The Best Christmas Present in The World Class 8 Questions and Answers CBSE - CBSE Tuts-3
The Best Christmas Present in The World Class 8 Questions and Answers CBSE - CBSE Tuts-3
The Best Christmas Present in The World Class 8 Questions and Answers CBSE - CBSE Tuts-3
lessen the tension. A nation becomes weak when war is thrown on it whether it is economically or
materially. No nation wants war.
Question 2.
What kind of presents do you like and why ? What are the things you keep in mind when you buy presents
for others ? Discuss with your partner. (For example, you might buy a book because it can be read and re-
read over a period of time.)
Providing presents may vary from person to person. If you are to give a present to an old lady, you must
have not to select a book but a shawl or knee caps. To a housewife, a book is meaningless as compared to
a set of air tight containers. We must think very professionally before selecting a present to be given. Some
presents are bene�cial to others, some presents are worthless to others. Make a sensible selection by
matching one’s tastes and requirements.
T h e B e s t C h r i s t m a s P r e s e n t i n t h e Wo r l d W r i t i n g ( P a g e – 2 0 )
Question 1.
Imagine that you are Jim. You have returned to your town after the war. In your diary record how you feel
about the changes you see and the events that occur in your town. You could begin like this
25 December, 1919
It’s Christmas today, but the town looks …………….
25 December, 1919
Its Christmas today, but the town looks dejected. Houses, bazaars, buildings, shops have no traces. All has
changed. Only debris found here and there. My house looked out to be nothing but a burned-out shell. There
is no one to share my feelings and pathos. All is lost. Sadness has been spread all over. What would happen
when it was thrown to �re ? War has left nothing but disaster all around. Some corner of my heart is
pinching within the ribs. Oh god! Save us from such a destruction-bound society.
Suppose you are the visitor. You are in a dilemma. You don’t know whether to disclose your identity and
disappoint the old lady or let her believe that her dear Jim has come back. Write a letter to a friend
highlighting your anxiety, fears and feelings.
27th December, 19xx
Dear Sonal,
Here I am to share my anxiety, fears and feelings with you. They are about a roll-top desk I purchased from
a junk shop. In its one drawer I found a letter. It was written by some Jim to his wife Mrs. Macpherson. Jim
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The Best Christmas Present In The World Class 8 Questions And Answ...
was an army o�cer and fought the war against Germany during World War I. The letter described an
incident that occurred on the Christmas morning on the battle�eld where the Germans invited the British to
relish their shnapps, play a football match.
The letter had so touching details, I decided to search Mrs. Macpherson and deliver the letter. Having made
some enquiries I reached a nursing home and found the lady who was now 101 years old. I went up and
handed over the letter to her. That was the Christmas morning. Her eyes lit up and she looked at me and
believed that Jim had come back. She kissed my cheek, offered me tea and cake. I was spell-bound. I am in
a �x whether to disclose my identity or disappoint the old lady. I could not make up my mind. Please do help
me. What should I do? Your loving friend, Jane
Question 2.
Given below is the outline of a story. Construct the story using the outline.
A young, newly married doctor ………… freedom �ghter ……………………… exiled to the Andaman and Nicobar
Islands by the British ………………………. infamous Cellular Jail …………….. prisoners tortured ………. revolt by
inmates …… doctor hanged ……….. wife waits for his return … becomes old continues to wait with hope and
A young newly married doctor was captured on a false notion of a freedom �ghter. He was exiled to the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands by the British to the infamous Cellular Jail. In jail most of the prisoners had
been tortured since long. Some of the inmates did revolt. The doctor was sentenced to death. But his wife
waits for his return. She has become old and pathenic in nature. But he never returns. She continues to wait
with the hope and faith that one day he will return her charming days with a happy later marriage life.
T h e B e s t C h r i s t m a s P r e s e n t i n t h e Wo r l d I n t r o d u c t i o n
Some dates, or events in the World History are worth-remembering. This story representes or describes a
war held between the British and the Germans in 1914. The person who visited his city after the war had
found everything changed. How did he feel about that change? It is the gist of the story. Now read it of your
T h e B e s t C h r i s t m a s P r e s e n t i n t h e Wo r l d Wo r d N o t e s P a g e s 9 - 1 0 .
spotted-saw दे खा;
junk-waste paper or materials कूड़ा करकट;
clumsily awkward बेढंगा;
scorch marks burn marks जले के िनशान;
veneer-thin layer of plastic �ा��क की पतली परत;
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The Best Christmas Present In The World Class 8 Questions And Answ...
Page 11.
standing to-taking up positions सतक� मु�ा म�;
trenches-long deep ditches बंकर;
schnapps-a German drink शनैप;
cello-a musical instrument वायिलन।
Pages 12-13.
huddles-making crowd भीड़भाड़ करना;
marzipan-covering on a cake केक की ऊपरी मीठी परत;
dumped-heaped ढे र लगा;
mingling-mixing, spreading फैल रही थी;
probablypossibly संभवतया;
unwillingly-without wish बेमन से;
drifting-going जाते �ए;
Carol—song गीत ।
Pages 14-16.
terrible-fearful भयावह;
burned out-destroyed by �re आग से �ित��;
boarded up-covered with wooden boards ढके �ए;
muddle-headed confused बदहवास;
mince pie-cut into smaller pieces छोटे टु कड़ों म� कटा;
wispy-small bundle गु�ा;
gazing-looking hard घूरना;
suffused with-spread all over her face चेहरे पर फैली �ई �स�ता;
tenderly-softly कोमलता से।
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The Best Christmas Present In The World Class 8 Questions And Answ...
