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JVA Z14 User Manual 8v3x

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Z14 User Manual

1 Quick Start Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.1 Changing The Programming Options. . . . . . . 6
1.1.1 Relay Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
1.1.2 Input Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
1.2 Jumpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3 Quick Test Of Configured Unit. . . . . . . . .14
1.4 Connecting your Z14 to the fence. . . . . . .16
1.5 Most Frequently Used LCD Keypad Commands. 17

2 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3 Features And Benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.1 More Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2 Z14R Additional features. . . . . . . . . . .21

4 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.1 JVA Z14 - Exterior . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
4.2 Front Panel Status Lights. . . . . . . . . . .23
4.3 Front Panel LCD Display . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.4 Inputs and Outputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
4.5 Z-Series Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.6 Z-Series Keypad (Optional) . . . . . . . . . .24

4.7 Internal Beeper/Keypad Beeper . . . . . . . . 24

4.8 Programmable Options . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.9 Arm input and Key Switch . . . . . . . . . . .25
4.10 Gate Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.11 Low Power Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
4.12 Agricultural mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.13 Group Simultaneous Pulse Feature . . . . . . 26
4.14 Remote Control Unit (Optional) . . . . . . . .26
4.15 Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.16 Lightning Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.17 Earth Loop Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.18 Noise and Interference . . . . . . . . . . . .27
4.19 PC Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

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5 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.1 Installation Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.2 Interior Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.1 Arming the Fence Using the Keypad. . . . . . .32
6.2 ACTIVATING Low Power Mode . . . . . . . . . 32
6.3 When an Alarm Occurs . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.4 To Silence the Alarm. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.5 Changing the USER PIN. . . . . . . . . . . .33

7 Technical Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
7.1 Power Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

7.2 Standby Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
7.3 Status Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

7.4 Jumpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
7.5 Configuring Bi-Polar Mode . . . . . . . . . . 38
7.6 Tamper Circuit (Z14R Only) . . . . . . . . . . 38

8 Programming Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
8.1 Programming Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
8.2 To Exit Programming Mode. . . . . . . . . . .40
8.3 Changing the Installer PIN . . . . . . . . . .40
8.4 Changing an Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
8.5 Programming Options in Detail. . . . . . . . .41
8.5.1 Output Power Level (Option 1). . . . . . . . .41
8.5.2 Low Power Mode Output Voltage (Option 2) . . 41
8.5.3 Fence Return Alarm Voltage (Option 3) . . . . 42
8.5.4 Fence Return Alarm Voltage for Low Power Mode
(Option 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
8.5.5 Missed Pulse Count (Option 6) . . . . . . . . 42
8.5.6 Battery Alarm Voltage (Option 7). . . . . . . 43
8.5.7 Siren On Time (Option 8). . . . . . . . . . . .43
8.5.8 Siren Off time (Option 9) . . . . . . . . . . . 44
8.5.9 Siren Cycles (Option 10) . . . . . . . . . . . 44
8.5.10 Gate Entry/Exit Delay (Option 13) . . . . . . .45
8.5.11 Chime Mode (Option 14) . . . . . . . . . . . .46

JVA Z14 Manual Page 3

8.5.12 Fence Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
8.5.13 Combined Options (Option 16) . . . . . . . . .46
8.5.14 Anti-Bridging threshold (Option 17). . . . . .47
8.5.15 Combined Options 2 (Option 18). . . . . . . .48
8.5.16 Auto Re-arm Time (Option 20) . . . . . . . . . 49
8.5.17 Relay Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
8.5.18 Relay Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
8.5.19 Group Mode (Option 26). . . . . . . . . . . .52
8.5.20 Input Function and Trigger . . . . . . . . . . 53

9 Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
9.1 Z14R Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
9.2 Z14 Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

10 Z-Series Keypads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
10.1 PTE0240 4-line Keypad . . . . . . . . . . . .57
10.2 PTE0230 Touch Keypad . . . . . . . . . . . .58
10.3 Connecting Multiple Keypads . . . . . . . . . 59
10.4 Keypad Configuration Notes. . . . . . . . . .59
10.5 Calibrating the voltage display. . . . . . . . 60
10.6 Summary Of Keypad Functions. . . . . . . . .62

11 Remote Control Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66


11.1 Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
11.2 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

11.3 Operation and configuration . . . . . . . . . 67

12 Standard Requirements for

Security Electric Fences. . . . . . . . . . 68
12.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
12.2 General requirements for electric fences . . . 68
12.3 Particular requirements for electric animal
fences in Australia. . . . . . . . . . . . .70
12.4 Installation of electric security fences . . . .71
12.4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
12.4.2 Location of electric security fence . . . . . . 71
12.4.3 Prohibited zone for pulsed conductors . . . .72
12.4.4 Separation between electric fence and physical

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barrier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
12.4.5 Prohibited mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
12.4.6 Operation of electric security fence. . . . . .75

13 Appendix A: Group Simultaneous Pulse

Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
13.1 Group Simultaneous Pulse Feature . . . . . . 76
13.2 Group Mode Programming (Option 26) . . . . .76
13.3 Group linking via the Keypad “bus” . . . . . . 77


JVA Z14 Manual Page 5

Quick Start Guide


Page 6

Default Installer PIN 012345

Default User PIN 1234

First you have to enter Programming mode.

Command Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5 Key6 Key7 Key8 Key9
Enter Programming Mode Installer Pin * 0 #

When you have entered Programming mode you can begin to enter the following options to configure your Z14 or
Z14R Security Energizer. Default Values are highlighted in grey.

Command Key1 Key2 Keys 3 and 4 Key5

Change The Installer 0 0 Enter the new 6 digit Installer PIN #
PIN 6 Digits
High Power Mode 0 1 Enter the value in Hundreds of Volts #
Power Level Example: to set 8.2kV, use 82 for keys 3 and 4. Default is 85 (8.5kV)

© JVA Technologies.
Low Power Mode 0 2 Enter the value in Hundreds of Volts #
Power Level Example: to set 1.3kV, use 13 for keys 3 and 4. Default is 11 (1.1kV)
Command Key1 Key2 Keys 3 and 4 Key5
Return Fence Alarm 0 3 Enter the value in Hundreds of Volts #
Voltage For High
Power Mode Example: to set 3.8kV, use 38 for keys 3 and 4. Default is 40 (4.0kV)
Return Fence Alarm 0 5 Enter the value in Hundreds of Volts #
Voltage For Low
Power Mode Example: to set 0.8V, use 08 for keys 3 and 4. Default is 05 0.5kV)

JVA Z14 Manual

Bad/Missed Pulse 0 6 Enter the number of Missed Pulses #
Count Before Alarm
Triggers Example: to set 14 counts, use 14 for keys 3 and 4. Default is 03
Battery Alarm Volt- 0 7 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 #
age (olts). Alarm Val- 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5
ue Shown, Reduced
Power is 1V less
Siren On Time 0 8 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 #
(S=Seconds, 10S 30S 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 20M 45M 130M
Siren Off Time 0 9 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 #
(S=Seconds, 10S 1M 2M 5M 10M 20M 30M 40M 50M 60M
Siren Cycles 1 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 #
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Page 7
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide

Command Key1 Key2 Keys 3 and 4 Key5

Page 8
Gate Entry/Exit 1 3 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 #
Delay (S=Seconds, 0S 30S 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M 8M
Chime Mode 1 4 00 01 02 03 04 #
None Door Chime Siren Fence Gate Beeps
Alarm Plus Siren
Combined Options 1 1 6 +2 +4 +8 +16 +32 #
(add up the options Maximum Limits out- Enables IR Stop Group Stop Ener-
you want. e.g. for Power at all put to 2.5J Tamper. ID on gizer send-
Max Power and Limit times per Zone comms fail ing alarm
output: memory
2 + 4 = 6 Therefore
enter 06 for keys 3
and 4
Anti Bridging 1 7 Enter in the percentage difference required to trigger the Anti- #
Threshold Bridging alarm. e.g. if you require a 10% change in return voltage to
trigger the alarm, enter 10 for keys 3 and 4. Default is 00 (Disabled)

© JVA Technologies.
Command Key1 Key2 Keys 3 and 4 Key5
Combined Options 2 1 8 +1 +2 +4 +8 +16 +32 +64 +128 #
(like Combined
Options 1) Siren Enable 4800 9600 Low Bite to
Chirp Entry Baud Baud Power Low
on Exit to Bite Power
Arm Gate

JVA Z14 Manual

Auto Re-arm Time 2 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 #
S=Seconds, M = Min- 0S 30S 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M D
utes, D=Disabled
Relay 1 2 1 Options Explained under “1.1.1 Relay Functions” Default is 08 #
Relay 2 2 2 Options Explained under “1.1.1 Relay Functions” Default is 09 #
Relay 3 (Z14R only) 2 3 Options Explained under “1.1.1 Relay Functions” Default is 00 #
Relay 4 (Z14R only) 2 4 Options Explained under “1.1.1 Relay Functions” Default is 02 #
Relay 5 (Z14R only) 2 5 Options Explained under “1.1.1 Relay Functions” Default is 07 #
Group Mode 2 6 00 01 02 etc 15 #
No Group Master Group ID 1 Group ID 14
Input 1 2 7 Options Explained under ““ Default is (Momentary Arm) #
Input 2 2 8 Options Explained under ““ Default is 06 (N/O Gate 1) #
Exit Programming * #

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Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
1.1.1 Relay Functions
The table below is for use for the relay programming options mentioned in the table on the previous page.

