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Operator Manual Genie GR Series

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Operator's Manual

Serial Number Range

GR™-12 from GRP-60000

from GRR-10001



Original Instructions
Seventh Edition
Second Printing
Part No. 1297725GT
Front Matter
Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Terex Global GmbH
Introduction ........................................................... 1
Bleicheplatz 2
Schaffhausen, 8200 Symbol and Hazard Pictorials Definitions ............. 5
Switzerland General Safety ...................................................... 7
EU Authorized representative: Personal Safety................................................... 10
Work Area Safety ................................................ 11
Genie Industries B.V.
Legend ................................................................ 18
Boekerman 5
4751 XK OUD GASTEL Controls ............................................................... 19
The Netherlands Inspections .......................................................... 22
Operating Instructions ......................................... 34
UK Authorized representative:
Transport and Lifting Instructions ....................... 44
Genie UK Limited Maintenance ....................................................... 49
The Maltings
Wharf Road Specifications ...................................................... 51
NG31 6BH

Copyright © 2000 Terex Corporation

Seventh Edition: Second Printing, November 2022
Genie is a registered trademark of Terex South Dakota, Inc. in
the U.S.A. and many other countries.
“GS” is a trademark of Terex South Dakota, Inc.

Complies with EC Directive 2006/42/EC

See EC Declaration of Conformity
Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008

GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


About this manual Intended Use and Familiarization

Genie appreciates your choice of our machine for Guide
your application. Our number one priority is user The intended use of this machine is to lift
safety, which is best achieved by our joint efforts. personnel, including tools, and materials to an
This book is an operation and daily maintenance aerial work site. Before operating the machine, it’s
manual for the user or operator of a Genie the operator’s responsibility to read and
machine. understand this familiarization guide.
This manual should be considered a permanent
 Each person must be trained to operate a
part of your machine and should remain with the
Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP).
machine at all times. If you have any questions,
contact Genie.  Familiarization with the MEWP must be given
to each person who is authorized, competent
and trained.
Product Identification
 Only trained and authorized personnel should
The machine serial number is located on the serial be permitted to operate the machine.
 The operator is responsible to read,
Serial number stamped Serial label located on understand, and obey the manufacturer’s
on chassis chassis instructions and safety rules provided in the
Operator’s Manual.
 The Operator’s Manual is located in the
manual storage container, at the platform.
 For specific product applications, see
Contacting The Manufacturer.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 1

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Platform controls symbology and related Ground controls symbology and related
machine movement: machine movement:
Lift function enable button Lift function enable button

Drive function enable button Platform up/down button

Platform up/down (when lift function

Sequential functions and movement:
Drive forward/reverse (when drive
function selected) • Drive and steer.
Steer right/left (when drive function Interlocked functions:
• Elevated drive speed.
Area of operation, indoor use button • Elevated drive in an off-level condition.
• All platform and ground controls.

Area of operation, outdoor use button Limitations of use:

• The intended use of this machine is to lift
personnel, including tools, and materials to an
aerial work site.
• Do not elevate the platform unless the machine
is on firm level ground.

2 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Bulletin Distribution and Compliance Contacting the Manufacturer
Safety of product users is of paramount At times it may be necessary to contact Genie.
importance to Genie. Various bulletins are used by When you do, be ready to supply the model
Genie to communicate important safety and number and serial number of your machine, along
product information to dealers and machine with your name and contact information. At
owners. minimum, Genie should be contacted for:
The information contained in the bulletins is tied to Accident reporting
specific machines using the machine model and
serial number. Questions regarding product applications and
Distribution of bulletins is based on the most
current owner on record along with their Standards and regulatory compliance information
associated dealer, so it is important to register
your machine and keep your contact information Current owner updates, such as changes in
up to date. machine ownership or changes in your contact
information. See Transfer of Ownership, below.
To ensure safety of personnel and the reliable
continued operation of your machine, be sure to
comply with the action indicated in a respective Transfer of Machine Ownership
bulletin. Taking a few minutes to update owner information
To view any open bulletins for your machine, visit will ensure that you receive important safety,
us on the web at www.genielift.com. maintenance and operating information that
applies to your machine.
Please register your machine by visiting us on the
web at www.genielift.com or by calling us toll free
at 1-800-536-1800.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 3

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


Safety Sign Maintenance

Replace any missing or damaged safety signs.
Keep operator safety in mind at all times. Use mild
soap and water to clean safety signs. Do not use
solvent-based cleaners because they may
damage the safety sign material.
Hazard Classification
Failure to obey the instructions and
Decals on this machine use symbols, color coding,
safety rules in this manual will result and signal words to identify the following:
in death or serious injury.
Safety alert symbol—used to alert
you to potential personal injury
Do Not Operate Unless: hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol
 You learn and practice the principles of safe to avoid possible injury or death.
machine operation contained in this operator’s
manual. Indicates a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, will result in
1 Avoid hazardous situations. death or serious injury.
Know and understand the safety rules
before going on to the next section. Indicates a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result
2 Always perform a pre-operation inspection. in death or serious injury.
3 Always perform function tests prior to use.
Indicates a hazardous situation
4 Inspect the workplace. which, if not avoided, could result
in minor or moderate injury.
5 Only use the machine as it was intended.
 You read, understand and obey the Indicates a property damage
manufacturer’s instructions and safety rules— message.
safety and operator’s manuals and machine
 You read, understand and obey employer’s
safety rules and worksite regulations.
 You read, understand and obey all applicable
governmental regulations.
 You are properly trained to safely operate the

4 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Symbol and Hazard Pictorials Definitions

Symbol and Hazard Pictorials Definitions

Read the operator’s Read the service Crush hazard No smoking Collision hazard
manual manual

Collision hazard Tip-over hazard Tip-over hazard Electrocution hazard Electrocution hazard

Burn hazard Explosion hazard Fire hazard Batteries used as Tiedown


Voltage rating for Pressure rating for air Keep away from Move machine to Lifting and tie down
power to platform line to platform moving parts level ground instructions

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 5

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Symbol and Hazard Pictorials Definitions

Maintain required Access by trained and Chock the wheels Release brakes Grounded AC
clearance authorized personnel 3-wire only

Replace damaged Wheel load Lanyard anchorage Platform overloaded Manual force
wires and cords points

Lifting point Indoor Outdoor Auxiliary lowering Wind speed

Maximum capacity Maximum capacity including occupant, tools,

materials and options

6 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

General Safety
General Safety

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Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

General Safety

8 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

General Safety

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 9

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Personal Safety
Personal Safety

Personal Fall Protection

Personal fall protection equipment (PFPE) is not
required when operating this machine. If PFPE is
required by job site or employer rules, the
following shall apply:
All PFPE must comply with applicable
governmental regulations and must be inspected
and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s

10 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Work Area Safety

Work Area Safety

Electrocution Hazards
Tip-over Hazards
This machine is not
Occupants, equipment and materials shall not
electrically insulated and
exceed the maximum platform capacity or the
will not provide protection
maximum platform capacity of the platform
from contact with or
extension. Weight in trays is part of the total
proximity to electrical
platform load.
Maximum capacity - GR-12 and GR-15
Standard platform
Obey all local and
governmental regulations Platform without extension 500 lbs 227 kg
regarding required Platform retracted 500 lbs 227 kg
clearance from electrical Platform extended – Platform 250 lbs 113 kg
power lines. At a minimum, only
the required clearance
Platform extended – 250 lbs 113 kg
contained in the chart
Extension only
below must be followed.
Work tray station (option) 50 lbs 22 kg
Maximum occupants 1
Line Voltage Required Clearance
Extension only Platform only
0 to 50KV 10 ft 3.05 m 500 lbs / 227 kg
250 lbs/113 kg 250 lbs/113 kg
50 to 200KV 15 ft 4.60 m
200 to 350KV 20 ft 6.10 m
350 to 500KV 25 ft 7.62 m
500 to 750KV 35 ft 10.67 m
750 to 1000KV 45 ft 13.72 m

Allow for platform movement, electrical line sway

or sag, and beware of strong or gusty winds.
Keep away from the machine if it contacts
energized power lines. Personnel on the ground or
in the platform must not touch or operate the
machine until energized power lines are shut off.
Do not operate the machine during lightning or
Do not use the machine as a ground for welding.

