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eSTRUCT - Oct - Dec 2022

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October - December 2022 Vol. 6, No. 4

In this issue
• Research highlights
• Major projects undertaken
• Technology transfers / MoUs
• Capacity development / Events e-Newsletter of CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre
• Invited lectures
• Honours, awards and recognitions

From the Director’s Desk

e-STRUCT, the quarterly newsletter showcases the Director General of CSIR’s Visit
scientific activities and myriad events that are part of day-
to-day life on the CSIR-SERC campus. I am very happy to
present Vol. 6, No. 4, 2022 issue of e-STRUCT. This edition
of newsletter showcases the varied skills of the CSIR-SERC
Research highlights
community, highlighting our R&D pursuits, achievements,
skill development initiatives and other significant events &
Nano/micro-scale investigations and evaluation of mechanical
endeavors during October-December 2022.
properties of cement system for developing new class of
This issue’s research highlight is about the work done
towards investigating, understanding and engineering nanoengineered cement composites with improved properties
cementitious composites from its fundamental length scale.
Comprehensive analytical-/computational-/experimental- The demand for enhanced and multi- with superior mechanical properties and
tools are being used to carry out investigations from nano-/ criteria performance of the cementitious multi-functional capabilities.
micro- levels for efficient engineering of cementitious
composites with superior mechanical properties and multi- composite is ever-increasing due to
functional capabilities. the need for development of smarter, Atomistic simulations to understand
In this quarter projects undertaken include assessment slimmer, faster and more durable the Structure - Property - Performance
of structural adequacy of railway bridges in Patna and infrastructure. Cementitious composites relationship of fundamental phases of
Sonebhadra, investigation of vibration in units of Kameng
hydro power station, Arunachal Pradesh, residual stress
are heterogeneous materials composed of cementitious composites.
measurement on aluminium components, Coimbatore, multiple phases at different length scales. In Atomistic simulations have been used to
and three MoUs – (i) between CSIR-SERC and Garden Reach depth understanding on each of the phases identify and understand the structure-
Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) Limited, Kolkata for the
project “Analysis, Design Checking and Testing of Modular/ and how they interact with other phases property relationship of basic building
Girder/Permanent Steel Bridges and Health Monitoring is very crucial in order to effectively and blocks of cementitious composites starting
of Bridges” , (ii) between CSIR-SERC and Amrita School
of Engineering for “Intellectual cooperation, scholarly efficiently design the composite. Among from the unhydrated phases and the change
exchange, and development of national partnership” and the many different materials that are in their behaviour in course of evolution to
(iii) between CSIR-SERC and EQUINOCT-Community Sourced
Modelling Solution LLP, Kochi for the project “Co-Creating being added to cementitious composites the later hydrated phase. The molecular
Climate Resilience and Risk Reduction Plans for Coastal for obtaining multi-criteria performance, structural configuration and interactions
Areas of India in a Phased Manner” were signed.
nano-materials form a class of promising of cement clinkers (calcium silicates and
Under capacity development initiative, five advanced additives due to its size and superior multi- aluminates) and calcium silicate hydrates
courses, two on-site workshops for government school performance properties. However, the are investigated to identify the zones of
children and two webinars were organised. The laboratory
was visited by the esteemed Director General Dr N. Kalaiselvi process is not straight-forward due to the weakness, their load-dependent behaviour
and two special lectures were delivered by experts. presence of high molecular level attractive and the means of tailoring them (Fig.1)
Other major events during this quarter included forces.
celebrating the Birth Centenary Celebrations of Prof. G.S.
Ramaswamy, Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, Fit India Freedom Run
3.0, Shramadhan Day, Vigilance Awareness Week, Awareness The Special and Multifunctional Structures
programme by Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Intellectual Property Laboratory (SMSL) at CSIR-SERC is working
Rights Awareness Programme, Sixty-fifth Research Council
Meeting (MS Teams), Communal Harmony Campaign Week
towards investigating, understanding and
and Flag Day Fund Raising, Communal Harmony Campaign engineering cementitious composites
Week, Constitution Day, Hindi Workshop and one health from its fundamental length scale since
camp was conducted. Underscoring the fact that our
researchers continue the tradition of excellence with their a decade. A comprehensive analytical-/
work, I hope you enjoy reading the online versions of past computational-/experimental- tools are
newsletters also and learn about our research developments
and our commitment to collaboration and excellence. being used to carry out investigations
With best wishes from nano-/micro- levels for efficient
21.02.2023 Dr N. Anandavalli engineering of cementitious composites Fig 1: RTHS configuration for TMD validation
e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