Page 10
Keys 3 Function Description
and 4
00 Fence Triggers when Zone 1 is Armed and Return Voltage is below the Threshold Voltage
In Bipolar - Triggers when the positive output is below the Threshold Voltage
01 Fence or Off Triggers when Zone 1 is Disarmed or Return Voltage is below the Threshold Voltage
02 Armed Zone 1 is Armed
03 Fence 2 Bipolar only - Triggers when the negative output is below the Threshold Voltage
06 Fence Bi-Polar Triggers when energizer is Armed and the fence Return Voltage on either Bi-Polar
return line has fallen below the Threshold Voltage
07 General Triggers on AC Fail, Tamper, Low Battery/Bad Battery, Gate Alarm or Internal error.
Latched (internal errors only)
08 Siren Triggers on Fence Alarm, Gate or Tamper. Will time out after the Siren Time Out time.
09 Strobe Triggers on Fence alarm, Gate or Tamper. Only turns off on Energizer Disarm. Latched
10 AC Fail Triggers on AC Fail
11 Low/Bad Battery Triggers on Low or Bad Battery
12 Tamper Triggers when the case has been opened and J3 has been fitted (Z14R only)

© JVA Technologies.
14 Gate Triggers on Gate Alarm
15 Siren Caused by behaves like siren, only for Gate Alarms
Keys 3 Function Description
and 4
16 Armed - Low Triggers when Armed in Low Power mode
Power Mode
17 Group Armed Triggers when group is Armed. Only configurable on group master.
18 Group general Triggers on group general Alarm. Only configurable on group master.
20 Host Control This Relay is completely controlled from a Host system such as Perimeter Patrol or a

JVA Z14 Manual

Keypad. If the Host system is disconnected from the Energizer for more than 30 sec-
onds, the Relay will automatically change to the Alarm State
21 Host Control - This Relay is completely controlled from a Host system such as Perimeter Patrol or
Not Fail Safe a Keypad. If the Host system is disconnected then the Relay will maintain its current
state until the Host re-connects and requests the relay to change state.

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Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
1.1.2 Input Functions

Page 12
Key3 Input Trigger Key4 Input Function
0 Normally Open (Active when Closed) 0 Arm when Active / Disarm otherwise
1 Normally Closed (Active when Open) 1 Arm when Active / Disarm otherwise
2 Momentary Toggle (Toggle between states) 2 N/A
3 NO Pulse Extend (Extend a short Close signal by 3 Low Power when Active / High Power otherwise.
3 seconds) Requires Energizer to be Armed
4 NC Pulse Extend (Extend a short Open signal by 4 Low Power when Active / High Power otherwise.
3 seconds) Requires Energizer to be Armed
5 N/A
6 Gate is Open when Active / Closed otherwise
7 N/A
8 Tamper Alarm triggered when Active
9 Pass Through input signal to other device

© JVA Technologies.
Quick Start Guide

JVA Z14 Manual Page 13

Jumpers quickly allow you to turn on and off different features, or reset the
device to defaults. For more information on how to use the configuration
jumpers and what each one does refer to “7.5 Jumpers” on page 37.

J3 (Z14) Inhibit AC fail error.
J3(Z14R) Tamper disable.
J4 Factory default jumper
Off to return programmable options to factory defaults on
power up.
J5, J6 & J7 Supplies +12V to the Common terminal of Relay 3, 4, 5.
Quick Start Guide

Jumpers located on the top right hand side of the board


Now that the Z14 is configured to your fences requirements, it is a good
idea to test the configuration before connecting the Z-Series energizer to a
fence. The reason for this is that you could get spurious results if you test
on the final fence and you will never be certain whether the issue lies with
the fence, the Z-Series energizer, or the configuration of the unit itself.
To test your unit it is best to connect your Z14 with a test fence, this is done
by connecting cables as shown in the picture below.

Page 14 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

Power the Z14 and then Arm it. The unit should begin pulsing and not show

Quick Start Guide

any alarms. Disarm the Z14 and remove the fence cable as shown in the
picture below.

Arm the Z14 once again, after 3 pulses (unless you configured it otherwise)
the unit should go into alarm as the fence will appear to be cut. Check that
any sirens, strobes or relays correctly activate as you expect.
If your site consists of multiple Z-series test each energizer one at a time
as shown in the above photographs. Following that each energizer should
be assigned a unique group ID with only one Z-Series device as the master
unit (For more information see “13 Appendix A: Group Simultaneous Pulse
Feature” on page 76). After that each Z-Series device can be connected
together via the keypad bus and tested using group Arm and Disarm com-
mands, they should all pulse in unison when armed.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 15

By disconnecting each Z-Series Energizer in turn from the keypad bus
(shown in the above diagaram) you can check to see how each Z-Series
device behaves under comms fail conditions. This way, you can test to see
that the relays have been configured correctly for comms fail. Once you
are satisfied that each Z-Series device is configured correctly you can begin
to wire them to the real fence.


This is covered under “5.3 Examples of Fence (High Voltage) Wiring Dia-
grams” on page 30. In depth installation instructions begin on page
Quick Start Guide

28. After the Z14 has been wired up you can begin to protect your pe-

Page 16 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

For a full list of all keypad commands please see “10.6 Summary Of Keypad Functions” on page 62.

Default Installer PIN 012345

Default User PIN 1234

JVA Z14 Manual

First you need to connect the Z-Series LCD keypad to the Z-Series device. Once you have a keypad connected you can
refer to the table below to control the Z-Series device.

Command Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5 Key6 Key7 Key8 Key9
Arm/Disarm User PIN #
Silence alarm 1 4 7 0 #
Enter Programming Mode Installer PIN * 0 #
Exit Programming Mode * #
Arm All Zones User PIN * 1 0 #
Arm Specific Zone (up to Zone 15) User PIN * 1 Zone #
Disarm all Zones User PIN * 2 0 #
Disarm Specific Zone (up to Zone 15) User PIN * 2 Zone #
Clear alarm memory * 1 #

Page 17
Quick Start Guide
Thank you for purchasing a JVA security electric fence energizer. The grow-
ing use of non-lethal electric security fences around the world is indicative
of the confidence security professionals are placing in this form of perim-
eter security. The reason for this popularity is simple – monitored electric
security fences are effective and they reduce false alarms when compared
to other technologies.
DEMARCATION The JVA electric fence around your property
shows you mean business.
DEFLECTION Intruders are deflected to softer targets.
DETERRENCE The safe, powerful JVA shock is a strong
deterrent to intruders.
DELAY The barrier will help delay an intruder, giving
you more time to react.
DETECTION The JVA’s voltage monitor warns you of any
tampering with the fence.
DEPENDABLE 60 seconds a minute, 60 minutes an hour,
24 hours a day, 365 days a year, your
JVA electric security fence is monitored by
an alert, sober, electronic watchman.

Once every second the JVA Z14 energizer produces a very short-duration,
safe, high-voltage pulse and sends it down the fence live wires. The JVA
Z14 then monitors the voltage at the end of this live wire, checking that
the voltage is being maintained along the entire fence line. In the event of
a voltage drop caused by shorting, cutting or poor fence maintenance, the
monitor will trigger an alarm, alerting you to the problem.
Designed and manufactured to meet the most stringent international safe-
ty standards, the JVA Z14 is in a class of its own when it comes to features
and benefits at an affordable price.

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JVA Z14 Manual Page 19


Feature Benefits
Australian designed and High reliability and great service
Programmable Options Customise the energizer to unique fence
Wall-mountable, robust Ease of installation and repair
enclosure with easily detach-
able PCB chassis
Inbuilt LCD voltage display See fence conditions at a glance
and status lights
Internal 7aH 12V recharge- Ensure continued operation of your
able battery security electric fence in the event of a
mains power failure
Optional LCD Keypad Ease of control and display of fence
Optional PC and internet Integration with security information
Features And Benefits

connections management systems

Low Power mode Detection together with reduced volt-
age for during the day
Switched +12V outputs for Local audible and visual indication alert-
Siren and Strobe ing user to breach of security
Earth monitor input Ensures that all the wires on the fence
are monitored continually
Enclosed fence terminals Tamper resistant and prevents acciden-
tal contact with high voltage

Page 20 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

• Meets Safety and EMC standards (reports available on request)
• Powerful 4 joules peak output energy
• High and low Power mode
• Built in charger and space for a 12V 7.2aH backup battery
• Alarms on fence short or open circuit
• Control and programming via a Z-Series keypad

Features And Benefits

• Monitor via PC (using Perimeter Patrol software)
• Internal beeper
• AC fail, low battery and bad battery detection
• Large number of keypad programmable options
• Adjustable fence voltage level
• Can be configured as conventional or Bi-Polar
• Two 12V dc switch outputs (also referred to as relays)
• Two control Inputs configured as NO or NC contacts


• Three “Form C” relays with dry contacts or switched voltage output
• Relays may be assigned to any alarm function
• Infrared tamper beam disables the energizer if the lid is removed
• Approved for sale in Australia and New Zealand (Electrical Safety Ap-

JVA Z14 Manual Page 21


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Status Light Description
POWER On whenever the unit has power
ARMED On when the unit is armed (pulsing), will flash when
in Low Power mode
FENCE Green when voltage on and OK, Red when there is a
fence alarm
GATE On when there is a gate alarm
STATUS/FAULT The number of times the status/fault light flashes
indicates any faults on the energizer. See the table in
section “7.3 Status Codes” on page 36

The display on the JVA Z14 shows the voltage at the fence and return ter-
minals. The left is the return and the right is the feed voltage. Arrows at
the top of the display indicate that the energizer is in conventional mode.
When configured for Bi-Polar operation the left hand side is the positive
return voltage whilst the right hand side is the negative return voltage.
The LCD also shows the programming option and current setting when in
programming mode. This allows the programming options settings to be
checked easily.


