VR-3000 - VR3000-S - Error - Codes SW 2.54
VR-3000 - VR3000-S - Error - Codes SW 2.54
VR-3000 - VR3000-S - Error - Codes SW 2.54
Error codes appear on the status display on the Power Control Panel in the Data Collecting Unit and the
Remote Alarm Panel to alert to possible trouble. Below is a list of the error codes.
System soft ware: 2450031-02
Error Code Error Name / Description Action
--4 Normal operation. “--X” (X: 1,2,3,4) means number of
--3 existing recording area in the HDD. “---” is shown at startup
--2 or when recognizing HDD.
HDD BACK_UPHDD_MISSING: Backup HDD not connected to 1) SAVE button pressed and backup HDD removed:
VDR, or no memory area. Replace backup HDD.
2) Other situations: Reset VDR. If normal operation not
restore, request service.
018 Backup HDD No Connection: This indicates that the Connect BACKUP HDD or investigate LOG and
BACKUP has been disconnected more than 120 seconds. repair/replace.
022 DRU No Connection: DRU has been discontinued more Connect DRU again or investigate LOG and repair or
than 120 seconds. replace.
026 GPS Large Time Difference: This indicates that the time Restart VR-3000/S. Try to see if the CMOS clock is set
difference between system time and time supplied by UTC correctly. If not, set it and restart VR-3000/S. If yes, find
source is more than the specified time. out why the time source device GPS is delivering “out
of bands” time info.
042 Radar No Connection: One of the active/enabled video If radar is turned OFF, press ACK on the RAP to
channels can not grab from the channel. This can be either silence alarm. Turn on radar. If no error appears, the
because radar is turned OFF or wrong configuration. system is normal. If error occurs again, check cable
connections or setting.
082 RAP No Connection: RAP is missing. Connection to RAP is When RAP and AP error codes are “082”, check cable
lost. connected to RAP and reconnect RAP. When RAP
error code is “082” and AP error code is “084”, see
error code “082+084”.
084 AP No Connection: No alarm panel connection. When RAP and AP error codes are “084”, check
connection to alarm panel. When RAP error code is
“082” and AP error code is “084”, see error code
082+084 Fatal system Failure: Fatal system error. This indicates that Reboot VR-3000/S manually. If VR-3000/S does not
(RAP=082, VR-3000/S can not be rebooted automatically. recover, request service.
AP=084) Note: After switching to battery drive (error code 214),
this error may occur. The error disappears and the
system recovers after AC and/or DC power is
088 JB No Connection: Indicates that Junction Box (No.1) is Check cable and IP-address setting.
094 Backup HDD Recording Fail: Indicates that Backup is Check connection to Backup HDD. If not still storing,
inactive-not storing data. request service.
098 DRU Recording Fail: Indicates that DRU is inactive-not Check connection to DRU. If not still restarting
storing data. recording, request service.
170 VDR Configuration Fail: Data can not be stored because Restore VDR setting data. If not, request service.
VDR setting data is corrupted.
171 VDR Recording Buffer Overflow: Radar video inputs over Check or reduce the radar channels or video
the capacity of the recording buffer memory. resolutions.
173 Fatal System Failure: Fatal system error. VR-3000/S If VR-3000/S repeat continuously, request service.
rebooted automatically after an error occurred.
174 IEEE1394 Bus Recover Giveup: Cannot Recover DRU and Restart VDR. If VR-3000/S does not recover, request
Backup HDD service.
186 DRU Memory Shortage: It looks that data can not be Modify radar recording setting. Max. recordable
recorded more than 12 hours. channel: two channels.
Error Code Error Name / Description Action
214 Battery Running: Both AC and DC power are down and Reconnect AC and/or DC power.
switching to battery drive. Audible alarms are generated for
max. two.
218 MIC Test Fail: This ALARM is issued when the microphone Check MIC TEST in the VDR Maintenance Viewer. If
test fails. This test can be run from Audio tab in the VDR this is OK, locate the faulty microphone and
Maintenance Viewer, and is run every 12-hours during check/replace it.
normal operation.
226 DRU Flash Device No match: This indicates that no. of Check if no. of FLASH devices and configuration
FLASH device found in DRU and defined in setting are same.
CONFIGURATION is not same.
234 GPS No Connection: System does not receive UTC Check that a valid UTC source is connected to the
information. serial port defined as UTC source.
246 PDU No Connection: Cable connection inside DCU is faulty. Check cable between PDU and CPU block in DCU.
254 Self Test Fail: System failed by the self test. Request service.
3xx Serial No Connection: Data is not delivered from a serial Reconnect serial data. Check failed device.
(301-372) channel within an assigned time.
401 Battery No Connection or Battery Voltage Low.: Battery Confirm that the battery switch is turned on. If OK,
voltage is not coming or it is low. battery is required to replace a new one.
402 Terminal Board No Connection: Terminal board is abnormal. Confirm cable connection between terminal board and
audible interface board.
403 Battery Voltage Low: Battery voltage is lowered. It is required replacement of battery.
404 DRU Bad Sector Full: DRU memory device failure. Restart VDR. If error occurs again, request service.
405 BackupHDD Bad Sector Full: BackupHDD memory device Restart VDR. If error occurs again, request service.
406 DUR Exchanged: This indicates that DRU is replaced. Restart VR-3000/S.
407 Backup HDD Exchanged: This indicated that backup HDD is Restart VR-3000/S.
411 Frame Grabber Board Fail: Radar interface board is Request service.
available but it is not recognized.
412 Audio Board Fail: Audible interface board is available but it Request service.
is not recognized.
413 Serial Board Fail: Serial interface board is available but it is Request service.
not recognized.
42x JB No Connection: Poor connection between JB (No.2-8) Check cable and IP-address setting.
(422-428) and DCU.
431 DCU Serial Buffer overflow: Serial data from DCU serial Restart VDR. If error occurs again, request service.
channels (1-8) are not recorded to DRU and Backup HDD
432 JB Buffer overflow: Serial, analog and digital data from Restart VDR. If error occurs again, request service.
Junction Box are not recorded to DRU and Backup HDD
433 DRU Device Config Failure: The recording time may shorten Request service to reformat DRU.
because DRU is not formatted properly.
434 BackupHDD Device Config Failure: The recording time may Request service to reformat BackupHDD.
shorten because BackupHDD is not formatted properly.
435 DRU Device Recording Verify Failure: Serial data from DRU Restart VDR. If error occurs again, request service to
are not recorded correctly because the DRU format is out of reformat DRU.
436 BackupHDD Device Recording Verify Failure: Serial data Restart VDR. If error occurs again, request service to
from BackupHDD are not recorded correctly because the reformat BackupHDD.
BackupHDD format is out of order.
437 Fatal System Failure: Fatal system error. This indicates that Restart VDR manually. If VR-3000/S does not recover,
VR-3000/S can not be rebooted automatically. request service.
438 VDR System Information Error: VDR system information If error is not recovered automatically, restart VDR. If
can not be acquired. Usually, this error is recovered VR-3000/S does not recover, request service.