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Movie Recommendation System Using Machine Learning

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Movie Recommendation System Using

Machine Learning
Sai Rushyanth Vattikonda

Abstract:- User-generated content, such as reviews and enabling users to grasp the relationship between their
comments, contains valuable information about products emotional states and the recommended movies.
as well as the opinions expressed by users. With the rise
of internet usage, there has been an influx of user- I. INTRODUCTION
generated data in the form of reviews and comments.
Individuals share their experiences, opinions, sentiments, Recommender systems play a crucial role in analyzing
and emotions by writing reviews and comments about user activities, studying patterns, and predicting their
products they have purchased online or their preferences among a range of items. These systems employ
impressions after engaging with various media, such as technology that can be broadly categorized into two types:
movies or books. These user-generated data often content-based and collaborative filtering.
encompass emotions such as happiness, sadness, and
surprise, which can serve as crucial indicators for Content-based models (CBF) operate by examining
recommending new items based on users' emotional and analyzing the properties of items to make predictions.
preferences. By understanding the characteristics and features of items,
CBF can recommend similar items to users based on their
In this study, we propose a method to extract preferences.
emotions from user-generated data by utilizing lexical
ontology, specifically WordNet, in conjunction with On the other hand, collaborative filtering (CF) models
insights from the field of psychology. These extracted focus on finding similarities between users or items to make
emotions can then be leveraged to enhance predictions. CF approaches leverage the collective wisdom
recommendations. To evaluate the effectiveness of our of users with similar tastes and preferences to recommend
approach, we compare our emotion prediction model items. Traditional memory-based CF techniques identify
with the traditional rating-based item similarity model, similar users based on their ratings for different items,
as well as explore the impact of emotional fuzziness in forming the basis of user-based recommender systems.
the feature space. Model-based CF approaches analyze rating patterns to pre-
compute a model that can be used for recommending items.
In the realm of e-commerce, recommender systems
play a vital role in guiding users toward interesting and In addition to CF and CBF, there are also case-based
useful products within a vast array of options. To deliver reasoning (CBR) systems that recommend new items based
reliable recommendations, these systems need to capture on the features and content of previously liked items. CBR
customer needs and preferences accurately, thus creating systems identify similar items with comparable attributes or
a comprehensive user profile. However, when it comes to features to recommend to users.
subjective and intricate products like movies, music, and
news, user emotions surprisingly hold a significant However, both CF and CBR approaches face certain
influence over the decision-making process. Since limitations. CF-based recommender systems often encounter
conventional user profiles fail to account for the impact sparse rating data, as not all users rate items, which can
of user emotions, recommender systems struggle to affect the accuracy of recommendations. Additionally, CF
understand and adapt to users' constantly evolving may face challenges with the "cold start" problem, where
preferences. new users or items have limited data available for making
accurate predictions.
To address this issue, we introduce a Movie
Recommender System (MRS) as a solution. MRS aims to  Problem Statement :
provide personalized and tailored suggestions to users by The rationale for building a recommendation system
employing a combination of collaborative filtering and lies in enhancing the user experience and driving business
content-based techniques. The recommendations are goals. By recommending movies that align with customers'
based on inferences drawn from a user's preferences as preferences and satisfaction (customer-driven goal), the
well as the opinions of other similar users. Furthermore, system aims to improve user engagement and retention.
this paper delves into the system design, implementation, Additionally, by presenting a list of movie recommendations
and evaluation procedures of MRS. We strongly believe that are likely to be selected as the next viewing choice
that our system yields superior recommendations by (business-driven goal), the system can increase user
engagement and promote content consumption.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
of hybrid techniques can be beneficial in enhancing the
To measure the success of the recommendation system, performance and effectiveness of recommendation systems.
several metrics can be considered. Customer satisfaction can
be evaluated through post-viewing ratings and feedback II. LITERATURE SURVEY
from users regarding their movie-watching experience.
Engagement metrics such as click-through rates, time spent The motivation behind this improvement stems from
on recommended movies, and the frequency of returning the rise in popularity of organizations like Netflix, whose
users can indicate the system's ability to capture users' primary objective is to ensure customer satisfaction. In the
interests and preferences effectively. past, individuals had to physically select movies from
libraries, relying on user reviews or making random choices.
When building the recommendation system, it is However, this approach became impractical due to the vast
essential to consider various input factors. In addition to a number of viewers with unique movie preferences.
single movie title, incorporating the user's viewing history Consequently, numerous recommendation systems have
(excluding recently watched choices) can help personalize been developed over the last decade. These systems employ
recommendations. Demographic information, if available, different approaches such as collaborative filtering, content-
can provide further context and improve the relevance of the based filtering, and hybrid models.
By analyzing the behavior and history of different
As for the output, it is valuable to provide more than users, recommendation systems suggest movies to watch
just a ranked list of choices. Including an "explanation" of based on their ratings, eliminating the need for users to
why a user might enjoy a particular movie can add a make extensive decisions. These recommendation systems
personalized touch. This could involve highlighting relevant can be broadly categorized into two types: collaborative
features such as genre, mood, or themes that resonate with filtering and content-based filtering. Collaborative filtering
the user's preferences. Mimicking a conversation with a combines the ratings of users with similar tastes to generate
friend sharing movie recommendations, the system can recommendations, while content-based filtering focuses on a
provide a brief description or enticing aspects of the single user, utilizing their viewing history and ratings to
recommended movie to pique the user's interest. provide personalized suggestions.