See “7 Technical Information” on page 34.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 23

Z11 Single zone, conventional 1.5 Joule.
Z13 Single zone, conventional 2.8 Joule.
Z14 Single zone, conventional or Bi-Polar 5 Joule.
Z14R Z14 with relays and IR Tamper circuit, 4 Joule.
Z14E Z14R for high value animals. When the Z14E detects a ground short
it switches to low power mode until the short is removed. If an
animal is caught in the fence, causing the short, it will be in
less distress than with a conventional security energizer.
Z18 Single zone, conventional or Bi-Polar 8 Joule, contains relays and IR
Tamper circuit.
Z28 Dual zone, conventional 8 Joule (4 Joules per zone).
ZM1 Single zone start of fence monitor with Distant Fault Detection ™
ZM20 Twenty sector loop monitor.
ZLM4 Four zone low voltage electric fence monitor.


A Z-Series keypad allows for easy remote control of your JVA energizer.
Arming and disarming, responding to alarms or just checking the fence

voltage, the keypad makes this easy through a simple menu system or key
sequences (shortcuts). Your security is protected by a user PIN.
A keypad also is required to change the programmable options, see “8 Pro-
gramming Options” on page 40.


Depending on the chime setting, the internal beeper and keypad beeper
will sound when there is a fence alarm, a gate alarm, a door chime or a
general alarm.

Page 24 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

The Z14 has many programmable options. To alter these options, a Z-Series
keypad must be used. The options are explained in “8.5 Programming Op-
tions in Detail” on page 41. Each parameter has a factory set default.


The JVA Z-Series energizer can be armed (to energise the fence) by closing
a contact wired into the arm input. On some models a key switch is fitted
to the right-hand side of the case for this purpose.
An external switch device, for example a remote receiver or access control
keypad, can also be wired into the energizer to arm and disarm the unit.


An input can be configured for a Gate Function and wired to a gate switch
to trigger an alarm when a gate is opened. Alternatively, it may be pro-
grammed to many other functions. For more information see “8.5.20 Input
Function and Trigger” on page 53.


Z14 energizers can be switched into Low Power mode. Low Power mode
may be used in situations where the fence is not required to be a deter-
rent but is still required to actively detect intrusion. In Low Power mode
the fence live wires operate at a much lower voltage, typically 500V peak.


The Z-Series Energizer can be armed in Agricultural Mode to provide a
way test the fence without triggering any of the alarms. This mode should
only be used to confirm that a new installation is operating correctly. The
Energizer will remain in this mode until the Energizer is Disarmed.

The Fence Alarm LED will flash to indicate the return voltage is below the
threshold, however it will not trigger the alarm.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 25

In some installations it may be preferable to provide the ability to link mul-
tiple units into a group. When linked, the individual Z-Series devices be-
come a group. As many as fifteen energizers can be grouped. Individual
units in a group have simultaneous high voltage output pulses and act as
if they are one energizer with multiple outputs. This is designed so that no
possible combination of individual outputs can be dangerous. For more
information see “13 Appendix A: Group Simultaneous Pulse Feature” on
page 76


The Remote Control Unit provides the Z14 with the ability to arm or dis-
arm the energizer via a compact key chain fob remote control. If using the
remote control the siren can be used to acknowledge arming with 1 beep
and disarm with 2 beeps, see programming option “8.5.11 Chime Mode
(Option 14)” on page 46.
The remote controls have a range of up to 100 metres. They come fitted
with a LR27A 12V battery that will provide up to 2 years service.

High voltage cabling (fence feed and returns) should be run using suitably
rated cable. Double insulated electric fence “underground” cable is suit-

able. High voltage cables must never be run within the same conduit as low
voltage cables. A minimum distance of 30mm should be kept between high
voltage and low voltages cables.
To maintain the IPx4 rating of the enclosure and to ensure moisture does
not enter the enclosure via the cable entry area a silicon sealant (neutral
cure) must be used to seal all the cable passages.


Although the Z14 contains internal lightning protection elements, external
lightning protection elements such as additional external lightning protec-
tion kits are recommended to further reduce lightning damage and thus
reduce repair costs. They are available from your local dealer.

Page 26 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

The Z14 has two fence earth terminals. If the earth monitoring facility is
not required, the Earth Out and Earth Return terminals must be joined
with a wire bridge. Directions on how to wire for earth loop monitoring
are in Section “5.3 Examples of Fence (High Voltage) Wiring Diagrams” on
page 30.


The Z14 contains a microprocessor. Extreme electrical noise can upset mi-
croprocessors. The most likely cause of such noise is the high voltage out-
put from the unit itself. In the event of erratic behaviour, check that the
high voltage wiring is firmly connected to the terminals and that no spark-
ing is seen. The Z14 is designed to self-recover from interference. Powering

off (both AC and battery) should not be necessary.

A standard Windows PC may be used to control and monitor a group of Z-
Series devices. Ask your JVA distributor for a demonstration of Perimeter
Patrol™ software. Z-Series devices can be connected to a PC using either a
serial data adaptor, such as the PAE223 or TCP/IP using a PAE212.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 27

JVA recommends installation by qualified technicians.


1. Read the entire manual first!
2. Design and build the fence. (Beyond the scope of this manual.) Ask your
distributor for help if required.
3. Decide where the JVA Z14 is to be mounted. If on an external wall it
should be housed within a waterproof equipment box and definitely
not in direct sunlight.
4. Remove the JVA Z14 PCB chassis from the housing.
5. Mount the housing using 4 screws through the rear of the box.
6. Replace the PCB chassis.
7. If using a keypad, remove the rear housing of the keypad and fix it to
the wall.
8. Wire the low voltage cables to the PCB terminals*.
9. Wire the high voltage cable to the PCB terminals*.
10. If earth monitoring is not going to be used on the fence, connect a
bridge wire from earth out to earth return.

11. Ensure that the key switch is off.

12. Fit the battery leads to the battery.
13. Mount the 230 – 16V transformer and connect the 16V side to the
Z14 16V input terminals. Do not connect a live or neutral to the earth
terminal on the PCB.
14. Replace the front cover.
15. Turn AC power on.
16. Arm the unit.
17. Check to ensure that a short anywhere on the fence triggers the alarm.
Ensure that the user understands how to change the User PIN and is in
possession of this Installer/User Manual and the installer’s contact details.
* NOTE: Keep high voltage and low voltage cables at least 30mm apart. Do
not run high and low voltage cables in the same conduit.

Page 28 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com



JVA Z14 Manual Page 29

5.3 Examples of Fence (High Voltage) Wiring Dia-
Installation grams

Z14 energizer configured for conventional fence operation

Page 30 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com


Z14 energizer configured for Bi-polar operation

JVA Z14 Manual Page 31

Your JVA Z14 security energizer has been designed for ease of operation. It
may be armed and disarmed using any of the following:
• Key switch or remote switch connected to the control input (IN1)
• Remote control radio receiver connected to IN1
• Z-Series Keypad (LCD or Touch)
• JVA GSM module
• Windows PC running JVA Perimeter Patrol
• Low level interface (wired to control inputs and relay outputs) from a
third party security alarm panel or Physical Security Information Sys-
tem (PSIM)
NOTE: More than one method may be used in the one installation.


Enter your User PIN # (Default User PIN is 1234).
Make sure the red ARM light comes on.
• The keypad will beep twice to confirm that the system is armed.
• The fence will power up and if all is well (no faults) the system will be
ready to deter and detect.

• If there is a fault on the fence and it cannot achieve full voltage, the
LCD screen will indicate that there is a fault.
• To disarm the system, enter your User PIN and press #.


