Frame Size 250
Frame Size 250
Frame Size 250
Note The certifìcate is reissued to include some changes and options to the product
SeeAnnex(5 pages)
This Annex to certificate CNEx 17.3806X covers all versions of series 1 M81553... frame size 250
Product description:
Asynchronous three-phase induction motors model 1MB**53***, with self-ventilated cooling or
forced-air cooled (acc. to CQST/CNEX-Global agreement), squirrel-cage rotor and seated with roller
bearings (antifriction bearings). The cast iron enclosure of the motor is constructed in type of
explosion protection flameproof enclosure 'd' for explosive gas atmospheres and in type of
explosion protection 'tD'for explosive dust atmospheres. The terminal box can be constructed in
type of explosion protection flameproof enclosure 'd' or in type of explosion protection increased
safety 'e', for explosive gas atmospheres and in type of explosion protection 'tD' for explosive dust
atmospheres. The motors can be operated direct-on-line or through a frequency converter.
Electrical data:
Rated power ...... : 30 kW to 55 kW
See the Test Report Cover Sheet (ref. CQST/ExTR1711GO29).
Installation I nstructions:
All cable entry devices and blanking elements shall be certified in a suitable type of explosion
protection with respect of the type of explosion protection of the terminal box (e.9. increased safety
"e"), with an lP rating minimum equal to the motor lP rating, suitable for the conditions of use and
correctly installed. Unused apertures shall be closed with suitable certified blanking elements.
Note:This certificate is only valid for the products which identify with the sample(s) tested and verifîed. Holder(s) of this certilicate have the
responsibility to ensure the products complying with relavnnt standard(s).
#b Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres
lssue Date Dec 4, 2019 l.:j,
Note:This certificate is only valid for the products which identify with the sample(s) tested and verified. Hotder(s) of this certificate have the
responsibility to ensure the products cornplying with relavant standard(s).
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres
For absolute temperatures higher than +70 "C at the entry point or +80 'C at the branching
point of the conductors, the information that heat-resistant cables have to be applied, shall
be marked on the motor.
The efficiency class lE3 is only guaranteed for motor models 1MB"*53*** and 1MB**57***
(with reduced starting current 700 %). ïhe efficiency class lE3 is not guaranteed in all cases
for motor model 1MB**56*** (with reduced starting current 600 %). The use of the motor
model 1MB**56"** is only allowed when in compliance with local legislation in the country of
For repair of the flameproof joints due regard must be given to the structural specifications
provided by the manufacturer. Repair in compliance with the values in Tables I and 2 of
G83836.2 is not allowed.
Note:This certificate is only valid for the products which identify with the sample(s) tested and veriñed. Holder(s) of this certifïcate have the
responsibility to ensure the products complying with relavant standard(s).
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres
Frequency converter supply of the motor is only allowed by using a voltage-source converter
with pulse width modulation. The frequency converter parameters as listed in the
manufacturer's instructions must strictly þe followed.
Frequency converter supplied motors can apply a thermal utilization FIF for up to 110% of
the rated power at an ambient temperature of maximum +40 "C
Optional anti-condensation heaters and heating systems can be installed inside the
flameproof motor enclosures, but they shall not be energized when the motor is running.
Alternatively external fan systems can be used instead of the shaft mounted fan. The suitability
of the combination of motor and external fan system must be confirmed by relevant temperature
measurements performed under the control of the certification body.
Note:This certificate is only valid for the products which identify with the sample(s) tested snd verified- Holder(s) of this certifieate have the
responsibility to ensure the protlucts complying with relavant standard(s).
tb Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres
Mounting I nstructions:
See manufacturer's instructions
Routine tests: /
Routine overpressure tests on enclosure parts are detailed in the Test Report Cover Sheet. (ref
The enclosure of the asynchronous three-phase induction motors model '1 MB**53*"*, successfully
passed the tests forthe lngress Protection level lP66 to EN 60529 / EN 60034-5. The lP degree can be
specified from lP55 to 1P66, depending on motor variation and client request.
The motors covered by this certificate are manufactured at the following locations
- Location '1: Siemens, s.r.o. Elektromotory Mohelnice Branch
Nádra2nÍ 25, CZ-78985 Mohelnice, Czech Republic
- Location 2: Siemens, s.r.o. Elektromotory Frenstat Branch
Markova 952, CZ-744 01 Frenstat, Czech Republic.
Note:This certificate is only valid for the products which identify with the sample(s) tested and verifïed. Holder(s) of this certifücate have the
responsibility to ensure the products cornplying with relavant standard(s).