Operator Manual Genie GR Series
Operator Manual Genie GR Series
Operator Manual Genie GR Series
Original Instructions
Seventh Edition
Second Printing
Part No. 1297725GT
Front Matter
Operator's Manual Seventh Edition • Second Printing
Terex Global GmbH
Introduction ........................................................... 1
Bleicheplatz 2
Schaffhausen, 8200 Symbol and Hazard Pictorials Definitions ............. 5
Switzerland General Safety ...................................................... 7
EU Authorized representative: Personal Safety................................................... 10
Work Area Safety ................................................ 11
Genie Industries B.V.
Legend ................................................................ 18
Boekerman 5
4751 XK OUD GASTEL Controls ............................................................... 19
The Netherlands Inspections .......................................................... 22
Operating Instructions ......................................... 34
UK Authorized representative:
Transport and Lifting Instructions ....................... 44
Genie UK Limited Maintenance ....................................................... 49
The Maltings
Wharf Road Specifications ...................................................... 51
NG31 6BH
Platform controls symbology and related Ground controls symbology and related
machine movement: machine movement:
Lift function enable button Lift function enable button
Bulletin Distribution and Compliance Contacting the Manufacturer
Safety of product users is of paramount At times it may be necessary to contact Genie.
importance to Genie. Various bulletins are used by When you do, be ready to supply the model
Genie to communicate important safety and number and serial number of your machine, along
product information to dealers and machine with your name and contact information. At
owners. minimum, Genie should be contacted for:
The information contained in the bulletins is tied to Accident reporting
specific machines using the machine model and
serial number. Questions regarding product applications and
Distribution of bulletins is based on the most
current owner on record along with their Standards and regulatory compliance information
associated dealer, so it is important to register
your machine and keep your contact information Current owner updates, such as changes in
up to date. machine ownership or changes in your contact
information. See Transfer of Ownership, below.
To ensure safety of personnel and the reliable
continued operation of your machine, be sure to
comply with the action indicated in a respective Transfer of Machine Ownership
bulletin. Taking a few minutes to update owner information
To view any open bulletins for your machine, visit will ensure that you receive important safety,
us on the web at www.genielift.com. maintenance and operating information that
applies to your machine.
Please register your machine by visiting us on the
web at www.genielift.com or by calling us toll free
at 1-800-536-1800.
Read the operator’s Read the service Crush hazard No smoking Collision hazard
manual manual
Collision hazard Tip-over hazard Tip-over hazard Electrocution hazard Electrocution hazard
Voltage rating for Pressure rating for air Keep away from Move machine to Lifting and tie down
power to platform line to platform moving parts level ground instructions
Maintain required Access by trained and Chock the wheels Release brakes Grounded AC
clearance authorized personnel 3-wire only
Replace damaged Wheel load Lanyard anchorage Platform overloaded Manual force
wires and cords points
General Safety
General Safety
General Safety
General Safety
Personal Safety
Personal Safety
Electrocution Hazards
Tip-over Hazards
This machine is not
Occupants, equipment and materials shall not
electrically insulated and
exceed the maximum platform capacity or the
will not provide protection
maximum platform capacity of the platform
from contact with or
extension. Weight in trays is part of the total
proximity to electrical
platform load.
Maximum capacity - GR-12 and GR-15
Standard platform
Obey all local and
governmental regulations Platform without extension 500 lbs 227 kg
regarding required Platform retracted 500 lbs 227 kg
clearance from electrical Platform extended – Platform 250 lbs 113 kg
power lines. At a minimum, only
the required clearance
Platform extended – 250 lbs 113 kg
contained in the chart
Extension only
below must be followed.
