory.

b. Execute the following commands:

gwcc regen-java-api
gwcc regen-soap-api
gwcc regen-dictionary
For more information on these commands, see “Commands Reference” on page 69 in the Installation Guide.
Specifically, see the Build Tools topic.
10. Restart the application server.

11. Log into Guidewire ClaimCenter and navigate to the Search Claims → Advanced Search page. Verify that your
optional claim search field exists.
The claim search page contains your new field as a searchable option. Of course, to support this new function-
ality, you need to provide a way to assign a percentage complete on a claim. For example, in ClaimCenter, you
might provide a new field on one of the claim screens.

Adding an Optional Array Search Field

Suppose you want the ability to enter a claim code from a list of possible codes and have the search return any
claim whose claim code matches. To support this behavior, you add a new, searchable array of codes to the
optional search fields. Thus, you have the following:
• ClaimCodes—A custom array of ClaimCode objects, attached to Claim.
• ClaimCode—A member of the ClaimCodes array. Each member contains two fields, the (required) foreign
key reference to the Claim table and a Code field of type varchar.
Entering a value for the ClaimCode field on the search screen returns all Claim objects whose ClaimCodes array
contains an entry with a matching Code value. To support this functionality, you need to provide a way to assign
a code on a claim. For example, in ClaimCenter, you can provide a new field on one of the claim screens.
Note: The code samples included in this topic assume the use of the ClaimCenter application. Any listed
data model objects or fields are specific to that application. However, the features documented in this topic
are universal to all Guidewire applications.

See Also
• “The ClaimCenter Search Functionality” on page 387
• “File search-config.xml” on page 388
• “The Criteria Definition Element” on page 389

To add an optional array search field

1. Create file ClaimCode.eti in Data Model Extensions → extensions folder. Enter the following information:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity xmlns=""
desc="Code associated with a claim."

398 Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<implementsEntity name="Extractable"/>
<column name="Code" type="varchar" desc="code ">
<columnParam name="size" value="30"/>
<foreignkey name="ClaimID" fkentity="Claim" nullok="false" exportable="false" desc="Related claim."/>
<index name="ind1" unique="true">
<indexcol name="ClaimID" keyposition="1"/>
<indexcol name="Code" keyposition="2"/>
<index name="ind2" unique="true">
<indexcol name="Code" keyposition="1"/>
<indexcol name="ClaimID" keyposition="2"/>
This action creates a new ClaimCode entity to use as a member in an array of ClaimCode objects. Each
ClaimCode entity contains two fields, the (required) foreign key reference to the Claim table and a Code field
of type varchar.
2. Create file Claim.etx in Data Model Extensions → extensions folder, if one does not exist already. Enter the
following information in the Claim extension file.
<array arrayentity="ClaimCode"
desc="Set of claim codes associated with this claim."
This action extends the Claim entity and adds a ClaimCodes array to the Claim object. See “Extending a Base
Configuration Entity” on page 238 for details of this process, if necessary.
3. Create file ClaimSearchCriteria.etx in Data Model Extensions → extensions folder, if one does not exist already.
Enter the following information:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension xmlns=""
<column name="ClaimCode" type="varchar" desc="Claim Code">
<columnParam name="size" value="30"/>
This action adds the new claim search criteria field to the ClaimSearchCriteria entity.
4. Open file search-config.xml for editing and add the following to the <CriteriaDef> element for the
ClaimSearchCriteria entity configured against the Claim entity:
<ArrayCriterion property="ClaimCode" targetProperty="ClaimCodes" arrayMemberProperty="Code"/>

5. In file search-config.xml, increment the file version number before you save the file. Although there is no
strict requirement that you do so, Guidewire recommends that you increment the version number if you
modify this file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SearchConfig xmlns:xsi=""

6. Create the ClaimCode display key using the Display Keys editor. Enter the following:

Display Key Name JSP.ClaimSearch.Claims.ClaimCode

Default Value Claim Code

7. Edit file ClaimSearchOptionalInputSet.pcf and add a new Claim Codes field. You must identify this new
field as editable. In brief, you need to do the following:
a. Open Page Configuration (PCF) → search → claims → ClaimSearchOptionalInputSet for editing.

b. Drag an Input widget on to the page. You can put it in the Optional Parameters section, directly under the Claim
Status field, for example.

Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality 399

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

c. Set the following values in the Properties tab at the bottom of the screen:

editable true

id ClaimCode

label displaykey.JSP.ClaimSearch.Claims.ClaimCode

required false
value ClaimSearchCriteria.ClaimCode

See “Using the PCF Editor” on page 337 for details of how to modify a PCF page if necessary.
8. Save all your work.

9. Restart Guidewire Studio. Although there is no strict requirement that you restart Studio to complete the
configuration, it is a good practice. For example, restarting Studio often catches simple typing errors.
10. Regenerate the application SOAP and Java APIs and the Data Dictionary. Although there is no strict require-
ment that you regenerate these items, Guidewire recommends that you do so as a good practice. Regenerating
the APIs propagates your configuration changes to the APIs in the event that they are necessary.
Do the following:
a. Open a command window and navigate to the application bin directory.

b. Execute the following commands:

gwcc regen-java-api
gwcc regen-soap-api
gwcc regen-dictionary
For more information on these commands, see “Commands Reference” on page 69 in the Installation Guide.
Specifically, see the Build Tools topic.
11. Restart the application server.

12. Log into Guidewire ClaimCenter and navigate to the Search Claims → Advanced Search page. Verify that your
optional search field exists.
The search page now contains a field on which you can search by claim codes. Of course, to support this func-
tionality, you need to provide a way to assign a code on a claim. For example, in ClaimCenter, you can provide a
new field on one of the claim screens.

400 Chapter 30, Configuring Search Functionality

chapter 31

Configuring Special Page


This topic describes how to configure special functionality related to pages.

This topic includes:
• “Adding Print Capabilities” on page 401
• “Linking to a Specific Page: Using an EntryPoint PCF” on page 407
• “Linking to a Specific Page: Using an ExitPoint PCF” on page 410
• “Populating a PCF Template: Using a TemplatePage PCF” on page 412
Note: The code samples included in this topic assume that you are using the ClaimCenter application. Any
listed data model objects or fields are specific to that application. However, the features documented in this
topic are universal to all Guidewire applications.

Adding Print Capabilities

You can customize the print functions on the ClaimCenter interface. This section explains the print capabilities
and how to use them. It covers the following topics:
• Overview of the Print Functionality
• Types of Printing Configuration
• Working with a PrintOut Page

Overview of the Print Functionality

You can use the ClaimCenter printing functionality to print the data visible on a ClaimCenter screen. You can
control both the screen’s output format and which screen objects are printed. Most commonly, pages print as

Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions 401

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

PDF but ClaimCenter also supports a limited comma-separated values (CSV) format. You can send the output of
a print action to a local printer or save it to disk. From ClaimCenter you can print:
• the entire organization tree
• object lists such as the Activities list on the Desktop
• object details such as detailed information about a contact
Guidewire also defines a special “print claim file” feature. You use this feature to print, with a single action, all
of a claim’s information—or to choose which parts of the file to print. You can use this functionality as provided
or configure it to suit your company’s requirements. See “Working with a PrintOut Page” on page 404 for details.
Note: All client machines must have a supported version of the Acrobat Reader available to support
printing. See the ClaimCenter Installation Guide for the version required for this release.

Configuration Parameters Related to Printing

The following optional print parameters in config.xml control the default print setting globally. For information
on configuration parameters, see “Application Configuration Parameters” on page 35.

DefaultContentDispositionMode Specifies the Content-Disposition setting to use if the content to be printed is

returned to the browser. Must be either “attachment” (the default) or “inline”.
PrintFontFamilyName Sets the name of font family to use for output. The default is “sans-serif”.
PrintFontSize Sets the page font size. The default is 10 points.
PrintFOPUserConfigFile (Optional) Sets the fully qualified path to a valid FOP user configuration file. Use this
to specify or override the default FOP configuration.
PrintHeaderFontSize Sets the header’s font size. The default is 16 points.
PrintLineHeight Specifies the line height. The default is 14 points.
PrintListViewFontSize Sets the font size for printing list views. The default is 10 points.
PrintMarginBottom Sets the bottom margin. The default is .5 inches.
PrintMarginLeft Specifies the size of left margin. The default is 1 inch.
PrintMarginRight Specifies the size of right margin. The default is 1 inch.
PrintMarginTop Specifies the size of top margin. The default is .5 inches.
PrintPageHeight Specifies the height of the page. The default is 8.5 inches.
PrintPageWidth Specifies the width of the page. The default is 11 inches.

You can modify any of the page formatting attributes using property values defined in the CSS2 specification.
The specification resides online at

Security Related to Printing

There are two system permissions related to printing—lvprint and claimprint. The lvprint permission gives
you the ability to print the information that appears in a list view. The claimprint gives you the ability to print a

Roles with claimprint permission Roles with lvprint permission

• Adjuster • Adjuster
• Claims Supervisor • Claims Supervisor
• Manager • Manager
• Clerical • Superuser
• Superuser • Integration Admin
• New Loss Processing Supervisor • New Loss Processing Supervisor

402 Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Gosu API Methods for Printing

ClaimCenter has a Gosu API, gw.api.wb.print, that contains a number of methods. Guidewire recommends
that you avoid using these APIs in your print configurations with the exception of
ListViewPrintOptionsPopupAction and PrintSettings. Refer to the Gosu Reference Guide for information
about how to access and use API methods in ClaimCenter.

Types of Printing Configuration

To add print capabilities to a PCF page you must decide which type of printing you require. You can configure
the following types of printing behaviors in ClaimCenter.
• Location printing that prints the current page in PDF.
• List view printing that prints a list in PDF or CSV format.
• Customizable printing that provides a list of print options.
This section discusses how to achieve the different kinds of print behaviors.

Location Printing
Adding the ability to print the current location in PDF is the simplest functionality to configure. You simply add
a PrintToolbarButton element to a Screen element. For example, the following line in the
DashboardClaimCount PCF file creates a Print button in the toolbar:
<Page id="DashboardClaimCount"
<LocationEntryPoint signature="DashboardClaimCount(GroupInfo :
<PrintToolbarButton id="print" label="displaykey.Button.Print"

This causes the current location, DashboardClaimCount to print. You can also refer to another location in the
print bar by providing a locationRef.

List View Printing

List view printing allows you to interactively choose the type of output delivered by the Print button. This type of
printing uses the ToolbarButton element with an action attribute. The action attribute contains a Gosu expres-
sion that calls the Gosu API ListViewPrintOptionsPopupAction method. The following example illustrates a
list view printing method:
<ToolbarButton label="displaykey.Java.ListView.Print" id="PrintButton"

If you choose to print in CSV format, then you can also choose which columns to print. For example, you can use
list view printing to print the Desktop Activities page.

Customizable Printing
Customizable printing allows you to create a print options page that controls exactly what ClaimCenter prints.
This printing feature uses a special PCF page containing a PrintOut element that is comparable to a Screen
element. Using a PrintOut page, you can:
• Print an entire page or select parts of a page to print.
• Print a list view or a list view and its item details.
• Apply a filter to a list view before printing it.

Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions 403

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

ClaimCenter uses customizable printing to print the claim file.

You can only print a list view’s items in detail using customizable print. Not all list views are eligible for printing
details. Only list views that are screen panels are eligible for detail printing—for example a CardPanel element
or the ListViewPanel in Claim Workplan. You cannot print the detail for lists embedded in detail views.

Working with a PrintOut Page

IMPORTANT This section explains the configuration of the ClaimPrintOut PCF page. Guidewire
recommends that you refrain from creating your own PrintOut pages. Instead, Guidewire recommends
that you modify the existing ClaimPrintOut PCF page, limiting yourself to adding support for your
subtypes and extensions.

A PrintOut page is always interactive. The page displays one or more groups of radio buttons and check boxes
that control what ClaimCenter actually prints. To use a PrintOut page, you define print elements in a single PCF
file. For organizational purposes, the file name usually contains the word print or is stored in a print directory.
ClaimCenter contains a single PrintOut page, ClaimPrintOut.pcf.
To call this PrintOut file, you trigger an action from a menu item or button that calls the page:
<MenuItem label="displaykey.Java.ClaimMenu.PrintClaim"
action="ClaimPrintout.push(Claim)" id="ClaimMenuActions_Print"/>

The page takes as the current claim as a variable and offers various options to print the claim.

PrintOut Attributes and Subelements

A PrintOut page has the following attributes and subelements (required elements and attributes are in bold):
<PrintOut id="string" canVisit="expression" desc="string" parent="string" title="string">
<LocationEntryPoint canVisit="expression" parent="string" signature="string" title="string"/>
<Variable initialValue="expression" name="string" recalculateOnRefresh="boolean" type="string"/>
<Verbatim desc="string" hideIfEditable="boolean" hideIfReadOnly="boolean"
id="string" label="string" labelStyleClass="string" visible="expression"
warning="boolean" />
<PrintGroup choosable="expression"customizable="boolean" id="string" label="string">
<PrintSection choosable="expression" id="string" label="string">
<PrintOption choosable="expression" id="string" label="string">
<PrintOptionLocation filter="expression" listViewRef="string" locationRef="string"
<PrintDetail locationRef="string" mode="string" symbolName="string" symbolTpye="string"/>
<PrintLocation id="string" label="expression" printable="expression">
<PrintLocationDetail baseLocation="string" filter="expression" listViewRef="string"
locationRef="string" printable="expression" symbolName="string" symbolTpye="string"/>
</PrintLocation />
<PrintOutButton action="action" label="expression" shortcut="string"/>

Each PrintOut page must contain either one PrintGroup or one PrintLocation. The following PrintOut
configuration subelements are specific to customizable printing:

Element Description
PrintDetail Instructions on how to print elements if you elect to print details.
PrintGroup Defines a set of pages to print. This element contains one or more PrintSection elements.
ClaimCenter represents each PrintSection element in the interface with a radio button. You can
customize a PrintGroup. See “Customizable Printing” on page 403 for more information on using
a customizable group.
PrintLocation Specifies a specific location to print. This element takes one or more PrintLocationDetail ele-

404 Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Element Description
PrintLocationDetail Instructions on how to print elements if you elect to print details. ClaimCenter represents each
print element in the interface with a radio button.
PrintOption A set of locations that are printed together. Each PrintOption contains one more
PrintOptionLocation subelements.
PrintOptionLocation Specifies a page (location) to print any time that you select a PrintGroup. This element can
contain one PrintDetail.
PrintOutButton Adds a button to a PrintOut page. This element triggers printing if you select print options, or if
you cancel and close the page.
PrintSection Represents a print selection on a PrintOut page. Each PrintSection must contain one or
more PrintOption elements.

With the exception of the PrintDetail element, all of the PrintOut subelements specify a printable attribute.
This attribute takes a boolean expression that determines if the print option is visible. If the expression evaluates
to true, the option appears.

Printing All the Claim’s Pages with and without Detail

The All pages excluding details option is represented in the file by a single PrintGroup element. A PrintGroup
defines a set of pages to print. Each set is contained in a PrintSection element. The individual pages appear as
PrintOptionLocation elements within a PrintOption. The following section illustrates the definition for the
claim workplan pages:
<PrintGroup id="AllClaimPagesWithoutDetails"
<PrintSection id="WorkplanSection" label="displaykey.Java.PrintClaimOptionsForm.Label.Workplan"
<PrintOption id="WorkplanSummaryOption"
<PrintOptionLocation locationRef="ClaimWorkplan(Claim)"/>

The All Pages including details and FNOL snapshot option is defined in a second PrintGroup that allows you to print the
details of each page. This is accomplished through the addition of the optional PrintDetail element.
<PrintSection id="WorkplanSection" label="displaykey.Java.PrintClaimOptionsForm.Label.Workplan"
<PrintOption id="WorkplanDetailsOption"
<PrintOptionLocation locationRef="ClaimWorkplan(Claim)">
<PrintDetail symbolName="Activity" locationRef="ActivityDetailPrint(Activity)"

You can only configure one list view on an individual page to print. (This means that you can configure only one
list view to print for each screen.) The locationRef attribute specifies a page that takes the specified
symbolName and symbolType and processes them for printing. The page in this case is the pcf/shared/
printing/ActivityDetailPrint.pcf page. This page takes the ClaimPrintOut.pcf as a parent.

The file that defines the action list view determines what you specify for the symbolName and symbolType attri-
butes. In this case, that file is the pcf/claim/workplan/WorkplanLV.pcf. This file populates itself from an array
of Activity elements:
<ListViewPanel id="WorkplanLV">
<Require name="ActivityList" type="Activity[]"/>
<RowIterator elementName="Activity" editable="false"
value="ActivityList" hasCheckBoxes="true"

Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions 405

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

This page requires an Activity type and elements of this type are named Activity. In the print out page, the
symbolType originates from the type value in the list view and the symbolName from the elementName value.

Printing the Current Page with and without Detail

To print the current page, the page on which a user initiated the print action, you use PrintLocation elements.
To print the entire page without details, you simply supply a single PrintLocation:
<PrintLocation id="CurrentClaimFilePagePrint"

To print the detail on a page, you need to account for the details on each possible page — based on the location of
the print action. In the case of a claim, the action appears in the side menu and so can appear from any page in the
claim. For example:
<PrintLocation id="CurrentClaimFilePagePrintWithDetails"

<PrintLocationDetail baseLocation="ClaimWorkplan" symbolName="Activity"

locationRef="ActivityDetailPrint(Activity)" symbolType="Activity"/>

<PrintLocationDetail baseLocation="ClaimAssociations"
locationRef="ClaimAssociationDetail(Claim, ClaimAssociation)"
symbolName="ClaimAssociation" symbolType="ClaimAssociation"/>
<PrintLocationDetail baseLocation="ClaimMatters" symbolName="Matter"
locationRef="MatterDetailPage(Claim, Matter)" symbolType="Matter"/>

The specification of the locationRef, symbolName, and symbolType all use the same principles as the
PrintDetail element.

Configuring a Customizable PrintGroup

A customizable PrintGroup appears as regular radio buttons. If a user selects the button, ClaimCenter displays a
list of checkbox and drop-down options. PrintSection subelements appear as check boxes. PrintOption
subelements display as accompanying drop-down menus. For example, the following
<PrintGroup id="Custom" label="displaykey.Java.Printout.Custom" customizable="true">
<PrintSection id="WorkplanSection" label="displaykey.Java.PrintClaimOptionsForm.Label.Workplan"
<PrintOption id="WorkplanSummaryOption"
<PrintOptionLocation locationRef="ClaimWorkplan(Claim)"/>
<PrintOption id="WorkplanDetailsOption"
<PrintOptionLocation locationRef="ClaimWorkplan(Claim)">
<PrintDetail symbolName="Activity" locationRef="ActivityDetailPrint(Activity)"

This group gives you the option to print each section of the claim file either with details or without.

Filtering a List View

You can apply a filter to a list view to control what is or is not printed out. To do this, you would specify a filter
attribute on either the PrintOptionLocation or the PrintLocationDetail element — which ever applies. The
following example illustrates the use of a filter:
<PrintSection id="HistorySection" label="displaykey.Java.PrintClaimOptionsForm.Label.History"
<PrintOption id="HistoryAllOption" label="displaykey.Java.HistoryFilter.All">
<PrintOptionLocation locationRef="ClaimHistory(Claim)" listViewRef="HistoryLV"
<PrintOption id="HistoryAssignmentOption" label="displaykey.Java.HistoryFilter.Assignment">
<PrintOptionLocation locationRef="ClaimHistory(Claim)" listViewRef="HistoryLV"

406 Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<PrintOption id="HistoryViewingOption" label="displaykey.Java.HistoryFilter.Viewing">
<PrintOptionLocation locationRef="ClaimHistory(Claim)" listViewRef="HistoryLV"

The print section has three filters all applied to the HistoryLV.pcf list view. You configure your list view to use
any valid and relevant list view filter — it would not make sense to use an activity filter on an exposure list.

Overriding the Print Settings in a File

Any of the global print settings you set globally in the config.xml file, you can override within an individual
PCF file. You do this using a Gosu API (gw.api.web.print.PrintSettings). The following example shows
how you would override the global font size in a dialog:
<Page id="ClaimExposures" title="displaykey.Web.Claim.ClaimExposures"
canEdit="false" canVisit="Claim.ExposureListChangeable and perm.Claim.view(Claim)
and perm.System.viewexposures">
<Variable name="PrintTargetLV" initialValue="&quot;ExposuresLV&quot;"/>
<Variable name="PrintSettings" type="print.PrintSettings" initialValue="createPrintSettings()"/>
<Variable name="PrintClaimNumber" type="String"
<ToolbarButton label="displaykey.Java.ListView.Print" id="ClaimExposures_Print"
available="perm.User.printlistviews and perm.Claim.print(Claim)"
function createPrintSettings() : print.PrintSettings {
var newPrintSettings = new print.PrintSettings();
var claimNumberLabel = displaykey.Web.PrintOut.ClaimNumber(Claim.ClaimNumber);
return newPrintSettings;

These print settings only apply if printing the page by itself — the Print button action sets them before printing. If
you are printing this page as part of a claim file, the settings do not apply.

Troubleshooting Print Configurations

If you run into problems with the display of a printed page, for example elements overlap, you can try the
• Adjust the print widths of the columns using the PrintSettings Gosu API.
• Hide unwanted columns and print only the necessary columns. Unlike a screen, the printed page is limited by
the available width.
• Change the font size of the printed page using the PrintSettings Gosu API in a list view.

Linking to a Specific Page: Using an EntryPoint PCF

It is possible to connect directly to ClaimCenter using a URL that leads to a specific ClaimCenter page. You can
define your own links or entry points. Thus, if the ClaimCenter server receives a connect request from an
external source and the request has both the correct format and parameters, ClaimCenter serves the requested

Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions 407

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In the base configuration, ClaimCenter provides a number of EntryPoint PCF examples. You can find these in
the following location in Studio:
Resources → Page Configuration (PCF) → entrypoints

Note: These PCF pages are examples only. If you use one, Guidewire expects you to customize it to meet
your business needs. You can also use them as starting points for your own EntryPoint PCF pages.

Entry Points
An entry point takes the form of a URL with a specific syntax. The entry URL specifies a location that a user
enters into the browser. If the ClaimCenter server receives a connection request with a specific entry point,
ClaimCenter responds by serving the page based on the entry point configuration.
To implement this functionality, you must create an EntryPoint PCF (in the PCF → entrypoints folder).The
following graphic illustrates an EntryPoint PCF.

The EntryPoint PCF contains the following parameters:

authenticationRequired Specifies that ClaimCenter must authenticate the user before the user can access the URL. If
true, ClaimCenter requires that the user already be authenticated to enter. If the user is not
already logged in, ClaimCenter presents a login page before rendering the entry point location.
The default is true. Guidewire strongly recommends that you think carefully before setting this
value to false.
clearSession If true, clears the server session for this user as the user enters this entry point
desc Currently, does nothing.
failurePage Specifies the page to send the user if ClaimCenter can not display the entry point. Failures typ-
ically happen any time that the data specified by the URL does not exist. The default is Error.
id Required. The ClaimCenter uniform resource identifier to show, minus its .do suffix. Typically,
this is the same as the page ID. No two EntryPoints can use the same URI. Do not use the
main application name, ClaimCenter, as the URI.
For example, if the URI is XXX, then it is possible to enter the application at
location Required. The ID of the page, Forward, or wizard to which you want to go. Guidewire recom-
mends that if you want the entry point to perform complex logic, use a Forward.
See “To create a forwarding EntryPoint PCF” on page 409 for a definition of a forward.

408 Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Each EntryPoint PCF can contain one or more EntryPointParameter subelements that specifies additional

The EntryPointParameter subelement has the following attributes:

conversionExpression Gosu expression that ClaimCenter uses to convert a URL parameter to the value passed to
the location parameter.
desc Currently, does nothing.
locationParam Required. The name of the LocationParameter on the EntryPoint target location that this
parameter sets.
optional Specifies whether the parameter is optional. If set to true, ClaimCenter does not require this
type Required. Specifies what type to cast the incoming parameter into, such as String or Integer.
urlParam The name of the parameter passed with the URL. For example, if the urlParam is Activity
and the entry point URI is ActivityDetail, you would pass Activity 3 as:

Creating a Forwarding EntryPoint PCF

A forward is a top-level PCF location element similar to a page or wizard. However, it has no screen. It merely
forwards you to another location.You define a forward separately from the EntryPoint PCF. However, you set
the forward for a PCF in the EntryPoint PCF location attribute.
Note: For an example of how to define a forward, see ClaimForward in ClaimCenter Studio at PCF → claim→

To create a forwarding EntryPoint PCF

1. Define a separate entry point (PCF) with authenticationRequired property set to false. This PCF is effec-
tively a forwarding page to handle the seamless login.
2. Set the location attribute of the entry point to use a Forward to call the AuthenticationServicePlugin.

3. Do one of the following:

• If the plugin login is successful, forward the user onto the actual page (the desktop, for example) to which
you intended to send the user in the first place. (This is the page to which the user would have gone if
authenticationRequired had been set to true.)
• If the plugin login is not successful, re-direct the user to an error page or an alternate login page.

Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions 409

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Suppose that there are several destinations to which you wish the user to go. In this case, consider passing a
parameter to the entry point forward, so you can have the seamless login logic all in that one place.

Linking to a Specific Page: Using an ExitPoint PCF

It is possible to create a link from a ClaimCenter application screen to a specific URL. This URL can be any of
the following:
• A page in another Guidewire application
• A URL external to the Guidewire application suite
You provide this functionality by creating an ExitPoint PCF file and then using that functionality in a
ClaimCenter screen.
In the base configuration, ClaimCenter provides a number of ExitPoint PCF examples. You can find these in the
following location in Studio:
Resources → Page Configuration (PCF) → exitpoints

Note: These PCF pages are examples only. If you use one, Guidewire expects you to customize it to meet
your business needs. You can also use them as starting points for your own ExitPoint PCF pages.

Creating an ExitPoint PCF

The following example takes you through the process of creating a new exit point PCF and then modifying a
ClaimCenter interface screen to use the exit point. It does the following:
• Step 1 creates a new ExitPoint PCF page with the required parameters.
• Step 2 modifies the Activity Detail screen by adding a new Dynamic URL button. If you click this button, it opens a
new popup window and loads the Guidewire Internet home page into it.
• Step 3 tests your work and verifies that the button works as intended.
It is possible to use any action attribute to activate the ExitPoint PCF. This example uses a button input as it is
the easiest to configure and test. This example pushes the URL to a popup window that leaves the user logged
into ClaimCenter. You can also configure the ExitPoint PCF functionality to log out the user or to possibly
reuse the current window.

Step 1: Create the ExitPoint PCF File.

The first step is to create a new ExitPoint PCF file and name it AnyURL.
1. Within Studio, navigate to Page Configuration (PCF) → exitpoints and select New → PCF File from the right-click
2. Enter AnyURL for the file name in the New PCF File dialog and select Exit Point as the file type.

3. Select the AnyURL file, so that Studio outlines the ExitPoint element in blue.

4. Select the Properties tab at the bottom of the screen and set the listed properties. This example pushes the URL
to a popup window that leaves the user logged into ClaimCenter. You can also configure the ExitPoint PCF
functionality to log out the user or to possibly reuse the current window.
• logout — false
• popup — true
• url — {exitUrl}

5. Select the Entry Points tab and add the following entry point signature:
AnyURL(url : String)

410 Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

6. In the Toolbox, expand the Special Navigation node, select the Exit Point Parameter widget, and drag it into your exit
point PCF.
7. Select the Exit Point Parameter widget and enter the following in its Properties tab:
• locationParam — url
• type — String
• urlParam — exitUrl

Step 2: Modify the User Interface Screen to Use the Exit Point
After you create the ExitPoint PCF, you need to link its functionality to a ClaimCenter screen. The Activity Detail
screen contains a set of buttons across the top of the screen. This example adds another button to this set of
buttons. It is this button that activates the exit point.
1. In Studio, create a new Button.Activity.DynamicURL display key. You need this display key as a label for
the button that you create in a later step.
a. Open the Display Key editor and navigate to Button → Activity.

b. Select the Activity node, right-click and select Add.

c. Enter the following in the Display Key Name dialog:

• Display Key Name — Button.Activity.DynamicURL
• Default Value — Dynamic URL

2. Open the PCF for the page on which you want to add the exit point. For the purposes of this example, open
the ActivityDetailScreen PCF file.
Note: The simplest way to find a Studio resource is to press CTRL+N and enter the resource name.

3. Select the entire ActivityDetailScreen element on the PCF page. Studio displays a blue border around the
selected element.
4. In the Code tab at the bottom of the screen, enter the following as a new function:
//This function must return a valid URL string.
function constructMyURL() : String { return "" }
You can make the actual function as complex as you need it to be. The function can also accept input param-
eters as well. The only stipulation is that it must return a valid URL string.
5. In the Toolbox for the PCF page that you just opened, find a Toolbar Button widget and drag it into the line of
buttons at the top of the page.
6. Select the new button widget so that it has a blue border around it.

7. Select the Properties tab at the bottom of the screen and set the listed properties. It is possible to use any action
attribute to activate the ExitPoint PCF. This example uses a button input as it is the easiest to configure and
• action — AnyURL.push(constructMyURL())
• id — DynamicURL
• label — displaykey.Button.Activity.DynamicURL

Step 3: Test Your Work

After completing the previous steps, you need to test that the button you added to the Activity Detail screen works as
you intended.
1. Start the ClaimCenter application server, if it is not already running. It is not necessary to restart the applica-
tion server as you simply made changes to PCF files. You did not actually make any changes to the under-
lying ClaimCenter data model, which would require a server restart.

Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions 411

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. Log into ClaimCenter using an administrative account.

3. Press ALT+SHIFT+T to open the Server Tools screen. This screen is only available to administrative accounts.

4. Choose Reload PCF Files in the Internal Tools → Reload screen. ClaimCenter presents a success message after it
reloads the PCF files from the local file system.
5. Log into ClaimCenter under a standard user account and search for an activity. The Activity Detail screen now
contains a Dynamic URL button.
6. Click the Dynamic URL button and ClaimCenter opens a popup window and loads the URL that you set on the
constructMyURL function. If you followed the steps of this example exactly, ClaimCenter loads the
Guidewire Internet home page into the popup window.

Populating a PCF Template: Using a TemplatePage PCF

You can configure PCF template pages that retrieve data from the ClaimCenter database. Using template pages,
you can develop an HTTP client program that requests data from ClaimCenter and returns it as formatted data.
Typically, a template page includes Gosu that executes with the scope of the page. The result is that any parame-
ters or variables declared within a page are available within the template.

A Simple Template Page

A TemplatePage element encloses each template page. By default, template pages return HTML. However, you
can set the contentType attribute on the TemplatePage element to any valid MIME type such as text or XML.
Refer to the following web site for a list of valid MIME types:

Creating a Template PCF Page

To create a simple template page in Studio, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the PCF folder in which you want to create the template PCF page.

2. Right-click and select New → PCF File.

3. Do the following in the New PCF File dialog:

• Enter the name of the PCF.
• Set the file type to Template Page.
Studio create your PCF template page and colors it red. This is because the PCF page is not yet valid.
4. Select Template from the list of Template Widgets and drag it onto the existing TemplatePage area on the screen.
Studio inserts a new square outlined in blue into the template page.
5. Enter the template text (generally an HTML page) in the value field in the Properties tab at the bottom of the
There are a several issues in working with template pages in Studio of which you need to be aware:
• Studio does not display the Properties tab for the template widget if you click within the large open template
area. Instead, you must select the outline of the template widget. This means if you click away from the
template widget, you must select its outline to return to its Properties tab.
• Studio does not render the text in the value field until you actively save the PCF page. You can also navigate
away from the page, in which case, Studio automatically saves the currently open view. This means you do
not see anything in the template area on the screen, until you (or Studio) saves your work.
• Studio does not expand the value field to display all of your entered text until you save your work.

412 Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Creating a Template Page: An Example

Suppose that you create the following simple template page (within ClaimCenter Studio):

This is a simple template page that defines a title, claimnum, and a thisclaim variable for use in creating a
simple display of claim information. It contains the following HTML code with the embedded variables:
<h1>Claim Number: <%=claimnum%></h1>
<p>Policy Number: <%=thisclaim.Policy.PolicyNumber%></p>
<p>Insured: <%=thisclaim.Policy.insured%></p>

When the ClaimCenter server executes the page, it uses these variables to build the page contents. Template
pages are PCF pages and, by convention, Guidewire recommends that you store templates in the PCF → templates
folder. As PCF pages, the XML parser validates each template page.

Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions 413

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

You also need to set the variables used by this template page:

The following list describes these variables.

Name Type Initial value

title String “Sample Title”

claimnum String “claimnum”
thisclaim Claim (find(var number in Claim where number.ClaimNumber == claimnum).getAtMostOneRow())

The final item that you must define for SampleTemplatePage is the page signature to be used by a calling page.
For example, suppose that you simply want to pass in the claim number and have ClaimCenter use it to deter-
mine the other variables. In that case, enter the following in the EntryPoints tab of SampleTemplatePage.

414 Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Creating an Entry Point for a Template Page

Template pages are outside the standard ClaimCenter interface. For this reason, you must define an entry point
for the page so that a user can access the page from URL.
To add an entry point for this page, create an EntryPoint file and place it in the PCF → entrypoints folder. For
example, suppose you create the following ClaimEntryPoint:

Notice that the location property specifies the ID of the template page to go to upon entering this ClaimCenter
entry point. The location value must match exactly what you specified as the signature on the EntryPoints tab of
SampleTemplatePage. In both cases, it reads:

Note: After you establish the entry point, you must push the PCF files to the development server or rebuild
and redeploy your configuration to a production server.

Passing Parameters to the Template

Entry points can take parameters and these parameters can be passed into and used by the template page. To call
this page, enter the following URL into your browser. (The ClaimCenter server must be running for this to work).

ClaimCenter builds the HTML body by referencing the claim located with the passed-in claim number. It then
displays the result as the following browser page.

Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions 415

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The entry point requires authentication as property authenticationRequired was set to true in
ClaimEntryPoint. To allow users to bypass the ClaimCenter login, the URL specifies the loginName and
loginPassword parameters for a valid user.

You must also enter a valid claim number as SampleTemplatePage expects to receive a claim number from

416 Chapter 31, Configuring Special Page Functions

part VI

Workflow and Activity

chapter 32

Using the Workflow Editor

This topic covers basic information about the workflow editor in Guidewire Studio.
This topic includes:
• “Workflow in Guidewire ClaimCenter” on page 419
• “Workflow in Guidewire Studio” on page 419
• “Understanding Workflow Steps” on page 421
• “Using the Workflow Right-Click Menu” on page 422
• “Using Search with Workflow” on page 422

Workflow in Guidewire ClaimCenter

Note: For information on workflow structure and design, see “Guidewire Workflow” on page 423.
Guidewire ClaimCenter uses workflow primarily to support MetroReport integration. Guidewire defines and
stores each base configuration workflow process as a separate file in the following directory:

Each file name corresponds to the workflow process that it defines (for example, MetroReport.1.xml). Each
workflow file name contains a version number. If you create a new workflow, Studio creates a workflow file with
version number 1. If you modify an existing base configuration workflow, Studio creates a copy of the file and
increments the version number. In each case, Studio places the workflow file in the following directory:

Workflow in Guidewire Studio

Even though Guidewire defines the workflow scripts in XML files, you use Guidewire Studio to view, edit,
manage, and create new workflows scripts. Thus, you do not work directly with XML files. Instead, you work
with their representation in Guidewire Studio, in the Studio Workflows editor.

Chapter 32, Using the Workflow Editor 419

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To access the workflow editor, select Workflows from the Studio Resources tree, then select a workflow. Within the
Workflows editor, there are multiple work areas, each of which performs a specialized function:

Area View Description

1 Tree view Studio displays each workflow type as a node in the Resources tree. If you have multiple ver-
sions of a workflow type, Studio displays each one with an incremented version number at the
end of the file name.
2 Outline view Studio displays an outline of the selected workflow process in the Outline pane. This outline
lists all the steps and branches for the workflow in the order that they actually appear in the
workflow XML file. You can re-order these steps as desired. You can also re-order the
branches within a step. First, select an item, then right-click and select the appropriate menu
3 Layout view Studio displays a graphical representation of the workflow in the workflow pane. You use this
representation to visualize the workflow. You also use it to edit the defining values for each
step and branch.
4 Property view Studio displays detailed properties for the selected step or branch, much of which you can

For example, in the ClaimCenter base configuration, Guidewire defines a MetroReportWorkflow script. In
Studio, it looks similar to the following:

The following table lists the main workflow elements and describes each one.

Element Editor Description See

<Context> Every workflow begins with a <Context> block. You use it “<Context>” on page 429
to conveniently define symbols that apply to the workflow.

420 Chapter 32, Using the Workflow Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Element Editor Description See

<Start> Defines the step on which the workflow starts. It optionally “<Start>” on page 429
contains Gosu blocks to set up the workflow or its busi-
ness data. It runs before any other workflow step.
AutoStep Defines a workflow step that finishes immediately, without “AutoStep” on page 431
waiting for time to pass or for an external trigger to activate
MessageStep Supports messaging-based integrations. It automatically “MessageStep” on page 432
generates and sends a single integration message and
then stops the workflow until the message completes.
(Typically, this is through receipt of an ack return mes-
sage.) After the message completes, the workflow
resumes automatically.
ActivityStep An ActivityStep is similar an AutoStep, except that it can “ActivityStep” on page 433
use any of the branch types—including a TRIGGER or a
TIMEOUT—to move to the next step. However, before an
ActivityStep branches to the next step, it waits for one or
more activities to complete.
ManualStep Defines a workflow step that waits for someone—or some “ManualStep” on page 434
thing—to invoke an external trigger or for some period of
time to pass.
GO Indicates a branch or transition to another workflow step. It “GO” on page 437
occurs only within an AutoStep workflow step.
• If there is only a single Go element within the workflow
step, branching occurs immediately upon workflow
reaching that point.
• If there are multiple Go elements within the workflow
step, each Go element (except the last one) must con-
tain conditional logic. The workflow then determines the
appropriate next step based on the defined conditions.
TRIGGER Indicates a branch or transition to another workflow ele- “TRIGGER” on page 438
ment. It occurs only within a ManualStep workflow step.
Branching occurs only upon manual invocation from out-
side the workflow.
TIMEOUT Indicates a branch or transition to another workflow ele- “TIMEOUT” on page 439
ment. It occurs only within a ManualStep workflow step.
Branching to another workflow step occurs only after a
specific time interval has passed.
Outcome Indicates a possible outcome for the workflow. This step is “Outcome” on page 435
special. It indicates that it is a last step, out of which no
branch leaves.
<Finish> (Optional) Defines a Gosu script to run at the completion “<Finish>” on page 429
of the workflow to perform any last clean up after the work-
flow reaches an outcome. It runs after all other workflow

Understanding Workflow Steps

Each workflow step represents a location in the workflow. It does not have a business meaning outside of the
workflow. Therefore, it is permissible to use whatever IDs you want and arrange them however it is most conve-
nient for you. (Beware, however, of infinite cycles between steps. ClaimCenter treats too many repetitions
between steps as an error.)

Chapter 32, Using the Workflow Editor 421

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

A workflow script can contain any of the following steps. It must contains at least one Outcome step. It must also
start with one each of the <Context> and <Start> steps described in “Workflow Structural Elements” on
page 428.

Type Workflow contains Icon Step Description

AutoStep Zero, one, or more Step that ClaimCenter guarantees to finish immedi-

ManualStep Zero, one, or more Step that waits for an external TRIGGER to occur or
a TIMEOUT to pass

ActivityStep Zero, one, or more Step that waits for one or more activities to complete
before continuing

MessageStep Zero, one, or more Special-purpose step designed to support messag-

ing-based integrations

Outcome One or more Special final step that has no branches leading out of

Using the Workflow Right-Click Menu

You can modify a workflow step by first selecting it, then selecting different items from the right-click menu.

Desired result Actions

To change a workflow step name Select Rename from the right-click menu. This opens the Rename StepID dialog in
which you can enter the new step name.
To change a workflow step type Select Change Step Type from the right-click menu, then the type of workflow step
from the submenu. This action opens a dialog in which you set the new workflow
step type parameters.
To move a workflow step up or down Select Move Up (Move Down) from the right-click menu. The editor only presents valid
choices for you to select. This action moves the workflow step up or down within the
workflow outline view.
To create a new branch Select New <BranchType> from the right click menu. The editor presents you with valid
branch types for the workflow step type. This action opens a dialog in which you set
the new branch parameters.
To delete a workflow step Select Delete from the right-click menu. This action removes the workflow step from
the workflow outline. The workflow editor does not permit you to remove the work-
flow step that you designate as the workflow start step.

Note: You can localize a workflow step name as well. See “Localize a Workflow” on page 497 for details.

Using Search with Workflow

It is possible to search for a specific text string within a workflow by selecting Find in Path from the Studio Search
menu. You can also select a workflow and select Find in Path from the right-click menu. If you use the Search menu
option, you can filter the resources to check. If you use the right-click menu option, then the search encompasses
all active resources.
Studio opens a search panel at the bottom of the screen and displays any matches that it finds. You can click on a
match to open the workflow in which the match exists.
Note: You can search on a localized text string as well.

422 Chapter 32, Using the Workflow Editor

chapter 33

Guidewire Workflow

This topic covers ClaimCenter workflow. Workflow is the Guidewire generic component for executing custom
business processes asynchronously.
This topic includes:
• “Understanding Workflow” on page 424
• “Workflow Structural Elements” on page 428
• “Common Step Elements” on page 429
• “Basic Workflow Steps” on page 431
• “Step Branches” on page 436
• “Creating New Workflows” on page 440
• “Instantiating a Workflow” on page 444
• “The Workflow Engine” on page 446
• “Workflow Subflows” on page 450
• “Workflow Administration” on page 450
• “Workflow Debugging and Logging” on page 452

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 423

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Understanding Workflow
There are multiple ways to think about workflow:

Term Definition

workflow, workflow instance A specific running instance of a particular business process. Guidewire persists a workflow
instance to the database as an entity called Workflow.
workflow type A single kind of flow process, for example, a Cancellation workflow.
workflow process A definition of a workflow type in XML. Guidewire defines workflow processes in XML files that
you manage in Guidewire Studio through the graphical Workflows editor.

Note: Discussions about “workflow” in general or the “workflow system” refer usually to the workflow
infrastructure as a whole.

Workflow Instances
Think of a workflow instance as a row in the database marking the existence of a single running business flow.
ClaimCenter creates a workflow instance in response to a specific need to perform a task or function, usually
asynchronously. For example, in the base configuration, ClaimCenter provides a ready-to-use integration to the
Metropolitan Reporting Bureau ( that it bases on workflow. (You use this workflow
as an aid in obtaining police reports of accidents.)
The newly created instance takes the form of a database entity called Workflow. (For more information on the
Workflow entity, consult the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary.) Because ClaimCenter creates the Workflow entity in
a bundle with other changes to its associated business data, ClaimCenter does nothing with the workflow until it
commits the workflow. ClaimCenter does not send messages to any external application unless the surrounding
bundle commits successfully.
After creation of the Workflow entity, nothing further happens from the viewpoint of the code that created the
workflow. The workflow merely continues to execute asynchronously, in the background, until it completes. It is
not possible, in code, to wait on the workflow (as you can wait for a code thread to complete, for example). This
is because some workflows can literally and deliberately take months to complete.
All workflows have a state field (a typekey of type WorkflowState) that tracks how the workflow is doing. This
state—and the transitions between states—is extremely simple:
• All newly beginning Workflow entities start in the Active state, meaning they are still running.
• If a Workflow entity finishes normally, it moves to the Completed state, which is final. A workflow in the
Completed state takes no further action, it exists from then on only as a record in the database.
• If you suspend a workflow, either from the ClaimCenter Administration interface, or from the command line, or
through the Workflow API, the workflow moves to the Suspended state. A workflow in the Suspended state
does nothing until manually resumed from the Administration interface, from the command line, or through the
Workflow API.
• If an error occurs to a workflow executing in the background, the workflow moves into the Error state after it
attempts the specified number of retries. A workflow in the Error state does nothing until manually resumed
from the Administration interface, the command line, or the Workflow API.

424 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following graphic illustrates the possible workflow states:

Notice that this diagram does not convey any information about how an active workflow (a workflow in the
Active state) is actually processing. For active workflows, Guidewire defines the workflow state in the
WorkflowActiveState typelist, which contains the following states:
• Running
• WaitManual
• WaitActivity
• WaitMessage

Whether the workflow is actually running depends on whether it is the current work item being processed.

Work Items
Each running workflow instance can have a work item. (See “Understanding Distributed Work Queues” on
page 130 in the System Administration Guide for more information on work items.) If a running workflow does
not have a work item associated with it, the workflow writer picks up the workflow instance at the next sched-
uled run. The state of this work item is one of the following:
• Available
• Failed - ClaimCenter retries a Failed work item up to the maximum retry limit.
• Checkedout - ClaimCenter processes a Checkedout work item in a specific worker's queue after the work
item reaches the head of that queue.
Note: For the specifics of configuring work queues, see “Configuring Distributed Work Queues” on
page 133 in the System Administration Guide.

Workflow Process Format

To structure a workflow script, Guidewire uses the concept of a directed graph that shows how the Workflow
instance moves through the various states. (This is known formally as a Petri net or P/T net.) Guidewire calls
each state a Step and calls a transition between two states a Branch. Guidewire defines multiple types of steps
and branches.
Note: Even though Guidewire defines the workflow scripts in XML files, you use Guidewire Studio to
view, edit, manage, and create new workflows scripts. See “Workflow in Guidewire Studio” on page 419.

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 425

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Workflow Step Summary

The workflow process consists of the following steps (or states). The table lists the steps in the approximate order
in which they occur in the workflow script. A designation as structural indicates that these steps are mandatory
and that Studio inserts them into the workflow process automatically. Studio marks the structural steps with
brackets (<...>) to indicate that they are actually XML elements. Some of the structural elements have no visual
representation within the workflow diagram itself. You can only choose them from the workflow outline.

Step Script contains Description

<Context> Exactly one Structural. Element for defining symbols used in the workflow. Generally, you
define a symbol to use as convenience in defining objects in the workflow path.
For example, you can define a symbol such that inserting “claim” actually
inserts “Workflow.Claim”.
<Start> Exactly one Structural. Element defining on which step the Workflow element starts. It can
optionally contain Gosu code to set up the workflow or its business data
AutoStep Zero, one, or more A step is one stage that the Workflow instance can be in at a time. There can
ActivityStep be zero, one, or more of any of these steps, in any order.
MessageStep Each of these steps in turn can contain one or more of the following:
• Any number of Assert code blocks for ensuring the conditions in the step
are met.
• An Enter block with Gosu code to execute on entering the step.
• Any number of Event objects that generate on entering the step.
• Any number of Notification objects that generate on entering the step.
• An Exit block with Gosu code to execute on leaving a step.

Several of these steps can contain other, step-specific, components:

• An ActivityStep can contain any number of Activity steps that generate
on entering the step.
• An AutoStep or ActivityStep can contain any number of Go branches
which lead from this step to another step.
• A ManualStep can contain any number of Trigger branches which lead from
this step to another step, if something or someone from outside the workflow
system manually invokes it. (This happens typically through the ClaimCenter
• A ManualStep can contain any number of Timeout branches that lead to
another step after the elapse of a certain time.
Outcome One or more A specialized step that indicates a last step out of which no branch leaves.
<Finish> Zero or one Structural. An optional code block that contains Gosu code to perform any last
cleanup after the workflow reaches an Outcome.

Note: For more information on the Workflows editor, see “Using the Workflow Editor” on page 419.

Workflow Gosu
Workflow elements Start, Finish, Enter, Exit, Go, Trigger, and Timeout can all contain embedded Gosu. The
Workflow engine executes this Gosu code any time that it executes that element. The specific order of execution
• The Workflow engine runs Start before everything else
• The Workflow engine runs Enter on entering a step.
• The Workflow engine runs Exit upon leaving a step. It runs Exit before the branch leading to the next step.
Thus, the actual execution logic from Step A to Step B is to Exit A, then do the Branch, then Enter B.
• The Workflow engine runs Go, Trigger, Timeout elements as it encounters them upon following a branch.
• The Workflow engine runs Finish after it runs everything else.

426 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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Within the Gosu block, you can access the currently-executing workflow instance as Workflow. If you need to
use local variables, declare them with var as usual in Gosu. However, if you need a value that persists from one
step to another, create it as an extension field on Workflow and set its value from scripting. You can also create
subflows in the Gosu blocks.

Workflow Versioning
After you create a workflow script and make it active, it can create hundreds or even thousands of working
instances in the ClaimCenter application. As such, you do not want to modify the script as actual existing work-
flow instances can possibly be running against it. (This is similar to modifying a program while executing it. It
can lead to very unpredictable results.)
However, you might choose to modify a script. Then, you would want all newly created instances of the work-
flow to use your new version of the script.
Guidewire stores each workflow script in a separate XML file. By convention, Guidewire names each file a
variant of xxxWF.#.xml:
• xxx the workflow name (which is camel-cased LikeThis)
• # is the version number of the workflow process (starting from 1)
Every newly created (copied) workflow script has a different version number from its predecessor. (The higher
the version number, the more recent the script.) Thus, a script file name of ManualExecutionWF.2.xml means
workflow type ManualExecution, version 2. As ClaimCenter creates new instances of the workflow script, it
uses the most recent script—the highest-numbered one—to run the workflow instance against.
Note: It is possible to start a specific workflow with a specific version number. For details, see “Instanti-
ating a Workflow” on page 444.
The Workflow engine enforces the following rules in regards to version numbers:
• If you create a new workflow instance for a given workflow subtype, thereafter, the Workflow engine uses the
script with the highest version number. ClaimCenter saves this number on the workflow instance as the
ProcessVersion field.
• From then on, any time that the Workflow instance wakes up to execute, the Workflow engine uses the script
with the same typecode and version number of the instance only.
• It is forbidden to have two workflow scripts with the same subtype and version number. The server refuses to
start if you try.
• If a workflow instance cannot find a script with the right subtype and version number, it fails with an error
and drops immediately into the Error state. (This might happen, perhaps, if someone inadvertently deleted
the file or the file did not load for some reason.)

When to Create a New Workflow Version

Guidewire recommends, as a general rule, that you create a new workflow version under most circumstances if
you modify a workflow. For example:
• If you add a new step to the workflow, create a new workflow version.
• If you remove an existing step from the workflow, create a new workflow version.
• If you change the step type, for example, from Manual to an automatic step type, create a new workflow
More specifically, for each workflow:
• ClaimCenter records the current step of an active workflow in the database. Each change to the basic struc-
ture of a workflow requires a new version.
• ClaimCenter records the branch that an active workflow selects in the database. A change to the Branch ID
requires a new version.

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 427

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• ClaimCenter records the activity associated with an Activity step in the database. A change to an Activity
definition requires a new version.
• ClaimCenter records the trigger activity that occurs in an active workflow in the database. A removal of a
trigger requires a new workflow version.
• ClaimCenter records the messageID of each workflow message in the database. A modification to a Messag-
eStep requires a new workflow version.
You do not need to create a new workflow version if you modify a constant such as the timeout value in the
Timeout step. ClaimCenter does record the wake-up time (for a Timeout step) that it calculates from the timeout
time in the database. However, changing a timeout value does not affect workflows that are already on that step.
Therefore, you do not need to create a new workflow version.
If you do modify a workflow, be aware that:
• If you convert a manual step to an automatic step, it can cause issues for an active workflow.
• If you reduce a timeout value, any active workflows that have already hit that step will only wait the previ-
ously calculated time.

IMPORTANT If there is an active workflow on a particular step, do not alter that step without
versioning the workflow.

Workflow Localization
At the start of the workflow execution, the Workflow engine evaluates the workflow locale and uses that locale
for notes, documents, templates, and similar items. However, it is possible to set a workflow locale that is
different from the default application locale through the workflow editor. This change then affects all notes,
documents, templates, email messages, and similar items that the various workflow steps create or use.
You can also:
• Set a different locale for any spawned subworkflows.
• Set a locale for a Gosu block that a workflow executes.
• Set Studio to display a workflow step name in a different locale.
Note: See “Localizing Guidewire Workflow” on page 497 for details.

To set a workflow locale

To view or modify the locale for a workflow, click in the background area of the layout view. This opens a prop-
erties area at the bottom of the screen. Enter a valid ILocale type in the Locale field to set the overall locale for a
workflow. Again, see “Localizing Guidewire Workflow” on page 497 for details.

Workflow Structural Elements

A workflow (or, more technically, a workflow XML script) contains a number of elements that perform a struc-
tural function in the workflow. For example, the <Start> element designates which workflow step actually initiates
the workflow. Studio indicates the structural blocks by surrounding the block name with brackets in the work-
flow outline. (This reflects the XML-basis for these blocks.)
The workflow structural blocks include the following:
• <Context>
• <Start>
• <Finish>

428 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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Every workflow begins with a <Context> block. You use it to conveniently define symbols that apply to the work-
flow. You can use these symbols over and over in that workflow. For example, suppose that you extend the
Workflow entity and add User as a foreign key. Then, you can define the symbol user for use in the workflow
script with the value Workflow.User.
Within the workflow, you have access to additional symbols, basically whatever the workflow instance knows
about. For example, you can define a symbol such that inserting claim actually inserts Workflow.Claim.
Defining symbols. You must specify in the context any foreign key or parameter that the workflow subtype defi-
nition references. To access the <Context> element, select it in the outline view. You add new symbols in the
property area at the bottom of the screen.

Field Description

Name The name to use in the workflow process for this entity.
Type The Guidewire entity type.
Value The instance of the entity being referenced.

The <Start> structural block defines the step on which the workflow starts. To set the first step, select <Start>
in the outline view (center pane). In the properties pane at the bottom of the screen, choose the starting step from
the drop-down list of steps. Studio displays the downward point of a green arrow on the step that you chose.
This element can optionally contain Gosu code to set up the workflow or its business data.

The <Finish> structural block is an optional block that contains Gosu code to perform any last cleanup after the
workflow reaches an Outcome.

Common Step Elements

It is possible for each step in the workflow to also contain some or all of the following:‘
• Enter and Exit Scripts
• Asserts
• Events
• Notifications
• Branch IDs
Note: The ClaimCenter Administration tab displays the current step for each given workflow instance.

Enter and Exit Scripts

A workflow step can have any amount of Gosu code in the Enter and Exit blocks to define what to do within
that step. (Enter Script Gosu code is far more common.) To access the enter and exit scripts block, select a work-
flow step and view the properties tab at the bottom of the screen.

Enter Script Gosu code that the Workflow engine runs just after it evaluates any Asserts (conditions) on the step. (That is,
if none of the asserts evaluate to false. If this happens, the Workflow engine does not run this step.)
Exit Script Gosu code that the Workflow engine runs as the final action on leaving this step.

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 429

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For example, you could enter the following Gosu code for the enter script:
var msg = “Workflow ” + Workflow.DisplayName + “started at “ + Workflow.enteredStep

A step can have any number of Assert condition statements. An Assert executes just before the Enter block. If
an Assert fails, the Workflow engine throws an exception and handles it like any other kind of runtime excep-
tion. To access the Assert tab, select a workflow step.

Condition Each condition must evaluate to a Boolean value.

Error message If a condition evaluates to false, then the Workflow engine logs the supplied error message.

For example, you could add the following assert condition and error message to log if the assertion fails:

Workflow.currentAction == “start”

Error message to log if assertion fails

“Some error message if condition is false”

A step can have any number of Event elements associated with it. An Event runs right after the Enter block, and
generates an event with the given name and the business object. To access the Events tab, select a workflow step.

Entity Name Entity on which to generate the event. This must a valid symbol name. See “<Context>” on page 429 for a dis-
cussion on how to use entity symbols in workflow Gosu.
Event Name Name of the event to generate. This must be a valid event name.
• For general information on events, see “Messaging and Events” on page 139 in the Integration Guide.
• For what constitutes a valid event name, specifically see “List of Messaging Events in ClaimCenter” on
page 156 in the Integration Guide.

For example:

Entity Name account

Event Name someEvent

A step can have any number of non-blocking Notification activities. A notification in workflow terms is an
activity that ClaimCenter sends out, but which does not block the workflow from continuing. ClaimCenter only
uses it to notify you of something. The Workflow engine generates any notifications immediately after it
executes the Enter code, if any. See “ActivityStep” on page 433 for more information on activity generation.

Name Name of the activity.

Pattern Activity pattern code. This must be a valid activity pattern as defined through Guidewire ClaimCenter.
Init Optional Gosu code that the Workflow engine executes immediately after it creates the activity. Typically, you
use this code to assign the activity. If you do not explicitly assign the activity, the Workflow engine auto-
assigns the activity.

430 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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For example:

Name notification

Pattern general_reminder

Branch IDs
A branch is a transition from one step to another. Every branch has an ID, which is its reference name. An ID is
necessary because the Workflow instance sometimes needs to persist to the database which branch it is trying to
execute. (This can happen, for example, if an error occurs in the branch and the workflow drops into the Error
state). A branch ID must be unique within a given step.
Generally, as you enter information in a dialog to define a step, you also need to enter branch information as well.

Basic Workflow Steps

Guidewire uses the following steps (or blocks) to create a workflow:
• AutoStep
• MessageStep
• ActivityStep
• ManualStep
• Outcome

An AutoStep is a step that ClaimCenter guarantees to finish immediately. That is, it does not wait for anything
else such as an activity, a manual trigger, or a timeout before continuing to the next step. The Workflows editor
indicates an autostep with an arrow icon in the box the represents that step.

