Calibration of Loop Antennas For EMI Measurements in The Frequency Range Below 30 MHZ
Calibration of Loop Antennas For EMI Measurements in The Frequency Range Below 30 MHZ
Calibration of Loop Antennas For EMI Measurements in The Frequency Range Below 30 MHZ
This paper describes the calibration method of loop antennas for EMI measurements in the
frequency range below 30 MHz. NICT developed the method by ourselves and started to provide
the calibration service that is certified by ASNITE accreditation program. Because the ASNITE is
compliant with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025, the loop antennas calibrated by NICT
can be used for all tests such as validations of radio equipment and EMI measurements of electronic
2 Research and Development of Calibration Technology
tion method in recent years [4][5], and started providing 3 Calibration method
calibration services. This method is classified the same as
a conventional “standard magnetic field method”, but in- Several methods of calibrating loop antennas have al-
stead of conventional calibration methods that calibrate ready been proposed [6]–[8]. Some of these methods have
from different physical quantities, this method uses an been made international standards by the International
already calibrated loop antenna to calibrate another loop Special Committee of Radio Interference (CISPR) [8].
antenna. The advantages of this calibration method are that There are also several classification methods; Table 1 clas-
it measures RF power instead of RF current, and that it sifies them into absolute calibration methods which obtain
uses a loop antenna to obtain traceability to the national the loop antenna’s magnetic field antenna factor from
standard. This paper shows the result of calibrating an other physical amounts (RF current or RF power), and
actual commercially sold loop antenna, and explains a relative calibration methods that use a loop antenna with
method to evaluate uncertainty associated with the calibra- an already known magnetic field antenna factor to obtain
tion result. the magnetic field antenna factor of the antenna under
calibration (hereinafter written as “AUC”). Table 1 writes
2 Definition of magnetic field antenna the types of devices needed for calibration, number of
factor and how to use it times to measure, features, etc.
This calibration method developed at NICT [4][5] is
A loop antenna operates by electricity generated by a classified as a “relative calibration” method. It requires a
magnetic field that interlinks with the loop plane. Therefore, loop antenna with an already known magnetic field an-
as shown in Fig. 1, the loop antenna’s characteristic is de- tenna factor, but this calibration method has the advan-
fined by using the ratio of strength H of the magnetic field tages that it can ensure direct traceability to the national
that interlinks with the loop plane, and voltage V gener- standard, and that it only needs one measurement.
ated in the receiver connected to the loop antenna. Requiring few measurements is an essential condition for
H reducing uncertainty of calibration.
FaH [S/m] (1)
V Here, we consider using a “loop antenna with already
This FaH is called the “magnetic field antenna factor”. known magnetic field antenna factor” (hereinafter, “Standard”)
as the transmitting antenna. The magnetic field antenna fac-
Usually, it is expressed using dB. tor, as defined in Equation (1), is a parameter that expresses
characteristics of the receiving antenna. If an antenna has
FaHdB 20 log10 FaH [dB(S/m)] (2)
reciprocity, then it can be used as the transmitting antenna.
The unit is dB(S/m). By calibrating the loop antenna, if the As shown in Fig. 2, a circular loop antenna with radius
magnetic field antenna factor was already obtained, then size rRx for which we want to obtain the magnetic field
one can read the output voltage V of the receiver, and use antenna factor (AUC) is placed at distance d from the
the following equation to know the strength of the mag- Standard (radius rTx), with its loop plane parallel to the
netic field that interlinks with the antenna. Standard, with their centers aligned. Then, if we use a
vector network analyzer (hereinafter, “VNA”) to measure
H dB [dB( A/m)] V dB [dB( V)] FaHdB [dB(S/m)]
S21 between the Standard and AUC, the magnetic field
antenna factor of the AUC can be determined from the
If the transmitting source is sufficiently far, and plane waves following equation.