While the distinct dissimilarity in the be capable of incorporating the desired properties of intrinsic phases and
behaviour of cementitious composite properties in heterogeneous composites. the evolution of different phases
under tension and compression at macro- during the course of hydration (Fig.2).
scale can be well-explained due to the Micro-mechanical investigations on Nanoindentation technique has been used
presence of physical heterogeneity and cementitious composites to get an insight on the key mechanical
pores, it has been identified from our The properties of cementitious composites properties like elastic modulus, strength
study that certain type of molecular depend on the presence, distribution and and fracture toughness of various
interactions and the molecular structural properties of different phases present phases of cementitious composites and
parameters are responsible for causing in it. Incorporation of additives like its distribution at different stages of
the dissimilarity in behaviour. It has been very fine minerals, fly ash, silica fume, hydration. Standardized techniques for
found out that micro-structures that are fibers, etc alter the microstructure and surface preparation, grid indentation and
dominated by bonded interactions have improve the mechanical properties. statistical tools have been used to get an
similar compressive and tensile behavior. While the mechanical material insight on the constitutive relationship of
If the number of free atoms and molecular improvement has been experimentally intrinsic phases, their spatial and temporal
units is higher and if the lattice spacing verified at the macroscopic scale, the distribution. This is used in conjunction
is larger, the discrepancy in behavior underlying mechanisms at the nano-/ with cement hydration models and
also increases. It is observed that if the micro-scales that deliver this superior analytical-/numerical- homogenization
lattice spacing between silicate chains response are still not well understood. techniques to obtain the micro-
and the free atoms available in CSH are mechanical features of the cementitious
reduced, tensile strength of the same Sophisticated experimental tools like composites which will help in establishing
can be significantly increased. Hence, the nanoindentation along with advanced a scientific approach towards developing
judiciously modified or tailored molecular computational (hydration models) and engineered cementitious composites
structure would not only be able to reduce analytical (homogenization) techniques with tailored mechanical properties.
the extent of dissimilarity, it would also are used to determine the mechanical

Fig 2: Nanoindentation to obtain the constitutive Fig 3: RTHS configuration for TMD validation
behaviour of fundamental phases