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Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Work Area Safety

Maximum capacity - GR-20 If the tilt alarm sounds:

Standard platform Lower the platform. Move the machine to a firm,
level surface. If the tilt alarm sounds when the
Platform without platform is raised, use extreme caution to lower
350 lbs 159kg
extension the platform.
Platform retracted 350 lbs 159 kg
Do not drive over 0.5 mph / 0.8 km/h with the
Platform extended –
100 lbs 45 kg platform raised.
Platform only
Platform extended – Do not raise the platform when wind speeds may
250 lbs 113 kg
Extension only exceed 28 mph / 12.5 m/s. If wind speeds exceed
Work tray station 28 mph / 12.5 m/s when the platform is raised,
50 lbs 22 kg lower the platform and do not continue to operate
the machine.
Maximum occupants 1
Extension only Platform only Outdoor use: Do not operate the machine
350 lbs/159 kg
250 lbs/113 kg 100 lbs/45 kg outdoors with the indoor use button selected.

Do not operate the

machine in strong or
gusty winds. Do not
increase the surface area
of the platform or the
load. Increasing the area
exposed to the wind will
Do not raise the platform decrease machine
unless the machine is on a stability.
firm, level surface.
Use extreme care and
Do not depend on the tilt slow speeds while driving
alarm as a level indicator. the machine in the
The tilt alarm sounds at the stowed position across
platform controls and the uneven terrain, debris,
ground controls when the unstable or slippery
machine is on a severe surfaces and near holes
slope. and drop-offs.

12 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Work Area Safety

Do not drive the machine on or near uneven Do not alter or disable the limit switches.
terrain, unstable surfaces or other hazardous Do not alter or disable machine components that
conditions with the platform raised. in any way affect safety and stability.
Do not use the machine as a crane. Do not replace items critical to machine stability
Do not push the machine or other objects with the with items of different weight or specification.
platform. Do not use batteries that weigh less than the
Do not contact adjacent structures with the original equipment. Batteries are used as
platform. counterweight and are critical to machine stability.
Each battery must weigh a minimum of
Do not tie the platform to adjacent structures. 62 lbs/28 kg.
Do not place loads outside the platform perimeter. Do not modify or alter a mobile elevating work
The work station tray is considered part of the platform without prior written permission from the
platform. manufacturer. Mounting attachments for holding
tools or other materials onto the platform,
Do not use the platform controls to free a platform toeboards, or guard rail system can increase the
that is caught, snagged, or otherwise prevented weight in the platform and the surface area of the
from normal motion by an adjacent structure. All platform or the load.
personnel must be removed from the platform
before attempting to free the platform using the Do not place or attach fixed
ground controls. or overhanging loads to
any part of this machine.
Follow ratings for allowable manual force and
number of occupants shown below. Do not place ladders or
scaffolds in the platform or
Do not push off or pull against any part of this
toward any object outside machine.
of the platform.
Do not transport tools and
materials unless they are
evenly distributed and can
be safely handled by
person(s) in the platform.

Maximum allowable Maximum occupants

manual force
45 lbs / 200 N 1

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Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Work Area Safety

Do not use the machine on Fall Hazards

a moving or mobile surface
or vehicle. The guard rail system provides fall protection. If
occupant(s) of the platform are required to wear
Be sure all tires are in good personal fall protection equipment (PFPE) due to
condition, castle nuts are job site or employer rules, PFPE and its use shall
properly tightened and be in accordance with the PFPE manufacturer’s
cotter pins are properly instructions and applicable governmental
installed. requirements. Use approved lanyard attachment
point provided.
Keep the platform floor clear of debris.
Crushing Hazard Close the entry gate before operating.
Keep hands and limbs out of mast.
Do not sit, stand, or climb
Do not work under the platform or mast without the on the platform guard
battery cover raised. rails. Maintain a firm
footing on the platform
Use common sense and planning when operating floor at all times.
the machine with the controller from the ground.
Maintain safe distances between the operator, the
machine and fixed objects.

Operation on Slopes Hazards Do not climb down from

Do not drive the machine on a slope that exceeds the platform when raised.
the slope and side slope rating of the machine. Do not enter or exit the
Slope rating applies to machines in the stowed platform unless the
position. machine is in the stowed
Maximum slope rating, stowed 30% (16.7°)
Maximum side slope rating, stowed 30% (16.7°)

Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditions

with one person in the platform and adequate
traction. Additional platform weight may reduce
slope rating. See Driving on a Slope in the
Operating Instructions section.

14 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Work Area Safety

Collision Hazards Do not lower the platform

unless the area below is
Be aware of limited sight clear of personnel and
distance and blind spots obstructions.
when driving or operating.

Be aware of extended platform position when

moving the machine.
Limit travel speed
The machine must be on a level surface and according to the condition
wheels chocked or secured before releasing the of the ground surface,
brakes. congestion, slope,
location of personnel, and
Operators must comply with employer, job site, any other factors which
and governmental rules regarding use of personal may cause collision.
protective equipment.

Check the work area for

overhead obstructions or Observe and use color-coded direction arrows on
other possible hazards. the platform controls and the platform decal plate
for drive and steer functions.
Do not operate a machine in the path of any crane
or moving overhead machinery unless the controls
of the crane have been locked out and/or
precautions have been taken to prevent any
potential collision.
Be aware of crushing
hazards when grasping No stunt driving or horseplay while operating a
the platform guard rail. machine.

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Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Work Area Safety

Bodily Injury Hazard Damaged Machine Hazards

Do not operate the machine with a hydraulic oil or Do not use a damaged or malfunctioning machine.
air leak. An air leak or hydraulic leak can penetrate
and/or burn skin. Conduct a thorough pre-operation inspection of
the machine and test all functions before each
Improper contact with components under any work shift. Immediately tag and remove from
cover will cause serious injury. Only trained service a damaged or malfunctioning machine.
maintenance personnel should access
compartments. Access by the operator is only Be sure all maintenance has been performed as
advised when performing a pre-operation specified in this manual and the appropriate Genie
inspection. All compartments must remain closed service manual.
and secured during operation. Be sure all decals are in place and legible.
Be sure the operator's manual is complete, legible,
Explosion and Fire Hazards and in the storage container located on the
Do not operate the machine or charge the battery machine.
in hazardous locations or locations where
potentially flammable or explosive gases or
particles may be present.
Component Damage Hazards
Do not use any battery charger greater than 24V
to charge the batteries.
Do not use the machine as a ground for welding.

16 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Work Area Safety

Battery Safety Component Damage Hazard

Do not use any battery charger greater than 24V
Burn Hazards to charge the batteries.
Batteries contain acid.
Always wear protective Electrocution/Burn Hazards
clothing and eye wear when Connect the battery charger to a
working with batteries. grounded, AC 3-wire electrical
outlet only.
Avoid spilling or contacting
battery acid. Neutralize Inspect daily for damaged cords,
battery acid spills with baking cables and wires. Replace
soda and water. damaged items before operating.
Do not expose the batteries or the charger to Avoid electrical shock from contact with battery
water or rain during charging. terminals. Remove all rings, watches and other
Explosion Hazards
Keep sparks, flames, and Tip-over Hazard
lighted tobacco away from Do not use batteries that weigh less than the
batteries. Batteries emit original equipment. Batteries are used as
explosive gas. counterweight and are critical to machine stability.
Each battery must weigh a minimum of
The battery tray may remain 62 lbs/28 kg.
open during the entire
charging cycle. Lifting Hazard
Do not contact the battery Use the appropriate number of people and proper
terminals or the cable lifting techniques when lifting batteries.
clamps with tools that may
cause sparks.
Lockout After Each Use
1 Select a safe parking location—firm level
surface, clear of obstruction and traffic.
2 Lower the platform.
3 Turn the key switch to the off position and
remove the key to secure from unauthorized
4 Charge the batteries.