To switch to Low Power mode, enter your User PIN *41#. In Low Power
mode the fence will still be powered and any breach will be detected, but
the voltage will be much lower than normal operation. The ARM light will
flash in Low Power mode.
Enter your User PIN and press *42# to switch back to Full Power mode.
Alternatively, the unit can be switched to Low Power mode using a switch
connected to a control input, if it has been programmed accordingly. See
“8.5.20 Input Function and Trigger” on page 53

Page 32 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

NOTE: Switching Power Mode will not automatically Arm the Energizer


If the system is armed and the fence is tampered with, the fence light will
flash and then remain on. A siren or strobe connected to the unit will turn
on. If the energizer is connected to an alarm system for monitoring, an
alarm signal will be sent to the alarm company monitoring the alarm sys-
NOTE: This output is available as a default setting on relay 3 on a Z14R.
An alarm will also sound if the gate input is opened and the entry/exit delay
time has elapsed.


Enter 1470# on the Keypad. This will silence the Siren but not disarm the
system; the armed light will remain on and the Strobe will still indicate the
Zone that was in Alarm.
Entering this command will force the Siren into its “Siren Off Time”. If the
fault remains on the Fence, then the Siren will sound again after the “Siren
Off Time“ has elapsed. If however, the fault is cleared, then the Siren will
be ready to sound again for the next Alarm.
Alternatively, disarming the energizer will silence the alarm.


• Enter the current User PIN (default is 1234) and press *0#. This enters
User Programming mode.
• Enter your new User PIN (must be 4 digits) and then #.
• Press *# to exit User Programming mode.
• Make sure your new User PIN works by using it to arm the energizer.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 33


Label Type Description

IN1 2 Way Energizer control input 1 (dry contact momentary)
Technical Information

internally wired in parallel with the key switch. Can

be used for a remote switch or a radio receiver. The
receiver may be powered from the keypad +12V termi-
GATE 2 Way Energizer control input 2 (dry contact). Default func-
tion is gate input, normally closed. When the unit is
armed and the gate is opened, it will trigger the gate
alarm. Alternatively, this input can be programmed to
make the energizer alternate between Low Power and
High Power mode.
KEYPAD 3 Way Supplies power and data line for an external keypad.
The +12 source on these terminals is protected with
1A self resetting fuse.
SIREN 2 Way Switched 12V output. 30W max, shared between
Siren and Strobe. A buffer relay should be used when
connecting these outputs to an alarm panel. Low side

Page 34 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

Label Type Description
STROBE 2 Way Switched 12V output. 30W max, shared between
Siren and Strobe. A buffer relay should be used when
connecting these outputs to an alarm panel. Low side
16Vac 3 Way 16Vac 1.5A power input plus earth. Connection of
the earth is only required where local safety or wiring
codes demand it. This should be connected to the
cabinet or mains earth NOT the fence earth.
Batt Bat ter y 12V dc or battery connection via F1

Technical Information
(4 Amp slow blow fuse).
Relays 3 Ways Relays 3, 4 and 5 are fitted on the Z14R models, and
allow for programmable alarms to be set to each relay,
3, 4 and
for a list of available alarms see sec-tion 8.5.16.


The Z14 has 2 sources of power, 16VAC and 12VDC (battery). If using solar
power and an external battery, connect the battery to the battery leads,
not the 16Vac input.
A 24Vdc 1.5A supply can be used in place of the 16Vac supply. The correct
connection is +24V to the left AC pin, GND to the middle AC pin. Due to the
stored energy in a 24Vdc plug-pack, an AC fail may take up to 5 minutes to
be reported.
NOTE: Use only rechargeable batteries.


Should there be a loss of mains power, the power light on the keypad will
go off. If the loss of power is prolonged, the battery may discharge power
and become ineffective. The power light will start to flash indicating a bat-
tery low power problem. If the battery is fully depleted, the unit will not
If the standby battery requires replacement, the power light will flash and
the status light will flash three times.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 35

Status LED Interpretation Corrective Action
Number of Flashes
1 Tamper detected Fit the energizer lid or link J3
(Z14R only)
2 Mains supply fail Restore mains power
3 Low battery, Charge or replace battery
bad battery
4 PCB service fault Seek advice from your in-
staller or distributor

If a minor error occurs, it will self-clear if the error condition is removed.

If the mains fail or the battery runs low, it will not disarm the energizer.
However, without mains power, the battery will eventually be depleted
and the energizer will attempt to maintain operation by entering Low
Power mode after 4 warning beeps. If the battery charge continues to fall,
the energizer will eventually stop. Once mains power has been restored
and the battery has recovered, the energizer will rearm itself automatical-
Technical Information

ly after 4 warning beeps. A PCB fault will disarm the energizer. If an error
disarms the energizer, the fence alarm will be activated.

If an error has momentarily caused the energizer to stop pulsing, this can
be corrected by disarming and rearming the unit. Should the error recur
return the unit for service.


LCD Error Message Meaning
“Fatal” errors These will stop the unit
Er-11 Memory CRC error (not shown yet)
Er-12 Capacitor unplugged or “bad”
Er-13 Capacitor cannot charge
Er-14 SCR is fast firing
Er-15 Capacitor failed to discharge

Page 36 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

LCD Error Message Meaning
Er-16 Energiser cannot see the Master Energiser via
Keypad Bus
Er-18 The Keypad circuitry is faulty

Jumper Function Purpose
J3 (Z14) Inhibit Mains fail
J3 is fitted to inhibit Mains fail errors if

Technical Information
error the intention is to operate the ener-
gizer on DC only (as in solar power
J3 (Z14R) Tamper disable Disables the Infrared Tamper feature.
This Jumper will need to be fitted
if you wish to test the unit with the
cover off.
J4 Factory default If the energizer needs to be defaulted
jumper to factory settings, remove all power
(AC and battery) and remove the J4
Off to return pro-
jumper. Reapply the mains and the
grammable options
battery power. Reapply the J4 jumper
to factory defaults
and the Energizer will be reset to
on power up.
default settings.
J5, J6 & Supply +12V to Relay Fitting a jumper will supply +12V to
J7 (Z14R Common. the specific relay common.
only) J5: Relay 3
NOTE: This is a low current system, it
J6: Relay 4
cannot supply more than 20mA per
J7: Relay 5

JVA Z14 Manual Page 37

How to fit a Jumper/Bridge/Shunt
A fitted Jumper is shown as closed in the diagram below. If a jumper is not
to be fitted it can pe placed over a single pin, this is shown as open in the
diagram below.


By default the Z14 is configured to run in standard mode. This procedure
explains how to modify the Z14 so that it will run in Bi-Polar mode.
Step 1
On the back of the Z14 PCB near the high voltage output terminals there is
a link (pictured below) which needs to be cut. Cut and remove the link so
Technical Information

that it is flush with the PCB at both points where it is soldered to prevent
any arcing.

Page 38 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

Step 2
Set Fence Mode (Option 15) to bipolar.

Value Function
0 Bi-Polar
1 Conventional
2 Z14R Bi-Polar
3 Z14R Conventional

Technical Information
NOTE: Returning the energizer to defaults has no affect on this setting.


The tamper circuit serves two functions. It protects service personnel from
receiving a shock by disarming the energizer when the lid is removed. It
also sounds alarm if the lid is removed while the energizer is running. The
tamper alarm can be inhibited by shorting the J3 pins together. It should
be noted that in order for this function to work the inside of the energizer
lid needs to have a small piece of reflective material above the IR tamper

JVA Z14 Manual Page 39

The Z14 has permanent memory in which the programming options are
stored. These are factory pre-set but can be field programmed using a Z-
Series keypad. To see the programming options in brief see “1.1 Changing
The Programming Options” on page 6


To enter Programming mode, enter the 6-digit Installer PIN (default is
012345) followed by *, 0, # keys. The keypad will beep twice to indicate
that the command was accepted. If the Installer PIN was incorrect, the key-
pad will beep 3 times. Pressing the # key will cycle through all the options
on the LCD.
NOTE: Not all option numbers are used.


After programming, press *, # to exit. If left unattended, the unit will time
out and auto exit Programming mode after approximately 5 minutes.


Programming Options

The installer PIN may only be changed while in Programming mode.

To enter a new installer pin, press 00 followed by the new 6-digit Installer
PIN, then the # key.
If you cannot remember your Installer or User PIN, return the unit’s memo-
ry to default. To do this, remove power (AC off and disconnect the battery),
open the energizer, remove jumper J4 and reconnect the battery for about
10 seconds. Re-fit J4.
This will return all options to the factory set defaults.


Most of the options have possible values in the range of 0 to 9.
To change any options, the unit must be in Programming mode. Check the
option number (see table below) and then the table of values for that op-
tion. Then press the option number followed by the required value. When
the programming is completed, exit from Programming mode. (See above)
For example, to change the power level to maximum, enter programming
mode and press 0199#, and the keypad will beep twice to indicate that the

Page 40 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

command was successful.


NOTE: The bold panel in each table indicates the default value.
8.5.1 Output Power Level (Option 1)
The power level option allows the shocking power of the fence to be ad-
justed. The value entered is the Voltage level in 100’s of volts.
The Default setting is 85 (8.5kV), the Maximum is 99.
For example: To change the power level to 6.8kV, enter 0168#.