म��ने ि�डपोट� म� एक कबाड़ी की दु कान पर ऊपरी गोलाकार िसरे वाला एक डे � दे खा। ��� बोला िक वह 19वी ं शता�ी के
�ारं भ का था और लकड़ी से बना था। म� सदै व से ऐसा ही डे � चाहता था पर वे हमेशा काफी महंगे होते थे। यह बुरी अव�ा म� था,
ऊपरी गोलाकार िसरा टु कड़ों म� था, एक टाँग बेतरतीब ठीक की गई थी, एक ओर जले के िनशान थे। ब�त कम कीमत पर उपल�
था। म��ने सोचा िक म� इसे ठीक कर सकता था। यह एक जो�खम भरी चुनौती थी, परं तु मुझे इसे लेना ही था। म��ने ��� को कीमत
अदा की और उसे गैराज के पीछे अपनी काय�शाला म� ले आया था। म��ने इस पर ि�समस के िदन काय� करना शु� िकया।
म��ने ऊपरी गोलाकार िसरा पूण�तया हटा िदया और दराज खी ंचकर बाहर िनकाले । �ा��क की परत हर ओर से उतर रही थी-ऐसा
लगता था िक पानी ने इसे �ित�� िकया था। अि� तथा जल दोनों ने इस डे � पर अपना कहर ढाया था। अंितम दराज काफी कड़ा
था। आराम से िनकालने के िलए म��ने अपना भरसक �यास िकया जो म� कर सकता था।
अंततः मुझे अित बल �योग करना पड़ा। म��ने इसे मु�ी की एक ओर से चूंसा मारा, दराज खुलकर नीचे िगर गया िजसकी कम गहराई
वाली जगह म� एक गु� दराज नजर आई। उसम� कुछ था। म� अ�र प�ंचा और काले िटन का एक छोटा िड�ा लेकर बाहर आया।
इसके ऊपर टेप लगा था और एक रे खांिकत नोट का टु कड़ा भी था। इस पर काँपते हाथों के से ह�लेख म� िलखा थाः “िजम का
आ�खरी प� 26 जनवरी 1915 को िमला। जब समय आए तो इसे मेरे साथ दफनाया जाए।” जैसे ही म��ने यह िकया म� जानता था िक
िड�े को खोलना मेरी गलती थी, पर िज�ासा मेरी नैितकता पर भारी थी। ऐसा �ायः होता ही है।
िड�े के अंदर एक िलफाफा था। उस पर पता िलखा था : �ीमती िजम मैकफरसन 12, कॉपर बीचस, ि�डपोट�, डोरसेट।” म��ने प�
बाहर िनकाला और खोला। इसे प��िसल से िलखा गया था और सबसे ऊपर तारीख िलखी थी-26 िदसंबर, 1914।”
Part II
ि�य कॉनी,
म� ब�त खुश िदल से तु�� िलख रहा �ँ �ों�िक अभी-अभी कुछ ब�त अ�ा घिटत �आ है जो म� तु�� तुरंत बताना चाहता �ँ। हम सब
कल सुबह अपने बंकरों म� खड़े थे, ि�समस की सुबह थी। वह शु� और शा� थी, इतनी सुंदर सुबह म��ने पहले कभी नही ं दे खी,
उतनी ही ठं डी और जमा दे ने वाली िजतनी िक ि�समस की एक सुबह होनी चािहए।
म� तु�� बतलाना चाहता था िक हमने ही इसकी शु�आत की थी। परं तु स�ाई यह है, िजससे म� शम�सार �ँ िक · इसे जम�न सैिनकों ने
शु� िकया। पहले िकसी ने सामने की बंकरों म� एक सफेद झंडा लहराते �ए दे खा। िफर वे सभी यु� �े� म� आवाज� लगाते सुनाई
पड़े , ‘टॉमी, ि�समस मुबारक हो। ि�समस मुबारक हो।’ जब हम� आ�य� �आ तब हम म� से भी कुछ िच�ाए, ‘ि�ट्ज़ तु�� भी
मुबारक हो। तु�� भी मुबारक हो।” म��ने सोचा था िक मामला यही ं ख� हो गया। हम सबने भी यही सोचा। परं तु तभी उनम� से एक
अपने �े-कोट म� खड़ा �आ और एक सफेद झंडा लहराया। “गोली मत चलाना, लड़को”।’ कोई िच�ाया। और िकसी ने भी गोली नही ं
चलाई। तब मुंडेर पर एक और जम�न सैिनक नजर आया और िफर एक और। “अपने िसर नीचे रखो,” म��ने अपने आदिमयों को कहा,
“यह एक चाल है।” परं तु ऐसा नही ं था।
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