Fig 4: Fundamental investigations to identify the best means of nano-engineering

e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

Fracture characterization of cementitious strong self-attraction caused by high van composites. Due to the drawbacks in the
composites der Waals forces. Improper dispersion leads conventional sensors such as installation
to formation of weak zones and further on concrete surface, high dependence
Different types of fiber reinforced concrete deteriorate the properties of cementitious on properties/behaviour of the adhesive,
are being developed with the aim to composites. The process of nano-engineering questionable long-term performance, low
improve the relevant mechanical properties used in other materials will not be suitable gauge factors, high signal to noise ratio,
like tensile strength, strain carrying capacity in cementitious composites due to its drift due to temperature, etc., new type
and energy absorption capacity. Fracture reactive nature. Treating the nanomaterials of self-sensing cementitious composites,
characteristics of fiber reinforced concrete through ultrasonication along with suitable called “nanoengineered smart cementitious
are quite different from conventional dispersing agents is necessary for uniformly composites-based sensors” have been
concrete and much more complicated. dispersing them into cement matrix. developed. These smart sensors, which
Characterization of such material, specifically work on the concept of piezoresistivity, are
fracture behaviour, is very important for Fundamental computational (molecular capable to strain sensing under static and
better understanding of- and efficient dynamics) and experimental techniques cyclic loads, vibration sensing, corrosion
design for- the material. The research team (UV-VIS spectroscopy and Zetasizer) have sensing and damage characterization
at CSIR-SERC have carried out detailed been used to identify the best and optimum in reinforced concrete structures.
investigations using the complementary means of nanoengineering cementitious
image- and wave- based techniques to composites. In this regard, investigations are To develop a highly efficient smart sensors,
obtain the complete information on the carried out (i) to arrive at the right sonication a systematic way of fabrication has been
fracture characteristics of the strain hardened parameters like ultra-sonication time, power adopted and all the fabrication parameters
concrete, as the conventional strain/ and energy that can disperse nanoparticles like the type and dosage of nanomaterials
displacement sensors may not completely like carbon nanotubes (CNTs) properly to be incorporated, type of electrodes
capture the behavior due to heterogeneity without damaging them, (ii) to assess the to be used, measurement technique, etc
and brittleness (Fig.3). Image-based efficacy of the type of dispersing agent to have been optimized. The performance
techniques like IR thermography and Digital improve various mechanical properties of of the optimized sensor has been tested
Image Correlation (DIC) have been used cementitious composites, and (iii) to identify under cyclic compression loading and
to investigate fracture characteristics like the optimum dosage of CNTs to arrive at the sensitivity is found to be much
determining the location of crack formation, the desired mechanical properties through superior than the conventional sensors
monitoring the crack propagation, crack experimental investigations (Figs. 4 & 5). with a gauge factor as high as 451 (Fig. 6).
bridging and most importantly, evaluating
the size of fracture process zone (FPZ) The scientifically nano-engineered The vibration sensing capability of the
under different stages of loading. These cementitious composites thus exhibit developed sensor was also tested in a
techniques have also been used in excellent mechanical properties with long bridge girder which showed the
conjunction with other complimentary enhanced elastic modulus, strength successful performance of the developed
wave propagation techniques to and nano-crack bridging capability. The sensors in capturing first three modes of
characterize different stages of fracture engineering is then hierarchically extended frequency. The sensors were also able to
and for clustering different types of cracks. to develop multi-scale crack abridged capture the damage process like the onset
cementitious composite with high deflection of crack, accumulation of damage and
Fundamental investigations to identify ductility and energy absorption capabilities. failure of beam-column joint specimen
the effective ways of nano-engineering subjected to reverse cyclic loadings.
Nano-engineered cementitious
Nanomaterials form a new class of composites with smart self-sensing Major industrial applications
reinforcing materials in cementitious capabilities for embedded sensing and
composite which helps in enhancing the long term Structural Health Mentoring The developed techniques are very
overall material performance and adds novel much useful for development of smart,
properties to it. However, incorporation of In addition to the improved mechanical slim and sustainable infrastructural
nanomaterials into cementitious composite properties, nano-engineering has been development and will serve for industries
is quite challenging partly due to their high used to impart smart capabilities like self- such as Civil Infra-industries, Railways,
hydrophobicity and partly due to their sensing in the highly resistive cementitious Highways, Nuclear plant structures, etc.

Fig 5: Multi-scale abridged cementitious composite showing Fig 6: Self-sensing embeddable smart cementitious
improvement in properties due to engineering at different composite sensors 3
length scales
e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

Facilities available at Special & Multifunctional Structures Laboratory (SMSL) of CSIR-SERC for Nano-/Micro- scale Investigations

Temperature and humidity control chamber Ultrasonicator with sound proof box

Low capacity fatigue rated UTM

Digital Image Correlation set up Surface preparation facility for nano/

micro scale studies

Nanoindentation facility

Major Publications • ACI Materials, 117(4), 105-117, 2020

• Construction and Building Materials 50, 317-327, 2014. • Construction and Building Materials, 235, 19190, 2020
• Computational Materials Science, 96 (Part A), 146-158, 2015. • The Indian Concrete Journal, 94 (10), 55-61, 2020
• Journal of Structural Engineering, 42(1), 22-27, 2015. • Cement and Concrete Composites 108, 103517, 2020.
• Cement and Concrete Composites, 75, 10-21, 2017. • Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 311, 112088, 2020.
• Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 100, • Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal 28
227-243, 2017 (2), 181-193, 2021.
• Construction and Building Materials, 155, 389-399, 2017. • ACI Materials, 119 (1), 145-158, 2022
• Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and • Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and
Engineering, 25(7), 075012, 2017 Engineering, 30(3), 035012, 2022
• Journal of Structural Engineering, 44 (6), 552-559, 2018. • Cement and Concrete Composites 126, 104348, 2022.
• Sadhana, 43 (2), 29, 2018. • Advances in Non-Destructive Evaluation, 203-218, 2022.
• Advances in Computational Design, 3 (2), 147-163, 2018. • Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
• Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 19 (2), 348-359, 1045389X221128586, 2022.
2018 • European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 26
• Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal 31 (10), 4346-4373, 2022
(4), 341-359, 2019. • Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 346, 113856, 2022.
• Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 102275, 2019 • Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 117, 103180, 2022.
• Construction and Building Materials, 883, 2019 • European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 26
• Magazine of Concrete Research, 72 (5), 217-23, 2020 (14), 6807-6829.