Each AutoStep step must have at least one GO branch. (It can have more than one, but it must have at least one.)
Each Go branch that leaves an AutoStep step—except for the last one listed in the XML code—must contain a
condition that evaluates to either Boolean true or false.
After the AutoStep completes its Assert, Enter, and Activity blocks, it goes through its list of Go branches
(from top to bottom in the XML code):
• It picks the first Go branch for which the condition evaluates to true.
• It picks the last Go element (without a condition) if none of the other Go branches evaluate to true.
At that point, it executes the Exit block and proceeds to the step specified by the winning Go element.

To create a new auto step

1. Right-click in the workflow workspace, and select New AutoStep.

2. Enter the following fields:

Field Description

Step ID ID of the step to create.

ID ID of a branch leaving this step. It defaults to the To value if you do not supply a value.
To ID of the step to which the workflow goes if the condition specified for this branch evaluates to true.

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 431

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For example:

Step ID Step1

ID -

To DefaultOutcome

3. Click on your newly created step. It is possible that there are additional tabs to fill out in the properties area at
the bottom of the screen. See “Common Step Elements” on page 429 for information on the various tabs.

A MessageStep is a special-purpose step designed to support messaging-based integrations. It automatically
generates and sends a single integration message and then stops the workflow until the message completes.
(Typically, this is through receipt of an ack return message.) After the message completes, the workflow resumes
The Workflows editor indicates an message step with a mail icon in the box the represents that step.

Just before running the Enter block, the Workflow engine creates a new message and assigns it to
Workflow.Message. Use the Enter block to set the payload for the message. After the Enter block finishes, the
workflow commits its bundle and stops. This commits the message. At this point, the messaging subsystem picks
up the message and dispatches it.
If something acknowledges the message (either internal or external), ClaimCenter stores an optional response
string (supplied with the ack) on the message in the Response field. ClaimCenter then does the following:
• It copies the message into the MessageHistory table
• It updates the workflow to null out the foreign key to the original message and establishes a foreign key to
the new MessageHistory entity.
It then resumes the workflow (by creating a new work item).
There can be any number of GO branches that leave a message step (but only Go branches). As with AutoStep, the
Workflow engine evaluates each Go condition, and chooses the first one that evaluates to true. If none evaluate
to true, the Workflow engine takes the branch with no condition attached to it.

To create a new message step

1. Right-click in the workflow workspace, and select New MessageStep.

2. Enter the following fields:

Field Description

Step ID ID of the step to create.

Destination ID ID of the destination for the message. This must be a valid message destination ID as defined
through the Studio Messaging editor.
EventName Event name on the message.
ID ID of a branch leaving this step. It defaults to the To value if you do not supply a value.
To ID of the step to which the workflow goes if the condition specified for this branch evaluates to true.

For example:

Step ID Step4

432 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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Dest ID 89

Event Name EventName

To DefaultOutcome

3. Click on your newly created step. It is possible that there are additional tabs to fill out in the properties area at
the bottom of the screen. See “Common Step Elements” on page 429 for information on the various tabs.

An ActivityStep is similar an AutoStep, except that it can use any of the branch types—including a TRIGGER or a
TIMEOUT—to move to the next step. However, before an ActivityStep branches to the next step, it waits for one
or more activities to complete. ClaimCenter indicates the termination of an activity by marking it one of the fol-
• Completed (which includes either being approved or rejected)
• Skipped
• Canceled
Note: Activities are a convenient way to send messages and questions asynchronously to users who might
not even be logged into the application.
The Workflows editor indicates an activity step with a person icon in the box the represents that step.

Within an ActivityStep, you specify one or more activities. The Workflow engine creates each defined activity
as it enters the step. (This occurs immediately after the Workflow engine executes the Enter Script block, if there is
one.) The activity is available on all steps.
The only difference between an Activity and a Notification within a workflow is that:
• An Activity pauses the workflow until all the activities in the step terminate.
• A Notification does not block the workflow from continuing.
If more than one Activity exists on an ActivityStep, then the Workflow engine generates all of them immedi-
ately after the Enter block (along with any events or notifications). The step then waits for all of the activities to
terminate. If desired, an ActivityStep can also contain TIMEOUT and TRIGGER branches as well. In that case, if a
timeout or a trigger on the step occurs, then the workflow does not wait for all the activities to complete before
leaving the step.
After ClaimCenter marks all the activities as completed, skipped or canceled, the ActivityStep uses one or
more GO branches to proceed to the next step. There can be any number of GO branches that leave an activity step.
As with AutoStep, the Workflow engine evaluates each Go condition, and chooses the first one that evaluates to
true. If none evaluate to true, the Workflow engine takes the branch with no condition attached to it.

Notice that it is possible for the condition statement of a Go branch to reference a generated Activity by its
logical name. For instance, it is possible that you want to proceed to a different step depending on whether
ClaimCenter marks the Activity as completed or canceled.

To create a new activity step

1. Right-click in the workflow workspace, and select New ActivityStep.

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 433

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2. The dialog contains the following fields:

Field Description

Step ID The ID of the step to create.

Name Name of the activity.
Pattern Activity pattern code. This must be a valid activity pattern as defined through Guidewire ClaimCenter.
ID ID of a branch leaving this step. It defaults to the To value if you do not supply a value.
To ID of the step to which the workflow goes if the condition specified for this branch evaluates to true.

3. Click on your newly created step and open the Activities tab at the bottom of the screen. After you create the
ActivityStep, you need to create one or more activities. (Each ActivityStep must contain at least one
defined activity.) These fields on the Activities tab have the following meanings:

Name Name of the activity.

Pattern Activity pattern code value. This must be a valid activity pattern code as defined through Guidewire
ClaimCenter. To view a list of valid activity pattern codes, view the ActivityPattern typelist. Only enter a
value in the Pattern field that appears on this typelist. For example:
• approval
• approvaldenied
• general
• ...
Init Gosu code that the Workflow engine executes immediately after it creates the activity. Typically, you use this
code to assign the activity. If you do not explicitly assign the activity, the Workflow engine auto-assigns the
activity. For example, the following initialization Gosu code creates an activity and assigns it SomeUser in
Activity.autoAssign(SomeGroup, SomeUser)
The initialization code creates an activity based on the activity pattern that you set in the Pattern field.

A ManualStep is a step that waits for an external TRIGGER to be invoked or a TIMEOUT to pass. Unlike AutoStep
or ActivityStep, a ManualStep must not have, and cannot have, GO branches leaving it. However, it can have
zero or more Trigger branches or zero, or more, Timeout branches. It must have at least one of these branches.
Otherwise, there would be no way to leave this step.
The Workflows editor indicates a manual step with an hour-glass icon in the box the represents that step.

Manual step with timeout. If you specify a timeout for this step, then you also need to specify one of the
following. (See also “TIMEOUT” on page 439 for more discussion on these two values.)

Time Delta The amount of time to wait or pause before continuing. Enter an integer number with its units (3600s, for
Time Absolute A fixed point in time, as defined by a Gosu expression that resolves to a date. You can use the Gosu
code to define the date, as in the following:
Or, you can use Gosu to calculate the point in time, as in the following:

This defines the terms of the TIMEOUT branch that leaves this step. To view these details later, click the branch
(the link) between the two steps.

434 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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Manual step with trigger. If you specify a trigger for this step, then you need only enter the branch information.
This defines the terms of the TRIGGER branch that leaves this step. To view these details later, click the branch
(the link) between the two steps.

To create a new manual step

1. Right-click in the workflow workspace, and select New ManualStep.

2. Enter the following fields. What you see in the dialog changes slightly depending on the value you set for Type
(Timeout or Trigger).

Field Description

Step ID ID of the step to create.

Type Name of the activity.
ID If you select the following Type value:
• Trigger: A valid trigger key as defined in typelist WorkflowTriggerKey.
• Timeout: ID of a branch leaving this step. It defaults to the To value if you do not supply a value.

To ID of the step to which the workflow goes if the condition specified for this branch evaluates to true.
Time Delta Specifies a fixed amount of time to pause before continuing. For example, the following sets the wait
time to 60 minutes (one hour): 3600s,
Time Absolute Specifies a fixed point in time. For example, the following sets the point to continue to after the policy

Note: If the WorkflowTriggerKey typelist does not contain any trigger keys, then you do not see the Trigger
option in the dialog.
3. Click on your newly created step. It is possible that there are additional tabs to fill out in the properties area at
the bottom of the screen.

An Outcome is a special step that has no branches leading out of it. It is thus a final or terminal step. If a workflow
enters any Outcome step, it is complete. It is possible (and likely) for a workflow to have multiple outcomes or
final steps.
The Workflows editor indicates an outcome step with a gray bar in the box to indicate that this is a final step.

After the Workflow engine successfully enters an Outcome step (meaning that the Workflow engine successfully
executes the Enter block of the Outcome step), it does the following:
1. The workflow generates all the listed events and notifications.

2. It executes the <Finish> block of the workflow process.

3. It changes the state of the workflow instance to Completed.

You must structure each workflow script so that its execution eventually and inevitably leads to an Outcome.
Otherwise, you risk infinitely-running workflows, which means that the load on the Workflow engine can
increase linearly over time, crippling performance.

To create a new outcome step

1. Right-click in the workflow workspace, and select New Outcome.

2. Enter a step ID in the New Outcome dialog.

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 435

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3. Click on your newly created step. It is possible that there are additional tabs to fill out in the properties area at
the bottom of the screen.

Step Branches
A branch is a transition from one step to another. There are multiple kinds of elements that facilitate branching to
another step. They are:
• GO

The Workflows editor indicates a branch by linking two steps with a line and placing one of the following icons on
the line to indicate the branch type.

Type Icon Description

GO A branch or transition to another workflow step. It occurs only within an AutoStep workflow step.
• If there is only a single GO branch within the workflow step, branching occurs immediately upon
workflow reaching that point.
• If there are multiple Go branches within the workflow step, all Go branches (except one) must con-
tain conditional logic. The workflow then determines the appropriate next step based on the
defined conditions.
TRIGGER A branch or transition to another workflow element. It occurs only within a ManualStep workflow
step. Branching occurs only upon manual invocation from outside the workflow.
TIMEOUT A branch or transition to another workflow element. It occurs only within a ManualStep workflow
step. Branching to another workflow step occurs only after the passing of a specific time interval.

All branch elements contain a To value that indicates the step to which this branch leads. It can also contain an
optional embedded Gosu block for the Workflow engine to execute if a workflow instance follows that branch.
How a workflow decides which branch to take depends entirely on the type of the branch. However, the order is
always the same:
• The Workflow engine executes the Enter block for a given step and generates any events, notifications, and
activities (waiting for these activities to complete).
• The Workflow engine attempts to find the first branch that is ready to be taken. It starts with the first branch
listed for that step in the outline view, then moves to evaluate the next branch if the previous branch is not
• If no branch is ready (which is possible only on a ManualStep), the workflow waits for one to become ready.
• After the Workflow engine selects a branch, it runs the Exit block, then executes the Gosu block of the
• Finally, the workflow moves to the next step and begins to evaluate it.

Working with Branch IDs

Every branch also has an ID, which is its reference name. An ID is necessary because the Workflow instance
sometimes needs to persist to the database which branch it is trying to execute. (This can happen, for example, if
an error occurs in the branch and the workflow drops into the Error state). A branch ID must be unique within a
given step.
If you do not specify an ID for a branch (which occurs frequently), the workflow uses the value of nextStep
attribute as a default. This works well except in the special case in which you have more than one branch leading
from the same Step A to the same Step B. (This can happen, for example, if you want to OR multiple conditions
together, or if you want different Gosu in the different branches but the same nextStep.) In that case, you must

436 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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add an ID to each of those branches. Studio complains with a verification error upon loading (or reloading) the
workflow scripts if you do not do this.
Do the following to assign an ID to each type of branch:

Type Action to take

GO Optionally add an ID to a Go branch. If you do not provide one, Studio defaults the ID to the value of the
nextStep attribute. However, Guidewire recommends that you create specific IDs if there are multiple Go
branches that all move to the same next step.
TRIGGER Always add an ID to a Trigger branch. Guidewire requires this as you must invoke a trigger explicitly. You
must use a value from the WorkflowTriggerKey typelist for the branch ID.
TIMEOUT Optionally add an ID to a Timeout branch. If you do not provide one, Studio defaults the ID to the value of the
nextStep attribute.

The simplest kind of branch is Go. It appears on AutoStep, ActivityStep and MessageStep. There can be a
single Go branch or a list of multiple Go branches. If there is a single Go branch,then you need only specify the To
field and any optional Gosu code. The Workflow engine takes this Go branch immediately as it checks its
The Workflows editor indicates a Go branch with an arrow icon superimposed on the line that links the two steps.
(That is, the initial From step and the To step to which the workflow goes if the Go condition evaluates to true.)
To access the dialog that defines the GO branch, right-click the starting step—in this case, CheckOnOrder—and
select New Go from the menu. (Studio only displays those choices that are appropriate for that step.) This dialog
contains the following fields:

Field Description

Branch ID ID of the branch to create

From ID of the step on the which the GO branch starts.
To ID of the step on the which the GO branch starts.

As discussed (in “Working with Branch IDs” on page 436), it is not necessary to enter a branch ID. However, if
you create multiple Go branches from a step, then you must enter a unique ID for each branch.
After you create the GO branch, click on the link (line) that runs between the two steps. You see a dialog that
contains the following fields:

Field Description

Branch ID Automatically generated.

From Automatically generated. Workflow step ID of the beginning point of the branch.
To Workflow step ID of the ending point of the branch.
Arrow Visible Show an arrow head on the branch line to indicate direction.
Description Description of this branch.
Condition Must evaluate to either true or false.
Execution Gosu code to execute if the Workflow engine takes this branch.

Notice that this branch definition sets a condition. The From and To fields set the end-points for the branch.
If there are multiple Go branches, all the Go branches except one must define a condition that evaluates to either
Boolean true or false. The Workflow engine decides which Go branch to take by evaluating the Go branches
from top to bottom (within the XML step definition). It selects the first one whose condition evaluates to true. If

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 437

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none of the conditions evaluate to true, then the Workflow engine uses the Go branch that does not have a condi-
tion. A list of Go branches is thus like a switch programming block or a series of if...else... statements, with
the default case at the bottom of the list.

Infinite Loops
Beware of infinite, immediately-executing cycles in your workflow scripts. For example:

From To
StepA StepB
StepB StepA

If the steps revolve in an infinite loop, the Workflow engine only catches this after 500 steps. This can cause
other problems to occur.

Another kind of branch is Trigger, which can appear in a ManualStep or an ActivityStep. It also has a To field
and an optional embedded Gosu block. However, instead of a condition checking to see if a certain Gosu attri-
bute is true, someone or something must manually invoke a Trigger from outside the workflow infrastructure.
(Typically, this happens from either ClaimCenter interface or from a Gosu call.) Guidewire requires a branch ID
field on all Trigger elements, as outside code uses the ID to manually reference the branch.

IMPORTANT Unlike all other the IDs used in workflows, Trigger IDs are not plain strings but type-
list values from the extendable WorkflowTriggerKey typelist. This provides necessary type safety, as
scripting invokes triggers by ID. However, it also means that you must add new typecodes to the type-
list if you create new trigger IDs.

Invoking a trigger. How does one actually invoke a Trigger? Almost anything can do so, from Gosu rules and
classes to the ClaimCenter interface. Typically, in ClaimCenter, you invoke a trigger though the action of toolbar
buttons in a wizard. This is done through a call to the invokeTrigger method on Workflow instances. (As it is
also a scriptable method, you can call it from Gosu rules and the application PCF pages.) See “The invokeTrigger
Method” on page 448 for a discussion of the invokeTrigger method and its parameters.
Internally, the method works by updating the (read-only) database field triggerInvoked on Workflow to save the
ID. (See the ClaimCenter Data Dictionary entry on Workflow.)
The Workflow engine then wakes up the workflow instance and the Trigger inspects the triggerInvoked field
to see if something invoked the trigger. Depending on how you set the invokeTrigger method parameters, the
Workflow engine handles the result of the Trigger either synchronously or asynchronously.
Creating a trigger branch. To access the Trigger branch dialog, right-click the starting step and select New Trigger
from the menu. (Studio only displays those choices that are appropriate for that step.) This dialog contains the
following fields:

Field Description

Branch ID Name of this branch as defined in the WorkflowTriggerKey typelist. Select from the drop-down list.
From Automatically generated. Workflow step ID of the beginning point of the branch.
To Workflow step ID of the ending point of the branch.

438 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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After you create the branch, click on the link (line) that runs between the two steps. You see the following fields,
which are identical to those used to define a GO branch:

Field Description

Branch ID Automatically generated.

From Automatically generated. Workflow step ID of the beginning point of the branch.
To Workflow step ID of the ending point of the branch.
Arrow Visible Show an arrow head on the branch line to indicate direction.
Description Description of this branch.
Condition Must evaluate to either true or false.
Execution Gosu code to execute if the Workflow engine takes this branch.

Trigger availability. Simply because you define a Trigger on a ManualStep does not mean it is necessarily avail-
able. You can restrict trigger availability in the following different ways:
• You can specify user access permission through the use of the Permission field.
• You can add any number of Available conditions on the Available tab to further restrict availability. If the
condition expression evaluates to true, the trigger is available. Otherwise, it is unavailable.
For example (from PolicyCenter), the following Gosu code indicates that the workflow can only take this
branch if a user has permission to rescind a policy. (The condition evaluates to true.)

Another kind of branch is Timeout, which (like TRIGGER) can appear on ManualStep or an ActivityStep. You
still have a To field and optional Gosu block. However, instead of using a condition to determine how to move
forward, the Workflow engine executes the Timeout element after the elapse of a specified amount of time.
You can use a Timeout in the following ways:
• As the default behavior for a stalled workflow. For example:
Do x if ClaimCenter has not invoked a trigger for a certain amount of time.
• As a deliberate delay. For example:
Go to sleep for 35 days.
You can specify the time to wait using one of the following attributes. (Studio complains if you use neither or
• timeDelta
• timeAbsolute.

The Time Delta value. The Time Delta value specifies an amount of time to wait, starting from the time the Work-
flow instance successfully enters the step. (The wait time starts immediately after the Workflow engine executes
the Enter Script block for the step.) You specific the time to wait with a number and a unit, for example:
• 100s for 100 seconds
• 15m for 15 minutes
• 35d for 35 day
You can also combine numbers and units, for example, 2d12h30m for 2 days, 12 hours, and 30 minutes.
The Time Absolute value. Often, you do not want to wait a certain amount of time. Instead, you want the step to
time out after passing a certain point relative to a date in the business model (for example, five days after a

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 439

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

specific event occurs). In that case you can set the Time Absolute value, which is a Gosu expression that must
resolve to a date.

WARNING Do not use the current time in a Time Absolute expression. The Workflow engine re-evalu-
ates this expression each time it checks Timeout. For example, the time-out never ends for the
following expression, java.util.Date.CurrentDate + 1, as the expression always evaluates to the

Creating a Timeout branch. The following graphic illustrate how you define a Timout branch in the Workflows
editor. To access the Timout branch dialog, right-click the starting step and select New Timeout from the menu.
Notice that you must enter either time absolute expression or a time delta value. This dialog contains the
following fields:

Field Description

Branch ID Name you choose for this branch.

From Automatically generated. Workflow step ID of the beginning point of the branch.
To Workflow step ID of the ending point of the branch.
Time Delta Time to wait, starting from the time the Workflow instance successfully enters the step.
Time Absolute Gosu expression that must resolve to a fixed date.

After you create the branch, click on the link that runs between the two steps. You see the following fields:

Field Description

Branch ID Automatically generated.

From Automatically generated. Workflow step ID of the beginning point of the branch.
To Workflow step ID of the ending point of the branch.
Arrow Visible Show an arrow head on the branch line to indicate direction.
Time Delta Time to wait, starting from the time the Workflow instance successfully enters the step.
Time Absolute Gosu expression that must resolve to a fixed date.
Execution Gosu code to execute if the Workflow engine takes this branch.

Creating New Workflows

To create a new workflow, you can do the following:

Action Description

Cloning an Existing Workflow Creates an exact copy of an existing workflow type, with the same name but with an
incremented version number. (This process clones the workflow with highest version
number, if there multiple versions already exist.) Perform this procedure if you merely
want a new version of an existing workflow.
Extending an Existing Workflow Creates a new (blank) workflow with a name of your choice based on the workflow type of
your choice.

Cloning an Existing Workflow

Cloning an existing workflow is a relatively simple process. Also, if you clone an existing, fully built workflow,
then you can leverage the work of the original workflow. However, you can only clone existing workflow types.
You cannot use this method to create a new workflow type.

440 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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To clone an existing workflow

1. Open the Workflows node in the Resources tree.

2. Select an existing workflow type, right-click and select New → Workflow Process from the menu.
Studio creates a cloned, editable copy of the workflow process and inserts under the workflow node with an
incremented version number. You can then modify this version of the workflow process to meet your business

Extending an Existing Workflow

To extend an existing workflow, you must create an eti (extension) file and populate it correctly. To assist you,
Studio provides a dialog in which you can enter the basic workflow information. You must then enter this infor-
mation in the eti file.

To extend an existing workflow

1. First, determine the workflow type that you want to extend.

2. Select Workflows in the Resources tree, right-click and select Create metadata for a new workflow subtype from the
3. In the New Workflow subtype metadata dialog, enter the following:

Field Description

Entity The workflow object to create.

Supertype The type or workflow to extend. You can always extend the Workflow type, from which all subtypes
Description Optional description of the workflow.
Foreign keys Click the Add button to enter any foreign keys that apply to this workflow object.

4. Click Gen to clipboard. This action generates the workflow metadata information in the correct format and
stores on the clipboard.
5. Expand the Data Model Extensions node in the Resources tree.

6. Right-click the extensions folder and select New → Other file from the menu.

7. Enter the name of the file to create in the New File dialog. Enter the same value that you entered in the New Work-
flow subtype metadata dialog for Entity and add the eti extension. Studio then creates a new <entity>.eti file.

8. Open this file, right-click, and choose Paste from the menu. Studio pastes in the metadata workflow that you
created in a previous step.
9. Add the following line of code to this file (after the subtype element):
<typekey desc="Language" name="Language" typelist="LanguageType"/>
For example, if you extend Workflow and create a new workflow named NewWorkflow, then you must create a
new NewWorkflow.eti file that contains the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subtype desc="" entity="NewWorkflow" supertype="Workflow">
<typekey desc="Language" name="Language" typelist="LanguageType"/>

10. Stop and restart Guidewire Studio so that it picks up your changes.
• You now see NewWorkflow listed in the Workflow typelist.
• You now see an NewWorkflow node under Resources → Workflows,
11. Select the NewWorkflow node under Workflows, right-click and select New Workflow Process from the menu. Studio
opens an empty workflow process that you can modify to meet your business needs.

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 441

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Extending a Workflow: A Simple Example

This simple examples illustrates the following steps:
• Step 1: Extend an Existing Workflow Object
• Step 2: Create a New Workflow Process
• Step 3: Populate Your Workflow with Steps and Branches

Step 1: Extend an Existing Workflow Object

To extend an existing workflow object, review the steps outlined in “Extending an Existing Workflow” on
page 441. For this example, you create a new ExampleWorkflow object by extending (subtyping) the base
Workflow entity.

To extend a workflow object

1. Create a new ExampleWorkflow.eti file and enter the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subtype desc="" entity="ExampleWorkflow" supertype="Workflow">
<typekey desc="Language" name="Language" typelist="LanguageType"/>

2. Close and restart Studio.

You now see an ExampleWorkflow entry added to the Workflow typelist and a new ExampleWorkflow workflow
type added to Workflows in the Resources tree.

Step 2: Create a New Workflow Process

Next, you need to create a new workflow process from your new ExampleWorkflow type.

To create a new workflow process

1. Select ExampleWorkflow from Workflows in the Resources tree.

2. Right-click and select New Workflow Process from the menu.

Studio opens an outline view and layout view for the new workflow process:
• The outline view contains the few required workflow elements.
• The layout view contains a default outcome (DefaultOutcome).

Step 3: Populate Your Workflow with Steps and Branches

Finally, to be useful, you need to add outcomes, steps, and branches to your workflow. This examples creates the
• A Step1 (AutoStep) with a default GO branch to the DefaultOutcome step, which you designate as the first
step in the <Start> element
• A Step2 (ManualStep) with a TRIGGER branch to the DefaultOutcome step
• A Step3 (ActivityStep) with a GO branch to the DefaultOutcome step
• A TIMEOUT branch from Step2 to Step3, with a 5d time delta set
• A Step4 (MessageStep) with a GO branch from Step1 to Step4

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The example workflow looks similar to the following:

This example does not actually perform any function. It simply illustrates how to work with the dialogs of the
Workflows editor.

To add steps and branches to a workflow

1. Right-click within an empty area in the layout view and select New AutoStep from the menu:
• For Step ID, enter Step1.
• Do not enter anything for the other fields.
Studio adds your autostep to the layout view and connects Step1 to DefaultOutcome with a default GO
2. Select <Start> in the outline view (middle pane):
• Open the First Step drop-down in the property area at the bottom of the screen.
• Select Step1 from the list. This sets the initial workflow step to Step1.
• Save your work.
3. Right-click within an empty area in the layout view and select New ManualStep from the menu:
• For Step ID, enter Step2.
• For branch Type, select Trigger.
• For trigger ID, select Cancel.
The ID value sets a valid trigger key as defined in typelist WorkflowTriggerKey. If Cancel does not exist, then
choose another trigger key. If no trigger keys exist in WorkflowTriggerKey, then you must create one before
you can select Trigger as the type.
4. Select the Go branch (the line) leaving Step1:
• In the property area at the bottom of the screen, change the To field from DefaultOutcome to Step2. Studio
moves the branch to link the specified steps.
• Realign the steps for more symmetry, if you choose.
5. Right-click within an empty area in the layout view and select New ActivityStep from the menu:
• For Step ID, enter Step3.
• For Name, enter ActivityPatternName.
• For Pattern, enter NewActivityPattern.
6. Select Step3, right-click, and select New TIMEOUT from the menu:
• For Branch ID, enter TimeoutBranch.

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 443

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• For Time Delta, enter 5d. This sets the absolute time to wait to five days.
• For To, select Step3.
Studio adds a branch from Step2 to Step3 and adds the timeout symbol to it.
7. Right-click within an empty area in the layout view and select New MessageStep from the menu:
• For Step ID, enter Step4.
• For Dest ID, enter 89 (or any valid message destination ID).
• For Event Name, enter EventName.
Studio adds the step to the layout view and creates a link between Step4 and DefaultOutcome.
8. Select the new link from Step4 to DefaultOutcome.
• In the property area at the bottom of the screen, change Arrow Visible to false to delete this link.
Studio removes the link (branch).
9. Select Step1, right-click, and select New GO from the menu:
• For Branch ID, enter Step4.
• For To, select Step4.
Studio adds the new GO branch between Step1 and Step4.

Instantiating a Workflow
It is not sufficient to create a workflow. Generally, you want to do something moderately useful with it. To
perform work, you must instantiate your workflow and call it somehow.
Suppose, for example, that you create a new workflow and call it, for lack of a better name, HelloWorld1. You
can then instantiate your workflow using the following Gosu:
var workflow = new HelloWorld1()

Starting a Workflow
There are multiple workflow start methods. The following list describes them.

start() Starts the workflow.

start(version) Starts the workflow with the specified process version.
startAsynchronously() Starts the workflow asynchronously.
startAsynchronously(version) Starts the workflow with the specified process version asynchronously.

For information on versioning works with workflow, see “Workflow Versioning” on page 427.

Logging Workflow Actions

There are several different Gosu statements that you can use to view workflow-related information.

gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo Statement written to the application server log

Workflow.log Statements viewable in the ClaimCenter Workflow console

Note: See “Workflow Debugging and Logging” on page 452 for more information.

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A Simple Example of Instantiation

The following example creates a trivial workflow named HelloWorld1. The objective of this example is not to
show the branching structure that you can create in workflow. Rather, the purpose of this exercise is to construct
the workflow, trigger the workflow, and examine the workflow in the ClaimCenter Workflow console. The
example keeps the workflow as simple as possible. The workflow consists of the following components:
• <Context>
• <Start>
• Step1
• Step2
• DefaultOutcome
• <Finish>

A Simple ClaimCenter Example

Note: This example uses business entities and rules that apply specifically to the Guidewire ClaimCenter
application. However, the particular business objects are not important. What is more important is how you
create and instantiate a workflow process.
For the workflow to run and do some work and appear on the workflow console, the example instantiates it from
a Claim Update rule. If you attempt to instantiate the workflow from a link or button on a Claim view screen
(Claim Summary, for example) the workflow executes but does not update anything. Also, it does not appear in the
Workflow console.

To cause updates to happen, the example instantiates the workflow from an Edit screen in ClaimCenter. It then
calls a Claim Pre-Update Rule in Studio.

To create a simple workflow and instantiate it

1. Create a HelloWorld1.eti file (in Data Model Extensions → extensions) and populate it with the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subtype desc="HelloWorld 1 Example Workflow"
<typekey desc="Language" name="Language" typelist="LanguageType"/>

2. Stop and restart Studio.

3. Select your new workflow type from the Workflows node. Right-click and select New → Workflow Process.

4. Create a simple workflow process similar to the following. It does not need to be complex, as it simply illus-
trates how to start a workflow from the ClaimCenter interface.

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Notice that it has a claim symbol set in <Context>.

5. For Step1, add the following to the Enter block for that step:
gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo( "HelloWorld1 step 1, step called ClaimNumber " + claim.ClaimNumber)
Workflow.log( "HelloWorld Step 1", "HelloWorld1 step 1 entered: Claim Number " + claim.ClaimNumber )

6. For Step2, add the following to the Enter block for that step:
gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo( "HelloWorld1 step 2, step called ClaimNumber " + claim.ClaimNumber)
Workflow.log( "HelloWorld Step 2", "HelloWorld1 step 2 entered: Claim Number " + claim.ClaimNumber )

7. Create a simple Claim Pre-Update rule similar to the following:

• The rule condition specifies that the Workflow engine instantiates the workflow only if the claim
PermissionRequired property is set to fraudriskclaim.
• The rule action instantiates the HelloWorld1 workflow. It first tests for an existing HelloWorld1 work-
flow that is not in the completed state and that has the same claim number as the one being updated. If it
does not find a matching workflow, then the Workflow engine instantiates HelloWorld1 and logs the
Rule Conditions:
Rule Actions:
gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo( "Entering Pre-Update" )

var hw_wf = claim.Workflows.firstWhere( \ c -> c.Subtype == "HelloWorld1"

&& (c as entity.HelloWorld1).State !="completed"
&& (c as entity.HelloWorld1).Claim.ClaimNumber==claim.ClaimNumber)

if (hw_wf == null) {
gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo( "## Studio instantiating HelloWorld1 and starting it!" )
var workflow = new entity.HelloWorld1()
workflow.Claim = claim

8. Log into ClaimCenter and open any sample claim.

9. Navigate to the Claim Summary page, then select the Claim Status tab.

10. Click Edit and set the Special Claim Permission value to Fraud risk.

11. Click Update. This action triggers the HelloWorld1 workflow.

To view the server console

1. Navigate to the application server console.

2. View the logger statements.

To view the Workflow console

1. Log into ClaimCenter using an administrative account.

2. Navigate to the Administration tab and select Workflows from the left-side menu.

3. Click Search in the Find Workflows screen. You do not need to enter any search information. Studio displays a list
of workflows, including HelloWorld1.
4. Select HelloWorld1 from the list and view its details.

The Workflow Engine

The Workflow engine is responsible for processing a workflow. It does this by looking up and executing the
appropriate Workflow Process Script. This script (often just called Workflow Process or Workflow Script) is an

446 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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XML file that the Studio Workflow editor generates, and which you manage in Studio. The base configuration
workflow scripts live in the modules/config/workflow directory.

WARNING Never modify files in the modules/config/... directories manually. You can cause
application damage, preventing the server from starting thereafter. Always use Guidewire Studio to
edit and manage ClaimCenter resources stored in XML files.

Distributed Execution
ClaimCenter uses a Distributed Worker Queue to handle workflow execution. This, in simple terms, means that
you can have a whole cluster of machines that:
• Wake up internal Workflow instances,
• Advance them as far as they can go,
• Then, let them go back to sleep if they need to wait on a timeout or activity.
Asynchronous workflow execution always works the same way:
1. ClaimCenter creates a WorkflowWorkItem instance to advance the workflow.

2. The distributed worker instance picks up the work item

3. The work item retrieves the workflow and advances it as far as possible (to a ManualStep or Outcome).

You can create a work item in any of the following different ways:
• By a call to the AbstractWorkflow.startAsynchronously method
• By invoking a trigger with asynchronous = true
• By completing a workflow-linked activity
• By the Workflow batch process, which queries for active workflows waiting on an expired timeout
• By a call to AbstractWorkflow.resume, typically initiated by an administrator using the workflow manage-
ment tool
After the workflow advances as far as it can, ClaimCenter deletes the work item and execution stops until there is
another work item.

Synchronicity, Transactions, and Errors

To understand how error handling works in the internal Workflow engine, you must know whether the workflow
is running synchronously or asynchronously.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Workflow

It is possible to start workflow either synchronously or asynchronously. To do so, use one of the start methods
described in “Instantiating a Workflow” on page 444. To review, these are:
• start()
• start(version)
• startAsynchronously()
• startAsynchronously(version)

If a workflow runs synchronously, then it continues to go through one AutoStep or ManualStep after another
until it arrives at a stop condition. This advance through the workflow can encompass one or multiple steps. The
workflow executes the current step (unless there is an error), and then continues to the next step, if possible.
There can be many different reasons that a workflow cannot continue to the next step. For example:
• It can encounter an activity step (ActivityStep). This can result in the creation of one or more activities,
causing the workflow to pause until the closure of all the activities.

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 447

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• It can encounter a communication step (MessageStep). This can result in a message being sent to another
system, causing the workflow to wait until receiving a response.
• It can encounter a step that stipulates a timeout (ManualStep). This causes the workflow to wait for the
timeout to complete.
• It can encounter a step that requires a trigger (ManualStep). This causes the workflow to wait until someone
(or something) activates the trigger.
• And, of course, ultimately, the workflow can run until it reaches an Outcome, at which point, it is done.
After pausing, the workflow waits for one of the following to occur:
• If waiting on one or more activities to complete, it continues after the closure of the last activity.
• If waiting for an acknowledgement of a message, it continues after receiving the appropriate response.
• If waiting on a timeout, it continues after the timeout elapses.
• If waiting on an external trigger, then someone or something must manually invoke a Trigger from outside
the workflow infrastructure. This can happen either from the ClaimCenter interface (a user clicking a button)
or from Gosu. In either case, this is done through a call to the invokeTrigger method on a Workflow instance.
The action of completing an activity or the receipt of a message response automatically creates a work item to
advance the workflow. A background batch process checks for timeout elements. It is responsible for finding
timed-out workflows that are ready to advance and creating a work item to advance them.

The invokeTrigger Method

If a user (or Gosu code) invokes an available trigger (TRIGGER) on a ManualStep, the workflow can execute
either synchronously or asynchronously. A Boolean parameter in the invokeTrigger method determines the
execution type. This method takes the following signature:
void invokeTrigger(WorkflowTrigger triggerKey, boolean synchronous)

For example (from PolicyCenter):

policyPeriod.ActiveWorkflow.invokeTrigger( trigger, false )

The trigger parameter defines the TRIGGER to use. This must be a valid trigger defined in the
WorkflowTriggerKey typelist.

The synchronous value in this method has the following meanings:

true (Default) Instructs the workflow to immediately execute in the current transaction and to block the calling code until
the workflow encounters a new stopping point.
false Instructs the workflow to run in the background, with the calling code continuing to execute. The workflow continues
until it encounters a new stopping point.

Trigger Availability
For a trigger to be available, the workflow execution sequence must select a branch for which both of the follow-
ing conditions are true:
• A trigger must exist on the step.
• There is no other determinable path (which usually means that no timeout has already expired).
Thus, if both of these conditions are true, after an invocation to the invokeTrigger method, the Workflow engine
starts to advance the workflow from the selected branch again.

Invoking a Trigger
Invoking a trigger (either synchronously or asynchronously) does the following:
1. It updates the workflow. Any changes made to a transaction bundle that were committed by the actual invoca-
tion of the trigger, are committed.

448 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

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2. It causes the workflow to create a log entry of the trigger request. If there is an error in the workflow advance,
any request to the workflow to resume causes the process to start again. (See also “Workflow Administration”
on page 450.)
3. If the Workflow engine determines that all the preconditions are met for continuing, it does the following:

a. It determines the locale in which to execute.

This is the locale that ClaimCenter uses for display keys, dates, numbers, and other similar items. By
default, this is the application default locale. It is important for the Workflow engine to determine the
locale as it is possible to override this locale for any specific workflow subtype. You can also override the
locale in the workflow definition on the workflow element. See “Localize a Workflow” on page 497 for
more information.
b. It steps through each of the workflow steps (meaning that it performs all the actions within that step) until
it cannot keep going.
c. It commits the transaction associated with the executed steps to the database.

Error Handling and Transaction Rollback

If there is an error during a workflow step, the Workflow engine rolls the database back and leaves it in the state
that it was. If working with an external system, you need to one of the following:
• You need to design the services in the external system, or,
• You need to use the Guidewire message subsystem to keep an external system state in synchronization with
the application database state.
It is important to understand whether a workflow executes synchronously or asynchronously as it affects errors
and transaction rollbacks:

Execution type Application behavior

Synchronous If any exception occurs during synchronous execution, even after the workflow has gone through several
steps, ClaimCenter rolls back all workflow steps (along with everything else in the bundle). The error cas-
cades all the way up to the calling code (the code that started the workflow or invoked the trigger on the
• If you start the workflow or invoke the trigger from the ClaimCenter interface, ClaimCenter displays the
exception in the interface.
• If some other code started the workflow, that code receives the exception.

Asynchronous If any exception occurs during asynchronous execution (as it executes in the background), ClaimCenter
logs the exception and rolls back the bundle, in a similar manner to the synchronous case.
ClaimCenter then handles workflow retries in the standard way through the distributed worker.
ClaimCenter leaves the work item used to advance the workflow checked out. It simply waits until the
progressinterval defined for the workflow work queue expires. At that point, a worker picks it up and
retries it. The work queue configuration limits the number of retries. If all retries fail, ClaimCenter marks
the work item as failed and it puts the workflow into the Error state. A workflow in the Error state merely
sits idle until you restore it from the Administration tab within ClaimCenter. Restoring the workflow creates
another work item.
After you manually restore a workflow from an Error to an Active state, it again tries to resume what-
ever it was doing as it left off, typically:
• entering the step
• following the branch
• or, attempting to perform whatever it was doing at the time the exception occurred

Of course, if you have not corrected the problem that caused the error, then the workflow can drop right
back into Error state again. This is only after the work item performs its specified number of retries,

In practice, Guidewire recommends that you keep the following guidelines in mind as you work with workflows:

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 449

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• If you invoke a workflow TRIGGER, do so synchronously if you need to make immediate use (in code) of the
results of that trigger. For this reason, the ClaimCenter rendering framework typically always invokes the
trigger synchronously. But notice that you only get immediate results from an AutoStep that might have
executed. If the workflow encounters a ManualStep or an ActivityStep, it immediately goes into the back-
• If you complete an activity, it does not synchronously (meaning immediately) advance the workflow. Instead,
a background process checks for workflows whose activities are complete and which are therefore ready to
move forward. Guidewire provides this behavior, as otherwise, if an error occurs, the user who completes the
activity sees the error, which is possibly confusing for that user.
• If you invoke a workflow Trigger from code that does not necessarily care whether there was a failure in the
workflow, you need to invoke the Trigger asynchronously. (You do this by setting the synchronous value in
the workflow method to false.) That way, the workflow advances in the background and any errors it
encounters force the workflow into the Error state. The exception does not affect the caller code. However,
the calling code creates an exception if it tries to invoke an unavailable or non-existent workflow Trigger.
Messaging plugins, in particular, need to always invoke triggers asynchronously.

Workflow Subflows
Note: See also “Creating a Locale-Specific SubFlow” on page 498.
A workflow can easily create another child workflow in Gosu using the scriptable createSubFlow method on
Workflow. There are multiple versions of this method:
Workflow createSubFlow( workflow )
Workflow createSubFlow( workflow, version )

A subflow has the same foreign keys to business data as the parent flow. It also has an edge foreign key reference
to the caller Workflow instance, appropriately accessed as Workflow.caller. (If internal code, and not some
other workflow, calls a macro workflow, this field is null.)
Each workflow also has a subFlows array that lists all the flows created by the workflow, including the
completed ones. (This array is empty for workflows that have yet to create any subflows.) The Gosu to access
this array is:

You can use subflows to implement simple parallelism in internal workflows, which is otherwise impossible as a
single workflow instance cannot be in two steps simultaneously. For example, it is possible for the macro flow to
create a subflow in step A. It can then leave this subflow to do its own work, and only wait for it to complete in
step E. It is your responsibility as the one configuring the macro workflow to decide how to react if a subflow
drops into Error mode or becomes canceled for some reason.

Workflow Administration
You can administer workflow in any of the following ways:
• Through the ClaimCenter Administration → Workflows page
• Through the command line, for example, you can run a batch process to purge the workflow logs
• Through class gw.webservice.workflow.IWorkflowAPI (which the command line uses)
The most likely need for using the ClaimCenter Administration interface is error handling. Errors can be the
• A few workflows fail
• Or, in a worst case scenario, thousands fail simultaneously

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Finding workflows that have not failed but have been idling for an extremely long time is also likely. A
secondary use is just looking at all the current running flows to see how they work. Guidewire therefore orga-
nizes the Administration interface for workflow around a search screen for searching for workflow instances. You
can filter the search screen, for example, by instance type, state (especially Error state), work item, last modified
time, and similar criteria.
Note: A user with administrative permissions can search for workflows from the Administration → Workflows
page. However, to actually manage workflow, that user must have the workflowmanage permission. In the
base ClaimCenter configuration, only the superuser role has this permission.
With the correct permission, you can do the following from the Administration → Workflows page:
• Search for a specific workflow or see a list of all workflows:
• Look at an individual workflow details, for example:
• View its log and current step and action
• View any open activities on the workflow
• Actively manage a workflow

Manage Workflow
If you have the workflowmanage permission, ClaimCenter enables the following choices on the Find Workflows
• Manage selected workflows (active after you select one or more workflows)
• Manage all workflows (active at all times with the correct permission)
Choosing one of these options opens the Manage Workflows page. This page presents a choice of workflow and step
appropriate commands that you can execute. It is only possible to select one command (radio button) at a time.
Choosing either Invoke Trigger or Timeout Branch provides further selection choices.

Command Description

Wait - max time (secs) Select and enter a time to force the workflow to wait until either that amount of time has expired or
the currently active work item is no longer active. (The work item has failed or has succeeded and
has been deleted.)
This option is only available if there is a currently available work item on this workflow.
Invoke Trigger Select to chose a workflow trigger to invoke. After selecting this command, ClaimCenter presents a
list of available triggers from which to choose, if any are available on this workflow.
Suspend Select to suspend any active workflows that are currently selected in the previous screen. After you
execute this command, ClaimCenter suspends the selected workflows. This action is appropriate
for all workflow and steps. However, ClaimCenter executes this command only against active work-
Resume Select to resume workflow execution of any suspended workflows that are currently selected in the
previous screen. This action is appropriate for all workflows and steps.
Timeout branch Select to choose a workflow timeout branch. After selecting this command, ClaimCenter presents a
list of timeout branches from which to choose, if any are available on this workflow.

After you make your selection and add any relevant parameters, clicking Execute immediately executes that
command. Using these commands, you can:
• Restore workflows from the Error or Suspended state back to the Active state. However, if you have not
corrected the underlying error, presumably a scripting error, the workflow might drop right back into Error
• Force a waiting workflow to execute:
• By setting the specific timeout branch
• By setting a specific trigger
• Force an active workflow to wait for a specified amount of time

Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow 451

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Workflow Statistics Tab

ClaimCenter collects workflow statistics periodically and captures the elapse and execution time for individual
workflow types and steps. You can search by workflow type and date range.

Workflow and Server Tools

Those with access to the Server Tools, can also access the following:

Batch Process Info Use to view information on the last run-time of a writer, and to see the schedule for its next run-time.
From this page, you also have the ability to stop and start the scheduling of the writer.
Work Queue Info Use to view information on a writer, what items it picked up and the workers. From this page, you
also have the ability to notify, start and stop workers across the cluster.

See Also
• “Workflows” on page 410 in the Application Guide

Workflow Debugging and Logging

Debugging a workflow is a more challenging task than debugging the standard ClaimCenter interface flow, as
most of the work happens asynchronously, away from any user. Currently, there is no way to set breakpoints in a
workflow in a similar fashion to how you can set a breakpoint for a Gosu rule or class.
Guidewire does provide, however, workflow logging. Each instance of a workflow has its own internal log that
you can view from within ClaimCenter. (You access this log from Workflows page by first by finding a workflow,
then by clicking on the Workflow Type link.) This log includes successful transitions in the current step and action.
It also contains any exceptions. Workflow can access this log, but ClaimCenter only commits these log message
with the bundle.
Use the following logging method, for example, in an Enter Script block to log the current workflow step:
Workflow.log(summary, description)

The method returns the log entry (WorkflowLogEntry) that you can use for additional processing:
var workflowLog = Workflow.log(“short description”, “stack trace ...”)
var summary = workflowLog.summary

Process logging. The following logging categories can be useful:

Category Use for

WorkQueue A category for general logging from the work queue.
WorkQueue.Instrumented Capturing of runner state for a specific execution of the runner.
WorkQueue.Item Logging (by workers) of each work item executed at the “info” level.
WorkQueue.Runner Logging runners.

To write every message logged by every workflow, set the logging level of the workflow logger category to
DEBUG (using The directive in the file is:

452 Chapter 33, Guidewire Workflow

chapter 34

Defining Activity Patterns

This topic discusses activity patterns, what they are, and how to configure them.
This topic includes:
• “What is an Activity Pattern?” on page 453
• “Pattern Types and Categories” on page 454
• “Using Activity Patterns in Gosu” on page 455
• “Calculating Activity Due Dates” on page 455
• “Defining the Business Calendar” on page 456
• “Configuring Activity Patterns” on page 457
• “Using Activity Patterns with Documents and Emails” on page 459
• “Localizing Activity Patterns” on page 459

What is an Activity Pattern?

Activity patterns standardize the way that Guidewire ClaimCenter creates activities. Activity patterns describe
the kinds of activities that people perform while handling claims within an organization. For example, obtaining
a statement from a witness is a common activity. Thus, it has its own activity pattern that creates a reminder to
perform this activity.
Patterns act as templates for creating activities. Activity patterns define the typical practices for each activity. For
example, this is its name, its relative priority, and the standards for how quickly it is to complete (that is, its due
dates). If a user (or a rule) adds an activity to the workplan for a claim, ClaimCenter uses the activity pattern as a
template to set default values for the activity. (For example, an activity pattern can set the subject, priority, or
target date for the activity.)
You can set up and customize the Activity Patterns that make sense for your claims business processes from the
Administration tab in ClaimCenter. It is possible to create activities from activity patterns in different ways:
• You can manually create activities in ClaimCenter.

Chapter 34, Defining Activity Patterns 453

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• A business rule or some other Gosu code create activities as part of generating workplans or while responding
to escalations, claim exceptions, or other events.
• ClaimCenter automatically creates activities to handle manual assignment or approvals, for example.
• External applications create activities through API calls.
You can view the list of available Activity Patterns by selecting New Activity from the Actions menu on the Claim or Expo-
sure page.

IMPORTANT After an activity pattern is in production, do not delete it as there can be old activities
tied to it. Instead, edit the activity pattern and change the Automated only field to Yes. This prevents
anyone from creating new activities of that type.

An activity pattern does not control how ClaimCenter assigns an activity. Instead, activity assignment methods in
the assignment rules or in Gosu expressions control how ClaimCenter assigns an activity. Using the pattern
name, the assignment methods determine to whom to assign the activity.

Pattern Types and Categories

ClaimCenter applies a type attribute to every activity pattern. You can also use a category attribute to classify
patterns into related groups. This topic describes how ClaimCenter makes use of these two attributes.

Activity Pattern Types

Each activity pattern has a set type (for example, General or Approval). You can only add an activity pattern of
type General through the ClaimCenter interface. An example of the use of a general activity pattern is an activity
that generates a notification that reminds you to perform some task.
Guidewire defines a number of internal activity pattern types in the base configuration. All pattern types other
than General are internal. Only internal ClaimCenter code can use an internal pattern type. Do not attempt to
remove an internal activity pattern type as this can damage your installation. You can, however, customize attri-
butes of the internal activity patterns, such as adjusting the due date.

The ActivityType Typelist

Guidewire defines activity pattern types in the ActivityType typelist. Guidewire defines this typelist as final.
Typelists marked as final are internal typelists and used by internal application code. You cannot add typecodes
to—or delete typecodes from—a typelist marked as final. You can, however, modify some of the fields on an
existing typecode, if you wish. For more information on typelists marked as final, see “Internal Typelists” on
page 317.
In the base configuration, Guidewire ClaimCenter provides the following internal (non-General) activity pat-
• Approval
• Approval Denied
• Assignment Review
Any pre-existing activity patterns of type General in the base configuration are examples that Guidewire
provides. You can fully customize any of them. Activity patterns with other types are typically not available in
the ClaimCenter interface. You use them only within Gosu and ClaimCenter uses them internally.

454 Chapter 34, Defining Activity Patterns

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Categorizing Activity Patterns

Guidewire recommends that you categorize your activity patterns so that it is possible to choose among the
different activity categories during new activity creation. These categories serve as the first level of navigation in
the ClaimCenter New Activity menu. The activity pattern categories appear only within the ClaimCenter interface.

The ActivityCategory Typelist

Guidewire defines activity categories in the ActivityCategory typelist. You are free to add or delete typecodes
from this typelist. If you change a typelist, remember that you must restart the application server to view your
changes in the ClaimCenter interface.
ClaimCenter displays the activity categories in the New Activity Pattern editor screen.

Using Activity Patterns in Gosu

IMPORTANT You must use the activity pattern code to refer to an activity pattern in Gosu code. Do
not use a pattern ID or PublicID value.

There are two, somewhat distinct, operations that you can perform in Gosu involving activity patterns:
• One is test which activity pattern an existing activity uses.
• The other is to retrieve an activity pattern for use in creating a new activity.

To test for a specific activity pattern

To test for a specific activity pattern, use the following Gosu code. This code compares an activity pattern Code
value with a string value that you supply.
Entity.ActivityPattern.Code == "activity_pattern_code"

To retrieve an activity pattern

To find (retrieve) a specific activity pattern, use one of the following Gosu find or get methods. The find
method returns a query object and the get method returns an ActivityPattern object.

Any query object that the find method returns exists in its own read-only bundle separate from the active
read-write bundle of any running code. To change the properties on a read-only entity, you must move (add) the
entity to a new writable bundle. See also “Found Entities Are Read-only Until Added to a Bundle” on page 148
in the Gosu Reference Guide.
To create an activity based on a specific activity pattern, use the following Gosu code. Notice the use of the
embedded get method to retrieve the correct ActivityPattern object.
Entity.createActivityFromPattern( null,
ActivityPattern.finder.getActivityPatternByCode( "activity_pattern_code" ) )

Calculating Activity Due Dates

The activity made from a pattern always has a specific date as a deadline. Each activity pattern defines how to
calculate the due date for a specific activity instance.

Chapter 34, Defining Activity Patterns 455

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Target Due Dates (Deadlines)

A target date (or due date) suggests the date to complete an activity. Settings in the New Activity Pattern editor deter-
mine how ClaimCenter calculates the due date for an activity. ClaimCenter can calculate a target due date in
hours or days. ClaimCenter calculates due dates using the following pieces of information:
• How much time? How much time to take or how many hours or days to allow to complete the activity. For
example, suppose that you want to schedule a vehicle inspection to be done within five days of the (company
service-level target). You specify this using the Target days or Target hours value.
• What is the starting point? What point in time does ClaimCenter use as the start point in calculating the target
date? For example, is the goal to perform a vehicle inspection within 5 days of the loss date or the claim’s first
notice? You specify this using the Target start point field.
• What days to count? ClaimCenter can count calendar days or only business days. You specify this with the
Include these days field.

ClaimCenter keeps reports deadlines only at the level of days. For example, if something is due on 6/1/2008, it
becomes overdue on 6/2/2008, not some time in the middle of the day on 6/1. ClaimCenter does track activity
creation dates and marks completion at the level of seconds so that you can calculate average completion times at
a more granular level.
If you do not specify Target Days or Target Hours as you define an Activity Pattern Detail, ClaimCenter uses 0 for both. A
target date is optional for activities. For example, suppose that there is simply no reason to set an target date for
adjuster self-reminders.

Escalation Dates
While the target date can indicate a service-level target (for example, complete within five business days), there
can possibly be some later deadline after which the work becomes dangerously late. (This can be, for example, a
30 day state deadline.) ClaimCenter calls this later deadline an escalation date.
The escalation date is the date at which activity requires urgent attention. While work is shown as overdue after
the target date, ClaimCenter does not actually escalate (take action on) an activity until the escalation date passes.
Within Studio, you can define a set of rules that define what actions take place if an activity reaches its escalation
date. For example, it could be company policy to inform a supervisor if an activity passes an escalation date. You
might also want to reassign the activity.
ClaimCenter calculates the escalation date using the methodology it uses for target dates. You can specify escala-
tion timing in days and hours. If you do not specify Escalation Days or Escalation Hours as you define an activity
pattern, ClaimCenter uses 0 (zero) for both. An escalation date, like a target date, is optional for activities.

Defining the Business Calendar

Due dates within ClaimCenter depend on an understanding of the business calendar as defined by your company.
For example, if something is due in five business days, exactly which days does this include? Does your
company operate seven days a week or do you consider only Monday through Friday to be business days? Which
days are company holidays? Another key concept in the business calendar is understanding how your company
defines the point at which a week begins or ends. Is Friday the last day of the week or is Sunday?
You manage the business calendar through the Administration → Holidays screen within ClaimCenter.

See Also
• “Holidays and Business Weeks” on page 255 in the Application Guide

456 Chapter 34, Defining Activity Patterns

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Configuring Activity Patterns

ClaimCenter uses file activity-patterns.csv to load the base activity pattern definitions upon initial server
startup after installation. You can customize the activity patterns in the activity-patterns.csv file and
re-import them. Or, you can customize them through the ClaimCenter Administration tab.You can access the
activity-patterns.csv file through Guidewire Studio by navigating to the Resources → Other Resources → import

IMPORTANT Do not remove any internal (non-General type) activity patterns or change their type,
category, or code values. Internal ClaimCenter application code requires them. You can change other
fields associated with these types, however.

The ActivityPattern object contains a number of properties. The following list describes some of the more
important properties:

Property ClaimCenter field Description

ActivityClass Class Indicates whether the activity is a task or an event. A task has a due date.
An event does not.
AutomatedOnly Automated only A Boolean value that defines whether only automated additions (by busi-
ness rules) to the workplan use the activity pattern.
• If true, the activity pattern does not appear as a choice in ClaimCenter
• If you do not specify this value, the default is false.

Guidewire recommends that you set this flag set to true for all patterns
with a non-general type. This ensures that they are not visible in the
ClaimCenter interface.
Category Category The category for grouping ActivityPatterns in the ClaimCenter inter-
face (in a drop-down list).
ClaimLossType Claim loss type Describes the claim type for which the activity pattern is relevant. Valid
options include the following:
• auto — Auto
• property — Property
• gl — General Liability
• wc — Workers’ Comp

If not specified, the activity pattern is available for all types of claims.
ClosedCaimAvlble Available for closed claim A Boolean value that defines whether you can add the activity to a closed
claims—meaning it is possible to perform the activity on a closed claim. If
you do not specify a value, ClaimCenter uses a default of true.
Code Code Any text (with no spaces) that you can use to identify the pattern any time
that you access the activity pattern in rules or Gosu code. You can only
see this value through the Administration tab.
Command None Do not use. For Guidewire use only.
Data-Set None The value of the highest-numbered data set of which the imported object
is a part. ClaimCenter typically orders a data set by inclusion. Thus, data
set 0 is a subset of data-set 1, and data set 1 is a subset of data set 2, and
so forth.
Description Description Describes the expected outcome at the completion of this activity. It is vis-
ible only if you view the details of the activity. This value is optional.
DocumentTemplate Document Template Document template to display if you choose this activity. Enter the docu-
ment template ID.
EmailTemplate Email Template Email template to display if you choose this activity. Enter the email tem-
plate file name.
EntityId None Required. The unique public ID of the activity pattern.