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Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


1 Pothole guard 9 Ground controls 15 Tool Tray

2 Non-steer tire 10 Mast 16 GFCI outlet
3 Auxiliary lowering valve 11 Brake release pump knob 17 Battery compartment cover
4 Transport tie-down (under covers) 18 Battery cover latch
5 Forklift pockets 12 Platform controls 19 Steer tire
6 Battery charger display 13 Manual storage container 20 Platform extension release
7 Covers 14 Lanyard anchorage point pedal
8 Hydraulic oil level indicator 21 Platform extension entry gate

18 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


The ground control station is to be used as a means to raise the platform for function tests and for storage
purposes. The ground control station can be used in the event of an emergency to rescue an
incapacitated person in the platform.

Ground Control Panel

1 7A breaker for electrical circuits 8 Menu escape button
2 Red Emergency Stop button 9 Menu up button
Push in the red Emergency Stop button to the off 10 LCD diagnostic readout
position to stop all functions. Pull out the red 11 Key switch for platform/off/ground selection
Emergency Stop button to the on position to
Turn the key switch to the platform position and
operate the machine.
the platform controls will operate. Turn the key
3 Menu down button switch to the off position and the machine will be
4 Menu enter button off. Turn the key switch to the ground position
5 Platform up button and the ground controls will operate.
6 Platform down button 12 Tech Pro Link Connector
7 Lift function enable button
Press and hold this button to activate the lift

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Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


Platform Control Panel

1 Red Emergency Stop button Lift function: Press and hold the function
enable switch to enable the lift function on the
Push in the red Emergency Stop button to the platform control handle. Move the control
off position to stop all functions. Pull out the handle in the direction indicated by the blue
red Emergency Stop button to the on position arrow and the platform will raise. Move the
to operate the machine. control handle in the direction indicated by the
2 Lift function button yellow arrow and the platform will lower. The
descent alarm should sound while the platform
Push this button to activate the lift is lowering.
Drive function: Press and hold the function
enable switch to enable the drive function on
the platform control handle. Move the control
3 Horn button handle in the direction indicated by the blue
arrow on the control panel and the machine
Press the horn button and the horn will move in the direction that the blue arrow
will sound. Release the horn points. Move the control handle in the direction
button and the horn will not sound. indicated by the yellow arrow on the control
panel and the machine will move in the
4 Drive speed select button direction that the yellow arrow points.

Press this button to activate the

slow drive function. The indicator
light will be on when slow drive is

5 Proportional control handle and function

enable switch for drive, steer, and lift functions

20 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


6 Thumb rocker switch for steer function 9 Indoor use button

Press the left side of the thumb Press this button for indoor use
rocker and the machine will turn in Note: Selecting indoor use permits
the direction the blue triangle elevating to maximum indoor
points on the platform control platform height. Refer to
panel. specification pages.
Press the right side of the thumb 10 Outdoor use button
rocker and the machine will turn in
the direction the yellow triangle Press this button for outdoor use
points on the platform control
Note: Selecting outdoor use
permits elevating to maximum
7 LED diagnostic readout, battery charge outdoor platform height. Refer to
indicator and lift/drive mode indicator specification pages.

8 Drive function button

Push this button to activate the

drive function.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 21

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


Pre-operation Inspection
It is the responsibility of the operator to perform a
pre-operation inspection and routine maintenance.
The pre-operation inspection is a visual inspection
performed by the operator prior to each work shift.
Do Not Operate Unless: The inspection is designed to discover if anything
is apparently wrong with a machine before the
 You learn and practice the principles of safe operator performs the function tests.
machine operation contained in this operator’s
manual. The pre-operation inspection also serves to
determine if routine maintenance procedures are
1 Avoid hazardous situations.
required. Only routine maintenance items specified
2 Always perform a pre-operation in this manual may be performed by the operator.
Refer to the list on the next page and check each
Know and understand the pre-operation of the items.
inspection before going on to the next
section. If damage or any unauthorized variation from
factory delivered condition is discovered, the
3 Always perform function tests prior to use. machine must be tagged and removed from
4 Inspect the workplace. service.
5 Only use the machine as it was intended. Repairs to the machine may only be made by a
qualified service technician, according to the
manufacturer’s specifications. After repairs are
completed, the operator must perform a pre-
operation inspection again before going on to the
function tests.
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be
performed by qualified service technicians,
according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

22 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


Pre-operation Inspection  Pothole guards

 Lanyard anchorage points
 Be sure that the operator’s manual is
complete, legible and in the storage container  Platform extension (if equipped)
located in the platform.
 Work trays (if equipped)
 Be sure that all decals are legible and in place.
 Brake release components
See Inspections section.
 Battery cover
 Check for hydraulic oil leaks and proper oil
level. Add oil if needed. See Maintenance  Mast columns and counterweight
 Platform control joystick
 Check for battery fluid leaks and proper fluid
 Platform overload components
level. Add distilled water if needed. See
Maintenance section. Check entire machine for:
Check the following components or areas for  Cracks in welds or structural components
damage, improperly installed, or missing parts and
unauthorized modifications:  Dents or damage to machine
 Excessive rust, corrosion or oxidation
 Electrical components, wiring, and
electrical cables  Verify that all structural and other critical
components are present and all associated
 Hydraulic power unit, reservoir, hoses,
fasteners and pins are in place and properly
fittings, cylinders and manifolds
 Battery pack and connections
Note: If the platform must be raised to inspect the
 Drive motors machine, make sure that the battery cover is in
place to prevent the mast sections and platform
 Tires and wheels
from coming down. See Operating Instructions
 Ground strap section.
 Limit switches, alarms and horn
 Beacons (if equipped)
 Nuts, bolts and other fasteners
 Platform entry mid-rail or gate
 Sequencing cables and pulleys
 Wear pads

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Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


Function Test Fundamentals

The function tests are designed to discover any
malfunctions before the machine is put into
service. The operator must follow the step-by-step
instructions to test all machine functions.
A malfunctioning machine must never be used. If
Do Not Operate Unless: malfunctions are discovered, the machine must be
tagged and removed from service. Repairs to the
 You learn and practice the principles of safe machine may only be made by a qualified service
machine operation contained in this operator’s technician, according to the manufacturer’s
manual. specifications.
1 Avoid hazardous situations. After repairs are completed, the operator must
2 Always perform a pre-operation inspection. perform a pre-operation inspection and function
tests again before putting the machine into
3 Always perform function tests prior to service.
Know and understand the function tests
before going on to the next section.
4 Inspect the workplace.
5 Only use the machine as it was intended.

24 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


At the Ground Controls Test the Up/Down Functions

1 Select a test area that is firm, level and free of The audible warnings on this machine and the
hazards. standard horn all come from the same central
alarm. The horn is a constant tone. The descent
2 Be sure the batteries are connected. alarm sounds at 60 beeps per minute. The alarm
3 Pull out the platform and ground red sounds at 180 beeps per minute when the pothole
Emergency Stop button to the on position. guards have not deployed and when the machine
is not level. An optional automotive-style horn is
4 Turn the key switch to ground control. also available.
5 Observe the diagnostic LED readout on the 9 Do not press the lift function enable button.
platform controls.
10 Press the platform up or platform down button.
Result: The LED should look like the picture
below. Result: The lift function should not operate.
11 Do not press the platform up or platform down
12 Press the lift function enable button.
Result: The lift function should not operate.
6 Observe the diagnostic LCD readout on the 13 Press and hold the lift function enable button,
ground controls. and press the platform up button.
Result: The LCD should look like the picture Result: The lift function should not operate.
14 Press the Enter button to cycle between indoor
and outdoor area of operation.
15 Select the outdoor area of operation.
16 Press and hold the lift function enable button,
and press the platform up button.
Test Emergency Stop Result: The platform should raise.
7 Push in the ground red Emergency Stop 17 Press and hold the lift function enable button,
button to the off position. and press the platform down button.
Result: No functions should operate. Result: The platform should lower.The descent
8 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the alarm should sound while the platform is
on position. lowering.

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Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Test Auxiliary Lowering Test the Function Enable Switch and the
18 Activate the up function by pressing the lift Up/Down Functions
enable button and platform up button, and 25 Press the outdoor use button.
raise the platform approximately 2 ft. / 60 cm.
Result: The outdoor use button should
19 Pull the auxiliary lowering knob located at the illuminate.
base of the machine below the mast.
26 Do not hold the function enable switch on the
Result: The platform should lower. The control handle.
descent alarm will not sound.
27 Slowly move the control handle in the direction
indicated by the blue arrow, then in the
Test the Tilt Sensor Operation
direction indicated by the yellow arrow.
20 Press the ground control down button Result: No functions should operate.
(button 3)
28 Press the lift function button.
Result: The ground control LCD screen will 29 Wait seven seconds for the lift function to time
display the status of the tilt sensor. The X and out.
Y values (pitch and roll) will be displayed. 30 Slowly move the control handle in the direction
21 Turn the key switch to platform control. indicated by the blue arrow, then in the
direction indicated by the yellow arrow.