Technology development:
• Conductive cement composite as embedded sensor for dual sensing of static and dynamic response monitoring in structure
• Innovative smart cement composite sensors for impedance-based corrosion monitoring in structures
• Multi-scale engineered strain hardened cement composite – for structural upgradation (MSECC)

e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

Major Projects Undertaken

• Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CSIR-SERC and Garden Reach
• Assessment of Structural Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) Limited, Kolkata for the project “Analysis,
Adequacy of Selected Super- Design Checking and Testing of Modular/Girder/Permanent Steel Bridges and
Structure Spans of RDSO Standard Health Monitoring of Bridges” was signed on 20th October 2022 at the DefExpo
Composite Bridges BR No.240 and 2022 held at Ahmedabad.
268 in Wazirganj-Tilaiya Section
of East Central Railway - IRCON
International Limited, Patna

• Assessment of Structural
Adequacy of RDSO’s Standard
Composite Girder of 12.2m
Construction Bridge No.159 and
Recommendations for Retrofitting
of Superstructure of Bridges
(if any), ECR, Renukut - East
Central Railway (ECR), Renukut,
Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh

• Detailed Investigation of
Vibration on TG Foundation/ • Umbrella Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CSIR-SERC and
Suppor ting Structures incl. Amrita School of Engineering for “Intellectual cooperation, scholarly exchange,
and development of national partnership” was signed on 12 December 2022
Condition Assessment in Units
of Kameng Hydro Power Station,
Kimi, Arunachal Pradesh - • Memorandum of Understaning (MoU) between CSIR-SERC and EQUINOCT-
Nor th Eastern Electric Power Community Sourced Modelling Solution LLP, Kochi for the project “Co-Creating
Corporation Limited, Kameng Climate Resilience and Risk Reduction Plans for Coastal Areas of India in a Phased
Hydro Power Station, Arunachal Manner” was signed on 20 December 2022• rella Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

• Residual Stress Measurement

on Aluminium Components
(including additional tests) - M/s.
Craftsman Automation Limited,

• Assessment of Structural
Adequacy of two numbers of
RDSOs standard composite bridge
spans for BR117A between Bokaro
Thermal and Gomia section in
Dhanbad Division of East Central
Railway - East Central Railway,

Patent granted
• Krishtappan Natarajan Lakshmikandhan, Palaniswamy Sivakumar, Jolly
Annie Peter, Balasubramanian Sevugaperumal Rajamanickam, Kalki
Sivasubramanian and Chelliah Jeyabal - Sandwich Wall Panels with Skin
Connectors, Indian Patent No.410397, 31 October 2022

e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

Capacity development
Courses organized as a part of CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative
• Advanced Course on “Recent Advancements in Earthquake Engineering (RAEE-2022)” was held during 16-18 November 2022
• Advanced Course on “Quality Control and Assessment of Field Concrete and Rehabilitation of Structures (QCAFCRS-2022)”
was held during 24-25 November 2022
• Advanced Course on “Advanced Computational Methods for Structural Engineering (ACMSE-2022)” was held during 29-30
November 2022
• Advanced Course on “Seismic Damage Mitigation of Structures (SDMS-2022)” was held during 07-09 December 2022
• Advanced Course on “Wind Loads and Effects on Structures (WiLES-2022)” was held during 14-16 December 2022


Two 2-day CSIR JIGYASA ATL Workshops were organized during 18-19 October 2022, exclusively for the students of
the adopted schools in Tiruppur Districts of Tamil Nadu. Six scientists of CSIR-SERC and CSIR Madras Complex visited
the schools and delivered lectures on topics related to basic science, the latest scientific advancements, battery
experimental workshops, etc., and also witnessed the facility created under the ATL program. More than 500 students
and 40 teachers participated in the workshop.