are being received, then in addition to wave impedance in 2K 1
FaH (AUC) (5)
free space ( 0 120 377.0 ), one can use 0 Z 0 FaH ( STD) S 21
E dB [dB( V/m)] V dB [dB( V)] FaHdB [dB(S/m)] 51.53 [dB( )]
FaH (STD) :Magnetic field antenna factor of Standard
and convert into electric field strength. :Angular frequency (2πf [rad/s])
(20 log10 377.0 51.53) 0 :Permeability of vacuum (4π × 10-7 H/m)
Z 0 :Characteristic impedance of measurement system
(50 Ω)
72 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol. 63 No. 1 (2016)
2-5-1 Calibration of Loop Antennas for EMI Measurements in the Frequency Range Below 30 MH
No. of
Name times Note
TEM cell •D etermine the intensity of the magnetic field propagating in the
TEM cell Power meter TEM cell from the input power.
Method Signal generator • The size of the AUC is restricted by the size of the TEM cell.
Receiver • 1 measurement is enough.
•R F current through the element is measured, determining the
Absolute Transmitting loop strength of the magnetic field generated from the loop. Traceable
calibration (with thermo- with RF current.
measurement 1
couple or current • Magnetic field strength depends on the input resistance of the
probe) thermocouple or current probe.
• 1 measurement is enough.
Three-antenna 3 antennas • Traceable with RF attenuation.
method VNA • Must measure 3 times.
• I f Standard and AUC have different dimensions, then must
Transmitting loop compensate.
Standard 2 • Instead of the Standard, management of transmitting loop is
Relative VNA required.
calibration • Must measure 2 times (compare measurements).
Magnetic field •A ntenna with already known magnetic field antenna factor is used
antenna factor 1 for transmitting antenna to generate magnetic field.
method • 1 measurement is enough.
Note) VNA: Vector Network Analyzer. Can also calibrate a combination of a signal generator and receiver.
2 Research and Development of Calibration Technology
H av
Port #2
G Port #1
S 21
Ground plane
Vector network analyzer
HLA-6120 M201A-100R
(a) (b)
FFig. 3 Loop under calibration and standard
(a) AUC, (b) Standard
calibration is designed so its internal preamp’s amplifica- It is the value of NICT’s calibration results minus NPL’s
tion ratio differs greatly depending on frequency [7], and calibration results. Looking at the results, about 1.0 dB
we see that the AUC has almost the same magnetic field differences occur in the low frequency band, and the dif-
antenna factors for various frequencies. In NICT’s calibra- ference decreases near 10 MHz, but the differences tend to
tion results, discontinuity occurs at 8 MHz frequency be- increase again in higher frequencies. As described in the
cause calibration values of the Standard are interpolated, next chapter, this is caused by NPL’s calibration values for
and with 8 MHz as the boundary, the regression curves are the Standard, and measurements of the loop radii rTx, rRx
used separately in interpolation. and distance d between antennas.
Figure 5 (b) shows the differences between two results.
74 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol. 63 No. 1 (2016)
2-5-1 Calibration of Loop Antennas for EMI Measurements in the Frequency Range Below 30 MH
uFaH AUC u S 21
u K dB u FaHdB STD u H avdB u I Tx
2 2 2 2 dB2
Loop antenna [dB] (8)
-25 dB
u S 21 : Uncertainty of S21 measurements
TESEQ HLA-6120 Calibrated by NICT
Magnetic field antenna factor [dB(S/m)]
u H avdB : Uncertainty due to unevenness of incident mag-
netic field of AUC
u I Tx : Uncertainty because the current distribution that
conducts through the element of the Standard is
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 uneven.
Frequency [MHz] s : Variability of measurements
2 Research and Development of Calibration Technology
VNA used to measure S21, mainly the following 5 items surement results. The frequencies are low, so
were evaluated as main sources. changes like a microwave band do not occur.