Chapter 34, Defining Activity Patterns 457

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Property ClaimCenter field Description

EscalationDays Escalation days The number of days from the escalationstartpt to set the Escalation
Date for an activity. This value is optional.
EscalationHours Escalation hours The number of hours from the escalationstartpt to set the Escalation
Date for an activity. This value is optional.
EscalationInclDays Include these days Specifies which days to include. You can set this businessdays or
EscalationStartPt Escalation start point The initial date used to calculate the target date. If you specify
escalationdays or escalationhours, you need to specify this parame-
ter. Otherwise, this parameter is optional.
You can set this field to the following values:
• activitycreation — The activity’s creation date.
• claimnotice — The FNOL date which is the claim’s “reported date.”
• lossdate — The date the accident or injury occurred)

ExternallyOwned Externally owned A Boolean value indicating whether an external organization or user can
own the activity or not.
Importance Calendar Importance Specifies the default level of importance at which the activity appears on a
calendar. You can set this value to the following values:
• top
• high
• medium
• notoncalendar
• low
Mandatory Mandatory A Boolean value that defines whether you can skip an activity. Non-man-
datory activities act as suggestions about what might be a useful task
without forcing you into doing unnecessary work. This value is optional. If
you do not specify a value, the application uses a default of true.
Priority Priority Used to sort more important activities to the top of a list of work. You can
set this property to the following values:
• urgent
• high
• normal
• low.

Recurring Recurring A Boolean value indicating that an activity is likely to recur on a regular
schedule. If you do not specify a value, the application uses a default of

For example, a recurring 30 day diary activity instructs the adjuster to

check the claim every 30 days.
ShortSubject Short Subject A brief description of the activity used on small areas of the ClaimCenter
interface such as a calendar event entry.
Subject Subject A short text description of the activity that ClaimCenter shows in activity
TargetDays Target days The number of days from the targetstartpoint to set the activity’s Target
Date. This value is optional.
TargetHours Target hours The number of hours from the targetstartpoint to set the activity’s Tar-
get Date. This value is optional
TargetIncludeDays Include these days This field answers the “what days to count” part of calculating the target
date. Your options are the following:
• elapsed—the count all days
• businessdays—as defined by the business calendar

TargetStartPoint Target start point The initial date used to calculate the target date. You need specify this
value only if you specify targetdays or targethours. Otherwise, this
value is optional.
You can set this property to the following values:
• activitycreation — The activity’s creation date.
• claimnotice — The FNOL date which is the claim’s “reported date.”
• lossdate — The date the accident or injury occurred.

458 Chapter 34, Defining Activity Patterns

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Property ClaimCenter field Description

Type Type This specifies what activity type to create. You must use the General pat-
tern for all your custom activities.

Using Activity Patterns with Documents and Emails

It is possible to attach a specific document or email template to a specific activity pattern. Then, as ClaimCenter
displays an activity based on this activity pattern, it displays a Create Document or Create Email button in the Activity
Detail worksheet. This indicates that this type of activity usually has a document or email associated with that

To associate a document or email template with an activity pattern.

1. Log into Guidewire ClaimCenter under an administrative account and access the following screen:
Administration → Activity Patterns

2. Open the activity pattern edit screen by either creating a new activity pattern or selecting an activity pattern to

Create new → Click Add Activity Pattern

Update existing → Select an activity pattern and click Edit

3. Use the spyglass icon next to the Document Template and Email Template fields to open a search window.

4. Find the desired document or email template, then add it to the activity pattern.

If you associate a document or email template with an activity pattern, ClaimCenter does the following:
• If you create a new activity from this activity pattern, ClaimCenter automatically populates any template field
for which you specified a template with the name of that template.
• If you then open this activity, ClaimCenter displays a Create Document and a Create Email button in the Activity
Detail worksheet at the bottom of the screen. (That is, if you specified a template for each type in the activity
• If you then click the Create Document or the Create Email button, ClaimCenter creates the document or email and
populates its fields according to the specified template.
Note: You can also specify the document or email template in file activity-patterns.csv. Add a column
for that template and then enter either the document template ID or the email template file name as appro-
priate. See “Configuring Activity Patterns” on page 457 for details of working with the
activity-patterns.csv file.

Localizing Activity Patterns

ClaimCenter stores activity pattern data directly in the database. Thus, it is not possible to localize fields such as
the subject or description of an activity pattern by localizing a display string. In the base configuration, you can
localize the following activity pattern properties (fields) through the ClaimCenter interface—if you configure
ClaimCenter for multiple locales:
• Description
• Subject
If you configure ClaimCenter correctly to use multiple locales, then you see additional fields at the bottom of the
New Activity Pattern screen. You use these fields to enter localized subject and description text for that activity

Chapter 34, Defining Activity Patterns 459

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

See Also
• For information on how to make a database column localizable (and thus, an object property localizable), see
“Localizing Shared Administration Data” on page 501.

460 Chapter 34, Defining Activity Patterns

part VII

Configuring Localization
chapter 35

Localizing Guidewire

This topic discusses how to localize your ClaimCenter interface so that it displays information in a language
other than the base locale, which is US English.
This topic includes:
• “Understanding Language and Locales” on page 463
• “Working with Localization Configuration Files” on page 464

Understanding Language and Locales

Localization is the act of translating and adapting the viewable text in the ClaimCenter interface so that it is
appropriate for use in other countries or languages. Localization allows you to translate the labels for screen
names, widgets, and other display elements in the ClaimCenter interface. It also allows you to customize the
values shown in the interface so that they are appropriate for your locale. For example, in the United States, the
date format is typically set as mm/dd/yyyy. However, in Germany, the date format is typically set as dd/mm/yyyy.
Within ClaimCenter, a locale is the combination of language and formats. You can specify an unlimited number
of locales within ClaimCenter. You can also localize the Guidewire development environment, which is
Guidewire Studio.
Localizing the Guidewire ClaimCenter application. Within Guidewire ClaimCenter, you can localize the

ClaimCenter See

Activity subjects “Localizing Shared Administration Data” on page 501

Chapter 35, Localizing Guidewire ClaimCenter 463

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

ClaimCenter See

Date format “Adding a New Locale” on page 468

Time format
Number format
Currency format
Default application locale “Setting the Default Application Locale” on page 475
Default user locale “Setting the User Locale” on page 476
Document, email, note templates “Localizing Templates” on page 517
Document printing “Printing in Non-US Character Sets” on page 480
Drop-down lists (typekeys) “Localizing Typecodes” on page 486
Field labels (display keys) “Localizing Display Keys” on page 483
Japanese Imperial calendar “Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar” on page 541
Workflow “Setting a Locale for a Workflow” on page 497
Zones “Configuring Zone Information” on page 476

Localizing the Studio development environment. Within the Guidewire Studio development environment, you
can localize the following:

Studio See

Display keys (field labels) “Localizing the Development Environment” on page 491
Gosu code “Setting a Locale for a Gosu Code Block” on page 493
Gosu error messages “Localizing Gosu Error Messages” on page 494
Rule names and descriptions “Localizing Rule Set Names and Descriptions” on page 492
Workflow “Setting a Locale for a Workflow” on page 497
Workflow step names “Localizing Workflow Step Names” on page 498

Note: To set Guidewire Studio to display double-byte characters, see “Viewing Double-byte Characters in
Studio” on page 491.

Working with Localization Configuration Files

To successfully localize Guidewire ClaimCenter, you must work with a number of configuration files. These
• XML Configuration Files
• Properties File
• Typelists

XML Configuration Files

The following list describes the main files that you need to configure during the application process.

Configuration files Use to... Studio

address-config.xml Define formats to use for address auto-fill and input masks for postal Other Resources
currencies.xml Define the format to use for each separate currency. Other Resources

464 Chapter 35, Localizing Guidewire ClaimCenter

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Configuration files Use to... Studio

config.xml Set configuration parameters related to localization. These include: Other Resources
• DefaultApplicationCurrency—Sets the application currency to
use if no other currency is set.
• DefaultApplicationLocale—Sets the application locale to use if
no other locale is set. See “Setting the Default Application Locale”
on page 475.
• DefaultCountryCode—Sets The default ISO country code to use
if an address does not have a country explicitly set.
• PrintFOPUserConfigFile—Set the fully qualified path to a valid
FOP user configuration file. See “Printing in Non-US Character
Sets” on page 480.
• PrintFontFamilyName—Sets the name of the font family for the
custom fonts as defined in the FOP user configuration file. See
“Printing in Non-US Character Sets” on page 480.
fieldvalidators.xml Format field validators for phone numbers, ID fields, money fields, Data Model Extensions
and other fields that need validation and input masks.
localization.xml Add a new locale entry (GWLocale) with appropriate settings for num- Other Resources
ber, date, time, and currency formats. Any language code that you
add must match that of a language code defined in the
LanguageType typelist.
zone-config.xml Define zone information to use for region and address auto-fill Other Resources

Properties File
The following list describes the properties files that you need to create during the application localization

Properties files Use to Create localized versions of the display keys and type codes to use within Guidewire
IMPORTANT At the very least, a locale must have a folder specific to that locale in
the ClaimCenter/modules/configuration/config/locale folder. This folder must
contain a file. The file can be empty, but it must exist. Other-
wise, ClaimCenter does not recognize the locale. Create localized versions of Gosu error messages. Create localized versions of Studio field labels. You can translate the labels into the
language of your choice.

The following list describes the main typelists that you need to configure during the localization process.

Typelist Use to
Currency Define new currency codes
Jurisdiction Define new jurisdictions
LanguageType Define new language codes
State Define new state codes
ZoneType Define new zone regions

Chapter 35, Localizing Guidewire ClaimCenter 465

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

466 Chapter 35, Localizing Guidewire ClaimCenter

chapter 36

Working with Locales

This topic discusses how to add additional locales to your base application.
This topic includes:
• “Locale Configuration Files” on page 467
• “Adding a New Locale” on page 468

Locale Configuration Files

A locale is the combination of language and formats (for example, time, date, and currency formats). You can
specify an unlimited number of locales within ClaimCenter. The following list describes the key ClaimCenter
resources for configuring locales:

File Purpose
config.xml Contains configuration parameters related to localization. These include:
• DefaultApplicationLocale—Sets the application locale to use if no other locale
is set.
• PrintFOPUserConfigFile—Set the fully qualified path to a valid FOP user con-
figuration file.
• PrintFontFamilyName—Sets the name of the font family for the custom fonts as
defined in your FOP user configuration file.
See “Printing in Non-US Character Sets” on page 480. Contains a listing of the display keys and typecodes to use within Guidewire
ClaimCenter. Each locale must have a separate file. It is the
presence of multiple files that alerts ClaimCenter to the fact
that multiple locales exist.
The file (as with all property files) is a standard Java proper-
ties file with the following format:
display_key_name = value

Chapter 36, Working with Locales 467

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

File Purpose
fieldvalidators.xml Contains format information for fields such as currencies, phone numbers, and ID
fields, and other fields that need validation and input masks. If you create multiple
locales, then you must update this file to accommodate all possible formats for all
possible locales.
To use the Money field validator as an example, you must updated the regular
expression for this field if you add a comma (,) as a possible decimal separator.
IMPORTANT You cannot use a single regular expression on a field that varies by
locale, unless you use the LocalizedString data type for that field. See “Localizing
Field Validators” on page 507 for details. Contains Gosu error messages. Studio displays these messages if it encounters a
Gosu error condition. You can translate these error messages into the language of
your choice.
LanguageType typelist Typelist that defines the locale choices available in the ClaimCenter interface and
within Studio. See “Adding a New Locale” on page 468.
localization.xml Defines the locales available in ClaimCenter. See “Adding a New Locale” on
page 468. Contains Studio field labels. You can translate the labels into the language of your
choice. To view a different locale in Studio, select it from the drop-down list of
defined locales in the bottom right-hand corner of the Studio screen.
zone-config.xml Use to specify the zones for each country. Zones are address components used for
address autofill and region creation.

Adding a New Locale

A locale defines ClaimCenter behavior for a particular country and language. Creating a locale enables its use
and defines its date, time, number, and currency formats. To add a locale to the base ClaimCenter configuration,
perform the following steps:
• Step 1: Add the Locale to the Localization File
• Step 2: Add the Locale to the Language Type Typelist
• Step 3: Add the Locale to the Collations File
• Step 4: Create and Populate the New Locale Folder

Step 1: Add the Locale to the Localization File

You define and manage locales in Guidewire Studio. To edit the locales, expand Other Resources, and then click
localization.xml. This file initially contains the base ClaimCenter locale, which is US English. You can modify or
remove this locale, or add additional new locales to the file.
As an example, the following is the definition of the base US English locale:
<GWLocale name="English (US)" code="en_US" typecode="en_US">

<DateFormat short="MM/dd/yyyy"
medium="MMM d, yyyy"
long="E, MMM d, yyyy" />

<TimeFormat short="hh:mm aa"

medium="hh:mm aa"
long="hh:mm aa"/>

<NumberFormat decimalSymbol="."
thousandsSymbol="," />

<CurrencyFormat positivePattern="$#"
zeroValue="-" />


468 Chapter 36, Working with Locales

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To create a French locale, for example, add another <GWLocale> element, setting the code similar to the
following, with the appropriate date, time, number, and currency formats.
<GWLocale name="French (FR)" code="fr_FR" typecode="fr_FR">

The <GWLocale> Element

The <GWLocale> element defines a locale. This element has multiple parameters—name, code, and typecode:
• The name parameter is a description of the locale. You use it only for reference.
• The code parameter is the locale identifier and must follow the Java standard for locale names. This standard
states that you can specify names in an xx, xx_yy, or xx_yy_zzz format. The components of these formats are:

xx Required The two-character lowercase ISO 639-1 code for that language. To view a list of valid codes,
refer to following web site:
yy Optional A two-character uppercase ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code for a country. To view a list of countries,
refer to the following web site:
zzz Optional A custom string. For example, you can use this to define regions within a country. You can
make the string any length.

• The typecode parameter is the ClaimCenter typecode for the locale. Use this parameter to access the locale
from within ClaimCenter, for example, to assist in assigning different users to different locales. If you add a
new locale, then you must create a new entry in the LanguageType typelist.
Specifying format elements. Within a <GWLocale> element, you can specify local formats for the following:
• date (<DateFormat>)
• time (<TimeFormat>)
• number (<NumberFormat>)
• currency (<CurrencyFormat>)

The <DateFormat> and <TimeFormat> subelements on <GWLocale> specify how Guidewire ClaimCenter formats
and displays dates and times. You can specify any of the following attribute values for the <DateFormat> and
<TimeFormat> elements:
• short
• medium
• long

For example (for the en_us locale):

<DateFormat short="MM/dd/yyyy"
medium="MMM d, yyyy"
long="E, MMM d, yyyy" />

<TimeFormat short="hh:mm aa"

medium="hh:mm aa"
long="hh:mm aa"/>

In general, you can use any of the date and time patterns supported by the Java class SimpleDateFormat for the
medium and long formats. However, Guidewire maps the short format to the date picker widget, which does not
support arbitrary date formats. For a description of these patterns, refer to the Java documentation at the
following web site:

Chapter 36, Working with Locales 469

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

ClaimCenter generally uses the short form to recognize dates entered by the user. It generally uses the other
forms to display dates and times.

Using the 'short' Format

Only define patterns for the short date and time definitions that result in a fixed-length output that matches the
pattern length. In general, dates have three components, year, month, and day, each defined by a specific pattern.
Each pattern provides a fixed-width output. For example, the following patterns all provide a fixed-width output.
In this case, each output contains the same number of characters as the format pattern.

Format Pattern Output

year yyyy 4 digit output, fixed
month MM 2 digit output, fixed
day dd 2 digit output, fixed

The following list describes an incorrect (non-fixed-width) pattern:

Format Pattern Output

year yyyy 4 digit output, fixed
month MMM variable length output
day dd 2 digit output, fixed

The pattern MMM does not work as there are languages in which the abbreviated month string is not three charac-
ters in length. Attempting to use this pattern with a language in which there are abbreviated month strings that are
not three characters in length can cause a validation error.

The <NumberFormat> subelement on <GWLocale> determines how Guidewire ClaimCenter displays numbers:
• The thousandsSymbol attribute separates groups of three digits to the left of the decimal mark. This is typi-
cally a comma, period, or space.
• The decimalSymbol attribute separates a whole number from its decimal fraction. This is typically a period or
For example, the base ClaimCenter configuration defines the <NumberFormat> element such that the thousands
separator is a period and the decimal separator is a comma:
<NumberFormat decimalSymbol="." thousandsSymbol="," />

If you change the decimalSymbol attribute on <NumberFormat>, then you must also modify the validator defini-
tion for Money in fieldvalidators.xml. In the base configuration, the validator definition for Money looks
similar to the following:
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.Money"

If you specify a new decimal separator, then remove the regular expression of the Money field validator in
fieldvalidators.xml. Replace it, instead, with a field validator that includes range values for ceiling and
floor, for example:
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.Money"
input-mask="" name="Money"

470 Chapter 36, Working with Locales

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


IMPORTANT In fieldvalidators.xml, use regular expressions with String values only. Use floor
and ceiling range values for numeric fields.

See “<ValidatorDef>” on page 295 for more information on field validators.


IMPORTANT It is important that you always display currency values correctly for the current locale.
For example, if using a single currency, $10 in English can be represented as 10 USD in German. In both
of these cases, however, the currency unit is dollars. It would be a serious misrepresentation of your
financial data to use a $ symbol for one locale and a € symbol for another. (10 dollars is not equal to 10
euros, at least not at the current exchange rate.)

You use the <CurrencyFormat> element to control how ClaimCenter displays currencies.

positivePattern The positivePattern and negativePattern parameters define how ClaimCenter displays positive
negativePattern and negative currency values. ClaimCenter renders the character # (pound sign) with the actual
number, but display all other characters in the pattern literally. For example, the positivePattern
$# displays the value 32 as $32, and the negativePattern ($#) displays the value -5 as ($5). The
pattern can include more than one character, such as # USD to display as 5 USD.
zeroValue The zeroValue parameter defines how ClaimCenter displays zero. For example, this can be 0
(zero) or — (dash). (ClaimCenter displays money or currencyamount fields that contain null as
empty or blank.)

Currency modes. Guidewire ClaimCenter provides the ability to use a single currency throughout the application
or to use multiple currencies.

SINGLE mode To set the application to a single currency, you must set configuration parameter
DefaultApplicationCurrency to that currency and set MultiCurrencyDisplayMode to SINGLE. In this
mode, ClaimCenter uses the CurrencyFormat entries in each GWLocale in localization.xml to format
the money amount, depending on the each user's current Locale. As all money values are in the default
currency, you must ensure that the CurrencyFormat for each GWLocale specifies the money format for
that one currency. It is possible to set slightly different formatting based on local custom, but all money
formatting must be for the one default currency.
MULTIPLE mode To set the application to multiple currencies, you must set configuration parameter
MultiCurrencyDisplayMode to MULTIPLE. In MULTIPLE mode, ClaimCenter obtains money formatting
information from currencies.xml. In this mode, ClaimCenter ignores any CurrencyFormat information
in localization.xml. However, even though unused, a tag for the default currency must be present in
file localization.xml, even in MULTIPLE mode.

Currency overrides. It is possible to override the default currency type and format by using the following tags:
• <CurrencyTypeOverride>
• <CurrencyFormatOverride>

You use these tags in file localization.xml to override the default currency type and the <CurrencyFormat> tag
for that currency set in currencies.xml. The following example illustrates this concept:

<!-- Still required in MULTIPLE mode -->
<CurrencyFormat ../>
<CurrencyTypeOverride code="eur">
<CurrencyFormatOverride positivePattern="# euro" negativePattern="-# euro"/>


Chapter 36, Working with Locales 471

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Step 2: Add the Locale to the Language Type Typelist

After you add a new locale to localization.xml, you must then add a typecode for that locale to the
LanguageType typelist. For example, if you create a new fr_FR locale, then you need to add this locale to the
LanguageType typelist. (For information on working with typelists, see “Working with Typelists” on page 315.)

To add a locale, click Add and fill in the appropriate fields.

Field Description

Code Associates the entry with a locale. The code must match the code attribute of an existing GWLocale definition.
Name The name of the locale as you want it to appear in the ClaimCenter interface.
Description A longer description of this typecode. The maximum description size is 512 characters.
IMPORTANT You must enter a typecode description if you add a new typecode. If you do not:
• Studio generates error messages but continues to start.
• The application server generates error messages and refuses to start.

For example, if you add a locale for French (fr_FR), you see the following:

Step 3: Add the Locale to the Collations File

Guidewire requires that you set the collation strength for every locale that you define. Collation strength refers to
how selective (or restrictive) the search and sort code treats the collation process. For example, collation strength
controls whether the search and sort code respects or ignores differences in case and accent on a character (such
as the leading character on a word).
You set the database collation name corresponding to each collation strength in file collations.xml. This file
must contain a collation entry for every defined locale. Depending on the locales that you have defined, this file
looks similar to the following.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Collations xmlns="">
<Database type="ORACLE">
<Collation locale="en" primary="BINARY_AI" secondary="BINARY_CI" tertiary="BINARY" />
<Collation locale="fr" primary="FRENCH_M_AI" secondary="FRENCH_M_CI" tertiary="FRENCH_M" />
<Collation locale="ja" primary="JAPANESE_M_AI" secondary="JAPANESE_M_CI" tertiary="JAPANESE_M" />
<Collation locale="de" primary="GERMAN_AI" secondary="GERMAN_CI" tertiary="GERMAN" />
<Collation locale="ru" primary="GENERIC_M_AI" secondary="GENERIC_M_CI" tertiary="GENERIC_M" />

Note: There is an equivalent series of entries for SQL Server, if you are using that database.
If an entry does not exist for your defined locale, then you must add it to collations.xml under the proper
<Database> element. Use the existing entries as a model of what to enter. See “Localized Search and Sort” on
page 525 for details on collation strength and how the different database types treat this value differently.

472 Chapter 36, Working with Locales

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

If you do not define the locale in collations.xml, then ClaimCenter does the following:
• In development mode, ClaimCenter logs a warning message at application server start up.
• In production mode, ClaimCenter logs an error message and the application server refuses to start.

IMPORTANT Guidewire defines locales in collations.xml using the two letter language code only.
This is sufficient unless you wish to differentiate between countries that speak the same language. For
example, if you add a locale for Great Britain (en_GB), then the en locale defined in the base configura-
tion collations.xml file is sufficient to cover both U.S. English and British English. However, if you
want to define different search or sort algorithms for Great Britain, then you need to add the en_GB
locale to collations.xml and modify its attribute definitions accordingly.

Example Collations Settings for Spanish

Guidewire suggests that following collation settings for the Spanish es locale. Using a locale of es handles any
locale that uses the Spanish language.
For Oracle. Add the following to <Database type="ORACLE">:
<Collation locale="es" primary="SPANISH_AI" secondary="SPANISH_CI" tertiary="SPANISH"/>

For SQL Server. Add the following to <Database type="SQL_SERVER">:

<Collation locale="es" primary="Modern_Spanish_CI_AI" secondary="Modern_Spanish_CI_AS"

Alternately, if you want to handle the following special cases, use XSPANISH instead of SPANISH:
• ch
• Ch
• CH
• ll
• Ll
• LL

Step 4: Create and Populate the New Locale Folder

For each locale that you create, you also need to create a folder for that locale in the following directory:

For example, if you add a French locale for France (fr_FR), then you need to create the following folder:

After you create this folder, you must populate it with the following files, properly translated for that locale. Shut
down Studio before you start as you need to modify your copy of before starting Studio
again. Otherwise, Studio generates an error.
You can obtain copies of the necessary files at the listed location. Each locale folder must contain a file, at the very least, even if it is empty. It is the presence of multiple copies of the file that alerts ClaimCenter to the fact that multiple locales exist.

Chapter 36, Working with Locales 473

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following table lists the various display properties files and their location. In some cases, there are multiple
copies of a file, one for system data and one for application-specific data. If there are multiple copies of a file,
then you need to merge the two copies to obtain a complete list of display keys and typecodes for that file type.

IMPORTANT Only modify files in modules/configuration. Otherwise, you can damage your
ClaimCenter installation, causing it not to start thereafter.

File Copy from Description modules/cc/config/locale/en_US Contains ClaimCenter interface display
modules/pl/config/locale/en_US keys and typecodes. modules/pl/config/locale/en_US Contains Gosu error messages. modules/cc/config/locale/en_US Contains Studio labels.

Lastly, open your copy of This file contains the following variable:

If a definition for this variable does not exist in the file, then you must define it. Otherwise, Studio generates an
error upon start up. For example:
Global.AppName = ClaimCenter

Thereafter, ClaimCenter replaces {Global.AppName} in the following expression with the correct value.
JSP.Login.Login.Title = Guidewire {Global.AppName}

JSP.Login.Login.Title = Guidewire ClaimCenter

You must restart Studio for your changes to take effect.

IMPORTANT If you are upgrading your application, be sure to review the related ClaimCenter release
notes. It is possible for Guidewire to add additional display keys as part of the application upgrade. If
so, you must add the new display keys to the files (including those for Studio and
Gosu) before you localize these files.

474 Chapter 36, Working with Locales

chapter 37

Localizing the ClaimCenter


This topic discusses ways to localize the Guidewire ClaimCenter application interface.
This topic includes:
• “Setting the Default Application Locale” on page 475
• “Setting the User Locale” on page 476
• “Configuring Zone Information” on page 476
• “Setting the IME Mode for Field Inputs” on page 480
• “Printing in Non-US Character Sets” on page 480

Setting the Default Application Locale

If ClaimCenter cannot determine which locale is appropriate for a user, it uses the default application locale. To
specify the default locale, set the DefaultApplicationLocale configuration parameter (in config.xml). The
parameter value must match the code attribute of one of the GWLocale definitions. The following example sets
the default locale to German:
<param name="DefaultApplicationLocale" value="de_DE" />

If ClaimCenter cannot find a GWLocale with the matching code, it uses en_US as the default locale.
Working with a default locale in Gosu. Within Gosu, you can determine the default locale by invoking the
following method:

Chapter 37, Localizing the ClaimCenter Interface 475

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Setting the User Locale

As a user logs in or navigates through the interface, ClaimCenter determines the appropriate local based on the
• As ClaimCenter authenticates the current user during the log-in process, it chooses the individual locale set
for that user, if one exists.
• If ClaimCenter cannot locate an individual locale setting for that user, it determines the locale by the Web
browser. ClaimCenter chooses the GWLocale definition whose code attribute matches the value of the
Accept-Language HTTP header for that browser. If the Accept-Language header contains multiple codes,
then ClaimCenter uses the first matching code.
• If ClaimCenter cannot determine the locale, it uses the default locale, which is en_US.

To set a default user locale

1. On the ClaimCenter Administration tab, search for the user whose profile you want to modify.

2. On the Profile page for that user, click Edit.

3. Set the desired language using the language selector drop-down list.

To set your own locale

If multiple locales exist, then a language selector appears along the top of the ClaimCenter interface. To set the
locale, select a value from the drop-down list.

To add a check mark to the language selector

It is possible to add a check mark to the active selection in the language selector. ClaimCenter uses the checked
attribute in the MenuItem widget—as part of the LanguageTabBarLink widget, which, in turn, is part of the
TabBar widget—to create the check mark.

To display a check mark next to the active language selection, set the checked attribute to the following:
util.LocaleUtil.getCurrentUserLanguage() == lang

Configuring Zone Information

Guidewire ClaimCenter uses file zone-config.xml to define one or more zones. A zone is a combination of a
country and zero-to-many address elements such as a city, or state (United States), or province (Canada), for
example. You can configure zones to apply to any area within a single country. In the United States, for example,
you typically define zone type by state, city, county, and ZIP (postal) code.
ClaimCenter uses zones for the following:
• Region and address auto-fill
• Business week and holiday definition by zone
You access zone-config.xml through Studio in the Other Resources folder. Within this file, you define the links
between zones (the zone hierarchy) and how ClaimCenter is to use the links to extract the value of zone from
address data.
In the base configuration, ClaimCenter defines the zone hierarchy for the United States using the following
<Zones countryCode="US">
<Zone code="zip" fileColumn="1" regionMatchOrder="1" granularity="1" unique="true">
<Link toZone="city"/>

476 Chapter 37, Localizing the ClaimCenter Interface

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<Zone code="state" fileColumn="2" orgZone="true" regionMatchOrder="3" granularity="4">

<Link toZone="zip" lookupOrder="1"/>
<Link toZone="county"/>
<Link toZone="city"/>
<Zone code="city" fileColumn="3" granularity="2">
<ZoneCode>state + &quot;:&quot; + city</ZoneCode>
<AddressZoneValue>Address.State.Code + &quot;:&quot; + Address.City</AddressZoneValue>
<Zone code="county" fileColumn="4" regionMatchOrder="2" granularity="3">
<ZoneCode>state + &quot;:&quot; + county</ZoneCode>
<AddressZoneValue>Address.State.Code + &quot;:&quot; + Address.County</AddressZoneValue>
<Link toZone="zip" lookupOrder="1"/>
<Link toZone="city" lookupOrder="2"/>

File zone-config.xml
File zone-config.xml contains the following XML elements:
• <Zones>
• <Zone>
• <ZoneCode>
• <Links>
• <AddressZoneValue>

See Also
• “zone_import Command” on page 178 in the System Administration Guide.

This element defines the largest region, a country. The zone-config.xml files contains one or more country defi-
nitions, one for each <Zones> element. Each <Zones> element contains zero or more <Zone> elements. Even
though Guidewire does not strictly require that you provide one or more <Zone> elements, you most likely want
at least one zone element. For example, it is possible—but not recommended—to create the following:
<Zones countryCode="AU"/>

However, in almost all cases, you want to add one or more <Zone> subelements to the <Zones> element.
The <Zones> element takes the following attributes:

Attribute Description
countryCode Required. Defines the country to which this zone configuration applies.
dataFile For Guidewire internal use only. Ignore.

This element defines a zone type. The zone type must exist in the ZoneType typelist. The Zone element takes the
following attributes, all optional except for the code attribute:

Attribute Description
code Sets the zone type. This must be a valid value defined in the ZoneType typelist. You also use this
value as a symbol in <ZoneCode> expressions to represent the data extracted from the data import
file based on the column specified in the fileColumn attribute.

Chapter 37, Localizing the ClaimCenter Interface 477

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Attribute Description
fileColumn Optional. Specifies the column in the import data file from which to extract the zone data. The
numeric value of fileColumn indicates the ordered number of the column in the data file.
Frequently (but not exclusively), a <Zone> element without a fileColumn attribute contains a
manipulation of data imported from one or more other <Zone> definitions. For example, in the base
configuration, Guidewire defines the following fsa zone in the Canadian <Zones> element:
<Zone code="fsa" regionMatchOrder="1" granularity="1">
<ZoneCode> postalcode.substring(0,3) </ZoneCode>
<AddressZoneValue> Address.PostalCode.substring(0,3) </AddressZoneValue>
Notice that both the <ZoneCode> and <AddressZoneValue> elements extract data from the actual
address data by parsing the data into substrings.
• You need to specify at least one <Zone> element with a fileColumn attribute to trigger the import
of data from the address zone data file. If you do not specify at least one fileColumn attribute,
then ClaimCenter does not import data from the address zone data file.
• You need to import address zone data upon first installing Guidewire ClaimCenter and then at
infrequent intervals thereafter as you receive data updates.
granularity Sets the level of granularity for each defined zone. The smallest geographical region is 1. The next
larger geographical region is 2, and so on. The sequence of numbers must be continuous.
ClaimCenter uses this value with holidays and business weeks. For ClaimCenter Catastrophe
administration, you must set the granularity for zones that you want to make available in the list of
Zone Types on the New Catastrophe page.
orgZone For Guidewire internal use only. Ignore.
regionMatchOrder Controls the order in which ClaimCenter uses these zones in matching algorithms. ClaimCenter
uses this attribute as it matches users to a zone for location- or proximity-based assignment. For
example, in the base configuration, Guidewire defines the following <Zone> for county:
<Zone code="county"
Setting the regionMatchOrder to 2 means that ClaimCenter matches county data second, after
another zone, while matching a user to a location.
Notice also that the county value:
• Appears in the fourth column of the data file.
• Is third in granularity, one size less than a state (granularity 4) and one size more than a city
(granularity 2).
unique Optional. Specifies whether this zone data is unique. For example, in the United States, a county
data value by itself does not guarantee uniqueness across all states. (There is a county with the
name of Union in seventeen states and a county with the name of Adams in twelve states.) In situa-
tions such as this, use a <ZoneCode> element to construct a zone expression that uniquely identifies
that zone data.

It is possible for zone information to not be unique, meaning that the zone import data column contains two or
more identical values. If this is the case, then you need to build an expression to uniquely identify the individual
zone data using symbols.
For example, in the United States, it is possible for multiple states to have a city with the same name (Portland,
OR and Portland, ME). Thus, to uniquely identify the city, you need to associate a particular state with the city as
well. To do this, you create an expression that prepends the state import data value to the city import data value to
obtain a unique city-state code. For example:
<ZoneCode>state + “:” + city</ZoneCode>

478 Chapter 37, Localizing the ClaimCenter Interface

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Only use values to construct the expression that are valid <Zone> code values (other than constants) that you
defined within a <Zones> element for this country.

This element defines one or more <Link> elements, each of which defines a connection (a link) between one
zone type and another. For example, in the base configuration, Guidewire provides a <Link> element that defines
a link between a county and a ZIP code in the United States. You can also use a link to define a lookup order to
speed up searches.
The <Link> element contains the following attributes:

Attributes Description
lookupOrder Optional. Tells the application in what order to apply this value while looking up users by zone. This can
increase performance somewhat. If you do not specify a lookupOrder value, ClaimCenter uses the
order as it appears in the file.
toZone Required. Defines a relationship to another zone (region).

This optional element uses an expression to define how to extract the zone code from an address. Use entity dot
notation, such as Address.PostalCode, to define a value for this element. These expressions can be subsets of an
element or a concatenation of elements.
ClaimCenter extracts a value from the address data that uses this element and matches the value against zone
data in the database. For example, in the base configuration, ClaimCenter defines a <Zone> element of type
postalcode for Canada. It looks similar to the following:
<Zones countryCode="CA">
<Zone code="postalcode" fileColumn="1" unique="true">
<AddressZoneValue> Address.PostalCode </AddressZoneValue>

This definition indicates that ClaimCenter is to use the value of the PostalCode field on the Address entity as the
value of the postalcode zone.
Note: Guidewire recommends that you set this value even if there is a property defined on the Address
entity that has the same name as the Zone name.

Base Zone Hierarchies

In the base configuration, Guidewire defines zone hierarchies for the United States and Canada. You can add
additional country zone definitions to zone-config.xml. Only one country zone at a time is active in
In the base configuration, ClaimCenter uses zone information with the following data objects:
• BusinessWeek
• Catastrophe
• Holiday
• Region

See Also
• “Understanding Autofill and Zone Mapping” on page 61 in the Contact Management Guide

Chapter 37, Localizing the ClaimCenter Interface 479

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Setting the IME Mode for Field Inputs

Guidewire ClaimCenter provides three states for imeMode, which you set at the field level in Guidewire Studio.
The three possible states are:

State Description

Active • Japanese – Turns on the last entry type that you selected (Hiragana, or full-width Katakana, for example)
• Chinese – Turns on pinyin entry
Inactive • Japanese – Turns off Roman entry
• Chinese – Turns on Roman entry
Not selected • Does nothing – Leaves the currently-selected IME mode as set

You set the imeMode at the field level on a PCF. For a rōmaji field in Japanese, for example, you might set
imeMode to inactive. Then, on the next field (that needs Kanji entry, for example), you would set imeMode to
active. And so on for the various fields on the PCF. In general, however, you only need set imeMode on text
input fields and possibly drop-down fields such as typelists and range input fields.
It is important to understand that ClaimCenter does not actually set the actual IME mode. ClaimCenter merely
turns IME on or off for each field. In other words, ClaimCenter cannot dictate that a certain field must contain
Zenkaku Katakana and a different field must contain Hiragana. The choice of input conversion style is left to the

Printing in Non-US Character Sets

The Guidewire printing infrastructure fully supports internationalization. To use non-supported character sets
(such as Cyrillic, for example), you must perform some configuration of Apache FOP (Formatting Objects
Processor), however. This section provides general directions for performing such configuration, and provides
example configuration file excerpts in support of the Cyrillic character set.

Overview of Required FOP Changes

This example uses the following configuration (config.xml) parameters:

Configuration parameter Description

PrintFOPUserConfigFile The fully qualified path to a valid FOP user configuration file.
PrintFontFamilyName The name of the font family for the custom fonts as defined in your FOP user configuration file.

Suppose that you want to print PDFs in Russian, which uses the Cyrillic character set. The default font for PDF
generation does not support this character set. Therefore, you need to customize FOP so that it uses a set of fonts
that does support the Cyrillic character set. Fortunately, the generic Windows Arial TrueType font family
(normal, bold, italic, bold-italic) does support Cyrillic.
This simple example assumes the following:
• The Apache FOP application 0.95 exists on your machine.
• The fop.jar is on the class path.
• The Arial fonts exist in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts.
• The fonts are TrueType fonts.
Note: The process for non-TTF FOP supported fonts is slightly different. Refer to the Apache FOP docu-
mentation for more information.

480 Chapter 37, Localizing the ClaimCenter Interface

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Configuring Apache FOP for Cyrillic

To support print functionality in a non-U.S. encoding, perform the following steps:
• Step 1: Configure TTFReader
• Step 2: Generate FOP Font Metrics Files
• Step 3: Register Your FOP Configuration and Font Family
• Step 4: Register the Fonts in the FOP Configuration File
• Step 5: Test Your Configuration

Step 1: Configure TTFReader

You must use Apache FOP 0.95. You can download this version of Apache FOP from the following web site:

After you download and install Apache FOP, do the following:

1. Make a copy of fop.bat (in the root installation directory) and rename it ttfreader.bat.

2. Open ttfreader.bat and change the last line to read:

org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader %FOP_CMD_LINE_ARGS%
Essentially, you are changing org.apache.fop.cli.Main to org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader. You
need to do this step so that the code to generate the font metrics works correctly.

Step 2: Generate FOP Font Metrics Files

FOP requires font metrics to use a font. You must give it the font metrics. To generate the font metrics, run the
following commands. These commands activate the Apache FOP TTFReader.
ttfreader.bat -enc ansi C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf C:\fopconfig\arial.xml
ttfreader.bat -enc ansi C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\ariali.ttf C:\fopconfig\ariali.xml
ttfreader.bat -enc ansi C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arialbi.ttf C:\fopconfig\arialbi.xml
ttfreader.bat -enc ansi C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arialbd.ttf C:\fopconfig\arialbd.xml

This generates metrics files for the Arial font family and stores those metrics in the C:\fopconfig directory. Do
not proceed until you see the following files in the fopconfig directory:

Step 3: Register Your FOP Configuration and Font Family

Open your application configuration file:

Find the following parameters and set them accordingly:

Parameter Value

PrintFontFamilyName Cyrillic
PrintFOPUserConfigFile C:\fopconfig\fop.xconf

WARNING Only modify config.xml in the ClaimCenter/modules/configuration directory. Other-

wise, you can invalidate your Guidewire ClaimCenter installation.

Chapter 37, Localizing the ClaimCenter Interface 481

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Step 4: Register the Fonts in the FOP Configuration File

To create a user configuration file for FOP, perform the following steps:
1. Copy the following file:
into the following directory:

IMPORTANT The name of the FOP configuration file must be the same as that set for the
PrintFOPUserConfigFile parameter described in Step 3: Register Your FOP Configuration and Font

2. Open fop.xconf in an XML editor and find the <fonts> section. It looks similar to the following:

3. Enter the following font information in the appropriate place.

<font metrics-url="c:\\fopconfig\\arial.xml" kerning="yes" embed-file="arial.ttf">
<font-triplet name="Cyrillic" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
<font metrics-file="c:\\fopconfig\\arialbd.xml" kerning="yes" embed-file="arialbd.ttf">
<font-triplet name="Cyrillic" style="normal" weight="bold"/>
<font metrics-url="c:\\fopconfig\\ariali.xml" kerning="yes" embed-file="ariali.ttf">
<font-triplet name="Cyrillic" style="italic" weight="normal"/>
<font metrics-file="c:\\fopconfig\\arialbi.xml" kerning="yes" embed-file="arialbi.ttf">
<font-triplet name="Cyrillic" style="italic" weight="bold"/>

Note: If you do not want to embed the font in the PDF document, then do not include the embed-url attri-
4. Stop and start the application server so that these changes take effect.

Step 5: Test Your Configuration

After you perform the listed configuration steps, you need to test that you are able to create and print a PDF that
uses the correct font. To test the example, you must have a ClaimCenter implementation that supports a Russian

482 Chapter 37, Localizing the ClaimCenter Interface

chapter 38

Localizing String Labels

This topic discusses the different ways you can localize the string labels that Guidewire calls display keys and
• ClaimCenter uses display keys for field and screen labels in the ClaimCenter interface as well as labels in
• ClaimCenter uses typecodes as the code values in a typelist. You most commonly see a typelist as a
drop-down list within ClaimCenter.
This topic includes:
• “Localizing Display Keys” on page 483
• “Localizing Typecodes” on page 486
• “Exporting and Importing Localization Files” on page 487

Localizing Display Keys

Studio provides a display key editor that you use to translate display keys into different languages. You find this
editor under the Localizations node in the Resources tree.
To localize a display key using the editor, select a display key from the list, then select the desired locale from the
drop-down list. After you choose the locale, you can enter the localized string directly into the text editor. You
must define multiple locales for this feature to be available to you.
You can also do the following:
• Export these resources to a properties file.
• Make your translations in that file
• Import the translated resources back into Studio to associate with a specific locale, as a sort of bulk process.
Note: It is also possible to localize individual workflow step names within Studio. However, these step
names are not display keys. Studio stores the workflow step names with the workflow object itself. For
information on localizing workflow step names, see “Localizing Guidewire Workflow” on page 497.

Chapter 38, Localizing String Labels 483

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

ClaimCenter stores display keys that translate into U.S. standard English in the following locations:

If you create a new application locale, then you need to create a folder for that locale in the following directory:

Within this directory, you must have a folder named with the correct language and country code. This folder must
contain—at the minimum—a file, even if that file is initially blank. It is this file that stores
the application display keys. This ensures that Studio displays each locale properly as you create localized
display keys.

See also
• “Display Key Localization Files” on page 484
• “Working with Missing Display Keys” on page 484
• “Different Ways to Localize Display Keys” on page 485
• “Exporting and Importing Localization Files” on page 487
• “Adding a New Locale” on page 468

Display Key Localization Files

Within Guidewire ClaimCenter, the application stores display keys in several different files. Each file contains
display keys used by different parts of the application. It is possible to localize some, or all, of these files inde-
pendently of each other. The display key files include the following:

File Contains Application field labels. These show only in the ClaimCenter application interface. Studio field labels. These show only in the Studio interface, Gosu messages that provide error and warning information. These show both within
Guidewire Studio and within the ClaimCenter application interface.

You must have—at the very least—one file for each locale that you define. However, to
successfully localize the Studio interface, you must also have a file as well.

IMPORTANT You must create and store these files in the correct location manually. Studio does not
create these files for you.

Place all your display key property files in the following location:

To view a list of valid locale codes, refer to following web site:

IMPORTANT If you are upgrading your application, be sure to review the related ClaimCenter release
notes. It is possible for Guidewire to add additional display keys as part of the application upgrade. If
so, you must add the new display keys to the files (including those for Studio and
Gosu) before you localize these files.

Working with Missing Display Keys

ClaimCenter initializes the display key system as it scans all the config/locale directories of all modules for
display key property files. Using these files, ClaimCenter generates a master list of display keys. ClaimCenter
uses these values for type information, not for the actual localized display value.

484 Chapter 38, Localizing String Labels

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

For each property file, ClaimCenter loads the display keys and adds each display key to the master list under the
following circumstances:
1. The master list does not already contain the display key.

2. The master list already contains the display key, but, the display key in the master list has fewer arguments
than the one to add. If this is the case, then ClaimCenter logs a warning message noting that it found a display
key value with different arguments in different locales. For example:
Configuration Display key found with different argument lists across locales: Validator.Phone

As ClaimCenter creates the master display key list, it scans the application locales in the following order:
1. The application default locale (as set by configuration parameter DefaultApplicationLocale)

2. All other locales configured for use by the server

3. The Guidewire default locale (en_US)

4. All remaining locales

After ClaimCenter creates the master list of display keys, it checks the display keys for the default locale against
the master list. ClaimCenter then logs as errors any display keys that are in the master list but missing from the
default application locale. For example:
ERROR Default application locale (en_US) missing display key: Example.Display.Key

As Studio returns the display key name, you can use that name to generate a display key value in the correct

The Display Key Difference Utility Tool

Guidewire provides a display key difference tool that does the following:
• It compares each locale configured on the server against the master display key list.
• It generates a file that contains a list of any missing keys.
To generate a display key difference report, run the following command from the application bin directory:
gwcc displaykey-diff

The output follows the exact same format as the configured locales. For example, if you have three locales
defined—en_US, ja_JP, and fr_FR—then the difference tool creates the following three directories and populates
each one with a display.propertes report:

The contents of each locale file is a list of display keys that are in the master list but not in that locale. The format
of the file is exactly the same as the display key configuration files. For example, the following code illustrates
the contents of the file for the en_US locale:
# Missing display keys for locale
# en_US
Web.QA.I18N.ContactDetail.AddressDetail.City = Suburb
Web.QA.I18N.ContactDetail.AddressDetail.ZipCode = Postcode

Note: ClaimCenter does not generate a file for a locale that does not have any
missing display keys.

Different Ways to Localize Display Keys

There are multiple ways to localize display keys:
• Localizing Display Keys Using the Display Keys Editor
• Localizing Display Keys Using the PCF Editor

Chapter 38, Localizing String Labels 485

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Localizing Display Keys Using Code Completion

Localizing Display Keys Using the Display Keys Editor

It is possible to enter a localized version of a display key directly in the Display Keys editor. To access the editor,
expand the Localizations node in the Resources tree.
To localize a display key using the editor, select a display key from the list, then select the desired locale from the
drop-down list. After you choose the locale, you can enter the localized string directly into the text editor. It is
necessary to define multiple locales for this feature to be available to you.

Localizing Display Keys Using the PCF Editor

You can also use the Translations tab of the PCF editor to create localized version of a display key in use on a
particular PCF page. The Translations tab shows a list of all display keys used in the PCF file:
• If you click a display key in the list, Studio selects (outlines) the widget on the canvas that uses that display
• If you double-click a display key in the list, Studio opens an Edit Display Key dialog that shows the value of the
display key in each locale defined within ClaimCenter. You can use this dialog to create locale-specific
display keys that are specific to the context in which they exist.

See also
• “Using the PCF Editor” on page 337

Localizing Display Keys Using Code Completion

You can enter localized text using a Studio dialog as you create a display key directly within the Gosu editor. As
you type a text string in the Gosu editor, Studio suggests that you create a display key from the text string.
Pressing ALT-ENTER opens the Create Display Key dialog. Use the text entry field in this dialog to enter a localized
string for the text for which you want to create a display key.
If you want to enter multiple entries for multiple locales, then select the Specify values for each locale checkbox. You
can enter a localized string for each locale that exists in Guidewire ClaimCenter.

Localizing Typecodes
You use the Typelist Localization editor to facilitate typelist localization. Guidewire locates the editor under the
Localizations node in the Resources tree. The Typelist Localizations editor is distinct from the Typelist editor, in
which you define a typelist and its typecodes.
Note: Guidewire manages LOB typelists in a special Lines of Business editor in Studio. However, you use
the Typelist Localization editor to localize the LOB typecodes as you do with any other typelist.
The Typelist Localization editor presents typelist and typecodes in a tree similar to the existing Entity Names
editor. After you select a typelist—and then a typecode—from the tree, the editor presents you with an editable
table of localized names and descriptions for that typecode, for each locale.
Guidewire stores typelist typekey localizations in files, one file for each locale. For
example, Guidewire stores the English (US) typelist localizations in file:

Studio stores typelist typekey localizations using the following format for name and description respectively:
TypeKey.typelist.typekey = localized_name
TypeKeyDescription.typelist.typekey = localized_description

486 Chapter 38, Localizing String Labels

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

You use the Typelist Localizations editor to associate a locale with a typecode. By doing so, you can define a
translation string for both the typecode name and description. The name and description that you set in the type-
list localization editor map to the same fields on the Codes tab of the Typelists editor.
Note: A typecode is a value in a ClaimCenter drop-down list or typelist. See Working with Typelists for
information on typelists, typecodes, and typekeys and how to work with them in Guidewire Studio.

To create a localized version of a typecode

1. Open Guidewire Studio and navigate to Localizations → Typelist Localization.

2. Select a typecode from the typelist tree.

3. Enter the translated strings for typecode name and description in the appropriate fields for each locale.

Note: If the Typelist Localizations editor does not contain the locale that you want to select, then that locale
does not yet exist in Studio. To add additional locales to ClaimCenter, follow the instructions in “Adding a
New Locale” on page 468.

See also
• For details of how to export a properties file and then import the translated file back into Studio, see
“Exporting and Importing Localization Files” on page 487.

Accessing Localized Typekeys from Gosu

Gosu provides three String representations that you can use for typekeys. The following list describes them.

Typekey property Description

typekey.Code String that represents the typecode
typekey.DisplayName Localized language version of the entity name
typekey.UnlocalizedName Name listed in the data model

For example, to extract (localized) entity name information, you can use the following:
var displayString = myCode.DisplayName

Or, as a concrete example:


Exporting and Importing Localization Files

It is possible to export all display key and typecode resources to an external file and make your translations in
that file. You can then import the display keys back into Studio to associate with a specific locale.

Chapter 38, Localizing String Labels 487

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To assist you in this process, Guidewire provides localization commands on the contextual right-click menu. The
following menu items appear if you select either Display Keys or Typelists from the Resources tree.

Export Translation File Exports the file—and all the typekeys or typelists—for the locale of your
choice. If you have not created additional locales, this command is inactive.
By default, Studio places the export file in the root of the installation directory. It is possible to
change the file save location, however.
Import Translation File Imports the file for the locale of your choice. You typically use this option to
import a translated file for the bulk import of translated display keys and type-
codes. If you have a number of typecodes for which you want translated names and descriptions,
then you can use this option rather than entering them individually.
Guidewire also provides a command line tool that you can use to manually import a translation file
into Studio.

Note: The translation import/export commands are only active if multiple locales exist within ClaimCenter.
You must define multiple locales for these commands to be active.

To translate a display properties file

1. To export a translation file from Studio, right-click Localizations in the Resources tree, click Export translation file,
and then select the source and target locales.
The options available in this submenu depend on the locales you define. For example, if you define English,
French, and German locales, then you see the following six combinations:
• English (US) to French (CA)
• English (US) to German (DE)
• French (CA) to English (US)
• French (CA) to German (DE)
• German (DE) to English (US)
• German (DE) to French (CA)
2. Save the file as prompted.
Studio copies all entries in the source locale file into the export file and merges the
source locale entries with any entries contained in the target locale file. If the target
locale file already contains entries, the export file groups these together and labels
them as translated. The file groups the remaining displays together and marks them as not translated.
3. Translate the file contents into the target language. You can translate the values, but do not modify the display
key names.
4. After completing the translation, import the file back into Studio. Right-click Localizations, then click Import
translation file.
This action opens a list of target locales from which to choose. After you select a locale, Studio overwrites
any existing file in the target locale directory, replacing it with the translated version.

To import a translation file manually

Guidewire provides a command line tool that you can use to manually import a translation file into Studio. To
use this tool, do the following:
1. Navigate to your installation bin directory, for example:

2. Run the following command:

gwcc import-l10ns -Dimport.file=”translation_file” -Dimport.locale=destination_locale

488 Chapter 38, Localizing String Labels

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The command takes the following parameters:

Dimport.file Specifies the file that contains the translations. It must be in the same format as an export file from Stu-
dio. By default, Studio places the export file in the root of the installation directory:
• If you leave the import translation file in the same location, then you need enter only the name of the
file to import.
• If you move the translation file to a different location, then you enter an absolute path or a relative path
to the file from the root of the installation directory.
Dimport.locale Specifies the destination locale for the translations. The locale must match a ClaimCenter locale that you
have defined through Studio, for example: fr_FR or ja_JP.

Chapter 38, Localizing String Labels 489

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

490 Chapter 38, Localizing String Labels

chapter 39

Localizing the Development


This topic covers how you localize the Guidewire development environment, which includes localizing the
Guidewire Studio interface.
This topic includes:
• “Viewing Double-byte Characters in Studio” on page 491
• “Changing the Studio Locale” on page 492
• “Localizing Rule Set Names and Descriptions” on page 492
• “Setting a Locale for a Gosu Code Block” on page 493
• “Localizing Gosu Error Messages” on page 494
• “Localizing Administration Tool Argument Descriptions” on page 494
• “Localizing Logging Messages” on page 496

Viewing Double-byte Characters in Studio

To correctly view double-byte characters within Guidewire Studio, you most likely need to set your Microsoft
Windows operating system to recognize double-byte characters. (You might do this, for example, if you set the
localization to an East Asian language such as Japanese.) Otherwise, Studio displays a series of blocks (hollow
squares) in place of the character representation.
Guidewire Studio reads Windows standard font settings for menus and other items. This is usually a Windows
standard font, such as Tahoma. For details, on how the Windows operating system handles fonts, see the
following Microsoft site:

Chapter 39, Localizing the Development Environment 491

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

As Microsoft states (on this site), the Windows standard fonts do not support East Asian languages, meaning
double-byte characters. To see these characters properly in Guidewire Studio, perform the following steps within
the Microsoft Windows operating system.

To set double-byte character representations in Microsoft Windows

1. Within Microsoft Windows, navigate to Control Panel → Regional and Language Options and set the following:

Tab Drop-down field Set to

Regional Options Standards and Formats The double-byte language (Japanese, for example)
Advanced Language for non-Unicode programs The double-byte language

2. Save your work. Windows prompts you to restart. You must do so before continuing.

3. Within Microsoft Windows, navigate to Control Panel → Display and set the following:

Tab Item drop-down (Advanced) Set to

Appearance Message Box An East Asian friendly font. (for example, MS Gothic)

At this point, it is possible to set up a valid double-byte language locale and have Studio display it properly.

Additional Information
The following Microsoft sites may also be of interest:
• Enabling International Support in Windows XP/Server 2003 Family.
• NLS Terminology.

Changing the Studio Locale

After you add one, or more, additional locales, Studio displays a locale selector in the bottom right-hand corner
of the screen. The locale selector displays a drop-down list of all the locales defined within Guidewire
Selecting a different locale changes all user-visible text within Studio to that locale, as specified in the file for that locale. (This file contains the Studio field labels.)

Note: To add a locale see “Adding a New Locale” on page 468.

Localizing Rule Set Names and Descriptions

To display a rule set name and description in another language, you can translate these items in the definition file
for that rule. These files end in *.grs. Within a .grs file, you can translate the following:
@gw.rules.RuleName("Translated String")
@gw.rules.RuleSetDescription("Translated String")

Guidewire stores these files in the following directories:


You must create your own translated version of a .grs file and place it in the following directory:

492 Chapter 39, Localizing the Development Environment

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Again, only modify files in the modules/configuration/config directory. Otherwise, you can negate your
installation of Guidewire ClaimCenter.
Note: You can only display a single translated version of a rule set name or description. Changing the user
locale for Studio does not affect these items.

Setting a Locale for a Gosu Code Block

It is possible to set a specific locale in any Gosu block (within any Gosu code) by wrapping the Gosu code in the
following method.
gw.api.util.LocaleUtil.runAsCurrentLocale(alternateLocale, \ -> { code } )

These parameters take the following form:

Parameter Description
alternateLocale The locale to use in the form of an ILocale, for example: gw.il8n.ILocale.fr_FR
\ -> { code } A runnable Gosu block—the Gosu code to run in a different locale

Example 1. You can use this method to localize Gosu code that you add to any workflow step, in an Enter Script
block. For example, in PolicyCenter, you can use an Enter script Gosu block on the IssueCancellation step to
issue the cancellation documents in the primary language of the account holder. This locale can be different from
the default application locale or any locale set for the workflow in general. For example:
uses gw.api.util.LocaleUtil

LocaleUtil.runAsCurrentLocale( LocaleUtil.toLocale( PolicyPeriod.Policy.Account.PrimaryLanguage ),

\ -> PolicyPeriod.CancellationProcess.issueCancellation() )

The Gosu block uses the LocaleUtil.toLocale method. You use this method to translate the first parameter
expression (PolicyPeriod.Account.PrimaryLanguage) into the necessary ILocale type.
Example 2. In a more generic example, suppose that you want to format a date for a particular language. For
example, you want to represent a date in the format yyyy-dd-MM (as is typical in the French language). You can
use SimpleDateFormat with a Date object and call the runAsCurrentLocale method to format the date for the
French locale. For example:
uses gw.api.util.LocaleUtil
uses gw.i18n.ILocale
uses java.util.Date
uses gw.api.util.DateUtil

var formattedDate : String

\ -> { formattedDate = DateUtil.currentDate().format("long")})

Additional Useful Methods on gw.api.util.LocaleUtil

In addition to the runAsCurrentLocale method, gw.api.util.LocaleUtil contains other methods useful in
working with localization. Some of the more important ones are:

Method Description
canSwitchLanguage Returns true if the current user is allowed to switch to a different language.
getAllLanguages Returns a list of all available languages as defined in the LanguageType typelist.
getCurrentLocale Returns the current locale, which can be based on the user language setting or on the browser
getCurrentUserLanguage Returns the language set for the current user.
getDefaultLanguage Returns the language associated with the default locale (as set by configuration parameter

Chapter 39, Localizing the Development Environment 493

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Method Description
getDefaultLocale Return the applications default locale as set by configuration parameter
toLanguage Given a locale, return a language type.
toLocale Given a language type, return a locale.