Lectures delivered on 18 October 2022 at Government Higher Secondary School, Palani-Pollachi, Tirupur District and
Government Higher Secondary School, Pedappampatti, Tirupur District and on 19th October 2022, at Government
Higher Secondary School, Karur Mail Road, Kolathupalayam (PO), Tirupur District and Government Model Higher
Secondary School, Kundadam, Tirupur District by scientists from CSIR-SERC, CSIR-NEERI and CSIR-CECRI, on various
topics such as nano-bio materials, mechanics, career option in engineering, energy storage, ocean space utilisation
and pollution. Similarly, lectures were delivered as part of the CSIR JOIGYASA ATL workshop at Government Higher
Secondary School, Nachikulam, Thiruvarur District and Kendriya Vidyalaya Central University of Tamil nadu (CUTN),
Neelakudi, Thiruvarur District on 24th and 25th of November 2022 by the Director, CSIR-SERC and other scientists from
CSIR-SERC. The topics covered were creativity and innovation, coin battery experiment, transmission of electricity, etc.

Under the JIGYASA - CSIR JIGYASA ATL- STEM Workshop a one-day student-scientist connect programme “Exploring
Science” was organized by CSIR-SERC on December 5, 2022, at CSIR Campus, Chennai, for the state government
school students of Tamil Nadu. 100 students and around 15 teachers from Kanchipuram, Ranipet, Villupuram, and
Kallakkurichi districts of Tamil Nadu participated in this event. Dr. N. Anandavalli, Director, CSIR-SERC & Coordinating
Director, CMC, delivered the welcome address and emphasized the need for creativity and innovation among the
students’ community. Thiru. R. Sudhan, IAS, State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, School Education Department,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu, delivered the special address to the gathering. Followed by the formal inauguration function,
the students and teachers visited various laboratories of CSIR-SERC & CMC. The scientist of various laboratories
demonstrated different experiments to the students.

Webinars (through online mode)

i. Concrete Durability - Importance of Durability Performance Specifications was held on 13 December 2022.
Coordinator: Dr S. Bhaskar, Chief Scientist.
ii. Crack Identification Using Static and Dynamic Measurements was held on 20 December 2022.
Coordinators: Dr M. Surendran and Dr J. Prawin, Senior Scientists.
e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022


RAEE - 2022 QCAFCRS- 2022

SDMS - 2022 ACMSE - 2022

WiLES - 2022


5 7

Govt. Higher Sec. School-Pethampatti, Tiruppur Govt. Higher Sec. School-Madathukulam, Tiruppur

Govt. Model Higher Sec. School-Kundadam, Tiruppur Govt. Higher Sec. School-Kolathupalayam, Tiruppur


e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

VISITORS Dr N. Kalaiselvi, Director General, CSIR, New Delhi, and Dr K.J. Sreeram, Director, CSIR-CLRI,
visited CSIR-SERC on 04 November 2022 and witnessed the major laboratory facilities.

Dr Katja Lasch, Director

- DAAD Regional Office,
New Delhi, accompanied
by Ms. Padmavathi
Chandramouli, Regional
Officer and Ms Kavitha, -
DAAD Information Point,
Chennai, visited CSIR-SERC
on 22 November 2022.

Dr Shaik Shamshoddin and Mr. Pundan K Singh, Principal Researchers from M/s. Tata Steel Limited, Chennai, visited CSIR-
SERC on 16 November 2022. Fruitful discussions were made towards the formulation of possible collaborative technical
Special lecture by visitor

Prof. Arunachalam M Rajendran, University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA, visited CSIR-SERC on 27 December 2022 and
delivered a special lecture on “Issues and Challenges in Computational Modelling of Advanced Composite Materials/

e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

Birth Centenary Celebrations of Prof G.S. Ramaswamy
The inaugural function of the Birth Centenary Celebrations of Prof. G.S. Ramaswamy, founder Director, CSIR-SERC, fondly
called as Prof. GSR was celebrated by CSIR-SERC with great enthusiasm on October 3, 2022, at the Vigyan Auditorium,
CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai. The function was presided over by Dr. N. Anandavalli, Director, CSIR-SERC and
Coordinating Director, CMC. The Chief Guest, Shri Zacharia George, Former Scientist, CSIR-SERC and Guest of Honour,
Dr. S. Rajasekaran, Former Professor, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore addressed the scientists of CSIR-SERC and
CMC. A special message was sent by Dr. Kalaiselvi, Director General, CSIR, on this occasion.

