Annexure To SOW 10 Standard Specification For Steam Tracing
Annexure To SOW 10 Standard Specification For Steam Tracing
Annexure To SOW 10 Standard Specification For Steam Tracing
01 64 3T-ITTP-fi
4-1 on fq-fik-Tr
Convenor : Mr M. Ismaeel
2.0 SCOPE 4
The purpose of steam tracing is to prevent the fall in process fluid temperature and maintain the
same throughout the length of the line. Constant temperature maintenance helps in the free flow
of fluid and its pumpability. Generally the Piping requiring steam tracing are indicated in P&IDs
and line list, while size and number of tracers shall be provided according to this specification.
This specification outlines the requirements to be met in the design and installation of steam
tracers for piping.
Type of Steam (i.e. SL, SM or SH etc.) for tracing shall be as specified in the line list. The
steam temperature shall be saturation temperature of the steam at a given pressure.
Requirement for condensate return (i.e. open system or closed system & pressure in case of
closed system) shall be obtained from process package.
Size of Bought-out supply and return manifolds with inbuilt piston valves shall be 1.5"
unless otherwise specified. The condensate return manifold shall be with pipe line connector
having inbuilt trap and glandless piston type drain valve for upstream isolation and trap
bypass. The trap shall be thermostatic type.
Site fabricated supply & return manifold header shall be 3" NB unless otherwise specified.
Size of tracer shall be '/2" NB unless specified otherwise in the process package.
Size of supply & return sub-header shall be 11/4" NB.
Size of supply & return lead lines shall be 1/2" NB unless specified otherwise in the process
Exceptions or variations covered in the process package shall take precedence over requirements
covered herein.
Standard Specification for Hot Insulation of Vessels, Piping and Equipment 6-44-0002;
Latest editions of the standard(s) referred shall be followed.
Steam supply for tracing can be obtained from steam headers, independent steam supply sub-
header or exhaust / bleed steam from other continuous steam users. In any case the steam tracers
should always get steam even if process unit is out of operation. As far as practicable, steam
supply manifold shall be laid such that lines requiring steam tracing are at minimum distance
from the manifold.
4.2 Material
4.3 Regulations
4.4 Procedure for Preparation of Steam Tracing Installation Drawings & Use of Stream
Tracing Standards:
Steam tracing installation drawings shall be prepared in accordance with the standards as per
following procedure.
4.4.1 The numbering of steam supply and condensate return manifolds shall be as per Annexure -1,
Sht. 3 of 8.
4.4.2 Steam supply sub-headers, steam supply manifolds, condensate sub-headers and condensate
recovery manifolds shall be located on piping GADs of Units and Offsites.
4.4.3 Details of steam supply and condensate return manifolds shall be prepared. These details will
indicate among other details, the size and number of various supply and return leads to and from
the designated steam traced lines, as given in chart-I of Annexure-1, Sht. 3 of 8 and chart-I of
Annexure-2, Sht. 3 of 8.
Design and installation of steam tracing system for piping shall be as detailed. Site fabricated
bends shall be used in place of forged elbows except near steam supply and condensate return
manifolds. Bought-out manifolds with inbuilt glandless piston valves shall be used unless
otherwise specified. The layout of steam supply sub-header and supply manifold shall be arranged to minimize length
of supply lead lines. Y-Type Strainer of 40 mesh size as per applicable piping class shall be provided in the steam
supply sub header. Strainer shall be located between Isolation Valve and supply manifold. Where single tracer is used directly from steam main, strainer in supply sub header shall not be
Location of manifolds shall be planned to minimize the length of the supply leads served by it.
Manifold shall be provided when three or more tracers are required. Length of supply lead shall
not exceed 15 mtrs. Supply manifold shall generally be located on pipe rack or technological
The routing shall be by field for minimum length of run avoiding interferences. Clearances and
maintenance joints shall be provided for operation & maintenance.
4.6.4 Tracers Sizing:
Unless otherwise specified in the process package the size and number of tracers shall be as
listed below: Useful length of tracers: Following shall be used for maintaining length of/2" tracer in open and
closed systems (excluding supply and return lead lines).