Localizing Gosu Error Messages

Guidewire ClaimCenter stores the text strings that Gosu errors generate in the following location:

For example, file provides the following English language assignments:
ARRAY = Array
BEAN = Bean
BOOLEAN = Boolean
FUNCTION = Function
IDENTIFIER = Identifier
NUMERIC = Number
OBJECT_LITERAL = ObjectLiteral
STRING = String
MSG_BAD_IDENTIFIER_NAME = Could not resolve symbol for : {0}

It is possible to create translated versions of the error message text strings. Guidewire then shows the translated
or localized version of the error message instead of the default English version if you set Studio (or ClaimCenter)
to that locale. To do this, you follow a similar procedure to that you performed if you translated the file.

To generate localized Gosu error messages

1. Within the application file structure, navigate to the following location:

2. Make of copy of the file in that directory and place the copy in the following

Note: If a directory folder does not exist for the chosen locale, then first perform the steps in “Adding a
New Locale” on page 468.
3. Translate the text strings as required.

To see translated error strings for a particular locale, you must set Studio (or ClaimCenter) to that locale first.

See Also
• “Changing the Studio Locale” on page 492
• “Setting the User Locale” on page 476

Localizing Administration Tool Argument Descriptions

Guidewire provides a set of administration tools defined in Gosu. You use these tools, for example, to control
server behavior, to load data, and to generate tools for use in the Guidewire configuration environment.
These command line tools derive their arguments from properties on a class that ClaimCenter initializes at the
start of each tool, depending on the tool. ClaimCenter stores these files in the following location:

494 Chapter 39, Localizing the Development Environment

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In the base configuration, this directory contains the following command line argument files:

Each of these Gosu classes contains a set of static properties with associated comments. By default, ClaimCenter
derives the description of each command line argument from the comments in the file associated with that
administration tool. However, it is possible to create a separate property file, with localized name/value pairs of
the property descriptions and associate that file with a tool. ClaimCenter then reads the associated property file
and displays localized versions of the tool argument descriptions.
For example, in SystemToolsArgs, you see the following definition for the server command line argument:
* The password to use
@ShortName( "password" )
@LongName( null )
static var _password : String as Password

Suppose that you want to localize the description of the Password argument for a French (France) locale. You
need to create the following file:

and populate it with the following:

Password=Le mot de passe à utiliser

In this way, it is possible to localize the property name descriptions (which are the command line argument
descriptions) in these files. To do so, you need to do the following:
• Create a properties file for the locale and populate it with translated name/value pairs.
• Name the file using the standard Java convention for differentiating between various localizations.
• Place the properties file in the same directory as the class file that it modifies.

IMPORTANT Guidewire ClaimCenter displays the localized descriptions for the administration tools
for the operating system locale, not the locale set for Guidewire ClaimCenter.

To localize the command line argument descriptions

1. Create a properly translated properties file, with a name/value pair for each property in the class for which
you are providing localization.
• Name is the property in class system_tools, for example, SystemToolsArgs.Server.
• Value is the properly localized description of that property name.
The property file must have a name/value pair for each property in the class for which you want to provide
localization. If there is no entry for a given property, ClaimCenter uses the default documentation from the
comment on the property in class.
2. Name the property file with the same name as the tool class, using the standard Java conventions for differen-
tiating between various localizations. For example, if creating a localized SystemToolArgs properties file for
German, use the following:

3. Place the translated properties file in the same directory as the tool class, which is:

Chapter 39, Localizing the Development Environment 495

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To access the command line tools in a chosen locale

Guidewire ClaimCenter displays the localized descriptions for the command line tools for the operating system
locale, not the locale set for Guidewire ClaimCenter. Thus, to run the command line tools in a specific locale, do
one of the following:
• Set your operating system to the chosen locale.
• Set the command line window to the chosen locale.
The following steps illustrate how to set the locale of a command line window using the GOSU_OPTS command.
1. Open a command line window and navigate to the following directory:

2. Enter the following command, replacing <locale> with the exact same locale that you used to name your
localization property file.
ClaimCenter/admin/bin/set GOSU_OPTS=-Duser.language=<locale>
For example, if you create a property localization file named, then
enter the following:
ClaimCenter/admin/bin/set GOSU_OPTS=-Duser.language=de_DE

3. Run your administration tool.

You can view a list of arguments and descriptions by entering the tool name without any arguments. For
example, if you enter the following, ClaimCenter displays a list of the arguments that you can use with the
system tools command:

See Also
• “Generating Java and SOAP API Libraries” on page 64 in the Installation Guide
• “ClaimCenter Administrative Commands” on page 169 in the System Administration Guide

Localizing Logging Messages

As described—in Localizing Gosu Error Messages—it is possible to localize Gosu error messages. (Guidewire
provides access to the file, which you can localize.) It is also possible for you to
localize any error messages that you create yourself through Studio. This can a message embedded in a Gosu rule
or Gosu class that prints information to the Studio console.
There are two instances, however, in which Guidewire does not provide localized messages:
• Java stack traces
• Apache log4j messages
Java stack traces. Guidewire does not display the originating Java error message to the ClaimCenter user in the
event that ClaimCenter throws an error or exception. Instead, Guidewire logs the Java stack in the Guidewire
ClaimCenter log files and typically shows the user a more generic message that you can localize. For example:
There has been an error on the server. Contact your system administrator.
In any case, Java does not provide localized stack traces. It simply lists the package, class, and line number of the
location of the error or exception in the code.
Apache log4j messages. Guidewire does not provide localized translations of log4j messages in the base
ClaimCenter configuration.

496 Chapter 39, Localizing the Development Environment

chapter 40

Localizing Guidewire Workflow

This topic discusses localization as it relates to Guidewire workflow.

This topic includes:
• “Localize a Workflow” on page 497
• “Localizing Gosu Code in a Workflow Step” on page 499

Localize a Workflow
Before advancing a workflow, the Workflow engine determines the locale in which to execute the workflow.
This is the locale that ClaimCenter uses for display keys, dates, numbers, and other similar items. Unless set oth-
erwise, this is the application default locale.
This topic covers the following:
• Setting a Locale for a Workflow
• Localizing Workflow Step Names
• Creating a Locale-Specific SubFlow

Setting a Locale for a Workflow

At the start of the workflow execution, the Workflow engine evaluates the workflow locale and uses that locale
for notes, documents, templates, and similar items. (See “Localizing Templates” on page 517 for how you can
localize application documents, notes, and emails.) You can, however, set a workflow locale that is different from
the default application locale.
To set a locale on a workflow, click in the background area in the workflow Layout view. This opens the proper-
ties area at the bottom of the workflow area. You can enter either a fixed name for the locale or use a Gosu
expression that evaluates to a valid ILocale type to retrieve a locale. For example:

Type Gosu

Fixed string gw.i18n.ILocale.fr_FR

Chapter 40, Localizing Guidewire Workflow 497

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Type Gosu

Variable expression gw.api.util.LocaleUtil.toLocale( thisClaim.Claimant.PrimaryLanguage )

gw.api.util.LocaleUtil.toLocale( Group.Supervisor.Contact.PrimaryLanguage )

Localizing Workflow Step Names

Guidewire ClaimCenter stores the names of the workflow steps with workflow object itself. The names are not
strings that you can turn into display keys, which you can then translate. Instead, ClaimCenter provides a
different mechanism to enable the localization of workflow step names.
You can display a translated workflow step name by first selecting the workflow step, then clicking on the Step
Name Localizations tab. (This tab appears in the properties area at the bottom of the workflow editor.) Click Add and
enter the translated step name. After you make the change, select the locale from the Studio locale drop-down list
in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Studio then displays the translated name for that locale in the work-
flow editor.
If you localize a step name, ClaimCenter displays the localized version of the step name in the following loca-
• Workflow steps in Studio
• Workflow summary in ClaimCenter on the Find Workflows search screen. (You must use an administrative
account to see this screen.) The summary shows the last completed step. If localized in Studio, the step shows
in that form on this ClaimCenter screen. This happens only if you set the locale using the ClaimCenter
language selector (in the right-hand corner of the ClaimCenter screen).
• Workflow log in ClaimCenter on the Workflow Detail screen. (You access this screen by clicking the workflow
name on the Workflows Search screen.) The log shows all workflow steps. If localized in Studio, these steps
show in that form on this ClaimCenter screen. This happens only if you set the locale using the ClaimCenter
language selector (in the right-hand corner of the ClaimCenter screen).

Creating a Locale-Specific SubFlow

As described in “Workflow Subflows” on page 450, you can create a child workflow (a subflow) in Gosu using
the following methods on Workflow. Each method handles the locale of the subflow differently.

Method Description
createSubFlow Creates a child subflow synchronously, meaning that the Workflow engine starts the sub-
flow immediately upon method invocation. The new subflow automatically uses the
default application locale, not the locale of the parent workflow. Thus, if you set the locale
of the parent workflow to be different from the default application locale, the subflow does
not inherit that locale.
createSubFlowAsynchronously Creates a child subflow asynchronously, meaning that the Workflow engine does not start
the subflow until it finishes executing all code in the Gosu initialization block. Again, the
subflow uses the default application locale, not the locale set for the workflow itself.
As the Workflow engine executes all the Gosu code in the block before starting the sub-
flow, it is possible to set the locale of the subflow before the workflow starts.
instantiateSubFlow Creates a child subflow, but does not start it. If desired, you can modify the subflow that
the method returns before you start the subflow.

To create a subflow that inherits the locale of the parent workflow

1. Define a workflow that has the LanguageType property. See “Creating New Workflows” on page 440 for
information on how to create a new workflow with a LanguageType property.
2. Set the locale for this subflow so that it uses your desired language. See “Setting a Locale for a Workflow” on
page 497 for details.

498 Chapter 40, Localizing Guidewire Workflow

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

3. Instantiate the subworkflow using the instantiateSubFlow method rather than the createSubFlow method.

4. Set the LanguageType property on the instantiated subflow to the locale of the parent workflow.

5. Start the subflow, using one of the workflow start methods described at “Instantiating a Workflow” on
page 444.

Localizing Gosu Code in a Workflow Step

It is possible to localize Gosu code that you add to any workflow step (an Enter Script block, for example). To do
so, wrap the Gosu code in the following method.
gw.api.util.LocaleUtil.runAsCurrentLocale(alternateLocale, \ -> { code } )

See “Setting a Locale for a Gosu Code Block” on page 493 for examples of how to work with this method.

Chapter 40, Localizing Guidewire Workflow 499

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

500 Chapter 40, Localizing Guidewire Workflow

chapter 41

Localizing Shared Administration


This topic discusses how to localize shared administration data through the use of a localization database
column. For example, all users in the ClaimCenter application share activity patterns. (ClaimCenter uses activity
patterns to create new activities.) Through the use of a localization column, users in different locales can see an
activity name appropriate for their preferred locale.
This topic includes:
• “Shared Administration Data” on page 501
• “Localized Entities” on page 502
• “Localization Database Tables” on page 503
• “Localized PCF Files” on page 503

Shared Administration Data

Guidewire ClaimCenter provides mechanisms for localizing the string labels of fields and typelist values.
• For interface field labels, ClaimCenter uses various files to store localization informa-
• For typelists, ClaimCenter stores localization information directly with the typelist files themselves.
However, there is another class of data that ClaimCenter uses mainly for administration and reference, which
ClaimCenter stores directly in the application database as values. This type of data includes the following:
• Activity patterns
• Groups
• Regions
Other types of administrative data that ClaimCenter stores in the database include the following:
• Catastrophes

Chapter 41, Localizing Shared Administration Data 501

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Geographical data (city, province, and country names, for example)

• Holidays
• Values for industry and other organization codes

Localized Entities
To accommodate multilingual users who want to use shared administration data, Guidewire provides a mecha-
nism to create a database column on an entity that stores localization information. To accomplish this, Guidewire
provides a <localization> XML child element to <column> in the metadata. The existence of this node triggers
a localized column within Guidewire ClaimCenter. The <localization> subelement has one attribute,
tableName, which is the table name of the localization join table.

IMPORTANT Do not exceed a tableName length of 16 characters. If you do, the application server
refuses to start.

The <localiztion> subelement takes the following form:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity ... >
<column ... >
<localization tableName="..."/>

For example, in the base configuration, Guidewire localizes the Description column on the ActivityPattern
entity. This means that this column can include localized values for each language (locale) that you define in the
LanguageType type list.

The ActivityPattern entity looks similar to the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity xmlns=""
desc="An activity pattern is a template for an activity. "
<implementsEntity name="DecentralizedEntity"/>
<column desc="Description of the activity pattern." name="Description" type="mediumtext">
<localization tableName="actpat_desc_l10n"/>

A Localized Catastrophe Entity Example

The following ClaimCenter Castrophe entity code provides another example of localizing certain columns on an
entity, in this case the Name and Description fields.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity admin="true"
<fulldescription>Represents a catastrophe.</fulldescription>
<column desc="Description of the catastrophe." name="Description" type="shorttext">
<localization tableName="cat_desc_l10n"/>

502 Chapter 41, Localizing Shared Administration Data

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<column desc="Name of the catastrophe." name="Name" type="varchar">
<columnParam name="size" value="60"/>
<localization tableName="cat_name_l10n"/>

Localization Database Tables

ClaimCenter stores the localized values in the join table that it auto-generates for each localized column that you
create. As you define a localized column (see “Localized Entities” on page 502), Guidewire recommends that
you use the following format for the join table name. You must also ensure that the complete table name length is
less than 16 characters:

Thus, to create a table name, you use the main entity name and the name of the column that you wish to localize.
For example:

Join table columns. The auto-generated join table includes the following columns (among others):
• An Owner column, the type of which is an integer that represents an ID of the owner.
• A Language column, the type of which is the LanguageType typelist.
• A Value column, the type of which matches the type of the corresponding column in the main table. This
column contains the actual localized value.
It is important to understand the following:
• ClaimCenter stores the localization for the default locale as a column on the main entity.
• ClaimCenter stores the localizations for all other locales as columns in the join table.

Localized PCF Files

After you add a localization column to an entity, you need to expose this functionality through the application
interface, within a PCF file. To use the activity pattern example again, the ActivityPattern code defines the
activity pattern subject and description as localized:
<column desc="Description of the activity pattern." name="Description" type="mediumtext">
<localization tableName="actpat_desc_l10n"/>
<column desc="Subject field of the activity." name="Subject" type="shorttext">
<localization tableName="actpat_subj_l10n"/>

In the base configuration, Guidewire provides this functionality by embedding an

ActivityPatternLocalizedLV PCF within the ActivityPatternDetailScreen. The following graphic illus-
trates the ActivityPatternLocalizedLV PCF file (in the Studio PCF editor).

Chapter 41, Localizing Shared Administration Data 503

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following graphic illustrates the ActivityPatternDetailScreen. (Depending on your Guidewire applica-
tion, this screen can have different fields and be slightly different.)

The base ClaimCenter configuration contains, for example, an Administration → Catastrophes → New Catastrophe screen
in which you can enter localized values for the name and description of the catastrophe. The
CastropheLocalizedLV defines the localization area at the bottom of the New Catastrophe screen. (This file only
exists in the base configuration in ClaimCenter.)

In the base configuration, ClaimCenter embeds CastropheLocalizedLV within the CatastropheDetailScreen.

504 Chapter 41, Localizing Shared Administration Data

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following graphic illustrates the base ClaimCenter New Catastrophe screen.

Chapter 41, Localizing Shared Administration Data 505

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

506 Chapter 41, Localizing Shared Administration Data

chapter 42

Localizing Field Validators

This topic discusses how to create field validation that is country-specific, meaning that the input validation
mask changes depending on the country associated with the field. This is useful if you want to support data from
multiple countries as the validation and input masks differ for each country.
This topic includes:
• “Localizing Field Validation” on page 507
• “Configuring Localized Error Messages for Field Validators” on page 508
• “Validating Country-Specific Entity Fields” on page 509

Localizing Field Validation

Field validators handle simple validation for a single field. A validator definition defines a regular expression,
which a data field must match to be valid. It can also define an optional input mask that provides a visual indica-
tion to the user of the data to enter in the field.
There are several different ways to approach the localization of field validators. You can, for example:
• Use one set of field validators for all countries, but create translated error messages for each locale.
• Use multiple sets of field validators, which provides the ability to create localized validators by country.
In the base configuration, Studio stores field validator information in the Resources → Data Model Extensions folder,
in fieldvalidators.xml.

Using a Single Field Validators File

If you are using one set of field validators for all countries, you use the base configuration fieldvalidators.xml
file in Data Model Extensions to define your validators. Within this file, you must make the description field for
each validator a display key. You can then provide multiple translated versions for this display key. For example,
in the base configuration, file fieldvalidators.xml contains the following validator definition:
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.Phone" input-mask="###-###-#### x####" name="Phone"
value="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}( x[0-9]{0,4})?"/>

Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators 507

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In this case, Validator.Phone must be a display key for which you provide translated versions. See “Config-
uring Localized Error Messages for Field Validators” on page 508 for an example of how to do this.

Using Multiple Field Validator Files

It is also possible to create multiple field validation files if you want to create country-specific field validation.
This type of localized field validation only works with fields of data type LocalizedString. You cannot use it,
for example, with Money fields, or other non-String data types. In addition, there must also be an entity property
that stores the specific country code for that entity. You set and maintain this property through code.
To implement, you create country-specific folders in Data Model Extensions and provide localized versions of the
fieldvalidators.xml file for each country, along with translated versions of the validator error messages. See
“Validating Country-Specific Entity Fields” on page 509 for an extended example of how this works in practice.

IMPORTANT ClaimCenter triggers field validation off the country associated with an entity field. It
does not trigger off the locale set through the ClaimCenter interface (which is the locale of the
logged-in user). For example, for an address, ClaimCenter associates an address format with the
country listed for that address, not the locale of the user.

To create a country-specific field validators file

1. Select the fieldvalidatorscountries folder (in Studio Resources → Data Model Extensions).

2. Select New → Other file from the right-click menu.

3. Enter the name of the file. You must use the following name format for the file:
ClaimCenter uses the name of the file to determine the country for which these field validators are valid. The
<country_code> that you use must match an existing country code that exists in the Country typelist. A
country code consists of a two-character uppercase ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code for a country. For France, the
two-character abbreviation is FR, for Japan, it is JP, and for Switzerland, it is CH, for example.
To view a list of valid country codes, refer to the following web site:

4. Enter field validators specific to this country.

IMPORTANT File fieldvalidators.xml contains the default definitions for field validators for US
standard English. If multiple countries exist, then ClaimCenter uses this file as the default definition if
you do not specify a country. ClaimCenter also uses this file as the default if a country-specific vali-
dator file does not exist for the specified country.

See Also
• “Field Validation” on page 293

Configuring Localized Error Messages for Field Validators

You can define a localized display key for each field validator format to provide a localized validation error mes-
sage for a field validator of a given type. For example, the default fieldvalidators.xml file (for US standard
English) contains a Phone validator for a ten digit number plus optional extension:
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.Phone" input-mask="###-###-#### x####" name="Phone"
value="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}( x[0-9]{0,4})?"/>

508 Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Thus, in the base configuration, the error message (display key) attached to Validator.Phone looks similar to
the following:
{0} must be a 10-digit phone number, with an optional extension

To create localized field validator error messages

To create localized error messages for incorrect Phone input, do the following:
1. Create a separate field validator file for each country. For example, for the United States, Great Britain, and
Spain, create the following field validator files. Store each in the fieldvalidatorscountries folder (in Data
Model Extensions).
• fieldvalidators_US.xml
• fieldvalidators_GB.xml
• fieldvalidators_ES.xml

2. Within each of the country field validator files, enter the appropriate validator definition. For example, for the
United States, enter the following.
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.Phone.US" input-mask="###-###-#### x####" name="Phone"
value="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}( x[0-9]{0,4})?"/>
Notice that the validator definition no longer references a Validator.Phone display key for the error mes-
sage. Now, it references a Validator.Phone.US display key.
3. Create a separate display key for each country that you referenced in the field validator files. For example,
create the following display keys and populate them accordingly.
• Validator.Phone.US
• Validator.Phone.GB
• Validator.Phone.ES

Validating Country-Specific Entity Fields

Suppose that you want to define a localized text string that has a different input mask and field validator for each
country. This can be, for example, an address postal code that changes its format for each country. Or, it can be
the telephone number, which again can vary by country.

Example Set Up
This basic example adds an entry field named Some Localized String to the Policy Info screen used in the PolicyCenter
Submission wizard. It sets an input validation mask that changes depending on whether the country on the policy
address is the United States or Great Britain. It also creates separate error messages (display keys) for incorrect
user input for those two countries.

Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators 509

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

PolicyCenter looks something like this after you incorrectly enter data into the Some Localized String field. Notice
that the address country is set to United States of America.

Notice how the Some Localized String field changes its input format (and error message) if you set the address
country to Great Britain.

510 Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Example Files
The example creates or modifies the following files or display keys:

File or display key Purpose

AccountInfoInputSet.pcf Adds an entry field named Some Localized String to the Policy Info page of the
PolicyCenter Submission wizard.
PolicyAddress.etx Extends the PolicyAddress entity by adding a SomeLocalizedString column of type
LocalizedString and adds a validator for this column (field).
fieldvalidators.xml Adds a default validator definition for SomeLocalizedString.
fieldvalidators_US.xml Adds country-specific validation for the desired countries.
Validator.Phone.US Adds new display keys for incorrect user input for each country.
PolicyAddressEnhancement.gsx Not necessary to create or modify for this example as it exists in the base configuration.
Depending on the entity that you modify, however, it can be necessary to create a Gosu
entity enhancement.

Example Steps
This example requires multiple steps. It illustrates these steps by extending the PolicyAddress entity.
1. First, you need to create an extension PolicyAddress.etx file to define the new localized column (in this
case, SomeLocalizedString) and to set the associated validator and other parameters.
2. Next, you need to modify PCF file AccountInfoInputSet and add input field Some Localized String.

3. Then, you need to add the default validation to the fieldvalidators.xml for SomeLocalizedString.

4. Next, you need to create new validator files for the country-specific field validators and input masks and
create the country-specific display keys to use as validation error messages.
5. Finally, you need to write a Gosu enhancement that you use to trigger the country-specific validation behav-

IMPORTANT This example does not persist data to the database. It simply illustrates the process of
creating country-specific validations for any given entity field.

Step 1: Extend the PolicyAddress Entity

The first step in the process is to add a column to the PolicyAddres entity and associate a field validator with
that column (field).

IMPORTANT You cannot use a single regular expression on a field that varies by locale, unless you
use the LocalizedString data type for that field.

To add a column to PolicyAddress

1. Create an PolicyAddres.etx file if one does not already exist.

a. Select the Data Model Extensions → extensions folder.

b. Right-click, select New → Other file.

c. Enter the name of the file in the dialog. You must add the .etx file extension. PolicyCenter does not do
this for you.

Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators 511

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. Enter the following in PolicyAddress.etx.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<column desc="Some Localized String" name="SomeLocalizedString" type="localizedstring">
<columnParam name="countryproperty" value="Country"/>
<columnParam name="validator" value="SomeLocalizedString"/>
<columnParam name="size" value="50"/>

This code adds a column (field) to the PolicyAddress entity named SomeLocalizedString. For this column, it is
necessary to specify the following parameters:

Parameter Description
countryproperty Defines a property named Country that exists on the surrounding entity (PolicyAddress) to return
the country to use. The value of Country determines the input mask to use.
validator Defines the field validator to use with this string. The name of the validator is
size Defines the width (size) of the new database column.

Step 2: Add the Input Field to the PolicyCenter Interface

The PolicyCenter Policy Info page uses the AccountInfoInputSet PCF to display information on the primary
named insured, including the policy address. This example modifies this PCF to add a new input field named
Some Localized String. This is merely a generic input field to illustrate the principals involved. In actual practice,
you would add a field that had a more meaningful function and label.

To add the Some Localized String Field

1. Open (in Studio) PCF file AccountInfoInputSet.

2. Expand the Toolbox and find the Input widget. Select this widget and drag it directly underneath the
IndustryCodeInput widget.
3. Select your Input widget to open the Properties pane at the bottom of the screen. Enter the following:
• id - SomeLocalizedString
• label - "Some Localized String"
• value - period.PolicyAddress.SomeLocalizedString

The value property indicates that the input field is to use the PolicyAddress.SomeLocalizedString column defi-
nition. You added this column to PolicyAddress by extension in step 1 of this example.
column desc="Some Localized String" name="SomeLocalizedString" type="localizedstring">
<columnParam name="countryproperty" value="Country"/>
<columnParam name="validator" value="SomeLocalizedString"/>
<columnParam name="size" value="50"/>

512 Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Thus, the input field uses the SomeLocalizedString validator, triggered by the value of the
PolicyAddress.Country property. The following graphic illustrates this.

Step 3: Add the Validator to the Default Field Validator File

Next, you need to add the default validator definition to the default validator file.

To add the column validator to the validator files

1. Add the LocalizedString validator to the default fieldvalidators.xml file by adding the following line to
that file:
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.SomeLocalizedString" input-mask="###" name="SomeLocalizedString"
The LocalizedString data type has an input mask and a regular expression against which it validates. As
PolicyCenter retrieves a field validation object for the PolicyAddress.SomeLocalizedString column, it
looks at this validator.

Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators 513

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Step 4: Create Country-Specific Validators and Error Messages

The previous step simply defines a default validator for the Some Localized String input field. However, you want
the validation input mask to change depending on the country of the policy address. For example, within
• If you set the country in an address to the United States, then you want the input mask to be three digits.
• If you set the country to Great Britain, then you want the input mask to be six digits.
You need to add a SomeLocalizedString validator to the following files:

File Location Description

fieldvalidators_US.xml fieldvalidatorscountries Validator to use if PolicyAddress.Country is set to the United
fieldvalidators_GB.xml fieldvalidatorscountries Validator to use if PolicyAddress.Country is set to Great Britain.

To add the column validator to the validator files

1. Create country-specific versions of the field validators file and place them in the fieldvalidatorscountries
folder in Resources → Data Model Extensions.
For Great Britain and the United States, create the following files and put them in
fieldvalidatorscountries folder:
• fieldvalidators_GB.xml
• fieldvalidators_US.xml

2. Place a country-specific version of the SomeLocalizedString validator in each of these files.

• For the United States, use the following:
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.SomeLocalizedString.US"
• For Great Britain, use the following:
<ValidatorDef description="Validator.SomeLocalizedString.GB"

The input mask changes for each country, as does the regular expression. Each country-specific version of the
field validators file lives in fieldvalidatorscountries and contains only those data type validators specific to
that country.
Every time that PolicyCenter renders this field, it checks its country location:
• If the location is in Great Britain, PolicyCenter checks to see if a specific field validator exists in the
GB-specific file.
• If the location is in the United States, PolicyCenter checks to see if a specific field validator exists in the
US-specific file.
• If a country-specific validator does not exist, then PolicyCenter checks the default field validator file.

Creating Country-Specific Error Messages

If the user enters incorrect input in the Some Localized String field, you want the validation error messages to be
specific to the country as well. Thus, you need to create country-specific display keys for these error messages
and tie them to the validator. To invoke country-specific error messages, you need to create country-specific
display keys.

To create country-specific validation error messages

1. Open the Display Keys editor and expand the Validator node.

514 Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. Right-click and select Add. This action opens the Create Display Key dialog.

3. Create the following display keys:

Display key name Value

Validator.SomeLocalizedString.GB {0} must be six digits (Great Britain).
Validator.SomeLocalizedString.US {0} must be three digits (United States).

This links each country-specific display key to the country-specific validator definition.

Step 5: Create the Validator Trigger Code

For the example to work correctly, you need to be able to retrieve the entity.Country property on the entity
linked to the input field. You do this through an entity enhancement property getter method. This is true, in
general, for localized entity field validation to work correctly.
However, in the base PolicyCenter configuration, a PolicyAddresEnhancement exists already and contains the
necessary code to obtain the PolicyAddress.Country value. It looks similar to the following:
package gw.policyaddress

enhancement PolicyAddressEnhancement : entity.PolicyAddress {

property get Country() : Country {
if (this.SyncedToAccount) {
return this.Address.Country
} else {
return this.getFieldValue("CountryInternal") as Country

Extension file PolicyAddress.etx references this property. The property returns the correct country code.

IMPORTANT If a getter method for Country property does not exist on the entity linked to your vali-
dation field, then you must create one. If a Gosu enhancement does not exist for that entity already,
then you must create one and populate it with the correct getter method.

Testing the Field Validation Example

After following the example steps, you need to test your configuration to see if it works correctly.

To test the example configuration

1. Restart PolicyCenter Studio, if you have not already done so.

2. Start the PolicyCenter application server. Because of the database changes created in the example, the server
needs to upgrade the database. Verify that there are no server errors. If there are, you need to correct the issues
(typically mis-typing) before continuing.
3. Log into PolicyCenter and start a new submission using any of the base configuration sample data.

4. Navigate to the Policy Info page. If you performed the steps in the example correctly, you see the Some Localized
String field, in the Official IDs group. For an example of how this looks, see the graphics in “Example Set Up” on
page 509.
5. Verify that the Country field for the policy address is set to either the United States (United States of America)
or Great Britain (United Kingdom of Great Britain and N. Ireland). If it is not, then you need to change the
policy address.

Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators 515

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• If you set the country to Great Britain, then you see six dots (for six digits) in the Some Localized Field input
• If you set the country to the United States, then you see three dots (for three digits) in the Some Localized
Field input field.

6. Enter one or two digits in the Some Localized Field input field and click Next. If you have completed the example
correctly, you see a localized error message at the top of the screen. The message tells you the number of
digits you must enter in this field and varies by which country exists on the policy address.

516 Chapter 42, Localizing Field Validators

chapter 43

Localizing Templates

This topic discusses the implications of application localization as it applies to documents, emails, and notes.
This topic includes:
• “Understanding Templates: A Review” on page 517
• “Creating Localized Documents, Emails, and Notes” on page 518
• “Document Localization Support” on page 522

Understanding Templates: A Review

In the base configuration, Guidewire provides a number of template-related definition files for notes, emails, and
documents. You can find these files in Studio, in their respective directories, at the following locations:
• Other Resources → doctemplates
• Other Resources → emailtemplates
• Other Resources → notetemplates

Each directory contains, for that resource type, files that ClaimCenter uses to define the document, email, or
note. ClaimCenter uses two files (with identical names, but with different file extensions) to define each one.

File extension Description Example

.doc Template file. This file contains the actual content of the docu- EmailSent.gosu.htm
.htm ment, email, or note.

Chapter 43, Localizing Templates 517

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

File extension Description Example

.descriptor Template descriptor file. This file contains the template meta- EmailSent.gosu.htm.descriptor
data, for example:
• Name
• ID
• MIME type

This file can also contains symbol definitions (context objects)

that ClaimCenter substitutes into the template content file in
creating the final document.

See Also
For general information on templates, how to create them, and how to use them, see:
• “Gosu Templates” on page 291 in the Gosu Reference Guide
• “Data Extraction Integration” on page 279 in the Integration Guide

Creating Localized Documents, Emails, and Notes

The process of creating localized versions of document, email, and note templates is straight-forward and, for the
most part, relatively simple. It mainly involves creating locale-specific folders in the correct location and popu-
lating each folder with translated versions of the required document, email, or note templates and descriptor files.
The following steps describe the process.
• Step 1: Create Locale-Specific Folders
• Step 2: Localize Template Descriptor Files
• Step 3: Localize Template Files
• Step 4: Localize Documents, Emails, and Notes within ClaimCenter
Within Guidewire ClaimCenter the default locale for a document, note, or email template is the configured
default locale for the application.
Note: Remember that any time you add a file to a Studio-managed file folder, you need to stop and restart
Studio so that it recognizes the change.

IMPORTANT Guidewire does not provide the ability to localize Velocity templates.

Step 1: Create Locale-Specific Folders

Guidewire ClaimCenter uses the following directory structure to store the application document, email, and note

As with all other application configuration files, ClaimCenter stores the base configuration version of these files
in a read-only application directory. To create your own, localized versions of the template files, do the
1. Manually copy the application template folder (doctemplates, for example) to your configuration directory:

518 Chapter 43, Localizing Templates

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. Create your locale-specific folders in the configuration directory. For example, if you create a French locale
and want to use French-language document, email, and note templates, then you need to duplicate the
following directory structure:

After you complete this task—if you stop and restart Studio—you see your locale-specific folders in the
Resources tree, along with all of the non-localized templates. For example:
• Other Resources → doctemplates → fr_FR
• Other Resources → emailtemplates → fr_FR
• Other Resources → notetemplates → fr_FR

IMPORTANT If you create a locale-specific template folder in your configuration directory, then you
must copy the entire application template folder and all its contents into the configuration directory as
well. If you do not, you cannot see all of the templates in Studio.

See Also
• For a discussion of the language and country codes to use in creating a locale-specific folder, see “Adding a
New Locale” on page 468.

Step 2: Localize Template Descriptor Files

After you copy the base configuration templates files to a template locale folder, you then need to create local-
ized versions of the template descriptor files. The manner in which you create localized document template
descriptor files is slightly different from the process for creating localized email and note template descriptor
files. See the following topics for details:
• Localizing Document Descriptor Files
• Localizing Email and Note Descriptor Files
It is important to understand that localizing template descriptor files serves a different purpose than that of local-
izing (translating) template content files. The two are different and separate. For example:
• Localizing the subject context object in an email template descriptor file enables a ClaimCenter user to see
the subject line of that email template in the localized language within ClaimCenter.
• Localizing the content of an email template enables the recipient of that email to see its contents in the local-
ized language.

Localizing Document Descriptor Files

The document template descriptor files are XML-based files that conform to the specification defined in file
document-template.xsd. You can view this file in Studio in the following location:
Other Resources → doctemplates

The descriptor file defines context objects (among other items), which are values that ClaimCenter inserts into
the document template to replace defined symbols. Thus, ClaimCenter replaces <%=Subject%> in the document
template with the value defined for this symbol in the descriptor file.
For example, in the base configuration, ClaimCenter contains the following XML definition for the EmailSent
template descriptor associated with the EmailSent document template. Notice that it contains a context object for
the subject symbol. You can define as many context objects (and associated symbols) as you want.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DocumentTemplateDescriptor id="EmailSent.gosu.htm" name="Gosu Sample Email Sent Record"
... keywords="CA, email">

<DescriptorLocalization locale="someLocale" name="localizedName"

description="localizedDescription" />

Chapter 43, Localizing Templates 519

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


<ContextObject name="Subject" type="string">

<ContextObjectLocalization locale="someLocale" display-name="localizedName" />


Localizing a template descriptor file requires that you localize a number of items in the file. The following list
describes some of the main items that you want to localize in a descriptor file:

Element Attribute Description

<DocumentTemplateDescriptor> • keywords Localize the key words associated with this template to
facilitate the search for this template within the
ClaimCenter search screen.
<DescriptorLocalization> • locale Subelement of <DocumentTemplateDescriptor> - Enter a
• name valid GWLocale value for locale. (See “Step 1: Add the
• description
Locale to the Localization File” on page 468 for what con-
stitutes a valid GWLocale.) You can also localize the name
and description of this template as it appears within
Guidewire ClaimCenter.
<ContextObjectLocalization> • locale Subelement of <ContextObject> - Enter a valid GWLocale
• display-name value for locale. (See “Step 1: Add the Locale to the
Localization File” on page 468 for what constitutes a valid
GWLocale.) You can also localize the name of this template
as it appears within Guidewire ClaimCenter.

To localize a document template descriptor file, add the appropriate <DescriptorLocalization> and
<ContextObjectLocalization> subelements to the file.

IMPORTANT There is only one copy of a document template descriptor file. Do not create additional
copies in locale folders. Instead, add localization elements to the descriptor files in the doctemplates

Localizing Email and Note Descriptor Files

The process of localizing the email and note descriptor files is relatively simple. To localize these files, you need
only localize the following attributes and place a copy of the file in the correct locale folder.

Element Attribute Description

<emailtemplate-descriptor> • keywords Localize the key words associated with this template to facilitate the
<notetemplate-descriptor> • subject search for this template within the ClaimCenter search screen. Also,
localize the subject of this template to show that localized value in

To localize an email or note template descriptor file for French (France), first copy to the descriptor file to a
fr_FR folder. Then, simply localize any key words that you want and the subject tag for the template.

Step 3: Localize Template Files

After creating the locale-specific folder within your configuration directory, you then need to populate the
folders with the translated versions of any template content that you intend to use. Unless you want to create a
new template, the simplest procedure is to do the following:
• Copy a base language template.

520 Chapter 43, Localizing Templates

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Translate it into the language of your choice.

• Deploy the translated filed to the proper locale-specific configuration folder.
Note: Any time that you add a file to a Studio-managed file folder, you need to stop and restart Studio so
that it recognizes the change.

Step 4: Localize Documents, Emails, and Notes within ClaimCenter

After you create localized versions of your templates, you can then use these templates within ClaimCenter to
create a language-specific version of a document, an email, or a note.
Note: Within ClaimCenter, you can select the un-localized templates that are in the default directory.
ClaimCenter displays these templates with no language specified. If you select one, however, ClaimCenter
makes the Language field in the New Document worksheet editable.

To create a localized document

1. Within the ClaimCenter Claim tab, select Create New Document... Create from a template from the Actions menu. This
action opens the New Document worksheet at the bottom of the screen.
2. In the New Document worksheet, click the search icon next to the Select Template field.

IMPORTANT The base configuration Sample Acrobat document (SampleAcrobat.pdf) uses Helvetica
font. If you intend to create a document that uses Unicode characters (for example, one that uses an
East Asian language), then the document template must support a Unicode font. Otherwise, the docu-
ment does not display Unicode characters correctly.

3. In the search screen that opens, set the Language field to your desired language and set the other search fields
as necessary. If a document template for your required language exists, ClaimCenter displays it in Search

4. Click Select. ClaimCenter returns to the New Document worksheet with the selected localized template.

5. Complete the rest of the worksheet fields as necessary. You can enter text in your desired language in the
appropriate fields to further localize the document.

To create a localized email

1. Within ClaimCenter, select New... Email from the (Claim tab) Actions menu. This action opens the Email worksheet
at the bottom of the screen.
2. In the Email worksheet, you can either enter text in your desired language, or click Use Template to open the
template selection worksheet.
3. In the search screen that opens, set the Language field to your desired language and set the other search fields
as necessary. If an email template for your required language exists, ClaimCenter displays it in Search Results.
4. Click Select. ClaimCenter returns to the New Email worksheet with the selected localized template.

5. Complete the rest of the worksheet fields as necessary.

To create a localized note

1. Within ClaimCenter, select New... Note from the (Claim tab) Actions menu. This action opens the Note worksheet
at the bottom of the screen.
2. In the Note worksheet, you can either enter text in your desired language, or click Use Template to open the
template selection worksheet.
3. In the search screen that opens, set the Language field to your desired language and set the other search fields
as necessary. If a template for your required language exists, ClaimCenter displays it in Search Results.

Chapter 43, Localizing Templates 521

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

4. Click Select. ClaimCenter returns to the New Note worksheet with the selected localized template.

5. Complete the rest of the worksheet fields as necessary. You can enter text in your desired language in appro-
priate fields to further localize the document.
You can optionally link a localized document to your localized note as well. To do so, click Link Document.

Document Localization Support

ClaimCenter provides a number of useful methods for working with document localization in the following
• IDocumentTemplateDescriptor
• IDocumentTemplateSource
• IDocumentTemplateSerializer

See Also
• “Document Creation” on page 151 in the Rules Guide for general information on APIs used in document
• “Document Localization Support” on page 522 for information on specific APIs related to document localiza-
• “Document Management” on page 249 in the Integration Guide for integration-related issues in document

The IDocumentTemplateDescriptor API provides the following getter methods to use with document locale.

Method Return type Returns

getLocale() String Locale in which to create the document from this template descriptor. A
return value of null indicates an unknown language. In most cases, the
method returns the default language for the application.
getName(locale) String Localized name for a given locale. If a translation does not exist, the
method returns null.

You can also use the following property on IDocumentTemplateDescriptor to retrieve the locale:

The IDocumentTemplateSource API provides the following useful getter methods.

Method Return type Returns

getDocumentTemplate(date, IDocumentTemplateDescriptor[] Array of IDocumentTemplateDescriptor

valuesToMatch, maxResults) objects. If you need to perform a search
based on the locale of a document tem-
plate, you can specify this in the
valuesToMatch argument.
getDocumentTemplate(templateId, IDocumentTemplateDescriptor Document template instance corre-
locale) sponding to the specified template ID
and locale.

522 Chapter 43, Localizing Templates

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Method Return type Returns

getTemplateAsStream(templateId, InputStream One of the following:
• Returns an InputStream for reading
the specified template
• Returns null if ClaimCenter cannot
find the template
• Returns null if the caller does not
have adequate privileges to retrieve
the template

The IDocumentTemplateSource API provides the following method that you can use to retrieve a localized
version of a template.

Method Return type Returns

localize(locale, descriptor) IDocumentTemplateDescriptor Localized instance of the specified template

Chapter 43, Localizing Templates 523

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

524 Chapter 43, Localizing Templates

chapter 44

Localized Search and Sort

This topic describes how to configure a Guidewire ClaimCenter implementation to perform localized search and
sort operations. Guidewire provides support for locale-appropriate searching and sorting for a single locale for a
Guidewire ClaimCenter installation.
This topic includes:
• “Searching and Sorting Character Data” on page 525
• “How Guidewire Stores Data” on page 526
• “Working with the Default Application Locale” on page 526
• “Configuring a Locale” on page 526
• “Database Searching” on page 527
• “Data Sorting” on page 530

Searching and Sorting Character Data

There are several different ways to search and sort character data:
• One way is to treat the character data as binary code points and compare and sort the data numerically.
• Another way is to treat the character data linguistically. This approach applies specific collation rules (rules
used to order words within a list) that reflect the commonly accepted practices and expectations for a partic-
ular region.
Linguistic search applies a specific collation strength to the character data. Collation strength refers to how selec-
tive (or restrictive) the search and sort code treats the collation process. For example, collation strength controls
whether the search and sort code respects or ignores differences in case and accent on a character (such as the
leading character on a word). In the Japanese language, collation strength also controls whether the search and
sort code respects or ignores the differences between katakana and hiragana, and full- and half-width katakana
characters differences.

Chapter 44, Localized Search and Sort 525

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Guidewire ClaimCenter uses the value of configuration parameter DefaultApplicationLocale and the
localization.xml and collations.xml configuration files to implement localized search and sort functionality.

How Guidewire Stores Data

Guidewire ClaimCenter stores character data in several different ways:
• Database storage
• In-memory storage
ClaimCenter handles searching and sorting of character data differently depending on the storage medium on
which the data resides.

Database Data Storage

Guidewire ClaimCenter writes most application data directly to the database. This action stores the data in a
more permanent form, on a physical disk storage system. Each discrete piece of data is an entry in a table
column, with each table being organized by rows. During a comparison and sort of data in the database, the data-
base management system (DBMS) performs the operations and applies rules that control these operations.

In-memory Data Storage

Guidewire ClaimCenter writes some application data to volatile memory devices, such as the local machine
RAM memory. Guidewire typically uses this kind of memory storage for the display of certain kinds of data in
the ClaimCenter interface. For example, ClaimCenter uses in-memory storage for the results of non-query based
list views, drop-downs, and other similar items. During a comparison and sort of data in memory, programming
code (as implemented by Guidewire) controls the operations.

Working with the Default Application Locale

Your ClaimCenter installation provides support for locale-appropriate searching and sorting for a single locale
only. ClaimCenter reads this locale from the DefaultApplicationLocale configuration parameter, which you
set in config.xml. The default is United Stated English (en_US).
You set this value one-time only, before you start the application server for the first time. ClaimCenter stores this
value in the database and checks the value at server start up. If an application server value does not match a data-
base value, then ClaimCenter throws an error and refuses to start.

WARNING You set configuration parameter defaultApplicationLocale one-time only. You

must set the value of this configuration parameter before you start the application server for the first
time. Any attempt to modify this parameter thereafter can invalidate your Guidewire installation.

See Also
• “DefaultApplicationLocale” on page 53

Configuring a Locale
You define and manage locales in file localization.xml, which you access in Studio in the Other Resources
folder. This file contains one or more <GWLocale> elements, each of which defines the application behavior for a
particular country and language. Defining a locale in localization.xml enables its use and defines its date,
time, number, and currency formats.

526 Chapter 44, Localized Search and Sort

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The <GWLocale> element contains several optional subelements, which you can use to configure the behavior of
searching and sorting operations in an Oracle database. It is important to understand that these configuration ele-
ments control the behavior of search and sort algorithms only if you are using an Oracle database.

IMPORTANT For SQL Server, the collation set on the database itself controls the behavior of the
search and sort algorithms in the SQL Server database.

See Also
• “Adding a New Locale” on page 468 for a general discussion of GWLocale.

Database Searching
How Guidewire ClaimCenter handles searching of data depends on the database involved. See the following:
• Searching and the Oracle Database
• Searching and the SQL Server Database

Searching and the Oracle Database

To be eligible for inclusion in the database search algorithm, the supportsLinguisticSearch attribute on that
column must be set to true. Setting this column attribute to true marks that column as searchable. This is true
independent of which DBMS you are using.
Note: See “<column>” on page 212 for more information on the <column> element and the attributes that
you can set on it.

File localization.xml
For Oracle, Guidewire provides the ability to configure locale-appropriate linguistic search capabilities through
the <LinguisticSearchCollation> element on <GWLocale> in localization.xml. You use the strength attri-
bute on this optional subelement to configure and control specialized search behavior.

IMPORTANT Any change to the <LinguisticSearchCollation> element in localization.xml

requires a database upgrade. If you make a change to this element, then you must restart the application
server to force a database upgrade.

The meaning of the strength attribute depends on the specific locale. But, in general,
• A strength of primary considers only character weights. This setting instructs the search algorithms to
consider just the base, or primary letter, and to ignore other attributes such as case or accents. Thus, the colla-
tion rules consider the characters é and E to have the same weight.
• A strength of secondary considers character weight and accent differences, but, not case differences. Thus,
the collation rules consider the characters e and é to be different and thus the rules treat them differently. This
is the default value.
To summarize, the strength attribute can take the following values, with the default being secondary.

Strength Searches are

primary • accent-insensitive
• case-insensitive
secondary • accent-sensitive
• case-insensitive

Chapter 44, Localized Search and Sort 527

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following localization.xml file is an example of this file with suggested settings.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Localization xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- United States English; the default if nothing else is modified -->
<GWLocale name="English (US)" code="en_US" typecode="en_US">
<DateFormat short="MM/dd/yyyy"
medium="MMM d, yyyy"
long="E, MMM d, yyyy" />
<TimeFormat short="hh:mm aa"
medium="hh:mm aa"
long="hh:mm aa"/>
<NumberFormat decimalSymbol="."
thousandsSymbol="," />
<CurrencyFormat positivePattern="$#"
zeroValue="-" />
<LinguisticSearchCollation strength="primary"/>
<SortCollation strength="tertiary"/>

File collations.xml
Guidewire provides specialized search rules for use with the Oracle database through the use of a configurable
Java class that it exposes as a CDATA element in the collations.xml file. You access collations.xml in Studio
in the Other Resources folder.
Within this file, search for the following:
<Database type=”ORACLE”>
<DBJavaClass> <![CDATA[...]]></DBJavaClass>

Guidewire ClaimCenter uses this Java code as the source code for a Java class in Oracle. Oracle then uses this
Java class to implement the calculation of the denormalization fields in Oracle for primary-strength searching
and for Japanese- and German-language searching.
In the base configuration, this Java class defines:
• General rules for primary-strength searching in the Oracle database
• Specialized rules for searching in the Japanese language
• Specialized rules for searching in the German language

General Search Rules for the Oracle Database

In the base configuration, ClaimCenter uses the following general rules as it performs a search on an Oracle data-
• All searches are case insensitive. This is regardless of the value of the strength attribute on
<LinguisticSearchCollation>. ClaimCenter regards the characters e and E as the same.
• All searches take punctuation into account. ClaimCenter does not regard O'Reilly as equal to OReilly.
• All searches in which the strength attribute on <LinguisticSearchCollation> is set to primary ignore
accent—or diacritic—marks. ClaimCenter regards the characters e and è as the same in this type of search.
• All searches in which the strength attribute on <LinguisticSearchCollation> is set to secondary take into
account any accent marks. ClaimCenter does not regard the characters e and è as the same in this type of

IMPORTANT ClaimCenter searches only on database columns on which you set the
supportsLinguisticSearch attribute to true (supportsLinguisticSearch=”true”)

528 Chapter 44, Localized Search and Sort

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

General Search Rules for the Japanese Language

In the base configuration, Guidewire provides specialized search algorithms specifically for the Japanese
language. Guidewire sets these rules through the use of a configurable Java class that it exposes as a CDATA
element in the collations.xml file. You can access this file in Studio in the Other Resources folder. After you open
the file, search for the following:
<Database type=”ORACLE”>
<DBJavaClass> <![CDATA[...]]></DBJavaClass>

This Java class provides the following behavior for searching in a Japanese-language Oracle database:

Search case Rule

Half-width/Full-width All searches in Japanese ignore the difference between half-width and full-width Japanese
Small/Large characters All searches in Japanese in which the strength attribute on <LinguisticSearchCollation>
is set to primary (meaning accent-insensitive) ignore Japanese small/large letter differences
in Katakana or Hiragana. Searches in which this attribute is set to secondary take small/large
letter differences into account.
Katakana and Hiragana All searches in Japanese ignore the difference between katakana and hiragana characters.
This is also known as kana-insensitive searching.
Long dash ( — ) All searches in Japanese ignore the long dash character.
Sound marks ( `` and ° ) All searches in Japanese in which the strength attribute on <LinguisticSearchCollation>
is set to primary ignore sound marks. Searches in which this attribute is set to secondary take
sound marks into account.

IMPORTANT If you modify the contents of collations.xml or the embedded Java class, ClaimCenter
forces a database upgrade the next time the application server starts.

General Search Rules for the German Language

In the base configuration, Guidewire provides specialized search algorithms specifically for the German
language. Guidewire sets these rules through the use of a configurable Java class that it exposes as a CDATA
element in the collations.xml. This is the same Java class that the discussion on rules for the Japanese
language covered.
This Java class provides the following behavior for searching in a German-language Oracle database:

Search case Rule

Vowels with umlauts All searches in German compare as equal a vowel with an umlaut or the same vowel
without the umlaut but followed by the letter e. Thus, all searches in German
explicitly treat the following as the same value:
• ä and ae
• ö and oe
• ü and ue

German letter Eszett All searches in German treat the Eszett character ß (also known as Sharp-S) the same as
the characters ss.

Chapter 44, Localized Search and Sort 529

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Searching and the SQL Server Database

For SQL Server, ClaimCenter always performs a case-insensitive database search. The search algorithm obeys
the rules for the Windows collation set on the database only.

IMPORTANT Guidewire recommends that you determine your choice of database collation before
you start the ClaimCenter application server for the first time. In other words, set the collation on the
database before you populate it with any data.

Data Sorting
How Guidewire ClaimCenter handles the sorting of character data depends on the database involved. See the fol-
• Sorting and the Oracle Database
• Sorting and the SQL Server Database
Note: ClaimCenter uses in-memory sorting in the application interface for non-query based list views,
drop-down lists, and similar items. To perform in-memory sorting, application code uses a Collator object
obtained from the locale and modified with the configured strength value of the <SortCollation>
element from file localizaton.xml.

Sorting and the Oracle Database

For Oracle, Guidewire treats the ordering of data as consistently as possible between database sorting and
in-memory sorting. For optional use, <SortCollation> on <GWLocale> in localization.xml controls special-
ized sorting behavior. This element contains a single strength attribute that determines how ClaimCenter han-
dles accents and case during the sorting of character data for the following:
• Sorting of in-memory data
• Sorting of data in the Oracle database

IMPORTANT For Oracle, the <SortCollation> element controls sort behavior for both in-memory
sorting and database sorting. In contrast, for SQL Server, this element controls only the sorting of data
in memory, as database collation—which you set on the database itself—controls database sorting.

The <SortCollation> Subelement

The <GWLocale> element includes an optional subelement—<SortCollation>—that you use to set collation
strength in sorting algorithms through its strength attribute. This attribute can take the following values, with
the default being secondary.
• primary
• secondary
• tertiary

The meaning of the strength attribute depends on the specific locale. But, in general,
• A strength of primary considers only character weights. This setting instructs the search and sort algorithms
to consider just the base, or primary letter, and to ignore other attributes such as case or accents. Thus, the
collation rules consider the characters e and E to have the same weight.
• A strength of secondary considers character weight and accent differences. This is the default. Thus, the
collation rules consider the characters e and è to be different and orders them differently.
• A strength of tertiary considers character weight, accent differences, and case. Thus, the collation rules
consider the characters e and è and E to be different and orders them differently.

530 Chapter 44, Localized Search and Sort

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following list describes these differences.

Strength Case-sensitive Accent-sensitive

primary No No
secondary No Yes
tertiary Yes Yes

IMPORTANT ClaimCenter sorts search page results by the denormalized data column. Thus,
ClaimCenter displays search results using the rules and the strength of the search collation and not the
strength of the sort collation.

File collations.xml
Guidewire uses collations.xml as a lookup file. You access collations.xml in Studio in the Other Resources
folder. Guidewire ClaimCenter uses the following definitions in this file to look up the sort collation name and
apply it. ClaimCenter uses:
• the default application locale
• the strength value from the <SortCollation> element in localization .xml
• the database management system (DBMS) type
Primarily, ClaimCenter uses these values to look up the Oracle sort collation, which it then sets as the value for
NLS_SORT for all Oracle database sessions. This ensures that all Oracle database sorting uses the rules specified
by that collation.
For example, suppose that the following are all true:
• The database is Oracle.
• The user locale is German.
• The strength value of SortCollation (in localization.xml) is set to secondary.
ClaimCenter then looks at the following for instructions on how to set NLS_SORT for Oracle sessions and sets it to
<Database type="ORACLE">
<Collation locale="de" primary="GERMAN_AI" secondary="GERMAN_CI" tertiary="GERMAN"/>

Secondarily, ClaimCenter uses this file to support the ordering of typekeys from the database. In sorting type-
keys, Guidewire uses the following criteria:
• ClaimCenter looks first at the priority associated with the type key and orders the typekeys by priority order.
• If there are typekeys with the same priority, ClaimCenter applies the locale collation rules to the typekey
names of the same priority.
ClaimCenter applies the collation rules to the typekey columns in database query ORDER BY clauses that sort data-
base query results. Thus, file collations.xml contains multiple locale collations as ClaimCenter supports
storing typekey values in multiple languages in one database. This enables different users with various locale
settings to see different translations of a typekey and for ClaimCenter to sort the typekey names correctly.

Sorting and the SQL Server Database

It is important to understand that the optional <SortCollation> element on <GWLocale> in localization.xml
has no effect on a SQL Server database. This value does not control the sorting of data in the SQL Server data-
base. Instead, database collation—as set in the database itself as you create it—controls the sorting of data in that

Chapter 44, Localized Search and Sort 531

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

For the SQL Server database:

• Guidewire does require that the SQL Server database collation be set to case-insensitivity (CI). This collation
controls both searching and sorting. For the Japanese language, the Microsoft Windows collations default to
width- and Kana-insensitivity.
• Guidewire does not require a specific setting for accented characters. It is your choice, depending on your
business needs, whether you need to set database search collation to accent-insensitive as well.

IMPORTANT Guidewire recommends that you determine your choice of database collation before
you start the ClaimCenter application server for the first time. In other words, set the collation on the
database before you populate it with any data.

532 Chapter 44, Localized Search and Sort

chapter 45

Localizing Addresses

Many of the Guidewire ClaimCenter screens display address information. This topic provides information on the
• How ClaimCenter supports address localization
• How to set a mode on an address to format the address for a specific country
• How to configure and use PCF address widgets
This topic includes:
• “Address Localization Overview” on page 533
• “The AddressOwner and CCAddressOwner Interfaces” on page 534
• “The CCAddressOwnerFieldId and CountryAddressFields Classes” on page 535
• “PCF Address Configuration” on page 537

Address Localization Overview

Many of the Guidewire ClaimCenter screens display address information. This address information poses a chal-
lenge both for maintenance and for localization. To facilitate ease of use in working with address information,
ClaimCenter a provides single address view that can have a separate mode for each country code.
The address view provides a single view that you can configure to display an address differently depending on
the country used in the address. For example, if you want to use a different international address for Germany,
you need merely to configure the address view and make it modal by country code.
ClaimCenter builds the address view around the concept of an address owner. The address owner (as the name
implies) is the object that owns a particular address. This concept ensures that ClaimCenter saves the address
properly. For example:
• If the address is a loss location, then ClaimCenter saves the location address with a specific Claim object.
• If the address is a temporary location for loss of use, then ClaimCenter saves the location address with a
specific Exposure object.

Chapter 45, Localizing Addresses 533

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Address User Interface

The address interface is consistent across ClaimCenter:
• In view mode, ClaimCenter displays the address on two lines. The description field is available for all
addresses. You can configure this (in Studio) from Entity Names → Address, by modifying the Gosu code in the
Entity Name definition field.
• In edit mode, ClaimCenter displays the address as separate, editable, input fields.
ClaimCenter always displays a range selector (a drop-down list) in the address user interface so that you can
select from an appropriate address array. If you cannot edit an address, then ClaimCenter indicates this by
marking the address fields gray. The drop-down list can also display a New… command that you can use to create
a new address.

