Midterm ITERA
Midterm ITERA
Midterm ITERA
Cycle 2, 1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
Question: 1
Computer ethics has its roots in the work of ___ during World War II.
Question: 2
____ is a self- replicating program that can cause damage to data and files stored on your computer.
(A) Virus
(B) Freeware
(C) Piracy
Question: 3
(A) Piracy
Question: 4
The protection of hardware, facilities magnetic disks, and other illegally accessed, stolen, damaged or
Question: 5
____ refers to software setups that permit only authorized access to the system.
Question: 6
(A) Cracking
Question: 7
(B) Transcription
Question: 8
(A) Security
(B) Cracking
(C) Virus
(D) Piracy
Question: 9
____ is a set of rules for determining moral standards or socially acceptable behaviour.
(A) Protocol
(B) Standard
(C) Ethics
Question: 10
Running other software on idle computer without the knowledge of the organization is called theft of ____
(A) Software
(B) Computer
Dolores, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Institute of Computing Studies
(D) Use
Question: 11
_____ refers to protecting data and computer system against dishonesty or negligence of employees.
Question: 12
(C) Piracy
Question: 13
Who among the following began to examine unethical and illegal uses of computers by computer
Question: 14
(C) Passwords
(D) Encryption
Question: 15
A hacker contacts your phone or E-mail and attempts to acquire your password is called
(A) Spamming
(B) Spoofing
(C) Phishing
Question: 16
Controlling access to sensitive electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to access it are
allowed to do so is known as?
o A. Piracy
o B. Ethics
o C. IT Security
Question: 17
o A. Confidentiality
o B. Integrity
o C. Availability
Question: 18
Backups, Data Encryption, Data Masking, and Data Erasure are components of?
o A. Incident management
Dolores, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Institute of Computing Studies
o B. Digital forensics
o C. Data security
Question: 19
_____________ is used to ensure that an organization’s selection and application of human
resources (both employee and contractor) are controlled to promote security.
o A. Personnel security
o B. Physical security
o C. Training and awareness
Question: 20
_____________ raises employee awareness about basic information security, and to train
individuals with information security roles to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities.
Question: 21
A purchased, legal copy that is installed on more computers than the copy is licensed for is what?
o A. End-User piracy
o B. Internet piracy
o C. Captain hook
o D. Software Counterfeiting
Question: 22
Who does piracy hurt?
o A. Retail stores
o B. Software developers
o C. Legal software users
o D. All of the above
Question: 23
Software Piracy cost an estimated how much worldwide during 2007?
o A. $15 billion
o B. $20 billion
o C. $30 billion
o D. $40 billion
Dolores, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Institute of Computing Studies
Question: 24
Approximately how much of the world's software is pirated?
o A. 15%
o B. 25%
o C. 35%
o D. 45%
Question: 25
Which of the following are member of the Business Software Alliance?
o A. Apple
o B. McAfee
o C. Symantec
o D. All of the above
Question: 26
What state has the highest fraud rate in the United States?
o A. Texas
o B. Wisconsin
o C. California
o D. Tennessee
Question: 27
What percentage of spyware transmits information about users browsing habits?
o A. 15%
o B. 25%
o C. 50%
o D. 60%
o E. 35%
Question: 28
In what year was the concept of computer ethics created by Walter Maner?
o A. 1986
o B. 1977
Dolores, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Institute of Computing Studies
o C. 1976
o D. 1967
Question: 29
Which of the following is another IT Ethics issue that was not covered?
o A. Viruses
o B. Fruad
o C. Spam
o D. Spyware
Question: 30
The largest demographic age of people being affected by fraud is?