(1) Linearity Therefore, we provided 0.1 dB as the upper limit for
As shown in Fig. 4, linearity of the VNA’s re- uncertainty. Its probability distribution is uniform.
ceiver part was validated using an RF attenuator
(secondary standard) calibrated by the National We composed the five sources of uncertainty described
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and above as shown in Table 3 (b). This resulted in our esti-
Technology (NMIJ/AIST). The largest difference mated 0.18 dB uncertainty for S21 measurements.
between calibration values by the National Institute
of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology writ- K dB : Uncertainty of calculated values of K
5.2 u
ten in the calibration certificate, and values displayed Table 3 (c) shows the results from our estimation of
on the VNA, was taken as the upper limit of uncer- uncertainty that occurs when calculating K. These values
tainty. are determined from Equation (6) and results of calcula-
(2) Incompleteness When VNA Was Calibrated tions using the NEC2 electromagnetic field numerical
The VNA is used after calibration using standard simulation software based on the method of moments. For
devices called a calibration kit, compensating for example, we calculated (1) The size of uncertainty of dis-
characteristics of circuits in VNA and the connected tance was the difference between value of KdB calculated
coaxial cable. This time, compensation is performed when we input d = 20 cm, versus the values of KdB when
by the calibration method called “Unknown Thru we input d = 20 cm – 2 mm and d = 20 cm + 2 mm; (2)
calibration”, but the amount which could not be Uncertainty of measurement of the transmitting loop ra-
compensated for remains as uncertainty due to in- dius (5 cm ± 2 mm); (3) Uncertainty of measurement of
completeness of calibration. The 0.1 dB residual the receiving loop radius (30 cm ± 3 mm); (4) Uncertainty
source match written in the VNA’s data sheet was of positioning of the Standard’s loop plane parallel to the
added to uncertainty. This is mismatch uncertainty, AUC’s loop plane (± 5° when 0° parallel); (5) Uncertainty
so the probability distribution is assumed to be a of positioning of the AUC’s loop plane parallel to the
U-shaped distribution. Standard’s loop plane (± 5° when 0° parallel); (6) Uncertainty
(3) Signal Leaks between Transmitting and Receiving that the Standard and AUC are positioned on the same axis
Cables (0 mm if positioned on the same axis, ± 10 mm); (7) Effects
We measure extremely weak signals at low fre- of reflection of the ground plane (we used the difference
quency, and due to the loop antenna’s structure, between value calculated if height is 1.6 m, versus value
signal can leak to the cable’s outer layer, which can calculated if in free space); (8) Uncertainty from using the
create unneeded couplings between coaxial cables, approximation equation (difference versus Equation (A.4)
affecting measurement values. These effects were is used as uncertainty). We considered that values diverging
estimated to have an upper limit of 0.1 dB uncer- further than these values would not be measured, provid-
tainty. Its probability distribution was assumed to be ing upper limits and lower limits for all these values, and
uniform. assumed a uniform probability distribution.
(4) SN Ratio
Especially when the frequency is low, there is a FaHdB (STD) : Uncertainty of standard
5.3 u
weak coupling between loop antennas, and S21 As shown in the traceability system diagram in Fig. 4,
reaches to around -100 dB. This time, the AUC the Standard that NICT maintains is calibrated by the NPL
contains a preamplifier, so sufficient signal strength in the UK. NICT calibrates using as reference the calibration
could be obtained, but we provided 0.1 dB as the values and uncertainty written in the calibration certificate
upper limit for uncertainty. Its probability distribu- issued by NPL. The value of uncertainty written in the
tion is uniform. calibration certificate is expanded uncertainty for coverage
(5) Changes in Measurement Values due to Cable factor k= 1.96 with approximately a 95 % level of confidence,
Bending and Stretching so the value written in the calibration certificate divided by
We took measurements while bending and coverage factor k=2 is used for standard uncertainty. It is
stretching the cable, and evaluated changes in mea- actually 1 dB, so we input 0.5 dB in Table 3 (a).