In summary, the goal of the project is to recommend To implement these recommendation systems, various
movies to users by providing related content from a methodologies have been introduced, including techniques
collection of items, ensuring relevancy and enhancing the from the fields of Data Mining, Clustering, and Bayesian
user experience on online service platforms. The success of Networks. These methodologies aim to enhance the
the recommendation system can be measured through accuracy and effectiveness of the recommendation system
metrics such as customer satisfaction, engagement by leveraging advanced algorithms and statistical
indicators, and feedback from users. techniques.

 Scope/Purpose:  System requirement

The project's objective is to enhance the accuracy, This involves both the hardware and software
quality, and scalability of the movie recommendation system requirements needed for the project and a detailed
compared to traditional approaches. This will be achieved explanation of the specifications.
by employing a hybrid approach that combines content-
based filtering and collaborative filtering. Additionally, the  Hardware Requirements:
system will serve as an information filtering tool on social  A PC with Windows/Linux OS
networking sites to address data overload. The project
 Processor with a 1.7-2.4gHz speed
recognizes the importance of improving scalability,
accuracy, and quality in movie recommendation systems, as  Minimum of 8GB RAM
pure collaborative approaches often suffer from poor  2GB Graphic Card
recommendation quality and scalability issues.
 Software Requirements:
 Challenges:  Django
Recommendation systems face various challenges,  Visual Studio Code
including the Cold Start problem, Data Sparsity, and
Scalability. The Cold Start problem occurs when there is  HTML,CSS
insufficient data available for new users or items, making it
challenging to provide accurate recommendations. Similarly,  Software Specification:
Data Sparsity refers to the scarcity of user ratings, making it  Text Editor (VS-code/WebStorm)
difficult to find enough similarities among users or items for  Anaconda distribution package (PyCharm Editor)
reliable recommendations. Scalability becomes an issue as  Python libraries Design Flow:
the size of the dataset grows, requiring more resources for
processing and potentially leading to inaccuracies in the
recommendations. To tackle these challenges, the adoption

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Using Content-based Filtering: vectors are different or orthogonal, the similarity score will
The system takes into consideration the user's interests be closer to 0. By employing cosine similarity, the
and profile features to provide recommendations. It assumes recommendation system can quantitatively assess the
that if a user has shown interest in a particular item in the similarity between movies based on their vector
past, they will likely be interested in similar items in the representations, aiding in the generation of relevant and
future. Items are grouped together based on common related recommendations.
features, allowing for more targeted recommendations. User
profiles are constructed using past interactions or by directly III. LIMITATIONS
asking users about their interests. Some recommendation
systems also utilize user personal and social data to enhance Content-based recommendation systems may exhibit
the recommendation process. poorer performance when the available content lacks
sufficient information to accurately classify movies. This
However, one major drawback of this recommendation limitation can result in imprecise recommendations.
system is its tendency to make obvious recommendations Additionally, content-based systems may offer limited
due to excessive specialization. For example, if user A has novelty since they rely on matching user profile features
only shown interest in categories B, C, and D, the system with available movies. These systems may not effectively
may not recommend movies outside of these categories, cater to new users who have not yet rated any movies, as an
even if they might be of interest to the user. Another adequate number of ratings are required for accurate
challenge is that new users do not have a well-defined content-based evaluation of user preferences. In the case of
profile unless they provide explicit information. Despite item-based filtering, only movie profiles are created, and
these limitations, incorporating new movies into the system users are suggested movies based on similarity to their rated
is relatively straightforward by assigning them appropriate or searched movies, without considering their past history.
groups based on their features. Consequently, a content-based filtering system may fail to
offer unexpected or surprising recommendations.
Furthermore, it is unable to evaluate the subjective quality
of a movie. Different individuals have diverse tastes,
perspectives, and frameworks, making it challenging for a
machine to analyze and differentiate between good and bad
movies solely based on similar words. The assessment of
movie quality encompasses subjective elements that are
difficult for a machine to accurately interpret.

