Movie Recommendation System Using Machine Learning
Movie Recommendation System Using Machine Learning
Movie Recommendation System Using Machine Learning
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- User-generated content, such as reviews and enabling users to grasp the relationship between their
comments, contains valuable information about products emotional states and the recommended movies.
as well as the opinions expressed by users. With the rise
of internet usage, there has been an influx of user- I. INTRODUCTION
generated data in the form of reviews and comments.
Individuals share their experiences, opinions, sentiments, Recommender systems play a crucial role in analyzing
and emotions by writing reviews and comments about user activities, studying patterns, and predicting their
products they have purchased online or their preferences among a range of items. These systems employ
impressions after engaging with various media, such as technology that can be broadly categorized into two types:
movies or books. These user-generated data often content-based and collaborative filtering.
encompass emotions such as happiness, sadness, and
surprise, which can serve as crucial indicators for Content-based models (CBF) operate by examining
recommending new items based on users' emotional and analyzing the properties of items to make predictions.
preferences. By understanding the characteristics and features of items,
CBF can recommend similar items to users based on their
In this study, we propose a method to extract preferences.
emotions from user-generated data by utilizing lexical
ontology, specifically WordNet, in conjunction with On the other hand, collaborative filtering (CF) models
insights from the field of psychology. These extracted focus on finding similarities between users or items to make
emotions can then be leveraged to enhance predictions. CF approaches leverage the collective wisdom
recommendations. To evaluate the effectiveness of our of users with similar tastes and preferences to recommend
approach, we compare our emotion prediction model items. Traditional memory-based CF techniques identify
with the traditional rating-based item similarity model, similar users based on their ratings for different items,
as well as explore the impact of emotional fuzziness in forming the basis of user-based recommender systems.
the feature space. Model-based CF approaches analyze rating patterns to pre-
compute a model that can be used for recommending items.
In the realm of e-commerce, recommender systems
play a vital role in guiding users toward interesting and In addition to CF and CBF, there are also case-based
useful products within a vast array of options. To deliver reasoning (CBR) systems that recommend new items based
reliable recommendations, these systems need to capture on the features and content of previously liked items. CBR
customer needs and preferences accurately, thus creating systems identify similar items with comparable attributes or
a comprehensive user profile. However, when it comes to features to recommend to users.
subjective and intricate products like movies, music, and
news, user emotions surprisingly hold a significant However, both CF and CBR approaches face certain
influence over the decision-making process. Since limitations. CF-based recommender systems often encounter
conventional user profiles fail to account for the impact sparse rating data, as not all users rate items, which can
of user emotions, recommender systems struggle to affect the accuracy of recommendations. Additionally, CF
understand and adapt to users' constantly evolving may face challenges with the "cold start" problem, where
preferences. new users or items have limited data available for making
accurate predictions.
To address this issue, we introduce a Movie
Recommender System (MRS) as a solution. MRS aims to Problem Statement :
provide personalized and tailored suggestions to users by The rationale for building a recommendation system
employing a combination of collaborative filtering and lies in enhancing the user experience and driving business
content-based techniques. The recommendations are goals. By recommending movies that align with customers'
based on inferences drawn from a user's preferences as preferences and satisfaction (customer-driven goal), the
well as the opinions of other similar users. Furthermore, system aims to improve user engagement and retention.
this paper delves into the system design, implementation, Additionally, by presenting a list of movie recommendations
and evaluation procedures of MRS. We strongly believe that are likely to be selected as the next viewing choice
that our system yields superior recommendations by (business-driven goal), the system can increase user
engagement and promote content consumption.
In summary, the goal of the project is to recommend To implement these recommendation systems, various
movies to users by providing related content from a methodologies have been introduced, including techniques
collection of items, ensuring relevancy and enhancing the from the fields of Data Mining, Clustering, and Bayesian
user experience on online service platforms. The success of Networks. These methodologies aim to enhance the
the recommendation system can be measured through accuracy and effectiveness of the recommendation system
metrics such as customer satisfaction, engagement by leveraging advanced algorithms and statistical
indicators, and feedback from users. techniques.