At the Platform Controls Result: The lift function should not operate.
31 Press the lift function button.
Test Emergency Stop
32 Press and hold the function enable switch on
22 Push in the platform red Emergency Stop the control handle. Slowly move the control
button to the off position. handle in the direction indicated by the blue
Result: No functions should operate.
Result: The platform should raise. The pothole
Test the Horn guards should deploy.
23 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the 33 Release the control handle.
on position. Result: The platform should stop raising.
24 Press the horn button. 34 Press and hold the function enable switch on
Result: The platform alarm, chassis alarm, and the control handle. Slowly move the control
automotive horn (if equipped) should sound. handle in the direction indicated by the yellow
Result: The platform should lower. The
descent alarm should sound while the platform
is lowering.

26 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Test the Outdoor Use Button Test the Drive Function Button
35 Do not press and hold the function enable 39 Press the drive function button.
switch on control handle.
36 Press the outdoor use button.
40 Wait seven seconds for the drive function to
Result: The LED under the outdoor button will time out. Slowly move the control handle in the
illuminate. direction indicated by the blue arrow, then in
37 Press the lift function enable button. the direction indicated by the yellow arrow.
38 Press and hold the function enable switch on Result: No functions should operate.
the control handle. Slowly move the control
handle in the direction indicated by the blue Test the Steering
Note: When performing the steer and drive
GR-12: Result: The platform should raise to function tests, stand in the platform facing the
9 ft 1 in/2.76 m and stop. The alarm should steer end of the machine.
sound. The platform controls LED readout
should display OHL. 41 Press the drive function button.

GR-15: Result: The platform should raise to

11 ft 1 in/3.37 m and stop. The alarm should 42 Press and hold the function enable switch on
sound. The platform controls LED readout the control handle.
should display OHL.
43 Press the thumb rocker switch on top of the
GR-20: Result: The platform should raise to control handle in the direction indicated by the
15 ft 6 in/4.72 m and stop. The alarm should blue triangle on the control panel.
sound. The platform controls LED readout
should display OHL. Result: The steer wheels should turn in the
direction indicated by the blue triangle.
44 Press the thumb rocker switch on top of the
control handle in the direction indicated by the
yellow triangle, on the control panel.
Result: The steer wheels should turn in the
direction indicated by the yellow triangle.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 27

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Test Drive and Braking Test Drive Tilt Cutout
45 Press the drive function button. Note: Perform this test from the ground with the
platform controller. Do not stand in the platform.
49 Fully lower the platform.
46 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the control handle. 50 Drive the machine onto a slope where the
chassis angle is greater than 1.5° side to side.
47 Slowly move the control handle in the direction
indicated by the blue arrow on the control 51 Raise the platform to approximately
panel until the machine begins to move, then 7 ft/2.13 m.
return the control handle to the center position. Result: The platform should stop and the tilt
Result: The machine should move in the alarm will sound at 180 beeps per minute. The
direction that the blue arrow points on the platform controls LED readout should display
control panel, then come to an abrupt stop LL and the ground controls LCD should
when the control handle is returned to the display LL: Machine Tilted.
center position. 52 Press the drive function button.
48 Slowly move the control handle in the direction 53 Press and hold the function enable switch on
indicated by the yellow arrow on the control the control handle.
panel until the machine begins to move, then
return the control handle to the center position. 54 Move the control handle in the direction
indicated by the blue arrow, then move the
Result: The machine should move in the control handle in the direction indicated by the
direction that the yellow arrow points on the yellow arrow.
control panel, then come to an abrupt stop
when the control handle is returned to the Result: The drive function should not work in
center position. either direction.

Note: The brakes must be able to hold the 55 Fully lower the platform.
machine on any slope it is able to climb. 56 Drive the machine.
Result: The machine should drive.
57 Return to level ground and raise the platform
in excess of approximately 7 ft/2.13 m.

28 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


58 Drive the machine onto a slope where the 65 Fully lower the platform.
pitch angle is greater than 1.5° side to side.
66 Drive the machine.
Result: The machine should stop once the
Result: The machine should drive.
machine reaches 1.5° of chassis tilt and the tilt
alarm will sound at 180 beeps per minute. The 67 Return to level ground and raise the platform
platform controls LED readout should display in excess of approximately 7 ft/2.13 m.
LL and the ground controls LCD should
68 Drive the machine onto a slope where the
display LL: Machine Tilted
pitch angle is greater than 3° front to back.
59 Return to level ground and fully lower the
Result: The machine should stop once the
machine reaches 3° of chassis tilt and the tilt
60 Drive the machine onto a slope where the alarm will sound at 180 beeps per minute. The
chassis angle is greater than 3° front to back. platform controls LED readout should display
LL and the ground controls LCD should
61 Raise the platform to approximately
display LL: Machine Tilted
7 ft/2.13 m.
69 Fully lower the platform and return to level
Result: The platform should stop and the tilt
alarm will sound at 180 beeps per minute. The
platform controls LED readout should display
LL and the ground controls LCD should Test Elevated Drive Speed
display LL: Machine Tilted. 70 Raise the platform approximately 4 ft / 1.2 m
62 Press the drive function button. from the ground.

63 Press and hold the function enable switch on 71 Press the drive function button.
the control handle.
64 Move the control handle in the direction
72 Press and hold the function enable switch on
indicated by the blue arrow, then move the
the control handle. Slowly move the control
control handle in the direction indicated by the
handle to full drive position.
yellow arrow.
Result: The maximum achievable drive speed
Result: The drive function should not work in
with the platform raised should not exceed
either direction.
0.72 ft / 22 cm per second.
If the drive speed with the platform raised exceeds
0.72 ft / 22 cm per second, immediately tag and
remove the machine from service.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 29

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Test the Pothole Guards 78 Press the drive function button.
Note: The pothole guards should automatically
deploy when the platform is raised. The pothole
guards activate limit switches that allow the 79 Press and hold the function enable switch on
machine to continue to function. If the pothole the control handle.
guards do not deploy, an alarm sounds and the 80 Slowly move the control handle in the direction
machine will not drive or steer. indicated by the blue arrow, then in the
73 Raise the platform. direction indicated by the yellow arrow.
Result: When the platform is raised Result: The machine should not move forward
approximately 4 ft / 1.2 m from the ground, the or backward.
pothole guards should deploy.
81 Press the drive function button.
74 Press on the pothole guards on one side, and
then the other.
Result: The pothole guards should not move. 82 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the control handle.
75 Lower the platform.
83 Press the thumb rocker switch on top of the
Result: The pothole guards should return to control handle in the direction indicated by the
the stowed position. blue and yellow triangles on the control panel.
76 Place a 2x4 or similar piece of wood under a Result: The steer wheels should not turn left or
pothole guard. right.
77 Raise the platform. 84 Fully lower the platform.
Result: Before the platform is raised 85 Remove the 2x4 or similar piece of wood.
approximately 7 ft / 2.1 m from the ground, an
alarm should sound. The platform controls
LED readout should display PHS and the
ground controls LCD should display PHS:
Pothole Guard Stuck.

30 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


Workplace Inspection Checklist

Be aware of and avoid the following hazardous
 drop-offs or holes
 bumps, floor obstructions, or debris

Do Not Operate Unless:  sloped surfaces

 unstable or slippery surfaces
 You learn and practice the principles of safe
machine operation contained in this operator’s  overhead obstructions and high voltage
manual. conductors
1 Avoid hazardous situations.  hazardous locations
2 Always perform a pre-operation inspection.  inadequate surface support to withstand all
load forces imposed by the machine
3 Always perform function tests prior to use.
 wind and weather conditions
4 Inspect the workplace.
 the presence of unauthorized personnel
Know and understand the workplace
inspection before going on to the next  other possible unsafe conditions
5 Only use the machine as it was intended.