Work tray station (option) 50 lbs 22 kg
Maximum occupants 1
Line Voltage Required Clearance
Extension only Platform only
0 to 50KV 10 ft 3.05 m 500 lbs / 227 kg
250 lbs/113 kg 250 lbs/113 kg
50 to 200KV 15 ft 4.60 m
200 to 350KV 20 ft 6.10 m
350 to 500KV 25 ft 7.62 m
500 to 750KV 35 ft 10.67 m
750 to 1000KV 45 ft 13.72 m
Do not drive the machine on or near uneven Do not alter or disable the limit switches.
terrain, unstable surfaces or other hazardous Do not alter or disable machine components that
conditions with the platform raised. in any way affect safety and stability.
Do not use the machine as a crane. Do not replace items critical to machine stability
Do not push the machine or other objects with the with items of different weight or specification.
platform. Do not use batteries that weigh less than the
Do not contact adjacent structures with the original equipment. Batteries are used as
platform. counterweight and are critical to machine stability.
Each battery must weigh a minimum of
Do not tie the platform to adjacent structures. 62 lbs/28 kg.
Do not place loads outside the platform perimeter. Do not modify or alter a mobile elevating work
The work station tray is considered part of the platform without prior written permission from the
platform. manufacturer. Mounting attachments for holding
tools or other materials onto the platform,
Do not use the platform controls to free a platform toeboards, or guard rail system can increase the
that is caught, snagged, or otherwise prevented weight in the platform and the surface area of the
from normal motion by an adjacent structure. All platform or the load.
personnel must be removed from the platform
before attempting to free the platform using the Do not place or attach fixed
ground controls. or overhanging loads to
any part of this machine.
Follow ratings for allowable manual force and
number of occupants shown below. Do not place ladders or
scaffolds in the platform or
Do not push off or pull against any part of this
toward any object outside machine.
of the platform.
Do not transport tools and
materials unless they are
evenly distributed and can
be safely handled by
person(s) in the platform.
The ground control station is to be used as a means to raise the platform for function tests and for storage
purposes. The ground control station can be used in the event of an emergency to rescue an
incapacitated person in the platform.
Press the left side of the thumb Press this button for indoor use
rocker and the machine will turn in Note: Selecting indoor use permits
the direction the blue triangle elevating to maximum indoor
points on the platform control platform height. Refer to
panel. specification pages.
Press the right side of the thumb 10 Outdoor use button
rocker and the machine will turn in
the direction the yellow triangle Press this button for outdoor use
points on the platform control
Note: Selecting outdoor use
permits elevating to maximum
7 LED diagnostic readout, battery charge outdoor platform height. Refer to
indicator and lift/drive mode indicator specification pages.
Pre-operation Inspection
It is the responsibility of the operator to perform a
pre-operation inspection and routine maintenance.
The pre-operation inspection is a visual inspection
performed by the operator prior to each work shift.
Do Not Operate Unless: The inspection is designed to discover if anything
is apparently wrong with a machine before the
You learn and practice the principles of safe operator performs the function tests.
machine operation contained in this operator’s
manual. The pre-operation inspection also serves to
determine if routine maintenance procedures are
1 Avoid hazardous situations.
required. Only routine maintenance items specified
2 Always perform a pre-operation in this manual may be performed by the operator.
Refer to the list on the next page and check each
Know and understand the pre-operation of the items.
inspection before going on to the next
section. If damage or any unauthorized variation from
factory delivered condition is discovered, the
3 Always perform function tests prior to use. machine must be tagged and removed from
4 Inspect the workplace. service.
5 Only use the machine as it was intended. Repairs to the machine may only be made by a
qualified service technician, according to the
manufacturer’s specifications. After repairs are
completed, the operator must perform a pre-
operation inspection again before going on to the
function tests.
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be
performed by qualified service technicians,
according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Test Auxiliary Lowering Test the Function Enable Switch and the
18 Activate the up function by pressing the lift Up/Down Functions
enable button and platform up button, and 25 Press the outdoor use button.
raise the platform approximately 2 ft. / 60 cm.
Result: The outdoor use button should
19 Pull the auxiliary lowering knob located at the illuminate.
base of the machine below the mast.
26 Do not hold the function enable switch on the
Result: The platform should lower. The control handle.
descent alarm will not sound.
