Ecr CHLN Rec Orbbs1776619000 3602306010495 1686668037869 2023061373437869765
Ecr CHLN Rec Orbbs1776619000 3602306010495 1686668037869 2023061373437869765
Ecr CHLN Rec Orbbs1776619000 3602306010495 1686668037869 2023061373437869765
SL. PARTICULARS A/C.01 (Rs.) A/C.02 (Rs.) A/C.10 (Rs.) A/C.21 (Rs.) A/C.22 (Rs.) TOTAL
(This is a system generated challan on 13-JUN-2023 20:22, the particulars shown in this challan are populated from the Electronic Challan Cum Return (ECR) uploaded by the
establishment for the specified month and year.
Note :- The following amounts are being remitted directly by Government of India on account of PMRPY / ABRY.
A) A/C no 1 (Employer share) ( Rs.) - 0 0
B) A/C no 10 (Pension fund) ( Rs.) - 0 0
C) A/C no 1 (Employee share) ( Rs.) - 0 0
D) Total (A + B + C) ( Rs.) - 0 0