76 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol. 63 No. 1 (2016)
2-5-1 Calibration of Loop Antennas for EMI Measurements in the Frequency Range Below 30 MH
5.4 Uncertainty of interpolation factor is defined when plane waves are incident. As shown
There is uncertainty from using the calibration points in Fig. 7, the magnetic field strength is constant, but it has
calibrated by NPL to interpolate magnetic field antenna phase delay vs. the loop lane, and that tendency becomes
factors at other frequencies. Figure 6 (a) shows results of much stronger with larger radius of the receiving loop. On
calibration by NPL’s Standard. The dB values of magnetic the other hand, when calibrating, we use the average value
field antenna factors change linearly vs. values with loga- of the magnetic field generated from the Standard placed
rithms removed for frequencies below 8 MHz, so we use a opposite to and very near the AUC, and phase delay is not
double logarithmic equation ( FadB a ln f b ) for the considered. Therefore, both differences are uncertain. Thus,
regression curve below 8 MHz, and use a third-order we use the numerical integral to obtain the difference be-
dB 3 2
polynomial ( Fa af bf cf d ) for above 8 MHz. tween when there was phase delay vs. when there was no
For each, the largest divergence from the regression curve phase delay, and use that as uncertainty. For the probabil-
at a frequency is taken as the value of uncertainty. ity distribution, we consider the values obtained by calcu-
Divergence is within the maximum, so we assume a uni- lation as worst case values providing the upper limit and
form probability distribution. Figure 6 (b) is a graph that lower limit, with a uniform distribution.
shows how the regression curve diverges from the calibra-
tion values obtained by NPL, in units of dB. It exceeds 0.1 5.6 Uncertainty due to distribution of current
dB at 9 kHz and 10 kHz frequencies, but it is within 0.1 conducting through the standard
dB at greater than 40 kHz frequency, so we used 0.1 dB as K is calculated under the assumption that the distribu-
the basis of uncertainty. tion of current conducting through the standard is constant,
but actually, the larger the standard loop antenna is com-
5.5 Uncertainty due to unevenness of magnetic pared to the wavelength, that is, the higher the frequency,
field that interlinks with the loop area this leads to greater current distribution occurring, so
As shown in Equation (1), the magnetic field antenna electric field component occurs, and unneeded links to the
AUC occur. Numerical simulation using NEC2 shows there
is a desired current value between the maximum value and
the minimum value of the current distribution, and that
Magnetic field antenna factor [dB(S/m)]
20 5.7 Repeatability
If repeated measurements are taken, we consider the
degree of variability; if measured again another day, we
consider whether the same measurement results were ob-
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 tained. In Table 3 (a), we substituted the variability (ex-
Frequency [MHz]
perimental standard deviation) when measured 3 times.
For the calibration result, we use the average value of results
from measuring 3 times, so standard uncertainty is the
0.2 experimental standard deviation divided by the square root
Difference [dB]
of the number of times measured (√3).