Workplace Inspection
The workplace inspection helps the operator
determine if the workplace is suitable for safe
machine operation. It should be performed by the
operator prior to moving the machine to the
It is the operator’s responsibility to read and
remember the workplace hazards, then watch for
and avoid them while moving, setting up, and
operating the machine.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 31

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


Inspection for Decals with Part No. Decal Description Qty

Symbols 1296034 Label – Smartlink Dual Zone 2
1296620 Danger – Max. Capacity, Side Force, 1
Use the inspection to verify that all decals are GR*
legible and in place.
1296622 Danger – Max. Capacity, Side Force, 1
Part No. Decal Description Qty
1297735 Label – Transport Diagram 2
28174 Label – Power to Platform, 230V* 2
1298467 Label – Read the Manual 1
28235 Label – Power to Platform, 115V* 2
* These decals are model, option or
43658 Label – Power to Charger, 230V* 1
configuration specific.
44980 Label – Power to Charger, 115V* 1
52475 Label – Transport Tie-down 3
72086 Label – Lifting Point 1
72188 Label – Directional Arrows 2
82481 Label – Battery/Charger Safety 1
82487 Label – Read the Manual 2
82495 Label – Brake Release Safety and 1
Operating Instructions
82614 Warning – Collision Hazard 1
82666 Label – Forklift Pocket 2
82836 Label – Auxiliary Lowering 1
97815 Label – Lower Mid-rail* 1
97899 Label – Use Safety Chock 1
114334 Label – Electrocution Hazard, Plug 1
114338 Label – Tip-over Hazard, Tilt Alarm 1
133015 Danger – Electrocution hazard 1
133146 Danger – Tip-over Hazard, Batteries 1
133147 Label – Tip-over Hazard, Limit Switch 1
137605 Label – Emergency Stop, Platform 1
137656 Label – Drive/Steer Direction, 1
Platform Control
1263542 Label – Compartment Access 1
1270489 Label – Wheel Load, GR, GRC 4
1272242 Label – Machine Registration/Owner 1
1281175 Label – Lanyard Anchorage Point, Fall 1
1283228 Label – GCON, GR, Tech Pro 1
1283810 Label – Platform Control Panel 1
1293166 Danger, Warning – Tip-over, Crush 1
1294688 Label – Platform Overload LED 1
Indicator Light

32 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


133147 1298467



1263542 82614







1270489 133146


*28174 72188
*28235 1272242 137605 82487
1283810 1294688
1283228 82487
*43658 1293166
*44980 *1296620
114334 82836 *1296622


1297735 52475 1270489

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 33

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions

The Operating Instructions section provides
instructions for each aspect of machine operation.
It is the operator’s responsibility to follow all the
safety rules and instructions in the operator’s

Do Not Operate Unless: Using the machine for anything other than lifting
personnel, along with their tools and materials, to
 You learn and practice the principles of safe an aerial work site is unsafe and dangerous.
machine operation contained in this operator’s
manual. Only trained and authorized personnel should be
permitted to operate a machine. If more than one
1 Avoid hazardous situations. operator is expected to use a machine at different
2 Always perform a pre-operation inspection. times in the same work shift, they must all be
qualified operators and are all expected to follow
3 Always perform function tests prior to use. all safety rules and instructions in the operator’s
4 Inspect the workplace. manual. That means every new operator should
perform a pre-operation inspection, function tests,
5 Only use the machine as it was and a workplace inspection before using the
intended. machine.

34 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Operating Instructions

Emergency Stop Operation from Platform

Push in the red Emergency Stop button to the off 1 Be sure the battery pack is connected before
position at the ground controls or the platform operating the machine.
controls to stop all functions.
2 Turn the key switch to platform control.
Repair any function that operates when either red 3 Pull out both ground and platform red
Emergency Stop button is pushed in. Emergency Stop buttons to the on position.

Auxiliary Lowering To Position Platform

Pull the auxiliary lowering knob to 1 Press the Indoor or

lower the platform. Outdoor use button.
Note: Area of operation can
only be changed when the
machine is in the stowed
Operation from Ground
2 Press the lift function button. On
1 Be sure the battery pack is connected before the LED screen, a circle below the
operating the machine. lift function symbol will turn on.
2 Turn the key switch to ground control.
3 Pull out both ground and platform red If the control handle is not moved within seven
Emergency Stop buttons to the on position. seconds of pushing the lift function button, the
circle below the lift function symbol will turn off and
To Position Platform lift function will not operate. Press the lift function
button again.
1 At the control panel, press Enter button to
cycle between indoor and outdoor area of 3 Press and hold the function enable switch on
operations. the control handle.
Note: Area of operation can only be changed when 4 Move the control handle in the direction
the machine is in the stowed position. indicated by the markings on the control panel.
2 Press and hold the lift function enable.
3 Press the platform up or down button.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 35

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Operating Instructions
To Steer Use the color-coded direction arrows on the
platform controls and on the platform to identify the
1 Press the drive function button. On the LED direction the machine will travel.
screen, a circle below the drive function
symbol will turn on. Machine travel speed is restricted when the
platform is raised.
If the control handle is not moved within seven
seconds of pushing the drive function button, the Battery condition will affect machine performance.
circle below the drive function symbol will turn off Machine drive speed and function speed will drop
and drive function will not operate. Press the drive when the battery level indicator is flashing.
function button again.
To select drive speed
2 Turn the steer wheels with the
thumb rocker switch located on The drive controls can operate in two different
the top of the control handle. drive speed modes. When the drive speed button
light is on, slow drive speed mode is active. When
the button light is off, fast drive speed mode is
To Drive active.
1 Press the drive function button. On the LED Press the drive speed button to select
screen, a circle below the drive function the desired drive speed.
symbol will turn on.
Note: When the platform is elevated,
If the control handle is not moved within seven the drive speed button light is always
seconds of pushing the drive function button, the on, indicating elevated drive speed.
circle below the drive function symbol will turn off
and drive function will not operate. Press the drive
function button again.
2 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the control handle.
3 Increase speed: Slowly move the control
handle off center.
Decrease speed: Slowly move the control
handle toward center.
Stop: Return the control handle to center or
release the function enable switch.

36 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Operating Instructions
Driving on a slope At the downhill end, lay the level on the top edge
of the piece of wood and lift the end until the piece
Determine the slope and side slope ratings for the of wood is level.
machine and determine the slope grade.
While holding the piece of wood level, measure
Maximum slope rating,
the vertical distance from the bottom of the piece
stowed position: 30% (17°) of wood to the ground.
Divide the tape measure distance (rise) by the
Maximum side slope length of the piece of wood (run) and multiply by
rating, stowed position: 30% (17°) 100.

Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditions

with one person in the platform and adequate
traction. Additional platform weight may reduce
slope rating.

To determine the slope grade:

Measure the slope with a digital inclinometer OR
use the following procedure.
You will need: Piece of wood = 144 inches (3.6 m)

• carpenter’s level Run = 144 inches (3.6 m)

• straight piece of wood, at least 3 feet/1 m long Rise = 12 inches (0.3 m)

• tape measure 12 in ÷ 144 in = 0.083 x 100 = 8.3% grade
0.3 m ÷ 3.6 m = 0.083 x 100 = 8.3% grade
Lay the piece of wood on the slope.
If the slope exceeds the maximum slope or side
slope rating, then the machine must be winched or
transported up or down the slope. See Transport
and Lifting section.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 37

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Operating Instructions
Operational indicator codes Platform Overload
If the platform controls LED or ground controls
LCD diagnostic readout displays an operational If the platform controls LED diagnostic readout
indicator code such as LL, the fault condition must displays a flashing OL and the ground controls
repaired or removed before resuming machine LCD diagnostic readout displays OL: Platform
operation. Push in and pull out the red Emergency Overloaded, the platform is overloaded and no
Stop button to reset the system. functions will operate. An alarm will sound.
1 Push in the red Emergency Stop button to the
off position.
2 Remove weight from the platform.
3 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the
on position.
LED Readout

LED Readout
LCD Readout

Operational Indicator Codes

Code Condition
LL Off-Level
LCD Readout
OL Platform Overloaded
When the platform is being raised or lowered, a
CH Chassis Mode Operation self-check function will be performed near
PHS Pothole Guard Stuck maximum height. The machine may stop and an
ND No Drive (option) alarm may sound. If the machine is not
overloaded, normal operation will resume.
OHL Outdoor Height Limit

For further information, please consult the Overload Recovery

appropriate Genie Service Manual. A code and a If the ground controls LCD diagnostic readout
description of a code can also be viewed at the displays Overload Recovery, the auxiliary lowering
ground controls LCD display. system has been used while the platform was
overloaded. For information on how to reset the
message, please consult the appropriate Genie
Service Manual.