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

As a part of Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav / 75 Years of Indian Independence the following events were organized.
i. Rashtriya Ekta Diwas 2022 (National Unity Day) was observed and the pledge was taken on 31 October 2022
ii. Fit India Freedom Run 3.0. CSIR-SERC & CMC successfully organized the Fit India Freedom Run 3.0 on 31
October 2022
iii. Shramdhan Day Gandhi Jayanthi was observed as Shramdhan Day on 02 October 2022. The campus was
cleaned and the “Swachhata Shapath” (Pledge) was taken by the staff of CSIR-SERC and CMC.

e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

Vigilance Awareness Week 2022

Vigilance Awareness Week 2022 was organized from 10 October to 01 November 2022 in CSIR-SERC campus. This
year theme of observing Vigilance Awareness Week is "Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation". Pledge was
taken on the same day. Vigilance Awareness Lecture was given by Mr. A. Muthukrishnan, Former Senior CoA, NAL,
on 12 October 2022. Staff took active participation in various programmes organised during this period. The Vale-
dictory Function of Vigilance Awareness Week 2022 was held on 04 November 2022. The function was presided
over by Dr (Mrs.) N. Anandavalli, Director, CSIR-SERC and Coordinating Director, CMC. Mr. E. Ramachandramoor-
thy, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Directorate of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption, Chennai, was the Chief Guest of
the function and delivered a lecture on “Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation”. Prizes were distributed for
the winners of the various competition and students of KV School, CLRI Campus during the valedictory function.

Awareness programme by Chennai Metro Rail Ltd., (CMRL)

Awareness Programme by Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) was organised at CSIR-SERC on 17 October 2022. The
programme aimed to enlighten the staff with the available amenities/offers provided by CMRL (ticketing options, feed-
er connectivity services, inter-change of trains, the multi-model interchange between Metro to other transportation
services, discount offers, lucky draw rules etc.,). A kiosk was set up by CMRL for the benefit of all to seek clarifications.

5 11
e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

Intellectual Property Rights Awareness Programme

Intellectual Property Rights Awareness Programme was organised by Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade
Marks, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, in associ-
ation with CSIR-SERC on 27 October 2022 (online)

Sixty-fifth Research Council Meeting (MS Teams)

Sixty-Fifth Research Council Meeting was conducted on 07th and 09th November 2022

Communal Harmony Campaign Week and Flag Day Fund Raising

The Communal Harmony Campaign Week was observed at CSIR-SERC and CSIR Madras Complex from 19-25 November 2022, and
the Flag Day Fund Raising was observed on 25 November 2022

Constitution Day 2022

The Constitution Day was observed at CSIR-SERC and CSIR Madras Complex on 25 November 2022 and the Constitution Day pledge
was taken by the staff members.

Hindi Workshop
CSIR-SERC & CMC jointly organized Hindi Workshop for the Administrative Staff Members on 22 December 2022. Mrs. Supraja, Hindi
Pradhyapak, Hindi Teaching Scheme, conducted the workshop on the subject “Administration Terminology and Tippan Lekhan”.

e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

Project Management System (PMS)

CSIR-NAL gave an Online Demo of “Project Management System (PMS)” developed in-house held on 13 December 2022. The
Staff Members of BKMD, ICT, Administration, Finance and S&P participated in the demo.

Ayurveda Camp
An Ayurveda camp was organized at CSIR campus as a part of 7th Ayurveda day activities at CSIR
laboratories in coordination with Dr. A. Lakshmipathi Regional Ayurveda Research Institute (ALRA-
RI), VHS, Chennai on 14 October 2022. 125 staff of CSIR-SERC and CMC got benefited in the camp.