Programming Options
The keypad will beep twice to indicate that the new option has been ac-
cepted. The actual fence voltage depends on the amount of fence wire and
fence conditions.
This option may affect the average power drain and therefore backup bat-
tery time.

Energizer Function Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5

High Power Level 0 1 100’s volts #

8.5.2 Low Power Mode Output Voltage (Option 2)

Same as above, but for Low Power mode.
The Default setting is 11 (1.1kV), the Maximum is 20.

Energizer Function Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5

Low Power Level 0 2 100’s volts #

JVA Z14 Manual Page 41

8.5.3 Fence Return Alarm Voltage (Option 3)
This option sets the voltage threshold below which the fence alarm will oc-
cur. The value entered is the Voltage level in 100’s of volts.
The Default setting is 40 (4.0kV) in conventional mode, the Maximum is
The Default setting is 30 (3.0kV) in Bi-Polar mode.
In Bi-Polar mode this threshold is for both positive and negative fence

Energizer Function Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5

Fence Return Alarm Voltage 0 3 100’s volts #

8.5.4 Fence Return Alarm Voltage for Low Power Mode (Op-
tion 5)
This option sets the voltage threshold below which the fence alarm will
The Default setting is 05 (0.5kV), the Maximum is 15 (1.5kV).
Programming Options

Energizer Function Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5

Fence Return Alarm Voltage for Low 0 5 100’s volts #
Power mode

8.5.5 Missed Pulse Count (Option 6)

This option sets the number of bad or missing pulses that are counted be-
fore the alarm occurs.
The Default setting is 03, the Maximum is 99.
NOTE: The lower this option is set, the more likely you are to get false

Energizer Function Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5

Missed Pulse Count 0 6 New Value #

Page 42 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

8.5.6 Battery Alarm Voltage (Option 7)
This option sets the battery voltage threshold below which the alarm will
activate. The default Battery Alarm Voltage is 10.0 Volts and the unit will
drop to low power at 9.0 Volts (after beeping 4 times).
If the unit enters Low Power mode due to a flat battery, the unit will auto-
matically return to high voltage, without warning, when the mains voltage
comes back on and the battery voltage rises.

Key3 Alarm Reduce Power

0 9.0V 8.0V

Programming Options
1 9.5V 8.5V
2 10.0V 9.0V
3 10.5V 9.5V
4 11.0V 10.0V
5 11.5V 10.5V
6 12.0V 11.0V
7 12.5V 11.5V
8 13.0V 12.0V
9 13.5V 12.5V

8.5.7 Siren On Time (Option 8)

This option sets the duration of time that the siren will remain on after a
fence alarm occurs. After this time the siren will turn off for the Siren Off
Time. The siren will sound again if the alarm is still present after this Siren
Off Time has passed.
The default is 2 minutes. This may be the subject of local regulations to
stop an alarm causing undue disturbance to neighbours, etc.
NOTE: The Siren On Time will be cut short if the battery falls below the low
battery level.

Key3 Time
0 10 Seconds
1 30 Seconds

JVA Z14 Manual Page 43

Key3 Time
2 1 Minute
3 2 Minutes
4 3 Minutes
5 4 Minutes
6 5 Minutes
7 20 Minutes
8 45 Minutes
9 130 Minutes

8.5.8 Siren Off time (Option 9)

This option sets the amount of time the siren will be off for after the “Siren
On Time” above has expired. If an alarm is still present after this off time,
the siren will sound again.

Key3 Time
0 10 Seconds
Programming Options

1 1 Minute
2 2 Minute
3 5 Minutes
4 10 Minutes
5 20 Minutes
6 30 Minutes
7 40 Minutes
8 50 Minutes
9 60 Minutes

8.5.9 Siren Cycles (Option 10)

This option sets the maximum number of times the siren will sound for the
“on time” if the alarm continues. This may be limited by local regulations to
stop an alarm causing undue disturbance to neighbours, etc.
NOTE: This is the maximum number of cycles for 1 continuous alarm.

Page 44 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

Key3 Cycles
0 1
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6

Programming Options
7 7
8 8
9 9

8.5.10 Gate Entry/Exit Delay (Option 13)

The gate switch must remain open for longer than the Gate Entry/Exit De-
lay before the gate alarm is triggered.

Key3 Time
0 0 Seconds
1 30 Seconds
2 1 Minute
3 2 Minutes
4 3 Minutes
5 4 Minutes
6 5 Minutes
7 6 Minutes
8 7 Minutes
9 8 Minutes
10 15 minutes
11 30 minutes
12 45 minutes
13 60 minutes

JVA Z14 Manual Page 45

8.5.11 Chime Mode (Option 14)
This option allows the energizer internal and keypad beeper to be used as
a door chime for the gate switch. When set to None, the keypad beeper is
used to indicate correct keypad operation only. When set to Door Chime
mode, both beepers will sound when the gate switch opens, even if the
energizer is disarmed.
NOTE: “Gate Function” must be selected for an input. If set to siren, both
beepers mimic the siren function.
Gate Beeps plus Siren will give 2 beeps on gate open and 4 on close, plus
continuous for an alarm. This option is different as beeps are on the keypad
only, not the internal beeper.

Key3 Function
0 None
1 Door Chime
2 Siren
3 Fence Alarm
4 Gate beeps plus Siren
Programming Options

8.5.12 Fence Mode

This option sets the fence mode from conventional mode to Bi-Polar mode.
Conventional mode is where you have alternating live and ground wires.
Conventional mode however ensures that every fence wire is live.

Key3 Function
0 Bi-Polar
1 Conventional
2 Z14R Bi-Polar
3 Z14R Conventional

8.5.13 Combined Options (Option 16)

Each option in this table can be turned on by adding the corresponding
value. E.g., if you require maximum power at all times and you would like
to enable the IR tamper circuit you would require option +2 and option +8

Page 46 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

from the list below.
This equates to setting option 16 to 10 because 2 + 8 = 10.
+2: Maximum power at all times. NOTE: Turning this option on may remove
IEC standards compliance.
+4: Limits a Z14 to 2.5J per zone in group mode.
+8: Enables the IR tamper detection under the lid. J3 changes function to
inhibit tamper.
+16: Stop energizers on E-16 (Coms Fail) if the communications from the

Programming Options
group master is lost.
+32: Stops the energizer sending alarm memory to a PC, relay PCB or key-
pad. Set this to restore “unlatched” mode on a PAE201 relay PCB.

+64: Allow the energizer to operate at full power without a battery. The AC
supply must be sufficient to power all hardware connected.

Key3 and 4 Function

0 None
+2 Max Power
+4 2.5 Joules Limit
+8 IR Tamper enabled
+16 Stop energizer on coms fail
+32 Do not send Alarm memory
+64 No Battery

8.5.14 Anti-Bridging threshold (Option 17)

Anti-bridging has been designed to detect a section of fence being by-
passed, and removed from circuit, by an intruder bridging the feed to re-
turns together and then cutting the live wires in between.
Setting this option to a value greater than 0 (default is 0 = off) will enable
Anti-bridging, however this feature will not operate in low power mode.
While Armed, a fence alarm will trigger if the fence voltage rises OR falls
quickly by more than the threshold. A slow change to the voltage will not
trigger a fence alarm until the voltage is less than the Fence Alarm Voltage
(Option 03).

JVA Z14 Manual Page 47

The Anti-bridging Threshold is a percentage value of the current fence
voltage. For Example, setting option 17 to 10 (1710#) will set a 10% Anti-
bridging Threshold. At this level a fence (return) voltage normally reading
7.5kV will trigger a fence alarm if the voltage quickly rises to over 8.3kV or
falls to less than 6.7kV.
NOTE: Power Level (option 1) must be set higher than the normal fence
running voltage, otherwise if the load is released (fence bridged) voltage
control will limit the voltage rise and the anti-bridging alarm will not acti-
vate. For the above example, option 1 must be set to 7 or greater to allow
the un-loaded fence to rise to 8.3kV or higher, thus triggering the Alarm.
8.5.15 Combined Options 2 (Option 18)
Each option in this table can be turned on by adding the corresponding
For option +1 set 18 to 01, for +1 and +2 set option 18 to 03.
+1: Enables Siren Acknowledge. The siren will chirp once for armed and
twice for disarmed.
+2: Enables a home alarm style entry/exit delay for the gate input.
+4: Sets the keypad bus baud rate to 4800 (default is 2400), all units in a
Programming Options

group, PC and keypad must be set to the same baud rate. The change will
not take effect until after a reset.
+8: Sets the keypad bus baud rate to 9600 (default is 2400)
+16: Enable Low Power Bite mode. If the Energizer (running in Low Power
Mode) detects a “Fence Touch”, it will immediately start pulsing in High
Power for 5 pulses before reverting back to Low Power Mode.
+32: Enables Bite to Low Power mode. If the Energizer (running in High
Power Mode) detects a “Fence Touch” , it will immediately start pulsing in
Low Power Mode for 5 pulses before reverting to High Power Mode.
A “Fence Touch“ is detected when the fence voltage drops below the
threshold for one pulse
NOTE: Only enable one Bite modes at a time.