The AddressOwner and CCAddressOwner Interfaces

In the base configuration, Guidewire provides the following address-related interface:

If an entity type contains an address, then that entity type must extend the CCAddressOwner interface. In actual
practice, interface CCAddressOwner extends interface AddressOwner to provide a merged set of properties and
methods that you use to manage address-related objects.

The AddressOwner Interface

The AddressOwner interface creates a helper object that it passes to the AddressInputSet object. The helper
object provides a way to set and get a single address on the enclosing entity. It also provides methods that you
can use to set a field as required or visible, for example. The following list describes the available properties on

Property Description
Address Sets (or retrieves) a single address on the enclosing entity. For example, you can use this to set or get
the primary address for a Contact. ClaimCenter automatically creates a new Address object if you use a
Gosu expression of the form:
owner.Address.State = someState
HiddenFields Set of address fields that ClaimCenter hides (does not show) in the application interface.
RequiredFields Set of address fields for which the user must supply a value.

The CCAddressOwner Interface

The CCAddressOwner interface extends the AddressOwner interface to add ClaimCenter specific fields. To be
useful, you must then create a class that implements that CCAddresOwner interface. This class must provide
method bodies for all CCAddressOwner interface methods.
You pass a CCAddressOwner object as the argument to the generic AddressInputSet object. The generic
AddressInputSet calls methods and properties on CCAddressOwner to determine the following (for example):
• Which fields to show as visible on the screen
• Which fields require user input on the screen
• How to get and set the Address object
The use of this CCAddressOwner interface enables you to reuse a single model AddressInputSet in different situ-
ations. This makes it relatively simple to add new countries to the system.

534 Chapter 45, Localizing Addresses

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following list describe the properties and methods available on CCAddressOwner. For more details on how
these methods work, consult the comments in the CCAddresOwner Gosu class itself. You can access the interface
definition file through Guidewire Studio at gw.address.CCAddressOwner.

Property or method Description

Addresses Array of pre-populated addresses that ClaimCenter shows in a drop-down list from which
the user can select. If this method returns null, then ClaimCenter does not show a
drop-down selection list.
AddressNameLabel The label (text string) to use for one of the following:
• The range input to use in picking an address from a list of addresses
• The summary of an address

Only one of these can be visible at one time. You only see either the range input or the
address summary.
Claim If non-null, then the address input set also displays additional claim-specific fields:
• The claim loss location code, Claim.LossLocationCode, a simple string field.
• The claim jurisdiction state, Claim.JurisdictionState.

These fields are only visible if CCAddressOwner.Claim returns a non-null value and if a
field is not in the HiddenFields list.
ConfirmCountryChange Boolean value that indicates whether to display a confirmation message if the user
changes the address country. This value is usually set to true, except on search screens.
DefaultCountry Sets that default country to use if the current address is null.
getOrCreateNewAddress() Method that retrieves an existing address or creates a new address for use in the address
drop-down list. ClaimCenter calls this method if the user selects New... from the address
drop-down list.
InputSetMode The mode to use for the address input set. This is nearly always the same as the selected
country. The only exception is if the address input set is being used as part of a search
screen. In that case the default country and selected country can both return null. (It is
common to perform a search operation with no country set.)
NonEditableAddresses Set of addresses that you cannot edit. If an address appears in the Addresses array and
also in NonEditableAddresses, it is possible to select it from the drop-down list of
addresses. However, the address fields are read-only.
SelectedCountry Sets (or retrieves) the currently selected country. For example, the following sets the cur-
rently selected country to France:
addrs.SelectedCountry = "FR"
ShowAddressSummary Boolean value that sets whether ClaimCenter displays the address as a summary instead
of separate input fields.

The CCAddressOwnerFieldId and CountryAddressFields

In the base configuration, Guidewire provides the following classes that are useful in working with addresses:
• CountryAddressFields
• CCAddressOwnerFiledId

In general, you can configure address fields in the following ways:

• You can make country-specific changes by adding a country-specific CountryAddressFields object.
• You can make simple global changes by altering the values of the set of constants in

You can also add to or alter the particular CCAddressOwner object that you pass as a parameter to the
AddressInputSet object. In this way, you can use the passed-in owner object to override any country-specific or
global defaults that you have already set.

Chapter 45, Localizing Addresses 535

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Class CountryAddressFields
In the base configuration, Guidewire provides a single CountryAddressFields class that is general enough for
you to use for all countries in a simple configuration. To add a country-specific CountryAddressObject, create a
new class in package gw.api.address.countryfields that extends CountryAddressFields and use the follow-
ing naming convention for the subclass:

In this case, XX is the country code, which is, for example, US, AU, GB, or some other standard country code.
Your CountryAddressFields subclass must have a constructor that takes no arguments, for example:
package gw.api.address.countryfields
uses gw.api.address.CountryAddressFields

class CountryAddressFields_GB extends CountryAddressFields {

construct() { super("GB") }

Your subclass can override any of the methods provided by the super class, CountryAddressFields. As you only
need to instantiate this subclass a single time (after which time, it is shared), do not create a class that contains
any mutable state. The class must only return constant values.
The general usage of the CountryAddressFields class is to create a Gosu expression similar to the following:

This code calls forCountry to retrieve the CountryAddressFields object for a particular country. It then calls a
method on that object to retrieve the required or hidden fields for a particular context for that country.

Class CCAddressOwnerFieldId
Guidewire provides a gw.api.address.CCAddressOwnerFieldId class that you can use to configure address for-
matting on a country-specific basis. Using this class, it is possible to set—country by country—the fields that are
visible on the ClaimCenter screen and the fields that require user input.
The CCAddressOwnerFieldId class contains the following set of constants. For more details on the meaning of
these properties, consult the comments in the CCAddresOwnerFieldId Gosu class itself. You can access the inter-
face definition file through Guidewire Studio at gw.address.CCAddressOwnerFieldId.

536 Chapter 45, Localizing Addresses

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

PCF Address Configuration

ClaimCenter stores the shared address PCF views in the following location in Studio:
Resources → Page Configuration (PCF) → claim → shared → address

Each AddressInputSet takes the form of AddressInputSet.XX, with the XX suffix being one of the following:
• default—The default address format to use if the country that you select from the ClaimCenter locale
drop-down does not exist as a mode.
• XX—The two-letter country code that indicates which address input mode to use in formatting this address.
For example, you use AddressInputSet.US to display addresses formatted for the United States and
AddressInputSet.CA for addresses formatted for Canada. The following list illustrates some of the differences
in address formatting used in the different countries.

AddressInputSet.US AddressInputSet.CA

Address 1 Address 1
Address 2 Address 2
City City
State Province
ZIP Code Postal Code

You reference an AddressInputSet by using an InputSetRef widget. For instance, you see the following in the
LossDetailsDV.Auto.pcf. The InputSetRef widget on this page displays loss location information.

In this example. the AddressInputSet takes a single parameter and a mode:

Property Value Meaning

def Claim.AddressOwner The CCAddressOwner object that you pass to the AddressInputSet
mode Claim.AddressOwner.InputSetMode The switch that selects the view mode

In the example, the Claim.AddressOwner parameter that you pass to AddressInputSet is a CCAddressOwner
object. The mode is the switch to select the correct view mode. If a country that you select from the ClaimCenter
drop-down locale does not exist as a mode, then ClaimCenter uses AddressInputSet.default.pcf.

Gosu Configuration for a New Address Relationship

It is possible to create a AddressOwner delegate on an entity if you add an Address foreign key to a new or
existing entity.
1. Create a new Gosu class that implements the CCAddressOwner interface. For example, suppose that you create
a new class and call it CustomEntityAddressOwner.
a. Select the gw.entity package (in the Classes folder), right-click, and select New → Class.

Chapter 45, Localizing Addresses 537

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

b. Enter CustomEntityAddressOwner in the New Class dialog. This action creates a new
CutomEntityAddressOwner class file.
c. Add the following uses statements directly underneath the package statement.
uses gw.api.address.CCAddressOwner
uses gw.api.address.AddressOwnerFieldId
uses java.util.Set

d. Add the following to the initial class definition line:

class CustomEntityAddressOwner implements AddressOwner

e. Place the mouse cursor within the class text and hover the mouse near the implements word. Studio
prompts you to implement the required interface methods by pressing ALT+ENTER.
f. After pressing ALT+ENTER. Studio automatically inserts the necessary default methods.
package gw.entity

uses gw.api.address.AddressOwnerFieldId
uses java.util.Set
uses gw.api.address.CCAddressOwner

class CustomEntityAddressOwner implements CCAddressOwner {

construct() { }

override property get Address() : Address {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property set Address(value : Address) {

//## todo: Implement me

override property get RequiredFields() : Set<AddressOwnerFieldId> {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get HiddenFields() : Set<AddressOwnerFieldId> {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get Addresses() : Address[] {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override function getOrCreateNewAddress() : Address {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get NonEditableAddresses() : Set<Address> {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get Claim() : Claim {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get DefaultCountry() : Country {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get SelectedCountry() : Country {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property set SelectedCountry(value : Country) {

//## todo: Implement me

override property get InputSetMode() : Country {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get ShowAddressSummary() : boolean {

return null //## todo: Implement me

538 Chapter 45, Localizing Addresses

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

override property get ConfirmCountryChange() : boolean {

return null //## todo: Implement me

override property get AddressNameLabel() : String {

return null //## todo: Implement me

See and for implementation examples.
2. Create a new Gosu enhancement to enhance the new or existing entity with get and set methods. For
example, see GWTripAccommodationAddressOwnerEnhancement.gsx for sample implementation details.
package gw.entity

uses gw.api.address.TripAccommodationAddressOwner
uses gw.api.address.CCAddressOwner

enhancement GWTripAccommodationAddressOwnerEnhancement : TripAccommodation {

property get AddressOwner() : CCAddressOwner { return new TripAccommodationAddressOwner(this) }

Chapter 45, Localizing Addresses 539

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

540 Chapter 45, Localizing Addresses

chapter 46

Working with the Japanese

Imperial Calendar

This topic discusses the Japanese Imperial Calendar and how to configure Guidewire ClaimCenter to access and
display Japanese Imperial Calendar dates correctly.
This topic includes:
• “The Japanese Imperial Calendar Date Widget” on page 541
• “Configuring Japanese Dates” on page 542
• “Setting the Japanese Imperial Calendar as the Default for a Locale” on page 543
• “Working with the Japanese Imperial Date Data Type” on page 543
• “Setting a Field to Always Display the Japanese Imperial Calendar” on page 544
• “Setting a Field to Conditionally Display the Japanese Imperial Calendar” on page 545
• “Sample JIC Presentation Handler” on page 546

The Japanese Imperial Calendar Date Widget

The ClaimCenter interface supports the use of a Japanese Imperial calendar date widget. You must enable this
feature through configuration. After you enable it, you can specify the default calendar type for the following:
• An entity property
• A Java or Gosu property

Chapter 46, Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar 541

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following graphic illustrates the Date picker for the Japanese Imperial calendar:

The date widget only displays the four most recent Imperial eras. They are:
• Heisei
• Showa
• Taisho
• Meiji

IMPORTANT Guidewire does not support the use of an input mask for Japanese Imperial calendar
input. Enter date input through the use of the date picker. If you use a copy-and-paste method to enter a
date, then you must paste an exact matching string into the date field.

Configuring Japanese Dates

IMPORTANT Guidewire uses the International Components for Unicode (ICU) open source libraries
to support the Japanese Imperial calendar. The ICU libraries hard-code the historical Imperial data.
Therefore, any change to the calendar—for example, the start of a new era—requires an upgrade to the
calendar ICU libraries. If this is an issue, contact Guidewire support for details of how to upgrade the

Note: For information on how to set up a Japanese locale, see “Adding a New Locale” on page 468.
You configure how ClaimCenter displays Japanese Imperial calendar dates by specifying the
<JapaneseImperialDateFormat> element in localization.xml. The <JapaneseImperialDateFormat> element
is similar to the existing Gregorian <DateFormat> element. You need to define the following attributes:

Date format Description

long ClaimCenter only uses the long and medium date formats to display Japanese dates. You cannot
medium use these fields to format user input data.
short ClaimCenter uses the short date format to format user date input. Any date input format pattern
that you choose must be compatible with the fixed width of the input mask. Guidewire recommends
that you use short=“yy/MM/dd”.
yearSymbol ClaimCenter uses the Japanese yearSymbol as a signal to render the Japanese Imperial calendar
date picker.

542 Chapter 46, Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following graphic illustrates a Japanese <GWLocale> definition along with the associated
<JapaneseImperialDateFormat> element.

Setting the Japanese Imperial Calendar as the Default for a

ClaimCenter provides a way to set a default calendar for a locale through the defaultCalendar attribute of the
<GWLocale> element. For example, to set the Japanese Imperial calendar (JIC) as the default calendar for the
ja_JP locale, add the defaultCalendar attribute to the <GWLocale> element and set it to JapaneseImperial.
<GWLocale code="ja_JP" name="Japanese" typecode="ja_JP" defaultCalendar="JapaneseImperial">

Working with the Japanese Imperial Date Data Type

Guidewire ClaimCenter provides the ability to create an object extension of type japaneseimperialdate based
on java.util.Date. You can use this data type to do the following:
• To set a calendar field value so that it always displays values in Japanese Imperial calendar style.
• To set a calendar field value so that it displays values in Japanese Imperial calendar style depending on a data
field. This requires additional configuration.
For example, consider the following two fields:
• Policy.EffectiveDate
• Policy.ExpirationDate

Chapter 46, Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar 543

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Now consider the following cases:

Locale ClaimCenter displays...

en_US If the user's locale is en_US, then ClaimCenter is to display these fields using the Gregorian calen-
dar in all situations.
ja_JP If the user’s locale is ja_JP, then ClaimCenter is to display these fields using the Japanese Imperial
calendar in all situations.
ja_JP If the user's locale is ja_JP and Policy.PolicyType!="CALI", then ClaimCenter is to display these
fields using the Gregorian calendar.
ja_JP If the user's locale is ja_JP and Policy.PolicyType=="CALI", then ClaimCenter is to display these
fields using the Japanese calendar.

Note: CALI (Compulsory Auto Liability Insurance) is a type of automobile policy in Japan that every driver
must carry by law. It covers only injury to other parties, basically mandating that every driver protect others
around them (but not themselves), just like in the United States. If a driver wants to protect him- or herself,
he or she must purchase another policy, known as a Voluntary policy.
• In the first two cases, the calendar to use in formatting EffectiveDate and ExpirationDate is dependant on
the locale of the user only. For this, you merely need to set the defaultCalendar attribute on <GWLocale> (in
localization.xml) to the correct value.
• In the last two cases, ClaimCenter displays these fields depending on additional conditions. For this, you need
to provide additional configuration. See “Setting a Field to Conditionally Display the Japanese Imperial
Calendar” on page 545.

See Also
• “Setting the Japanese Imperial Calendar as the Default for a Locale” on page 543
• “Setting a Field to Always Display the Japanese Imperial Calendar” on page 544
• “Setting a Field to Conditionally Display the Japanese Imperial Calendar” on page 545

Setting a Field to Always Display the Japanese Imperial

Suppose, for example, that you want to add an additional field to the Activity object that uses the
japaneseimperialdate data type.

1. First, open Activity.etx,which exists in Data Model Extensions → extensions.

2. Enter something similar to the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension xmlns="" entityName="Activity">
<column desc="For use with Japanese Imperial calendar fields"

To be useful, you need to use this field to display a value in the Japanese Imperial Calendar format. For example,
in the Activities screen, you can add a Japanese Date field.

544 Chapter 46, Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In the Activities PCF file, it looks similar to the following:

IMPORTANT You must configure your installation for the Japanese locale in order to display a date in
Japanese Imperial calendar format. Otherwise, regardless of the calendar setting, you see only Grego-
rian dates.

Setting a Field to Conditionally Display the Japanese

Imperial Calendar
Suppose, for example, that you want to treat a field as either a Gregorian date or a Japanese Imperial calendar
date depending on certain factors. In this case, it is possible to write a datatype annotation that causes
ClaimCenter to display certain fields in different formats in different situations. For example (as described in
“Working with the Japanese Imperial Date Data Type” on page 543), suppose that you want to do the following:
• If the user's locale is ja_JP and Policy.PolicyType!="CALI", then ClaimCenter is to show these fields using
the Gregorian calendar.
• If the user's locale is ja_JP and Policy.PolicyType=="CALI", then ClaimCenter is to show these fields using
the Japanese calendar.
ClaimCenter provides several different ways to accomplish this date formatting. For example, you can:
• Annotate an entity field (database column)
• Annotate a Gosu property

To annotate an entity field

1. First, configure the data type for the entity field in an extension file. For example:
<column name="JICDate" type="japaneseimperialdate"/>
See the discussion in “Setting a Field to Always Display the Japanese Imperial Calendar” on page 544 for
details if necessary.
2. Define a PresentationHandler class for the data type. For example:
class JapaneseImperialDateDataTypeDef implements IDataTypeDef {

construct() { }

override property get PresentationHandler() : IDataTypePresentationHandler {

return new JapaneseImperialCalendarPresentationHandler()

Chapter 46, Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar 545

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

If the class that you create implements an interface (in this case, IDataTypePresentationHandler), then
Studio highlights the interface name in red and marks the class as invalid. This is because you need to provide
implementations for all methods and properties in the interface. If you place your cursor in the class defini-
tion line, and press ALT-ENTER, Studio automatically inserts the required method and property bodies for
you. You then need to define these properties and methods to suit your business needs.
Note: For an example of how to implement a presentation handler class, see “Defining a New Tax Identifi-
cation Number Data Type” on page 310.
3. Implement the date presentation handler for the data type. You can make the implementation logic dynamic
based on the entity context. For example:
class JapaneseImperialCalendarPresentationHandler implements IDatePresentationHandler {

construct() { }

override function getCalendar( ctx: Object, prop: IPropertyInfo ) : DisplayCalendar {

/** if the "ctx" object is an policy and the policy is "cali" type and the "prop"
* is the effectivedate field ...
if (...)

See “Sample JIC Presentation Handler” on page 546 for sample code for a JIC presentation handler.

To annotate a Gosu property

1. Annotate the data type for the Gosu property. For example:
property get JICDate() : Date {
return _bean.DateField1

2. Define a PresentationHandler class for the data type in a similar fashion to that described previously in step
2 of To annotate an entity field.
3. Implement the date presentation handler class for the data type in a similar fashion to that described previ-
ously in step 3 of To annotate an entity field.

See Also
• For a working example of how to implement the IDataTypeDef interface, see “Defining a New Tax Identifi-
cation Number Data Type” on page 310. Specifically, see “Step 2: Implement the IDataTypeDef Interface” on
page 311.
• For sample code for a JIC presentation handler, see “Sample JIC Presentation Handler” on page 546.

Sample JIC Presentation Handler

The following sample code illustrates how to create a Japanese Imperial Calendar (JIC) presentation handler. The
code returns a JIC date for Japanese citizens. It also returns a JIC data if the loss location is in Japan.
package gw.datatype.presentation

uses gw.datatype.handler.IDatePresentationHandler
uses gw.lang.reflect.IPropertyInfo
uses gw.datatype.DisplayCalendar

class JapaneseImperialCalendarPresentationHandler implements IDatePresentationHandler {

override function getDisplayFormat(p0 : Object, p1 : IPropertyInfo) : String {

return null //## todo: Implement me

546 Chapter 46, Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

@Param("ctx","The object displaying the date property")

@Param("prop","Details of the date property")
override function getCalendar(ctx : Object, prop : IPropertyInfo) : DisplayCalendar {
gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo("~~~ Running overridden getCalendar method")
gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo("~~~ ctx is: " + ctx)
gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo("~~~ prop is: " + prop.Name)

//Only show Imperial birthdates for Japanese citizens

if(ctx typeis Person and prop.Name == "DateOfBirth" and ctx.Nationality == Country.TC_JP) {
gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo("~~~ of type = " + prop.Name)
//Show Imperial date if the loss location is Japan
else if(ctx typeis Exposure and ctx.Claim.LossLocation.Country == Country.TC_JP) {
gw.api.util.Logger.logInfo("~~~ Imperial date of type = " + prop.Name)
else {

Chapter 46, Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar 547

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

548 Chapter 46, Working with the Japanese Imperial Calendar

part VIII

Testing Gosu Code

chapter 47

Debugging and Testing Your Gosu


This topic discusses the code debugger that Guidewire provides in ClaimCenter Studio.
This topic includes:
• “The Studio Debugger” on page 551
• “Starting the Debugger” on page 552
• “Setting Breakpoints” on page 552
• “Stepping Through Code” on page 554
• “Viewing Current Values” on page 554
• “Resuming Execution” on page 555
• “Using the Debugger with the GUnit Tester” on page 555
• “Using the Gosu Tester” on page 555
• “Suggestions for Testing Rules” on page 558

The Studio Debugger

Guidewire Studio includes a code debugger to help you verify that your Gosu code is working as desired. It
works whether the code is in a Gosu rule, a Gosu class, or a ClaimCenter PCF page. You access this functionality
(unsurprisingly enough) through the Studio Debug menu and through specific debug icons on the Studio toolbar.
You must be connected to a running ClaimCenter server to use the Studio debugger. (If you do not have a
connection to a running server, Studio prompts you to connect to one.) If the debugger is active, you can debug
Gosu code that runs in the Gosu Tester and Gosu code that is part of the running application.
If instructed, Studio can pause (at a breakpoint that you set) before it runs a specified line of code. This can be
any Gosu code, whether contained in a rule or a Gosu class. The debugger can also run on Gosu that you call
from a PCF page, if the called code is a Studio class.

Chapter 47, Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code 551

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

After Studio pauses, you can examine any variables or properties used by Gosu and view their values at that
point in the debugger pane. You can then have Studio continue to step through your code, pausing before each
line. This allows you to monitor values as they change, or simply to observe the execution path through your

IMPORTANT You must be connected to a running application server to execute queries in Studio or
the Studio debugger. Guidewire expressly does not support performing debugging operations on a live
production server.

Starting the Debugger

You must start the debugger so if you want it to pause during execution of your code. If you do not start the
debugger, then your code runs all the way through without pausing. You must also have connected to a running
ClaimCenter server for the debugger to work. (If you do not have connection to a running ClaimCenter server,
Studio prompt you to connect to one.)
You can start the debugger in one of the following modes:

Debug Description

Debug Debugger starts and pauses at the location specified. Studio pauses only before running partic-
ular lines of code that you explicitly specify.
Use this mode to set breakpoints at specific lines of code. This enables you to see the point at
which Studio invokes the code and you can view the values of variables or object properties at that
moment. For example, if a calculation is not giving you the expected result, you can step through its
code and see what values the Gosu code actually uses.

Debug and break Debugger starts and breaks on the next Gosu call. Studio pauses before running the next Gosu
code that it finds.
Use this mode to see which line of code ClaimCenter invokes in response to a particular action in
ClaimCenter. This enables you to examine the properties of the activity or other entity that are rele-
vant to that code. For example, if you use automated assignment on an activity, Studio pauses
before it actually makes the assignment. You can then see which assignment code ClaimCenter is
choosing to run. This can help you understand what led ClaimCenter to make the assignment
choice that it did.

Choosing either Debug → Debug only... or Debug → Debug and break only... gives you the following additional choices:

Server Select this option if you want to debug rules called from within the ClaimCenter user interface or Gosu
code called from within a PCF page.
Gosu Tester Select this option if you want to debug Gosu code called from within the Gosu tester. (See “Using the
Gosu Tester” on page 555 for details.)

If you start the debugger in any mode, Studio shows the Debugger panel. You can view the connected host by
opening the Frame tab.

Setting Breakpoints
A breakpoint is a place in your code at which the debugger pauses execution, giving you the opportunity to
examine current values or begin stepping through each line. The debugger pauses before executing the line
containing the breakpoint. The debugger identifies a breakpoint by highlighting the related line of code and
placing a breakpoint symbol next to it.

552 Chapter 47, Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To set a breakpoint
Use the following Debug menu commands to set a breakpoint:

Menu command Description

Toggle Line Breakpoint Toggles a breakpoint (either on or off) on the line of code on which the cursor rests. The
debugger pauses before executing this line of code.

You can also set a breakpoint by clicking in the gray area next to a code line. Studio then inserts the breakpoint
symbol in that area. (Studio does not permit you to set a breakpoint on code that has been commented out.)
You can set multiple breakpoints throughout your code, with multiple breakpoints in the same block of code, or if
desired, breakpoints in multiple code blocks. The debugger pauses at the first breakpoint encountered during
code execution. After it pauses, the debugger ignores other breakpoints until you continue normal execution.
Note: You can set a breakpoint in a rule condition statement as well.

To view a breakpoint
Use the Debug menu command Edit Breakpoints to view and manage breakpoints. Selecting this menu item opens
that Edit Breakpoints dialog in which you can do the following:
• View all of your currently set breakpoints
• Deactivate any or all of your breakpoints (which makes them non-functional, but does not remove them from
the code)
• Remove any or all breakpoints
• Navigate to the code that contains the breakpoint
Thus, from this dialog, you can inactivate or remove a breakpoint, but not add a breakpoint.

To remove a breakpoint

You remove a breakpoint from your code by clicking the breakpoint symbol next to the code line. Studio then
removes the breakpoint. You can also:
• Select Debug → Remove All Breakpoints to remove all breakpoints simultaneously.
• Select Debug → Toggle Line Breakpoint to remove an existing breakpoint from the line in which the cursor resides.
• Select Debug → Edit Breakpoints and use that dialog to inactivate or remove a breakpoint.

Minimizing the Impact to Users

The debugger responds to the actions of all users, and thus it stops on the actions of the first user who triggers it.
As a consequence, unsuspecting users can find their sessions paused while the debugger awaits your attention. To
minimize this impact, you can constrain the debugger to respond to actions in a single user account only.

IMPORTANT Guidewire explicitly and strongly recommends that you do not perform debugging
operations on live production systems. This means that Guidewire expressly recommends that you do
not attempt to connect Guidewire Studio to a live production system and run debug tests on it.

To constrain the debugger

1. Select Edit User Name... from the Debug menu. This command opens a dialog box containing two fields: Debugger
and User Name.
2. Select the desired Studio debugger from the Debugger drop-down list. You have the following choices:
• Server

Chapter 47, Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code 553

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Gunit Test
• Gosu Tester
See the discussion on “Starting the Debugger” on page 552 for information on these choices.
3. Enter a valid user name in the User Name field.

4. Click OK.

Thereafter, the debugger ignores all calls except from that user account. In this manner, you can restrict the
impact of running the debugger to a single user account.

To remove the constraint

1. Open the Edit User Name dialog box.

2. Select the same Debugger type that you did previously.

3. Leave the User Name field empty.

4. Click OK.

This removes the constraint and resets the debugger to respond to all logged-on users.

Stepping Through Code

After the debugger pauses execution, you can step through the code one line at a time in one of the following
• Step over. Execute the current line. If the current line is a method call, then run the method and return to the
next line in the current code block after the method ends. To step through your code in this manner, select
Debug → Step Over.
• Step into. Execute the current line of code. If the current line is a method call, then step into the method and
pause before executing the first line for that method. To step through your code in this manner, select Debug →
Step Into.

The only difference between these two stepping options is if the current line of code is a method call. You can
either step over the method and let it run without interruption, or you can step into it and pause before each line.
For other lines of code that are not methods, stepping over and stepping into behave in the same way.
While paused, you can navigate to other rules or classes if you want to look at their code. To return to viewing
the current execution point, select Debug → Show Execution Point. Studio highlights the line of code to execute the
at the next step.

Viewing Current Values

After the debugger pauses in your code, you can examine the current values of variables or entity properties. You
can watch these values and see how they change as each line of code executes.
The Frame tab of the Debugger panel shows the root entity that is currently available. For example, in activity
assignment code, the root entity is an Actvity object. To view any property of the root entity, expand it until you
locate the property.
The Frame tab also shows the variables that you have currently defined. Note, however, that you can view only the
entities and variables that are available in the current scope of the code. Suppose, for example, that an Activity
entity is available in an activity assignment class. However, if that class calls a different class and you step into
that class, the Activity entity is no longer part of the scope. Therefore, it is no longer available. (Unless, you
pass the Activity object in as a parameter.)

554 Chapter 47, Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Defining a Watch List

After executing each line of code, Studio resets the list of values shown in the Frame tab. In doing so, it collapses
any property hierarchies that you may have expanded. It would be inconvenient for you to expand the hierarchy
after each line and locate the desired properties all over again.
Instead, you can define a watch list containing the Gosu expressions in which you have an interest in monitoring.
The debugger evaluates each expression on the list after each line of code executes, and shows the result for each
expression on the list. For example, you can add Activity.AssignedUser to the watch list and then monitor the
list as you step through each line of code. If the property changes, you see that change reflected immediately on
the list. You can also add variables to the list so you can monitor their values, as well.
To add an expression to the watch list, click the Watches tab in the debugger, right-click on an empty part of the
tab, and then click Add Watch. Type the Gosu expression to add to the list.
Note: You can only access the Add Watch option if the Studio debugger has stopped at a breakpoint.
As you step through each line of code in the debugger, keep the Watches tab visible so that you can monitor the
values of the items on the list.

Resuming Execution
After the debugger pauses execution of your code, and after you are through performing any necessary debug-
ging steps, you may want to resume normal execution. You can do this in the following ways:
• Continue debugging. Resume normal execution, but pause again at the next breakpoint, if any. To continue
debugging, select Debug → Resume Execution.
• Stop debugging. Resume normal execution, and ignore all remaining breakpoints. To stop debugging, select
Debug → Stop.

Using the Debugger with the GUnit Tester

Guidewire Studio includes a GUnit tester that you can use to configure and run tests of your Gosu code. The
Gunit tester works automatically and seamlessly with the embedded QuickStart servlet container, enabling you to
see the results of your GUnit tests within Studio.
Selecting GUnit → Run (Ctrl-F10) or GUnit → Debug (Ctrl-F9) opens the GUnit Run/Debug Settings configuration dialog
in which you can set the GUnit configuration and perform other similar tasks. For details on working with the
GUnit tester, see “Using GUnit” on page 559.

Using the Gosu Tester

You use the Gosu Tester to execute Gosu programs, evaluate Gosu expressions, and process Gosu templates.
Instead of needing to perform ClaimCenter operations to trigger your Gosu code, you can run your code directly
in the tester and see immediate results.
To run the Gosu tester, select Gosu Tester from the Studio Tools menu or use the toolbar icon. It is possible to
save a Gosu test expression and open it again in the Gosu tester by using the appropriate menu commands.
Note: To execute queries against the database in Studio or the Gosu tester, you must first connect to a
running application server. The result of a find query is always a read-only query object. To work with this
object, you must add it to a bundle. See “Using the Results of Find Expressions (Using Query Objects)” on
page 164 in the Gosu Reference Guide.

Chapter 47, Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code 555

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Gosu tester has the following modes:

Mode Description

Expression Returns the result of evaluating the (single-line) expression.

Program Displays the output of the program including calls to print and exception stack traces.
Template Displays the resulting content from executing the template.

IMPORTANT If you create a code that contain an infinite loop in the Gosu tester, it is not sufficient to
shut down the tester to correct the problem. You must also shut down and restart Studio itself. Merely
shutting down the Gosu tester is not sufficient to stop the running JVM.

Testing a Gosu Expression

To test an expression in the Gosu Tester, click Expression at the top of the Tester window. Type your expression in
the Gosu Source box, and then click Run to evaluate the expression. The result of evaluating the expression is
shown in the Runtime Output box.
For example, the expression:
"Testing " + 1 + 2 + 3

produces the output:

Return Value: Testing 123

Testing a Gosu Program

A Gosu program consists of one or more complete executable Gosu statements. To test a program in the Gosu
Tester, click Program at the top of the Tester window. Type your program code in the Gosu Source box, and then
click Run to execute the program. The output of the program, if any, is shown in the Runtime Output box.
The Runtime Output box shows any output explicitly produced by the program, such as output from the print state-
ment or exception stack traces. If you call an external program (for example, Java code), anything sent to stan-
dard output and standard error is also output.
For example, the following program:
var claim : Claim = Claim( 12 );
for( var exposure in claim.Exposures ) { print( exposure.ClaimantType ); }

produces the following output:


Testing a Gosu Template

To test a Gosu template in the Gosu Tester, click Template at the top of the Tester window. Type your template
code in the Gosu Source box, and then click Run to process the template. Studio shows the template output in the
Runtime Output box.

For example, the template:

// This scriptlet declares and initializes a date
var d = gw.api.util.DateUtil.currentDate()
<%-- Display the date using an expression --%>
Hello! Today's date is: <%= d %>.

556 Chapter 47, Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


produces the output:

Hello! Today's date is: August 25, 2006

Testing Gosu Classes

Guidewire Studio also provides a mechanism for debugging and testing Gosu classes using the Gosu Tester. This
works only with Gosu classes called from code running in the Gosu Tester, not on Gosu classes that the tester is
running directly.

To debug Gosu classes

1. Start the debugger using either Debug → Debug or Debug → Debug and break and select the Gosu Tester debugger.

2. Call the class code that you want to debug from within the Gosu Tester.

3. Test and debug the Gosu code as appropriate.

Generating Testing and Debugging Information

It is often useful to use the Gosu Tester to generate and print information about entities and objects. You can then
use this information to test and debug your Gosu code, rules, classes, and enhancements. For example, suppose
that you want to generate information about a claim object (in Guidewire ClaimCenter). You could write a small
program that outputs information about the claim object and use the Gosu Tester to run the program and generate
the output.
The following code sample illustrates how to generate information about an object.
var query = find(c in Claim where c.ClaimNumber == "235-53-365870")
var theObject = query.getAtMostOneRow()
var myType = typeof theObject
var sb = new java.lang.StringBuffer()

sb.append(myType).append(" {\n")

for (var p in myType.TypeInfo.Properties) {

var val : Object
if (NOT p.Readable) continue

try {
val = p.Accessor.getValue( theObject )
} catch (ex) {
val = "KABOOM:"+ex.Message

sb.append(p.Name).append(" <").append(p.Type).append("> := ").append(val).append("\n")



This code generates the following output.

entity.Claim {
Bundle <gw.transaction.Bundle> := Bundle #17956136 :
Read : 0
Updated : 0
Insert : 0
Removed : 0
Total : 0
Beans By Class :

IntrinsicType <gw.lang.reflect.IType> := entity.Claim

Chapter 47, Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code 557

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Changed <boolean> := false

BeanChanged <boolean> := false
ChangedFields <java.util.Set> := []
ChangedFieldsForRow <java.util.Set<gw.entity.IEntityPropertyInfo>> := []
ChangedFieldsIncludingOwnedArrays <java.util.Set> := []
DisplayName <java.lang.String> := 235-53-365870
EntityIntrinsicType <gw.entity.IEntityType> := entity.Claim
OriginalVersion <com.guidewire.commons.entity.Bean> := 235-53-365870
LOCKINGCOLUMN_DYNPROP <com.guidewire.commons.metadata.types.ColumnDynPropertyInfo> := LockingColumn
LOADCOMMANDID_DYNPROP <com.guidewire.commons.metadata.types.ColumnDynPropertyInfo> := LoadCommandID
NewlyImported <boolean> := false
PublicID <java.lang.String> := demo_sample:1

Suggestions for Testing Rules

Guidewire recommends that you practice the following simple suggestions to make testing and debugging your
rules a straightforward process:
• Enter one rule at a time and monitor for syntax correctness—check the green light (at the bottom of the pane)
before starting a new rule.
• Enter rules in the order in which you the debugger to evaluate them: Condition and then Action.
• Maintain two sessions while testing. As you complete and save each rule in Studio, toggle to an open
ClaimCenter session and test before continuing. You only need save and activate your rules before testing.
You do not need to log in again.
For multi-conditioned rules, you can print messages to the console after each action for easy monitoring. The
command for this is print("message text"). The message prints in the server console. This is helpful if you
want to test complex rules and verify that Studio evaluated each case.
Other print-type statements that you can use for testing and debugging include the following:

These all log messages as specified by the ClaimCenter logging settings.

558 Chapter 47, Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code

chapter 48

Using GUnit

You use Studio GUnit to configure and run repeatable tests of your Gosu code in a similar fashion as JUnit works
with Java code. (GUnit is similar to JUnit 3.0 and compatible with it.) GUnit works automatically and seamlessly
with the embedded QuickStart servlet container, enabling you to see the results of your GUnit Gosu tests within
GUnit provides a complete test harness with base classes and utility methods. You can use GUnit to test any body
of Gosu code except for Gosu written as part of Rules. (To test Gosu in Rules, use the Studio debugger. See
“Debugging and Testing Your Gosu Code” on page 551 for details.)
This topic includes:
• “The TestBase Class” on page 559
• “Configuring the Server Environment” on page 560
• “Configuring the Test Environment” on page 563
• “Creating a GUnit Test Class” on page 565
• “Using Entity Builders to Create Test Data” on page 568
• “Running Gosu API Tests” on page 577

IMPORTANT Guidewire does not recommend or support the use of classes that extend
gw.api.databuilder.DataBuilder or classes that reside in the gw.api.databuilder.* package in a
production environment. Guidewire provides GUnit as a development test facility only.

The TestBase Class

Note: For a complete discussion of how to write Gosu code and work with it, see the Gosu Reference
Guide. The following discussion provides a summary of important key points only.
Guidewire uses the TestBase class as the root class for all GUnit tests. Your test class must extend the Guidewire
TestBase class. This class provides the following:
• The base test infrastructure, setting up the environment in which the test runs.

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 559

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• A set of assert methods that you can use to verify the expected result of a test.
• A set of beforeXX and afterXX methods that you can override to provide additional testing functionality (for
example, to set up required data before running a test method).
The TestBase class interacts with an embedded QuickStart servlet container in running your GUnit tests. This
class has access to all of the embedded QuickStart server files and servlets. (GUnit starts and stops the embedded
QuickStart servlet container automatically. You have no control over it.) This class also initializes all server

Overriding TestBase Methods

Guidewire exposes two groups of beforeXX and afterXX methods in the TestBase class that you can use to
perform certain actions before and after the tests execute. These methods are a way to set up any required depen-
dencies for tests and to clean up after a test finishes.
To use one of these methods, you need to provide an overridden implementations of the method in your test
• Use beforeClass to perform some action before GUnit instantiates the test class.
• Use afterClass to perform some action after all the tests complete but before GUnit destroys the class.
• Use beforeMethod to perform some action before GUnit invokes a particular test method.
• Use afterMethod to perform some action after a test method returns.
These methods have the following signatures.
beforeClass() throws Exception {...}
afterClass() {...}
beforeMethod() throws Exception {...}
afterMethod(Throwable possibleException) {...} //If the test resulted in an exception, parameter
//posibleException contains the exception.

Data builders. If you need to set up test data before running a test, Guidewire recommends that you use a “data
builder” in one of the beforeXX methods.
• See “Using Entity Builders to Create Test Data” on page 568 for details on how to create test data.
• See “Creating a Builder for a Custom Entity and Testing It” on page 575 for details of using the beforeClass
method to create test data before running a test.

Configuring the Server Environment

Annotations control the way GUnit interacts with the system being tested. There are two types of annotations:

Annotation type Description

Server Runtime This annotation indicates that this test interacts with the server.
Server Environment These can provide additional test functionality. Use then to replace or modify the default behavior of
the system being tested.

To use an annotation, either enter the full path:


Or, you can add a uses statement at the beginning of the file, for example:
uses gw.testharness

560 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Server Runtime
A server test is a test written in the environment of a running server. The test and the server exist in the same
JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and in the same class loader. This allows the test to communicate with the server
using standard variables. In the base configuration, Guidewire uses an embedded QuickStart servlet container
pointing at a Web application to run the tests.
ClaimCenter interprets any class that contains the annotation @ServerTest immediately before the class defini-
tion as a server test. If you create a test class through Guidewire Studio (Tests → New → Test), then Studio automat-
ically adds the server runtime annotation @ServerTest immediately before the class definition. At the same time,
Studio also adds extends gw.testharness.TestBase to the class definition. All GUnit tests that you create
must extend this class. (See the “The TestBase Class” on page 559 for more information on this class.)
Although Studio automatically adds the @ServerTest annotation to the class definition, it is possible to remove
this annotation safely. As the TestBase class already includes this annotation, Guidewire does not explicitly
require this annotation in any class that extends the TestBase class.
By default, the server starts at a run level set to Runlevel.NO_DAEMONS. To change this default, see the descrip-
tion of the @RunLevel annotation in the next section.

Server Environment
Environment tags provide additional functionality. You use environment tags to replace functionality specific to
an external environment. This can include defining new SOAP endpoints or creating tests for custom PCF page,
for example.
Guidewire provides the following environment tags for use in GUnit tests.

Annotation (@gw.testharness.*) Description

@Archive Upgrades or restores the archive database after the server starts.
@ChangesCurrentTime Sets up a mock system clock that allows the test to change the current time during
the test.
@IncludeModules Allows specification of custom configuration modules to include in the test server.
You can specify an array of directories as the additional configuration roots. By
default, Studio uses the “test-config” directory (relative to the test) as the default
directory if you do not specify a directory name.
See “The @IncludeModules Annotation” on page 562 for more information.
@ProductUnderTest Explicitly sets the product being tested. Typically, Studio infers this from the test
class package. However, you can use this annotation if that is not possible, as with
gw.api tests, for example.
@ProductionMode GUnit runs tests against the QuickStart servlet container, by default, in “develop-
ment” mode. If desired, you can direct GUnit to runs tests against the QuickStart
servlet container in “production” mode, which duplicates the system functionality
available to a running production application server. If you do so, you may lose test
functionality that is only available in development mode (for example, access to the
system clock).
You can check the server mode in Gosu, using the following:
@RealPCFs Loads the production PCF files for the application. If you do not include this annota-
tion, Studio does not load the PCF files. This reduces the amount of time needed for
@RunInDatabase Defines the databases against which to run this class’s tests. Without this annota-
tion, this class only runs in H2 suites. The annotation takes an array of
DatabaseForTest values, specifying the databases which are specifically to be
tested, or DatabaseForTest.ALL that allows the class to be run against any data-

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 561

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Annotation (@gw.testharness.*) Description

@RunLevel Allows a test to run at a different run level. The default value is
Runlevel.NO_DAEMONS. You can, however, change the run level to one of the follow-
ing (although each level takes a bit more time to set up):
• Runlevel.NONE - Use if you do not want any dependencies at all.
• Runlevel.SHUTDOWN - Use if you want all the basic dependencies set up, but with
no database connection support.
• Runlevel.NO_DAEMONS - Use for a normal server startup without background
tasks. (This is also subtable for SOAP tests.)
• Runlevel.MULTIUSER - Use to start a complete server (batch process, events,
rules, Web requests, and all similar components).

The @IncludeModules Annotation

IMPORTANT Studio does not permit you to make data model changes using the @IncludeModules
annotation. This means that you cannot make new entity or typelist extensions, for example, through an
included configuration file.

Use the @IncludeModules test annotation to declare that a test is to be run with additional configuration modules.
For example, suppose that you want to run a test with an alternate value for a display key. The name of this test is
gw.demo.testMyClass, and you store it at the following location:

To set up the test module:

1. First, create a module root in the same directory as the test source and call it test-config.

2. Then, create a custom display properties file and place it in the correct location under the module root:
The full path to the custom display properties file would be the following:

3. Finally, annotate the test class with the @IncludeModules annotation.

The code would look similar to the following:

package gw.demo

uses gw.testharness.IncludeModules
uses gw.testharness.TestBase

public class MyTest extends TestBase {
As you run the test, Studio pulls the display key value from the file under the
test-config directory root.

If you would like to use a directory other than the default test-config directory, you can specify an argument to
@IncludeModules. For example:
package gw.demo

uses gw.testharness.IncludeModules
uses gw.testharness.TestBase

public class MyTest extends TestBase {

562 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Configuring the Test Environment

You define the run and debug parameter settings for a GUnit test class through the Run/Debug Settings dialog,
which you can access in any of the following ways:
• By selecting Debug from the Studio GUnit menu.
• By selecting Run from the Studio GUnit menu.
• By selecting an existing GUnit test using the Studio toolbar icon.
• By selecting an existing GUnit test class (in the Resources tree) and using the right-click menu command Run

Using this dialog, you can:

• Set various default configuration parameters for all tests.
• Add a test configuration to the list (at the left) and configure parameters specifically for that particular test.
To set default configuration parameters for all tests. It is possible to set a number of default configuration param-
eters that GUnit uses for all tests. To do this, select the GUnit node from the panel at the left. You see Default config-
uration for all GUnit tests at the top of the dialog. Enter the default configuration parameters as appropriate. See
“Configuration Parameters” on page 563 for a description of the various configuration parameters.
To add a named set of configuration parameters. It is possible to create a defined set of configuration parameters
to use with one or more tests. To do this, first add that configuration under GUnit in the left-side panel of the
dialog. Use the following dialog toolbar icons to work the configuration in the left-hand panel.

Icon Use to

Add a new named test configuration to the list

Delete the selected configuration from the list

Clone the selected test configuration

Shift the selected configuration up within the list

Shift the selected configuration down within the list

To view the configuration settings before launching. It is possible to turn on, or off, the Run/Debug Settings dialog
before running a test. To view the GUnit configuration settings before launching a test, you must check the Display
settings before launching option in the bottom left-hand corner of the Run/Debug Settings dialog.

If you uncheck this option, you do not see the Run/Debug Settings dialog upon starting a test. (To start a test, you
select it from the resource tree, and then choose the Run command from the right-click menu that corresponds to
your test.) Instead, the test starts immediately. In addition, selecting Run or Debug from the Studio GUnit menu does
not open this dialog either. To access the Run/Debug Settings dialog again, choose Edit Configurations... from the list of
choices available from the Studio toolbar icon.

Configuration Parameters
Use the Run/Debug Settings dialog to enter the following configuration parameters:
• Name
• Test Type
• JVM Options
• Java Debug Options

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 563

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Module
Note: You may not see some of the parameter fields until you actually load a test into Studio and select it.
See “Creating a GUnit Test Class” on page 565 for information on how to create a GUnit test within
Guidewire Studio.

If desired, you can set up multiple run and debug GUnit configurations. Each named configuration represents a
different set of run and debug startup properties. To create a new named configuration:
• Click the Add icon and create a new blank configuration.
• Select an existing configuration, then click the Clone icon to copy the existing configuration parameters to
the new configuration.
• Select the test class in the Resources tree and right-click and select Run ClassTest. Then, select the name of the
test from the list of GUnit tests and click the Save icon. This has an advantage of populating the fully qualified
class name field.
After you add the new configuration node on the left-hand side, you can enter a name for it on the right-hand side
of the dialog.

Test Type
Use to set whether to test all the classes in a package, a specific class, or a specific method in a class. The text
entry field changes as you make your selection.
• For All in Package, enter the fully qualified package name. Select this option to run all GUnit tests in the named
• For Class, enter fully qualified class name. Select this option to run all GUnit tests in the named class.
• For Method, enter both the fully qualified class name and the specific method to test in that class.

JVM Options
Use to set parameters associated with the JVM and the Java debugger. To set specific parameters for the JVM to
use while running this configuration, enter them as a space separated list in the VM Parameters text field. For
-client -Xmx700m -Xms200m -XX:MaxPermSize=100m -ea

You can change the JVM parameters based on the test. For example, while testing a large class or while running
numerous test methods within a class, you may want to increase your maximum heap size.
You also have the option of using a Java debugger while you run and debug code. The Java debugger provides
inspection and debugging of a local or remote Java Virtual Machine. (It does this using the JPDA—Java Platform
Debugger Architecture—libraries).
• To open the Java debugger during test execution, select Run Java debugger when running tests.
• To open the Java debugger for use in debugging tests, select Run Java debugger when debugging tests.

564 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Java Debug Options

These include:
• Transport - Use to specify the type of communication to use with the Java debugger. Transport defines the
type of communication to use between the debugger application process and the virtual machine to debug (the
target VM). Your choices are:

Socket Socket transport uses standard TCP/IP sockets to communicate information between the Java
debugger application and the target VM.
If you select Socket, enter the appropriate information in the Host and Port fields.
• The Host field specifies the host on which the remote process runs and to which the debugger
• The Port field specifies the socket port on the host to which the debugger connects.

Shared Memory Shared memory transport addresses are simply names that can be used as Win32 file-mapping
object names. If you select Shared Memory, enter the appropriate information in the Shared memory
address field.

• Suspend startup - If you select Yes, the debugger suspends the target VM immediately before the loading the
main class.

Use to set which module to run this configuration against.

Creating a GUnit Test Class

The following is an example of a GUnit test class. Use this sample code as a template in creating your own test
package AllMyTests

uses gw.testharness.TestBase

class MyTest extends TestBase {

construct(testname : String) {
function testSomething() {
//perform some test
assertEquals(“reason for failure“, someValue, someOtherValue)

Notice the following:

• The test class exists in the package AllMyTests. Thus, the full class path is (Tests) AllMyTests.MyTest. You
must place your test classes in the Tests folder in the Resources tree. You are free, however, to name your test
subpackages as you choose.
• The class file name and the class name are identical and end in Test.
• The test class extends TestBase.
• The class definition files contains a @ServerTest annotation immediately before the class definition.
• The class definition contains a construct code block. This code block can be empty or it may contain initial-
ization code.
• The class definition contains one or more test methods that begin with the word test. The word test is
case-sensitive. For example, GUnit will recognize the string testMe as a method name, but not the string

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 565

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• The test method contains one or more assert methods, each of which “asserts” an expected result on the
object under test.

Server Tests
You specify the type of test using annotations. Currently, Guidewire supports server tests only. Server tests
provide all of the functionality of a running server. You must include the @ServerTest annotation immediately
before the test class definition to specify that the test is a server test. See “Configuring the Server Environment”
on page 560 for more information on annotations.

The Construct Block

Gosu calls the special construct method if you create a new test using the new Object construction. For
construct( testname : String ) {
super( testname )

This construct code block can be empty or it may contain initialization code.

Test Methods
Within your test class, you need to define one or more test methods. Each test method must begin with the word
“test”. (GUnit recognizes a method as test method only if the method name begins with test. If you do not have at
least one method so named, GUnit generates an error.) Each test method uses a verification method to test a sin-
gle condition. For example, a method can test if the result of some operation is equal to a specific value. In the
base configuration, Guidewire provides a number of these verification methods. For example:
• assertTrue
• assertEquals
• verifyTextInPage
• verifyExists
• verifyNull
• verifyNotNull

Many of these methods appear in multiple forms. Although there are too many to list in their entirety, the
following are some of the basic assert methods. To see a complete list of these methods in their many forms,
use the code completion feature in Studio.

566 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


The assertThat method. Choosing the assertThat method opens up a whole variety of different types of asser-
tions, dealing with strings, collections, and many other object types. To see a complete list of this method in its
many forms, use the code completion feature in Studio.
Failure reasons for asserts. Guidewire strongly recommends that, as appropriate, you use an assert method that
takes a string as its first parameter. For example, even though Guidewire supports both versions of the following
assert method, the second version is preferable as it includes a failure reason.
assertEquals(a, b)
assertEquals(“reason for failure”, a, b)

Guidewire recommends that you document a failure reason as part of the method rather than adding the reason in
a comment. The GUnit test console displays this text string if the assert fails, which makes it easier to understand
the reason of a failure.

To create a GUnit test class

1. Expand the Studio Resources tree and select the Tests node.

2. Select New → Package from the right-click menu. (This is your only choice.) Continue creating your directory
(package) structure as necessary.
3. Select your new package node, right-click, and select New → Test.

4. Enter the test class name in the New Test Class dialog. This class file name must match the test class name and
both must end in “Test”. This action creates a class file containing a “stub” class. For example, if your class
file is, Studio populates the file with the following Gosu:
package demo

class MyTest extends gw.testharness.TestBase {
construct() {

To run a GUnit test

1. Select the test class that you want to run or debug from the Resources → Classes folder.

2. Right-click and select either Run myTestClass or Debug myTestClass from the menu. This action opens a test
console at the bottom of the screen.
• The left-hand pane displays your test class as a root node and the individual methods as child nodes.
• The right-hand pane displays the console log, which displays information about the test and provides error
or failure messages if any given test fails.
If a test succeeds, Studio displays a check mark icon next to the method (test) name in the left-hand pane. If a
test fails, Studio displays an X check mark next to the method name in the left-hand pane. If all tests succeed,
Studio turns the test progress bar green. If one or more tests fail, Studio turns the test progress bar red.
3. (Optional) If desired, you can also create individual run/debug settings to use while running this test class.
For details, see “Configuring the Test Environment” on page 563.

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 567

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Using Entity Builders to Create Test Data

IMPORTANT Guidewire does not recommend or support the use of classes that extend
gw.api.databuilder.DataBuilder or classes that reside in the gw.api.databuilder.* package in a
production environment. Guidewire provides GUnit as a development test facility only.

As you run tests against code, you need to run these test in the context of a known set of data objects. This set of
objects is generally known as a test fixture. You use Gosu entity builders to create the set of data objects to use in
Guidewire provides a number of entity “builders” as utility classes to quickly and concisely create objects (enti-
ties) to use as test data. The ClaimCenter base configuration provides builders for the base entities (like Claim-
Builder, for example). However, if desired, you can extend the base DataBuilder class to create new or extended
entities. You can commit any test data that you create using builders to the test database using the bundle.commit
For example, the following builder creates a new Person object with a FirstName property set to “Sean” and a
LastName property set to “Daniels”. It also adds the new object to the default test bundle.
var myPerson = new PersonBuilder()

Note: For readability, Guidewire strongly recommends that you place each configuration method call on an
indented separate line starting with the dot. This makes code completion easier. It also makes it simpler to
alter a line or paste a new line into the middle of the chain or to comment out a line.
Gosu builders extend from the base class gw.api.databuilder.DataBuilder. To view a list of valid builder
types in Guidewire ClaimCenter, use the Studio code completion feature. Enter gw.api.databuilder. in the
Gosu editor and Studio displays the list of available builders.

Package Completion
As you create an entity builder, you must either use the full package path, or add a uses statement at the begin-
ning of the test file. However, in general, Guidewire recommends that you place the package path in a uses state-
ment at the beginning of the file.
uses gw.api.builder.AccountBuilder

class MyTest extends TestBase {

construct(testname : String) {
function testSomething() {
//perform some test
var account = new AccountBuilder().create()

Or, more simply (although Guidewire does not recommend this), enter the full path within the test class itself:
var account = new gw.api.builder.AccountBuilder().create()

Creating an Entity Builder

To create a new entity builder of a particular type, you merely need to use the following syntax:
new TypeOfBuilder()

568 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

This creates a new builder of the specified type, with the Builder class setting various default properties on the
builder entity. (Each entity builder provides different default property values depending on its particular imple-
mentation.) For example, to create (or build) a default address, use the following:
var address = new AddressBuilder()

To set specific properties to specific values, you need to also use the property configuration methods. There are
three different types of property configuration methods, each which serves a different purpose as indicated by the
method’s initial word.

Initial word Indicates

on A link to a parent, for example, PolicyPeriod is on an Account, so the method is onAccount(Account


as A property that holds only a single state, for example, asBusinessType or asAgencyBill.
with The single element or property to be set. For example, the following sets a FirstName property:

Use a DataBuilder.with(...) configuration method to add a single property or value to a builder object. For
example, the following Gosu code creates a new Address object and uses a number of with(...) methods to
initialize properties on the new object. It then uses an asType(...) method to set the address type.
var address = new AddressBuilder()
.withAddressLine1( codeStr1 + " Main St." )
.withAddressLine2( "Suite " + codeStr2 )
.withCity( "San Mateo" )
.withState( "CA" )
.withPostalCode( "94404-" + codeStr3 )

After you create a builder entity, you are responsible for writing that entity to the database as part of a transaction
bundle. In most cases, you must use one of the builder create methods to add the entity to a bundle. Which
create method one you choose depends on your purpose.

To complete the previous example, you need to add a create method at the end.
var address = new AddressBuilder()
.withAddressLine1( codeStr + " Main St." )

Builder Create Methods

The DataBuilder class provides the following create methods:
builderObject.create( bundle )

The following list describes these create methods.

Method Description
create() Creates an instance of this builder's entity type, in the default bundle. This method does not commit
the bundle. Studio resets the default bundle before every test class and method.
createAndCommit() Creates an instance of this builder’s entity type, in the default bundle and performs a commit of that
default bundle.
create(bundle) Creates an instance of this builder’s entity type, with values determined by prior calls to the entity.
The bundle parameter sets the bundle to use while creating this builder instance.

The No-Argument Create Method

The no-argument create method uses a default bundle that all the builders share. This is adequate for most test
purposes. However, as all objects created this way share the same bundle, committing the bundle on just one of

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 569

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

the created objects commits all of the objects to the database. This also makes them available to the ClaimCenter
interface portion of a test. For example:
var address = new AddressBuilder()
.withCity( "Springfield" )

new PersonBuilder()


In this example, Address and Person share a bundle, so committing address.Bundle also stores Person in the
database. If you do not need a reference to the Person, then you do not need to store it into a variable.
Note: GUnit resets the default bundle before every test class and method.

The Create and Commit Method

The createAndCommit method is similar to the create method in that it adds the entity to the default bundle. It
then, however, commits that bundle to the database.