38 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Operating Instructions
Tilt Sensor Activation Settings Battery Level Indicator
Chassis Angle Use the LED diagnostic readout to determine the
(side to side)
battery level.
Chassis Angle (front to back) 3°
Note: When a blinking LO code appears on the
If the tilt alarm sounds while platform controls LED display, the machine must
raising the platform, lower the be taken out of service and charged, otherwise all
platform and move the machine to machine functions will be disabled.
a firm, level surface. If the tilt
alarm sounds when the platform is
raised, use extreme caution to
lower the platform. Full Charge

When the platform controls LED

readout displays LL, the ground
controls LCD displays LL:
Machine Tilted, and the tilt alarm
sounds at 180 beeps per minute, Half Charge
the following functions are
affected: drive, steer, and elevate
functions are disabled.
Return the machine to level Low Charge
ground to restore lift functions.

Operation from Ground with Controller

Maintain safe distances between the operator,
LO Flashing
machine and fixed objects.
Be aware of the direction the machine will travel
when using the controller.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 39

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Operating Instructions

To Extend and Retract Platform Lift Tools Work Tray Instructions

(if equipped) The Lift Tools Work Tray assembly consists of one
1 Step on the platform extension release pedal. tray and a mounting bracket with hardware.

2 Grasp the platform guard rails carefully and

push to extend the platform.
3 Step on the platform extension release pedal
and pull the guard rails to retract the platform.

1 lift tool work tray

2 washer, flat, 3/8"
3 bolt, 3/8-16 x 2"
4 nut, nylock, 3/8-16
5 bolt, #10-24 x 0.50"
6 tool tray bracket
7 decal, warning

40 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Operating Instructions

Observe and Obey: Lift Tools

Work Tray Installation
 Lift Tools Work Tray must be installed on the
inside of the platform.
 Only one Lift Tools Work Tray can be used per
 Mount Lift Tools Work Tray on the top of the
Platform Support near the mast only.
 Be sure the Lift Tools Work Tray is secured to
the Platform Support.
 Lift Tools Work Tray lanyard is for tools only.
Do not attach personal safety lanyard.

Lift Tools Work Tray Operation

1 Place the load so that it rests inside the Lift
Tools Work Tray.
The Lift Tools Work Tray assembly weighs 4 lbs /
1.8 kg.
Maximum capacity of Lift Tools Work Tray is
50 lbs / 23 kg.
Tip-over hazard. The weight of Lift Tools Work
Tray assembly and the load in the Lift Tools
Work Tray assembly will reduce the rated
platform capacity of the machine and must be
factored into the total platform load.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 41

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Operating Instructions
Standard Batteries
1 Remove the battery vent caps and check the
battery acid level. If necessary, add only
enough distilled water to cover the plates. Do
not overfill prior to the charge cycle.
2 Replace the battery vent caps.
Battery and Charger Instructions 3 Connect the battery charger to a grounded AC
Observe and Obey: 4 The charger will indicate when the battery is
fully charged.
 Do not use an external charger or booster
battery. 5 Check the battery acid level when the charging
cycle is complete. Replenish with distilled
 Charge the battery in a well-ventilated area. water to the bottom of the fill tube. Do not
 Use proper AC input voltage for charging as overfill.
indicated on the charger.
 Use only a Genie authorized battery and

To Charge Battery
1 Be sure the batteries are connected before
charging the batteries.
2 The compartment may remain closed for the
entire charging cycle.

Maintenance-free batteries
1 Connect the battery charger to a grounded AC
2 The charger will indicate when the battery is
fully charged.

42 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Operating Instructions

After Each Use

1 Select a safe parking location—firm level
surface, clear of obstruction and traffic.
2 Lower the platform.
3 Turn the key switch to the off position and
remove the key to secure from unauthorized
4 Charge the batteries.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 43

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Transport and Lifting Instructions

Transport and Lifting Instructions

 The machine must be on a level surface or

secured before releasing the brakes.
 Do not drive the machine on a slope that
exceeds the uphill, downhill or side slope
rating. See Driving on a Slope in the Operating
Instructions section.
Observe and Obey:  If the slope of the transport vehicle bed
 Genie provides this securement information as exceeds the uphill or downhill maximum slope
a recommendation. Drivers are solely rating, the machine must be loaded and
responsible for making sure machines are unloaded using a winch or forklift as described
properly secured and the correct trailer is in the brake release operation. See the
selected. Specifications section for the slope ratings.
 Genie customers needing to containerize any
lift or Genie product should source a qualified
freight forwarder with expertise in preparing,
loading and securing construction and lifting
equipment for international shipment.
 Only qualified mobile elevating work platform
operators should move the machine on or off
the truck.
 The transport vehicle must be parked on a
level surface.
 The transport vehicle must be secured to
prevent rolling while the machine is being
 Be sure the vehicle capacity, loading surfaces
and chains or straps are sufficient to withstand
the machine weight. Genie lifts are very heavy
relative to their size. See the serial label for
the machine weight. See the inspections
section for the serial label location.

44 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Transport and Lifting Instructions

Brake Release Operation After the machine is loaded:

1 Chock the wheels to prevent the machine from
1 Chock the wheels to
prevent the machine from
rolling. 2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button at
both the ground and platform controls to the
2 Be sure the winch line is properly secured to on position, and turn the key switch to the
the drive chassis tie points and the path is platform position.
clear of all obstructions.
3 Press the drive function button.
3 Push in the black brake
release knob to open the
brake valve. 4 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the control handle. Move the control handle off
4 Pump the red brake release pump knob.
center and immediately release it to reset the
5 Push the red Emergency stop button at both
the ground and platform controls to the off
Towing the GR-12, the GR-15, and the GR-20 is
not recommended. If the machine must be towed,
do not exceed 2 mph / 3.2 km/h.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 45

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Transport and Lifting Instructions

Securing to Truck or Trailer for Inspect the entire machine for loose or unsecured
Always use the extension deck lock when the Use the tie-down points on the chassis for
machine is transported. anchoring down to the transport surface.

Turn the key switch to the off position and remove Use chains or straps of ample load capacity.
the key before transporting. Use a minimum of 2 chains or straps.
Adjust the rigging to prevent damage to the

46 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual

Transport and Lifting Instructions

Lifting the Machine with a Forklift

Be sure the extension deck, controls and
component trays are secure. Remove all loose
items on the machine.
Fully lower the platform. The platform must remain
lowered during all loading and transport
Observe and Obey: procedures.
 Only qualified riggers should rig and lift the
machine. Use the forklift pockets located on both sides of
the chassis, below the covers.
 Only qualified forklift operators should lift the
machine with a forklift.
 Be sure the crane capacity, loading surfaces
and straps or lines are sufficient to withstand
the machine weight. See the serial label for
the machine weight.

Position the forklift forks in position with the forklift

Drive forward to the full extent of the forks.
Raise the machine 6 in / 15 cm and then tilt the
forks back slightly to keep the machine secure.
Be sure the machine is level when lowering the

Lifting the machine from the side

can result in component

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 47

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Transport and Lifting Instructions

Loading the Machine With a

Fully lower the platform. Be sure the extension
deck, controls and component trays are secure.
Remove all loose items on the machine.
Use the lifting eye mounted on the rear mast
Make sure the mast is fully lowered.
Inspect the entire machine and remove any loose
or unsecured items.
Adjust the rigging to prevent damage to the
machine and to keep the machine level.