27 Slowly move the control handle in the direction
indicated by the blue arrow, then in the
Test the Tilt Sensor Operation
direction indicated by the yellow arrow.
20 Press the ground control down button Result: No functions should operate.
(button 3)
28 Press the lift function button.
Result: The ground control LCD screen will 29 Wait seven seconds for the lift function to time
display the status of the tilt sensor. The X and out.
Y values (pitch and roll) will be displayed. 30 Slowly move the control handle in the direction
21 Turn the key switch to platform control. indicated by the blue arrow, then in the
direction indicated by the yellow arrow.
At the Platform Controls Result: The lift function should not operate.
31 Press the lift function button.
Test Emergency Stop
32 Press and hold the function enable switch on
22 Push in the platform red Emergency Stop the control handle. Slowly move the control
button to the off position. handle in the direction indicated by the blue
Result: No functions should operate.
Result: The platform should raise. The pothole
Test the Horn guards should deploy.
23 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the 33 Release the control handle.
on position. Result: The platform should stop raising.
24 Press the horn button. 34 Press and hold the function enable switch on
Result: The platform alarm, chassis alarm, and the control handle. Slowly move the control
automotive horn (if equipped) should sound. handle in the direction indicated by the yellow
Result: The platform should lower. The
descent alarm should sound while the platform
is lowering.
Test the Outdoor Use Button Test the Drive Function Button
35 Do not press and hold the function enable 39 Press the drive function button.
switch on control handle.
36 Press the outdoor use button.
40 Wait seven seconds for the drive function to
Result: The LED under the outdoor button will time out. Slowly move the control handle in the
illuminate. direction indicated by the blue arrow, then in
37 Press the lift function enable button. the direction indicated by the yellow arrow.
38 Press and hold the function enable switch on Result: No functions should operate.
the control handle. Slowly move the control
handle in the direction indicated by the blue Test the Steering
Note: When performing the steer and drive
GR-12: Result: The platform should raise to function tests, stand in the platform facing the
9 ft 1 in/2.76 m and stop. The alarm should steer end of the machine.
sound. The platform controls LED readout
should display OHL. 41 Press the drive function button.
Test Drive and Braking Test Drive Tilt Cutout
45 Press the drive function button. Note: Perform this test from the ground with the
platform controller. Do not stand in the platform.
49 Fully lower the platform.
46 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the control handle. 50 Drive the machine onto a slope where the
chassis angle is greater than 1.5° side to side.
47 Slowly move the control handle in the direction
indicated by the blue arrow on the control 51 Raise the platform to approximately
panel until the machine begins to move, then 7 ft/2.13 m.
return the control handle to the center position. Result: The platform should stop and the tilt
Result: The machine should move in the alarm will sound at 180 beeps per minute. The
direction that the blue arrow points on the platform controls LED readout should display
control panel, then come to an abrupt stop LL and the ground controls LCD should
when the control handle is returned to the display LL: Machine Tilted.
center position. 52 Press the drive function button.
48 Slowly move the control handle in the direction 53 Press and hold the function enable switch on
indicated by the yellow arrow on the control the control handle.
panel until the machine begins to move, then
return the control handle to the center position. 54 Move the control handle in the direction
indicated by the blue arrow, then move the
Result: The machine should move in the control handle in the direction indicated by the
direction that the yellow arrow points on the yellow arrow.
control panel, then come to an abrupt stop
when the control handle is returned to the Result: The drive function should not work in
center position. either direction.
Note: The brakes must be able to hold the 55 Fully lower the platform.
machine on any slope it is able to climb. 56 Drive the machine.
Result: The machine should drive.
57 Return to level ground and raise the platform
in excess of approximately 7 ft/2.13 m.
58 Drive the machine onto a slope where the 65 Fully lower the platform.
pitch angle is greater than 1.5° side to side.