The Create with Bundle Method

If you need to work with a specific bundle, use the create(bundle) method. Guidewire recommends that you
use this method inside of a transaction block. A transaction block provides the following:
• It creates the bundle at the same time as it creates the new builder.
• It automatically commits the bundle as it exits.
The following example illustrates the use of a data builder inside a transaction block.
function myTest() {
var person : Person

Transaction.runWithNewBundle( \ bundle -> {

person = new PersonBuilder()
.withFirstName( "John" )
.withLastName( "Doe" )
.withPrimaryAddress( new AddressBuilder()
.withCity( "Springfield" )
.asHomeAddress() )
.create( bundle )
} )

assertEquals( "Doe", person.LastName )

Notice the following about this example:

• The example declares the person variable outside the transaction block, making it accessible elsewhere in the
• The data builder uses an AddressBuilder object nested inside PersonBuilder to build the address.
• The Transaction.runWithNewBundle statement creates the bundle and automatically commits it after Gosu
Runtime executes the supplied code block.
In summary, the create(bundle) method does not create a bundle. Rather, it uses the bundle passed into it.
Guidewire recommends that you use this method inside a transaction block that both creates the bundle and
commits it automatically.
Note: If you do not use this method inside a transaction block that automatically commits a bundle, then
you must commit the bundle yourself. To do so, add bundle.commit to your code.

570 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Entity Builder Examples

The following examples illustrate various ways that you can use builders to create sample data for use in GUnit
• Creating Multiple Objects from a Single Builder
• Nesting Builders
• Overriding Default Builder Properties

Creating Multiple Objects from a Single Builder

The Builder class creates the builder object at the time of the create call. Therefore, you can use the same
builder instance to generate multiple objects.
var activity1 : Activity
var activity2 : Activity
var bundle = gw.transaction.Transaction.runWithNewBundle( \ bundle -> {
var activityBuilder = new gw.api.builder.ActivityBuilder()
.withType( "general" )
.withPriority( "high" )
activity1 = activityBuilder.withSubject( "this is test activity one" ).create( bundle )
activity2 = activityBuilder.withSubject( "this is test activity two" ).create( bundle )
} )

Nesting Builders
It is possible to nest one builder inside of another by having a method on a builder that takes another builder as a
an argument. For example, suppose that you want to create an Account that has a Policy. In this situation, you
might want to do the following:
Account account = new AccountBuilder()
.withPolicies(new PolicyBuilder().withDefaultPolicyPeriod())

Overriding Default Builder Properties

The following code samples illustrates multiple ways to create an Account object. The first code sample shows a
simple test method and uses a transaction block. The Transaction object takes a block, which assigns the new
account to the variable in the scope outside of the transaction.
function myTest(){
var account : Account
Transaction.runWithNewBundle( \ bundle -> {
account = new AccountBuilder().create(bundle)

There are generally two kinds of accounts: person and company. By default, AccountBuilder creates a person
account. If you want a company account, then you need to assign a company contact as the account holder, as
shown in the following code sample:
account = new AccountBuilder(false)
.withAccountHolderContact(new PolicyCompanyBuilder(42))

In this example, passing false to AccountBuilder tells it not to create a default account holder. Instead, you pass
in your own account holder by calling withAccountHolderContact, which takes a ContactBuilder. In this case,
PolicyCompanyBuilder suffices. The passed in number 42 seeds the default data with something unique
(ideally) and identifiable.
The following example creates a company account and overrides some of the default values. Anywhere you see
“code”, it means numerical seed value. (String variants derive from the given values.) It also illustrates how to
nest the results of one builder inside another.
var address = new AddressBuilder()
.withAddressLine1( codeStr + " Main St." )
.withAddressLine2( "Suite " + codeStr )
.withCity( "San Mateo" )

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 571

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

.withState( "CA" )
.withPostalCode( "94404-" + codeStr )

var company = new PolicyCompanyBuilder(code, false)

.withCompanyName( "This Company " + code )
.withWorkPhone( "650-555-" + codeStr )
.withOfficialID( new OfficialIDBuilder().withType( "FEIN" ).withValue( "11-222" + codeStr ) )

var account = new AccountBuilder(false)

.withIndustryCode("1011", "SIC")
.withAccountOrgType( "Corporation" )

The following example takes the previous code and presents it as a single builder that takes other builders as
arguments. While more compact, it also takes more planning and understanding of builders to create. Notice the
successive levels of indenting used to signal the creation of a new (embedded) builder.
var account = new AccountBuilder(false)
.withIndustryCode("1011", "SIC")
.withAccountOrgType( "Corporation" )
.withAccountHolderContact(new PolicyCompanyBuilder(code, false)
.withCompanyName( "This Company " + code )
.withWorkPhone( "650-555-" + codeStr )
.withAddress( new AddressBuilder()
.withAddressLine1( codeStr + " Main St." )
.withAddressLine2( "Suite " + codeStr )
.withCity( "San Mateo" )
.withState( "CA" )
.withPostalCode( "94404-" + codeStr )
.asBusinessType() )
.withOfficialID( new OfficialIDBuilder()
.withType( "FEIN" )
.withValue( "11-222" + codeStr ) )

Creating New Builders

If you need additional builder functionality than that provided by the ClaimCenter base configuration builders,
you can do either of the following:
• Extend an existing builder class and add new builder methods to that class.
• Extend the base DataBuilder class and create a new builder class with its own set of builder methods.
You can also create a builder (by extending the DataBuilder class) for a custom entity that you created, if
For more information, see the following:
• “Extending an Existing Builder Class” on page 572
• “Extending the DataBuilder Class” on page 573
• “Creating a Builder for a Custom Entity and Testing It” on page 575

Extending an Existing Builder Class

To extend an existing builder class, use the following syntax:
class MyExtendedBuilder extends SomeExistingBuilder {
construct() {
function someNewFunction() : MyExtendedBuilder {
return this

572 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The following MyPersonBuilder class extends the existing PersonBuilder class. The existing PersonBuilder
class contains methods to set both the first and last names of the person, but not the person’s middle name. The
new extended class contains a single method to set the person’s middle name. As there is no static field for the
properties on a type, you must look up the property by name.
uses gw.api.databuilder.PersonBuilder

class MyPersonBuilder extends PersonBuilder {

construct() {
super( true )

function withMiddleName( testname : String ) : MyPersonBuilder {

set(Person.TypeInfo.getProperty( "MiddleName" ), testname)
return this

Note: The PersonBuilder class has two constructors. This code sample uses the one that takes a Boolean
that means create this class “withDefaultOfficialID”.
Another more slightly complex example would be if you extended the Person object and added a new
PreferredName property. In this case, you might want to extend the PersonBuilder class also and add a
withPreferredName method to populate that field through a builder.

Extending the DataBuilder Class

To extend the DatabBuilder class, use the following syntax:
class MyNewBuilder extends DataBuilder<BuilderEntity, BuilderType> {


The DataBuilder class takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BuilderEntity Type of entity created by the builder. The create method requires this parameter so that it can return a
strongly-typed value and, so that other builder methods can declare strongly-typed parameters.
BuilderType Type of the builder itself. The with methods require this on the DataBuilder class so that it can return a
strongly-typed builder value (to facilitate the chaining of with methods).

If you choose to extend the DataBuilder class (gw.api.databuilder.DataBuilder), place your newly created
builder class in the gw.api.databuilder package in the Studio Tests folder. Start any method that you define in
your new builder with one of the recommended words (described previously in “Creating an Entity Builder” on
page 568):

Initial word Indicates

on A link to a parent, for example, PolicyPeriod is on an Account, so the method is

onAccount(Account account).

as A property that holds only a single state, for example: asBusinessType or as AgencyBill.
with The single element or property to be set. For example, the following sets a FirstName property:

Your configuration methods can set properties by calling DataBuilder.set and

DataBuilder.addArrayElement. You can provide property values as any of the following:
• Simple values.
• Beans to be used as subobjects.

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 573

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Other builders, which ClaimCenter uses to create subobjects if it calls your builder's create method.
• Instances of gw.api.databuilder.ValueGenerator, which can, for example, generate a different value (to
satisfy uniqueness constraints) for each instance constructed.
DataBuilder.set and DataBuilder.addArrayElement optionally accept an integer order argument that deter-
mines how ClaimCenter configures that property on the target object. (ClaimCenter processes properties in
ascending order.) If you do not provide an order for a property, Studio uses DataBuilder.DEFAULT_ORDER as the
order for that property. ClaimCenter processes properties with the same order value (for example, all those that
do not have an order) in the order in which they are set on the builder.
In most cases, Guidewire recommends that you omit the order value as you are implement builder configuration
methods. This enables callers of your builder to select the execution order through the order of the configuration
method calls.
Constructors for builders can call set, and similar methods to set up default values. These are useful to satisfy
nullconstraints so it is possible to commit built objects to the database. However, Guidewire generally recom-
mends that you limit the number of defaults. This is so that you have the maximum control over the target object.

Other DataBuilder Classes

The gw.api.databuilder package also includes gw.api.databuilder.ValueGenerator. You can use this class,
for example, to generate a different value for each instance constructed to satisfy uniqueness constraints. The
databuilder package includes ValueGenerator class variants for generating unique integers, strings, and type-
• gw.api.databuilder.IntegerStringGenerator
• gw.api.databuilder.SequentialStringGenerator
• gw.api.databuilderTypekeyStringGenerator

Custom Builder Populators

Ideally, all building can be done through simple property setters, using the DataBuilder.set or
DataBuilder.addArrayElements methods. However, you may want to define more complex logic, if these
methods do not suffice. To achieve this, you can define a custom implementation of
gw.api.databuilder.populator.BeanPopulator and pass it to DataBuilder.addPopulator. Guidewire
provides an abstract implementation, AbstractBeanPopulator, to support short anonymous BeanPopulator
The following example uses an anonymous subclass of AbstractBeanPopulator to call the withCustomSetting
method. This code passes the group to the constructor, and the code inside of execute only accesses it through
the vals argument. This allows the super-class to handle packaging details.
public MyEntityBuilder withCustomSetting( group : Group ) {

addPopulator( new AbstractBeanPopulator<MyEntity>( group ) {

function execute( e : MyEntity, vals : Object[] ) {

e.customGroupSet( vals[0] as Group )
} )

return this

The AbstractBeanPopulator class automatically converts builders to beans. That is, if you pass a builder to the
constructor of AbstractBeanPopulator, it returns the bean that it builds in the execute method. The following
example illustrates this.
public MyEntityBuilder withCustomSetting( groupBuilder : DataBuilder<Group, ?> ) : MyEntityBuilder {

addPopulator( new AbstractBeanPopulator<MyEntity>( groupBuilder ) {

function execute( e : MyEntity, vals : Object[] ) {

e.customGroupSet( vals[0] as Group )

574 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

} )

return this

Creating a Builder for a Custom Entity and Testing It

It is also possible, if you want, to create a builder for a custom entity. For example, suppose that you want each
ClaimCenter user to have an array of external credentials (for automatic sign-on to linked external systems,
perhaps). To implement, you can create an array of ExtCredential on User, with each ExtCredential having
the following parameters:

Parameter Type

ExtSystem Typekey
UserName String
Password String

After creating your custom entity and its builder class, you would probably want to test it. To accomplish this,
you need to do the following:

Task Affected files See

1. Create a custom ExtCredential array ExtCredential.eti To create a custom entity

entity and extend the User entity to User.etx
include it.
2. Create an ExtCrendentialBuilder by To create an ExtCredentialBuilder class
extending the DataBuilder class and
adding withXXX methods to it.
3. Create a test class to exercise and test To create an ExtCredentialBuilderTest
your new builder. class

To create a custom entity

To create a new array ExtCredential custom entity, you need to do the following:
• Add the ExtSystem typelist (in the Typelist editor in Guidewire Studio).
• Define the ExtCredential array entity (in ExtCredential.eti, accessible through Guidewire Studio).
• Modify the array entity definition to include a foreign key to User (in ExtCredential.eti).
• Add an array field to the User entity (in User.etx).
1. Add an ExtSystem typelist. Within Guidewire Studio, navigate to Typelists, right-click and select New → Typelist.
Add a few external system typecodes. (For example, add SystemOne, SystemTwo, or similar items.)
2. Create ExtCredential. Select the extensions folder, right-click and select New → Other file. Name this file
ExtCredential.eti and enter the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity xmlns="" entity="ExtCredential" table="extcred"
type="retireable" exportable="true" platerform="true" >
<typekey name="ExtSystem" typelist="ExtSystemType" desc="Type of external system"/>
<column name="UserName" type="shorttext"/>
<column name="Password" type="shorttext"/>
<foreignkey name="UserID" fkentity="User" desc="FK back to User"/>

3. Modify User. Find User.etx (in extensions). If it does not exist, then you must create it. However, most likely,
this file exists. Open this file and add the following:
<array name="ExtCredentialRetirable" arrayentity="ExtCredential"
desc="An array of ExtCredential objects" arrayfield="UserID" exportable="false"/>

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 575

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

See “Extending a Base Configuration Entity” on page 238 for information on extending the Guidewire
ClaimCenter base configuration entities.

To create an ExtCredentialBuilder class

Next, you need to extend the base DataBuilder class to create the ExtCredentialBuilder class. Place this class
in its own package in the Classes folder.
For example:
package AllMyClasses

uses gw.api.databuilder.DataBuilder

class ExtCredentialBuilder extends DataBuilder<ExtCredential, ExtCredentialBuilder > {

construct() {

function withType ( type: typekey.ExtSystemType ) : ExtCredentialBuilder {

set(ExtCredential.TypeInfo.getProperty( "ExtSystem" ), type)
return this

function withUserName( somename : String ) : ExtCredentialBuilder {

set(ExtCredential.TypeInfo.getProperty( "UserName" ), somename)
return this

function withPassword( password : String ) : ExtCredentialBuilder {

set(ExtCredential.TypeInfo.getProperty( "Password" ), password)
return this

Notice the following about this code sample:

• It includes a uses ... DataBuilder statement.
• It extends the Databuilder class, setting the BuilderType parameter to ExtCredential and the
BuilderEntity parameter to ExtCredentialBuilder. (See “Extending the DataBuilder Class” on page 573
for a discussion of these two parameters.)
• It uses a constructor for the super class—DataBuilder—that requires the entity type to create.
• It implements multiple withXXX methods that populate an ExtCredential array object with the passed in

To create an ExtCredentialBuilderTest class

Finally, to be useful, you need to reference your new builder in Gosu code. You can, for example, create a GUnit
test that uses the ExtCredentialBuilder class to create test data. Place this class in its own package in the Tests
package MyTests

uses AllMyClasses.ExtCredentialBuilder
uses gw.transaction.Transaction

class ExtCredentialBuilderTest extends gw.testharness.TestBase {

static var credential : ExtCredential

construct() {

function beforeClass () {
Transaction.runWithNewBundle( \ bundle -> {
credential = new ExtCredentialBuilder()
.withType( "SystemOne" )
.withUserName( "Peter Rabbit" )
.withPassword( "carrots" )
.create( bundle )

576 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide


function testUsername() {
assertEquals("User names do not match.", credential.UserName, "Peter Rabbit")

function testPassword() {
assertEquals("Passwords do not match.", credential.Password, "carrots")

Notice the following about this code sample:

• It includes “uses” statements for both ExtCredentialBuilder and gw.transaction.Transaction.
• It creates a static credential variable. As the code declares this variable outside of a method—as a class
variable—it is available to all methods within the class. (GUnit maintains a single copy of this variable.) As
you run a test, GUnit creates a single instance of the test class that each test method uses. Therefore, to
preserve a variable value across multiple test methods, you must declare it as a static variable. (For a descrip-
tion of the static keyword and how to use it in Gosu, see “Static Modifier” on page 183 in the Gosu
Reference Guide.)
• It uses a beforeClass method to create the ExtCredential test data. This method calls
ExtCredentialBuilder as part of a transaction block, which creates and commits the bundle automatically.
GUnit calls the beforeClass method before it instantiates the test class for the first time. Thereafter, the test
class uses the test data created by the beforeClass method. It is important to understand that GUnit does not
drop the database between execution of each test method within a test class. However, if you run multiple test
classes together (for example, by running all the test classes in a package), GUnit resets the database between
execution of each test class.
• It defines several test methods, each of which starts with test, with each method including an assertXXX
method to test the data.
If you run the ExtCredentialBuilderTest class as defined, the GUnit tester displays green icons, indicating that
the tests were successful:

Running Gosu API Tests

Note: In general, to test an API, Guidewire recommends that you test the API contract, not the API imple-
mentation details.
You can create GUnit tests in Studio that test Gosu APIs. To test, Studio runs the API test in a server and commu-
nicates with Axis using a Web server to exercise all the standard Axis code paths. Guidewire exposes the server

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 577

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

APIs to tests under the soap.local namespace, which is split up in the same fashion as the generated Java enti-

Namespace Description
soap.local.api.* SOAP service objects
soap.local.enumeration.* SOAP simple types (for example, typekeys)
soap.local.entity.* All SOAP exposed entities (for example, the Claim entity)
soap.local.fault.* All SOAP faults

IMPORTANT Use the soap.local name space for testing on your local machine only. Do not use
these classes for web services in a production environment. If you choose to use the soap.local name-
space, then you must add the @SOAPLocalTest annotation to your test code. If you do not supply this
annotation, ClaimCenter does not load the soap local typeloader into the type system. See the sample
code in “SOAP Local Test Example” on page 578 for an example use of this annotation.

Server Authentication
You perform server authentication using an authentication handler. For example:
var adminTools = new soap.local.api.ISystemToolsAPI()
adminTools.addHandler( new GSAuthenticationHandler("username", "password") )

See the following example for an illustration on how to use server authentication.

SOAP Local Test Example

If you use the soap.local namespace for testing purposes, then you must add the following annotation before
the test class declaration:

The following example illustrates the use of the SOAPLocalTest annotation. It also illustrates the use of an
authentication handler.
package MyTests
uses gw.testharness.SOAPLocalTest

class IUserAPITest extends gw.testharness.TestBase {

construct() { }

function testUserAPI() {
var api = new soap.local.api.IUserAPI()
api.addHandler(new gw.api.soap.GWAuthenticationHandler("username", "password"))
var pid = api.findPublicIdByName("username")
var user = api.getUser(pid)
assertEquals(user.Credential.UserName, "username")

Note: For the test to complete successfully, you must replace the username and password parameters in the
code with valid system values.

API Test Example

The following example API test throws a ServerStateException. The server throws an exception because the
test method tries to set the system run level to the same value to which it is already set.
package MyTests

uses gw.testharness.ServerTest
uses gw.api.webservice.exception.SOAPException
uses gw.api.webservice.systemTools.SystemRunlevel

578 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

uses gw.webservice.systemTools.ISystemToolsAPI
uses gw.api.webservice.systemTools.SystemRunlevel

class SOAPTest extends gw.testharness.TestBase {
construct() {
//Perform initialize here

function testTwoMaintenanceModesThrowsExceptions() {

var adminTools = new ISystemToolsAPI()

//Setting the system run level to Maintenance

try {
//Set the run level to the same value that it already has

//If, for some reason, the test did not fail, then generate the following error message
fail("Exception not thrown.")

} catch (e : SOAPException) {
//Execption caught and handled

} finally {
//Resetting the system run level


Running this test produces red icons, indicating failure. This is by design. The test provides an error message for
the ServerStateException. This message (Server already at runlevel 40) is exactly what one expects to
see. The test tries to set the SystemRunLevel to a specific value, fails because it is already set to that value, and
generates the error.

Chapter 48, Using GUnit 579

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

580 Chapter 48, Using GUnit

part IX

Guidewire ClaimCenter
chapter 49

Using the Lines of Business Editor

Note: For more information on how ClaimCenter uses the lines of business typelists, see “Configuring Your
Lines of Business” on page 307 in the Application Guide.
This topic discusses the Guidewire ClaimCenter lines of business.
This topic includes:
• “Lines of Business in Guidewire ClaimCenter” on page 583
• “The Studio Lines of Business Editor” on page 584
• “Managing References to the LOB Typelists” on page 587

Lines of Business in Guidewire ClaimCenter

A line of business (LOB) is a business unit that is independent of other business units in a company. A key
feature of ClaimCenter is its ability to model the responsibilities of each business unit of an insurance carrier. In
this way, you model the business structure of your carrier, and tell ClaimCenter how to customize its displays and
methods of handling claims for each part of your business.
You accomplish this modeling by a series of typelists that do the following:
• Define what each LOB does, including the policies it writes and the coverages each contains
• Relate the LOBs to each other by the types of losses each covers
• Associate ClaimCenter exposures with coverages
There are six special typelists that define the Lines of Business model in ClaimCenter. The six typelists have a
somewhat hierarchical relationship, so Studio represents them in a tree structure. The following table lists the six
typelists and their parent-child relationships.

Typelist Parent Child

LossType - LOBCode
LOBCode LossType PolicyType

Chapter 49, Using the Lines of Business Editor 583

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Typelist Parent Child

PolicyType LOBCode CoverageType

CoverageType PolicyType CoverageSubtype
CoverageSubtype CoverageType ExposureType
ExposureType CoverageSubtype -

Studio represents the parent-child relationship by adding the child typecode as a category on the parent typecode.
It also adds the parent typecode as a category on the child typecode. Studio updates the parent-child relationships
as you work in the Lines of Business editor. The editor updates the relationships behind the scenes whenever you
add a child to, or remove a child from, its parent.
The LOB hierarchy is not a strict hierarchy. Some relationships in the structure are many-to-many which means
some typecodes can have multiple parents. (For example, typecodes from PolicyType, CoverageType, and
ExposureType can have multiple parents. In contrast, typecodes from CoverageSubtype and LOBCode can have
only one parent.)
If a typecode has multiple parents, it appears under each parent. However, it is important to understand that each
appearance represents the same typecode and that editing the typecode in one place affects all appearances of it.
For example, suppose the following:
• You add the same child, say child C (PolicyType Additional PIP) to two different parents—A (LOBCode
Auto-Commercial Auto) and B (LOBCode Auto-Personal Auto).
• Then, you add a child D (CoverageType EvenMorePIP) to child C (PolicyType Additional PIP) of parent A
(LOBCode Auto-Commercial Auto).
After these changes, you also see that same child (CoverageType EvenMorePIP) on child C (PolicyType Addi-
tional PIP) of the second parent B (LOBCode Auto-Personal Auto).

The Studio Lines of Business Editor

Studio displays the Lines of Business editor in the Resources tree. After you expand this folder, you see the six
special LOB typelists. Selecting a typelist opens the LOB editor on the right, rooted at the typelist selected.
Note: Studio displays these typelists only in the Lines of Business editor. They do not appear in the Typelist
editor. This editor is the only place in which you can edit these typelists. For a discussion of the LOB type-
lists, see “Lines of Business in Guidewire ClaimCenter” on page 583.
After you select a typelist (in the Resources tree), Studio displays the hierarchical relationships in the tree in the
middle. The root of this tree is simply the typelist that you selected. The next level shows all typecodes in this
typelist. If you expand past this level, Studio displays the children of each typecode, which are typecodes from
the next typelist.
For example, if you select CoverageType in the Resources tree, then CoverageType becomes the root in the middle
pane. The second level comprises all CoverageType typecodes and the children of these typecodes are then
CoverageSubtypes. You can navigate all the way down to ExposureType.
Studio displays retired codes as grayed out. Studio displays each code with the code Name field.

The Context Menu

You can right-click in the middle pane to view additional editing options.
• Add New
• Add Existing
• Remove From Parent

584 Chapter 49, Using the Lines of Business Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Delete Typecode
• Export Branch

Add New
Use the Add New menu option to add a new typecode. Selecting this option opens a dialog that you use to enter
values for the new typecode. If you right-click at the root, this option is always available and allows you to add a
typecode to the selected typelist. At other levels, the option is only available if it is possible for the typecode to
have more children. (The parent-child relationship for some typecodes is one-to-one. In this case, if there is
already a child, you cannot add another.) If you select this option at other levels, you can add a new child to the
selected typecode, for example. This means that the editor creates a new typecode in the next level down typelist,
and sets up the parent-child relationship. A new typecode cannot have the same code as an existing typecode in
the same typelist. Studio checks for this condition and prevents you from doing this in the editor.

Add Existing
Use the Add Existing menu option to add an existing code as the child of the selected code. This option is not avail-
able at the root level. At other levels, it is available only if it is possible for the parent to have more children and
if children exist to add. In some cases, the relationship is many-to-one, in which case a child can only be added to
one parent. (If there are no children left without a parent, Studio disables the Add Existing option.) If you select this
option, Studio adds a new blank entry to the child list table on the right. The table is made visible and the cursor
put in the correct place so you can start editing the name of the code to add. For more details, see “Child List
Table” on page 586.

Remove From Parent

This menu option is available for any level below the list of all typecodes. It is unavailable at the root since it has
no parent, and unavailable at the first level since there is no parent relationship defined there. This option
removes the selected typecode from the list of children for the parent, but otherwise leaves the typecode as is.
(This means that it removes the category of this code on the parent and of the parent code on this one.) It is
important to understand that this might orphan the selected typecode. Orphaned codes are visible in the tree
rooted at the code's list.

Delete Typecode
Use this menu option to delete the selected typecode entirely. It is available at all levels except the root. If you
select this option, Studio provides a warning message asking you to confirm the deletion. If confirmed, Studio
deletes the typecode from the selected typelist and cleans up any parent or child relationships it has. This means
removing categories that reference the code in its parent typelist and in its child typelist. However, Studio does
not modify other categories in other lists that reference this code.

IMPORTANT This has the potential to create orphan typecodes, if children of the removed code have
no other parent.

Export Branch
After selecting Export Branch, you can then select whether to export the selected LOB typecode hierarchy as
HTML or as CSV. These two options, available at all levels, export the tree to an HTML file or a csv file. Studio
exports the tree in tabular form. To print the tree, export it to HTML and use a web browser to print it out.

Editing a Typelist
With the root selected in the middle pane, you can edit properties of the typelist itself. On the right, there is a a
pane in which you can edit the typelist's filters. This pane acts in a similar fashion to the Filters pane in the Type-
list editor. You can add, remove, and edit filters in this location.

Chapter 49, Using the Lines of Business Editor 585

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Editing a Typecode
If you select a typecode in the middle pane, Studio displays the details for that code on the right-hand side and
allow you to edit them. At the top of the pane, you see the typecode's name and the typelist to which it belongs.
Underneath, there is a section in which you can edit fields specific to the typecode, for example, the code, name,
description, priority, and retired fields.
• If you edit the name, Studio updates the tree.
• If you edit the code, Studio updates all typecodes in LOB that point to this one.
In the case of ExposureTypes, you can also edit the IncidentType in the main panel. This edits the category on the
ExposureType that points to an incident type. (The IncidentType list is not directly available in the Categories
section of an ExposureType code.)

The Studio LOB Editor Tabs

The lower tabs contain a number of list tables:
• Child List Table
• Parent List Table
• Categories List Table
• Localizations List Table

Child List Table

You can view the children of this typecode in the lower tab called Children, which also specifies from which type-
list the children come. Within this lower tab, you can select a child typecode and change it by entering a different
code. This removes the other code as a child and add the newly specified one. Until you specify an existing,
eligible code, the old one remains. If you change focus from the editing area, then the old one appears again.
After you specify a legitimate code, Studio removes the old one. You can either type in the name or select it from
the drop-down, as with other Studio tables. You can also use the function buttons to do the following:
• Add an existing typecode (Add)
• Add a new type code (Add New)
• Remove a typecode (Remove)
You cannot, however, ever duplicate a typecode. (The editor never enables this option.)

Parent List Table

The values in the Parent list table are not modifiable. This table merely shows all the parents that have this code
as a child.

Categories List Table

This list table shows the codes categories and is editable exactly as the categories in the Typecode editor are.
Studio does not display categories for the parent and child relationships in this table.

Localizations List Table

This list table shows the localizations for this code. What you see in this location is exactly the same as that
shown in the Localizations tab in the Typelist editor.

Referential Integrity
As you make edits in the LOB editor, Studio maintains referential integrity within the parent-child relationships
in the LOB structure. This means that if you make a change to a typecode's code or if you delete a typecode, then
Studio also updates the typecodes that reference that one. However, outside the LOB structure, this is not true.
Therefore, if CostType refers to a typecode that you deleted, it still refers to that code. If you save your work,

586 Chapter 49, Using the Lines of Business Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

shut down Studio, and try to restart it, Studio generates an error. (You can still restart Studio and correct the
problem, however.)

After you change a typelist, Studio enables the Save button in the main toolbar. Whenever you select a different
resource in the far left tree (including navigating to a different LOB typelist), Studio saves all edited typelists in
the LOB configuration automatically. Studio also performs an automatic save if you select a different node in the
middle-pane tree.

Managing References to the LOB Typelists

As discussed in “Lines of Business in Guidewire ClaimCenter” on page 583, the Studio Lines of Business editor
manages the following typelists, together with the filtering relationships between these types:

• LossType • PolicyType
• LOBCode • CoverageType
• CoverageSubtype • ExposureType

If you modify one of these typelists through the Studio editor, it is possible that you still need to modify other
typelists or PCF files that reference your modified typelist. The Lines of Business editor does not edit other type-
lists, Gosu code, and PCF files that reference these six typelists. In some cases, this can lead to error states. In

Typelist Filtered by...

LossParty CoverageSubtype
CostCategory CoverageSubtype
InsuranceLine PolicyType
ClaimantType LossType

Chapter 49, Using the Lines of Business Editor 587

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

A number of PCF files are modal and based on the LossType and ExposureType typelists. A modal PCF file is
one in which the screen file that references the page calls the appropriate detail or list view based on the
LossType or ExposureType typecode. The following table lists the modal PCF pages:

Typelist PCF

LossType LossDetailsDV
ExposureType NewClaimExposureDV

Adding a New LossType Typecode

For each new loss type typecode that you define, you must also do the following:
1. Add the typecode to LossType typelist.

2. Create the supporting detail and list views in the ClaimCenter interface.

3. Update any external typelist that the LossType typekey filters. (This include the ClaimantType, LOBCode, and
LossCause typelists.)

Creating the Necessary Detail and List Views

You define both the detail views (DV) and list views (LV) within individual PCF files. Claim and policy-related
screens within ClaimCenter can then reference these files. As mentioned, the PCF files that you need to add are
modal. This means that the screen file that references these pages calls the appropriate detail or list view based on
the LossType typecode.
It is important that your PCF files follow a naming convention that includes the loss typecode in the file name.
Use the following naming convention, replacing <Code> with the actual typecode:

You must capitalize the first character of the included typecode. For example, a typecode of Cargo would have a
corresponding file named:

For each typecode that add, you need to create the following claim-related files within the Page Configuration (PCF)
editor in the Studio Resources tree. Replace <Code> with the name of your typecode using the naming convention
described earlier. Put each file in the listed folder, which is a subfolder of the claim folder.

Folder File Supports

lossdetails LossDetailsDV.<Code> Editing existing claims

588 Chapter 49, Using the Lines of Business Editor

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Folder File Supports

FNOL NewClaimLocationsLV.<Code> New Claim wizard

planofaction ClaimEvaluationDetaiilsDV.<Code> Creating and editing claim evaluations
policy LocationDetailPanelSet.<Code> Policy edits and searches
snapshot → <version> ClaimSnapShotGeneral<version>.<Code> Claim snapshots

Adding a New ExposureType Typecode

For each new exposure type that you define, you must also do the following:
1. Add the new typecode to the ExposureType typelist.

2. Create the supporting detail views in the ClaimCenter interface.

3. Update any external typelists that contain the ExposureType filters. (This includes the LossPartyType,
CoverageType, and SeverityType typelists.)

Creating the Necessary Detail Views

You define both the detail views (DV) within individual PCF files. Claim and exposure-related screens within
ClaimCenter can then reference these files. As mentioned, the PCF files that you need to add are modal. This
means that the screen file that references these pages calls the appropriate detail view based on the ExposureType
It is important that your PCF files follow a naming convention that includes the exposure typecode in the file
name. Use the following naming convention, replacing <Code> with the actual typecode:

As with the loss type typecode files, you must capitalize the first character of the included typecode. For
example, a typecode of CargoDamage would have a corresponding file named:

For each typecode that add, you need to create the following claim- and exposure-related files within the Page
Configuration (PCF) editor in the Studio Resources tree. Replace <Code> with the name of your typecode using the
naming convention described earlier. Put each file in the listed folder, which is a subfolder of the claim folder.

Claim folder File Supports

exposures ExposureDetailDV.<Code> Editing existing exposures

newclaimwizard NewClaimExposureDV.<Code> New Claim wizard
newexposures NewExposureDV.<Code> New Exposure wizard
snapshot → <version> ClaimSnapShotExposure<version>DV.<Code> Claim snapshots

Chapter 49, Using the Lines of Business Editor 589

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

590 Chapter 49, Using the Lines of Business Editor

chapter 50

Configuring Policy Behavior

There are several aspects of policy behavior that you can configure in ClaimCenter.
This topic includes:
• “Managing Aggregate Limits” on page 591
• “Specifying the Subtabs on a Policy” on page 596
• “Defining Internal (ClaimCenter-only) Policy Fields” on page 597

Managing Aggregate Limits

An aggregate limit is the maximum amount that an insurer is required to pay on a policy or coverage for a given
period of time. An aggregate limit effectively caps the insurer’s total liability for the specified time period. Typi-
cally, insurers use the aggregate cap:
• Regardless of the number of claims made against the relevant policies
• Regardless of the number and variety of exposures represented in the claims
The management tasks associated with aggregate limits include:
• Specifying the financial transactions that count against a limit
• Configuring policy period definitions
• Recalculating (manually) how much of your aggregate limits have already been used
Note: If you want to use ClaimCenter to track and display aggregate limits, add the Aggregate Limit subtab to
the relevant policy types. For more information, see “Specifying the Subtabs on a Policy” on page 596.

Understanding Aggregate Limits

An aggregate limit can apply to a policy, a specific coverage (or group of coverages), or an account. A limit that
applies to a single policy establishes a maximum total liability for all of the claims made against that policy. A
limit that applies to an account establishes a maximum liability for all claims made against all of the policies
belonging to the account.

Chapter 50, Configuring Policy Behavior 591

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Policy periods play an important role in aggregate limits. Within ClaimCenter, the application uses policy peri-
ods to do the following:
• To connect aggregate limits to either accounts or individual policies. ClaimCenter associates aggregate limits
with policy periods and policy periods identify the claims to which the aggregate limit applies.
• To distinguish between policy versions. Policies are typically in effect for a single year (or portion thereof).
Each year a policy is in effect is a different version of the policy, with different effective dates.
For more about policy periods, see the section “Configuring Policy Periods” on page 593.
There are two types of aggregate limits: Loss date and Reported date. For either type, a claim applies to the limit if
the claim's date is on or within its policy's effective and expiration date. For Loss date aggregate limits the loss
date must fall within the effective dates of the policy. For Reported date limits, the reported date must be within the
effective dates.
You can define aggregate limits on the Aggregate Limits tab of a claim’s Policy page.
• If the aggregate limit grouping is of type Account, then any aggregate limit defined on that page applies to the
account as a whole, rather than to the individual policy.
• If the aggregate limit grouping is of type Policy, aggregate limits defined on that policy’s Aggregate Limits tab
apply only to that policy.
The AggregateLimit entity has the following key properties:

Entity Property Description

LimitAmount The amount of the aggregate limit.

LimitType The aggregate limit type, either loss date or reported date.
PolicyPeriodID The policy period to which the aggregate limit belongs.
CoverageLines An aggregate limit can have multiple coverage lines or none at all.
ValueType Limit or deductible.

Define What Counts Against an Aggregate Limit

ClaimCenter reports how much of an aggregate limit has been used. For each policy type that uses aggregate
limits, you must tell ClaimCenter which cost types to count against the limit. Within Guidewire Studio, you
define these costs in file aggregatelimitused-config.xml, located in the Resources tree in the Other Resources
folder. The file consists of a main AggregateLimitUsedConfig element and one or more LimitUsedDef subele-
The LimitUsedDef element definition has the following format:
<AggLimitPolicyType code="policy_type"/>
<AggLimitCostType code="cost_type" calctype="calctype"/>

The LimitUsedDef element defines the cost types that count against the limits of particular policies. You can
create multiple LimitUsedDef elements to associate different policies with different cost types. You must specify
at least one. This element contains two subelements AggLimitPolicyType and AggLimitCostType.
• The AggLimitPolicyType subelement specifies the policy types that share the same limit definition. You
must list at least one policy for a definition. The code attribute defines the policy type. The PolicyType.xml
typelist defines the list of possible types.
• The AggLimitCostType subelement specifies the cost types and financial calculations that count against a
limit. The code attribute specifies a cost type from the CostType.xml typelist. A cost type can appear at most
one time in an individual LimitUsedDef element.

592 Chapter 50, Configuring Policy Behavior

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The calctype attribute defines the calculation to apply while determining the used amount of an aggregate
limit. The calctype can be one of the following:

Type Description
TotalIncurredGross The sum of total reserves plus non-eroding payments.
TotalIncurredNet The sum of total reserves plus non-eroding payments minus recoveries.
TotalPayments The sum of all submitted payments and awaiting-submission payments whose scheduled send
date is either before or on the current date.

In the following example, the LimitUsedDef element defines the costs for commercial automobile policies. For
these policies, the total incurred value of transactions for both Claim Cost and Expense A&O are subject to the aggre-
gate limit:
<AggLimitPolicyType code="auto_comm"/>
<AggLimitCostType code="aoexpense" calctype="TotalIncurred"/>
<AggLimitCostType code="claimcost" calctype="TotalIncurred"/>

From this, ClaimCenter calculates an aggregate limit’s limit used as follows:

• For each transaction that belongs to the policy period attributed to the limit, ClaimCenter determines its
claim's policy type.
• If the configuration file does not list the policy type, then the transaction does not contribute to the limit used
• If the configuration file does list the policy type, ClaimCenter determines whether the LimitUsedDef to
which the policy type belongs lists the transaction's cost type.
• If LimitUsedDef does not list the cost type, then it does not contribute to the limit used calculation.
• If LimitUsedDef does list the cost type, then ClaimCenter retrieves the calculation type associated with cost
Then, ClaimCenter determines whether that the transaction applies to the aggregate limit (and how to calculate
the transaction). It then calculates the amount and applies it to the limit used for that aggregate limit.

Configuring Policy Periods

A policy period identifies the policy or policies that count against an aggregate limit. The policy period does this
by defining the following:
• The effective time period for the aggregate limit
• The set of policy data fields that must be identical for the policy to count against an aggregate limit
A policy period definition is a configuration object that determines the form and functionality of one or more
policy periods. ClaimCenter creates policy periods as needed for aggregate limits, based on the policy period
definitions in the policyperiod-config.xml file. (Studio locates this file in Other Resources.) The definitions in
this file function as the blueprint for your policy periods.
ClaimCenter bases aggregate limits on policy periods. A specific and unique policy period identifies each claim
that counts against an aggregate limit. Any time that it creates a policy, ClaimCenter searches for an existing
policy period that matches the properties of the policy. If there is no existing policy period that matches the
policy, ClaimCenter uses the appropriate policy period definition as a template to create the necessary policy

WARNING After you create a policy period definition and ClaimCenter begins to use it, do not
attempt to change it. Guidewire does not support updating policy periods to reflect a new
policyperiod-config.xml definition.

Chapter 50, Configuring Policy Behavior 593

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The syntax of a policy period definition is as follows:

<PolicyPeriodDef type="type">
<PolicyTypeConfig code="policy_type"/>
<PolicyField fieldName="fieldName"/>

The PolicyPeriodDef element defines an individual policy period. The type parameter takes one of two values:
policy or account. Within this element, you must specify at least one PolicyTypeConfig element and one
PolicyField element.

Note: If you do not define at least one PolicyPeriodDef, you effectively disable aggregate limits in your
The PolicyTypeConfig element specifies the policy type to which the definition applies. This is a code from the
PolicyType.xml typelist. PolicyPeriodDef must include a PolicyTypeConfig element for each policy type that
you want to include in the definition.
The PolicyField element specifies a policy data field to include in the period definition. There are five allow-
able fields, all of which are also fields of the PolicyPeriod entity.

Account Used with policy period definitions of type “account.” A case-sensitive text field in a policy’s definition
identifies the name or number of the account to which the policy belongs.
PolicyNumber The alphanumeric value that ClaimCenter uses to identify a policy.
EffectiveDate The date on which an individual policy goes into effect.
ExpirationDate The date on which an individual policy goes out of effect.
PolicySuffix The alphanumerical value that you append to a policy number to differentiate between effective years for
a policy. Typically, you use this only for policy periods of type policy.

Example of Policy-based Period Definition

The following PolicyPeriodDef example ensures that all claims made against a specific automobile policy
count against a single aggregate limit.
<PolicyPeriodDef type="policy">
<PolicyTypeConfig code="auto_comm"/>
<PolicyTypeConfig code="auto_per"/>
<PolicyField fieldName="PolicyNumber"/>
<PolicyField fieldName="PolicySuffix"/>

This definition specifies that a single aggregate limit applies for all policies that meet the following criteria:
• All are either of type personal auto or commercial auto and
• All have the same policy number and
• All have the same policy suffix
The PolicySuffix field acts as an implicit time period. It identifies both an effective date and an expiration date.
By including the suffix, you insure that claims made in different years are not mistakenly summed into the same

Example of Account-based Period Definition

The following PolicyPeriodDef example ensures one aggregate limit applies to all policies belonging to the
same account.
<PolicyPeriodDef type="account">
<PolicyTypeConfig code="prop_comm"/>
<PolicyTypeConfig code="homeowners"/>
<PolicyTypeConfig code="gen_liability"/>
<PolicyTypeConfig code="inlandmarine"/>
<PolicyField fieldName="Account"/>
<PolicyField fieldName="EffectiveDate"/>

594 Chapter 50, Configuring Policy Behavior

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

<PolicyField fieldName="ExpirationDate"/>

This definition specifies that a single aggregate limit applies for all policies that:
• are of type commercial property, homeowners, general liability, or inland marine and
• have the same Account value and
• have the same effective date and
• have the same expiration date

Aggregate Limit Used Recalculation

Any time that you make relevant changes to claim data, ClaimCenter automatically recalculates how much of an
aggregate limit the change used. As a general rule, you do not need to manually recalculate the used portion of
your limits. However, if it becomes necessary for you to perform a manual recalculation, ClaimCenter makes it
possible for you to do so.
If any of the database consistency checks that ClaimCenter performs on database tables fail, then you need to
instruct ClaimCenter to recalculate the aggregate limit values. You also need to instruct ClaimCenter to repopu-
late the database tables. There are two commands you use: one to recalculate all limit used values and another to
recalculate only those values that show as invalid.
To force a recalculation of all limit used values stored in the denormalized table, execute the following from the
command line:
maintenance_tools.bat –password pwd –startprocess aggregatelimitcalculations

Note: You need run this process only if you encounter consistency check failures, and only if you cannot
identify the reason for the inconsistency. You must run this command manually. You cannot schedule it to
run periodically.
Guidewire also recommends that you always rebuild the aggregate limit calculations after you import financial
and limit information. To rebuild, use the following command:
maintenance_tools.bat –password pwd –startprocess aggregatelimitloadercalculations

For information on using aggregate limits in Gosu business rules, see the ClaimCenter Rules Guide.

Chapter 50, Configuring Policy Behavior 595

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Aggregate Limit Diagram

The following graphic depicts a simplified view of how Aggregate Limits are related to other entities.







Claim graph
PolicyPeriod and AggregateLimit and associated entities are cross-claim entities which encompass multiple
claims. They are not archivable and stay behind in the production database. Each Claim has one Policy object
which holds policy data from the policy administration system and belongs to the claim. The Policy belongs to
the claim graph and is archived with it. The ClaimInfo entity is not archived and is the connecting point between
the admin/cross-claim data and the claim graph. Therefore, each PeriodPolicy (a join entity) points to its
PolicyPeriod and to a ClaimInfo to indicate that the Claim/Policy is in the PolicyPeriod.

Policy Retrieval Plugin

During the policy retrieval process, the Claim has not yet been associated to the PolicyPeriod. When the policy
plugin returns policy data, the Policy is associated with the Claim and the PolicyPeriod. However, you do not
have access to the Claim at this point.

• You cannot add aggregate limits inside the policy plugin.
• You can create them later in Claim Pre-update rules.
• Another option is to add them to the claim from the user interface.

Specifying the Subtabs on a Policy

You can customize the subtabs that appear on the Policy page of a claim file. For example, an automobile policy
can include a subtab with a list of vehicles and a property policy can include a subtab with a list of locations.

596 Chapter 50, Configuring Policy Behavior

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Policy page always contains the General subtab, and you can add one or more other subtabs. The
PolicyTab.xml typelist defines available subtabs that you can add.

You specify the subtabs in the PolicyType.xml typelist, which you access through the ClaimCenter Lines of Busi-
ness editor. To define a policy type, use the Categories subtab to add a typelist (and typecode) from the PolicyTab
In addition, if the subtab you want to add is an Aggregate Limits subtab, you must add the policy type to the two
following configuration files:
• aggregatelimitused-config.xml – For more information on this configuration file, see “Define What
Counts Against an Aggregate Limit” on page 592.
• policyperiod-config.xml – For more information on this configuration file, see “Configuring Policy
Periods” on page 593.

Defining Internal (ClaimCenter-only) Policy Fields

Typically, applications external to ClaimCenter store the primary policy data. Thus, ClaimCenter imports policy
snapshots for use with claims.
• A verified policy in ClaimCenter reflects the policy from the external application. You cannot modify it in
• An unverified policy does not necessarily reflect the external application.
For example, you might configure validation rules so that you can only make payments on a claim that has veri-
fied policies associated with it.
It is often useful, though, to have a hybrid policy structure. This means that you can maintain a connection to an
external application with a verified policy, but also add additional policy data fields for use in ClaimCenter. To
do this, you add internal-only fields to a policy. ClaimCenter manages these fields internally. It does not change
or delete them if you refresh the policy snapshot from the external application or even if you change to a different
policy. You can also edit internal-only fields without causing the policy to be deverified.

To create internal fields

While the base configuration does not contain internal-only fields, you can create them by defining internal-only
fields on the Policy entity (Policy.etx) and modifying the targeted .pcf files in Studio. The
ClaimPolicyGeneral.pcf file contains multiple Edit buttons and each one contains the following behaviors.

You can edit:

• An unverified policy
• A verified policy without internal-only fields
• Internal-only fields on the policy if the user does not have permission to edit a verified policy
• Optionally edit the entire policy or internal-only fields if the policy has internal-only fields and the user has
the permissions to edit them
This example explains how to add a custom column on an auto policy.
1. One way to create the Policy.etx file is to find the Policy.eti file, right click your mouse on the file, and
select Create extension file.
Internal-only fields can be regular columns, foreign keys, or array properties. Use the
<internalonlyfields> element to list the fields that are internal to ClaimCenter, and then the
<internalfield> element to identify a particular field. To designate multiple fields as internal-only, list mul-
tiple <internalfield> elements, with each specifying one field.

Chapter 50, Configuring Policy Behavior 597

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. Define your internal-only field in that file. Your code might look like the following:
<extension xmlns="" entityName="Policy">
<column name="CustomColumn" type="varchar">
<columnParam name="size" value="30"/>
<internalfield name="CustomColumn" />

3. Save your work.

4. In this example, open the PolicyGeneralPanelSet.Auto.pcf file and add a new field that is internal-only.
One way is to find the Type input and duplicate it. Ensure in the Basic properties tab that it is editable, giving it
a unique label and value. This example uses the label Internal Notes with a value of Policy.Notes and the id is

5. Since required is set to true in Basic properties, and this is not necessary, remove it.

6. Save your work in Studio and restart the application server.

Verify your change

1. Test your work by opening an auto claim in ClaimCenter and navigating to the Policy link on the left pane.
Selecting it shows the Policy:General screen.
2. If you select Edit, notice you can either modify the entire policy or ClaimCenter-only fields. Select the latter.

3. Edit the field and save your changes. Notice that under the Other section, the Verified Policy field is still set to Yes.

598 Chapter 50, Configuring Policy Behavior

chapter 51

Configuring Financials

This topic explains the data model and financial values managed by the ClaimCenter Financials feature. It
explains how to configure both the behavior and the ClaimCenter interface to better match your business prac-
This topic includes:
• “Understanding Financials” on page 599
• “Financial Summary Screen Configuration” on page 605
• “Configuring Reserve Behavior” on page 610
• “Checks and Payments Configuration” on page 615
• “Bulk Invoice Payment Configuration” on page 619

See Also
• “Configuring Currency” on page 623
• “Working with Money and Currency Data Types” on page 304
• “Claim Financials” on page 131 in the Application Guide
• “Multiple Currencies” on page 171 in the Application Guide

Understanding Financials
This topic provides an overview of the concepts and data model underlying the Financials feature. It also
provides an overview of the key configuration points within ClaimCenter for financial data. For more informa-
tion, also see the following:

Topic See

Overview of the financials system in “Claim Financials” on page 131 in the Application Guide
Integration with external systems “Financials Integration” on page 195 in the Integration Guide

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 599

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Topic See

Checks and payments “Checks” on page 143 in the Application Guide and “Payments” on page 139 in
the Application Guide
Financial batch processes “Batch Processes and Distributed Work Queues” on page 134 in the System
Administration Guide
Scheduling batch processes “Scheduling Batch Processes and Distributed Work Queues” on page 143 in
the System Administration Guide
Financial calculations “Financial Calculations” on page 167 in the Rules Guide
Gosu rules relating to financials • “Approval Routing” on page 46 in the Rules Guide
• “BulkInvoice Approval” on page 52 in the Rules Guide
• “Initial Reserve” on page 62 in the Rules Guide
• “Transaction Approval” on page 78 in the Rules Guide

Double-entry Accounting
ClaimCenter financial accounting uses the standard accounting principles of double-entry accounting or
T-accounts. T-accounts serve these purposes:
• To record a history of changes to transactions
• To maintain running totals that support calculation of values across groups of transactions
A group is typically a reserve line. ClaimCenter organizes T-accounts by reserve line. A reserve line groups the
financial activity for one combination of claim, exposure, cost type, and cost category. In fact there is a T-account
type for every reserve line. Examples of T-account types are cash out, draft payments, pending cash out, and so
forth. So, if a payment's status changes in a way that represents a cash outflow, then a line item is recorded in the
cash out T-account for that payment's reserve line. The T-account's running balance is then adjusted accordingly.
The line items provide for an increased ability to audit ClaimCenter data. The running balance provides an easy
way for ClaimCenter to calculate, for example, the cash outflow for a reserve line without having to step through
the transactions.
As you work within ClaimCenter, you do not work with these accounts directly as ClaimCenter maintains these
accounts internally. Instead, you interact with objects in the ClaimCenter interface that behave in accordance
with the double-entry principles: payments, recoveries, reserves, and so forth.
The ClaimCenter data model does contain T-account objects. These objects appear in the Data Dictionary and
include the following:

TAccount Represents one T-account, which maintains the balance of transactions contributing to it. Which
transactions contribute to it depends on the T-account's type on one reserve line, along with a
history of changes to that balance.
TAccountLineItem Represents a change to a T-account's balance, created when a transaction's status changes.
TAccountTransaction Effectively links a TAccountLineItem to the Transaction entity for which it was created.
Taccttxnhistory This is an edge foreign key table to record the sequence of TAccountTransactions for one
reserve line.

IMPORTANT ClaimCenter overwrites the T-account entities during staging table load, but only for the
transactions being imported. Existing transactions are not affected. These entities are final.

Overview of the Financials Data Model

This section describes the financial data model with which users interact in the ClaimCenter interface and that
you encounter as you configure financials. The ClaimCenter Data Dictionary contains many financial related

600 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

entities. The following list describes the key financial entity objects that you need to know to manage your

Entity Description
Payment A subtype of Transaction representing money paid out. A payment can be eroding or non-erod-
ing depending on whether it draws down reserves for its reserve line.
Recovery Records money received from such sources as subrogation, salvage, and so forth. This is a sub-
type of Transaction.
RecoveryReserve Records an expected recovery. This is a subtype of Transaction.
Reserve Records a potential liability. This is a subtype of Transaction. A Reserve is any transaction that
designates money for payments. Typically, you set a reserve soon after a claim is made.
ReserveLine A unique combination of Claim, Exposure, CostType, and CostCategory against which you can
create reserves and apply payments or recoveries. Reserves are sometimes used to describe the
amounts of reserves minus the amounts of payments on a reserve line or claim (this is a simplified
Transaction Represents a financial transaction for a particular claim or exposure. This abstract class is a
supertype. Most users manipulate and interact with its subtypes: Payment, Reserve, Recovery,
and RecoveryReserve. Also, CostType and CostCategory are non-nullable properties, so every
Transaction has a CostType and CostCategory.
TransactionLineItem Used to further categorize a transaction. Each transaction has one or more line items.

Transaction entities are the key to understanding ClaimCenter financials. A transaction is linked either to a
claim or to an exposure (and every exposure is linked to a claim). A Transaction can have a CostType attribute
whose value is non-nullable. You can use the default cost types or create others that reflect your business
process. The default cost types are:

aoexpense Overhead costs such as adjusting and other expenses.

claimcost Indemnity losses—actual loss payments to claimants or repairers.
dccexpense Legal costs for defense and cost containment.

ClaimCenter applies a transaction against a specific ReserveLine. A ReserveLine is a unique combination of

Claim, Exposure, CostType, and CostCategory.

A Transaction must have at least one—and can have more—TransactionLineItem objects. The
TransactionLineItem object contains an actual value amount. The value of an individual Transaction is the
sum of its TransactionLineItem amounts. Each TransactionLineItem has an associated LineCategory that
further classifies its cost type, for example doctor’s care, physical therapy, and so forth. You can configure the
LineCategories available in your installation to reflect your business practices.

Transaction States and the Financial Building Blocks

You can think of transactions as having a life cycle. During its life cycle, as a transaction transitions from one
state to another, the TransactionStatus attribute on the transaction changes. The property on Transaction that
stores the status is called Status. This is the type key to TransactionStatus. Review the TrasactionStatus
typelist in the Data Dictionary for a full list of the possible transaction statuses.
The following list describes the key status values and their meanings:

Status Meaning
awaitingsubmission The transaction is waiting to be sent to the accounting subsystem on ScheduledSendDate (exists
on the Check entity). This status applies only to payments and offsetting reserves.
pendingapproval The transaction is waiting for approval by a supervisor.
submitted ClaimCenter submitted the transaction to the accounting subsystem.

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 601

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Running Totals
For each claim in the application, ClaimCenter maintains the running total of the financial transactions for a
claim, either submitted, awaiting submission, or pending approval. ClaimCenter categorizes these running totals
by transaction type (Reserve, Payment, and Recovery) and transaction status. T-accounts maintain the running
totals for each reserve line. These T-accounts contain financial expressions and financial calculations.
• A financials expression is the sum (or difference) of T-account balances, and expressions themselves can be
addition and subtraction.
• An expression creates a financials calculation. An example of this is ClaimCenter calling the
gw.api.financials.FinancialsCalculationUtil.getFinancialsCalculation method.

A calculation can be applied to the T-accounts for a claim, exposure, or reserve line. This is accomplished by
calling the FinancialsCalculation.getAmount method. It selects the T-accounts and adds their values
according to the underlying expression and returns the result as a CurrencyAmount. In the base application
configuration, Guidewire provides a set of pre-defined financial expressions each of which returns a different
financial calculation.
In the base configuration, these financial calculations are used to compute the values seen on the Financial Summary
page using methods on the gw.api.financials package. For example, you can access the Available Reserves
financials expression value using the following Gosu:

You can also add and subtract the financial expressions from each other to arrive at your own custom values:

602 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

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The following table lists the major building block APIs:

Building Block API Definition

getAvailableReservesExpression Total Reserves - (approved payments + Pending Approval
Eroding Payments)
AVAILABLE_RESEVES can be a negative value.
getFuturePaymentsExpression All approved payments whose schedule send date is after
getGrossTotalIncurredExpression OPEN_RESERVES + TOTAL_PAYMENTS
getOpenRecoveryReservesExpression Sum of all submitted recovery reserves minus the sum of all
submitted recoveries on the claim.
By default, ClaimCenter automatically approves all recovery
reserves. So, this value typically includes all recovery reserves.
You can change this default behavior using an approval rule.
See the ClaimCenter Rules Guide for more information.
getOpenReservesExpression TOTAL_RESERVES - Total non-eroding payments
getPendingApprovalErodingPaymentsExpression Sum of all payments that erode reserves and for which approval
is pending.
getPendingApprovalNonErodingPaymentsExpression Sum of all payments that do not erode reserves and for which
approval is pending.
getPendingApprovalPaymentsExpression PENDING_APPROVAL_ERODING_PAYMENTS +
getPendingApprovalReservesExpression Sum of all reserves pending approval.
getRemainingReservesExpression This value is similar to open reserves except that it includes
future eroding payments. It is the TOTAL_RESERVES - minus all
approved eroding payments.
This calculation can have a negative value.
getTotalIncurredNetRecoveryReservesExpression REMAINING_RESERVES + eroding FUTURE_PAYMENTS +
getTotalPaymentsExpression Sum of all eroding and non-eroding payments submitted to the
accounting subsystem and the awaiting submission payments
with a scheduled send date of today or earlier.
getTotalPaymentsWithPendingExpression TOTAL_PAYMENTS + FUTURE_PAYMENTS +
getTotalRecoveriesExpression Sum of all submitted recoveries on the claim.
getTotalRecoveryReservesExpression Sum of all recovery reserves.
getTotalReservesExpression Sum of all reserves submitted and awaiting submission.
getTotalReservesWithPendingExpression TOTAL_RESERVES + future reserves +

Note: You can also manipulate these building blocks through Gosu to create your own financial calcula-
tions. For more information, see “Financial Calculations” on page 167 in the Rules Guide.