48 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


Check the Hydraulic Oil Level

Maintaining the hydraulic oil at the proper level is

essential to machine operation. Improper hydraulic
oil levels can damage hydraulic components. Daily
Observe and Obey: checks allow the inspector to identify changes in
 Only routine maintenance items specified in oil level that might indicate the presence of
this manual shall be performed by the hydraulic system problems.
1 Be sure that the machine is on a firm, level
 Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be surface, free of obstructions, with the platform
performed by qualified service technicians, in the stowed position.
according to the manufacturer’s specifications. 2 Visually inspect the oil level in the hydraulic oil
 Dispose of material in accordance with tank.
governmental regulations. Result: The hydraulic oil level should be
 Use only Genie approved replacement parts. between the ADD and FULL marks on the tank.
3 Add oil as needed. Do not overfill.
Maintenance Symbols Legend Hydraulic oil specifications
The following symbols have been used in this Hydraulic oil type Chevron Rando HD equivalent
manual to help communicate the intent of the
instructions. When one or more of the symbols
appear at the beginning of a maintenance
procedure, it conveys the meaning below.

Indicates that tools will be required to

perform this procedure.

Indicates that new parts will be required to

perform this procedure.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 49

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


Check the Batteries Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance performed quarterly, annually and
every two years must be completed by a person
trained and qualified to perform maintenance on
Proper battery condition is essential to good this machine according to the procedures found in
machine performance and operational safety. the service manual for this machine.
Improper fluid levels or damaged cables and
connections can result in component damage and Machines that have been out of service for more
hazardous conditions. than three months must receive the quarterly
inspection before they are put back into service.
Electrocution hazard. Contact with hot or live
circuits may result in death or serious injury.
Remove all rings, watches and other jewelry.
Bodily injury hazard. Batteries contain acid.
Avoid spilling or contacting battery acid.
Neutralize battery acid spills with baking soda
and water.
Note: Perform this test after fully charging the
1 Put on protective clothing and eye wear.
2 Be sure that the battery cable connections are
tight and free of corrosion.
3 Be sure that the battery hold-down brackets
are in place and secure.
Note: Adding terminal protectors and a corrosion
preventative sealant will help eliminate the
corrosion on the battery terminals and cables.

50 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


Model GR-12 Airborne noise emissions

Height, working maximum 17 ft 4 in 5.3 m Sound pressure level at ground <70 dBA
indoor workstation
Height, working maximum 15 ft 1 in 4.60 m Sound pressure level at platform <70 dBA
outdoor workstation
Height, platform maximum 11 ft 4 in 3.5 m Total vibration value to which the hand/arm system is
indoor subjected does not exceed 2.5 m/s2.
Height, platform maximum 9 ft 1 in 2.8 m
Highest root mean square value of weighted
acceleration to which the whole body is subjected
Height, stowed maximum 70 in 177.8 cm does not exceed 0.5 m/s2.
Width 29.5 in 74.9 cm Maximum slope rating, stowed 30% (16.7°)
Length, stowed 53 in 134.6 cm position
Length, platform extended 73.3 in 1.85 m Maximum side slope rating, stowed 30% (16.7°)
(option) position
Platform dimensions, all models (length x width) Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditions with
Standard platform 35 x 29.5 in 88.9 x one person in the platform and adequate traction.
74.9 cm Additional platform weight may reduce slope rating.
Standard platform with 55 x 29.5 in 139.7 x Maximum allowable chassis Refer to "Tilt Sensor
extension extended 74.9 cm inclination Activation Settings"
Maximum capacity, standard 500 lbs 227 kg
platform Drive speeds
Maximum wind speed, outdoors 28 mph 12.5 m/s Stowed, maximum 2.5 mph 4.0 km/h
Maximum wind speed, indoors 0 mph 0 m/s 40 ft/10.9 sec12.2 m/10.9 sec
Turning radius (inside) 0 in 0 cm Platform raised, 0.5 mph 0.8 km/h
maximum 40 ft/55 sec 12.2 m/55 sec
Turning radius (outside) 52 in 132.1 cm
Ground clearance 2.5 in 6.5 cm Floor loading information
Weight 1681 lbs 763 kg Tire load maximum 680 lbs 308 kg
(Machine weights vary with option configurations. See Tire contact pressure 104.62 psi 7.36 kg / cm2
serial label for specific machine weight.) 721.3 kPa
Power source 4 Batteries, 6V 225AH Occupied floor pressure 200.87 psf 980.7 kg / m2
AC outlet in platform Standard 9.62 kPa

Maximum hydraulic pressure 3500 psi 241 bar Note: Floor loading information is approximate and
(functions) does not incorporate different option configurations. It
should be used only with adequate safety factors.
Tire size 10 x 3 x 1 in
25.4 x 7.6 x 2.5 cm Continuous improvement of our products is a Genie
policy. Product specifications are subject to change
without notice or obligation.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 51

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


Model GR-15 Airborne noise emissions

Height, working maximum 20 ft 8 in 6.3 m Sound pressure level at ground <70 dBA
indoor workstation
Height, working maximum 17 ft 1 in 5.2 m Sound pressure level at platform <70 dBA
outdoor workstation
Height, platform maximum 14 ft 8 in 4.5 m Total vibration value to which the hand/arm system is
indoor subjected does not exceed 2.5 m/s2.
Height, platform maximum 11 ft1 in 3.4 m Highest root mean square value of weighted
outdoor acceleration to which the whole body is subjected
does not exceed 0.5 m/s2.
Height, stowed maximum 70 in 177.8 cm
Width 29.5 in 74.9 cm Maximum slope rating, stowed 30% (16.7°)
Length, stowed 53 in 1.35 m
Maximum side slope rating, stowed 30% (16.7°)
Length, platform extended 73.3 in 1.85 m position
Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditions with
Platform dimensions, all models (length x width) one person in the platform and adequate traction.
Standard platform 35 x 88.9 x 74.9 cm Additional platform weight may reduce slope rating.
29.5 in Maximum allowable chassis Refer to "Tilt Sensor
Standard platform with 55 x 139.7 x 74.9 cm inclination Activation Settings"
extension extended 29.5 in section
Maximum capacity, standard 500 lbs 227 kg Drive speeds
platform Stowed, 2.5 mph 4.0 km/h
Maximum wind speed, 28 mph 12.5 m/s maximum 40 ft/10.9 sec 12.2 m/10.9 sec
outdoors Platform raised, 0.5 mph 0.8 km/h
Maximum wind speed, 0 mph 0 m/s maximum 40 ft/55 sec 12.2 m/55 sec
Floor loading information
Turning radius (inside) 0 in 0 cm
Tire load 720 lbs 327 kg
Turning radius (outside) 52 in 132.1 cm maximum
Ground clearance 2.5 in 6.5 cm Tire contact 110.77 psi 7.79 kg / cm2
pressure 763.7 kPa
Weight 2178 lbs 988 kg
(Machine weights vary with option configurations. See Occupied floor 251.99 psf psf 1230 kg/m2
serial label for specific machine weight.) pressure 12.07 kPa

Power source 4 Batteries, 6V 225AH Note: Floor loading information is approximate and
does not incorporate different option configurations. It
AC outlet in platform Standard should be used only with adequate safety factors.
Maximum 3500 psi 241 bar Continuous improvement of our products is a Genie
hydraulic pressure policy. Product specifications are subject to change
(functions) without notice or obligation.
Tire size 10 x 3 x 1 in
25.4 x 7.6 x 2.5 cm

52 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


Model GR-20 Airborne noise emissions

Height, working maximum indoor 25 ft 9 in 7.9 m Sound pressure level at ground workstation <70 dBA
Height, working maximum outdoor 21 ft 6 in 6.6 m Sound pressure level at platform <70 dBA
Height, platform maximum indoor 19 ft 9 in 6.0 m
Total vibration value to which the hand/arm system is
Height, platform maximum outdoor 15 ft 6 in 4.7 m
subjected does not exceed 2.5 m/s2.
Height, stowed maximum 78 in 198.1 cm
Highest root mean square value of weighted
Width 31.5 in 80 cm acceleration to which the whole body is subjected
Length, stowed 53 in 1.35 cm does not exceed 0.5 m/s2.