 Using Hybrid Approach:

In a content-based recommendation system,
Fig 1 Content-based Filtering: recommendations are generated based on the similarities
between movies and do not take into account individual user
This approach to movie recommendations focuses preferences. Therefore, all users would receive the same set
solely on the similarity of movies and does not take into of recommendations if they have watched similar movies.
account the preferences of other users. The algorithm selects On the other hand, in collaborative filtering, there is no
similar movies based on their content to provide consideration of the relationships between the movies
recommendations. However, this method tends to result in watched by a user, which means that the system may not
limited diversity in the recommendations, as it primarily capture the user's specific genre interests.
considers the specific preferences of the user. As a result, the
recommendation system may suggest a narrow set of similar To overcome these limitations, the concept of a hybrid
movies. movie recommendation system emerged. The hybrid
To address this limitation, it is possible to enhance the approach combines both content-based and collaborative
efficiency of the system by incorporating various categories filtering methods, leveraging the advantages of both and
such as subgenre, keyword, cast, director, and other relevant mitigating their disadvantages. By integrating the two
factors. By considering a broader range of attributes, the approaches, the hybrid system can provide more
recommendation system can offer more diverse and varied personalized and accurate recommendations to users. It
movie recommendations to cater to the individual tastes and takes into account the similarities between movies as well as
preferences of users. the user's preferences and behaviors, resulting in a more
comprehensive recommendation process. The hybrid
 Algorithm use: Cosine Similarity recommendation system aims to offer the best of both
Cosine similarity is utilized to calculate the similarity worlds, improving the overall recommendation quality and
between two movies in this recommendation system. The enhancing the user experience.
dataset is transformed into vector representations. The
concept of similarity between two vectors, denoted as u and
v, is determined by the ratio of their dot product to the
product of their magnitudes. If the vectors are identical, the
similarity score will be closer to 1. On the other hand, if the

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Functional testing, a type of software testing, is an
integral part of system testing. It focuses on validating the
software system against its functional requirements and
specifications. This testing aims to test each function of the
software application by providing appropriate input and
verifying the output against the specified requirements.
Functional testing includes various aspects such as testing
the user interface, APIs, database, security, client/server
communication, and other functionalities of the application
under test.
Fig 2 Hybrid Approach During functional testing, the following aspects are
typically evaluated:
IV. RESULT ANALYSIS AND VALIDATION  Mainline Functions: Testing the core functions of the
application to ensure they work as intended.
 Basic Usability: Evaluating the system's usability by
checking if users can navigate through screens without
 Accessibility: Verifying that the system is accessible to
users, including those with disabilities.
 Error Conditions: Testing error conditions to ensure
appropriate error messages are displayed when needed.

Functional testing is performed manually or using

automation tools depending on the requirements. Its main
focus is to validate the functionalities of the software system
and ensure its smooth operation.


The project focuses on enhancing the accuracy, quality,

Fig 3 Result Analysis and Validation and scalability of the movie recommendation system by
employing a Hybrid approach that combines content-based
 Testing: filtering and collaborative filtering. The proposed
System testing is a crucial process that involves a methodology utilizes Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
series of tests designed to thoroughly evaluate a computer- as a classifier and Cosine Similarity to generate
based system. Each test serves a specific purpose, but recommendations.
collectively they aim to ensure that all system components
are properly integrated and perform their intended functions. To evaluate the effectiveness of the Hybrid approach, it
The main goal of system testing is to confirm the quality of is compared with existing pure approaches using three
the project and ensure that the software functions as different Movie datasets. The results demonstrate that the
expected. proposed approach outperforms the pure approaches in
terms of accuracy, quality, and scalability. Furthermore, the
During the testing stage, several objectives are computational time required by the proposed approach is
pursued: also lower compared to the other pure approaches.
1. Affirming Quality: The testing process aims to validate
and affirm the overall quality of the project, ensuring By integrating the strengths of content-based and
that it meets the desired standards and specifications. collaborative filtering techniques, the Hybrid approach aims
2. Error Elimination: System testing helps identify and to provide improved movie recommendations that cater to
eliminate any residual errors or bugs that may have been user preferences while overcoming the limitations of the
missed during earlier stages of development. individual approaches. The results highlight the potential of
3. Solution Validation: The software is tested to validate its the proposed approach to enhance the overall performance
effectiveness in solving the original problem it was of the movie recommendation system.
designed for.
4. Operational Reliability: The testing process ensures the VI. FUTURE SCOPE
operational reliability of the system, verifying that it
performs reliably under different scenarios and In addition to considering movie genres, the proposed
conditions. approach can be further enhanced by incorporating the age
of the user as a factor in movie recommendations. Age often
plays a significant role in shaping movie preferences, as
individuals tend to have different preferences at different

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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