Tracing Length (meters) 23.0 38.0 46.0 53.0 61.0 69.0 76.0 Installation
a) The tracers shall be held in position by three turns of 16 SWG soft annealed galvanized iron
wire spaced every one meter.
b) Wherever there is requirement of single tracer in the plant/Area, individual supply lead line shall
be directly tapped from the nearby steam header/ sub header and routed along the line to be
traced. At the end of tracer run, these tracers shall be drained by separate steam traps as per
Sht.3 & 7 of 8 of Annexure-1 and Annexure-2.
c) The position of tracers around traced pipe shall be as per Annexure-1, Sht. 4 & 5 of 8.
d) The tracers shall start at the highest point in a system in general. As far as possible tracers shall
be routed with a continuous slope towards trap. Total pocket depth* shall not exceed 850mm
for 1.0 kg/cm2 of differential pressure available (i.e. difference of pressure between upstream
and down stream of the steam trap)
* Tracer pocket depth is the distance the tracer rises in the direction of flow from a low point to
high point. The total depth of pockets is the sum of all the pockets on the tracer and must not
exceed the above given figure. The pocket should be considered from the point where the tracer
starts its run along the traced pipe, up to the steam trap.
I Steam
e) Branch tracers to paired equipment and instruments to be provided with isolation valves and
each branch to have its own trap. (See Annexure -1, Sht.8 of 8)
g) The tracers shall be laid so as not to interfere with the normal working, operation and
maintenance of plant machinery.
h) Wherever the traced piping is having flanged connections and traced piping needs to be
disconnected for frequent maintenance, flushing etc., break flanges at suitable locations shall be
provided on tracers. All flange connections provided on tracers shall be located outside the
i) The installation shall be done to take care that the valves and steam traps on supply and return
manifolds are easily approachable. Maximum 12 nos. of supply leads/return lines (including
spares) are permitted per supply manifold/condensate return manifold.
j) The steam supply lead lines should be routed together, as far as possible. In case of several
tracers routed together, the spacing between individual tracers may be reduced to allow box type
insulation. However the spacing will be adequate in all cases to permit good welding and
individual clamping by U clamps, or other approved type of fastener.
k) The tracers shall be anchored at the middle point of the tracer run and adequate free space shall
be provided for the expansion of tracers at the free ends as shown in Annexure -1, Sht.4 of 8.
1) Whenever there is a single line to be traced, steam supply and return manifolds shall not be
used. In such cases, the steam supply line shall be tapped from the nearby steam header/sub
header and shall be routed along the line to be traced. At the end of the tracer run, these tracers
shall be drained by separate steam traps as per Shts. 3 & 7 of 8, Annexure-1 and Annexure-2. Each tracer or each branch of a tracer that is split, (i.e. a tracer on suction line of a parallel pump
installation) shall be separately trapped at the outlet end. Steam tracing installation shall be installed so as to facilitate rapid and easy removal and
replacement of traps, rather than permit emergency hand operation of the tracers, should trap
become inoperable. The trap discharge line shall have a block valve only if tied into a system into which more than
one trap discharge. For an open condensate system, locate traps so that condensate gets drained to S.S. avoiding
hazard to personnel. Thermostatic traps shall be used for systems wherein tracer steam design pressure is less than
21 Kg/cm2 g. Traps shall be provided with inbuilt strainers. The steam traps shall be hooked up as per Annexure -1, Sht.2, 3, 6 & 7 of 8 and Annexure-2,
Sht 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of 8. In case of Offsites piping, Annexure -1, Sht. 6 & 7 of 8 and Annexure-
2. Sht. 5, 6, 7 & 8 of 8, give the typical arrangement for steam trap assemblies, in plan and
Refer Process Design Basis(PDB). In case of recovery follow P&IDs / PDB and in case of non-
recovery, route condensate to Storm Sewer outside B/L.
All the components of steam tracing system shall be adequately supported. One of the methods
of supporting the supply and return manifolds has been indicated in Annexure-1, Sht. 7 of 8.
The supply lead lines and condensate return lines should be routed together, as far as possible,
with same BOP, so that they can be supported from common structural steel. To avoid undue
deflection and vibration, the spacing of supports in horizontal or vertical runs should not exceed
2 meters. The tracer lines may be secured to structural members with U clamps.
4.8 Testing
All tracers shall preferably be tested along with the steam piping to which they are connected.
In cases where tracers are not tested with the feed steam piping, separate hydrostatic test shall
be performed with test pressure of twice the design pressure. Hydrostatic test pressure shall be
same for tracers falling within / outside IBR scope.
4.9 Insulation
Composite box type insulation may be provided on the steam supply lead lines, in case they are
routed together. Similarly, this may be provided for the return lines to manifolds after the run
of tracers.
In case of critical applications wherein medium pressure or high pressure steam is used for
tracing, steam tracers shall be bonded using heat transfer cement.
Expansion loop shall be provided on long bonded tracer lines at 9 meter intervals and at 90°
turn. This is accomplished by extending the tracer line through the heat transfer cement and
insulation, making loop and returning back to traced line.