Sources of uncertainty that occurs when calibrating a loop
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
antenna were described above. As you can see by looking
Frequency [MHz] at Table 3 (a), the main sources of greater uncertainty are
(b) uncertainty associated with the NPL’s calibration values of
FFig. 6 Magnetic field antenna factor the Standard, and uncertainty of calculated values of K. As
(a) Magnetic field antenna factor by NPL, (b) Differences between
calibration values by NPL and values obtained by interpolating calibration
you can see by looking at Table 3 (c), uncertainty of cal-
values culated values of K is dominated by uncertainty of mea-
2 Research and Development of Calibration Technology
h θ Tx
θ Rx
Ground plane x
78 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol. 63 No. 1 (2016)
2-5-1 Calibration of Loop Antennas for EMI Measurements in the Frequency Range Below 30 MH
Definition Calibration
Plane wave rRx rRx
H 0 e jkrRx H0 H 0 e jkrRx H 0 (Constant)
0 j 0 H 0 S Rx 2 rRx2 x 2 e jkx dx V0 j 0 H 0 S Rx
FFig. 7 Unevenness of magnetic field that interlinks with the loop area
surement of distance between antennas, and measurement if one measures incident power to the transmitting an-
of loop radii. Said another way, if we can accurately measure tenna, then one can determine the magnetic field strength,
the loop radii and distance between antennas, then we can and there is no need to calibrate the thermocouple or
reduce uncertainty. There remains room to improve mea- current probe used to measure RF current. This method
surements of distance and radii, that is, “length”. also has the advantages that for characteristics of the
transmitting antenna, we use the magnetic field antenna
6 Calibration and measurement capability factor when operating as a receiving antenna, making it
easy to obtain traceability to the superior calibration orga-
Calibration and measurement capability (hereinafter nization, and we can minimize equipment for maintaining
written as “CMC”) is the smallest uncertainty associated the Standard.
with calibration results provided by NICT. ASNITE certi- There are more diverse uses of radio waves below
fication calibration is also for an AUC that does not contain 30MHz for more purposes in recent years. In response, in
a preamplifier, so the values of CMC are larger than the addition to in tests of wireless equipment, to enable its use
values of uncertainty estimated in Table 3. Table 4 shows in electromagnetic interference (EMI) measurements,
CMC for calibration of a loop antenna for magnetic fields. NICT obtained the ASNITE certification that it satisfies the
If the AUC has small dimensions, then the receiving level ISO/IEC 17025 standard, and began providing internation-
(signal to noise ratio) decreases, and it becomes more dif- ally recognized calibration values. It is predicted that vari-
ficult to measure, especially in the low frequency band ous forms of use will be developed, so it seems that demand
under 40 kHz, so the frequency bands are divided for will increase for high precision loop antenna calibration
determining this. To improve the receiving level, inserting services.
an external preamplifier is a possible method, but if the
output port of the AUC has a large reflection coefficient, Appendix. Derivation of Equation (5)
then one must sufficiently reduce effects of reflection of the When incident power Pin (incident power, not power
preamplifier’s input port. consumed in the antenna) is incident into the connector
part of the Standard shown in Fig. 2, the current ITx con-
7 Conclusion ducting through power feed gap part of the loop element
of the Standard can be obtained by using the magnetic field
We explained a loop antenna calibration method devel- antenna factor FaH (STD) of the Standard
oped by NICT, using EMI measurements at 30 MHz or 2
lower frequencies. Instead of conventional methods which I Tx Pin (A.1)
0 Z 0 S Tx FaH ( STD )
measure RF current conducted through an element of the
transmitting loop antenna, in the method NICT developed, Here, ω is angular frequency (= 2πf), μ0 is permeability in
2 Research and Development of Calibration Technology
1 R0 15 rTx rRx FaHdB AUC 45.9 20 log10 f MHz S 21 20 log10 K FaHdB STD
2 2 4 dB
315 rTx rRx
K 1
2R03 8 R02 64 R2 (A.11)
(A.5) Here, the constant term of Equation (A.11) is the value
Here, it can be approximated by obtained from
2 2
20 log10 20 log10 f MHz
TTable 4 Maximum measurement capability 0 Z 0 2 10 4 10 50 20 log
6 7 10
80 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol. 63 No. 1 (2016)
2-5-1 Calibration of Loop Antennas for EMI Measurements in the Frequency Range Below 30 MH
Kojiro SAKAI
Technical Expert, Electromagnetic
Compatibility Laboratory, Applied
Electromagnetic Research Institute
Calibration of Measuring Instruments
and Antennas for Radio Equipment
Senior Researcher, Electromagnetic
Compatibillity Laboratory, Applied
Electromagnetic Research Institute
Calibration of Measuring Instruments
and Antennas for Radio Equipment