66 Drive the machine.
Result: The machine should stop once the
Result: The machine should drive.
machine reaches 1.5° of chassis tilt and the tilt
alarm will sound at 180 beeps per minute. The 67 Return to level ground and raise the platform
platform controls LED readout should display in excess of approximately 7 ft/2.13 m.
LL and the ground controls LCD should
68 Drive the machine onto a slope where the
display LL: Machine Tilted
pitch angle is greater than 3° front to back.
59 Return to level ground and fully lower the
Result: The machine should stop once the
machine reaches 3° of chassis tilt and the tilt
60 Drive the machine onto a slope where the alarm will sound at 180 beeps per minute. The
chassis angle is greater than 3° front to back. platform controls LED readout should display
LL and the ground controls LCD should
61 Raise the platform to approximately
display LL: Machine Tilted
7 ft/2.13 m.
69 Fully lower the platform and return to level
Result: The platform should stop and the tilt
alarm will sound at 180 beeps per minute. The
platform controls LED readout should display
LL and the ground controls LCD should Test Elevated Drive Speed
display LL: Machine Tilted. 70 Raise the platform approximately 4 ft / 1.2 m
62 Press the drive function button. from the ground.
63 Press and hold the function enable switch on 71 Press the drive function button.
the control handle.
64 Move the control handle in the direction
72 Press and hold the function enable switch on
indicated by the blue arrow, then move the
the control handle. Slowly move the control
control handle in the direction indicated by the
handle to full drive position.
yellow arrow.
Result: The maximum achievable drive speed
Result: The drive function should not work in
with the platform raised should not exceed
either direction.
0.72 ft / 22 cm per second.
If the drive speed with the platform raised exceeds
0.72 ft / 22 cm per second, immediately tag and
remove the machine from service.
Test the Pothole Guards 78 Press the drive function button.
Note: The pothole guards should automatically
deploy when the platform is raised. The pothole
guards activate limit switches that allow the 79 Press and hold the function enable switch on
machine to continue to function. If the pothole the control handle.
guards do not deploy, an alarm sounds and the 80 Slowly move the control handle in the direction
machine will not drive or steer. indicated by the blue arrow, then in the
73 Raise the platform. direction indicated by the yellow arrow.
Result: When the platform is raised Result: The machine should not move forward
approximately 4 ft / 1.2 m from the ground, the or backward.
pothole guards should deploy.
81 Press the drive function button.
74 Press on the pothole guards on one side, and
then the other.
Result: The pothole guards should not move. 82 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the control handle.
75 Lower the platform.
83 Press the thumb rocker switch on top of the
Result: The pothole guards should return to control handle in the direction indicated by the
the stowed position. blue and yellow triangles on the control panel.
76 Place a 2x4 or similar piece of wood under a Result: The steer wheels should not turn left or
pothole guard. right.
77 Raise the platform. 84 Fully lower the platform.
Result: Before the platform is raised 85 Remove the 2x4 or similar piece of wood.
approximately 7 ft / 2.1 m from the ground, an
alarm should sound. The platform controls
LED readout should display PHS and the
ground controls LCD should display PHS:
Pothole Guard Stuck.
Workplace Inspection
The workplace inspection helps the operator
determine if the workplace is suitable for safe
machine operation. It should be performed by the
operator prior to moving the machine to the
It is the operator’s responsibility to read and
remember the workplace hazards, then watch for
and avoid them while moving, setting up, and
operating the machine.
133147 1298467
1263542 82614
1270489 133146
*28174 72188
*28235 1272242 137605 82487
1283810 1294688
1283228 82487
*43658 1293166
*44980 *1296620
114334 82836 *1296622
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
The Operating Instructions section provides
instructions for each aspect of machine operation.