A y u r v e d a C a m p

Invited talk/lecture
• Dr K. Lakshmi, Principal Scientist, delivered an invited lecture on "Advances in Vibration-based Structural Health
Monitoring" in the "International Conference on Vibration Engineering, Science and Technology (INVEST 22)" held
during 09-10 December 2022 organised by Council of Vibration Specialists, Navi Mumbai and Fr. C. Rodrigues
Institute of Technology, Vashi at Agel Charities, Navi Mumbai.

• Dr V. Srinivas, Senior Principal Scientist, delivered an Invited lecture on "Vibration Mitigation of Tall Industrial Lift
Structure Based on Experimental Modal Analysis Based on Filed Vibration Measurements" in the "International
Conference on Vibration Engineering, Science and Technology (INVEST 22)" held during 09-10 December 2022
organised by Council of Vibration Specialists, Navi Mumbai and Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi at
Agel Charities, Navi Mumbai.

• Dr A. Ramachandra Murthy, Senior Principal Scientist, delivered an invited lecture on “Effect of Tensile Overload on
Fatigue Life of Tubular T- and Y-Joints” in the “4th Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition (SICE 2022)” held
during 14-16 December 2022 organised by Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad
under the aegis of InSIS

• Dr K. Lakshmi, Principal Scientist, delivered an invited lecture on “Damage Detection in Bridges using a Crisp
Frequency Representation of Responses due to Moving Loads” in the “4th Structural Integrity Conference and
Exhibition (SICE 2022)" held during 14-16 December 2022 organised by Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, IIT Hyderabad under the aegis of InSIS

• Dr S. Bhaskar, Chief Scientist, delivered an invited lecture on “Deterioration Mechanisms in Concrete - Importance
of Durability Specifications” in the “National Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Management
(ACMM)” held on 17 December 2022, organised by Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Warangal, Telangana.

• Dr G.S. Palani, Chief Scientist, delivered an (online mode) invited lecture on “Challenges in Prototype Testing,
Failure Investigations and Retrofitting of Transmission Line Towers” in the “Structural Engineering Convention SEC
2022” held during 19-22 December 2022 organised by MNIT, Jaipur.

e-STRUCT, Vol. 6, No. 4, October - December 2022

• The Director, CSIR-SERC, and Coordinating Director, CSIR Madras Complex have nominated Dr S. Maheswaran, Senior Principal
Scientist, and Shri. P. Suresh, Principal Technical Officer, as Nodal Persons of CSIR-SERC and CSIR Madras Complex respectively
for Swachh Bharat Mission

s a part of Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav / 75 Years of Indian Independence CSIR-SERC & CMC received Congratulation Certificate
• A
for successfully organising the Fit India Freedom Run 3.0 during 02 October 2022 - 31 October 2022 issued by Government of
India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports

• Dr (Ms.) N. Anandavalli, Director, CSIR-SERC, and Coordinating Director, CSIR Madras Complex has been recognized as
“Outstanding Professor” of Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR)

• The research paper titled “Seismic Performance of Open Ground Storey Reinforced Concrete Building with Chevron Steel Bracing
Incorporating X-Plate Damper” authored by Dr C. K. Madheswaran, Dr N. Gopalakrishnan, Mr. J. Prakashvel and Dr K. Sathish
Kumar has been awarded ISET (Indian Society of Earthquake Technology) Hanumantacharaya Joshi Award for the period 2017-
2020 in the field of Structural Dynamics on 15 November 2022

• T echnology developed at CSIR-SERC titled “Textile Reinforced Concrete Prototyping Technology” by Dr Smitha Gopinath, Principal
Scientist and Team has been listed in Top 100 Indian Innovations 2022 by Indian Innovators Association

r B. Arun Sundaram, Principal Scientist, selected for “The Excellent Engineer Award” jointly given by the Hindu Tamil Thisai
• D
(The Hindu Group) and Ramco Cement on 01 December 2022

• Dr V. Marimuthu, Principal Scientist was nominated by Director as a Member of the First Level Committee for Modified Flexible
Complementing Scheme at NIOT, Pallikaranai, Chennai, on 06 December 2022

Paper Publications
• SCI Journals - 8
• Reputed Indian Journals - 1

The Director, CSIR – Structural Engineering Research Centre

CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai.
Tel: 91-44-22549201; E-mail: [email protected];


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