Page 48 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

Key3 Function
0 None
+1 Siren codes
+2 Gate delay type
+4 4800 baud
+8 9600 baud
+16 Low Power Bite
+32 Bite to Low Power

Programming Options
8.5.16 Auto Re-arm Time (Option 20)
This option sets the time which must elapse before another alarm will sound
after the first alarm has timed out (gone completely through its cycles without
being turned off ).If an event occurs (such as a low fence voltage) which triggers
the siren, any other events which would otherwise trigger the siren (such as a
gate alarm) will be ignored while the siren is sounding and until after the Auto
Re-arm time has passed. A setting of 0 will disable Auto Re-arm.
If this time is set to less than the Siren Off Time, the Energizer may re-arm in the
“Off” time and the number of Siren Cycles will be reduced.

Key3 Time
0 0 Seconds
1 30 Seconds
2 1 Minute
3 2 Minutes
4 3 Minutes
5 4 Minutes
6 5 Minutes
7 6 Minutes
8 7 Minutes
9 Disabled – Do not auto rearm

JVA Z14 Manual Page 49

Programming Options
8.5.17 Relay Programming
All relays can be set to any of the available functions (user assignable).

Page 50
Command Key1 Key2 Keys 3 and 4 Key 5
Relay 1 2 1 Options Explained under “8.5.18 Relay Functions” Default is 08 #
Relay 2 2 2 Options Explained under “8.5.18 Relay Functions” Default is 09 #
Relay 3 (Z14R only) 2 3 Options Explained under “8.5.18 Relay Functions” Default is #
Relay 4 (Z14R only) 2 4 Options Explained under “8.5.18 Relay Functions” Default is 02 #
Relay 5 (Z14R only) 2 5 Options Explained under “8.5.18 Relay Functions” Default is 07 #

© JVA Technologies.
8.5.18 Relay Functions
The table below is for use for the relay programming options mentioned in the above table.

Key3 4 Function Description

00 Fence Triggers when Zone 1 is Armed and Return Voltage is below the Threshold Voltage
In Bipolar - Triggers when the positive output is below the Threshold Voltage
01 Fence or Off Triggers when Zone 1 is off or return voltage is below the threshold voltage

JVA Z14 Manual

02 Armed Zone 1 is armed
03 Fence 2 Bipolar only - Triggers when the negative output is below the Threshold Voltage
06 Fence Bi-Polar Triggers when energizer is armed and the fence return voltage on either Bi-Polar
return line has fallen below the threshold voltage
07 General Triggers on AC Fail, Tamper, Low Battery/Bad Battery, Gate Alarm or Internal error.
Latched (internal errors only)
08 Siren Triggers on Fence alarm , Gate or tamper. Will time out after the Siren Time Out time.
09 Strobe Triggers on Fence alarm, Gate or Tamper. Only turns off on Energizer disarm. Latched
10 AC Fail Triggers on AC Fail
11 Low/Bad Battery Triggers on low or bad battery
12 Tamper Triggers when the case has been opened and J3 has been fitted (Z14R only)
14 Gate Triggers on Gate
15 Gate Siren behaves like siren, only for Gate alarms
16 Armed Low Power Triggers when armed in Low Power mode

Page 51
Programming Options
Programming Options

Key3 4 Function Description

17 Group Armed Triggers when group is armed. Only configurable on group master.

Page 52
18 Group general Triggers on group general alarm. Only configurable on group master.
20 Host Control This Relay is completely controlled from a Host system such as Perimeter Patrol or
a Keypad. If the Host system is disconnected from the Energizer for more than 30
seconds, the Relay will automatically change to the Alarm State
21 Host Control - Not This Relay Host Controlled however if the Host system is disconnected then the
Fail Safe Relay will maintain its current state

NOTE: The siren and strobe switched 12V outputs can be used to drive external buffer relays.
8.5.19 Group Mode (Option 26)
A group of Energizers must have only one master. Each energizer in the group must have a different value pro-
grammed into Option 26. Since the keypad bus is common among the group, one keypad can be used to program all
units for all options except this Group Mode.
The procedure is:
1. Connect the keypad directly each Energizer in turn
2. Program the Group Mode value for that Energizer
3. Link all Z-Series devices (via the Keypad Bus) into a group

© JVA Technologies.
Key3 and 4 00 01 02 ... 15
Group Mode No Group Group Master ID 2 etc ID 15

8.5.20 Input Function and Trigger

Each Input is configured independently using two digits to configure the Trigger followed by the Function.

JVA Z14 Manual

Input 1 is Option 27. Default setting is 20 - Momentary Toggle Input with Arm/Disarm Function
Input is Option 28. Default setting is 06 - Normally Closed Input with a Gate Function

Key3 Input Trigger Key4 Input Function

0 Normally Open (Active when Closed) 0 Arm when Active / Disarm otherwise
1 Normally Closed (Active when Open) 1 Arm when Active / Disarm otherwise
2 Momentary Toggle (Toggle between states) 3 Low Power when Active / High Power other-
wise. Requires Energizer to be Armed
3 NO Pulse Extend (Extend a short Close signal 4 Low Power when Active / High Power other-
by 3 seconds) wise. Requires Energizer to be Armed
4 NC Pulse Extend (Extend a short Open signal 6 Gate is Open when Active / Closed otherwise
by 3 seconds)
8 Tamper Alarm triggered when Active
9 Pass Through input signal to other device

Page 53
Programming Options

Specification Name Specification

Energizer Output Voltage 9.5kV peak no load
Peak Output Energy 4 Joules at 500 Ohms, limited to 2.5J in
Group Mode
Pulse Rate Locked at 0.8 Hz
12v Dc Power Consumption Energizer on – 550mA average, 700mA
Energizer off – 28mA (40mA with key-
Not including keypad or auxiliary power
Ac Power Input 16-18Vac or 24Vdc
Battery Charger Output Float voltage 14V, 600mA, short circuit
and reverse polarity protection utilising
4A slow SMD fuses.
Siren and Strobe Outputs Self-resetting fuse protection, switched
12V, rated at 30W (combined)

Switched outputs Three 30V 1A “Form C” change-over

Enclosure IP4x ABS plastic
Size 300mm high, 190mm wide, 115mm
Weight – packed, no battery 1.9kg

Page 54 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

Specification Name Specification
Energizer Output Voltage 9.5kV peak no load
Peak Output Energy 5 Joules at 500 Ohms
Pulse Rate Locked at 0.8 Hz
12v Dc Power Consumption Energizer on – 550mA average, 876mA
Energizer off – 16mA (28mA with key-
Not including keypad or auxiliary power

Ac Power Input 16-18Vac or 24Vdc
Battery Charger Output Float voltage 14V, 500mA, short circuit
and reverse polarity protection utilising
4A slow SMD fuses.
Siren and Strobe Outputs Self-resetting fuse protection, switched
12V, rated at 30W (combined)
Enclosure IP4x ABS plastic
Size 300mm high, 190mm wide, 115mm
Weight – packed, no battery 1.9kg

JVA Z14 Manual Page 55

• There are no user-serviceable parts in this unit.
• The installer is reminded that high voltages are retained for a while
after switching off, and to wait for at least 10 minutes before opening
the case.
• Before working on the high voltage wiring of an electric fence, it is rec-
ommended that the energizer be turned off and an intentional short
circuit be placed from the fence live wires to earth.
• Electric fences are not toys; do not let children play with them.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with
reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience
and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction

concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the

Page 56 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

There are 2 different keypads that can connect to the keypad bus of a Z-
Series device:
• PTE0240 4-line keypad
• PTE0230 Touch Keypad
A keypad can be used to control, program and monitor the devices on your

10.1 PTE0240 4-LINE KEYPAD

Z-Series Keypads
JVA’s mid-range keypad features include:
• Quick Arm/Disarm keys
• 4-line Backlit LCD Display
• Menu driven interface
• Menu driven device programming
• 500 entry event log with date and time stamps

JVA Z14 Manual Page 57


JVA’s most advanced keypad features include:

• Touch screen with clean user interface designed for ease of use
Z-Series Keypads

• Quickly arm or disarm the entire site or granularly via the Zones screen
• Emails on alarm
• View all active and latched alarms in the alarms screen
• Program all Z-Series devices through an intuitive system, without hav-
ing to remember or refer to a manual for key sequences. With the new
MK2 protocol, these devices can be all programmed together without
having to isolate each device individually
• Quiet mode: set a time where the Keypad won’t brighten the screen or
set off loud sirens unless it is critical such that you might enjoy a restful
night’s sleep.
• The ability to monitor and log all user actions
• Large detailed event log

Page 58 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

Function Code Default Code
Re-analyse the Keypad group [User Pin]*68# 1234*68#

Up to three keypads may be used to remotely monitor and control Z-Series

To operate correctly, each keypad must be configured to use a unique key-
pad address. This is best achieved by connecting one keypad (at a time)
to the master Z-Series device and updating the keypad address. Once all
keypads have a different address, all can be connected to the system. Enter

Z-Series Keypads
the above command using the keypad (at address 1).