It is the operator’s responsibility to follow all the
safety rules and instructions in the operator’s
Do Not Operate Unless: Using the machine for anything other than lifting
personnel, along with their tools and materials, to
You learn and practice the principles of safe an aerial work site is unsafe and dangerous.
machine operation contained in this operator’s
manual. Only trained and authorized personnel should be
permitted to operate a machine. If more than one
1 Avoid hazardous situations. operator is expected to use a machine at different
2 Always perform a pre-operation inspection. times in the same work shift, they must all be
qualified operators and are all expected to follow
3 Always perform function tests prior to use. all safety rules and instructions in the operator’s
4 Inspect the workplace. manual. That means every new operator should
perform a pre-operation inspection, function tests,
5 Only use the machine as it was and a workplace inspection before using the
intended. machine.
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
To Steer Use the color-coded direction arrows on the
platform controls and on the platform to identify the
1 Press the drive function button. On the LED direction the machine will travel.
screen, a circle below the drive function
symbol will turn on. Machine travel speed is restricted when the
platform is raised.
If the control handle is not moved within seven
seconds of pushing the drive function button, the Battery condition will affect machine performance.
circle below the drive function symbol will turn off Machine drive speed and function speed will drop
and drive function will not operate. Press the drive when the battery level indicator is flashing.
function button again.
To select drive speed
2 Turn the steer wheels with the
thumb rocker switch located on The drive controls can operate in two different
the top of the control handle. drive speed modes. When the drive speed button
light is on, slow drive speed mode is active. When
the button light is off, fast drive speed mode is
To Drive active.
1 Press the drive function button. On the LED Press the drive speed button to select
screen, a circle below the drive function the desired drive speed.
symbol will turn on.
Note: When the platform is elevated,
If the control handle is not moved within seven the drive speed button light is always
seconds of pushing the drive function button, the on, indicating elevated drive speed.
circle below the drive function symbol will turn off
and drive function will not operate. Press the drive
function button again.
2 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the control handle.
3 Increase speed: Slowly move the control
handle off center.
Decrease speed: Slowly move the control
handle toward center.
Stop: Return the control handle to center or
release the function enable switch.
Operating Instructions
Driving on a slope At the downhill end, lay the level on the top edge
of the piece of wood and lift the end until the piece
Determine the slope and side slope ratings for the of wood is level.
machine and determine the slope grade.
While holding the piece of wood level, measure
Maximum slope rating,
the vertical distance from the bottom of the piece
stowed position: 30% (17°) of wood to the ground.
Divide the tape measure distance (rise) by the
Maximum side slope length of the piece of wood (run) and multiply by
rating, stowed position: 30% (17°) 100.
Operating Instructions
Operational indicator codes Platform Overload
If the platform controls LED or ground controls
LCD diagnostic readout displays an operational If the platform controls LED diagnostic readout
indicator code such as LL, the fault condition must displays a flashing OL and the ground controls
repaired or removed before resuming machine LCD diagnostic readout displays OL: Platform
operation. Push in and pull out the red Emergency Overloaded, the platform is overloaded and no
Stop button to reset the system. functions will operate. An alarm will sound.
1 Push in the red Emergency Stop button to the
off position.
2 Remove weight from the platform.
3 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the
on position.
LED Readout
LED Readout
LCD Readout
Operating Instructions
Tilt Sensor Activation Settings Battery Level Indicator
Chassis Angle Use the LED diagnostic readout to determine the
(side to side)
battery level.
Chassis Angle (front to back) 3°
Note: When a blinking LO code appears on the
If the tilt alarm sounds while platform controls LED display, the machine must
raising the platform, lower the be taken out of service and charged, otherwise all
platform and move the machine to machine functions will be disabled.
a firm, level surface. If the tilt
alarm sounds when the platform is
raised, use extreme caution to
lower the platform. Full Charge
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
Standard Batteries
1 Remove the battery vent caps and check the
battery acid level. If necessary, add only
enough distilled water to cover the plates. Do
not overfill prior to the charge cycle.
2 Replace the battery vent caps.
Battery and Charger Instructions 3 Connect the battery charger to a grounded AC
Observe and Obey: 4 The charger will indicate when the battery is
fully charged.