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 603

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Files that Manage Financials

The following typlists contain values that you can modify to manipulate the financial configuration in your
ClaimCenter installation:

Typelist Description

BankAccount Lists bank accounts available from the ClaimCenter interface.

BiValidationAlertType Lists the possible alert types returned from the bulk payment plugin.
CheckBatching ClaimCenter populates the Check Instructions drop-down list on the check wizard from this
CheckHandlingInstructions Specifies handling instructions for a check. ClaimCenter populates the Check Instructions
drop-down list on the check wizard from this list.
CostCategory Categories for different costs associated with financial transactions.
CostType Defines different costs associated with your business. ClaimCenter uses the values in
this typelist as a key filter for the CostCategory typelist.
CoverageType Types of coverage available on a claim. ClaimCenter uses the values in this typelist as a
key filter for the CostCategory typelist.
DeductionType Types of deductions that can appear on a check.
FinancialSearchField Search fields used while searching for checks or recoveries.
LineCategory Populates the Category drop-down on the Payment Information page of the check wizard.
PaymentMethod Requested payment method for all payments in a check.

Note: ClaimCenter stores the PCF files for configuring the financial screens in PCF → claim → financials.

Configuration Parameters
The following tables lists configuration parameters (defined in config.xml) that you can use to globally
configure financials in ClaimCenter.

Parameter Description
AllowMultipleLineItems Specifies whether a transaction can have more than one transaction line item.
• If true (the default), a transaction can have multiple transaction line items.
• If false, a transaction can have one and only one transaction line item.

AllowMultiplePayments Specifies whether a check can have more than one payment. The default is
true. If false, a check can have one and only one payment.
AllowPaymentsExceedReservesLimits Specifies whether a payment can exceed the available reserves. The default is
false—a user cannot create a payment that exceeds the available reserves for
the payment's reserve line. The exceptions are supplemental payments, manual
checks, and first and final payments. They can always exceed reserves.
If true, users can submit payments that exceed available reserves.However,
the PaymentsExceedReserves authority limit set for a user can limit this ability.
CalculateBackupWithholdingDeduction Specifies whether ClaimCenter calculates backup withholding for checks (if this
applies). The default is true. If false, ClaimCenter never calculates backup
CheckAuthorityLimits Specifies whether ClaimCenter verifies authority limits automatically any time
that a user submits a group of items (reserves or payments) for approval. The
default is true.
You can check authority limits manually through rules. For more information,
see the “Transaction Approval” on page 78 in the Rules Guide.
CloseClaimAfterFinalPayment Determines whether ClaimCenter closes a claim after a user makes a final pay-
ment that closes the last open exposure. The default is true.
CloseExposureAfterFinalPayment Determines whether ClaimCenter closes an exposure after a user makes a final
payment. The default is true.

604 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

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Parameter Description
DefaultApplicationCurrency This defines the default currency for all Financials. Financials values are tracked
in this currency. The default is for USD (US dollars.)
MulticurrencyDisplayMode Th is the currency display mode for claims. The default is SINGLE. To change
the user interface so that you can use multiple currencies, change it to MULTI-
PaymentLogThreshold Specifies a threshold value. ClaimCenter records payments greater than this
threshold in the ClaimCenter log.
UseDeductibleHandling If this is set to true, then AllowMultipleLineItems must be set to true as well.
UseRecoveryReserves Specifies whether recovery reserves are available in ClaimCenter. The default is
true. If false, users cannot create recovery reserves and the Open Recovery
Reserves field in ClaimCenter becomes meaningless. In that case, remove the
field from the Financial Summary screen.
Currently, you can import recovery reserves regardless of the setting of this

Financial Summary Screen Configuration

This topic explains how to configure the claim Financial Summary page to reflect information in a manner consis-
tent with your business practices. It covers the following:
• The Financials Summary Page
• Configuring the Drop-Down
• Defining the Model Used by a Panel Set
• Controlling the Display of the Financial Model

The Financials Summary Page

You can configure the Financials Summary page to appear as you like. The page definition is made up files in the PCF
→ claim → financials → summary folder in Studio:

ClaimFinancialsSummary Defines the summary tab. You modify this page to change the contents of the
drop-down menu.
FinancialsSummaryLV Defines the list view.
FinancialsSummaryPanelSet.Mode Defines a model that corresponds to an item in the drop-down menu. ClaimCenter
renders a separate panel (distinguished by Mode) for each item in the menu. Modes
• Claimant
• ClaimCostOnly
• Coverage
• Exposure
• ExposureOnly

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 605

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Configuring the Drop-Down

The ClaimFinancialsSummary file contains a Toolbar element that defines the option list drop-down:

If you select the Toolbar element, you see a set of basic properties for it. You can also scroll down to see the list
of advanced properties associated with it (the inset in the graphic).
Notice that the value property is set to filterOption. This is a page variable that you can access by selecting the
entire page, then opening the Variables tab.

It sets the initial value to either the last saved option or to a default value (which, in this case, is Exposure).
Notice the onChange property is set to the following:
financials.FinancialsUtil.setFinancialsSummaryOption(Claim, filterOption)

This saves the filter option for the financials summary screen for the user session.

606 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

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The optionLabel property uses a page method to determine the option label:

You can access this method by selecting entire page, then opening the Code tab.

Defining the Model Used by a Panel Set

For each item in the drop-down, there is a panel set file. For example, this is the Exposure mode of the
FinancialsSummaryPanelSet. Edit this file to define the financial model used to determine both the levels and
the columns that appear in your summary screens.

Notice that if you select Panel Ref, the def property is set to the following:
FinancialSummaryLV(SummaryRows, Claim)

The SummaryRows parameter is a page variable. Select that entire page, Panel Set, to see the Variables tab. This vari-
able has the following definition:
(new financials.FinancialsSummaryModel(Claim,
new financials.FinancialsExpression[] {

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 607

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

false) ).getFinancialsSummaryRows() as gw.api.financials.FinancialsSummaryRow[]

The FinancialsSummaryModel method constructor takes the following arguments:

arg1 Required. This is always set to Claim.

arg2 Required. The first level in an object summary.
arg3 Optional. The second level in the object summary.
arg4 A FinancialExpression array representing the column headings. You can specify the headings in any order.
arg5 A Boolean value indicating whether the panel is claim cost only.

You can specify any of the following values for arg2 and arg3 values:

For the FinancialExpression array, you can use the FinancialsCalculationUtil API to retrieve any of the
available financial building blocks. (See “Transaction States and the Financial Building Blocks” on page 601.)
You can use these values alone or you can add or subtract them to calculate your own custom values. For
example, as a financial expression, you can do the following:

You can only use .plus or .minus to combine the financial building block values with the
FinancialsCalculationUtil API.

Controlling the Display of the Financial Model

A list view controls how ClaimCenter displays the models defined in the FinancialsSummaryPanelSet.Mode
file. By default, all the different modes use the same list view file, FinancialSummaryLV. The list view contains a

608 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

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single FinancialsSummaryRow element containing multiple FinancialSummaryCell subelements. Each cell

represents a column in the row.

The cell object has a getValue accessor that takes as an argument a FinancialsExpression. You can pass in any
expression that you added to the model as you configured the FinancialsSummaryPanelSet.Mode file. If you try

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 609

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

to access a value for an expression not in your FinancialsSummaryPanelSet.Exposure model, ClaimCenter

throws an exception similar to the following:
IllegalArgumentException: An expression, 'TotalPayments' was accessed in the FinancialsSummaryModel
that was not specified on creation of the model (click for error details)

If you want to change the list view, the interesting fields are value and action. These attributes must reference
the same FinancialExpression. If the attributes do not match, a link for a value takes the user to a list of trans-
actions that have nothing to do with the actual selected value.
You can control the visibility of an individual column by setting its permission in the visible attribute. The
default list view hides columns that ClaimCenter does not permit users to see. For example, in the default config-
uration, the FinancialSummaryCell:RemainingReserves cell in the FinancialsSummaryLV PCF sets the
following for the visible attribute.:
perm.Claim.viewreserves(Claim) and perm.Claim.viewpayments(Claim)

This cell only displays the remaining reserves if the user has permission to view payments and reserves for a
claim. For users without the permission, the role is invisible.

Configuring Reserve Behavior

This section explains how to configure the behavior of the reserves and their related dialogs in ClaimCenter.

Understanding How Configuration Impacts Reserves

The Set Reserve screen has two mutually exclusive modes for setting reserves. The first mode is to set reserves by
available reserves and second is to set reserves by total incurred.

Set reserves by available reserves It is possible to change the state of the reserves on a claim by changing the value of
the New Available Reserves field for a reserve line.

610 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

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Set reserves by total incurred It is possible to change the state of the reserves on a claim by changing the value of
the New Total Incurred field for a reserve line.

To set the mode to one or the other, edit the SetReservesByTotalIncurred attribute in the config.xml file.
• If the SetReservesByTotalIncurred value is false, ClaimCenter sets reserves by the available reserves.
• If the SetReservesByTotalIncurred value is true, ClaimCenter sets reserves by the total incurred.
The default is false.
During creation of a new reserve for a claim, ClaimCenter displays the current state of the entire claim's reserves
including the available and unapproved reserves.

Each line in this dialog corresponds to one of the ReserveLine items on the claim. A ReserveLine is a unique
combination of Exposure, CostType, and CostCategory on a particular claim. You can set reserves for, and make
payments against, each reserve line item in a claim. The SetReservesByTotalIncurred sets which PCF page
defines the reserve line items:
• If SetReservesByTotalIncurred is true, the EditableReservesLV.SetByNewTotalIncurred file defines
the content for the page.
• If it is false, EditableReservesLV.SetByNewAvailableReserves defines the page.
Note: You can find these files in PCF → claim → newtransaction → reserve.

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 611

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Fields in the Reserve Dialog

The following table describes the possible fields that can appear in the Set Reserve dialog:
Field Description

Available The calculated amount of available reserves for this ReserveLine. This is a read-only field.
Change This field tracks the changes taking place between the time that a user first opens the Set Reserve dia-
log and the time that the user presses the Save button. The meaning of this field changes depending
on how you have set SetReservesByTotalIncurred.
• If SetReservesByTotalIncurred is false, the field contains difference between the New Available
Reserves and Available Reserves columns.
• If SetReservesByTotalIncurred is true, the field contains the difference between the New Total
Incurred and Total Incurred columns.
Cost Category The cost category corresponding to the reserve. This is a read-only field for an existing ReserveLine.
Cost Type The cost type corresponding to the reserve. This is a read-only field for an existing ReserveLine.
Coverage The policy coverage corresponding to the reserve. This is a read-only field.
Exposure The claim’s exposure corresponding to the reserve line. This is a read-only field for an existing

New Available If SetReservesByTotalIncurred is true, this field does not appear on the page.
Reserves If SetReservesByTotalIncurred is false, users use this field to change reserves for a
ReserveLine. The field is editable as long as the exposure for the specific line item is also open.
• If ClaimCenter displays the Set Reserve page, this field is equal to Available Reserves plus the Pend-
ing Reserves.
• If a user enters a value in this field, the value represents the reserve the user wants for the
• After a user clicks Save, if the user requires approval for a reserve, ClaimCenter updates the Pend-
ing Approval field. Otherwise, it updates Available Reserves.
New Total Incurred If SetReservesByTotalIncurred is false, this field does not appear on the page.
If SetReservesByTotalIncurred is true, you use this field to change reserves for a ReserveLine.
The field is editable as long as the exposure (or claim) for the specific reserve line is open as well.
• If ClaimCenter displays the Set Reserve page, this field is equal to Total Incurred plus the Pending
• If a user enters a value in this field, the value represents the reserve the user wants for the
• After a user clicks Save, if the user requires approval for a reserve, ClaimCenter updates the Pend-
ing Approval field. Otherwise, it updates Total Incurred.
Pending Approval Pending approval reserves for this reserve line. This field is read-only.
Total Incurred Visible only If SetReservesByTotalIncurred is true. This field contains the current total incurred for
this line item. This field is read-only.

How Multiple Changes Interact

If a user changes the value in the Available Reserves on a particular reserve line to a new value and saves the
change, ClaimCenter creates a new reserve transaction. (This works in a similar manner for the Total Incurred field,
if you use total incurred.) The value of this transaction is the value of the change between the original Available
Reserves value and the new value. (If using total incurred, then it is the value of the change between the Total
Incurred field and the new value.)

612 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

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If there are changes pending approval in the same reserve line, ClaimCenter does not add the new change to any
existing Pending Approval values. Instead. ClaimCenter replaces the new changes appropriately. For example,
suppose that you enter the Set Reserves dialog, which looks similar to the following:

After you enter a new reserve value, ClaimCenter reflects the change:

Then, suppose that you save the change, exit the dialog, and come back to it later. You see:

Suppose that you continue to change the reserve even more:

The next time you return to the dialog, if ClaimCenter has not yet approved the changes, you see the following:

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 613

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Reserve Permissions and Authority Limits

You can use the following permissions to control access to reserve activities:

Permission Description
claimviewrecres View recovery reserves (and derived information) on a claim
claimviewres View reserves (and derived information) on a claim
recrescreate Create recovery reserve transactions
recresdelete Delete recovery reserve transactions
recresedit Edit recovery reserve transactions
rescreate Create reserve transactions
resdelete Delete reserve transactions
resedit Edit reserve transactions

The following roles have all of the reserve-related permissions:

• Adjuster
• Claims Supervisor
• Clerical
• Manager
• New Loss Processing Supervisor
• Superuser
The following additional roles have only the claimveiwrecres and claimviewres permissions:
• Customer Service Representative
• Integration Admin
• Viewer
A user with the rescreate permission can create a reserve on an open claim provided the user has one of the
proper AuthorityLimitType limits (defined in the AuthorityLimitType typelist). The following list describes
the allowable reserve AuthorityLimitType values.
Code Name Description

car Claim available reserves The available reserves on or for a claim

ctr Claim total reserves The total reserves on or for a claim
ear Exposure available reserves The available reserves for a single exposure
etr Exposure total reserves The total reserves for a single exposure
rcs Reserve change size The size of a singe reserve change

Note: A user can only create a reserve with a non-null exposure if the selected exposure is open.

Setting the Number of Reserve Items to Show

You can change the number of reserve items that appear on the Set Reserve dialog. To configure this value, do the
1. Open the appropriate PCF file for the Set Reserve dialog.
• If SetReservesByTotalIncurred is true, the EditableReservesLV.SetByNewTotalIncurred file
defines the page content.

614 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

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• If it is false, EditableReservesLV.SetByNewAvailableReserves defines the page.

Note: You can find these files in PCF → claim → newtransaction → reserve.

2. Select the RowIterator widget near the top of the page. Scroll through the advanced options and find the
pageSize attribute. The default value is 5.
3. Set the pageSize as needed.

4. Save and close the file.

5. Rebuild and redeploy to the production ClaimCenter server.

Checks and Payments Configuration

Each time a user creates a check, ClaimCenter associates it with at least one Payment transaction. This topic
describes the points in ClaimCenter in which you can configure the behavior of the Check wizard and its associ-
ated payment fields.

Understanding Checks and Payments

Each Check entity has one or more Payment entities associated with it. Each Payment, in turn, has one or more
related TransactionLineItem objects that contain an Amount value. An individual Payment is worth the total of
its TransactionLineItem amounts. The value of each Check is the sum of its related Payment objects.
The PaymentType typelist is a final typelist that sets a payment type. A payment can be a partial, final, or
supplement type. Users set the check type on the Check wizard.
Payments can either erode the reserves or not. All supplemental payments do not erode reserves. A user must
explicitly mark a partial or final payment as non-eroding. Otherwise, these types always erode reserves.
ClaimCenter maintains a running total of these payments in the following building blocks:

You can reference these building blocks as you create custom calculated values.

Permissions and Authority Limits That Apply to Payments

The following are default system permissions associated with checks and payments:

Permission Description
claimviewpay View checks and payments (and derived information) on a claim
clearedpayvoid Void a cleared check
manpaycreate Create manual payment transactions
manpaydelete Delete manual payment transactions
manpayedit Edit manual payment transactions
paycreate Create payment transactions
paydelete Delete payment transactions
payedit Edit payment transactions
payrecode Recode a payment
paystop Stop a check
payvoid Void a check

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 615

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

In the base configuration, Guidewire grants the clearedpayvoid permission to the User Admin or Superuser
roles only. Guidewire grants all other permissions to the following roles:
• Adjuster
• Claims Supervisor
• Clerical
• Manager
• New Loss Processing Supervisor
• Superuser
The following roles have the claimviewpay permission:
• Customer Service Representative
• Integration Admin
• Viewer
On the Administration page, you can set the following payment authority limits for users. (Again, these are taken
from the AuthorityLimitType typelist.)

Code Name Description

cptd Claim payments to date The total amount of payments to date for the claim
eptd Exposure payments to date The total amount of payments to date for a single exposure
pa Payment amount The amount of a single payment
per Payments exceed reserves The amount by which payments are allowed to exceed reserves—if configura-
tion parameter AllowPaymentsExceedReservesLimits is set to true. See
“Application Configuration Parameters” on page 35 for more information on
configuration parameters.

Batch Processes for Checks and Payments

There are three batch process that ClaimCenter runs automatically to process financial transactions. This topic
describes how those batch processes impact checks and payments.
For more information, see the following:
• Checks and payments—“Checks” on page 143 in the Application Guide and “Payments” on page 139 in the
Application Guide
• Financial batch processes—“Batch Processes and Distributed Work Queues” on page 134 in the System
Administration Guide
• Scheduling batch processes—“Scheduling Batch Processes and Distributed Work Queues” on page 143 in the
System Administration Guide
• Integrating with a check writing system—“Financials Integration” on page 195 in the Integration Guide.

The Financials Escalation Process

ClaimCenter periodically runs a financialsesc batch process that looks for checks that are ready for submis-
sion. A check is automatically eligible for submission:
• If it has a TransactionStatus of awaitingsubmission
• If it has a scheduled send date that is either today or earlier
• If it is not part of a bulk invoice
Note: If a check is marked for PendEscalationForBulk, then it will not be submitted.
As ClaimCenter escalates a check through the financialsesc process, it does the following:

616 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• It updates all the associated T-accounts, unless the taccountesc process has already run and performed this
• It creates any necessary offsetting reserves. This and any other associated reserve changes are given
submitting status. For example, if an eroding payment exceeds its available reserves, it requires an offset to
keep its available reserves from becoming negative (unless taccountesc has already run and done this).
• It changes the TransactionStatus for the check to requesting. At this point, it is possible to send a message
to issue the check to a check writing system.
• It changes the TransactionStatus on all the associated payments to submitting.
• If a payment being escalated is final and has an exposure, its exposure is closed, provided it has no payments
scheduled for sending after today.
• If a payment being escalated is final and is claim-level, its claim is closed provided it has no open exposures
and no payments scheduled for sending after today.
• It runs the Transaction Post-Setup rules. If any of these rules result in a validation error or warning,
ClaimCenter creates a reminder activity showing the error or errors. It then tries to assign the activity to the
user that created the payment. If that fails, it uses auto-assignment to assign the activity. The due date for the
activity is today, its priority is normal, and no escalation date is set.
• If the check is a recurring check and it is the second-to-last check to be submitted in the recurrence, then the
system creates a reminder activity. The activity simply indicates that the recurrence is ending soon.
By default the financialsesc process runs twice a day. It runs the first time at 12:01 a.m. and the second time at
5:01 p.m. To change this value, edit the scheduler-config.xml file. Alternatively, you can also start the process
from the command line to force it to run immediately.
maintenance_tools -startprocess financialsesc -password <password> -user <username>

You can also create a Gosu rule to escalate a check by using the Check.requestCheck method.
Note: If entering the date for escalation, enter a day only but not a time. If a time is present, the batch
process delays escalation until the first time it runs on the next day.

The T-Accounts Escalation Process

If a payment exceeds the available reserves, then it requires a zeroing-offset reserve to keep the available
reserves of the reserve line on the payment from becoming negative. However, ClaimCenter does not create this
zeroing-offset reserve until the payment check reaches its scheduled send date and the taccountesc batch
process runs. This batch process does the following:
• Correctly updates the relevant T-accounts to reflect the fact that the check reached its send date.
• Creates any necessary zeroing-offsets for the payments for each check (if the payment exceeds reserves or is
final). This and any other associated reserve changes are given awaiting submission status, which means
that they can still be retired if their associated payments are retired or changed. For example, if an eroding
payment exceeds its available reserves, it requires an offset to keep its available reserves from becoming
This batch process updates T-accounts and summary financial values to reflect the fact that a check is going to be
issued on that date, without the check being issued. This gives the carrier time on the issue date of a check to
make adjustments, while keeping summary financial values correct.

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 617

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

By default, taccountesc runs every 30 minutes between midnight and 4:30 a.m. You can reschedule the
taccountesc batch process by editing the scheduler-config.xml file. You can also start the process from the
command line to force it to run immediately.
maintenance_tools -startprocess taccountesc -password <password> -username <username>

IMPORTANT The taccountesc batch process works with the T-account balances and the calculated
financials values that depend on these balances. It ensures that these balances are correct during the
interval between midnight and the first scheduled execution of the financialsesc batch process for
the day. Guidewire recommends that you schedule the taccountesc batch process to run as close to
just-past midnight as possible and before the financialsesc batch process.

The Bulk Invoice Escalation Process

As its name implies, the bulkinvoiceesc process escalates the status of bulk invoices in your installation. If this
process runs, it does the following:
• Queries for all bulk invoices with a status of awaitingsubmission and a scheduled send date of the current
day or earlier.
• Sets the status of each returned bulk invoice to requesting.
• Locates all of the invoice items for which an associated check exists. If the check property
pendescalationforbulk==true and the check status==awaitingsubmission, then the process escalates
the check also. This has the effect of also moving the invoice item to the submitting status.
By default, the bulkinvoiceesc process runs every day at 12:15 AM and 5:15 PM. You can reschedule the
bulkinvoiceesc batch process by editing the scheduler-config.xml file. You can always run the process
immediately on the command line:
maintenance_tools -startprocess bulkinvoiceesc -password <password> -username <username>

WARNING Do not schedule the bulkinvoiceesc process to run at the same time as the
financialsesc process. Running these two at the same time can cause database concurrency issues.

The PendEscalationForBulk Property

Checks associated with a bulk invoice are only eligible for escalation if the PendEscalationForBulk property for
a check is false. If this parameter is true, batch process bulkinvoiceesc escalates the check. You can use this
parameter to escalate some bulk invoice checks while preventing others from being processed. You can use this,
for example, to bundle newly arrived checks for the same vendor together.
This property has the following meanings:
• PendEscalationForBulk==true. Guidewire sets this property to true by default, upon the initial creation of
a Check for a BIItem. A value of true means that ClaimCenter escalates the Check at the same time as the
bulkinvoiceesc batch process escalates the BulkInvoice.
• PendEscalationForBulk==false. It is possible to change the value of this property to false through Gosu
rules. A value of false indicates that ClaimCenter escalates the Check as part of the standard financialsesc
batch process.
Another property, Check.Bulked, indicates whether ClaimCenter associates a Check with a BulkInvoiceItem.
The escalation process is separate from what happens as ClaimCenter actually escalates the Check, which is
determined by actions taken in Event Messaging (EM) rules and your messaging plugin implementations. See
the ClaimCenter Integration Guide for more details about check and bulk invoice integration.

618 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Scheduling the Financials Batch Processes

In the default application, the financialsesc batch process runs twice a day, at 12:01 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If the
taccountesc batch process does not run earlier in the day, the T-account entries and summary financial transac-
tions are incorrect from midnight until noon. Depending on your implementation, you can schedule these two
batch processes differently:
• Schedule one of these two processes to run before the calculated values need to be up to date.
• To keep checks editable until sometime during the last available working day, run taccountesc as soon after
midnight as possible and schedule financialsesc at your midday time.
• If you do not care about not being able to edit future-dated checks that have reached their send date before
financialsesc runs, then schedule financialsesc just after midnight. You need not run taccountesc.

Customizing the Check Wizard Recurrence Settings

Suppose that you would like to pre-populate some or all of the recurrence settings in the Check wizard with some
of the values entered elsewhere in ClaimCenter. The recurrence settings appear in the Entering Check Instructions
step of the Check wizard.
To pre-populate these fields, open the PCF → claim → newtransaction → check → NewPaymentInstructionsDV file and
locate the PaymentRecurrenceInput widget.(It is the last widget on the page.) The PaymentRecurrenceInput
widget has separate attributes that you can use to specify the default values of all the recurrence-related fields.
These attributes are:

• advanceDaysDefault • nonRecDateDefault
• inAdvanceDefault • numChecksDefault

• monthAbsCountDefault • recDateDefault

• monthAbsDayDefault • recurringDefault
• monthAbsDefault • weekCountDefault

• monthRelCountDefault • weekDayDefault

• monthRelDayDefault • weeklyDefault
• monthRelWeekDefault

You use a Gosu expression to set these values. For more information about the PaymentRecurrenceInput
widget, see the PCF Reference Guide. You can access the PCF reference from the Studio Help menu.

Customizing the Check Wizard’s Default Payment Type

For a new payment on an open exposure, the Payment Type drop-down always has the following options:
• Partial
• Final
It is possible to default this control to one value or the other based on the selected Cost Type or some other value.
You do this by editing the PCF → claim → newtransaction → NewPaymentDetailDV file. First, create a Gosu method
that sets the Payment.PaymentType attribute. You can create this method either within the PCF itself or within a
Gosu class. If you define the method in a Gosu class, you can call it in the onChange attribute of the ReserveLine
selector control on NewPaymentDetailDV.

Bulk Invoice Payment Configuration

This section provides information about the support ClaimCenter provides for paying bulk invoices and contains
the following:

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 619

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Overview of Bulk Invoices

• The Bulk Invoices Data Model
• Permissions for Bulk Invoice Processing

Overview of Bulk Invoices

The Bulk Invoices feature allows users to make a payment for an invoice that covers multiple claims. For
example, this can be an insurance company that receives a single monthly invoice from a rental car company for
all the rentals provided for the claims for that month. These types of invoices can have hundreds of line items (or
more), all for different claims. Using Bulk Invoices, users can create a single payment that corresponds to the
invoice and that assigns the appropriate portion of the payment to the individual claims.
ClaimCenter comes equipped with a set of permissions and roles that you can use to control access to the Bulk
Invoices feature. These permission are separate from the standard payment permissions. A user with the proper
permissions can work with the life cycle for a bulk invoice. This typically involves a user doing the following:
• Creating a bulk invoice object.
• Working on the invoice and saving a draft until all the associated information is complete.
• Validating the bulk invoice (and correcting any validation flags if necessary).
• Submitting the invoice for approval and subsequent payment.
ClaimCenter supports a batch process for processing bulk invoice payments. You can configure how often this
batch process occurs. Guidewire also provides an IBulkInvoiceAPI that you can use to do post-processing on a
bulk invoice payment. For example, you can detect holds or voids originating in an external application and have
it reflected in the Bulk Invoices user interface. See the “Bulk Invoice Integration” on page 221 in the Integration
Guide for information on working with this API.
The Bulk Invoices user interface allows users to work on the invoice over time. ClaimCenter saves a draft of the
invoice until the user is ready to submit it for payment. Of course, before a user can submit a invoice, the invoice
must be both validated and approved. A bulk invoice validation plugin is responsible for handling this validation.
If you do not implement a validation plugin, after a user presses the Validate button, ClaimCenter simply marks the
invoice as Valid. See “Bulk Invoice Integration” on page 221 in the Integration Guide for information on imple-
menting a bulk invoice validation plugin.
If a bulk invoice requires approval, ClaimCenter creates an approval activity and assigns it to a user determined
by the approval routing rules. You must write bulk invoice approval rule sets that manage approval routing.
These rule sets are the only mechanism for controlling approval of bulk invoices. See “BulkInvoice Approval”
on page 52 in the Rules Guide for information on creating approval rule sets for bulk invoices.
Unlike other financial transactions, there are no specific authority limits for bulk invoices. This means that bulk
invoice for payments are subject to the general financial transaction authority limits for that user. ClaimCenter
checks each individual payment in the bulk invoice against the authority limit for the user.

The Bulk Invoices Data Model

The following table lists the data entities associated with bulk invoices:

Entity Description
BIValidationAlert An alert generated from the validation of a BulkInvoice. Your implementation of the
IBulkInvoiceValidationPlugin is responsible for returning these objects as necessary.
Each alert consists of a message and an alert type from the BIValidationAlertType typelist.
BulkInvoice Corresponds to the invoice requiring payment. This is the top-level entity. The creation and
submission of a BulkInvoice entity results in a single large payment to the payee for this
BulkInvoice. A BulkInvoice contains one or more BulkInvoiceItem objects.
BulkInvoiceItem An individual line item on the bill that contains an amount and other fields necessary to code
the cost of the item to a particular reserve line.

620 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Entity Description
ReserveLineWrapper Supports the creation of a draft reserve line while the BulkInvoice is in a draft state. This
entity exists to support internal processing within ClaimCenter.

The following table lists the typelists associated with bulk invoices:

Typelist Description
BIValidationAlertType Defines possible alerts returned from the validation plugin. This list contains a single alert type:
• unspecified

You can extend this list to support your validation plugin.

BulkInvoiceItemStatus Status of a single BulkInvoiceItem. This value controls which actions are possible for a given
Item. This list is final. You cannot extend it.
BulkInvoiceStatus Defines business statuses of a BulkInvoice. This status controls which actions are possible
for the invoice (such as edit, submit, void, and so forth). This list is final. You cannot extend it.

Permissions for Bulk Invoice Processing

By default, the following system permissions control access to the Bulk Invoices functionality:

bulkinvcreate Create a bulk invoice

bulkinvdelete Delete a bulk invoice
bulkinvedit Edit a bulk invoice
bulkinvview View a bulk invoice

In the base application configuration, Guidewire grants these permissions, by default, to the following roles:
• Adjuster
• Claims Supervisor
• Clerical
• Customer Service Representative
• Manager
• New Loss Processing Supervisor
• Superuser
There are no specific authority limits that apply only to bulk invoices. See “The CheckAuthorityLimits Param-
eter and Bulk Invoices” on page 622 for more information on the interaction between system-defined authority
limits and bulk invoices.

Configuring the Bulk Invoices Feature

The config.xml file contains the following parameters that you can use to configure bulk payments:

BulkInvoiceApprovalPattern The name of the activity pattern to use while creating bulk invoice approval
activities. By default, the name of the activity is approve_bulkinvoice.
AllowPaymentsExceedReservesLimits This parameter applies to all payments, not just bulk payments. If this value is
true, bulk payments can exceed reserves for each BulkInvoiceItem on the

In the scheduler-config.xml file, you can configure how often the application runs the bulkinvoiceesc batch
process. By default, this happens every day 15 minutes after midnight and 5:00 PM.

Chapter 51, Configuring Financials 621

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The CheckAuthorityLimits Parameter and Bulk Invoices

Bulk invoices are not subject to the ClaimCenter standard payment authority limits. However, your bulk invoice
configuration must take into account the CheckAuthorityLimits configuration parameter in config.xml. This is
because ClaimCenter submits a check created for a bulk invoice item through the same approval process as it
does for a check created through the New Check Wizard.
The CheckAuthorityLimits configuration parameter controls whether ClaimCenter checks authority limits for all
financial transaction in ClaimCenter. By default, this parameter is true which means ClaimCenter does check.
To check authority limits on most transactions but exclude bulk invoices, you can do the following:
• Set CheckAuthorityLimits to false.
• Use the CheckSet.isForBulkedCheck method to test whether a transaction set has an associated bulk
• Use the TransactionSet.testAuthorityLimits method in your approval rules to manually check authority
limits for transactions not related to bulk invoices.
Guidewire provides a sample rule to the Transaction Approval rule set that demonstrates the proper combined
use of these methods. For more information about using these methods, see “Transaction Approval” on page 78
in the Rules Guide.

622 Chapter 51, Configuring Financials

chapter 52

Configuring Currency

This topic describes how to configure Guidewire ClaimCenter to work with different currencies.
This topic includes:
• “Setting the Default Application Currency” on page 623
• “Setting a Currency Mode” on page 624
• “Working with Currency Typecodes” on page 625
• “Implementing a Single Currency Configuration” on page 625
• “Implementing a Multicurrency Configuration” on page 626
• “Changing the Default Application Currency” on page 626

Setting the Default Application Currency

You must set a default currency for Guidewire ClaimCenter. The default currency is the primary or operating
currency in which you do business, regardless of whether you implement a single or multicurrency configura-
You use configuration parameter DefaultApplicationCurrency in config.xml to set the default currency for
the application as a whole. The value you choose for this configuration parameter must be a currency value that
is a typekey value from the Currency typelist.

WARNING You cannot change the default application currency after you set it without dropping the
database. If you attempt to do so, you can damage your installation. See “Changing the Default Appli-
cation Currency” on page 626 for more information.

Chapter 52, Configuring Currency 623

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Setting a Currency Mode

You must set a currency mode for Guidewire ClaimCenter. The currency mode determines how ClaimCenter
stores money values and displays them in the interface.
You use configuration parameter MultiCurrencyDisplayMode in config.xml to set the currency mode for the
application. The currency mode is either single currency or multicurrency.
Set configuration parameter MultiCurrencyDisplayMode to one of the following values:

Note: It is possible to use the money data types and the currencyamount data types in both SINGLE and
MULTIPLE currency modes. See “Working with Money and Currency Data Types” on page 304 for more
information on the data types that you use with monetary values.

WARNING You cannot switch from one currency mode to the other (from SINGLE to MULTIPLE, or
the reverse) after you set it without dropping the database. If you attempt to do so, you can damage
your installation.

In SINGLE currency mode, ClaimCenter assumes that all monetary amounts in the system are in the same cur-
rency. ClaimCenter uses the <CurrencyFormat> entries in each <GWLocale> in localization.xml to format the
money amount, depending on the locale of each user. For example:
<Localization xmlns="">
<GWLocale code="en_US" name="English (US)" typecode="en_US">
<CurrencyFormat negativePattern="($#)" positivePattern="$#" zeroValue="-"/>

As all money values are in the default currency, you must ensure that the <CurrencyFormat> for each
<GWLocale> specifies the money format for that one currency. It is possible to set slightly different formatting
based on local custom, but all money formatting must be for the one default currency.

In MULTIPLE currency mode, ClaimCenter obtains money formatting information from currencies.xml. For
<CurrencyType code="usd" desc="US Dollar" storageScale="2">
<CurrencyFormat positivePattern="$#" negativePattern="($#)" zeroValue="-" />

In MULTIPLE mode, ClaimCenter ignores any CurrencyFormat information in file localization.xml. However,
even though unused, a tag for the default currency must be present in file localization.xml, even in MULTIPLE

See Also
• “DefaultApplicationLocale” on page 53
• “DefaultApplicationCurrency” on page 57
• “MultiCurrencyDisplayMode” on page 58
• “Working with Locales” on page 467

624 Chapter 52, Configuring Currency

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Working with Currency Typecodes

In the base configuration, ClaimCenter defines the following currencies in the Currency typelist:
• US Dollar
• Euro
• British Pound
• Canadian Dollar
• Australian Dollar
• Russian Ruble
The Currency typelist must include, at the very least, a single currency typecode that is the default application cur-
rency. You set the default application currency in file config.xml, through configuration parameter

Mode Action
SINGLE If you implement SINGLE currency mode, then delete or retire all currency typecodes except for the default
application typecode. Delete all unwanted currencies from file currencies.xml as well.
MULTIPLE If you implement MULTIPLE currency mode, then delete or retire all currency typecodes except for those used
for the currencies that you define in currencies.xml. If any of the requisite Currency typecodes do not exist,
then you need to create them. Delete all of the currencies from file currencies.xml that you do not want and
add the currencies that you do want.

Implementing a Single Currency Configuration

If you implement a single currency configuration, then do the following:

Location Action
config.xml • Set configuration parameter DefaultApplicationCurrency to the operating currency.
• Set configuration parameter MultiCurrencyDisplayMode to SINGLE.
WARNING You cannot change the MultiCurrencyDisplayMode parameter in a production envi-
ronment without dropping the database.
currencies.xml Remove all currency entries except the entry for the default application currency.
datatypes.xml Set the number of fractional or decimal digits to show for monetary values in the interface. The
precision and scale attributes on <MoneyDataType> control the total number of digits to show and the
number of digits to show after the decimal. These attributes control both how ClaimCenter stores mone-
tary values in the database and how ClaimCenter displays a monetary value in the interface.
It is possible that you need to display a different number of digits in the interface than what ClaimCenter
stores in the database. If this is the case, then use the appscale attribute on <MoneyDataType> to con-
trol the display of digits in the interface. If you do not set an appscale value, then ClaimCenter uses the
scale value. See the descriptions for the <MoneyDataType> attributes in “Money Data Types” on
page 305.
IMPORTANT The appscale attribute does not exist in the base configuration. You need to add this attri-
bute to the <MoneyDataType> element if you intend to use it.
WARNING You cannot change the scale attribute without dropping the database.
Currency typelist In the Studio Typelists editor, open the Currency typelist. Delete all currency typecodes except for the
default currency typecode.

Chapter 52, Configuring Currency 625

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Implementing a Multicurrency Configuration

If you implement a multicurrency configuration, then do the following:

Location Action
config.xml • Set configuration parameter DefaultApplicationCurrency to the operating currency.
• Set configuration parameter MultiCurrencyDisplayMode to MULTIPLE.
WARNING You cannot change the MultiCurrencyDisplayMode parameter in a production
environment without dropping the database.
currencies.xml Remove all currency entries except those entries for the currencies in which you intend to make
payments or otherwise store money amounts in the database. If entries for all the currencies in
which you intend to do business do not exist, then add them.
You set the number of decimal digits to show in the interface for each currency through the
storageScale attribute on the individual <CurrencyType> elements for each currency.

The appscale attribute on <MoneyDataType> in datatypes.xml is useful in multicurrency configura-

tions for the money data types. However, with currencyamount data types, the storageScale
parameter supersedes the appscale attribute. Make the currency storageScale value less than or
equal to the appscale value and make the appscale value less than or equal to the scale value.
The following must always be true.

storageScale ≤ appscale ≤ scale

See the descriptions for the <MoneyDataType> attributes in “Money Data Types” on page 305.
IMPORTANT The appscale attribute does not exist in the base configuration. You need to add this
attribute to the <MoneyDataType> element if you intend to use it.
localization.xml In MULTIPLE mode, ClaimCenter ignores any <CurrencyFormat> information in localization.xml.
However, even though unused, a tag for the default currency must be present in file
localization.xml, even in MULTIPLE mode.

Typelists In the Studio Typelists editor, open the Currency typelist. Delete all currency typecodes except for
those used for the currencies you defined in currencies.xml. If any of the requisite currency
typecodes do not exist, then you need to create them.
Note: If a typecode was in use in a previous version of the application, then retire the typecode

Changing the Default Application Currency

The base ClaimCenter configuration sets the default application currency to United States dollar. Changing the
default application currency is a multistep process. The following steps illustrate this process of changing the
default application currency from United States dollar to New Zealand dollar in Guidewire ClaimCenter.

WARNING You cannot change the default application currency after you set it without dropping the
database. If you attempt to do so, you can damage your installation.

To change the default application currency

The following steps apply to both SINGLE and MULTIPLE currency mode.
1. Open config.xml and make the following changes:
<param name="DefaultApplicationLocale" value="en_NZ"/>
<param name="DefaultCountryCode" value="NZ"/>
<param name="DefaultApplicationCurrency" value="nzd"/>

2. Open the LanguageType typelist and add en_NZ to the list of language types.

3. Open the Currency typelist and add typecode nzd to the list of currencies.
• If a typelist filter exists that uses USD, change the filter to use NZD instead.

626 Chapter 52, Configuring Currency

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• If using SINGLE mode, remove the other currency typecodes. This makes nzd the only entry.
4. Open the EstDamageType typelist. Select each code value in turn. For each one, change the Code value of USD
to NZD in the Category filter at the bottom of the screen. Modify the dollar amounts as needed.
5. Open localization.xml and add a <GWLocale> locale for en_NZ. Set the attributes on <CurrencyFormat>
correctly for the New Zealand currency.
<GWLocale code="en_NZ" name="English (NZ)" typecode="en_NZ">
<DateFormat long="E, d MMMM yyyy" medium="d MMMM yyyy" short="d.M.yy"/>
<TimeFormat long="H:mm:ss" medium="hh:mm:ss aa" short="hh:mm aa"/>
<NumberFormat decimalSymbol="." thousandsSymbol=","/>
<CurrencyFormat negativePattern="($#)NZD" positivePattern="$#NZD" zeroValue="-"/>

6. Open currencies.xml and add a <CurrencyType> element for nzd. Set the <CurrencyFormat> element attri-
butes correctly for the New Zealand dollar. In SINGLE mode, remove all other <CurrencyType> elements.
7. For file authority-limits.csv, do the following:

a. Copy file <install>/modules/cc/config/import/gen/authority-limits.csv to the following location:


b. Replace all occurrences of usd with nzd.

8. For file system_data.xml, do the following:

a. Copy file <install>/modules/xx/config/import/source/system_data.xml to the following location:


b. Replace all occurrences of usd with nzd.

9. Add the following files to <install>/configuration/config/locale/en_NZ:

Populate these files appropriately. See “Adding a New Locale” on page 468 for more information, especially
“Step 4: Create and Populate the New Locale Folder” on page 473.
10. Add a <Zones> element to zone-config.xml and set the countryCode attribute to NZ. For example,
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ZoneConfig xmlns:xsi=""
<Zones countryCode="NZ">
<Zone code="postalcode" fileColumn="1" unique="true">

11. Restart Guidewire Studio. Although there is no strict requirement that you restart Studio to complete the
configuration, it is a good practice. For example, restarting Studio often catches simple typing errors.
12. Drop the database, then restart the application server. This action loads the modified authority limit profiles.

13. Re-import the zone configuration data using the zone_import command. See “zone_import Command” on
page 178 in the System Administration Guide for details.

Chapter 52, Configuring Currency 627

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

628 Chapter 52, Configuring Currency

chapter 53

Configuring Snapshot Views

This topic explains how to configure snapshot views for use with your claims.
This topic includes:
• “How ClaimCenter Renders Claim Snapshots” on page 629
• “Encrypting Claim Snapshot Fields” on page 630
• “Configuring Snapshot Templates” on page 631

How ClaimCenter Renders Claim Snapshots

A first notice of loss (FNOL) snapshot is a persistent copy of a claim and the graph of entities it references. An
FNOL snapshot records the data available to a carrier at the time an insured first notifies the carrier of a loss.
ClaimCenter creates an FNOL snapshot as you create a claim using the New Claim wizard or as you import a claim
into ClaimCenter from an external FNOL application.
Note: ClaimCenter takes FNOL snapshots by default. You can prevent ClaimCenter from creating FNOL
snaps shots by setting the config.xml parameter EnableClaimSnapshot to false.
The purpose of an FNOL snapshot is to retain the claim data in its original form regardless of any subsequent
changes to the claim record. The data remains static to reflect the FNOL precisely at the moment of creation. You
can view the FNOL snapshot for a claim by clicking the FNOL Snapshot page action in the Loss Details page for that
Because the information contained in an FNOL snapshot does not change, ClaimCenter stores a snapshot in the
ClaimSnapshot entity. The application creates a XML representation of the actual data and places the data in the
ClaimData field of this entity. The entity also tracks the ClaimCenter version used to capture it.

If ClaimCenter renders an FNOL snapshot, it renders the snapshot data in a format similar to the Loss Details page.
It is possible that between versions of ClaimCenter, the default fields that accompany claims change. For this
reason, the ClaimData object can capture different data between releases and contains version-specific PCF files
to render the FNOL snapshot. You can access these files through Studio in the following location:
Resources → Page Configuration (PCF) → claim → snapshot

Chapter 53, Configuring Snapshot Views 629

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Understanding Snapshot PCF Interaction

At the top of the PCF → claim → snapshot folder are a number of modal PCF files. These files are modal because,
based on the original version of the snapshot, ClaimCenter retrieves a version-specific PCF file from the under-
lying subdirectories. For example, if you select FNOL Snapshot in ClaimCenter, ClaimCenter opens the modal
ClaimSnapshotLossDetails file.

This PCF declares a variable Snapshot whose initial value is the snapshot corresponding to the Claim variable.
At this point, ClaimCenter cannot determine the object type of the snapshot. It is important to understand that the
snapshot object type is unknown to ClaimCenter within the top-level claim snapshot pages. Thus, you must cast
the snapshot to the correct type before you pass it into any shared list or detail view.
ClaimCenter uses a method to retrieve the Version value from the snapshot data. The mode attribute of the
ScreenRef element uses the Version to locate the appropriate PCF file. If you review the Studio subdirectories,
you see the following possible matches for this modal call:
• ClaimSnapshotLossDetailsScreen.300.pcf
• ClaimSnapshotLossDetailsScreen.310.pcf
• ClaimSnapshotLossDetailsScreen.400.pcf
• ...
For example, if you request snapshots created with ClaimCenter 3.0, the application renders the loss details using
the 300 → ClaimSnapshotLossDetailsScreen.300 file.
This file takes as arguments the Claim and the snapshot (SnapshotParam) in turn. The code declares the
SnapshotParam type as snapshot.v300.Claim

Note: Beginning with ClaimCenter version 3.0, Guidewire began supporting the rendering of FNOL snap-
shots in version-specific pages. Guidewire provides PCF files for each major version of ClaimCenter since
3.0 and plans to continue to do so in future release. Thus, if the next release of ClaimCenter happens to be
6.0, the release includes all the templates for each major released version between 3.0 and 6.0.

Encrypting Claim Snapshot Fields

ClaimCenter provides field level encryption on sensitive data, such as tax IDs. Those fields are also encrypted on
claim snapshots.
There are two configurable components to this process:
• Your algorithm called by the IEncryption plugin. You must provide an algorithm.
• The Encryption Upgrade work queue. This work queue can be configured to run at a different time and you
can also determine the number of snapshots that are upgraded at one time.
If you use claim snapshots and you decide to change your encryption algorithm, the Encryption Upgrade work
queue updates those encrypted fields using the most current encryption algorithm.

See Also
• “Batch Processes and Distributed Work Queues” on page 134 in the System Administration Guide to under-
stand how the Encryption Upgrade work queue functions.
• “Encryption Integration” on page 401 in the Integration Guide to learn how to encrypt your data using the
IEncryption plugin.

630 Chapter 53, Configuring Snapshot Views

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Configuring Snapshot Templates

ClaimCenter bases the FNOL snapshot pages that it provides on the ClaimCenter default elements. For example,
the ClaimSnapshotLossDetailsScreen.500.pcf page renders the same basic Loss Details page as the PCF → claim
→ ClaimLossDetails page.

Note: If you extend the basic loss detail pages for any release, you also need to update any corresponding
claim snapshot pages. In a similar manner, if you add new exposure fields in a release, then you also need to
update the corresponding exposure snapshot pages.
Configuring snapshot pages can involve several possible tasks:
• Editing snapshot PCF files to change the values that appear in a rendered page.
This task is the most common FNOL snapshot configuration task. Typically, you want data rendered in a
snapshot page to be the same as and to be presented in the same way as data in the corresponding data view.
This involves adding or removing entity listings to, or from, pages as needed.
• Adding a new page or panel view.
This situation usually arises if you have added one or more custom pages. If you add a custom page, you also
need to modify the appropriate pages to reference your new page.

IMPORTANT Guidewire strongly recommends that you use source control or a backup to save original
versions of the ClaimCenter default snapshot templates before you modify them.

Snapshots and Data Model Extensions

Snapshot PCF files do not access the ClaimCenter database. Instead, ClaimCenter extracts the snapshot data
from a text column on the ClaimSnapshot object that contains an XML description of the claim’s FNOL. Using
this field has the following implications for data model extensions and changes:
• If you extend or change the ClaimCenter data model before the application captures an FNOL snapshot,
ClaimCenter captures your extension in the snapshot if there is actual data to capture.
• Pre-existing snapshot data does not have any data model extensions or changes that you make subsequent to
those snapshots.
Note: If a particular snapshot does not contain the data your page references, ClaimCenter displays the
FNOL snapshot fields as empty.

Chapter 53, Configuring Snapshot Views 631

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

632 Chapter 53, Configuring Snapshot Views

chapter 54

Configuring Deductibles

This topic explains how deductibles are structured, and how they interact with checks.
This topic includes:
• “Deductible Data Model” on page 634
• “Typekeys” on page 635
• “Permissions” on page 635
• “Deductibles and Checks” on page 635
• “Deductibles and Rules” on page 637

See Also
• “Deductible Handling” on page 183 in the Application Guide to learn about this feature.

Chapter 54, Configuring Deductibles 633

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Deductible Data Model

In this data model diagram, the main entity is Deductible. Every Deductible is associated with a Coverage, and
by default gets its initial amount from the Coverage's deductible amount (the Coverage.Deductible field, which is
of type money).






$ % RQH%
$ % PDQ\%
$ %

The Deductible entity has the following fields:

Field Description
Amount The amount that this deductible represents. This amount is specified in the claim currency.
Paid Specifies whether this deductible has already been paid. This is initially false, and is set to
true when a payment is created and a deductible applied to it.
Waived Specifies whether this deductible has been waived. This is initially false, and can be set to
true on the Exposure Edit page if the deductible has not been paid yet. If set to true, the check
wizard does not allow this deductible to be applied to payments. In the database, however, if
this has been set to true, this indicates that the amount has been modified.
Overridden Specifies whether this deductible has been overridden and is initially set to false. If set to
true, the amount field can be modified in the user interface.
EditReason Specifies the reason why this deductible was waived or overridden.
CoverageID Foreign key link to the coverage for which this deductible was calculated. This is nullable in
the database to support policy-level deductibles, but the base configuration does not support
ClaimID Foreign key link to the claim on which this deductible lives.

There is a one-to-at-most-one relationship from Coverage to Deductible, and a method on Coverage to access
the Deductible pointing to it (if any). TransactionLineItem has a foreign key to Deductible. A deductible may
be paid over any number of TransactionLineItems, though in the base configuration, ClaimCenter only
supports paying it over one TransactionLineItem.

634 Chapter 54, Configuring Deductibles

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

There are two typekeys that relate to deductibles, both for the Line Category typelist:
• Deductible – Indicates that a TransactionLineItem is a deductible line item. In other words, it is the
TransactionLineItem to which a paid deductible is linked.
• Former Deductible – Indicates that a TransactionLineItem was originally a deductible line item, but is no
longer. This is because it is on a recoded payment, or transferred or deleted check, or because it is on an onset
payment whose deductible could not be applied to it.
Both typekeys are valid for any Exposure/CostType/CostCategory because a deductible can be applied to a
payment of any reserve line. However, they are not valid for any matter. In any place in the user interface where
LineCategory is editable, such as in Step 2 of the check wizard, the typekeys are filtered out from the list of
available options. This filtering prevents the user from selecting either typekey for normal non-deductible line
items. Anywhere in the user interface where the LineCategory shows, if a line item has a category of Deductible
or Former Deductible, you cannot edit the line category and the amount.

The permission EditDeductible allows you to edit, waive, or override the deductible on a claim file.

Deductibles and Checks

This section describes how deductibles affect the following types of checks:
• “Transferring Checks” on page 635
• “Recoding Payments” on page 636
• “Deleting and Voiding/Stopping Checks” on page 636
• “Denying or Resubmitting Checks” on page 636
• “Applying Deductibles on Multicurrency Checks” on page 636
• “Cleared or Issued Checks” on page 636
• “Cloning Checks” on page 636

Transferring Checks
When transferring a check, any deductible line items on the original and offset payments become Former
Deductible, and linked deductibles are unlinked. These actions are performed through the method
check.unlinkDeductibles. The method is called in the doTransfer method in CheckTransfer.pcf file after
the target check has been created but before calling the financials.CheckUtil.transferCheck method.
For the onset payment, if the target exposure has a valid deductible, the target exposure's deductible is applied to
the onset payment. If it has not been paid or waived, and the amount and the claim currency are equal, the
deductible amount can be applied to the payment. Otherwise, no deductible are applied, and the onset payment's
deductible line item instead becomes Former Deductible. These actions are accomplished by the method
check.linkDeductibles before calling financials.CheckUtil.transferCheck in the doTransfer method in
CheckTransfer.pcf file.

If a check is transferred to a claim that has a claim currency that is different from the original claim's currency,
the deductible is not applied on the target claim. The deductible is not applied in this case because there is little
meaning in comparing two deductibles in different currencies to see if they have the same amount.

Chapter 54, Configuring Deductibles 635

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Recoding Payments
When recoding a payment, any deductible line items on the original and offset payments become Former
Deductible, and linked deductibles are unlinked. These actions are accomplished by calling the method
payment.unlinkDeductible on the original payment. The method is called in the doRecode method in
RecodePayment.pcf file after the onset payment has been created, but before calling

For the onset payment, if the target exposure has a valid deductible (see “Transferring Checks” on page 635), the
target exposure's deductible is applied to the onset payment. Otherwise, no deductible is applied, and the onset
payment's deductible line item instead become Former Deductible. These actions are accomplished by the
method payment.linkDeductible before calling financials.FinancialsUtil.recodePayment in the
doRecode method in RecodePayment.pcf file.

Deleting and Voiding/Stopping Checks

Deleting, voiding, or stopping a check converts all its deductible line items to have the line category Former
Deductible. This category is not exposed in the user interface in a deleted check. The linked deductibles are
unlinked and unpaid. This action is accomplished by calling the check.unlinkDeductibles method before
calling the methods: check.delete or check.void or check.stop.

Denying or Resubmitting Checks

Denying a check converts all its deductible line items to have the line category Former Deductible, and the linked
deductibles are unlinked. If you resubmit this check, ClaimCenter tries to relink all the deductible line items to
their prospective deductibles provided they are still valid. This means that they are not waived or paid, and they
have the same amount as the corresponding line item. Line items whose prospective deductibles are no longer
valid remain unlinked.

Applying Deductibles on Multicurrency Checks

Deductible amounts are specified in the claim currency, that is the claim on which the deductible's coverage
exists. You can apply a deductible in the check wizard. If you do, then the deductible line item that is being added
has an amount whose claim amount is fixed to be the negative amount of the deductible amount. Contrary to
normal (non-deductible) line items, if the currency or exchange rate on the check is changed, the deductible line
item’s transaction amount is recalculated. The recalculation is based on the new exchange rate. However, its
claim amount remains fixed.
Usually the claim amount of a transaction line item always match the amount to its linked deductible. However,
this is not the case when a foreign exchange adjustment is applied to a payment. In this instance, the deductible
line item's claim amount can deviate slightly from its deductible amount due to rounding errors.

Cleared or Issued Checks

Clearing or issuing a check does not have any impact on the deductible or former deductible line items.

Cloning Checks
Cloning checks does not affect deductibles, as it does not copy the deductible or former deductible line items.
You can see this is in the CloneCheckWizard.pcf file by calling the check.removeClonedDeductibleLineItems
method on the new check when the first step is first entered. ClaimCenter alerts you when this occurs.

636 Chapter 54, Configuring Deductibles

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Deductibles and Rules

Rules determine when claim deductibles are created. They create the deductible entity, if it has not yet been cre-
ated. They also check if the exposure’s coverage is updated. The configurable rules are in the Pre-Update rule set

Pre-update rule set Rule

Exposure Pre-update • Update Deductible On Updated Exposure Coverage

• Update Deductible On Updated Coverage Deductible
Transaction Pre-update • Unlink Deductible After Check Denial

See “Preupdate” on page 70 in the Rules Guide for more information on the Pre-update rules.

Chapter 54, Configuring Deductibles 637

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

638 Chapter 54, Configuring Deductibles

chapter 55

Working with Catastrophe Bulk


This topic explains how to configure Catastrophe Bulk Associations batch job, which is a Gosu batch process.
This topic includes:
• “Catastrophe Bulk Association Configuration” on page 639
• “Catastrophes Data Model” on page 640
• “Catastrophe Configuration Parameter” on page 640

See Also
• “Catastrophes” on page 115 in the Application Guide to learn about catastrophes in general
• “Catastrophe Bulk Association” on page 118 in the Application Guide to learn about Catastrophe Bulk Asso-
ciations batch process
• “Catastrophes” on page 402 in the Application Guide to learn how to administer catastrophes

Catastrophe Bulk Association Configuration

You can optionally configure the Catastrophe Bulk Associations batch job.
The two files you need are:
• GWCatastropheEnhancement.gsx

You first need to define your new method in the GWCatastropheEnhancement.gsx file and second, point to it
from the file. The files are located in Studio.
Navigate to:
• configuration → Classes → gw → util → CatastropheClaimFinderBatch
• configuration → Classes → gw → entity → GWCatastropheEnhancement

Chapter 55, Working with Catastrophe Bulk Associations 639

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The CatastropheClaimFinderBatch Job

CatastropheClaimFinderBatch (the batch job for catastrophe bulk assocation) is a subtype of
BatchProcessBase. It finds the claims that have been defined by the GWCatastropheEnhancement class and
creates a review for catastrophe activity (activity pattern code name catastrophe_review) if one does not already
Note: In the base configuration, the batch process defines the areas by zones.

The GWCatastropheEnhancement Class

This configurable entity finds all claims that might be a match to the defined catastrophe.
It checks to see if the claim matches certain criteria. A match occurs if:
• The claim has not already been associated with a catastrophe
• The claim's loss date falls within the catastrophe's valid dates
• The catastrophe’s perils list the claim’s loss type and loss cause
• The claim does not have the catastrophe_review activity pattern with a skipped or complete status
The method findClaimsByCatastropheZone finds claims by zones. You can define the zone criteria. Examples
might be defined as: United States states, regions (southern California, Northern California), territories (western
territories such as California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington).
Lastly, it returns all claims that match that criteria.