Zone 1 (the master) must be connected to the group. If it is not connected
to the other Z-Series devices in the group, the keypad will report a com-
munications failure with all the zones.
After connecting an LCD keypad to a group of devices, enter *68# on the
keypad to ‘discover’ the connected energizers. Ensure that all Z-Series de-
vices are disarmed first.
1. If the group ID has recently been changed you may need to reset, [User
Pin] * 6 8 # before the new ID’s will be properly reported to the keypad.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 59

The PCB’s will be factory calibrated and should not require adjustment
for the life of the product. If, however, certain components are replaced
during repair the Energizer may need recalibration. This includes the main
processor chip.
1. On the energizer Fence connectors, connect Return to Feed terminals
and Earth (Return) to Earth (Feed) terminals.
2. Plug in the keypad, power the unit and turn on the energizer using the
Clearing old calibration using the keypad:
3. Type [Installer’s Code] *, 0, # Enter programming mode
4. Type 9, 8, 0, 0, # Clear the calibration for the Left value
5. Type 9, 9, 0, 0, # Clear the calibration for the Right value
6. Type *, # Exit programming mode
Once the calibration is cleared, run the energizer and record the actual
voltages produced by the energizer using a fence meter. Record the values
displayed on the LCD. The actual voltages must be higher than the values
Z-Series Keypads

displayed on the LCD for calibration to work.

7. Calculate the return calibration factor

(Actual Voltage * 100 / Displayed voltage) – 100
For example If after clearing the calibration the Actual fence voltage is 7.1
but the display left value reads 6.0 (as per the picture above) the factor is:

(7.1 * 100) / 6.0 = 118.3

118.3 - 100 = 18.3 (Ignore the value after the decimal point)

Page 60 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

For the Left value, the factor to enter is 18 (an increase of 18 percent).
Using the same process for the Right value (above picture shows 5.9kV),
For the right value, the factor to enter would be 20.
Entering new calibrations using the keypad (for our example)
8. Type [Installer’s Code] *, 0, # Enter programming mode
9. Type 9, 8, 1, 8, # Enter the Left calibration
10. Type 9, 9, 2, 0, # Enter the Right calibration

Z-Series Keypads
11. Type *, #. Exit programming mode

JVA Z14 Manual Page 61

Z-Series Keypads


Page 62
Default Installer PIN 012345
Default User PIN 1234

Command Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5 Key6 Key7 Key8 Key9 Key10
Arm/Disarm USER PIN #
Silence the Energizer Siren 1 4 7 0 #
Enter Programming Mode INSTALLER PIN * 0 #
Enter Keypad Programming Mode INSTALLER PIN * 0 1 #
Exit Programming (Any Mode) * #
Change a User PIN, 4 Digits USER PIN * 0 # [New #
Arm All Zones (Multi-Zone Groups) USER PIN * 1 0 #
Arm Specific Zone (up to Zone 15) USER PIN * 1 Zone #
Disarm All Zones USER PIN * 2 0 #
Disarm Specific Zone (up to Zone 15) USER PIN * 2 Zone #

© JVA Technologies.
Switch to Low Power Mode (All Zones) USER PIN * 4 1 #
Switch Specific Zone to Low Power USER PIN * 4 1 Zone No. #
Command Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5 Key6 Key7 Key8 Key9 Key10
Switch to High Power Mode (All Zones) USER PIN * 4 2 #
Switch Specific Zone to High Power USER PIN * 4 2 Zone No. #
Arm Gate Zone only USER PIN * 4 #
Bypass Siren (All Zones) USER PIN * 5 2 #
Bypass Specific Zone Siren USER PIN * 5 2 Zone No. #

JVA Z14 Manual

Re-enable Siren USER PIN * 5 1 #
Re-enable Specific Zone Siren USER PIN * 5 1 Zone No. #
Bypass Gate Alarm (All Zones) USER PIN * 5 4 #
Bypass Specific Gate Alarm USER PIN * 5 4 Zone No. #
Re-enable Gate Alarm (All Zones) USER PIN * 5 3 #
Re-enable Specific Gate Alarm USER PIN * 5 3 Zone No. #
Arm in Agricultural Mode (No Alarms) USER PIN * 9 Zone No.
Reset and Display Firmware Version USER PIN * 6 8 #
Reset and Return to Factory Defaults INSTALLER PIN * 6 8 #

Page 63
Z-Series Keypads
Energizer Function Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4
Clear Alarm Memory * 1 #
Display the Group ID of the Energizer * 2 6 #
Siren Test * 6 3 #
Battery Test * 6 4 #

Keypad Specific Function Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4

Re-Analyse the Energizer Group * 6 8 #
Keypress Beep On/Off * 5 1 #
Chimes On/Off * 5 3 #
Error Tones On/Off * 5 4 #
Keypad Alarm Tones On/Off * 5 5 #
Change Backlight Mode * 8 #
Display Keypad Model * 9 #
Z-Series Keypads

Page 64 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

Z-Series Keypads

JVA Z14 Manual Page 65

The Remote Control Unit provides the Z14 with the ability to arm or disarm
the energizer via a compact key chain fob remote control.

• Enables arm / disarm of the energizer, or a single zone, by key chain fob
remote control
• 2 remote controls included
• Uses digital rolling-code algorithm to uniquely and securely couple to
remote controls
• Operates between 315 – 433.92MHz
• 100 metres range
• Easily connected and configured
• Wire to keypad bus (for power) and input (usually IN1)
Remote Control Unit

Remote Control Unit Receiver

Page 66 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

The Remote control receiver unit requires 12V and 0V (GND) from the key-
pad bus, and its output wired to IN1.
Mount the receiver on the right hand side of the Z14 energizer. Connect
+12V and 0V (GND) from the KEYPAD terminals on the energizer to the
right-most terminals of the receiver, as per the diagram above.
Connect the IN1 terminals to the left-most terminals of the receiver.
Keep all connections away from any high voltage wiring, specifically the
Fence Feed connections coming from the left side of the energizer.

Remote Control Unit

Remote Control Receiver Wiring Diagram


Simply press the LOCK key to arm the energizer. Press the UNLOCK key to
Should a remote control become lost or stolen, it is possible to disassoci-
ate the receiver with all remote controls. To do this, press the button on
the bottom right corner of the receiver unit and hold for approximately 10
seconds. When the red light goes off the receiver has wiped all associated
remote controls from its memory.
To associate a remote control, press the same button on the receiver once.
The light will come on momentarily. Next, press a button on the remote
control. The receiver light will begin flashing. Press the same button on the
receiver again and the light will stop flashing. Test the remote control by
pressing a button.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 67

Connecting lead
An electric conductor, used to connect the energizer to the electric fence
or the earth electrode
Electric animal fence
An electric fence used to contain animals within or exclude animals from
a particular area
Electric fence
Standard Requirements for Security Electric Fences

A barrier which includes one or more electric conductors, insulated from

earth, to which electric pulses are applied by an energizer
Electric security fence
A fence used for security purposes which comprises an electric fence and
a physical barrier electrically isolated from the electric fence


1. Electric fences shall be installed and operated so that they cause no
electrical hazard to persons, animals or their surroundings.
2. Electric fence constructions which are likely to lead to the entangle-
ment of animals or persons shall be avoided.
tric fence wires especially with the head, neck or torso. Do not climb
over, through or under a multi-wire electric fence. Use a gate or a spe-
cially designed crossing point.
4. An electric fence shall not be supplied from two different energizers
or from independent fence circuits of the same energizer. For any two
different electric fences, each supplied from a different energizer inde-
pendently timed, the distance between the wires of the two electric
fences shall be at least 2.5 m. If this gap is to be closed, this shall be af-
fected by means of electrically non-conductive material or an isolated
metal barrier.

Page 68 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

5. Barbed wire or razor wire shall not be electrified by an energizer.
6. Any part of an electric fence which is installed along a public road or
pathway shall be identified at frequent intervals by warning plates se-

Standard Requirements for Security Electric Fences

curely fastened to the fence posts or firmly clamped to the fence wires.
• The size of the warning plates shall be at least 100 mm x 200 mm.
• The background colour of both sides of the warning plate shall be yel-
low. The colour on the plate shall be black and shall be either:
• The symbol of figure 7, or
• The substance of “Caution - ELECTRIC FENCE”.
• The inscription shall be indelible, inscribed on both sides of the warn-
ing plate and have a height of at least 25 mm.