Do not use an external charger or booster
battery. 5 Check the battery acid level when the charging
cycle is complete. Replenish with distilled
Charge the battery in a well-ventilated area. water to the bottom of the fill tube. Do not
Use proper AC input voltage for charging as overfill.
indicated on the charger.
Use only a Genie authorized battery and
To Charge Battery
1 Be sure the batteries are connected before
charging the batteries.
2 The compartment may remain closed for the
entire charging cycle.
Maintenance-free batteries
1 Connect the battery charger to a grounded AC
2 The charger will indicate when the battery is
fully charged.
Operating Instructions
Securing to Truck or Trailer for Inspect the entire machine for loose or unsecured
Always use the extension deck lock when the Use the tie-down points on the chassis for
machine is transported. anchoring down to the transport surface.
Turn the key switch to the off position and remove Use chains or straps of ample load capacity.
the key before transporting. Use a minimum of 2 chains or straps.
Adjust the rigging to prevent damage to the
Maximum hydraulic pressure 3500 psi 241 bar Note: Floor loading information is approximate and
(functions) does not incorporate different option configurations. It
should be used only with adequate safety factors.
Tire size 10 x 3 x 1 in
25.4 x 7.6 x 2.5 cm Continuous improvement of our products is a Genie
policy. Product specifications are subject to change
without notice or obligation.
Power source 4 Batteries, 6V 225AH Note: Floor loading information is approximate and
does not incorporate different option configurations. It
AC outlet in platform Standard should be used only with adequate safety factors.
Maximum 3500 psi 241 bar Continuous improvement of our products is a Genie
hydraulic pressure policy. Product specifications are subject to change
(functions) without notice or obligation.
Tire size 10 x 3 x 1 in
25.4 x 7.6 x 2.5 cm
Length, platform extended 73.3 in 1.86 m Maximum slope rating, stowed position 30%
(option) (16.7°)
Platform dimensions, all models (length x width) Maximum side slope rating, stowed 30%
position (16.7°)
Standard platform 35 x 89.9 x
29.5 in 74.9 cm Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditions with
one person in the platform and adequate traction.
Standard platform with extension 55 x 139.7 x Additional platform weight may reduce slope rating.
extended 29.5 in 74.9 cm
Maximum allowable Refer to "Tilt Sensor
Maximum capacity, standard 350 lbs 159 kg chassis inclination Activation Settings"
platform section
Maximum wind speed, outdoors 28 mph 12.5 m/s
Drive speeds
Maximum wind speed, indoors 0 mph 0 m/s
Stowed, maximum 2.5 mph 4.0 km/h
Turning radius (inside) 0 in 0 cm 40 ft/10.9 sec 12.2 m/10.9 sec
Turning radius (outside) 53 in 134.6 cm Platform raised, 0.5 mph 0.8 km/h
Ground clearance 2.5 in 6.5 cm maximum 40 ft/55 sec 12.2 m/55 sec
(Machine weights vary with option configurations. See Tire load maximum 870 lbs 395 kg
serial label for specific machine weight.) Tire contact pressure 133.85 psi 9.41 kg / cm2
Power source 4 Batteries, 6V 922.84 kPa
225AH Occupied floor pressure 250.39 psf 1223 kg/m2
AC outlet in platform Standard 11.99 kPa
Maximum hydraulic 3500 psi 241 bar Note: Floor loading information is approximate and
pressure (functions) does not incorporate different option configurations. It
should be used only with adequate safety factors.
Tire size 10 x 3 x 1 in
25.4 x 7.6 x 2.5 cm Continuous improvement of our products is a Genie
policy. Product specifications are subject to change
without notice or obligation.
Serial Number: <variable field> Guaranteed Sound Power Level: <only for IC machines>
Serial Number: <variable field> Guaranteed Sound Power Level: <only for IC machines>
Serial Number: <variable field> Guaranteed Sound Power Level: <only for IC machines>
Serial Number: <variable field> Guaranteed Sound Power Level: <only for IC machines>