Length, platform extended 73.3 in 1.86 m Maximum slope rating, stowed position 30%
(option) (16.7°)

Platform dimensions, all models (length x width) Maximum side slope rating, stowed 30%
position (16.7°)
Standard platform 35 x 89.9 x
29.5 in 74.9 cm Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditions with
one person in the platform and adequate traction.
Standard platform with extension 55 x 139.7 x Additional platform weight may reduce slope rating.
extended 29.5 in 74.9 cm
Maximum allowable Refer to "Tilt Sensor
Maximum capacity, standard 350 lbs 159 kg chassis inclination Activation Settings"
platform section
Maximum wind speed, outdoors 28 mph 12.5 m/s
Drive speeds
Maximum wind speed, indoors 0 mph 0 m/s
Stowed, maximum 2.5 mph 4.0 km/h
Turning radius (inside) 0 in 0 cm 40 ft/10.9 sec 12.2 m/10.9 sec
Turning radius (outside) 53 in 134.6 cm Platform raised, 0.5 mph 0.8 km/h
Ground clearance 2.5 in 6.5 cm maximum 40 ft/55 sec 12.2 m/55 sec

Weight 2513 lbs 1140 kg Floor loading information

(Machine weights vary with option configurations. See Tire load maximum 870 lbs 395 kg
serial label for specific machine weight.) Tire contact pressure 133.85 psi 9.41 kg / cm2
Power source 4 Batteries, 6V 922.84 kPa
225AH Occupied floor pressure 250.39 psf 1223 kg/m2
AC outlet in platform Standard 11.99 kPa

Maximum hydraulic 3500 psi 241 bar Note: Floor loading information is approximate and
pressure (functions) does not incorporate different option configurations. It
should be used only with adequate safety factors.
Tire size 10 x 3 x 1 in
25.4 x 7.6 x 2.5 cm Continuous improvement of our products is a Genie
policy. Product specifications are subject to change
without notice or obligation.

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 53

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


Contents of EC Declaration of Conformity - 1

<Manufacturer’s name> hereby declares that the machinery described below complies with the provisions
of the following Directives:
1. EC Directive 2006/42/EC, Machinery Directive, under consideration of harmonized European standard
EN280 as described in EC type-examination certificate <variable field> issued by:
<notified body's name>

<notified body's number>

2. EC Directive EMC: 2014/30/EU, under consideration of harmonized European standard EN 61000-6-
2 and EN 61000-6-4
3. EC Directive 2000/14/EC, Noise Directive, under consideration of Annex V and harmonized standard
EN ISO 3744, internal combustion engine only.
Test Report:
This machine has been tested and passed the following categories prior to entering the market:
1. BRAKES: Brakes working properly in forward and reverse.
2. OVERLOAD: Overload tested at XXX% rated load.
3. FUNCTIONAL: Smooth operation at XXX% rated load.
4. FUNCTIONAL: All safety devices working correctly.
5. FUNCTIONAL: Speeds set within permitted specification.

Model / Type: <machine type> Manufacture Date: <variable field>

Description: <machine classification> Country of Manufacture: <variable field>

Model: <model name> Net Installed Power: <only for IC machines>

Serial Number: <variable field> Guaranteed Sound Power Level: <only for IC machines>

VIN: <where applicable>

Manufacturer: <Manufacturer’s name> Authorized Representative:

Genie Industries B.V
Boekerman 5,
4751 XK Oud Gastel,
The Netherlands

Empowered signatory: Place of Issue: <variable field>

Date of Issue: <variable field>

54 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


Contents of EC Declaration of Conformity - 2

<Manufacturer’s name> hereby declares that the machinery described below complies with the provisions
of the following Directives:
1. EC Directive 2006/42/EC, Machinery Directive, Conformity assessment procedure: art.12 (3) (a), with
the application of European Harmonized Standard EN 280:2013+A1:2015.
2. EC Directive EMC: 2014/30/EU, under consideration of harmonized European standard EN 61000-6-
2 and EN 61000-6-4
3. EC Directive 2000/14/EC, Noise Directive, under consideration of Annex V and harmonized standard
EN ISO 3744, internal combustion engine only.
Test Report:
This machine has been tested and passed the following categories prior to entering the market:
1. BRAKES: Brakes working properly in forward and reverse.
2. OVERLOAD: Overload tested at XXX% rated load.
3. FUNCTIONAL: Smooth operation at XXX% rated load.
4. FUNCTIONAL: All safety devices working correctly.
5. FUNCTIONAL: Speeds set within permitted specification.

Model / Type: <machine type> Manufacture Date: <variable field>

Description: <machine classification> Country of Manufacture: <variable field>

Model: <model name> Net Installed Power: <only for IC machines>

Serial Number: <variable field> Guaranteed Sound Power Level: <only for IC machines>

VIN: <where applicable>

Manufacturer: <Manufacturer’s name> Authorized Representative:

Genie Industries B.V
Boekerman 5,
4751 XK Oud Gastel,
The Netherlands

Empowered signatory: Place of Issue: <variable field>

Date of Issue: <variable field>

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 55

Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing


Contents of UK Declaration of Conformity - 1

<Manufacturer’s name> hereby declares that the machinery described below complies with the provisions
of the following Legislation:
1. Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/1597) as amended (SI 2011/1043, SI
2011/2157, SI 2019/696) under consideration of designated standard EN280 as described in type-
examination certificate <variable field> issued by:
<notified body's name>

<notified body's number>

2. Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/1091) as amended (SI 2017/1206, SI
2019/696) under consideration of designated standard EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4
3. Noise Emissions in the Environment by Equipment for use Outdoors Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/1701)
as amended (SI 2001/3958, SI 2005/3525, 2015/98) under consideration of Annex V and designated
standard EN ISO 3744, internal combustion engine only.
Test Report:
This machine has been tested and passed the following categories prior to entering the market:
1. BRAKES: Brakes working properly in forward and reverse.
2. OVERLOAD: Overload tested at XXX% rated load.
3. FUNCTIONAL: Smooth operation at XXX% rated load.
4. FUNCTIONAL: All safety devices working correctly.
5. FUNCTIONAL: Speeds set within permitted specification.

Model / Type: <machine type> Manufacture Date: <variable field>

Description: <machine classification> Country of Manufacture: <variable field>

Model: <model name> Net Installed Power: <only for IC machines>

Serial Number: <variable field> Guaranteed Sound Power Level: <only for IC machines>

VIN: <where applicable>

Manufacturer: <Manufacturer’s name> Authorized Representative:

Genie UK Ltd
The Maltings
Wharf Road
NG31 6BH

Empowered signatory: Place of Issue: <variable field>

Date of Issue: <variable field>

56 GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT

Seventh Edition • Second Printing Operator's Manual


Contents of UK Declaration of Conformity - 2

<Manufacturer’s name> hereby declares that the machinery described below complies with the provisions
of the following Legislation:
1. Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/1597) as amended (SI 2011/1043, SI
2011/2157, SI 2019/696) conformity assessment procedure according to Part 3, 11. (2) (a) with reference
to designated standard EN 280:2013+A1:2015
2. Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/1091) as amended (SI 2017/1206, SI
2019/696) under consideration of designated standard EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4
3. Noise Emissions in the Environment by Equipment for use Outdoors Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/1701)
as amended (SI 2001/3958, SI 2005/3525, 2015/98) under consideration of Annex V and designated
standard EN ISO 3744, internal combustion engine only.
Test Report:
This machine has been tested and passed the following categories prior to entering the market:
1. BRAKES: Brakes working properly in forward and reverse.
2. OVERLOAD: Overload tested at XXX% rated load.
3. FUNCTIONAL: Smooth operation at XXX% rated load.
4. FUNCTIONAL: All safety devices working correctly.
5. FUNCTIONAL: Speeds set within permitted specification.

Model / Type: <machine type> Manufacture Date: <variable field>

Description: <machine classification> Country of Manufacture: <variable field>

Model: <model name> Net Installed Power: <only for IC machines>

Serial Number: <variable field> Guaranteed Sound Power Level: <only for IC machines>

VIN: <where applicable>

Manufacturer: <Manufacturer’s name> Authorized Representative:

Genie UK Ltd
The Maltings
Wharf Road
NG31 6BH

Empowered signatory: Place of Issue: <variable field>

Date of Issue: <variable field>

GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 Part No. 1297725GT Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing

Part No. 1297725GT GR™-12 • GR™-15 • GR™-20 57

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