Warning plate symbol

7. The energizer earth electrode shall penetrate the ground to a depth of
at least 1 m.
8. Connecting leads that are run inside buildings shall be effectively in-
sulated from the earthed structural parts of the building. This may be
achieved by using insulated high voltage cable.
9. Connecting leads that are run underground shall be run in a conduit
of insulating material or else insulated high voltage cable shall be used.
Care shall be taken to avoid damage to the connecting leads due to the
effects of animal hooves or tractor wheels sinking into the ground.
10. Connecting leads shall not be installed in the same conduit as the
mains supply wiring, communicating cables or data cables.
11. Connecting leads and electric fence wires shall not cross above over-
head power or communication lines.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 69

12. Crossings with overhead power lines shall be avoided wherever pos-
sible. If such a crossing cannot be avoided, it shall be made underneath
the power line and as nearly as possible at right angles to it.
13. If connecting leads and electric fence wires are installed near an over-
head power line, the clearances shall be not less than those shown in

Power line voltage V Clearance m

<=1 000 3
>1 000 <=33 000 4
>33 000 8
Standard Requirements for Security Electric Fences

Minimum Clearances from Power Lines

14. If connecting leads and electric fence wires are installed near an over-
head power line, their height above the ground shall not exceed 2 m.
This height applies either side of the orthogonal projection of the out-
ermost conductors of the power line on the ground surface, for a dis-
tance of
• 2 m for power lines operating at a nominal voltage not exceeding 1,000
• 15 m for power lines operating at a nominal voltage exceeding 1,000V.


1. A distance of at least 10 m shall be maintained between the energizer
earth electrode and any other earthing system such as the power sup-
ply system protective earth or the telecommunication system earth.
2. Electric fences intended for deterring birds, household pet contain-
ment or training animals such as cows need only be supplied from low
output energizers to obtain satisfactory and safe performance.
3. In electric fences intended for deterring birds from roosting on build-
ings, no electric fence wire shall be connected to the energizer earth
electrode. A warning plate, as described above, shall be fitted to every
point where persons may gain ready access to the conductors.
4. A non-electrified fence incorporating barbed wire or razor wire may
be used to support one or more off-set electrified wires of an electric

Page 70 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

animal fence. The supporting devices for the electrified wires shall be
constructed so as to ensure that these wires are positioned at a mini-
mum distance of 150 mm from the vertical plane of the non-electrified

Standard Requirements for Security Electric Fences

wires. The barbed wire and razor wire shall be earthed at regular in-
5. Where an electric animal fence crosses a public pathway, a non-elec-
trified gate shall be incorporated in the electric fence at the point or
a crossing by means of stiles shall be provided. At any such crossing,
the adjacent electrified wires shall carry warning plates as described


12.4.1 General
An electric security fence should be installed so that, under normal condi-
tions of operation, persons are protected against inadvertent contact with
pulsed conductors.
1. This requirement is primarily intended to establish that a desirable
level of safety is present or is being maintained in the physical barrier.
2. When selecting the type of physical barrier, the likely presence of
young children should be a factor in considering the size of openings.

12.4.2 Location of electric security fence

The electric fence should be separated from the public access area by
means of a physical barrier.
Where an electric fence is installed in an elevated position, such as on the
inner side of a window or skylight, the physical barrier may be less than 1.5
m high where it covers the whole of the electric fence. If the bottom of the
window or skylight is within a distance of 1.5 m from the floor or access
level then the physical barrier need only extend up to a height of 1.5 m
above the floor or access level.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 71

12.4.3 Prohibited zone for pulsed conductors
Pulsed conductors shall not be installed within the shaded zone shown in
Figure 8.
Standard Requirements for Security Electric Fences

Prohibited Area for Pulse Conductors

NOTE: Where an electric security fence is planned to run close to a site
boundary, the relevant government authority should be consulted before
installation begins.

Page 72 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

Standard Requirements for Security Electric Fences
Typical Constructions where an Electric Security Fence is
Exposed to the Public
NOTE: Typical electric security fence installations are shown in Figure 9
and Figure 10.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 73

Standard Requirements for Security Electric Fences

Typical fence constructions where the electric security fence is

installed in windows and skylights
12.4.4 Separation between electric fence and physical barrier
Where a physical barrier is installed in compliance with 3 at least one di-
mension in any opening should be not greater than 130 mm and the sepa-
ration between the electric fence and the physical barrier should be
• within the range of 100 mm to 200 mm or greater than 1 000 mm
where at least one dimension in each opening in the physical barrier is
not greater than 130 mm;
• greater than 1 000 mm where any opening in the physical barrier has
all dimensions greater than 50 mm;
• less than 200 mm or greater than 1 000 mm where the physical barrier
does not have any openings.
1. These restrictions are intended to reduce the possibility of persons
making inadvertent contact with the pulsed conductors and to pre-
vent them from becoming wedged between the electric fence and the
physical barrier, thereby being exposed to multiple shocks from the

Page 74 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

2. The separation is the perpendicular distance between the electric
fence and the physical barrier.
12.4.5 Prohibited mounting

Standard Requirements for Security Electric Fences

Electric fence conductors should not be mounted on a support used for
any overhead power line.
12.4.6 Operation of electric security fence
The conductors of an electric fence should not be energized unless all au-
thorized persons, within or entering the secure area, have been informed
of its location.
Where there is a risk of persons being injured by a secondary cause, ap-
propriate additional safety precautions should be taken.
NOTE: An example of a secondary cause is where a person may be expect-
ed to fall from a surface if contact is made with pulsed conductors.

JVA Z14 Manual Page 75

In some Industrial Installations it may be preferable to provide the ability
to link multiple Energizers into a “Group”. Members of a group have simul-
taneous high voltage output pulses and act as if they are one energizer
with multiple outputs. This is designed so that no possible combination of
individual outputs can be dangerous.


Each Energizer in a group MUST have a unique Group ID value (from 1 to
15). A group MUST have a master device which has a Group ID value of 1.
Appendix A: Group Simultaneous Pulse Feature

For the Z14R Energizers, if there is no Master device , the other Energizers
will display Error 4 on the Status LED when Armed and it will not electrify
the fence. This is a requirement for Australian Standards.
For every other Z-series device, if there is no Master, each other Energizer
will continue to electrify the fence (pulses) when Armed. However, the si-
multaneous pulse feature will NOT be operating.
1. Do not interconnect the energizers via the keypad bus until after they
are programmed.
2. If more than one keypad is used, they will need different addresses.
3. If Perimeter Patrol is used any keypad in the system should not have
address 2.
For all Energizers that will be part of a group, the procedure is as follows:
1. Make sure the key switch is turned off and IN1 isn’t shorted.
2. Connect the battery.
3. On the keypad, enter [Installer’s code] *, 0, #.
4. Enter 2, 6 followed by the required value (e.g. 1 for master) then #.
5. Enter *, # to exit programming.
6. Connect the group using the keypad bus as the Group Mode Linking

Page 76 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

NOTE: At this time groups are limited to a master and 14 Group ID’s (15
zones total)

Key3 Mode

Appendix A: Group Simultaneous Pulse Feature

0 No Group
1 Master
2 Group ID 2
3 Group ID 3
4 Group ID 3
5 Group ID 4
6 Group ID 5
7 Group ID 6
8 Group ID 7
9 Group ID 8
10 Group ID 9
11 Group ID 10
12 Group ID 11
13 Group ID 12
14 Group ID 13
15 Group ID 14


The keypad terminals on all Energizers in the group are linked. Since only
one Energizer needs to power the keypad, 3 wires are linked from one En-
ergizer (preferably the Master) to the keypad (optional) and 2 wires to ev-
ery other Energizer in the group. Do not connect the + lines between Ener-
gizers as this could result in some strange behaviour and possibly damage.
NOTE the connections can be a star or daisy chain or any mixture. It is
possible for a PC to be added to the group using a keypad to USB adaptor

JVA Z14 Manual Page 77

We recommend following these steps in the right order:
1. Disarm all energizers in the group. If energizers are not disarmed
Step10 may not work correctly.
2. Program the keypad address using one of the energizers.
3. Program each energizer with its required address (Master address=1,
Group ID 1 address=2...).
4. Connect any control/monitoring unit 12V, GND and Data to the Group
5. Connect all Data and GND to the Group Master.
6. Connect the battery and AC power of the Group Master but do not
Appendix A: Group Simultaneous Pulse Feature

7. Connect the battery and AC power of each energizer. Note: Do not arm
them until all the Energizers in the group are connected.
8. Wait 5 minutes for all the Energizers to synchronise with the Master.
9. If there are more than one Z-Series keypad or control unit, make sure
they have a different ID, then reset the group using keypad code: [User
PIN] *, 6, 8, # or Perimeter Patrol’s “Reset All” this will allow both key-
pads to be recognised by all energizers in the group.
10. If using a PTE0210 keypad, enter the key sequence *, 6, 8, # to auto-
matically re-scan the group and check what energizers are connected.
11. Arm the group using keypad 1, 2, 3, 4, *, 1, 0, #, or by using Perimeter
Patrol. Make sure all Energizers are activated.
1. Members of a group can be individually switched on and off; even the
master can be turned off via input or key switch.
2. An energizer will generate a General alarm if the keypad bus is broken
between it and the group master.
3. After programming the Keypad may be disconnected, it is not required
for group operation.
4. When connected to Perimeter Patrol, the arm/disarm function of a
keypad is disabled. Control of these functions is through the Perimeter
Patrol interface.
5. A Keypad that is connected to a Group ID Energizer that is ­disconnected

Page 78 © JVA Technologies www.jva-fence.com

from the Group, must have a KEYPAD ADDRESS set to 1.

Appendix A: Group Simultaneous Pulse Feature

JVA Z14 Manual Page 79



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