Catastrophes Data Model

The system uses the following entities and typelists to add catastrophes to the database:

Entity or Typelist Description

Catastrophe The main entity contains all the information for each catastrophe. It uses these two array
CatastrophePeril (virtual array) entities to store each catastrophe’s perils and the states in which it is valid.
CatastropheZone (virtual array)

CatastropheType (typelist) Whether the catastrophe came from ISO data (iso) or was manually entered (internal).

Catastrophe Configuration Parameter

The MaxCatastropheClaimFinderSearchResults parameter has a default of 1000. It limits the number of
claims that can be found to match the criteria. For example, if there are 5000 claims that match, then the
CatastropheClaimFinder batch process gets the claims that match the criteria. It creates a Review for Catas-
trophe activity for the first 1000. The next 1000 are processed during the next scheduled batch process and this
process continues until there are no more claims that meet the criteria.

640 Chapter 55, Working with Catastrophe Bulk Associations

chapter 56

Configuring Duplicate Claim and

Check Searches

This topic explains how to configure the Gosu templates so that you can modify the search criteria for duplicate
claims and checks. ClaimCenter checks if there are any matching claims or checks to avoid duplication.
This topic includes:
• “Understanding the Gosu Templates” on page 641
• “Duplicate Claim Search” on page 642
• “Duplicate Check Search” on page 643

Understanding the Gosu Templates

You can modify the search criteria for duplicate claims and duplicate checks in the Gosu templates in Studio.
Navigate to Classes → gw → duplicatesearch. The folder contains the following templates:

Gosu template Description

gw.duplicatesearch.DuplicateCheckSearchTemplate Duplicate Check search
gw.duplicatesearch.DuplicateClaimSearchTemplate Duplicate Claim search

The DuplicateCheckSearchTemplate takes three parameters:
• A DuplicateSearchHelper, which provides utilities for SQL construction.
• The Check to search for duplicates.
• A checkBeingCloned parameter. If the Check is a clone of an existing check, then this parameter contains the
existing Check. The search avoids returning the existing Check or any of its recurrences as a duplicate. Other-
wise, checkBeingCloned is null.

Chapter 56, Configuring Duplicate Claim and Check Searches 641

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The DuplicateClaimSearchTemplate takes just two parameters:

• A DuplicateSearchHelper, which provides utilities for SQL construction.
• The Claim to search for duplicates.

Gosu Language
The following table displays how the template uses the Gosu language.

Area Gosu

Comments /*
This is a comment
that spans multiple lines.
// This is a single-line comment
Initializing a variable var myVar = 123

Modifying a variable myVar = "new Value"

Conditional expressions The condition has to be a Boolean or the template does not
compile. It is possible for a Boolean to be null, in which
case it is treated as false.
If conditional block if (myCondition) {
If-else conditional block if (myCondition) {
else {

Duplicate Claim Search

In the base configuration, the Gosu template creates the SQL query for finding duplicate claims. If it finds any
that match the query, the user interface displays a list of claim IDs that match the claim that is being created. This
allows the user to cancel the claim. If there are no matches, then the user does not see any messages.
The query considers the claim to be a duplicate if either
• The claim has the same policy and has a loss date within +/- 3 days of the claim's loss date, or
• The claim's insured has the same name and the loss date is within +/- 3 days of the claim's loss date. If there is
no name, then the query searches for the company name.

To change the search criteria

You can modify the template (DuplicateClaimSearchTemplate) or add any Gosu code to extend or modify the
search criteria. For example, you can change the length of time that the system checks for a duplicate claim by
doing the following:
1. In DuplicateClaimSearchTemplate, find the following functions:
function genClaimLossDateThreeDaysPriorParameter() : String {
return helper.makeParam("Claim.LossDate", claim.LossDate.addDays(-3))
function genClaimLossDateThreeDaysAfterParameter() : String {
return helper.makeParam("Claim.LossDate", claim.LossDate.addDays(3))

642 Chapter 56, Configuring Duplicate Claim and Check Searches

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. Change the bolded text string (Three) to a different value (number), save your work, and restart the applica-
tion server.

Duplicate Check Search

Gosu template DuplicateCheckSearchTemplate (used to create the SQL query for finding duplicate checks)
verifies that the check has not already been created. If it finds any duplication, then a list of check IDs that match
the check show in the user interface. Otherwise the user does not see a message.
In the base configuration, the SQL query looks for checks written to the same person for the same amount on the
claim. However, it is more complex than that. Check B is considered to be a duplicate of check A if:
• Check A and check B have the same PayTo field or check B has a payee with the same TaxID as one of the
payees on check A.
• Check A and check B are on the same claim.
• Check A and check B have the same gross amount.
• Check A and check B have the same currency.
• The service periods (ServicePdStart to ServicePdEnd) for check A and check B overlap or both check A
and check B have incomplete service periods (one or both fields are null)
• If Check A is created as a clone of another check, Check B must not be the check from which A is being
cloned (or of any of its recurrences). This is how the checkBeingCloned argument is used.
If there are multiple payees, then the query looks at all contacts (through claim contact) that have the checkpayee
role (id=10011). It next searches on the contact tax ID list passed in to the template.

Chapter 56, Configuring Duplicate Claim and Check Searches 643

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

644 Chapter 56, Configuring Duplicate Claim and Check Searches

chapter 57

Configuring Claim Health Metrics

This topic explains how to configure Claim Health Metrics. You can add a new tier, a high-risk indicator, or a
new claim metric. You could add a new tier for additional granularity. (Notice the exposure tiers are more gran-
ular than the claim tiers.) You could create a high risk indicator for anything that is important to your business.
For example, you might want to add a high-risk indicator for property damage over a certain amount or perhaps
a missed doctor’s appointment for the workers’ compensation policy type. You might also create a new metric to
measure time to get an estimate complete for the personal auto policy type.
This topic includes:
• “Adding a New Tier” on page 645
• “Adding a High-Risk Indicator” on page 647
• “Adding a New Claim Metric” on page 649

See Also
• “Claim Performance Monitoring” on page 315 in the Application Guide to learn about this feature.
• “Metrics and Thresholds” on page 418 in the Application Guide to learn how to administer claim health

Adding a New Tier

To add a new tier, create it first in Studio and define its associated limit values in the ClaimCenter Administration
tab user interface, and then implement it with Gosu logic.
Perform the following steps to add a new tier.

To associate a new tier value to a typelist in Studio

1. You must first add a new tier value to the typelist. Choose either the ClaimTier or ExposureTier typelist.
Navigate in Studio to configuration → Typelists.

Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics 645

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The ClaimTier and ExposureTier typelists define the tiers as seen in the following example:

Each tier is associated to PolicyTypes through Categories. In this example, notice that the claim tier value of Low
Severity is associated with the personal auto policy type (as well as with others.)
2. Click Add in the Code tab and enter the new tier value.

3. Associate the new tier value with the selected PolicyTypes using the Categories tab. Do this by clicking Add in the
Categories tab and adding the policy type.

4. Save your work and exit Studio.

To define the new target values in the ClaimCenter

1. Navigate to the Administration tab → Metrics and Thresholds.

2. Click Edit and select the new tier from the individual metric drop down menu.

3. Enter the target values for the new tier.

4. Click Update.

To edit the tier enhancement Gosu code in Studio

Now that you have created a tier, you must add Gosu logic to set your new tier on claims and exposures. Tiers are
calculated as part of the claim health update process, which updates high risk indicators, sets tiers, and updates
metrics. This process happens after pre-update rules are executed. The enhancement methods setClaimTier and
setExposureTier are called to update the claim and exposure tiers. You must alter these enhancement methods
to set your new tier if the conditions are right. Without editing GWClaimTierEnhancement or
GWExposureTierEnhancement, new tiers cannot be assigned.

In Studio, edit the Gosu code to add logic to assign new tier values to claims or exposures.
1. Navigate in Studio to configuration → Classes → gw → entity.

2. Select either the GWClaimTierEnhancement or GWExposureTierEnhancement enhancement file.

3. Edit the enhancement file to add logic for assigning new tier values. Current logic assigns tier values based on
various factors:
• Where in line of business hierarchy the claim or exposure falls
• Incident subtype

646 Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• Complexity of entity
• Severity of incident
• Is the claim in litigation
• Is a vehicle a total loss
• Was there a fatality
The logic might make decisions based on PolicyType, CoverageType, CoverageSubType, or ExposureType.

Adding a High-Risk Indicator

You can create a new high-risk indicator. The general steps are that you must create the icon, create a subtype of
ClaimIndicator, and add the implementation code.

WARNING Guidewire strongly recommends limiting the number of indicators used for any one line
of business. Overuse of indicators lessens the overall impact to end users. Additionally, Guidewire
designed the Claim Summary screen with the expectation that few, if any, claims will have more than four
or five indicators. If the number of indicators per claim exceeds this expectation, Guidewire recom-
mends that you revisit the Claim Summary screen design and determine if it needs to be modified. Other-
wise, important claim information can appear farther down the screen, necessitating additional

Note: Each time you create a new subtype, you must modify the PCF files to show the new indicator in the
info bar and on the Claim Status screen. If the indicator implements the standard On property and has an
icon, it can also appear on the Claim Summary screen. That screen relies on the generic indicator interface
and can show the indicator automatically, whenever it is on.

To create the high-risk icon

1. Create the image using a third-party graphics program.

2. In Guidewire Studio, navigate to configuration → Web Resources → resources → Ocean → images. Right-click and
select New → Other file. Enter the same file name as the name of the file created in the third-party graphics
3. Copy the third-party graphics image file into the install directory and replace the file created by Studio. The
path is ClaimCenter\modules\configuration\webresources\Ocean\images.
4. If the server is running, stop it.

5. Execute gwcc dev-deploy in the Command window.

6. Restart the server.

To add a new subtype in Guidewire Studio

1. You extend the ClaimCenter data model by adding a new subtype of the entity ClaimIndicator. In Studio,
navigate to configuration → Typelists → ClaimIndicator to see the following subclasses listed under the Code column:
• ClaimIndicator
• CoverageInQuestionClaimIndicator
• FatalityClaimIndicator
• FlagClaimIndicator
• LargeLossClaimIndicator
• LitigationClaimIndicator
• SIUClaimIndicator

Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics 647

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

2. Define a new entity subtype. The supertype you choose depends on the type of indicator that you want. For
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subtype xmlns="" desc="Litigation"
entity="ExampleClaimIndicator" final="false" priority="1"
The iface attribute defines the interface that the subtype implements. The implementsInterface element
must be present, and the impl class must be your own implementation class. Use the package
gw.claim.indicator and your new SubtypeNameMethodsImpl class, which you define later.

3. Stop and restart Studio to automatically create a typecode for the new subtype in the ClaimIndicator type-
list. You configure the secondary attributes of the typecode—Name, Description, and Priority.
For example, navigate to configuration → Typelists → ClaimIndicator and click the new typecode to edit it. If you see
a message asking if you want to edit the typelist, click Yes.

Code Name Description Priority Retired

ExampleClaimIndicator Example Example Claim Indicator 4 false

This step enables you to set up a possibly localized name and priority for the indicator. The Name attribute is
the name you want to show in the user interface for this type of indicator. The Priority determines the order in
which the indicators appear on the screen.
4. Implement your new SubtypeNameMethodsImpl class. Your class can implement the ClaimIndicatorMethods
interface. If, instead, you extend the ClaimIndicatorMethodsImpl class, you get the following conveniences:
• Automatic handling of the icon. You need to specify only the string name of your indicator icon when you
call the constructor of ClaimIndicatorMethodsImpl.
• The method setOn(newValue: boolean), which you can use to set the IsOn flag and the WhenOn field of
the indicator.
Following is an example of an implementation:
package gw.claim.indicator
uses gw.api.claim.indicator.ClaimIndicatorMethodsImpl

class ExampleClaimIndicatorMethodsImpl extends ClaimIndicatorMethodsImpl {

* Constructor, called when an indicator is created or read from the database
construct(inIndicator : ExampleClaimIndicator) {
super(inIndicator, "indicator_icon_litigation.gif") // Passes in name of indicator icon
* Update, sets the indicator on if the the claim litigation status is "litigated"
* or "complete"
override function update() {
var status = Indicator.Claim.LitigationStatus
setOn(status == "litigated" or status == "complete")
// Calls setOn to set both IsOn and WhenOn fields
* Text label, returns the description of the current claim litigation status
override property get Text() : String {
return Indicator.Claim.LitigationStatus.Description
* Hover text returns the names of any open matters,
* or a special label if there are none.
override property get HoverText() : String {
var openMatters = Indicator.Claim.Matters.where(
\ m -> not m.Closed).orderBy(\ m -> m.CreateTime)
return openMatters.Count > 0

648 Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

?\ m ->
: Indicator.Claim.LitigationStatus.DisplayName

5. After implementing the class required by your claim indicator entity, you can regenerate the data dictionary to
ensure that the new entity has the correct definition.
At a command prompt, navigate to ClaimCenter\bin and enter:
gwcc regen-dictionary

6. Add a new info bar element to the ClaimInfoBar PCF file. You must add the element explicitly, even though
the required element is standard. For example, for a new indicator type called ExampleClaimIndicator:
a. Navigate to configuration → Page Configuration (PCF) → claim → ClaimInfoBar.

b. Drag an InfoBarElement from the Toolbar on the right and drop it on the InfoBar. If you see a message asking if
you want to edit the file, click Yes.
c. Click the new InfoBarElement and set the following properties:

Property Value

id ExampleClaimIndicator

icon Claim.ExampleClaimIndicator.Icon

tooltip Claim.ExampleClaimIndicator.HoverText

visible Claim.ExampleClaimIndicator.IsOn

7. Add a new modal input set called ClaimIndicatorInputSet.ExampleClaimIndicator.pcf.

The Claim Status screen uses this input set to display the details of your indicator. This screen iterates through
all indicators on the claim and displays an input set for each indicator. It handles the indicator as a require
argument to the input set. You can put whatever you want in the input set. It is helpful to follow a style similar
to that of the input sets for the existing indicators, which tend to be fairly small. If you make your input set too
large, it can drastically change the layout of the Claim Status screen.
ClaimCenter displays the indicator input sets by subtype order. An indicator with subtype set to priority 1
appears before an indicator with subtype set to priority 3.
For example:
a. Navigate to configuration → Page Configuration (PCF) → claim → summary → indicator → ClaimIndicatorInputSet.Litiga-

b. Right-click ClaimIndicatorInputSet.LitigationClaimIndicator and click Duplicate.

c. Name the new PCF file ClaimIndicatorInputSet.ExampleClaimIndicator.pcf. If you see a message

asking if you want to create a copy of the folder, click Yes.
d. Click ClaimIndicatorInputSet.ExampleClaimIndicator to open it in the editor.
You now have a new input set with a set of widgets. You can modify this input set to meet your needs.

Adding a New Claim Metric

You can create a new claim metric. The general steps are to create a subtype of an existing metric and then add
the implementation code.
You do not need to add the metric to the typelist. This addition occurs automatically. If you add a new subtype,
the platform layer automatically adds a new member to the associated typelist. For example, if you add a new
subtype of ClaimMetric, the system adds a new member to the ClaimMetric typelist. Adding a new subtype is
the only way of adding new members to this typelist.

Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics 649

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To add a new claim metric in Guidewire Studio

1. Extend the ClaimCenter data model by adding a new subtype of the entity ClaimMetric. One way to do this
is to extend one of the pre-supplied claim metric classes. In Studio, navigate to configuration → Data Model Exten-
sions → metadata → cc to see the following claim metric classes:
• DecimalClaimMetric.eti
• IntegerClaimMetric.eti
• MoneyClaimMetric.eti
• PercentClaimMetric.eti
• TimeBasedClaimMetric.eti
Your selection depends on the type of quantity the metric is tracking.
Note: You can add a direct implementation of ClaimMetric rather than subtyping one of the pre-supplied
claim metric classes. Doing so is appropriate if the value of the metric does not fall into any of the
pre-supplied types—integer, decimal, percent, money or time based. It is also possible to add arbitrary new
data fields to your subtype if your metric needs them.
2. You can create a new metric based on TimeBasedMetric as follows:

a. Navigate to configuration → Data Model Extensions → extensions and right-click extensions.

b. Enter the file name ExampleClaimMetric.eti and click OK.

c. Enter the following entity definition. If you copy and paste the following code, delete any leading spaces
before the first line of code.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subtype desc="Example Claim Metric" entity="ExampleClaimMetric"
final="false" priority="1" supertype="TimeBasedClaimMetric">
• You must use the first implementsInterface element and specify your own implementation class for the
implattribute. The implementation class name is, by convention, SubtypeNameMethodsImpl.
• The second implementsInterface element makes it possible for the Recalculate Claim Metrics batch job
to recalculate this metric. You must also implement this interface in the class you specify in the impl attri-
bute, which is the same class in the previous implementsInterface element. For more information, see
step 6.
d. Save the file.

3. Close Studio and then restart it to automatically add a typekey for your new subtype to the ClaimMetric type-
4. Configure the new typecode by navigating to configuration → Typelists → ClaimMetric.

Note: If you do not see the new typecode in the ClaimMetric typelist, there is probably an error in your
entity definition. Check your definition and make sure that it is correct.
5. Click the new typecode to edit it. If you see a message asking if you want to edit the file, click Yes. Set the
following values:

Code Name Description Priority Retired

ExampleClaimMetric Example Example Claim Metric 4 false

The Name of the typecode element is the name that appears in the user interface for this type of metric. You
can localize this name. The Priority determines the ordering of the metric in the Claim Metrics user interface. It
appears after any metrics with priority less than 4 and before any with priority more than 4.

650 Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

6. Extend one of the following classes:

• gw.api.claim.metric.DecimalClaimMetricMethodsImpl
• gw.api.claim.metric.IntegerClaimMetricMethodsImpl
• gw.api.claim.metric.MoneyClaimMetricMethodsImpl
• gw.api.claim.metric.PercentClaimMetricMethodsImpl
• gw.api.claim.metric.TimeBasedClaimMetricMethodsImpl
Since you are subtyping from one of the entities listed in step 1, you can extend a matching Gosu class, which
does a lot of the work for you. For the example in step 2, you need to implement
If your metric does not match any of these classes, you can extend the MetricMethodsImpl class. To see this
class, navigate to configuration → Classes → gw → api → metric → MetricMethodsImpl.
Note: If your metric requires periodic recalculating, you must implement
gw.api.claim.metric.RecalculateMetrics. Implementing this interface makes it possible for the Recal-
culate Claim Metrics batch job to run on this metric object. For example, a metric that provides a count of
overdue activities could require recalculating if the claim gets new activities or current activities are
changed or existing activities become overdue.
7. When you extend one of the claim metric classes, you must create a class with a constructor and an override
of the updateMetricValue method. The following class extends the TimeBasedClaimMetricMethodsImpl
class and, additionally, implements the RecalculateMetrics interface. When you implement this interface,
you must also override the recalculate method.
package gw.claim.metric.general

uses gw.api.claim.metric.TimeBasedClaimMetricMethodsImpl
uses gw.api.metric.MetricUpdateHelper
uses gw.api.claim.metric.RecalculateMetrics
uses java.util.Date
class ExampleClaimMetricMethodsImpl extends TimeBasedClaimMetricMethodsImpl
implements RecalculateMetrics {
construct(exampleClaimMetric : ExampleClaimMetric) {
super(exampleClaimMetric, ClaimMetricCategory.TC_OVERALLCLAIMMETRICS)
override function updateMetricValue(helper : MetricUpdateHelper) : Date {
Metric.StartTime = Metric.Claim.ReportedDate
return null
override function recalculate() : Date {
return null //## todo: Implement me
This example is time-based. It extends the provided TimeBasedClaimMetricMethodsImpl class, which gives
access to time specific fields like Metric.StartTime. The class also provides the handleClaimStateChange
method for updating the metric state if the claim opens or closes.

IMPORTANT All implementation classes must have a constructor that takes one parameter of the
actual metric type. The implementsInterface mechanism requires this constructor because the object
is created whenever the metric is read from the database.

8. If you need to do something only when the metric is first created, you can add a constructor like the following
construct(exampleClaimMetric : ExampleClaimMetric) {
super(exampleClaimMetric, ClaimMetricCategory.TC_OVERALLCLAIMMETRICS)
if (exampleMetric.New) {
// Do your initialization here
The constructor also determines the category of the metric and hands it as a parameter to the superclass con-

Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics 651

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The updateMetricValue method evaluates the current state of the associated claim and updates the metric
accordingly. The method in the example is simple. Other update methods might compute more complex val-
ues. You can use the MetricUpdateHelper passed to the update method to find out if relevant entities
changed. For example:
if (helper.updateContainsChangesOfType(History)) {
// A history event was added, updated or removed
// You can access the changed items by using
// Metric.Bundle.getAllModifiedBeansOfType(History).

9. Save your work in Studio

10. If ClaimCenter is running, stop it. At the command prompt open to ClaimCenter\bin, press CTRL+C and then
enter the following commands:
gwcc dev-stop

11. To ensure that your data model changes are correct, regenerate the data dictionary. At the command prompt,
gwcc regen-dictionary

12. Restart the server. At the command prompt, enter:

gwcc dev-start

13. Log in to ClaimCenter as an administrator, such as user name su with password gw.

14. Click the Administration tab and then click Metrics and Thresholds in the left info bar.

15. Click Edit and, on the Claim Metric Limits tab, add limits for your new metric type. For more information, see
“Metrics and Thresholds” on page 418 in the Application Guide.
16. Click the Administration tab in the user interface, and then click Metrics and Thresholds in the left info bar.

17. Click Edit and, on the Claim Metric Limits tab, add limits for your new metric type. For more information, see
“Metrics and Thresholds” on page 418 in the Application Guide.
18. Run batch processes as follows:

a. Press ALT+SHIFT+T to open the Server Tools tab.

b. Click Batch Process Info in the left info bar.

c. Run the Claim Health Calculations batch process to populate metrics on claims that have never had any met-
rics. Running this batch process does not add the new metric to claims that already have metrics.
d. If your implementation class implements the RecalculateMetrics interface, you can add the metric to
claims with existing metrics by running the Recalculate Claim Metrics batch process.

Adding Your New Claim Metric or Indicator to Existing Claims

You can apply a new claim metric or indicator to claims that already have metrics. There are two ways to apply a
claim metric, one of which is useful for indicators as well.
• Enable the CER04000 Recalculate claim metrics rule, which adds a new metric or indicator. See “Enabling the
Claim Exception Rule” on page 652.
• If your implementation class implements the RecalculateMetrics interface, you can run the Recalculate Claim
Metrics batch process. You can also set this batch process to run on a regular basis. For more information on
batch processes, see “Batch Processes and Work Queues” on page 129 in the System Administration Guide.

Enabling the Claim Exception Rule

You can apply a new claim metric or indicator to claims that already have metrics by enabling the ClaimException
rule CER04000 Recalculate claim metrics. This rule verifies that all claim metrics, exposure metrics, and claim indica-

652 Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

tors are created on every claim. If there are any missing metrics or indicators in a claim, ClaimCenter adds them
to the claim.
Guidewire disables this rule in the base configuration. To enable this rule, in ClaimCenter Studio, navigate to
configuration → Rule Sets → Exception → ClaimExceptionRules, right click CER04000 Recalculate claim metrics, and click Active.
If you see a message asking if you want to edit the file, click Yes.

Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics 653

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

654 Chapter 57, Configuring Claim Health Metrics

chapter 58

Configuring Recently Viewed


You can configure recently viewed claim information in the Claim tab. You use this tab to either create a new
claim, search for a specific claim, or access a recently viewed claim from a list. In the default configuration, the
lines of business are configured to show the claim number and the insured’s name. However, an exception is the
workers’ compensation line of business. In the default configuration, this line of business displays the claim
number and the claimant’s (injured workers) name. This makes sense as a carrier can insure a large-sized
employer and have many workers’ compensation claims from different employees under that one employer. In
another example, one adjuster can be working on multiple claims for one insured in the commercial lines of busi-
ness. It is even possible that all the open claims for one adjuster could belong to the one insured. Therefore,
seeing the insured’s name is not as informative as seeing the claimant’s name.
This topic explains how to configure the recently viewed claims list that is used in Claim tab.
This topic includes:
• “Adding a Loss Date to the Recently Viewed Claim List” on page 655

Adding a Loss Date to the Recently Viewed Claim List

A carrier might find it useful to also see recently viewed claims (from the Claim tab) that include other informa-
tion, such as the loss date. This topic explains how to add the loss date in the recently viewed claims for the auto
loss type using Guidewire Studio.
You are working with the following files:
• ClaimRecentView.etx
• ClaimRecentView.xml

The current format in ClaimCenter is the claim number and the insured’s display name. (As mentioned previ-
ously, the format for workers’ compensation is claim number and claimant’s name.) You see this on the Claim tab
in the user interface, which is part of the TabBar.pcf file.

Chapter 58, Configuring Recently Viewed Claims 655

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

To add the loss date

1. In Studio, open the ClaimRecentView.etx file and add the loss date column as seen in the following example.
Bold text indicates the addition.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This view entity contains any information needed to display the claims
in the recent claims list displayed under the claim tab. If you want to
change how claims are displayed in this list, then ensure the columns you need
are present in this view entity. Also change the display name for this entity
to display the information you want. -->
<viewEntityExtension xmlns="" entityName="ClaimRecentView">
<viewEntityColumn name="ClaimNumber" path="ClaimNumber"/>
<viewEntityTypekey name="LossType" path="LossType"/>
<viewEntityName name="InsuredDenorm" path="InsuredDenorm"/>
<viewEntityName name="ClaimantDenorm" path="ClaimantDenorm"/>
<viewEntityColumn name="LossDate" path="LossDate"/>

2. Save your work.

To add the new display key

1. Create a new display key. Open the ClaimSessionState display key. In Studio, navigate to configuration →
Display Keys → Java → ClaimSessionState.

2. Place your mouse over it and right click on it. Select Add.

3. For Display Key Name type: Java.ClaimSessionState.DateLabel.

4. For Default Value type: {0} {1} {2}.

ClaimSessionState now shows the new display key.
5. Save your work.

To modify the Gosu logic

The following steps explain how to add the LossDate variable and modify the Gosu logic.
1. Open the ClaimRecentView.xml file.

2. Click Add. Under the Name column, type LossDate.

3. Under the Entity Path column, type ClaimRecentView.LossDate.

4. Modify the gosu logic (as seen in bolded text) in the following example:
uses gw.util.GosuStringUtil

final var DISPLAY_LENGTH = 40;

var contactName : String

if (ClaimLossType == LossType.TC_WC) {
contactName = Claimant != null ? Claimant : Insured
} else {
contactName = Insured != null ? Insured : Claimant

if (ClaimLossType == "AUTO") {
return displaykey.Java.ClaimSessionState.DateLabel(
GosuStringUtil.abbreviate(contactName, DISPLAY_LENGTH))
} else {
return displaykey.Java.ClaimSessionState.Label(
GosuStringUtil.abbreviate(contactName, DISPLAY_LENGTH))
The changes include:
• Extending the display length so that information is not truncated in the tab.
• Adding the Auto loss type so that it affects only commercial and personal auto.
• Adding the loss date format.

656 Chapter 58, Configuring Recently Viewed Claims

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

5. Save your work and exit Studio.

To update the application

The following steps explain how to ensure your changes are reflected in the application.
1. If you are currently running your application, you must shut down the server.

2. Restart the server. This step ensures that the application reflects your data model changes.

Chapter 58, Configuring Recently Viewed Claims 657

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

658 Chapter 58, Configuring Recently Viewed Claims

chapter 59

Configuring Incidents

There are several different approaches to creating/editing exposures based on incidents in the user interface.

Implicit Incidents
After creating a new exposure, a new incident is also created, and the exposure and incident remain bound
together from that point. Use the New Exposure and Exposure Detail screens to edit a mix of exposure and incident
fields. For example, the description field (which is part of an incident) appears like a normal exposure field.
There are two exposure screens that exist in the New Claim wizard, and in the main claim file. The PCF file for
creating an exposure on the new exposure pages appears as the following:
<Variable name="Exposure" type="Exposure" initialValue="Claim.newExposureWithNoIncident
(CoverageType, CoverageSubtype, Coverage)" convertedFrom="LocalValue"/>
<Variable name="Incident" type="Incident" initialValue="Exposure.initializeIncident()"

The exposure is created without an incident and the Gosu class library method
Exposure.initializeIncident() then sets it up. It uses the Exposure.newIncident() method to immediately
create a brand new incident for all exposure types except vehicle and property damage.

Explicit Incidents
For injury, vehicle damage and property damage exposure types, incidents can be created ahead of time (on the
Loss Details screen). They are explicitly linked with an exposure on the New Exposure or Exposure Detail pages.

On the user interface page you see a drop down of all suitable incidents. You can also create a brand new inci-
dent. For these exposure types, the Exposure.initializeIncident() method attempts to pre-fill the incident
picker however, you can always change the pre-filled value.
• Choose the best existing incident of the correct type. An incident is considered better if:
• It has not already been used for another exposure.
• It contains a vehicle/property on the policy.

Chapter 59, Configuring Incidents 659

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• If this fails, the incident is just chosen using display name sort order. If there are no incidents of the appro-
priate type it is left as null, so you must create a new one using the New... menu item.

To Create a New Incident Type

After adding a new exposure (and possibly incident) type, you have to decide whether to use the implicit or
explicit incident approach. It is best to have a single approach for a single incident type, or the user interface
becomes confusing. The only exception to this rule is quick claim configuration.

Quick Claim Configuration

You can use some of the quick claim pages to create a claim and one or more exposures all on one page. If the
page creates the exposure immediately, then use the implicit incident style to initialize the exposure. Otherwise,
use two steps to set up the exposure.The first one creates the incident and the second associate it with the expo-
sure. Since anyone who uses such a quick claim page is always creating an immediate exposure, use the quick
claim configuration to create the exposure and incident together. Edit the contents (but not the association
between them) on the quick claim page.

Injured is a Contact Role

The Injured contact role is the injured party associated with an injury incident Navigate to: Claim → Loss Details →
Injured which displays a list of these contacts. Each member of this list points to an instance of an injury incident.

Incidents Data Model

Gosu and Incidents
At the domain level, Gosu can work with incident types and their properties. The following are some Gosu prop-
erties and methods exposed on the claim, exposure and incident entities to make working with incidents easier.

Claim has an Incidents array that contains all the incidents on the claim. Claim also provides special arrays for
access to incidents of a particular type. These arrays have names of the form <IncidentType>sOnly. For
example, VehicleIncidentsOnly, IncidentsOnly, and FixedPropertyIncidentsOnly.
These arrays are typed (VehicleIncidentsOnly has type VehicleIncident[]) so you can access all the inci-
dents of a particular type without casts. They do not return any incidents that are subtypes of the named type. For
example, Claim.Incidents and Claim.IncidentsOnly are different arrays. Claim.Incidents returns all the
incidents on the claim, no matter what their type. Claim.IncidentsOnly returns only the incidents which actu-
ally have the type Incident (not ones which are subtypes of Incident). The Only arrays are read-only, they do not
provide methods for adding or removing incidents.
It is advisable to use the Claim.<IncidentType>sOnly arrays when dealing with Incidents, since you are usually
only interested in Incidents of a particular type. If you use Claim.Incidents, you see Implicit Incidents (see the
previous section) as well as the ClaimInjuryIncident. These incidents do not show up in the user interface and
do not represent incidents in the real world, but exist to hold data for the Exposure or Claim. These kinds of inci-
dents are filtered out of the Claim.<IncidentType>sOnly arrays.

Exposure has an accessor for each incident type, allowing typesafe access to incident subtypes. For example,
Exposure.VehicleIncident returns a VehicleIncident and can be used to:
Exposure.VehicleIncident.DriverRelation = "self"

660 Chapter 59, Configuring Incidents

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The type safe incident accessor returns null if the exposure's incident is not the named type. So
Exposure.VehicleIncident returns null on a BodilyInjuryDamage exposure. After you are reading the prop-
erty, you can use a supertype of the actual incident type. For example, Exposure.MobilePropertyIncident can
be used to read mobile property incident fields on a VehicleDamage exposure, because
MobilePropertyIncident is a supertype of VehicleIncident. But if you set the property, you must use an inci-
dent of the exact type:
Exposure.ExposureType = "GeneralDamage";
var Incident = new Incident(Exposure);
var VehicleIncident = new VehicleIncident(Exposure);
Exposure.Incident = VehicleIncident; // fine
Exposure.MobilePropertyIncident = VehicleIncident; // throws exception

This is because all exposures of a particular type must have incidents of a particular type.
Exposures also provide backwards compatibility for incident properties. Previously, the description field was
directly on the exposure so you could write:
Exposure.Description = "whatever";

The description actually lives on the exposure's incident, so you would normally have to write:
Exposure.Incident.Description = "whatever";

However, because of the backwards compatibility properties, you can still access Exposure.Description. The
aim of keeping the old reference was to reduce the work required to port rules and user interface files that use the
old exposure properties. Some caveats:
• The backwards compatibility properties are deprecated.
• The backwards compatibility properties only work if an incident actually exists for the exposure. If a new
exposure is created without an incident, setting Exposure.Description causes a run time exception because
the incident that actually holds the description has not been created yet
• All incident properties, for all incident subtypes are visible at the exposure level. So you can set
Exposure.Vehicle on a PropertyDamage exposure without getting a syntax error. However, this fails at
runtime because the underlying incident for a PropertyDamage exposure does not have a vehicle field. You
can still read Exposure.Vehicle, no matter what the exposure type, but it returns null if the underlying inci-
dent does not have a vehicle field. This is not an issue if you have been careful about only setting appropriate
fields on your exposures.
There are also some exposure methods for creating or selecting incidents for an exposure:
* Creates a suitable incident for this exposure.
* Also sets the incident's claim to be this exposure's claim.
* @return the new incident
* @scriptable-all
public Incident newIncident();

* Looks through the existing incidents on the exposure's claim for the incident that looks
* to be the best match for this exposure. This incident is pre-filled in the new exposure UI
* as the initial guess for which incident should be used with this exposure, though the user
* can always override it.
* An incident is a better match if it is not already in use by another exposure and if it
* relates to a vehicle or property on the policy.
* @return the incident that looks to be the best match for this exposure or null if there
* are no suitable incidents on the claim.
* @scriptable-all
public Incident findBestIncidentForNewExposure();

These are mainly intended for use by the user interface code when a new exposure is created.

Chapter 59, Configuring Incidents 661

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Incident has a few methods, which are mainly used in PCF files:
* Is this incident used by at least one exposure?
* @return true if the incident is used by an exposure, false otherwise.
* @scriptable-all
public boolean isUsedByExposure();

* Return all the non-exclusive claim contact roles for this incident
* @return a list of claim contact role objects, possibly empty but never null
* @scriptable-ui
public ClaimContactRole[] getNonExclusiveRoles();

* Return all non exclusive contact roles which are suitable for this incident's type and the
* given contact. Used in the UI to restrict the user to suitable choices when adding a new
* contact/role pair to the incident.
* @param contact a contact, possibly null
* @return an array of suitable roles, or an empty array if there are none.
* @scriptable-ui
public ContactRole[] getSuitableNonExclusiveRolesFor(Contact contact);

The isUsedByExposure method is used to disable the remove incident button if an incident is in use. The
getNonExclusiveRoles and getSuitableNonExclusiveRolesFor methods are useful when constructing a list
view for adding contacts and roles to an incident (exclusive roles can be handled by a simple picker).

Coverage has an incident-related method, which is used when creating a new exposure, if that exposure has a
specific coverage.
* If this coverage relates to a particular vehicle or property then get the associated vehicle or
* fixed property incident. If there is no such incident then create a new one.
* If this coverage is not related to a particular vehicle or property,
* or if it is part of a policy that is not attached to a claim, then return null.
* @scriptable-all
public Incident findOrCreateIncident();

This method is used in the initializeIncident library method.

Entities and Typelists Related to Incidents

Typelists for Injury Incidents
The InjuryIncident subtype is the preferred incident type for all injury-related exposure types (see the
ExposureType typelist).

Each InjuryIncident contains the following fields with the given type:
• Description : String
• GeneralInjuryType : InjuryType
• DetailedInjuryType : DetailedInjuryType
• MedicalTreatmentType : MedicalTreatrmentType
• LostWages : Boolean
• Impairment : percentage
• BodyParts, an array of BodyPartsDetails entities. The BodyPartsDetails entity contains the following
• PrimaryBodyPart : BodyPartType
• DetailedBodyPart : DetailedBodyPartType

662 Chapter 59, Configuring Incidents

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• CompensabilityDecision : CompensabilityDecision
• CompensabilityDecisionDate : datetime
• CompensabilityComment : String

Chapter 59, Configuring Incidents 663

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

664 Chapter 59, Configuring Incidents

chapter 60

Archiving Claims

Archiving is the process of moving a closed claim and associated data from the active ClaimCenter database to a
document storage area. You can still search for and retrieve archived claims. But, while archived, these claims
occupy less space in the active database.
This topic includes:
• “Archive-related Documentation” on page 665
• “Archiving and the Domain Graph” on page 666
• “Claims Archiving in Guidewire ClaimCenter” on page 667
• “Archiving and Encryption” on page 668
• “Selecting Claims for Archive Eligibility” on page 668
• “Restoring Claims from the Command Line” on page 669
• “Monitoring Claim Archiving Activity” on page 669
• “Configuring Claims Archiving” on page 670
• “The Archive Plugin” on page 673

Archive-related Documentation
See the following documentation related to archiving for more details.

See also
• “Archiving” on page 87 in the Application Guide – information on archiving claims, searching for archived
claims, and restoring archived claims.
• “Archive Parameters” on page 39 in the Configuration Guide – discussion on the configuration parameters
used in claims archiving.
• “Archiving Claims” on page 665 in the Configuration Guide – information on configuring claims archiving,
selecting claims for archiving, and archiving and the object (domain) graph.

Chapter 60, Archiving Claims 665

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• “Archiving Integration” on page 285 in the Integration Guide – describes the archiving integration flow,
storage and retrieval integration, and the IArchiveSource plugin interface.
• “Archive” on page 48 in the Rules Guide – information on base configuration archive rules and their use in
detecting archive events and managing the claims archive and restore process.
• “Logging Successfully Archived Claims” on page 37 in the System Administration Guide.
• “Purging Unwanted Claims” on page 58 in the System Administration Guide.
• “Archive Info” on page 160 in the System Administration Guide.
• “Upgrading Archived Entities” on page 62 in the Upgrade Guide.

IMPORTANT To increase performance, most customers find increased hardware more cost effective
than archiving unless their volume exceeds one million claims or more. Guidewire strongly recom-
mends that you contact Customer Support before implementing archiving to help your company with
this analysis.

Archiving and the Domain Graph

Guidewire ClaimCenter uses the domain graph to define the aggregate cluster of associated objects that it treats
as a single unit for purposes of archiving. Each aggregate cluster has a root and a boundary.
• The root is a single specific entity that the aggregate cluster contains. The root entity is the main entity in the
graph. A root entity is application-specific. For example, in Guidewire ClaimCenter, the root entity is the
Claim object. During the archiving of an instance of the domain graph, ClaimCenter leaves behind a skeleton
entity that points to the archived entity. In Guidewire ClaimCenter, this skeleton entity is the ClaimInfo
• The boundary defines what is inside the aggregate cluster of objects. Or, in other words, it identifies all of the
entities that are part of the graph. In ClaimCenter, the boundary defines the entities that relate to a Claim
object, such as Exposure, Coverage, Matter, and other similar objects.
A domain graph defines the unit of work for object archiving. The unit of work for the archive process is a single
instance of the domain graph, for example, a single claim and all its associated entities.
In order to enforce the boundaries of the domain graph, all objects participating in the archive process must
implement one or more of the following delegates:

Delegate Reason for use...

RootInfo During the archiving of an instance of the domain graph, ClaimCenter leaves behind (in the main
ClaimCenter database) a skeleton entity that provides the following:
• Sufficient information to restore the data.
• Sufficient information for a minimal search on archived data.

This skeleton entity—and only this skeleton entity—must implement the RootInfo delegate. In
Guidewire ClaimCenter, this skeleton entity is the ClaimInfo object, the stub object for the Claim object,
which is the root object in the ClaimCenter domain graph. You cannot change which entity implements
the RootInfo delegate.
Extractable All entities in the domain graph must implement the Extractable delegate. (The converse is also true.
No entity outside the domain graph can implement the Extractable delegate.) The use of this delegate
ensures the creation of the ArchivePartition column that ClaimCenter uses during the archive pro-
OverlapTable Overlap tables are tables in which each row is either in the domain graph or outside of it (part of refer-
ence data), but not both. Entity types corresponding to overlap tables must implement the OverlapTable
delegate. Implementing the OverlapTable delegate creates an additional Admin column that
ClaimCenter uses to determine which rows belong to the domain graph, and which do not. As these
objects are both inside and outside the domain graph, they must also implement the Extractable dele-

666 Chapter 60, Archiving Claims

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Data model delegate objects. A Delegate is a reusable type that defines database columns, an interface, and a
default implementation of that interface. This permits an entity to implement an interface while delegating the
implementation of that interface to another class, that of the delegate. Each delegate type provides additional
columns on the affected tables.

See also
• For a discussion of the Guidewire data model in general, see “The ClaimCenter Data Model” on page 187.
• For a discussion of the domain graph, see “The Domain Graph” on page 279.
• For a discussion of delegate objects and how to work with them, see “Delegate Data Objects” on page 197.

The ‘ClaimInfo’ Entity

As ClaimCenter creates a claim, it also creates a ClaimInfo entity. The ClaimInfo object is a stub entity that
remains in the active database after ClaimCenter archives the claim. Simple searches occur only in the active
database, using Claim data to find active claims, and comparable ClaimInfo data to find archived claims.
A ClaimInfo entity retains all links to bulk invoices and claim associations. This permits a restored claim to
remain connected to these multi-claim entities, which are outside the domain graph and therefore always in the
ClaimCenter database.
Because it implements the RootInfo delegate, the ClaimInfo object includes the ArchiveState column, which
records the archive state of the claim. The ArchiveState value, from the ArchiveState typelist, is one of the
• archived
• retrieving
• null

A null ArchiveState indicates that the claim is in the active ClaimCenter database, either because it has never
been archived or because it has been successfully restored from the archive.

Claims Archiving in Guidewire ClaimCenter

Claims archiving is a multi-step process. At a high level, these steps involve the following:
1. The Archiving Item Writer batch process queries the database to select claims that are potentially eligible for
archiving. The batch process creates a WorkItem in the database for each eligible claim. You can also create
an archiving work item by doing any of the following, all of which bypass the batch process and its query
• Call IClaimAPI.scheduleForArchive.
• Call IMaintenanceToolsAPI.scheduleForArchive.
• Use the maintenance_tools command line tool to restore a claim.
2. Individual archive workers pick up—one at a time—any archiving work items created during the first step,
running further checks on each identified claim and skipping those that do not pass. These eligibility checks
are part of the underlying archiving architecture (meaning that they are set in Java code). For example,
internal checks prevent ClaimCenter from archiving a claim with aggregate limits.
Note: Guidewire provides other eligibility checks you can configure, enable or disable, and modify in the
Default Group Claim Archiving Rules rule set. For example, a rule in the base configuration prevents
ClaimCenter from archiving claims with open activities. However, it is possible to enable, disable, or delete
this rule as your business needs require.
3. Finally, if all checks pass, a worker moves the domain graph data from the ClaimCenter database to the
archive backing store. ClaimCenter manages the movement of data from the database to the archive backing

Chapter 60, Archiving Claims 667

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

store through the use of the IArchiveSource plugin. Guidewire provides the implementation of this plugin in
the base configuration as an example only. You must implement your own production archiving plugin.

See also
• For a discussion on how to integrate to an archive backing store, see “Archiving Integration” on page 285 in
the Integration Guide.
• For a discussion of the IArchiveSource demonstration plugin implementation, see “The Archive Source
Plugin” on page 286 in the Integration Guide.
• For more information about the criteria used by the query used for claim selection, see “Selecting Claims for
Archive Eligibility” on page 668.

Archiving and Encryption

You are responsible for implementing the IArchiveSource plugin in such a way as to provide any necessary data
encryption. ClaimCenter does not encrypt the values in the XML that it generates and passes to the
IArchiveSource plugin. However, ClaimCenter does provide information about which properties are marked as
encrypted in the data model in the XSD.
You must implement encryption in the IArchiveSource plugin if you want it. You must also decide what to
encrypt. In many case, this is the entire document. It is up to you to determine the scheme to use for managing
the encryption keys.

Selecting Claims for Archive Eligibility

ClaimCenter bases the criteria that determine whether a claim is eligible for archive on the
Claim.DateEligibleForArchive field. Specifically, for a claim to be archivable, its DateEligibleForArchive
field must store a non-null date and time that is not later than the current system date and time.
In the base ClaimCenter configuration, ClaimCenter manages the value of Claim.DateEligibleForArchive
from multiple places:

Claim event ClaimCenter action DateEligibleForArchive value

Claim created ClaimCenter does not set the null

DateEligibleForArchive field as it creates a claim.
Therefore, the value of the DateEligibleForArchive
field is null.
Claim closed ClaimCenter triggers a Claim Closed rule (CCL04000 - Set DaysClosedBeforeArchive +
archive eligibility date) as it closes a claim. This rule sets current date
the value of Claim.DateEligibleForArchive to a date
computed by adding the value of the
DaysClosedBeforeArchive configuration parameter (in
days) to the current system date.
Claim retrieved from ClaimCenter uses base configuration class DaysRetrievedBeforeArchive
archive ClaimInfoArchiveSource (which extends + current date.
ArchiveSource) to set the value of
DateEligibleForArchive. This value is a date computed
by adding the value of the DaysRetrievedBeforeArchive
configuration parameter (in days) to the current system
Claim reopened ClaimCenter triggers a Claim Reopened rule (CRO04000 - null
Clear archive eligibility date) as it reopens a claim. This
rules sets DateEligibleForArchive to null.

668 Chapter 60, Archiving Claims

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• To change the amount of time after a claim has been closed before ClaimCenter archives it, edit the
DaysClosedBeforeArchive configuration parameter.
• To change the amount of time after a claim has been retrieved from the archive before ClaimCenter archives
the claim again, edit the DaysRetrievedBeforeArchive configuration parameter.
• To achieve a more fine-grained control over the DateEligibleForArchive field, you can edit one of the
configuration points listed in the previous table or add code elsewhere to modify it.

IMPORTANT If your installation includes claims that you closed before you implemented archiving,
then you need to detect those claims and set the Claim.DateEligibleForArchive date based on your
business requirements. You must also do this if you previously implemented a database-backed version
of archiving.

IMPORTANT After you implement archiving, you need to set the DateEligibleForArchive field on
any closed claims that you load through staging tables. ClaimCenter does not set a
DateEligibleForArchive date on these claims.

Restoring Claims from the Command Line

An administrator can restore one or a group of claims from the command line, by using maintenance_tools in

To restore a single claim, type:

maintenance_tools.bat -restore comment -claim claimnumber -user user -password password

To restore a group of claims, use the same command, but use file to name a text file containing a list of claim
numbers, separated by new lines.
maintenance_tools.bat -restore comment -claim file -user user -password password

See also
• “maintenance_tools Command” on page 171 in the System Administration Guide

Monitoring Claim Archiving Activity

ClaimCenter provides several different server tools to help you monitor and supervise the archiving process:

Tool Description

Work Queue Info The Server Tools → Work Queue Info page shows the status of the archive work queue. You can use tools
on this page to run a work queue writer and to stop and restart workers. Running the archiving work
queue writer is equivalent to running the Archiving Item Writer batch process.
Archive Info The Server Tools → Info Pages → Archive Info page provides status information about the archive process. It
includes information on the following:
• Entities archived
• Entities excluded because of rules
• Entities excluded because of failure

The Archive Info page provides tools to reset various archive items as well. See “Info Pages” on page 159
in the System Administration Guide for more information.

Chapter 60, Archiving Claims 669

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Errors in the Archiving Process

If an API or user interface operation attempts to open or work on an archived claim, ClaimCenter typically
generates an EntityStateException. If an archive worker cannot archive a claim for any reason, it flags the
claim as Excluded. The Archive Info page Excluded from Archive shows the number of excluded claims.

Viewing Archiving Log Activity

It is possible to create a separate log for successfully archived objects. The log contains a list of the claims that
ClaimCenter successfully archived. To configure these log messages, uncomment and edit—if necessary—the
Server Archiving Success category in file If you make changes to, then (if one does not already exist), make a copy in the following directory and modify
that version:

Configuring Claims Archiving

In working with claims archiving, you can configure the following:
• Archiving-related Configuration Parameters
• Archive Rules
• Archive Events
• Archive Work Queue

Archiving-related Configuration Parameters

Guidewire provides a set of configuration parameters that relate to the archive process. You use this parameters
to enable and manage various aspects of the archive process. You set these configuration parameters in file

Parameter Type Description

ArchiveEnabled Boolean Required. Whether archiving is enabled (set to true) or dis-
abled (set to false). Default is false.
This parameter also controls the creation of indexes on the
ArchivePartition column. If set to true, ClaimCenter creates
a non-unique index on that column for Extractable entities.
IMPORTANT If you set ArchiveEnabled to true, the server
refuses to start if you subsequently set it to false.
AssignClaimToRetriever Boolean Specifies to whom ClaimCenter assigns a restored claim:
• True assigns the claim to the user who restored the claim.
• False assigns a restored claim to the original group and user
who owned it.
DaysClosedBeforeArchive Integer Used by the Claim Closed rule in the base configuration to set
the DateEligibleForArchive field on Claim, which determines
the date on which ClaimCenter archives a claim automatically.
The default in the base configuration is 30.
DaysRetrievedBeforeArchive Integer Used by the implementation of the IArchiveSource plugin in
the base configuration to set the DateEligibleForArchive
field on Claim as it retrieves a claim from the archive store.
The default in the base configuration is 100.

670 Chapter 60, Archiving Claims

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

Parameter Type Description

DomainGraphKnownLinksWithIssues String Use to define a comma-separated list of foreign keys from an
entity outside of the domain graph that point to an entity inside
the domain graph. Naming the foreign key in this configuration
parameter suppresses the warning that the domain graph vali-
dator would otherwise typically generate for the link.
Specify each foreign key on the list as the following:
DomainGraphKnownUnreachableTables String Use to define a comma-separated list of relative names of entity
types that are linked to the domain graph through a nullable for-
eign key. This can be problematic as an entity can become
unreachable from the graph if the foreign key is null. Naming
the type in this configuration parameter suppresses the warning
that the domain graph validator would otherwise typically gener-
ate for the type.
RestorePattern String Code of the activity pattern that ClaimCenter uses to create
retrieval activities. Upon retrieving a claim, ClaimCenter creates
two activities:
• One activity for the retriever of the claim
• One activity for the assigned user of the claim, if different
from the retriever
The default in the base configuration is restore.
SnapshotEncryptionUpgradeChunkSize Integer Limits the number of claim snapshots that ClaimCenter
upgrades after a change to the encryption plugin or during a
change to encrypted fields. Set this parameter to zero to disable
the limit.
The default in the base configuration is 5000.

See Also
• “Archive Parameters” on page 39 in the Configuration Guide for more details on these configuration parame-

Archive Rules
Through the Archive rules, you can do the following:

Skip a claim Skipping a claim during archiving makes that claim temporarily unavailable for archiving during this par-
ticular archiving pass. To skip a claim, call the following method on the claim and provide a reason:
IMPORTANT Calling this method on a claim terminates rule set execution.
Exclude a claim Excluding a claim from archiving makes that claim unavailable for archiving during this and future
archiving passes. This makes the claim not archivable on a semi-permanent basis. To exclude a claim
from archiving, call the following method on the claim and provide a reason for the exclusion:
Calling this method on a claim does not terminate rule set execution.

You can view information about skipped and excluded claims in the Server Tools → Info Pages → Archive Info page.
This page lists:
• Total number of claims skipped by the archive process
• Number of claims excluded because of rules
• Number of claims excluded because of failure
For skipped and excluded claims, you can investigate each individual item. You can also reset any excluded
claim so that the archive process attempts to archive that claim the next time the archive process runs.

Chapter 60, Archiving Claims 671

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

The Default Group Claim Archiving Rule Set

The Archive rule set category contains the Default Group Claim Archiving rule set. ClaimCenter runs the rules in
this rule set on each claim in the archive work queue during the archive process. In the base configuration,
Guidewire provides the following sample rules in this rule set. Guidewire expects you to customize the archiving
rules to meet your business needs.

Rule Checks...

Claim State Rule If the claim is closed. If not, then ClaimCenter skips this claim.
Bulk Invoice Item State Rule If the claim is linked to a Bulk Invoice item with a Draft or Not Valid status, or a status of:
• Approved
• Check Pending Approval
• Awaiting Submission

If so, ClaimCenter skips this claim.

Open Activities Rule If the claim has open activities. If so, then ClaimCenter skips the claim.
Note The Work Queue writer does not typically mark a claim with open activities for
archiving. An activity can open on the claim between the time the worker queued the
claim for archive and the time that the archive batch process actually processes the
Incomplete Review Rule If there are incomplete reviews on the claim. If so, ClaimCenter skips the claim.
Unsynched Review Rule If a claim has reviews than have not been synchronized with ContactManager. If so,
ClaimCenter skips the claim.
Transaction State Rule If a claim has transactions that have yet to be escalated or acknowledged. If so,
ClaimCenter skips the claim.

It is possible for you to add your own, additional, archive-related rules to this rule set, or to modify the sample
rules that Guidewire provides. Thus, it is possible to write archiving rules that reflect your unique business
conditions. For example, you can write rules to do the following:
• Do not archive a sensitive claim, or one with restricted access control.
• Do not archive a claim that meets a certain condition, such as having medical payments over some amount.
• Do not archive a claim whose claimant has other open claims pending.
There are additional archiving-related methods, such as Claim.hasReportedArchiveProblem, that are useful in
rule writing.

See also
• For more information on archiving rules, see “Archive” on page 48 in the Rules Guide.

Archive Events
Every time that ClaimCenter creates a claim, it also creates a ClaimInfo entity. Every time a claim changes
(including during claim archiving, retrieval, claim exclusion, or archive failure), ClaimCenter generates a
ClaimChanged event. This event does not provide specific information about the archive state of the claim, how-
ever. Instead, to determine the archive state of a claim, use ClaimInfo.ArchiveState. This field, from the
ArchiveState typelist, can have the following possible values in the base configuration:

Archive state The claim is...

archived Finished archiving

retrieving Marked for retrieval

• The act of archiving a claim generates a ClaimChanged event and a ClaimInfo.ArchiveState of archived.

672 Chapter 60, Archiving Claims

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

• The act of retrieving a claim generates a ClaimChanged event with a ClaimInfo.ArchiveState of


A null ArchiveState indicates that the claim is in the active ClaimCenter database. This is because it has never
been archived or because ClaimCenter has successfully restored the claim from the archive.
In addition to the ArchiveState events, a claim History receives a new entry each time ClaimCenter archives or
retrieves the claim. Archive rules that reference these history entries or a ClaimChanged event can distinguish
archived and restored claims from other claims.

See also
• “Detecting Archive Events” on page 49 in the Rules Guide

Archive Work Queue

The Archive batch process writes items to the Archive work queue. Items in this queue correspond to possible
archivable items. As ClaimCenter processes these items, it writes the associated claims to XML.
In working with archiving:
• You can modify the rules that control which claims the Archive work queue archives. See “Archive” on
page 48 in the Rules Guide. See also “Archive Rules” on page 671.
• You can configure how the Archive writer and worker daemons behave. See “Configuring Distributed Work
Queues” on page 133 in the System Administration Guide.
• You can view the current status of the archive process and manually control it. See “Monitoring Claim
Archiving Activity” on page 669 for details.

Archive Statistics
After running the Archive work queue, Guidewire recommends that you update database statistics. The Archive
work queue makes large changes to the tables. Updating database statistics enables the optimizer to pick better
queries based on more current data.

See also
• For instructions on how to gather database statistics, see “Configuring Database Statistics” on page 53 in the
System Administration Guide.
• For more on work queues, see “Understanding Distributed Work Queues” on page 130 in the System
Administration Guide.
• For more on batch processes and work queues, see “Batch Processes and Distributed Work Queues” on
page 134 in the System Administration Guide

The Archive Plugin

If you implement archiving, then you must implement an archiving plugin to store and retrieve from the backing
store. In the base configuration, Guidewire provides a demonstration plugin, IArchiveSource, as an example of
how to implement an archiving plugin. This implementation includes:
• The IArchiveSource plugin – gw.plugin.archiving.ClaimInfoArchiveSource
• Its superclass – gw.plugin.archiving.ArchiveSource

Chapter 60, Archiving Claims 673

ClaimCenter 6.0.8 Configuration Guide

It is possible for IArchiveSource method calls to occur both inside and outside of an archive transaction,
depending on the method. For retrieve, being outside the transaction means that if the retrieve fails, and you
made updates during the method call, then ClaimCenter still persists that update to the database.

IMPORTANT Guidewire provides the IArchiveSource plugin implementation for demonstration

purposes only. Guidewire expects you to implement an archiving plugin that meets your specific busi-
ness needs. Any archive plugin that you create must implement the IArchiveSource interface.

See also
• “Archiving Integration” on page 285 in the Integration Guide

674 Chapter 60, Archiving Claims

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